HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News

HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
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Issue 456                            www.edgecommunitynews.co.za                                                11 February 2015


When Johan Lombard and                Laranjeira later told us, “But it
Tino Laranjeira went fishing          didn’t go around me, and it
on Monday evening behind              didn’t even dive to go under me,
the breakers off Myoli Beach,         it was like it wanted to go
they were hoping to                   through me!” He described how
encounter a pan-sized fish or         the shark put its nose down and
two, not a 4.5 metre                  swam - and his boat had been
‘gentleman of the sea’.               lifted out the water, almost
                                      unbalancing him as it passed
In what both men describe as          under it. Lombard said the
the most terrifying ten minutes       scene was terrifying to watch.
of their lives, they came face to     “That was when the screaming
face with a huge great white,         started,” he laughed, somewhat
with a girth as big as a BIG wine     nervously, when telling the
barrel.                               story safely on dry ground.
And it seems it certainly wasn’t      He remembers that it was at that
just a passing encounter. The         moment when the shark
huge fellow was more than a           disappeared below the surface
little inquisitive about the land     that a fish took his line, but
mammals and their kayaks              instead of the usual ‘I’ve caught
possibly even keen on having          one!’ euphoria, all he could
them over for an early supper.        think of was the shark grabbing
They were floating about       10     the hooked fish.
metres apart, around 500              And that is exactly what
metres off-shore in water about       happened. He was quickly
15 metres deep, and were              reeling in, when there was a
having a good run of luck -           huge knock on his line. The
each landing some well-sized          mother of all knocks. After a
fish when there was suddenly a        micro second of having a 4.5m
churning in the water quite           great white on the other end of
close to the boats.                   his line, the rod was wrenched
“I thought it was a shoal of fish     out of his hands. It had been
at first,” said Lombard, “Tino        tied to his kayak with a bungy
was busy reeling in a fish and it     cord, but that snapped instantly.
seemed like something was             “I didn’t care about losing my
following it up.”                     rod. I actually felt relieved that
Then he saw the tips of two fins      the thing might go at last,”         It was only after the event when he sat on his fishing ski on dry land, that Tino Laranjeira realised how close he had been to the Great White’s
breaking the water and started        Lombard said. But the shark          jaws as it nudged his boat with its nose.
thinking that a couple of sharks      had other thoughts.                                                                                                                                well, eaten us, at any time if it
                                                                           frantically paddling towards the    warnings about the shark.            The whole ordeal took about
might be around, not for one          It surfaced again, this time right                                                                            ten minutes, but seemed like an      had wanted to. But it chose not
                                                                           shore, muttering fervent prayers    “We thought they were joking
moment imagining they could           next to Lombard’s kayak, and                                                                                  eternity at the time.                to. Perhaps it was just
                                                                           that they wouldn’t capsize.         at first, but then we saw the
be from the same fish.... until it    was nudging it with its body.                                                                                 Both men were substantially          inquisitive about us.”
                                                                           “It followed us for about 50m,      terror on their faces,” said one
surfaced right next to                                                                                                                              affected by the experience. “        The burning question was, of
                                                                           but when we got to the back         surfer, “They were still shaking
Laranjeira’s ski.                     In such a low lying craft he felt                                                                             You feel so small next to a          course, will they ever fish
                                                                           breakers it disappeared from        when we met them on shore
“My breath stopped in my              more than a little uncomfortable                                                                              creature that size,” said            again?
                                                                           view,” says Lombard.                later, and after hearing their
throat. It was so HUGE. Tino          at how close the huge Great                                                                                   Lombard, “And the truth is, it       “Oh yes,” both men agreed
                                                                                                               story, we could understand
looked small in comparison,”          White was to him. Instinctively      They paddled past a group of                                             could have turned us over and,       whole-heartedly, “Just not for
Johan recalled later, “It was         the fisherman struck it with his     surfers and shouted urgent                                                                                    the next few days!”
longer than his kayak (4.2m)          paddle to try and fend it off. But
and had an absolutely                 his efforts made no impact.
enormous girth.”                      “It was like trying to fend off a
                                      solid rock,” he said.
There was absolute silence as
the beast swam around                 The two seemed to realise
Laranjeira, then stopped with         simultaneously that ‘ignoring it
its nose at a right angle to his      until it goes away’ simply
craft, whilst he sat, totally         wasn’t working. Screaming
terrified.                            garbled instructions to one
“Then it decided to move,”            another they both started
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
presenting his deliriously
                                                                               appreciative wife a beautifully
                                                                               created wooden heart with both       KNYSNA TOURISM VICE-CHAIR RESIGNS
                                                                               of their initials carved in the
                                                                                                                    The Knysna Tourism Board              board, Knysna Tourism CEO,           Vogt concluded his message to
So… It’s Valentine’s day soon.                                                 centre, or an Oregon pine                                                                                       Hendrickse with a note from
                                                                                                                    announced on 9th February             Greg Vogt, thanked Hendrickse
Who knows what extravagant                                                     coffee table with a cedar wood                                                                                  the tourism office
                                                                                                                    2015, that Philip Hendrickse          for his positive contribution
gift Mrs Ed will be bestowing                                                  inlay of figures, remarkably                                               since his election during August     management and staff: “Our
                                                                                                                    has tendered his resignation
upon me this year?                                                             resembling their entire family,                                            2014. He continued to praise         message Philip, is a simple
                                                                                                                    as vice-chairperson of the
                                                                               or a bunch of roses expertly and                                           Hendrickse’s participation: “His     one. You have contributed so
                                                                                                                    Board of Directors, effective
I must say, to be honest (and you                                              oh so delicately welded out of       immediately.                          sound understanding of due           much to those around you and
know that I seldom if ever sway                                                metal…. with the buds sprayed        Jo Mellville, chairperson of the      process and business will be         to our community in general,
from the truth), that aging spouse                                             a delicious crimson red…. (I         Knysna Tourism Board made             sorely missed, however his           so take time out and focus on
of mine has been somewhat                                                      won’t mention his name for fear      this announcement and                 strategic contribution and           your health and family in the
slacking in the last year or two                                               of recrimination by the rest of      confirmed that due process will       guidance since being elected has     paradise you have chosen to
when it comes to the art of                                                    the world’s population of men).      follow to coordinate the              already positively influenced the    retire in.”
‘romancing’. Gift wise that is.                                                                                     election of a new vice-               direction of the organisation.
I’m even starting to suspect that                                              But I am seriously not that          chairperson.                          The decision could not have          Jo Mellville together with the
                                        big red ribbon around the new
she doesn’t feel quite so                                                      quick thinking…. And there                                                 been an easy one based on our        board will now lead the
                                        wheelbarrow (well, it’s almost
endeared to me as she did back                                                 seems to be a large area of no-      Melville stated that Hendrickse       understanding of Philip’s            process of replacing Philip
                                        new – apart from the buckled
then, when I could afford enough                                               man’s land between my brain          gave notice of his decision           commitment to serve his              Hendrickse. Public notice of
                                        wheel that tends to clang-clang a
vodka to convince her to marry                                                 and my hands when it comes to        earlier to focus on his family        community and to contribute to       any board changes will be
                                        lot when she has a full load) but                                                                                                                      formally announced.
me.                                                                            making anything worthwhile. I        and health. In a statement to the     the growth in our economy.”
                                        Mrs Ed barely noticed my
                                                                               have tried, of course, but it’s
                                        efforts. And I think I told you
 If I think back to the first half of                                          easy to tell that the home-made
                                        about the year before, when she
the life-sentence we’ve been                                                   horrors I create aren’t quite up
                                        had mentioned she wanted me to
betrothed, she was much more of                                                to the mark.
                                        go to the clothing store and get
a romantic soul. I remember                                                                                        moment. It really wasn’t going
when the kids were toddlers and
sometimes the pressure of
                                        her something black and lacy for
                                        Valentine’s Day “to spice up our
                                                                               One year I thought I cracked it.
                                                                               Following the lead of my bro-
                                                                                                                   as I’d planned.
                                                                                                                   “Look, I’ve painted it red for
                                                                                                                                                             UNPREDICTABLE ERROR
                                        relationship”... Apparently the        in-law I used the resources
running the household became                                                                                       Valentine’s, and I’ve written
                                        safety boots weren’t what she          available to me in the garage,
almost overbearing for me (if it                                                                                   something special on the
                                        had in mind…. Sigh… (Worse             and created a beautiful bed-side
wasn’t the continuous chatter of                                                                                   side…”
                                        yet, when I mentioned we               cabinet for Mrs ED. She had
the young whippersnappers                                                                                          “That’s brown, not red.
                                        couldn’t take them back because        been complaining that all her
disturbing my afternoon naps on                                                                                    Actually it’s the left over
                                        of the Hospice Shop’s no return        Brick-layers’ Guild magazines
the couch, it was Mrs Ed shifting                                                                                  creosote from when I did the
                                        policy she accidently let one of       and her erotic novels were
the furniture around to vacuum                                                                                     fence,” she stated, as blandly as
                                        them slip out her hand and it flew     always in a messy pile next to
up the trail of mess they left in                                                                                  if she was at a press conference,
                                        across the room and almost             her bed…. Actually, that’s a fib.
their wake) she always made the                                                                                    “And that’s not how you spell
                                        broke my nose!)                        I had been complaining that all
effort to try and make                                                                                             my name.”
Valentine’s Day something                                                      her Brick-layers’ Guild
                                        Am I wrong in thinking that
special. There were times when                                                 magazines and erotic novels         Anyone would have thought
                                        Valentine’s Day becomes more
she used to pack a picnic basket                                               were always in a messy pile         that she was the best valentine
                                        of a challenge as one gets older?
with sandwiches and a few                                                      next to her bed, and she had        buyer in the world. Well she
                                        Perhaps it is coming up with
bottles of Amber Nectar, put a                                                 mentioned that there was            wasn’t. If I remember rightly,
                                        something different every year
blanket in the car and drive me to                                             simply nowhere to put them.         that was the same year she got             The late Jan Hers - internationally acclaimed astronomer.
                                        that makes it harder, but one          “I need a bedside cabinet” she
Jubilee Creek, where she would                                                                                     me the mushroom book.
                                        would think that we would get          had said.
blindfold me and lead me deep                                                                                      Loving mushrooms as much as              It appears that a somewhat embarrassing error crept in on
                                        better and better at buying gifts
into the forest for a sunset                                                                                       I do, at first I thought she had         last issue’s front page story about Rita Hers celebrating her
                                        for our loved ones as time goes        Well, on the morning of
picnic…. Mind you even that                                                                                        scored a real winner – the book          98th birthday. In it we mentioned her late husband Jan who
                                        on. Indeed I know of people            Valentine’s Day I led her to the                                             we said was an internationally acclaimed astrologer.
was a bit strange, because she                                                                                     was a big, hard-back affair, with
                                        who do. My brother-in-law has          garage and pulled off the sheet
always forgot to pack a torch so                                                                                   colour photographs and all. It           Internationally acclaimed - yes - but astrologer? NO. Definitely
                                        the whole Valentine’s thing            covering my creation.
it would take me ages to find my                                                                                   looked new but I soon realized it        not.
                                        waxed, I must say. Like most of        “Ta daaaaa!” I sang.
way back home afterwards. I                                                                                        must have been second hand               Jan Hers was an ASTRONOMER.
                                        us men he is inclined to forget        She was speechless…. For an
remember how, as I staggered up                                                                                    because of the mistake. You              Astronomy is a science that studies everything outside of the
                                        until the last minute, but this        embarrassingly long moment.
the driveway hours later, I would                                                                                  see, whilst the outer dust jacket        Earth's atmosphere, such as planets, stars, asteroids, galaxies; and
                                        certainly doesn’t deter him from       “Ta daaaaaaaaaa!” I said again,
always find her standing at the                                                                                    of the book (which for some              the properties and relationships of those celestial bodies.
                                        being the best Valentine’s gift        figuring she may not have
kitchen window, with that                                                                                          reason had been glued on to the          Astronomers base their studies on research and observation.
                                        producer in the world…..               heard the first time.
feigned look of disappointment                                                                                     hard cover) bore the title
                                                                               Still no sound. Admittedly,                                                  Astrology, on the other hand, is a pseudoscience, based on the
on her face.                            As the realization hits him (like it                                       ‘Edible Mushrooms of the
                                                                               looking at it through her eyes, I                                            belief that the positioning of the stars and planets affect the way
                                        hits so many of us men on                                                  Knysna Forest’ , reading the             events occur on earth.
But alas, no more. The last few                                                suppose it wasn’t immediately       small print inside on one of the
                                        Valentine’s Day morning) he            obvious what it was.                                                         Indeed all the local astronomers of the Sedgefield based Garden
years have become totally                                                                                          first pages, I realized it was
                                        sprints down to his workshop           “You’ve…. er… painted our                                                    Route Astronomical Society (which Jan Hers founded) will no
humdrum when it comes to                                                                                           actually called ‘Eden’s Most
                                        and, after a general buzzing and       old washing machine…” she                                                    doubt agree that Mr Hers would do more than a little shifting in
Valentine’s day.                                                                                                   Poisonous Fungi’.
                                        whirring of powertools which           muttered, in more of a matter-                                               his grave if ever he heard himself described as the latter.
                                        lasts mere minutes, suddenly           o’-fact tone than an ‘I’m                                                    Apologies to all, and thanks to those who pointed out this faux
It’s not that I don’t try from my                                                                                  I still haven’t told Mrs Ed - it
                                        he’s back in the kitchen,              forever grateful’ gush.                                                      pas.
side, I really do. Last year I put a                                                                               would break her heart to know
                                                                               “Yes! er... No!” I cried. “It WAS   that the book shop had made
                                                                               our old washing machine….           such a terrible error. In fact still
                                                                               Now it’s your NEW BOOK              to this day, every time I mention
                                                                               CABINET…. For next to your          I might be anywhere near the
                                                                               bed…. It’s what you always          forest she always reminds me to
                                                                               wanted….for your eroti.. er…        keep a look out for mushrooms.
                                                                               romantic books… and your            “You might find some really
                                                                               magazines….?” I showed her          delicious ones,” she says “So
                                                                               how cleverly I had split the        take that lovely reference book I
                                                                               inside cylinder into two by         got you….
                                                                               wedging an old fridge shelf in.
                                                                                “The top is for magazines, and
                                                                               the bottom for books… “I            You’d be mad if you
                                                                               explained, “You’ll have to be
                                                                               careful because it still turns a
                                                                               bit if its unbalanced…”
                                                                               “Next to my bed?” she
                                                                               asked….. was she even
                                                                               listening to me?
                                                                               “Look,” I said, hoping that a bit
                                                                               of romantic flair would save the

Page 2     THE EDGE                                                                                                                                                                            ISSUE 456      11 February 2015
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
The fatal shooting of Dunovan
Bond on Tuesday 3 February,
only three months short of his
twentieth birthday, has shaken
the Sedgefield community, in
particular those living in
Smutsville. Not only because it
tragically ended the life of a
young man, a son, a brother,
but it was the realisation of
every parent’s biggest fear.

His mother Jacqui Salmons is
shattered. She knew Dunovan
was with the wrong crowd, and
that he had a drug addiction. She
and his father Gerald Louw, and
step father Bremon had tried so
hard to cure him – twice sending
him for rehabilitation, but
without success.
Although Dunovan lived away
from home, and the family had
gone through the devastating           Jacqui Salmons mourns the tragic loss of her son Dunovan Bond.            treating him like a normal patient   will be heard today, (11             drug deal gone wrong, my son
upheaval that tic addiction so                                                                                   all day, checking up on him and      February).                           wasn’t shot for R50, and I
often leaves in its wake, Jacqui      Jacqui only later learned what       When Jacqui arrived at the scene
                                      had happened to her son, after       she could do nothing but hold         making sure he was comfortable                                            certainly did not personally turn
says she still had a good                                                                                        That meant so much to me,” she       The family wanted to point out       off his life support machine,”
relationship with her son.            speaking to someone who had          her son’s bleeding head and talk                                           that some other newspapers had
                                      seen everything happen.              to him. “I kept telling him           said. Just before 8pm the                                                 Jacqui insisted.
“Despite his drug problem he still                                                                               decision was finally made and        got facts wrong, and that untrue
had love and respect for me.          According to the witness             ‘Mummy is here, Mummy is                                                   rumours about what happened to       The funeral for Dunovan Bond
                                      Dunovan had been out for a           here’, and he still responded,”       Dunovan was declared deceased.
That’s how I raised him,” she                                                                                                                         their son had been circulating       will be held at 9am on Saturday
said.                                 smoke with two friends, Ayanda       she said. The ambulance and                                                round the community, which           14 February at the PPK Church in
                                      Mchitheka (the accused) and          police arrived simultaneously         At 11pm Jacqui was told that
                                                                                                                 surgeons from Groote Schuur          had deeply upset them. “The          Smutsville.
She saw Dunovan on Monday             another (name withheld) at           and the paramedics loaded                                                  accident was not because of a
morning, less than 24 hours           Slange Park at 4.30am, and           Dunovan into the ambulance to         Hospital were on their way to do
before the shooting. “He stopped      Mchitheka had shown them a           take him to hospital. Jacqui went     the organ harvesting at Knysna.
outside the house and called me,      pistol he had brought along, and     with them, still desperately          “The doctors said this was first
and asked if I could give him         had started fooling around with      hanging onto her son’s hand and       time anything like this had been                                        NOTICE OF THE SEDGEFIELD
some food and a drink for work,       it. They later parted ways as                                              done at this hospital, so Dunovan
                                                                           talking to him.                                                                                               ISLAND CONSERVANCY AGM
and I still joked with him that he    Dunovan said he was tired and        “His heart stopped as we were         was making history!” she smiled.
had worked so many days and           headed off for a bit of sleep, but   coming to the Sedgefield Traffic      Allowing someone else to live
still not bought me a sweet,” she     it was just over two hours later     lights, so the ambulance stopped      through her son’s tragic death has                         VENUE: Sedgefield Bowling Club
said. “Later that day, after he had   that his friends met up with him     at Total garage whilst the            given Jacqui a very thin silver          DATE: Thursday 26th February 2015 TIME: 6.00pm for 6.30pm
been paid, he apparently came         again in an alleyway off Witbooi     paramedics resuscitated him.          lining to hang on to.                                 Chairman's Report back on 2014 activities.
round looking for me. He told my      Street. They went to a place         That was then I started praying       According to SAPS Mchitheka            Guest speaker : Di Turner, indigenous plant enthusiast who has been
auntie he wanted to give me           known for selling tic and            for Dunovan.”                         was arrested only two hours after         involved in conservation activities in the Southern Cape for many
money, but I was not at home.”        Mchitheka once again started         Once in the Knysna Provincial         the shooting occurred. After                          years, will share some of her experiences.
                                      brandishing his pistol and           Hospital the medical team did all     Dunovan’s death the charge was                     All members welcome. Snacks and a cash bar.
At 7.30am the following day she       boasting to the ‘supplier’ that      they could for the young man,                                              (If you live on the Island, are not a member and would like to know more
received a devastating call with                                                                                 changed from Attempted Murder
                                      they were obviously not small        but in time it became clear that      to Murder. He was remanded in                    about the Conservancy, you are welcome to attend)
the news that her son had been        fry.                                 he was brain dead. The doctors
shot. She rushed to the scene to                                                                                 custody and his bail application
                                                                           explained everything to Jacqui,
find him lying so terribly     The witness said that despite               Gerald and Bremon, saying that
wounded on the ground. Sedge   their protests Mchitheka carried            it was only the machines keeping
First Aid Crew’s Marti Rooi andon playing with the weapon,                 his body alive but that his brain
the local Emergency Medical    pointing it right into his friends’         was damaged well beyond
Response man Donald Muller     faces, and they had become                  recovery.
were already attending, and    more and more nervous. When
trying to stabilise the boy.   they told him to stop he seemed             That was when Jacqui made an
                                              to get even more             announcement that took the
                                              excited and                  hospital staff by surprise. “I told
                                              carried on, until            them that I wanted to donate
                                              s u d d e n l y,             Dunovan’s organs. I knew my
                                              moments later,               child was gone, but if his death
                                              the gun went off             could save someone else’s life -
                                              and Dunovan fell             then that was what I wanted.”
                                              to the ground. He            Her meaningful decision was
                                              had been shot and            more than well received by the
                                              the bullet had               doctors on duty. They insisted
                                              gone through his             that they would keep Dunovan
                                              mouth into his               on oxygen until later that
                                              head. Mchitheka              evening and then turn off the
                                              dropped the gun in           machine. If his body did not
                                              horror, screaming            breathe independently then they
                                              “What have I                 would continue the proceedings
                                              done?” Then, in              for organ donation.
                                              panic he picked it           Jacqui was touched how the
                                              up again and ran             hospital nurses and doctors
Dunovan Bond, once a star ASWD runner.        off.                         looked after her son. “They kept

ISSUE 456     11 February 2015                                                                                                                                                                           THE EDGE Page 3
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
Eskom Western Cape will be           between equity and                  rotating the load fairly across all   shedding at different times than   INTERPRETING THE NEW               4. Find your block number in the
implementing new load                predictability" indicates Alwie     our customers" Lester explains.       before. The new schedules          LOAD SHEDDING                      time slot that you will be shed in;
shedding schedules from 1            Lester, Eskom Provincial Head.                                            provide a more frequent rotation   SCHEDULES:                         FOR MORE INFORMATION
February 2015.                                                           The previous load shedding            and are to be implemented in                                          ABOUT LOAD SHEDDING
                                     Eskom in the Western Cape has       schedules were from 06:00 -           accordance with the days of the    1. Identify your area block        CONTACT:
The new schedules will follow a      taken into account the customer     22:00 in stage 1 and stage 2. "Our    month following a four day         number using the alphabetical      • Eskom website link for Load
four day rotational pattern. What    feedback. "We have engaged          new schedules are designed to         pattern. The schedules are also    list of the Eskom supply areas;    Shedding schedules:
this means is that over a four day   regularly with different segments   accommodate a 24 hour cycle in        designed to ensure where the                                          http://loadshedding.eskom.co.za
pattern, customers will be shed at   of our customer base and as much    all three stages" Lester clarifies.                                      2. Identify the load shedding      • Eskom Twitter account:
                                                                                                               City of Cape Town and Eskom        stage that has been declared;
different time slots. "Load          as we are trying to avoid load                                            have shared networks, the                                             @Eskom_SA
shedding should be a fair and        shedding, when it is implemented    Eskom Western Cape load               customers will not experience                                         • Eskom Facebook page:
equal experience and our new         we want to give our customers a     shedding schedules will allow                                            3. Look at the day of the month
                                                                                                               different load shedding time                                          Eskom Hld SOC Ltd
schedules will provide a balance     better experience therefore         customers to experience load                                             for the relevant stage declared;

  ESKOM Load Shedding Schedules for Knysna
  Municipality implemented on 01-02-2015
                                                                            ESKOM LOAD SHEDDING: STAGE 1

Knysna includes Brenton, Belvidere
Sedgefield includes Karatara, Buffalo Bay and Rheenendal
                                                                            ESKOM LOAD SHEDDING: STAGE 2

Knysna includes Brenton, Belvidere
Sedgefield includes Karatara, Buffalo Bay and Rheenendal
                                                                            ESKOM LOAD SHEDDING: STAGE 3

Knysna includes Brenton, Belvidere
Sedgefield includes Karatara, Buffalo Bay and Rheenendal

PLEASE NOTE: Load shedding only occurs when Eskom declares and emergency. Once the emergency has been declared, the Stage (1, 2 or 3 ) of Load Shedding will
be announced by Eskom. The stages are based on the generation that is required country wide.

ISSUE 456    11 February2015                                                                                                                                                                     THE EDGE       Page 4
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
The Slow Festival
committee has been
quietly at work for a
good number of months
already and the
organizers of the various
core events are all busy
confirming the details on
their events for 2015's
programme. You haven’t
diarised the dates of the
Festival yet? Easter
weekend      3rd – 5th
We all love the Slow
Festival for the way in
which it bonds and unites
our town, for the good old-
fashioned fun it offers and
the opportunity it creates
to spend quality time with
friends and family AWAY
from the PC’s, laptops and                      Kids in the Street Parade (Picture by Desmond Scholtz )
screens of all shapes & sizes that
seem to govern our lives more        hub of the festival, which will        the festival- please contact the
and more these days!                 again centre on the Village            organiser or any of the
                                     Green. The Festival will finish        committee members. We’d love
“The 2015 line-up of events is       up with the Grand Parade               to hear from you.
certainly looking rather exciting    through town where organisers          Updates to the Slow Festival
indeed” says organiser Amanda        are hoping that Sedgefielders          website (www.slowfestival.
Dixon. “There are some               will take up the challenge once        co.za) and facebook page
wonderful additions to this          again to build and create giant        (www.facebook.com/slowfestiv
year’s programme; The Way of         floats and eye-catching                al.co.za) will take place over the
the Cross where congregations        creations!                             next few weeks so keep an eye
will be staging representations                                             out for information regarding
of the biblical events on Jesus’     "Although we have had to appeal        updates and events for 2015 and
way to the Cross in consecutive      to the community for more hands        any other exciting snippets of
church buildings along the route     to help in organising - the Village    news. In the meantime, save the
from Sedgefield to Smutsville,       Green, the Slow Festival               dates in your diary, pass the word
the Remax ‘Draadkar’ Race, a         committee is a group of positive       around and get your WHOLE
High Tea overlooking the Lake        and dedicated people with great        family and ALL your friends to
at Lakeside Lodge, Glow in the       energy" said Amanda Dixon. "It         be HERE for Slow Festival
Dark Golf at Sedge Links, a          really is a privilege to have such a   2015!! It's going to be a whole
Mass Choir event and a Disco         great team for Slow Fest 2015.”        lot of good old fashioned family
Dance for the teens of our                                                  fun...just the way it used to be!!
town!”                               Help in various ways is still
                                     needed- ideas, suggestions, add        And as a last note, remember to
Much entertainment, talks,           your event to the program,             start planning your ORANGE
demonstrations and many events       sponsor an event, sponsor prizes,      theme now! Time to paint our
will be orchestrated from the        offer your help over the days of       great town ORANGE!

 Members attached to the             later established that the driver      vehicle and found 1035.9kg of
 Langeberg K-9 Dog Unit              was en-route from Cape Town to         abalone with an estimated
 have confiscated more than a        Port Elizabeth.                        value of R828 720.00
 ton of abalone valued at            At first the driver did not            concealed in bags in the back
 almost R1m during a routine         respond to the request to stop         of the bakkie. The find, as well
 stop and search operation           and sped away. Eventually, after       as the bakkie were confiscated
 that was conducted on the N-        being pursued by the determined        and handed in as evidence. The
 2 National road between             police officers, they pulled over      find will be handed to the
 Groenvlei and Sedgefield on         near Groenvlei, where both the         relevant authority for the
 Sunday, 01 February 2015.           driver and his passenger jumped        disposal there of.
 The members were patrolling         out of the vehicle and                 Anyone who may have any
 the Garden Route area when          disappeared into the dense             information on the
 they spotted a suspicious           bushes adjacent to the main road.      whereabouts of the suspects, is
 Nissan NP 300 bakkie that was       An attempt to arrest them was          requested to call the Knysna
 travelling on the N-2 in the        unsuccessful.                          SAPS or nearest police station
 direction of Knysna. It was         The members searched the               or Crime stop at 08600 10111.

       PROPERTY NEWS                                     By James McNaughton
Market Review
Although house prices
country wide have
shown a marked
improvement since the
low point in 2009 (see
graph) and have risen
20% in the last year, the
Garden Route and
Sedgefield in particular,
have lagged behind.
It is true that we have seen
an increase in buyer
activity which has been
focused mainly in the
price range of R800,000
to R1 200 000 where most
of the recent sales have
occurred. This has resulted in a     limited.     While we remain           buyers. The graph shows that
shortage of stock in these price     positive that the wheel is turning,    current prices are some 30%
ranges.                              we would like to caution sellers       below the peak of 2004/5 and
                                     however, that pricing must be          indications are that those levels
Interest in properties priced        realistic and be in line with the      will not be achieved in the
above R2million has been very        current market in order to attract     foreseeable future.

ISSUE 456    11 February 2015                                                                                    THE EDGE   Page 5
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
This year's Outeniqua                 as a qualifying race for marathon    for a marathon (42.2km), half       Municipality to ensure the
Wheelchair Challenge, the             athletes in the SA Paralympic        marathon (21.1km), 10 km race       ongoing success of the event.'
thirteenth race since its             team.      The OCC event has         and Fun Event.
inception in 2002, takes place        enjoyed endorsement by                                                   Swart said she and her committee
in host and founder city              SASCOC and DISSA for the past        This prestigious South African      were grateful to all sponsors.
George on 21 February 2015.           six years.                           event for persons with physical     'Algoa FM is the media sponsor,
                                                                           disabilities is organised by the    Kempston Truck Hire and
The race - fondly known as the        So far, hundreds of local entries    Disabled Road Race Foundation       Kempston Motor Group Trust
'OCC' amongst the athletes -          have been received, as well as       and the committee consists of a     transport sponsors, and Mr Ice is
attracts over 1000 entrants from      international athletes from          handful of dedicated volunteers.    the drinks sponsor. Other goods
South Africa and at least eight       Zimbabwe, UK, and Ghana.                                                 and monetary sponsors are: Cell
different countries around the        South African champion Ernst         Race organiser Ansie Swart, who     C, Lancewood, Safari, HML
world every year.                     van Dyk will defend his 2014         has served on the OCC               Transport Consultants,
                                      title in the hand cycle division,    committee for the past seven        Orthopaedic Services George,
The support of many local             which he won in a time of            years, is humbled by the            ER24, Millers Attorneys, ADT,
businesses and volunteers in          01.08.36 with Andries Scheepers      dedication of athletes who travel   R&S Communications, VTS
George, and in particular             only one second behind him for       from near and far to compete in     Communications, Garden Route
backing from presenting               the second year in a row. Crowds     the OCC. 'Athletes come from        Mall, Dept. Sport & Recreation,
sponsor, George Airport -             of spectators can expect fierce      all over South Africa and from      Town Lodge, Oakhurst Hotel,
Airports Company South Africa         competition this year for the        overseas. Some athletes spend       George Business Chamber'.
(ACSA), for the fourth year           winning position. Van Dyk has        two days travelling, just to take
running, has enabled the              competed in every single OCC         part in the Fun Event where they    T h e O C C o rg a n i s e r s a r e
organising committee to host the      race since the event's launch 13     are pushed by volunteers. Thus      committed to staging a high
event each year.          George      years ago.                           far, 29 groups have applied for     standard event with a critical
Municipality has acted as host                                             transport assistance.'              focus on the safety of the athletes.
city for the OCC for the past 12      Prize money totalling R236 000                                           George Municipality assists in
years, providing monetary and         is up for grabs in 64 categories.    Swart said, 'Our gratitude to the   maximising safety by granting
essential logistical support.         The 10km race prizes have once       OCC sponsors is boundless,          permission to close the entire
                                      again been expanded to 40            without them, the event simply      route to traffic, with more than
To e n t e r, p l e a s e v i s i t   categories to give more athletes a   would not take place. George        130 volunteer George residents
www.georgeocc.co.za and               chance of winning.                   Airport ACSA and the George         serving as marshals to assist the
complete the online entry form.                                            Municipality are the main           local Traffic and Law
Alternatively, contact race           Back in 2002, the first race began   sponsors and we are grateful for    Enforcement officials on the
organiser Ansie Swart on tel 079      with just 27 athletes competing      their ongoing support, which is     route.
397 4655. The deadline for            in a half marathon (21km) race       the lifeblood of the OCC.'                                                 The Outeniqua Wheelchair Challenge (OCC) takes place in George
entries is Friday 13 February         down the Outeniqua Mountain                                              More than 1 000 volunteers are         on the 21st February 2015. Above is race organiser Ansie Swart
2015.                                 Pass into the city of George.        Brenda Vorster, George Airport      involved on the day of the event.      with Mathys Roets, who participated in the 10km event last year.
                                      After starting small, this event     manager is impressed with the       They act as marshals, push
Since 2006, the OCC has been          has grown in leaps and bounds        ongoing success of the OCC          participants in the Fun Event,
awarded SA National                   each year - in 2014, over 1000       event each year, 'George Airport    assist with the handing out of         race. Limited numbers of              Entry forms can be faxed to 088
Championship status, while in         athletes from South Africa and       is so proud of our association      wheelchairs, prepare a post-race       wheelchairs are available to          044 8736766. Entries can also
2008 and 2012 the OCC served          beyond lined up at the start line    with the OCC.                       meal for the groups and assist         borrow, but they must be booked       be done online at
                                                                                                               with general tasks. Any person         in advance on the entry form. A       www.georgeocc.co.za.
                                                                           'The OCC is a major event on the                                           wheelchair may be a buggy,            Further details, photographs, and
                                                                           George calendar,' Vorster           interested in becoming a
                                                                                                               volunteer is requested to contact      racing chair, hand cycle,             accommodation deals can be
                                                                           continued, 'and, through our                                               rugby/basketball or tennis            found on the web.
                                                                           sponsorship, we aim to extend       the organisers.
                                                                                                                                                      wheelchair, or an ordinary
                                                                           our facilities and capabilities,    All OCC participants must be           wheelchair.                           For further information, please
                                                                           working hand-in-hand with the       physically disabled and in a                                                 contact Ansie 079 3974655
                                                                           OCC committee and George            wheelchair for the duration of the                                           swartam@telkomsa.net

                                                                            Celebrate at Sedgefield’s Only Five Star Hotel in Valentine’s month
                                                                            Lakeside Lodge luxury hotel        midweek throughout the year,           reputation for an                                 Advertorial
                                                                            and spa on the Garden Route        with guests staying in a luxury        imaginative and
                                                                            has won a five star rating - the   suite with full board and all          varied menu, with
LOCAL LADIES IN LION DOCUMENTARY                                            only one in Sedgefield which       meals included. Cost R6,000 for
                                                                                                               two people. Visitors can also
                                                                                                                                                      wine tastings, food
                                                                            is the highest award by the                                               pairings and
Local Wildlife                                                              TGCSA (Tourism Grading             book weekday boot camp                 special events.
lovers    (which                                                            Council of South Africa). The      sessions at any time.                  With relaxed
p r o b a b l y                                                             owners have fully                                                         lakeside dining for
                                                                                                               Five Star Award
includes 90% of                                                             refurbished the boutique                                                  breakfast and
                                                                                                               The TGCSA star grading is an
the Garden                                                                  hotel and its nine luxury                                                 lunch, in the
                                                                                                               independent quality assessment
Route) are                                                                  bedroom suites, in the                                                    evening it moves to
                                                                                                               and official ranking system,
encouraged to                                                               unique setting on the banks                                               a more formal
                                                                                                               recognised around the world, for
look out for                                                                of the Swartvlei lake in                                                  menu for fine
                                                                                                               the standard of service and
THE      LION                                                               Wilderness National Park.                                                 c u i s i n e . Wi n e s
                                                                                                               facilities that hotel guests can
QUEEN.         A                                                                                                                                      from Benguela
                                                                            To celebrate the award, hotel      expect.
documentary                                                                                                                                           Cove Lagoon Wine
series due to be                                                            guests and visitors to the                                                Estate are sold in
                                                                                                               The five star award recognises
aired on Animal                                                             Benguela Brasserie and                                                    the restaurant. The
                                                                                                               the achievement of Lakeside
Planet.                                                                     Restaurant at Lakeside Lodge                                              venue is open
                                                                                                               Lodge's owners who set out to
                                                                            can enjoy a range of special                                              seven days a week
                                                                                                               create a unique luxury
Why? Well aside                                                             offers during Valentine's month                                           from 8am- 9pm
                                                                                                               experience for short or long
from it being an                                                            and throughout 2015.                                                      daily.
                                                                                                               breaks and fine dining, with nine
exciting look into                                                                                             meticulously designed suites,
                                                                            For Valentine's Day on
the preservation                                                                                               swimming pool, spa and water           Lakeside Lodge on
                                                                            February 14, chef-in-residence
of lions, it also                                                                                              sports facilities.                     Swartvlei lake
                                                                            Kelly Anne Pietersen is                                                                               Chef-in-residence Kelly Anne Pietersen
has numerous                                                                                                                                          offers a range of
                                                                            preparing a four-course dinner
local links,                                                                                                   There are three room designs: the      facilities that include jetty and
                                                                            menu for 'lovers who love fine
including part of                                                                                              Honeymoon Suite is for                 boat launching facilities and B e n g u e l a B r a s s e r i e a n d
                                                                            cuisine'. Throughout the month
the series being                                                                                               newlyweds or couples just              non-motorised watersports: Restaurant at Lakeside Lodge
                                                                            diners can enjoy master
f i l m e d i n                       Andi Rive with her lioness                                               planning a special break, it boasts    sailing, stand-up paddling, is open for breakfast, lunch and
                                                                            chocolatier Jane Stuart's
Sedgefield itself. The                Fonda who she took in from a                                             a four-poster bed and spacious         windsurfing, and kayaking. dinner, seven days a week from
                                                                            handmade Belgian chocolates
documentary is about two              farm nearby when it was six                                              en suite bathroom with Jacuzzi         There is also fishing, whilst 8am - 9pm
                                                                            paired with the award-winning
women, Andi Rive and Traci            months old.                                                              spa bath and a walk-in shower.         mountain bikes and a small boat February events:-
                                                                            wines of Benguela Cove
P a g e Wo o d ( b o t h f r o m                                                                                                                      are provided for guest use, with 14th: Valentine's Day dinner,
                                                                            Lagoon wine estate, the            The Superior and Luxury Suites
Sedgefield), fighting to save a                                                                                                                       water-skiing, wakeboarding special four-course menu
                                      from. Saving the reserve is a         owner's vineyards.                 also feature beautiful linen, king
lion reserve in the Eastern Free                                                                                                                      and sundowner cruisers upon 22nd: Jazz on the Lake and
State. With their dedicated team      huge mission. Finding food for                                           size beds and luxurious pile           request. Airport transfers and a lunch, R350 inclusive, starts
                                                                            The first 'Jazz on the Lake'
of staff, family and volunteers       the lions, money to cover                                                carpets, complimentary                 chauffeur-driven minibus are 12.30 midday
                                                                            concert and Sunday lunch will
they are tasked with keeping the      running costs, and learning how                                          toiletries, fluffy towels and          available.                            28th : Afternoon Tea, R210
                                                                            be held on February 22 at
struggling reserve afloat,            to run an 860 hectare reserve                                            bathrobes, all softly illuminated                                            2:00pm 5:00pm
                                                                            12:30pm, against the beautiful
fending off creditors, lawyers        which has lions and other                                                by chandeliers. There are suites       Further information:           For T h r o u g h o u t t h e m o n t h :
                                                                            backdrop of the Swartvlei lake.
and hunters.                          wildlife, a lodge, and staff.                                            linked by adjoining doors, ideal       d e t a i l s o f a l l e v e n t s . chocolate and wine pairing
                                                                            Then on February 28 one can
                                      Some of the lions on the reserve                                         for family groups.                     accommodation and dining, The midweek Lakeside boot
                                                                            enjoy an afternoon tea menu,
Andi Rive left Sedgefield to take     were hand-reared after they were                                                                                c      o      n   t    a    c       t camp offer is R6,000 for two
                                                                            from 2:00pm.                       Rooms are fully equipped with
over the lions and started up her     abandoned and they now see                                                                                      http://lakesidelodge.co.za people, based on sharing a
project "Love Lions Alive". She       Andi as their mother.                                                    air conditioning, flat screen TVs,     Lakeside Lodge, Lakeside luxury suite with full board and
                                                                            With all this fine dining, you
has quite a history with this town                                                                             complimentary Wi-Fi, digital           Drive, Swartvlei, Sedgefield / all meals included for two
                                                                            may feel the urge to get fit,
- her great grandparents settled      The six episode series is                                                radios and iPod docking stations.      +27 44 343 1844 or email: nights. This offers a saving of
                                                                            shape up and slim down with
in Sedge in the 1920's, which is      screening on Animal Planet in                                                                                   info@lakesidelodge.co.za
                                                                            resident trainer Karl Petersen.    The Benguela Brasserie and                                                   R2,500 on the standard rate and
why the filmmakers spent a few        114 countries on consecutive
                                                                            Lakeside Lodge is organising       Restaurant has already gained a                                              also a free course of massage
days in Sedge/Knysna                  nights from 16th-21st February
                                                                            two-night fitness boot camps                                                                                    worth R750.
documenting where she came            2015..

Page 6 THE EDGE                                                                                                                                                                              ISSUE 456 11 February 2015
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
Like all the way to George or Knysna it
Sedgefield residents are up in arms at the recent
unexpected and rather sudden closure of the
local branch of the Standard Bank.
The only notice given was the one pasted on the
branch door just over a week before its closure.
Clients that have been with the bank for years
feel totally let down, as they now have to drive
further afield for any personal service.
This could also affect local business as
customers, who now have to go to neighbouring
towns for over the counter transactions, may
choose to shop there rather than carry cash back
to Sedgefield. Many elderly residents will find it difficult to travel these distances to do their banking.
The Edge contacted the bank and have been told that a press release will be issued with regard to this
matter. At the time of going to press no communication had been received.

A policy in respect of street        the policy. "The Ward Councillor      convincing motivation for the
naming and numbering has             for the ward in which the relevant    expenditure of Council funds.
been compiled by the Knysna          street or streets is situated, will   After these requirements have
Municipality Street Names            sit on the committee," said           been met, the application will
Committee. "Wherever                 Wolmarans. "And the committee         still be processed by the
possible, all streets in the
greater Knysna municipal area
should have street names and
                                     will not take a decision on any
                                     street name without formal
                                     consultation with the relevant
                                                                           committee; who will then make a
                                                                           recommendation to Council to
                                                                           either adopt or reject the
                                                                                                                WATER FORUM AGM                                                             by Mike Young
all properties that have erf         Ward Committee."                      proposed change."                   The Water Forum AGM took           meeting is attended by                  river.
numbers should have street           The policy also allows for any        Developers submitting               place last Wednesday. Apart        Municipal Officials who can tell        Secondly, there are a series of
numbers," said Knysna                person to approach the office of      applications that involve the       from electing a new                us the whole story and that             boreholes just north of the N2,
Executive Mayor Georlene             the Municipal Manager with a          creation of new properties must     committee, which                   preferably this should be made          but these are also to augment
Wolmarans.                           request or suggestion for the         include proposals for street        incidentally included most of      available in writing before the         the feed from the Karatara and
"This policy, enforced by the        change of an existing street          numbers for every new property.     the existing committee             meeting.                                not intended for daily use.
committee, will ensure that street   name. Acting Municipal                "These proposals must also          members, the meeting was           In summary, Sedgefield’s water          Finally, there is the desalination
names are not duplicated within      Manager Grant Easton explained        comply with the rules as set out    characterised by a fairly          can come from three sources.            plant.      It is important to
the same town and that names are     that strict regulations would         in the policy," said Wolmarans.     lively discussion about the        I’ll try to give a brief description,   remember that desalination
not offensive," she continued.       apply in such a case. "As such        "We are confident that the          quality and security of our        but I must make it clear that some      plants need a lot of electricity to
"The policy also governs various     changes are potentially               establishment of this committee
                                                                                                               water supply.                      detail might not be complete or         run them, so they are a
other aspects with regards to        disruptive, confusing and costly      and policy will streamline the
                                                                           allocation of street names and      Councillor Louise Hart was         totally correct.                        relatively expensive source of
naming new streets, ensuring         to implement, there must be a
that this is done in line with       sound reason for the suggested        numbers, making it a hassle-free    present and she was at pains to    First is the water treatment works      water.       There have been
national policies and without        change and the applicant must         process for applicants. This step   reassure the meeting that there    which draws water from the              problems with where the sea
creating any confusion. It is also   therefore provide a full and          towards improving our service       is no impending crisis which       Karatara river. If we have low          water is drawn from. These are
concerned with street numbering      detailed motivation for the           delivery is testament to our        will affect our water supply.      rainfall, this feed point can           also in process of being sorted
regulations."                        change."                              commitment to creating a town       The Municipality was also          become contaminated with salt           out.
Highlights of the policy include     "The applicant must also              where people and nature             represented by Rhoydon Parry       water from Swartvlei. To stop           If you have followed this
that private developers              undertake to cover the costs          prosper."                           and both he and Councillor         this happening, a weir has been         c o m p l e x s t o r y, y o u ’ l l
submitting applications that         associated with the change, or        The full policy containing all      Hart did their best to answer      installed just downstream of the        understand why the Water
involve the creation of new          suggest a feasible source from        rules and stipulations is           penetrating questions about the    intake point, but there have been       Forum is insisting that the
streets, must include proposals      which to obtain funding," Easton      obtainable from the office of the   detail of how Sedgefield’s         problems with the seals on this         Municipality come to the next
for street names which must          continued. "Alternatively they        Manager Communications and          water gets from several            weir. They are in process of            meeting prepared to answer
comply with the rules set out in     must deliver a clear, logical and     Customer Relations, at              different sources to our taps.     being fixed. As an emergency            questions unambiguously. The
                                                                           communications@knysna.gov.za.       There were a number of                                                     Forum meetings are open to the
                                                                                                                                                  measure there is also a pipeline
                                                                                                               requests for the Forum to do its   which allows water to be                public and advance notification
                                                                                                               best make sure that the next       transferred from the Hoogekraal         is published in The Edge.

                                                                                                               TORTOISE CAR HIRE SHOWS SOME T L C
                                                                                                               The Living
                                                                                                               would like to
                                                                                                               express their
                                                                                                               gratitude and
                                                                                                               appreciation to
                                                                                                               Jörg and
                                                                                                               owners of
                                                                                                               Tortoise Car
                                                                                                               Hire, for
                                                                                                               The Living
                                                                                                               with a vehicle
                                                                                                               over the past
                                                                                                               few weeks.

                                                                                                               TLC could not
                                                                                                               have coped with
                                                                                                               out their help.
                                                                                                               As this vehicle                      Maria, Mary-Anne and Gilda standing by the vehicle so
                                                                                                               is part of the Tortoise Car Hire   generously made available to the Living Cornerstone.
                                                                                                               fleet we obviously cannot
                                                                                                               expect the arrangement to be an    residents on outings, to & fro to       Alzheimer's residents in our
                                                                                                               indefinite one.                    doctors and clinic.                     care. We have 20 full-time
                                                                                                               I would like to take this          The vehicle is also needed to           residents and a waiting list of
                                                                                                               opportunity to ask the             supply our 3 TLC house with             23. We are hoping to open a 4th,
                                                                                                               community of Sedgefield if         stock, medical supplies such as         and possibly 5th house soon.
                                                                                                               their is anyone out there with a   nappies, laundry that is done on        Hence the desperate need for a
                                                                                                               vehicle that they no longer        our premises and other needs.           vehicle.
                                                                                                               require that could be put to       The community is welcome to             Contact Gilda Scammell 084
                                                                                                               good use. A vehicle is much        have a tour of all our homes so         544 1203 if you can help in any
                                                                                                               needed for transporting our        that one can get a better idea of       way.
                                                                                                                                                  the service, that we offer to the

ISSUE 456    11 February 2015                                                                                                                                                                         THE EDGE        Page 7
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
Diary Dateline                                                                                                                                                     RECENT INCREASE IN VESSEL AND BOAT PERMITS
                                                                                                                                                                        In response to recent complaints regarding the increase in
   11th - 25th February 2015                                                                                                                                            boat tariffs SANParks have issued the following press release:

Welcome to The EDGE’s Diary Dateline                                                                                                                                 The recent increase in activity       persons using it; or the public or
column in which we will endeavour to                                                                                                                                 tariffs in the GRNP was               sections of the public; increase
keep everyone informed on                                                                                                                                            published by the National             the number of vessels in the
community related events, meetings,                                                                                                                                  Conservation Fee Policy of            water area above the number of
outings and suchlike. This column is                                                                                                                                 SANParks (2011). This policy
only for the use of non-profit clubs,                                                                                                                                                                      vessels deemed appropriate by
                                              PLEASE NOTE: Letters to the editor must be submitted with the author’s full name and address. If a                     was established to guide the
associations and charities.                                                                                                                                                                                the management authority.
                                              writer does not wish his or her name to appear in print, a ‘ pen name’ (nom de plume) may be included.                 organization based on
                Wednesday 11                  The editor has full discretion as to which letters to include or exclude and no argument, badgering,                   recommendations made by               Pensioners
                                              cajoling, bribery or heated conversation will be entered into. Opinions expressed in published letters                 McKinsey Business                     SANParks offers discounts on
8:45am Guided meditation @ The Well,          and articles are not necessarily those of the management and staff of The EDGE Community
Plumtree Centre                                                                                                                                                      Consultants. The guideline is         normal tariffs to persons who are
2-5pm Sedgefield Tennis Club (Social)         Newspaper.                                                                                                                                                   60 and above provided the
                                                                                                                                                                     to implement a system of
6:30-10pm Badminton Town Hall.                Open letter                                                                                                                                                  reservation is made in the name
                                                                                    traffic Dept. appear to have a              It would seem, that little if any    differential pricing (market
                   Thursday 12
                            04                Dear Eskom,                           double unit.                                thought has gone into the            related) for entry into all           of the qualifying person. Social
                                              I hereby regret to inform you that    The question I have is, “What is            planning of the change as far as     Parks.                                pensioners are those receiving
7am Eden Cycling Road bikes & MTB’s depart    my bank account is currently at       done in this office?” One cannot            we can see, as there has been no                                           old age, family and disability
Cycle Worx. All welcome.
                                              stage 3.                              pay fines there. One cannot                 communication. Does the              Subsequent to complaints and          allowances as well as blind
7:30am Sedgefield Gentlemen Golfer’s Club @                                                                                                                          concerns from boat and vessel
The Links Course                              I am unable to shed any funds to      renew a license for either vehicle          municipality realise the money                                             persons.
2:30pm Bowls coaching                         pay my Utility bill at this time.     or driver?                                  for the hall was donated by Mrs      owners, the Garden Route
5:15pm Guided meditation @ The Well,                                                                                            Watney with the expressed wish       National Park adjusted its permit     Terms and conditions
                                              As soon as it reaches stage 2, I      What on earth is the purpose of
Plumtree Centre                                                                     this, other than a waste of                 that it was for cultural use.        tariffs with those of the West        • No discount is offered on
                                              will endeavour to make a part
7:30pm Lions Club of Sedgefield meets at
                                              payment.                              money??                                     If we lose the meeting room,         Coast National Park. This is a        conservation fees, meals or
the clubhouse. Debbie on 083 306 9998.                                                                                                                                                                     activities.
                                              Although it should not be viewed      Signed: Puzzled resident.                   what next...                         once-off annual adjustment
                        Friday 13             as a crisis at this current time,                                                 Colin Burgess, Chairman              increase and from 2016,               • Proof of identification or proof
                                              this dismal                           Knysna Acting Municipal                     Sedgefield Art Society.              increases will be based on the        of pension category must be
8:30-2pm Friday Market @ Forest Lodge                                               Manager Dawie Adonis                                                                                                   given on arrival.
9:15-10am; 10-11:30am Social Line Dancing     situation is expected to continue,                                                                                     consumer index.
@ St Anthony’s Catholic Church Beg. & Int.    on and off, for approximately the     responds:                                   Knysna Acting Municipal              The categories depicted in the        • If an individual can prove that
Class. For info 084 549 3967.                 next 12 months.                       The Traffic office in Sedgefield            Manager Grant Easton                 old brochure were adjusted to         they have one of the following
10-11:30am Anchusa meet @ St Francis          Please accept my apologies.           is only utilised for the capturing          responds:                            new ones that align with the West     disabilities; blindness, deafness
Church hall. Ph 044 343 1099                                                        of speeding fines. The current                                                                                         or are wheelchair bound and
6:30pm Eden Al-Anon meetings in               Yours,                                                                                                                 Coast National Park.
                                                                                    service provider is responsible             Knysna Municipality is in the                                              receive some sort of welfare
Sedgefield - contact Rina : 082 376 9788      A Paying Consumer
                                                                                    for renting the property and not            process of converting the hall       One permit provides access to all     pension, they will be considered
                   Saturday 14                                                      the municipality.                           into a children’s section and a      water bodies in the Garden Route      for the concession and may
                                              The Editor
                                                                                                                                computer lab will be set up in the   National Park (e.g. Swartvlei,        apply in advance.
7:30am-12 Wild Oats Community                 Am I the only person in               Dear Ed.
Farmers’ Market @ Swartvlei                                                                                                     main library. This will be of        Knysna estuary, Natures Valley        • NO claims resulting from
                                              Sedgefield who is wondering
8am - 2pm Mosaic Market                                                             RE:- Sedgefield Library                     great benefit to the increasing      estuary, etc.)                        failure to produce the necessary
                                              why the Traffic department of
8am- 1pm Scarab Craft Market                                                        Meeting Room.                               number of children in Sedgefield                                           documentation will be paid out
                                              the Knysna Municipality, has                                                                                           For boat and vessel permits
                                              seen fit to take premises in          So, what of the library meeting             as they will have a quiet space                                            at a later stage.
                      Sunday 15
                             09                                                     Room? It seems as it is no longer                                                The GRNP was guided by
                                              Lynnwood Centre? They have                                                        where they can do their                                                    • Senior citizen discounts are
                                                                                    available to the residents of the           homework and read. They will         Section 23 of the Regulations for
7am Eden Cycling Club Group Social outride    what would seem to be a double
                                                                                    village! No official notification                                                the Proper Administration of the      not available to reservations
departs Cycle Worx. All welcome
                                              unit!                                                                             also have the opportunity of
                                                                                    from the municipality or an offer           using computers with internet        Knysna Protected Environment.         made through the SANParks
                     Monday 16
                            08                Considering that many                                                                                                  This is a clause in the National      online reservations facility.
                                                                                    of an alternative venue. So what            access to do their research and
                                              businesses have halved their                                                                                           Environmental Management:             • Couples are entitled to one unit
6pm Sedgefield Easter Choir @ NG Kerk                                               are the various clubs, societies,           assignments.
                                              rental space due to costs, the                                                                                         Protected Areas Act (2003). It        per visit. The discount will apply
6:30-10pm Badminton Town Hall                                                       church groups etc, that use the
7pm Duplicate Contract Bridge in the                                                venue for their activities to do?           Sedgefield community members         stipulates that no person may         to the unit tariff. In the case of
Catholic Church Hall. Ph 044 3433141                                                A children's library and                                                         keep or operate any vessel in the     additional persons, the full bed
                                                                                                                                who utilised the venue for

                    Tuesday 17
                            16                                                      computer training facility we are           various meetings can hire the        water area without:                   tariff will be applicable if that
                                                                                    told it is to be turned into. Well          committee room situated in the       (a) A vessel permit issued by the     person does not qualify for the
7am Eden Cycling road bikes & MTB’s depart                                          first of all there is little security at    main municipal building as an                                              concession.
Cycle Worx. All welcome.
                                                                                                                                                                     management authority or
2:30 pm Bowls coaching
                                                        Sedgefield                  the room, so any computer etc               alternative venue.                   delegated agent;                      • The discount in respect of
                                                                                    placed in their would be an easy            We are in the process of drafting    (B) payment of the necessary          camping, applies to the basic
                Wednesday 18
                                               Op Woensdag 18 Feb.                  target for criminals. It is in need         an advert to inform the              fees; and                             tariff as well as the per person
                                               by NG Kerk om 14:30                  of decorating and the floor needs           community about this issue, it                                             tariff for those who qualify.
8:45am Guided meditation @ The Well,                                                                                                                                 (C) where necessary, being in
                                                                                    attention as do some of the                 will be published in The Edge                                              • NO claims resulting from
Plumtree Centre                                   DEMONSTRASIE                      windows, the blinds, the doors,                                                  possession of a-
2:30pm VLV Sedgefield by NG Kerk                                                                                                next week.                           (i) certificate of competence;        failure to produce the necessary
2-5pm Sedgefield Tennis Club (Social)              "Memory Box"                     the lighting and the kitchen.
                                                                                                                                                                     and                                   documentation will be paid out
6:30-10pm Badminton Town Hall.                   R15 vie kuier en tee                                                                                                                                      at a later stage.
                                                                                                                                                                     (ii) certificate of fitness, issued
                   Thursday 19                                                                                                                                       in terms of the National Small        Pensioner discounts in the
7am Eden Cycling Road bikes & MTB’s depart                                                                                                                           Vessel Safety Regulations, 2007.      GRNP (applicable in the
Cycle Worx. All welcome.                       CALL FOR ENTRIES : YOUNG WRITERS’ COMPETITION, 18 MARCH 2015                                                          The clause further stipulates that    Tsitsikamma and Wilderness
7:30am Sedgefield Gentlemen Golfer’s Club @                                                                                                                          the management authority (in          sections of the Park):
The Links Course                                      PART OF THE 6TH ANNUAL KNYSNA LITERARY FESTIVAL                                                                this case, SANParks) may, when        http://www.sanparks.org/docs/t
2:30pm Bowls coaching
7:30pm Lions Club of Sedgefield meets at       KNYSNA – Part of the the             2015. The winners will be                  School Hall, 13h30-14h30. The         issuing a vessel permit, limit the    ourism_tariffs/pensioner_disco
the clubhouse. Debbie on 083 306 9998.         6th annual Knysna Literary           announced on 18 March at                   judges’ decision is final.            use of or the conduct of an           unt2015.pdf
5:15pm Guided meditation @ The Well,           Festival, presented by Pam           Knysna Primary School Hall at              Entry forms are available at all      activity by a specific category or    The Wild Card was developed
Plumtree Centre                                Golding Properties Knysna,           13h30-14h30 when the first                                                       type of vessel if it has reason to
                                                                                                                               regional schools. To request a                                              to encourage local travellers to
                        Friday 20              entries are open for the             prize winner will receive a                form, or for more information,        believe that such use or conduct      visit other National Parks and
                                               Yo u n g W r i t e r s ’             Canon Camera IXUS 132                      contact the Pam Golding               of an activity may be a source of     nature reserves by providing free
8:30-2pm Friday Market @ Forest Lodge          Competition. Growing in              Bundle (valued at R1000),                                                        pollution; or cause a detrimental
9:15-10am; 10-11:30am Social Line Dancing                                                                                      Properties Knysna office at 044                                             entry. It cannot be used to pay for
                                               p o p u l a r i t y, t h e 2 0 1 4   while the second winner will               382 5574. To learn more visit         ecological or environmental
@ St Anthony’s Catholic Church Beg. & Int.                                                                                                                                                                 activities, accommodation and
Class. For info 084 549 3967.                  competition attracted a              receive a Phillips Go Gear MP3             www.knysnaliteraryfestival.co.za      impact, in the water area; or will
                                               record number of nearly 200          Player (valued at R500).                                                                                               meals.
10-11:30am Anchusa meet @ St Francis                                                                                                                                 be a nuisance, pose a danger to
Church hall. Ph 044 343 1099                   entries from the students of         Competition rules:
6:30pm Eden Al-Anon meetings in                Knysna, Sedgefield,
Sedgefield - contact Rina : 082 376 9788                                            • Your name and age must be
                                               Karatara, and Plettenberg
                                                                                    clearly written on your entry              A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR THE YOUNGEST 80 YEAR OLD IN SEDGE!
                   Saturday 21                                                      form and entry
                                               Under the title ‘Let your            • The poem or short story should           Carl Rietbroek turned
7:30am Sedgefield Striders Club Run.
7:30am-12 Wild Oats Community                  Imagination Take Flight’, the        show your creativity and                   80 on the 28th of
Farmers’ Market @ Swartvlei                    Young Writers’ Competition           technical excellence with                  January. Friends and
8am - 2pm Mosaic Market                        challenges learners to submit a      language and respect for the               relatives from all walks
8am- 1pm Scarab Craft Market                   poem or write a short story.                                                    of life were honoured to
                                                                                    theme. The work must be
                      Sunday 22
                             25                Entries may be written in            original and written only by               be at his lunch party at
                                               English, Afrikaans or                you.                                       the Scarab Market.
7:00am Eden Cycling Club Group Social          isiXhosa. The competition            • Entry form and entry must be             The 'youthful looking'
outride departs Cycle Worx. All welcome
                                               will be judged by a panel of         handed in on A4 size paper. No             Carl downplays his
                     Monday 23                 local teachers across two            faxes, CD’s or emails will be              extreme zest for
                                               Categories:                          accepted. Entries must be sent             adventure, enviable
6pm Sedgefield Easter Choir @ NG Kerk
6:30-10pm Badminton Town Hall                  Junior Learners (6-12 yrs)           to or dropped off at the Knysna            energy and ambitious
7pm Duplicate Contract Bridge in the           POEM Write a poem based on           Pam Golding Property Office,               personality, the latter of
Catholic Church Hall. Ph 044 3433141           ONE of the following subjects        34 Main Road, Knysna.                      which won him the heart of
                                               • Peace • My Song • Home             Entrants must keep copies of               Heather who shares all his
                      Tuesday 24                                                    their work. Entries, will not be
                                               Grown • The Champion •                                                          dreams and daring
7:00am Eden Cycling road bikes & MTB’s         You're only given a little spark     returned.                                  activities.
depart Cycle Worx. All welcome                 of madness…                          • Only one entry per person is
2:30pm Bowls coaching
                                                                                                                               The couple are avid
                                               Senior Learners (13 yrs -            allowed.                                   Mountain Bikers and revel
               Wednesday 25
                         16                    Matric)                              • Closing date for submissions:            along the Garden Route
                                                                                    20 February 2015 • All winning             with their group of faithful
8:45am Guided meditation @ The Well,           SHORT STORY Write a short            entries will be published by The
Plumtree Centre                                story based on ONE of the                                                       riders at hair-raising
2-5pm Sedgefield Tennis Club (Social)                                               Knysna Literary Festival. By               speeds over weathered
                                               following subjects • Lost •          entering, you agree to this
6:30-10pm Badminton Town Hall.                                                                                                 mountain paths rewarding
                                               Growing Pains • Captain, my          condition.
                                               Captain • One Chance • You're                                                   themselves with a pastime
 Should your association, charity                                                   • A panel of judges will select            that fulfils their passion for an exciting life and a wealth of retirement remembrances. At the function
                                               only given a little spark of         the finalists from each category.
 or group have any forthcoming                                                                                                 Carl was praised by his friends who have known him over many years; he is an icon in Sedgefield and as a
 events, please send us details so
                                               madness…                             The winners will be announced
 that we may publish them in our               Entries close 20 February                                                       'young' 80-year old, truly exemplifies the art of longevity. All the guests were duly invited to his 90th at the
                                                                                    on 18 March at Knysna Primary
 next issue!                                                                                                                   same place in ten years time.                                               Picture by Tannje Strauss

Page 8        THE EDGE                                                                                                                                                                                     ISSUE 456       11 February 2015
HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News HANGING WITH A GREAT WHITE - Knysna Wilderness George - The Edge Community News
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