A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017

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A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017

                                        A Future for Adventist
                                        Education in Europe?
                                              oughts from the Trans-European

Reputation Management in Higher Education   Anywhere with Jesus   The Experience of a Lifetime
A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
e Newboldian is a magazine for
    alumni and friends of Newbold
                                                                                                        Letter from the Editor
    College of Higher Education.                                                                        Welcome to the rst annual edition ofe Newboldian. is year we have
                                                                                                        introduced an annual printed issue that will be complemented by a digital
                                                                                                        edition which will give you access to additional content, images, video and
    EDITORIAL TEAM                                                                                      more.
    Kirsty Watkins (Editor)
    John Baildam                                                                                                Look out for the links on the pages to indicate which articles have
    Bisser Stoykov                                                                                              additional content, and enjoy the 2017 issue of e Newboldian!
    Tim Watkins                                                                                                                                                           Kirsty Watkins

    Designed by Sheldon Otto

                                                                                  ALUMNI MAGAZINE

                                               A Future for Adventist
                                               Education in Europe?
                                                     oughts from the Trans-European

       Reputation Management in Higher Education   Anywhere with Jesus   The Experience of a Lifetime

    Pastor Victor Hulbert, Trans-
    European Division Communication
    Director, speaks to Pastor Raafat
    Kamal, TED President, and Dr
    Daniel Duda, TED Education                                                                                        Reconnect and Reunite with Your Classmates
    Director, about the future of
                                                                                                                      Follow the Newbold Alumni Association on Facebook at
    Adventist education in Europe.
                                                                                                                      facebook.com/newboldalumniassociation and register your
                                                                                                                      interest in one of our upcoming alumni events:
    Cover photograph courtesy                                                                                         1970s: 3-5 August, 2018
    of Dragana Selakovic                                                                                              1980s: 2-4 August, 2019
                                                                                                                      1990s: 31 July - 2 August, 2020
                                                                                                                      120 Years of Newbold: 2021


    Disclaimer: e views and opinions expressed                                                         Contacting the Editor
    in this publication are those of the authors and
    do not necessarily re ect the official position of                                                     If you have changed your postal address, would like to update your subscription
    Newbold College of Higher Education. While                                                           preferences, or write to the Editor, please contact us at alumni@newbold.ac.uk
    all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure
    that information included in this publication
                                                                                                         or visit newbold.ac.uk/newboldian-subscribe
    is accurate, it is possible that details may have
    changed since printing.
                                                                                                         Letters to the editor may be considered for publication.
    © Newbold College of Higher Education

2   The Newboldian
A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017

              6                    16                      24                       35
     Features                                       46   1960s Sta ffand Students Reconnect
                                                         and Reunite
6    A Future for Adventist Education?                   Over 110 alumni and former sta ffattended
     An overview of the state of Adventist               a reunion at Newbold in August
     education in Europe

16   Reputation Management in Higher
     Education and the Church
     A study of reputation management               11   Newbold Celebrates irty Years of Business
     principles, with applications for the               Graduates
     Church                                         13   Connecting Business Students with Real-World
24   Moving Beyond Immature Faith:                  14   Integration of Christianity and Business
     A Psychiatrist’s Perspective                   20   Fifty Commit to Christ During Newbold Mission
     Dr Torben Bergland gave the February                Trip to Brazil
     Diversity Lecture at Newbold                   22   Quality Assurance Review
                                                    23   Newbold and Toivonlinna Sign New Agreement
26   International Partnerships                     30   e Experience of a Lifetime
     Our formal and informal relationships          31   Book Reviews
     with institutions and organisations around     38   Taking an Unlikely Educational Path
     the world inform our educational strategies,   41   Newbold Alumnus Joins General Conference
     feed our student body, and enhance the              Ministerial Association
     the international a our of the College         44   A Lifetime of Service: Colin Hole
                                                    48   Newbold Celebrates Graduands at Annual
35   Anywhere with Jesus                                 Awards Ceremony
     e journey of one alumna with God’s
     leading in the fty ears since she
     left Newbold

A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
Dear alumni and friends of Newbold,          solid spiritual context. We are small, yet
                                                                                   typically boast up to sixty different
                                      Welcome to this latest edition of e         nationalities on campus as we seek to
                                      Newboldian, and thank you for                provide quality education for our
                                      choosing to be part of the Newbold           students.
                                      family. Earlier this summer I received an    Highlights in the following pages
                                      email from a former colleague, noting        include Newbold's successful Higher
                                      that once our Awards Ceremony was            Education Review by the Quality
                                      over I would be able to enjoy a few          Assurance Agency for Higher
                                      weeks of relaxation! However, long,          Education; details of partnerships
                                      quiet summers are certainly not a            within the Seventh-day Adventist
                                      feature of life on the Newbold campus        education network; emphasis on
                                      and the past three months have been as       ventures in business and in humanities
                                      action-packed as ever. We have hosted        as the College combines these
                                        fty participants and teachers for a        disciplines into a new Department of
                                      three-week MA Leadership intensive;          Business and Humanities; and the
                                        fty librarians for the annual conference   College's keen interest in promoting
    From the Principal                of the Association of Seventh-day
                                      Adventist Librarians; eighty attendees at
                                                                                   diversity and mission as it seeks to
                                                                                   unveil its new Year in Mission and
                                      a ten-day conference of the Global           Service for September 2018. Articles of
                                      Centre for Adventist-Muslim Relations;       human interest include alumni news,
                                      well over 100 students for our Summer        Newbold's presence at the European
                                                                                   Adventist Youth Congress in Spain, and
                                                                                   stimulating book reviews.
                                                                                   Please continue to pray for my
                                                                                   colleagues and for me as together we
                                                                                   work to ensure that Newbold continues
                        Newbold continues to grow, to flourish, and to              to grow, to ourish, and to seve the
                       serve the Church, our local community, and the              Church, our local community, and the
                                                                                   wider academic world in such a variety
                       wider academic world in such a variety of ways.             of ways.
                                                                                   Advertising for Patek Philippe watches
                                                                                   emphasises the timelessness and
                                                                                   exclusivity of the brand, stating that
                                                                                   “you never actually own a Patek
                                                                                   Philippe, you merely look after it for the
                                                                                   next generation”. And that encapsulates
                                      School in English; and four groups of        precisely what we are endeavouring to
                                      Brazilian language students and              achieve at your College.
                                      teachers, each totalling more than 100.
                                      Moreover, at the beginning of August
                                      we held a 1960s Reunion, attended by
                                      some 110 alumni. It was a pleasure to
                                      mingle with such a wonderful group, for
                                      whom the College clearly evoked such                                    Dr John Baildam
                                      fond memories. It was obvious that their
                                      Newbold experience had indeed been
                                      'life changing and faith affirming', as
                                      our strapline puts it.
                                      Much has happened since the last
                                      edition of e Newboldian, and this
                                      issue hints at many of those events. It
                                      emphasises the key themes of Education
                                      and Internationality, demonstrating how
                                      well the College stresses both, within a

4     The Newboldian
A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
            BEEN AN EXCITING
             JOURNEY SO FAR

Being at Newbold has been an exciting
journey so far. My aim on arrival was to
study hard and involve myself in
activities. Being involved in things like
the Newbold Student Association and
Campus Ministries has also enriched
my experience – both organisations
have been such an encouragement that
I decided to become a member to help
others experience the impact they had
on me.
    As a first-year Theology student I
realised that studying about God does
not automatically improve your personal
time with Him. Strange but true. This
makes me even more grateful for the
uplifting spiritual activities on campus
which have acted as a reminder of the
importance of a personal, one-on-one
relationship with God.

                 Sofeena Lowe - Theology
A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
Photograph: courtesy of Newbold archives

A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
Pastor Victor Hulbert is the Communication Director for the Trans-European Division (TED) of Seventh-day
Adventists, and a Newbold graduate (1981 and 1987). He interviewed Pastor Raafat Kamal, TED President, and Dr
Daniel Duda, TED Education Director, about the future of Adventist education in Europe.

P        astor Raafat Kamal is used to
         thinking outside the box. It is
         part of a president's job to be
visionary. He also needs to stimulate a
vision in others. Sometimes that can be
                                             school has gained signi cant espect and
                                             in uence.
                                             e same can be said in very secular
                                             Finland where house prices have
                                             increased near the Adventist campus in
                                                                                          of the country, sacri cing nancially to
                                                                                          give their children an Adventist
                                                                                          Today the mission eld has m ved
                                                                                          closer to home, the mission territories of
challenging and asking him about             Tampere because people are so keen to        yesteryear now self-sufficient. At home
education is a case in point.                get their children into an openly            parents also want to keep their children
I ask him, “what is the future of            Christian school that is running at          closer to them in a European culture
Adventist education in Europe?” He           capacity. at has revitalised an elderly     where boarding schools of any form are
responds, “at we still have schools –       church congregation with over 100            increasingly out of fashion, parental
that’s a miracle.”                           students regularly attending the Sabbath     values are seen as key, “and where,” Dr
He does not say that lightheartedly. He      evening ‘pizza church’, and identifying it   Duda states, “with a few notable
knows the real commitment of parents,        as ‘my church’ whether baptised or not.      exceptions, private education is seen as
teachers and students across the twenty-     While that kind of story can be repeated     an option primarily for those who are
two countries that make up the TED.          at junior colleges and schools in places     failing in the state system rather than as
He knows the changing demographics,          such as Toivonlinna in Finland,              a rst choice”
the competition with a very effective         Vejleordskolen in Denmark, Tyriord         “We have to take the positive education
and free state educational system, the                                                    values we hold dear as a Church and
challenges of affordability and the need                                                   implement them within the context of
for a distinct ‘Adventist advantage’ in                                                   the local situation,” Dr Duda says.
what the Church must offer – from                                                          “at means strongly supporting the
kindergarten right up to higher                                                           schools we do have, helping them to re-
education.                                                                                vision themselves if necessary, while
He also sees the advantages and                                                           using church and church-related
opportunities. Pr Kamal started Church             We have to take the positive           programmes such as Path nders to instil
employment teaching religion at an                education values we hold dear           positive Christian values in our own
Adventist school in Bergen, Norway,                                                       youth and in their school friends.”
later becoming principal there. “ere              as a Church and implement              For Pr Kamal that may mean a dynamic
are three Christian schools in Bergen.            them within the context of the          shift in thinking that encourages
Within the context of a good education                                                    bridging links between departments.
they also share Christ and give a biblical               local situation.                 “Education, youth, Path nders and
view on origins.” He tells how, in this                                                   Sabbath School all need to be talking to
mission school, he saw students and                                                       each other – working together on joint
their parents being baptised during his                                                   projects,” he says.
time there.                                                                               at can be seen in the UK where the
“at kind of story is being repeated                                                      South England Conference has hosted
across Europe,” Pr Kamal states.             in Norway, Ekebyholm in Sweden, or           teen events at Stanborough School,
Adventists run the only Christian school     Novi Sad in Serbia, other schools have       where Fletewood School children in
in Iceland – giving the population of        closed or are struggling with intake.        Plymouth attend 'Messy Church' with
Reykjavik a positive alternative.            at is a serious challenge – both for the    their parents, or in Tampere where
Maruševeć Adventist school and college       individual school and for the future of      after-school activities include
in Croatia not only provide theological      Adventism in Europe.                         Path nder-elated skills such as
training for pastors in the Adriatic         TED Education Director, Daniel Duda,         orienteering. is also places a huge
Union, but the high school serves as a       recognises that challenge. “For many,        onus on Newbold College of Higher
real centre of in uence for the              the day of the boarding school is gone,”     Education to provide a programme for
surrounding community. e school has         he says. “In the past those schools were     the vast majority of Adventist youth
grown from 126 to 196 students over            lled with the childen of missionary        who will never have had opportunity to
the past e years – much of that intake       parents serving overseas. Parents would      attend an Adventist school.
coming from the local village where the      also send their children from other parts

A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
Suomen Kristillinen Yhteiskoulu (Toivonlinna School), Finland.

                                                                                                           of the world and then as a college to
          Photograph: supplied
                                                                                                           provide a balanced theological
                                                                                                           background for others whose primary
                                                                                                           career path may be in another
                                                                                                           Beyond that the College now has a
                                                                                                           refocus in providing a business
                                                                                                           programme tailored to support the non-
                                                                                                           pro t secto, and a Year in Mission and
                                                                                                           Service, giving youth a basic foundation
                                                                                                           in the Adventist world-view that will
                                                                                                           help them face the rigours of developing
                                                                                                           and defending their faith as they hit
                                                                                                           either university or the workplace.
                                                                                                           is may be a change of emphasis, but
        Older Novi Sad students give a warm welcome and advice to the new intake for the school year.      is one that Dr Duda is excited about.
                                                                                                           “Youth, with the strong support of their
    “I see Newbold as core to our education            something very important in today’s                 parents, the local church and the
    strategy for youth,” Pr Kamal states. He           multi-cultural Europe – and essentially             Conference, should be encouraged to
    speaks, rst of all, fom experience.                important for mission.”                             spend a year at Newbold.”
    “Newbold changed me,” he confesses.                Newbold itself has changed in character             Scholarships can help make this an
    “I came from a small village with a ed             from the days when Dr Duda and Pr                   affordable goal. Over £110,000 (0.25%
    mindset. Even though I grew up in a                Kamal were students. e Humanities                  of all tithe given across the Division) is
    loving Adventist home, it is Newbold               programmes were strong in their day.                set aside to support this programme, but
    that gave me the ability to think and              Now even the best secular universities              the added value, beyond nance, is a
    reason about my faith and my world-                  nd them in decline. Changing                      generation of youth who can think
    view.” Now a theologian as well as an              immigration regulations, student visas              through their faith constructively,
    educator, Dr Duda agrees. “I grew up in            and sociological issues have also had an            returning home to be engaged with
    a forty-member church within a                     effect, but “Newbold is here to stay –               mission – or at least with the skills to
    secularised communist society. While               and for good reason,” they emphasise.               stand up for their faith. ose
    that church shaped my desire to explore            “We see Newbold with a two-pronged                  committing to a degree programme can
    my faith further, it is Newbold that               focus,” Pr Kamal says. “In the rst place            also gain sponsorship.
    radically expanded my vision. It also              it will always be a seminary – a place to           “Many who come from small churches
    gave me a multi-ethnic world view –                educate our future pastors for this part            with limited numbers of youth will

8      The Newboldian
A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017
bene t y gaining an Adventist world-          Campus Ministries Director. Recently       ey constantly sing, and they are
view beyond their local setting, gaining      completing his doctorate at Oxford         happy, and we had a very nice
an experience of worship styles,              University, and actively involved in       experience. I think that this kind of
theological diversity, cultural diversity,    student life for many years, Dr Lazić      event should happen more often." at
and simply living in an Adventist             combines this role with that of Lecturer   is the kind of response that brings joy
environment,” Pr Kamal says. “All we          in Systematic eology at Newbold.          and hope to Dr Lazić, Dr Duda and Pr
ask in return is that they head home as       “We recognise that most of our             Kamal.
committed lay-members and a blessing          Adventist students in Europe will study    So what are these leaders looking for in
to a local church.”                           on a secular campus. is comes with        terms of education in Europe?
“Every year we see students from              both challenges and opportunities,” Pr     A clear priority is to give Adventist
Adventist homes who come to                   Kamal notes. e challenge is the           children, youth and adults permission
Newbold, think through their faith,           temptation that comes with the student     and opportunity to think about and
commit to follow Christ, and then             lifestyle, spreading one’s wings away      develop their faith in a safe, open
desire baptism before they head home,”        from home. e opportunity is that in       environment. is may be a formal
Dr Duda notes. “ose youth are going          the right environment and with the         educational setting or, for many, in the
to make a difference wherever they go.         right coaching, such students can be a     context of church and church-related
ose already baptised still continue          beacon of light on their campus.”          activities.
their journey exploring their faith, and      Dr Lazić is working in cooperation with    ey want to see our schools and junior
even the sense of volunteerism that we        student leaders across the TED to          colleges as an important part of
see developing on the campus bodes            provide resources and coaching. Last       Adventist mission, providing positive,
well for their future.”                       year he joined with forty- e students in   holistic Christian education not just for
Strategically, both leaders see the           the Netherlands for a weekend on social    our own children but as a sphere of
following criteria as essential to the        justice – an item high on the student      in uence and in olvement in the wider
Newbold experience:                           agenda.                                    community.
                                                                                         ey want to strongly encourage all
Ÿ   Providing a biblical, Seventh-day                                                    youth to take time to spend one year at
    Adventist, Christ-centred campus                                                     Newbold as a chance to expand their
    life and education                                                                   spiritual and academic horizons and
Ÿ   Exploring intellectual curiosity in a                                                prepare them to face the challenges of a
    safe environment                              Every year we see students from        secular university or work environment.
Ÿ   A place for rational enquiry and               Adventist homes who come to           ey want to see enhancement of the
    personal creativity                                                                  student chaplaincy programme
Ÿ   An environment that will enhance                Newbold, think through their         encouraging Adventist chapters in all
    emotional, creative and spiritual              faith, commit to follow Christ,       major universities, thus providing
    development                                                                          forums and resources for students to
Ÿ   A place to develop social                     and then desire baptism before         develop their faith, connecting and
    responsibility, equality, diversity and                they head home.               supporting each other.
    inclusivity, and                                                                     Beyond all, they hold fast to the key aim
Ÿ   An education that will develop                                                       of positive, Adventist education:
    excellence and achievement.                                                          “e greatest want of the world is the
                                                                                         want of men — men who will not be
e Newbold experience stretches                                                          bought or sold, men who in their
beyond the con nes of the campus.             en in the summer he spent a week          inmost souls are true and honest, men
College sta fflecture at four other            with fty outh from the South-East          who do not fear to call sin by its right
Union-based seminaries in Croatia,            European Union on a mission project in     name, men whose conscience is as true
Hungary, Poland and Serbia as well as         a run-down village in north-east Serbia.   to duty as the needle to the pole, men
providing distance-learning options.          During a week of painting, gardening,      who will stand for the right though the
ey are also sought-after as presenters       renovation and music ministry, he was      heavens fall.” [Ellen G. White,
at various conferences, spiritual retreats    also able to share positive spiritual      Education, p.57]
and camps across the TED. at too is          principles that helped the youth make
part of education.                            positive choices for the future.                                   Pr Victor Hulbert
Beyond that, the TED strategically            Žarko Jovanović was one of the
appointed Dr Tihomir Lazić as Public          participants. "Since I don't come from
                                              an Adventist home, I was thrilled to
                                              experience the Christian fellowship that
                                              was present among the participants.

A Future for Adventist Education in Europe? - ALUMNI MAGAZINE 2017

      The classes at Newbold have really
      pushed me to think critically, and
      become more comfortable with
      presenting ideas to my peers – both
      skills which are vital to my future career.
          The assessment model at Newbold
      is different from assessment in the US,
      and the change has forced me to
      improve the quality and quantity of work
      I put into it – I have ended up producing
      some of the best academic papers I
      have ever written.
          I have loved my time at Newbold. I
      have made so many friends, and been
      pushed to enlarge my comfort zone.
      Newbold has given me a fresh start, but
      more importantly I found Jesus here.

                  Matt Neall - Southern Business
                          Exchange Programme
Newbold Celebrates 30 Years of Business Graduates

                                                                                                 Photography: Asun Olivan

 Students, staff, and special guests gathered at a
                                                                    he work was made possible thanks to a series of
                                                                    generous donations to the Newbold College Business
 special ceremony in November 2016 to dedicate newly                Student Alumni Society’s student scholarship fund,
                                                          made in recognition of and appreciation for the “tireless work
 renovated classrooms used primarily by Newbold’s         done by all the past and present sta ffof the School of Business”,
 Business classes, and to celebrate the thirtieth         of which there have been over twenty. e fund also provides
                                                          scholarships to support eligible nal- ear students. e money
 anniversary of the first graduates from the College’s     for the renovation was donated by Business alumni who are
                                                          dedicated to the success of the School of Business in providing
 Business programme.                                      a high-quality Christian business education.
                                                          “We are very grateful for the continued nancial contributions
                                                          from our Business alumni to the Society,” said Mr John Crissey,
 The almost-300 students who have graduated from          who has been lecturing full-time in strategic marketing and
                                                          management at Newbold since 2003. “It’s important for
 the School of Business were recognised, in addition to   students to have high-quality educational facilities to study in,
 the some 2,800 students who have taken at least one      and it helps to encourage better teaching in a conducive
                                                          professional environment.”
 Business module at Newbold.                              e renovation of classrooms 2 and 3 in Murdoch Hall was the
                                                            rst signi cant w k undertaken on them since the building
                                                          (known as the Seminary until 1992) was erected in 1983.
                                                          Renovations included redecorating and refurnishing, which
                                                          were largely undertaken by the College’s Campus and Estate
                                                          Services team. e classrooms also received new information
                                                          technology infrastructure, as well as artwork by internationally
                                                          renowned Russian-Australian illustrator Sergey Nivens, who is
                                                          known for his use of symbols to portray business people in
                                                          everyday office situations.

Newbold Principal, Dr John Baildam, spoke on behalf of the
     College and highlighted the School’s impressive Business
     graduate outcomes. “ere are those worrk for leading rms in
     both the for-pro t and not-for-pro t sectors, such as the ed
     Cross, the United Nations, Swiss Bank Corporation, Florida
     Hospital, General Electric, and BBC Worldwide, as well as the
     Adventist Church, whom we are proud to call Newbold
     graduates,” he said. “We are one of the most international
     Adventist higher education institutions, and although we are
     smaller than many others, we have a great impact.”
     Dr Baildam also took the opportunity to reiterate that, despite
     rumours to the contrary, the College will continue to operate
     into the foreseeable future with all current curriculum areas
     and programmes, and with the full support of the College           Top left: Dr John Baildam and Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas cutting the ribbon.
     Board and the Trans-European Division. He also recognised          Top right: Sta ffattend the dedication event.
     the signi cant contribution that both ohn Crissey and              Bottom right: Pastor Wayne Erasmus speaking at the classroom dedication.
     Marinko Markek have made to the School as they have led the        secular in the world of the sacred; and there can be much that
     Business programme in recent years.                                is sacred in the world of the secular. e world of the Church
     Dr Baildam welcomed Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas, former               is not all sacred. And the world of Business is not all secular.”
     Interim Head of the School of Business who joined the              Pr Erasmus attributed this crossover to what is put into these
     College in September 2016 from the University of Turku in          worlds in terms of the thoughts, worldviews, and passion that
     Finland. He was positive about the expansion in programme          are nurtured in the people who inhabit them.
     offerings that would become possible as a result of this increase   “ese rooms resonate with our belief that God calls men and
     in staffing in the School.                                           women in all walks of life to join with Him in lives of
     Dr Kuoppakangas said that she was impressed with the quality       grace- lled sevice and extraordinary generosity. at God’s
     of facilities available in the School of Business. “I found it     greatest desire is to always bless people. He blesses in so many
     fascinating that the rooms were so professional and appealing,”    different ways; and sometimes he does that through places.
     said Dr Kuoppakangas. “I have only ever seen such high             Places such as this. Rooms such as these,” he said. “We are
     standards and quality in board rooms at other universities.        blessed to stand in a renewed and revitalised space made
     ese assets help create an atmosphere of real business life, and   possible through the generosity of those who, in their turn,
     provide a foundation for us to expand the Business                 were blessed in these spaces; who began to discover in this
     programmes we offer and continue to work towards further            place the spirit of service and the grace of generosity."
     growth and enrolment.”
     Pastor Wayne Erasmus, Senior Pastor at the Newbold Church,                                                                   Kirsty Watkins
     also spoke at the event. He began by pointing out the tension
     that sometimes exists between the worlds of faith and business.
     But, he said, “the truth is that there can be much that is

                                                                                                                         AVAILABLE ONLINE:

12      The Newboldian
Photograph: Niky Stoykov

        Connecting Business Students with Real-World Business
        John Crissey is a Business Studies lecturer in Newbold's Department of Humanities and Business, and a Newbold
        Business graduate (1987). A key aspect of Business at Newbold is the Business Alumni Connect programme, which
        brings current students into contact with former students who are now active business leaders.

        N           ewbold's Business Alumni
                    Connect programme aims to
                    provide an on-campus
        interaction between students and
        Newbold Business alumni who are
                                                    along the same academic track as they
                                                    once did, and supporting the
                                                    advancement of Adventist business
                                                    rough this connection with alumni,
                                                                                               felt like an equal in a male-dominated
                                                                                               industry. “eoretical ideas were also
                                                                                               tested when we visited the headquarters
                                                                                               of the United Nations in Geneva
                                                                                               recently,” says Mr Crissey. “Here we saw
        active leaders, most of whom work in        current students are able to compare the   how the roles of this non-governmental
        international rms with UK operations.       experiences alumni have had with the       organisation, the UK, and faith-based
        It also gives students the opportunity to   path that they are on themselves, with a   organisations in helping to solve the
        see how the theory they learn in the        similar educational background. “is is    world’s problems, were tested in ways
        classroom is applied in the real world      important, as graduating from a small,     not explored in the classroom.”
        – "a way of connecting theory and           Christian institution such as Newbold is   e College also recently established a
        practical application," says Mr Crissey.    a rare experience,” says Mr Crissey.       chapter of the international honour
        While the programme has been in             e Business Alumni Connect                 society, Sigma Beta Delta, another way
        operation since 2003, the seminars are      programme is not the only way that the     the School of Business distinguishes its
        now an integral part of Business Studies    School of Business is exposing its         graduates. Students are invited to join
        at Newbold, and are fully integrated        students to real-world business            the society based on their academic
        with teaching – the lessons, themes and     environments. rough scheduled             background and demonstrated
        case studies presented during the           international trips students can           leadership activities. "Students who
        seminars re ected in the classoom. Mr       experience rst-hand the way                become members are able to highlight
        Crissey describes the seminars as           organisations operate, note the level of   this to future employers, as an
        "bringing real-world activity to our        professionalism of their employees, and    independent recognition of their
        campus, providing a relaxed format for      visualise how they would t into such       academic achievement," says Mr
        students to interact with business people   environments. During a recent trip to      Crissey. "Today’s employers are looking
        they wouldn't otherwise have had access     Vienna, Business students visited the      for this, which we've heard directly from
        to. e seminars are also an excellent       headquarters of the Organisation of the    companies we have visited recently,
        chance for our students to network!” It’s   Petroleum Exporting Countries              including JP Morgan and Hewlett
        not just students who gain from the         (OPEC). e visit challenged a number       Packard Enterprises. Establishing this
        programme – alumni bene t y                 of preconceptions, such as how the price   local chapter allows Newbold to further
        reconnecting with students and the          of petrol is mostly composed of tax in     strengthen the brand of the School of
        College, helping others progress            the UK, or how the group’s female host     Business externally."
                                                                                                                          Natalie Kendel

Integration of Christianity and Business
     Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas spent a year at Newbold as the Interim Head of the School of Business from September
     2016 to August 2017. She had spent seven years as a lecturer, researcher and administrator at the University of
     Turku, in Finland, and has two decades’ experience in people and project management. Dr Kuoppakangas has
     since returned to Finland, where her family still resides. From 1 September 2017 Newbold’s School of Business and
     Study Abroad Programmes are combined in a new Department of Business and Humanities, under the substantive
     leadership of Dr Sandra Rigby-Barrett.

     D            uring my academic career I
                  have learned that the
                  understanding of human
     beings and the function of organisations
     is at the core of business studies.
                                                  transferable work-life skills that are not
                                                  just applicable to organisations, but are
                                                  essential – whether for-pro t or not-for-
                                                  pro t, publicly or pri ately owned, large
                                                  or small.
                                                                                               accounting, and with skills in
                                                                                               stakeholder and shareholder governance
                                                                                               in Adventist organisations and
                                                                                               networks. ey are crying out for
                                                                                               leaders and managers who can employ
     Some time ago I had the privilege to         Adventist organisations – from health        analytical skills in their everyday work,
     hear from someone that "business             care to publishing houses, and from          and who understand the need for
     schools do teach some business, but          church offices to education networks –         fundraising, marketing, and branding
     actually their core aim is to teach          need professional Business graduates         within the umbrella of communications.
     students to be better people".               such as ours. Graduates who enter the        e professional knowledge, skills, and
     If this is a claim that a secular higher     workplace with Christian values, who         ability that enable individuals to build
     education organisation can make, then        are in possession of solid leadership and    bridges and reconcile organisational
     how much further should we – an              managerial skills, and who clearly           dilemmas gained from business studies
     organisation with Christian values and       understand the value of organisational       in institutions such as Newbold, lend
     education at the heart of our business –     planning and the operational uency           accountability and sustainability to
     be reaching?                                 which it affords to such organisations.       Adventist organisations worldwide.
     e most unique aspect of taking              ese entities also need professionals        I would urge anyone who is a leader of
     Business Studies at Newbold is our           with human resource management skills        an Adventist organisation or network, or
     integration of Christian values into our     who can improve work-wellbeing and           who is in a position of in uence to
     curriculum. We also aim to teach our         decrease sick leave and the turnover of      provide such advice, to encourage those
     students to hold on to Christian values      human resources. It needs individuals in     with an interest in professional
     and blend them with the knowledge and        whom the necessary strategic decision-       organisational work to come to
     skills they learn, and encourage them to     making and policy development skills         Newbold to learn work-life skills in our
     apply these values in their future careers   are ingrained, and who are at the            Business Studies degree programme and
     or postgraduate studies.                     disposal of organisations to ensure their    to invest in the future of the Seventh-
     In the discipline of Business Studies, we    success.                                     day Adventist Church.
     aim to communicate clearly that the          ere is a growing need for professionals
     academic discipline we teach provides        in the core functions of nance and                           Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas

14      The Newboldian
            AS I HAVE AT NEWBOLD

I had wanted to experience Newbold
for some time, and so far it is
everything I thought it would be, and
more. So much more. The classes, the
teachers, the people, the church, and
England itself.
    Coming to Newbold made me
realise how much more I could be
involving God in my personal life. I have
never felt God so deeply and strongly
as I have at Newbold. So far my
Newbold experience has been
life-changing for me, in a positive and
healthy way.

                 Karen Holman - Theology
Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas joined the Newbold staff in September 2016 as interim head of the School of Business.
She is internationally published in peer-reviewed journals, and co-author of a research paper which appeared in
the ‘International Journal of Educational Management’ in 2014, titled Focusing on Dilemmas Challenging
Reputation Management in Higher Education. Natalie Kendel uses this paper, which explores a more holistic
approach to reputation management in institutions of higher education, to draw parallels between this approach
for businesses, and issues relevant to the Adventist Church in Europe. For ease of navigation reference below to Dr
Kuoppakangas’s authorship refers to the team of authors as a whole.

I    n the course of the paper, Dr
     Kuoppakangas et al³ address
     matters such as the bene ts
potentially generated by a good
reputation, a number of internal and
                                           intangible asset, and that an
                                           organisation's reputation is symptomatic
                                           of its ability to meet the customer's
                                           needs, often in ways which are difficult
                                           to measure, and therefore difficult to

                                                                                             It might in uence the eadiness of
                                                                                             suppliers to form partnerships with
                                                                                             the organisation
                                                                                             It may in uence the stance of
                                                                                             regulators and pressure groups
external in uences which contribute to     pre-assess. Dr Kuoppakangas echoes            Ÿ   It can attract positive media coverage
an institution's brand, and rami cations   Roberts and Dowling when                      Ÿ   It can cultivate media awareness
of a damaged reputation. A prime issue     acknowledging the value-creating              Ÿ   It can positively in uence in estor's
examined in the study is that of the       potential of a good reputation, and due           decisions
crucial role of stakeholders and their     to its intangible nature, it is hard for
expectations. Dr Kuoppakangas              competing organisations to successfully       Education is highlighted as being a
articulates the prime theoretical          imitate.                                      service which is difficult to assess in
contribution of the paper as being to                                                    advance. Due to this, brand and
apply dilemma theory (problematic                                                        reputation are growing increasingly
decision-making between two extremes,                                                    integral in a competitive higher-
X and Y, which are equally logical and                                                   education market; reputation, in fact,
desirable¹²) in parallel with reputation                                                 becomes an axis in university
theory. She demonstrates how the
                                                  Reputation is a collection of          management.
dilemma-reconciliation method² can be            perceptions and beliefs, both
used in order to improve reputation
                                                past and present, which reside           Challenges Higher Education Institutions
management in higher education. It
approaches reputation management not              in the consciousness of an             Face Today
                                                                                         A variety of the challenges which many
merely as a marketing challenge, but
also as a substantial management issue.
                                                 organisation’s stakeholders.            universities and colleges of higher
                                                                                         education presently face are pinpointed
Numerous principles derived from the
                                                                                         in the course of the study. ese include
paper can advantageously be applied to
                                                                                         “scant resources” in a competitive
the management of the Adventist
                                                                                         market, ghting for suppot from
organisation, as will be explored in the
                                           e paper lists some of the bene ts of a       contributors, and the challenge of
course of this article.
                                           good reputation in higher education as        attracting competent prospective
                                           including:                                    students. In particular, Dr
The Benefits of a Good Reputation                                                         Kuoppakangas focuses on the challenge
An institution of higher education         Ÿ   e protection it can offer an              universities face in regard to their
having a good reputation has many              organisation in times of crisis           stakeholders. In addition to contesting
bene ts. r Kuoppakangas cites Rayner       Ÿ   e help it can offer an organisation       for support from various stakeholders,
in offering the de nition: eputation is         in avoiding crisis                        universities are met with their differing
a collection of perceptions and beliefs,   Ÿ   It can attract competent employees        expectations. Expanding on this point,
both past and present, which reside in     Ÿ   It can facilitate the retention of the    Dr Kuoppakangas speci es h w
the consciousness of an organisation’s         best talents                              reputation management can be
stakeholders”.⁴ She concurs with           Ÿ   It can attract customers                  problematic in higher education due to
Markwick and Fill in that reputation is    Ÿ   It can in uence the buying                the fact that different groups assess an
a “a deep and durable concept, and             behaviour of customers                    institution's quality and reputation
something to be earned over time.⁵ ”       Ÿ   It can affects an organisation's ability   based on how it's met their particular
e paper describes a good reputation as        to charge premium prices                  expectations⁶. As previously mentioned,
frequently being regarded as an

Photography: Getty Images

              the paper identi es an organisation's      previously explained, a good reputation      identify current students as major
              reputation as being symptomatic of its     is earned over time. e research paper       stakeholders⁹ in higher education.
              ability to meet the customer's needs.      makes mention of the challenge of sub-       Assuming Rayner's advice is to be
              But if then the customers, or the          branding, which often comes from             followed, which advises the
              stakeholders, have varying de nitions of   schools and universities having a            prioritisation of chief stakeholders, then
              what a satisfying experience looks like,   distinct reputation. ese are sometimes      engagement with current students, in
              or they have varying needs, universities   created due to the complexity of an          order to understand their thoughts and
              are naturally confronted with potential    organisation; the individual faculty         expectations, is key. If institutions of
              dilemmas. Attracting competent             member has individual freedom,               higher education accept current
              students is intrinsically linked to a      therefore making room for varying            students as being major stakeholders, it
              university's growth, as a University’s     performances in different units of an         would credibly be an excellent
              reputation for such competency plays a     organisation's body. A consumer or           reputation management initiative to
              key role in the decision-making of         stakeholder may have an adverse              actively, keenly, and openly keep a
              prospective students⁶.                     experience with an individual within           nger on the pulse of its curent
              Dr Kuoppakangas deduces universities       the organisation, and though this            students, their needs, and satisfaction
              “are thus forced to consider the           faculty member may have been acting          rates. is would likely require open
              management of their reputation in          contrary to the institution's official         dialogue and good communication.
              order to survive.” e ndings of her        value system, their behaviour can            (And this engagement ought to take
              research insist that an institution's      nevertheless cause a negative experience.    place while students are currently
              reputation is not a mere aesthetic,        Arguably, this unsatisfying encounter        attending the university in question.)
              super cial element, but rathe, an          may, in turn, saturate the general           is may set into motion a chain
              imperative.                                experience a stakeholder/consumer may        reaction increasing customer
                                                         have of dealing with an organisation as      satisfaction, investing in a good
              When an Organisation's Reputation is       a whole, thus engendering a poor             reputation, and increasing the chance of
                                                         reputation.                                  institutional growth, quality, and
              Damaged                                                                                 longevity.
              Dr Kuoppakangas de nes eputation
              risk in this study by quoting Gaultier-    Current Students as Major Stakeholders       If one were to acknowledge the link
                                                         Argenti is quoted as saying: “A central      between a university achieving current
              Gaillard and Louisot⁷ as being “any
                                                         task of successful reputation                student satisfaction and building up a
              action, event, or circumstance that
                                                         management lies in identifying what          good reputation, one could logically
              could adversely or bene cially impact
                                                         each stakeholder wants, and to act           conclude that understanding and
              on an organisation’s reputation”. She
                                                         accordingly”⁸. Dr Kuoppakangas further       satisfying current students would
              astutely highlights that a damaged
                                                         cites Rayner in de ning eputation            qualify as an act of reputation
              reputation cannot be mended quickly.
                                                         management as beginning with                 management. Dr Kuoppakangas
              Institutions frequently attempt to
                                                         identifying all the stakeholders – both      identi es arious dilemmas in terms of
              manage their reputation, even a
                                                         those with direct and indirect interests⁴   operational and leadership decision
              damaged one, through “effective
                                                         Dr Kuoppakangas goes on to aptly             making, stating,“In the context of
              promotion campaigns”⁵, but as

   18         The Newboldian
university management there is rarely a      values. If reputation management is a        opposing parties, and in the process, risk
single, clear-cut course of action: the      management issue, then could we              losing core integrity, message, and
point is to make the best decision that,     assume that it would be paramount for        quality.Fifthly, the Church experiences
at that moment, holds for the                those managing the Church to clearly         the same challenge as every other
immediate future.”⁹                          communicate, demonstrate, and                organisation when faced with crisis,
                                             perpetuate core values to the greater        which is the tendency to be reactive. A
Parallels to the Church                      organisation?
                                             irdly, what might Dr Kuoppagangas’
                                                                                          crisis can trigger reputation-defending
                                                                                          campaigning, but defending or even
                                             study's assertion about a good               attempting to create a reputation in
If we were to apply some of the
                                             reputation being established over time       times of crisis are usually ineffective.
principles of Dr Kuoppakangas' research
                                             signify to all church organisations? If a    Good, strong reputations are created in
paper to the management of the
                                             reputation is formed over a longer           advance of a crisis.
organisation of the Seventh-day
                                             period of time, this would suggest a core    e Church could spend large amounts
Adventist Church, what lessons and
                                             element of relationship being necessary      of funds and manpower on attempting
insights might we glean? Firstly, it may
                                             to achieve said reputation. is would        to perpetuate its brand and reputation,
be bene cial to begin y accepting the
                                             seem to be consistent with the Church        but if that brand is not fuelled by a
role of reputation and reputation
                                             purpose being about people, and Jesus'       strong, internal value system, it is
management in the Church. And that
                                             statement of his disciples being             unlikely to withstand crisis. Consistent,
this responsibility belongs to all
                                             recognised by their love. Are not            internal integrity to a set of core values
members of the body, whether it be at
                                             relationships the context for love to be     will, in time, generate a strong
the highest level of management at the
                                             shown and experienced over time?             reputation, not earned through tactful
General Conference, among local
                                                                                          public relations, or official statements of
pastors, or the grass roots level of the
                                                                                          intent, but through authentic
organisation. An organisation's
reputation may be viewed by some as a
mere synthetic shell around the
organisation – an image to uphold –               If reputation management is a                                               Natalie Kendel

and that it serves no real purpose, being         management issue, then could
purely super cial. ut if the Church's
'business' is people¹⁰, and reputation is           we assume that it would be
created by consumer experience, can it            paramount for those managing
not be said that reputation can both
affect the growth of a Church, as well as                the Church to clearly             Sources:

be indicative of people's experience of          communicate, demonstrate, and            Ÿ   ¹ Iⁿⁿ  ⁿ  J uⁿ  f Euc  ⁿ  M ⁿ gⁿ
                                                                                              Volume 28, No. 4, 2014, p. 461
it? Jesus spoke about reputation, saying                                                  Ÿ   ² D   y u pu  ⁿ k 
to his disciples: “By this everyone will           perpetuate core values to the              con icting aims and expectations of stakeholders.
                                                                                          Ÿ   ³ Su  K  ⁿ Ku pp k ⁿg  Pävkk ⁿ Hy
know that you are my disciples, if you                 greater organisation?              Ÿ
                                                                                              Ulla and Hampden-Turner Charles and
                                                                                              Kangaslahti Jukka (2014): Focusing on dilemmas
have love for one another.”¹¹ is
                                                                                              challenging reputation management in higher
doesn't advocate meeting everyone's                                                       Ÿ   education, International Journal of Educational
expectations, but rather, that God's                                                          Management, Volume 28, No. 4, p. 462
                                                                                          Ÿ   ⁴ R yⁿ J ⁽²⁰⁰⁵⁾ M ⁿ gⁿg Rpu  ⁿ  Rk –
Church would be known and identi ed                                                           Curbing reats, Leveraging Opportunities,
through a speci c eputation.                 Fourthly, might not the Church bene t        Ÿ   John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, p. 1
                                                                                          Ÿ   ⁵ M kwck N ⁿ F C ⁽¹⁹⁹⁷⁾ “T w 
Secondly, it might be worth asking what      from asking who its major stakeholders           framewok for managing corporate identity”,
the implications of not treating the         are? Is it the local members? e             Ÿ   European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 Nos 5/6, pp.
Church's reputation as merely a                                                               396-409.
                                             General Conference? e Union                 Ÿ   ⁶ Ku pp k ⁿg  p ⁴⁶³
marketing challenge, but rather a            leaders? Only once the major                 Ÿ   ⁷ G uG   S ⁿ L u  JP ⁽²⁰⁰⁶⁾
management issue, might be. e               stakeholder/s have been identi ed, can           “Risk to reputation: a global approach”, e
                                                                                          Ÿ   Geneva Papers, Vol. 31 No. 3, p. 431
characteristics of a well-run business are   their expectations be heard and              Ÿ   ⁸ Agⁿ P ⁽²⁰⁰⁰⁾ “B ⁿⁿg c : pu  ⁿ
not automatically opposed to faith.          potentially satis ed. t may be tempting          management for MBA programs”,
                                                                                          Ÿ   Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 3 No. 2, p. 177
Rather, faith-based values such as           to assume that if the Church was to          Ÿ   ⁹ Ku pp k ⁿg  pp ⁴⁶⁴⁴⁶⁵
integrity, honesty, service-mindedness,      'admit' it had a                             Ÿ   ¹⁰ “W  Oⁿ B y” Svⁿ D y Avⁿ
being other-centred, professionalism,                                                         Church,
                                             stakeholder/stakeholders, then it would          http://www.adventist.org/en/beliefs/church/,
respectful to all levels of society, the     be wrongly attempting to please other            accessed 13th June 2017
willingness to learn and reassess,           authorities than God. But, arguably, it is   Ÿ   ¹¹ J ⁿ ¹³:³⁵  Nw Rv S ⁿ  V ⁿ
                                                                                          Ÿ   ¹² Ku pp k ⁿg  ²⁰¹⁵ p ⁸¹; H pⁿTuⁿ
fairness, humility, coaching, and            rather when an organisation fails to             1990
accepting criticism ought to be held as      identify its stakeholders that it is more
both Church values, and business             likely to attempt pleasing many,

Photograph: Supplied

     Fifty Commit to Christ During
     Newbold Mission Trip to Brazil
     Members of the Newbold community joined colleagues and lay members from the South England Conference
     (SEC) on a mission trip to Brazil from 15 October - 1 November 2016. Eight students were accompanied on the trip
     by Dr Bjørn Ottesen, Head of the Department of Theological Studies, and Pastor Rafael Luz from the SEC, visiting
     Adventist organisations in São Paolo and undertaking evangelism in the country’s north-east.

              he evangelistic series, held      baptism in the future. It is expected that   enhance children’s ministry. Newbold
              north of Belém, was the           many more will also make decisions for       student Clebson Braga led a programme
              culmination of a longer           Christ as the local churches continue        for children in one of the churches, and
     campaign of meetings and Bible studies     this ministry.                               around forty children, mainly non-
     held by some of the local Adventist        Dee Edwards, a postgraduate eology          Adventist, joined in, eager to take part
     churches. Over 500, mostly non-            student and former President of              in the lessons. Another student, Ruben
     Adventists, attended over eight days in    Newbold’s Ministerial Society who led        Gaspar, helped one church to start a
     eleven separate churches.                  in the organisation of the project, said     Path nder Clu .
     Dr Ottesen states that “Newbold has a      she had a wonderful experience               Dr Ottesen said that the purpose of the
     good relationship with the Church in       preaching in the small church she served     trip was to learn speci cally about the
     Brazil, with many young people and         in. “People were keen to listen to the       Adventist Church within the Brazilian
     several of the Church’s leaders having     messages, and they were so warm and          culture. “We wanted to take our
     studied on the Newbold campus.             welcoming. It was a joy when a number        students to a place where they could
     Church growth is incredibly strong in      decided to be baptised by the end of the     experience people making decisions to
     the north of Brazil, and it is an area     week. It was an amazing opportunity to       become Christians and Adventist – in
     where we felt we could really contribute   experience evangelism somewhere very         Brazil this usually happens more quickly
     to the evangelistic efforts of the local    different from my own context.” Dee           than in a Western European setting.”
     churches.”                                 also noted that for her “it was also a       Newbold students also stayed at the
     e group also undertook studies in the     wonderful surprise how much the              Amazon Adventist College, which offers
     homes of people who attended the talks.    people we met enjoyed the more               elementary, middle, and higher
     thirty-four baptisms took place at the     contemporary Christ-centred                  education, including eology. Dr
     end of the series, and an additional       presentations.”                              Ottesen taught a series of classes on the
     sixteen people came forward to request     A special effort was also made to             Church's response to current European

20   The Newboldian
culture, and Newbold students had the opportunity to
promote Newbold. e group also visited the São Paolo
campus of the Adventist university (UNASP), which has
almost 6,500 students; Novo Tempo, a 24/7 media centre that
broadcasts television and radio across Brazil; and Casa           Top: Sta ffand students from Newbold, along with representatives from
Publicadora Brasileira, the Adventist publishing house, which     Adventist churches in Reading and London, at the Nuevo Tiempo centre in
                                                                  São Paulo.
in addition to producing more volumes than all the other
Adventist presses around the world combined, is also one of       Bottom left and right: Newbold students with children in Benevides, near
                                                                  Belém where the group spent much of their time.
the top ten publishing houses in Brazil.
“To actually do ministry is more of a learning experience than
learning about ministry in the classroom,” said Dr Ottesen.       experience has visibly changed and transformed the lives of all
“You need to experience it to fully understand it, and you        who participated and I hope that it will become an annual
need to be practise it over and over again to develop the         activity.”
necessary skills. Our students witnessed answers to prayer and    e trip was made possible through collaboration between
God’s work in people’s lives.”                                    Newbold’s Ministerial Society, the College’s Campus
Several of the students who participated in the trip said they    Ministries team, the SEC, the Tran-European Division and
would love to return for a longer evangelistic series. One        Newbold staff.
student stated that he “loved every minute of the experience”
and another said that, while he felt he was not much of a                                                                   Kirsty Watkins
preacher, he had the “joy of seeing the congregation’s
enthusiasm” to hear what he had to say. Pastor Alastair Agbaje,
Newbold’s Chaplain, was heavily involved in organising the
trip. “I am so proud of this group of students and staff, and it
was a pleasure to be a part of the planning team. is
                                                                                                                   AVAILABLE ONLINE:

Quality Assurance Review

                                                                                                     Image: Newbold archives

      Quality of Newbold                                     A         new framework put into place by the QAA since the
                                                                       College's last full review in 2012 meant that Newbold
                                                                       was measured against the same criteria that apply to

      Education on Par with                                  large state-funded providers – and the results were gratifying.
                                                             e College was found to meet every Expectation of the

                                                             Quality Code for Higher Education, receiving, with only one
                                                             minor exception, the lowest possible category of risk for each.
                                                             A reading of the QAA reports of state-funded universities shows

      Universities                                           that Newbold has outperformed some much larger institutions,
                                                             many with teams dedicated to ensuring that QAA requirements
                                                             are met – a signi cant achie ement for the College.
      Newbold College of Higher Education recently           Because the College does not receive government funding,
                                                             Newbold was additionally subject to a Financial Sustainability,
      underwent its quadrennial Higher Education Review by   Management and Governance check. e College again
      the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the body           received positive affirmation.
                                                             e full report, which was formulated following a three-day
      appointed by the government to assure the quality of   visit in February by four QAA reviewers, was made public in
                                                             May and re ects intensi e discussions with sta ffand students
      higher education provision throughout the UK.          and a detailed exploration of the College’s robust self-evaluation
                                                             document including over 300 annexes.
                                                             e QAA noted that the College met UK standards in the four
                                                             key areas:
                                                             Ÿ e maintenance of the academic standards of the awards
                                                                 offered on behalf of its degree-awarding bodies
                                                             Ÿ e quality of student learning opportunities
                                                             Ÿ e quality of its information about learning opportunities;
                                                             Ÿ e enhancement of student learning opportunities.
                                                             In particular, the QAA review team affirmed the following
                                                             actions which the College is currently taking towards making
                                                             academic standards even more secure and improving the
                                                             educational provision offered to its students:

22    The Newboldian
Ÿ   e steps being taken to ensure that   student body which dealt with the             review is particularly pleasing for the
    the development of new                students' academic satisfaction               College and for the many alumni,
    programmes follows a robust and       (including appropriate support and            church members and friends who
    systematic approval process           resources). As the current Newbold            support Newbold’s vision and values.
Ÿ e steps being taken to develop an      Student Association (NSA) President, he       e full report can be accessed at
    enhancement policy, and to            said that it was great to have the            qaa.ac.uk
    explicitly embed enhancement in the   opportunity to contribute to something        e QAA evaluation stands alongside an
    strategic framework of the College;   that was so important for Newbold, and        equally vigorous process organised by
    and                                   that would make a signi cant impact on        the Adventist Accrediting Association.
Ÿ e establishment of a new strategy      the enhancement of future academic            is fully ensures that as well as high
    group with a focus on enhancement     quality at the College. "Newbold is           academic excellence, students also
    that includes sta ffand governors.     great, but it's going to get even better!",   discover solid spiritual values within an
e College was also commended for its     Robert said. e manager of the review         Adventist ethos and can transfer credits
comprehensive approach to identifying,    team was particularly complimentary           to and from other Adventist colleges
analysing and meeting the learning        about Newbold's overall support of the        and universities.
resource needs of students.               review process and the willing co-
As Lead Student Representative for the    operation of the sta ffand students who                                   Dr John Baildam
QAA review, Business student Robert       participated in discussions with the
Keszeg liaised with his colleagues to     panel.In these days of intense regulation
provide a submission on behalf of the     and accountability, the result of this

Newbold and Toivonlinna Sign New Agreement

N          ewbold's Principal, Dr John
           Baildam, and Marle Himberg,
           Principal of Suomen
Kristillinen Yhteiskoulu (more
commonly known as Toivonlinna),
                                          (Head of Recruitment, Marketing and
                                          Sales), and together they also
                                          contributed to a series of developmental
                                          seminars which the school was hosting
                                          for the heads of a number of other
signed a Memorandum of                    Christian schools in Finland. Dr
Understanding (MoU) during a visit        Kuoppakangas was the facilitator and
from Newbold representatives to the       main presenter throughout the day,
Adventist secondary school in Finland     which began with Dr Baildam sharing a
in March this year.                       devotional, giving an introduction to
e MoU represents a commitment by         Adventist education and Newbold.
both institutions to encourage more       within that context, and then presenting
                                                                                        Above: Dr John Baildam, and Marle Himberg at
Finnish students to follow their          on stakeholders in Christian education.       the signing of the MoU at Toivonlinna.
secondary school studies with a period    e day also included a presentation on
of Adventist higher education at          marketing and student recruitment             plenty of opportunities to interact with
Newbold. Dr Baildam was accompanied       from Mr Stoykov. Dr de Bruin spoke on         the students at Toivonlinna, and were
by Dr Päivikki Kuoppakangas (Interim      Friday evening and gave the sermon on         grateful for the warm welcome they
Head of the School of Business), Dr       Sabbath as well as presenting the             received from the school.
Tom de Bruin (Lecturer in New             Sabbath School lesson for the students.
Testament Studies), and Bisser Stoykov    e representatives from Newbold had                                      Dr John Baildam

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