ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

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ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner
ASLEF                                                     JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                                  JANUARY 2021
                                                                                 Free to members

                                                      Part of the union:
                                                      Brian Corbett,
                                                      Nigel Cummins,
                                                      Ian Smith, and
                                                      Graham Turner

                                                                           The train drivers’
                                                                           union since 1880
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner
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ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner
ASLEF                                                   JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                             GS Mick Whelan

                                                                           This is a chance to
                                                                           change our railway
                                                                                                                               ‘I wish you a Happy
                                                                           and rebuild Britain                                 Christmas and a safer,
                                                                                                                               and better, New Year’

                                                                                   HIS is the time of year when, normally, we look forward with
                                                                            T      hope and renewed optimism and, with the announcement of a
                                                                                   coronavirus vaccine, and its roll out, there is a real possibility
                                                                           of a return to relative normality, which should hearten everyone.
                                                                              This will take many months to distribute and, given the complexity
Ian Smith at AAD at Aviemore in the Highlands in 2016                      of the task, and the reticence of many who wish to see its efficacy, and
                                                                           possible downsides, may not be as quick as many of us would like.
l Government slashes spending on the railway
                                                                           Therefore, we will be under restrictive tiers, distancing, and
                                                                           associated mask requirements for a long time and must be resolute in
l Ker-ching! Cash for cabinet pals plus Off the                        5   maintaining workplace arrangements for everyone’s protection.
  Rails: Eric Hall; Patti Smith; Jeremy Warner;
  Sasha Swire; and Bernard Donoughue                                          As I write this column, in time for the Journal to be printed, bagged,
l Lucy D’Orsi fits The Bill for the BTP
                                                                           and put in the post in time to drop on your doormat before Christmas,
                                                                           a decision on the Noel Edmonds’ type of Deal or No Deal Brexit
l Rail Ombudsman’s plea to railway operators                           7   continues but, from conversations I am having with many people
l Clapping workers doesn’t help pay the bills                          8   inside and outside our industry, we are ill-prepared for either
                                                                           scenario, logistically, and many businesses are fearful.
Features                                                                      We remain confident that footfall will return, albeit slowly, but the
l Andy Hudd pays tribute to Brian Corbett                              9   restructuring of fares is key to encouraging an industry that has
l In the Strummertime: Gregor Gall listens closely 10                      struggled with capacity and we think this should be seen as an
  to the music, lyrics, and politics of The Clash                          opportunity for change. To kick-start the economy we will need a
l David Mathieson reflects on why – and how – as 11                        proper decarbonisation programme, with electrification at its core,
  John Kampfner argues, The Germans Do it Better                           the mass building of houses, and major infrastructure projects, to
l As DO7 Brian Corbett retires we look back on 12-13                       create jobs, stimulate the supply chain, and secure the future, not just
  his life and career as an Iron on the iron road                          for our children and grandchildren but for generations beyond.
l Ian Smith talks about the route from a boil in the 14
                                                                              The world is not going to be able to step back from the green
  bag driver to ASLEF trustee and life member                              agenda, and the impact of climate change, so let us embrace the
l Railfuture slams Rishi; and Sorry Seems to Be
                                                                           opportunity and put in place a vertically-integrated, publicly-
  the Hardest Word for Priti Pretty Vacant Patel                           accountable, safe transport system of which we can all be proud.
                                                                              May I put on record what a privilege it has been to see how you
Regulars                                                                   have reacted to, and delivered for, the country at this most difficult of
l Branch Lines                                                       16    times, as key workers and as part of the wider railway family. The
l Mick Berg and Martin Dye pay tribute to SWR                        17
                                                                           supporting structures and immense behind the scenes work done by
  company council rep Nigel Cummins                                        the staff, executive committee, and officers needs to be recognised
l Obituaries
                                                                           and applauded. Ultimately, ASLEF’s local representatives, company
                                                                           councils, health and safety reps, and branch secretaries are those who
l Letters and Classified Advertisements                         20-21      have been on the frontline of members’ needs. They have been
l Chris Proctor, a wielder of words, has the Last                    22    immense and deserve all our thanks and approbation.
  Word on those we use, misuse, and overuse                                   Trade unions are about people looking after each other and
l Griff Rhys Jones takes a Slow Train Through                        23    understanding the needs of all those in our collective community. We
  Africa; Prize Crossword; Legal Services;                                 discuss, debate, and argue but, ultimately, we come together for a
  and members’ Change of Address form                                      greater good. There is no union without you, our members, so may I
l Cover photograph: Nigel Goldsmith                                        take this seasonal opportunity to thank you and your families, who
EDItoR Mick Whelan, general secretary l DESIgNER Michael Cronin
                                                                           have to live around the demands of a shift-based, 24 hours a day,
PRINtER College Hill Press, London, SW19 4HE l ADvERtISINg ASLEF           seven day working week industry, a Happy Xmas and a safer, and
Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond
on 020 7324 2407 or l ClASSIFIED ADS
                                                                           better, New Year. or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a display
or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of      Yours fraternally,
that product or service by ASLEF CHANgE oF ADDRESS Please post
your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

   The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
   ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN
   Tel: 020 7324 2400 l email:                        Mick Whelan, general secretary, ASLEF
   website: l twitter: @ASLEFUnion

                                                                                                                January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal    3
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

                                                                                                      Harris now says that budget will only be
Government slashes                                                                                    £9.4 billion.
                                                                                                          ‘So what’s happened to the missing
spending on UK rail                                                                                   money? And why has it suddenly been
                                                                                                      slashed? How is Britain to be rebuilt after
          SLEF has called on the Conservative                                                         Brexit, and after the pandemic, which has
 A        government to come clean about its
          plans to rebuild Britain after it was
                                                                                                      ravaged this country’s economy? And what
                                                                                                      has happened to this government’s promises
revealed that it has slyly slashed £1 billion                                                         about investment?
from its infrastructure budget.                    Mick Whelan: ‘this puts a question mark over           ‘This revelation puts a question mark over
    Mick Whelan, general secretary, said: ‘We      rebuilding Britain after the pandemic’             not only some long-planned, and much-
have learned that the government has cut                                                              needed, improvements to our transport
£1 billion from the rail infrastructure budget     government’s “levelling up” agenda.                infrastructure, but to the whole question of
following the Chancellor’s spending review.        Network Rail’s enhancement budget for the          rebuilding this country after the pandemic.
Rishi Sunak promised record infrastructure         five year period from 2019-24 was set at           It’s time for the government to come clean
investment as part of what he called the           £10.4 billion. But Rail Minister Chris Heaton-     and tell us what they mean to do.’

                                                                            Yorkshire Post, rang to   FARRINGDON (ALMOST) FINISHED
ASLEF in action                                                             apologise and put
                                                                            things right in his
                                                                                                      Construction work by Bam, Ferrovial, and Kier
                                                                                                      at Farringdon’s Elizabeth line station, just a few
We moved quickly to      times the speed limit                              newspaper, the sister     hundred yards from ASLEF’s head office in St
put the record           when the incident                                  paper the Yorkshire       John Street, Clerkenwell, was completed in
straight in the wake     happened,’ said DO4                                Evening Post, and the     early December. It will be handed over to TfL in
of a report by the       Nick Whitehead.                                    Leeds Live website.       March. Custom House was the first Crossrail
Rail Accident               ‘This was simply                                    GS Mick Whelan        station to be finished, earlier last year, and
Investigation Branch     not true. The Azuma                                said: ‘When we make       Paddington is slated to be next.
into a collision         was travelling at                                  a mistake, or when
between an LNER          15mph, the                                         one of our members        FLORENCE IS THE MACHINE
Azuma and an HST         maximum permitted                                  makes a mistake, we       The first two 17 metre long tunnel boring
going on to Neville      speed on the              Nicky Whitehead set      always put our hands      machines – built by Herrenknecht in Germany
Hill depot near Leeds.   approach line to          the record straight      up. But when a driver     and named Cecilia and Florence – to be used
    ‘It was widely       Neville Hill, where the                            is blamed for             in the construction of the HS2 railway line were
reported, especially     accident happened,           After strenuous       something that he or      delivered just before Christmas to dig the 10
in local media, that     and this was made         lobbying by ASLEF,       she did not do, we        mile long tunnels in the Chilterns.
the Azuma was            clear in the RAIB         James Mitchinson,        have to point that
travelling at three      report.’                  the editor of the        out.’                     NETWORK RAIL PLEDGE TAKES ROOT
                                                                                                      Network Rail and the Tree Council are planting
                                                                                                      80,000 trees and hedgerows this winter as part
Freight’s still great                                 QUOTE…
                                                                                                      of a three-year, £1 million, green scheme to
                                                                                                      make up for all the trackside trees felled to
                                                      ‘Sir Graham Brady (Conservative,                keep services running.
ASlEF’s annual
                                                      Altrincham), chair of the 1922
freight forum took
                                                      committee, treats Boris Johnson like a
place – by Zoom –
on thursday 3
                                                      troublesome member of the lower                    TWEETS OF THE MONTH
                                                      sixth’ – Quentin Letts, The Times
December with AgS
                                                                              …UNQUOTE                          Yes, we are a great country, but here
Simon Weller in the
chair and Maggie                                                                                                below is the toxic Brexiteer delusion
Simpson, director                                                                                        holding us back, this notion that we alone
                                                                                                         are the 1%, the providers, the peak of
general of the Rail
Freight group, as        Maggie Zooms in
                                                   Now is the winter                                     civilisation, and the world owes us a living.
our guest speaker.                                                                                       Dr Mike Galsworthy @mikegalsworthy
    Members from
all freight
                         practical solutions.
                            Maggie talked
                                                   of our discontent                                           The British are 1% of the world’s
companies                about the state of        Passengers face chilly                                      population. But 2 billion people speak
attended; company        freight, saying the       train journeys this covid                             our language while billions more live under
councillors offered      picture is looking        winter as train                                       our democratic legacy, benefit from
an update on cross-      up, with goods            companies open                                        antibiotics, phones, TVs, the internet, and
industry issues,         coming back into          windows to prevent the                                all our other inventions, and are protected
such as the FoCs’        the country, and          spread of the                                         by our military. But, yeah, whatevs…
                                                                                 Cold war’s Ali C        Julia Hartley-Brewer @JuliaHB1
savage attacks on        underlining how           coronavirus. TOCs are
our pensions, and        HS2 will free up          trying to reassure commuters that rail
there was a              pathways for              travel is safe after losing 400 million                     I’ll say again, with some experience of
discussion about         freight.                  passenger journeys during Boris                             adversarial negotiations, that the UK
diversity and the           gS Mick Whelan         Johnson’s lockdown. Ali Chegini, of the               is making an absolute dog’s breakfast of
problem of               discussed the             Rail Safety & Standards Board, said: ‘Even            Brexit. You don’t win by waving your dick
companies talking        coming challenges         though it’s cold, even though you have to             about, or by banging your first on the table
the talk but not         we have to confront.      wrap up and put on woolly socks, it’s                 (contrary to popular belief).
walking the walk by      Jen Thornton,             better to keep windows open than to be                @SimonWeller
developing               policy researcher         exposed to the risk of infection.’

4 The ASLEF Journal l January 2021
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

And the money                                                                off the Rails
keeps rolling in                                                                                 ERIC HALL, who died at the end of last
                                                                                                 year, was a record plugger turned
          ORY MPs are     of friends as it saved   Kate Bingham
 T        demanding
          that Boris
                          all the hassle of
                          having to put them
                                                                                                 football agent who, in his pomp,
                                                                                                 according to one observer, ‘looks like
                                                                                                 Bob Hoskins, talks like Alf Garnett, and
Johnson ‘ups his          out to public tender.
                                                                            hustles like Arthur Daley on speed’. The first transfer he
game’ as we go into       Much like appointing
                                                                            negotiated was Paul Walsh from Luton Town to Liverpool. ‘I
the New Year. They        Kate Bingham and
                                                                            had no idea what to ask for,’ recalled Hall, who cheerfully
are fed up that, in the   Typhoid Dido, both
                                                                            confessed he knew nothing about football. ‘So when they
House of Commons,         wives of Tory MPs, to
                                                                            asked me what we wanted I said you tell me. They came up
and especially at         key roles had
                                                                            with a figure and I trebled it. I was taking the piss. But then
Prime Minister’s          speeded up the
                                                   Dido Harding             I’d done deals for Rod Stewart and Elton John.’ It didn’t
Questions, he keeps       recruitment process.
                                                                            always go smoothly, though. Eric was thrilled to tell Dave
getting ‘bested and       Why bother to            under a day. Just a      Beasant, after negotiating his move from Wimbledon to
beasted’ by Keir          interview someone        quick, no frills, 30     Newcastle United, how he’d negotiated a ‘monster, monster’
Starmer.                  you’ve already           second government        £100,000 bonus if he scored ten goals. ‘That’s great, Eric,’
    Take, for example,    spoken to over           information film         said the big man dryly. ‘But I’m a goalkeeper.’
what happened             dinner?’                 recorded on a mobile
when Keir wondered            Because, the PM      phone and broadcast                             PATTI SMITH, poet, punk, activist – and,
why Help for Heroes       muttered, the money      on all channels                                 she points out, ‘born the same year as
got just £6 million       had been well spent      asking for volunteers                           President Trump, some of us wanted to
from the Treasury         as otherwise the         to take part in                                 change the world, some to reap profit
when the                  drugs companies          vaccine trials would                            from it’ – is enduring rather than
government has            would never have         probably have                                   enjoying the pandemic. ‘The only
handed out £670,000       persuaded anyone to      hoovered up at least                            people who call on my landline now are
in PR contracts to the    participate in their     100,000 willing          those recorded voices telling me my auto insurance is
vaccine task force        trials.                  applicants.’             expiring. I’ve never had a car and I don’t know how to drive,
and a staggering              ‘It didn’t appear        Yes, but this        but still they call three times a day, which is nice.’
£130 million to other     to have occurred to      cabinet likes to keep
PR firms in the last      him that this was a      helping its loyal – if                       JEREMY WARNER, assistant editor of the
12 months.                job most interns         talentless – friends.                        Daily Telegraph, is worried that the
    ‘Lockdown’            could have done in       Ker-ching!                                   Chancellor – rarely, if ever, characterised as
Johnson feigned
                                                                                                a left-wing radical – is planning a ‘tax raid
surprise that anyone
                                                                                                on capital gains’ to pay for covid. Warner
should question his –
                              QUOTE…                                                            insists ‘we can’t balance the books by taxing
or the government’s
                              ‘Never again can we let our care                                  the wealthy’ even though, he concedes,
– integrity. As John
                              workers be so undervalued and                 they ‘could afford to pay more without much adjustment to
Crace dryly observed
                              underpaid.’ – Angela Rayner, Labour           their lifestyles’. But he has a better idea. ‘Everyone pays VAT
in The Guardian,
                              Party deputy leader                           and other sales taxes, however poor they are’. Er, yes. Warner
‘Obviously it made
                                                     …UNQUOTE               – one of those über-right reptiles David Cameron had in
sense to award
                                                                            mind when he talked of the ‘swivel-eyed loons’ on the
contracts to friends
                                                                            fringes of the Tory Party – thinks the poor, not the rich,
                                                                            should pay to rebuild Britain. Way to go, Warnie!
Hand of                                                                                         SASHA SWIRE in Diary of an MP’s Wife
who?                                                                                            (Little Brown, £20) recalls, as we head
                                                                                                after Brexit not for the sunny uplands,
tributes to Diego                                                                               but uncharted, and distinctly choppy,
Maradona, at least                                                                              waters that when she tried to extract
in England, dwelt                                                                               gossip at a dinner from Ed Llewellyn,
less on his football                                                                            David Cameron’s chief of staff, he started
genius and more on                                                          telling her about the EU negotiations. ‘No, no,’ she
his ‘Hand of god’                                                           interrupted. ‘I mean, who’s shagging who?’
goal for Argentina
against England in                                                                            BERNARD DONOUGHUE, head of the
the 1986 World Cup.                                                                           Number 10 policy unit when ‘Sunny’ Jim
one fact kept                                                                                 Callaghan was in power, is quoted in a
getting overlooked,                                                                           new collection of essays James Callaghan:
though.                                                                                       An Underrated Prime Minister? (Biteback,
   Maradona, all 5ft      ball with Peter          to use his hands. So                       £25) dryly reflecting on the winter of
5in of him, was           Shilton, 6ft, a          why did Shilts not                         discontent after which Labour lost the
competing for the         goalkeeper allowed       get that ball?                             1979 election. ‘The public sector unions
                                                                            put Thatcher into Downing Street and she then proceeded
                                                                            to thank them in her own individual way.’
500 CLUB: Richard Hutchins, with number 026, won the December
draw, scooping the Retired Members’ Section jackpot of £486.

                                                                                                      January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal           5
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

                                                                               pressure over              national                 covid-19, and the
Lucy fits The Bill                                                             dealing with
                                                                               legitimate protest
                                                                                                          during these
                                                                                                                                   need for ever closer
                                                                                                                                   working between
                                                                               during that trip.          uncertain times.’        the BTP and train
          UCY D’Orsi       retires in February.                                   She said: ‘I am             Ron Barclay-         operators, we feel
  L       is the new
                              Lucy joined the
                           Met in 1992. In her
                                                                               excited to lead a
                                                                               force that deals with
                                                                                                          Smith, chair of the
                                                                                                          BTP Authority, said:
                                                                                                                                   that Lucy’s strong
                                                                                                                                   blend of experience
Constable of the           last job she was                                    the unique nature of       ‘Lucy will bring         and aptitude
British Transport          responsible for                                     policing Britain’s rail,   valuable skills and      position her well to
                                                     lucy D’orsi at the BtP
Police. Lucy, 51, who      royalty,                                            Underground and            insightful leadership    lead the BTP.’
was Deputy                 Parliamentary, and        and preparedness.         tram network,              at a time when there        Her appointment
Assistant                  diplomatic                She was criticised for    working with               is an uncertain          was approved by
Commissioner for           protection, and was       the heavy-handed          industry partners,         future for Britain’s     Grant Shapps,
Specialist                 counter-terrorism         policing of the visit     and government, to         rail landscape. With     Secretary of State for
Operations in the          policing’s senior         to London by China’s      keep passengers            the changing nature      Transport, and
Metropolitan Police,       national co-              President Xi Jinping      safe, the railway          of crime, and            endorsed by Scottish
replaces Paul              ordinator for             in 2015, and for          moving, and to             demand on the            Justice Minister
Crowther, who              protective security       bowing to political       protect our critical       railway following        Humza Yousaf.

PM must save this service                                                           QUOTE…
ASLEF has called on                                  the pandemic.                  ‘When he was Mayor of London, Boris Johnson refused to even
the government to                                        ‘The cross-                pick up the phone with my union comrades and instead
intervene to prevent                                 Channel link has               resorted to megaphone diplomacy in the papers. It seems
Eurostar going to the                                never been more                nothing has changed. This Tory government should be
wall. The move came                                  important. So the              levelling up the north, rather than levelling down London.’ –
after the company                                    government must                Sam Tarry, Labour MP for Ilford South
admitted it is                                       not turn its back on                                                           …UNQUOTE
‘fighting for survival’.                             them now. Eurostar is
    GS Mick Whelan         Mick Whelan: ‘the         a strong company
said: ‘Boris Johnson,      government must           with a strong future.
Grant Shapps, and
the rest of the Tory
                           not turn its back’        But it is suffering, as
                                                     all the train
                                                                               Pacers to the scrapyard
cabinet must act to        women who make            companies are
save this service – for    up the train crew,        suffering, not
passengers, for the        together with all the     because of anything
men and women              other staff who keep      it has done wrong,
who work on                our railways running,     but because of the
Eurostar, and for          have been                 pandemic. That’s why
Britain as we leave        instrumental in           the government
the European Union.        moving passengers         needs to act to save
    ‘Train drivers, and    and freight around        the jobs and save the
the other men and          this country during       service.’

Back in the fold                                                               goodbye and good riddance to the little-loved idea of buses on rails
                                                                               Northern ran its final Pacer DMU passenger service on Friday 27
ASLEF welcomed the         constituency, to the
                                                                               November when unit 142 004, coupled to 150 225, left Kirkby at 15.36
decision by the NEC        party, and to the
                                                                               and arrived at Manchester Victoria at 17.46. It brought to an end more
to readmit Jeremy          labour movement.
                                                                               than 35 years of Pacers – loathed by drivers and passengers alike – in
Corbyn as a member             ‘But we are
                                                                               northern England after a temporary reprieve to provide extra capacity
of the Labour Party,       disappointed that he
                                                                               during the covid-19 crisis. In total, 96 Class 142 units were built between
but is disappointed        will not be able to sit   Mick: ‘No infighting’     1985 and 1987, of which Northern took 79.
that the Labour whip,      as a Labour MP in the
                                                         ‘We believe it is        ‘Pacers kept millions of northerners on the move, but it is time to
in Parliament, is still    House of Commons
                                                     vital that we move        give them a well-earned rest’, said Northern’s regional director Chris
withdrawn.                 as the whip is still
                                                     forward, as a Labour      Jackson. ‘But a few units will be retained for driver training and route
    ‘We are delighted      withdrawn.
                                                     Party and a labour        learning.’ You have been warned!
with the decision,             ‘Jeremy has called
which is the right         for the                   movement, together.
decision, to readmit       recommendations of        We need to look to        ALSTOM SNAPS UP BOMBARDIER
Jeremy,’ said Mick         the Equality and          the future, and come      Alstom expects to complete its takeover of Bombardier
Whelan. ‘He has been       Human Rights              together, to take on      transportation on Friday 29 January. All necessary regulatory
a member of the            Commission to be          the Tories and rebuild    approvals have been received, says the company.
Labour Party all his       implemented so that       Britain after the
adult life, and made       anti-Semitism is          ravages of the            CLAIRE IS THE MANN
an enormous                rooted out once and       pandemic. We do not       Claire Mann, who has worked at the DlR, AtW, FgW, tfl, and
contribution to his        for all. And that is      want – or need –          london overground, is the new managing director of the South
Islington North            right.                    factional infighting.’    Western Railway. She starts this month.

6 The ASLEF Journal l January 2021
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

Ombudsman’s plea to TOCs                                                                                                       compromised to the
                                                                                                                               detriment of
The Rail Ombudsman has called on                   or partial remedy,        can be very                                          Decisions by the
train operators to do more to ensure               with those awarded a      disruptive – which is                             Ombudsman –
that passengers are aware of the                   financial settlement      why passengers                                    established in
                                                   as part of the            should know that                                  November 2018 after
scheme – put in place in 2018 – to
                                                   Ombudsman’s ruling        there is a free and                               a campaign by the
investigate unresolved disputes with                                                                 Kevin grix has called
                                                                                                                               consumer group
                                                   receiving, on average,    independent Rail
fare-paying passengers.                                                                              on train companies
                                                   £126.                     Ombudsman for                                     Which? – are legally
                                                                                                     to shape up in 2021
                                                       ‘Railways are an      them to complain to.                              binding. Previously, if
          LMOST          the end of last year      essential part of daily      ‘We know there is    call on the rail          a passenger’s
 A        1 million
                         reveal that the TOCs
                         failed to resolve 6,500
                                                   life for millions of
                                                   people and the cost
                                                                             more to be done to
                                                                             increase the impact
                                                                                                     industry to improve
                                                                                                     their signposting to
                                                                                                                               complaint was not
                                                                                                                               resolved, the only
have been made to        complaints which          of travel is not          and reach of the        the Rail Ombudsman.       option was to go to
the privatised train     were then escalated       inconsequential,’ said    Ombudsman. Cases        Without action, the       court – which can be
operating companies      to the Ombudsman.         Chief Ombudsman           brought to us are       Ombudsman’s               very costly – to get a
in the last two years.       Three-quarters of     Kevin Grix. ‘When         lower than expected     impact and influence      judgement binding
Figures released at      them received a full      things go wrong it        and, therefore, we      could be                  on the operator.

                                                                                                     HEATON-HARRIS PLEDGES TO DO MORE
RIA slams Tories                                                                                     Chris Heaton-Harris, the Rail Minister, has
                                                                                                     promised to find an innovative approach to
The Railway Industry Association, a trade
                                                                                                     tackle suicides on the railway. ‘For the majority
body for supply firms, has criticised the
                                                                                                     of us,’ he said, ‘it is almost impossible to
government for not properly considering
                                                                                                     comprehend the mental anguish that leads
‘the long-term importance of the rail
                                                                                                     people to attempt to take their own lives. We
                                                                                                     all have a part to play, and I am personally
   Darren Caplan, chief executive, said:
                                                                                                     committed to doing whatever I can to ensure
‘Rail is a long-term game – investments in
                                                                                                     the railway does more to help those in crisis.’
infrastructure or rolling stock create
continuing value for passengers, and the
wider economy, over years.                         Darren wants the government to invest in rail
                                                                                                     DEUTSCHE BAHN TO PUT HYDROGEN
   ‘The reduction in passenger numbers is                                                            LOCO INTO SERVICE BY 2024
likely to be temporary – based on previous             ‘Investment can support the whole of          Deutsche Bahn will launch a hydrogen train,
economic slumps in the 1980s, 1990s, and           the UK – the rail network touches almost          built by Siemens, and an accompanying gas
post-2008 – as passenger numbers have              every part of the country and has the             station, which ‘will be as quick to refuel as a
always recovered.                                  potential to unlock a new generation of           diesel train’, by 2024 in a move designed to cut
   ‘Rail is not just for passengers – it is        talent. Investment has a knock-on                 330 tons of carbon emissions each year. It will
vital for freight, with more than 4 billion        economic impact – for every £1 spent on           have a top speed of 160 km/h.
tonnes delivered annually before the               the rail network, £2.20 value is delivered
coronavirus crisis.                                in the wider economy.
   ‘Rail travel is clean and safe – a study            ‘Rail cannot easily be mothballed –               QUOTE…
undertaken by the RSSB in August reports           once infrastructure is decommissioned, it            ‘Warm words and applause don’t pay
the risk of infection per passenger journey        is not easily reopened. Investment cannot            the bills. Key workers deserve a pay rise’
as 1-in-11,000 journeys. And rail can lead         wait – much of the rail spending planned             – Paul Nowak, deputy general
the green recovery – it is not possible to         cannot be postponed, in order to meet our            secretary, TUC
meet zero carbon goals for transport               decarbonisation and digitalisation                                             …UNQUOTE
without rail.                                      targets.’

    Watch The Big Meeting half-price
                         I’m the producer of The Big Meeting film, about the
                         Durham Miners’ Gala. Many ASLEF branches were very
                         generous and donated money to help get the film made
                         – so much so we have the ASLEF logo in the final credits
                         of the film. As a thank you, we’d like to offer your
                         readers 50% off the film on DVD. The DVD is normally
                         £10 but we are offering it to ASLEF members for £5
                         (plus 75p p&p). Just go to and
                         enter the password ASLEF2020 to buy the DVD.
                         Christie Allanson

                                                                                                          January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal           7
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

Clapping doesn’t pay the bills
          S Mick Whelan spoke at a virtual Rally    national secretary of the GMB; Ian Woodland,
 G        for Fair Pay on Monday 23 November
          organised by Labour Unions, the
                                                    national officer of Unite; and Sian Elliot, policy
                                                    officer of the TUC.
collective voice of the 12 trade unions – ASLEF,        ‘In March, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak,
the Bakers, Food & Allied Workers; Community;       promised to end low pay,’ said Mick. ‘For those
the CWU; FBU; GMB; Musicians’ Union; NUM;           on furlough, the minimum wage isn’t even a            An online flyer for the fair pay virtual event
TSSA; Unison; Unite; and USDAW – affiliated to      minimum – it’s 80% pay, with 100% of the              better, more equal, society after the pandemic
the Labour Party.                                   housing costs, bills and food shops. Poverty          where every worker has job security, safe
   Mick, who is chair of Labour Unions, was         pay has to end – that’s why we’re calling for a       working conditions, a strong collective voice
joined on the virtual platform by Paula Barker,     real living wage of at least £10 per hour now.        and fair pay.’
MP for Liverpool Wavertree, and sponsor of              ‘Too many key workers, who have put                   Helen Pearce, director of Labour Unions,
the National Minimum Wage Bill; Labour              themselves in harm’s way to keep our country          added: ‘Claps don’t pay the bills. We want a real
deputy leader Angela Rayner; Shadow                 safe, have long been badly underpaid and              living wage now, and a proper pay rise for our
Chancellor Anneliese Dodds; Rehana Azam,            undervalued. Together, we need to rebuild a           key worker heroes.’

Network Rail slammed for                                                                                                  Pale green
extreme weather failures                                                                                                  ASLEF slammed the Prime
                                                                                                                          Minister’s ‘half-baked’
Network Rail has been fined            of Railways, said: ‘We welcome                                                     Green Plan announced at
£10,000 by Lanark sheriff’s court      this outcome. Our investigation                                                    the end of November.
after an investigation by the Office   revealed that Network Rail staff                                                   Mick Whelan said: ‘A
                                                                               lamington viaduct back on track
of Rail and Road found that NR has     were unaware that they held                                                        Green Plan that doesn’t
allowed trains to travel at more       safety-critical duties under NR’s       water, yet, despite this being a           has specific plans for rail,
than 100mph over the badly             processes to manage                     known issue, severe damage went            which is the greenest form
storm damaged Lamington                infrastructure during extreme           unrecognised because NR failed             of mass transport, has
viaduct in South Lanarkshire. The      weather.                                to implement its own procedures            zero credibility. We need
line was eventually closed for             ‘The viaduct was on NR’s list of    which would have meant no                  to move more people, and
seven weeks for major repairs.         high-risk structures, vulnerable to     passenger trains should have               more goods, off Britain’s
    Ian Prosser, HM Chief Inspector    being washed away by moving             passed over the viaduct.’                  roads and onto electrified
                                                                                                                          rail to have any chance of
                                                                                                                          hitting our CO2 targets. It
                                                                                                                          really is that simple.
Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
admitted in his spending review to Parliament
on Wednesday 25 November that the UK
                                                         Train aces high                                                      ‘The half-baked
                                                                                                                          proposals the Prime
                                                         A new edition of Top Trumps – the popular                        Minister announced are
economy contracted by 11.3% in 2020, the
                                                         playground game first played in 1978, would                      typical Boris – all thud and
largest fall for more than 300 years;
                                                         you believe? – was launched for Christmas                        blunder, all bluster, but no
unemployment is expected to reach 7.5% by
                                                         featuring 30 different trains (,                     substance. And the
the spring, with 2.6 million people out of work;
                                                         £4.99). Stat cats include debut year, speed,                     government’s
and borrowing is forecast to hit £394 billion,
                                                         range, fame and, of course, Top Trumps                           announcements on
the highest ever in peace time.
                                                                        ratings. Just the job for the                     building more roads, and
                                                                        mess room…                                        giving the green light to
FREE TRAVEL EXTENDED FOR VICTIMS                                                                                          longer and heavier lorries,
A scheme offering free rail travel to women,                                                                              undermine his attempt to
children, and men fleeing from domestic                                                                                   cast himself as a greener
abuse has been extended until the end of                                                                                  shade of true blue Tory.
March. The Rail to Refuge project, a joint                                                                                This is not what Britain
initiative with the charity Women’s Aid, is to                                                                            needs to create a modern
continue after a surge in appeals for help                                                                                green economy in the
during the coronavirus crisis.                                                                                            21st century.’
                                                         Shuffle the pack to find tube trains, the german
                                                         inter-city express, and the Beijing-Shanghai line
Rail Minister Chris Heaton-Harris has                                                                                  DON’T PICK UP THAT PHONE
announced £1.2 million of new funding for                                                                              It will be illegal to pick up and use
feasibility work for digital signalling on                                                                             your mobile phone while driving,
sections of the West Coast main line, Midland            QUOTE…                                                        under new legislation to be
main line, and East Anglia route, including              ‘Tory MPs are scurrying to their feeds to proclaim            enacted later this year. The
Peterborough to Kings Lynn. He said: ‘We’ve              Priti Patel as “strong”. Wrong! There is nothing              change will end a loophole that
come a long way since the era of metal levers,           strong about a bully. A bully is someone too weak             allows car and lorry drivers to
used by Victorian signallers to provide safe             to confront their own shit, so takes it out on others.’       escape punishment for using a
passage for trains rolling into and out of               – Sue Perkins, actor, writer, broadcaster, and,               hand-held phone to take a photo
stations. Now it’s our turn to be modern                 she says, ‘mutton dressed as mutton’                          or play a game. Drivers will still be
transport pioneers as we build the railway                                                     …UNQUOTE                able to use hands-free devices,
of tomorrow.’                                                                                                          according to the DfT.

8 The ASLEF Journal l January 2021
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

                                                                                                                            ASlEF’s officers (photo
                                                                                                                            taken by Andrew Wiard
                                                                                                                            long before lockdown,
                                                                                                                            covid-19, and social
                                                                                                                            distancing) Do2 Kevin
                                                                                                                            lindsay, EC3 John
                                                                                                                            Metcalfe, Do5 Nigel
                                                                                                                            gibson, EC7 Andy Hudd,
                                                                                                                            AgS Simon Weller, EC5
                                                                                                                            Howard Kaye, Do7 Brian
                                                                                                                            Corbett, Do 3Andy
                                                                                                                            Hourigan, gS Mick
                                                                                                                            Whelan, EC1 Marz
                                                                                                                            Colombini, Do6 Dicky
                                                                                                                            Fisher, Do1 graham
                                                                                                                            Morris, EC6 (and EC
                                                                                                                            president) Dave Calfe,
                                                                                                                            EC4 Mark Wakenshaw,
                                                                                                                            EC2 Jim Baxter, Do4 Nick
                                                                                                                            Whitehead, Do8 Finn
                                                                                                                            Brennan, and EC8 terry

He stops to talk to every
                                                                                                                     events in the past, but Brian’s
                                                                                                                     personality has turned that
                                                                                                                         When on ASLEF business it

man, woman, and dog                                                                              Brian Corbett
                                                                                                                     would take us both half an hour
                                                                                                                     to get from the station entrance
                                                                                                                     to our platform because Brian
                                                                                                                     would stop and talk to every man,
             ANDY HUDD, vice-president of ASLEF’s executive                  after 12 years of failed attempts;      woman, and dog he knew along
             committee, and EC member for District 7, pays                   Heathrow Express members have           the way. This personality trait
             tribute to his friend and colleague, District 7                 returned to ASLEF; and Pre-Metro        (which would, I admit, sometimes
                                                                             Operations has now recognised           drive me mad) was exactly what
             Organiser Brian Corbett, who retires from the
                                                                             ASLEF and we organise there.            the district needed and, over the
             railway at the end of this month                                                                        years, unity has returned and
                                                                                 Transport for Wales has seen
                                                                             major changes over the last 10          District 7 can now only go from
           WOULD like to put on          He would be the first to say that   years, and this process is far from     strength to strength.
   I       record my thanks to my
           friend and colleague
                                      he has had some ups and down
                                      over the years, but he has always
                                                                             over, but Brian’s dedication to the
                                                                             issues in Wales has assisted in the
                                                                                                                         Whilst wishing Brian well for
                                                                                                                     the future I would also like to
Brian Corbett for his service to      continued fighting for what he         delivery of a publicly-owned            congratulate Steve Austin, of
ASLEF and his work within the         feels is right. His dedication to      railway (in all but name) with a        Paddington branch, on his
district. Having first met Brian at   ASLEF was eventually rewarded          commitment to no DOO.                   election as DO with a hope that,
ASLEF’s conference some 18 years      when he was elected to the EC and          However, I think his greatest       as a team, we will build on Brian’s
ago and then, subsequently, at        then, later, as DO where his           achievement was not industrial.         legacy and take the district, and
Bristol branch 11 years ago, you      character shone through and was        District 7 has (for as long as I have   ASLEF, forward in unity to face the
can’t help but be drawn to his        exactly what the district needed.      known) been a fragmented                challenges ahead.
personable nature, good humour,          Under his stewardship Great         district, partly through                l turn to our centre pages for a
and dedication to ASLEF.              Western Railway was harmonised         geography, and partly through           longer look at the life of Brian

                                                                                                        Saving the earth
Big discount on Big Meet                                                                                I was just wondering how much plastic ASLEF
                                                                                                        uses per year that goes into landfill from the
I’m the producer of The Big Meeting film about the Durham Miners’ gala. Many ASlEF                      plastic wrapping used to post the Journal to
branches were very generous and donated money to help get the film made – so much so                    members; could this not be a paper covering?
we have the ASlEF logo in the final credits of the film. ASlEF, as a union, donated to our              It would also save on the printed paper
production, as did individual branches: Preston, leeds, Waterloo Nine Elms, longsight,                  address sheets used with all the address
Northern line North, Ipswich, Sheffield Midland, Weymouth, Brighton, Marylebone,                        information as this could just be printed on the
Neasden, Peterborough, Perth, Skipton, Ilford, Faversham, Euston, gateshead & Newcastle,                envelope itself. Just a thought…
Immingham, King’s Cross, Portsmouth & Isle of Wight, Manchester Piccadilly No 1,                        Colin Hayward
Wolverhampton, leicester, Peterborough RMS, King’s lynn, St Pancras, and Horsham.
   We are very grateful and, as a thank you, we’d like to offer your readers the chance to              Mick Whelan says: ‘We continually review,
get 50% off the film on DvD. the DvD is normally £10 but we are offering it to ASlEF                    with our printer, the best options that will
members for £5 (plus 75p p&p) as a thanks for ASlEF’s support when we began production                  allow the Journal to remain the oldest
in early 2019. Members can go to and enter the password                        continuously published trade union
ASlEF2020 and buy the DvD from there.                                                                   publication in the world, supporting print,
Christie Allanson                                                                                       post, and online for those who want it.’

                                                                                                              January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal        9
ASLEFJOURNAL - Part of the union: Brian Corbett, Nigel Cummins, Ian Smith, and Graham Turner

Rock the
           GREGOR GALL, an affiliate
           research associate at the
           University of Glasgow, and
           editor of the Scottish Left
Review, is writing a book about the
music and the politics of Joe Strummer
and The Clash to be published by
Manchester University Press. He turns
down the volume of I Fought the Law to
give us a sneak preview

          HE Clash were not just the most
 T        important rock band to emerge
          from the punk rebellion of the late    In the Strummertime, when the weather is hot, you can stretch right up and touch the sky –
1970s. Nor the only significant band to          Mick, topper, Joe, and Paul; Simonon smashes his Fender Precision bass guitar at the Palladium
break free from the confines of punk come        theatre in New York in 1979; and london calling to the faraway towns Photos: Pennie Smith
the 1980s. The Clash are the most important
rock’n’roll band of all time. Now you don’t      Uncut, Q, Mojo and Rolling Stone – look at U2     he flew... | With no Washington bullets, what
get much bigger claims than that –               or Radiohead. But bands like these did not        else could he do? || And if you can find an
especially the last, when you recall the         change countless numbers of people’s lives        Afghan rebel | That the Moscow bullets
ground-breaking cultural impact of Elvis,        in a progressive way.                             missed | Ask him what he thinks of voting
The Beatles and the Rolling Stones.                 More than any other band, The Clash did        Communist | Ask the Dalai Lama in the hills
   So how can such statements be justified,      change people’s lives. Although Strummer          of Tibet | How many monks did the Chinese
beyond a bombastic opinion made, after a         might not have read Antonio Gramsci on            get?’
few beers, down the pub? Well, it’s not just     how contesting ideas in the cultural arena is        This was the first time James Dean
the music per se but the impact of a             a key battleground for winning political          Bradfield, of the Manic Street Preachers,
combination of the music, the lyrics, and the    change, he was fully aware of how Woody           had heard of Jara, after Strummer
delivery. The Clash, led by Joe Strummer,        Guthrie, Phil Ochs, and Victor Jara               condemned General Pinochet’s military
the band’s main lyricist, singer, and            successfully used music as a medium for           coup against the democratically-elected
spokesperson, were the most influential,         helping create progressive change.                socialist government of Salvador Allende in
politically left-wing, rock’n’roll band since       In reflecting on the lives and the             1973. It led Bradfield to find out more about
the first electric guitar was played in anger.   experiences of the underdog and the               Jara and the Chilean struggle for freedom
And that means more important and                downtrodden, the lyrics of The Clash made         and democracy, resulting in his 2020 Even in
influential than Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan,       an emotional connection with the masses.          Exile album.
or Bruce Springsteen.                            But that alone was not sufficient, so they
                                                 also critiqued the rich and the powerful, and     CAN MUSIC CHANGE THE WORLD?
MUSIC AS A MEDIUM FOR CHANGE                     championed change brought about by                Similar stories can be told about the impact
If you believe that the significance of music    popular rebellions. Strummer’s lyrics             of Spanish Bombs, a song about the Spanish
should be measured in some other way –           opened up people’s political horizons.            Civil War of 1936-39, and the poet, Federico
through the mastery of instrumentation,          Critically, he said: ‘If you’re serious about     García Lorca, who was murdered by Franco’s
new forms of song structure, or sonic            change, change yourself and get active’.          fascist henchmen. Bradfield says If You
innovation – or that music should be                                                               Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next, a
apolitical, then this will not make much         LET FURY HAVE THE HOUR, ANGER                     Manics’ song from 1998, ‘was partly inspired
sense.                                           CAN BE POWER, CAN YOU USE IT?                     by Spanish Bombs.’
    And, yes, there were, arguably, bands        Amongst the best are these lines from White          The number of senior union officials who
that were more left-wing, but they did not       Riot: ‘Are you taking orders | Or are you         were inspired, motivated, and ideologically
have the influence or the impact of The          taking over? | Are you going backwards | Or       sustained by The Clash includes Mick Rix, a
Clash. We could mention The Redskins, Gang       are you going forwards?’; and Clampdown:          former general secretary of ASLEF; Andy
of Four, Easterhouse, and Crass. But the         ‘Kick over the wall ’cause government’s to        Gilchrist and Matt Wrack of the Fire Brigades
purity of your ideology does not count for       fall | How can you refuse it? | Let fury have     Union; Jeremy Dear of the National Union of
much if it does not reach a mass audience        the hour, anger can be power | Do you know        Journalists; and Mark Serwotka of the
and affect some noticeable progressive           that you can use it?’                             Public and Commercial Services union.
change in the audience.                              And Washington Bullets, a superb three-          Lest anyone thinks the impact of The
    Of course, there have been much bigger       sided critique of imperialism: ‘For the very      Clash was down to one man, the input of
bands in terms of albums and singles sales,      first time ever | When they had a revolution      Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, and Topper
dollar grossing tours, YouTube views, or         in Nicaragua | There was no interference          Headon needs acknowledging in terms of
having records appear in one of those ‘all       from America | Human rights in America ||         their musicality and political sensibilities.
time best’ lists loved by magazines such as      Well the people fought the leader | And up        The Clash, live, were a spectacular,

10 The ASLEF Journal l January 2021

                                                     Germany calling
                                                                DAVID MATHIESON enjoys a book that
                                                                compares and contrasts a country that puts
                                                                cool meritocratic ability to master detail
                                                                above muddle, bluster, indecision, and
                                                                frivolous upper-class public school clowning

                                                                ERMANY has long
                                                      G         been at the butt end
                                                                of British ribaldry.
                                                     From the laddish football
                                                     chant of ‘two world wars and
                                                     one world cup’ to the antics of
                                                     Basil Fawlty trying ‘not to
                                                     mention the war’, a one liner
                                                     about Germany is almost
                                                     always guaranteed to raise
                                                     a smile.
                                                         Yet a new book, Why the
                                                     Germans Do it Better: Notes
                                                                                       John Kampfner, who has worked as a reporter for Reuters,
                                                     from a Grown Up Country by
                                                                                       the Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, Radio 4’s Today
                                                     John Kampfner (Atlantic
                                                                                       programme and Newsnight on BBC2, and edited the New
                                                     Books, £16.99), suggests that
                                                                                       Statesman, reveals what the germans get right – and how
                                                     if we only ever talk about
                                                                                       they do it – including their state-owned railway
                                                     Germany in terms of World
                                                     War II, then the joke really is   company, the state, and the     doors and has, generally
                                                     on us. For anyone on the left     trade unions.                   successfully, integrated more
                                                     interested in how to meld             From the high quality       than a million migrants.
                                                     high living standards and         education and training of           Perhaps nobody
                                                     social cohesion with a            skilled workers to export       personifies the spirit of
                                                     dynamic economy, Germany          promotion in tricky markets     modern Germany better than
                                                     is a good place to start.         like China, companies work in   the distinctly unflashy
                                                         Author John Kampfner is a     tandem with social partners.    Chancellor, Angela Merkel, or
                                                     long-time Germany watcher         Friction is unavoidable but     ‘mother’ as she is commonly
                                                     and not blind to the country’s    the tripartite agreements       known. Chancellor for the
                                                     deep historical flaws.            generally minimize disruption   past 15 years, Merkel’s
                                                         His father was a Jewish       and iron out conflicts of       Christian Democrat Party has
                                                     refugee from the Nazi regime      interest in both the economic   seldom enjoyed an outright
                                                     and his comment that ‘no          and political spheres.          majority in the German
                                                     country has caused so much            Kampfner charts the         parliament, the Bundestag,
                                                     harm in so little time’ is        triumph of consensus over       where she currently governs
                                                     patently true. Yet the much       conflict in modern Germany      in coalition with Labour’s
                                                     neglected story he tells, of      to produce a culture which      sister party, the SPD.
                                                     Germany since 1945, is at         has served the country well.        With a PhD in Chemistry,
                                                     least as fascinating as the           When the Berlin wall        Merkel is the product of a
                                                     horrific saga that went before.   collapsed in 1989, a            political system less bothered
                                                     A determination – almost          prosperous West Germany         about ‘charisma’ than a cool
                                                     universal across German           absorbed the huge cost of       ability to master detail. The
                                                     society – not to repeat the       integrating the basket case     contrast with our own class-
                                                     catastrophic mistakes of the      economy of the communist        ridden politics where public
incendiary force. Visually, they carried the day     past has led to the creation of   east with little complaint or   school clowning is rewarded
as perfectly posed rebels. Critically, they walked   a healthy polity which places     outside help.                   with high office could not be
it like they talked it. The Clash not only played    a high value on consensus             When others turned their    greater or, as Kampfner
the Rock Against Racism gig in 1978 but they         and transparency.                 backs on Syrian refugees in     clearly demonstrates, more
also went to Belfast when no other bands                 This is a country where the   2016 Germany opened its         lamentable.
would, had black artists open for them, and          railway system, Deutsche
invited Aboriginal rights activists to speak         Bahn, is wholly state-owned,
before their Australian shows. They forewent         and there is no serious
                                                     suggestion that it should ever        DAVID MATHIESON was a special adviser to Robin
royalties on their triple album, Sandinista, to                                            Cook. He lectures on economics at a college in
make it affordable for fans.                         be otherwise. Whilst
                                                     Germany is renowned for its           Überlingen on the shores of Lake Konstanz and is
    To the hoary old question of ‘But can music                                            the author of Hitler’s Munich and Frontline Madrid:
change the world?’, the evidence of The Clash is     many world-beating private
                                                     companies – think Mercedes,           A Guide to Battlefield Sites of the Spanish Civil War.
that, yes, it can and does help some people to                                             He also organizes tours of Spanish Civil War
see the world in a different way, and this can       Bosch, and Siemens – these
                                                     are underpinned by a                  battlefields at
and will then lead some of them to try to change
our world.                                           partnership between the

                                                                                                          January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal          11

I’m dreaming dreams,
scheming schemes,
building castles high
            District 7 Organiser Brian                     He was working for British Rail, at Stratford
            Corbett retires at the end of              depot in East London, and went to his first
            this month. KEITH RICHMOND                 branch meeting at 17. ‘It was a closed shop, but I
            looks back on the life of Brian            would have joined the union, anyway. My dad
                                                       was in the union at Newham council and my
            as a teenager in the rag trade,
                                                       brother was branch chair of the National Union
train driver, trade union activist, Irons              of Public Employees.
fan, and those World Cup winners in ’66                    ‘The instructor driver came in and said, “There
                                                       are two unions, ASLEF and the NUR”. He was
           HEN Brian Corbett and Cliff Holloway        wearing his 30 year ASLEF badge, and added,
 W         were young second men, and due on at
           3am or 4am, Cliff would sometimes stay
                                                       “Some of them [NUR] are strike breakers”.
                                                           ‘Now the railway is – or can be – a dangerous
round Brian’s house. That was why they were            place. Everything might look okay but if you’re
walking to Ilford station, in the chilly dark before   led into situations by signalmen, station staff,
dawn, to get an early morning staff train, at the      guards, whatever, you can, quite easily, without
height of the Troubles.                                knowing you’ve done something wrong, hit a            being elected to the EC in 2008 and then DO –
   ‘We were wearing Crombies, and each had a           problem. And we’re running on infrastructure          responsible for GWR, Transport for Wales, and
bag, with big gloves for coupling up, and so on,       that is quite old. That’s why drivers need union      Chiltern – in 2014.
when we were stopped and searched by the               support. I’ve dealt with a number of disciplinary         ‘When the Tory government broke up BR,
police as suspected IRA terrorists. We were            issues, and the process can be quite extreme.         and the depots split, they had what they called
entirely innocent, but struggled to make them              ‘That’s why it’s vital you don’t go in by         O4Q – Organising for Quality – although some
understand we were two railwaymen on our way           yourself, always take a rep. I’ve worked with         of us said there is no “f” in quality, but it worked
to work. We were going to miss our train, so we        some very good managers, who understand               out quite well as most members got their first or
asked for a lift, and they didn’t give us a lift,      how things should be done, but, unfortunately,        second preference company.
either…’                                               there are a small but dangerous number of                 ‘And on company council Steve Williams and
   As a lifelong West Ham fan – ‘fortune’s always      zealots in the management grade who want to           I negotiated the first ever DRI which lifted
hiding, I’ve looked everywhere’ – he should be         get a driver. Now you could hire a lawyer, but it     earnings from £11,666 to £20,200. Not bad, is it?
used to life’s little sorrows and the slings and       could cost thousands of pounds in solicitors’         All the others followed us. Some got better
arrows of outrageous fortune.                          fees, if you’re involved in a crash, and the union    money, but may have worse conditions…
                                                       subs are, frankly, a very sound and much less             ‘I stood against Stan Moran for the officer’s
EYE-OPENING EXPERIENCE AT ALDGATE                      expensive investment.’                                job, when he was on the EC, but lost by 44
Brian was born at Forest Gate Hospital – ‘all              Brian was elected to the LDC at Stratford in      votes, and was then elected to the EC position
Nissen huts and concrete walkways’ – in East           1983, replacing Tony West – ‘big boots to fill’ –     he had vacated.
London on New Year’s Day 1957. He left school          where he worked alongside Lew Adams. ‘They                ‘When Keith Norman was GS he didn’t want
at 15 and had an apprenticeship lined up with          were great influences on me, Tony and Lew, as         to engage with anyone politically, and none of
the Gas Board ‘before they decided to take 18-         well as Len Mills, sectional council member           the railway organisations wanted to talk to the
year-olds, who could work shifts, and told the         before Tony; Mick Blackburn, who became AGS,          EC about anything. The only time was when we
rest of us to clear off.’                              and was best man at my wedding; and Andy              put a limit of 20mph on all level crossings, after
    He did a stint at a hardware shop in Barking,      Ramsay, branch secretary at Stratford, and LDC,       an accident in Scotland, and the head of
and then at a dress factory in Aldgate, cutting        who, if he lost a vote, would loyally argue for the   Network Rail and two other guys turned up, and
rolls of cloth so the women on the machines            res just passed. I learned a lot from watching        it changed dramatically, all the stakeholders
could put the patterns on.                             how he operated.’                                     suddenly wanted to talk to ASLEF.
    ‘It was an eye-opening experience, with the            Brian moved to Bristol in 1989, as his wife
women trying on the dresses, for fit, saying,          wanted to be near her family, felt ‘it was like       RAILWAYS IN PUBLIC OWNERSHIP
“Now you don’t mind seeing us in just our              walking back in time, different world, different      ‘When the DO vacancy came up, I thought I’d be
underwear, do you, Brian?” But it was a dodgy          culture’ and ‘it upset a lot of people when, in       better off out with the troops, talking to people,
operation and one day, as we were moving stuff         1990, the youngsters here voted me branch             getting things done in the region, because it’s
in and out, the bailiffs turned up.’                   secretary’. He became more popular, though,           great having policies from the companies, and
    He went to the youth employment exchange           when he refused to accept the depot average,          as a trade union, but if they’re just ticking boxes,
where they showed him a job ‘for a second man          requested it went to sectional council, and they      then they’re not worth the paper they’re written
– mate to a train driver – on local routes, £8 a       agreed that L215 should be paid to all the drivers    on. I’ve put ASLEF policies into practice, on
week, and I thought, I quite like the sound of         – ‘a good deal and a big money earner’.               inclusion and diversity, EJRA on Chiltern, and
that.’ His dad had been a box boy – working in a           He was branch secretary until 2000 – ‘Bernard     mental health; dealt successfully with a lot of
signal box with a signalman – and told him, ‘Get       Kennedy took over and has been in position ever       disciplinary issues; and negotiated recognition
on it, best thing you’ll ever do.’ And was it? ‘Yes!   since’ – and was elected onto sectional council B,    at Pre Metro Operations, a small company in
Although I did nights for 18 months...’                covering the whole of BR western region, before       Stourbridge.’

12 The ASLEF Journal l January 2021
Brian Corbett

                                                                                                                                        Brian in action
                                                                                                                                        during the 1982
                                                                                                                                        strike; with tony West
                                                                                                                                        and lew Adams at
                                                                                                                                        the Railway tavern,
                                                                                                                                        Stratford; the 35
                                                                                                                                        hours dispute at
                                                                                                                                        Bristol Bath Road;
                                                                                                                                        and Brian Corbett’s
                                                                                                                                        claret and blue army

                                                        in double figures, and then a member of Arthur      childhood. He recalls West Ham beating Arsenal
                                                        Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party, but I joined     with a rare Trevor Brooking header to win the FA
                                                        Labour as soon as I saw people interested in        Cup in 1980; beating Ipswich in ‘the noisiest
                                                        talking about real socialism, when Jeremy           match I’ve been to’ in a play-off semi-final in
                                                        Corbyn became leader.’                              2004; and, the most emotional, ‘the final game at
                                                            When Robert Mugabe, of the Zimbabwean           the Boleyn Ground when we beat Manchester
                                                        African National Union, and Joshua Nkomo, of        United in 2016.’ The highs and lows of footie, he
                                                        the Zimbabwean African People’s Union, were in      says dryly, are like those of a union rep. ‘You can’t
                                                        London in 1979 negotiating the Lancaster House      win every time’.
                                                        agreement with Ian Smith, Prime Minister of             He married Bev in 1980 – romantically,
                                                        Rhodesia, Bishop Abel Muzorewa, and British         promising to tie the knot if West Ham won the
                                                        Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, Brian and        Cup – and they have two sons, Brett and Ash.
                                                        Mick Blackburn acted as stewards for a packed       ‘We’d like to do more travelling – although that’s
                                                        anti-apartheid meeting at Westminster Hall.         on hold at the moment – and spend more time
    He’s thrilled that Transport for Wales is back                                                          with our grandson Alex. And I’m toying with
under public control – and won’t be retendered          HIGHS AND LOWS OF FOOTIE                            getting back involved politically, with the Labour
for seven years – and believes this is just the         ‘The CP was the only party they trusted, and the    Party, and issues like the Palestinian cause.
start of bringing all of Britain’s railways back into   CP had an ex-Para hard nut in charge of security,       ‘Because every decision taken that affects
public ownership.                                       so Mick and I were entrusted with the job of        people’s working lives is political, and people
    Because Brian believes in public ownership          escorting the delegates, including Robert           need to understand the politics of what is going
and is a card-carrying Labour Party member              Mugabe, into the building, up the lift, and onto    on. Covid will give impetus to the establishment
although he was, he admits, a little late to the        the stage, where we stood, pretending to be         to reset the economy, with really strict wage
party. Well, that party. ‘I was a member of the         hard, to protect him!’                              constraints. These are worrying times, but we can
Communist Party for many years, at Stratford               Brian’s West Country exile hasn’t dimmed his     move forward with the right people doing the
the railway branch membership of the CP was             enthusiasm for the claret and blue idols of his     right things.’

     It could have been me...
                    A tragic collision at Ladbroke Grove, two                      got off and on. I was still stopped. I was fuming, as he hadn’t
                    miles out from Paddington, on 5 October                        pulled off the signal, and I was going to be late. then he pulled
                    1999 claimed the lives of 31 people,                           off the green, and let Brian go in front of me. otherwise, it would
                    including the two drivers, Brian Cooper and                    have been me.
                                                                                       Coming into Acton main line, double yellow, signal, went to
                    Michael Hodder, and left 258 others injured
                                                                                   single yellow, so I put the brake in emergency, on the HSt, and
                    in one of the worst accidents on Britain’s                     fortunately stopped at the red light. Immediately got on the
                    railways. Here Brian who, 21 years ago, was a                  phone to the signalman, for putting the signal back, and he said,
     driver with First GreatWestern, tells how the HST he was                      ‘look, mate, we’ve got a major incident, come back in ten
     driving was so nearly the one that crashed                                    minutes.’
                                                                                       then I had a bang on the door, and one of the managers, in an
                ARlY morning, I was driving from Bristol to london. the            orange jacket, had been told a train had crashed in front. Now
        E       train concerned in the collision was empty to
                Cheltenham, where the driver changed ends, and
                                                                                   there was a slight curve, so I couldn’t see it, but I could see the
                                                                                   smoke coming up and, as I walked along, I heard shouts from
     worked it from Cheltenham to Paddington. the driver booked on                 passengers who had mobile phones and told me there had been
     that turn went sick so they asked another driver to step up, and              a train crash and people had been killed.
     he said, ‘I’m prepared to work it to Reading, but then need a                     I spoke to the guard, and signalman, who told me to change
     relief, to work my booked train back from Reading to Exeter’. So              ends and go, wrong road, then back to the normal route, to
     Brian Cooper, spare at Paddington, was asked to travel                        Ealing Broadway to detrain my passengers.
     passenger to Reading to relieve that driver.                                      then I went back empty to Reading, where it was chaos, and,
        I came in on the platform, stopped at a red light, passengers              eventually, back to Bristol.

                                                                                                                 January 2021 l The ASLEF Journal           13
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