Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center

Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center

John Barnes confronted
the shooter at Santa Fe
High School, p. 20

MEDIA, p. 7

pp. 28–33
Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
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Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
President’s Perspective

                                                                                                                             treatment at the Texas Medical Center are often facing       TMC | PULSE
                                                                                                                             a difficult time. A simple act of kindness means a great

                                                                  Mark Mulligan/© Houston Chronicle. Used with permission.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vol. 6 No. 1
                                                                                                                             deal to a family receiving care.                             February 2019
                                                                                                                                 As president and CEO of the Texas Medical Center,
                                                                                                                             I am often asked: “What keeps you up at night?” My           President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                             answer is always: “The safety of everyone that comes         William F. McKeon
                                                                                                                             to the medical center each day.” In our ever-changing
                                                                                                                                                                                          Communications Director
                                                                                                                             social landscape, sadly, this concern is elevated.           Ryan Holeywell
                                                                                                                                 Over the last year, we increased the presence
                                                                                                                             of TMC Police considerably across the campus to              Pulse Editor

                                                                                                                             maintain and enhance the safety of our employees and         Maggie Galehouse
    WILLIAM F. McKEON                                                                                                        visitors. This spring, we will open a new TMC Police
    President and Chief Executive Officer                                                                                    station at the center of the campus at the intersec-         Assistant Editor
    Texas Medical Center                                                                                                     tion of Holcombe and Bertner. This will enhance our          Cindy George
                                                                                                                             visibility, capabilities and the speed at which we can
                                                                                                                             respond to events that warrant police attention.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Staff Writers

    E    very morning, I wake up very early and read the
         TMC Police report that covers all of the activities
    from the previous day and evening. It is fascinating to
                                                                                                                                 The TMC Police work very closely with the police
                                                                                                                             and security departments of our member institutions,
                                                                                                                             as well as the Houston Police Department, county
                                                                                                                                                                                          Alexandra Becker
                                                                                                                                                                                          Britni R. McAshan
                                                                                                                                                                                          Shanley Pierce
    see, in one document, all that transpires in 24 hours                                                                    sheriff’s offices, FBI and CIA. Each of these entities
    across the 1,400 acres of the largest and busiest                                                                        plays a critical role in protecting and supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Cody Duty
    medical city in the world.                                                                                               medical center. I will never fully rest easy, as potential
        Members of the TMC Police and Security team                                                                          threats are ever-present. I do, however, find more           NEWSROOM
    are recruited and trained to protect and serve the                                                                       comfort as we enhance our collaboration and                  713-791-8812
    110,000 employees of the medical center and the                                                                          communications across this amazing medical city.   
    millions of patients and their families we care for each                                                                                                                              ADVERTISING
    year. They do so with great pride, recognizing that the                                                                                                                               Felicia Zbranek-Zeitman
    people who come from around the world to receive                                                                                                                                      713-791-8829

                                                                                                                                                                                          Wallace Middleton

                                                                                                                                                                                          READ US ONLINE

                                                                                                                                                                                          FOLLOW US

                                                                                                                                                                                          TMC Pulse is an award-winning
                                                                                                                                                                                          monthly publication of the Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                          Medical Center in Houston, Texas.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Permission from the editor is
                                                                                                                                                                                          required to reprint any material.

    The exterior of the TMC Police station, left, is reflected in a glass barrier wall.

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Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
Table of Contents

           4                               14                34                                     36

   Juul Ad Campaign                     New HQ for   Visit to Dentist Leads                  How Are We
 Targets Adult Smokers                  TMC Police    to Heart Diagnosis                   Most Likely to Die?

6	Curated: The First Time, The Heart
   (A Portrait of Life 1854-1913)

10	Spotlight: Todd Rosengart, M.D.

15 Vitals: 2019 Predictions

19	Next Med:
    Mending a Hole in the Heart

38 Field Notes

40 Calendar

                                                                    on the cover: John Barnes was on duty as a
                                                                    school resource officer at Santa Fe High School
                                                                    when a shooter opened fire.

                                                                    on this page:Cool Acres, the family ranch of
                                                                    cardiovascular pioneer Denton A. Cooley, M.D.,
                                                                    was home to the St. Luke’s family picnic, p. 16.
Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
Juul Ad Campaign Targets Adult Smokers
    Medical experts remain concerned about the adolescent vaping epidemic

     By Shanley Pierce

    A     lthough popular e-cigarette
           manufacturer Juul has
    launched a new ad campaign aimed
                                                                                                                                         “There is no doubt that, if you
                                                                                                                                     have to choose between smoking
                                                                                                                                     a combustible cigarette and using
    at adult smokers, medical experts                                                                                                an e-cigarette, using a regulated
    remain skeptical of the company’s                                                                                                e-cigarette is actually safer.
    intended audience and concerned                                                                                                  There’s no doubt it has harm-
    about the spike in adolescent                                                                                                    reduction potential,” said U.S.
    vaping.                                                                                                                          Surgeon General Jerome Adams,
        Earlier this year, Juul released                                                                                             M.D., during a recent visit to The
    a series of 60-second television                                                                                                 University of Texas MD Anderson
    commercials featuring testimonials                                                                                               Cancer Center. “I’m not against
    from adult smokers who “made the                                                                                                 preserving e-cigarettes and vaping
    switch” to Juul. Ads have also been                                                                                              as an option for adults who want to
    released online, on the radio and                                                                                                quit smoking, but I absolutely
    in print.                                                                                                                        want people to understand that
        “Our success ultimately depends                                                                                              for young people, this presents a
    on our ability to get our product in                                                                                             very unique danger.”
    the hands of the adult smokers and                                                                                                   It took decades to change
    out of the hands of youth,” the com-         U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, M.D., displays a Juul device during a recent     young Americans’ minds about
    pany said in a press release. “When          visit to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.                         combustible cigarettes, Adams
    adult smokers try it, it works. And,                                                                                             said, and e-cigarettes have clouded
    the impact is life-changing.”                parties. The ads are playing up this       company for deliberately targeting       that success.
        E-cigarettes were initially              New York City lifestyle and they’re        its products to minors by luring             “It took us a long time to deal
    introduced to the market to offer            super fun,” Morain said. “Now you          them with a variety of whimsical         with advertising and marketing
    adult smokers a safer alternative to         see their Twitter campaign and it          flavors, including cool mint, crème      to help turn the tide so youth no
    combustible cigarettes and to wean           reminds me of a tombstone ad …             brûlée and cool cucumber.                longer thought [combustible
    them off of their tobacco addiction,         with very stark, black and white               Juul spent approximately             cigarettes] were cool. We’re now to
    but adolescents jumped on the vap-           text. What they’re saying is more          $10 million on television ads, which     a point where, if you talk to most
    ing bandwagon. The rise in adoles-           politically palatable and signaling        air on cable channels after 10 p.m.,     kids, they’ll tell you it’s not cool to
    cent vaping from 2017 to 2018 was            an olive branch, but it doesn’t seem       according to Juul spokesman Ted          smoke,” Adams said. “Unfortunately,
    the largest recorded in the past             like they’re bringing the same mar-        Kwong. The company is flush with         with e-cigarettes, kids—like my
    43 years for any adolescent sub-             keting power to those types of ads,        cash after major tobacco producer        own son who thought that these
    stance use outcome in the United             which makes me a little skeptical          Altria, which manufacturers              just contain flavored water—think
    States, according to the National            about how genuine this effort is.”         Marlboro, acquired a 35 percent          they’re safe and cool. They’re being
    Institutes of Health’s annual                    Juul’s about-face comes on the         stake—worth nearly $13 billion—in        marketed to them through YouTube,
    Monitoring the Future survey.                heels of a difficult year. Throughout      the e-cigarette startup at the end of    video games, music videos that kids
        Stephanie Morain, Ph.D., an              2018, Juul came under intense fire         2018. According to Altria, the invest-   watch. It shows that some of these
    assistant professor at the Center for        from public health experts and             ment places Juul’s market value at       companies are, in fact, directing
    Medical Ethics and Health Policy             federal regulators, who criticized the     $38 billion.                             their marketing toward children.”
    at Baylor College of Medicine, com-
    pared Juul’s original ads with the
                                                     The challenge for regulation is that we’re really trying to thread
    somber, no-nonsense ads of the
    new campaign.                                the needle and ensure youth aren’t getting access to these products,
        “If you look back to 2015, you           while adult smokers who would use them to transition or ideally to quit
    see these beautiful ads with bright
                                                 altogether would still have access.
    colors and individuals who look
    like they’re maybe 18 to 24 at these                                                                                              — STEPHANIE MORAIN, PH.D.
                                                                  Assistant professor at the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine

4   tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
Juul claimed that its flavors,     raising the tobacco-buying age to       processes for online purchases.         adolescents. E-cigarette use, in con-
social media marketing and original    21 and invest $30 million over the          “I think this is overdue,” Morain   trast, surged to staggering propor-
ads from 2015 weren’t intentionally    next three years to fund indepen-       said. “The challenge for regulation     tions. The percentage of American
designed to attract teenagers; how-    dent research, education and com-       is that we’re really trying to thread   high school seniors who said they
ever, beginning in April 2018, the     munity outreach initiatives.            the needle and ensure youth aren’t      vaped in the past year jumped from
U.S. Food and Drug Administration          In November 2018, the FDA           getting access to these products,       27.8 percent in 2017 to 37.3 percent
(FDA) turned up the heat by placing    announced new steps in response         while adult smokers who would use       in 2018. The percentage of high
Juul under federal investigation.      to the astronomical surge of            them to transition or ideally to quit   school seniors who vaped nicotine
    Later that month, FDA              e-cigarette use among teens.            altogether would still have access.”    within a month before the survey
Commissioner Scott Gottlieb            Stopping short of a full ban on             At the end of 2018, Adams issued    nearly doubled, soaring from 11 per-
announced that the agency had          most flavored e-cigarette sales in      the Surgeon General’s Advisory          cent in 2017 to 20.9 percent in 2018.
uncovered a litany of violations in    retail stores and gas stations across   on E-Cigarette Use Among Youth,             “The meteoric rise in the use of
e-cigarette sales to underage teen-    the country—an idea many health         only the fourth Surgeon General’s       e-cigarettes among our young peo-
agers and requested that Juul sub-     experts and parents supported—          Advisory in the past 13 years.          ple,” Adams said, “rose to the level
mit company materials, including       the agency decided instead to issue         His announcement drew data          that I felt that I had no choice but to
marketing documents and research       new rules that limit sales to age-      from the Monitoring the Future          declare it an epidemic.
targeting different age groups. In     restricted locations and require        survey, which reported a decrease
response, Juul said it would support   more robust age-verification            in opioid and alcohol use among

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Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
To create the images,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Robleto essentially
                                      The Intersection of ARTS and MEDICINE                                                                                                      designed a new form
                                                                                                                                                                                 of printing. He put
                                                                                            By Britni R. McAshan
                                                                                                                                                                                 high-resolution scans
                                                                                                                                                                                 of the images onto an
                                                                                                                                                                                 uncoated machine-finished
                                                                                                                                                                                 paperboard. The photo-
                                                                                                                                                                                 lithographs were then
                                                                                                                                                                                 transferred with transpar-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ent base ink onto hand-
                                                                                                                                                                                 flamed and sooted paper,
                                                                                                                                                                                 brushed with lithotine
                                                                                                                                                                                 and fused in a mild
                                                                                                                                                                                 solution of shellac and
                                                                                                                                                                                 denatured alcohol.
                                                                                                                                                                                     “The heart is the only
                                                                                                                                                                                 organ in our bodies that
                                                                                                                                                                                 we can actually feel and,
                                                                                                                                                                                 as a cultural metaphor, it
                                                                                                                                                                                 will not budge,” Robleto
                                                                                                                                                                                 said. “Even though science
Credit: Courtesy of Inman Gallery

                                                                                                                                                                                 moved on to the brain a
                                                                                                                                                                                 long time ago, culturally, it
                                                                                                                                                                                 doesn’t matter. We still give
                                                                                                                                                                                 our hearts to one another.
                                                                                                                                                                                 The brain isn’t the symbol
                                                                                                                                                                                 on Valentine’s Day … it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                 the heart.”
                                                                                                                                                                                     But as science moves
                                                                                                                                                                                 forward, the cultural impli-

                           I         n 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1 and 2 into the
                                     far reaches of outer space. Secured on the side
                                    of each space probe was a copy of the Golden
                                                                                                     He found the first pulse tracing of a heartbeat,
                                                                                                 completed in the 1850s—half a century before the
                                                                                                 birth of electrocardiography. A German doctor
                                                                                                                                                        cations of heart transplants, regenerative medi-
                                                                                                                                                        cine and technology must be considered.
                                                                                                                                                            Robleto has spent time with the Texas Heart
                                    Record—an interstellar message-in-a-bottle filled            used soot from a candle flame gathered on a piece      Institute’s Doris Taylor, Ph.D., who is working on
                                    with greetings in multiple languages, along with             of paper and human hair to trace the beat of his       stripping a pig heart and re-cellularizing it with
                                    images and sounds of nature to communicate                   own heart.                                             human DNA. He also has consulted with William
                                    with other life forms in the galaxy.                             The black and white images on display at           “Billy” Cohn, M.D., and the Texas Heart Institute’s
                                        But it was the final message in the Golden               Inman Gallery are recreations of original tracings     O.H. “Bud” Frazier, M.D., who are working with
                                    Record that transfixed young Dario Robleto, a                produced between 1854 and 1913. They document          Daniel Timms, Ph.D., to develop the BiVacor, a
                                    local artist and citizen scientist. Decades later, it        the heart’s reaction to everything from riding a       total artificial heart with no pulse.
                                    inspired his work, The First Time, The Heart (A              bike to smelling lavender to feeling scared.               “Can we assume our hearts will always sound
                                    Portrait of Life 1854–1913), photolithographs on                 “There was a quest to image the invisible—the      the same?” Robleto asks. “In all of human history,
                                    permanent display at Houston’s Inman Gallery.                invisible being the most complicated organ in the      no one has ever proposed that you don’t need a
                                        Ann Druyan, creative director of the Golden              body—and to use hair and soot to image it for the      pulsatile heart to be a human, and it is a game
                                    Record project, was in love with Carl Sagan, the             first time is so beautiful to me,” Robleto said. “It   changer. There is a cultural dynamic to the idea
                                    late astronomer and author who was leading the               is a history of materials as much as it is a history   of letting go of our heartbeats and I think that is a
                                    group at NASA. Druyan’s final message on the                 of cardiology.”                                        fascinating question to pursue.”
                                    Golden Record was a one-minute recording of
                                    her brainwaves as she thought about her love for
                                    Sagan, whom she later married.
                                        “Her heart is the only heart that has actually
                                    exited our solar system,” Robleto said. “I love
                                    that both her heart and her brain are represented,                                                                  The First Time, The Heart (A Portrait of Life 1854–1913)
                                    because she’s arguing: Is love in there and can it                                                                  is part of the permanent collection at Inman Gallery,
                                    be deciphered at a later date?”                                                                                     3901 Main St. Information: 713-526-7800.

                                        Robleto realized that to honor Druyan’s story
                                    and fully understand the cultural, physical, his-
                                                                                                                                                        Above: Dario Robleto’s photolithograph of
                                    torical and scientific significance of the heart, he                                                                First Pulse, 1854, retraced the original image using
                                    needed to take a retrospective look at the origins                                                                  ink, hand-flamed and sooted paper, lithotine, shellac
                                    of the first heartbeat recorded in history.                                                                         and alcohol.
                                                                                                                                                        Left: Robleto holds one of his prints at Inman Gallery.

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Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
Dating App Taps Genetics and Social Media
Scientists offer a new recipe for love

 By Britni R. McAshan

                                                                                  physical chemistry and social           compared to our own because that
                                                                                  rapport. “It’s nothing like designer    means that we are not related, so we
                                                                                  babies or anything like that. It is,    will have a decreased risk of genetic
                                                                                  essentially, how do your genes affect   disease in our progeny and our
                                                                                  who you are attracted to and who        progeny will have a more diverse set
                                                                                  you jive with the best? How is that     of immune system genes and there-
                                                                                  inscribed in your genome?”              fore be immune to more pathogens,”
                                                                                      Nearly a decade and a Ph.D.         Barreto explained.
                                                                                  from Baylor College of Medicine             Animals also prefer mates with
                                                                                  later, Barreto set her plan into        complementary immune systems
                                                                                  action. While attending a workshop      and communicate this information
                                                                                  hosted by Enventure—a grassroots        through olfactory cues. The genes
                                                                                  life science startup community in       associated with their immune sys-
                                                                                  Houston—she met Bin Huang, Ph.D.,       tems are tethered to pheromones,
                                                                                  who became the co-founder and           chemicals animals produce and
                                                                                  chief technological officer             emit that influence all sort of behav-
                                                                                  of Pheramor.                            ior among others in their species—
                                                                                      “I pitched the idea at their        including sexual attraction.
                                                                                  accelerator program and Bin, who            But there is no hard science on
                                                                                  was a doctoral candidate at Rice        humans releasing or picking up
                                                                                  University at the time, also pitched    on pheromones, in part because
                                                                                  an idea, but then at the end, when we   animals use the vomeronasal organ
                                                                                  had to make teams, he came up to        (VNO)—a gathering of sensory cells
                                                                                  me and said, ‘Forget my idea, I want    in the nasal cavity above the roof of
                                                                                  to do your idea,’” Barreto recalled.    the mouth—to detect pheromones,
                                                                                  “I know the genetics behind attrac-     and humans do not have a function-
                                                                                  tion and Bin knows the techy side       ing VNO. ➟
                                                                                  and he is on the back end writing
                                                                                  the algorithm that is literally
                                                                                  matching people.”
                                                                                      Pheramor brings couples
                                                                                  together after analyzing a seg-
                                                                                  ment of each candidate’s human
                                                                                  leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene
Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is the CEO and co-founder of Pheramor, a dating app.     complex—proteins that regulate
                                                                                  the immune system—and social
                                                                                  media history. It is one of a

                                            Y      ears before she became a
                                                   genetic scientist, Brittany
                                            Barreto dreamed of creating a
                                                                                  handful of companies launched
                                                                                  over the past decade that uses
                                                                                  genetics to determine romantic
                                            way for people to find love           compatibility.
                                            through DNA.                              The HLA complex helps the
                                                 “I just thought it would be so   immune system distinguish
                                            cool to connect people on a roman-    the body’s own proteins from pro-
                                            tic level using their DNA,” said      teins made by foreign invaders,
                                            Barreto, co-founder and CEO of        such as viruses and bacteria.
                                            Pheramor, a dating app that aims          “We are seeking a partner that
                                            to measure compatibility using        has a different immune system

                                                                                                                                          tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
Saving Officer Barnes - Texas Medical Center
It’s nothing like designer babies or any-
                                                                                 thing like that. It is, essentially, how do your
                                                                                 genes affect who you are attracted to and who
                                                                                 you jive with the best? How is that inscribed in
                                                                                 your genome?
                                                                                                                           — BRITTANY BARRETO, PH.D.
                                                                                                                          CEO and co-founder of Pheramor

                                                                                     That’s why Pheramor takes a        Pennsylvania, told Wired magazine:
                                                                                 cheek swab from clients for DNA        “The notion that there are these
                                                                                 sequencing, rather than try to         magical genes that are somehow
                                                                                 link human attraction to smell.        associated with smells that perme-
                                                                                 (Confusingly, though, the compa-       ate the environment and dictate
                                                                                 ny’s name merges “pheromone”           our attraction to people is total
                                                                                 with “amor,” the Spanish word          nonsense. If human pheromones
                                                                                 for love.) As the company notes        actually elicited the kinds of behav-
                                                                                 on its website,          iors we see in other mammals, the
                                                                                 “Pheramor fully appreciates that       subways of New York City would be
                                                                                 the science of pheromones requires     in a constant state of mayhem with
                                                                                 more research.”                        people hopping all over each other.”

                             Rapid Response
                                                                                     Pheramor also recognizes               Barreto and Huang launched
                                                                                 that humans are highly social. To      the Pheramor app officially in
                                                                                 account for this in the matchmak-      September 2018.

                              Wound Care.
                                                                                 ing process, the team at Pheramor          “We have thousands of active
                                                                                 analyzes candidates’ social media      users and have grown 50 percent
                                                                                 histories before they are matched      month over month,” Barreto said,
                                                                                 with potential suitors.                but declined to disclose the compa-
                   Whether it’s a severe wound to the lower extremities or           “Humans are a more compli-         ny’s revenue.
                   a small sore or blister that just won’t heal, Doctor Randal   cated animal,” Huang explains.             Once users download the app,
                                                                                 “Fifty percent is genetics, but the    they receive a DNA kit, do a cheek
                   Lepow has the solution. He is Board Certified in Wound
                                                                                 other 50 percent is what do you        swab, return the kit and wait for their
                   Care and knows the importance of fast intervention and        like to do? What are your common       sequencing to be done.
                   treatment. He is available to consult with in-hospital        interests? We try to extract this          “The app is free, but we charge
                   patients or on an outpatient basis.                           information from your social           $30 for the DNA testing,” Huang
                                                                                 media data because we don’t            explained. “The processing time
                                                                                 want people to answer everything       for the kits takes 21 business days,
                   Don’t let a small wound turn into a big problem.              themselves.”                           but the processing for us can take
                   Antibiotics alone usually aren’t the answer. Contact our          Some research supports             around one month.”
                   office today to arrange a consultation.                       Pheramor’s DNA matchmaking.                The DNA kits are processed at a
                                                                                 A 2016 study published in Scientific   lab and then returned to Pheramor.
                                                                                 Reports found that the HLA com-        Once the data has been collected,
                                                                                 plex mediates mate behavior in         users gain access to six profiles
                                                                                 humans and that subjects were          per day on the app. The profiles
                                                                                 generally most satisfied with          are weighted based on physical
                                                                                 their relationship if their partner    proximity of clients first, then on the
                                                                                 exhibited a dissimilar HLA type.       gender and age each client speci-
                                                                                 Researchers found that HLA dissim-     fied. If two people like each other’s
                                                                                 ilarity correlates with partnership,   profiles, they can begin messaging
                                                                                 sexuality and enhances the desire      one another.
                                                                                 to procreate.                              In the four months the Pheramor
                                                                                     But among scientists, the idea     app has been live, more than
                   40+ years of experience                                       of human pheromones remains a          5,000 messages have been shared
                   Board Certified, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery     hard sell. In 2018, Richard Doty, a    between users and 20 couples have
                                                                                 professor of otorhinolaryngology       deactivated their accounts because
                                                                                                                        they have met a solid match, Barreto
                                                          and director of The Smell and
                                                                                 Taste Center at the University of      and Huang said.

                      713.790.0530                   713.951.5000
                       Texas Medical Center             Downtown

8   tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
Barreto even found her own
romantic partner with a cheek swab.
    “As the CEO of a dating app, it
would be unethical for me to meet
someone on the app, but occasion-
ally I do market research on other
dating apps so I have 20 of them
on my phone,” she said. “I opened
one of the dating apps and I had a
message from a lovely man, but the
message was about a month old and
it was actually a really sweet mes-
sage, but he was a redhead. … I’ve
never dated a redhead. I like dark
features, or so I thought.”
    The two ended up going on
a date and hitting it off, at which
point, Barreto asked the redhead if
she could swab his cheek to see if
they were a match.                         Barreto and Bin Huang, Ph.D., co-founder and chief technological officer of Pheramor, share a laugh.
    It turns out they were in the top
10 percentile of compatibility.            but it’s in your DNA. I thought I           through DNA. They hope to launch            the get-go by decreasing the num-
    “This is why we are changing           needed someone with an MBA who              it this summer.                             ber of bad first dates they have to
dating by using data,” Barreto said.       owned their own company, as well,                And to those think Barreto’s           go on so they can find compan-
“I never thought I wanted a redhead        and James is an elementary music            work sounds superficial, she has this       ionship and be happy. … We are
because I thought I didn’t like them,      school teacher and we jive so well.”        to say: “Instead of working on some-        humanizing dating using data. We
but I do. I had all of these social con-      Barreto and Huang are working            thing for a patient who is already          are making people give humans a
structs in my mind of what I thought       on another website for existing             in the hospital and super sick, let’s       second chance.”
I should be looking for in a person,       couples to test their compatibility         make people’s lives better from

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                                                                                                                                                  tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9   9
10 t m c » p u l s e   | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9

Cardiothoracic surgeon. Serial entrepreneur. Inventor. All of these titles apply to
TODD ROSENGART, M.D. In 1997, he was part of the team that performed the world’s
first viral-based cardiac gene transfer procedure. Later, Rosengart co-founded,
a website that allows patients to find and rate doctors, and then XyloCor Therapeutics, a startup
that aims to use cardiac gene therapy to treat patients with end-stage coronary artery disease.
A professor and chair of the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of
Medicine and a professor of heart and vascular disease at the Texas Heart Institute, Rosengart
also holds 12 United States patents.

Q | What motivates you to create?                     Q | Is this why you chose to become a                  Q | How did your interest in fixing things
A | I’m definitely a ‘let’s fix it’ type of person    heart specialist?                                      lead to entrepreneurship?
and I want to make a difference. The work that        A | Subconsciously, because he died of heart           A | Operating is phenomenal, but being able to
I do on behalf of the department or the college—      disease, I thought I was going to be a cardiolo-       do something that helps many, many people with
from fixing someone’s heart or helping other          gist. I’m a big believer in serendipity. My mentor     the same effort is really cool, too. When I was at
surgeons—is very important.                           at Northwestern was the chief of cardiology—           Northwestern, one day I got a phone call—this is
                                                      Michael Lesch, M.D., who co-discovered Lesch-          before Facebook and before cell phones—from an
Q | Why do you think you became a                     Nyhan syndrome [juvenile gout]—and he said:            uncle who needed a cardiologist. I gave my uncle
medical problem solver?                               ‘You’re going to be a great cardiologist. I want you   a name and I thought: ‘This is so crazy. If my uncle
A | My dad passed away doing exercises when           to spend the summer at NYU.’ It was all a mistake      had not called me, he would not have had access
I was 16—from a heart attack. I came home from        because I did this as a second-year student and,       to good information about a good doctor. Why
high school one day and there were ambulances         typically, you don’t do a clerkship until you’re a     is this?’ I helped start this company called
in front of my house on Long Island. This is 1976.    third-year student. It took about a month before We created this website that had infor-
Bypass surgery is still relatively new. Even though   they figured out that I didn’t belong there, at        mation on physicians all over the country to bet-
my dad was a recently educated physician, an          which point I’d really become a member of the          ter communicate with people. It’s very frustrating
obstetrician, the news had not gotten to him—         team. By the end of the summer, I said: ‘I love        when people are forced to make decisions without
or at least in a way he understood—that he prob-      these surgeons. They’re so cool. They do great         information that should be readily available to
ably could have had surgery and be alive today.       things.’ I went back to Northwestern and told          them. So many bad things happen because we
Somehow, that was a disconnect. Subliminally,         Dr. Lesch I was going to be a heart surgeon            don’t communicate well. It’s been a very signifi-
that concept of making sure people are well-          rather than a cardiologist. I ended up going to        cant element of what I’ve tried to do, though I’m
informed has been very important to me.               NYU and starting my career there.                      not really involved in Vitals anymore. ➟

                                                                                                                                           tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9   11
Q | How did you decide to focus your                     a little bit of temerity to go beyond where you
          I think we are at an inflec-                                     website on the patient perspective?                      should be and persevere to do it. If you feel like
     tion point on how we take                                             A | When we were doing Vitals, my partner—               you’re doing the right thing and you’ve done your
     care of each other and how                                            who is a business guy—said we were going to              homework, don’t be shy about persevering on it.
                                                                           get the patient perspective. I said: ‘The patients       We are now ready to start a new trial here in the
     we take care of our patients.
                                                                           don’t understand; we need the doctors’ perspec-          Texas Medical Center—same work, taking it to the
     Between artificial intelligence                                       tive.’ I allowed my partner to convince me I was         next level 20 years later.
     and genetic engineering, I                                            wrong and it turns out the patient perspective, in
     think we are going to live                                            many ways, was more valuable than the doctors’           Q | What’s the advantage to the body
                                                                           perspective and that’s the way we ended up doing         growing its own bypasses?
     decades longer. I think we are                                        it. At its peak, was getting about 15 mil-    A | For some patients who have advanced dis-
     going to live healthier. I think                                      lion visitors a month. The value was the patient         ease, typically because they are diabetics, there is
     we’re going to look back on                                           perspective. We were early to the online reviews.        nothing we can offer them [to restore blood flow
                                                                                                                                    to the heart]. They are literally incapacitated with
     how we take care of patients                                          Q | Can you describe your work with gene                 angina or chest pain. And when we do bypass or
     in 10 years and say: ‘What                                            therapy and heart disease?                               angioplasty, often we can’t revascularize or get
     were we thinking?’                                                    A | I was a junior faculty member at Cornell             good blood flow to the whole heart. We know
                                                                           [New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Weill                statistically that patients who don’t get adequate
                                                                           Cornell Medical Center] and we were doing this           blood flow to the entire heart won’t do as well.
                                                                           work with gene therapy and having the heart grow         This gene therapy can be used as an adjunct to
                                                                           its own bypasses. We had no business thinking            standard therapies like bypass or angioplasties.
                                                                           about injecting a virus into the human heart or          About two years ago, I was at a Texas Heart
                                                                           doing cardiac gene therapy. No one had ever done         Institute transplant review board and these
                                                                           it before. But we said: ‘Why not?’ We were the first     patients had such incapacitating angina that they
                                                                           ones ever to treat someone with gene therapy for         were candidates for heart transplants. They were
                                                                           heart disease. I was 38 at the time. It’s something      going to take this poor person’s heart out with
                                                                           I talk to my residents and students and junior           perfectly good function. This is an alternative.
                                                                           faculty about. Believe in what you’re doing; have

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12   tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
       HC_WU_TMCPulse_CouplesAlt_GPTW_2_2019.indd 1                                                                                                                                          1/3/19 2:16 PM
Q | What’s the latest on XyloCor?                        tremendously rich time with my wife, Debbie. We
A | In a couple of months, we will be treating           golf together. We have two dogs that we love and
patients with end-stage coronary disease.                that we walk. Truly, my comfort zone is work, but
                                                         we travel and see friends and family.
Q | Is the clinical trial for patients to grow
their own bypasses ready to go?                          Q | You turned 59 in January and have
A | Yes. We are finalizing approvals. We have            a trim physique. What is your personal
FDA approval. We have independent review board           health regimen?
approval. We are hoping to do our first patient          A | I was never a big believer in training until I
here at Baylor St. Luke’s before the summer.             started doing it. Now I realize: How could you not?
                                                         I do an hour in the gym two or three times a week
Q | You lead hundreds of people at Baylor.               and eat well. My dad died of a heart attack, so I
How do you approach running one of the                   am careful on that. One of my other hats is that
nation’s largest surgery departments?                    I am president of the Society of Surgical Chairs.
A | We have 150 faculty, 130 trainees and staff.         We have a major national initiative to ensure the
What I love about being the chairman of the              well-being of physicians as we get older in terms
department with so many wonderful people is              of our cognitive function. We are actually going to
that everyone becomes a force multiplier. To             try to launch a national campaign to teach physi-
                                                                                                                        Believe in what you’re
help everyone become successful really brings            cians how to take care of our cognitive aging. The         doing; have a little bit of
me joy. I give out the book Team of Teams by             physician workforce is growing older and there is          temerity to go beyond where
General Stanley McChrystal all the time. I love          a shortage of physicians. We want to make sure
what he said: He is an enabler. He is there to make      we train those physicians in their cognitive health
                                                                                                                    you should be and persevere
it possible for everyone else to do what is within       when they are 50 or 60 so that they can continue           to do it. If you feel like you’re
their ability as a servant-leader. It’s the first book   to contribute. I also play backgammon to take care         doing the right thing and
I underlined in 30 years. He talks about empow-          of my mind.
ering people, disseminating information, giving
                                                                                                                    you’ve done your homework,
everyone a voice and giving people the ability           Q | What’s on the medical horizon that                     don’t be shy about persever-
to get done what they want to get done. What I           excites you?                                               ing on it.
love about the TMC—and it’s the first thing I talk       A | I think we are at an inflection point on how
about when we are trying to recruit someone—             we take care of each other and how we take care
is that everyone supports each other here. If Jim        of our patients. Between artificial intelligence
Allison wins the Nobel Prize at MD Anderson, I           and genetic engineering, I think we are going to
am proud of that. That’s rare. You don’t see that in     live decades longer. I think we are going to live
New York and Chicago. It’s a zero-sum game in            healthier. I think we’re going to look back on how
many places, unfortunately.                              we take care of patients in 10 years and say: ‘What
                                                         were we thinking?’ It’s just very primitive. I think
Q | Was there any moment that crystallized               artificial intelligence will play a major role in diag-
your view of Houston?                                    nosis and picking treatments. We now have com-
A | I had not experienced anything like                  puters that can give us an early warning of sepsis
Hurricane Harvey. I did not fully appreciate what        that is completely changing the mortality risk
happens. When I heard over that weekend that             of critically ill patients. That is very simple and
the department and everyone else had already             yet it’s been a game changer. I think in the next
established ‘go’ teams, I said: ‘What?’ People           five years we will expand that to 80 or 90 percent
took it upon themselves to say: ‘I am here for the       of diagnoses and treatment. It’s both scary and
duration.’ They did it without being asked and           wonderful, which means the role of the physician
they did it without being expected to be thanked         is going to change dramatically. It is impossible
or recognized, which is amazing to me. In the next       for physicians now to really keep up with all the
thought, I said: ‘Well, of course. That’s what this      guidelines in evidence-based medicine and the
place is all about.’ That’s what you have to love        computers are going to do that. But, just like the
about Houston and the Texas Medical Center.              pilot monitoring autopilot’s takeoff and landing,
We’ve recruited 120 faculty and that sense of            we’re going to be there to make sure that it all
collaboration and collegiality comes through.            fits and that our patients, as human beings, are
                                                         comforted and supported and helped in the
Q | November marked six years since you                  decision-making—which a computer is never
arrived in Houston. You’re an empty nester.              going to be able to do.
What do you do for fun or outside of your
                                                         Todd Rosengart, M.D., was interviewed by Pulse assistant
various professional pursuits?                           editor Cindy George. The interview has been edited for
A | My son, Eric, is 25. He is in New York—in real       clarity and length.

estate. Michael is 27 and he’s a clerk for a fed-
eral district court judge in Tampa, Florida. It’s a

                                                                                                                                       tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9 13
New HQ for TMC Police
    The station will be located in the heart of the campus

       B y R ya n H o l e y w e l l

    The new TMC Police station sits at the corner of Bertner Avenue and Holcombe Boulevard.

   T     he Texas Medical Center Police will relocate
         to a new, centrally located headquarters this
    spring in order to better serve the growing
                                                                     “It was important to us to have a police station
                                                                 located in the heart of our campus,” said TMC
                                                                 President and CEO William “Bill” McKeon. “This
                                                                                                                              during emergencies.
                                                                                                                                  The project also includes improvements that
                                                                                                                              make Bertner Avenue—which passes under a
    TMC community.                                               facility will allow our police and security officers         garage—more inviting to pedestrians. The side
        The new facility, located at the corner of               to continue serving the hundreds of thousands of             of the police station is outfitted with LED lights,
    Bertner Avenue and Holcombe Boulevard, brings                people who visit our campus every day.”                      and additional lighting is planned for the ceiling
    the TMC Police into the core of the medical                      The move coincides with TMC’s continued                  above the sidewalk. A right-hand turning lane
    center. The department was previously headquar-              investment in strengthening the police depart-               was removed from Bertner Avenue, allowing for
    tered about a mile                                                                           ment to provide a            an expansion of the pedestrian area outside the
    away at TMC’s                                                             Hermann Park
                                                                                                 more  secure  campus.        police station.
    John P. McGovern               UN
                                      IVE                                                        The  station includes            “This is a major corridor, not just for automo-
                                          R SI
    campus, near the                           T YB
                                                    LV D
                                                                                      Houston    briefing and training        bile traffic, but for pedestrians and bicyclists, as
                                                         .                             Zoo                        Brays Bayou
    eastern edge of                                                                              rooms, modern dis-           well,” McKeon said. “These changes will make the
    the medical center.                                                                          patch equipment and 288 street safer and more comfortable for everyone


    The new head-                                                                                space for police and         who uses it.”

    quarters is located                                    Texas  Medical  Center                security officers to

                                                           Police Headquarters
    in a renovated                                                                               write reports. Backup
    space that was                      HOLCOMBE BLVD.                                           generators will
                                                                                                       V E.

                                                                                                                              The Texas Medical Center Police can be reached
                                                                                                    BERTNE R A

    previously used as                                                                           allow the station to

                                                                                                                              at 713-795-0000.
    a parking office.                                                                            continue to function

                                                                                                                                                       R D.



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14 t m c » p u l s e   | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
Trending topics in health, science and medicine
                                                                                        By Shanley Pierce

E-CIGARETTES                             ASK THE EXPERTS: PREDICTIONS FOR 2019                                                REGENERATIVE
AND YOUTH                                                                                                                     MEDICINE
“The FDA is focused on regu-                                                                                                  “Biologics are no
lation. The CDC is focused on                                                                                                 longer new tech-
surveillance. NIH and NIDA                                                                                                    nologies. Both
                                        GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
(National Institute on Drug                                                                                                   cell therapies
                                        “We are at the forefront of incorporating immunotherapy into our treat-
Abuse) are focused on more                                                                                                    and scaffold
                                                      ment portfolio and have recently launched a broad range of
research. But the reality is,                                                                                                 technology are
                                                          cutting-edge clinical trials in many gynecological cancers.
we can’t solve this problem,                                                                                                  now established
                                                           In addition, there will be an increasing focus on personal-
this crisis, this epidemic from                                                                                               as effective therapeutic tools. In
                                                            ized treatments. Genetic testing for ovarian and endome-
Washington, D.C. We need states                                                                                               2019, multiple consortia com-
                                                            trial cancer patients is key, as there are new drugs that are
who control a lot of the retail envi-                                                                                         prised of industry, not-for-profit
                                                           particularly effective in women with inherited mutations.”
ronment to look at the policies,                                                                                              organizations and academia are
the parents and teachers who                                                                                                  actively engaged in, and com-
                                                                                                   — KAREN LU, M.D.
see use on a day-to-day basis to           Professor and Chair in the Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive     mitted to, solving the greatest
become aware of these products                             Medicine at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center      needs to enable manufacturing of
and to understand                                                                                                             organs and tissues—illustrating
the steps they                                                                                                                that the field has come of age and
can take to                                                                                                                   is worth the investment.”
help us turn
around this                                                                          POPULATION HEALTH                              — DORIS TAYLOR, PH.D.
                                        HEALTH POLICY
epidemic.”                                                                                                                       Director of Regenerative Medicine
                                        “In health care, I expect the polit-         “This is an
                                                                                                                                 Research at Texas Heart Institute
                                        ical debate will go in one of two            exciting time in
      — JEROME ADAMS, M.D.                                                           terms of both
                                        directions. One direction will be
                U.S. Surgeon General                                                 unprecedented
                                        around modifications, expansions                                                      TECHNOLOGY
                                        and improvements in Medicare                 vaccine access                           “Operations performed in the
                                        as a vehicle for ensuring access to          and the introduc-                        abdomen, pelvis, chest, cardiovas-
                                        health care and with a particular            tion of new vaccines.                    cular and neurological systems
“Genomic technologies, like
                                        recipe for handling costs. … The             Unfortunately, opposing these            will continue to become more
gene editing and low-cost DNA
                                        second touchstone is around the              exciting trends is a growing and         targeted with the expanded
sequencing, will continue to
                                        Affordable Care Act, its promise             ominous anti-vaccine movement,           use of ever more sophisticated
transform the fields of human
                                        and potentially its                          now well established in North            intraoperative image guidance
genetics and medicine. In the new
                                        substitution. The                            America and Europe, but working          and pre-procedural planning with
year, we will see continued exam-
                                        ACA is still                                 its way into … Africa, Asia and          enhanced functional and struc-
ples of clinical successes of gene
                                        functioning,                                 Latin America. … The anti-vaccine        tural imaging platforms, from CT
therapy and gene editing in the
                                        but it’s going to                            movement successfully blocked            to MRI to PET. Gloved surgeons’
treatment of somatic tissues or
                                        undergo some                                 vaccination programs for measles,        hands will increasingly rarely feel
organs, especially in rare genetic
                                        challenges.”                                 influenza, and other childhood           the warmth of the patient’s body
diseases and cancer. In contrast,
                                                                                     vaccines, as well as the introduc-                      as technologies and
the scientific and ethical opposi-
                                           — STEPHEN LINDER, PH.D.                   tion of new HPV vaccines for cer-                           devices … fill
tion to germline gene editing will
                                                     Associate Director of the       vical cancer, so we must continue                            the interface
raise society’s awareness to guard
                                                       Texas Medical Center          our efforts to debunk vaccine                                between the
               against rogue exper-                   Health Policy Institute
                                                                                     myths in the years to come.”                                 surgeon and
                  iments while also
                    supporting con-                                                                                                              patient’s body.”
                                                                                      — PETER HOTEZ, M.D., PH.D.
                    tinued thought-
                                                                                              Dean of the National School            — BARBARA BASS, M.D.
                    ful debate on                                                                  of Tropical Medicine at       Executive Director of the Houston
                   this topic.”                                                            Baylor College of Medicine and       Methodist Institute for Technology,
                                                                                           Director of the Texas Children’s       Innovation & Education (MITIE)
 — BRENDAN LEE, M.D., PH.D.                                                               Center for Vaccine Development
      Chair of Molecular and Human
           Genetics at Baylor College
                         of Medicine

                                                                                                                                          tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9 15
Chilling at Cool Acres
    The Brazos River retreat owned by the late Denton A. Cooley, M.D., was home to the annual
    St. Luke’s family picnic

       By Britni R. McAshan

   I  n 1958, pioneering cardiovascular surgeon
      Denton A. Cooley, M.D., purchased a Brazos
    River retreat for his family that was not too
                                                        as many friends as we could pile in, and go out to
                                                        what we would call ‘the farm.’”
                                                            Located in Orchard, Texas—about 30 miles
                                                                                                             transplant in the United States—a bold act that
                                                                                                             famously fractured his relationship with his
                                                                                                             mentor, Michael E. DeBakey, M.D.—and became
    far from their Houston home or from Cooley’s        south of Houston—the 406-acre compound               the first heart surgeon to implant a total artificial
    patients in the burgeoning Texas Medical Center.    spreads across nearly one mile of riverfront         heart in a human.
    He christened the ranch Cool Acres.                 property. The ranch sits on a bluff 115 feet above       He was 96 when he died in 2016. And today,
        “My father worked seven days a week,” said      the Brazos River and includes five homes built       Cool Acres is for sale, with an asking price of
    Susan Cooley, Ph.D., a nurse and former profes-     between 1960 and 1982. In addition to a pond         $7.3 million.
    sor at The University of Texas Health Science       named Lake Louise—after the surgeon’s wife—              For decades, though, Cool Acres was more than
    Center at Houston, who is one of the physician’s    the property holds two tennis courts, a pool, a      a place for the Cooley family to play and relax.
    five daughters. “He worked Saturdays until 2 p.m.   roller skating rink and party pavilion, stables      The property also served as the site of the annual
    and then had to be back on Sunday afternoon.        for horses and even Orchard’s original post          St. Luke’s family picnic for many years. Starting
    He would come home after Grand Rounds on            office building.                                     in 1960, Cooley and his family welcomed staff
    Saturday, honk the horn and we would all jump           Denton A. Cooley was a busy heart surgeon        from what was then St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital.
    in the car with my mother, the fried chicken and    who performed the first successful human heart       Doctors, surgeons, nurses, residents and their

16 t m c » p u l s e   | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
Far left: House No. 4 at
                                                                                                                              Cool Acres appeared in
                                                                                                                              Architectural Digest.
                                                                                                                              Top row, this page: Denton A.
                                                                                                                              Cooley, M.D., left, with
                                                                                                                              O.H. “Bud” Frazier, M.D., center;
                                                                                                                              James “Red” Duke Jr., M.D., with
                                                                                                                              his first wife, Betty.
                                                                                                                              Bottom row, this page: The
                                                                                                                              original Orchard, Texas, post
                                                                                                                              office sits on Cool Acres;
                                                                                                                              The swimming pool on the
                                                                                                                              property was built by one of
                                                                                                                              Cooley’s patients.

families all dropped by.                              kind of a tradition to go out there,” Todd Frazier      Susan Cooley said her parents stopped host-
    “It was always a funny cast of characters, but    recalled. “Those are some of my earliest memories    ing the picnic when her dad reached his eighties;
there would be volleyball games, softball games,      of playing baseball and skeet shooting. It was fun   her mother also died in 2016, at the age of 92.
barbecue and fireworks—just an afternoon of           because the health care professionals from St.          But relatives have continued to enjoy Cool
everybody relaxing, drinking beer and Cokes and       Luke’s who were from all over the world and had      Acres for everything from weddings to holiday
just having fun,” Susan Cooley said. “Dad always      never experienced the Texas countryside could all    gatherings. Between the five houses on the
thought that people who worked together ought         come together.”                                      property—pragmatically referred to as House
to know each other personally and play together.”         Every year at the picnic, Denton and Louise      No. 1, House No. 2, House No. 3, House No. 4 and
    Guests at the annual picnic included Texas        Cooley took all the children on a hayride.           the pool house—there are 18 bedrooms, 10 full
Heart Institute surgeon O.H. “Bud” Frazier, M.D.,         “It was an older, historic fire truck and they   bathrooms and three half bathrooms. ➟
who trained as a resident under Cooley.               would do a hayride at night when all of the fire-
    Frazier’s son, Todd, who directs the Center for   flies were coming out,” Frazier said. “It was just
Performing Arts Medicine at Houston Methodist         really informal and relaxing and I think he just
Hospital, remembers the picnic well.                  wanted to make everyone feel welcome and show
    “I went every year when I was a kid; it was       them a good time.”

                                                                                                                                        tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9 17
My father worked seven days a week. He worked Saturdays
     until 2 p.m. and then had to be back on Sunday afternoon. He
     would come home after Grand Rounds on Saturday, honk the
     horn and we would all jump in the car with my mother, the fried
     chicken and as many friends as we could pile in, and go out to
     what we would call ‘the farm.’
                                                                                 — SUSAN COOLEY, PH.D.
                                                                          Daughter of Denton A. Cooley, M.D.

         Each structure differs vastly in architectural     photographs of Cooley family members with
     style and interior aesthetics, but all were designed   everyone from trauma surgeon James “Red” Duke
     by Denton A. Cooley. Many of the furnishings of        Jr., M.D., the founder of Memorial Hermann Life
     House No. 4 are originally from the historic Hotel     Flight, to Princess Anne, the British royal and only
     Galvez in Galveston, one of the surgeon’s many         daughter of Queen Elizabeth II.
     business ventures. That house was also featured             “Going through their stuff, there are so many     Cooley prepares to pitch at the annual picnic’s
     in Architectural Digest. A former patient was so       questions,” Susan Cooley said. “You know, why          softball game. (All picnic photos courtesy of
     inspired by the home, he painted a rendering           were we in Italy with Bing Crosby? Why were we         Susan Cooley.)

     for Cooley.                                            visiting the Pope at his summer palace?”
         “He was a very famous Russian artist and he             Her eldest sister, Mary Cooley Craddock,             More than two years after the passing of their
     wanted to paint a picture of the ranch, so he came     explained why the family was in Italy that             parents, the sisters are eager for another family to
     out, drew it and then took it back to Russia,” Susan   summer.                                                make memories at Cool Acres.
     Cooley said. “He shipped back this painting of              “A very generous patient from Florence               “My parents were always here,” Susan Cooley
     Cool Acres in the snow. It doesn’t snow out here,      arranged the whole thing because Dad really            said. “I don’t even know what it’s like being here
     but we still kept it.”                                 wanted to get the Pope’s blessing about the            without them.”
         At the moment, each of the homes on the            heart transplant,” Craddock said. “He did
     property is filled with letters, mementos and          give Dad his blessing.”

18   tmc   » p u l s e | f e b r u a r y 2 01 9
New technology and techniques
                                                                   By Shanley Pierce

                  Mending a hole in the heart

B    efore birth, babies rely on their mothers for oxygen. A mother’s oxygen-rich
     blood travels from the right atrium to the left atrium of a baby’s developing
heart through a small, open flap called the foramen ovale.
    All babies are born with this tiny hole in their hearts, but in most cases the hole
closes within six months. For a quarter of the population, though, the hole never
closes, a condition known as patent foramen ovale (PFO). This opens the door for
recurring strokes.
    Enter Richard Smalling, M.D., director of interventional cardiology with
McGovern Medical School at UTHealth and the Memorial Hermann Heart &
Vascular Institute-Texas Medical Center. Smalling led an eight-year nationwide
clinical trial to study the safety and efficacy of the Amplatzer PFO Occluder,
a device that can patch up this congenital heart defect in less than an hour. The trial
ended in late 2011 and follow-up data from nearly six years later shows the device
reduces the risk of recurrent stroke by 45 to 62 percent.
    “The beauty of it is: It’s delivered via a catheter that we insert through a vein in
the leg,” Smalling explained.
                                The PFO Occluder is outfitted with two discs made of
                                       woven nickel titanium mesh, one the size of a
                                              nickel and the other the size of a quarter.
                                                   Before the device is inserted in the
                                                      catheter, it is stretched to assume
                                                         the shape of the tube. Once the
                                                           catheter enters the left atrium
                                                             through the hole in the
                                                               heart, the smaller mesh disc
                                                               expands and tugs against
                                                                the wall between the heart’s
                                                                two upper chambers to col-
                                                               lapse the flap. The second,
                                                               larger disc springs open as
                                                              the catheter is retracted in
                                                            the right atrium. With the flap
                                                           securely sandwiched between
                                                         both discs, heart tissue heals
                                                       over the device within six months,
                                                    creating a new wall between the two
                                                 upper chambers of the heart.
                                                According to Smalling, the device, which
                                       has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
                                 Administration, provides a simple, yet elegant, solution
                   for many patients. “With the device, we can at least eliminate one
                  cause of recurrent stroke,” he said.

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John Barnes confronted the shooter at Santa Fe High School

                                                 By Alexandra Becker

        N the morning of May 18, 2018, Officer John            a fire alarm pierced the hallway and a rush of students
         Barnes arrived at work hungry. It was the Friday of   poured out of the gymnasium. Gun by his side, he pushed
         National Police Week, and Santa Fe High School        through the crowd, craning his neck as he listened for
had planned an omelet breakfast for its school resource        gunshots and scanning every square inch of his sight line
officers—a gesture of thanks and appreciation for keeping      for someone with a weapon.
students and faculty safe throughout the year.                     Then, he said, it all went to hell.
    Barnes can remember the omelets, that they were sup-           “People are getting shot in front of me,” Barnes
posed to be served that morning. But his memory grows          recalled. “And very quickly, everybody either exits out
foggy when he tries to recall why he first stepped into the    the door or goes past me.”
hallway, where a woman approached him to report sounds             Barnes was left standing in the hallway, blood smeared
of gunfire. Just one month earlier, Santa Fe High, located     on the ground in front of him and glass shattering behind
about 36 miles southeast of Houston, had ordered a lock-       him. Another Santa Fe Independent School District (ISD)
down after rumors of an active shooter circulated; Barnes      officer, Gary Forward, was close behind. Could there be
assumed that this morning’s report, too, would turn out to     more than one shooter? One behind and one in front?
be a misunderstanding.                                         Never, not once, did Barnes think his confusion would be
    But then the sting of gunpowder hit his nostrils. The      explained away by the wide spray of small metallic spheres
smell was unmistakable.                                        from the shell of a shotgun, a weapon worshiped by hunt-
    Barnes quickly removed his pistol from his belt as         ers for its deference to destruction above precision. ➟
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Credit: Steve Gonzales/Houston Chronicle via AP
                                         Law enforcement responds to Santa Fe High School on May 18, 2018, after an active shooter was reported on campus.

                                              Barnes barked into his radio, then focused his attention      an addition Barnes had initially dismissed as frivolous.
                                         down the hallway. Slowly, carefully, and with his gun drawn,           “It was like somebody stuck a hose in it and it was just
                                         he slid his body along the left side of the wall, using                draining out,” Barnes would later say of his wound. He
                                         it, and the corner, as a shield. He was going to                               can remember looking down at the large hole in
                                         sneak up on the shooter. With his pistol out                                     his arm and feeling sick.
                                         front, he hugged the corner of the wall and                                           The two officers kept their eyes fixed on
                                         drew himself out.                                                                 the hallway, waiting for the shooter to swing
                                              The assailant—Dimitrios Pagourtzis, at                                       back around the corner at any second. Barnes
                                         the time a 17-year-old student, is accused of the                                kept telling Forward to leave; the thought of
                                         shooting rampage at the school—was standing                                   a colleague taking a bullet while tending to his
                                         there with his father’s shotgun, waiting. The teen-                         arm was unbearable.
                                         ager allegedly pulled the trigger as soon as he saw the                      But Forward refused, and once the tourniquet was
                                         officer’s right arm.                                                secure, he held open the door to a nearby dance classroom
                                              Only 60 seconds had passed since Barnes first stepped         so that Barnes could crawl inside. Then Forward left—
                                         out of his office.                                                 back to the hallway, to the corner and to the shooter. Soon,
                                                                                                            a group of officers found Barnes and helped him to his
                                                                       **                                   feet. He only made it about 10 yards before collapsing to
                                                                                                            the ground.
                                             Shotguns are not loaded with the same slick, ogival-               “Drag me, just drag me, just drag me,” he remembers
                                         nosed bullets found inside handguns or assault rifles.             pleading. With the threat of the shooter looming, one of
                                         Instead, they use shells packed with tiny metallic projec-         the officers, unthinking, grabbed Barnes’ right arm. Pain
                                         tiles known as shot. Once fired, the shot sprays the target,       stunned his whole body.
                                         creating multiple entry points; if a shooter’s aim is off, he or       Ultimately, Barnes was dragged out of Santa Fe High
                                         she may still hit a target’s periphery.                            by his duty belt, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
                                             Every shotgun shell holds a certain number of pellets.         Paramedics lifted him onto a stretcher as close friend and
                                         In Barnes’ case, at least three pellets tore through his right     fellow Santa Fe ISD officer Elizabeth “Cibby” Moore rushed
                                         arm, shredding his brachial artery, a main thoroughfare to         to his side. They could still hear the roar of gunfire inside
                                         the heart. Barnes, a husband and father of two, would have         the school.
                                         bled to death within minutes had it not been for Officer               Barnes felt faint, his head somehow both airy and
                                         Forward, who pulled a tourniquet from his vest and swiftly         weighted, like he was floating under a lead blanket. His
                                         wrapped it around his friend’s arm. The team had only              blood was everywhere but inside his body. Amid his haze,
                                         begun to carry the military-grade devices a month earlier,         he could make out that he was riding in an ambulance.

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