Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

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Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

                          MARCH 2018   VOLUME 6   ISSUE 12   `200

                                                         & IQ

                                                  Art in Motion
                                                   by Ralfonso

                                                         The Air

                                 Making A
                                Smart Case
                                       Ramesh & Anushree Tainwala
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre
“Work-life balance is not something
                                                                    we find,
                                                                    it's something
                                                                    we create.
                                                                    Let us create it, together.”

In our endeavour to get CEOs to live a life beyond the boardroom,
we at CEO Lounge, get them together to make some memories, fun
and of course have a great time.

Relive your passion, rekindle old memories and do something
you've been wanting to do.

At CEO Lounge, it is all about 'you' and 'your time'.

                                                                    Driving lifestyles forward with our
                                                                    various engagement platforms

                                                                                                          For more information on our engagements please write to:

Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre
                     March 2018

Unique Sea Escapes

                                       46   44 Getting Things Done
                                            How to identify leaders
                                            who get things done
                                            even when faced with
                                            steep odds

                                            46 The John Cooper
                                            Works Package
                                            A special project by Mini
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre
18 Carrying On The Luggage Legacy Samsonite
                  International S.A. Chief Executive Ramesh Tainwala and
                  his daughter Anushree Tainwala, Executive Director
                  Marketing, Samsonite South Asia share their beginnings,
                  life, brand vision, and other interests with us...

                                                                                                       Photograph: Sachin Ruhil
 62 The Big World of Licensing
 A quick guide to branded merchandising                   72

                                                                                                                                  2 DAYS OF ADRENALINE RUSH | 40 CEOs DRIVE TO WIN

                                                                                                  52                                            COMING SOON

                                                         72 Not Just Sushi
                                                         The art of Japanese cuisine

  62                                                     52 Killer Workout
                                                         Knowing when to pause and take a break

 6 | MARCH 2018
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

                                                                                       log on to
                                                                                       Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                       Deepak Yadav

                                                                                       Publishing Director
                                                                                       Raju Sarin

                                                                                       Hari Govind Nair

                                                                                       DEPUTY EDITOR
                                                                                       Amit Ranjan Rai

                                                                                       ART DIRECTOR
                                                                                       Sachin Ruhil

                                                                                       Jayakrishanan Nair, Saurabh Sinha
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                                                                                                                                           pies and tarts
sparsely populated and virtually            guests to join him in catching their       India/Business/
untouched, this tropical paradise           own fresh seafood, which he will
is just 35 minutes by a scenic flight       prepare for them personally to enjoy       Printed, published and owned by
from the international airport on           later that day.                            Deepak Yadav. Published at G-1/27,
                                                                                       Uttam Nagar, New Delhi -110059,
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                                                                                       Press, Plot No–22, Sec- 5, IMT
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                                                                                       Editor: Deepak Yadav.

                                                                                       We stand indemnified against any claims            Register with your spouse today and sharpen your
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8 | MARCH 2018
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre
                                                                    uch has been written
                                                                    and spoken about
                                                                    how software-based
                                                                    technology, data analytics
                                                      and connected devices can work
                                                      together to transform every aspect
                                                      of business. But now the process of
                                                      digital transformation is set to have an
                                                      enormous impact on our health and
                                                      fitness too. Not only will these advances
                                                      affect the quality of life for millions,
                                                      they could also have far-reaching
                                                      implications for the healthcare sector
                                                      and employers in general.

Ten ways
                                                           Improvements in medicine and
                                                      nutrition have helped life expectancies
                                                      increase throughout the last century.
                                                      But older populations are leading to

digital could
                                                      a greater incidence of degenerative
                                                      and lifestyle-related health issues.
                                                      These kinds of non-communicable
                                                      diseases already account for 75 per

                                                      cent of deaths worldwide, according to
                                                      the World Health Organisation. Tens
                                                      of millions of people are suffering
                                                      from these diseases around the world,
                                                      greatly reducing their quality of life. The

                                                      economic impact is similarly immense
                                                      — just five non-communicable diseases
                                                      could cost the global economy $47
                                                      trillion by 2030, according to the World
                                                      Economic Forum.
                                                           So what could digital
From genomics to telemedicine to 3D bioprinting,      transformation do to make us
here are some technologies that could revolutionise   healthier, and the health sector fitter?
an industry and make us all healthier                 Here are just some of the ways that
                                                      digital technologies could help us live
                                                      not just longer, but healthier and more
                                                      productive lives:
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

1) GENOMICS                                 responses of patients with similar DNA,     media may become the feedback               7) GENETIC ENGINEERING                      Telecommunications Union, an agency        researchers at the Wake Forest Institute
Increased computer processing power         lifestyles and medical histories can        mechanism that leads to continual           While genetic engineering of human          of the United Nations, there are more      for Regenerative Medicine announced
is beginning to unlock the true potential   allow us to truly understand health risks   optimisation of health services.            DNA to fight disease remains deeply         than 7 billion mobile subscriptions        that they have successfully implanted
of human DNA analysis — enabling truly      and the impact of different treatments.                                                 controversial, gene therapy and the         worldwide, up from 738 million in          3D printed bone, muscle and tissue
personalised testing and treatment that                                                 6) DIGITAL TREND MONITORING                 use of genetically-modified viruses to      2000. Globally, 3.2 billion people are     into animals. By using DNA analysis,
could vastly improve patient outcomes       4) ORGANS-ON-CHIPS                          By tracking keyword activity on social      fight disease is becoming increasingly      using the Internet, of which two billion   we’re approaching the age of custom-
for a huge range of diseases.               A combination of advances in DNA            media and search engines, trends            common. Genetically-modified                live in developing countries.              made replaceable body parts. It’s not
                                            sequencing and stem cell research has       towards searches for particular             mosquitos are also being deployed in the    This trend has enabled the                 just replacement — perhaps the future
2) WEARABLES                                enabled researchers to grow miniature       medical symptoms are increasingly           fight against malaria and the Zika virus.   development of creative solutions          may present us with the possibility of
Smart health monitors that can              organs, based on patients’ own DNA.         being used to help identify and                                                         that leverage the ability of connected     customised body parts that could even
collect personalised, real-time data,       Connected to electronic sensors, they       respond to disease outbreaks. This          8) TELEMEDICINE                             technologies to reach people who           improve functionality.
encouraging healthier lifestyles, and       can measure response to treatment           insight is of course beneficial to any      Mobile technology is increasingly being     would otherwise find it difficult to
collecting reams of data to feed into       at a cellular level to understand which     organisation in the health sector,          used to reduce pressure on healthcare       access healthcare information.             WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN FOR
medical research. Some companies            methods will have the most success          but it can be useful for any employer       systems by removing the need to                                                        EMPLOYERS?
have already introduced wearables into      before applying them to the patient.        seeking to keep their workforce             travel to see a healthcare professional.    9) SURGICAL ROBOTS                         Providing for the healthcare needs of
the workplace to boost performance.                                                     healthy or well-staffed. For a large        Any cut to travelling time in any           As well as enabling more precise           an older workforce will require new
By monitoring the stress levels and         5) SOCIAL MEDIA HOSPITAL REVIEWS            employer, accurate interpretation           environment has the potential to make       surgery, which speeds up recovery time,    solutions to keep down the cost of
health of their staff, companies can        Healthcare providers and regulators         of the data could lead to a range           a positive impact on productivity. But      the use of robotic surgical equipment      accessing healthcare and to limit the
recommend healthier habits, often           alike are increasingly using patient        of possible preparations — from             telemedicine is likely to have the most     can enable specialist surgeons to          lost productivity triggered by health
leading to higher productivity.             reviews collected via social media or       the ordering of more tissues for an         transformative effect on more remote        treat patients thousands of miles          issues. Recent research in the Journal
                                            digital surveys to identify potential       outbreak of the common cold to hiring       communities, where conducting               away, reducing the need to travel for      of Occupational and Environmental
3) BIG DATA USED IN MEDICINE                issues and improve the quality of care.     additional freelance staff to fill in for   remote assessments of patients via          treatment. In time, they may be able to    Medicine even suggest that businesses
As more DNA gets analysed, wearables        The immediacy of social media and           employees who require sick leave.           mobile phones is beginning to provide       operate independently.                     with strong health and wellness
gather more lifestyle data, and medical     its ability to spread both positive and     When the algorithms predict these           access to medicine for some of the                                                     programmes perform better than
records are digitized, much more            negative messages so widely may see         trends accurately, the impact can be        world’s poorest people at a fraction        10) 3D BIOPRINTING                         those without.
detailed comparative patient analysis       healthcare providers responding ever        immense — but there are serious             of the cost of providing roving doctor      The ultimate medical dream has come
becomes possible. Comparing the             faster to customer feedback. Social         challenges to overcome.                     services. According to the International    closer to reality — in February 2016,      An EY report

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Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

                                 CONNECTIVITY & IQ

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Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

      n recent years, there has been a      technique to give an even more precise        higher order functions – such as problem       upbringing, for example? And how do
      concerted effort among scientists     mapping of the human brain.                   solving and language – and intelligence.       these connections strengthen or weaken
      to map the connections in the brain       A typical MRI scan will provide a             “We saw a clear link between the           across development?”
      – the so-called ‘connectome’ – and    single image of the brain, from which it is   ‘hubbiness’ of higher-order brain regions          “This could take us closer to being
to understand how this relates to human     possible to calculate multiple structural     – in other words, how densely connected        able to get an idea of intelligence from
behaviours, such as intelligence and        features of the brain. This means             they were to the rest of the network –         brain scans, rather than having to rely on
mental health disorders.                    that every region of the brain can be         and an individual’s IQ,” explains PhD          IQ tests,” says Professor Ed Bullmore,
     Now, in research published in the      described using as many as ten different      candidate Jakob Seidlitz at the University     Head of Psychiatry at Cambridge. “Our
journal Neuron, an international team       characteristics. The researchers showed       of Cambridge and NIH. “This makes              new mapping technique could also help
led by scientists at the University of      that if two regions have similar profiles,    sense if you think of the hubs as enabling     us understand how the symptoms of
Cambridge and the National Institutes       then they are described as having             the flow of information around the brain       mental health disorders such as anxiety
of Health (NIH), USA, has shown that        ‘morphometric similarity’ and it can          – the stronger the connections, the better     and depression or even schizophrenia
it is possible to build up a map of the     be assumed that they are a connected          the brain is at processing information.”       arise from differences in connectivity
connectome by analysing conventional        network. They verified this assumption            While IQ varied across the                 within the brain.”
brain scans taken using a magnetic          using publically-available MRI data on        participants, the MSNs accounted                   The researcher of this study, Jakob
resonance imaging (MRI) scanner.            a cohort of 31 juvenile rhesus macaque        for around 40% of this variation – it is       Seidlitz, is at PhD student on the NIH
     The team compared the brains of        monkeys to compare to ‘gold-standard’         possible that higher-resolution multi-         Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Programme.
296 typically-developing adolescent         connectivity estimates in that species.       modal data provided by a 7T scanner may        A graduate of the University of Rochester,
volunteers. Their results were then             Using these morphometric similarity       be able to account for an even greater         USA, he spends half of his time in
validated in a cohort of a further 124      networks (MSNs), the researchers were         proportion of the individual variation, says   Cambridge and half at the National
volunteers. The team used a conventional    able to build up a map showing how            the researchers.                               Institutes of Health in the USA. Jakob’s
3T MRI scanner, where 3T represents the     well connected the ‘hubs’ – the major             “What this doesn’t tell us, though, is     research aims to better understand the
strength of the magnetic field; however,    connection points between different           where exactly this variation comes from,”      origins of psychiatric disease, using
Cambridge has recently installed a          regions of the brain network – were. They     adds Seidlitz. “What makes some brains         techniques such as MRI to study child and
much more powerful Siemens 7T Terra         found a link between the connectivity         more connected than others – is it down        adolescent brain development and map
MRI scanner, which should allow this        in the MSNs in brain regions linked to        to their genetics or their educational         patterns of brain connectivity.

16 |MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                      CEO INDIA | 17
Making A Smart Case Bridging - Connectivity & IQ - Dream Theatre

                        Carrying On The
       Luggage Legacy
             Samsonite International S.A. Chief Executive Ramesh Tainwala
                and his daughter Anushree Tainwala, Executive Director
               Marketing, Samsonite South Asia share their beginnings, life,
                        brand vision, and other interests with us...

                            Words by KANIKA DHAWAN             |   Photographs by SACHIN RUHIL

     t’s a bright, sunny day at Igatpuri,         “Look at that plant in the distance    especially because of his headmaster
     Nashik. Ramesh Tainwala is               — it’s the Odomos plant from Mizoram.      KK Singh who was “like a father” to
     busy tending to his garden at his        I have planted it to ward off mosquitoes   him. In 1976, he joined the prestigious
     sprawling and earthy bungalow — a        and other insects,” he says. His           BITS Pilani to pursue industrial
plot of land he bought 15 years back          enthusiasm is infectious and childlike.    engineering. “I had got selected in
and took five years to build. Tainwala        For Samsonite’s Chief Executive, the       NDA but decided not to join the Army
— a certified phytophile — and his            humble Citronella or Odomos plant is       because of a family situation. I still
gardener move with equal enthusiasm           worthy enough of invoking such real        have the joining warrant, as it still
while carefully examining the plants          emotions, something we can attribute       remains an unfulfilled dream.” By his
and trees that occupy a chunk of              to his humble beginnings in erstwhile      third year, Tainwala armed with an
space at the bungalow. For Tainwala,          Bihar — Jharkhand. His ancestors           eight-point score applied to specialise
these aren’t simple flora. They are a         hailed from Rajasthan and lived in         in mechanical engineering but opted
collectors’ item, labour of love and an       Myanmar over many generations.             for Master of Management Studies
extraordinary hobby. He prides himself        “They probably went to live in Burma       serendipitously. He passed out from
with the 112 global varieties of mangoes      with the British, returned to India as     business school with the second —
like Miyazaki from Japan, Sweet               refugees and settled in Ranchi. That’s     highest score and some very surprised
Elena from the Philippines, Madame            why I think of myself from Bihar,”         professors, who thought he was better
Francique from Haiti and Criollo from         shares Tainwala.                           off doing engineering. But that’s not
Peru, which grace his garden that                 His father ran a kirana shop in        his style.
has beautifully been landscaped with          Ranchi and his housewife mother                He is inquisitive, open to change
arches, bridges, a tree house and a           took care of the other siblings. After     and a person who knows how to dig
lovely pond full of big, orange Koi fish. I   finishing schooling from a boarding        beneath his own feet to create value
spot a Red-Veined Darter or dragonfly         that trained children to join the Army,    in any situation. At BITS, when he
fluttering over the lotus and realise how     near home, he headed to BITS Pilani.       felt short-changed because of poor
rare is the foliage that Tainwala has         For Tainwala, school was his first         English, he decided to stand for
planted with so much care.                    home and had a lasting impact on him       elections, not only for himself but for

18 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                    CEO INDIA | 19

                          all the Hindi speaking and thinking
                          students. “We always felt out of place
                          and were constantly conscious of our
                          Bihari roots. I wanted to change that.”
                          And he did so by winning the election
                          for the first two years. Even though
                          his grades took a beating but Tainwala
                          wasn’t going to back down. He worked
                          hard to get his grades back on track,
                          and bring about a change in the
                          campus environment.
                              When it was time to start making
                          a living, Tainwala applied to Asian
                          Paints and luggage maker VIP
                          Industries — two companies that were
                          always the centre of discussion at his
                          management school. Unfortunately,
                          he was selected by neither but he
                          remained undeterred — true to his
                          perseverant persona. “Recently, I
                          met Dilip Piramal [of VIP] and he
                          said it’s good we didn’t select you.
                          Otherwise you wouldn’t have become
                          the chief executive that you are,” he
                          shares jokingly. Thereafter, he started
                          working with a distant friend of his
                          father’s — Kamal Kumar Agarwal,
                          a plastic commodity trader, following
                          which he set up Tainwala Trading to
                          become a commodity trader himself
                          and a key vendor to companies like
                          Asian paints, VIP, Kelvinator, Godrej,
                          Safari, etc. In 1985, he set up Tainwala
                          Chemicals and started manufacturing
                          plastic sheets that are used in making
                              In 1994, when Samsonite wanted
                          to enter India, Tainwala hosted
                          the then chief executive officer
                          of Samsonite International SA —
                          Luc Van Nevel. One night, at the
                          newly-opened The Leela, Mumbai,
                          a partially-drunk and frustrated
                          Nevel asked Tainwala if he would
                          like to become his partner. Nevel
                          had been scouting for a “reliable
                          partner” but his search had been in
                          total vain. Obviously, Tainwala didn’t
                          pay much heed to this offer that
                          was put forth to him in a state of
                          inebriation. After a few days, Marc
                          Matton, Vice President Marketing
                          and Sales at Samsonite Europe NV,
                          called Tainwala and asked him to
                          come to Belgium to discuss the offer.
                          After a lot of discussion and thought,
                          he and Samsonite entered into a
                          partnership, which continues to date
                          with Tainwala taking care of a bigger

20 | MARCH 2018                                     CEO INDIA | 21

portfolio of operations and countries     lost all its capital, and the sales were   efficient airlines, reduced airfare, and
for the brand.                            less than the salary they had to pay.      changing consumer tastes have greatly
    After joining Samsonite, Tainwala     At this time, Luc Van Nevel reassured      contributed to Samonite’s growth
put his heart and soul in the business    Tainwala with his years of experience      and Tainwala envisages it to become
of making baggage. Even though his        and market expertise that, “it takes a     a, “10-billion dollar company in the
own business started floundering,         long time to build business.” It took      future.” Today Asia is Samsonite’s
Samsonite that gave him a bigger          eight years for Samonite to break even     single largest business. Out of the
canvas became the centre of his           in India, and that was just the start.     `5,000-crore luggage market in India,
business life. Based on the 108-year-         “We are one of the very few            Samsonite owns 40 per cent of the 60
old brand’s Biblical and core tenet to    companies that continue to do the          per cent organised market share.
“Do unto others as you would have         same business even after 100 years;            Also, the growing clamour for
them do unto you,” Tainwala plunged       Samsonite was founded in 1910 by           lightweight, durable and easily-mobile
himself into the India unit. “Luc is my   the Schwayder brothers in Denver,”         baggage and their scale gives the brand
godfather. He taught me to always be      he beams. Today, Tainwala has              a huge advantage over others. They also
good to people. He told me you must       transformed the company from a             spend a whopping 100 million dollars
never be in a situation that you feel     single brand to a multi-brand company      on research and development, which
embarrassed to meet somebody you          selling different products at different    is more than the global turnover of
know,” he shares.                         price points to a range of target          many companies. Samsonite recently
    The first three years were most       audiences.                                 launched its 2.2 kg-liteshock collection.
trying for Tainwala as the company had        Of course, budget and fuel-            Interestingly, the R&D department has

     Luc is my godfather. He taught me to always be good
to people. He told me you must never be in a situation
that you feel embarrassed to meet somebody you know."

Ramesh Tainwala plays a game of cards with his lovely daughter Anushree and dear wife, Shobha

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                          now been bequeathed with the task of        more important, than making the right             When she’s not devising marketing
                          coming up with a luggage that’s less        decision. You need to decide, experiment,     strategies and interacting with her team,
                          than two kgs!                               learn from it and move on. I think the only   Anushree dives into books and reads in
                               With brands like Tumi, American        reason we can work together is because        her free time. She also combines her
                          Tourister, Hartmann, High Sierra,           he isn’t involved in the everyday running     zest for nature and travel by visiting
                          Gregory, Speck, Lipault and Kamiliant       in India and works out of a different         beautiful places. Some of her recent
                          in its kitty, Samsonite ensures each of     country, and also because I have a buffer     trips include Patagonia, Ranthambore
                          its brand remains true to its DNA. For      person in between.”                           and the Arctic Circle forests in Sweden.
                          example, Tumi for Tainwala is the gold           There is a great bond of trust           Since she dislikes noisy places, the
                          standard of luggage, designed for people    between dad and daughter. “Every              lush Nashik house often proves to be a
                          who want top-class quality. American        time I’m unable to make a decision            happy and quiet getaway. A lot of credit
                          Tourister is a brand that connects well     or weighing two very difficult options        for the greenery around Nashik can be
                          with the millennial because they are        or when it involves making a choice           given to Samsonite because they have
                          looking for cool and reliable luggage.      between work and family I turn to my          planted close to three lakh trees in the
                               Off late, American Tourister that      father to talk things through because I       last eight years; villagers, students,
                          is helmed by Anushree Tainwala has          know he will give me unbiased advice.         employees, suppliers and government
                          signed Virat Kohli and Christiano           My dad turns to me too especially when        institutions have also joined hands with
                          Ronaldo as its Indian and global brand      it comes to new marketing and product         them to support the cause. Tainwala is
                          ambassadors. Having studied at Harvard      ideas that he is thinking of,” she says.      also working to make Samsonite carbon-
                          Business School and Cambridge, the               Apart from her forthright father,        neutral by 2030 and by June, this year, the
                          petite and pretty Anushree is equally       Anushree who is married to Karan              Nashik plant will generate its own energy!
                          passionate and prepared like her father.    Maheshwari has her mother Shobha                  At the Igatpuri residence, precious
                          Growing up in Mumbai in a large joint       and brother Ayush (Executive Director,        Tanjore paintings, Buddhist thangkas
                          family with 10 cousins, lots of family      Bagzone Lifestyle Pvt Ltd) by her side.       and cute art by family members adorn

                               I turn to my father to talk things through
                          because I know he will give me unbiased advice. My
                          dad turns to me too especially when it comes to new
                          marketing and product ideas that he is thinking of"
                          members and a shortage of space,            “My mother is the nicest person I have        walls. Sweet-scented white frangipani
                          she counts her “family” as her biggest      ever met. She is constantly running           trees beautifully complement the
                          influence. “They forced me to be real and   around, helping the extended family,          distressed furniture from Jodhpur in the
                          scrappy, fight for what I believe in and    she never says no to anything. And my         spacious courtyard.
                          want it,” she says.                         brother is taciturn in nature and does not         Their garden continues to grow
                              As Executive Director Marketing,        communicate much. He is my biggest            because of the single-minded efforts of
                          Samsonite South Asia, Anushree              critic and definitely keeps me real!”         Ramesh Tainwala. He even has a nursery
                          believes everybody is a mini-                   Over the past years, Samsonite            to nurture his small, leafy friends before
                          entrepreneur and business leader of         has done some interesting marketing           sending them out into his big lush green
                          their work area. “I like having a highly    campaigns like #takebackMondays.              expanse.
                          motivated team and like to drive them       This year, they will be launching two              Up next, apples are what he will be
                          at the high-level strategy, and give them   new campaigns for American Tourister.         trying to grow. Even though he has been
                          sufficient room to make, and implement      One is a young and trendy concept for         unsuccessful at it but he doesn’t give up
                          decisions. I get involved in details only   backpacks. It is fun and built around         so easily. A friend of his has informed
                          on critical projects,” she informs.         the idea that backpacks are a great way       him after watching a particular episode
                              “When I look at Anushree, my heart      to show off the inner personality. The        of Krishi Darshan that a man has
                          swells with pride,” says Tainwala gushing   campaign will allow fans to be part of the    managed to grow apples on his balcony
                          about his little girl who has him as her    movement and interact in a fun way. The       in the hills. Mr Tainwala is already
                          “tough boss” and is no way living under     second campaign is going to be as huge        excited to track down the apple man and
                          his shadow. “I like working for him. I’ve   because it will bring together two of the     seek his advice. Until that happens, he
                          learnt the importance of making quick       biggest sports icons, Cristiano Ronaldo       is looking at a few courses, as farming
                          decisions from him. He always taught        and Virat Kohli in a tongue-in-cheek          is his real passion. Didn’t we tell you
                          us that very often making a decision is     manner.                                       already that he is a constant gardener!

26 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                 CEO INDIA | 27

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            required for the meeting, so we stay on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            track. I also like to clear my mind and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prepare notes before the meeting so I can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lead the discussion in a more efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            manner. I also like to set aside some time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for open discussion during the meeting,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            as some of the best ideas come out of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            freewheeling discussions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Five interesting things in your office
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In-development samples and prototypes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            marble emoticon paper weights, a bottle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of ketchup and Harvard Business Review

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Your ultimate holiday destination and why?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bhutan. It’s the perfect mix of nature and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            culture. I also got married there so it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            holds a special place in my heart

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What is your greatest indulgence?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Domino’s Pizza

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What kind of music do you enjoy? Your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            favourite movie and song?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I like rock music – U2, Police, Journey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Coldplay. My favourite song is My Way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            by Frank Sinatra. I don’t have a favourite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            movie though!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What’s your poison?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A full-bodied glass of red wine

Personal Memo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What kind of coffee or tea do you like?
                                                                                         Your favourite holiday destination
                                                                                         Bhutan                                                                                                                             Favourite artists…
                                                                                         Your greatest indulgence                                                                                                           FN Souza and Matisse
                                                                                         My children!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What is your kind of cinema? A few
Ramesh Tainwala                            I get up at 5.30am and touch base with        Your favourite music                                                                                                               favourite films…
                                           my colleagues across different time           I really enjoy bhajans and my children                                                                                             I like watching intense thrillers like Argo,
Please share the three greatest            zones. Then, I start to work on my            hate them!                                                                                                                         Captain Philips and Day of the Jackal. My
influences of your life.                   garden. After that, I get ready and reach                                                                                                                                        favourite movie of all time is Mary Poppins
My first influence was my school           office by 9 am and stay there till 5.30pm,    Your favourite movies
headmaster, KK Singh who always            and again at 6pm, I catch up with the rest    All kind of Hindi movies featuring          Anushree Tainwala                         work but I enjoy the solitude and come       Any brands or designers you are fond of?
encouraged me to dream. Second would       of the world.                                 Govinda                                                                               up with some of my best ideas during the     I can’t do without my Tory Burch shoes
be my first employer, KK Agarwal who                                                                                                 What is a day in your life like?          commute. I also like to listen to podcasts
taught me to take swift action and not     How do you prepare for important              What are you reading right now?             My day in Mumbai begins at 6 am. I        or audible books while travelling. In the    Which watch are you wearing at the
waste time in arguing and debating.        meetings?                                     I am reading Scale by Geoffrey West that    spend time with my husband or read and    evening, I generally catch up with friends   moment?
The third person would be the founder      I don’t like to prepare, as I like to speak   creates mathematical models around          go through emails in the morning before   and family over dinner or drinks or have     I’m wearing Cartier
of Good Night - Kalyanraman Mohan          from the heart                                death                                       work. I’m at work between 8.30 am and     a quiet evening at home with yoga or a
who told me about the importance of                                                                                                  7 pm. I like to spend time with each of   long walk                                    What kind of books do you like? Please
marketing and the real power of creating   Five favourite things in your office?         Your message to the youth of today...       my brand teams during the course of the                                                name a few favourites.
a brand.                                   Plants, flowers, my children’s photos,        When you have more than your share of       day, and also catch up with the design,   How do you prepare for important             I read everything from classics to current
                                           books, and iconic Samsonite ads on the        wealth, you need to think of people. Give   development, and the communications       meetings?                                    popular reads and across genres. I prefer
What’s your day like?                      wall                                          back a part of your wealth!                 team. I have a long commute to and from   I like to prepare an agenda and time         fiction to non-fiction.

28 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CEO INDIA | 29


                                           hat makes a CEO               experienced and successful CEOs of
                                           successful? It would be too   multibillion-dollar businesses, found
                                           easy if there was a simple    six competencies that are critical for
                                           answer to that question.      success. These were self-awareness,
                             The difficulty is that there are CEOs for   having a moral compass, being an
                             different types of organizations which      effective listener, possessing good
                             may vary in nature, size, age and even      judgement, being a persuasive
                             the country of operations.                  communicator and leading with
                                                                         tenacity. They found that a successful
                             SKILLS AND EXPERTISE OF A CEO               CEO has to have a high level of self-
                             The typical competencies expected of a      awareness and the ability to be wise,
                             CEO fall into five categories. These are:   persuasive and resilient.
                             thinking strategically, communicating,          These competencies can apply to
                             enhancing teamwork, motivating others,      other senior leaders as well. In an
                             and developing others. Very similar to      interesting study, Russell Reynolds, a
                             the broad competencies mentioned            leading executive search firm, looked
                             here, Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo,          at the attributes that differentiate
                             articulated the leadership competencies     CEOs from other executives. Of the
                             required by a CEO as the five Cs at one     sixty attributes they studied, nine were
                             of their conferences.                       unique to CEOs.
                             These five Cs stand for:                    Top three of the nine attributes
THE MAKING OF A CEO          1. Competency: The knowledge, skills        o Willingness to take calculated risks
AUTHOR: Sandeep K Krishnan   and competence one brings to the table.     o Bias towards action
PUBLISHER: Penguin Random    You are respected for your ability to       o Ability to efficiently read people
                             bring unique value.
House India
                             2. Courage and confidence: The ability      Other six attributes
PAGES: 256
                             to give your opinions and decisions.        o Forward thinking
                             Willingness to take a stand.                o Optimistic
                             3. Communication: The written and oral      o Constructively tough-minded
                             articulation of your thoughts that can      o Measured emotion
                             help align and motivate your team and       o Pragmatically inclusive
                             other stakeholders.                         o Willingness to trust
                             4. Consistency: To have a clear view on
                             matters and clarity on the principles           The nine identified attributes
                             that govern your work style.                showed paradoxes that CEOs go
                             5. Compass: Your values that will help      through: their ability to be decisive yet
                             you go on the right path.                   inclusive, being emotionally intelligent
                                 Coming from a similar perspective       yet tough, and strategic yet having a
                             to Indra Nooyi’s, three researchers,        bias towards action.
                             Modesto A. Maidique, Candace                    In an interview with IIM Bangalore
                             Atamanik, and Ruthann B. Perez,             students, Krishnakumar Natarajan (KK),
                             after interviewing twenty-five              co-founder and executive chairman

30 | MARCH 2018

of Mindtree, the multinational IT firm,      They are willing to go the extra mile        path to the top.
described the qualities of a CEO, ‘I think   to make it happen. The second aspect             So if we look at a pipeline approach
that the answer to this question has         is the learning ability — learning           towards growing into a CEO, the
changed over the years. Back in my           continuously and using requisite skills      starting point would be right when
time, a CEO had to be charismatic and        to put new ideas to productive use in        an individual joins an organization.
tell people what needed to be done all       the organization. The enterprising spirit    Evolved organizations are able to
the time [your communication skills].        looks at the willingness and skill to take   specify what competencies are critical
In today’s world, I would say that a         up new opportunities and assignments         for successful performers who can
CEO needs to be more collaborative           in an organization. Their willingness to     grow in an organization. Research
than earlier because he does not             go beyond their comfort zone can help        shows that while intelligence and
know everything. He also needs to be         them garner richer experiences and           values are important, organizations
more humble because he does not              prepare themselves for higher roles.         need to evaluate potential candidates      and developing top talent), team                                     skills, thinking strategically (big picture,
know everything and has to listen to
everyone’s input in a respectful manner.
                                             This, along with dynamic sensors —
                                             the knack to sense the organizational
                                                                                          on the following competencies. These
                                                                                          are strategic orientation, market
                                                                                                                                     leadership and change leadership.
                                                                                                                                         The body of thought leadership              The key enabling     taking calculated risks), execution skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (getting things done) and managing
Also the CEO should be able to deal
with moments of crisis. Be calm, do
                                             climate in terms of potential challenges
                                             that might affect their career negatively
                                                                                          insight, result orientation, customer
                                                                                          impact, collaboration and influence,
                                                                                                                                     available gives an interesting landscape
                                                                                                                                     showing how certain competencies
                                                                                                                                                                                         skills of a      people (ability to read people, build a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          great team and keep them). We explore
not lose the confidence, think about
the solutions and do not break under
                                             — helps professionals navigate their         organization development (attracting       can define potential and growth of
                                                                                                                                     individuals to the very top of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       CEO include:       in detail here the multiple aspects of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          communication and decision-making as
the pressure.’ Here, KK mentions how
inclusiveness and collaboration become
                                                                                                                                     organization. The generic model of this
                                                                                                                                     growth as a CEO is described in the
                                                                                                                                                                                  communication and       part of thinking strategically.

critical behavioural traits of CEOs.
He also stresses the ability to power
                                                                                                                                     figure above.
                                                                                                                                         However, apart from the behavioural
                                                                                                                                                                                    influencing skills,   CEO COMMUNICATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Communication is often stated as one
through tough situations.
    In most established organizations
                                                                                                                                     traits, a CEO has to handle a whole
                                                                                                                                     lot of responsibilities that require
                                                                                                                                                                                 thinking strategically   of the most critical skills that a CEO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          should possess for his/her success.
the ‘potential’ of a professional is seen                                                                                            deep functional expertise and overall         (big picture, taking   Communication involves reaching out
as a key parameter for growth. While                                                                                                 experience. Key responsibilities are best                            and influencing multiple stakeholders.
performance is an outcome of doing                                                                                                   delivered by an individual who has high         calculated risks),   CEOs need to communicate their
the current job effectively, potential                                                                                               strategic and business thinking, and                                 vision and strategy across all levels
is the individual’s ability to grow. An                                                                                              the ability to manage people, including      execution skills and    of the organization, and influence
interesting research paper published                                                                                                 internal and external stakeholders. It                               key stakeholders, including board
in Harvard Business Review spoke                                                                                                     is also important to understand what           managing people       members, investors and shareholders,

                                                                                                                                                                                 (read people, build a
about four ‘X’ factors that defined high                                                                                             makes CEOs successful.                                               key team members, employees at
potential. These were drive to excel,                                                                                                    It is quite certain that the job of a                            large, and even society. Their verbal
learning capability, enterprising spirit
and dynamic sensors. People with
                                                                                                                                     CEO is rather complex and requires
                                                                                                                                     above-average skills. From interviews              great team)       and written communication, and also
                                                                                                                                                                                                          non-verbal aspects like body language
high potential have a great drive to                                                                                                 with CEOs and other existing literature,                             or attitudes, are often scrutinized and
excel; this means delivering excellent                                                                                               we have identified key enabling skills of                            interpreted by stakeholders. CEOs
results in good or bad conditions.                                                                                                   a CEO: communication and influencing                                 of established organizations are also

32 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CEO INDIA | 33

expected to face media and attend PR                               you a coffee company?’
events on a regular basis.                                             To which Schultz said, ‘We’re not
    Communication essentially happens
at the following levels/forums:
                                             Communication         in the coffee business. It’s what we
                                                                   sell as a product but we’re in the
1. One-on-one communication that is         is often stated as     people business — hiring hundreds of
verbal or through emails                                           employees a week, serving sixty million
2. Public speaking at internal or            one of the most       customers a week, it’s all human
external forums                                                    connection.’ In that moment Carmine
3. Traditional media communication          critical skills that   realized that successful leaders and
4. Social media communication                                      inspiring communicators do not talk
    The CEO of Starbucks, Howard              a CEO should         about the product as much as they paint

                                             possess for his/
Schultz, has fabulous communication                                a picture of what the product stands for.
skills and this is considered a major                                  Voice modulation, clarity of content
factor of his success. Schultz’s
communication style emphasizes                 her success.        and body language are techniques
                                                                   that CEOs learn over a period of time.
providing a vision to the business that
others can connect with, aligning            Communication         Communication skills relevant for a
                                                                   CEO can also be developed with the
the team to the common goal, and
providing a human touch through
                                                  involves         right training. For example, Juan
                                                                   Ramón Alaix, the CEO of Zoetis,
storytelling. Carmine Gallo, author
of The Storyteller’s Secret: From
                                               reaching out        described a rigorous approach on
                                                                   how he would communicate with
TED Speakers to Business Legends
describes it further through Schultz’s
                                             and influencing       investors, media or the board as the
                                                                   CEO of a company that was getting
response to a business question: ‘I
hear you talking about people, health
                                                  multiple         ready for an initial public offering
                                                                   (IPO). Most CEOs have to give a
insurance, customer service, and the
experience in your stores, but I have yet
                                              stakeholders.        number of interviews, make public
                                                                   appearances, address internal and
to hear you say the word coffee. Aren’t                            external audiences, and even be active

                                                                                                               on social media. In their role, CEOs                          silos to a more collaborative culture.
                                                                                                               come across crisis situations and it is                       Similarly, Jack Welch of General
                                                                                                               their responsibility to communicate        One of the most    Electric (GE), though known to be very
                                                                                                               on behalf of the organization. How a                          assertive and demanding, had excellent
                                                                                                               CEO communicates — spontaneous            critical elements   listening skills and ensured that he was
                                                                                                               or planned — is a critical element                            understood and the messages that he
                                                                                                               in making his/her image. The CEO’s        in the process of   was trying to get through to the senior
                                                                                                               image also influences the reputation                          leaders were well communicated. A few
                                                                                                               of the organization with internal and      communication      of the other communication skills that

                                                                                                                                                           is that how the
                                                                                                               external stakeholders.                                        Jack Welch swears by are simplicity and
                                                                                                                   One of the most critical elements                         clarity, frequency of communication,
                                                                                                               in the process of communication is
                                                                                                               how the CEO makes sure that he is              CEO makes      and the ability to persuade others to
                                                                                                                                                                             follow in his steps. There are three
                                                                                                               understood in the proper sense by
                                                                                                               the larger audience. This involves a           sure that he   aspects that sum up the essential
                                                                                                                                                                             communication skills of CEOs or top
                                                                                                               combination of techniques that could
                                                                                                               help in effective communication. Some
                                                                                                                                                            is understood    leaders. These are: ability to have
                                                                                                                                                                             two-way communication, repeating the
                                                                                                               of the best CEOs put in efforts to be
                                                                                                               understood and to determine how
                                                                                                                                                             in the proper   communication keeping in mind clarity
                                                                                                                                                                             and the simplicity of the message, and
                                                                                                               their message is communicated to the
                                                                                                               organization. Alan Mulally, the CEO
                                                                                                                                                             sense by the    the use of storytelling to connect with
                                                                                                                                                                             the audience.
                                                                                                               who is credited with the turnaround
                                                                                                               of Ford, emphasized the ‘unity of
                                                                                                                                                          larger audience    Reprinted with permission of Penguin
                                                                                                               purpose’ in all his communication and                         Random House India. Excerpted from
                                                                                                               relied on multiple channels to get the                        The Making of a CEO. Copyright ©
                                                                                                               message through, transforming the                             Sandeep K. Krishnan 2017. All rights
                                                                                                               way the organization worked — from                            reserved.

34 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                                                       CEO INDIA | 35

As grocers face into the future they should not lose sight
of what customers love about them today

Words: Stephen Caine and Lisa Koette

            oday’s grocery business will       the strong new competition and rapid     starts by investing to protect those
            be virtually unrecognisable        changes, retailers can no longer avoid   hard-earned loyalty and market-
            a decade from now. As              the tsunami coming at them.              share advantages and build on those
            Amazon brings its power and           In fact, those who do not invent      strengths, thoughtfully expanding
            proven approach to deliver         the future run the risk of being         digital capabilities while finding new
the market’s omnichannel potential,            overwhelmed by it. They also have more   ways to reimagine physical stores to
now boldly setting a new frontier with         power than they think.                   serve evolving customer needs.
its Amazon Go store of the future,                The reality is that as omnichannel        Grocers can learn from markets
and as food delivery services and              becomes widespread in the industry,      that are further along on the learning
specialised start-ups continue to enter        many traditional incumbent grocers       curve. While online now represents
the competition in unexpected ways,            are in a solid position to outpace the   only 3 per cent of all grocery sales in
grocery retailing is evolving at record        competition, both old and new, with a    the US, it accounts for 9 per cent in
speed — and it is easy to feel daunted         model that is sustainably profitable.    the UK, about 5.5 per cent in France
by the changes. Indeed, many grocers           Over the decades, these players have     and is approaching 20 per cent in
in the US have cautiously watched              steadily gained market share and many    South Korea, where the urban density
events unfold and, amid tough industry         have built industry-leading levels of    (and digitally savvy population) makes
economics, shied away from making              customer loyalty. Ceding ground to       the economics work well. Traditional
the required big moves that will help          newcomers now means losing not only      grocers in those markets have taken
them get out ahead. They’ve struggled          customers’ hearts, but also the scale    early, aggressive moves to pre-empt
to invest sufficiently in a battle they fear   and cost gains that have bolstered       competition from online pure plays.
they cannot afford to win. However, with       years of success. So the road ahead      Some have maintained market share

                                                                                                                                  even as the business has made its big                           online. It also improved its product

                                                                                                                                                                             Start by investing
                                                                                                                                  online shift.                                                   line with high-profit offerings such as
                                                                                                                                      Consider the strategic steps taken                          ready-made meals.
                                                                                                                                  by South Korea’s E-Mart to eliminate
                                                                                                                                  customer pain points and attract            to protect those        Another example of a move toward
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the future: The acquisition of Argos by
                                                                                                                                  shoppers to stores, while increasing
                                                                                                                                  the degree to which retailing becomes
                                                                                                                                                                                hard-earned       Sainsbury’s, which allowed the large UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                  grocer to further build its scale in non-
                                                                                                                                  seamlessly omnichannel. For example,           loyalty and      food categories, access new fulfillment

                                                                                                                                                                                market share
                                                                                                                                  to serve different grocery buying needs,                        capabilities and add Argos shops within
                                                                                                                                  the retailer built a proprietary digital                        its supermarkets.
                                                                                                                                  platform combining all of its grocery
                                                                                                                                  formats as well as a “marketplace.” It         advantages           Retail economics have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                  challenging, and in hindsight some
                                                                                                                                  offers numerous in-store services tied
                                                                                                                                  to its mobile application. Customers
                                                                                                                                                                                and build on      grocers have made some steps
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that aren’t worth replicating, but
                                                                                                                                  can scan the barcode of bulkier             those strengths,    they’ve also created new customer

                                                                                                                                  products using the E-Mart mobile                                propositions while striving to manage
                                                                                                                                  app and, after paying at the register,                          pricing and face some big questions,
                                                                                                                                  have the products delivered to their
                                                                                                                                  home. Shoppers can retrieve product        expanding digital    such as what you can charge for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and what you need to give away. For
                                                                                                                                  information such as reviews and
                                                                                                                                  discounts by scanning the product’s
                                                                                                                                                                             capabilities while   example, in the battle for market share,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  some European grocers have neglected
                                                                                                                                  QR code. E-Mart invested significantly     finding new ways     to charge for the extra effort required

                                                                                                                                                                                to reimagine
                                                                                                                                  in back-end operations to offer five                            for delivery, exposing themselves to
                                                                                                                                  different same-day delivery options. To                         financial trouble. Now, consumers have
                                                                                                                                  create synergy with its online business,
                                                                                                                                  it assigned new roles for stores —           physical stores    been educated that picking, packing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and delivery come at no cost to them.
                                                                                                                                  they now serve as pickup centres and                            That’s difficult to reverse. The lesson to
                                                                                                                                  shipping centres for orders placed                              retailers making those new decisions

38 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                              CEO INDIA | 39

is clear; educate the market from the                         and Wegmans built a reputation for

                                          Grocers cannot
start on the price and value of the                           retail theatre and prepared foods.
service you are providing.                                    Now, these differentiating strategies
    Winning also means redefining
your investment model. Doing nothing        lose sight of     can give traditional grocers a leg up
                                                              on newcomers in multiple ways. For
comes at a big cost. By not investing
to maintain your leadership position,
                                          the critical role   example, when customers like your
                                                              brand, they already spend more with
you will watch your business erode.          that stores      you and may be more likely to stick

                                             will play in
Even in the changing landscape,                               with you over a newcomer if you have a
scale still matters, and investing                            strong e-commerce offering.
to maintain your leadership
position is more critical than ever        the customer           The omnichannel imperative
                                                              has brought with it an opportunity
before. However, it is important to
acknowledge that investments in both
                                             experience.      to re-evaluate how you differentiate
                                                              and how you can bring that same
online and offline will remain dilutive    That requires      philosophy to online offerings while

in the near term, and that there is an                        evolving your physical stores to
imperative to manage costs to fund                            meet changing shopper behaviour.
the moves that will be necessary to
survive and flourish.                     experimenting       If anything, omnichannel is a tricky
                                                              balance. While shoppers undoubtedly
    Over the years, leading US grocers
have shown how to take the initiative
                                             with stores      will go online for more and more of
                                                              their routine purchases, they will
required to gain an edge over rivals.        to enhance       always look to physical shopping

                                            the shopper
Grocers like H-E-B invested to                                as a part of their total shopping
emphasise localised store formats                             experience. It provides inspiration,
and product assortments, companies
like Walmart and Aldi created a value        experience       variety, entertainment, personal
                                                              contact and advice, and the ability to
proposition on pricing, Publix made                           confirm freshness and make impulse
high-touch customer service a priority,                       purchases, among many other things.

                                                                                                           A huge part of the challenge has                           1. Really understand what it is
                                                                                                       been figuring out how to nail the online
                                                                                                       offering without losing sight of the           You cannot      that customers love about you. A
                                                                                                                                                                      fundamental rule for physical stores
                                                                                                       critical role that stores will play in the
                                                                                                       customer experience. That requires
                                                                                                                                                     be all things    still applies in an omnichannel world:
                                                                                                                                                                      You cannot be all things to all people.
                                                                                                       boldly experimenting with stores to
                                                                                                       enhance the shopper experience — to
                                                                                                                                                     to all people.   You need to clearly define your value
                                                                                                                                                                      proposition. What do you stand for that
                                                                                                       learn what shoppers like in a local            You need to     is truly distinct? Where do you focus?
                                                                                                       trade area while testing your own
                                                                                                       capabilities. For example, you could          clearly define   What can you deliver better than anyone
                                                                                                                                                                      else? Is it convenience? Price? Fresh
                                                                                                       install cafés where shoppers can
                                                                                                       dine on prepared foods provided by
                                                                                                                                                       your value     food? Understand what your customers
                                                                                                                                                                      want and why you have earned their
                                                                                                       third-party vendors, or devote aisles
                                                                                                       to fresh seafood. You might design an
                                                                                                                                                      proposition.    loyalty, and do not abandon that as you
                                                                                                                                                                      define your e-commerce model. In fact,
                                                                                                       attractive space devoted to picking up         What do you     double down on it.
                                                                                                       items bought online, or erect kiosks
                                                                                                       for placing online orders that will be           stand for     2. Take your current differentiation
                                                                                                                                                                      and use it online. Omnichannel is
                                                                                                       delivered to a shopper’s home within an
                                                                                                       hour, seamlessly combining the best of
                                                                                                                                                      that is truly   an opportunity to recommit yourself
                                                                                                                                                                      to the value proposition that made
                                                                                                       both physical and digital retailing.
                                                                                                           The most successful grocers
                                                                                                                                                    distinct? What    you successful in the first place. If
                                                                                                                                                                      you put something out there that
                                                                                                       will be those that invest to offer an        can you deliver   is too different, it will just confuse
                                                                                                       omnichannel experience without losing
                                                                                                       sight of their unique value proposition        better than     your customers. The objective is
                                                                                                                                                                      to reimagine your current value
                                                                                                       and what they stand for in the
                                                                                                       customer’s mind.
                                                                                                                                                     anyone else?     proposition and take that online. For
                                                                                                                                                                      example, if fresh is your differentiation,
                                                                                                                                                                      offer five degrees of ripeness for
                                                                                                       HOW TO FIND YOUR FUTURE                                        bananas ordered online. Grocers
                                                                                                       We find that leading grocers get five                          can look across industries to see
                                                                                                       things right.                                                  how companies are successfully

40 | MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                                                  CEO INDIA | 41

translating their brand positioning                           example, geo-targeting may mean

                                            Online brings
into an online environment. Sephora’s                         offering free online delivery in an
value proposition includes an in-                             urban centre, where it is not cost
store experience in which shoppers
sample various types of cosmetics           with it a host    prohibitive and where customers may
                                                              be more willing to pay, but charging
before buying. Online, it relies on
augmented reality to offer its “Sephora
                                              of critical     for delivery in outlying areas. It may
                                                              mean piloting new mini-store formats
Virtual Artist,” an interactive virtual   business model      in city centres but larger stores in

                                            decisions. Be
makeup mirror that allows shoppers                            suburbs. Be careful not to over-
to experiment with different products,                        deliver or overcommit in ways that are
shades and styles. Likewise, Best Buy
is known for its store-within-a-store       careful not to    unprofitable and difficult to reverse in
                                                              the race for market share.
concept and the availability of Geek
Squad technicians. The electronics
                                           over-deliver or    3. Understand that investing in
                                                              digital capabilities (tools and people)
retailer’s site offers a similar store-    overcommit in      and operations is table stakes. To

                                            ways that are
within-a-store experience online as                           succeed in omnichannel you will
well as the chance to chat live with a                        need to invest in a range of new
Geek Squad agent.
    Online brings with it a host of          unprofitable     capabilities, such as generating,
                                                              collecting and analysing customer
critical business model decisions,
such as choosing delivery offerings
                                           and difficult to   data for personalised marketing and
                                                              services. These investments should
— same day, next day and pickup —          reverse in the     be designed to improve the efficiency

                                          race for market
and the choice between what you                               of your overall operation in addition
build yourself and where you partner.                         to boosting basket size and margins.
Start small and experiment, working
with different models and partners              share         You cannot invest in everything all at
                                                              once. You will need to be disciplined,
to test both physical and online                              focusing all investments to serve your
options narrowly by geography. For                            chosen strategy. The best companies

                                                                                                         have a portfolio mindset (for instance,   lot to get a head start on picking up      performance. You no longer can
                                                                                                         70 per cent of investment is to           items purchased online. Important:         segregate profitability within the four
                                                                                                         support the current business, 20          Your vision of the future physical         walls of a physical store from online
                                                                                                         per cent is for near-term changes         store needs to be tailored locally. This   profitability. You need to combine
                                                                                                         and 10 per cent is for farther-out        is what H-E-B achieves by operating        them, considering the total cost to
                                                                                                         innovations). Take a careful, honest      its food hall-inspired Central Market      serve. Among the questions to ask:
                                                                                                         look at the capabilities you have,        concept in some upscale locales            What is your charge-back philosophy?
                                                                                                         what you need to execute on your          and its Mi Tienda stores in areas          What is the customer willing to pay
                                                                                                         strategy and the gaps to fill. For many   that serve primarily Hispanic/Latino       for? What do you give away for free
                                                                                                         incumbents, the answer will involve       customers. In addition, it is critical     to earn loyalty? What will you charge
                                                                                                         redesigning the operating model for       to understand how new parts of the         for? For example, your customers
                                                                                                         an omnichannel world.                     store that may seem auxiliary to the       may be willing to pay for same-day
                                                                                                         4. Reimagine the role of the physical     shopping experience, like tables           delivery but not for in-store pickup
                                                                                                         store. Again, as omnichannel takes        for ready-to-eat meals, will gain          — but how will that vary by location?
                                                                                                         hold, the physical store experience       importance by boosting foot traffic.       Without appropriate attention to
                                                                                                         will need to change. Stores will look     Another big consideration: getting the     charging tactics and pricing, online
                                                                                                         vastly different 10 years from now        right-sized store for the location.        will continue to offer less attractive
                                                                                                         — with an expansive pickup area, a        5. Revise how you think about your         returns than traditional store retailing
                                                                                                         convenience section for topping up        investment model. Do not make the          on a standalone basis.
                                                                                                         purchases made online and other big       mistake of evaluating investments in           There is no avoiding the need to
                                                                                                         changes that we cannot yet imagine.       omnichannel on a standalone basis.         reimagine grocery for an omnichannel
                                                                                                         Ask yourself what you want the            If you do, it will always look dilutive.   world. For the leading incumbent
                                                                                                         physical store to look like for your      You need to consider investments in        grocers — who have built impressive
                                                                                                         customers and begin moving in that        a broader context of total trade areas     customer loyalty over the years — the
                                                                                                         direction now. For example, create a      and catchment areas. It is critical        opportunity is yours to lose.
                                                                                                         customer-friendly pickup experience       to understand customer profitability
                                                                                                         that is operationally efficient.          across channels. And remember that         Stephen Caine and Lisa Koetter are
                                                                                                         Walmart is experimenting with an          there is a cost of doing nothing in        members of Bain & Company’s Retail
                                                                                                         offering in which customers can text      your analysis.                             practice. Caine is based in Chicago,
                                                                                                         an associate while in the parking             The same applies to measuring          Koetter in Boston.

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