CALDWELL - Caldwell University

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CALDWELL - Caldwell University
FALL 2019






CALDWELL - Caldwell University
                                                                                  THE DATE
BENEFITING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS                                                  MONDAY,
                                                                               SEPT. 30, 2019

                                                                     Essex Fells Country Club, Essex Fells, NJ

                                                                      For more information, please contact
                                                               Stan Kula at 973-618-3447 or

    Your gift to the Caldwell University Annual Fund provides the tools for success that help the students
                                  of today become the leaders of tomorrow.

                                                 TO GIVE:
              VISIT: | EMAIL: | CALL: 973-618-3447
CALDWELL - Caldwell University
VOLUME 11                       ISSUE 2

                                                The Eileen Jones
                                                M U LT I C U LT U R A L                                                               C E N T E R
          FALL 2019
                                                                                                           A            trailblazer from the moment she stepped on the

Caldwell University Magazine is                                                                            Caldwell College for Women campus, Eileen Jones was the first

                                                                                                           African American student to attend and graduate from Caldwell.

produced for alumni and friends                                                                            Eileen earned her B.A. in Social Studies and then went on to earn a

                                                                                                           J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law.

twice each year by the News and
                                                                                                           A trailblazer in her career as well, Eileen became the first woman to be

Media Relations Office at Caldwell                                                                         appointed as chief of the administrative review staff for compensation

University. Its goal is to provide news                                                                    and pension at the Veterans Administration Central Office in

                                                                                                           Washington, DC, and was later only the second African American

and information about Caldwell                                                                             to hold an assistant directorship.

University’s students, faculty, staff,                                                                     These achievements were recognized when Eileen became one of three

alumni, and administration. We                  Eileen Jones, Esq. ’57                                     inaugural recipients of the Caldwell College Veritas Award in 1986 for

                                                                                                           Excellence in Government Law — another trailblazing milestone.

welcome your comments and
                                                In 2018, Eileen Jones thanked Caldwell University
                                                for instilling in her a warmth towards others. It is our   A lifelong supporter of Caldwell University through an endowed
                                                hope that The Eileen Jones Multicultural Center

suggestions! Please email us at                 will honor Eileen’s memory by fostering the same
                                                warmth that fueled this trailblazer’s life.
                                                                                                           scholarship, Eileen was a trailblazer once again when she donated

                                                                                                           her property to Caldwell for the purposes of establishing
                                                                                                                                                                                      Research and Creative Arts Day                                                                                   The Eileen Jones Multicultural Center with its proceeds.

                                                                             A                T R A I L B L A Z E R

                                           Multicultural Center Named for First African American Student

Colette M. Liddy ’13 M.A.
Nicole M. Burrell ’09

                                                  table of contents
Lori Funicello
Christina Hall
Meghan Moran ’07
John Tagliaferri
John Jurich
                                                        4	Multicultural Center Named for First African American Student
Andrew Timothy
Hrishita Badu                                           5	New Academic Programs — Bachelor’s in Esports Management
                                                           and Online Master’s in Nursing in Population Health
Pushparaj Aitwal ’11
Prasad Gyawali                                          6                          Commencement: Class of 2019
Alan Schindler
Anthony Yang                                      12                               Research Astrophysicist Presents on Science and Faith in Harmony
                                                  14	Mom Says Center for Autism and ABA Has Provided Hope for
Graphic Imagery, Inc.
                                                      Her Family
                                                  21                               A Year with The Saint John’s Bible
Stephen Quinn
                                                  23                               800 Wins for Coach Johnson
Address comments and                              30	A Gift of Kindness Brings a Gift to Caldwell —
questions to:                               Mary Anne Gamba ’78
Caldwell University Magazine
120 Bloomfield Avenue
Caldwell, NJ 07006
General information
                                          Cover photo – Favour Garuba ’19 p. 7.                                                                                                           Class of 2019
CALDWELL - Caldwell University

   Dear Friends
   of Caldwell
   As we prepare for the fall 2019 semester, the campus is bustling        this chapel which is centrally located on campus and inviting to
   with activity as we welcome our second largest freshman class           all students, faculty, staff, alumni, vendors and neighbors. While
   in Caldwell’s history. Our students will have an opportunity to         you are on campus, please take a few moments to see our volume
   study in two new programs that were approved by the state in late       of The Saint John’s Bible which is on site until the end of the year.
   spring: a bachelor of science in esports management and the fully       This beautifully handwritten and illuminated volume is housed in
   online master of science in nursing. Along with these new degrees,      the library and available for private viewing or can be booked for
   Caldwell is welcoming the members of our first men’s lacrosse team.     church or external groups within the area.
   In this issue of the Caldwell University magazine, we celebrate the     Before closing this letter, it is important that Caldwell pay tribute
   Class of 2019, extend our best wishes to Sister Deborah Lynch,          to those whom we have lost in the recent past: Anne Buckley ’52,
   OP, on her well-deserved retirement from Caldwell after 15 years        an alum who went on to have a stellar career as a journalist; Eileen
   of service, and we welcome Shin Moon as the Vice President for          Jones, Esq. ’57, the institution’s first Black alumna for whom the
   Finance and Auxiliary Services. We also acknowledge softball coach      Multicultural Center was named on May 9; and Sister Vivien
   Dean Johnson for surpassing the milestone of 800 wins, ending the       Jennings, OP, former president of Caldwell College, whose life was
   spring season with 828 victories. Congratulations, Coach Johnson!       celebrated on April 7 with the unveiling of a beautiful portrait and
                                                                           history panel in the lobby of the Jennings Library.
   I’d like to highlight two of the faculty members you’ll find featured
   within these pages: Rosa Sanchez, who for the past three summers        As we begin a new academic year, let’s pray together for all of our
   has taken a group of Caldwell students to Segovia, Spain, for an        students who come to Caldwell not only to receive an excellent
   immersion experience as they hone their Spanish language skills,        education but to embrace our Dominican pillars as they live in a
   sample the cuisine and culture of another country and live briefly      world that is desperate for people of faith whose lives demonstrate
   with host families, and Kevin Barnes, associate dean of the School      our core values of respect, integrity, community and excellence.
   of Education, who brings his experience as a teacher, coach and         May God continue to richly bless each of you!
   principal to administration and to the classroom where he instructs
                                                                           Best regards,
   students in our educational administration leadership program.
   I hope all of you will mark your calendars and come to campus at
   noon on Friday, September 20, when we dedicate The Sister Mary
   Dominic Tweedus Chapel in the Newman Center as part of our              Nancy H. Blattner, Ph.D., OPA
   Homecoming activities during the weekend of September 20-21.            President
   What a joy it will be to participate in the first Mass celebrated in

CALDWELL - Caldwell University
HOMECOMING A N D        F A M I L Y                    W E E K E N D

                                                     SEPT. 20 & 21, 2019
 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20                                11 A.M.:                                             2:30 P.M.:
                                                     Women’s soccer match vs. Goldey Beacom               50th Reunion Champagne Reception
  NOON:                                              (Soccer Field)                                       Formerly Known as the Golden
  Opening Liturgy and Dedication of the              11:30 A.M.–2:30 P.M.:                                Anniversary Tea (Cougar Den,
  Sister Mary Dominic Tweedus Chapel                 Homecoming Party on the Plaza and                    Student Center)
  (George R. Newman Center)                          Barbecue (Newman Center Plaza)                       Class of 1969 will be welcomed by the past
                                                     Family fun activities, food, beverages. (Beer        50th anniversary alumnae.
1 P.M.:                                              and wine for guests 21-plus with valid ID.) If       3 P.M.:
Kickoff Lunch in the Dining Hall                     you are able, please bring toiletries that will be   Mingle with a Sister
(Student Center)                                     distributed during the Midnight Runs to NYC.         Join us for wine and cheese and get to know the
1–5 P.M.:                                            11:45 A.M.:                                          Sisters of Saint Dominic.
Campus Tours (George R. Newman Center)               What Are Esports?                                    3:30 P.M.:
Student ambassadors will lead campus                 Learn about esports and take a tour of our           Class of 1969 “Just US”
tours. Golf carts available for those who            facility with faculty and students.                  (Reference Room, Jennings Library)
need assistance.                                     NOON:                                                Mix and mingle with classmates while looking
6:30 P.M.:                                           Class of 1969–50th Reunion Lunch in the              through yearbooks, photos, materials from the
Class of ’69 Dinner                                  Dining Hall (Student Center)                         Jennings Library archives and items you bring
                                                     Lunch for Class of 1969 and guests only.             to share.
                                                     1–5 P.M.:                                            4 P.M.:
9 A.M.:                                              Campus Tours (George R. Newman Center)               Alumni Soccer Matches (Soccer Field)
Sunrise Yoga                                         Student ambassadors will lead campus                 4:30 P.M.:
10 A.M.– 5 P.M.:                                     tours. Golf carts available for those who            Homecoming Liturgy
All-day Check-in and Late Registration               need assistance.                                     (Sister Mary Dominic Tweedus Chapel)
Student ambassadors will help direct guests          1:30 P.M.:                                           5:30 P.M.:
upon check-in.                                       Guided Campus Tour for the Class of 1969             Class of 1969 Celebratory Buffet
10 A.M.– 4 P.M.:                                     Student ambassadors will lead the campus             (Cougar Den, Student Center)
scin·til·late by Mauricio Cortes and Blurred         tour. Golf carts available for those who             Class of 1969 and guests only; pre-registration
Boundary by Dionisio Cortes Ortega                   need assistance.                                     required. Reconnect with classmates over good
Visit the Mueller Gallery and see the first show     1:30 P.M.:                                           food, wine and ’60s music.
of the fall semester.                                An Introduction to The Saint John’s                  6 P.M.:
10 A.M.:                                             Bible by Dr. Marie Mullaney                          Music Department Concert: Faculty
Welcome Breakfast with the President                 (Westervelt Lecture Hall)                            and Alumni Concert (Alumni Theater)
(Alumni Theater lobby)                               1:30 P.M.:                                           Pre-reception at 5:30 p.m.
All alumni, faculty, staff, students, families and   Men’s Soccer Match vs. Goldey Beacom                 (Alumni Theater lobby)
friends are invited to join Dr. Blattner.            (Soccer Field)                                        SUNDAY, SEPT. 22
11 A.M.:                                             2 P.M.:
President’s State of the University Address                                                               9 A.M.:
                                                     Women’s Alumnae Basketball Game
and Alumni Awards Ceremony                                                                                Class of ’69 Farewell Breakfast
                                                     Reception to follow
(Alumni Theater)                                     All alumni are invited to attend!
Dr. Nancy Blattner will give an update on the
                                                           FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT
university. The Peggy Harris Alumna/us of the
                                                                      THE OFFICE OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS CAN BE REACHED AT
Year Award and the Family Legacy Award will
be presented.
                                                                            973.618.3352 or

                                                                                                                                   CALDWELLMAGAZINE 3
CALDWELL - Caldwell University

                                                                                    The Eileen Jones
                                                                                    M U LT I C U LT U R A L                                                               C E N T E R

  Caldwell University                                                                                                                          A            trailblazer from the moment she stepped on the

                                                                                                                                               Caldwell College for Women campus, Eileen Jones was the first

                                                                                                                                               African American student to attend and graduate from Caldwell.

  Unveils Multicultural
                                                                                                                                               Eileen earned her B.A. in Social Studies and then went on to earn a

                                                                                                                                               J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law.

                                                                                                                                               A trailblazer in her career as well, Eileen became the first woman to be

                                                                                                                                               appointed as chief of the administrative review staff for compensation

  Center Named
                                                                                                                                               and pension at the Veterans Administration Central Office in

                                                                                                                                               Washington, DC, and was later only the second African American

                                                                                                                                               to hold an assistant directorship.

                                                                                                                                               These achievements were recognized when Eileen became one of three

  for First African
                                                                                    Eileen Jones, Esq. ’57                                     inaugural recipients of the Caldwell College Veritas Award in 1986 for

                                                                                                                                               Excellence in Government Law — another trailblazing milestone.
                                                                                    In 2018, Eileen Jones thanked Caldwell University
                                                                                    for instilling in her a warmth towards others. It is our   A lifelong supporter of Caldwell University through an endowed
                                                                                    hope that The Eileen Jones Multicultural Center
                                                                                                                                               scholarship, Eileen was a trailblazer once again when she donated

  American Student
                                                                                    will honor Eileen’s memory by fostering the same
                                                                                    warmth that fueled this trailblazer’s life.                her property to Caldwell for the purposes of establishing

                                                                                                                                               The Eileen Jones Multicultural Center with its proceeds.

                                                                                                                 A                T R A I L B L A Z E R

                                                                               The Multicultural Center plaque honoring Eileen Jones was donated by
                                                                               Graphic Imagery, Inc.

  The Eileen Jones Multicultural Center was          Office in Washington, D.C. In 1981,                                           she donated property to the university with
  unveiled on May 9. It is named after Eileen        she returned to Newark and became                                             the intention that proceeds from the sale be
  Jones, Esq. ’57, the first African American        the assistant director for the Veterans                                       used to establish a multicultural center
  student to attend and graduate from                Administration. Among the many honors                                         on campus.
  Caldwell College.                                                            she received,
                                                                                                                                   Angela Zaccardi ’58, an alumna, said she

                                                                               Jones was one of
  President Nancy                                                                                                                  and Jones met when they were at what was
  H. Blattner, Ph.D.,
                                   …this     center  will  serve               three inaugural
                                                                                                                                   then Caldwell College for Women. They
                                                                               recipients of the
  O.P.A., welcomed                 as a resource for the                       Caldwell Veritas
                                                                                                                                   “remained friends forever … she was a great
  friends of Jones,                                                                                                                lady and very thorough,” said Zaccardi.
                                                                               Award in 1986,
  alumni, students,                promotion of multicultural                  an annual award                                     Maud Carroll and Denise Carroll were
  staff, faculty and
  other guests to the              awareness,      understanding               given to celebrate                                  among the guests thrilled to be celebrating

                                                                               professional                                        the dedication. Maud remembered
  dedication and                   and appreciation.                           excellence of                                       teaching music to Jones beginning when
  official opening.
                                                                               Caldwell alumni.                                    she was eight years old and to Jones’s
  “In recognition of all the wonderful cultures                                                                                    sister, who became an accomplished
                                                     “Eileen was a smart and motivated woman
  that make up the Caldwell University                                                                                             musician. Anna Layton, of East Orange,
                                                     and a trailblazer in many ways,” said
  family, this center will serve as a resource for                                                                                 New Jersey, who met Jones in the 1940s,
                                                     Blattner. “Eileen was kind, funny and
  the promotion of multicultural awareness,                                                                                        was also happy to be at the celebration,
                                                     warm and had an infectious smile and
  understanding and appreciation,” said                                                                                            saying, “Eileen was always there for me.”
                                                     really good sense of humor.”
  Blattner. “In the spirit of our core values of                                                                                   Also attending was Ernestine Polhill, of
  respect, integrity, community and excellence,      Jones was involved in the community,                                          Orange, New Jersey, who said that before
  this will be a place where a variety of            holding executive positions with the                                          Jones passed away they had talked about
  programs and events are hosted with the goal       Arts Council of Orange and the Orange                                         attending the center dedication together.
  of creating a learning community.”                 Community Advisory Board. She was                                             “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.”
                                                     also involved with the Newark Museum,
  Jones earned her B.A. in history from                                                                                            The opening prayer was given by student
                                                     the Civic Action League and Caldwell’s
  Caldwell and went on to earn a J.D.                                                                                              Dennis Martin of the class of 2021. n
                                                     Educational Opportunity Fund program.
  from St. John’s University School of Law.                                                                                        —CL
  In 1977, Jones became the first woman              A lifetime supporter of Caldwell University,
  appointed chief of the administrative              in 2015, Jones established a scholarship to
  review staff for compensation and pension          help high-achieving students with financial
  at the Veterans Administration Central             needs. Before her passing in January 2019,

CALDWELL - Caldwell University

Caldwell University is offering a new Bachelor of Science degree in esports                                  program,” said Dr. Donna Naturale, RN,
                                                                                                             APN-BC, CDE, associate dean of the
management and a new online master’s in nursing in population health as
                                                                                                             School of Nursing and Public Health.
well as relaunching its Bachelor of Science degree in computer science.                                      “It will prepare nurses to meet the
                                                                                                             demands of health care today and
                                                                                                             tomorrow by promoting healthier
                                                         The School of Business and Computer
                                                                                                             communities and addressing needs
                                                         Science is relaunching its Bachelor of
                                                                                                             associated with the social determinants of
                                                         Science degree in computer science. The
                                                                                                             health, commonly attributed to the zip
                                                         program will prepare students for careers
                                                                                                             codes in which we live and work.” These
                                                         in the rapidly expanding technology
                                                                                                             social determinants include factors such as
                                                         industry with opportunities in diverse
                                                                                                             access to health care, finances and income,
                                                         fields including software development
                                                                                                             transportation, housing, social support and
                                                         engineer, software developer, application
                                                                                                             level of education.
                                                         developer, system engineer, net developer,
Neil Malvone, assistant professor of sport management
and esports management, is looking forward to teaching   system administrator, network engineer,             Graduates of the program will be prepared
in the new esports management bachelor’s program.        security engineer and programmer/cyber              to serve as leaders in nursing and health
                                                         security analyst.                                   care. They will be qualified to work within
The bachelor’s degree in esports                                                                             a variety of health care systems in positions
                                                         According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
management will prepare students for careers                                                                 that include care coordinator and project,
                                                         Statistics, jobs in the computer science
in the popular electronic sports gaming                                                                      case or nurse manager in outpatient
                                                         industry are projected to increase 24 percent
industry with opportunities for employment                                                                   facilities, hospitals and public health
                                                         by 2026, with strong compensation packages.
in finance, marketing, event planning,                                                                       departments, and within the insurance
operations and entertainment. The program                ONLINE MASTER’S IN NURSING IN                       and quality improvement fields. Upon
is one of the first of its kind in the nation            POPULATION HEALTH                                   graduation, they will also be qualified to
and is being offered within Caldwell’s School                                                                teach in undergraduate nursing programs.
of Business and Computer Science.
                                                                                                             The program ties in with the mission of
Courses will concentrate on digital                                                                          Caldwell University, a Catholic Dominican
marketing, esports management,                                                                               institution. Naturale points out that the
entrepreneurial studies, event planning,                                                                     Catholic Health Association states that
operations, ethics and the sociological                                                                      there is a moral imperative for making
impact of esports. “This growing industry                                                                    a commitment to the people of the
is in need of professionals with business                                                                    community, and therefore the university’s
acumen, and we are happy that we will be                 Professor Donna Naturale is associate dean of the   focus on social determinants of health is
able to provide students with an academic                School of Nursing and Public Health.                necessary and at the same time just. n
background focused on the esports
marketplace,” said Virginia Rich,                        Caldwell University’s School of Nursing
associate dean of the school.                            and Public Health is offering a new fully
                                                         online Master of Science in nursing
The degree program is based in the                       program in population health for fall 2019,         For information on these programs, contact
Business School, which is accredited by the              the first of its kind in New Jersey.                the Caldwell University Admissions Office at
Accreditation Council for Business Schools                                                                   973-618-3500 or
                                                         “We are delighted to be able to offer this          Prospective students can apply to the
and Programs, ensuring a rigorous academic
                                                         36-credit innovative population health              programs at
curriculum and strong skills-based outcomes.

5 CALDWELLMAGAZINE                                                                                                                   CALDWELLMAGAZINE 5
CALDWELL - Caldwell University


                        “Imagine the world         “Consider you, the person who earned it.        professors, classmates and staff whose
                        the way you would          Consider you, the person who decided to         guidance students would take with them
                        like it to be,” Rochelle   embark on an educational trek requiring         after graduation, she said. “With the rocket
                        Hendricks, former          hard work, dedication and sacrifice,” said      ship complete, we are ready to take on the
                        secretary of higher        Castronova, who received her Ph.D. in           world, and I am confident that we will be
                        education for the          educational leadership last December.           the pioneers of the future and successful
                        state of New Jersey,       She encouraged graduates to take time to        in whatever paths we choose.” In August
                        told graduates at          reflect on what they had learned about          Marano received a Bachelor of Science
                        Caldwell University’s      themselves. “For knowing who you are and        degree in business administration with
  undergraduate ceremony May 19.                   what you are capable of will enable you         minors in small-business entrepreneurship
  Hendricks was awarded an honorary                to transform knowledge into something           and marketing.
  degree, and she encouraged the students          great,” said Castronova, a science educator
  to let the light of God shine through them       at Robert L. Lazar Middle School in             Members of Caldwell’s class of 1969,
  as they strived to “make the world a better      Montville, New Jersey.                          marking their 50th anniversary,
  and brighter place.”                                                                             were recognized.
                                                                         Kathryn Marano, also
  Four hundred sixty-seven                                               of Nutley, delivered      President Nancy H. Blattner, Ph.D.,
                                                                         the undergraduate         presented doctoral students with their
  students received their degrees
                                                                         commencement              Ph.D.s and Ed.D.s, graduate students with
  at the university’s 77th annual
                                                                         ceremony address. She     their Master of Arts, Master of Business
  commencement ceremonies.                                                                         Administration or Master of Science degrees
                                                                         suggested to graduates
                       Marisa Castronova,                                that they were all        and undergraduates with their Bachelor
                       of Nutley, New Jersey,                            “rocket scientists” who   of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of
                       delivered the student                             had been building         Fine Arts or Bachelor of Science in nursing
                       address at the graduate     rocket ships that would lift off when they      degrees. A Master of Science in accounting
                       commencement                left the auditorium. Marano said the classes    degree was awarded posthumously to Kelly
                       ceremony. She advised       they took were the ship’s framework, while      Marilly Gonzalez. Her brother accepted the
                       her fellow graduates        the attributes they learned at Caldwell,        degree from Blattner.
                       to consider the person      including kindness, resilience, integrity       Blattner told the graduates it was a day of
                       who earned the degree       and respect, would help them navigate           great joy and pride for them, their family
  and to remember they were the driving            the rocket ship “through tough and              members and loved ones who supported
  forces behind the degree. “A degree is not a     uncharted territory.” The most important        them. She said the university was “sending
  living entity … It can’t walk; it can’t talk.”   components of the rocket ship were the

CALDWELL - Caldwell University
CALDWELLHISTORY                                                                                                             CALDWELLACADEMICS


  you forward, not just as graduates, but              Several graduates reflected on what              Campus Ministry

                                                                                                                                          O F
  as people who we expect to make a                    the jewel of Caldwell University                 at Caldwell
  difference.” She advised them to stay                meant to them.                                   inspired him
  connected to their alma mater, which has                                                              to look at how

                                                                                                                                          C L A S S
  “not only been your learning community                                      Shanice Edwards           attorneys can
  but also your family for four years.” Each                                  earned her Bachelor       reach out to
  student, she said, “has made an indelible                                   of Arts degree in         those on the
  impression on me.”                                                          biology and a minor       margins. One
                                                                              in chemistry in just      of his favorite
  Laurita Warner, chair of the board of                                       three years, becoming     activities was
  trustees and an alumna, said some aspects                                   the first in her family   Midnight Runs,
  of Caldwell never change, such as a                                         to obtain a college       which allowed
  welcoming environment, dedicated and                                        degree. Despite the       students to serve
  caring faculty, “an administration who               rigors of her studies and a per-semester         the homeless in
  work tirelessly to provide a campus where            load of 18 credits, Edwards excelled, even       New York City. Campus Ministry was a
  students can thrive and learn, and the               while holding two part-time jobs. “With          great way to “meet like-minded people,”
  mission inspired by St. Dominic and our              self-discipline and time management,             said Lattuga.
  Catholic tradition to prepare students to            if you put your mind to it, you can do
  think critically, pursue truth and contribute        anything,” she said. The Educational             Favour Garuba appreciated how Caldwell
  to a just society. And friendships that last         Opportunity Fund program was her                 showed her what community service
  a lifetime.” She extended two wishes to              anchor at Caldwell—a “family away                means and helped her grow as a leader
  each graduate—“the gift of memories of               from family.”                                    who understands the importance of
  Caldwell University as fond as mine are                                                               philanthropy. An international student
  and the very best future life has to offer.”         Liam Kearney, who completed his                  from Nigeria, she received a bachelor’s
                                                       Bachelor of Science degree in business           degree in health sciences and will attend
                                                       administration with a minor in                   Washington University School of Medicine
                                                       communication and media studies in               in St. Louis on a full scholarship this fall.
                                                       three years, appreciated the dialogue in his     “I would like to dedicate my services as a
                                                       classes and how faculty members, who had         physician and researcher to improve health
                                                       a wealth of experience in business or law,       in a way that reaches every community,
                                                       applied the theoretical to the practical. “I     including those in disadvantaged areas.”
                                                       could trust what they would say.”
                                                                                                        Jennifer Mary Gates received her master’s
                                                                            Devin Lattuga               in business decades after earning her
                                                                            received a Bachelor         undergraduate degree. She said her MBA
                                                                            of Arts degree in           had prepared her for a “fulfilling encore
                                                                            English and will begin      career … I refreshed myself. It opened up
                                                                            studying at Columbus        everything for me.” She wants other adult
                                                                            School of Law at            learners to know they can do it too. “Have
                                                                            Catholic University         the confidence to know your opportunities
                                                                            of America on a full        are unlimited.” n
                                                                            tuition scholarship
                                                       this fall. He had known for a while that         —CL
  Five members from the class of 1969 joined the       he wanted to pursue law, but his work in
  Caldwell University community as it celebrated its
  77th annual commencement on May 19. L to R:
  Joyce Pfeuffer Delpopolo, Dianne Durkin Meade,
  Mary Jo “Josie” Mullin Kealty, Joan Galla Reamer
  and Elaine Cristodero Duffy.

  7 CALDWELLMAGAZINE                                                                                                           CALDWELLMAGAZINE 7
CALDWELL - Caldwell University


                                                                                                leadership positions in Ringwood, Park
                                                                                                Ridge and Caldwell/West Caldwell.
                                                                                                He normally stayed about five years in
                                                                                                each district. “Always long enough to get
                                                                                                tenure,” he explained. It was a strategy that
                                                                                                David Paulis, his principal in Ringwood,
                                                                                                had encouraged to help novice leaders grow.
                                                                                                Barnes’s passion for education began
                                                                                                when he was growing up in Woodbridge,
                                                                                                New Jersey, where he had the “very good
                                                                                                fortune” to have phenomenal role models
                                                                                                as teachers and as coaches. He remembers
                                                                                                in high school having the thought that if he
                                                                                                could influence people the way his teachers
                                                                                                had, it “would be a wonderful life.” When
                                                                                                he was playing football at Woodbridge
                                                                                                High, college recruiters were coming to
                                                                                                his school to pursue a standout player. His
                                                                                                coach, Sam Lupo, also encouraged them to
                                                                                                look at Barnes, a tight end who had played
                                                                                                some outstanding games on a team that
                                                                                                had enjoyed a successful season. Barnes
                                                                                                ended up with good offers including a full
                                                                                                scholarship to play football at the College
                                                                                                of William & Mary, which he took. He
                                                                                                earned a bachelor’s degree in physical
                                                                                                education, health and driver’s education
                                                                                                with a minor in classical studies, which
                                                                                                included classes in Greek and Roman
                                                                                                tragedy and comedy and archaeology.
                                                                                                The Monday after graduating from
  On a recent visit to observe a graduate        him to “persevere because with these
                                                                                                college, Barnes reported to training camp
  student in his classroom internship, Dr.       degrees, life becomes better and more
                                                                                                in Carlyle, Pennsylvania, to start work
  Kevin Barnes turned on his way out and         opportunities are available to you,” and he
                                                                                                as a professional and collegiate scout for
  said, “Persevere. Get this done.” Barnes       wants to make sure the next generation has
                                                                                                the Washington Redskins, a job he had
  had listened to the student explain the        that encouragement too.
                                                                                                gotten through a networking contact
  challenges he was having balancing work,
                                                 Barnes, who teaches aspiring principals        from a friend. Scouting had not been a
  academics and family, and he understood.
                                                 and administrators, brings his master’s        career thought for Barnes, but he took
  As associate dean of the School of Education
                                                 and doctoral students nearly four decades      on the adventure and visited five colleges
  and the graduate coordinator of the
                                                 of educational insights from New Jersey        in the Southeast each week, looking at
  Educational Administration Leadership
                                                 K-12 schools.                                  potential pro football players and attending
  program, he wants students to know their
                                                                                                important games on the weekends. It was
  professors are there to support them as        He wants to pass on to his graduate            fun, but after one season he realized he
  they manage the responsibilities of going      students something of what he was given        wanted to be back home near his fiancée,
  to school as adults. Barnes was once in        by his mentors when he was a physical          his high school sweetheart, Karen.
  that place himself, working and pursuing       education teacher and a football and
  advanced degrees with a young family. He       track coach in districts including Hillside,   His first teaching job was in elementary
  remembers the mentors who encouraged           Sayreville and Millburn and then in            physical education in Hillside, New Jersey,

CALDWELLHISTORY                                                                                                        CALDWELLACADEMICS


  where he also coached football, wrestling
  and track; then it was on to Sayreville High
  School, followed by Millburn High. While
  at Millburn, a new career path opened
  up for Barnes when the superintendent,
  Dr. Paul Rossey, asked to meet with him.
  Seeing that Barnes had leadership skills,
  Rossey “did not ask me, [but] told me,
  that I would be enrolling in a graduate
  program in educational administration.”
  Barnes hedged a bit, mentioning all his
  teaching and coaching responsibilities, his      year. “Every once in a while God calls your     stages of doctoral preparation. He would
  two young kids at home and his summer            bluff,” Barnes says with a laugh.               meet with the two students who defended
  work. Rossey responded, “Yes, we all do,                                                         for as long as five hours to attempt to
                                                  His entry into college teaching began
  and in September you will be enrolled in                                                         get them through the process, he says.
                                                  when he was still at James Caldwell and
  an educational administration program.”                                                          It is refreshing to him to see students
                                                  became an adjunct in a post-baccalaureate
                                                                                                   committed to an area of interest and eager
  Barnes chose Rutgers, completed his             program in the Education Division. Barnes
                                                                                                   to collect data, analyze it and put it in a
  master’s and continued straight on into         enjoyed the work, and after 38 years in
                                                                                                   “fluid formatted document.” He is grateful
  the doctoral program for which his advisor      public schools, he realized he was ready
                                                                                                   to be a part of the Caldwell team, at the
  was internationally known education             to retire from K-12 and to focus more on
                                                                                                   “please-and-thank-you university,” as he
  administration professor                                              higher education. “If
                                                                                                   describes it, where people hold doors for
  Wayne Hoy. He took                                                    you went full circle, we

                                                                                                   one another and genuinely care.
  a position as vice                 …with these degrees,               went into education
  principal at Ryerson                                                  to teach. It was a         It is also heartening to teach students
  Middle School in                   life becomes better and            wonderful opportunity      who come right out of the classroom and
  Ringwood, working                                                     for me to get back into    want to make a difference as great school
  under the supervision              more opportunities                 teaching,” Barnes says.    administrators. “They say, ‘I’ve come to
  of Paulis, who hired
  employees with
  “zero experience” in
                                     are available to you.

  education administration so they would
                                                            ”           Today, Barnes enjoys
                                                                        working with the
                                                                        master’s, doctoral and
                                                  post-baccalaureate students “who show up
                                                                                                   realize I can positively influence the lives
                                                                                                   of 20 to 25 children [in the classroom],
                                                                                                   but through administration I might be
                                                                                                   able to positively influence the lives of
  have no preconceived notions about what                                                          200 or 400 or 6,000.’ Those are the people
                                                  on time 100 percent of the time because
  administration meant. At the end of five                                                         that are doing it for the right reasons,”
                                                  they are paying.”
  years, he encouraged his employees to take                                                       explains Barnes.
  the ball and run elsewhere with it. Barnes      He also teaches the undergraduate
                                                                                                   He and Karen are blessed to have three
  did just that, becoming an elementary           freshman seminar class, a population he is
                                                                                                   grandchildren and he looks forward to
  school principal at Park Ridge in               familiar with—“high school seniors three
                                                                                                   going to his “Tiny Beans” app for a daily
  Bergen County.                                  months removed.” Each fall, incoming
                                                                                                   feed of photos of the little ones’ adventures
                                                  freshmen in the seminar learn about the
  Again after five years, it was time to move.                                                     and triumphs. Barnes thinks back to that
                                                  nuts and bolts of earning a bachelor’s
  This time it was to the Caldwell/West                                                            teenager at Woodbridge High School who
                                                  degree, the different ways professors teach
  Caldwell public school district, where he                                                        had an inkling that working in education
                                                  and how to deal with “freshman angst,” he
  had principalships at Wilson Elementary                                                          would be a “wonderful life.” The kid was
                                                  says. They have told him it is comforting
  School, Grover Cleveland Middle School                                                           right. “I would not have had it any other
                                                  for them to hear from him, “You are not
  and James Caldwell High School. “The                                                             way,” Barnes says. He would do it all over
                                                  going through this alone.”
  neat part,” he says, is that there was one                                                       again. “Just like Jimmy Stewart in the
  cohort of students in the Caldwell-West         Barnes has been a first reader for two           iconic Christmas movie said, ‘It’s (been) a
  Caldwell District that had him as their         completed doctoral defenses and is “in the       wonderful life.” n
  principal from kindergarten through senior      thick of it” with three others at different      —CL

  9 CALDWELLMAGAZINE                                                                                                      CALDWELLMAGAZINE 9


                                                                                                program turned out to be an amazing
                                                                                                opportunity, and when Sanchez arrived at
                                                                                                Caldwell University, she knew she wanted
                                                                                                to introduce the program to her students.
                                                                                                She traveled with her first group of
                                                                                                students to Segovia in the summer of 2017.
                                                                                                Students stay with a host family for a
                                                                                                month while they take two classes that
                                                                                                revolve around the sites they will visit
                                                                                                in Spain. They also have ample time to
                                                                                                interact with locals, visiting cafés and parks
                                                                                                during their leisure time.
                                                                                                “It’s been great,” said Sanchez. “I love
                                                                                                seeing the students, the impact going to a
                                                                                                foreign country has on them. A month is
                                                                                                a nice chunk of time. You are more able to
                                                                                                have the culture sink in.”
                                                                                                New experiences give students a fresh
                                                                                                perspective. Instances of culture shock may
                                                                                                be as simple as the way people in Spain are
                                                                                                careful to conserve water and electricity or
                                                                                                as profound as realizing the stereotypes that
  Professor Rosa Sanchez is standing in front   the Dominican Republic. After high
                                                                                                exist about Americans in other countries.
  of a cross with a group of students. That     school, she attended Barnard College and
                                                                                                After enjoying the warmth of their host
  isn’t unusual, considering she teaches at a   majored in Latin American studies with
                                                                                                families, the slower pace of the culture and
  Catholic university. But this cross is not    the intention of becoming a successful
                                                                                                the rich traditions of the country, students
  located on the university campus, and         businesswoman. But after pursuing the
                                                                                                often return with a passion for travel and
  she and the students are nowhere near         nine-to-five life through jobs in marketing
                                                                                                for Spain specifically.
  Caldwell. On this June day, they find         and public relations, she realized she was
  themselves in the shadow of a 500-foot        on the wrong track. And this became clear       “They are more comfortable stepping out
  granite cross, embedded in the rocky          at a book club, of all places. Sanchez had      of their shells and just getting to know
  mountains of Spain. They are there for a      started a reading group with friends from       places,” Sanchez said.
  study-abroad program, and they are far        college who were also living in New York
                                                                                                During classes, students get a preview
  from your average tourists.                   City after graduation. The more time
                                                                                                of the sites they will visit during their
                                                she spent with the book club, the more
  When Sanchez arrived at Caldwell                                                              month abroad. Among these places is the
                                                she realized she wanted to spend her life
  University, she was confident of several                                                      Valley of the Fallen, where they encounter
                                                working in literature and culture. So she
  things. First, she believed studying abroad                                                   the 500-foot cross. The monument is
                                                applied to graduate school and attended
  was a powerful experience for students.                                                       stunning, but it is also tragic, having been
                                                the University of Virginia to earn a master’s
  Second, she knew literature had the power                                                     built by a controversial leader using forced
                                                and a Ph.D. in literature.
  to transform lives for the better. And she                                                    labor. Visits to such places allow students
  was confident that her role as assistant      Sanchez was working as an adjunct               to consider buildings and monuments in
  professor of Spanish language, literature     professor at St. Francis College in Brooklyn    light of history. Conversations about a
  and culture would allow her to show that      when she first heard about the study-           monument in Spain have sparked thoughts
  diversity is a wonderful thing.               abroad program she would eventually bring       about historical sites in our country and
                                                to Caldwell. An alumnus of the college was      how students interact with them. This and
  Sanchez was 10 years old when her
                                                advertising a course of study that allowed      the experience of living abroad prove to be
  family moved to New York City from
                                                students to travel to Segovia, Spain. The       very powerful for students.

CALDWELLHISTORY                                                                                                          CALDWELLACADEMICS

  headline                                                                                           TWO OF PROFESSOR
                                                                                                     ROSA SANCHEZ’S
                                                                                                     FAVORITE BOOKS
                                                                                                     ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE
                                                                                                     By Gabriel García Márquez
                                                                                                     “I read it as an undergraduate on my own.
                                                                                                     After reading that book, it was the first time
                                                                                                     I ever felt that I really was going to miss
                                                                                                     the characters, so that book has a special
                                                                                                     part in my heart. It was such a long book,
                                                                                                     and it was really, then, the first time I felt
                                                                                                     alone afterwards because I had been in the

  Sanchez has played a large role in other         The personal application of The Saint John’s      company of those characters for so long.”
  immersive experiences at Caldwell.               Bible is easy to see. The artists worked hard     DON QUIXOTE
                                                   to incorporate cultural diversity, science        By Miguel de Cervantes
  In a previous teaching position, she
                                                   and women in the illuminations paired
  attended a weeklong workshop at Saint                                                              “‘Don Quixote’ was impossible to read
                                                   with the text. And that same desire for
  John’s University. While there, she had the
                                                   diversity drives Sanchez every day as she         the first time I picked it up. But then it
  opportunity to see The Saint John’s Bible.
                                                   teaches at Caldwell University. “That is at       became one of my favorite books once I got
  This handwritten, hand-illuminated Bible
                                                   the core of my discipline,” Sanchez said.         acquainted with the style of the Golden Age,
  was carefully produced, beginning in the
  late 1990s, to reflect a diversity of cultures   Through her classes in the Spanish                because it was published in the 1600s. That
  and the faith of modern believers.               language, literature and culture program,         book also has a special place in my heart
                                                   Sanchez encourages students to listen to          because I had a long-distance relationship
  “I was just blown away,” Sanchez said. “It
                                                   music and podcasts from different countries
  was so stunning to see it in person and to                                                         while I was in Virginia for my Ph.D. To
                                                   as they read Spanish texts. Students also
  hear about the work                                                                                have something to talk about with my then-
                                                                          have the opportunity
  it took and all the                                                                                boyfriend, I would tell him what happened

                                                                          to attend a play in
  thought and research
  that went into it.”
                                     I see myself at  the  center         Spanish in New York        in whatever I was reading at the time. And
                                                                          City. All of these         I started doing that with ‘Don Quixote.’ I
  When she heard                     of the effort to teach               mediums expose             would bring it up with him to the point where
  Caldwell University                about other cultures, to             them to a variety
                                                                                                     in one of the weekends where I was in the
  would have the                                                          of cultures, views
                                                                                                     city, he took me to see a play based on ‘Don
  opportunity to host a              see students appreciate              and accents.
                                                                                                     Quixote,’ and that’s where he proposed. And

  portion of that Bible,
  Sanchez was overjoyed.             other cultures.                      Sanchez shares her
                                                                                                     here we are several years later, married, and
                                                                          passion for Spanish
  She remembered                                                                                     with a precious three-year-old daughter who
                                                                          culture and literature
  her encounter with                                                                                 is already acquainted with a kiddie version
                                                   in a number of other ways. She serves as
  The Saint John’s Bible years earlier and
                                                   an advisor to the Spanish Club and to             of the Spanish classic!
  quickly volunteered to train the docents
                                                   the honor society. She was also chosen
  who would share the Bible with visitors.
                                                   to participate in the Ancient Greece
  Three students agreed to take part in the
                                                   in the Modern Classroom seminar on
  program for the semester, and Sanchez                                                            think deeply about diversity and culture
                                                   “The Ancient Greek Hero” at Harvard
  contributed her enthusiasm to the project.                                                       and about their place in it.
                                                   University’s Center for Hellenic Studies
  During weekly or biweekly meetings, she
                                                   campus in Washington, D.C. this past July.      “I see myself at the center of the effort to
  encouraged the students not only to share
  facts about the Bible but to invite those        She organizes a Spanish conversation hour       teach about other cultures, to see students
  who saw it to reflect on the impact the          for students every other week at Rock ‘n’ Joe   appreciate other cultures,” she said. “And
  work had on them. Sanchez will continue          in Caldwell, where students are treated to      my hope is that they develop a curiosity
  to train docents this fall while the Bible is    coffee as long as they commit to speaking       for other cultures. I tell them that whatever
  on display at Caldwell.                          Spanish for the entire hour. Thanks to          they learn about in my class is only a
                                                   Sanchez’s hard work and passion, whether        snippet of what is really out there.” n
  “That has been beautiful, just to be part
                                                   students choose to study abroad or stay         —Nicole M. Burrell ’09
  of that,” she said. “The Saint John’s Bible
                                                   close to home, they have opportunities to
  is so stunning.”

  11 CALDWELLMAGAZINE                                                                                                       CALDWELLMAGAZINE 11


Science and
Faith in

  Dr. Anton M. Koekemoer, research astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, gave the keynote at Research and Creative Arts Day, presenting on “Science and Faith
  in Harmony: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God.”

  More than 200 students presented their                     cosmos, highlighting exciting astronomical                  Dr. Barbara Chesler, vice president for
  projects to judges and visitors at Caldwell                discoveries and images from the telescope                   academic affairs, said the annual event
  University’s third annual Research and                     that inspired beautiful artwork in The                      provides an opportunity for students
  Creative Arts Day. This year’s event, with                 Saint John’s Bible.                                         to display the work they have done
  the theme, “Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur                                                                                 throughout the year. The students are
                                                             President Nancy Blattner read 19th-
  Dei—That in All Things God May Be                                                                                      mentored by faculty and “go in as a novice
                                                             century poet Gerard Manley Hopkins’s
  Glorified,” featured keynote speaker                                                                                   and come out as an expert,” she said.
                                                             sonnet “God’s Grandeur,” which celebrates
  Dr. Anton M. Koekemoer, a research
                                                             the “ever-present magnificence of God’s                     Humberto Humby Baquerizo gave the
  astrophysicist at the Space Telescope
                                                             creation” and, she said, beautifully                        keynote for the graduate section of the
  Science Institute. He spoke on “Science
                                                             mirrored the theme of the research day.                     day on “Translating Leadership, Resilience
  and Faith in Harmony: The Heavens
                                                             The challenge, said Blattner, is for “each of               and Community Service in Scholarship.”
  Declare the Glory of God.”
                                                             us in the audience to become more alive to                  Baquerizo received a doctorate in education
  Koekemoer has carried out scientific                       God’s presence—whether that revelation                      leadership from Caldwell and works at
  research with the Hubble Space Telescope                   be made to you through the beauty found                     Rutgers Medical School in the Office for
  for over 20 years with a focus on distant                  in nature and art or through the discoveries                Diversity and Community Engagement. n
  galaxies and black holes. He presented                     revealed in the realm of science.”
  a journey of exploration through the



The Caldwell University Musical Theatre Workshop
presented the classic show “Godspell” on April 12. With
music faculty member Dr. Laura Greenwald serving as
producer, the Caldwell cast and crew brought to life the
production, which is based on the Gospel of Matthew and
gained worldwide popularity in the 1970s.

Warren Helms was musical director and played piano; Dan
Yates was stage director; Tim Metz played bass and John
Piepoli was a percussionist. The cast featured Caldwell
                                                              Audience members in the Alumni Theatre clapped and sang
students Lisette Guiracocha, Andrea Gutierrez, David
                                                              joyfully, some dancing in their seats as they enjoyed the
Iarkowski, Keith Kyewalabye, Jessica Lopez, Lauren Mann,
                                                              music and lyrics created by Stephen Schwartz in 1971.
Jennifer Montejo, Maria Tavarez and Osayewere “Rae”
Uyinmwen. Billy Yates played Jesus.                           The cast also performed “All Good Gifts” at the opening
                                                              of Research and Creative Arts Day, which had the theme
Uyinmwen said it was a tremendous joy to be part of the
                                                              “Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Dei— That in All Things God
cast. “There is something so rewarding about being able to
                                                              May Be Glorified.”
help share this show’s beautiful message.”

Caldwell University is offering corporate partnerships to organizations with 250 employees or more that
have an appreciation for continuing education and training for their employees. Here are the details
regarding the exclusive program:

• T he corporate partner’s program with Caldwell             • Eligible corporate partners receive a 25% tuition discount.
   University is a value-added opportunity offered
                                                                nline or on-campus options available in bachelor’s,
   alongside your organization’s existing benefits program.
                                                               master’s and doctoral degree programs.
• Available worldwide to your company benefit-eligible
   employees including spouses and dependents.                LEARN MORE AT

                                                                                                          CALDWELLMAGAZINE 13

  Mom Says Center for Autism and ABA
  Has Provided Hopeful Path for Her Family
                                                                                                at his places of employment. Today Ben
                                                                                                works at Calabria’s Restaurant and Pizzeria
                                                                                                in Livingston, where he sets up tables, takes
                                                                                                down chairs and puts out spices, and at
                                                                                                a print center, where he shreds and sorts
                                                                                                mail. He is also learning skills at Antonio’s
                                                                                                Salon and Spa in Livingston. There he
                                                                                                organizes towels when they come out of
                                                                                                the dryer and sweeps the hair, “which has
                                                                                                proved to be more difficult,” says his mom,
                                                                                                because when “you are in people’s space …
                                                                                                you have to learn the social etiquette” and
                                                                                                when you are doing the work, you have to
                                                                                                learn that “we stick with staying on topic.”
                                                                                                Concentrating on employment is
                                                                                                important to the faculty at the ABA center.
                                                                                                “As individuals move into their teenage
                                                                                                years, a major focus of our efforts is on
                                                                                                teaching job skills and job sampling. Our
                                                                                                goal is to help put individuals in the best
                                                                                                position to obtain real jobs for real pay,”
                                                                                                says Dr. Jason Vladescu, associate professor
                                                                                                of ABA.

  Ben Tepper enjoys taking rides on the         Several years ago,                                                             For Pam and
  elevators at Caldwell University. He          Caldwell faculty                  Our goal is to teach socially                her husband,
  also likes visiting a professor who has       saw that there were                                                            Rich, the
  sound effects on his computer. And he         not enough trained                significant skills through the               journey to get
  is happy when he goes to the mailroom         educators in ABA                  use of evidence-based practices              to where they
  accompanied by graduate students to pick      to teach those with                                                            are today was
  up the mail, which he sorts by himself        ASD in New Jersey                 based on the principles of                   a tough one.

  and delivers on the mail cart to faculty      and began offering                                                             Pam remembers
  members in the Center for Autism and          the first master’s and            applied behavior analysis.                   when she first
  Applied Behavior Analysis at Caldwell.        the only doctoral                                                              brought Ben
  “His strength in reading and phonics          program in ABA                                                                 to the center.
  helps him with that job,” says Ben’s mom,     in the state. The Center for Autism and          They had been struggling for some time
  Pam Tepper.                                   Applied Behavior Analysis was founded            to find a program with professionals who
                                                in 2011 to provide exceptional assessment        could meet his specific needs. “We were
  The center has been an essential part of
                                                and intervention services for individuals        stuck.” Meeting with Reeve was a turning
  Ben’s life on weekdays for the past five
                                                with autism spectrum disorders and               point for the Teppers. “That cautious
  years. The 19-year-old, who is on the
                                                developmental disabilities. “Our goal is to      optimism turned into hope,” Pam says.
  autism spectrum, has been learning from
                                                teach socially significant skills through the
  graduate students who are aiming to be                                                         The ABA faculty created a behavior
                                                use of evidence-based practices based on
  the future educators of people with autism                                                     intervention plan for Ben based on the
                                                the principles of applied behavior analysis,”
  spectrum disorder. In a state with the                                                         results of a functional analysis. With the
                                                says Dr. Sharon Reeve, professor of ABA
  nation’s highest prevalence of ASD, the                                                        “data-driven protocol in ABA, they were
                                                and a founder of the center. It is open to
  master’s students learn hands-on with the                                                      able to show my district, even after three
                                                learners of any age.
  guidance of faculty nationally known in                                                        months, a lesser amount of aggression,”
  the field of applied behavior analysis. ABA   Using evidence-based practices, faculty          Pam says. “Outsiders might not have
  is a science-based approach to learning       members and graduate students have               noticed, but they knew from the data that
  proven to be highly effective in treating     helped Ben through many teenage                  the curve was going down. We took their
  people with ASD.                              transitions, including learning how to go to     lead on every little thing,” says Pam of the
                                                work, as they assisted him in his first days     advice she received from the professors.


Pam began going to the center for the weekly training provided
for the parents of learners. There she saw Ben’s behavior was “as
good as it could be.” The Teppers did not make changes at home
until the graduate students and faculty made home visits to help
them implement the plan to manage Ben’s disruptive behavior.
Along the way there were a number of goals, says Pam, such as
learning about showering and brushing teeth and not throwing
food or stepping on the dog on purpose. “All of these little
things, that weren’t so little, have improved,” she says.
As Ben made progress, he and the graduate students visited                                  Trang Quynh “Miley” Duong,
neighborhood restaurants and stores where he learned how                                    undergraduate psychology student,
to interact in the community. Then he was ready to move on                                  co-authored a peer-reviewed paper
to employment.                                                                              in the journal Ethics, Medicine and
Chris Colasurdo is a doctoral student in ABA who received his                               Public Health on “Understanding
master’s in ABA at Caldwell. Working with Ben and seeing his                                Terrorism: A Behavioral
“amazing progress” have reinforced why he wants to go into the                              Developmental Approach.”
field. “His attitude is infectious. It is impossible to have a bad                                   Premedical student
day,” Colasurdo says. “He brightens everyone up.”                                                    Lamar-Shea Chang was
Employees on campus say they have grown from their interactions                                      honored March 18 at the
with Ben. Don O’Hagan, chief information officer for Caldwell,                                       Independent College Fund
says Ben visited his office almost every afternoon for four years.                                   of New Jersey Undergraduate
“With no fear, he was loaded with a series of questions as he                                        Research Symposium for
scanned my messy desk.” It was the little details that were                                          his research titled “Convert
important to Ben, O’Hagan says. “He helped me give thanks for                                        every human into a natural
my blessings and made me realize I have to be myself at all times.”                                  mosquito deterrent.” Chang,
                                                                                                     who is also majoring in
The Caldwell program has enriched the Teppers’ family life. Ben        computer information systems with a concentration in
says Caldwell is “great.” His family agrees. “I can’t even tell you    business systems and minoring in chemistry, received
how supported we feel,” Pam says. It is “the outside-of-the-box        honorable mention for his research.
thinking and the very individualized approach that have made
this so successful. I can’t imagine that wouldn’t happen for any       Favour Garuba ’19 is the recipient of a Phi Kappa Phi
student that is in crisis.”                                            fellowship awarded to members who are starting their first
                                                                       year of graduate or professional study. Garuba received her
Pam is gratified to know that the master’s students experience         bachelor’s in health sciences May 19; she begins studying
firsthand how they can make a difference in the lives of               this fall at Washington University School of Medicine in
students—“because Ben is not the only one who suffers from             St. Louis on a full scholarship.
aggression,” she says. “Faculty members Sharon Reeve and Jason
Vladescu and the graduate students at Caldwell’s Center for            School of Business and Computer Science graduates Aida
Autism and ABA have undoubtedly changed the trajectory of              Osmeni and Zulenny Reyes-Calderon were recognized
Ben’s future.”                                                         at the New Jersey Collegiate Business Administration
                                                                       Association honor society ceremony on May 3. The top
Pam is passionate about sharing her journey with others. A             1 percent of undergraduate students pursuing degrees in
former kindergarten teacher (she decided to stay home after            business are invited to join the society. Osmeni received a
having Ben), she is president of a Livingston-based nonprofit,         Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in financial
Parents and Professionals for Exceptional Children, which              economics and math and Reyes-Calderon received a
educates and empowers parents so they can advocate for their           Bachelor of Science degree in business administration on
children. She shares her family’s story in creative videos she         May 19.
produces for her vlog, called “Autism and the Education of BT.”
“My hope is that somebody else can benefit,” Pam says.                 Business student Crystal Zamora has become the first
                                                                       federally registered human resources apprentice in the U.S.
She has concerns about what will happen when Ben turns 21              thanks to a partnership with the Employers Association
since there is a lack of services for adults with ASD, but she says,   of New Jersey. Zamora, who is majoring in business
“You have to be thankful in life and thankful for what is today.       administration and minoring in human resources, has worked
There was a time that we didn’t have that. And now we do.              in HR for the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, New Jersey,
And I want to share that with people.” And her family’s journey        and she is currently working in HR at Mott MacDonald,
continues. “I don’t know where it is going to end, but I know          a national engineering firm in Iselin, New Jersey. “The
that the program at Caldwell has paved a different path for him,       companies I have had the honor of working with have given
a positive, hopeful path.” n                                           me such invaluable experiences,” said Zamora. n

                                                                                                              CALDWELLMAGAZINE 15
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