The Class of '21 Is Virtually Over - Paul Revere Charter Middle ...
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Paul Revere Charter Middle School and Magnet Center Thursday, June 10, 2021 Volume 65, Issue 5 The Class of ’21 Is Virtually Over After about 15 months apart, the culminating eighth-graders will gather one last time. By AVERY ZEMLAK This past year has been un- imaginably different from any other in many ways, from log- ging on for school instead of walking through the front gate, and eighth-graders eating lunch at home most days instead of sitting in the quad which is an eighth-grade rite of passage. One thing, however, stays the same. Paul Revere continues to celebrate their culminating eighth-graders and all they have accomplished. Despite their on-campus time having been cut short, they still were able to socialize with friends, complete all three grades, and most im- portantly learn from themselves, their peers, and their teachers. Although some of the most well-known eighth-grade events could not take place this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 that caused the school to turn virtual in March 2020, Patriots were able to adjust to these new changes. “Given that we have been hearing about the Disne- yland and DC trips since sixth grade, it is sad knowing that On their last Monday as eighth-graders, Class of 2021 members headed out to Chino for paintball and a picnic. we will not be able to partake in these special activities,” said took place on Monday, June 7. Week, and even an Among Us pages 2 and 3 for the finalists of Revere’s Vice President, Ella In addition, there were many Zoom with teachers. This year “Most Likely to Succeed.”) Hoffman. However, students virtual events throughout the eighth-graders ran for yearbook Another activity eighth-grad- could look forward to a day of year hosted by Leadership, such superlatives, voted by their fel- ers got to enjoy was the annual paintball with their friends that as lunchtime Kahoots, Spirit low eighth-grade Patriots. (See (continued on page 2) Mikaela Reyes gets vaccinated Sarah Hajmomenian strums out Jean Haney’s award-nominated Tennis player Tavian Talbert tries soon after teens got the OK. Page 7 a tune in the talent show. Page 20 hair gets a grin and selfie. Page 24 to keep his eye on the ball. Page 28
2 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School speech contest that began on message to the eighth-grade Apr. 26, 2021, when all culmi- students: “Do not dwell on chal- nating Patriots were invited to lenges, get through them and write a speech following this that’s how you become resilient. year’s theme: “It’s not about Always try new things, join dif- where you’ve been, it’s where ferent school clubs, try out for a you’re going.” Between Apr. new sport, have different friend 26 and May 7, twenty students groups. It’s always important to submitted their speeches to be be yourself and the right friends considered for the culmina- will love you the way you nat- tion ceremony. On May 13, ten urally are. Don’t pretend to be speeches were selected, written anyone else. Life goes by too by Eli Hamid, Shayan Naeim, fast so have fun and always treat Kalyssa Ferdinand, Taylor people kindly because you never Beljon-Regen, Emma Shay- know what kind of day they are estehfar, Jada Michael, Lily having or what impact you make Williamson and Michael Wil- Lily Williamson gets her eighth-grade photo taken at Revere. on them. Also, I am so proud of liamson, Annalisa Hurd, and my eighth-graders! This class Logan Mirzadeh. From May will always have a special place 17 through May 21, tryouts in my heart because my first year were held over Zoom to narrow at Revere was their first year at down the final three: Kalyssa Revere as sixth-graders.” Ferdinand, Eli Hamid and Eighth-grade English teach- Shayan Naeim. The fourth er Mr. Slavin’s advice to the cul- speaker will be school president minating class: “Read every day. Hailey Sugarman. Culmination If you’re not reading, you’re will be held tomorrow at Pali not ready. Reading is push-ups High in two separate social- for the brain! Also, take time to ly-distanced ceremonies: one at study what you love. Yes, there 10 a.m. for last names A-K and are certain courses that you’re 2 p.m. for last names L-Z. required to take, but always find Teachers and students shared a way to study a subject you their final thoughts on the abnor- adore, even if it feels frivolous, mal school year. Ms. Evans, the because, after all, education is culminating class’s counselor, about more than just accumulat- described this year as “transfor- The hybrid eighth-graders in leadership finally get to enjoy the quad. ing knowledge. It’s about living mative.” Her advice and special your dreams.” Leena Adeli Willa Browne Hailey Sugarman Lily Williamson Sam Sonnett ”In 20 years I see myself “I see myself as a doctor. “I can picture myself as “More than anything, “I see myself as a public as an engineer at NASA I want to receive an a politician or a U.S. am- I hope to be happy, and speaker, a job where I exploring what other life education that I’m proud bassador because I enjoy doing what I love. I am can help others as well forms could exist in our of, and really enjoy my being a leader with a lot very interested in law as bringing satisfaction massive galaxy. ” career and life.” of responsibility.” and public service.” to my own life.”
June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 3 This year symbolized growth, them adjust to a new school. perseverance, and how change Hailey Sugarman Daniella Traum says, “I hope is okay. Eighth-grader Hailey practices her they understand there is nothing Sugarman, Paul Revere’s school culmination to be afraid of. Entering a new president, notes, “I really en- speech in the environment is frightening, but joyed being school president. auditorium. you’ll quickly feel right at home. One thing I learned from it was Don’t shy away from participat- how to adjust and adapt when ing in conversations! Everyone you face adversity, which is is going through the same thing definitely a lesson that will be as you, so by locking onto bonds, beneficial later on in life.” Fel- you’ll find wonderful peers to be low eighth-grader Natalie Alpert with you on your journey.” also learned important skills this Michael Williamson remi- year. Natalie added, “These three nisces about his time at Revere years have taught me how to ef- saying, “Enjoy your time at Re- fectively manage my time be- vere, incoming sixth-graders, tween school, sports and family/ it really does go by fast.” Riley friends, and the yearbook elec- Lenz advises, “Stay on top of tive really taught me to respect your assignments and do not deadlines.” Jasper Hoegh-Guld- fall behind.” Finally, Izzy Koch- berg says of his time at Revere, er thinks it is important to “try “Adapting to a bigger school and your best and get with the right meeting new people has helped crowd, since the people you me get ready for high school be- hang out with will affect your cause I feel comfortable around education and your life.” new people.” The past three years have For this year’s culminating shaped all eighth-grade Patri- eighth-graders, they seem to ots into students ready to go agree that the past three years into high school with newfound have not only resulted in educa- friendships, knowledge and ex- tional learning but valuable life periences. Even if half the time lessons learned, such as time of middle school career was management and confidence. spent at home, the Revere spirit Lastly, these eighth-grade proved to be strong and perse- students have some advice for Eli Hamid Shayan Naeim Kalyssa Ferdinand vered, much like the class that incoming sixth-graders to help culminates tomorrow. Illustrations: Owen Fisher Teddy Grandy Arik Kraft Logan Mirzadeh Matin Farhangnia Brandon Lustgarten “I plan on living in Bos- “I see myself helping “I see myself running “I see myself as a “I plan to be an ophthal- ton as a lawyer working others. I want to get an my own hedge fund or business manager. Doing mologist (eye surgeon) in litigation, with season amazing education and real estate business. I something that can make and a teacher at the tickets to the Red Sox then create bonds with want to start a family our world better is what Maloney-Shamie Vision and Patriots.” my patients as a doctor.” and donate to charities.” I plan to do. ” Institute in Westwood.”
4 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School Year Ends with Students Back on Campus One-third of Paul Revere students choose to finish their spring studies with in-person learning. By NICO TROEDSSON students participate in their first advisory the front rose garden, where my students like session with their teacher who is present to explore, talk, and laugh together. We also After over a year of distance learning, in the classroom. Students are organized in have a weekly book club with the librarian, some Patriots have finally had the opportunity cohorts to keep class sizes small. Each cohort Ms. Gualano, where we chat informally to return to campus. Kicked off at the end meets every other day, and alternates Fridays. about a book that a bunch of us are reading of April, the hybrid program allowed small Luzia Marcus, a seventh grade Patriot, together in advisory.” cohorts of students to get back to in-person enjoys advisory period. “Advisory is really For the next two periods, students “Zoom classes, see their teachers and the campus, fun,” she says. “My classmates are funny in a Room.” That means students remain in and catch up with friends. and kind. Most of the time we are just being their advisory classrooms while connecting According to the LA Times, only 12% social, but Mr. Amos takes us on walks and to their scheduled classes through Zoom. of middle school students have opted for the we sometimes play games like Heads Up”. Even though students are in the same hybrid program. Even though numbers of Seventh grader, Chris Riberi agrees that classroom, they may be attending different returning students fell below expectations, advisory offers a good opportunity to have classes online. those that did return to Paul Revere felt fun and socialize. “In advisory, we all play Seventh-grader Luzia Marcus says that positive about the experience. games and socialize a lot and laugh,” he “Zoom in class is strange but still fun. It feels explains. “It’s super fun and much better than like you’re in class with your teacher but not What Does a Typical Hybrid staying home by yourself. The first week, at the same time. I feel like it works well but School Day Look Like? our teacher organized the games, but after it is a little annoying knowing you are so we just did the games ourselves. Some of the close to your teacher but so far away.” Revere’s in-person school day starts at games are random like Night at the Museum One of the main concerns about the “Zoom 8:30 am which is when students line up at the and Four Corners. The one my teacher had us in a Room” format was the level of noise Main Gate to get their that could be heard temperatures checked in the classroom. and have their Daily LAUSD provided Pass scanned. The noise-canceling Daily Pass is a QR headphones intended code that allows the to help counter the school to see whether distraction. students are actively Asher Moore, an experiencing any eighth-grade Patriot symptoms of COVID. whose advisory is in Daily Passes are only his Band class, said available to students he doesn’t find the who had already had a format distracting. negative COVID test. “Considering the Eighth-grade number of people Patriot Teddy Grandy in a classroom, (in describes the morning my case 8), there’s procedures as “pretty only a pretty small smooth. You just chance that you will show up, wait in line, be speaking while and they scan your someone else is. The Daily Pass to let you way my classroom is in.” laid out, my teacher Once checked has his own ‘office’ in, students report to of sorts and so we their advisory classes can barely hear him where until 9:00 am, most of the time they are allowed to if he has his door complete school work closed. Again, this or read. On the way, is probably a lot they must follow one- different in regular way directional paths rooms, but in the and may notice other band room, being small changes on distracted by a lot of campus like no access Students are welcomed back to campus with bright letters on the marquee. Photos: Mr. Wechsler noise is truly not an to water fountains. issue!” During advisory, teachers instruct their online play was like an icebreaker game.” President and eighth-grader Hailey students over Zoom while in-person students Eighth-grade English teacher Mr. Slavin Sugarman has this to say about the noise level either work or socialize. In the classroom, tries to keep his advisory group active. “I try in the classroom: “At first being on a different students are spaced apart (at a minimum of to give my students as much opportunity to Zoom than the other students was something six feet). There are signs on certain desks interact socially as possible, and we avoid I had to adjust to. But I have come to like notifying students not to occupy them, to activities that involve screens,” he states. it. More than annoying, it has become funny ensure distancing protocol. “We often go outside to visit the farm, the to hear my classmates in different classes After this transitional period, hybrid outdoor learning area, the nature walk, and randomly speak up to answer questions,
June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 5 the band students and staff at Pali High, or classroom. “Because my advisory classroom play along some of the songs we are learning. is located directly outside the quad, we’re Unfortunately, only at-home students can able to sit in the quad. We eat lunch and talk play along, as some people in my homeroom about all different topics related to and not aren’t in Advanced Band. For Jazz Band, we related to school.” usually rehearse the songs we are playing Some students like Shaya Soleimani feel together in person, or if we have a homeroom a little too restricted at lunch. “It’s a little with people on Zoom in it, they would play annoying that you have to stay with your along to us playing in person! It’s a lot of fun, class at lunch but I understand it’s for our and it’s great playing with a live band, even if safety,” she explains. we are spread out across the room.” Seventh grader Adina Medencevic Overall Reactions are Positive doesn’t attend elective on her in-person days. “My photography elective is conducted Overall impressions of the hybrid through Zoom,” she explains, “because I go program have been relatively positive. After to school on period 1, 3, 5 and photography is over a year of at-home learning, Patriots my period 6, so I do it at home.” appreciate the face-to-face time on campus. Luzia Marcus, a seventh grade Patriot Eighth grade English teacher Mr. Slavin Mr. Iannucci checks students’ QR codes and also attends the band elective. “I have band reveals that “being back on campus has been temperatures at the school’s front entrance. in hybrid learning so I don’t have much to do. very liberating.” He goes on to describe the I can’t play my instrument obviously because positives about the experience, “I appreciate I’m in a classroom with other kids who aren’t the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful campus speak too loud due to their headphones, and in band so I don’t really know what I’m with the small cohort of my students who see myself in the background of their Zoom supposed to do. Usually I just pay attention have returned in person. I had no difficulties screens. Although, my favorite part is when while the other students are playing.” in transitioning to hybrid because I’m I am in the same Zoom as another kid, and Seventh grader Shaya Soleimani doesn’t providing the same instruction over Zoom as get to laugh at jokes with them (much to see much of a difference when it comes to I was doing remotely, and there have been far the confusion of my class), and ending up taking her elective in person or online. “My fewer distractions during ‘Zoom-in-a-Room’ in the same breakout room as somebody elective doesn’t change much because it’s than I expected.” sitting right next to me is always a blast.” coding so I can do it in the classroom just as While most students would prefer a full She hardly notices her teacher conducting easily as at home,” she says. return to normal, the hybrid program has his own classes. “Between us both having headphones, talking discretely, and sitting on been a reasonable compromise. Seventh the opposite sides of the room, him leading Lunchtime Brings Students Together grader Adina Medencevic describes the his class has never been an issue for me.” program as a “success” because “you can Lunchtime gives students another see your friends and teachers, and still be in For others, there are some negatives. opportunity to socialize. Although everyone school even if it’s not full-time yet!” Eighth grader Ella Hoffman, for example, is expected to remain with their advisory For sixth grader Leo Wolfe, this is his first explains that “the inconvenient thing about group, it still provides a fun way for students time on campus. He explains that the hybrid Zoom in a Room is taking tests. It can be to get to know each other. The cafeteria is program was especially important for him, distracting given that even a little noise can occupied by sixth grade classes while the saying, “Now, I get to know all the teachers throw me off.” eighth graders are able to enjoy their meals in and know the campus. I like hybrid because I the quad. The seventh graders are dispersed get to go back to school and see my friends,” Not All Electives are the Same throughout the campus. though he doesn’t like to wake up early. “Lunch is pretty fun,” says eighth grader While most students who have opted for Because of the way cohorts and schedules Asher Moore. “After we finish eating, we can the hybrid program have expressed the desire are organized, hybrid students are having sometimes play a few songs before we have to continue with it, some people feel that it’s different experiences when it comes to their to go to our next class, or do our homework. not perfect. Seventh grader Chris Riberi says elective classes, depending on whether the Overall, it’s monitored closely, because we that “it’s funny to see the person sitting right class is held in-person or online. have to take off our masks while we eat, but next to you in your class through Zoom but I “My elective is Advanced Band and Jazz we still manage to have a good time.” kind of find it strange to do this whole ‘Zoom Band,” drummer Asher Moore explains. “In Eighth grader Ella Hoffman also in a Room’ thing. It doesn’t really make Advanced Band, we usually either talk to appreciates the ability to socialize outside the sense and I would rather have regular Sitting six feet apart, Ms. Manes’s advisory students (left) attend their classes through Zoom while sixth grade students (right) eat their lunches and socialize in their designated cafeteria location where signs help enforce social distancing guidelines to keep them safe and healthy.
6 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School class in person without the Zoom aspect. But I will definitely stick with in-person learning because it is super fun and so nice to actually see people in person again.” Eighth-grade president Hailey Sugarman explains, “My initial reaction to the ‘Zoom in a Room’ plan was skepticism. I wasn’t sure if it would run smoothly, and thought that too many things could go wrong. But I was pleasantly surprised. Right from the start, the process was very organized. It made my day getting to see some of my teachers. It’s nice seeing faces in real life, and feeling like life is getting back to normal. I also really liked Teachers get creative during advisory period. Mr. Slavin’s class (left) regularly enjoys the ani- how although everybody was distanced, I mals at the farm while Mr. Cook’s class plays fun games outside. Photos: Mr. Slavin & Mr. Wechsler still got to be with my friends, and have some good laughs.” She added, “As President, I some aspects of the plan, explaining, “I’m for him. In regards to that first day, Mr. was really hoping that the school would offer new to Revere so I don’t really know a Iannucci says, “I had a great time. I loved in person learning ASAP, if not for anything whole lot of people and I don’t really know seeing students back on campus, it made else, to offer the kids at Revere a chance the campus that well so it would be cool if school feel like school again. The students to see their friends, and make their school we could have more opportunities to walk are the reason I work in this job.” He is also year brighter. I know that this option is not around and be more social with other kids.” happy that “hybrid seems to be moving along ideal to many students, who would rather be smoothly and that students seem to love the Zooming from the comfort of their beds or What about COVID Tests and Masks? social time during breaks and lunch.” simply do not feel safe coming back, but for When asked what his hopes for the fall a lot of kids (including myself) going back Two aspects of the hybrid learning that are, Mr. Iannucci responds by saying, “that to school is something I have been waiting may have prevented some online students the Dodgers win the World Series again. And eagerly for, and I am so grateful to get to be from attending are the regular COVID tests as far as school goes, I hope for a return to a back on campus.” that students are required to take weekly normal school day.” Teddy Grandy, an eighth grader in band, and wearing masks. However, most hybrid appreciates the opportunity hybrid gives him students don’t think either are a problem. So what will the Fall Semester to play music with his friends. He says “I like Although eighth grader Hailey Sugarman Look Like? the hybrid plan. I’m in a band home room so finds the COVID tests “redundant,” she it allows me to play with my friends instead accepts them. “I imagined it would be more On May 24 in his weekly address, of playing to a click track. Also, I feel I pay chaotic to get the whole school tested than it Superintendent Beutner announced a full- more attention in class because I’m being has turned out to be,” she says. “Although I time reopening of LAUSD schools in the supervised. Lastly, it’s nice to get social do have to miss some class time in order to fall. The district will keep an online option interaction after being mostly at home.” get tested (approximately 20 minutes), it is available to families who don’t want to August Evans, a seventh grader who is very smooth and I get my results back same send their children to school. But for those new to Paul Revere, would have liked greater day. The test tickles a little and makes my students who prefer in-person learning, they liberty at school but still prefers the hybrid eyes water but it’s over quickly.” can expect a complete return. program to staying at home. “Even though On the topic of masks, Ella Hoffman, Not only has the hybrid program been I would much rather be in person full time, an eighth grader explains that “wearing my a relative success, in-person learning hasn’t hybrid gets me by,” he says. “But sometimes mask all day did feel a little weird at first. caused any sudden spikes in COVID cases. it gets boring in the classroom and I can’t talk But by the end of the first day, I got used to it. That fact together with efforts to vaccinate to anyone so that sucks.” August critiques It feels almost normal now and I don’t even students makes a full-time return to campus notice that my mask is there.” Eighth grader this fall seems like it could be a sure thing. Teddy Grandy agrees that “masks are not that annoying. It feels natural to wear them and doesn’t bother me,” he states. Seventh grader Shaya Soleimani, finds wearing masks inconvenient. “Masks are kind of annoying because you can’t hear very well when someone else is talking,” she says. What Does the Principal Have to Say? Putting together the hybrid program was a huge task. Mr. Iannucci reveals that “the greatest challenge was organizing the staff and students into cohorts. Only about 1/3 of our students returned to campus so Mr. Shibata had to adjust people’s Advisory classes.” This involved moving a lot of students and teachers around in order to find a plan that worked since a large number of teachers did not return to campus and continued to work virtually from home. Still, Mr. Iannucci feels that all the hard Mr. Hernandez self-administers his weekly work paid off in the end. Welcoming students Mr. Slavin’s advisory students pose for a COVID nasal swab test in the Town Hall. back to campus was an emotional moment picture inside the Revere farm. Photo: Mr. Slavin
June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 7 Cole Hubbard didn’t even have to get out of his car to get his shot. Tyler Harper even know when the needle was in my arm! My arm was barely sore the next day. I was pretty surprised.” Seventh-grader Tyler Harper’s mother signed him up as soon as they found out the vaccine was available to kids his age, and soon after he received the vaccine at the Ronald Reagan Hospital at UCLA. Tyler said, “Once I knew that I could get a COVID shot, I VACCINES told my mom and we signed up for an appointment a week from that day. When we got there to take the COVID shot, it was very professional.” After his shot, he FOR TEENS experienced several symptoms of the virus, and ended up sleeping for an entire day. Sixth-grader Finn Coelen went to CVS, where he had to After COVID-19 shots open for kids ages 12 fill out paperwork and wait about and up, Patriots line up to get their first dose. five minutes before being called in to get his vaccine dose. Fol- safe to leave the house and be lowing the shot, he experienced By TAMARA GEAR several side effects, including around friends.” When eighth-grader Cole Cole is not the only teen stomach aches and fevers. Like Finn Coelen Hubbard heard that kids ages excited about this new develop- many Patriots who’ve received twelve through fifteen were eli- ment in the process of returning the vaccine, Finn feels safer and gible to get the COVID-19 vac- to normal. On May 12, the FDA more protected, stating, “I can cine, he immediately jumped at approved the Pfizer-BioNTech spend time with my friends and the opportunity and had his dad COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages play basketball without having to schedule a vaccine appointment twelve to fifteen, and since then, worry about COVID-19.” for him at the Beverly Center parents have been scheduling According to Time Magazine, garage. As Cole arrived at the their kids to get the first dose. the FDA and the CDC proclaimed vaccine location, he had to wait Like Cole, eighth-grader Brett the vaccine safe and effective about five minutes while his dad Federman received his shot soon when data from the two compa- filled out some paperwork. After after hearing the news about the nies was released in March and the vaccine shot was over, Cole vaccine approval. He went to was reviewed by officials who stayed at the Beverly Center for get the vaccine with two friends, found that two doses of the com- Brynn (left) and Brooke Santos an extra fifteen minutes to ensure Enzo Choi and Henry Jamison, pany’s vaccine provided teens that he didn’t have any reaction with whom he had planned to with similar protection against to the shot. Over the next two get vaccinated with. Brett says of COVID as it did for adults. Time Magazine also stated that stud- Brett Federman days, Cole developed a sore arm, the process, “I went to Courtyard but he believes it was worth get- Pharmacy in Calabasas. The shot ies showed that out of 2,200 ting the vaccine saying, “I feel did not hurt whatsoever. I didn’t teens who were part of a study group only 16 were infected with COVID, none of which were part of the vaccinated group. To allow for even more Patri- ots to conveniently get their vac- cine, a Paul Revere vaccination site opened at the school cam- pus on June 2. Parents can now schedule vaccine appointments set up in the lobby of the school for their children, which require auditorium. “I’m a right-handed consent forms from parents/ pitcher for a baseball club in Cal- guardians are required for kids abasas so I wanted to get the shot ages twelve to seventeen. Open in my left arm,” he said. from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m., the site After getting a first dose, a is only for students ages 12 and second dose will be automatical- Conor Greene over from LAUSD. Along with ly scheduled and students will receives his first offering the vaccine, there was receive an email to remind them dose in the lobby also free food handed out to the of their appointment. LAUSD is of Revere’s newly-vaccinated Patriots. strongly encouraging students to auditorium. Seventh-grader Conor Greene schedule their vaccine shot in or- got his shot at the vaccination site der to return to normal activities.
8 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School With the pandemic, students have new schedules to adjust to. By HORUS KUP Comic Book Creator “My schedule changed when I started to go to hybrid school. I have to wake up Inspires Imagination a little earlier to prepare my lunch and get my backpack packed and DailyPass ready. I also have to remember to charge my iPad By HORUS KUP the day before and skip walking my dog in It takes a lot of imagination to create a the morning.“ This is seventh-grade student successful comic book. On May 17 guest Isabella Aguilar’s story on how her routine speaker Scott Marcano from Diablo Comics has changed to fit the new schedule. Many presented the history of graphics and illustra- revere students have had to change there tions. From the first-ever comics to how his routine to adapt to the new schedule. From own company makes comics, he talked about packing a backpack to carpooling to school, many interesting things throughout his pre- many students have adapted their routine to sentation. work with the new schedule. He first started out by talking about the With the new start time many people’s history of comics and how they got started. mornings have changed. From having to He talked about some of the first ever com- remember to pack their backpack to being able to go surfing and do more activities, Seventh-grader Maya Bhasin makes a ics such as Batman and Superman. He also quesadilla during her lunch break. talked about how the comic book format was this has changed a lot of peoples mornings. created. The comic book format was created One person who has changed their mornings lunch breaks. Eighth-grader Isabella Tava- by a guy named Will Eisner. is 6th grade student Avery Kawejsza. She koli uses this longer lunch to do homework From there he talked about how all the says, “Before, I started the hybrid schedule and/or study for a test. Isabella Tavakoli says, older comic books were very uniform, in for school, I had a lot of time to get ready in “My routine has become more flexible. I do which they would always have the villain the morning for school and I could take my have to wake up earlier for homeroom at 8:30 escape and the main character would not time. Since I started going to school again I am, but I get plenty of breaks. During these change. From that topic he talked about have been waking up earlier than I did be- breaks I am able to do homework, study for a graphic novels. From talking about how fore and rushing out the door, so I wouldn’t test, and have a snack. I now feel like I have graphic novels are different from comic be late. Though, on the days that I’m home more time to relax and give my brain a rest in books in which they have a beginning, mid- during the week I have even more time to get between classes.” Meanwhile, seventh-grad- dle and end to graphic novels now. He talk- ready.” er Maya Bhasin says, “At lunch I can make ed about how one of the first graphic novels Meanwhile, seventh-grader Sammy better meals since I’m fully online and have was the watchmen series. It was different to Dunn says, “I can now do a lot in the morn- over an hour for lunch. Next, my days aren’t normal comic books in which the characters ing because my real classes don’t start until as rushed because I have longer breaks in be- actually changed and there was a defined end. 9:30. So I can surf for a lot longer. Also, my tween classes.” He then talked about graphic novels now that lunch is longer so I can surf or play baseball Overall, a new schedule is now in effect aren’t as dark as they may have been back during lunch.” On top of this some people and with that people have had to change their when Watchmen was released. are carpooling. 7th grade student Sophie routines. From simple things such as put- After this, he talked about how comics Smeeton is in a carpool and says, “I’m in a ting on a backpack to getting extra time and are made now. He first started talking about carpool so other people are relying on me, surfing during breaks, students have adapt- how he gets his inspiration. One of his sto- and I need to be more organized by making ed their routines to the new schedule. These ries, Nancy Hernandez and the Black Wid- sure everything I need is in my backpack.” examples were some of Revere students’ ows, was based on a story that the students Also, the new schedule allows for longer routines. at a school he presented at told him. He then talked about the process they take to make comic books. He talked about how they hire artists in which they would all send art based on an overall summary of what the story was about. He described how they did this same process for their best selling book Hum. He ended by talking about how his book Nancy Hernandez and the Black Widows is now an animated series on YouTube. CLARIFICATION In the last issue, the student who nominated Mr. Roig for the national award was not iden- tified. Camil Al Hashim recommended Mr. Roig for the honor. He wrote that Mr. Roig From left: Alex Dahlberg, “inspired me through schooling by his cre- Sophie Smeeton and Emma ativity, his dynamism, and his love of teach- Schmidt carpool home. ing. He always encouraged me to think out- side of the box.”
June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 9 Patriots Elect New Leadership Team Paul Revere chose Kayla Ring as their Current seventh-grader Lilly Browning BY PARSA IMANKHAN next vice president. “As Vice President, I was elected as historian for the next school The results are in and Revere has a new will really listen to your suggestions and get year. Lilly said she was running because she group of student leaders ready to assume actual results rather than empty promises,” wants “to make sure that all the incoming office next year. The presidential job was said Ring while campaigning. seventh-graders have a terrific year for the won by Alessandra Santini who said in her Patriots chose Ava Loos to be their secre- one that they have lost. I also want to make campaign, “If you give me the privilege of tary. “I believe with my skills and persever- sure that the incoming eighth graders make being your president, I will work on your be- ance, 2021-2022 school year will be the best the most of their last year.” half to make sure all our days at Paul Revere one yet. Although our circumstances aren’t Finally, seventh-grader Yasmine Santini are filled with joy and happiness. I embody ideal, I feel that as a school we need to focus ran unopposed and did not have to campaign inclusion, diversity, strength, and courage. on new perspectives through unique and fun but will be taking office next school year as Let’s make Paul Revere the best it can be.” events,” said Loos while running for office. treasurer. Cold War Inspires a Hot Competition Paul Revere’s Aca Deca Club Clarke, the sixth-grader who put together student represent each grade level. But his makes the most out of Zoom study guides,” Mr. Hamanishi says. The pro- gram practiced every Monday and Wednes- sixth-graders were so competitive that he added two more sixth-graders to compete. and finishes sixth in nation. day at lunch. Shortly before nationals took place, it The regionals were back in February and was announced that international students By CONNOR PETOYAN it was fully online. Revere competed against from China would be joining the national fi- COVID-19 has put a stop on a lot of fun about 15 LAUSD schools. Individual stu- nals. The competition was held online, with activities, but not this one. The Aca Deca dents performed really well. Sixth-grade a mixture of students competing from home program led by Mr. Hamanishi gave it their magnet student Jackson Perkins racked up and from Paul Revere’s computer which is all over Zoom. Through practice and prepa- enough points to earn five medals. Another room number E-2. Over the course of about ration, the students were determined to suc- sixth-grader, Lily Clarke, won four medals. four hours, students answered a series of ceed. As a result of individually placing well, multiple choice questions in the five catego- “In a normal schol year, we would have the United States Academic Decathlon or- ries. The results came in for Revere and the been going to a competition site, like a high ganization invited Revere to compete at the school ranked sixth among over 20 schools. school gym, but this year it was all virtual,” individual level in the national round. At “I am so proud to see individual students explained Mr. Hamanishi. “The pandem- first, Mr. Hamanishi decided to have one earn medals in the categories,” Mr. Haman- ic made it very difficult to go to a physical ishi said, adding that he foresees even more site because of health protocols. So with success next year. COVID, the kids actually had to focus more. They had to get the COVID environment out of their minds and that was very diffi- cult, but at the same time they had to focus on the subject,” Mr. Hamanishi said. And that subject this year was the Cold War. So they started studying and working hard. The students participating had five categories to work on, literature, fine arts, math, Science, and social science and an essay which is part of the overall competition. “Preparation was completely different this year. Since we had limited time together, we had to focus immediately on the most im- portant things. That’s where The kids came (Left to Right) Mr. Flowers, Lily out and blossomed. People like Noah Hou- Clarke and Mr. Hamanishi pose to riani who put together Kahoots and Lily celebrate Aca Deca’s victory
10 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School AWARD WINNING PATRIOTS 8TH GRADE AWARD WINNERS AMERICAN LEGION Layla Johnese 6TH GRADE MAGNET STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Isaac Jossel PRINCIPAL’S AWARD Brandon Lustgarten Casey Scaduto Williams Schwartz Samantha Sonnett REVERE RECOGNITION Leena Adeli Camil Al-Hashim Marissa Aniel Kalyssa Ferdinand Isabelle Kocher Luca Marucci Sydney Morales Christopher Morris Jr Giada Rice Diego Rogers Zachary Shapiro Mikal Sims Dickerson Lawrence Smith Avery Zemlak ROTARY CLUB Guillermo Vazquez Brooklyn Walker 7TH ANNUAL FILM FESTIVAL AWARD WINNERS 2021 PACEMAKER AWARD WINNERS
June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School 11 Fati Adeli (right) gives Nurah Abokar Ms. Mabashov gives Is Makeup Dr. Anthony some coffee. Mr. Amos some coffee and treats. Worth Killing For? Animal testing has played a huge role in human science and has been used since the Greek scientist Aristotle. The practice of animal testing has always fallen into the category of sinister Thank You, Teachers! acts but people fail to understand why. The majority of people believe that the practice of animal testing only consisted of putting makeup on animals, but the act is far Parent and students thank educators for all their hard work. graver than that. and some flowers.” Johanna Minassian, the According to PETA, experimenters By SOFIA ALDANA force animals to inhale toxic fumes, immo- mother of Mason Minassian, wrote a letter to During Teacher Appreciation Week at show her appreciation. She wrote: “It’s our bilize them in restraint devices, drill holes Paul Revere, parents and Patriots took time 1st year at Paul Revere — Covid year. And into their skulls, mutilate their brains, and to show their appreciation for Revere’s we are blown away by the community + uni- burn their skin and eyes. Whether it’s for teachers, administrators and staff. Along with ty of the teachers + staff! Thank you. You biology lessons or cosmetic, drug or chem- kind acts of thanks from Patriots and parents obviously CARE about our students — And ical testing, these animals are confined throughout the week, PRIDE & PTSA orga- it shows! For this + many more reasons we in cages and are physically traumatized. nized ways to celebrate staff for their hard are grateful.” Along with these thoughtful The vast majority of animals that are used work throughout this year. demonstrations of appreciation from parents, during these experiments end up being A raffle was held each day from May students also showed their thanks in other euthanized, but in some cases, they die as 3 through May 7. Three teachers were ran- ways. a result of the experiment. domly picked to get gift cards each day. The Students also took time to give their teach- Each year, over 110 million animals winners would be announced during adviso- ers special messages such as seventh-grader are killed in U.S. laboratories. The rabbit ry periods by Mr. Iannucci. On Wednesday, Andrew Tarica, who thanked his six teachers irritation test is an experiment used to May 5, teachers who had placed an order for by email on Schoology. He wrote that he ap- test irritation on the skin and eyes. The a cup of either tea or coffee got them deliv- preciates “Ms. Stewart for keeping me calm rabbits that are put through these trials ered to their classroom during advisory or and focused, Ms. Robertson for teaching me suffer from irritation, inflamed or bleeding transitions. On Friday, May 7 during lunch, to be kind, Mr. Liberatori for teaching us to skin, swollen eyes or even blindness. This teachers were given veggie or turkey sand- be accountable for our actions, Mr. Kirby experiment on rabbits has been proven not wich wraps with salad from the Palisades for introducing lots of new exercises, Mr. very accurate because it can predict human Garden Cafe which was paid for and orga- Honda for teaching science in a fun way and skin reactions only 60 percent of the time. nized by the PTSA President, Keri Kraft. Fati reminding us to chill out, and Mr. Wechsler Many people have tried numerous Adeli, PRIDE co-President helped with all for teaching me to be organized, precise and times to bring attention to this topic but the drinks and PRIDE co-President Maryam never to give up.” the “Save Ralph’’ short film topped them Zar also helped with the event. This year was one like no other but teach- all. The film brought so much awareness During the week treats were dropped off ers were able to move forward and adapt. Pa- and truly attracted the right attention to by generous parents. Ms. Vogel, someone else triots showed their thanks in different ways this cause. It had such a strong impact on who helped organize the week-long events, but with the same desire to appreciate the the matter and gave this topic the spotlight said, “I saw lots of donuts, cookies, coffee educators who have done so much. it deserves. Many people now can say that they are finally educated on the matter and Ms. Esparza (left) offers lunch to Ms. Mello Ms. Evans passes Mr. Vial a wrap, know ways to not support these acts of and Mr. Matsu. cruelty. Many big organizations practice these acts on animals such as L’ Oreal, MAC, Lancôme, Maybelline, and numer- ous others. Other alternatives to animal testing do exist like tests using human cells and tis- sues known as vitro methods and advanced computer modeling techniques. When comparing in vitro tests and tests on rab- bits, the in vitro test correctly detected all of the chemical skin irritants while tests on rabbits failed 40 percent of the time. Why let animals suffer in silence when there are other science-proven alternatives?
12 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Paul Revere Middle School Farewell to Faculty Family Revere says goodbye to 3 teachers homework was due. I made students think and en- joy the learning process. I hope they all enjoyed who are retiring and 4 who are my class as much as I enjoyed teaching them.” moving on to jobs at other schools. In addition to three teachers retiring, the school also has four faculty members moving on from By MICHAEL WILLIAMSON Revere to find success outside of the family they helped create. As students and teachers come to the end of an- Ms. Jenna Roman, an English teacher who other year at Paul Revere, we say goodbye to some has been at Revere for years is moving on to a amazing staff and faculty members who have made Mr. Anderson school in Denver. Ms. Roman played a great role Revere feel normal even while we were online. in the English department helping the Literary An- This year Mr. Anderson, Ms. Del Cambre, and Mr. thology become what it is now. Mr. Iannucci, while Bachman is retiring from teaching. Ms. Roman, Mr. giving a farewell speech to her, said, “Jenna came Castillo, Ms. Yang, and Mr. Parra is moving away in and rocked it from day one. You talk about peo- from Revere taking on new schools and jobs. Be- ple who are born to be teachers. She is obviously fore moving forward from Revere, all the teachers one of those people. She walked into Revere and spoke about their history with Revere and their sat- started teaching like she had been doing it forever. isfaction with what they have accomplished. She coalesced that seventh-grade team, helping it Mr. Steven Anderson has been working away Ms. Del Cambre form the perfect bond. She was a valued member of in Room E-3 for over two decades as an eighth- the English department with her contributions to the grade math teacher. He first heard about Revere on literary anthology. She is going to be greatly missed a history school trip to Washington D.C. He said, “I by all of us.” asked the chaperone sitting next to me on the flight One of the two discipline deans at Revere, if she knew of an awesome school south of the Sep- Mr. Jose Castillo, is also moving on. He will be ulveda Pass. Anywhere...just so I didn’t have to working at Warner Elementary next year. In his continue across the Valley floor! Toni, an AP at the final meeting with the faculty, Mr. Evans said, “This time, said, ‘Well, my friend is the principal at Paul guy was a rock star. He stepped right in and we’re Revere.’ Mr. Anderson’s immediate reaction, ‘Paul going to miss his funny candor and his work ethic. Revere? Never heard of Revere. Where is it?’” Mr. Bachman Even with the challenges he got thrown in his two The math teacher immediately took off at Revere, years here he did not miss a beat.” Then the oth- loving his job while his students enjoyed his corny er discipline dean, Mr. Lockwood, said, “His first jokes and entertaining teaching style. The pandemic great quality is his thick skin. He has a great sense hit in early 2020 which heavily affected the style of humor and can take a job. Next is his work ethic. of his classes, but not the quality of them. During He’s a dedicated employee who was eager to learn the retirement process, Mr. Anderson said he won- and ask the right questions. His next great quality dered, “Did I make a difference? Would any of my is intelligence. He’s a quick learner. He’s a great 6000+ students think so? Would any of them re- person with a kind heart.” Mr. Castillo said, “Thank member our time together in class? Did they laugh? you for welcoming me to Revere and I wish health Did they learn anything?... I’d like to think the an- Ms. Roman and wellness to everyone.” swer is ‘Yes.’” He ended by saying, “Take care, be Another teacher moving on is Ms. Ester healthy, be happy; and, much love to everyone from Yang. She came to the magnet school two years a 64-year-old eighth-grader. I’ll miss you.” ago fresh out of her master’s program at USC. She Another renowned veteran math teacher, is now going to teach science at a new school in the Ms. Misty Del Cambre, is also retiring. Over the fall. “She was an amazing addition to the magnet past two decades, she has been admired by other program for the past two years,” Ms. Lee said. “Es- teachers and even mentored them to teach. Ms. ter has been such an asset to the eighth-grade mag- Stewart said, “If you know her, you know she’s an net team, always eager to learn new things, kind angel. She has been an integral part of our depart- and caring towards her students and colleagues, ment at Revere and also my best friend. She taught Mr. Parra super smart, great with technology, committed to me how to be a better teacher and a better person. delivering fun and rigorous science lessons.” In re- She’s a kind, compassionate and generous teacher, ply, Ms. Yang said, “I remember two years ago I colleague and friend.” With that, Ms. Del Cambre stepped onto the Revere campus not even knowing said goodbye to the faculty and to Revere. She said, where to go for my interview. I’m going to miss “Revere has been a family. It seems like we all be- everybody who helped me get through the last two longed to each other. I’m going to miss you but I’ll years.” never forget you.” Another teacher moving from Paul Revere is Also retiring is Mr. Jon Bachman. He said, “I Mr. Erick Parra. He is going to Perris, Califor- started teaching in 1997 and was eventually placed Ms. Yang nia in Riverside County where he will teach special at Revere by the district around five years ago.” education classes at a high school. Mr. Cook said, Mr. Bachman also said, “My teaching style was re- “There’s clearly nothing this fellow cannot do. He laxed and fun. I got to know how students thought fixes cars, builds houses, he’s a technology wiz, and what was relevant to them. I kept up on what a fabulous teacher.’’ After Mr. Cook spoke about was important to them, and feel I made a differ- him, Mr. Parra said, “I’m going to miss everybody ence in their lives. My homework was fair and the greatly. Thank you to the great team of people who tests reflected what we took notes on.” Regarding brought me in. I had the best start a teacher could his accomplishments at Revere and his connection possibly have at a school. I wish more schools were with students, he said, “ I feel I accomplished hav- like this where you feel appreciated and everybody ing students be responsible for deadlines, and when Mr. Castillo has your back.”
June 10, 2021 Paul Revere Middle School 13 Opinion In Retrospect Nico Troedsson Generation Patriot Looks to the Past and Reflects on the Future Lockdown I will always remember something friends which I would have never done We all know a few once-revolutionary from each year I was a student at Paul without the pandemic. I’d be too busy Boomers, independent-minded Gen Xers, Revere. I’ll remember the teacher’s strike so it would be hard to do homework at and Millennials who care for social issues. when I walked through an almost emp- the same time; it’d be a lot easier to do But what about our generation? What ty school with rain pounding above my it by myself. Doing homework with my defines us and what will we be known for? head as I went to different classes full of friends helps me understand what I’m Looking over the past year, it’s natural people I couldn’t recognize. I’ll remember learning which has been very helpful to feel that our generation will be defined having to evacuate for three days because during this pandemic. I also watch a by illness–and not just by any illness but by of wildfires, waking up to roaring helicop- movie or TV show almost every Friday a global pandemic that caused over half a ters above my house then going outside to night with my family, which we started million deaths in the US alone. see a huge cloud of smoke. I’ll remember doing during quarantine. We are a generation of kids that grew having trouble Over this up spending over a year in quarantine. breathing and past school year, That’s over a year of solitary confinement seeing an orange I’ve learned how where we accepted our isolation without glow while driv- important it is to a fuss. During that time, we learned to get ing away. And I’ll stay focused and on by ourselves, talk to ourselves, play by remember doing to stay motivat- ourselves. We’ve grown distant from other online school for ed to do work. people and lost our social requirements, over a year during I think that is spending months at home – too afraid to go the quarantine. something that out in case we catch the virus. What I’ll we all learned We lost out on education. Pew Research remember most this year because defined us as being “on track to be the most from online self-discipline well-educated generation yet.” But we will school is every- suddenly became likely be less informed and less competitive thing the teachers so important. when it comes to getting into college have done to During class it’s and finding a good job later. We attended stay connected, very easy for me middle school for only half our three years. because staying to just look at We missed out on the 8th grade PSATs to connected to class my phone and prepare us. We haven’t had campus tours has been very dif- stop paying at- to get us ready for high school. We barely ficult for me and tention to class. remember our teachers and classmates have many others. I’ll It is very easy legs and can walk around. also remember all for me to get We were the first generation to have the things that I distracted while been born into the world of the Internet. But would have done I’m on Zoom technology failed us because it made finding in person that I at home either a safe path to normal less convenient. We ended up doing over Zoom. Middle school has certainly by my phone or were able to bring school into our little isolated burrows. We were able to shop for by my family. The thing had its ups and downs. I could miss our groceries with one click. We played keeping me sane something im- games online and we binge-watched throughout the portant so I don’t whatever we wanted until we were totally pandemic has been being able to commu- understand the homework assigned and apathetic about the situation in the world nicate with my friends. I am able to talk to need to get more help from my friends. around us. We were too comfortable in the them a lot more now that school is shorter I’ve also become a lot less organized quarantine, too resigned and distracted to and I don’t do much after school. I think so I try to get work done as soon as it is insist that world leaders get this thing under the pandemic would be even worse if I assigned. control for all of us. couldn’t talk to my friends. I had always looked forward to going So what will our generation be known There have been lots of bad things that to Disneyland with all my friends for the for? When an illness hits the body, the body have come from this pandemic like many eighth-grade school trip. I was very dis- builds up immunity. It becomes stronger, people getting sick and making it hard appointed when it was canceled and that more resilient, and better equipped to stand to see other people but there have been I wouldn’t get to do all the fun culmina- up to the next unexpected challenger. So some good things too. I have a lot more tion activities this year. Now that I got after the stress of this last year, I hope that’s free time so I can still talk to my friends my first dose of the COVID vaccination, what we’ll be known for… for being the and I also get to spend more time with my I hope I will be able to see my friends most resilient generation ever. A generation family. and go back to school soon. that was impossible to hold back even with a I’ve started to do homework with my —Arik Kraft deadly global pandemic.
14 June 10, 2021 THE TOWN CRIER Opinion Paul Revere Middle School TALKING HEADS Is it possible to go away this summer and still stay safe? As the year wraps up, usually most students are excited for their summer travel plans. Now, with COVID-19, students must decide if it is possible to travel and have fun while staying safe. “I think it’s possible to go away this summer on vacation or to camp and still stay safe because as long as people social distance and try to wear their mask as much as possible, people can definitely stay safe while having some fun.” —Avery Kawejsza, Grade 6 “ Yes. If people at camps get tested and are kept in cohorts it will be safe to return to camp. Testing and maintaining cohorts shouldn’t be too hard. On vacation people generally can wear masks and stay with their family. With vaccina- tions rising and COVID numbers plummeting, vacations and camps should be safe to go back to in the summer.” —Cole Sugarman Grade 7 “Yes, I think you could travel during the summer and still stay safe. I think this is true because you can either quarantine if you travel on a plane, or you could drive instead. I think people should still wear masks. They could also try and stay away from people by social distancing.” —Gabi Willis, Grade 6 TOWN CRIER POLL “My family is going to Hawaii for the summer Should Patriots be required to get for one week for my dad’s birthday. We don’t plan on going anywhere far. I feel like it’s ok COVID vaccinations before to fly there because most of my family will be vaccinated except my sister who’s eleven. It’s not returning to school next year? as big of a risk anymore. I will also follow safety procedures. This is my first flight since COVID started.” — Jasper Hoegh-Guldberg, Grade 8 62.1% Yes “You can still safe while enjoying your 14.4% No summer vacation. All you have to do is continue to wear masks, do COVID tests, 23.5% Not sure and practice social distancing from strangers.” —Nurah Abokar, Grade 7 Based on a poll of 153 Patriots from all three grades through Google Forms the week of May 24, 2021. “It is absolutely possible to go away this VOLUME 65, ISSUE 5 summer and be safe. If we are talking about COVID safety, just follow the protocols already put in place. Wear a mask and socially distance. Wash your hands often and try not to go to large crowd gatherings.” —Mr. Kirby, P.E. Teacher Published by and for the students of Paul Revere Charter Middle School and Magnet Center “I think it is possible to travel this summer or go 1450 W. Allenford Avenue to camp as long as before you go, you have been Los Angeles, California 90049 quarantined and have negative COVID tests. I Editors: Hunter Hughes, Arik Kraft, think staying cooped up during summer will affect Nico Troedsson, Amanda Wexler, many people’s mental health. In addition, it is Lily Williamson, Avery Zemlak, bad for child development to have their social life Member of the National Mason Wiener, Giada Musumeci, cut.” —Misha Keyvanfar, Grade 7 Scholastic Press Association Casey Scaduto, Grant Coelen Faculty Advisor: Mr. Wechsler Interviews and layout by Giada Musumeci
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