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Online European Seminar on Protection of Freedom of Expression by Legal Professionals.
                             « JUST FREE – Justice and Freedom of Expression »
                                                19 -23 April 2021
   From 19th to 23rd of April, the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature is organising a webinar on « Protection
   of Freedom of Expression by Legal Practitioners» in the European Union in partnership with judicial
   training institutions from Belgium (IGO-IFJ), Spain (CGPJ-EJ), Italy (SSM), Poland (KSSIP) and the EFB Paris.

   Freedom of expression is a pillar of our democracies and, as such, is protected in the European Union, but
   the outline of its judicial and judiciary protection are highly technical and often require subtle balance
   between competing rights.

   It is necessary to assess the challenge of protecting Freedom of Expression by legal professionals,
   particularly in the European current context where concern is mounting on its reach and restrictions could
   limit its extent.

   This seminar will allow participants to gain an in-depth legal knowledge of the European Convention on
   Human Rights, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and European law. It will thus contribute to
   ensuring the protection of freedom of expression.

   Throughout this European and cross-professional seminar, study of diversity in FoE reach and limits within
   the European Union, taking into account EU Member States’ discretion in its application, will be a source
   of mutual enrichment. It targets judges, prosecutors, lawyers and journalists. Diverse exchanges will
   provide a European dimension to a topic often addressed unilaterally.

   This seminar will alternate between group sessions on practical cases and presentations from judges,
   lawyers and experts. It will foster exchanges through real-time quizzes and surveys.
   Training Objectives: This seminar will allow participants to gain an in-depth legal knowledge of the
   European Convention on Human Rights, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and European law
   and to compare experiences from different European countries.
   Online training Built around five times two-hour to two hours and a half sessions, this seminar will rotate
   between theoretical knowledge and workshops, giving ample time and space for practical exchanges on
   ECHR and European case law.
   Participants will receive a pedagogical package before the seminar and will be encouraged to follow a
   Council of Europe MOOC ahead of the training (Free online course ).

   Useful Information
   When: 19-23 April 2021 (From 10h to 12h/12h30 each day)
   Where: ONLINE
Languages: English and French
Who: approximately 75 judges, prosecutors, lawyers and journalists
Draft Programme
    ➢ Day 1 - April the 19th, 2021 : 10am -12.30am – Introduction and focus on Freedom of expression
      under the protection of the article 10 of the ECHR : Rights, duties and responsibilities of
    ➢ Day 2 - April the 20th, 2021 : 10am -12.30am – Practical Case on Day 1 theme
    ➢ Day 3 - April the 21st, 2021 : 10am-12am – Freedom of expression under the protection of the UE
      Charter of fundamental rights and UE Law
    ➢ Day 4 - April the 22nd, 2021 : 10am-12am – Practical Case on Day 3 theme
    ➢ Day 5 - April the 23rd, 2021 : 10am -12.30am – 1. Freedom of expression online and fight against
      hate speech under ECHR and European Union Law – 2. Freedom of expression and attacks on
      reputation protected under article 8 of the ECHR
Project Partners:

    •   French National School for the Judiciary – ENM (France)

    •   National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution– KSSIP (POLAND)

    •   Judicial Training Institute –IFJ/IGO (Belgium)

    •   Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary– ES-CGPJ (SPAIN)

    •   Superior School for the Judiciary – SSM (Italy)

    •   Bar Professional Training School of Paris (EFB Paris)

    •   Council of Europe

    •   European Judicial Training Network


ENM Project Team
Project Director Florence GILBERT, judge, International Department ENM , +33 (0)1 44 41 88 30
Project Manager: Mathilde Girardi, International Department, ENM , +33 (0)1 44 41 99 70

                       Funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)
                    Financé par le programme Justice (2014-2020) de l’Union Européenne
             ONLINE SEMINAR: April 19-23 2021
                     DRAFT PROGRAMME

From 19th to 23rd of April, the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature is organising a webinar on «
Protection of Freedom of Expression by Legal Practitioners» in the European Union in partnership
with judicial training institutions from Belgium (IGO-IFJ), Spain (CGPJ-EJ), Italy (SSM), Poland (KSSIP)
and the EFB Paris.
This seminar will allow participants to gain an in-depth legal knowledge of the European
Convention on Human Rights, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and European law and
to compare experiences from different European countries.
Built around five times two-hour to two hours and a half sessions, this seminar will rotate between
theoretical knowledge and workshops, giving ample time and space for practical exchanges on
ECHR and European case law.

When: 19-23 April 2021 (From 10h to 12h/12h30 each day) - GMT +1
Registration: Free but compulsory
Where: ONLINE, Voiceboxer platform
Languages: English and French (simultaneous translation provided)
Who: approximately 75 European judges, prosecutors, lawyers and journalists
Before the seminar: Participants will be strongly encouraged to follow the free Council of Europe
HELP course on Freedom of expression before the seminar :

Online App: Documentation will be available in both French and English via an application
developed on purpose This application will contain all useful information, links to the seminar,
agenda, but also offer participants a chance to communicate with each other via a private chat and
a public forum.
Workshops: On Day Two and Day Four, the participants will be divided in small groups of 10 to 11
participants (either in French or in English, depending of the language chosen by the participant).
During that time, participants will work on short practical cases, given to them in advance, under
the supervision of a moderator. A plenary session will follow for a general correction and debriefing
led by the experts.
DAY 1: April 19th, 2021

 10:00 -10:40     Introduction and Opening
                      Mr. Elie RENARD, Deputy-Headmaster, ENM
                      Ms Eva PASTRANA, Head of HELP Unit (Human Rights Education for Legal
                       Professionals) Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI),
                       Council of Europe
                      Mr Darian PAVLI, European Court of Human Rights Judge (Albania)

 10:40-11:35      Freedom of expression cases in different countries in Europe : an overview
                       Mr Thomas RONDEAU, Judge, Paris Court of appeal, JUST FREE Scientific

 11:35-11:45      Coffee break

 11:45: 12.45     “Freedom of Expression under the Protection of the Article 10 of the ECHR:
                  Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Journalists”
                       Ms Onur ANDREOTTI, Lawyer, European Court of Human Rights

 Afternoon        Preparation of practical case A - Unsupervised

DAY 2: April 20th, 2021

 10:00 -10:30     How to look for ECHR case law
                         Ms Vanessa AEBY, Lawyer, Case-law Information Officer, Directorate of the Juris-
                          consult, European Court of Human Rights

 10:30-11:30      Practical Case A – Workshops led by the following moderators :
                       Ms Onur ANDREOTTI, Lawyer, European Court of Human Rights
                       Mr Thomas RONDEAU, Judge, Paris Court of appeal, JUST FREE Scientific Director
                       Ms Agnieszka KLUCZYNSKA –CICHOCKA, Judge, Head of International Coopera-
                        tion Department, National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution KSSIP
                       Ms Eva PASTRANA, Head of HELP Unit (Human Rights Education for Legal Profes-
                        sionals) Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI), Council of
                       Ms Ana MEDARSKA, HELP Project Officer, Directorate General Human Rights and
                        Rule of Law (DGI), Council of Europe
   Ms Valérie CULIOLI, Judge, ENM
                       Ms Florence GILBERT, Public Prosecutor, ENM, JUST FREE Director

 11:30-11:45      Coffee break

 11:45-12:45      Plenary debriefing session
                       Ms Onur ANDREOTTI, Lawyer, European Court of Human Rights

DAY 3: April 21st, 2021

 10:00 -12:00     Freedom of Expression under the Protection of the UE Charter of Funda-
                  mental Rights and UE Law
                      Mr Christophe MAUBERNARD, Lecturer at the University of Montpellier
                      Ms Anne RENARD, Lawyer

 Afternoon        Preparation of practical case B - Unsupervised

DAY 4: April 22nd, 2021

 10:00-11:00      Practical Case B –Workshops led by the following moderators :

                         Mr Christophe MAUBERNARD, Lecturer at the University of Montpellier
                         Ms Anne RENARD, Lawyer, Lexing Alain Bensoussan Avocats
                         Mr Thomas RONDEAU, Judge, Paris Court of appeal, JUST FREE Scientific Director
                         Ms Agnieszka KLUCZYNSKA –CICHOCKA, Judge, Head of International Coopera-
                          tion Department, National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution KSSiP
                         Ms Ana MEDARSKA, HELP Project Officer, Directorate General Human Rights and
                          Rule of Law (DGI), Council of Europe
                         Ms Valérie CULIOLI, Judge, ENM
                         Ms Florence GILBERT, Public Prosecutor, ENM, JUST FREE Director

 11:00-11:15      Coffee Break

 11:15-12:15      Plenary debriefing session
                       Mr Christophe MAUBERNARD, Lecturer at the University of Montpellier
                       Ms Anne RENARD, Lawyer, Lexing Alain Bensoussan Avocats
DAY 5: April 23rd, 2021

 10:00 -11:15        Freedom of Expression Online and the fight against hate speech under
                     ECHR and European Union Law (and quiz)
                         Ms Aude DURET, Public Prosecutor, Head of the Freedom of press and pro-
                          tection of public freedoms Unit, Paris court of justice
                         Mr Basile ADER, Lawyer, former Vice President of the Paris Bar, August De-
                     Coffee Break

 11:30-12:30         Freedom of Expression and attacks on reputation under article 8 of the
                     ECHR (and quiz)
                         Mr Peter NOORLANDER, Human Rights and Media Law expert
                         Mr Rafael BUSTOS, Complutense University of Madrid

 12:30-12:45         Wrap up and conclusion
                         Mr Thomas RONDEAU, Judge, Paris Court of appeal, JUST FREE Scientific

Useful Contacts
Project Director: Florence GILBERT, judge, International Department, ENM , +33 (0)1 44 41 88 30
Project coordinator: Mathilde Girardi, Project manager, International Department, ENM , +33 (0)1 44 41 99 70

                  Funded by the European Union Justice Programme (2014-2020)
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