ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association

Page created by Diana Hughes
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
Volume 79   u   No. 23   u   September 13, 2008

                                 ALSO          INSIDE
                                • 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation
                                •Bar Center East Wing
                                  Renovations Unveiled
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
Calendar of Events                                      Fall 2008
September & October
2008 Women in Law Conference: It’s All About Me; It’s            OBA CLE
All About You: Finding Strength in Ourselves and in
Numbers - Cosponsored by the OBA Women in Law
September 18, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, Tulsa
                                                                 Check registration times at
Anatomy for lawyers                                         
Cosponsored by The Professional Education Group, Inc.            You may register online at
September 19, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center ,OKC            or call
Office 2007 Overview
September 23, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center ,OKC
September 25, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, tulsa

A Social Security Case from A to Z
September 25, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, tulsa
September 26, 2008,Oklahoma Bar Center, OKC

New Lawyer Experience - Hit the Ground Running
Cosponsored by The OBA Management Assistance Program
 October 1, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center, OKC
 October 8, 2008,Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practive Training
Cosponsored by Oklahoma Academy of Collaborative Professionals
 October 9 -10, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center ,OKC

Workers’ Compensation Update: Where are we now?
 October 13, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center ,OKC

Got Arrested
Cosponsored by The Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
 October 16, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center, OKC
 October 17, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, Tulsa

Early to Bed, EArly to Rise: An Attorney’s guide to staying Healthy, Wealthy & Wise
Cosponsored by the OBA Work Life Balance Committee
 October 16, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, Tulsa
 October 17, 2008, Oklahoma City, OKC
 A Survey of Attorney Liens
  October 24, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, tulsa
  October 31, 2008, Oklahoma Bar Center ,OKC

2008 Law of the Workplace: Updates, Trends, and Hot
Topics in the Employment Law Arena
 October 24, 2008, Oklahoma City, OKC
 September 31, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, Tulsa

Writing to Win: Legal Writing that Creatively, Persuasively, and Successfully Wins Cases
 October 29, 2008, Renaissance Hotel, tulsa
 October 30, 2008,Oklahoma Bar Center, OKC

The Winner’s Circle: An Evening of Ethics, Food, and Racing Fun!
 October 31, 2008, Remington Park, OKC
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
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ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association

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                     Program is confidential, responsive, informal and available 24/7.

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                The Oklahoma Bar Journal                     1969
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
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1970                                               The Oklahoma Bar Journal               Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
                    THEME:                                            1972        From the President
                                                                      1997        From the Executive Director
                                                                      1999        Law Practice Tips

                                                                      2001        Ethics/Professional Responsibility
                                                                      2003        OBA Board of Governors Actions
                                                                      2006        Oklahoma Bar Foundation News

   September 13, 2008 • Vol. 79                    • No. 23           2009        Access to Justice
                                                                      2010        Young Lawyers Division
                                                                      2012        Calendar
                                                                      2014        For Your Information
                                                                      2019        Bench and Bar Briefs
                                                                      2024        In Memoriam
                                                                      1998        Editorial Calendar
                104th Annual Meeting • Nov. 19-                       2032        The Back Page
                                                  21, 2008

1974     Jeffrey Toobin to Speak                              pg. 1989
         at Annual Luncheon                                          Tax Section
          By Jeff Kelton
1975     Annual Meeting
         Event Highlights
          By Carol Manning
                                                             1989      Taxation Law Section:
1978     Get Excited about Something!                                  2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation
         2008 Annual Meeting                                            By Sheppard F. Miers Jr.
         CLE Highlights
          By Brandon Haynie                                  1994      Photo Highlights:
                                                                       Bar Center East Wing Renovations
1982     Attorney Art Contest
          By Shawnae Robey
1983     Registration Forms
1986     2009 OBA Board of
         Governors Vacancies
1987     OBA Nominating Petitions Filed

                                 pg. 1994

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                           The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                 1971
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association

               Make Plans to Attend the Bar Convention
               By Bill Conger

               As you can see,        this issue of our bar           Jeffrey Toobin, who will give the
               journal focuses on our Annual Meeting, which           keynote address at our luncheon
               will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Oklahoma         on Thursday, Nov. 20. Among
               City Nov. 19 - 21. To me, the Annual Meeting is        Jeff’s many accomplishments is
               always one of our most special events, and I am        his best-selling book, The Nine,
               really excited about this year. However, it goes       which is about the Supreme
               without saying that the more people who attend         Court. He will be sharing
               — the better the Annual Meeting. Last year’s           with us the dynamics of the
               meeting is proof positive. It was the second largest   Supreme Court during a time of
               attendance we have ever had, and I thought it was      transition.
               one of the best I have ever attended.
                                                                        Immediately following the
                    The theme for the 104th OBA Annual Meeting is luncheon, our keynote speaker
                 Generations of Change. I believe it is especially                 will be available
                 fitting because our profession is about                           for a book signing.
                 to go through a profound change over                              If you don’t already
                 the next 10 years. You are aware of                               own his newest
                 the phenom of “baby boomers.” I am                                book, it and several
                 one of them. The “baby boomers”                “… it goes         others will be avail-
                 represent a large segment of our
                 profession; but, sadly, we are getting
                                                             without saying the    able for purchase at
                 older.                                       that the more           As you can see
                    Over the next 10 years many of us          people who          from this issue, we
                 will be retiring and the impact on our
                 profession will be significant because
                                                              attend — the have much planned
                                                                                   for your pleasure
                 it will be the practitioners, members of       better the         and      continuing
                 the judiciary and legal educators who
                       will be leaving. These ranks will
                                                                  Annual           education. This is
                                                                                   such a special time
                       be filled by our current law stu-        Meeting.”          to be with your
                       dents and the younger members                               colleagues from all
                       of our profession. Having gone                              over the state in
                       from a long career in private                               Oklahoma City and
                       practice to teaching in the Okla-                           Bricktown with its
                       homa City University School of Law, I have vibrant nightlife and excellent
                       learned all too well the importance of commu- restaurants.
                       nicating across generations. So I look forward
                       with much anticipation and excitement to the     I look forward to seeing all of
                       plenary session where our keynote speaker      you  in November.
                       will be Rita M. Murray, nationally and
 President Conger      internationally   known as a consultant and AT A GLANCE
 is general counsel    speaker on multi-generational relations and 104th OBA Annual Meeting
 at Oklahoma City      communications.                                Nov. 19 – 21, 2008
    University.    In addition to Rita, we are pleased to have      Sheraton Hotel
  (405) 208-5845    award-winning author and news commentator         Downtown Oklahoma City

1972                                       The Oklahoma Bar Journal             Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
J. William Conger, President, Oklahoma City
Jon K. Parsley, President-Elect, Guymon
                                                                 EVENTS CALENDAR
Michael C. Mordy, Vice President, Ardmore
Stephen D. Beam, Immediate Past President,              SEPTEMBER
Julie E. Bates, Oklahoma City                           16      OBA Civil Procedure Committee Meeting; 3 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar
Jack L. Brown, Tulsa                                            Center, Oklahoma City and OSU Tulsa; Contact: James C. Milton (918)
Cathy M. Christensen, Oklahoma City
Donna Dirickson, Weatherford
Robert S. Farris, Tulsa                                 17      OBA Uniform Laws Committee Meeting; 4 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar
Brian T. Hermanson, Ponca City
W. Mark Hixson, Yukon
                                                                Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact: Fred
Jerry L. McCombs, Idabel                                        Miller (405) 325-4699
Deborah A. Reheard, Eufala
Alan Souter, Bristow
                                                        18      OBA Legal Intern Committee Meeting; 3:30 p.m.; Oklahoma Bar
Peggy Stockwell, Norman                                         Center, Oklahoma City; Contact: H. Terrell Monks (405) 733-8686
James T. Stuart, Shawnee
Kimberly Warren, Tecumseh, Chairperson,
                                                        19      OBA Board of Governors Meeting; Ardmore; Contact: John Morris
OBA/Young Lawyers Division                                      Williams (405) 416-7000
BAR CENTER STAFF                                        22      OBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Meeting; 4 p.m.;
John Morris Williams, Executive Director;                       Oklahoma Bar Center, Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa;
Dan Murdock, General Counsel; Donita Bourns
                                                                Contact: Ann Dudley Marshall (405) 848-5715
Douglas, Director of Educational Programs;
Carol A. Manning, Director of Communications;                   Hudson Hall Wheaton Inn Pupilage Group One Presenting:
Craig D. Combs, Director of Administration;
                                                                10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before My First Trial; 5:30 p.m.; Federal
Gina L. Hendryx, Ethics Counsel; Jim Calloway,
Director of Management Assistance Program; Rick                 Building, 333 West Fourth St.; Contact Michael Taubman (918) 260-1041
Loomis, Director of Information Systems; Beverly S.
Petry, Administrator MCLE Commission; Jane
                                                        23      OBA Law-related Education Committee Meeting; 4 p.m.; Oklahoma
McConnell, Coordinator Law-related Education; Ja-               Bar Center, Oklahoma City; Contact: Jack G. Clark (405) 232-4271
nis Hubbard, First Assistant General Counsel; Mark
Davidson, Loraine Dillinder Farabow and Janna
                                                        24      OBA Clients’ Security Fund Committee Meeting; 2 p.m.; Oklahoma
D. Hall, Assistant General Counsels; Robert D.                  Bar Center, Oklahoma City and OSU Tulsa; Contact: Micheal Charles Salem
Hanks, Senior Investigator; Sharon Orth , Dorothy               (405) 366-1234
Walos and Krystal Willis, Investigators
                                                                OBA Member Services Committee Meeting; 3:30 p.m.; Oklahoma
Nina Anderson, Manni Arzola, Jenn Barrett,                      Bar Center, Oklahoma City; Contact: Keri Williams Foster (405) 385-5148
Debbie Brink, Melissa Brown, Brenda Card,
Sharon Dotson, Johnny Marie Floyd, Matt Gayle,          26      OBF Trustee Luncheon; 12 p.m.; Summit Club, Tulsa; Contact: Nancy
Susan Hall, Brandon Haynie, Suzi Hendrix, Misty                 Norsworthy (405) 416-7048
Hill, Debra Jenkins, Jeff Kelton, Durrel Lattimore,
Debora Lowry, Heidi McComb, Renee Montgom-                      OBF Board of Trustee Meeting; 1 p.m.; Summit Club, Tulsa; Contact
ery, Wanda Reece-Murray, Tracy Sanders, Mark
                                                                Nancy Norsworthy (405) 416-7048
Schneidewent, Robbin Watson, Laura Willis
& Roberta Yarbrough                                     27      OBA Young Lawyers Division Committee Meeting; 9:30 a.m.;
EDITORIAL BOARD                                                 Oklahoma Bar Center, Oklahoma City; Contact: Kimberly Warren
Editor in Chief, John Morris Williams, News &                   (405) 239-7961
Layout Editor, Carol A. Manning, Editor, Melissa
DeLacerda, Stillwater, Associate Editors: Steve         29      OBA Budget Committee Meeting; 10 a.m.; Oklahoma Bar Center,
Barnes, Poteau; Martha Rupp Carter, Tulsa; Mark                 Oklahoma City and Tulsa County Bar Center, Tulsa; Contact: Jon Parsley
Curnutte, Vinita; Leslie D. Guajardo, Oklahoma                  (580) 338-8764
City; John Munkacsy, Lawton; Pandee Ramirez,
Okmulgee; Julia Rieman, Enid; James Stuart,             For more events go to
Shawnee and Judge Lori M. Walkley, Norman
NOTICE of change of address (which must be in         The Oklahoma Bar Association’s official Web site:
writing and signed by the OBA member), unde-
liverable copies, orders for subscriptions or ads,    THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL is a publication of the Oklahoma Bar
news stories, articles and all mail items should be   Association. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2008 Oklahoma Bar Association.
sent to the Oklahoma Bar Association, P.O. Box        The design of the scales and the “Oklahoma Bar Association” encircling the
53036, Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3036.                  scales are trademarks of the Oklahoma Bar Association. Legal articles carried
                                                      in THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL are selected by the Board of Editors.
Oklahoma Bar Association (405) 416-7000
Toll Free (800) 522-8065 FAX (405) 416-7001           THE OKLAHOMA BAR JOURNAL (ISSN 0030-1655) IS PUBLISHED THREE TIMES
Continuing Legal Education (405) 416-7006             A MONTH IN JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, AUGUST, SEPTEM-
Ethics Counsel (405) 416-7083                         BER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER AND BIMONTHLY IN JUNE AND
General Counsel (405) 416-7007                        JULY. BY THE OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION, 1901 N. LINCOLN BOULEVARD,
Law-related Education (405) 416-7005                  OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73105. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT OKLA-
                                                      HOMA CITY, OK. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE OKLAHOMA
Lawyers Helping Lawyers (800) 364-7886
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Mgmt. Assistance Program (405) 416-7008
                                                      TIONS ARE $55 PER YEAR EXCEPT FOR LAW STUDENTS REGISTERED WITH THE
Mandatory CLE (405) 416-7009                          OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION, WHO MAY SUBSCRIBE FOR $25. ACTIVE MEM-
OBJ & Communications (405) 416-7004                   BER SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE INCLUDED AS A PORTION OF ANNUAL DUES. ANY
Board of Bar Examiners (405) 416-7075                 OPINION EXPRESSED HEREIN IS THAT OF THE AUTHOR AND NOT NECESSAR-
Oklahoma Bar Foundation (405) 416-7070                ILY THAT OF THE OKLAHOMA BAR ASSOCIATION, OR THE OKLAHOMA BAR
                                                      JOURNAL BOARD OF EDITORS.

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                          The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                                        1973
ALSO INSIDE 2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation Bar Center East Wing Renovations Unveiled - Oklahoma Bar Association
104 th Annu al Meeting • Nov
                                      . 19-21, 2008

                                                      Jeffrey Toobin to Speak
                                                         at Annual Luncheon
                                                                                                     By Jeff Kelton
  Jeffrey Toobin, a leading analyst in politics,                       workings of the criminal justice system in the
media and the law will deliver the keynote                             O.J. Simpson trial. While he is recognized as
address at the OBA Annual Meeting this year,                           being seen on cable news stations giving
Nov. 19-21 in Oklahoma City.                                           reports and in-depth looks into legal issues,
                                                                       Mr. Toobin began his career in law. He
  President-Elect Jon Parsley, who recently                            received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard
heard Mr. Toobin speak at the State Bar of                             College and earned his juris doctor magna
Texas Annual Meeting, said, “Toobin’s presen-                          cum laude from Harvard Law School, where
tation was super interesting because he                                he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review.
told little known and interesting stories of                           Before joining the New Yorker, Mr. Toobin
things that happen behind the scenes                                                  served as an assistant United
at the U.S. Supreme Court.                                                            States attorney in Brooklyn.
Toobin is knowledgeable                                                               He also served as an associate
about his subject, and his                                                            counsel in the office of
presentation style was very                                                            Independent Council Lawrence
energetic and captivating.                                                             E. Walsh, an experience that
Toobin even bravely fielded                                                             provided the basis for his first
questions from the audience.                                                            book, Opening Arguments: A
Overall, Jeffrey Toobin was                                                             Young Lawyer’s First Case –
one of the best luncheon                                                                United States v. Oliver North.
speakers I have ever seen!”
                                                                                          He has served as a staff
  Mr. Toobin, author of the                                                             writer for the New Yorker
recent New York Times best-                                                             since 1993 and in 2002 joined
seller, The Nine: Inside the Secret                                                     the CNN News Group,
World of the Supreme Court, is                                                          where he serves as a senior
not only recognized for his                                                              analyst. Prior to joining
achievements in writing                                                                  CNN, he worked with
but also for his unmatched                                                               ABC News, receiving an
coverage and analysis of some                                                            Emmy Award in 2000 for
of the most important events                                                             his coverage of the Elian
in our history such as the O.J.                                                          Gonzales custody saga.
Simpson trial, the Kenneth Starr investigation
and impeachment of President Bill Clinton,                              Mr. Toobin currently lives in New York City
and the disputed Florida recount of the 2000                           with his wife and two children.
presidential election, for which he wrote the
renowned best-seller, Too Close to Call: The                             The Annual Luncheon takes place from
36-Day Battle to Decide the 2000 Election.                             noon to 1:45 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20. Mr.
His other published works include A Vast                               Toobin will be available following the
Conspiracy, examining the methods of inde-                             luncheon for a book signing at 2 p.m. Cost to
pendent counsel Kenneth Starr’s team and the                           attend is $30 per person with Annual Meeting
legal proceedings of the Clinton impeachment                           registration. Seating is limited, so register
trial and The Run of His Life, a close look at the                     today. See the registration page in this issue.

1974                                                    The Oklahoma Bar Journal                 Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
104 th Annu al Meeting • Nov
                                        . 19-21, 2008

     Annual Meeting Event Highlights
                                                                                               By Carol Manning
                                                                                          you in that laid-back, festive
  Wednesday • November 19                                                                 mood will be provided by
                                                                                          Chuck Allen Floyd. Each
Multi-Track CLE                                                                           attendee receives two drink
  Having choices is always a good thing –                                                 tickets. Free with Annual
especially when it comes to continuing legal                                              Meeting registration.
education. You’ll have four different tracks of
CLE programming to choose from – Criminal
Law, Family Law, Work/Life Balance and a
track called Nuts and Bolts that covers basic,                           Art Contest
practical topics for new lawyers or experienced
lawyers transitioning into private practice.                               It’s back by popular
Pick and choose individual sessions from                                 demand — year 10. A
among the tracks or zero in on just one track.                           great opportunity for bar
Earn nine total hours of CLE credit with six                             members to show their
hours on Wednesday from 9 a.m. – noon and 2                              creative side and compete
– 5 p.m. and for three hours on Thursday                                 for the honor of being
morning. Participants will receive materials for                         named OBA Artist of the
all track sessions on one very light and back-                           Year. Don Holladay of
saving CD. Some materials will be available to                           Oklahoma City is the reigning winner for his
pre-registrants before the meeting to down-                              acrylic painting. Original, attorney-created
load and use for note taking. See the CLE grid                           works of art in a wide variety of media will be
in this issue for more details.                                          judged and displayed during the President’s
                                                                         Reception and again on Thursday morning
                                                                         until the end of the luncheon. Artists pick up
                       4 TRACKS                   OF    CLE              their entries following the luncheon. Contest
                                                                         entry fee included with registration fee.
                             Family Law
                                                                         Norman attorney Shawnae Robey is
                            Criminal Law                                 coordinating this event.
                           Work/Life Balance
                            Nuts and Bolts
Life’s a Beach                                                           American Idol – OBA Style

  OBA President J. William “Bill” Conger                                   Modeled after the popular
invites you to join him for what is traditionally                        TV show that catapults
the best party of the OBA Annual Meeting —                               unknown vocalists to mega-star
the President’s Reception. If you’ve never                               sensations, the OBA is looking for lawyers
been, the appetizers are hearty, and it’s a com-                         who can sing — individually or as a group.
petition to see if you can get to the large boiled                       Soloists must be registered for the Annual
shrimp before they are gobbled up by your fel-                           Meeting, and at least one person in each group
low party-goers. Days on the beach are always                            must be registered. There are spots for only 15
fun, and so will be this reception that starts at                        performances — so sign up ASAP before all
7 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. Entertainment to get                           the time slots are filled. See the separate OBA

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                              The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                  1975
idol form in this issue. Oklahoma City attorney         Annual Luncheon
Randy Grau will return again this year as the
                                                          Jeffrey Toobin, a leading
show’s emcee. Who needs Simon, Randy and
                                                        analyst in politics, media
Paula? We’ll have our own distinguished panel
                                                        and the law will share the
of celebrity judges who will award prizes to
                                                        inside story of the U.S.
the top three. Performers need to provide their
                                                        Supreme Court, which is
background music for one song on CD. If
                                                        the subject of his recent New
you’re not interested in performing, come be
                                                        York Times best-selling book.
part of the audience. The fun starts at 9 p.m.
                                                        OBA awards will be
and lasts until 11 p.m. Admission free with
                                                        presented, and the new
Annual Meeting registration.
                                                        Attorney Artist of the Year
                                                        will be revealed. Time: 12 – 1:45 p.m. Cost: $30
                                                        with Annual Meeting registration, which is
                                                        required to purchase a ticket. Sign up on the
                                                        printed registration form or register online
                                                        at A book signing will
  Thursday • November 20                                immediately follow the luncheon, and a vari-
                                                        ety of his books will be available for purchase.
CLE Plenary Session
                                                        Free Mental Health
   The biggest business changes                         CLE Seminar
ever are happening in our
world today, and keynote                                  The OBA is continuing its
speaker Rita Murray in a ses-                           award-winning work in the area
sion titled, “A Perfect Storm of                        of mental health by again offering 1 1/2 hours
Opportunity,” will share                                of free CLE (including ½ hour of ethics) on
insight into business diversity                         Thursday afternoon from 3 — 4:15 p.m. The
initiatives within the legal pro-                       program will be divided into three parts: 1) a
fession. She will provide prac-                         quick summary of what’s happening with
tical ideas you can put to work                         mental health services in Oklahoma, 2) a panel
now. Ms. Murray, who has                                discussion on how the OBA is addressing
worked with Fortune 500 companies through-              member mental health issues, and 3) advice on
out the world, brings an educational, lively            how you should ethically address lawyer men-
and fun multimedia experience to the CLE                tal health issues. The program is sponsored by
plenary session this year. She will show you            OBA/CLE and the OBA Lawyers Helping
baby boomer and generation X leadership and             Lawyers Assistance Program. Annual Meeting
legal professional styles, generational commu-          registration is not required to attend this pro-
nication tips and Internet trends for legal             gram. Register by filling out the online Annual
professionals. Let this first-generation business       Meeting registration form or by calling Mark at
woman, TV host, Web producer, emcee and                 (405) 416-7026.
former top-secret contractor help you cash in
on the incoming waves of legal opportunity.             Just Desserts
Begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 11:20 a.m. This ses-
                                                           After a long day of meetings,
sion is part of the two-day CLE package — or
                                                         it’s time to chill out a little and
is priced separately.
                                                        relax. Enjoy some of the early
                                                        receptions and then come to this event to listen
                                                        to live music. In addition to the music, desserts
                                                        and coffee will make this
       BARRISTER SPONSOR:                               another fun Annual
        OBA Litigation Section                          Meeting event held from
                                                        7:30 – 9 p.m. Free
        ESQUIRE SPONSOR:                                with Annual Meeting
            Oklahoma Attorneys
                                                        registration, and that’s a
            Mutual Insurance Co.
                                                        pretty sweet deal!

1976                                     The Oklahoma Bar Journal                Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
Viva Las Vegas
Casino Night
  Maybe this will be your                                        Why Should You Attend
lucky night to win it big at
blackjack, roulette or craps. The
                                                                  the Annual Meeting?
good thing is if you lose a bundle, it’s
                                                                             “I recommend that lawyers attend the bar
only play money. Musical entertainment and at                                                                        ers,
least one Vegas showgirl wearing a gigantic fan                      convention because you can meet other lawy
                                                                                   get some CLE, get prize s and see the
headdress will make you think that you are in
                                                                     latest from law vendors.” — Jody Nath     an, Tulsa
the city where what happens there, stays there.
A drawing for wicked prizes
                                                                                                              to see
will be held at the end of the                                   “The Annual Meeting is a great opportunity
evening. Casino night is                                        classmates and old friends, make new acquainta
sponsored by the Young                                                        in the profession and have a won derfu l
Lawyers Division and will                                                                                    m, Tulsa
                                                                   experience at the same time.” — Bill Grim
be from 9 p.m. – midnight.
Free with Annual Meeting                                                                                               sense
registration.                                                         “The Annual Meeting combines fun with a
                                                                         of accomplishme    nt. It is a great place to meet
                                                                          and interact with lawyers     and judg es with out

  Friday • November 21                                                            the burden of a case in betw    een  – and
                                                                               it’s a great time to find out what we can
President’s Prayer Breakfast                                                   accomplish as a bar. “ — Rick Rose, OKC
  President Bill Conger invites you to join him                                                                    OBA,
for breakfast, a long-standing Annual Meeting                    “Even though I am no longer a ‘leader’ of the
                                                                                                               Mee  ting.
tradition. Featured speaker will be Dr. Robert                I still look forward to attending each Annual
Gorrell, senior minister at Church of the                             Why? Because I enjoy seeing so many old frien
                                                                                                             the state in
Servant in Oklahoma City. The breakfast is                   and making new acquaintances from all over
from 7:30 – 9 a.m. Cost: $20. Sign up on the                            a relaxed atmosphere. In fact, I hope to see you
Annual Meeting registration form.                                           there this year.” — Gary C. Clark, Stillwater

General Assembly                                                                                                   Annual
                                                                   “A lawyer who has never attended the OBA
                                                                                                                       is to
  Leaders of the Oklahoma                                               Meeting will be surprised how much fun it
                                                                                                  seen  since  law  scho  ol,
Supreme Court, Court of Criminal                                     see colleagues you have not
Appeals and Oklahoma Bar                                                                                          dvers arial
                                                                     to visit with judges and lawyers in a nona
Association will share their current challenges                                                                 ons, enjoy
                                                                 venue, to attend informative CLE presentati
and triumphs. Come see your colleagues, and                                                                     agues who
maybe your bar association, honored with                        great food and observe talents of some colle
                                                                                                     Whe   re else  can one
OBA awards. Begins at 9 a.m. Open to all                            would down right surprise you.
                                                                                                               rejuv enated
bar members, not just delegates.                                   possibly have so much fun? I am always
                                                                after the Annual Meeting.” — Linda Samu
                                                                                                               el-Jaha, OKC

                                                                            “Last year I sang a cappella in the Idol contest,
House of Delegates                                                           gave a nominating speech and literally caug
  Taking place immediately      President Conger exte                       on fire in Bill Conger’s marble hallway. I com
                                                      nds special          for the exorcism of the three   deep est  com mon
following the General
                                 thanks to the Annual                       fears of humanity — having tomatoes thro
Assembly, the voice of the                             Meeting
membership elects officers                Task Force:                         at me, public speaking and a gruesome death
and Board of Governors                                                       As Ian Fleming’s James Bond would say, ‘You
members for 2009. Plus,           Debra Charles • Myra                     only live twice — once when you’re born,
they make decisions on         John Morris Williams                                                              in the face. ’“
                                                    • Craig Combs                        when you look death
the OBA’s legislative plan                                                                                                   an
                                 Donita Douglas • Ca
                                                     rol Manning                             — Jim Drummond, OKC/Norm
and other important
issues for next year.

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008              The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                                          1977
104 th Annu al Meeting • Nov
                                      . 19-21, 2008

                   Get Excited about Something!
                                      2008 Annual Meeting CLE Highlights
                                                                                           By Brandon Haynie

    few weekends ago while up in Arkansas, a buddy and I
    had the chance to sit with our good friend in the dugout as
      he was coaching his high school baseball team in a
summer state tournament.
After the opponent hit a line drive through                          Murray. Scheduled on Nov. 20 from
second into the outfield, the centerfielder from                     9-11:40 a.m., this course will tackle the collid-
our friend’s team let the ball roll through his                      ing workforce demographic, cultural and
legs as he went to make the play. Seeing that                        socioeconomic events that are producing the
the opponent was already rounding third, he                          biggest business changes ever experienced in
leisurely turned around scooped the ball, and                        the United States, Canada and many other
tossed it to the cut off man with no attempt to                      developed countries. Using a provocative and
make a play at home.                                                 insightful look at the successful business diver-
                                                                     sity initiatives in the legal profession, this pre-
   As you can imagine, our ole ball coach friend
                                                                     sentation will provide practical ideas you can
was furious and proceeded to light a fire under
                                                                     put to work now.
the kid. As he addressed the team in the dug-
out, his sentiment was this: “You need to get                           Ms. Murray, who has
excited about something out there! How can                           worked with Fortune 500
you expect to get anything done, more less get                       companies throughout the
any better, if you aren’t excited about any of                       world, brings an educa-
it?” While the kids on his team didn’t seem too                      tional, lively and fun mul-
affected by the rousing speech, I walked away                        timedia experience to the
with a thought, not as a washed-up sports has-                       CLE track this year. She
been, but from a business perspective.                               will show you baby
                                                                     boomer and generation
  What if we started asking ourselves if we
                                                                     X leadership and legal
ever “get excited” about improving or better-
                                                                     professional styles, gen-
ing ourselves for our profession? If the case is
                                                                     erational communication
no and you are looking for that chance to really
                                                                     tips, Internet trends for legal professionals,
enjoy progressing in your practice, then OBA/
                                                                     ethics and etiquette, just to name a few. Let this
CLE is bringing you nine hours of world-class
                                                                     first-generation business woman, TV host, Web
CLE to choose from during the 104th OBA
                                                                     producer, emcee and former top-secret con-
Annual Meeting, Nov. 19-21 at the Sheraton
                                                                     tractor help you cash in on the incoming waves
Hotel in Oklahoma City.
                                                                     of legal opportunity.
  The courses offered this year bring drama,
                                                                       The Wednesday CLE multi-track format will
humor, enthusiasm and motivation to the
                                                                     be used again at this year’s meeting. Members
table. Headlining this year’s plenary session is
                                                                     will have an opportunity to select from in
“A Perfect Storm of Opportunity” with Rita

1978                                                  The Oklahoma Bar Journal                  Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
excess of 24 different sessions. Four tracks of        from Cameras and Cell Phones,” “Represent-
simultaneous CLE programming will be                   ing Clients before the Department of Public
offered: Family Law, Criminal Law, Work/Life           Safety…What Lawyers Should Expect?,” “Pros-
Balance, and Nuts and Bolts.                           ecutorial Misconduct/Ineffective Assistance of
                                                       Counsel…What To Avoid?” and “DNA Analy-
  The Family Law track will be packed with
                                                       sis Updates and Changes.”
information that will address “Tips for non-
Family Law Attorneys,” “Parenting Coordina-              Looking for a track that combines quantity
tor Guidelines” and “New Child Support                 and quality? If so, look no further than “Nuts
Guidelines and Family Law Technology                   and Bolts” of law practice. Some highlights
Updates.” And back by popular demand, the              from this track include “Maneuvering Through
Family Law Ethics Players return for an encore         DPS and the DUI Case” and “What Your Cli-
performance. The players will no doubt pow-            ents Need to Know About Employment Law.”
erfully illustrate important ethics issues and         “Getting to Know Discovery: Tips for Civil,
are a must-see for this track.                         Family and General Practice” and “The Basics
                                                                             of Implementing (and
   It seems that as time
                                                                             Keeping) a Guardian Ad
goes on, the world gets
                                                                             Litem” round out this
smaller as communica-
                                                                             powerfully       charged
tion tools grow, and work
and life are becoming             4T  RACKS            OF     CLE            track.
joined at the hip. The                                                           The four tracks will
Work/Life Balance track               Family Law                               occur simultaneously in
will prove to be beneficial
by offering practical, real-
                                     Criminal Law                              four meeting rooms at
                                                                               the Sheraton Hotel. Each
world legal advice to help          Work/Life Balance                          track is divided into 50-
better manage the two as
they are becoming one.
                                     Nuts and Bolts                            minute blocks, and
                                                                               breaks will coincide.
This track will travel from                                                    Attendees can mix and
“Paying off School Loans”                                                      match programs they
and “Learning to Turn                                                          attend and fit together
Bad Days into Good                                                             the CLE that best suits
Ones,” to “Substance Abuse” and “What to Do            their needs. Ethics and technology sessions are
When Your Case Goes to Hell.” For those look-          scattered throughout the day. Registrants
ing for a balance in weighing work and home            receive materials on a CD for all Wednesday
life, this track is rich in material.                  sessions, not just the sessions attended.
  Criminal Law track planner Ben Brown has               So at this year’s Annual Meeting, join us for
put together yet another outstanding criminal          some quality CLE that is guaranteed to be ben-
law track for this year’s program. Sessions            eficial, entertaining and educational for all that
cover a broad spectrum and should prove use-           attend. Reserve your spot now with OBA/
ful to all attorneys who practice criminal law:        CLE, and get excited about learning again.
“Perceptions from the Other Side,” “Represent-
                                                         Mr. Haynie is a marketing and production
ing Your Client before the Oklahoma Pardon &
                                                       specialist in the OBA/CLE Department.
Parole Board,” “Digital Forensic Information

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008            The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                     1979
OBA/CLE Annual Meeting 2008
November 19, 2008 • Sheraton Hotel                                                                     DAY 1
                       Family Law              Criminal Law                   Work/Life                Nuts & Bolts

WEDNESDAY             Program Planner/         Program Planner/             Program Planner/           Program Planners/
 Registration            Moderator                Moderator                    Moderator                  Moderators
 8 - 9 a.m.            Amy E. Wilson              Ben Brown                  Leslie Lynch               Lindsey Andrews
                                                                            Melanie J. Jester
                                                                                                          Eric Schelin

  Session 1        Cocktail Party Family    Perceptions from the        Substance Abuse -               Maneuvering
 9 - 9:50 a.m.       Law Tips for the            Other Side            Spotting the Signs in            Through DPS
                  Non-Family Law Attorney                               Our (Friends and)             and the DUI Case
                                                Charles Sifers        Colleagues and Tips on
                        Rees Evans               David Prater         What to Do to Protect               David Ogle
                       David Echols          Judge Virgil C. Black      Our Practice (and
                       Eileen Echols           Catherine Burton            Their Lives)
                                                                            Glenn Mirando

  Session 2         Legislative Update       Representing Your        How to Pay Those Law            Commencing the
10 - 10:50 a.m.                              Client before the          School Loans (and           Estate Administration
                        Noel Tucker         Oklahoma Pardon &          Other Debts) while                  Process
                        Julie Rivers           Parole Board           Saving For the Future
                                                                                                         Jack L. Brown
                                                 Mike Arnett                 Melinda Olbert
                                                 Susan Loving

  Session 3        Parenting Coordinator        Digital Forensic        Find Joy in Life - To        How to Play Nice in
                    Basics: How to Get a       Information from           Make Bad Days              the Sandbox: Tips on
11 - 11:50 a.m.
                     PC Appointed, PC            Cameras and           Practicing Law a Little         Professionalism,
                   Authority, and Reading         Cell Phones              More Tolerable            Civility and Etiquette
                         PC Reports                                                                          (ethics)
                                                Mark R. McCoy                  Linda King
                         Jerry Perigo                                       Ryan Cunningham              Members of YLD
                                                                              Rodney Cook

                                         12-2 p.m. LUNCH (On your own)
  Session 4          The New Child           Representing Clients       What to Do When               Getting to Know
                   Support Guidelines:      before the Department     Your Case Goes to Hell         Discovery: Tips for
 2 -2:50 p.m.
                     What You Need            of Public Safety…              (ethics)                Civil, Family, and
                     to Know About              What Lawyers                                          General Practice
                     Changes to the             Should Expect?               Gina Hendryx
                    Guidelines Statute                                                                    John Echols
                                                                              Judge Edward
                      Amy E. Wilson               Wellon Poe                                              Amy Howe
                                                 Deann Taylor                                            Matt McDevitt

1980                                             The Oklahoma Bar Journal                        Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
OBA/CLE Annual Meeting 2008
                     Family Law            Criminal Law                 Work/Life              Nuts & Bolts
   cont’d                                                               Balance

  Session 5        Best Web Sites for       Prosecutorial              Navigating the           The Basics of
                    Family Lawyers      Misconduct/Ineffective      Intersection of Work      Implementing (and
 3 - 3:50 p.m.                              Assistance of             & Life - Charting      Keeping) a Guardian
                      Jim Calloway           Counsel…                Organizational and           Ad Litem
                                           What To Avoid?            Individual Success
                                                                                                David Echols
                                                 TBA                    Jannine Rupp            Eileen Echols
                                                                        Ellen Ostrow

  Session 6        Family Law Ethics    DNA Analysis Updates       Life Goes to Hell - But    What Your Clients
 4 - 4:50 p.m.      Players (ethics)       and Changes                the Law Goes On        Need to Know About
                                                                                              Employment Law
                    Donelle Ratheal              TBA                    Jim Chastain
                      Jay Buxton                                        Jim Calloway         Erica Anne Dorwart
                      Rees Evans                                        Joe Ashbaker
                      Phil Tucker
                     Noel Tucker
                     Eileen Echols

4:50 p.m. ADJOURN

November 20                                                                    DAY TWO
    8 - 9 a.m.

                                                       Featured Speaker:
                                                         Rita Murray
                               Topic:               Workforce demographic,
   OBA/CLE                 A Perfect Storm        cultural and socioeconomic
    Plenary                of Opportunity:        events are colliding to produce
    Session                Communicating          the biggest business changes
                              Across the          ever experienced in the United
                                                  States, Canada and many other
  9 - 11:40 a.m.             Generations          developed countries. Using a provocative and
                                                  insightful look at the successful business diversity
                                                  initiatives in the legal profession, this presentation
                                                  will provide practical ideas you can put to work now.

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                 The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                           1981
104 th Annu al Meeting • Nov
                                      . 19-21, 2008

                                                                  2008 Art Contest
                                                                                 By Shawnae Robey

            klahoma lawyers have artistic talent! Please show off your
            talent by submitting your pieces of art to be featured in
            the 2008 Annual Meeting.
  The art show is part of the OBA Annual Meeting, to be held Nov. 19 – 21 at the Sheraton Hotel in
downtown Oklahoma City. Original, attorney-created works of art will be on display throughout
the meeting. Last year we had 28 artists enter 73 pieces of art in 10 different categories and we
expect another great success this year.
  A panel of three local art aficionados will judge the entries. First, second and third place designa-
tions will be awarded in each category, and the panel will select an overall “Artist of the Year” from
all of the entries. The attorney named “Artist of the Year” will be requested to attend Thursday’s
Annual Luncheon to receive his or her award, and the artist of the year will have his or her artwork
displayed at the Oklahoma Bar Center in Oklahoma City for a year.
  Art show participants may submit entries in as many categories as they wish; however, there is
a limit of two entries per category. Additionally, all entries must have been completed within the
past five years and cannot have been awarded the top three places in any prior OBA Attorney Art
Show. To participate, simply register for the
Annual Meeting and fill out the art show
registration form. No extra entry fees —
they are included in the meeting registra-
tion fee.
  The art will be on display Wednesday,
Nov. 19 from 6 – 9 p.m. and Thursday, Nov.
20 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Judging will take
place on Wednesday from 12 – 2 p.m. No
registrants will be allowed in the display
room during judging.
   We look forward to your participation!
If you have any questions, please contact
Shawnae Robey, 2008 Art Show
Coordinator, at (405) 640-9353, or e-mail

       Past President Stephen Beam presents
            Don Holladay of Oklahoma City
        the 2007 Artist of the Year Award –
                       “Central Park Lady”
                                       Category: Acrylic

1982                                                  The Oklahoma Bar Journal     Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
                                  REGISTRATION FORM
                                   ct. 24, 20is08                                               The following
                  Deadlinlle:be O
                                accepted after th deadlin
                                                                                              categories of art
         (No registrations wi
                                                                                               will be judged:
  Return form with
  Annual Meeting re  gistration fee to: OK 73152                                              • Oil Painting
                                          oma City,
                   P.O. Box 53036 • Oklah
                               ion •                                                          • Acrylic
  Oklahoma Bar Associat
                                                            ____________                      • Watercolor
   Name ______________                   ____________________
                                                                     _____                     • Black and White
               be r __ __ __ __ __ __ __
   OBA Num                                                    __________
      -m ail __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____________________                                           Drawing
   *E                                                            forms)                        • Color Drawing
                                           ional information and
                                       receive addit
          (*Must be submitted to                                                                • Black and White
                   __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____________________
   Address ____                                              _______                              Photograph
           __ __ __ __ __ __ _ St at e ______ Zip ________                                      • Color Photograph
   City __                                               ___________
                               _______ Fax ________
   Phone ______________                                                                          • Three Dimensional
                                                                      scribed below.
                                       art, each of which are de                                   (sculptures,
     I will enter ___ pieces of
                                                           requested below. Please
                                                                                   attach          woodwork, etc.)
                                 in detail all information                          the
     For each entry, complete the required information for entries exceeding                     • Craft (tile work,
                nal she et wi th all
     an additio
     space provided.
                                                                                                    stained glass,
                                                                                                    needlepoint, etc.)
                                                                                                  • Mixed Media
                                                                                                      photographs, etc.)

   Watercolor                                   Photograph
                               Pottery                                            Stained glass

     Name of Piece                        Size/Weight                   Date                      Category

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                           The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                      1983
2008 Annual Meeting Registration Form
   Please complete a separate form for each
                                              _________________________                   104 th Annu al Meeting • Nov
   Name ______________________________                                                                                . 19-21, 2008
                _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ________________
   E-mail _____
                                                _________________________ Bar No. _____
   Badge Name (if different from roster) _____
   Address ______________________________
                                                   ________ Zip _______________ Phone _____
   City ______________________________ State
   Name of Non-Attorney Guest __________
                                                                      to the information above. q Yes q No
                            Please change my OBA roster information
Check all that apply:
q Judiciary q OBF Fellow q OBF Past President q OBA Past President q YLD Officer q YLD Board Member q YLD Past President
q Board of Bar Examiner q 2008 OBA Award Winner q Delegate q Alternate q County Bar President: County _______________________

q YES! Register me for the 2008 Annual Meeting, November 19, 20 & 21, in Oklahoma City.
Events will be held at the Sheraton Hotel. Registration fee includes continental breakfast in hospitality area, President’s Reception
ticket(s), Just Desserts reception, convention gift, Vendors Expo, Art Contest and Viva Las Vegas Casino Night.
n MEMBER:                    q $50 through Oct. 24; $75 after Oct. 24......................................................... $ __________
n NEW MEMBER                 (Admitted after Jan. 1, 2008): q Free through Oct. 24; $15 after Oct. 24 ................ $ __________
n LAW STUDENT DIV. q $25 through Oct. 24; $35 after Oct. 24 ........................................................ $ __________
q I will submit an entry (or entries) in the Art Contest. (Submit art registration form by Oct. 24.
    Entry fee included in meeting registration.)

I will be attending/participating in the following ticketed events in addition
to my registration fee for Annual Meeting:
q WED. & THURS.: CLE Multitrack           ( ___ [0 or 1] ticket @ $150 through Oct.24; $175 after Oct. 24;
   and Plenary                            $50 for new members through Oct. 24, $75 after Oct. 24) ......... $ __________
q THURSDAY: CLE Plenary only              ( ___ [0 or 1] ticket @ $75 through Oct. 24; $100 after Oct. 24;
                                          $25 for new members through Oct. 24, $50 after Oct. 24). ......... $ __________
q THURSDAY: Annual Luncheon               ( ___ number of tickets @ $30 each) ......................................... $ __________
q FRIDAY: President’s Prayer Breakfast    ( ___ number of tickets @ $20 each).......................................... $ __________
q Please check here, if under the Americans with Disabilities Act you require specific aids or services during
  your visit to the OBA Annual Meeting.          q Audio q Visual q Mobile             (Attach a written description of your needs.)

I will be attending the following ticketed events that do NOT require Annual Meeting registration:
q WEDNESDAY: Law School Luncheon – (check one)       q OCU q OU q TU
                                       ( ___ number of tickets @ $30 each........................................ $ __________
                                                                                                                   TOTAL $ __________

 THREE WAYS TO REGISTER                               PAYMENT OPTIONS:
n MAIL this registration form with paym
                                                      q Check enclosed: Payable to Okla. Bar Association
    or credit card info to:
               OBA Annual Meeting                       Credit card:   q VISA             q Mastercard
               P.O. Box 53036                         Card #______________________________________________________________
               Okla. City, OK 73152                   Exp. Date____________________________________________________________
   FAX this registration form with credit card        Authorized Signature
        information to: (405) 416-7092.               ____________________________________________________________________
 n ONLINE at                            HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS:
 n CANCELLATION POLICY Full refun                     Fees do not include hotel accommodations. For reservations contact: Sheraton
     will be given through Nov. 7. No refun           Hotel at (405) 235-2780. Call by Oct. 26 and mention hotel code: OK BAR
     will be issued after deadline.                   for a special room rate of $94 per night. For hospitality suites, contact Craig
                                                      Combs at (405) 416-7040 or e-mail:

1984                                                     The Oklahoma Bar Journal                            Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
OBA Annual Meeting Event
                                       Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
                                             9 – 11 p.m.
                                                                    • Perform one song
                                                                      to wow celebrity judges
                                                                    • Prizes for first, second

                                                                      & third places
                                                                    • Limited to15 individuals
                                                                      or groups

                  Idol – OBA Style
                                                                    • Groups must include at
                                                                      least 1 OBA member
                                                                    • Participants provide
                                                                      background music on CD
                                                                    • OBA performers must
                                                                      register for the meeting

                               Fill out the form below and submit.
                           or print and mail to: American Idol – OBA Style,
                                    OBA, P.O. Box 53036, OKC 73152
                     Fax to: 405.416.7089 • Scan & e-mail to:
             Name of act: ______________________________________________________________
             Your Name: ______________________________________________________________
             OBA #:_________________________________________________________________
             E-mail address: __________________________________________________________

             If group, names of other performers:
             ______________________________________________ OBA # (if applicable) ________
             ______________________________________________ OBA # (if applicable) ________
             ______________________________________________ OBA # (if applicable) ________
             ______________________________________________ OBA # (if applicable) ________

                         Questions: E-mail

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008             The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                1985

2009 OBA Board of Governors
       Nominating Petition Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, 2008
OFFICERS                                                   Summary of Nominations Rules

President-Elect                                            Not less than 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting,
Current: Jon K. Parsley, Guymon                            25 or more voting members of the OBA within the
Mr. Parsley automatically becomes OBA president            Supreme Court Judicial District from which the
Jan. 1, 2009                                               member of the Board of Governors is to be elected
(One-year term: 2009)                                      that year, shall file with the Executive Director, a
Nominee: Allen M. Smallwood, Tulsa                         signed petition (which may be in parts) nominating
                                                           a candidate for the office of member of the Board of
Vice President                                             Governors for and from such Judicial District, or one
Current: Michael C. Mordy, Ardmore                         or more County Bar Associations within the Judicial
(One-year term: 2009)                                      District may file a nominating resolution nominating
Nominee: Linda S. Thomas, Bartlesville                     such a candidate.
                                                           Not less than 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting,
BOARD OF GOVERNORS                                         50 or more voting members of the OBA from any or
Supreme Court Judicial District One                        all Judicial Districts shall file with the Executive
Current: Brian T. Hermanson, Ponca City                    Director, a signed petition nominating a candidate to
Craig, Grant, Kay, Nowata, Osage, Ottawa,                  the office of Member-At-Large on the Board of Gov-
Pawnee, Rogers and Washington counties                     ernors, or three or more County Bars may file appro-
(Three-year term: 2009-2011)                               priate resolutions nominating a candidate for this
Nominee:                                                   office.
                                                           Not less than 60 days before the opening of the
Supreme Court Judicial District Six                        Annual Meeting, 50 or more voting members of the
Current: Robert S. Farris, Tulsa                           Association may file with the Executive Director a
Tulsa County                                               signed petition nominating a candidate for the office
(Three-year term: 2009-2011)                               of President-Elect or Vice President or three or more
Nominee:                                                   County Bar Associations may file appropriate
Supreme Court Judicial District Seven                      resolutions nominating a candidate for the office.
Current: Alan Souter, Bristow                              See Article II and Article III of OBA Bylaws for
Adair, Cherokee, Creek, Delaware, Mayes,                   complete information regarding offices, positions,
Muskogee, Okmulgee and Wagoner counties                    nominations and election procedure.
(Three-year term: 2009-2011)
Nominee: Charles D. Watson Jr., Drumright                  Vacant positions will be filled at the OBA Annual
LouAnn Moudy, Henryetta                                    Meeting Nov. 19-21. Terms of the present OBA
                                                           officers and governors listed will terminate Dec. 31,
Member-At-Large                                            2008.
Current: Julie E. Bates, Oklahoma City
(Three-year term: 2009-2011)
Nominee: Steven Dobbs, Oklahoma City

1986                                        The Oklahoma Bar Journal                   Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008

OBA Nominating Petitions
(See Article II and Article III of the OBA Bylaws)

OFFICERS                                                   BOARD OF GOVERNORS
PRESIDENT-ELECT                                            SUPREME COURT
ALLEN M. SMALLWOOD, TULSA                                  JUDICIAL DISTRICT SEVEN
Petitions have been filed nominating Allen M.              CHARLES D. WATSON JR., DRUMRIGHT
Smallwood for election of President-Elect of the           Petitions have been filed nominating Charles D.
Board of Governors of the Oklahoma Bar Associa-            Watson Jr. for election of the Board of
tion for a one-year term beginning January 1,              Governors of the Oklahoma Bar Association
2009.                                                      Supreme Court Judicial District 7 for a
A total of 289 signatures appear on the petitions.         three-year term beginning January 1, 2009.
                                                           County Bar Resolutions Endorsing Nominee:
VICE PRESIDENT                                             Creek County
Petitions have been filed nominating Linda S.              LOUANN MOUDY, HENRYETTA
Thomas for election of Vice President of the Board         A Nominating Resolution has been filed nominat-
of Governors of the Oklahoma Bar Association for           ing LouAnn Moudy for election to the Board of
a one-year term beginning January 1, 2009.                 Governors of the Oklahoma Bar Association
A total of 284 signatures appear on the petitions.         Supreme Court Judicial District 7 for a three-year
County Bar Resolutions Endorsing Nominee:                  term beginning January 1, 2009.
Comanche, Payne and Washington County                      County Bar Resolutions Endorsing Nominee:
                                                           Okmulgee County

                                                           STEVEN DOBBS, OKLAHOMA CITY
                                                           Nominating Petitions and Nominating Resolu-
                                                           tions have been filed nominating Steven Dobbs
                                                           for election to the Board of Governors of the
                                                           Oklahoma Bar Association, Member-at-Large
                                                           for a three-year term beginning January 1,
                                                           A total of 276 signatures appear on the
                                                           County Bar Resolutions Endorsing Nominee:
                                                           Harmon County

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008                The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                     1987

              ▪                                                                        ▪
                              HB 1804                              Diversity

       Registration information will appear in future editions of the Oklahoma Bar Journal.

     Your source for OBA news.

           At Home                          At Work                       And on the Go

1988                                    The Oklahoma Bar Journal               Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008

Taxation Law Section
2008 Oklahoma Tax Legislation
By Sheppard F. Miers Jr.

  Legislation enacted in the 2008 session of the                      Aerospace Industry Tax Credits
Oklahoma Legislature included the changes
                                                            An aerospace sector employer can be allowed
summarized below, which are some of the new
                                                          a nonrefundable credit equal to 50 percent of
Oklahoma state laws on taxation.
                                                          tuition reimbursed to a qualified employee for
INCOME TAX                                                the first through fourth years of employment;
                                                          and a nonrefundable credit equal to 10 percent
      Individual Rate Reduction; State Board              of compensation paid to a qualified employee
            of Equalization Procedures                    for the first through fifth years of employment
  The procedures, method and timing of reve-              to an employee who graduated from an Okla-
nue determinations to be made by the State                homa institution or 5 percent of compensation
Board of Equalization related to implementing             paid for the first through fifth years of employ-
decreases in the top marginal rate of individual          ment to an employee who graduated from an
income tax to 5.25 percent in 2009 and                    institution outside the state. A qualified
subsequent tax years are modified. SB 15ll, §13;          employee may claim a nonrefundable personal
amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §2355.1A;                    income tax credit of up to $5,000 per year for
effective June 4, 2008.                                   no longer than five years. Any credit claimed
                                                          but not used may be carried over to each of the
 Captive Real Estate Investment Trust Rents and           five subsequent taxable years. A qualified
               Interest Add Back                          employee is an individual awarded an under-
  For purposes of computing Oklahoma tax-                 graduate or graduate degree from a program
able income, a taxpayer shall add back other-             accredited by designated engineering and tech-
wise deductible rents and interest expenses to            nology review organizations. HB 3239, §§1-4;
a captive real estate investment trust (REIT), as         adding 68 OS. Supp. 2008, §§2357.301-2357.304;
defined in Internal Revenue Code section 856.             effective Jan.1, 2009.
SB 2034, §3; amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007,                   Clean-Burning Fuel and Electric Motor Vehicle
§2358; effective Jan. 1, 2008.                                            Property Credit
           Federal Depreciation Add Back                    The Oklahoma income tax credit for invest-
  For income tax returns filed by corporations            ments in qualified clean-burning motor vehicle
and fiduciaries after Dec. 31, 2007, federal tax-         fuel property and qualified electric motor vehi-
able income shall be increased by 80 percent of           cle property is extended to be effective for tax
any amount of bonus depreciation deducted                 years beginning before Jan. 1, 2010. SB 1558,
under Internal Revenue Code section 168(k)                §1; amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §2357.22;
pursuant to the federal Economic Stimulus Act             effective Jan. 1, 2009.
of 2008, for assets placed in service after Dec.                      Historic Hotel, Newspaper Plant
31, 2007, and before Jan. 1, 2009. SB 2034, §2,                              or Structure Credit
amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §2358.6: effective
June 3, 2008.                                                The income tax credit for historic properties
                                                          is amended to change requirements and report-
                                                          ing for transfers of allowable credits, and the
                                                          liability for reduction of credits by adjustment
                                                          of the IRS or Tax Commission. SB 1956, §4;

Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008               The Oklahoma Bar Journal                                     1989
amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §2357.41;                                Exemption; Sales of Food; Medical
effective Jan. 1, 2009.                                                  Scholarship Organizations
 Railroad Reconstruction and Replacement Credit             A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales of
                                                          food and snack items to or by a section 501(c)(3)
  The income tax credit allowed for qualified             exempt organization whose primary purpose
railroad reconstruction and replacement expen-            is providing funding for scholarships in the
ditures is amended to provide that the limita-            medical field. HB 1387, §2; amending 68 O.S.
tion on an allowable credit (50 percent of                Supp. 2007, §1356; effective July 1, 2009.
qualifying expenditures) calculated by multi-
plying a dollar amount ($2,000) by the number                     Exemption; Sales to Hospice Facilities
of miles of railroad track owned or leased in
                                                            A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales of
the state shall be subject to a taxpayer election
                                                          tangible personal property or services for use
in 2009 and later years. The election would
                                                          solely on construction projects for section
allow the taxpayer to increase the credit limita-
                                                          501(c)(3) exempt organizations for hospice
tion three times, subject to the taxpayer claim-
                                                          facilities providing care for low-income indi-
ing only one-third of the credit in any one tax-
                                                          viduals. HB 1387, §2; amending 68 O.S. Supp.
able period, and a taxpayer electing to so
                                                          2007, §1356; effective July 1, 2009.
increase the limitation shall not be granted
additional credits during the period of such                    Exemption; Events Supporting Hospitals
election. SB 1799, §1; amending 68 O.S. Supp.
                                                             A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales of
2007, §2357.104; effective Nov. 1, 2008.
                                                          tickets and admissions to events held by sec-
              Biodiesel Facility Credit                   tion 501(c)(3) exempt organizations that sup-
                                                          port general hospitals licensed by the State
   The income tax credit for investment in
                                                          Department of Health. HB 1387, §2; amending
biodiesel facilities is amended to provide that if
                                                          68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §1356; effective July 1,
the credit exceeds the amount of income taxes
due, the unused credit may be carried forward
as a credit against subsequent income tax                       Exemption; NRA Supporting Foundation
liability for a period not exceeding five years.
                                                             A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales of
SB 1956, §5; amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007,
                                                          tangible personal property to a section 501(c)(3)
§2357.67; effective July 1, 2009.
                                                          exempt foundation which raises tax-deductible
        Oklahoma Tourism Development Act                  contributions in support of a wide range of
                                                          firearms-related public interest activities of the
  The Oklahoma Tourism Development Act
                                                          National Rifle Association of America and
providing for income and sales tax credits for
                                                          other organizations that defend and foster the
approved companies entering into a tourism
                                                          Second Amendment, and to or by a grassroots
project agreement is amended to apply to digi-
                                                          funding program for sales related to events to
tal media facility project agreements and to
                                                          raise funds for such a foundation. HB 1387, §2;
modify qualifying cost amounts. SB 1956,
                                                          amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §1356; effective
§§8-13; amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §2357.
                                                          July 1, 2009.
35-2357.40; effective July 1, 2009.
                                                                 Exemption; Railroad Rolling Stock Sales
                                                            A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales
       Exemption; Sales to School Foundations
                                                          before July 1, 2014, of rolling stock (locomo-
  A sales tax exemption is allowed for sales of           tives, autocars and railroad cars) sold or leased
tangible personal property made before July 1,            by the manufacturer, regardless of whether the
2014, by or to nonprofit local public or private          purchaser is a public services corporation and
school foundations which solicit money or                 common carrier of property or passengers by
property in the name of any public or private             railway, for use or consumption by a common
school or public school district. SB 1956, §2;            carrier directly in the rendition of public
amending 68 O.S. Supp. 2007, §1356; effective             service. SB 1956, §3; amending 68 O.S. Supp.
July 1, 2009.                                             2007, §1357; effective July 1, 2009.

1990                                       The Oklahoma Bar Journal                    Vol. 79 — No. 23 — 9/13/2008
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