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BULLETIN Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 NATIONAL L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE NAVIGATING ROUGH DIVERSITY AND WATERS..............................9 SALUT LES JEUNES!........14 ENGAGEMENT................. 25
IN THIS Volume 46∂ Number 1 September 2020 Editor: Megan Diercks ISSUE Message de la Présidente.....................................................................................................................................3 Message de la Secrétaire générale....................................................................................................................5 Reading Committee: Karen Campbell Kuebler, Tow- AATF Executive Council..........................................................................................................................................7 son University, MD; DeLynn Denton, Flower Mound FLES* Poster Contest Winners............................................................................................................................8 High School, TX; Rebecca Léal, Elmhurst College, IL; Gisèle Loriot-Raymer, Northern Kentucky University, Navigating Rough Waters......................................................................................................................................9 Highland Heights, KY; Laurel Mayo, University of Texas Call for Proposals for New Orleans Convention........................................................................................... 10 at Arlington (ret); Audra Merfeld-Langston, Missouri National Francophone Trivia Contest............................................................................................................... 11 Science & Technology, Rolla, MO; Alain Ranwez, Met- What's New in the French Review?.................................................................................................................. 11 ropolitan State University (ret), Denver, CO. Linguistic Fun Fact................................................................................................................................................12 National French Week Media Contest..............................................................................................................13 The AATF National Bulletin (ISSN 0883-6795) has its editorial offices at Megan Diercks, Colorado School Salut les jeunes!......................................................................................................................................................14 of Mines, Stratton Hall, 1500 Illinois Street, Golden, Jeunes Amis du Français....................................................................................................................................15 CO 80401; email: [nbeditor@frenchteachers.org]. AATF Commissions............................................................................................................................................... 16 Correspondence should be sent to the editor at this Pourquoi participer au Grand Concours.........................................................................................................18 address. The American Association of Teachers of Sample FLES* Concours..................................................................................................................................... 19 French publishes the National Bulletin four times a year (Sept., Nov., Jan., Apr.) as a service to members Sample Grand Concours, levels 4 & 5............................................................................................................. 22 in supplement to the official journal of the associa- Diversity and Engagement................................................................................................................................. 25 tion, the French Review. Subscription to the National Chapter News..........................................................................................................................................................27 Bulletin requires membership in the organization. Pe- Members' Notes......................................................................................................................................................27 riodicals postage paid at Champaign, IL Post Office. 2020 AATF Award Winners................................................................................................................................. 28 Office of Publication: AATF, 302 North Granite Street, Marion, IL 62959-2346. AATF Webinars....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Materials Center.....................................................................................................................................................31 All items published in the National Bulletin are Regional Reports................................................................................................................................................... 32 the property of the AATF. They may be copied for À votre avis.............................................................................................................................................................. 34 classroom or workshop use if the source and date of publication are indicated on the copies. Postmaster: Send address changes to AATF, 302 North Granite Street, Marion, IL 62959-2346. Deadlines for submissions to the National Bulletin: September issue, August 1; November issue, Sep- tember 1; January issue, November 1; April issue, February 1. Please note: Because of convention dates and other deadlines, the issues of the National Bulletin are mailed during the given month of publication and should reach most readers by the end of that month. 302 North Granite Street Marion, IL 62959-2346 Photo Credits: Stephen Young (cover), llambrano (page 2), Ed Judkins (page 5), 12019 (page 14), Francisco Gonzales (page 17), Linda Barth (convention photos). frenchteachers.org
3 Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 MESSAGE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year. As ago, but there are still people who suffer the have also published a volume on integrating I write this message, we are still unsure what indignities of discrimination. twelve Francophone children’s stories into teaching will be for many of our members due the curriculum. In general, our resources have What is the role of an organization such as to the COVID-19 virus. As you all know, we had been developed to expand the mindset of ours to combat racism, xenophobia, sexism, to cancel our conference in Trois-Rivières, a anti-gay rhetoric, and all the harassment decision that was very difficult to make. How- that seems to be happening today? Our ever, we hope to reschedule this conference for a future date, depending on international travel Executive Council has made the decision One of the initia- restrictions and other factors. We hope that to publish a statement on diversity that expresses our commitment to be tives our association many of you enjoyed the webinars we produced with convention speakers who agreed to give inclusive and open in all our dealings has focused on is to their presentations online. A special thanks to with members and non-members. We plan to reach out to our members highlight French as a Catherine Ousselin and her team for providing resources to teachers in the field who were representing minority groups and ask world language. that they become more involved in the struggling with how to teach remotely. leadership of our organization. We have French teachers to teach French as a world Another important issue facing our association also decided that, beginning with this issue, we language representing countries from nearly is how to diversify our membership and serve will dedicate a portion of the National Bulletin all continents and spoken by over 240 million the needs of members of minority communi- to highlighting the diversity of our membership people in the world (see page 30). ties. This issue is a very personal one for me and our students. because my immediate family is quite diverse. I Finally, if you know of French instructors One of the initiatives our association has fo- first met my husband, who is African American, who represent minority groups who are not cused on throughout the past several years is in the 1970s at Stanford University, not long members of the AATF, encourage them to join to highlight French as a world language, par- after the Supreme Court legalized interracial our association and contribute their ideas. We ticularly emphasizing the francophone world. marriage in 1967. Being an interracial couple want the AATF to represent the best and the Our conference in Martinique in 2018 brought during that time period was quite difficult, but brightest French instructors, and we are dedi- in a variety of speakers and participants from as the years progressed and California became cated to reaching out to many people to make the Francophone world, and our 2021 con- the most diverse state in the nation, we felt this possible. If you have a personal story you vention in New Orleans will also feature links more comfortable. Although we have had a rel- would like to share regarding your experiences from the French community to the Caribbean. atively stress-free life here in California, there dealing with diversity issues, please consider Finally, future conventions in Québec and have been incidents in the past when both my submitting an article to the National Bulletin. Paris will focus on bringing in guest speakers husband and son have experienced discrimi- from the Francophone world as well. Please contact me personally if you have any nation. My husband has been stopped in Palo questions about our new initiatives in trying Alto and followed by the police just because he Many of our publications have focused on to make the AATF as inclusive as possible for is African American. Our son was actually ac- diversity issues. If you have purchased or read everyone. cused of kidnapping me when an anonymous the cinema volumes 1, 2, or 3 you will see a caller, who saw us together in a gas station, variety of films representing cultures from called the police and reported a kidnapping. throughout the Francophone world. The publi- My sister is married to a Chinese American, cation on Performance Assessment Strate- and they have two biracial daughters. My gies includes examples of authentic texts and brother-in-law is often asked when he came videos representing the Francophone world. ∂ Anne Jensen to the United States, although he was born in Our publication on Martinique, developed AATF President California. Most recently during the COVID-19 following the conference in 2018, features annejensen@frenchteachers.org pandemic he has suffered racial slurs also. The activities, cooking lessons, and videos repre- (650) 804-5028 Civil Rights movement happened over 50 years senting the culture and food of this island. We
4 AATF STATEMENT ON DIVERSITY and prompted me to set up a task force on discrimination against people of color, mem- diversity for the AATF. Our task force met bers of the LBGTQ community, and the dis- The AATF is an inclusive association, which virtually in April, and we worked together to abled community. A template will be provided seeks to build, value, honor, and cultivate craft the AATF Statement on Diversity, which so that lessons and units follow the same diversity. Associations that are diverse in age, is now featured on our website and appears format. Lessons will not be grade-specific, race, ethnicity, faith, gender identity, sexual on all our published documents. but based on the proficiency levels of novice, orientation, physical or mental ability, and intermediate, and advanced as indicated by perspectives are better associations. To this After the murder of George Floyd in Minne- the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. end, we seek to create a community where apolis, Jayne Abrate and I wrote a statement educators, from any background, can promote on behalf of our members, decrying this Members of our current task force include Francophone cultures around the world. | event and events of the past in which African Anne Jensen, Catherine Daniélou, Ma- Americans in particular, have been victims of rie-Christine Koop, Brian Kennelly, Sheila TASK FORCE ON DIVERSITY discrimination. Conrad, Tracy Rucker, Tiffani Jones, Katy During the months of March and April 2020 Wheelock, and Jayne Abrate. After much discussion with the members of we faced the stay-at-home orders throughout the task force, we have decided that the AATF If you would be interested in participating in the country. Many of us were trying to adapt should publish a guide for French teachers this project please contact AATF President to online teaching for the first time, while and professors that will help them address Anne Jensen at annejensen@frenchteachers. working with students from diverse back- the issues of social justice and diversity in org grounds who have a variety of learning needs. their classrooms today. We will solicit lessons The inequities that were apparent when all and unit plans dealing with racial inequality, curriculum was put online were enormous DU 4 AU 10 NOVEMBRE 2020
5 Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 MESSAGE DE LA SECRÉTAIRE GÉNÉRALE Chers Collègues, FORMATIONS VIRTUELLES du Conseil administration de l’AATF, Catherine Ritz, Susie Hennessy et Catherine Ousselin, En préparant ce message pour la rentrée, je Il serait facile de nous préoccuper de tout ce ont lancé une autre série de Zoom sur le me suis rendu compte que les messages des qu’on a perdu, de tout ce qu’on n’a pas pu thème de «Hybrid Learning» et dont il reste années précédentes ne m’apportaient aucune faire. L’AATF a dû malheureusement annuler encore deux séances en septembre et en inspiration. Il est évident que l’année 2020 notre congrès de Trois-Rivières, mais cela octobre (voir page 30). ne cessera de nous présenter de nouveaux nous a offert la possibilité de créer une série défis personnels, professionnels et sociaux. de rencontres sur Zoom. Une communauté Finalement, notre équipe prépare une série de D’un point de vue professionnel, le choc d’une de plus de 1000 professeurs s’est constituée formations professionnelles qui se dérou- année scolaire amputée brusquement, la tris- pour apprendre, pour s’entraider et pour lera du mois de septembre jusqu’à la fin de tesse de voyages annulés, de cérémonies re- partager notre passion pour le français. Beau- l’année et qui vous permettra de partager vos portées ou virtualisées et de rites de passage coup d’entre vous ne savent pas encore si idées et astuces, d’écouter des experts en manqués nous ont marqués. L’inquiétude vous serez dans une salle de classe à temps français, d’échanger dans des discussions et pour nos familles, amis, collègues et élèves plein ou partiel ou pas du tout. Profitons de découvrir de nouvelles œuvres ou parties grandissait au fil des jours, et pour la plupart, de cette période pour adopter de nouvelles du monde francophone. On visera les sujets on ne pouvait leur offrir qu’un soutien moral. technologies et méthodes et revenons à que vous avez proposés lors des webinaires l’essentiel—la communication avec les élèves. précédents. Le programme sera annoncé par Nous avons tous souffert de ces trauma- Laissons les contraintes inspirer une créati- courriel et par nos médias sociaux. Toutes nos tismes infligés par le combat contre le virus. vité et des collaborations que nous n’aurions séances de formation sont gratuites pour les En même temps, cela nous a permis de peut-être pas cherchées dans d’autres membres. réfléchir et de reconnaître plus clairement les circonstances. traumatismes des injustices qui ont donné SEMAINE DU FRANÇAIS naissance à des manifestations soutenues et, Depuis le début des fermetures, l’AATF a fait Cette année marquera le 22e année que espérons-le, transformatrices. son possible pour être à vos côtés. En mars l’AATF a fêté la Semaine du Français (du 4 et avril, Catherine Ousselin et son équipe ont Afin de faire face à l’inconnu des mois à au 10 novembre). Lancée en 1999 par Gladys organisé des formations sur Zoom pour vous venir, je réfléchis à l’innocence et à l’insou- Lipton, ancienne présidente de l’AATF, le but soutenir dans vos efforts pour enseigner vir- ciance dans lesquelles je vivais les premières des manifestations était d’encourager les tuellement. Le congrès de Trois-Rivières s’est semaines de 2020. Qui aurait imaginé tant de professeurs à sortir le français de la salle de transformé en une série de douze rencontres classe et à montrer ce que les élèves savaient Zoom offertes par les collègues qui auraient et pouvaient faire en français. Comme toutes Revenons à l’es- dû intervenir lors du congrès. Trois membres sentiel—la commu- nication avec les élèves changements? Tant d’événements remar- quables? Tant d’horreurs? Il est impossible de prédire l’avenir. Tout ce qu’on peut faire, c’est de faire en sorte que demain ne se perde pas, faire de son mieux.
6 nos activités, nous serons maintenant obligés reporter les congrès de Paris et de San Diego 2020 AATF EXEMPLARY de trouver d’autres façons de célébrer le en 2023 et en 2024. Puisque nous ne nous PROGRAMS français. étions pas encore engagés auprès d’un hôtel Congratulations to these shools and their pour ces deux villes, nous jouissons d’une Vous trouverez dans ce numéro du National excellent teachers and administrators. liberté dans le choix des dates. Bulletin des renseignements sur les concours Exemplary with Honors organisés par l’AATF, le Francophone Trivia RENOUVELER VOTRE ADHÉSION Contest sur Kahoot et le AATF Video/Anima- Boiling Springs High School, Boiling À partir du numéro de mars la French Review tion Contest (voir pages 11 et 13), auxquels Springs, PA sera disponible en version numérique par vos élèves peuvent toujours participer. Nous AATF member: Michael Bogdan Project Muse de Johns Hopkins University offrons également de nombreux articles Press. Tous les membres de l’AATF auront Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT pour la Semaine du Français—autocollants, accès au journal en ligne. Si vous souhaitez AATF member: Katie Jewett tee-shirts, affiches, badges—que vous toujours recevoir une copie papier, il faudra pouvez commander (voir page 35). Imaginez Edwin O. Smith Regional High School, payer un supplément pour couvrir les frais de d’autres moyens de faire explorer le monde Stoors-Mansfield, CT poste. Lisez attentivement la notice incluse en français par vos élèves. Transformez vos AATF member: Melissa Tubbs avec le rappel de cotisation que nous venons événements en événements virtuels où vous d’envoyer. Vous y trouverez aussi les rensei- Interlake High School, Bellevue, WA invitez parents, administrateurs ou membres gnements nécessaires pour voter dans les AATF member: Sandrine Collomb de la communauté à apprécier le français et élections de l’AATF cet automne. Nous devons le travail des élèves. Créez des occasions où Kettering-Fairmont High School, Kette- choisir un vice-président, trois délégué(e)s les élèves peuvent rêver—de voyages, certes, ring, OH régionaux(-ales) et une présidente-élue. Vous mais aussi de rencontres et de découvertes AATF member: Mary Townsend aurez jusqu’au 1er novembre pour voter en de tout ce que le français pourra apporter à ligne où vous trouverez tous les renseigne- Onalaska High School, Onalaska, WI leur vie. ments sur les candidats. AATF member: Brian Wopat CONGRÈS À VENIR Soutenez l’AATF en renvoyant votre cotisation University of Wisconson: Eau Claire, Eau Nous espérons toujours pouvoir organiser pour 2021 pour que nous puissions continuer Claire, WI notre congrès de 2021 à l’Hôtel Monteleone à vous soutenir dans la salle de classe et AATF member: Jessica Miller à la Nouvelle-Orléans du 19 au 22 juillet au-delà. Parlez-en à vos collègues qui ne sont Exemplary prochain avec le thème: « Laissez les bons pas membres. Recommandez à vos an- temps rouler: Explorer la diversité du monde ciens élèves qui poursuivent une carrière de Greendale High School, Greendale, WI francophone». L’appel à contributions est professeur de français de devenir membres. AATF member: Sarah Thompson actuellement ouvert à https://www.frenchtea- Plus on a de membres, plus on pourra offrir Muskego High School, Muskego, WI chers.org/convention/proposal/ Vous aurez des services. AATF member: Paula Johnson-Fox jusqu’au 15 décembre pour soumettre votre ∂ Jayne Abrate proposition (voir page 11). Stagg High School, Palos Hills, IL Secrétaire générale AATF member: Nitya Viswanath Puisque nous avons dû annuler le congrès de abrate@frenchteachers.org Trois-Rivières, nous sommes dans l’obligation de le réorganiser afin de ne pas perdre les arrhes qu’on a versées à l’hôtel. Il se peut que cela aura lieu en 2022, ce qui nous obligera à
2020 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 7 Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 ANNE JENSEN LISA NARUG STEVE OHLHAUT President [2021] Director National French Contest [2022] Region V (East Central) Representative San Jose State University P.O. Box 3283 [2022) San Jose, CA St. Charles, IL 61874-3283 West Lafayette Jr/Sr High School annejensen@frenchteachers.org Ph: 630-677-2594 West Lafayette, IN legrandconcours@sbcglobal.net ohlhaut@wl.k12.in.us JAYNE ABRATE Chapters: Detroit, IN, Northwest IN, KY, MI, Executive Director [2022] MARGARITA DEMPSEY OH, TN, WV 302 North Granite Street Region I (New England) Representative Marion, IL 62959-2346 [2020] SHEILA CONRAD Ph: 815-310-0490; Fax: 815-310-5754 Smithfield High School Region VI (West Central) Representative abrate@frenchteachers.org Smithfield, RI 02917 [2020] mbdempsey11@gmail.com Bettendorf High School RITA DAVIS Chapters: CT, Eastern and Western MA, ME, 3333 18th Street Vice-President [2020] NH, RI, VT Bettendorf, IA 52722 Agnes Irwin School sconrad@bettendorf.k12.ia.us 275 South Ithan Avenue DIANE PARAVAZIAN Chapters: Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Region II (New York & New Jersey) Downstate IL, IA, MN, WI rdavis@agnesirwin.org Representative [2021] New York University CARA HEMINGER MARTHA BEHLOW dparavaz@aol.com Region VII (South Central) Vice-President [2021] Chapters: Metropolitan, Nassau, Suffolk, Representative [2022) Geneva Community High School Westchester, NY, Central NY, Hudson Valley, Lincoln North Star High School Geneva, IL Pays du Nord, Rochester, Western NY, Lincoln, NE mbehlow@geneva304.org New Jersey caraheminger@gmail.com Chapters: AR, KS, LA, NE, Central TX, El Paso, CATHERINE RITZ KATY WHEELOCK Hautes Plaines, Houston, North TX, OK, South Vice-President [2022] Region III (Mid-Atlantic) Representative TX Boston University [2022] Boston, MA Wakefield High School SUSIE HENNESSEY catherineritz@gmail.com Arlington, VA 22206 Region VIII (Southwest) Representative katywheelock@yahoo.com [2020] EDWARD OUSSELIN Chapters: Central PA, DE, MD, Northeastern Inderkum High School Editor in Chief, French Review [2022] PA, Northern VA, Philadelphia, Western 2500 New Market Drive Western Washington University Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Valley, Lehigh Sacramento, CA 95835 Modern & Classical Languages Valley, VA mmehennessy@gmail.com Humanities 203 Chapters: AZ, HI, NM, NV, Northern CA, San Bellingham, WA 98225-9057 DEANNA SCHEFFER Diego, Southern CA, UT Ph: 360-650-2092; Fax: 360-650-6110 Region IV (Southeast) Representative edward.ousselin@wwu.edu [2021] CATHERINE OUSSELIN Saint Augustine High School Region IX (Northwest) Representative MEGAN DIERCKS Saint Augustine, FL 32084 [2021] Editor, National Bulletin [2022] deannascheffer@gmail.com Mount Vernon High School Colorado School of Mines Chapters: AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC 314 North 9th Street Golden, CO 80401 Mount Vernon, WA 98273 nbeditor@frenchteachers.org catherineku72@gmail.com Chapters: CO-WY, ID, MT, ND, OR, SD, WA/AK
8 FÉLICITATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE 2020 FLES* POSTER CONTEST! 1st place: 7th -8th grades (bottom left) ∂ Minjae S. William Diamond Middle School Teacher: Diletta Ferrai 2nd place: 7th-8th grades (center left) ∂ Kaitlyn C. Fort Worth Country Day School Teacher: Robert Napier 3rd place: 7th-8th grades (top left) ∂ Raifah R. William B. Travis Academy Teacher: Marzena Barcinska 1st place: K–1st grade (above right) ∂ Chloe R. Kolter Elementary School Teacher: Claire Frazier
9 Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 4. Be the bridge. There are many ways to build bridges and many gaps to bridge, particularly in unsettling times. While I used my body as a buffer and bridge to get the occupants from their boat to the shore, we as teachers are asked to bridge gaps in learning that can be steeply widened in trying times. As we continue on this unknown road of the COVID-19 pandemic, the key is to build a bridge based on a foundation of a wide variety of student engagement strategies and approaches that are suited to weather the storms of online, in class, and hybrid learning. These go-to strategies create a sway bridge that weathers any storm. We never know what choppy waters of teach- ing we might be asked to navigate, but we can pedagogically save lives by being prepared, asking for help, and navigating the surround- NAVIGATING ings as best we can in order to be the bridge for students to cross the gap to continued, effective learning. ROUGH WATERS I can’t leave you this time without a smile on your face. Whenever I share my Detroit River I ripped my pants, but I saved lives. Twice, I’ve 1. Call for backup. It’s OK to ask for help, had to jump into the Detroit River to help save particularly from your school administra- people from drowning. The river has a strong tion, district leaders, department heads, and dangerous undercurrent, so what else and fellow colleagues. was I to do? Both stories were the same: a 2. Trust your instincts. You’re a teach- young couple in a boat with a small child, their er-rock star, you already have what it boat was taking in water, and the waves were takes to manage the situation. Jump in about to force the boat into the large sharp with both feet and own the situation. rocks that lined the shore. I was 19 years old, working as a security guard at a grain terminal 3. Keep your focus on the kid in the boat. I alongside the river. Each time I did the same could have stood at the shore, shaking thing. I called and notified my supervisor on my head wondering why parents would duty, jumped into the water, and created a ever take their young child out on the story, it always reminds me of my ultimate buffer between their small boat and the rocks. waters on such a stormy day. But all the go-to French joke. Poor Caesar sank (6h05). I managed to help the boaters navigate the circumstances that brought us together Hope that caused some pitter-paddle of rough waters while forming a bridge so that were moot at that point. It was time for laughter. Oar maybe not! How do you navigate they could make it safely to shore. action. I will first say that we as teachers the rough waters during times like these? need always to make sure that we stay As teachers, we’re never sure when we might What are your thoughts? Let me know! As mentally and physically healthy. Remem- be thrust into the rough waters of uncertainty always, feel free to reach out to me on social ber that. Fortunately, I was not hurt in and forced to navigate unexpected situations. media or send me any questions you may either of my Detroit River incidents. The When COVID-19 caused many of us to work have. sum scars of both those events were separated from our students in quarantine, I some cuts and bruises and ripped pants. ∂ Steven “ÉTIENNE” Langlois felt like I was back at the edge of the Detroit After making sure that we're fit to serve, Rock Your French Class River. So, I followed the same procedure. If it’s all about the students. AATF Honorary Member you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I @etienne2 (Twitter) recommend these steps: @rockyourclass (Instagram)
10 ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD The AATF and Concordia Language Villag- es Administrator of the Year Award, to be given annually, is intended to recognize a school principal or superintendent who actively supports the study of French. AMAZON SMILE Any AATF member in good standing can nominate an administrator for this award. The AATF has now signed up for an Am- azon Smile link. Every time you make a The winner of this award will have purchase on Amazon, Amazon will make demonstrated a strong commitment to a donation to the AATF at no additional international education and intercultural cost to you. understanding through support for the study of languages, including French, in If you always start from our link at his or her school or school district, sup- [https://smile.amazon.com/ch/38- port for innovative curricular and extra- 1718689] when you log into your The establishment of a chapter of the curricular programs which enhance the account, the funds will be automatically Société Honoraire de Français offers study of French, support for professional several benefits to a secondary French development specifically for language donated. program. It provides an opportunity to teachers, and support for a cross-disci- recognize outstanding scholarship in the plinary school- or campus-wide presence The AATF Executive Council made the for languages. The nomination file study of French language through selec- decision to use any funds received should contain the following items: (1) tion for membership, the placement of a through Amazon Smile to support the special seal on the graduate’s diploma, an abbreviated CV (2 pages maximum) attendance of students planning to be the wearing of a blue/white/red cord (or outlining the candidate’s education and French teachers at the annual conven- white cord) at graduation, and the right to work experience, (2) a brief description of tion. Thank you for your support in this wear the official emblem/pin of the honor the language program(s) in the school or endeavor! society. The chapter provides a vehicle district (2 pages maximum), and (3) a let- for focusing activities around French ter from the nominating French teacher language and literature and also for highlighting the administrator’s commit- encouraging member participation in the ment to supporting the study of French and his or her impact on the language CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2021 annual writing contest as well as applica- program(s) described. All elements of the tion for the annual travel grants. There is CONVENTION IN the opportunity for students to serve as file should focus on addressing the traits NEW ORLEANS officers, directing the induction ceremo- listed at the beginning of this paragraph. The online call for proposals for the ny, or leading other chapter events. For 2021 AATF convention, to be held July general information, eligibilty, and other Applications should be received at AATF questions, you can contact Regina Sy- National Headquarters no later than 15-18 at the Hotel Monteleone, has been monds, SHF President at symondsshf@ December 1, 2020. The winning admin- posted on the AATF website at https:// istrator will receive a framed certificate gmail.com; or Teacher Representatives www.frenchteachers.org/convention/ for display as well as a two-week stay at Andrea Isabelli at andreaisabelli@sbc- proposal/. Proposals will be accepted global.net or Tracy Rucker at trucker@ one of the Concordia Language French until December 15, 2020. The theme for loucol.com. Information on applying Villages (summer 2021) to be awarded this year’s convention is “Laissez les for a charter and ordering materials is to a student in the school or district. The bons temps rouler: Explorer la diversité available from April Anthony, Secretary award includes round-trip travel for the du monde francophone” Submissions SHF, AATF, 302 North Granite Street, student to Concordia. Send all application are invited in all areas of French lan- Marion, IL 62959-2346; phone: 607-821- materials electronically in .pdf format to guage, literature, linguistics, culture, and 2120; fax: (815) 310-5754; email: shf@ abrate@frenchteachers.org. pedagogy. frenchteachers.org or from the AATF Web site at https://www.frenchteachers. org/shf
11 WHAT'S NEW IN THE Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 FRENCH REVIEW? (94.1 OCTOBER 2020) L’ANNÉE LITTÉRAIRE ∂ Bloc-notes culturel 2019: et le ciel s’as- sombrit (Dalle) ∂ Les Éditions Verdier at Forty: The Novel in 2019 (Cloonan) ∂ The Year in Poetry 2019: Crossing Boundaries (De Julio) SOCIETY AND CULTURE ∂ Claire Bretécher: Female Humor and the Myths of Consumer Society (Pezzullo) ∂ L’Astrée in the Twenty-First Century: Environment, Education, and Identity (Wellman) LINGUISTICS ∂ La vraie-fausse synonymie des connec- teurs temporels: aussitôt que et dès que (Couralet et Son) FOCUS ON THE CLASSROOM ∂ Dresser un pont: la compétence sémi- otique comme lien entre la littérature et le numérique (Hellmich) GOT GAME? LITERATURE ∂ Poetically Speaking the Earth: Ritual and Reverie in Esther Tellermann’s Terre PROVE IT WITH THE AATF’S NATIONAL ∂ exacte (Prevots) (Non)Fiction: Louis Hémon’s Writing on FRANCOPHONE TRIVIA CONTEST! ∂ Québec (Pilon) From Parasitism to Commensalism: A Serresian Interpretation of Yamen Make sure that your students participate in advance to a Finals Round, and the student Manai’s L’amas ardent (2017) (Moser) a FREE and FUN event for National French who advances the farthest in that round is ∂ The Literary Correspondence of Nathalie Week (November 4-10)—the AATF's National the winner of the Grand Prize. Cash prizes Sarraute and Mary McCarthy (Wilson Francophone Culture Trivia Contest, held via will be award for Grand Prize winners and Niehaus) the online gaming site Kahoot! runners up at each level. INTERVIEW Any French student grades 6-12 and under- The teacher of the top scoring student from ∂ Entretien avec Hédi Bouraoui (Touya) graduate university whose teacher is an AATF each level will also win a free AATF member- member is eligible to compete. There is no fee ship for 2021. DOSSIER PÉDAGOGIQUE to enter, and teachers arrange contest play in ∂ Business French Case Studies for their classes when it is convenient for them. Please visit http://tinyurl.com/Francophone Enhancing Cross-Cultural Competence TriviaContest/ for more information. (Martin) The contest is divided into two levels: Level A = Beginner • Level B = Intermediate/Ad- vanced. The first round consists of 25 questions in English that cover various cultural aspects of the Francophone world. Top scorers will
12 LINGUISTIC FUN FACT LES BEIGNETS To put you in the mood for next summer’s the fluffy consistency of beignets. AATF convention in New Orleans, here’s a The French word beignet means fritter, or pâ- linguistic fun fact which will tempt your taste tisserie frite. Most likely the Acadians brought buds and maybe even get you cooking with these treats with them when they migrated your students or family. to Louisiana in the 1700s. Actually, beignets Many of us have heard of New Orleans’ Café have quite an international pedigree; during du Monde, with its even more famous beig- the Roman Empire, they traveled to Andalu- nets. The word beignet is derived from a Celtic sia via the Mediterranean and morphed into word, bigne, which means "to raise." Beignets sopapillas. There’s even an unconfirmed New are made with a sweet yeast dough which Orleans legend that beignets were brought to is cut into squares after it rises, fried in oil, Louisiana by Ursuline nuns. French recipes and generously dusted with powdered sugar have been found going as far back as to create these beautiful, pillow-like treats. the 1500s, before traveling to the New Beignets are choux pastries, made with a World high-moisture dough which creates steam Ironically, the Café du Monde called when cooking. It’s the combination of yeast, these pastries "doughnuts" or "French the wet dough, and the steam which creates market doughnuts" until 1958, even though they had been making and selling them for over 150 years, since opening in 1862. Locals tired of ex- plaining the lack of doughnut hole and other differences, and so they started using the French word instead. Like many other New Orleans delicacies, beignets grew in popularity over the decades. And now, the beignet is the official doughnut of Louisiana. Does your state have an official doughnut or pastry? An official serving of beignets at the Café du Monde consists of three beignets accompa- nied by café au lait (which includes chicory). Have I tempted you yet? ∂ Martha Behlow Geneva Community High School (IL) mbehlow@geneva304.org
2020 NATIONAL FRENCH WEEK 13 MEDIA CONTEST GUIDELINES Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 THEME: TOUT EST POSSIBLE AVEC LE FRANÇAIS/EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH FRENCH Submission deadline: December 19, 2020 Contact Catherine Ousselin, AATF Technology Commission Chair with questions about technology tool suggestions or troubleshooting. (catherineku72@gmail.com) Contest guidelines ∂ There are two competition divisions: Intermediate (grades 6-8) and Secondary (grades 9-12) ∂ Teachers should submit ONE form for each video or project. Limit of 5 submissions per teacher/school. ∂ Three minute time limit per video. ∂ Videos must conform to all school rules and codes of conduct. Videos with references to alcohol, drugs, or violence will not be accepted. ∂ Background music: Please do not use copyrighted music in the video or as background music. While it does add to the appeal of the video, it is not acceptable use. ∂ No copyrighted figures (ie. Snoopy, Astérix, etc) accepted. ∂ Each entry must be the original work of current student(s) in French whose teacher is an AATF member for 2020. ∂ All submissions become the property of the AATF and may be used in AATF publications and on social media sites. ∂ All participants in the video completion will receive certificates, and the top-ranking submissions. Submission | Sharing guidelines ∂ YouTube videos should be UNLISTED, NOT private. Anyone with the link should be able to view. YouTube is the preferred sharing option. | NB: With Google’s new “Content for kids” Regulations, we will not be able to feature any video posted under a student’s account. The videos will be judged, but we cannot save them to the YouTube Contest playlist or share them on the contest blog. If possible, please use a teacher/ adult account. ∂ All submissions via Google folders / docs MUST BE accessible to any viewer. Check settings and ask if you are not sure. If using a school account, click the “ADVANCED” button under SHARE and choose “Open to anyone/public on the Web” If a submission requires permission, it may NOT be considered for competition. Please check the permissions with your students before submitting. ∂ Submissions via iCloud: Please check the link permissions. iCloud links sometimes expire before the videos are rated. ∂ Submissions via Powtoon or other video creation tools: Please check permissions and link expiration. Judging Criteria ∂ Submissions that are obvious projects for a class project that does not relate to the theme will not be considered. ∂ Visual impact, relevance to the theme, and originality are the key points to a successful project. ∂ Relevance to theme: This criteria allows for variety in interpretation, but a cooking video for the “The Future is French” video does not relate. ∂ Visual impact: Does the video go beyond a seated figure reading from a cue card? ∂ Originality: Did the video producers integrate new ideas for the theme or presentation style? ∂ Presentation: Was the presentation effective in conveying the theme and students’ message? ∂ Content: Was the video engaging, purposeful? ∂ Organization: Is there a logical progression to the project? ∂ French language use will receive extra credit. Obvious Google Translate scripts will not receive extra credit. Our judges are generous in awarding points for French, but if the language is not mostly comprehensible, fewer points will be awarded. Suggestions: In recent years, judges have noted that many videos rely heavily on France and stereotypes of the French (mustaches, berets, striped shirts, croissants, escargots, baguettes…). We invite you to challenge your students to look beyond the French Revolution, Impressionist artists, and Coco Chanel. Depending on the theme, integrate the Francophone world and current Francophone artists, music, clothing trends, and food.
14 SALUT LES JEUNES! SHAPES FOR THE SCREEN: GET EFFECTIVE As of March 2020, the amount of screen time towel roll, un cylindre, an oval shaped frame, un triangle with your arms moving toward the escalated, as did many unique opportunities to un ovale. Sitting close to the screen at the screen. You are zooming in. Next, put both engage and interact with our French language beginning of the lesson, identify and repeat hands on the side of your body to make deux learners. It was definitely not “business as each of the shapes you selected. Tell students triangles with your arms and walk backwards usual,” and now as we prepare for some type to practice repeating the shape names zooming out from the screen. Move your of new normal, how can the screen continue to even though they are muted. No more than entire body to the floor and put yourself in une be an effective teaching tool rather than just a five shapes for this part of the lesson. After sphère. Roulez la sphère! As you roll around static, sedentary connection with students? identifying and repeating the different shapes, your space, you are panning the screen sharing yet another effect in your screen Think of the screen as an interactive rectan- gular classroom. We all strive to be effective, How can the screen shapes focused lesson. Transition back to a standing position and stretch your body into a so consider the word EFFECT, and differentiate continue to be an five-point étoile. Finish back at the screen in a your effects just like we differentiate for our students. Realize the screen can move up effective teaching seated position. and down and change how you look to the tool? Now tell the students you are going to be students on the other end. Think like a movie the shape observer, and challenge them to director and the need for variety in the overall create a shape combination including at invite students to make silly face shapes in an effect and impact of your lesson. Similar to a least three different shapes. As you observe extreme close up to the screen. Laughter is movie, remind the students to be on mute so their shape combinations, verbally repeat effective for engaging students in learning. everyone can hear your voice speaking French the shapes you see. You can also indicate throughout the lesson. Invite students to stand up and find some the actions students are doing relative to space to move around to explore some more the screen. Regardez la sphère qui traverse Using the theme of shapes, let’s explore how shapes. Repeat the shapes verbally while l’écran. Il y a un triangle qui va loin de shapes can engage, organize, and reinforce moving around the space. Now, start exploring l’écran. Le rectangle est en haut. Another some basic language skills. Engage students shapes and include un rectangle with your effective teaching strategy is repetition. by gathering a variety of shapes around the arms over your head while you walk around, house. Have the shapes you share labeled Finally, review with hand and finger shapes providing students with the action of your with the vocabulary word. For example, a close to the screen. Include un rectan- whole person moving. Then, bring your body book would be un rectangle, an empty paper gle, un cercle, un ovale, un triangle, and and arms to the middle of the space. Make I always end with un cœur. After making the heart shape with my hands, I make a fist (the approximate size of our heart) and place it on my heart. The other hand is placed over the fist shape. Tell the students to feel their heart beating and think about how that shape inside our body keeps moving. For second through fifth grade students, in- vite them to write the name of their favorite shape from the lesson in the chat box. For Pre-K through first graders, have students make a close up of their favorite shape with their hands and you type the shapes you
15 Volume 46 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2020 see in the chat box. Getting every student actively involved in this formative assessment is an effective learning strategy. This lesson engages students with a variety of screen shots and organizes shape vocabulary through identification, repetition, and exploration. Shapes for the Screen reinforces effective teaching and learning strategies. Direct your effects and have fun! ∂ Karen Campbell Kuebler FLES Commission Chair kkcdanser@verizon.net MERCI The AATF and the Société Honoraire de Français The National Bulletin and the Grand Concours wish to express their sincere appreciation (SHF) are pleased to announce the formation of to Elizabeth Miller for her years of service to the Salut les jeunes column and the FLES* a new honor society for middle and elementary Speaking Contest artwork. Her creativity and dedication to both these endeavors have been school students. Full details can be found on the an invaluable service to the promotion of French and the AATF. Merci, Elizabeth! Honor Society Web page at https://www.french teachers.org/jaf. The new society, called Jeunes Amis du Français (JAF), was approved by vote of the SHF sponsors. 2020 AATF OUTSTANDING AATF ELECTIONS: MAKE YOUR The Jeunes Amis du Français will function simi- CHAPTERS VOTE COUNT larly to the SHF. Any middle or elementary school Large Chapters This fall we will hold elections for teacher can request a JAF Charter for a one-time President-Elect, Vice-President, fee. Because of the diversity of middle school ∂ 1st place – North Texas Chapter and for Regional Representative in programs, a school must select the Cultural or Regions I (New England), VI (West Academic option. Each chapter must induct ∂ 2nd place – Minnesota Chapter Central), and VIII (Southwest). students at least once per year in order to remain ∂ 3rd place – Georgia Chapter Voting will be online. Instructions on active. how to vote and your password will The sponsoring teacher must be a current AATF Small Chapters be enclosed with your 2021 Dues member. Renewal Notice (mailed in Septem- ∂ 1st place – Northwest Indiana ber). Your userid will be your AATF There is a per student induction fee. Each Chapter member number which will also be student will receive a certificate attesting to his included with the password. or her membership. Additional materials will be ∂ 2nd place – Michigan Chapter available for purchase. Membership in the JAF does not imply member- ∂ 3rd place – Susquehanna, PA Chapter ship in the SHF nor give the student the right to SHF materials.
16 AATF COMMISSIONS COMMISSION ON ADVOCACY ∂ "Linguistic Fun Facts” currently being ∂ New website for the Commission Kathy Stein-Smith shared on the French Teachers in the US ∂ Connections with AATF members Chair Facebook to be compiled into an AATF book who are interested in being a part kathysteinsmith@gmail.com —upcoming project for the 2020-2021 of the Commission school year ∂ This commission is seeking contributions ∂ Active social media presence including ∂ Love incorporating culture into your les- of cultural lessons to share theme a webpage, Twitter, and Facebook sons? This is the commission for you! of interculturality ∂ Advocacy documents migrated to the Advocacy page of the AATF’s website COMMISSION ON FLES* COMMISSION ON MIDDLE SCHOOLS ∂ “Voices of Advocacy” book project in Karen Campbell Kuebler Janel Lafond-Paquin process Chair Chair ∂ Active professional presence of presenta- kkcdanser@verizon.net madamep51@hotmail.com tions, articles, and a new book ∂ Active commission members maintain in- ∂ Continuation of elementary poster contest ∂ Making connections through Musique volvement in the commission’s ongoing work with dissemination of resulting posters Mercredi social media group for future ∂ Seeking new members, especially those ∂ Connections with elementary French teach- music project with advocacy experience or a desire to ers to offer resources ∂ Upcoming project combining music choices help programs in danger. ∂ Regular contributor to AATF National Bulletin with specific themes ∂ Connection with NNELL to promote AATF ∂ If you love using music in class, this membership and mutual cooperation is the commission for you COMMISSION ON CINEMA ∂ Have a fun activity for Salut les Jeunes in Joyce Beckwith the National Bulletin or want to get more Co-Chair COMMISSION FOR THE PROMOTION involved? Contact Karen. mmejoyb@aol.com OF FRENCH Justin Frieman Charles Dolliann Hurtig COMMISSION ON FRENCH Chair Co-Chair FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES justinfrieman@yahoo.com dhurtig@latech.edu E. Nicole Meyer ∂ Social media image campaign created Chair ∂ Volume 3 of Allons au Cinéma AATF pub- and shared during National French Week nimeyer@augusta.edu lication featuring films about immigration provide resources for teachers, not only for and contributors from a variety of levels ∂ French for Specific Purposes encompasses National French Week, but all year long (high school, university levels) – 20 mem- Business French, French for Health and ∂ Wide-reaching results through Facebook bers of cinema commission participating Medicine, French for Science and Technol- and Instagram ∂ Volume 4 of Allons au Cinéma AATF publi- ogy, Diplomatic French, French for Tourism, ∂ Future media / visuals campaign cation in process, La Famille et la commu- French for Engineering, and more in planning stages nauté dans les films francophones ∂ Presentations and presence at AATF regional ∂ Calling all creative people to join this ∂ 3-hour workshop and official Commission and national conferences, as well as ISSLP dynamic commission session to be offered at New Orleans ∂ Discussions at multiple universities on the convention combination of French with STEM degrees COMMISSION ON TEACHER RECRUITMENT ∂ The Commission is accepting suggestions ∂ Social Media presence on Twitter and AND RETENTION for films to feature in Volume 4 through Facebook, working on website Eileen Walvoord early January 2021 ∂ Working on a volume of units for French in Co-Chair a variety of careers for teachers at multiple eileenwalvoord@gmail.com levels COMMISSION ON CULTURAL COMPETENCE ∂ Designing a National Concours for Français Martha Behlow Rebecca Léal à Objectifs Spécifiques (FOS/FSP) Chair Co-Chair ∂ New Commission members welcome mbehlow@geneva304.org rebecca.leal@elmhurst.edu ∂ Active Facebook page shares resources for ∂ Active Facebook page and connections with COMMISSION ON HIGH SCHOOLS Francophone world cultural examples to chapters and job vacancies throughout the Jean Copeland share with students country Chair ∂ YouTube list of authentic speakers contin- ∂ Commission webpage and national job board jean.m.copeland@gmail.com ues to grow ∂ Taste of Teaching workshop held in March ∂ Intercultural lessons experimented with in conjunction with chapter student Immer- learners and shared via website sion Day (Chi/NIL)
17 Volume 45 ∂ Number 1 ∂ September 2019 ∂ Future webinar plans ∂ Additional website resources planned – recruitment materials, résumé writing help, talking points on value of French ∂ YouTube video series ‘I love teaching French’ with short 1 – 2-minute testimonials featur- ing variety of teachers sharing something members appreciate about our profession ∂ Passionate about teaching and want to encourage others to become teachers? Join this commission To access COMMISSION ON TECHNOLOGY Catherine Ousselin Go to https://nearpod.com Chair catherineku72@gmail.com Select 'log in with Office 365' or create a new account ∂ Offered six distance-learning webinars in To learn more: Explore and create your own session the spring featuring Catherine Ousselin, Nathan Lutz, Heidi Trude, Justin Charles, https://nearpod.com Teresa Floch, and Katy Wheelock ∂ Offered 1:1 support for teachers struggling with e-learning during quarantine / COVID 19 ∂ Development of promotional videos, ads, How it can be used and images for AATF Why bother? Create recordings and tutorial for ∂ Collected, judged, and shared National Engage students enrichment, remediation and French Week student videos Get insights into their learning flipped classroom Add quizzes for instant feedback ∂ Social Media presence — continuations & Interactive lessons Customize and track learning for Share tutorials with your expansions: Pinterest, YouTube, Diigo book- your students department to save time marks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wakelet Virtual reality field trips Make your presentations more engaging and interactive with ∂ IF Profs collaboration Share your lesson and control student activity in real time media ∂ Love technology? This is the commission Monitor and measure students' Conduct instant formative for you results assessment to guide your lessons Special thanks to Julia Ullmann, School District of Osceola County (FL), for preparing the image COMMISSION ON UNIVERSITIES above. ullmann.julia@gmail.com , Jessica Sturm Co-Chair jsturm@purdue.edu Isabelle Drewelow Co-Chair idrewelow@ua.edu ∂ Active presence on social media (Facebook & Twitter) ∂ Sharing of information about webinars and resources for remote learning ∂ “Methods & Materials” project for techno- logical platforms available to teachers and students ∂ Future webinar planned for fall on Careers in Languages ∂ Calling university professors who are interested in strengthening their programs to join this commission
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