InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today

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InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
of 2021            COUNTY
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
Vol. 13 No. 23                                                                                  Wednesday, May 5, 2021

   4   Opinion              E.B Vickers
   9   Showcase            inspires
                          authors at
Governor Cox visit highlights education legislation
           Cv students extend wish of prosperity, peace

by Corey Baumgartner                  Speaking of the historic       be better prepared to compete in
 Iron Count y Today               legislative funding—a greater      the global marketplace.”
                                  amount than any other year             He added, “We’re grateful
    To highlight the education    for both K-12 and higher           to all of you for your support
legislation passed during the     education—Governor Cox said        in helping us get here. We still
2021 session, Utah Governor,      it was something to celebrate,     have a lot of work to do but this
Spencer J. Cox and Lt. Governor   especially since it came on the    is a major, major advancement
Deidre Henderson made a           heels of a potentially crippling   in what we’re working on and
special trip to the campus of     pandemic. “It’s not just about     what we’re going to able to
Southern Utah University to       spending money,” he explained.     accomplish.”
meet with and encourage local     “It’s about training, making           After the ceremonial signing
                                                                                                                                                  corey baumgertner
leaders about the importance      sure we have the best teachers     of the bills, Governor Cox was       Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox and Lt. Governor
of protecting and improving       and improving the quality of                                           Deidre Henderson visit SUU to sign important bills that
education in Utah.                instruction to help our student                 see cox visit » 8              provide and improve education in Utah.

             SUU honors Class of 2021
                                                        story on page 2                                                                                   shay baruffi
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
2 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                          news                                          Iron County Today

 SUU celebrates 122nd Annual Commencement
by Shay Baruffi
 Iron Count y Today

    Southern Utah University’s 122nd commencement
exercises were split into two days this year: Friday April
30th and Saturday May 1st. An impressive 2,361 graduated
this year. The class of 2021 awarded 596 master’s degrees,
1,473 bachelor’s degrees, 276 associate degrees and 16
certificates. SUU’s 2021 graduates come from 36 countries
and 40 U.S states.
    Graduates lined up bright and early to prepare for their
march through the Carter Carillon Tower, signaling the
end of an era at SUU. Following the Scarlet & Black Band
the procession made their way down to SUU’s America
First Event Center where the ceremonies continued.
University President Scott Wyatt welcomed the audience,
“The average age of your academic class is 27 years old,
the youngest is 17 and the oldest has me beat by 4 years at
64 years old. Just when half of the world is thinking about
retiring the other half is saying let’s get going.”
    After a beautiful performance of Climb Ev’ry Mountain
by SUU Choirs one of two students representing the
class of 2021, Ajhamae Quiring, began her address.
Quiring began her speech reminiscing about what being
a T-Bird was like for many, although very different given
the circumstances of 2020. She continued with a story
about a WWII Veteran named Jack who enjoyed playing
the trumpet, the underlying message being providing
kindness and empathy in a divided world: “We can choose
to shake the hand of our enemy, we can choose to see the
best in others, we can do better in cheering each other
on rather than tearing each other down. We’re all leaving
college on level 1, be kind to yourself.”
    Following Ajhamae Quiring’s speech, Honorary Doctor
of Public Service degrees were awarded to Carine Clark,
Gail Miller, and Garth Frehner. SUU President Scott Wyatt
then introduced 2021’s Commencement Keynote speaker,                       While this year's commencement was different than last
Dr. Gail Miller. Gail Miller is the owner of the Larry H.                 year with the challenges of the pandemic, the feelings of hope
                                                                          and excitment for the future were prevalent in each procession.
Miller group of companies. A philanthropist and charitable
individual, she gives her time and contributes significantly
to Utah.
    Dr. Miller expressed her gratitude to be included in
SUU’s commencement ceremonies and communicated
the achievement 2021 graduates have made today. She
continued, “You have climbed a lot of mountains to
arrive at this particular mountaintop.” Miller then shared
some experiences of mountains she climbed herself and
challenging mountains her family members have climbed.
She followed with the consequences and dangers of being
an unprepared climber. “Whatever your challenge is, you
must pick something that speaks to you and strive for it
and then craft yourself into becoming big enough to reach
your goals. Getting an education is a lot like mountain
climbing; this journey that you’ve been on has brought
you to this point and has taken a great deal of time and
sacrifice, it is something that you have accomplished
today and I’m sure climbing your mountain has not been
easy nor has it been for the faint of heart.”
    Dr. Gail Miller continued her beautiful keynote address
with examples of great cultural and historical upheaval
and the growth that occurred post the tumult. She focused
on this generation of graduates and their influence on the
world and the future. Dr. Miller ended her address with
key concepts to center on while living life, “I like to start
with being kind. Kindness creates permanent change for
the better. Serve others, share what you have. Be civil,
use good manners even if you disagree with someone. Be
courageous, if you let fear determine your actions you will
never know what you are capable of becoming. Be inclu-
sive, embrace diversity. Be innovative, be flexible in your life
and career. Be patient and forgiving, without patience and
forgiveness relationships will wither and die. Keep money
in perspective, when you make money use it to do good,
money does not define who you are. Be grateful, gratitude
satisfies the soul. Be successful, success begets success.”
    Following Dr. Gail Miller’s speech, university Provost Dr.
Jon Anderson, made the class of 2021 official by awarding
degrees to all programs. Congratulations to Southern Utah
University’s Class of 2021!                                                                                              photos by shay baruffi
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                            news                                                        Wednesday, May 5, 2021           3

         Community partners collect 140lbs. of pills
          during prescription drug take back day
from Heidi Baxley
 Iron Count y Prevention Coalition

     Cedar City, – To raise
awareness about the potential for
abuse of prescription medications,
[the Iron County Prevention
Coalition, the Iron County Sheriff ’s
Department, and Lin’s Marketplace]
sponsored a Prescription Drug
Take Back Day event as part of the
DEA’s National Take Back Initiative
on Saturday, April 24th from
     According to the Office of
National Drug Control Policy pre-
scription drug abuse is the nation's
fastest-growing drug problem. Most
individuals who misuse prescription
drugs, particularly teens, believe
that these substances are safer than
illicit drugs because they are pre-
scribed by a healthcare professional
and dispensed by a pharmacist. The
first step in attempting to tackle
the problem of prescription drug
abuse is to educate parents, youth,
                                                                                                                                                        Courtesy Heidi Baxley
and patients about the dangers of
abusing prescription drugs.               As part of a nationwide program to help protect against and prevent problems with prescription durg abuse, local agencies
                                                                              joined forces to collect unwanted, unused medications.
     To address the abuse and misuse
of prescription drugs, community        no take-back program is available          Day occurs twice yearly in April and           City Police Department, the Iron
organizations, public health entities   in your area, take them out of             October. There are also permanent              County Sheriff ’s Office, Township
and law enforcement collaborate         their original containers and              Drug Disposal Boxes available for              Pharmacy, SUU Health & Wellness
to host drug take-back programs         mix them with an undesirable               year-round disposal in the Cedar               Center and Parowan Drug & Gift.
nationwide. These drug disposal         substance, such as used coffee
programs are a good way to remove       grounds or kitty litter — to make
expired, unwanted or unused             the medication less appealing and
medicines from the home and             unrecognizable — then put them in
reduce the chance that someone          a sealable bag, empty can, or other
may accidentally or intentionally       container to prevent the medica-
take the medicine.                      tion from leaking or breaking out of
                                        a garbage bag.
What can you do in your                     » Talk to your kids: It's import-
community?                              ant that our children learn about
   » Follow disposal guidelines.        the use and abuse of prescription
Don’t flush your prescription           drugs.
medications. If no instructions             » Take advantage of local drop
are given on the drug label and         boxes: Prescription Drug Take Back
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
4 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                                                      news                                                                                     Iron County Today

Three things we’ve                                                                                                                                                                                      Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the
 all learned from                                                                                                                                                                                       week
                                                                                                                                                                                                        from the desk of R. Gail

  this past year                                                                                                                                                                                        Stahle, publisher
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “All labor that
                                                                                                                                                                                                        uplifts humanity
from Timothy P. Daniels                                                                                                                                                                                 has dignity and
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                                                                                                                                 importance

W           isdom dictates we periodically con-                                                                                                                                                         and should be
            sider where we are and where we’ve                                                                                                                                                          undertaken with
            come from. So, what have we learned                                                                                                                                                         painstaking
during this past year?
    For one, we learned things can change quickly.                                                                                                                                                      excellence.”
One day there is plenty of toilet paper and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Martin Luther King, Jr.
next day we are searching Amazon for Charmin,
scared we will run out of those important papers.
On the other hand, one day we may be jobless and
then seemingly out of the blue an old friend calls
us about a great job opportunity. So, practically,
it pays to learn from history and prepare for the
future—prepare to avoid losses and take advan-                               From the Editor
tage of future opportunities.
    Second, we’ve been reminded that our
society—and our lives—depend a great deal
on people with no special rank or title other                                      Happy
                                                                                 Mother’s Day
than Everyday Hero. I’m talking about nursing
            assistants, truck drivers, and people
              that deliver the mail, mop up the
               spills and flip the burgers. We have
               been humbled as we’ve driven down

                                                                                                          came across an inter-
               I-15 or Sage Drive in the wind and                                                         esting email this week
              rain and seen bundled-up nurses                                                             about mothers. It said
            working at the drive-through COVID-                                                       that 82% of Americans
19 testing center. It behooves us to show gratitude                                                   believe moms deserve
for the services others provide to us every day.                                                      more than one Mother’s
    Another lesson is that Grandma was right.                                                         Day a year. I feel bad for
“Use it up, where it out, make it do or do without.”                                                 those 18% who don’t have
“Get all the education you can get.” “Be prepared.”                                  Corey          such  a mother they deem
We have a lot we can learn from people with gray                                Baumgartner worthy of more recognition.
or white (or no) hair. They have “been around the                                Managing Editor   The email also listed the
block” and “seen a thing or two.” Wisdom dictates                                                  percentages of who is sending
we consider the advice of the Grandmas and                                   mom flowers (45%) a gift-card (28%), or will be
Grandpas around us.                                                          connecting through calling or video-chat (23%).
    There are many other sobering lessons to be                                  What was the thing most moms wanted,
learned from this past year, but certainly we have                           according to the email? A clean house (34%) just
learned that things can change quickly, there is                             beat out being acknowledged that she’s doing a
much to express gratitude for, and we should seek                            good job (32%). It also listed which top TV moms
the advice of the Grandmas in our lives. There is a                          were most relatable from Wilma Flintstone to
lot to prepare for and be hopeful about.                                     Marge Simpson.
                                                                                 I know Mother’s Days (like most holidays)
                                                                             can be difficult for many who don’t have family,
        Submit your letter to the Editor on our website                      children and/or don’t have their mother to call, or, or by emailing it to news@ or bring/mail them to 389 N 100
                                                                             children to tell you you’re doing a super job. And
    W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must be signed,                   so, to all the mothers out there, while I may not be
  be brief (generally under 300 words in length), list the                   able to clean your house, or get you flowers and a
   author’s city and give the writer’s telephone number                      gift-card, I can give my heartfelt words to remind
    (phone number will not be printed). We reserve the                       you that you’re doing a super job! However you
       right to edit all letters for length or content. For
  letters arriving electronically, we will use the author’s                  celebrate Mother’s Day, know that you and your
             e-mail address in lieu of a signature.                          heart are needed and loved every day of the year,
                                                                             not just this coming Sunday.

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                         Stormee Anderson
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                    N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12                   
                                                                                  801.755.5999                          435.867.1865 Ext. 6                                                        435.592.5724
     Cedar City, Utah 84721
        Ph: 435-867-1865
                                            Deborah                                                                                                           Circulation
                                            Martineau                             Patti Bostick                         Shay Baruffi                                                               Wendy Hanson
       Fax: 435-867-1866                    Office Manager                        Sales Representative                  Reporter                              Stephanie Millett                    Parowan/Paragonah                                                                                                   S. Cedar City              
                                                     435.592.1030                          Tom Zulewski                        435.477.9100
                                                                                                                        Sports reporter                       435.272.3050

  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                              news                                                     Wednesday, May 5, 2021                        5

                                                     opinion                                                                            Bookings
                                                                                                                                        Below are bookings as reported by the
                                                                                                                                        Iron County Sheriff’s Department and

                                   The decisions that define us
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City Police Department. Those

To the Editor                                                                                                                           arrested are innocent until proven guilty.

                                                                                                                                                      APRIL 26
                                                                                                                                        Ashley M Huddy
    I am writing in response                                                                                                            Las Vegas, NV
to the Letter to the Editor        The opinions stated in this article are solely     one Black girl – and saved another. We will       Poss Stolen Credit Cards, Mail Theft – Less
published on April 28, 2021        those of the author and not Iron County Today.     hear about the dead girl, Ma’Khia Bryant, but I   Than $1000

titled: Water vs. Construction.                                                       doubt we will hear much about the teenager        Denise F Thornton
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City, UT
    In this article the author              iven human nature and the mere fact       the officer saved, Tionna Bonner.                 DRUG – Poss/Use of C/S, Assault
felt that there should be a                 of observation, I am not sure America        Yes, we need to call it both ways. And this
                                            can ever become a truly racially          extends to other areas as well.                                 APRIL 28
moratorium on the con-
struction of new homes in          unbiased society. But as we fight for justice         Last week, many celebrities were               Dylan M Farris
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City, UT
Southwest Utah while we are        and racial/ethnic equality, we must, like a fair   bemoaning the fact that the “favorite” to         DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug Paraphernalia
in a water emergency; that         referee, call it both ways.                        win Best Actor at the Academy Awards, the         Jason M Fint
all new construction permits           Not every traffic stop or aggressive police    recently deceased Black actor Chadwick            Milford, UT
                                                                                                                                        Retail Theft
be frozen till our water           action involving a racial or ethnic minority is    Boseman, actually lost in the balloting to an
                                   a stain on law enforcement. Not every Black        aging white man, Anthony Hopkins. At the          Tyler Solmies
situation improves. However                                                                                                             Cedar City, UT
he suggests those in the           American is a saint and not every white cop        same time, Viola Davis lost the Best Actress      Criminal Mischief ($1500-$5000), Theft
                                                                                                                                        (Less than $500), Threat of Violence
decision making positions          is a trigger-happy racist. Not every police        trophy, even though most critics praised her      Accompanied by Force or Violence
are in the construction trades                                                                 performance.
so it will not happen.                                                                             Some will connect the results                      APRIL 29

    Let me state that I nor                                                                    to racism. But if that were the case,    Terrance M Mcginty
anyone I know personally are                                                                   Black actor Daniel Kaluuya would         Mount Pleasant, WI
                                                                                                                                        Criminal Mischief
in the construction trades.                                                                    not have won Best Supporting Actor,
My family is fairly new to the                                                                 Regina King would not have been                        APRIL 30
area. I am not making light of       Bryan Gray                                                selected to deliver the opening          Stephanie E Munford
our water situation, it is dire.                                                               speech, and two Asian women would        Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                        Theft, Forgery
However, is it really likely to                                                                not have taken home statuettes for       Corey M Demorenay
improve dramatically? Sure,                                                                    Best Director and Best Supporting        Kanarraville, UT
we will have the occasional        shooting is invitation to riot, and looters are    Actress.                                          Forcible Sodomy

wet year mixed with the dry        criminals, not “anguished” citizens fed up            From my non-Hollywood perspective,             Teddy R Ferris
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City, UT
years, however, the climate        with ill treatment.                                Viola Davis should have won, but then again,      DRUG – Poss C/S and Drug Paraphernalia
trends are changing.                    The reality of racial inequality cannot       the Los Angeles Dodgers – presumably the          Jarvis J Luther
    Whether you believe it is      be ignored. When Trayvon Martin appears            best team in baseball – would have won            Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                        False Personal Info w/Intent to Be Them
related to the carbon foot-        “threatening” for holding a pack of candy,         the World Series three years in a row. In the
                                                                                                                                        Christopher R Weaver
print related to human activi-     when a Black man is killed for the crime of        case of Chadwick Boseman, his death from          St. George, UT
ties or just normal climate        selling unlicensed cigarettes, when another        cancer at the age of 43 would have made his       Alcohol Restricted DL, DUI

fluctuations that occur and        is riddled with bullets for trotting away from     win a great sentimental Hollywood story.                          MAY 1
have occurred in the history       police officers in a public park, or when          His acclaimed performance also made him
                                                                                                                                        Craig G Pacheco
of the planet. The point is,       George Floyd is murdered by an officer with        more than deserving. But that doesn’t mean        Provo, UT
if you are going to demand                                                                                                              Criminal Trespass, City Park – No Alcohol
a moratorium on building
permits, than at the same
                                   “Not every Black American is a saint and not every                                                   James R Corbett
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City, UT

time you will need to declare             white cop is a trigger-happy racist.”                                                         Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct
                                                                                                                                        William K Frandsen
a moratorium on people                                                                                                                  Cedar City, UT
having babies and increasing       a checkered history of assault, there is ample     the winner only won because Boseman is            Aggravated Assault

the population, which is what      reason for demanding reform. When a survey         Black. As movie critic Wesley Morris said                         MAY 2
eventually drives up the need      finds that minority men and women are              following the show, “It makes all the sense       Myron W Tom
for more housing and drives        some three times more likely to be convicted       in the world that Anthony Hopkins won. His        Cedar City, UT
the need for more water            than whites charged with the same crime,           (performance) is titanic.”                        Assault, Intoxication, Open Container in Veh

across all of the industries to    only the stupid cannot acknowledge a                   Racism is too serious an offense to be                        MAY 3
feed, clothe, bathe, etc., these   problem.                                           tossed around casually. I’m all in favor of       Scott R Hendrickson
additional people.                     But that doesn’t mean that every aggres-       banishing and even imprisoning overly             Cedar City, UT
    So, are you ready to do        sive action is unjustified.                        aggressive police officers.                       DRUG – Poss C/S and Drug Paraphernalia,
that Mr. Fox? A moratorium             Last week a Black teenager in Columbus,            In entertainment, the days when Charlie
                                                                                                                                        Mara Jansons
on babies? In Utah?                Ohio was shot and killed by a white police         Pride’s face did not appear on his first few      Cedar City, UT
                                   officer. The teen was attempting to stab           albums for fear of offending white fans is        Assault
                                   another girl; the officer had some 11 seconds      over. And there is a Black teenager alive in      Hunter C Mosdell
                                                                                                                                        Cedar City, UT
Barbara Benedict                   to make a judgement call. In the end he killed     Ohio because of a white cop.                      Purch, Poss, Consume by Minor
                                                                                                                                        (Measurable Amounts)
InsIde... southern utah university honors graduates of 2021 - Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Iron County Today
6 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                       news                                                               Iron County Today

      Cedar City Senior Center officially opens
by Edy Meredith                               The Iron County Senior                   ment sources for funding to protect         volunteer opportunities. Also go to
 For Iron Count y Today                   Newsletter for May is already                the Iron County budget.                     the Center to join in the activities
                                          available and can be picked up at the            If you did not attend the Center’s      which provide many opportunities
    Seniors and their families will be    Center from 10 am to 3 pm to see             opening on March 20th, you may              for service and participation.
happy to know that the Senior Center      the list of activities with date and         want to skedaddle down to the cen-              The central purpose of the senior
located at 489 East 200 South in          time. The activities range from A to         ter to view it and register for classes     center is providing the following for
Cedar City has officially opened. The     Z (Arthritis Exercise Class to Zumba         and lunch. Mike Link is the Iron            seniors over age 60: 1) A facility to
Center will begin serving lunch meals     with 20 more subjects in between).           County Commissioner who oversees            gather and socialize, 2) Educational
at the Center on May 4th according to         The senior center operates               senior centers in Iron County, and          classes and seminars, 3) Exercise and
Curtis Crawford, the onsite director      under the direction of Iron County’s         all three commissioners meet with           recreation, 4) Nutritional lunch meals
and manager, and on Tuesdays,             commissioners. Commissioner Paul             center directors twice a year.              at the center and for homebound
Wednesdays, and Fridays thereafter.       Cozzens directly spearheaded the                 The Senior Center has only one          seniors, 5) Information where seniors
To participate in the noontime meals,     building of the new north wing addi-         full-time employee and approxi-             can receive assistance for special
an RSVP must be made by phone to          tion during the covid shut down for          mately 6 part-time. Volunteers are          needs, 6) An outreach worker for
reserve your place (435) 586-8032.        which all the workers and volunteers         always welcome for Meals on Wheels          contact by phone and in person for
    The menus for the meals are           at the Center express their gratitude.       drivers who deliver meals to the            special needs and circumstances.
planned at the Center and then sent       He oversaw the construction of the           homebound over 60 years of age.             These purposes are being met thanks
to the Five Counties for nutritional      project and worked closely with the          Please call Curtis Crawford at 435-         to the employees, volunteers, and
review.                                   contractors and found other govern-          586-8032 for more information about         Iron County Commissioners.

                                                   Iron County Democrats to hold
                                                   biennial organizing convention
                                                  Cedar City — The Iron County            with the County Party and to have a       and a cash bar will be available. For
                                              Democrats will hold their biennial          voice in electing County Party leader-    additional information please see
                                              organizing convention at 5:00 P.M.          ship for the next two years. Attendees    our Facebook page: https://www.
                                              on May 8, 2021, at the Cedar City           will also have the opportunity to
                                              Courtyard by Marriott (1299 South           meet and talk with several current            If you have any questions, please
                                              Interstate Drive, Cedar City UT). This      State Party leaders and candidates for    call Brittanie Parry (435) 327-2745
                                              convention offers the opportunity           State Party offices.                      or leave a message on our Facebook
                                   courtesy   to learn about and become involved              Free appetizers will be served,       page.
Iron County Today                                                              news                                                     Wednesday, May 5, 2021              7

Utah Shakespeare Festival reaches agreement with actors union
  Provides Safety
 Guidelines for All

from Donn Jersey
 Utah Shakespeare Festival

     CEDAR CITY — The Utah
Shakespeare Festival recently final-
ized an agreement with Actors’ Equity
Association, the union of professional
actors and stage managers in the
United States, which sets up COVID-
19 health and safety protocols for
actors, artists, and audience members
                                                                                                                                             courtesy utah shakespeare festival
and opens the door for the Festival to
finalize the hiring of actors and stage   and seminar spaces (including at               The Festival’s 2021 season is June     Cymbeline, Intimate Apparel, and
managers for the 2021 season.             The Greenshow). This is in line            21 to October 9. Plays will be Pericles,   The Comedy of Terrors. Tickets are
     “This puts a feather in our cap      with the Equity contract and a Utah        Richard III, The Comedy of Errors,         available by calling 800-PLAYTIX or
and the wind in our sails as we move      Department of Health requirement           The Pirates of Penzance, Ragtime,          visiting
forward building the 2021 season,”        of masks for any group of fifty or
said Artistic Director Brian Vaughn.      more. Because people can’t eat
“I’m thrilled we have finally reached     or drink without removing their
an agreement with Actors’ Equity          masks, concessions (including
and look forward to our full company      water) will not be sold or allowed in
gathering in a few short days.”           the theatres.
     Producing Producer Frank Mack            Up-to-date health and safety
agreed: “This is the last step in ensur- information is available at
ing that we have an absolutely great      health-and-safety. Playgoers should
2021 season. We start rehearsals on       check the site often as they prepare
May 10 for what I expect to be one        for their visit to Cedar City.
the best seasons at the Festival ever.        All testing for the Festival
It's our 60th anniversary, the season     company will be provided by Nomi
is dedicated to our founder, Fred         Health. “Nomi Health is proud to
C. Adams, and it marks a return to        partner with the Utah Shakespeare
producing after missing                                Festival to bring the arts
the 2020 season.”
     The goal of the agree-   “This puts               back to life in Utah,” said
                                                       Mark Newman, founder
ment is to provide a safe
and healthy working and
                               a feather               and CEO, Nomi Health.
                                                       “Our COVID solutions
performing environment
not just for actors but for
                              in our cap               were born in our home
                                                       state of Utah, and since
all artist, technicians, and    and the                then, we've deployed
audience members. Both
organizations agree that        wind in                millions of tests and
                                                       hundreds of thousands
goal has been reached.
     “The staff of the Utah
                              our sails as             of vaccines across
                                                       the country. The Utah
Shakespeare Festival has       we move                 Shakespeare Festival is
been working with the                                  a cultural institution,
staff at Actors’ Equity        forward                 and we’re excited to
Association for two
months to find a way
                               building                support its safe return
                                                       to the stage so Utahns
that we can create the
work on our stages in a
                               the 2021                can once again enjoy the
way that actors, artisans,      season”                     Of course, all of this
technicians, and audi-                                 is required to keep our
ences all stay safe,” said        Brian Vaughn,        actors on the stage and
General Manager Kami               USF Artistic        allow our audiences into
Terry Paul. “We now have             Director          the theatres again. “Each
that plan and will begin                               and every one of our
implementing it immediately.”             talented artisans is eager to get back
     The plan is based on the entire      to work while safely continuing to
Festival company being fully vacci-       create powerful and moving drama
nated against COVID-19 and regu-          for Utah audiences,” said Vaughn.
larly tested. In addition, work and       “After an incredibly bleak year, I look
performance areas will be sanitized       forward to a resurgence of unity, pos-
regularly and all company members         itivity and possibility as we celebrate
will be required to wear masks at all     sixty years at The Utah Shakespeare
times except when performing on           Festival."
stage.                                        “Our patrons have been so
     For audience members, this           supportive, already buying lots of
means that theatres, seats, and           tickets for the coming season; and I
high-traffic areas will also be           could not be more joyful in antici-
sanitized regularly. Also, all patrons    pating welcoming our guests back to
must wear a mask at all times in          the Festival after a too-long absence,”
the theatre and other performance         concluded Mack.
8 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                               news   Iron County Today

   Canyon View's Student Government officers, along with their
 advisor Amyanne Rigby and Iron County School District Superintendent
 Shannon Dulaney pose with Governor Cox and crates of oragami cranes.

                                                                                     corey baumgartner

cox visit
« Continued from page 1

honored by the presence of and presents from
the Student Government officers from Canyon
View High School. The Falcons folded (by hand)
1000 paper origami cranes as a gift to the
     The group’s leader, Ian Jensen, explained the
unique meaning of the cranes.
     “An ancient Japanese legend affirms that if one
folds 1000 paper cranes, the gods grant a wish.
Governor Cox, the students at Canyon View High
School have folded 1000 origami cranes for you.
We offer these cranes as our "wish" of prosperity to
you, the 18th Governor of Utah.”
     Jensen continued, “The Japanese myth
stretches beyond a wish. It grants healing, and
symbolizes peace. To you, we offer them as a sym-
bol and a wish by our students to end this year; a
year we have all endured – a year of racial injustice,
economic uncertainty, remote learning, natural
disasters, mental health crises…all the effects of
the global pandemic, COVID-19. As Falcons, we
look forward to the future, not wanting our past to
define us nor our differences to divide us. Instead,
may we let this time unite us as we look back at
what we have done, in spite of these difficulties.”
He ended by adding, “Best of luck to you Governor
Cox and thank you for all you do for the students of
     Governor Cox then took a moment to express
his thanks for the thoughtfulness and courage of
the students, “This is unexpected and really cool.
I know that it has been a rough year for all you.
You’ve shown that you can do hard things and
if I think the future is incredibly bright for all of
     “The Canyon View Student Government officers
are 28 strong. They are tomorrow's leaders. Among
them are 14 athletes, 6 dancers, 5 musicians, 2
sterling scholars, 5 actors/actresses, 2 cheerleaders,
4 tech magicians, but who are they really? They are
some of the best and brightest of today's youth and
above all, they are kind.” – Amyanne Rigby (Canyon
View English Teacher and Student Government
The bills signed into legislation were:
»»SB142 – Public Education Funding Amendments
»»HB381 – Grow Your Own Teacher and School
 Counselor Pipeline Program
»»HB2 – Education Budget Bill
»»HB328 – Adult Learners Grant Program
»»SB136 – Higher Education Scholarship

    For more information on these bills
 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                      9

  Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

E.B. Vickers inspires young authors at CV's inaugural

Writer’s Guild
by Amyanne Rigby                                        of fifty of CV’s finest Falcons. As she shared her
                                                        journey of becoming an author, she encouraged
 For Iron Count y Today
                                                        students to see themselves as authors too.
    Elaine Braithwaite Vickers (E.B. Vickers) dazzles       The Writers’ Guild is the brainchild of Canyon
her readers with her first Young Adult book and         View High School’s English Department. The
third novel, Fadeaway. This YA novel boasts a cast      “flex” period at CVHS not only allows students a
of characters and a plot line that leaves you in awe.   period for remediation, but it also provides the
Fadeaway explores various themes as it merges the       opportunity for enrichment experiences such as
perspectives of its characters, Jake, Daphne, Seth,     the Writers’ Guild.
Luke, and Kolt.                                             The Writers’ Guild will continue with
    These characters are believable and lovable;              bi-monthly writing workshops and other
the tale is gripping and timely capturing                           author visits in the coming school
real-life issues which paralyze the                                   year. These workshops will be run
youth of today. Vickers’ exploration        “Vickers                     by CV’s own English department.
of perfectionism and addiction
makes these topics comfortable
                                           shared the                      Each English teacher will share
                                                                            with the guild their own area
rather than concealing. When the
last page is read and the book is
                                           power of a                       of expertise. These include:
                                                                            creative fiction, poetry,
closed, the reader is saddened to        story before a                     journalism, and blogging.
say goodbye to characters who
have become friends. Fadeaway is         crowd of fifty                         Vickers is an award win-
                                                                            ning author of picture books,
    Fadeaway, although a fictional
                                         of CV’s finest                    middle grade books including
                                                                         Like Magic and Paper Chains.
work, is loosely based on Vickers’ great
uncle, Wilbur Braithwaite, who finds
                                            Falcons.”                  She is a graduate of Cedar High
                                                                    School and holds a PhD in Chemistry.
himself center stage as “Coach B.” Braithwaite                 She currently is an assistant professor of
coached high school basketball and tennis in his        chemistry at Southern Utah University. She and
hometown of Manti, Utah. Braithwaite garnered a         her husband Robbie are the parents of three
dozen championships as a coach, but he was also         terrific teenagers, Jack, Halle and Lucy. Vickers’
a poet and philosopher. Braithwaite the coach, the      books can be found wherever books are sold,               Award-
philosopher, and the poet all find their way onto       and signed copies of Fadeaway can be pur-              winning and
the pages of Fadeaway.                                  chased at Bulloch Drug. Interested in attending      local author, E.B.
    Fadeaway and Vickers kicked off Canyon View         a workshop led by Vickers? Check out wifyr.           Vickers, inspired
High School’s Writers’ Guild inaugural event.           com June 14-15, on zoom or in person.                students by sharing
                                                                                                               her journey and
Vickers shared the power of a story before a crowd                                                           encouraging them to
                                                                                                             believe and become

                                                                                                                                   photos Courtesy Anyanne rigby
10   Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                   showcase                                                                   Iron County Today

Ready to venture
  out? Here are
 two good ideas
by Mary Anne Andersen
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council

I    ’ve got a couple of suggestions for things
     that you can do as the weather warms up
     and we cautiously start thinking about
places to go and things to see.
    After a long winter hiatus, the Cedar
City Arts Council is presenting another arts                                                                                                            The CCCMT provides
social. The previous one was in October                                                                                                                 the perfect place and
as we sat outdoors on one of the last                                                                                                                   plays for the youth to
                                                                                                                                                        build their confidence and
warm days of last year. This one will also                                                                                                             competence with life-skills
be outdoors on what we hope will be the                                                                                                                  for on and off the stage.
warmest day of this year so far. We will
gather at the Lions Pavilion in Main Street
Park on Saturday, May 8th, at 2:00 in the                                                                                                                           corey baumgartner
afternoon. Now, I’m going to say this several
times: bring a lawn chair.
    The program will feature Elaine Vickers
discussing her newly-published book,               Children’s Music Theatre campaign seeks
                                                       to help fund a place to call home
Fadeaway. Elaine is a local author whose
newest work has garnered some national
attention. Besides discussing the book itself,
Elaine will talk about the process of writing
and how she manages to balance all the             by Corey Baumgartner                                                  dence to perform even better off the stage in real life.
demands in her life. It sounds like it will be                                                                              Short of having access to the Cave of Wonders,
                                                    Iron Count y Today
another addition to my books-to-read shelf.                                                                              a wise wizard, a magic mirror and a treasure trove
    Sarah Bearnson, a past recipient of an             There’s no place like home and the Cedar City                     under the sea, the CCCMT is requesting the help
Arts Council mini-grant, will sing and play        Children’s Music Theatre is searching to find                               of the community through a special “Give 5”
her guitar. Sarah is the proprietor of a music     and fund a place to call home so they can                                       campaign.
studio called Cedar Melody Music, where            continue providing quality theater oppor-                                              To assist this worthwhile cause you
                  she gives music lessons          tunities for children in our community.                                              can GIVE $5 to the building fund through
                       to students of all ages.        The importance of theater goes                                                    Venmo (cmtgive5). You can GET 5 of
                         After she played for      beyond acting and singing. For many                                                    your friends, fans and family to give
                           us once before, I       years now, the Cedar City Children’s                                                   $5. You can SHARE 5 posts through
                            received a request     Music Theatre (CCCMT) has showcased                                                    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, @cedar-
                            to have her return.    many performances from Beauty and                                                      citycmt, #cmtgive5. You can INFORM
                            Here is that encore.   the Beast to Aladdin, Cinderella, Shrek                                               5 people about the campaign and you
                                Other music        and the Little Mermaid. Each production                                             can KNOW 5 facts about the Theatre
                           will be provided        has not only provided an opportunity for                                          by visiting and getting know
                          by Derek Wood,           the children in our community improve their                                    the great people who help keep the dream of
                        a rather shy young         performing skills but also, through the lessons                          CCCMT from becoming just another fairy tale that
                    friend of mine. Derek is a     learned on the stage, has helped give them the confi-                 begins with, “Once upon a time….”
very good violinist whom I have accompa-
nied many times in the genre of classical

                                                     Join the Arts Council for their Spring Social
music. (He is also a high school freshman
taking a piano class at SUU!) So, I asked
him if he could fiddle, and he said yes. I
wonder if he will actually tap his foot…
bring a lawn chair.                                by Shaylene Baruffi-Jensen                                            Cedar City Arts Council’s next social will be at 2:00
    Mona Woolsey will be there to promote                                                                                PM on Saturday, May 8th at The Lions Pavilion in Main
                                                    For Iron Count y Today
the show of women artists that is currently                                                                              Street Park. This a FREE public event and you are
up in the Cedar City Offices hallway and              The Cedar City Arts Council sponsors socials for                   invited.
Council chambers. That is the second               our community to help the public become familiar                         These events are meant to showcase and cele-
suggestion I have for something to do as you       with artists that live here in Iron County and pro-                   brate the dynamic art community in Iron County. Our
get out and about. We went to the opening          mote artists that have won mini-grants through the                    objective is to provide live music, art displays, and
night reception of the show and we 1) were         Cedar City Art Council’s mini-grant program. The                      exciting details on the use that the recipients have
surprised at the number of people there,                                                                                 made of their awarded funds. Our Spring social will
and 2) are going back when there are fewer                                                                               focus on the launch of the new artistic season and
people. We wear masks when we leave home,                                                                                our 2021 Membership Drive. We will also have over
but most of those at the reception apparently                                                                            $100 worth of discounts available from locally owned
don’t practice that habit. So, we didn’t stay                                                                            businesses in Cedar City, Utah.
long, just long enough to put a couple of giant                                                                             Award-winning author, Elaine Vickers, will come
cookies on a plate and sneak away.                                                                                       discuss her recent book Fadeaway and music will be
    But we will go back, and you’ll want to                                                                              provided by Sarah Bearnson of Cedar Melody Music.
go also. Many of the names of the artists                                                                                There will be yummy, individually wrapped, refresh-
we recognized: Woolsey, Marchant, Robb,                                                                                  ments provided by Infinite Baking Productions.
Braithwaite, but there are others I was                                                                                  Mona Woolsey will discuss the current art exhibit at
unable to get close enough to read. There                                                                                the city offices and Derek Wood will fiddle for the
was a real variety of media and styles, and                                                                              audience.
some sculpture-like pieces as well. The                                                                                     Come celebrate a few of our local artists at this
piece titled Main Street Nocturne stood out                                                                              fun and free event! Stay tuned for more information,
from a lot of landscape work.                                                                                            we’ll be adding more fun events at cedarcity-
                                                                                              Courtesy CC Arts Council
    Go see that show. Come to the social.          The Arts Council socials are a great way to mingle with      or on our Instagram @cedarcityarts.
And bring a lawn chair.                                 local artists and celebrate the arts in Iron County.             Bring a lawn chair and join the fun.
 Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                                                         11

  Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

   Before SUU
Remembering the
 first graduates
  of the Branch
 Normal School
by Jay M. Jones
 For Iron Count y Today

    As communities in Southern
Utah began to develop, providing an
adequate education for the young
generation was difficult.
Experienced teachers
were in short supply
throughout the
area and the youth
were needed to
help wrestle a
living from the               Historical
challenging local
    The Branch
                               Threads                                                                                                                  Southern Utah University Special Collections
Normal School,                                                     First graduates of the teaching curriculum of the Branch Normal School, which later became Southern Utah
a predecessor                                                   University. Front row: Emma Gardner, Alice Redd, Amelia Dalley and Ella Berry. Back row: Joseph Wilkinson and Julius Dalley.
to Southern Utah
University, was established                                Lake City.                        education, that they would devote                  and Cedar City. After completing her
in 1897 in Cedar City to provide                            One graduate, Amelia             at least three years to the teaching               education she taught school in Cedar
three years of a required four years of       Dalley, wrote, “I was very anxious to          profession.                                        City for three years. She married
higher education for the certification        go to Salt Lake City to the University             Anne O. Leavitt wrote in her book              William Henry Leigh in 1903 and
of teachers. A final year of study at         of Utah and finish the normal course.          Southern Utah University, The First                raised ten children.
the University of Utah was needed to          All summer I worried about how I               Hundred Years, “A brief review of                      The 1940 U. S. census shows the
complete the process.                         could get the money to go . . . In the         these students and their teaching                  Leigh family living at 104 South 100
    It was hoped that by training             fall it was decided that all six who           careers gives a view of the educa-                 West in Cedar City’s historic district.
young Southern Utah students as               had graduated could go to Salt Lake            tional impact of the Branch Normal                 Ella lived to be 100 years old and died
teachers, the shortage of educators in        and live together [in a rented home            School upon the whole region. It                   in Cedar City in 1980.
the area would be alleviated.                 on 1100 East]. Mother borrowed $200            was an impact that was realized in                     Amelia Dalley was born and raised
    In the year 1900, the first group of      from Mary Dalley. Mother went with             a remarkably short time and clearly                in Summit, Utah, along with her twin
six students completed the mandated           us to be our housekeeper.”                     validates the vision of the founders.”             sister Minnie. After completing school
course work for teacher education                 All six graduates of Branch Normal             Ella Berry was the first graduate              work in Summit and Cedar City, both
at the Branch Normal School and               School completed their course work             to have her name called out in the                 twins attended the Branch Normal
became the first graduates of the             at the University of Utah in 1901 and          graduation ceremony, due to the                    School in Cedar City. Minnie married
school. But it was not clear how they         began their teaching careers. All had          alphabetical order of the last names.              Lehi Thorley and did not continue at
would gather the resources needed             agreed, as part of the arrangements            She was born in Kanarraville in 1879               the school.
to complete their education in Salt           made for them to complete their                and attended schools in Kanarraville                   Following her graduation, Amelia
                                                                                                                                                taught in Summit for one year at the
                                                                                                                                                same school she attended as a child.
                                                                                                                                                She taught in Cedar City the next
                                                                                                                                                year. She married George Bernard
                                                                                                                                                Green in 1903 and moved to Alta,
                                                                                                                                                Wyoming where she continued her
                                                                                                                                                teaching career. While George was on
                                                                                                                                                a church mission, she taught school
                                                                                                                                                in Summit another year. When her
                                                                                                                                                husband completed his mission, she
                                                                                                                                                returned to Alta, Wyoming where
                                                                                                                                                they lived the remainder of their
                                                                                                                                                lives, raising nine children. Amelia
                                                                                                                                                died in 1960.
                                                                                                                                                    Julius Dalley, a half-brother
                                                                                                                                                to Amelia, was also a native of
                                                                                                                                                Summit. His teaching career started
                                                                                                                         Hendrix family photo
                          Photo of the Lund, Nevada school in 1902, with teachers Alice Redd and Orrin Snow.                                                      see before suu » 18
12     Wednesday, May 5, 2021                                                         life                                                                               Iron County Today

            Iron County                                                                                               calendar
 Water Stewards                                                            ongoing opportunities
                                                                                 Government                          Hope for Today (Family Groups)            1477 S Highway 91, Cedar City. An
 by Ashley Langston                   rights for the Pine Valley Water                                               Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333              organization of business people.
                                      Supply project.                      Cedar City Council                                                                  Stimulate business for members
     for iron county today
                                                                           Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall,
                                                                                                                     Alzheimer's Caregiver                     through exchange of ideas,
                                          Cozzens has been extremely       10 N. Main St (435) 586-2950              Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm, 4th    information and business referrals.

 Paul Cozzens                         involved in recharge efforts in
                                      the valley, making arrangements      Enoch City Council
                                                                           1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900 E
                                                                                                                     Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to mjmiller@alz.
                                                                                                                     org or (435) 238-4998 x8773
                                                                                                                                                               Color Country Winds
     When Paul Cozzens                with the necessary people for                                                  ARP—Addiction Recovery                    Wed • Come brush up on your band
                                                                           Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119
                                                                                                                     1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary          skills to share with the community.
 decided to run in the Cedar          the development of the Schmidt                                                 building, Main & 300 N, Parowan           Call Debbie at (435) 559-9609 for time
 City Council election in 2011,                                            Enoch Planning Commission
                                      and Western Rock recharge            2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall,      Caregivers
                                                                                                                                                               and location.
 the Cedar Valley’s potential         facilities, and physically working   900 E Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119       1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging        Color Country Pickleball
 involvement in the Lake              on recharge projects, donating       Iron County Commission                    Offices, 585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City   M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar
 Powell Pipeline project was          hundreds of hours of his time to                                                                                         Stake Ctr), Paddles & balls supplied.
                                                                           2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission          Multiple Sclerosis                        (435) 586-6345
 one of his primary concerns.         run equipment.                       Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan             3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s
 He said after he was elected             Hunter said Cozzens has          Iron County Democrats                     Center (581 N Main) Caregivers and        Hey Cedars Square Dance
                                                                                                                     those with MS                             Wed • Beginner’s, 6:30 pm,
 and the Central Iron County          been vocal in his support of         3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86
                                                                                                                                                               Mainstream Dancers, 7-9 pm • Cedar
 Water Conservancy District           the District’s goals, and has pro-   W Center, Cedar City                      Nami Bridges & Family to                  City Senior Center, 489 E 200 S.
                                                                           Iron County Republican                    Family                                    Info: Pat (435) 233-5910
 had declined to participate in       vided exceptional leadership.                                                  Thurs, 7 pm • SW Behavioral Health
 that project, he felt a duty to          “He’s not only been active       Women                                     Center, 245 E 680 S, Cedar. Free •        Pickleball Group
                                                                           3rd Wed, 11:30 am.                        (435) 590-7749                            Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball
 find other solutions to supply       in the leadership, but has           Tickets $20, https://www.                                                           Courts. Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2
 the valley with water.               been active in jumping on a             Narcotics Anonymous                       (indoors) and free (outdoors)
     “Water should be our                     Caterpillar (machine)                                         •
                                                                           Parowan City Council                      (435) 635-9603                            Rock Club
 top priority,” he said.                          and getting things       2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35     Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E.             1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy,
 “The West Desert                                                          E 100 N • (435) 477-3331                  Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar City) unless
                                                    done,” Hunter said.                                                                                        201 W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch.
                                                                                                                     otherwise listed                          Learn about geology, find gems,
 project is key and                                  “He’s really spent                                              Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm              fossils and minerals. Learn to
 critical to bringing                                 hours and hours          Service groups                        Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                cut and polish and make jewelry.
 water to Iron                                        on the machinery                                               Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm 
 County and the                                       helping us get       American Legion Auxiliary                 Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm             Senior Yoga Classes
                                                                           3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303         Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm
 community needs                                     things done.”         N 100 E, Amer. Legion Conf. Room •                                                  Mon, 1-2pm • Canyon West Park
                                                                                                                     (Small room)                              behind the Senior Center • Wed,
 to be educated on                                     Cozzens feels       (435) 704-6654
                                                                                                                     Women Only • Sun, 11 am                   1-2pm • Cedar City Senior Center (489
 that.”                                           water is the most        Bikers Against Child Abuse                Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm          E 200 S). Easy to do. Please bring
     In 2012 Cozzens                                                       1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott       • The Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St,       own mat. (435) 586-0832
                                             important issue in Iron                                                 Cedar (877) 865-5890.
                                                                           (1294 S Interstate Dr, Cedar City),                                                 Southern Utah Woodturners
 became a Cedar City Council          County.                              Cedar Breaks Conference Room
 member and was also                                                                                                 Parkinson’s                               2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School
                                                                           DAR – Bald Eagle Chapter                  Please call Kristy for info about         wood shop, 703 W 600 S.
 appointed to the Central Iron                                             2nd Tues, 4 pm, Cedar City Library,       Parkinson’s and activities available.
 County Water Conservancy             The Iron County Water                                (435) 559-9681                            Tae Kwon Do Class
                                                                                                                                                               Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic
 District Board. Now, as a            Stewards program recognizes          Elks Lodge #1556                          Pornography Addiction                     Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
 County Commissioner, he              community members for                111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)
                                                                                                                     Recovery for Men                          mo., ages 5+, any experience level
                                      contributing to the effort to                                                  Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View               (435) 865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon
 serves as liaison to the District.                                        586-8332
                                                                                                                     seminary building (54 W 1925 N).          Creek Crisis Center.
     District Board Chair Brent       optimize every drop of water in      Lion’s Club                               North entrance.
 Hunter said when Cozzens             Iron County. The Central Iron        Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz
                                                                                                                                                               Tai Chi For Arthritis
                                                                           for mtg. info. Everyone welcome!
                                                                                                                     Pregnancy, Infant Loss                    Wed 9:30-10:30 am, Fri 10:45-11:45am
 learned that the District had        County Water Conservancy                                                       1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of      • Cedar Senior Center, 489 E 200 S.
                                                                           (435) 590-2896
 filed on water in the West           District (CICWCD) is actively                                                  So. Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6,     FREE low-impact, health benefitting
                                      engaged in education,                Marine Corps League                       Cedar •         exercise for Seniors. Helps with
 Desert he became very active                                                                                                                                  coordination, balance, flexibility and
                                      conservation, reuse and import       Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm            Senior Blind/Visually
 in doing everything he could                                              Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.                                                more. To register – contact Maria
                                      projects to meet the growing                                                   Impaired                                  Bailey (435) 673-3548. Space limited.
 to help secure those water                                                Rotary Club                               3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library
                                      demands on local water supply.                                                                                           Top Bar Hive Bee Keeping
 rights. During his tenure                                                 Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W
                                      For every effort you make to                                                                                             1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
 with the District, Cozzens           conserve, we consider you a
                                                                           800 S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244
                                                                                                                                                               303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
 donated hundreds of hours                                                                                            Classes/Activities
                                      water steward, too. For more                                                                                             TOPS – Take Off Pounds
 and successfully negotiated          of the story and to Get to Know         Support Groups                         Adult Barre/Modern Dance                  Sensibly
 the settlement of the water          Your H2O, visit                                                Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club,    Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.
                                                                           AA—Alcoholics Anonymous                   1615 N Main, Cedar City • All levels,     Evening weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8
                                                                                                                     Free to members, or $8 drop-in fee.       pm • Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E.
                                                                           (435) 635-3603 •
                                                                           Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara                                                 Lose weight without buying special
                                                                                                                     Arthritis Foundations                     foods. • 586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or
                                                                           (702) 232-6829                            Exercise
                                                                           Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E.                                                       867-4784 (p.m. mtg)
                                                                           Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar City) unless        Wed, 1 pm, Cedar City Senior Center
                                                                           otherwise listed                          489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE.         Water Aerobics Class
                                                                                                                     Trained instructors. Range-of-motion      Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56
                                                                           Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa,         exercises, endurance-building
                                                                           Noon                                                                                N 600 W., Fun, up-tempo workout
                                                                                                                     activities, relaxation techniques, and    to music. Intensive cardio, full body
                                                                           Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am       health education topics.                  muscle toning. Any fitness level.
                                                                           Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm                                                    All ages. $3/class, including pool
                                                                           Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N        Awana Bible Club                          admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text)
                                                                           Paiute (435) 586-1112 Ext. 307            7th-12th grade, Mon, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, 3
                                                                           Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                     yrs-6th grade, Wed, 6:30 - 8 pm, Valley   Weightwatchers Reimagined!
                                                                           Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                  Bible Church, 4780 N Hwy 91, Cedar        Wed, 9:30 am • Cedar City Aquatic
                                                                                                                     City • (435) 586-0253 or (435) 990-1638   Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr.
                                                                           The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • True
                                                                           Life Center (TLC) 2111 N. Main. • (702)   Book Club                                 Guidance, in-person motivation
                                                                           802-1332 or (702) 533-7856                                                          from members, trained guides and
                                                                                                                     2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library      wellness coaches. (702) 832-0555.
                                                                           Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm •             303 N 100 E. • "Why We Sleep" by
                                                                           Canyon Park, Lions Pavilion • (435)                                                 Evening workshops now available.
                                                                                                                     Matthew Walker                            More info at
                                                                                                                     Cedar Chest Quilters’ Guild               find-a-meeting)
                                                                           Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am
                                                                           My Story • Sat, 8 pm                      Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior          Wellness Place
                                                                           Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual •         Center, 489 E 200 S • (435) 586-0832
                                                                                                                                                               583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)
                                                                           Sun, 11 am                                Cedar Radio Control Club                  592-5308. Classes: thewellnessplacecc.
                                                                           What a Way to Start the Day • Su,         4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library      com/upcoming-classes
                                                                           W, F 7-8 am • All are welcome             303 N 100 E.                              Zumba Classes
                                                                           Al-Anon                                   Cedar City Toastmasters                   Tues, 11:30 – 12:30pm • Cedar City
                                                                           Meetings at KKCB Club (203 E.             Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub • 86 W       Senior Center (489 E 200 S). Have fun
                                                                           Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar City) unless        University Blvd. Find your voice &        getting in shape. (435) 586-0832
                                                                           otherwise listed                          shape your future. Be the leader and
                                                                           Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm • Call    speaker you want to be. (603) 731-0116    To add your ongoing
                                                                           for info: (435) 704-8984                                                            opportunity to our calendar,
                                                                           Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435)       Cedar Professionals                       call 867-1865, ext.6 or email
                                                       Courtesy CICWCD     559-3333                                  Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites,
Iron County Today                                                                                 life                                                           Wednesday, May 5, 2021             13

         Wed, May 5                               block-party experience (bands, food trucks,
                                                  popsicles, and the fire department’s hose to                                                                    Sun, May 9
                                                  keep you cool!) Route follows the Southern
             CINCO DE MAYO                        Utah University Campus.                                                                                             MOTHER’S DAY
WONDER WEDNESDAY (2-4pm) – Frontier                                                                                                                     “The miracle of motherhood is more
Homestead State Park (1st Wed.) 635 N                                                                                                                   than just giving birth. It is enhancing
Main St | (435) 586-9290. Drop by anytime
(2-4pm) FREE for students K-5. This collabo-
                                                            Sat, May 8                                                                                  their child’s life through the greatest power
                                                                                                                                                        on earth, a mother’s love.” The Write Knight
rative program is held in conjunction with               WORLD FAIR TRADE DAY
early out Wednesdays for elementary schools
in Iron County. Children accompanied by an
adult can drop by anytime between 2 – 4                                                                                                                         Mon, May 10
pm for make-n-take activities or self-guided
programming.                                                                                                                                                    CLEAN YOUR ROOM DAY
CHARACTER SKETCHES “AND THE AWARD                                                                     2021 YOUTH ENDURO SERIES @ Iron                   SONS OF UTAH PIONEERS DINNER AND
GOES TO…” (Each Wed 6:30-7:30pm) Cedar                                                                Springs Resort (3196 N Iron Springs Rd,           SPEAKER (6pm) A true pot luck dinner for
City Library [303 N 100 E] (435) 586-6661. All                                                        Cedar City). Racing open to anyone between        all members, partners and guests. Bring a
skill levels are welcome to join. This year                                                           ages of 10 to 20 yrs. We offer a great mem-       favorite main dish, salad, side dish or dessert.
the theme is Pulitzer Prize award winners.                                                            bership package that earns riders free swag,      Following dinner we will be pleased to hear
Characters will be drawn from those with                                                              extra racing and industry discounts. Check out    from Derrick Rowley, developer of our SUP
outstanding achievement in journalism;                                                       for more info.              website. He will teach us about its content,
letters, drama & music; and special citations.                                                        RENTWAPO-WORKS FARMERS MARKET                     and how to use it. Come prepared with
                                                                                                      (Saturdays 9-2pm), (4871 N Enoch Rd.) Cold        questions. Info: Don Anderson 435-586-4550.
                                                                                                      weather inside. Warm weather outside.
      Thurs, May 6                                                                                    Apples, Art, hand-crafted items, eggs, home
                                                                                                      décor, homeopathic items, Avon, furniture,                Tues, May 11
                                                  5TH ANNUAL CHARITY DODGEBALL                        pecans, apples, un-popped popcorn, pecans,
      NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER                                                                          potatoes and homemade goodies. A free,
                                                  THROWDOWN (8:30am – 3:30pm) @ Canyon                                                                            TWILIGHT ZONE DAY
                                                  View High School (166 W 1925 N, Cedar City)         fun and unique shopping experience. COVID
                                                  Cost for teams is $250. Prepare for this epic       compliant. Info – Linda 435-559-1657              HISTORY (1934) - A huge dust storm 1,500
                                                  battle of speed, coordination, loud jerseys,        CEDAR CITY YEAR-ROUND DOWNTOWN                    miles long, 900 miles across and two miles
                                                  bold team names, and big tunes in 2021! If          FARMERS MARKET, (10am to 1pm), Every              high, covered almost one-third of the country. The
                                                  you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.        Saturday rain or shine, in parking lot behind     phenomenon was known as the Dust bowl Years
                                                  Space is LIMITED. To register and for informa-      the Stratford Hotel, (18 S Main Street) or        during the 1930s). The storm contributed to the
                                                  tion visit                 inside the building behind the parking lot in     time in history known as "The Great Depression."
                                                  THE CAIRN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE (9am                   the cold weather months. Artwork, baked
                                                  – 4pm) @ The Heritage Center Theater (105 N         goods, crafts, custom semi-precious stone,
                                                  100 E, Cedar City). The Cairn empowers women        costume jewelry, farm fresh produce,
                                                                                                      homemade brownies & candies, home style
                                                                                                                                                                Wed, May 12
                                                  in various stages of their lives to seek
                                                  balanced growth through awareness,                  treats, homemade jams & jellies, homeo-                     RECEPTIONIST’S DAY
                                                  motivation, education, and mentorship.              pathic items and 100% real honey.
                                                  Breakout sessions focusing on how to flourish
HISTORY (1937) THE GERMAN AIRSHIP                 as a woman in today’s world. Featuring
HINDENBURG. The largest dirigible ever built      inspirational keynote speaker: Renee West,
burst into flames and collapsed to the ground     first female casino CEO on the Las Vegas
while attempting to moor at Lakehurst, New        Strip, and retired president of the Excalibur
Jersey. As the airship burst into flames it       and Luxor Resorts. Visit www.thecairnwomen-
crashed 200 feet to the ground and the hull of
the airship incinerated within seconds as the
hydrogen core ignited.                                                                                                                                  WONDER WEDNESDAY (2-4pm) @ Cedar City
                                                                                                                                                        Library (2nd Wed.) 303 N 100 E | (435) 586-6661.
                                                                                                                                                        Drop by anytime (2-4pm) FREE for students K-5.
          Fri, May 7                                                                                  SATURDAY FARMER’S MARKET, (9am to
                                                                                                                                                        Children accompanied by an adult can drop
                                                                                                                                                        by anytime between 2 – 4 pm for make-n-take
                                                                                                      1pm), Saturdays @ IFA, 905 S Main. Good           activities or self-guided programming. In
                SPACE DAY                                                                             weather outside, bad weather inside. Farmers      order to maintain continuity among Wonder
                                                                                                      with vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, baked       Wednesday partners, the Library requires
FREE GROUP COGNOMOVEMENT (3–4:30pm)                                                                   goods & breads, meats, tamales, food vendors,
@Color Country Art Supply (111 S Main, Suite                                                                                                            Wonder Wednesday attendees to be masked.
                                                                                                      hand-crafted items including soaps, lotions,
#1, Cedar City). If you are an artist who would                                                       jewelry, clothing, home décor and gifts for all   FREE GROUP COGNOMOVEMENT – (5:15
like to add more creativity or breakthrough                                                           ages. For booth prices & info: (435) 559-1657.    – 6:15pm) @ @The Wellness Place Behind
a current block in creativity, join us for                                                                                                              Pizza Hut, 583 S Main St Suite 5, Cedar City. A
this interactive brain and body event. Info                                                           CEDAR CITY ARTS COUNCIL SPRING SOCIAL             Cognitive Movement Exercise System that is
at or call Coral (541)                                                             (2pm) @ Cedar City Main Street Park – Lions       designed for the quick and powerful change
291-7856.                                         W.E. ROCK WESTERN SERIES 1 (Sat and                 Pavilion (200 N Main St, Cedar City).             of chronic problems and patterns including crav-
                                                  Sun) @ Three Peaks Recreation Area (10              Admission FREE and everyone is invited. Bring
IRON COUNTY DEMOCRATS MEET AND                                                                                                                          ings, habits, cycling thought patterns, stress,
                                                  miles west of Cedar City off Midvalley Road).       your lawn chair and celebrate a few of the
GREET (6-7pm) @West Canyon Park [400 W].                                                                                                                relationship issues, low energy and moods. Info
                                                  Gates open at 9am. Competition begins at            local artists! Info and additional fun events
Meet the candidates running for ICD seats for                                                                                                           541-291-7856
                                                  10am. Tickets available online or at gate:          visit or on Instagram
the next 2 years. We may have a few of the        $25.00 Adult 16+ (2-day pass), $15.00 Adult         @cedarcityarts.                                   CHARACTER SKETCHES “AND THE AWARD
State candidates as well.                         16+ (1-day pass), $5.00 Children 8-15, Kids 7                                                         GOES TO…” (Each Wed 6:30-7:30pm) Cedar
                                                  & Under Free, & Military discount (with ID)         IRON COUNTY DEMOCRATS COUNTY                      City Library [303 N 100 E] (435) 586-6661. All
CEDAR CITY SLOW ROLL (6–7:30pm)                                                                       CONVENTION (5-8pm) @Courtyard By Marriott
Beginning at 300 W University Blvd (parking       $10.00 (1-day pass) off gate price. Bring your                                                        skill levels are welcome to join. This year
                                                  Chairs! Food and restrooms are available            [1294 S Interstate Dr, Cedar City]. All county    the theme is Pulitzer Prize award winners.
available in the SUU PE Parking lot).                                                                 seats will be voted on. Candidates for State
Admission FREE and all non-motorized wheels       onsite as well. There will be off-road vendors                                                        Characters will be drawn from those with
                                                  and lots of spectators and teams. Tickets and       offices will also be on hand. Hors d’oeuvres      outstanding achievement in journalism;
are welcome! Kick-off the summer with a                                                               will be served. Closed bar.
community bike ride and family-friendly           information visit                                                                 letters, drama & music; and special citations.
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