Whole School Computing Overview 2020 -2021
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Whole School Computing Overview 2020 -2021 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 EYFS Introduction to the computer room and Use of remote control toys. Introducing the Laptops. Lots of hands on generic BeeBots and directional language. De Introduction to Create a Story skills/mouse control. Online safety - Smarty bugging when things go wrong. Using the digital art. Penguin/Digi Duck/Connecting World. internet for simple searches. Computer Skills Word Processing Painting Programming Toys Scratch Jr Using and Year 1 Pupils will: Pupils will: Pupils will: Pupils will: Programming Applying -use technology to -recognise uses of IT - be taught to use -revise BeeBots, how Pupils will: IT skills check: purposefully beyond school. technology how to to predict movement -understand what – Pupils will manipulate and -use technology manipulate a digital and how to program algorithms are and have the retrieve data. purposefully to art software them. how they are opportunity to -use technology create a word purposefully to -learn algorithms and implemented as use and apply, safely and document. effectively create what they are. programs on digital organise, store, respectfully. -use technology their own digital art -learn programs and devices. manipulate and purposefully to work. how to execute by -use logical retrieve data via organise, store and following precise and reasoning to predict a teacher led retrieve work. unambiguous the behaviour of task using the instructions. simple programs in software learnt Scratch. throughout the -learn how to year. execute programs by following precise and ambiguous instructions. Preparing for Turtle Computer Art Programming Turtle Presentation skills Using the Using and Year 2 Logo Pupils will: Logo and Scratch Pupils will: Internet/Online Applying Pupils will: -recognise common Pupils will: -organise, store and Safety Skills check: -through the use of uses of IT beyond -use logical retrieve files. Pupils will: -Pupils will show Turtle Logo, learn school. reasoning to predict -they will manipulate be taught what the their what an algorithm is the behaviour of a the use of internet and WWW programming
and how they are -become familiar simple program in PowerPoint tools for are and their and software implemented as with a digital art Turtle Logo. a specific purpose. purpose (age manipulation programs. software to create - use algorithms to -use the technology relevant). progress in a -use logical their own art work create and safely and -taught how to use a presentation. reasoning to predict based on a teacher implement their own respectfully. search engine safely. the behaviour of a led project. simple Turtle Logo -understand the simple program. -store, organise and program and debug dangers posed - use technology retrieve files. where necessary online. purposefully to before being debug programs. introduced to junior Scratch where students predict the behaviour of a simple program. Programming Turtle Word Processing Drawing and DTP Internet research Presentation skills Using and Year 3 Logo and Scratch Pupils will: Pupils will: and communication Pupil will: applying Pupils will: -start to combine -use a drawing Pupils will: -learn MS Skills check: -understand input software to create a package to create -be taught how to PowerPoint tools to -pupils will be and output. word processed purposeful images use search create a PowerPoint asked to create a -revise the use of document with and combine with technologies maze game. presentation Turtle Logo before researched images other software on effectively and how - they will use about the moving onto Scratch and information. MS Publisher. results are selected algorithms, solve school. to solve a problem -ensure technology is - continue to use the and ranked. problems, use -they will which they used safely, technology safely, - learn how to be variables of input, combine decompose into responsibly and respectfully and discerning in process and output. software used smaller parts. respectfully. responsibly knowing evaluating digital -they will include throughout the -use sequence, -recognise how to report content. sequencing, selecting year. selection and unacceptable concerns. - how to identify a and repetition in -they will include repetition in their behaviour and range of ways to their programs. the use of Logo program. content and how to report concerns or Scratch within report. about content and their contacts. presentation.
Online Safety Programming Turtle Word Processing Animation Scratch questions Using and Year 4 Pupils will: Logo Pupils will: Pupils will: and answers Applying -learn how to keep Pupils will: -evaluate the use of - be introduced to Pupils will: Pupils will: their information -learn via Turtle Logo word processing animation software -use their knowledge -select, use and safe. how to design, write software for such as Stykz, of problem solving, combine a -learn how to and debug programs. different purposes. MovieSoup and testing, debugging, variety of recognise a safe – Solve problems by -be introduced to a Jellycam. They will improving and software to website. decomposing into cake sale project evaluate each evaluating to plan design a range of -learn how to use smaller parts. where they will have example. and create quiz on programs that search engines -use sequencing, the opportunity to -using a range of Scratch. include a effectively and how selection and learn new skills and software plan, -include sequencing, cartoon the results are repetition in their apply in a range of create, evaluate and selection, repetition character (sprite) selected and ranked. programs. formats including improve their own and variables. that they create. -Learn how to -understand input- letters, job rotas, animation. -use appropriate recognise process-output. recipe cards and e- software to inappropriate online -use logical vouchers. present their behaviour and how reasoning to explain progress. to report. how some simple algorithms work. -detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. Scratch: Developing Flowol Spreadsheets and Online Safety Modelling: Sketch Make a website Year 5 Games Pupils will: databases. Pupils will: Up using HTML & Pupils will: -be introduced to Pupils will: -learn about email Pupils will: skills check. -design, write and flow charts and their -be introduced to a safety and dealing -select, use and Pupils will: debug programs that purpose. spreadsheet and with spam. combine a variety of -learn basic accomplish specific -use Flowol to database software. -build on knowledge software on a range HTML to create a goals including design, write and -they will use various of plagiarism and fair of devices to design website which controlling or debug programs that functions for a use of people’s work. and create a 3D will include simulating physical accomplish specific specific purpose. -scrutinise model. images and systems. goals, including photographs and information
-solve problems by controlling or -be presented with a learn how easy they about the decomposing them simulating physical challenge to collect, are to manipulate. projects into smaller parts. systems; solve analyse, evaluate -create a comic strip completed this -use sequence, problems by and present data and about the year. selection and decomposing them information consequences of not Notepad++ repetition in into smaller parts. effectively. following online programs. -use sequencing, safety rules. -work with variables selection, repetition, and various forms of variables, input, input and output. process and output. -use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work. - detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. Scratch: Animated Spreadsheets and Programming Online Safety Film Making Using and Year 6 Stories databases. Pupils will: Pupils will: Pupils will: Applying Pupils will: Pupils will: -learn about -take a more in -learn how to use Skills check: -be provided with a -be introduced to a different depth look at a film recording and -pupils will task to create a topic spreadsheet and programming variety of online editing hardware and research and related story. database software. languages. safety issues. software to design the -use previous skills -they will use various -be introduced to -learn how the -research, plan, write content of a new and learn new ones functions for a Python internet is used for a a script, interview, game using for a story sequence specific purpose. -they use logical variety of media and film, edit and publish known software. to be created. -be presented with a reasoning to explain how it can be used to a documentary. -they plan a -include audio and challenge to collect, how algorithms will stereo thoughts and launch for their interactive analyse, evaluate work. ideas about girls and Green screen Do ink game with a functionalities. and present data and -input various boys. website or information instructions and -they will learn about advert. effectively. analyse before SMARTbots. designing, writing
and debugging their -choose and use own program for a appropriate software simple game. to create an ‘online https://repl.it/ safety quiz’. Online safety week – 2nd February 2021 Computing Club will offer HTML and Python tuition.
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