ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

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ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

The AssociATED sociETy of LocomoTivE EnginEErs & firEmEn             DEcEmBEr 2017

So here it is, Merry Christmas

                                                                      The train drivers’
                                                                      union since 1880
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880
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ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

                                                                                                                                                                            DEcEmBEr 2017
                                                          Published by the AssociATED sociETy of LocomoTivE EnginEErs & firEmEn

Mick: ‘You are the future of rail in this country’

Look to the future now
it’s only just begun                                        4                                                     7
            WriTE this column after another week
   I        travelling the country where members
            told me we are entering an era of             News
uncertainty in our industry. We go from a proposal
for an all-Wales operation, with the wheels and            southern rail drivers vote yes to resolution                4
                                                           scandi model for scotland?; off the rails
steel back together, to the current franchisee
leaving the bidding process. renewed calls for a
scottish-controlled railway not rejected but not           rDg runs scared of rail public ownership                    6      12-13
given the courtesy of a response by those                  from russia with love to the capital Tube                   7
                                                           mick slams DfT’s ‘catastrophic’ safety call
currently in power. And the conservative
government reneging on promises of                                                                                      8
electrification at TPE, the East midlands, and Wales,
and seeking to regurgitate old money under the
guise of new investment about connectivity to
Hs2. Then news – that is not news – of the break-
up of the gTr franchise.
    i have an apology to make. i did what we advise
                                                           Paul mcLaughlin on moJo; shazia Arshad                     10       14
                                                            on Labour friends of Palestine
you not to do; respond to provocation on social
media. But, when the rDg put out a tweet about             Ellen mellington of cirAs on confidential                  11
how successful the freight sector is, it had to be          reporting; simon Jenkins on station pubs
shown for the lie that it is. success? Tell that to the    murder on the orient Express and other 12-13
hundreds of drivers made redundant, displaced, or           snow trains coming around the bend
                                                           chris nutty goes to norton at Donington;
forced into premature retirement, and the many
others who fear for their futures. The freight sector                                                                  14
is in managed (or mismanaged) decline with no
long-term strategy by the focs or DfT. We await
                                                            richard murgatroyd on White ribbon UK
                                                           Key Worker: Tom Taylor on the thrills                      15
final decisions on control period six and the               of driving round the nürburgring
network rail budget; and fear more cuts, in real
terms. Will there be a commitment to do all the
works deferred in the last five years first, as
indicated in the Hendy report? if there is, look          Regulars
                                                           Branch news
forward to lots of temporary and permanent
speed restrictions!                                                                                                   16
    Despite all the negativity swirling round our          Philippa Edmunds wants a level playing                    17
industry i remain upbeat because of the unity and           field for freight; 100 years of Union
                                                           obituaries
solidarity shown by you, the AsLEf members, the
backbone strength and protectors of the future of
rail in this country. in all sectors – passenger,          Letters and classified Advertisements                 20-21
freight, Underground, light rail and other                 Last Word: christmas Books for the                        22
undertakings – there have been many challenges              festive fortnight and beyond                                        22
                                                           on Track, Prize crossword, AsLEf’s
in the last year and, thanks to you, we stood our
                                                                                                                              christmas cover: Andy Bunday
ground. To all the branch secretaries, local
representatives, company councils, and                      Legal services and change of Address
equivalent, our deepest thanks. To the executive
committee and officers, again, when difficult                The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
decisions needed to be addressed you stood firm.
so, to all in AsLEf, thank you for everything you do         AsLEf, 77 st John street, London, Ec1m 4nn Tel: 020 7324 2400
and, in the hope of a brighter and safer future,             email: website:
here’s to a great christmas and a prosperous and
peaceful new year.
                                                          Editor mick Whelan l dESignEr michael cronin l PrintEr TU ink, 5 Wythburn Place, London, W1H 7BU
Yours fraternally                                         advErtiSing AsLEf Journal, 77 st John street, London, Ec1m 4nn. contact Keith richmond on 0207 324 2407
                                                          or l ClaSSifiEd adS or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a
Mick Whelan, general secretary                            display or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by AsLEf
                                                          ChangE of addrESS Please post your details to AsLEf, 77 st John street, clerkenwell, London, Ec1m 4nn

                                                                                                               December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                       3
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

AsLEf drivers vote
yes to southern deal
           sLEf drivers have             passengers in the region deserve.’
 A         overwhelmingly voted
           yes to a proposed
                                             The resolution to the dispute,
                                         which began in April last year,
resolution to the long-running           dealt with three different issues –
industrial dispute with southern         driver only operation, terms and           the 18 month long industrial dispute on Southern railways is over
railways – 731 (79.1%) voted yes         conditions, and pay.
and 193 (20.9%) voted no on a                ‘The agreement means we will           the october 2016, 2017, 2018,          rail, and the privatisation of our
turnout of 87.1%                         have a second safety-critical              2019 and 2020 pay settlements,         railway, we have negotiated on a
    mick Whelan, general                 person on every train covered by           dealing with our outstanding pay       bi-lateral basis with each
secretary, said: ‘our members on         this agreement except in                   claim, and provides a structured       company and that is what we
southern, after careful                  exceptional circumstances. That            five-year deal through to the end      have done here.
consideration, and long and hard         person will have all the relevant          of the franchise.’                         ‘After one and a half years of
negotiations, have voted to              safety competence – including                  The resolution accepted by our     industrial strife we wanted to find
accept this resolution to our            the skills to evacuate passengers          drivers on southern applies only       a way forward for our members
industrial dispute with the              in an emergency.                           to that company and that               who work on the railway in this
company. We are pleased with a               ‘The agreement also confirms           franchise.                             region, for the passengers who
resolution which, we believe,            the terms and conditions under                 ‘it’s important to stress that     use southern trains, and for the
works for the staff, and the             which our members at southern              this deal is company-specific and      businesses which depend on the
company, and we now look                 are employed.                              does not have implications for any     service. This deal is a resolution to
forward to working with southern             ‘And the agreement gives our           other train operating company on       a dispute, not a template for
rail to restore good industrial          drivers a 28.5% increase in pay            Britain’s railway network,’ said       Britain’s railway in the 21st
relations and deliver the service        over the next five years. it covers        mick. ‘since the break-up of British   century.’

                                                                                    safe to operate.
Urgent review needed                                                                Instead, staff have           QuotE…
                                                                                    been left alone and           ‘Boris Johnson is like a puppy. The
after assault on driver                                                             vulnerable in                 grown-ups have to follow him around,
                                                                                    dangerous situations.         cleaning up where he last crapped.’ –
ASLEF has demanded        tried to escape he was                                    This cannot be                Jolyon maugham Qc
an urgent review of       tripped, beaten and                                       allowed to continue.                                    …uNQuotE
security at depots        kicked.                                                       ‘Health and safety
where Underground             ‘This incident                                        reps are insisting that
trains are stabled
overnight after an
                          highlights our
                          concerns about the
                                                       do8 finn Brennan

                                                                                    security arrangements
                                                                                    at all depots be
                                                                                                               Just champion
assault on a Night        security of depots                                        reviewed. We also                            Tosh mcDonald, Ec
Tube driver on the        where trains are left                                     want immediate                               president, has been asked by
                                                           ‘This is just one in a
Jubilee line. When the    overnight,’ said DO8                                      action at locations like                     the mayor of Doncaster and
                                                       series of incidents
driver, taking a train    Finn Brennan. ‘There                                      Stanmore where                               the nUm to be the champion
                                                       where Night Tube
into sidings at           have also been                                            drivers are particularly                     for Doncaster’s mining
                                                       drivers have been
Stanmore, responded       incidents on the                                          vulnerable.                                  heritage. ‘Basically this
                                                       attacked. When the
                                                                                                               tosh Mcdonald consists of working with the
to an automatic alarm     Victoria line. If graffiti   service was                  Management need to
after the rear cab door   vandals can access                                        act now. Drivers, and      community, and the artist Lawrence Edwards,
                                                       introduced, we were
was opened, he was        these locations, there                                    other staff, cannot be     to design a statue for the town centre to
                                                       promised that
confronted by a group     is a real risk that those                                 expected to go into        celebrate our mining heritage,’ says Tosh.
                                                       additional staff and
of thugs who took his     planning serious             police resources             situations where they
radio and sprayed him     violent attacks may          would be in place to         are vulnerable to             tWEEtS oF tHE moNtH
with paint. When he       also do so with              make sure it would be        serious assaults.’
                                                                                                                        Rail operators told by @UKLabour it
                                                                                                                        will halt future plans to extend driver
Speakers’ corner                              Palestine Solidarity
                                              Campaign, the
                                                                             WomAN toLd to pIck
                                                                             up SuSpIcIouS bAg
                                                                                                                  only operation if it wins the next election.
                                                                                                                  Alan Jones
In another sign of                            Palestinian Forum in           A passenger who reported
ASLEF’s growing                               Britain, Friends of Al         a suspicious unattended                    £37bn dividends paid to shareholders
influence in the                              Aqsa, the Stop the             sports bag – which she                     of privatised firms since 2010. Yes
labour movement,                              War Coalition, and             thought might contain a              @johnmcdonnellMP @UKLabour it’s time
general secretary                             the Muslim                     bomb – on her journey                for public ownership!
Mick Whelan and                               Association of                 from Bishop’s stortford to           We own It
executive committee gS Mick Whelan            Britain; while Tosh            London was told by greater
president Tosh                                spoke at a                     Anglia, via Twitter, to ‘hand              Taxi for Uber. Cabs are queuing up for
McDonald gave       spoke at Justice          conference at                  it in to one of our staff’.                the US corp with the employment
major speeches at   Now: Make it Right        Congress House in              georgia stone, shocked by            appeal tribunal upholding the right of
different events on for Palestine, a rally in London to mark the             the Toc’s advice, said she           drivers to paid hols, min wage, breaks, etc.
Saturday 4          Parliament Square         centenary of the               wouldn’t dare touch it ‘in           kevin maguire
November. Mick      organised by the          Russian revolution.            this day and age’.

4 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

                                                    has a publicly-owned
is scandinavian model
the future for scotrail?
                                                    rail firm running a
                                                    service rated as one of
                                                    the best in Europe.
                                                                                   off the rails
                                                    The findings in the
           RAIN fares in   Scotland’s Railways –    report, commissioned                                    mEL tHoRLEY, Longsight legend,
  t        Scotland
           could be cut
                           to be published this
                           month by the
                                                    by the TSSA, puts
                                                    more pressure on the
                                                                                                            remembers the day he bumped into –
                                                                                                            and was caught on camera with –
by 25% if a Nordic-        Common Weal think        SNP government,                                         comedian Victoria Wood, who asked
style state-owned          tank in Glasgow. It      which has been in                                       him, ‘Mel, are you a ladies man?’ ‘I
company took over          would be achieved if     power at Holyrood                                       said, why are you asking, do you need
ScotRail services.         the Scottish             since 2007, to deliver a       the toilet? And she said, “Yes!” She burst out laughing and
That’s the conclusion      government               publicly-owned                 they had to stop filming. As for the pic – I’m the one on the
of a new report – A        embraced the system      railway for the people         right!’ Mel, who wrote a moving tribute to Wirral legend Glen
Public Future for          used in Finland, which   of Scotland.                   Southall in the November edition of the ASLEF Journal, asked
                                                                                   for an extra copy to send to Glen’s widow. ‘One of the saddest
                                                                                   things I have heard this year was when Val said she had
                                                                                   cancelled Glen’s subscription to the Journal... that’s more
                                                                                   final for a footplateman than the curtains closing at the
                                                                                   crematorium!’ As for Theresa May’s dreadful conference
                                                                                   speech – when she couldn’t stop coughing, was handed a
                                                                                   P45 ‘from Boris’ by a prankster, and the stage started falling
                                                                                   apart – Mel wryly observes, ‘They had the odd train run into
                                                                                   the buffers when it was Manchester Central, but I reckon that
                                                                                   speech must be the first car crash in the old place!’

                                                                                                dIckY FISHER, District 6 Organiser, known for
                                                                                                his wickedly waspish asides, was on fine form
                                                                                                after Coventry councillor Jim O’Boyle, cabinet
the finnish model would slash fares for passengers in Scotland
                                                                                                member for jobs and regeneration, breathlessly
                                                                                                announced a £6m research & development
strike threat forces                                fatigue and tiredness
                                                    will also continue.’
                                                                                   project to look at plans for a new ‘light rail people mover
                                                                                   system using pioneering modern technology – potentially
                                                    AsLEf wants TfL to
Tramlink agreement                                  commit to
                                                                                   without a driver’ to be delivered in 2026. ‘Driverless trams
                                                                                   project dreamed up by the cabinet member for jobs,’
                                                    introducing a
                                                                                   muttered Dicky darkly. ‘Oh how ironic!’
strike action on           concerned about the      modern automatic
croydon Tramlink           long-term impact of      tram protection
                                                                                                         JEFF mAdgE, who joined British Rail as
was suspended after        exposure throughout      system to prevent
                                                                                                         a fireman at 15, has called a halt on his
the company agreed         the working day. ‘We     accidents by
                                                                                                         railway career after 65 years. Jeff, a
to commission a fully      welcome this             automatically
                                                                                                         fireman in the age of steam, became a
independent review         independent review       applying the brake if
                                                                                                         driver after the switch to diesel. But
into the safety of the     which we hope will       a tram over speeds.
                                                                                   steam, he says, ‘was in my blood’ and, when he retired in
guardian device in         deal with our            The guardian device
                                                                                   1983, he became a volunteer on the Gloucestershire
tram cabs. Drivers         members’ concerns,’      does not do this.
                                                                                   Warwickshire Steam Railway. Now Jeff, 80, has taken his last
have complained            said Do8 finn
                                                                                   turn, handing over to youngsters ‘to keep the dream alive’.
that the new               Brennan. ‘The health
technology, which          and safety of our          QuotE…
                                                      ‘Charm, in a                                   RogER moSEY, a former editor of Today
uses infra-red beams,      passengers and
                                                      politician, is                                 on Radio 4, then head of television news at
and is designed to         members is always
                                                      powerful.’ –                                   the corporation, and now Master of Selwyn
reduce the risk of         our first priority.
                                                      Hugo Rifkind                                   College, Cambridge, has stuck his well-
micro-sleeps, causes       Discussions with the
                                                      in The Times                 polished brogues into Sarah Sands, the current editor of
headaches, dry eyes        company on dealing
                                                        …uNQuotE                   Today, saying the programme has gone soft just when it
and blurred vision.        with the underlying
                                                                                   should be setting the agenda. Writing in the New Statesman,
Drivers are                issues that cause
                                                                                   Mosey complained of ‘Listening to huge chunks of bilge from
                                                                                   London Fashion Week on a day when North Korea fired
coNFERENcES & RALLIES                                                              another missile over Japan.’
The Scottish labour Party conference is at the caird Hall in Dundee
from friday 9 to sunday 11 march. The Welsh labour Party conference                                  ANdREW RobERtS, speaking at the
is at the venue cymru in Llandudno from friday 23 to sunday 25 march.                                Cliveden literary festival, was asked his
The Scottish trades union Congress is at the macdonald Highlands                                     opinion of Boris Johnson’s new book about
hotel, Aviemore, from monday 16 to Wednesday 18 April. Workers’                                      Winston Churchill. The eminent historian
Memorial day is saturday 28 April. aSlEf’s annual assembly of                                        pointed out that The Churchill Factor is one
delegates is at the marriott Hotel, Liverpool, from monday 21 to friday                              of 1,010 biographies of the old Tory war
25 may. The durham Miners’ gala is on saturday 14 July. The                        horse, and added slyly: ‘It’s a really good book. Of the 14
tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival, near Dorchester, is from friday 20 to                 anecdotes he tells about Churchill, two of them are true.’
sunday 22 July. The 150th trades union Congress is at the manchester
central convention complex from sunday 9 to Wednesday 12
september. The labour Party conference is at the Arena & convention            500 CluB: J robson, with number 85, won the november draw,
centre in Liverpool from sunday 23 to Wednesday 26 september.                  scooping the rms prize money jackpot of £390.

                                                                                                         December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal           5
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

                                                                                                                      of the rDg, which is trying,

mick condemns                                                                                                         increasingly desperately, to define
                                                                                                                      its role on the railway, said: ‘This is
                                                                                                                      a landmark coming together of
                                                                                                                      train companies to launch “in

superficial rDg                                                                                                       Partnership for Britain’s
                                                                                                                      Prosperity”, a single, long-term,
                                                                                                                      exciting new plan for changing
                                                                                                                      and improving the railway.
           icK Whelan has               to deliver rail for passengers, staff                                             ‘The plan sets out how Britain’s
 m         slammed a superficial
           rail Delivery group
                                        and businesses in Britain, but to
                                        protect the interests of a select
                                                                                                                      public and partnership railway will
                                                                                                                      secure economic benefits to the
initiative launched to counter the      club of privatised train operating                                            country and enable further
fears of the train operating            companies who have their snouts                                               improvements and show
companies about the popularity          deep in the public trough.              Mick: ‘the rail delivery group is     customers and communities how
of the Labour Party’s plan to bring        ‘The rDg exists solely to rip off    running scared of the popularity      the railway is changing their local
Britain’s railways back into public     taxpayers and the sooner we have        of public ownership’                  area.’
ownership.                              a Labour government committed           proper public service, better for         Analysts said it was ‘all blow, no
    The gs said: ‘This is another       to bringing Britain's railways back     the people who use the railway,       go’, a ‘smoke and mirrors’ exercise
typically tendentious piece of          into public ownership the better.       and better for the businesses         designed ‘to persuade people, in
twaddle from the rail Delivery          Better for the people who work          which depend upon the railway.’       the face of all the evidence, that
group, an organisation set up not       hard every day to provide a                Paul Plummer, chief executive      privatisation has worked.’

Train narrowly misses                                                                                    AI RISkS gm-StYLE bAckLASH
                                                                                                         Experts say the growing influence of artificial
wood laid on the line                                                                                    intelligence risks provoking a backlash on the
                                                                                                         scale of the public distaste for genetically
A train narrowly missed hitting old                                                                      modified Frankenstein food. Ian Sample, writing
sleepers laid across the track in two                                                                    in The Guardian, said: ‘AI risks provoking a public
places – near coopersale common                                                                          backlash as it increasingly falls into private
Bridge and station road, north                                                                           hands, threatens people’s jobs, and operates
Weald Bassett – on the Epping ongar                                                                      without effective oversight or regulatory control.’
railway. The driver managed to stop                                                                      Wendy Hall, Professor of Computer Science at
just short of the sleepers and                                                                           Southampton University, said: ‘We have to think
removed them from the track. A                                                                           about all the issues. When machines can learn
group of teenagers was seen near                                                                         and do things for themselves, what are the
the railway line earlier in the day.        danger on the track of the Epping ongar railway              dangers for us as a society?’

                                                                                                         botcHEd tRAIN-tRAm pRoJEct
gBrf orders 50 new wagons                            AtW pulls out                                       HELd At REd LIgHt
                                                                                                         network rail chief executive mark carne says
                                                                                                         there are no more train-tram schemes in the
                                                                                                         pipeline after the failure of the botched £75
                                                                                                         million pilot project in sheffield. carne told the
                                                                                                         commons Public Accounts committee, ‘i don’t
                                                                                                         think there’s anything on the slate to be
                                                                                                         delivered, but i think we have learnt a lot, and
                                                                                                         we have developed technology that would
                                                                                                         enable us to move ahead more quickly if
                                                                                                         people did want to pursue this.’

                                                                                                         WomAN JAILEd AFtER mAN dIES
railfreight biomass hopper gets bigger                                                                   WHEN HIt bY tRAm
gB railfreight is leasing 50 new lidded biomass                                                          A woman who pushed a stranger off a station
wagons, each with a 70 tonne payload,                arriva trains bails from the rails in Wales         platform, causing him to be fatally injured, has
compared with the current hopper’s 53 tonne          arriva trains Wales has withdrawn from the          been jailed for five years. charissa Brown-
capacity, from nAcco. They will run in two sets      bidding process for the Wales & Borders             Wellington, 31, pushed Philip carter towards
of 24 wagons, delivering 1,680 tonnes of auto-       franchise. the decision by the incumbent            tram tracks following an argument at
loading and discharging biomass per train.           operator leaves abellio, Keolis amey, and           manchester victoria train station on 11 June.
                                                     Mtr in the running. tfW said: ‘it is clear they     mr carter, 30, was killed when he fell between
                                                     [atW] have done this for their own                  the platform and a moving tram.
    Carry all your stuff – papers, keys,             commercial reasons’ adding, ‘With final
    sandwiches – in style with our smart             tenders due later this year, we have three             QuotE…
                    black documents bag.             companies with world-class credentials each            ‘For years funding has been squeezed,
                    Price £10 (inc p&p);             putting their own distinct cases for how they          policy decisions have been erratic, and
                    email          will deliver the ambitious objectives we set           the rail network is showing signs of age
                    or visit our online shop         with the goal of delivering a step change in           and strain.’ – Lord Andrew Adonis
                    at              rail services for passengers across Wales and                                     …uNQuotE
                                                     the Borders.’

6 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

from russia with love                                                                                                                      Trainy on track
           rUssiAn-themed Tube
 A         train marking the
           anniversary of the
russian revolution and
celebrating soviet achievements
is running for three months on
the circle, Hammersmith & city
and District lines in London. The
Heart of Russia was launched at
Baker street as part of a
partnership between London
Underground and the moscow
metro to teach passengers about
each country’s endeavours in the
fields of education and science.
    ‘The project shows that russia
and the United Kingdom have
many things in common,’ said             Октябрьской революции: the                            QuotE…
maxim Liksutov, deputy mayor of          heart of russia went into service                    ‘As Donald Trump puts
moscow. ‘The train has seven             on 25 october                                        America first, China can
carriages, each concentrating on a                                                            seize its global moment.’ –                     trainy leaves gothenburg for
                                         executive of the British council,                                                                    Stockholm
separate subject, including ballet,                                                           Larry Elliott in The
                                         added: ‘This London Underground
graphic arts, literature, cinema,                                                             Guardian
                                         train is russia’s response to the                                                                    When we revealed (Journal,
architecture, space exploration                                                                              …uNQuotE                         september) that mTr Express
                                         shakespeare train in moscow,
and science. We hope that Tube                                                                                                                had named one of its new high
                                         which we launched to celebrate
passengers will like the project,                                                                                                             speed trains Trainy McTrainface
                                         shakespeare’s 400th anniversary                  culture, education and science is
and it will help everyone to get to                                                                                                           many readers checked it wasn’t
                                         during the UK-russia year of                     as important now as it has ever
know our country’s history and                                                                                                                1 April. But the swedish
                                         Language and Literature in 2016.                 been, and both trains are great
culture better.’                                                                                                                              operator did ask passengers to
                                         connecting people through                        symbols of these connections.’
    sir ciaran Devane, chief                                                                                                                  name four trains on the
                                                                                                                                              gothenburg to stockholm line
                                                          pIggIES Ac/dc
reopen Beeching lines                                     south Western railway has commissioned Kiepe Electric to
                                                                                                                                              and, when the most popular
                                                                                                                                              suggestion proved to be Trainy
the Campaign for Better transport has                     refurbish 18 class 442 Piggies, stabled at Bournemouth and                          McTrainface, went along with it.
urged transport Secretary Chris grayling to               Eastleigh, for services between Waterloo and Portsmouth                             ‘We have listened to the voice
reverse dozen of the infamous Beeching                    via guildford, Haslemere and Petersfield. The current Dc                            of the people,’ said chief
cuts – which closed 18,000 miles of track –               traction equipment will be switched to Ac and a new                                 commercial officer Peder
to be reversed ‘to benefit local                          Knorr-Bremse braking system fitted. The interiors will also                         osterkamp as it left
communities’. they include ashington-                     be refreshed, with charging points, customer information                            gothenburg central for the
Blyth-newcastle; Portishead to Bristol; the               screens and new seats and carpets.                                                  capital. When Boaty
Worcester to derby main line between                                                                                                          mcBoatface won a poll in the
Stourbridge and Burton; the leamside line;                                                                                                    UK to name a new polar
lewes to uckfield; Skipton to Colne;                                            tea and coffee tastes better in a red                         research vessel the natural
leicester to Burton-on-trent; fleetwood to                                      and white aSlEf mug! Price £3.50                              Environment research council,
Preston; Wisbech to March; totton to                                            (inc p&p); email                            cursing the day it embraced
hythe; Bere alston-tavistock-okehampton;                                        or visit our online shop at                                   democracy, chose Sir David
and the east-west rail link between oxford                                                                          Attenborough instead.
and Cambridge.

                                                          What can you get for
                                                          your new, shiny £1 coin?
                                                          TBF membership...
                                                          just £1 a week covers you, your
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                                                                                                                            December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal               7
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

                                                                                                                        significantly and network rail has
mick slams DfT’s ‘catastrophic’                                                                                         a greater understanding of their
                                                                                                                        work which, when combined, will
decision on rail safety                                                                                                 allow for better outcomes when
                                                                                                                        risk assessing level crossings and
                                                                                                                        gaining suitable improvements
           icK Whelan has written         believe could turn out to be a                                                without the need for closure. He
 m         to rail minister Paul
           maynard; ian Prosser,
                                          catastrophic decision in relation
                                          to railway safety – your decision
                                                                                                                        also cited Brexit as an issue.
                                                                                                                            ‘We would like to express our
chief inspector of railways and           to put aside the Law                                                          gravest concerns on this move as
director, rail safety, at the office of   commission’s report on level                                                  we do not think the assessments
rail and road; and mark carne,            crossings and the plans to close                                              or technological solutions will be
chief executive of network rail,          many, if not all, level crossings.                                            robust enough to achieve what
expressing our concerns at the                ‘We were told about this move     rail Minister’s decision on level       closure would. i must therefore
conservative government’s                 by mr norton of the DfT at a          crossings is wrong, says Mick           inform you that where we have
decision to shelve the Law                recent orr rail industry health &                                             concerns we will either not
commission’s report on level              safety advisory committee             that being the government’s             operate in those areas or operate
crossing closures.                        meeting. He explained that whilst     ultimate goal for all level crossings   at decreased speeds to protect
   The gs wrote: ‘i am writing to         this was not the end of level         for the foreseeable future. He said     our members, the travelling
express our disgust at what we            crossing closures it was the end of   technology had advanced                 public, and other stakeholders.’

swanage-Wareham success
The first regular passenger services to run           swanage to norden and started running it as a
between swanage and Wareham in Dorset for             tourist attraction in the 1990s. The section
45 years have exceeded expectations. The              from norden to Wareham was completed this
original line, which opened in 1885, was              year and the trial, using upgraded 1960s diesel
closed by British rail – and ripped up – in           locomotives, began this summer. mark
1972. But in June the first timetabled trains ran     Woolley of swanage railway said the trial
along the full 10 mile route as part of a trial.      showed ‘trains are the transport of the future’.
swanage railway said its target footfall was          more trains will run next year, between may
12,000 passengers but it attracted 13,020.            and september, and the aim is to make the            the first Swanage train for 45 years arrives in the
volunteers built a five mile stretch from             service permanent.                                   historic market town of Wareham in dorset

Stuck in cattle class
                                          tocs flush for the future
                                                     rain companies have        workers and you see it coming,          pleased we’ve got government
                                           t         been ordered to use
                                                     retention tanks rather
                                          than flush toilets onto the
                                                                                like a plume of steam. You
                                                                                quickly learn to turn your back
                                                                                and close your mouth when
                                                                                                                        agreement.’ By the end of the
                                                                                                                        decade toCs will not be
                                                                                                                        allowed to dispose of waste on
                                          railway track. ‘it’s disgusting,’     you’re trackside and a train is         the track; carriages will have to
                                          said Mark Carne of network            passing. as i know first hand.          hold onto waste water until it
                                          rail. ‘i’ve been out with track       it’s totally unacceptable and i’m       can be emptied at the depot.

                                          SEVEREd HEAd IN QuARRY WAS mAN kILLEd bY tRAIN
                                          A mysterious decapitated head discovered in a quarry in mepal,                   QuotE…
                                          cambridgeshire, in may last year, by officers from Bedfordshire                  ‘Brexit is England’s biggest
                                          investigating the death of natalie Hemming, believe it belonged to a             policy blunder since
                                          man killed by a train 50 years ago. Police say it may have been lodged in        George III fumbled away
                                          a bridge for 10 years, before coming loose when the structure was                the American colonies.’ –
David Brown sent the Journal this         cleaned, put with debris into a skip, and dumped in the quarry.                  Nobel prize-winning
cartoon, ‘for my railway commuter                                                                                          economist daniel
friends,’ courtesy of a vintage copy      bRExIt good bEcAuSE YouNg cAN WoRk LoNgER                                        mcFadden
of The Tip Top Book. mick Whelan          Lord Philip Harris of Peckham, the Tory peer who made his money in                           …uNQuotE
has often said that if only we had        carpetright, ‘the company that always has a 60% sale’, says Brexit is ‘a
cattle trucks instead of carriages        good thing’ because ‘it will allow younger people to work longer hours’.
then fare-paying passengers,              Harris, who lives in cannes, in the south of france, and is worth £110m,
drivers and guards would be               said retailers ‘can only employ staff for 35 hours under EU laws.’                         Our woolly hat
much better off. ‘Because we have                                                                                                    will keep you
legislation – statutory protection        WE’RE RIdINg oN tHE mARRAkESH ExpRESS                                                      warm this
– for animals being transported,          Engineers in morocco are testing trains capable of reaching 200mph –                       winter. Price £5
but not for passengers. Which is          the top speed of Eurostar – ahead of the launch of a new high-speed              (including p&p); email
why so many trains are not just           service from casablanca to Tangier. The service, which is scheduled to  or visit
uncomfortable, but seriously              launch next summer, will cut the 215 mile journey between the two                our online shop at
overcrowded.’                             ports from five to two hours.                                          

8 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017
ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880
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ASLEF So here it is, Merry Christmas - The train drivers' union since 1880

A voice for the
ASLEF’s Ec has made a donation to the
miscarriages of Justice organisation in
glasgow. pAuL mcLAugHLIN, moJo’s
project manager, explains what they do

          oJo is a unique human rights
 m        organisation dedicated to assisting
          innocent people in prison, and
helping them on release. moJo was founded
in 2001 by Paddy Hill, one of six innocent men
wrongfully convicted in 1975 for the               robert Brown spent 25 years in jail for a crime he did not commit. dCi Jack Butler, the chief
Birmingham pub bombing. The Birmingham             investigating officer, led ‘a massive conspiracy of corrupt behaviour’, according to an internal
six convictions were eventually quashed, and       police inquiry, was subsequently convicted of perjury and sentenced to four years in prison
they were released in 1991. Paddy made a
pledge then to campaign for those he left          project which provides help with legal issues,        exonorees on release; a public announcement
behind, to bring a voice to the voiceless.         benefits advice, and housing needs; as well as        of innocence is made on release; a transition
moJo’s aim is to carry on his work.                support addressing medical needs funded by            centre is set up to give exonorees time and
    We deal with hundreds of inquires each         the scottish government.                              help to reintegrate; and a fully independent
year. many people thought the problem of               We want the government to live up to its          criminal case review commission is established
miscarriages of justice in the British judicial    duty of care to those whose lives have been           to examine cases with the power to find new
system were resolved after several high profile    destroyed because of the inadequacies of our          evidence if required.
cases in the 1980s and ’90s. This is, sadly, not   judicial system. successive governments have              We currently support 55 individuals both in
the case. There have been more than 6,000          accepted they have a duty of care but have            prison and in the community, along with their
miscarriages of justice in the UK since the        failed to provide the services or resources           family members, and deal with hundreds of
release of the Birmingham six. But the subject     required to meet the needs of victims of              new inquiries every year.
has faded from the political agenda.               miscarriages of justice.                                  Unfortunately, we receive only partial
    our work falls into two categories.                We have launched a campaign – say i’m             funding from the scottish government to carry
supporting those in prison fighting to clear       innocent – in conjunction with film maker             out our work so require your support to ensure
their names, and supporting those who have         mark mcLoughlin and the sunny centre as a             we can provide the best service possible to the
had their convictions quashed and are trying       result of a powerful documentary – Fallout –          victims of miscarriages of justice.
to put the pieces of their lives back together.    made by mark which highlights the failure to              Please get your branch or district to affiliate
    We offer those who have successfully           provide aftercare support to those who have           to moJo. And if you would like to arrange a
fought to have their convictions overturned        suffered wrongful incarceration.                      viewing of Fallout, in conjunction with
practical support after their release from             We are campaigning on four specific issues        speakers from say i’m innocent, please get in
prison, assisting in their reintegration back      in the UK and ireland: all services available to      touch. call 0141 552 0009 or email
into their communities. We run an after care       guilty prisoners are made available to      

Keeping Palestine on the agenda
ASLEF’s Ec has made a donation to Labour Friends of palestine and the                                                          commitment to
middle East which campaigns for peace and justice in the region through                                                        recognition of a Palestinian
the implementation of international law and respect for human rights.                                                          state.
SHAZIA ARSHAd reflects on a busy year for the organisation                                                                         As we move forward we
                                                                                                   It’s not just               are faced with the reality of
           HIS is a year of    Palestinian Territories has    push for the government to       parliamentary work and          a worsening humanitarian
  t        significant
           anniversaries in
                               not only continued but
                               increased. We are pushing
                                                              review its position on Israeli
                                                              settlement goods and we
                                                                                               debates that keep us busy.
                                                                                                   In April we took Iain
                                                                                                                               crisis. The 10 year blockade
                                                                                                                               on Gaza has led to NGOs
Palestine – 50 years of        the Labour Party to take a     have been supported in           McNicol, Labour Party           classing the Gaza Strip as
occupation, 10 years of the    strong stance on illegal       this by many MPs. LFPME          general secretary, to           unliveable. Human rights
Gaza blockade and 100          settlement activity and,       vice-chair Richard Burden        Palestine to meet NGOs,         violations across Gaza and
years since the Balfour        earlier this year, scores of   says ‘UK businesses should       community groups and            the West Bank continue and
Declaration.                   Labour MPs spoke at a          not collude with illegality      residents; visiting houses      we raised these at our
    There is an increasing     backbench business debate      through any financial            subject to demolition and       events at the Labour Party
need for the international     on the issue in Parliament.    dealings with settlements        witnessing first hand the       conference (kindly
community to push for          Shadow Foreign Secretary       or through the import of         separation wall that cuts       supported by ASLEF) and in
stronger action against        Emily Thornberry said the      settlement goods to the          through so much of              the campaigns we are
human rights violations by     settlements ‘are a roadblock   UK’. And in this year’s          Palestine. He used the visit    leading, as LFPME works
the Israeli government.        to peace and a violation of    manifesto the party again        to strengthen ties between      towards a just and
Illegal settlement activity    international law’.            supported the call for an        the Labour Party and Fatah      equitable solution for the
across the Occupied                LFPME continues to         end to settlements.              and reaffirmed the party’s      Palestinian people.

10 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017

Let me tell you
ELLEN mELLINgtoN, interim head of
cIRAS, the confidential Incident
Reporting and Analysis Service set
up in 1996, reveals why train
companies should listen to the
concerns of railway staff
           UcH of what we do at confidential
 m         reporting for safety is about
           listening, without judgement, to the     We’re here to listen to what you have to say
health and safety concerns of people in safety-     hard to achieve in practice. it requires both
critical roles.                                     parties to put aside their agendas and really
    Health and safety reports typically arrive at   focus on what the other is trying to say.
cirAs carrying a level of dissatisfaction with           Listening more authentically is likely to lead
previous responses. in a recent survey of more      to far fewer health and safety concerns
than 1,000 workers in the UK transport              remaining unaddressed. But this only works if
industry, 43% said that when they reported a        managers respond empathically and act on
safety concern they did not get good                the information entrusted to them at an early
feedback.                                           stage. Training managers with the right
    i spoke to an operator who no longer felt       interpersonal skills to listen more effectively
like speaking up in the workplace. He had           can therefore play an important role in
seen a decade of industry change resulting in       ensuring concerns are not stymied.
lower wages and felt his status as a respected           confidential reporting has an important
member of the workforce had been                    role to play. of course, there is normally less of
diminished. once he had vented his long-            a need to report a concern confidentially if
standing frustration, he began to talk more         individuals feel listened to in their own             common tendency to want to take someone
freely about some of the genuine health and         organisations. in an ideal world, confidential        out of their dark place. But attempting to
safety issues he had concerns about.                reporting would not be necessary. But if the          cheer somebody up can be the equivalent of
    He held a perception that raising a concern     listening breaks down somewhere, or a                 shutting them up if they are not in right frame
internally wouldn’t make any difference.            listening culture isn’t present, confidential         of mind. Allowing an individual to vent and
Whether this perception was true or not, it         reporting can bridge the divide. retrieving the       express negativity is an important part of the
contributed to a feeling of disengagement at        intelligence that might otherwise be lost             listening process.
work. He felt he was primarily there to drive,      requires skilled listeners and cirAs prides itself        Be a calm presence. This provides the
but that his concerns for safety would fall on      on its ability to listen in these circumstances.      environment for someone to trust and feel
deaf ears. i listened as best i could without            Placing the emphasis on listening, rather        confident in opening up to you. it helps here if
saying too much. Those untapped health and          than asking questions, and impartiality, rather       one's body language looks engaged.
safety issues began to surface after a while as     than establishing responsibility, allows the              learn the art of silence. silences are often
he became more comfortable.                         reporter to describe openly what the concern          felt to be awkward. And where there is
    Listening always plays a pivotal role in        is. The tips below can help foster a better           awkwardness, there is anxiety. But silence,
establishing a good health and safety culture.      listening environment:                                properly respected and utilised, allows us the
if there is a listening deficit, either at a             avoid giving advice. giving advice is            time to think and process thoughts and
personal or organisational level, it is likely to   largely incompatible with good listening.             emotions.
negatively impact on the organisation.              Although well-intentioned, it can disrupt the             allow anger to be heard. As a rule,
Authentic listening, where both managers and        flow and may inhibit further dialogue.                allowing someone a safe space to be angry
employees can express themselves freely, is              Sit with them in their cave. There is a          without any acting out is therapeutic. Wait
                                                                                                          until any tirade is over before asking questions
                                                                                                          on what may have triggered the anger. The
the best station pubs in britain                                                                          anger can be effectively contained this way,
                                                                                                          allowing any underlying feelings to emerge.
SImoN JENkINS, author of Britain’s 100                                                                        Encourage dialogue on mental health.
                                                                                                          Authentic listening is especially important
Best Railway Stations (Viking, £25),
                                                                                                          when it comes to breaking down the barriers
reveals his favourite station taverns                                                                     to talking about mental health, thus reducing
THE finest must be the    the best down south                                                             the associated stigmatisation. The removal of
three Great Northern      is the warren of bars                                                           hierarchical boundaries by using informal
spectaculars – the        and sitting rooms of                                                            dialogue can be the stepping stone to open
Sheffield Tap; the art    The Parcel Yard at        Beer on tap at Sheffield station                      communication about mental health.
nouveau York Tap; and     King’s Cross where you    Phoenix at Denmark       beat Lady Foley’s Tea
the magnificent           can disappear for         Hill in south London     Room on the platform         ■ You can contact CiraS by phone (0203
Centurion in              hours. Lesser stations    where, until recently,   at Great Malvern,            142 5369); by post (freepost CiraS); or visit
Newcastle; the last       can seem like pubs        the beer was brewed      where tea comes with         the website ( the report
two designed by           with platforms            on the premises. For     fruit cake and whisky,       hotline is 0800 410 1101 and the report
William Bell. Up with     attached – such as the    subtle charm, few can    if you ask nicely.           textline is 07507 285887.

                                                                                                          December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal           11

SnoW train CoM
uP around thE B
to celebrate the release of Murder on the Orient Express
we take a look behind the scenes of this new version of
Agatha christie’s classic murder mystery and remember
other trains – in fact and fiction – working their way
through snow in winter
             HE nEW big budget version of Agatha         suggests that loss has to be acknowledged or it
  t          christie’s 1934 novel Murder on the
             Orient Express is playing to packed
                                                         can provide a poison that can create another
houses in cinemas around the country. Directed               Murder on the Orient Express was filmed at
by Kenneth Branagh, and produced by ridley               Longcross studios, between virginia Water,
scott, it stars Branagh, wielding ‘the finest            chertsey and cobham in surrey, where the Bond
moustache in Belgium’, as detective Hercule              film Skyfall and the marvel movies Thor: The Dark
Poirot, and Johnny Depp as ratchett, a                   World and Doctor Strange were made.
businessman murdered in the middle of the                    istanbul station – with two tracks and a
night on the famous long-distance train running          platform on either side – was recreated on one of
from istanbul to Paris.                                  the studio’s enormous sound stages, as was the
    This classic whodunnit – there are 14                train itself, a majestic 30 tonne locomotive with
suspects in rail carriages rather than a country         four carriages running along a mile of track, plus
house – co-stars Penélope cruz as the                    a second version with moveable walls for interior
missionary played by ingmar Bergman in sidney            shots. A rig of hydraulics and air bellows beneath
Lumet’s 1974 film; Derek Jacobi as ratchett’s            the carriages, as well as virtual scenery, shot in
valet; Willem Defoe as an American professor;            new Zealand, moving on LED screens, helped
michelle Pfeiffer as a seductive widow; and Judi         convince the cast they were riding on a real train.
Dench as a russian princess with olivia colman               A viaduct, and a 35ft high mountainside
as her maid.                                             stretching for several hundred metres, were also
    When the train is marooned in an avalanche –         built. ‘The special effects team put in a lot of
a snowdrift in the book – Poirot interviews each         work,’ says executive producer matthew Jenkins.
of the passengers in his hunt for the killer.            ‘There were all sorts of different types of snow,
    ‘i like the train being enclosed in snow, the        from powder to snow candles to smoke. They
claustrophobia,’ says Branagh. ‘it’s a tale set in the   also had to devise a way of having snow move
golden age of travel; a world in which you feel          past the windows without making any noise.’
the miles under your feet. Agatha christie                   it might, or might not, be a white christmas
described her work as entertainment but she              this year, but to celebrate the festive season, and
leaves holes, invitations to go a little deeper. she     the release of the film, here are some cinematic
asks whether revenge is worthwhile – can you             moments – and some real scenes – of
forgive, when do you stop hurting? – and                 snowbound trains.

12 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017
Snow trains

                             tom Courtenay as Strelnikov standing by his armoured
                             battle train during the russian civil war in Doctor Zhivago

                                                                                             The Elizabethan, a Br Class 2Mt,
                                                                                             withdrawn in 1966, sat at Severn valley
                                                                                             railway for more than 20 years, and
                                                                                             finally returned after restoration to steam
                                                                                             with the great Central railway in 2004.

                                                             the Pere
                                                             Marquette loco,
                                                             which was the
                                                             inspiration for the
                                                             train featured in
                                                             the movie The
                                                             Polar Express,
                                                             makes one of its
                                                             runs from owosso      A Cumberland Christmas by John Winfield. Crew
                                                             to ashley,            change at the Queen City hotel in Cumberland,
  Kenneth Branagh as                                         Michigan, after a     Maryland. a helper engine is added to aid the E8
  hercule Poirot in Murder                                   heavy snowfall.       loco climb the Sand Patch grade.
  on the Orient Express
  and the crew shooting
  another scene

                                    a Canadian Pacific freight train runs by the side of a snowy river in a majestic winter landscape.

                                                                                           December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal        13

get your motor running
East midlands trains uLR
cHRIS NuttY reports on a
recent study visit to see an
iconic british motorbike
being built at donington

             HE history of the norton
 t           motorcycle company,
             founded as a
manufacturer of ‘fittings and parts
for the two-wheel trade’ in
Birmingham in 1898, could well
have ended in the 1970s with the
demise of norton villiers Triumph          paddock of the Donington Park
but, after a number of false starts,       race circuit. The new factory is
the norton name is back on track.          housed in Donington Hall, once
The firm goes from strength to             the home of British midland. The
strength, with new models, and             two sites could not be more
their racing exploits at the isle of       different, and the move
man TT races. A sixth place for            demonstrates the growth of the
Josh Brookes in the senior TT at           company. it has allowed the firm
this year’s event is no mean feat          to expand its workforce and
when you consider that they were           develop the next generation of
                                                                                the new norton v4 1200; the aSlEf train crew go motor bikin’ at the
up against the likes of Honda,             motorcycle engineers by offering
                                                                                norton motorcycle factory; a vintage poster for the old norton
suzuki, BmW, and Kawasaki. There           apprenticeships to young people.
                                                                                dominator; and the classic norton Commando 961 Sport
is still a lot of prestige to              in the assembly section we saw
manufacturers in winning a TT,             bikes being built for customers in   bikes on display. in the fabrication    has never come cheap.
despite the event losing its world         india, America and, of course, the   section Andy explained the                  The star exhibit of the visit was
championship status back in                UK. our visit coincided with that    amount of work that goes into           the company’s new v4 superbike,
1976. Brookes also set the fastest         of norton’s Japanese distributor.    one of their alloy petrol tanks: five   a 200mph missile that looks
lap, for a norton motorcycle, of           Talk about taking coals to           pieces of aluminium are cut and         absolutely stunning. While it is still
130.88mph during this year’s               newcastle!                           shaped to make a tank; this, and        in development the feedback
senior TT.                                     We were shown round the          the high spec equipment, like           from the test rider, former British
    it’s four years since i last visited   factory by Andy, who gave us the     suspension and electrics, all put       superbike rider and sometime
the norton factory; then it was            lowdown on norton’s isle of man      together by hand, is reflected in       Tv commentator steve Plater, is
based in a building in the                 exploits, with many of the race      the price, but quality, of course,      very good.
                                                                                                                            such is the popularity of these
                                                                                                                        factory visits that when i first tried
Wear a white ribbon                                                                                                     to book a group visit for 10
                                                                                                                        people, back in may, the first date
RIcHARd muRgAtRoYd, trade union                                                                                         i could get was september. The
campaign manager for White Ribbon uk,                                                                                   group was made up of AsLEf
explains what it’s all about – and why you                                                                              members from East midland
might like to wear a ribbon this month                                                                                  Trains and crosscountry, plus
                                                                                                                        friends and family.
            WO women are killed each week by a                                                                              East midland Trains driver Tim

  t         male partner or former partner and one
            in four will suffer domestic violence at
some time in their lifetime; wrecking families and
                                                                                                                        Waterhouse, who was on the trip
                                                                                                                        with his wife nancy, said, ‘The new
                                                                                                                        norton is a small company
lives. But this isn’t just a personal tragedy. Because                                                                  compared with norton past,
violence and discrimination against women                     challenge the idea that violence against women is         building bespoke motorcycles
impacts on all parts of society, including the                just physical – because discrimination, emotional         and a racing department
workplace.                                                    abuse and sexual harassment at work are all               concentrating on the isle of man
    The White Ribbon campaign was set up by men               aspects of the problem, too.                              TT races. it was a pleasure to see,
who believe this isn’t just a women’s issue. Men                 That’s why we have produced a campaign pack            close up, their beautiful machines,
have to be part of the solution.                              for branch officers and workplace reps which gives        handcrafted and assembled by
    Every year on White Ribbon Day – 25 November              you all the ideas and info you need to really make        graduates from norton’s own
– and for the next 10 days trade unionists in                 a splash on White Ribbon Day.                             apprenticeship scheme.’
workplaces across the UK show support to women                   Our vision is that trade unionists will actively           The study visit was well
experiencing violence, sexual harassment or                   support this day throughout the country, so it            received, and we are looking to
bullying. Thousands of people wear the white                  becomes a national demonstration of solidarity –          organise another trip soon. for
ribbon, take part in workplace-based educational              but in offices, factories, work sites, staff canteens     more details or to register please
events and pledge not to commit, condone or                   and cafés, instead of the streets. And, with your         contact AsLEf ULrs nicola Davis
remain silent about the issue.                                help, drivers’ rest rooms, too! Please visit              at or
    It is very much a trade union issue that directly to see how you can get             richard swain at
impacts on female colleagues. We need to                      involved and order campaigning material.        

14 The ASLEF Journal l December 2017
Key Worker

remember days of
skipping school racing
cars and being cool
When gWR driver tom taylor isn’t
taking a class 180 into paddington, he
likes to throw his Renault clio around
the demanding corners of the
Nürburgring in germany. kEItH
RIcHmoNd talks to him about racing
cars, flying gliders and driving trains

          HE legendary nürburgring, which
 t        dips and rises 300m through the
          breathtaking forests of the Eifel
mountains, is, with silverstone, spa, monaco
                                                                                                   tom on the limit at the ring; at a branch meeting;
                                                                                                   representing aSlEf at the tuC young workers’
                                                                                                   conference; and a vigilant glider
and monza, one of the great grand prix motor
racing circuits. Just outside nürburg, in            rAf he worked as an engineer servicing the            course it’s not like that. i’ve put them right and,
rheinland-Pfalz, it’s also one of the most           machines that put straps around bundles of            ironically, rory is now a trainee driver!
challenging, whether it’s the original 17½ mile      newspapers to be sent, often by train, around             ‘i’m really happy i became a train driver. i
gesamtstrecke, the 13 mile nordschleife, or the      the country, before joining the railway as a          really enjoy the job. i’ve always done – and
3 mile grand prix course built for modern            driver.                                               loved – shift work, it’s good money and you
formula 1 cars in 1984. Drivers who mastered             At one stage it looked as if Tom would            get good rest days and annual leave, and it
the original prodigiously long and perilously        follow his father into the rAf. He was a              doesn’t affect my social life.’
narrow track, with its blind crests and 73           member of the Air Training corps in Witney                grahame, 58, is chair of AsLEf’s oxford
bends, such as Tazio nuvolari, Alberto Ascari,       from 13 to 20 and went on camp to ramstein            branch, and encouraged his son to attend
Juan manuel fangio, Jim clark and Jackie             in germany and Akrotiri in cyprus and, at 16,         meetings as soon as Tom joined the union.
stewart, were dubbed the ringmeisters.               won a gliding scholarship to learn to fly on a        ‘Dad dragged me down,’ laughs Tom. ‘i
                                                     grob vigilant T1 powered glider.                      thought i’d see what it was like and i really
LoRdS oF tHE RINg                                        ‘you’d take off with the engine, get up to        enjoyed it and decided to get more involved.’
By a quirk of history, and highway regulations,      1500 feet, then shut off the power, and glide             it was, he says, quite daunting at first but he
the nordschleife has always been a one-way           back into land. it was a fabulous feeling flying      soon got the hang of things, was elected
public toll road on which, when there is no          up there in the sky but funny because i could         branch secretary, and, earlier this year,
racing, anyone with a street legal vehicle and       take off, do a circuit, and land a glider before i    attended the TUc young workers’ conference
valid driver’s licence can ride the ring. These      learned to drive.’                                    at congress House in London with Antony
touristenfahrten days – a snip at €35 a lap – are                                                          Holdsworth (D6) and matt france (D8). ‘Lee
enormously popular with petrolheads.                 mINImum WAgE                                          James from head office was a great help. she
    Which is why Tom Taylor, 26, a driver with       He left school ten years ago, in 2007, did an         sorted everything out and encouraged us all
gWr, and secretary of our oxford branch, has         engineering course at college, and worked at          the way along the line.
for the last four or five years headed off with      the co-op, before going into catering, ‘starting          ‘The union is important – for train drivers
his mates to race around the track. ‘i drove a       on minimum wage, doing 12 hour shifts at a            and for the railway – and the branch structure
renault megane sport and got a real buzz out         pub in Woodstock, ending up as a duty                 is at the heart of this union. We need strong
of it,’ says Tom. ‘i did some track days at          manager.                                              branches to go forward to make a strong
Bedford Autodrome – a good starter circuit               ‘Then, when i was 21, my dad, who’d been a        union. We need more young members, too,
where you can spin and not do much damage            driver for a couple of years by then, came            and it’s good that Ec7 Andy Hudd and Ec1
– and Anglesey and then decided to have a            home one day and said they were looking for           marz colombini are encouraging young
crack at nürburgring where, unfortunately,           trainee drivers, why not go for testing? initially    people to get involved.
there are no run off areas and, if you spin, you     i laughed but, the more he talked about it, the
go into the barrier and it’s very expensive as       more interested i became.                             INSuRANcE poLIcY
they charge you for every metre of Armco you             ‘i didn’t really know what to expect. i had       ‘if we all stand strong behind the people who
damage.                                              an inkling from dad, but they’d changed               negotiate our pay deals then it helps them
    ‘i bought a renault clio, which is road legal,   things, a lot of it was new, and there was a lot      deliver. i know some people see it as taking
but stripped out, with a roll cage, harnesses        to learn. A six week rules course back in             out an insurance policy in case you have a
and bucket seats, and i get a real rush out of it.   college, then Paddington, Bristol, reading and        sPAD. But the truth is that, if AsLEf wasn’t a
Track days are not competitive, you’re not           swindon. it took me 18 months to qualify. i           strong trade union, then our pay and our
racing against the other cars, but you are really    passed out two years ago, on 26 october 2015,         terms and conditions, wouldn’t be anywhere
buzzing when you finish.’                            and felt relieved. And excited! my first job was      near as good.’
    Tom was born in 1991 and brought up in           Banbury to oxford, then oxford to                          And what do people of his age say when
oxfordshire. His dad grahame served for many         Paddington. And i remembered everything! i            they learn how he earns his living? ‘some say
years in the rAf as an engineer – ‘it was an rAf     signed for class 165 turbo and class 180.             it’s easy – monkeys could do it – but many
household, because mum was a medic in the                ‘Two of my best friends, rory and Dec, used       more are interested in what a train driver does,
WrAf’ – at Brize norton and then at rAf              to say the trouble with train drivers is they get     why i’m so young, and how they can apply to
Lyneham in Wiltshire. When grahame left the          paid too much and do nothing all day. of              do it!’

                                                                                                          December 2017 l The ASLEF Journal              15
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