InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today

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InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
to hold
event to
Sept. 11        COUNTY
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
Vol. 13 No. 41                                                                                   Wednesday, September 8, 2021

   4   Opinion
   9   Showcase               'Iron County
                             Has Talent'
                             show brings
                              out the stars
                                at Fair
Cedar Rotary to hold special event commemorating 9/11
from Brittany Fisher                           This special event will be held at   AM – North Tower Collapses) will be         responders, including police and fire
 Cedar Cit y Rotary club                   the Veterans Park (200 N 200 E). The     held at the Finish Line of the Cedar City   departments, the Sheriff’s office, local
                                           gathering will begin at 8:20AM and       Half-Marathon (700 N 400 W).                national guard, local Veterans and
    This special event will be a special   will include six moments of silence          Cedar City Mayor Maile Wilson-          many others.
commemoration remembering and              (beginning at 8:46 – Flight 11) for      Edwards will share opening words               Please wear red, white and or
honoring those who lost their lives in     each of the airplane flights involved,   followed by the Pledge of Allegiance,       blue and come join us in commem-
the tragic terrorist attacks and those     including the collapsing of the World    and a possible missing man forma-           orating the many lives lost 20 years
who gave and continue to give their        Trade Center North and South towers.     tion from SUU Aviation. Many groups         ago. There will also be donuts and
lives in service to defend our country.    The last moment of silence (10:28        will be highlighted from our local first    Starbucks coffee served.


                                                         Fair Photos in Life                                                                             corey baumgartner
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
2 Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                 news                                                             Iron County Today

Utah Independent Redistricting Commission to
   hold public meetings for Southern Utah
from Austin Isbell                       Utah Independent                              State Legislature for consideration.       UIRC’s new interactive website.
 Director of Public Rel ations
                                         Redistricting Commission                   »»UIRC was created through the 2018         »»This website is critical in this
                                         Talking Points:                              passage of Utah Prop. 4 and was mod-        independent process. By visiting
    As the redistricting process         »»Redistricting is a process that occurs     ified through compromise legislation        UIRC’s website, Utahns will be able
only occurs once every 10 years, it        every 10 years, where states use the       (SB200) passed in 2020. The result is       to explore the 2020 census data,
is crucial for Utahns to participate       most recent census data to designate       an independent advisory Commission          submit formal comments and ideas
in the process – redistricting             electoral boundaries within the state.     that enhances the public’s voice in the     on the suggested draft maps, and
impacts everything from congres-         »»Redistricting impacts everything           redistricting process.                      even create their own maps using
sional districts and school boards to      from congressional districts             »»The Commission is a bipartisan              cutting-edge mapping software
community growth. As Utah changes          and school boards to commu-                group composed of seven com-                accessible through the website.
demographically, redistricting resets                                                                                           »»UIRC created a tutorial video to
a balance to makes sure that each                                                                                                 help people create and submit
political boundary is of substantially      participants can explore census data,                                                 maps. It exists on the main page of
                                                                                                                                  the website.
equal population and representation,
so that every voice has a chance to be        submit formal comments and even                                                   »»The deadline for public feedback
heard.                                          share their own district maps                                                     and map submissions is October 22.
    The bipartisan Utah Independent                                                                                               Then the Commission will prepare
Redistricting Commission, based                                                                                                   the final submission to give to the
on the public’s input, is tasked           nity growth. As Utah changes               missioners – appointed by both              legislature on November 1.
with creating maps that will then          demographically, redistricting             Democratic and Republican party           »»Public hearings run through
be submitted to the Utah State             resets a balance to makes sure             leaders – with the chair appointed          October 22nd. All public meetings
Legislature for consideration.             that each political boundary is of         by Utah’s governor.                         will be streamed online.
Utahns can participate first-hand          substantially equal population and       »»The Commission will prepare three         »»For more information about UIRC, the
in the redistricting process for the       representation, so that every voice        plans for each type of map. In              redistricting process, or to submit a
first time in the state’s history via      has a chance to be heard.                  preparing its maps, the Commission          map, visit
these vital public meetings and          »»The Utah Independent Redistricting         is seeking the public’s input on the
through UIRC’s new interactive             Commission (UIRC), based on                maps, including what the people of        Public Meeting Dates and
website. Participants can explore          the public’s input, is tasked with         Utah consider their “communities          Locations:
the 2020 census data, submit               creating maps for congressional,           of interest.                              »»Saturday September 18 -
formal comments and ideas on the           state senate, state house, and           »»Utahns can participate first-hand in        Cedar City (11 am-1 pm), Southern
suggested draft maps, and even             school board districts, which maps         the redistricting process for the first     Utah University, 351 W University
create their own maps.                     will then be submitted to the Utah         time in the state’s history through         Blvd, Cedar City, UT 84720.
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                  news                                    Wednesday, September 8, 2021   3

Walk to End Alzheimer’s engages,
 inspires Iron County residents
from Lauren Willie                                         Association advocates for those living with
 Regional Manager, Al zheimer’s Association                Alzheimer’s and their families on related legisla-
                                                           tive issues, and with health and long-term care
    The Alzheimer’s Association is inviting residents      providers.
from Iron County and surrounding areas to unite                To register for the event, visit the website alz.
in a movement to reclaim the future for millions by        org/walk or text “AlzWalk” to 51555. For more
participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk          information about the Walk contact Southwest
to End Alzheimer’s®.                                       Utah Regional Manager, Lauren Willie at (435)
    The event is set for Saturday, September               359-4819 or
18, 2021, at Cedar City Motor Company 1010 N.
Main Street. Event festivities begin at 9:00 AM.
Walkers can come get their team signs, take a              The Alzheimer’s Association Utah Chapter is the
photo, visit vendor booths, and plant a flower             premier source of information and support for the

                                                                                              Courtesy Alzheimer's Assoc.
  Hundreds of people walking carry different colored flowers symbolizing their commitment to ending this disease.

for the reason they walk in the TDS sponsored              more than 34,000 Utahns with Alzheimer’s disease,
Promise Garden. The walk will begin at 10:00 AM.           their families and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s
We will also have a “Walk Where You Are” option            Association offers education, counseling, support
for those that aren’t able to join us in person,           groups and a 24-hour Helpline at no charge to families.
download the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” mobile              In addition, contributions help fund advancements
app and on walk day there will be an augmented             in research to prevent, treat and eventually conquer
reality experience where you will see flowers pop          this disease. The Alzheimer’s Association advocates
up as you walk.                                            for those living with Alzheimer’s and their families
    Ronnie Daniel, Executive Director of the Utah          on related legislative issues, and with health and
Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association said, “We           long-term care providers. For information call the
are excited to hold the 3rd annual Walk in Cedar           Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 bilingual Helpline at
City in person again. We hope that this will be the        800-272-3900, or visit
first of many opportunities to connect to local res-
idents who are living with Alzheimer’s disease. We

are so grateful for the support of this community!”
Funding includes contributions from local teams
and sponsors including the National Presenting
Sponsor, Edward Jones.
    Funds raised from the Walk will be used to
continue to provide care and support services to
people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other
dementia and their caregivers in Iron County
and the surrounding area. The Alzheimer’s
Association is the premier source of informa-
tion and support for people and their families
impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. The organi-
zation offers education, counseling, support
groups and a 24-hour Helpline at no charge to
families. In addition, contributions help fund
advancements in research to prevent, treat and
eventually conquer this disease. The Alzheimer’s
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
4 Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                                                news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                          Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of the
  We still remember                                                                                                                                                                                      week
                                                                                                                                                                                                         "We should

                             t seems easy in today’s
                             world to remember the
                             bad stuff more than the
                        good stuff. As I wrote about
                         last week, perhaps that’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                         always pray
                                                                                                                                                                                                         for help, but we
                                                                                                                                                                                                         should always
                                                                                                                                                                                                         listen for
                         just human nature. However,                                                                                                                                                     inspiration and
                         human nature is no excuse                                                                                                                                                       impression to
                        to not improve our lives (and
                       memories) and learn to not only                                                                                                                                                   proceed in ways
   Baumgartner discern between good and evil,                                                                                                                                                            different from
    Managing Editor  but to strive to remember (and                                                                                                                                                      those we may
                     become) the good, no matter how
much evil we see and experience in this world. We’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                         have thought of.
never be perfect. We’ll still say and do wrong things,                                                                                                                                                   John H. Groberg
especially to the people we love and serve the most.
Life’s not about perfection, but direction. Where are
you headed with your heart and mind today?
    As we each remember where we were and look
backwards this week to the tragedy caused by
terrorism on 9/11 (2001), I hope we will also remember
where we are now and also look forward to our                                             Biden’s national-security calamity a
                                                                                              stain on our nation’s history
freedoms and fulfilling lives. Not always because they
are given to us by our parents, government, employers
or others, but because we strive to make the choices

everyday to not only wait for the solutions, but get to
work for and become the solutions our world needs.                                            his week, I was in Washington,                              evacuation will forever be remembered
                                                                                              D.C. with my Republican                                     as a historically shameful time in our
                                                                                              colleagues who also served                                   nation’s history, no matter how much
To the Editor                                                                         in the military. We have all fought                                    the White House wants to spin it
                                                                                      for the American ideal of “No Man                                      otherwise.
Serious consequences                                                                  Left Behind,” and we demanded the
                                                                                      same from our Commander in Chief.
                                                                                                                                                                 Republicans are proposing a
                                                                                                                                                             four-point strategy to make real
Dear Editor,                                                                          American citizens are stranded                                        change – not just change the
    People don’t believe they can be told what to do,                                 behind enemy lines, and President                                     narrative. First and foremost, we
even in a pandemic. To them, I ask, “Were your parents                                                                          Rep. Chris Stewart
                                                                                      Biden has no plan to bring them            U.S. Congress (R-UT 2nd)
                                                                                                                                                            need a plan to get every American
able to tell you what to do?”                                                         home. American military equipment                                     home safely. Second, we need an
    You answer, “Yes.” But now you are an adult and                                   is in the hands of terrorists, and President Biden       official accounting of all U.S. military equip-
you are free of all that, you say.                                                    has no plan to disarm them. House Republicans            ment left behind. President Biden must also
    But here’s the deal. The whole purpose of society                                 called a vote to right these wrongs, but                 reaffirm our nation’s pledge to not negotiate
allowing parents to tell children what they can and                                   Democrats declined to even consider it.                  with, or pay ransom to, terrorists. This would
cannot do until they are 18 is to prepare them for
similar do’s and don’ts when they are adults.                                          “The president’s dishonest, accusatory defense of his own mistakes is a gross
    Agencies like the government, workplace, and
the military take the place of parents and enforce                                       disservice to those American soldiers who laid down their lives in Kabul”
requirements like “You must pay taxes; you must show                                     President Biden declared his withdrawal                                  not be necessary had President Biden ensured
up to work unless you are sick; you must send your                                    from Afghanistan to be an ‘extraordinary                                    the safe return of all Americans, but it is the
children to school for twelve years; you must serve in                                success.’ Frankly, if the president truly believes                          reality of our current situation. Finally, we can
the military if drafted.”                                                             those words, he is exceedingly detached from                                never recognize the Taliban as a legitimate
    Not only that, but limits on personal freedom also                                reality. American citizens and allies remain                                   government.
get much steeper during an epidemic, just like during                                 stranded in enemy territory – that is                                                 President Biden’s national-security
a time of war.
    Our institutions of learning have failed to teach
                                                                                      not a ‘success,’ but a failure of President
                                                                                      Biden to uphold a fundamental duty as                             op/               calamity is a stain on our nation’s history,
                                                                                                                                                                          as well as on our present international
several generations of Americans this simple truth:
you don’t get everything you want in life. You don’t
have the freedom to refuse a vaccine in an epidemic
                                                                                      Commander in Chief. Not only that, but
                                                                                      the president’s dishonest, accusatory
                                                                                      defense of his own mistakes is a gross
                                                                                                                                                        Ed                standing. But that doesn’t change
                                                                                                                                                                         the fact that we must move forward.
                                                                                                                                                                       Alongside my fellow Republican colleagues,
without serious consequence to you.                                                   disservice to those American soldiers who laid                              I am calling on Speaker Pelosi to immediately
    Sincerely,                                                                        down their lives in Kabul. They represented the                             reconvene Congress so that we can hold this
                                                                                      best of America, and President Biden’s leader-                              administration accountable, bring our people
Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah                                                 ship has not been worthy of their sacrifice. This                           home safely, and save lives.

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InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                        news                             Wednesday, September 8, 2021   5

                    Alice in Afghanistan
                                                                   promise made by Pres. Trump) was predicated
                                                                   on an orderly process while the Afghan army,

  cyclops                                                          equipped with $83 billion of our money in training
                                                                   and equipment, kept the Taliban at bay. We didn’t
                                                                   anticipate that the Afghan army would immedi-
                                                                   ately take a nap and hand the passkey to the rowdy
  Bryan Gray                                                       Taliban troops. Neither did we expect the elected,
  Columnist                                                        corrupt Afghan officials to flee and set up shop
                                                                   drinking rum and sodas in a neighboring country.
The opinions stated in this article are solely those of               We should be angry. If you are angry at Pres.
the author and not Iron County Today.                              Biden, you should also be angry at previous U.S.

                                                                   presidents who, on average, poured $100 million
             e can all agree on one thing: The                             every single day for 20 years into a desolate
             American troop withdrawal                                          deserts filled with people who gave
             from Afghanistan was a                                                us a Bronx cheer rather than their
chaotic mess, much like the war                                                      thanks.
was over the past 20 years.                       “We can and                              We can and should feel sorry
     Most of us will agree on
something else: It was high                     should feel sorry                       for the young women who face
                                                                                         an uncertain fate under their
time the U.S. pulled out of the
tribal country. After 20 years
                                                  for the young                          new rulers. But what was a U.S.
                                                                                          president to do? Airlift every
and 2,400 dead Americans, it                  women who face an                           one of them to Kansas so they
appeared, as in other Mideast
countries, that the Afghan
                                              uncertain fate under                       could pursue their dreams?
                                                                                            Again, your questions and
people didn’t yearn for the                    their new rulers.”                      answers are as valid as mine.
democracy that we cherish (i.e.                                                       However, I do believe that history
just because I like fried shrimp                                                    will treat Pres. Biden a bit more
doesn’t mean my neighbor will savor                                              kindly for his decision to end the
it).                                                                         “forever war” and declare his intentions
     On other aspects of the war, however, there                     to stay out of the nation-building business in
will be disagreement. In today’s current blame                     countries that don’t share our same values. Spend
game, Pres. Joe Biden is roasting on a spit. The                   money building our own nation!
optics for his administration are ugly with partisan                  At least we are out of Afghanistan. We should
shots that he, at best, was hesitant – and, at worst               have left 10 years earlier.
incompetent. His supporters counter that he relied
on military advice and that returning veterans
always predicted an unwinnable war would end in
a victory for the Taliban.
     Which side is right? Beats me! I am not a
veteran. I’ve read much about the war from
numerous sources, but I never took on the role
of a sniper shooting an M40 with an M151 spotter
scope directed at hooded men anywhere near the
Euphrates. I never had to consider whether a child
asking for candy was hiding an explosive.
     Could Pres. Biden have evacuated U.S. soldiers,
citizens, and Afghan helpers earlier? Probably. I
don’t (and you don’t either) know the logistics.
Should Pres. Biden have stayed a bit longer in the
hopes of making the airlift more manageable?
Possibly, but I’d have to factor in additional cost of
American lives faced with ISIS suicide squads.
     I don’t have the answers. In an Alice-In-
Wonderland world, we would have extricated
every American and every Afghan who helped our
soldiers, and every piece of military hardware,
leaving the Taliban warlords to wallow in their
own opium fields. But fairy tales are fiction, no
matter who is President.
     What I do understand is that our leaving (a

      Want to submit a
     letter to the editor?
          Submit your letter to the Editor on our website, or by emailing it to news@ or bring/mail them to 389 N 100 W,
   Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must be signed, be brief
  (generally under 300 words in length), list the author’s city
    and give the writer’s telephone number (phone number
  will not be printed). We reserve the right to edit all letters
  for length or content. For letters arriving electronically, we
   will use the author’s e-mail address in lieu of a signature.
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
6 Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                     news                                                            Iron County Today

                       ICSD announces free school
How to avoid a looming meals, special milk programs
 homelessness crisis                                                                       from Karen Johnson
                                                                                            ICSD Communit y Outreach Coordinator
                                                                                                                                    interested party. It is important to
                                                                                                                                    submit a completed meal applica-
                                                                                                                                    tion as soon as possible.
by Kerry Jackson                            that “the solution truly needs to                  Iron School District announced           Only one meal application
& Wayne Winegarden                          be about both.” Another strategy               its policy for providing meals for       is needed for each household.
 Keybridge Communications                   initiates contact with the homeless            children served under the National       Applications are collected at the
                                                                                           School Lunch, and/or School              local level; each school district

                                            by providing necessities, including
          omelessness is a growing          bag storage, transportation,                   Breakfast Programs. This school          or charter school has their own
          problem in virtually every        Internet access, and a sitting room.           year, healthy meals will be offered      process for submitting applications
          state. Nowhere is it more         While offering these services, the             at no cost to all students. These        available at
pressing than in California, which          Crossroads Welcome Center in                   meals will be available every school         The information provided by the
in the past three years spent more          Tennessee determines each client’s             day. Typically, a student’s house-       household is confidential and will
than $13 billion, roughly $30,000           needs and tries to direct them to              hold must meet income eligibility        be used only for purposes of deter-
annually for each homeless person,          institutions for further care.                 requirements to qualify for free or      mining eligibility and verifying data,
to address it. Tragically, its “housing          Given the severity of today’s crisis,     reduced-price meals.                     unless a wavier releasing the use of
first” approach is a colossal failure.      the homeless need to be relocated                  However, the United States           the information for other specific
Overall, says the state auditor’s office,   with an urgency. San Diego’s use of            Department of Agriculture (USDA)         programs is signed by the parent or
California’s homelessness programs          large tents that serve as transitional         is allowing schools to waive this        guardian. Families who are notified
are disjointed and poorly managed.          housing for about 700 a night and              requirement for the 2021-2022 school     of categorical or automatic eligibil-
    Despite little progress, policy-        cost roughly $11.3 million shows how
makers keep throwing more money             this can be done.
at the problem. Rather than adopting             California’s infamous unafford-
California’s current government-cen-        ability problems are also a causal
tric approach, other states should          driver of homelessness. Policymakers
learn from its mistakes by embracing        nationwide should implement regu-
reforms that directly tackle the core       latory reforms that lessen excessive
issues.                                     living costs to alleviate the economic
    Many homeless suffer from mental        pressures driving too many people
illness and substance abuse struggles       into the streets.
that require creating a pathway to               The California Environmental
recovery. Unfortunately, the legal          Quality Act, the biggest barrier to
precedent of Martin v. City of Boise        homebuilding, increases costs, and
is creating a “right to live on the               causes extended construction

streets,” Policy changes such                       delays. It, as well as similar
as California’s voter-approved                       laws elsewhere, is overdue for

Proposition 47 have effectively                      reform.
discouraged the enforcement                             States should pursue
of shoplifting items up to $950,                    zoning regulatory reform to
creating a means for the addicted                simplify multi-layered restric-
or mentally ill homeless to support         tions, speed up the building-permit
their habits.                               process, and ease restrictions on
    Instead of enabling homelessness,       building duplexes, triplexes, and
states should ensure appropriate            granny flats in order to expand
punishment for those who violate            the stock of affordable housing.
the law. However, interactions with         Eliminating rent control would also
law enforcement should be viewed            meaningfully expand the supply of
as opportunities to connect home-           housing and reduce costs, particu-
less individuals with the help and          larly in cities where housing is the
resources they need.                        most expensive.
    One innovative approach is                   Sustainably addressing the home-
homeless courts that “sentence”             lessness crisis in California and every
offenders to treatment, then                state is a moral imperative and an
expunging their records once                economic necessity. Current conditions
successfully completed, as proposed         are the unintended consequence of
in the California’s Compassionate           policies implemented by state and local                                                                               getty images

Intervention Act. At the same time,         governments. Though the situation
the developing “right to sleep on           is dire in California, the good news is        year. Households will not be required    ity (directly certified) will receive a
the street” needs to be challenged          states can make a meaningful differ-           to submit a meal application form to     wavier release form for their signa-
through legal channels.                     ence if they reject the Golden State’s         receive meals at no charge this school   ture with the notification letter. The
    To complement these efforts,            ill-advised policies. Adopting the right       year. However, Iron School District is   household name and address will
states should partner with private          policies should be at the top of every         still collecting and processing appli-   be given to the Children’s Health
nonprofits that have successfully           state’s legislative to-do list.                cations for free and reduced-price       Insurance Program (CHIP) unless
helped many transition off the                                                             meals. This is because school funding    “No” is checked on the back of the
streets. Even former President Barack                                                      and eligibility for other programs       application.
Obama has acknowledged that “the            Kerry Jackson is a fellow with the Center      depends on completed meal appli-             Supplemental Nutrition Program
private and philanthropic sectors           for California Reform at the Pacific           cations. Completing an application       for Women, Infants & Children
are responsible for some of the best        Research Institute. Wayne Winegarden,          this year may also prevent a gap in      (WIC) may be eligible for free or
thinking, innovation, and evi-              Ph.D. is a Sr. Fellow in Business and          benefits for your child next year.       reduced-price meals. Individuals
dence-based approaches to ending            Economics at the Pacific Research                   Each household should have          should complete an application for
homelessness.”                              Institute. They are the authors, with          received a letter informing them         free and reduced-price meals and
    Shelters to Shutters represents         Joseph Tartakovksy and Christopher             of the program, including contact        return it to the school where the
exactly what he was talking about.          Rufo, of “No Way Home: The Crisis of           information for any questions. Each      child is enrolled. The family will be
The Vienna, Virginia, nonprofit             Homelessness and How to Fix It with            school and/or the school nutrition       notified of the child’s eligibility. This
emphasizes job placement and                Intelligence and Humanity” (Encounter          office has a copy of the policy,         institution is an equal opportunity
housing based on the mantra                 Books, 2021).                                  which may be reviewed by any             provider.
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today   news   Wednesday, September 8, 2021   7
InsIde... Cedar rotary to hold event to remember Sept. 11 - Wednesday, september 8, 2021 - Iron County Today
8 Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                                       news                                                                 Iron County Today

New study reveals long term dangers of vaping
from Lance Madigan                                                                                                                                        ognition of EVALI, has largely been
 Intermountain Hospital                           Intermountain Healthcare finds                                                                          removed from vaping products.
                                                                                                                                                              Despite these health risks, younger
     A new study from researchers at           vaping can lead to long-term cognitive                                                                     people continue to vape, as well.
Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake           impairment, lung damage, depression                                                                           The 2020 National Youth Tobacco
City finds that patients who experience                                                                                                                   survey found that e-cigarettes are
an E-cigarette or vaping associated                                                                                                                       the most commonly used tobacco
lung injury (EVALI) can suffer from                                                                                                                       products among American youth – and
cognitive impairment and symptoms                                                                                                                         have been since 2014. The survey found
more than a year later.                                                                                                                                   that about one in in 20 middle school
     Given that the average age of an                                                                                                                     students and one in five high school
EVALI patient in the Intermountain                                                                                                                        students reported that they’d used
study was 31 years old, these injuries                                                                                                                    e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.
can have profound, life-long effects,                                                                                                                         “We are continuing to diagnose
researchers say.                                                                                                                                          people with EVALI,” Dr. Blagev added.
     “EVALI is a serious disease that                                                                                                                     “The continued rise of vaping product
has serious complications from the                                                                                                                        use in young people coupled with
start. Now, we’re finding the long-term                                                                                                                   the severe long-term consequences
consequences are akin to those who                                                                                                                        of an EVALI diagnosis are especially
have had sepsis or acute respiratory                                                                                                                      alarming.”
distress syndrome,” said Denitza Blagev                                                                                                                       Next, researchers will conduct lung
MD, a pulmonary and critical care                                                                                                                         function tests on these patients (versus
physician at Intermountain Healthcare                                                                                                                     asking them to report symptoms);
and principal investigator of the study.                                                                                                                  evaluate if depression and anxiety are a
                                                                                                                                           getty images
“These patients ‘recover,’ but even in                                                                                                                    result of EVALI or if they were present
that recovery, our study shows that for       required intensive care treatment,                              speaks to the severity and long-term        before the injury, which may have led
a percentage of those patients, they          many patients with EVALI were                                   outcomes of an EVALI diagnosis,” added      these patients to vape in the first place;
may never return to normal.”                  diagnosed and treated early in the                              Dr. Blagev.                                 evaluate whether these patients are
     Long term cognitive and mood             disease course and avoided mechanical                               Researchers found no significant        more susceptible to viral infections
disorders have been increasingly              ventilation and a prolonged ICU care,                           racial or ethnic disparities in these       compared to others without a history
recognized as a complication of severe        which are typically associated with                             outcomes.                                   of EVALI, and work to understand
critical illness in post-intensive care       the severe long-term consequences of                                Dr. Blagev also said that the           whether patients change their behavior
syndrome (PICS). The constellation            PICS.                                                           medical community must remember             after an EVALI diagnosis.
of cognitive impairment, anxiety,                 “The fact that such a large percent-                        that EVALI is still happening and has           The Intermountain research was
depression, and residual long-term            age of patients, many young, expe-                              not stopped after vitamin E acetate,        funded by the National Heart, Lung and
breathing problems place EVALI as a           rienced such serious consequences                               an additive tied to the summer              Blood Institute and the Intermountain
serious illness that leads to PICS, said      a year after their initial diagnosis                            2019 outbreak that led to the rec-          Research and Medical Foundation.
Dr. Blagev.
     An E-cigarette or vaping associated
lung injury can leave patients strug-         Bookings                                                                       advertisement            advertisement         advertisement
gling to breathe and experiencing chest         Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s
pain, nausea, fever, and chills. As of          Department and Cedar City Police Department. Those arrested are
                                                innocent until proven guilty.
February 2020, e-cigarette and EVALI
injuries killed 68 people and hospital-             AUG 30               Criminal Mischief,            SEPT 4
ized more than 2,800.                                                    Assault
     “It’s especially troubling to consider     Joseph A Alas                                     Elizabeth Dendy
that the consequences of EVALI are as
                                                Cedar City, UT
                                                DRUG – Poss w/
                                                                              SEPT 2              St. George, UT
                                                Intent to Dist, Drug
severe as other critical illness, because       Paraphernalia
                                                                         Kyle T Courtney          Disorderly Conduct
                                                                         Parowan, UT
patients with EVALI tend to be younger          Kyleigh N                Rec/Poss Stolen Prop,    Liam M Gardner
and healthier than other patients who           Keenan                   DRUG – Poss C/S, Drug    Parowan, UT
                                                                         Paraphernalia            DUI, DRUG – Poss
become critically-ill,” she said.               Cedar City, UT
                                                DRUG – Poss/Use                                   C/S, Break/Lights
     In the study, presented at the                                      Cody P Billings
                                                of C/S                   Cedar City, UT           Reflectors, Right
2021 American Thoracic Society                  Mark McGehee             Fail to Reg Exp Veh,     of Way
International Conference, the                   Enoch, UT                DRUG – Poss C/S
                                                                                                  Steven D Harris
                                                Prob/Parole Violation
Intermountain research team exam-                                        Harland R                Parowan, UT
                                                Blaze L                  Hammond Jr               DUI, Refuse Chem
ined 91 patients who suffered from              Vanderlinden             Carmi, IL                Test, Fail to Signal for
EVALI, a year after their initial diagno-       Cedar City, UT           Rec/Poss Stolen Veh,     2 Secs, Speed Regs.
                                                Drug Court Violation     Drive with C/S, Drug
sis. The median age of patients was 31.1                                 Paraphernalia, Fail to   Douglas
years old.                                           AUG 31              Reg Veh                  Mortensen
     The Intermountain research team            Jason M Flint
                                                                                                  Cedar City, UT
                                                                              SEPT 3              Poss Stolen Credit
found:                                          Milford, UT
                                                DUI w/BAC at/over        Michael A
                                                .08, Drive on Susp/Rev   Bertolini                Wyatt R Tebbs
»»15 percent of the patients have               Lic, No Proof of Ins,    Cedar City, UT           Panguitch, UT
  severe trouble breathing (stopping            Speed Reg.               Drug Court Violation     Alcohol Restr. DL
  for breath after walking 100 yards            Adeline Galecki          Paul A Brown
  or a few minutes on ground level, or
                                                Cedar City, UT           Elk City, OK                  SEPT 5
                                                Assault on Police/       DUI w/Prior, Revoked/
  too breathless to leave the house or          Military in Uniform      Susp Reg, Assault on     Shawnee C
                                                                         Health Care Provider,    Hahnert-Divic
  breathless when dressing)                     William M.
                                                                         DRUG – Poss C/S          Cedar City, UT
»»39 percent of the patients have mild          Salt Lake City,          Chet A Dysart            DUI w/BAC at/over
  cognitive impairment                          UT
                                                Aggravated Robbery,
                                                                         Cedar City, UT           .08, Open Container
»»57 percent of the patients have               Assault                  DUI                      in Veh, Drive w/o Ins.

  anxiety                                                                Timathy R Evans          Kindra L
                                                Jacqueline C                                      Kishbaugh
»»34 percent of the patients have               Witkowski                Cedar City, UT
                                                                         ID Fraud, Issue Bad      Parowan, UT
                                                Green Valley, AZ
  depression                                    DRUG – Poss C/S,         Check                    Intoxication, Assault,
»»2 to 3 percent of the patients tested         Drug Paraphernalia,      Dylan J McKee            DV – In Presence of
                                                Intoxication                                      Child
  positive for COVID-19                                                  Cedar City, UT
                                                                         Aggravated Assault       Latitcia
                                                     SEPT 1                                       Hangston
                                                                         Cody A Stone
   Although some patients with EVALI            Bradly S Bulloch         Cedar City, UT           St. George, UT
                                                Cedar City, UT           Assault, Intoxication    Assault
 Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                                                                                                         9

  Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

 Red Rock Film Festival sells 'You Snooze You Lose' passes Sept. 10
from Matt Marxteyn                         month and will screen films entirely    by a panel on human trafficking          about writing and presented his short
 For Iron Count y Today                    at the Cedar Fun Center near Fiddlers   with Judah Becker founder of Mercy       "The Book", BYU alum Kels Goodman
                                           Canyon.                                 House Ministries and Change A            with his new feature film "The Jets:
    After four days of seminars and            Several actors, directors and       Destiny, "Cult Cartel" producer Diana    Making it Real" and former University
films The Utah Film Market closed          producers embraced the festival in      Davis, and via Zoom Christina Zorich     of Utah student Noel Paganotti who
with two shorts programs and the           St. George including the producer       director of "The New Abolitionists"      directed "A Wish from the Moon" and
feature comedy "Christmas Freak"           and a couple of actors from the new     which screened earlier that day.         conducted a seminar on directing his
at the Dixie Convention Center in          film "Cult Cartel" which was made       Several photo ops followed through-      student film.
St. George on August 28. The parent        with both professional actors and       out the week.                               Several other panels, seminars
company the Red Rock Film Festival         FLDS survivors. The screening on           Directors from Utah included
will announce its lineup later this        Wednesday August 25 was preceded        BYU student Langi Tuifua who spoke                        see Film Fest » 11

                                                                                                                                            Courtesy SUU Music Department

  SUU Honor Orchestra features area high schoolers
by Ashley H. Palmer                        high school students must be nom-       of music at the University of Utah.      Symphony orchestras.
 SUU College of Performing & Visual Arts   inated by their directors. Through      He is also Music Director of the             Dr. Robert Baldwin, guest
                                           this experience, students have an       Salt Lake Symphony and conductor         conductor, says, “I am truly looking
    Southern Utah University’s             outstanding opportunity to rehearse     of “It’s a Grand Night for Singing,”     forward to making music with the
Department of Music is hosting the         and perform high quality orchestral     in Lexington, Kentucky. During his       students of the SUU High School
SUU High School Honor Orchestra            works with the SUU Symphony             tenure at the University of Utah,        Honor Orchestra. Coming back
Concert on Saturday, September             Orchestra.                              the orchestral program has grown         together to play some great string
18, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. in the Heritage         Dr. Xun Sun, Orchestra Director     dramatically in size and quality, with   repertoire will be important for
Center Theater. These students will        at SUU, shares, “I am so excited        noted performances at the 2007           their musical development and it is
be led by guest conductor, Dr. Robert      about the 2021 SUU Honor High           CMS and NASM Conferences, the            also a healing activity for the entire
Baldwin, Director of Orchestral            School Orchestra! I am especially       2003 Utah Arts Festival, the 2005        community. It is time we returned to
Activities at the University of Utah.      glad we are hosting the wonderful       Utah Music Educators’ Association        live music!”
This concert is free and open to the       event with high school students         Conference, and a tour of Austria for        Experience the excitement of
public.                                    and guest master-conductor Dr.          the 2006 Mozart Orchestra Festival.      a live orchestra performance on
    High school students from the          Robert Baldwin. It is going to be a     He has previously held conducting        Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 4:00
region will study under Dr. Xun Sun        great life experience for all of the    positions with the University of         p.m. in the Heritage Center Theater.
and Dr. Robert Baldwin throughout          participants.”                          Kentucky, Lexington Philharmonic,        For more information about the
the day to prepare for the concert.            Dr. Robert Baldwin is Director of   New American Symphony, Northern          Department of Music at SUU, please
To be a part of the Honor Orchestra,       Orchestral Activities and professor     Arizona University, and Flagstaff        visit
10     Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                showcase                                                                    Iron County Today

                                                                                                                                                                       photos by Alecia Jones
                                              The "Iron County's Got Talent" competition is a favorite event that allows many people to showcase their talents at the Iron County Fair.

                                                          A Fair full of talent
                                            by Alecia Jones                                another amazing “Iron County Has                 singing, violin, and fun cheer dance
                                            For Iron Count y Today                         talent” competition. It was full of              routines. First place went to Brooklyn
     Brooklyn Jones came in 1st Place
with her heartfelt rendition of the song,                                                  amazing talent from little kids to               Jones with her heartfelt rendition of
             "Speechless."                     The Iron County Fair put on                 adults. The variety of Talent included           the song speechless.
Iron County Today                                                                  showcase                                                    Wednesday, September 8, 2021             11

Military Appreciation Days planned at Utah Shakespeare Festival
from Donn Jersey
 USF Director of Development
 and Communication

    Cedar City — The Utah
Shakespeare Festival will be
celebrating our Armed Forces
with free tickets for military
personnel to selected
performances on September
16 and 28. The Festival
appreciates the sacrifices of
the men and women who
serve and recognizes their
dedication and commitment
to this country.
    The offer is for anyone with
a military ID or DD214 form,
active or veteran, and includes                                                                                                                                          photos Courtesy USF
four tickets per ID total to              With entertaining performances from plays such as "A Comedy of Terrors" (Left) and "Pirates of Penzance" (Right), USF is giving
the following: The Comedy                                     military personnel the opporutnity to see them for free as a token of gratitude for their service.
of Terrors on September 16
at 8 p.m. and The Pirates of         regular prices.                     four tickets per ID. Tickets are       tion, “and once again the Utah          on sale. Shows are Pericles,
Penzance on September 28                 Military personnel are          not available in the Premier           Shakespeare Festival wants              Richard III, The Comedy of
at 2 p.m. The four tickets can       invited to reserve tickets by       seating section. Space is              to extend a warm welcome                Errors, Ragtime, The Pirates
be divided between the two           calling 800-PLAYTIX or visiting     limited for this special offer, so     and humble thank you to all             of Penzance, Intimate Apparel,
shows, or all four can be to one     the ticket office near the Anes     call soon to reserve your seats.       of those that made sacrifices           Cymbeline, and The Comedy
show. In addition, if military       Studio Theatre. A valid military        “I’m honored to be the son         to our country and every one            of Terrors. For specific days
personnel would like more            ID or a copy of a DD214 form        of a proud Vietnam veteran,”           of us.”                                 and times and to purchase
tickets on those days, they          will be required to pick up the     said Donn Jersey, director of              Regular tickets for the             tickets, visit or
can purchase those for $10 off       tickets, and there is a limit of    development and communica-             Festival’s 2021 season are still        call 1-800-PLAYTIX.

And the days grow short….                                                                       film fest                                       YSYL pass is available for just $5
                                                                                                                                                until September 10 online and at
                                                                                                « Continued from page 9                         the Paint the Town Red at SUU.
                                                                                                                                                Right now, the pass includes One
by Mary Anne Andersen                         a new, more transmissible virus, no one           and interviews were held at the                 Orientation ticket to a surprise
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                     is required to wear a mask, my classes            event such as Finding Fabulous                  screening or event at the Red Rock

                                              are full. Only about half of the class            People for your Doc, Documentaries              Film Festival — tomorrow it will
              or years, September was         were wearing masks today—I will wear              as character study, The Fine Line               expand and be different! To coincide
              my favorite month, partly       one every day, believe me—and I can’t             Between Horror, Satire and Social               with the 15th Annual Red Rock Film
              because of the song, I think,   require them to wear a mask in my                 Commentary, Costume Magic and                   Festival, for every 15 YSYL passes
and partly because that was when              room or ask about their vaccination               The Fine Line Between Horror,                   sold a new bonus will be added.
school traditionally started. (None of        status. It seems that we have slipped             and Magical Realism in Comedy                   But so will the price — the passes
this outrageous August stuff when I           backward. I am more nervous than I                with director Sean Brown's film                 increase $1-$15 every Saturday until
was a student….) I loved the weather,         was a year ago.                                   "Christmas Freak" as a case study.              they reach their full value.
the return to a routine, the joys of              But September brings other things                 More seminars and events are                   These expanding passes are
school: new books, friends, wearing           as well. Cedar City Music Arts will               being planned for the 15th Red Rock             available at redrockfilmfestival.
new clothes, learning new stuff. Then         begin selling their tickets to a great            Film Festival October 18-24 and        The schedule will
this student became the teacher, who          new season. Watch this paper for                  has already started selling passes              be added at the end of the month
still loved the first day. Which was          information on how to obtain your                 online. At the Utah Film Market the             and the 15th Annual Red Rock Film
today, at SUU.                                tickets. Don’t wait to be contacted;              organization experimented with                  Festival will take place October
     “Please respond to your                           get your tickets as directed and         an evolving pass called the Double              18-24 at the newly remodeled
name as I read the roster.                                follow the virus protocols as         Feature Pass and is bringing the                Cedar Fun Center cinemas at 170
Tell me what name and                                       required.                           concept to Cedar City with a special            East Fiddlers Canyon Road just a
pronoun you prefer.” (That                                       The Utah Shakespeare           You Snooze You Lose Pass.                       few blocks North of the Hospital in
is a fairly new question.)                                    Festival is winding down              This is how it works: This                  Cedar City.
     “Read the syllabus,                                      but there is still a month
please, and then ask any                                      of great offerings. If you
questions. Yes, I do mean                                     haven’t made it yet, go!
it when I say you need                                      Every play is fabulous, and
to buy the textbook. They                                 make no bones about it: that
are available in the bookstore.                        recognizable, resonant voice of
The Sharwan Smith Center.” (I teach             Brian Vaughn’s requires mask wear-
mostly freshman; they are still lost.)        ing, so one can feel a bit protected.
     “Fill out the student profile page           And on Saturday, (this coming-up
and leave it with me. No, I don’t have        Saturday), the Cedar City Arts Council,
extra pens or pencils. Those are              (this Arts Council), and SUMA are
writing implements, precursors to             presenting a free sidewalk-chalk-art
the iPad.” (No, I didn’t say that last        event. It is for all age groups and chalk
sentence.)                                    is provided. That’s Saturday, September
     This first day was tinged with anx-      11th, from 9:00 to 4:00 at the SUMA
iety. Last year, the pandemic was new,        patio. Kids love to do this. Take yours!
we were all required to wear masks,           That seems like quite straight-forward
my classes were split in two, and I gave      information, but if you have any
                                                                                                                                                        Other enjoyable experiences
a little speech about keeping social          questions, please contact randy.seely@                                                                     during the Red Rock Film
distance when talking to me directly. I                                                                                            Festival are the actor interviews
have been looking forward to a more               It is nearly dark now at 6:00 AM,                                                                       and the costume seminars.
normal year, but no. This year we have        but I still walk. No mask needed.                                                                                               Courtesy rrff
12                                                                Wednesday, September 8, 2021

                                    Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

     2021 Iron County Fair
                Thousands of attendees and participants welcomed the return of the Iron
                 County Fair to Parowan. This year’s theme “Tough Enough” was perfect for
                 the occasion because Iron County has certainly proved itself tough enough by
                enduring a pandemic and the flooding in our local communities. This year’s Iron
                 County Fair was not only tough enough, but it was also muddy, crafty, roping,
                  cooking, dancing, performing, cute and talented enough. This favorite yearly
                venue always provides a pleasant avenue of entertaining events for everyone to
                      enjoy. From the mud bog races, demolition derby, rodeos, creative exhibits,
                               delicious food venders, dancers, singers, a work-out session and
                                     of course, the carnival, were just a few of the great events
                                                 experienced over Labor Day weekend.

                                                                                 photos by corey baumgartner
Iron County Today                                                                 life                                                    Wednesday, September 8, 2021                      13

                      The historical El Escalante Hotel
     Countdown to
       Cedar City's
     170th Birthday

by Paula Mitchell
 Southern Utah Universit y

F      rom 1923 until 1970 on the
       southwest corner of 2nd North
       and Main Street stood the
magnificent El Escalante Hotel. The
Sizzler occupies that space today. In
the fall of 1919, Cedar City’s Chamber
of Commerce president, S. J. Foster,
led discussions on the urgency of
getting a large hotel ready for tourists
who would be traveling by railroad
and flooding southern Utah on their
way to view the scenic wonders of
the area.
    Plans for a hotel to be constructed
were designed and drawn by Randall                                                                                              Barbara A. Matheson Special Collections, Southern Utah University

Lunt Jones, a local architect, who           This familiar corner on Main, across the street from the original Union Pacific Depot, looks much different now as the Sizzler
                                                                                          restaurant occupies the historical land.
studied architecture under promi-
nent Los Angeles architect, Gilbert        of Commerce and finish the hotel            as a community space. During the                  During World War II, the hotel was
Stanley Underwood.                         to accommodate the anticipated              winter season, dances were held                   used as a dorm for pilot trainees.
    Under the leadership of George         travelers. The Union Pacific formed         every Saturday night. New Year’s Eve                  With the decline in rail travel, the
A. (Bert) Wood, builder of both the        a subsidiary company called the             parties were held in the ballroom,                hotel was sold to the city in the 1950s.
Union Pacific Depot, which is across       Utah Parks Company to develop and           which occupied the basement along                 In 1970, the outdated hotel was sadly
the street, and other prominent            operate concessions in the parks.           the north side. The maple dance floor             demolished and the city later sold the
buildings in Cedar City, construction           On March 29, 1924, a grand             was always polished to perfection.                property to a private entity.
began. Native materials were used          banquet and ball was the hotel’s first
in the building of the hotel. The lime     major social function, attracting
mortar was made locally, the sand          prominent guests from business,
came from Coal Creek, and the bricks       church, and government throughout
were made and fired at a brickyard         the region and state.
about a mile south of town. The                 The handsome, massive, brick
masons were local men from Cedar           L-shaped structure had ninety-two
City and Parowan and the lumber            rooms in three stories, with the third
came from the local sawmills.              story set in the pitched roof and its
    Through the summer of 1921             dormer windows supplying light and
construction continued on the              air.
building as the walls were finished             Soon passengers road the train to
and the roof put on. Then the work         Cedar City, stayed at the El Escalante
stopped. In addition to a lack of          Hotel for $2.50 per day for one person
funds, citizens of Cedar City were         without bath, with bath $3.50. The
beginning to question the reality of a     next day they would board busses to
railroad coming to town.                   visit Zion, Bryce, Cedar Breaks, and
    In January of 1923, the Union          the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
Pacific offered to buy the hotel                Over the years, the El Escalante
from investors of the Chamber              served not only as a hotel but also
14   Wednesday, September 8, 2021                                                     life                                                                                   Iron County Today

 “Planning the Home”                                                                                               calendar
                                                                  ongoing opportunities
      the    rut
       Less Traveled
                                                                  Cedar City Council
                                                                                                                ARP—Addiction Recovery
                                                                                                                1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary
                                                                                                                building, Main & 300 N, Parowan
                                                                                                                                                                Cedar Professionals
                                                                                                                                                                Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477
                                                                                                                                                                S Highway 91, Cedar City. Organization
                                                                                                                                                                of business people. Stimulate business
                                                                  Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall, 10     Caregivers                                      through exchange of ideas, information,
      Corey Baumgartner                                           N. Main St (435) 586-2950                     1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging              referrals.
                                                                                                                Offices, 585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City
                                                                  Enoch City Council                                                                            Color Country Pickleball

                                                                  1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900 E        Celebrate Recovery                              M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake
                                                                  Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                 (Christian 12-Step Program) Wed 6:30 pm         Ctr), Paddles & balls supplied. (435)
       he Parade of Homes has closed its doors on another                                                       • True Life Center, 2111 N Main, Cedar          586-6345
       event showcasing beautifully designed homes.               Enoch Planning Commission                     City. We believe that through Christ we
       I’m sure it inspired many about re-designing or            2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall, 900 E    can be victorious over any hurts, habits,       Color Country Winds
                                                                  Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                 hang-ups (Phil. 4:13) • Jeff J 801-638-1800,    Wed • Come brush up on your band skills
improving their own homes.                                                                                      Gary D. 702-303-5662.                           to share with the community. Call Debbie
    The couple in this illustration appear to be going            Iron County Commission                                                                        at (435) 559-9609 for time and location.
                                                                  2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission              Helproom
through several versions of their vision for a perfect home.      Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan                 Fri, 2-3 pm • Free online support group for     Hey Cedars Square Dance
Their young daughter below is helping them visualize the                                                        survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual          Wed • Beginner’s, 6:30 pm, Mainstream
process. This is a nice touch as it is often our children who     Iron County Democrats                         Assault. Safe space to communicate, feel        Dancers, 7-9 pm • Cedar City Senior
                                                                  3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86 W        supported and share perspectives on             Center, 489 E 200 S. Info: Pat (435) 233-5910
enjoy the benefits of and become the benefactors of wise          Center, Cedar City                            healing, recovery. Join at: affiliate.rainn.
                                                                                                                                                                Pickleball Group
parental blueprints and who often use them as blueprints          Iron County Republican
                                                                                                                                                                Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts.
for their own homes and families.                                 Women                                         Multiple Sclerosis                              Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors)
    What if you didn’t have good blueprints? Or you had           3rd Wed, 11:30 am. Tickets $20, https://      3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s             and free (outdoors)
                                                                     Center, 581 N Main. Caregivers and
good blueprints but they weren’t followed and events                                                            those with MS
                                                                                                                                                                Rock Club
happened that harmed the harmony in your home? What               Parowan City Council                                                                          1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201
                                                                  2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35 E       Narcotics Anonymous                             W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about
                                                                  100 N • (435) 477-3331               • (435) 635-9603         geology, find gems, fossils and minerals.
                                                                                                                                                                Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry.
                                                                                                                KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,     
                                                                                                                Cedar City) unless otherwise listed
                                                                       Service groups                           Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm                    Senior Yoga Classes
                                                                                                                Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                      Mon, 1-2pm • Canyon West Park behind
                                                                  American Legion Auxiliary                     Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm                 the Senior Center • Wed, 1-2pm • Cedar
                                                                  3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303 N           Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                   City Senior Center (489 E 200 S). Easy to
                                                                  100 E, Amer. Legion Conf. Room • (435)                                                        do. Please bring own mat. (435) 586-0832
                                                                                                                Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm
                                                                  704-6654                                      (Small room)                                    Southern Utah Woodturners
                                                                  Bikers Against Child Abuse                    Women Only • Sun, 11 am                         2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood
                                                                  1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott (1294     Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm • The          shop, 703 W 600 S.
                                                                  S Interstate Dr, Cedar City), Cedar Breaks    Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar (877)
                                                                  Conference Room                               865-5890.                                       StrongBoard Classes
                                                                                                                                                                M-W-Fri, 9 am • IFS Studio, 2390 UT-56
                                                                  Elks Lodge #1556                              Pornography Addiction                           #9, Cedar City. Improve core strength,
                                                                  111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)         Recovery for Men                                balance, stability. All fitness levels
                                                                  586-8332                                      Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View seminary            welcome. Class size limited to 8. Call (661)
                                                                                                                building (54 W 1925 N). North entrance.         436-0259 to register/reserve your spot.
                                                                  Lion’s Club
                                                                  Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz         Pregnancy, Infant Loss                          Tae Kwon Do Class
                                                                  for mtg. info. Everyone welcome! (435)        1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So.        Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic
                                                                  590-2896                                      Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar •       Center, 2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/
                                                                                                                             mo., ages 5+, any experience level (435)
                                                                  Marine Corps League                                                                           865-9223. Helps benefit Canyon Creek
                                                                  Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm                Senior Blind/Visually                           Crisis Center.
                                                                  Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.          Impaired
                                                                                                                3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library         Tai Chi For Arthritis
                                                                  Rotary Club                                                                                   Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar Senior
                                                                  Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W 800       Southwest Parkinson’s                           Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE low-impact,
                                                                  S, Cedar City • (435) 233-0244                Alliance                                        health benefitting exercise for Seniors.
                                                                                                                2nd Tues, 1 pm. • Cedar City Senior             Helps with coordination, balance,
                                                                                                                Center, 489 E 200 S • Kristy 435-559-9681.      flexibility and more. To register – contact
                                                                                                                                                                Maria Bailey (435) 673-3548. Space limited.
                                                                       Support Groups
                                                                                                                                                                Take Action for Freedom
                                                                  AA—Alcoholics Anonymous                          Classes/Activities                           Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N. Airport
                                                                  (435) 635-3603 •                                                               Road, Cedar • Help preserve our
                                                                  Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara (702)     Adult Barre/Modern Dance                        Constitution, Republic, voting laws,
                                                                  232-6829                                      Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club,          medical freedoms, traditional education
                                                                  KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,             1615 N Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to   curriculum, 1st & 2nd Amendment
                                                                  Cedar City) unless otherwise listed           members, or $8 drop-in fee.                     Rights, education on CRT & Southern
                                                norman rockwell   Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa,                                                             boarder issues/illegal immigration &
                                                                  Noon                                          Arthritis Foundations Exercise                  local/county/state Legislature issues
if your foundations were faulty, or cracked because of the        Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am           Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center
                                                                                                                489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained       Top Bar Hive Bee Keeping
“bad weather” (trials) of your childhood? Then you must           Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm                                                              1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                                  Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute     instructors. Range-of-motion exercises,
                                                                                                                                                                303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
keep believing in and looking for a better builder, better        (435) 586-1112 Ext. 307                       endurance-building activities, relaxation
                                                                                                                techniques, and health education topics.
blueprints and begin again. Because no matter where               Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                                                                         TOPS – Take Off Pounds
you’ve lived or live now, you are the architect of your life.     Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                      Awana Bible Club                                Sensibly
                                                                  The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • True Life      7th-12th grade, Mon, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, 3          Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am.
Yes, the renovation of your new home and new life may             Center (TLC) 2111 N. Main. • (702) 802-1332   yrs-6th grade, Wed, 6:30 - 8 pm, Valley         Evening weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm
also require some demolition, but that’s alright. Get your        or (702) 533-7856                             Bible Church, 4780 N Hwy 91, Cedar City •       • Cedar City Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose
                                                                  Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685 N           (435) 586-0253 or (435) 990-1638                weight without buying special foods. •
gloves on and get to work.                                                                                                                                      586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or 867-4784 (p.m. mtg)
                                                                  300 E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925
    What would your “perfect home” include? What’s the            Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am               Book Club
                                                                                                                                                                Water Aerobics Class
most important part of your home? If you’ve ever built or         My Story • Sat, 8 pm                          2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library 303
                                                                                                                                                                Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600
                                                                                                                N 100 E.
re-designed one, you know a lot of work is involved. You          Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun,                                                        W., Fun, up-tempo workout to music.
                                                                  11 am                                         Cedar Chest Quilters’ Guild                     Intensive cardio, full body muscle
know that it takes more than furniture and decorations.
                                                                  What a Way to Start the Day • Su, W, F        Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center,        toning. Any fitness level. All ages. $3/
Redesigning isn’t just about the hearth, but the hearts           7-8 am • All are welcome                      489 E 200 S. Sewing projects for all            class, including pool admission. (435)
that live there. Planning and creating the perfect home           Al-Anon                                       abilities. Block of the Month. Make             327-2091 (no text)
isn’t about decorations as much as a rededication to the                                                        friends, improve your skills & have             Wellness Place
                                                                  KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr,             fun. Visitors are always welcome. Info:
declarations of love and unity of the people living inside.       Cedar City) unless otherwise listed           Ms. Ronnie Badgett. (435) 477-2243.             583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)
                                                                  Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm • Call for                                                    592-5308. Classes: thewellnessplacecc.
    While location is important, size isn’t. Because a real       info: (435) 704-8984
home is not about how many stories high it is built,              Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435)           Cedar Radio Control Club
but how many stories are shared and written within its            559-3333
                                                                                                                                                                Zumba Classes
                                                                                                                4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                                                                                                                                Tues, 11:30 – 12:30pm • Cedar City Senior
walls. It’s about experience not just expansion. It’s about       Hope for Today (Family Groups)                303 N 100 E.
                                                                                                                                                                Center (489 E 200 S). Have fun getting in
                                                                  Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333                                                                  shape. (435) 586-0832
improving the people not just the property. A home isn’t                                                        Cedar City Toastmasters
just a place to live, but to become.                              Alzheimer's Caregiver                         Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub • 86 W
                                                                  Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm, 4th        University Blvd. Find your voice & shape        To add your ongoing opportunity to
                                                                  Mon, 5:30 pm • RSVP to       your future. Be the leader and speaker          our calendar, call 867-1865, ext.6 or
                                       see planning » 18          or (435) 238-4998 x8773                       you want to be. (603) 731-0116                  email
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