Page created by Carolyn Ward
                                MEET SOME OF THE MOVERS
                                 AND SHAKERS THAT MAKE
                                  UP THE CHANNEL ELITE

CRN A-List cover spine.indd 3                         20/11/2017 11:06
A-LIST 2018

                                                             Welcome to the
                                                             CRN A-List 2018
                                                             Hello and welcome to the CRN A-List 2018.                                         temptation of nominating their own boss – or
           CONTENTS                                          We’ve been producing this supplement since                                        in the case of one A-lister, themselves – as their
                                                             2005, and this year we completely shook up                                        tech hero!
       A                                      3              what we asked the 119 executives featured.                                           I must stress, as ever, that this is not a
       B                                      4                 If you’ve ever wondered what super-hero                                        definitive list. The CRN A-List is by invitation
       C                                      9              power Softcat’s Martin Hellawell wishes he                                        only and selected by the editorial team, and
       D                                     14              possessed, which three famous people Insight’s                                    there will be some big hitters that were not
                                                             Emma de Sousa would like to invite to dinner,                                     approached, accidentally or through ignorance.
       F                                     19
                                                             or which tech figurehead Westcoast’s Joe                                          But if you know of anyone that you feel we may
       G                                     21              Hemani most admires, read on.                                                     have overlooked, please get in touch and we can
       H                                     23                 The idea behind the CRN A-List is to give                                      aim to rectify this for next year.
       J                                     32              some of the channel’s top names a chance to                                          A big thank-you – and congratulations – to
       K                                     33              show their playful side, although as ever we                                      all of those who feature in this year’s CRN A-List
                                                             have also thrown in some more sober, business-                                    and happy reading.
       L                                     36
                                                             related questions too.                                                                                        Doug Woodburn, editor
       M                                     39                 The most common response we got when
       N                                     45              emailing out the questions this year was “oh,
       O                                     46              these are tougher than last year”, and we
       P                                     47              hope you enjoy reading some of our A-listers’
       R                                     49              thoughtful and thought-provoking answers.
                                                                From the reseller boss who has sampled
       S                                     51
                                                             a kobe beef burger wrapped in gold leaf and
       T                                     58              topped with caviar, to the vendor exec who
       V                                     59              shared a poisonous Fugu fish with the president
       W                                     60              of Sony, our CRN A-list respondents have
       Y                                     62              certainly enjoyed some interesting business
                                                             lunches, judging from the responses.
       Company index                         64
                                                                And hats off to those who resisted the

                              Incisive Media, New London House, 172 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5QR Tel: (020) 7484 9000
                              Editor Doug Woodburn (020) 7484 9817 Deputy editor Trevor Treharne 9734 Reporter Tom Wright 9797 Senior reporter Josh Budd 9854 Reporter Nima
                              Green 9781 Senior production editor Amy Micklewright Production executive Hyrie Mehmet 9779 Commercial director Matt Dalton 9896 Head of global sales Nina Patel 9943
                              Client manager Naomi Cregan 9959 Account director Jessica Feldman 9839 Group publishing director Alan Loader Managing director, Incisive Business Jonathon Whiteley
       Circulation, back issues & licensing Address changes, circulation, subscriptions and back issues 0845 1551846, email To subscribe to CRN visit:
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       CRN is published monthly by Incisive Media, New London House, 172 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5QR. © 2017 Incisive Media Ltd

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CRN A-List welcome.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                           03/11/2017 09:55
A-LIST 2018

                                                   If you could eat one type of food for        business lunch you’ve ever had?
           A                                       the rest of your life, what would it         Silver service with our most important
                                                   be? Mexican – Wahacca.                       customers in the executive boardroom
                                                   Sum up the channel in three words            dining suite on the 37th floor at Samsung
                                                   Vibrant, innovative, on-it.                  HQ. Looking out over your own city is
                                                                                                quite special.
                                                                                                Which global city best matches your
                                                                                                personality? It’s got to be New York.
                                                                                                Ferocious pace, direct personality, larger
                                                                                                than life, very loud and doesn’t sleep.
                                                                                                What would be your super-hero
                                                                                                power? Being able to fly. That would
                                                                                                help with the commute.
                                                                                                Complete this sentence. The worst
      MARK ARMSTRONG                                                                            thing about our rivals is… their
      UK&I vice president, Enterprise                                                           willingness to stay the same. (This is also
      Group, Channel, SMB and Service                                                           the best thing as it enables us to shine).
      Providers, Hewlett Packard                                                                What makes you nervous? It’s always
      Enterprise                                   MARK ASH                                     been heights. However, some self-
      Which tech figurehead do you                 Head of print UK&I/director,                 hypnosis and mindfulness is helping me
      admire the most? Charles Babbage –           Enterprise Business, Samsung                 conquer the fear and I continue to
      where would we be without him?               Electronics                                  challenge myself to track my progress.
      What’s the biggest challenge facing          Which tech figurehead do you                 If you could eat one type of food for
      the industry no-one is talking about         admire the most? Martin Hellawell,           the rest of your life, what would it
      yet? “Good enough” tech and the decline      Softcat chief executive. He has a unique     be? Mexican. I love fresh, spicy food and
      of consumerisation.                          business model and style that has            this fits the bill perfectly.
      If you could invite three famous             transformed Softcat into one of the          Sum up the channel in three words
      people to dinner, who would they             leading players in our industry. They        Exciting, opportunity, home.
      be? Henry VIII – was he just                 continue to grow at pace and don’t lose
      misunderstood?; Stan Laurel – is he as       themselves along the way.
      funny as his films?; Albert Einstein – did   What’s the biggest challenge facing
      he wish he’d had his hair cut before that    the industry no-one is talking about
      famous headshot?                             yet? The GiG economy. We have many
      How has 2017 been for you? Brilliant,        long-established businesses that are
      non-stop and an incredibly positive year     typically built around a hierarchical
      for HPE.                                     model. This may mean that we miss out
      What’s the most extravagant                  on top talent that wants a different way
      business lunch you’ve ever had?              of working and it would be prudent to
      Harry Ramsden’s with mushy peas.             look at alternative ways of working to
      Which global city best matches your          address this.
      personality? London.                         If you could invite three famous
      What would be your super-hero                people to dinner, who would they
      power? Cutting through it to get stuff       be? Sir Richard Branson, Sir Alex
      done.                                        Ferguson and Barack Obama.                   LOUISE ASHBROOK
      Complete this sentence. The worst            How has 2017 been for you?                   Senior sales director, Partner
      thing about our rivals is… nothing.          Interesting. The impending acquisition of    Business – UKI, CA Technologies
      Competition is one of the key things that    Samsung’s print business by HP has           Which tech figurehead do you
      drives our industry forward.                 presented us with some unique challenges,    admire the most? Steve Jobs. He was
      What makes you nervous? My                   which I am sure in hindsight will mark out   able to think differently and see into the
      recurring nightmare about waking up          as a ‘great learning experience’.            future. His ability to design and develop
      having forgot to revise for my finals.       What’s the most extravagant                  devices that focused on user experience                                                                                                                       3

CRN A-List 2018 profiles.indd 3                                                                                                     03/11/2017 09:59
A-LIST 2018

      (Mac, iPod, iPhone) changed the world.                                                       What’s the most extravagant
      What’s the biggest challenge facing                                                          business lunch you’ve ever had?
      the industry no-one is talking about                                                         I have to be honest: anyone who takes me
      yet? Cyber security in the new world of                                                      for a Wagamama is always up there. I’m
      AI and machine learning. Do we really                                                        not a fussy eater… I just love food!
      understand the vulnerabilities to us as                                                      Which global city best matches your
      individuals and organisations of having                                                      personality? That is a hard one. Perhaps
      a fully networked world, without                                                             London because it is the best city in the
      thinking about security up front as                                                          world. I also love Hong Kong – it is
      part of the design?                                                                          amazing and full of culture. One minute
      If you could invite three famous                                                             you are surrounded by Western influence
      people to dinner, who would they                                                             and business and the next you fall straight
      be? Sir Winston Churchill – “Success                                                         into traditional Chinese culture that
      consists of going from failure to failure      JON ATHERTON                                  makes you feel like you have been taken
      without loss of enthusiasm”; Anne Frank        Group director, Centerprise                   back 100 years. It’s a mix of successful
      – “How wonderful it is that no one need        International/CI Distribution                 business and industry, vibrant night life
      wait a single moment before starting to        Which tech figurehead do you                  and traditional culture.
      improve the world”; Charles Darwin – “It       admire the most? I would have to say          What would be your super-hero
      is not the strongest of the species that       my boss, Rafi Razzak. For more than 33        power? Making people smile.
      survive, nor the most intelligent, but the     years he has managed to evolve and adapt      Complete this sentence. The worst
      one most responsive to change”.                the business and his hunger and drive for     thing about our rivals is… many of
      How has 2017 been for you?                     success (especially at his age, which he      them do a great job!
      Astonishing so far! It has been a year of      won’t thank me for!) is an inspiration.       What makes you nervous? Watching
      transition and change in line with the         What’s the biggest challenge facing           the mighty West Bromwich Albion FC
      market but highly rewarding from a             the industry no-one is talking about          score more than one goal.
      partnering perspective as we build out         yet? Everyone is talking about the            If you could eat one type of food for
      our joint offerings to address strategic       economy and Brexit.                           the rest of your life, what would it
      business outcomes for our customers.              I fear 2018 will be a difficult year for   be? Peking-style. Not over spiced.
      What’s the most extravagant                    the channel, and I am further convinced       Sum up the channel in three words
      business lunch you’ve ever had?                that “specialisation and service” are the     Inventive, resilient, inspiring.
      I couldn’t possibly say other than to state    keys to growth. With talk of interest
      that “all my business lunches are in line      rates rising, Brexit, further public
      with CA Expense Policy Guidelines”.            spending cuts, I do believe many                  B
      Which global city best matches your            companies within our sector need to
      personality? San Francisco – culturally        continue to drive their service offering
      rich, highly diverse, a city with soul.        and specialise in certain technologies.
      What would be your super-hero                  If you could invite three famous
      power? A healing power would be very           people to dinner, who would they
      beneficial.                                    be? JRR Tolkien, Frank Sinatra and
      Complete this sentence. The worst              Richard Burton. A guaranteed knees up!
      thing about our rivals is… they do an          How has 2017 been for you? It’s been
      excellent job and keep us on our toes.         great. A huge amount of hard work by all
      What makes you nervous? A lot of               within the business has gone into
      things make me nervous, but it’s part of       growing our marketing footprint across
      life and a positive sign of self               the group companies, which has been           MIKE BACON
      development.                                   very satisfying. Work is currently in         Managing director, Academia
      If you could eat one type of food for          progress to revamp our HQ reception           Which tech figurehead do you
      the rest of your life, what would it           and sales floors. We’ve also opened an        admire the most? Boring to say but
      be? Vegetables. There are many of them         office in Telford, which will shortly grow    Steve Jobs. A fascinating mix of genius,
      and they are full of vitamins and nutrients.   to 10 employees. In a nutshell, 2017 has      arrogance and ignorance.
      Sum up the channel in three words              been a year of investment in our people       What’s the biggest challenge facing
      Change, value, essential.                      and future.                                   the industry no-one is talking about


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A-LIST 2018

      yet? Resolute customer care and support     the industry no-one is talking about       are no experiences to date or certification
      – thankfully an area we excel in.           yet? One of the large cloud providers      process by which to measure either your
      If you could invite three famous            going out of business.                     own or others’ customers.
      people to dinner, who would they            If you could invite three famous           If you could invite three famous
      be? David Gold, David Sullivan and          people to dinner, who would they           people to dinner, who would they
      Karen Brady so I can discuss West Ham,      be? Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Winston         be? Joe Strummer, Muhammad Ali and
      The Apprentice and Penthouse Magazine.      Churchill and Marilyn Monroe.              Leonardo da Vinci.
      How has 2017 been for you? Positive.        How has 2017 been for you? Full-on.        How has 2017 been for you? It has
      The Academia Company continues to           What’s the most extravagant                been an exceptional year – great growth
      grow with strength in depth and new         business lunch you’ve ever had? On         in our geographies with increased
      services with BoxED, ConnectED and the      a boat, in Monaco watching the F1 GP.      revenues and profits. Our unique
      exciting launch of MacTwo soon.             Which global city best matches your        offerings are being adopted by our
      What’s the most extravagant                 personality? Gothenburg – it is seen to    existing and new customers, I’m working
      business lunch you’ve ever had?             be the most sociable and open-minded       with talented colleagues and enjoying
      Every week when I take my new staff for     city in the world!                         watching the growth.
      a welcome lunch.                            What would be your super-hero              What’s the most extravagant
      Which global city best matches your         power? Healing hands.                      business lunch you’ve ever had?
      personality? Tokyo – dynamic,               Complete this sentence. The worst          Not saying…
      forward-thinking and technology driven.     thing about our rivals is… over-           Which global city best matches your
      What would be your super-hero               promising and under-delivering.            personality? Portsmouth, for all the
      power? The power to see the future. We      What makes you nervous? My wife’s          right reasons!
      all want to know what Apple will do next.   credit card bill.                          What would be your super-hero
      Complete this sentence. The worst           If you could eat one type of food for      power? Time travel, both for correction
      thing about our rivals is… their            the rest of your life, what would it       and advancement.
      customer service. As mentioned above,       be? Fresh fruit.                           Complete this sentence. The worst
      we hear it all the time.                    Sum up the channel in three words          thing about our rivals is… A wise man
      What makes you nervous? West Ham            Complex, challenging, evolving.            once said never to slag your competition
      getting relegated.                                                                     off!
      If you could eat one type of food for                                                  What makes you nervous? Chair lifts
      the rest of your life, what would it                                                   in a ski resort, once they stop and reverse
      be? Sushi.                                                                             at speed back down the mountain.
      Sum up the channel in three words                                                      If you could eat one type of food for
      Proactive, productive, passionate.                                                     the rest of your life, what would it
                                                                                             be? Does wine count? If not, it would
                                                                                             have to be curry.
                                                                                             Sum up the channel in three words
                                                                                             Route to market.

                                                  ALASTAIR BELL
                                                  Founder, Bell Integration
                                                  Which tech figurehead do you
                                                  admire the most? Scott McNealy of
                                                  Sun Microsystems. He advocated open
      PAUL BARLOW                                 system architecture, while at Stamford
      Managing Director, Servium                  University (in the floor above Cisco)
      Which tech figurehead do you                created TCPIP and delivered Java as open
      admire the most? Michael Dell. Not          source to developers and the business
      only has he built a very successful         community.                                 ANNABEL BERRY
      business, he then keeps going and keeps     What’s the biggest challenge facing        Chief executive, Sapphire
      on building.                                the industry no-one is talking about       Which tech figurehead do you admire
      What’s the biggest challenge facing         yet? The future impact of GDPR as there    the most? Sheryl Sandberg. COO of                                                                                                                5

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A-LIST 2018

      Facebook and one of the world’s 100 most      If you could eat one type of food for         Which global city best matches your
      powerful women according to Forbes. She       the rest of your life, what would it          personality? Tokyo – it’s a blend of the
      also works hard to give back through her      be? Indian food. I’m slightly addicted to     traditional and the unexpected.
      philanthropic work. Enough said.              chilli and love a curry or anything spicy.    What would be your super-hero
      What’s the biggest challenge facing           Sum up the channel in three words             power? I’ve always wanted to be able to
      the industry no-one is talking about          Thriving, talented, (sometimes)               time travel. The implications are slightly
      yet? The uncertainty around the               undervalued.                                  mind-bending, but the chance to change
      potential skills shortage following Brexit.                                                 things for the better, or do things over
      Skills, specifically in cyber security, are                                                 again is very appealing.
      already in short supply, so we may see an                                                   Complete this sentence. The worst
      impact on much needed talent.                                                               thing about our rivals is… that they
      If you could invite three famous                                                            never give up. But nor do we!
      people to dinner, who would they                                                            What makes you nervous? My
      be? Coco Chanel, Robin Williams and                                                         daughter becoming a teenager next
      William Shakespeare. All of whom have                                                       month…
      unanswered questions about their lives                                                      If you could eat one type of food for
      that I’d want to uncover.                                                                   the rest of your life, what would it
      How has 2017 been for you? Pretty                                                           be? I’m going to cheat a bit and go for a
      good so far, thanks! We hit our half year                                                   cuisine – Italian would do me well for
      with very strong double-digit growth on       NEIL BERVILLE                                 evermore.
      last year, so I’m a very happy chief          Executive director, EMEA Channels             Sum up the channel in three words
      executive right now.                          & Alliances, Lenovo                           Relentless customer focus.
      What’s the most extravagant                   Which tech figurehead do you
      business lunch you’ve ever had?               admire the most? The inventor of the
      I think the days of extravagant business      world wide web – Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
      lunches are probably gone now. The best       Not only did he lay the foundations for
      lunch ever though had to be in Monte          the third industrial revolution, but he did
      Carlo, overlooking the harbour with a         it without an objective for personal gain.
      couple of bottles of Côte de Provence’s       What’s the biggest challenge facing
      finest.                                       the industry no-one is talking about
      Which global city best matches                yet? The need for greater diversity across
      your personality? Sydney – I think it         our workforce, providing fresh ideas and
      has the right balance of city and beach       fresh approaches to business.
      life and the ethos is work to live. I think   If you could invite three famous
      it would sum me up – a lot of hard graft,     people to dinner, who would they
      but never happier than when I’m by the        be? I’ve always loved stimulating,            BEN BOSWELL
      coast relaxing.                               challenging conversation, and we’d have       Area vice president, Europe,
      What would be your super-hero                 it in abundance with these three – David      Worldwide Technology
      power? Teleportation so I can spend less      Bowie, Nelson Mandela and Eva Perón.          Which tech figurehead do you
      time travelling around our three UK           How has 2017 been for you? A year             admire the most? Jim Kavanaugh, chief
      offices and also to travel to some amazing    when we’ve refined, revised and               executive of Worldwide Technology. His
      places at the push of a button.               re-invigorated our programmes and our         will to win, relentless drive for
      Complete this sentence. The worst             relationships with our partners.              innovation, combined with his mandate
      thing about our rivals is… I think we         What’s the most extravagant                   for hiring the most talented people, that
      have some great competition and that’s        business lunch you’ve ever had? I             differentiate themselves not only by their
      healthy and keeps us on our toes. I think     much prefer the simple pleasures of life      knowledge but the way in which they
      companies who spend their time publicly       nowadays, but I do have fond and distant      approach the customer. He has an
      dissing the competition probably have         memories of the real jeopardy of eating       unparalleled passion for learning, a
      too much time on their hands.                 the poisonous Fugu fish with the              natural ability for creating market
      What makes you nervous? I have a              president of Sony (I’ll let you decide        disruption and differention by embracing
      completely irrational fear of thunder         whether the food or the company was           change. Jim inspires his team through his
      storms.                                       more risky)!                                  simple company mission, to be “a


CRN A-List 2018 profiles.indd 6                                                                                                      03/11/2017 09:59
A-LIST 2018

      profitable, growth company, that is a          Complete this sentence. The worst               If you could invite three famous
      great place to work”. It’s like a “three-      thing about our rivals is… I don’t              people to dinner, who would they
      legged stool” – take one leg away and it       really have an opinion here, I am focused       be? Margaret Thatcher, Alan Turing and
      immediately falls over.                        on our people and customers.                    Michael Jackson – I’m not sure at the
      What’s the biggest challenge facing            What makes you nervous? Pollution               same time!
      the industry no-one is talking about           and waste. We are destroying the planet;        How has 2017 been for you? An
      yet? The channel must evolve quickly to        there must be a different way for the           exciting year of lots of change both in the
      stay relevant. I believe that both             population to expand. Fear of failure           market and with partners. There is lots of
      customers and manufacturers are                stifling creativity. Complacency from           uncertainty ahead with Brexit round the
      becoming frustrated with the diluted role      people or companies who do not                  corner, but similarly lots of opportunity
      that large global partners are playing in      embrace change. Businesses that lose the        and an overwhelming desire from
      the wider ecosystem. Being a point of          culture of coaching to nurture and bring        customers to digitally transform.
      product procurement is not enough;             through new talent.                             Which global city best matches your
      partners need to have a point of view,         If you could eat one type of food for           personality? Barcelona or Miami – both
      deliver value quickly and be more              the rest of your life, what would it            are warm and fun.
      accountable for helping customers to           be? I absolutely love Spanish tapas.            What would be your super-hero
      drive innovation to deliver faster, tangible   Sum up the channel in three words               power? To be able to stop time – it is so
      business outcomes.                             Diverse, threatened, lethargic.                 precious and there’s not enough of it.
      If you could invite three famous                                                               What makes you nervous? President
      people to dinner, who would they                                                               Donald Trump.
      be? Nile Rodgers, Nelson Mandela and                                                           If you could eat one type of food for
      Robin Williams.                                                                                the rest of your life, what would it
      How has 2017 been for you? One                                                                 be? It would be pretty boring, but
      word: amazing. My wife and I overcame                                                          perhaps a breakfast buffet as that could
      all of the odds to become proud parents                                                        include a wide variety of foods.
      to a beautiful baby girl. On the                                                               Sum up the channel in three words
      professional front, WWT won third                                                              Transforming, consolidating, energetic.
      place in the UK 2017 “Great Place to
      Work” awards, our global customer base
      continues to grow, and our European
      business is on track to break through the
      $750m mark in 2017. I am humbled to
      be surrounded by so many fun,
      inspirational friends and colleagues all       LAURA BOUCHARD
      around the globe.                              Channel sales director, Microsoft
      What’s the most extravagant                    Which tech figurehead do you
      business lunch you’ve ever had? I              admire the most? Predictably, Satya
      tend not to do lunch, but enjoyed an           Nadella! Having worked with many egos
      amazing private dining experience at           for many years, I feel so fortunate to work
      Mario Battelli’s Babbo when I was living       for a company where our leader is so            DARREN BRODRICK
      in New York a few years ago. There were        humble and focuses on people, culture           UK general manager, SHI UK
      12 of us, and the great man cooked and         and making a difference.                        Which tech figurehead do you
      curated the wine.                              What’s the biggest challenge facing             admire the most? Our very own Thai
      Which global city best matches your            the industry no-one is talking about            Lee, a humble and inspirational leader.
      personality? London – diverse,                 yet? The talent/skills gap – it is being        What’s the biggest challenge facing
      cosmopolitan, vibrant and always               talked about but not enough, in my              the industry no-one is talking about
      changing.                                      opinion. The world is changing faster           yet? Whether Microsoft will leave the
      What would be your super-hero                  than we can keep up and the opportunity         device business. It was interesting
      power? Teleportation – so everyone             is vast so needing skills is vital. Focusing    hearing some of the predictions during
      could cover more ground, visit more            on developing the talent pool early in          this year’s channel Canalys event; I’ve not
      places, solve problems and help people         their career, specifically getting girls into   seen any comments from Microsoft to
      faster.                                        STEM, needs more effort now.                    validate or deny that one.                                                                                                                        7

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A-LIST 2018


      If you could invite three famous            the rest of your life, what would it      people to dinner, who would they
      people to dinner, who would they            be? I’m a pasta man, I’m afraid.          be? George Best, Joe Strummer and
      be? George Best, Sir Winston Churchill      Sum up the channel in three words         Orson Welles.
      and Princess Diana.                         Stronger than ever.                       How has 2017 been for you? Fantastic
      How has 2017 been for you? I have                                                     – a great year for Softcat and I’ve
      been very lucky this year to have gone to                                             achieved a lot of personal goals this year
      some fantastic places for both business                                               like running my first ever 10K (I know
      and pleasure purposes. Venice and Lake                                                I’m a bit of a late starter).
      Geneva are amazing places.                                                            What’s the most extravagant
      What’s the most extravagant                                                           business lunch you’ve ever had? We
      business lunch you’ve ever had? Last                                                  don’t do those in Softcat!
      week at the Olympic museum in                                                         Which global city best matches your
      Lausanne, Switzerland. A stunning                                                     personality? Boston – friendly,
      location surrounded by lots of sporting                                               welcoming, strong Irish roots and happy
      records.                                                                              to play second fiddle to New York/Martin
      Which global city best matches your                                                   Hellawell.
      personality? I’m a London boy and it’s                                                What would be your super-hero
      still the best city on the planet – fast,                                             power? Mind reading!
      furious and full of diversity.                                                        Complete this sentence. The worst
      What would be your super-hero                                                         thing about our rivals is… that they
      power? It’s got to be a bit of Spiderman                                              keep improving!
      for me.                                     COLIN BROWN                               What makes you nervous? Any letter
      Complete this sentence. The worst           Managing director, Softcat                that comes from HMRC. No specific
      thing about our rivals is… they don’t       Which tech figurehead do you              reason for me to be nervous, just innate
      realise how big our UK business will        admire the most? Satya, for the           fear.
      become.                                     reinvention of Microsoft from being       If you could eat one type of food for
      What makes you nervous? Watching            yesterday’s news to the industry leader   the rest of your life, what would it
      and coaching my under-13 rugby team         once again.                               be? Potatoes – there’s such a variety of
      on a Sunday morning. I’m not sure what’s    What’s the biggest challenge facing       ways to eat the humble spud. And I’m
      more time consuming, running SHI or         the industry no-one is talking about      Irish, so what do you expect.
      coaching a kids’ team.                      yet? AI salespeople!                      Sum up the channel in three words
      If you could eat one type of food for       If you could invite three famous          Darwinian natural selection.


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A-LIST 2018

                                                   What makes you nervous? Running               at $1,300. I must say I will not forget the
                                                   out of red wine.                              taste of this Bordeaux, St-Julien, Château
                                                   If you could eat one type of food for         Ducru-Beaucaillou, and I had a steak
                                                   the rest of your life, what would it          with it!
                                                   be? Curry.                                    Which global city best matches your
                                                   Sum up the channel in three words             personality? I would go for London
                                                   Sociable, fun, necessary.                     because it is so vibrant, cosmopolitan, a
                                                                                                 bit chaotic, stylish, open, forward-
                                                                                                 looking, setting the trend… as you can
                                                                                                 see I have a good opinion of myself!
                                                                                                 What would be your super-hero
                                                                                                 power? As a small child I used to be
                                                                                                 fascinated by a series called The Invisible
                                                                                                 Man starring David McCallum. I think
                                                                                                 that would give me the edge in life.
                                                                                                 Complete this sentence. The worst
                                                                                                 thing about our rivals is… they keep
      KAY BRUEN                                                                                  coming from all angles. It never stops.
      Managing director, Clipsham IT                                                             What makes you nervous? Not being
      Which tech figurehead do you                 BÉATRICE BUTSANA-SITA                         prepared, not understanding the full
      admire the most? Jeff Bezos because he       Managing director, Capita                     picture.
      continually pushes the boundaries of         Networking Solutions                          If you could eat one type of food for
      what everyone else thinks his company        Which tech figurehead do you                  the rest of your life, what would it
      represents and can achieve.                  admire the most? Probably Jeff Bezos          be? I actually love bread and butter, but I
      What’s the biggest challenge facing          for his tenacity and bold thinking.           control my intake if it. I wish I could eat
      the industry no-one is talking about         What’s the biggest challenge facing           that all the time.
      yet? I think people are talking about it,    the industry no-one is talking about          Sum up the channel in three words
      but the skills gap in cyber security is a    yet? Security and data protection. It is      Dedicated, humble, knowledgeable.
      major challenge now, and will get worse.     not that we are not aware of these things,
      If you could invite three famous             but I don’t think we fully realise or want
      people to dinner, who would they             to realise the consequences of being ill          C
      be? Sir Winston Churchill, Peter Ustinov     prepared in that field. It is scary.
      and Dave Allen.                              If you could invite three famous
      How has 2017 been for you? It has            people to dinner, who would they
      been a cracking year so far in terms of      be? I am going to go with three
      new customers, and working on bigger         exceptional people and furthermore they
      projects for existing clients.               happen to be women: Mother Theresa,
      What’s the most extravagant                  who lived entirely to help others; Marie
      business lunch you’ve ever had?              Curie, for her exceptional contribution to
      Sadly I don’t get invited to many            science in times when women were not
      extravagant lunches any more but one         expected to be scientists; and Cleopatra,
      that stands out was a five-course lunch at   for her beauty, intelligence and incredible
      Le Manoir Quatre Saisons.                    self-belief and confidence.
      Which global city best matches your          How has 2017 been for you? A bit of
      personality? Rio de Janeiro.                 rollercoaster as we are in a
      What would be your super-hero                transformational phase and we have got        RICHARD CALLIS
      power? The ability to fly, hover and be      to keep going, believing we can do it.        Managing director, Metaphor IT
      invisible at the same time – imagine what    What’s the most extravagant                   Which tech figurehead do you
      you might see!                               business lunch you’ve ever had? A             admire the most? I’ll go For Elon Musk.
      Complete this sentence. The worst            lunch in Hong Kong (I was not working         I love the ambition he has; build electric
      thing about our rivals is… they are          at Capita!) paid for by a business partner    cars without compromising performance,
      still there despite themselves.              and the wine (two bottles only) came in       Hyperloop, colonise Mars! He isn’t                                                                                                                     9

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      phased by how hard (or near impossible)
      something might be.
      What’s the biggest challenge facing
      the industry no-one is talking about
      yet? People are talking about AI and
      robots but I’m not sure people yet
      understand how big this is for both our
      industry and society as a whole. Have a
      read of this: https://waitbutwhy.
      If you could invite three famous
      people to dinner, who would they
      be? Albert Einstein, Neil Armstrong                                                      ANDREW CARR
      and Christopher Columbus. I’m sure                                                       Managing director, Trustmarque
      they would have some unbelievable                                                        Technology Solutions
      stories to share.                                                                        Which tech figurehead do you
      How has 2017 been for you? Great!                                                        admire the most? Lou Gerstner, former
      The work/life balance is in a nice place                                                 CEO and chairman at IBM. He managed
      following starting a business, building a                                                to turn around IBM in the late 1990s and
      house and growing my family the year                                                     early 2000s with passion and momentum,
      before.                                                                                  by recognising that culture and people
      What’s the most extravagant                                                              drive change, regardless of the size of
      business lunch you’ve ever had?             What’s the biggest challenge facing          company, and the technology then
      I’m vegetarian, so I leave the posh         the industry no-one is talking               follows. The title of his book sums it up
      lunches to others!                          about yet? The ability to adapt and work     nicely: Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?
      Which global city best matches your         at the same pace as technology change        What’s the biggest challenge facing
      personality? London – fast-paced and        and growth.                                  the industry no-one is talking about
      always changing.                            If you could invite three famous             yet? Sales enablement: why? As we know
      What would be your super-hero               people to dinner, who would they             people buy from people and we are
      power? I’d love to be able to fly – fast.   be? Shakespeare, Aristotle and Mel           moving into a world of more complex
      That would be awesome.                      Gibson.                                      solutions that encompass ecosystems of
      Complete this sentence. The worst           How has 2017 been for you? An                capability and not commoditised
      thing about our rivals is… they say         adventure, with high growth but also         products with defined functionality. For
      they can do something when they can’t. It   strong reality checks, to help us refocus.   example, what is and how do you sell the
      doesn’t help anyone.                        What’s the most extravagant                  Internet of Things? We need to invest in
      What makes you nervous? Brexit, to          business lunch you’ve ever had?              enabling our frontline resources to have
      some degree. Not necessarily the final      Kobe beef burger, wrapped in gold leaf       the requisite skills and knowledge to
      outcome but how we get there.               and topped with caviar.                      support our customers’ demands during
      If you could eat one type of food for       Which global city best matches your          this transitional period.
      the rest of your life, what would it        personality? New York.                       If you could invite three famous
      be? Pizza – no doubt about that.            What would be your super-hero                people to dinner, who would they
      Sum up the channel in three words           power? Super speed.                          be? Brian Clough, Arnold Palmer and Sir
      Friendly, incestuous, useful.               Complete this sentence. The worst            Alex Ferguson.
                                                  thing about our rivals is… they aren’t       How has 2017 been for you? 2017 has
                                                  run by me!                                   been a good year, bringing plenty of
      CHRIS CALVERT                               What makes you nervous? Public               excitement, change and opportunity,
      Managing director, Millgate                 speaking.                                    which we should reap the rewards from
      Which tech figurehead do you                If you could eat one type of food            in 2018.
      admire the most? Amazon founder Jeff        for the rest of your life, what would        What’s the most extravagant
      Bezos, for his tenacity in the pursuit of   it be? Curry. The flavours are a delight     business lunch you’ve ever had? I am
      expansion and innovation.                   to eat.                                      not one for extravagance. Nothing beats a


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      good solid ham and cheese sandwich            If you could invite three famous                future for the same reseller community as
      smothered in salad cream.                     people to dinner, who would they                the kit sellers cross-sell the MSP services
      Which global city best matches your           be? Steve Jobs, Queen Elizabeth I and           as a single supplier.
      personality? Nottingham: “Born and            Walt Disney.                                    If you could invite three famous
      bred, me duck.”                               How has 2017 been for you? So far so            people to dinner, who would they
      What would be your super-hero                 good. Very busy even during quiet times         be? Nelson Mandela, John F Kennedy
      power? I always wanted to be able to fly.     so no complaints here!                          and Robin Williams.
      Complete this sentence. The worst             What’s the most extravagant                     How has 2017 been for you? Dynamic,
      thing about our rivals is… I am not           business lunch you’ve ever had?                 eventful but most of all fulfilling.
      one to disparage our rivals; however, the     Lunch at the Ivy in London was lovely.          What’s the most extravagant
      industry generally tends to set unrealistic   Their bang bang chicken is so good!             business lunch you’ve ever had?
      expectations through the powerful             Which global city best matches your             Lunch at the Ivy with two business
      marketing machine for new technologies        personality? Austin, Texas.                     colleagues. The wine alone… you don’t
      which the channel then has to convert         What would be your super-hero                   want to know!
      into realism.                                 power? Strength and speed!                      Which global city best matches your
      What makes you nervous? Birds flying          Complete this sentence. The worst               personality? Las Vegas. It’s active 24/7,
      around me.                                    thing about our rivals is… their                always up for a game, a gamble and a risk,
      If you could eat one type of food for         inability to truly understand the channel       and never dull.
      the rest of your life, what would it          and its requirements.                           What would be your super-hero
      be? Sausages.                                 What makes you nervous? Waiting on              power? Time travel. I’d love to see my
      Sum up the channel in three words             potential offers for candidates!                Dad again… and see if he wants to come
      Dynamic, transitioning, chaotic.              If you could eat one type of food for           to Vegas, too!
                                                    the rest of your life, what would it            Complete this sentence. The worst
                                                    be? Cheese!                                     thing about our rivals is… we have
                                                    Sum up the channel in three words               not caught up for a beer recently.
                                                    Diverse, exciting, passionate.                  What makes you nervous? Only one
                                                                                                    thing: heights. The top of a ladder and
                                                                                                    beyond is a definite no.
                                                                                                    If you could eat one type of food for
                                                                                                    the rest of your life, what would it
                                                                                                    be? Fresh fish – cooked to perfection.
                                                                                                    Sum up the channel in three words
                                                                                                    Challenging, rewarding, fun.
      Associate partner, Wallace Hind
      Which tech figurehead do you
      admire the most? Martin Hellawell.            WAYNE COCKERILL
      What he and the team have done at             Managing director, Aindale BMS;
      Softcat is nothing short of incredible.       Chairman, Network Group
      From a recruitment point of view, its         Which tech figurehead do you
      employment branding and how it attracts       admire the most? Elon Musk. He has
      staff is amazing and should be admired.       inspirational ideas and vision, from Tesla
      What’s the biggest challenge facing           to space travel. I want to ensure I take a
      the industry no-one is talking about          trip in all his successes.                      STEVE COX
      yet? Retaining good-quality staff and the     What’s the biggest challenge facing             Chief operating officer, Chess ICT
      next generation of hires. Hiring new          the industry no-one is talking about            Which tech figurehead do you
      talent and training them in the channel       yet? The ‘gap’ being generated as resellers     admire the most? Steve Jobs. I love his
      isn’t easy and graduates these days seem      move more to MSP and service-only               unwavering focus and constant strive for
      to give in too easily. Training them and      models, of physical equipment sales,            perfection.
      getting them passionate about the             likely to be left to the larger organisations   What’s the biggest challenge facing
      channel should be a big focus.                which could lead to a squeeze in the            the industry no-one is talking about


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      yet? How to take the complex list of        underdog compared with US titans like        Which global city best matches your
      technology available today and build        IBM and Microsoft, but with calm             personality? San Francisco.
      simple to understand solutions for          determination, a distinctive style and a     What would be your super-hero
      non-technical buyers. Imagine a             compassion for his staff which sets him      power? Magic, specifically abjuration
      business owner with no knowledge of         apart from the likes Jobs and Bezos,         (healing/protective powers). I always
      technology being confronted with cloud,     Hauser eventually helped create ARM          seem to end up playing such characters
      on-premise, hybrid without even getting     which has gone on to become one of           in MMORPGs!
      into security and GDPR. It’s a minefield    Britain’s most successful tech               Complete this sentence. The worst
      without good advice.                        companies. Your phone will use one of        thing about our rivals is… always
      If you could invite three famous            their processors.                            putting profits or growth before what
      people to dinner, who would they               Hauser was foremost a scientist who       is right.
      be? Steve Jobs, Marie Curie and Nelson      went into business and helped make the       What makes you nervous? AWS, the
      Mandela.                                    world a little better while remaining true   unstoppable behemoth.
      How has 2017 been for you? A good           to himself and his integrity. That is        If you could eat one type of food for
      year and one of continuous learning to      something to which I aspire.                 the rest of your life, what would it
      keep track of the fast pace of change.      What’s the biggest challenge facing          be? Tea! Food is fuel. I’d rather do
      What’s the most extravagant                 the industry no-one is talking about         without it.
      business lunch you’ve ever had?             yet? An increasing diversification of PaaS   Sum up the channel in three words
      Brightstar once flew us by private jet to   technologies and lack of standardisation.    Evolving ever faster.
      Reims for a champagne lunch and then        It makes sense that developers shouldn’t
      flew us back for a night at the Aviator     be worrying about scaling at the level of
      hotel.                                      servers, storage and so on. PaaS is where
      Which global city best matches your         the industry can really take the fight to
      personality? London. It’s lively and the    AWS. But for that to happen the
      best city on earth.                         ecosystem needs to be more inviting,
      What would be your super-hero               with less vendor lock-in. Technologies
      power? Invisibility.                        like Docker or CloudFoundry are great
      What makes you nervous? What is             but nobody is certain which will win out,
      happening around the world and how it       and by the time we make up our minds it
      affects my children in the future.          may be too late.
      If you could eat one type of food for       If you could invite three famous
      the rest of your life, what would it        people to dinner, who would they
      be? Indian from my local curry house.       be? Alan Turing, Richard Feynman and
      Sum up the channel in three words           Marie Curie.
      Changing, complicated, hype.                How has 2017 been for you?
                                                  Challenging but transformative. The
                                                  biggest change for me has been the
                                                  appointment of my deputy chief
                                                  executive, Annalise O’Rouke. There
                                                  came a point where I had to accept that      EDEL CREELY
                                                  my strengths lie in strategy and             Group managing director, Trilogy
                                                  innovation rather than managing a            Technologies
                                                  medium-sized organisation, particularly      Which tech figurehead do you
                                                  now Memset has grown. While difficult,       admire the most? Elon Musk. What a
                                                  it has also been rewarding; Memset has       visionary, from space travel to sustainable
                                                  been able to take on more projects           energy production! A close friend of mine
      KATE CRAIG-WOOD                             allowing further growth and my stress        works for him at SpaceX and a visit to the
      Chief executive, Memset                     levels are a lot lower.                      facility is high on my bucket list.
      Which tech figurehead do you                What’s the most extravagant                  What’s the biggest challenge facing
      admire the most? Herman Hauser,             business lunch you’ve ever had? I            the industry no-one is talking about
      founder of Acorn Computers. When I          don’t tend to do fancy business lunches. I   yet? Speed of change and ability/cost for
      was growing up Acorn was always the         have quite simple tastes!                    companies to adapt.                                                                                                                13

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      If you could invite three famous                                                         If you could eat one type of food for
      people to dinner, who would they                                                         the rest of your life, what would it
      be? Beethoven – a musical visionary.                                                     be? I could probably survive on bread
      What would he compose now?; Charlotte                                                    and gravy at a push.
      Bronte – how would she view women’s                                                      Sum up the channel in three words
      place in world today?; Oscar Wilde – “To                                                 Next to France.
      define is to limit”.
      How has 2017 been for you?
      Extremely busy. We are investing heavily                                                     D
      in our cloud and security competencies.
      As the pace of change accelerates it’s a
      challenge we get to help our clients with
      on a regular basis.
      What’s the most extravagant
      business lunch you’ve ever had?             What’s the biggest challenge facing
      Well, Irish food is among the best in the   the industry no-one is talking about
      world and I was lucky to be invited by a    yet? What happens when interest rates
      long-time channel friend (thanks Emer)      start to rise. We’ve had cheap money for
      to savour the tasting lunch menu at         so long now, it’s taken for granted. And
      Greenhouse in Dublin. #AmuseBouche          given the level of consolidation in recent
      Which global city best matches your         years, we could see some suffer where
      personality? Paris. A combination of        you’d least expect to.
      art, culture and style.                     If you could invite three famous
      What would be your super-hero               people to dinner, who would they
      power? Superman speed so I could do a       be? Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi,          MIKE DANSON
      bit of space travel!                        and Karl Marx. Interesting conversation      Chief executive, Natilik
      Complete this sentence. The worst           and they should get on. And hopefully        Which tech figurehead do you
      thing about our rivals is… they             one of them can cook.                        admire the most? What John
      highlight your imperfections. But           How has 2017 been for you? Busy and          Chambers did with Cisco is pretty
      perhaps that’s the best thing?              exciting.                                    amazing. He joined as head of sales when
      What makes you nervous? Waiting for         What’s the most extravagant                  the company was turning over less than
      election results.                           business lunch you’ve ever had? It’s         $200m and employed 500 people. As he
      If you could eat one type of food for       normally butties in the office, so any       retires this year, the company now has
      the rest of your life, what would it        business lunch is extravagant. I can’t       more than 70,000 people and turnover of
      be? Chilli.                                 think of any that stand out.                 $50bn. Not bad!
      Sum up the channel in three words           Which global city best matches your          What’s the biggest challenge facing
      Partnerships, forward-thinking,             personality? That I’ve been to, probably     the industry no-one is talking about
      inter-dependent.                            Sydney. No airs and graces. Everybody        yet? Our industry does not suffer from a
                                                  seems relaxed, down to earth and happy       lack of talk!
                                                  to be there.                                 If you could invite three famous
      PAUL CUBBAGE                                What would be your super-hero                people to dinner, who would they
      Managing director, Target                   power? To be able to see into the future.    be? John Lennon, Sir Winston Churchill
      Components                                  Complete this sentence. The worst            and Steve Jobs.
      Which tech figurehead do you                thing about our rivals is… When              How has 2017 been for you?
      admire the most? Tech has moved at          you’ve been in the channel as long as we     Amazing! A 10th consecutive year of
      phenomenal pace in the last 30 years, so    have, you realise there’s plenty room for    growth for Natilik and a successful
      it would have to be someone from the        everyone to do their own thing. Our          resettling of my family to Guildford after
      modern era and there are so many to         success comes down to the things we do,      two decades of living in London.
      choose from. If I have to pick one, based   not what others do.                          What’s the most extravagant
      on the impact the web has had and will      What makes you nervous?                      business lunch you’ve ever had? Our
      have on our lives, I’d go with Sir Tim      Questionnaires. And I’m not good with        monthly company lunch is pretty
      Berners-Lee.                                heights.                                     extravagant – 150+ people sharing lunch


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      all in one location is pretty awesome!           investment into private cyber security        power? Mind reading. I love psychology.
      Which global city best matches your              companies at any point in the last five       Complete this sentence. The worst
      personality? London. Vibrant, resilient,         years, to the value of $509m. As a result,    thing about our rivals is… false
      tolerant and always looking to develop.          we’ve seen more than 500 new vendors          promises, creating a false economy.
      What would be your super-hero                    wanting to enter the EMEA market – the        There’s too much dishonesty about what
      power? The ability to teleport myself and        challenge is that each one of them targets    clients can hope to achieve. As a result,
      others; there is always so much to do and        the same customers and markets, so            clients get burned, it impacts budgets
      so little time!                                  end-users are bombarded with sales            across the industry and agency teams get
      Complete this sentence. The worst                pitches. In such a competitive market,        burned out trying to deliver on someone
      thing about our rivals is… when they             these companies need a solid channel          else’s promises. Clients deserve honesty.
      have no value to add and so sell purely on       strategy, clear differentiation and           What makes you nervous? Not
      price, winning business at zero margin.          messaging. It’s an opportunity for the        being prepared for a pitch or a
      What makes you nervous? Our                      channel, but a challenge as well.             meeting. Planning and preparation is
      politicians’ current approach to Brexit.         If you could invite three famous              everything.
      If you could eat one type of food for            people to dinner, who would they              If you could eat one type of food for
      the rest of your life, what would it             be? My dinner party would host some of        the rest of your life, what would it
      be? Sushi.                                       the 19th and early 20th century’s most        be? Époisses – the type of French cheese
      Sum up the channel in three words                important figures: Mary Ann Evans             that is so stinky, people are banned from
      Never stops evolving.                            (George Elliot), Ada Lovelace and             taking it on public transport in France
                                                       Mahatma Gandhi. All of them challenged        – and crackers.
                                                       social norms, shattered glass ceilings and    Sum up the channel in three words
                                                       paved the way for this generation’s           Scalable, powerful, fun.
                                                       opportunities. The diversity they
                                                       represent is still important today, because
                                                       what they demonstrate is that it takes
                                                       people of all backgrounds, sexes and
                                                       races to bring about innovation and
                                                       inspire change.
                                                       How has 2017 been for you? It has
                                                       been an incredible year at FMXA. We’ve
                                                       doubled our client base and introduced
                                                       new client services; we’ve built a PR team
                                                       to offer integrated PR and marketing for
      ALISHA DATTANI                                   our clients, which adds real value to new
      Chief executive and founder, FMXA                vendors looking to gain credibility in the
      Which tech figurehead do you                     UK market. In addition, our brand team
      admire the most? I’m a huge                      has doubled in size through its work in       ADAM DAVISON
      Facebooker and social media champion,            helping vendors differentiate themselves      Sales & marketing director, Cloud
      so Sheryl Sandberg – the first woman             in a crowded market. GDPR is on our           Distribution
      appointed onto the board at Facebook             mind constantly – both through the work       Which tech figurehead do you
      – stands out as someone I admire hugely.         we’re doing for clients that have solutions   admire the most? Steve Jobs. He
      A significant part of FMXA’s business has        in this space, and because of its impact      created a technology company that made
      been built on the opportunities that             on the marketing discipline.                  awesome things – but with the absolute
      Facebook’s platform provides in social           What’s the most extravagant                   best user experience. He totally
      selling services. I’d also give a shout out to   business lunch you’ve ever had?               understood the balance between value,
      my ex-boss, Nick Lowe, who has acted as          Noma, Copenhagen. The most gorgeous           design and technology.
      a superb mentor throughout my career.            and decadent lunch I can remember.            What’s the biggest challenge facing
      What’s the biggest challenge facing              Which global city best matches your           the industry no-one is talking about
      the industry no-one is talking about             personality? London, the absolute best        yet? IoT adoption is beginning to take
      yet? Many of our clients come from the           city on the planet and a melting pot of       serious hold – but few are talking about
      cyber security industry. The first quarter       culture, food and opportunities.              the security implications of potentially
      of 2017 was the most active quarter for          What would be your super-hero                 hundreds of thousands of devices being                                                                                                                     15

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      connected to the core, enterprise                                                          Which global city best matches your
      network. #MiraiBotnet The ability for a                                                    personality? New York – lively,
      hacker to take control of thousands of                                                     fast-paced and busy!
      IoT devices and then use them to create a                                                  What would be your super-hero
      massive DDoS attack and bring down                                                         power? I’d love to be able to fly so I can
      multiple large enterprises at once would                                                   move around more quickly (and avoid
      have a significant effect on the economy.                                                  airport delays!).
      If you could invite three famous                                                           Complete this sentence. The worst
      people to dinner, who would they                                                           thing about our rivals is… they are
      be? Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and                                                        formidable.
      Giuseppe Farina.                                                                           What makes you nervous? People I
      How has 2017 been for you? Pretty                                                          don’t trust, and travelling without an iron!
      good so far, with some challenges and                                                      If you could eat one type of food for
      opportunities along the way! Following                                                     the rest of your life, what would it
      the Brexit decision, we saw a rapidly                                                      be? Cake – the more indulgent the better.
      changing FX situation, which is now          EMMA DE SOUSA                                 Sum up the channel in three words
      more stable and I believe Cloud              Managing director, Insight UK                 Exciting, dynamic, challenging.
      Distribution handled this well both for      Which tech figurehead do you
      itself, vendors and our partners. We’ve      admire the most? It has to be Elon
      created three separate sales teams to        Musk – one of the most audacious men
      bolster the company for the next stage of    on the planet. He is brave and fearless,
      our growth, which is already bearing         two qualities I admire the most.
      fruit with the signing of some marque        What’s the biggest challenge facing
      vendors including Arista Networks and        the industry no-one is talking about
      Blackberry.                                  yet? Optimising the workforce of the
      What’s the most extravagant                  future – the acceptance that in the future
      business lunch you’ve ever had? One          an increasing percentage of our
      of the most memorable lunches I’ve had       workforce will not be human.
      was a couple of years ago in Kiev. We        If you could invite three famous
      took a bunch of resellers there and had a    people to dinner, who would they
      fantastic vodka tasting session!             be? Benazir Bhutto, Audrey Hepburn
      Which global city best matches your          and Frank Sinatra. Each come with their
      personality? Las Vegas – it never sleeps     own fascinating stories and insights into     BARRIE DESMOND
      and life’s one big party!                    days and attitudes of old – this would        Chief operating officer, Exclusive
      What would be your super-hero                make for an interesting, entertaining and     Group
      power? My superpower would be flight.        glamorous evening!                            Which tech figurehead do you
      I’d be able to squeeze in many more          How has 2017 been for you? 2017 has           admire the most? I really admire those
      weekend breaks in far-flung regions of       been a great year so far. I returned to       who follow their passion and stand by
      the world.                                   work from maternity leave in February         their ideas, contrary to logic and opinion.
      Complete this sentence. The worst            and while balancing my career and trying      People like Terry Matthews, who inspired
      thing about our rivals is… The best          to be ‘Super Mum’ can be demanding,           me to get into disruptive technologies in
      piece of advice I’ve been given is if you    I’m loving every second. I consider myself    the first place. Mitel and Newbridge
      can’t say something nice, say nothing at     extremely fortunate to have a fantastic       Networks are both companies that went
      all. So, I’m not going to answer this one!   job and an incredibly supportive family. It   against the grain and challenged legacy
      What makes you nervous? Going                makes life both fun and rewarding.            vendors.
      home to my wife after a heavy night with     What’s the most extravagant                   What’s the biggest challenge facing
      the boys.                                    business lunch you’ve ever had? On            the industry no-one is talking about
      If you could eat one type of food for        a yacht in the South of France. It was a      yet? Block-chain technology. Its ability to
      the rest of your life, what would it         team lunch for exceptional performance        bring people together digitally and cut
      be? KFC.                                     so not only was it a fantastic setting but    out many of the ‘middle men’ gives it the
      Sum up the channel in three words            we were celebrating as well – a great way     potential to replace the traditional ways
      Challenging, fun, rewarding.                 to recognise success!                         of exchanging currency. In terms of the


CRN A-List 2018 profiles.indd 16                                                                                                     03/11/2017 10:00
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