BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society

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BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
Allegheny County Medical Society

Bulletin                           April 2021

Doctor, heal thyself
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
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                                                   03/21 Z MX517136
                                           ACMS April 2021 Bulletin 7.5”w x 9.75”h
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
Allegheny County Medical Society

Bulletin                                                                           April 2021 / Vol. 111 No. 4

            Opinion                                   Departments                                      Articles
Editorial ..................................94 Membership Benefits ..........106 Materia Medica .....................112
America the fortunate                                                                        Lemborexant (Dayvigo®): A new orexin
Deval (Reshma) Paranjpe, MD, MBA,                Society News .......................111     receptor antagonist
FACS                                             • ACMS members award Science Fair           Aileen Dauz, PharmD
Editorial ..................................96                                               Legal Report ........................115
Illness and architecture                         Classifieds ...........................111 Regulatory Sprint to Coordinated Care
Joseph C. Paviglianiti, MD                                                                   tackles HIPAA obstacles
                                                                                             William H. Maruca, Esq.
Editorial ..................................99
My strangest ‘patient’                                                                       Special Report .....................118
Richard H. Daffner, MD, FACR                                                                 COVID-19: Frequently asked questions
                                                                                             Allegheny County Health Department
Editorial ...............................101
Misconstrued lyrics                                                                          Special Report .....................121
Andrea G. Witlin, DO, PhD                                                                    Allied Community Health opens clinic,
Perspective .........................103                                                     Amelia A. Paré, MD, FACS
21st century gender science, society
and the compound question
Bruce L. Wilder, MD, MPH, JD                            On the cover                                     Correction
Perspective .........................108                Pittsburgh Zoo                         In the March 2021 edition of the
Doctor, heal thyself                                                                                 ACMS Bulletin, in the
Wendy Palastro, MD                                         Aquarium                              Legal Report on page 84, the
                                                         Alexanndra Kreps, MD                     Medicare conversion factor
Perspective .........................110              Dr. Kreps specializes in psychiatry.       for 2021 should be $34.8931.
Meeting new friends
Harry Null, MD
                                         For up-to-date resources
                                            on COVID-19, visit:
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
                                                                                            OFFICES: Bulletin of the Allegheny
                                                                                            County Medical Society, 850 Ridge
                                                                                            Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212; (412)
                                                                                            321-5030; fax (412) 321-5323. USPS
                                                                   Bulletin                 #072920. PUBLISHER: Allegheny
                                                                                            County Medical Society at above
                                                                    Medical Editor          address.
                                                                Deval (Reshma) Paranjpe     The Bulletin of the Allegheny County
                                                            (reshma_paranjpe@hotmail.com)   Medical Society is presented as a
                                                                    Associate Editors       report in accordance with ACMS
          2021            PAMED DISTRICT TRUSTEE                                            Bylaws, Articles 6, 8, and 11.
                                                                    Douglas F. Clough
  Executive Committee          G. Alan Yeasted
                                                                  (dclough@acms.org)        The Bulletin of the Allegheny
 and Board of Directors
                                                                   Richard H. Daffner       County Medical Society welcomes
                                 COMMITTEES                                                 contributions from readers, physicians,
       President                      Awards                                                medical students, members of allied
                                                                Kristen M. Ehrenberger
   Patricia L. Bononi             Keith T. Kanel                                            professions, spouses, etc. Items may
    President-elect                    Bylaws                                               be letters, informal clinical reports,
                                                                   Anthony L. Kovatch
     Peter G. Ellis              Matthew B. Straka                                          editorials, or articles. Contributions
    Vice President                                             (mkovatch@comcast.net)
                                      Finance                                               are received with the understanding
   Matthew B. Straka                                              Joseph C. Paviglianiti
                                Raymond E. Pontzer                                          that they are not under simultaneous
       Secretary                        Gala                    (jcpmd@pedstrab.com)
                                                                                            consideration by another publication.
    David L. Blinn               Patricia L. Bononi                Anna Evans Phillips
                                                                 (evansac3@upmc.edu)        Issued the third Saturday of each
       Treasurer                  Maria J. Sunseri
                                                                     Maria J. Sunseri       month. Deadline for submission
  Raymond E. Pontzer               Membership
                                                                 (mjsunseri@msn.com)        of copy is the SECOND Monday
     Board Chair                   Peter G. Ellis
                                                                    Andrea G. Witlin        preceding publication date. Periodical
  William K. Johnjulio              Nominating                                              postage paid at Pittsburgh, PA.
                                 Matthew B. Straka              (agwmfm@gmail.com)
                                                                                            Bulletin of the Allegheny County
     DIRECTORS                                                    Managing Editor
                                                                                            Medical Society reserves the right to
          2021              ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF                  Meagan K. Sable
                                                                                            edit all reader contributions for brevity,
   Douglas F. Clough                                             (msable@acms.org)
                              Chief Executive Officer                                       clarity and length as well as to reject
  William F. Coppula                                                                        any subject material submitted.
                                 Jeremy T. Bonfini
    David J. Deitrick
                               (jbonfini@acms.org)                                          The opinions expressed in the
    Kevin O. Garrett
   Marcy L. Jackovic       Manager, Medical Community                                       Editorials and other opinion pieces
                             Engagement and Society                                         are those of the writer and do not
                                                                                            necessarily reflect the official
  Ragunath Appasamy                Governance
                                                                                            policy of the Allegheny County
   Mark A. Goodman             Michelle Besanceney
                                                                                            Medical Society, the institution with
     Keith T. Kanel          (mbesanceney@acms.org)             ACMS ALLIANCE               which the author is affiliated, or
    Maria J. Sunseri          Director of Publications             Co-Presidents            the opinion of the Editorial Board.
    G. Alan Yeasted              Meagan K. Sable                    Patty Barnett           Advertisements do not imply
          2023                  (msable@acms.org)                  Barbara Wible            sponsorship by or endorsement of
      Steven Evans                                              Recording Secretary         the ACMS, except where noted.
   Bruce A. MacLeod         Vice President of Physician
                                                                  Justina Purpura           Publisher reserves the right to exclude
     Amelia A. Paré       Engagement and Digital Strategy
                                                              Corresponding Secretary       any advertisement which in its opinion
 Maritsa Scoulos-Hanson            James D. Ireland
                                                                  Doris Delserone           does not conform to the standards of
    Adele L. Towers             (jireland@acms.org)
                                                                     Treasurer              the publication. The acceptance of
                           Director, Medical Community            Sandra Da Costa           advertising in this publication in no
PEER REVIEW BOARD                   Engagement                  Assistant Treasurers        way constitutes approval or endorse-
         2021                   Nadine M. Popovich                   Liz Blume              ment of products or services by the
  Marcela BÖhm-Vélez           (npopovich@acms.org)                 Kate Fitting            Allegheny County Medical Society of
  Thomas P. Campbell                                                                        any company or its products.
                                                                                            Annual subscriptions: $60
  Kimberly A. Hennon

    Jan W. Madison                                                                          Advertising rates and information
         2023                                                                               available by calling (412) 321-5030 or
  Lauren C. Rossman                                                                         online at www.acms.org.
    Angela M. Stupi                                                                         COPYRIGHT 2021:
                                                                                            ALLEGHENY COUNTY
                                                                                            MEDICAL SOCIETY
                                                                                            POSTMASTER—Send address

Improving Healthcare through Education, Service,                                            changes to: Bulletin of the
                                                                                            Allegheny County Medical
                                                                                            Society, 850 Ridge Avenue,
           and Physician Well-Being.                                                        Pittsburgh, PA 15212.
                                                                                            ISSN: 0098-3772
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
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BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society

                       America the fortunate
Deval (Reshma) Paranjpe, MD, MBA, FACS

A     s I write this, one quarter of U.S.
      adults have been fully vaccinated,
while half have had at least one dose.
                                            setting children back educationally, but
                                            it is setting the entire generation back
                                            equally; they will not be disadvantaged
                                                                                         at all. Some people are refusing to
                                                                                         take vaccines even when vaccines are
                                                                                         available and offered to them. What
If the vaccines offer us significant        relative to their peers.                     an embarrassment of riches we have!
protection against the assorted variants         We have proof. Children survived        Consider the rest of the world popu-
in world circulation, there is hope that    the restrictions of the 1918 influenza       lation, most of which has little access
we may entertain a gradual return to        epidemic, the polio epidemic, and            to vaccines. The vaccines that are
pre-pandemic life once the vast ma-         evacuations into the arms of strang-         within reach may not be as effective, or
jority of the population has been fully     ers in the English countryside during        may have been withdrawn over safety
vaccinated. Here in the United States,      the London Blitz during WWII and             concerns, or may be fakes provided
debates about re-opening businesses         still became productive citizens and         by a criminal enterprise. The countries
and schools still rage, but a pervasive     went on to have families and good            of Western Europe, which one would
sense of “giving up” also is in the air.    lives. Separations from friends and          expect to be organized and orderly,
     “We’re tired of being under restric-   family and education are undeniably          have had surprisingly terrible vaccine
tions, and some people are vaccinated,      traumatic, but as we often are told          rollouts. As a result, there are still
and other people don’t care, so let’s       during pediatrics rotations, children are    national lockdowns in European coun-
just reopen,” is the rallying cry. No one   resilient. They adapt, and survive and       tries. Consider the situations in Brazil
wants their kids at home anymore;           thrive. Thankfully, we are not in a crisis   and India, where there are vaccine
parents are exhausted. “The kids            where bombs are falling overhead, or         shortages and poor logistics. COVID
aren’t learning,” complain the parents,     the death rate is astronomical due to        variants are burning through these two
and this is partly true. Kids are always    the absence of modern medicine, or           countries at record paces with case
learning though; it is the nature of        where the majority of the ill and dead       fatalities far in excess of the numbers
childhood to absorb knowledge and           are children. While I do not downplay        reported by the governments. Political
skills. They are learning patience, and     the serious of the depression and            leaders are holding rallies there with
closeness to their families, and sac-       the suicides that are occurring now,         tens of thousands of closely packed,
rifice. They are learning that life and     the PTSD from those other scenarios          unmasked supporters and encouraging
people and systems aren’t perfect.          would be far worse in aggregate than         mass religious festivals/superspreader
Looking back in 20 years, this learning     emotional disturbances brought on by         events. Unchecked COVID gives rise
experience may be judged an unex-           the current pandemic. Simply said, we        to further variants which can then mi-
pected benefit even if unwanted now.        should be grateful it isn’t worse.           grate and threaten the rest of the world
Perhaps it will inspire these children to        People in some parts of our country     with more contagious and deadlier
fix the problems they saw during this       have intellectual discussions about          disease. Think of the entire continents
pandemic as they mature into adults,        which vaccine to take, even as people        of Africa and Asia and South America
and make this a better world for the        in other areas are still desperately wait-   and the many countries therein where
rest of us. Yes, home schooling is          ing for their chance to take any vaccine     access to care and access to vaccines

94                                                                                                               www.acms.org
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
are both poor for the common man.            pharmacies and then hand them to the         pandemic. This is the modern version
How lucky we have it in comparison!          nurse to administer. If you can’t pay for    of “Finish your dinner. There are chil-
    India has a double mutation variant      the drug or fetch the oxygen yourself,       dren starving in Africa.”
which is sweeping across the country.        your family member dies. If you are the          In the case of a sudden drop in air-
Young people in their 20s and 30s are        patient and you have no family to fetch/     craft cabin pressure, we are told to put
making up the bulk of the inpatient ad-      carry/pay for you, you die. It is fee-for-   on our own oxygen masks first in order
missions and the dead. Hospitals have        service medicine at its most cruel. Think    to be better able to help those around
been instructed to downplay the num-         of how much better we have it. Our sys-      you put on their masks. We are a great
bers of actual COVID related deaths          tem may bankrupt us eventually rather        nation, yes, and part of that greatness
and only report deaths from pneumonia        than immediately, but at least our loved     comes from our propensity to help
rather than deaths from other COVID          ones get the care and medicines they         the rest of the world. Let us quickly
complications (PE, MI, CVA, etc.). The       need to save their lives when saving         get our house in order. Let us get our
crematorium numbers tell the real story;     their lives is possible.                     population vaccinated and protected,
investigative reporting by local newspa-         Remember that there are people           the better to help the rest of the world.
pers suggest that the actual deaths are      in the rest of the world who would kill      Let us appreciate and be thankful for
likely five to 10x what the government       for a dose of the Moderna or Pfizer          our considerable advantages, and let
figures state. India’s health system,        vaccine that some people in the United       us keep our guard up: The variants are
such as it is, is collapsing. There are no   States have the luxury of refusing. For      already here.
more hospital beds, let alone ICU beds.      that matter, people elsewhere in the
Patients are dying routinely because         world might fight tooth and nail for the         Dr. Paranjpe is an ophthalmologist
the hospitals are out of oxygen. Family      Johnson and Johnson vaccine, despite         and medical editor of the ACMS Bul-
members have to travel miles and fill        the rare reports of blood clots. Believe     letin. She can be reached at reshma_
oxygen canisters to bring to the bed-        it or not, we would likely do the same       paranjpe@hotmail.com.
side to keep their loved ones alive.         in the same situation. We are in the
                                                                                            The opinion expressed in this column is that of
Critical drugs are too expensive for the     greatest country in the world, and we           the writer and does not necessarily reflect the
common man to afford; in India, family       need to understand just how good we              opinion of the Editorial Board, the Bulletin,
                                                                                               or the Allegheny County Medical Society.
members must buy the drugs from              have it, even in the middle of a global

                                                                                     ACMS members:
    Moving?                                                                        We want to hear your
                                                                                  opinions on important
       Be sure to let us know ....                                              topics affecting healthcare.
                                                                                   Email Meagan Sable
    We can update our system to better
    serve you! When your patients call,                                            at msable@acms.org
    we will know where to send them.                                               to learn more about
          Call (412) 321-5030 to update                                          submitting a Perspective
                your information.                                                 column to the Bulletin.

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                                     95
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society

                       Illness and architecture
Joseph C. Paviglianiti, MD

S    ometimes in the pediatric ophthal-
     mology clinic, things just don’t go
my way. While we all love our patients,
                                              floor plans as a kid, and I often wonder
                                              if I have some sort of latent maniacal
                                              tendency toward architecture that went
                                                                                             them over the elevator?). WELL theory
                                                                                             is sort of like the Danish concept of
                                                                                             “hygge” (defined on Wiki as a quality of
some of them can be a little (OK, a lot)      unsatisfied, deep down in repressed            coziness and comfortable conviviality
more draining than others: the uncoop-        parts of my soul that I have long since        that engenders a feeling of contentment
erative 6-year-old who could read the         buried. Right now, though, architec-           or well-being). I didn’t get the feeling of
smallest line of the eye chart in 10 sec-     ture is a job, any job, that isn’t trying      hygge this morning from any of the three
onds last time, but decides to stubborn-      to refract this screaming, tantrummy           patients above, but when they get older,
ly dig in his heels and make me beg for       3-year-old currently in my exam chair,         we will laugh about it together. Not now,
every Snellen letter over 15 agonizingly      winning the battle of my draining medi-        though. And I think I need a Band-Aid
slow and oppositionally defiant min-          cal resolve.                                   for my arm.
utes. Next door is the 4-year-old with             But are architecture and medicine             But with so much emphasis on
supposed low tone who suddenly has            so far apart?                                  architectural health and wellness (both
more strength (and appendages) than                Currently, two of the leading archi-      to the environment, and more recently,
John Cena when I try to put eyedrops          tectural building certifications are LEED      to its occupants), it is striking that it is
in. Should it really take four of us to put   (Leadership in Energy and Environ-             human “un-wellness” that has driven
eyedrops in this kiddo? Yet it does, and      mental Design) and the WELL Building           most architectural change in the mod-
we could have used a fifth. Next door         Standard (surprise, WELL isn’t an              ern world.
is the 3-year-old who was having a            acronym to my understanding). LEED                 Prior to Pasteur’s Germ Theory in
tantrum when she walked in the office,        ratings tell us how friendly a building        1861, which postulated that microor-
continued it all during our “less-than-re-    is toward the environment. How much            ganisms could cause a lot of bad stuff,
liable-but-we-gave-it-a-really-good-try”      carbon footprint does the building cast?       Earthlings really had no idea what
dilated exam, and is still screaming on       How energy efficient is it? Maybe it           started certain pandemics, or how they
the way out the door. My eardrums are         even generates some extra energy for           miraculously ended. The Black Plague/
ringing. And those were just the first        the 1970s building next door? Is waste-        Bubonic Plague (Y. pestis) killed 30-
three patients this morning.                  water repurposed? Were the building            60% of Europe’s population between
    As I have gotten older and a little       materials created sustainably?                 1346-1353. No one knew how it came
less patient, I may catch myself taking            Conversely, but adjunctively, the         or why it ended. Most assumed it was
a deep breath while rubbing kid snot          more recently devised WELL certifica-          God’s will. Similarly, the Yellow Fever
off my pre-pandemic tie and stopping          tion ratings tell us how friendly a building   Epidemic of Philadelphia (1793) killed
the bleeding on my arm from what felt         is toward its occupants. How does your         5,000 of the then-nation’s capital (now
like a dog bite, but was likely more          building or office affect your mood? Your      cheesesteak capital) of 50,000 inhab-
human in origin, whilst silently musing       nutrition? Your comfort? Your fitness?         itants (the biggest city in America at
to myself, “Pav, you should have been         (Example: Are stairwells placed where          the time). It is estimated that 20,000 of
an architect.” I used to love to draw         occupants will preferentially choose           those who could, including President

96                                                                                                                     www.acms.org
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
George Washington, evacuated steamy          was discharged into the same River             I likely wouldn’t have been a
Philadelphia that summer, while 15%          Thames, is a story for a different day.    successful architect, because all my
of those unable to leave died. Again,        It was someone else’s problem down-        designs would have been college
nobody knew how the fevers came or           stream, and London’s cholera epidemic      gothic or church gothic. Those building
why they went away. If you don’t know        ended. Cheerio!                            styles soothe my “hygge,” but, unfor-
about germs, you cannot prevent them.            New Yorkers at that time were          tunately, not everyone else’s. Different
Therefore, no changes were made to           dealing with cholera, too. Immigrants      architectural styles have evolved over
the general population’s living condi-       were arriving by the thousands and         the years, many surprisingly due to
tions and, therefore, more pandemics         were living in squalor, 10 or more to      medical reasons. For example, the
came and went.                               a room in tenement housing, with           Modernist Architectural movement
    Even in 1858, during the London          apartments crammed tightly together.       of the early 1900s was pioneered by
Cholera Outbreak (just three years           Nobody knew that the stagnant water        LeCorbusier (France), the Bauhaus
before Pasteur’s Germ Theory) no one         from the poor sanitary conditions, lack    movement (Walter Gropius and Mies
had a clue that the excreta of 3 million     of sewage systems, poor drainage           van der Rohe) in Germany, Alvar Aalto
Londoners was making themselves              and unpaved alleyways where wa-            in Finland and Frank Lloyd Wright in
sick. Fortunately, however, with all that    ter accumulated were the breeding          America. Modernists used innovative
poop came a lot of stink, as it all ended    grounds of cholera, which is estimated     technologies in their construction,
up in the River Thames … and it was          to have killed 15,000 New York city        using steel, glass and tons of concrete
the Thames stench in 1858 that got           inhabitants in 1849 alone (2.5% of the     in buildings that are distinctive for their
Parliament to take action. Evidently,        1849 population of 600,000)! Compare       functionalism, minimalism and total
the smell in London was so bad that          that to COVID-19, which has killed         lack of ornamentation. If you see a
summer that Parliament approved 2.5          30,000 NYC residents out of a 2020         concrete slab with windows, that’s a
million British pounds (about $416           NYC population 18.8 million (0.16%).       modernist building.
million U.S. dollars in today’s money)       Cholera in 1849 was 15x more deadly            But architectural historians have
after just three days of debate, to fund     than COVID-19 in 2020.                     postulated that many of these mod-
the London Sewer System.                         Fortunately, NYC had an archi-         ernist innovators may have had some
    Granted, the bricklayers for the brick   tectural breakthrough that helped.         mental health diagnoses that favored
underground sewers were only paid a          Frederick Olmstead, regarded as the        this particular type of building style that
maximum rate of 25 pence (33 Amer-           founding father of American landscape      they designed and fostered. Indeed,
ican cents) a day, so it was quite a         architecture, proposed that NYC            psychiatrists have posthumously
bargain by today’s standards to create       needed more protected green space.         diagnosed LeCorbusier with Autism
a city saving system. It wasn’t the fear     In his words, these parks would be         Spectrum Disorder, with his prefer-
of V. cholerae that created the impetus      the “lungs” of the city where citizens     ence for social isolation, avoidance of
for the architectural wonder that was        could breathe easily, separated from       visual stimuli (lots of plain gray con-
the London Sewer System of 1858, but         their cramped tenement lives. Hence,       crete) and minimalism. His buildings
as the London Times reported, it was         Olmstead proposed and designed             are “comforting” to someone seeking
the “force of sheer stench” that created     what later became Central Park (and        to avoid interpersonal contact and
the political and economic drive to de-      also Prospect Park) in NYC. Countless      interaction. Gropius, of Bauhaus fame,
sign and build the sewer system. Either      cities, including Pittsburgh (in 1931      was a German veteran of WWI who
way, an architectural answer (unknow-        with North and South Parks) followed       was badly wounded in the trenches
ingly) helped end the London cholera         suit. Another example of an architec-      and later thought to suffer from PTSD,
epidemic by improving sanitation. The        tural leap forward to help fight medical   a term not officially coined until 1980,
fact that the new sewer system just          disease. And a place for Macaulay          many years after his death, but a
transported the excretory goo 10 miles       Culkin to catch the bad guys in “Home      disease that has namelessly existed
downstream from London, where it             Alone 2.”                                                        Continued on Page 98

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                      97
BulletinApril 2021 - COVID-19: FAQs Doctor, heal thyself - Allegheny County Medical Society
From Page 97                                 that the architecture itself is part of the   buildings that are instantly changeable,
since people learned to fight. Gropius’      treatment plan, or at least makes the         with pods and cubes that can be added
architectural buildings after WWI often      patient feel that way.                        or subtracted to a building as needs
resembled military battlefield pill boxes:       COVID-19, quarantining, social            arise, such as the infamous Nakagin
concrete slabs with narrow windows           distancing, masking, remote learning/         Capsule Tower in Tokyo, which may
and hidden doorways. Like a concrete         working are all new lifestyle modifica-       have been ahead of its time. Maybe
bunker, but above ground … safe for          tions borne out of survival this year.        future buildings shouldn’t be “forever”
the battlefield or the office. Maybe not     American architecture will have to re-        but should be planned as “changeable”
the most comforting and convivial, but       spond, in many ways reversing course.         and adaptable, just like human metab-
functional, nonetheless. That is Mod-        Will urbanization, in full steam until        olism. As always, while we might not
ernist Architecture.                         March 2020, give a rebirth to suburban-       like the change, architects will rise to
    These modernist buildings turned         ization and ruralization? The wide-open       the challenge that our changed medical
out to be just what the doctor ordered       floor plans of the 1980s and 1990s are        status has created. Alas, time for me to
in the fight against tuberculosis in the     suddenly not conducive to six people          put away my “wanna-be” architectural
early 1900s. Before Waksman and the          on separate zoom calls simultaneously.        hat, and hand it over to my daughter,
discovery of Streptomycin in 1943, the       Walls and “places to isolate oneself”         my “gonna-be” architect. I will have to
only “treatment” for TB was convales-        are in, both at home and work. Shared         live vicariously through her. Time to go
cence in a sanatorium. TB patients           break rooms are out. Plexiglass               find another Band-Aid. My next patient
were sent off to isolate, rest and sit in    dividers are in. School superintendents       is waiting.
the sun (one of the few things known         across the country note one positive
to kill TB germs at the time). Aalto, in     to come out of the pandemic: the end             Dr. Paviglianiti is a pediatric oph-
1933 Finland, designed a modernist           of the school cafeteria and the subse-        thalmologist and associate editor of the
sanatorium with long walls of windows,       quent “cafeteria anxiety” that middle/        ACMS Bulletin. He can be reached at
large terraces to fall asleep outside        high schoolers face. Outside is “in,”         jcpmd@pedstrab.com.
in the sun, and light-colored ceilings       with more outside space for learning
                                                                                             The opinion expressed in this column is that of
to promote peace and quiet. Empty            and working. Another reason for that is          the writer and does not necessarily reflect the
white walls, bare floors, everything         that one of the major weapons against             opinion of the Editorial Board, the Bulletin,
                                                                                                or the Allegheny County Medical Society.
clean and sterile. Wide open spaces.         the exploding myopia epidemic is “time
Patients “felt” clean due to the wide-       spent outdoors” to let the eyes “defo-
                                             cus” on the horizon.                               References
open architectural space and the open
                                                                                                1. Chayka, K. How the Coronavirus Will
floor plans. It is no accident that most         Anyway, the list goes on. It will be       Reshape Architecture. The New Yorker.
hospitals since that time follow these       interesting to see how American ar-            June 2020.
modernist principles, such that today’s      chitecture changes due to COVID-19,                2. Stinson, E. Health and Disease Have
hospital buildings conjure up ideas of       and the realization that there may             Always Shaped Our Cities. What Will Be
cleanliness, order, functionality, safety    be a different pandemic around the             the Impact of COVID-19? Architectural
                                                                                            Digest. April 2020.
and improved health to the inpatient         corner with a different mode of spread.            3. Sussman, A. and Chen, K. The
occupant. No hygge here, though one          Perhaps the “Metabolism Architectural          Mental Disorders That Gave Us Modern
could argue there ought to be. But           Movement” from the 1960s and 1970s             Architecture. Common/Edge. August 2017.
modernist hospitals are designed such        will regain prominence. These are

      Allegheny County Medical Society
         www.acms.org • (412) 321-5030
98                                                                                                                         www.acms.org

                             My strangest ‘patient’
Richard H. Daffner, MD, FACR

T     his is not an April Fool’s story. One
      morning, Linda, our chairman’s
secretary, came to me in the reading
                                               the Board of Directors of the zoo and
                                               asked if he could convince one of our
                                               radiologists to come to the zoo and do
room. “I know you’re going to do this,”        a barium enema. And so, I took the
she said.                                      resident who was on my service along
     “Do what?” I replied.                     with two bags of barium to the zoo.
     “Go to the Pittsburgh Zoo to do a             When we arrived at the zoo’s med-
barium enema.”                                 ical building, the gorilla had been se-
     “OK. On what?”                            dated and was lying on an x-ray table.
     She paused for a beat and then            They had no fluoroscopy equipment           Fig. 1. Characteristic puckering at
said, “A Gorilla.”                             at the time. A veterinary dentist was       the recto-anal junction (arrow) in a
     “OK. But why not one of the folks         cleaning Sultan’s teeth while he was        human patient with Hirschsprung
who ordinarily do barium studies.”             sedated. (I told my resident that Sultan    disease.
     “I asked all of them. They’re not         would be one unhappy gorilla when he
interested. I know you have a collection                                                   told him the diagnosis. He had never
                                               woke up.) In addition to the dentist and
of animal x-rays in your teaching file.”       the zoo’s vet, there also were several      heard of it and disappeared into his
     “OK, but it’s been some time since        visiting veterinarians who wanted to        office to consult his books. (This was in
I’ve pushed barium.” Our group was             watch, having never seen a barium           the days before the Internet and Goo-
specialized, and my areas of expertise         enema performed on a gorilla.               gle). After several minutes, he returned
are bone and joint imaging and trauma              We began by taking a “scout”            and said, “Well, a gorilla’s anatomy is
imaging. “I’ll take one of the residents,”     radiograph to get the correct technique.    identical to ours. Hirschsprung disease
I added.                                       Then, after inserting the rectal tube,      is rare, but it occurs. Now, how is it
     “I thought you would agree,” she          we let half a bag of barium flow into       treated?” I told him about the “pull-
said. “But you must tell me why.”              Sultan’s rectum and took a radiograph.      through” procedure that was used at the
     “Well, Linda, just think of the stories   After the film was developed, I looked      time, where the lining of the diseased
I’ll get to tell.”                             at it and noted a colon full of stool,      part of the colon is stripped away, and a
     The back story is that Sultan, an         much like that seen in an unprepared        normal section is pulled through the co-
18-year-old gorilla, had been consti-          human patient. However, there was a         lon from the inside and attached to the
pated since birth and was more and             very characteristic finding, puckering,     anus. I suggested he call his surgical
more uncomfortable. (And you don’t             right at the recto-anal junction (Fig. 1,   friend at AGH and ask him to “assist”
want to imagine how ill-tempered a             at right).                                  with the surgery. And that was what was
constipated 450-pound gorilla can be).             I turned to my resident and said,       done, with curative results.
The veterinarian at the zoo called one         “What’s your diagnosis, doctor?”                My sojourn into veterinary radiolo-
of our general surgeons (whose name            “Hirschsprung disease,” she replied. “I     gy began when I was an attending at
I have forgotten) at AGH who was on            agree,” I said. I turned to the vet and                         Continued on Page 100

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                       99
From Page 99                                 problems. That episode earned me the        an inveterate skeptic, was giving me a
Duke. One of the vets from the animal        right to become the “official” veterinary   look as if to say, “Yeah, that’s the tallest
lab came into the reading room one           radiologist for Duke and allowed me to      tale I’ve heard yet.” After we sent the
                                             see a wide variety of abnormalities in      boys to their tents, Jim came up to me
day and put up a Waters’ view of a
                                             the various lab animals they had.           and said, “Is that really true?” One of
baboon’s face. The animal had facial
                                                 I am hardly the first radiologist to    the other dads present, a veterinarian,
swelling. My first response was, “That’s
                                             x-ray animals and have a good story         said, “Jim, it’s true. I was there.” He
a funny-looking kid.” The vet kindly told
                                             to accompany the event. The late Dr.        happened to be one of the visitors the
me what his patient was and asked                                                        day we did the barium enema! From
                                             Benjamin Felson, one of the giants of
if I saw anything to account for the                                                     that day forth, Jim never doubted my
                                             radiology, who chaired the Department
facial swelling. I noted a lucent area                                                   stories. Like many of the tales we told
                                             of Radiology at Cincinnati General
surrounding the root of the left maxil-      Hospital, wrote about his experience        about the crazy things our scouts did,
lary canine tooth. I told the vet that his   with a cow in the x-ray department.1 He     you just can’t make this stuff up.
patient had a root abscess. He didn’t        was asked by a colleague who owned
believe me (since most radiologists,         a cow that had been feeding in fluo-            Dr. Daffner, associate editor of the
indeed most physicians, ignore the           ride-contaminated grass whether her         ACMS Bulletin, is a retired radiologist
dentition). I suggested we walk down to      bones showed any evidence of fluoride       who practiced at Allegheny General
the oral surgery clinic for a consult.       poisoning. The story is hilarious, as       Hospital for more than 30 years. He is
     The oral surgeon looked at the film     only Dr. Felson, well-known for his         emeritus clinical professor of Radiology
and said, “That’s a funny-looking kid.”      humorous anecdotes could tell.1 (I can      at Temple University School of Medicine
     “Do you see anything wrong?” I          e-mail copies, on request).                 and is the author of nine textbooks. He
asked.                                           But, back to my gorilla story. True     can be reached at bulletin@acms.org.
     “Yeah. He has a root abscess in his     to my comment to Linda, I had many
left maxillary canine tooth.”                opportunities to share my experience          The opinion expressed in this column is that of
                                                                                            the writer and does not necessarily reflect the
     As we walked back to the radiology      at the zoo. It fell into the category of        opinion of the Editorial Board, the Bulletin,
                                                                                              or the Allegheny County Medical Society.
department, the vet asked me why I           “What’s the most unusual thing you
looked at the teeth. I told him that I       have done?” My Boy Scouts loved the
was aware that monkeys and apes                                                             Reference
                                             story. One night at summer camp, I
                                                                                            1. Felson B. The cow in the x-ray room.
have a diet high in carbohydrates and,       was telling the story at our campfire        Medical Economics, June 10, 1968.
as a result, frequently have dental          and Jim, one of the other leaders, and

                                       Help your patients talk to you about their BMI
                                 Allegheny County Medical Society is offering free posters explaining body
                                 mass index (BMI) and showing a colorful, easy-to-read BMI chart. The
                                 posters can be used in your office to help you talk about weight loss and
                                 management with your patients.
                                 To order a quantity of posters, call the society office at 412-321-5030.
                                 You can view or download a smaller version online at www.acms.org.
                                                 Allegheny County Medical Society

100                                                                                                                      www.acms.org

                           Misconstrued lyrics
Andrea G. Witlin, DO, PhD

I was introduced to the phrase “mis-
  construed lyrics” more than 50 years
ago in my high school English class.
                                             course, I didn’t let my husband live
                                             down this gaffe for many years.
                                                 Years later, we both routinely miss
                                                                                          instructions – the new “critical” med
                                                                                          was to be taken BID starting with dinner
                                                                                          that evening when we arrived home
Irrefutably, I was a nerd and far from       words in song lyrics, commercials            and at breakfast the following morning.
conversant with pop artists, songs and       and TV broadcasts. Missing an occa-          Two separate scripts were supposedly
lyrics. I recall being uncomfortable and     sional lyric or promotion is cute. We        sent – one to be filled at a pharmacy
taciturn during that class. Despite my       mock each other for our perceived            on our drive home (for the evening and
personal disinclination, I was attentive     diminished hearing proficiency. But it’s     early morning dose) and the second
and still remember the verse used            not so innocuous when the words we           one to be filled at our regular pharmacy
as an example: “I’m not talkin’ bout         misconstrue or miss entirely are crucial     when it opened the next day. I even
the linen.” Admittedly, I had to search      daily interpersonal interactions or          called the pharmacy on the drive home
for the artist (England Dan and John         critical health explanations or instruc-     to confirm that all was well. Fortunately,
Ford Coley) and the precise verse for        tions. The positive trend in medicine        we made it through the drive thru just
this article: “I’m not talkin’ bout movin’   to include written documentation and         before closing. Once home, I focused
in.” Retrospectively, confusing “linen”      instructions is helpful, but nothing is      on getting my husband into the house
with “movin’ in” seems implausible,          failsafe...                                  safely, getting us dinner and, of course,
especially when we remember the ’60s             In addition to auditory lapses, visual   handing my husband his needed med-
lyrics as being comprehensible!              deficits accrue with age as well. Many       ication. I was cock sure (and so was
    I had forgotten about that class,        of us need readers. But depending            he) that we had the instructions correct.
song and topic until the mid-’80s when       upon my need for expediency, I don’t         So certain that neither of us re-read the
my husband and I argued playfully            always use them. Thus, the predic-           instructions on the prescription bottle.
about the lyrics to the Genesis song,        ament that I found myself in several         The two pills were inside the bottle just
“Invisible Touch.” My husband was con-       months ago when my husband was               as we expected. Except…
vinced that the lyrics were “she seems       being discharged from the hospital. The          Following breakfast and after my
to have a physical attraction.” Although     discharge instructions included his new      husband ingested the second pill the
I was still a bit of a nerd, I had started   meds and emergency phone numbers.            following morning, I called our local
paying more attention to popular music.      But I couldn’t read the details without      pharmacy about the “waiting prescrip-
Retrospectively, I can’t say that I really   my glasses. His RN was thorough and          tion.” The second, 30-day supply was
heard things more clearly, but I de-         spent a lot of time with us reviewing        never sent. I was now fully alert, had
duced that given the name of the song,       all the new findings and instructions.       my readers on and scrutinized the
the words must be different than what        Ditto for the nurse practitioner who         printed instructions. The pill was to be
my husband was convinced he heard.           worked with the doc who had done his         cut in half! However, none of the verbal
Indeed, after searching high and low,        procedure. I also had spoken to the          instructions in the hospital included that
I found the correct lyrics: “She seems       doc post-procedure. We “thought” we          nuance about cutting the pill in half!
to have an invisible touch, yeah.” Of        understood. We even reiterated the                               Continued on Page 102

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                      101
From Page 101                               chastised me/us for not reading the                All eventually worked out.
    Neither the pharmacist nor pharma-      small print about cutting the pill in half.        I reminisced about the story of
                                            I admitted that I screwed up and didn’t       the misconstrued lyrics. It’s still an
cy tech said anything either. Why were
                                            read the instruction sheet until the next     interesting memory from an awkward
two pills dispensed if we only needed
                                            morning. I apologized and explained           adolescence. But I wonder retrospec-
one pill cut in half for the two needed
                                            that neither of us had slept much over        tively, how many of my well-intentioned
doses? Even if it had been discussed                                                      instructions have been misconstrued?
                                            the past 72 hours, how the triggering
(and we would have remembered that),                                                      We all tend to worry about the proto-
                                            event, hospitalization and procedure
it was physically impossible to cut the     were quite stressful. The conversation        cols and the big stuff, but sometimes
miniscule pill evenly and safely. But the   ended by her volunteering to call in the      it’s the small touches that matter.
worst – unwittingly, I had overdosed my     missing script to our pharmacy.
husband – and I panicked! The emer-              Fortunately, I used some “tricks” to         Dr. Witlin, associate editor of the
gency numbers on the discharge pa-          navigate the system and after several         ACMS Bulletin, is a retired maternal/
pers didn’t work anymore. The holiday       hours found a sympathetic nurse prac-         fetal medicine physician and research-
weekend was over, and it was a normal       titioner who called back on her day off,      er. She can be reached at agwmfm@
workday “of sorts.”                         and sent in a new script for a different      gmail.com.
    It took some time, but I finally        (but similar) med that didn’t need to be
reached a supervisor from the unit          cut in half. My husband survived my             The opinion expressed in this column is that of
                                                                                             the writer and does not necessarily reflect the
where my husband had been hospital-         error and is still on that same new medi-         opinion of the Editorial Board, the Bulletin,
                                                                                               or the Allegheny County Medical Society.
ized. Instead of helping, she promptly      cation and is doing well.

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102                                                                                                                       www.acms.org

                       21st century gender science,
                    society and the compound question
Bruce L. Wilder, MD, MPH, JD

L  ike many, I was at once stunned
   and disappointed in the questions
asked by Sen. Rand Paul regarding
                                           part of the compound question not
                                           explicitly asked, i.e., in this case,
                                           whether transgender students should
                                                                                        recognize and respect the humanity of
                                                                                        the individuals themselves.
                                                                                            But we’re not there yet.
participation of transgender students      be recognized as such. The classic               It was 99 years ago when Jim
in school athletic programs and            example is “When did you stop beating        Thorpe was stripped of his Olympic
competition during the recent              your wife?”                                  medals because he had played minor
confirmation hearings of Miguel                 So, the form of Sen. Paul’s question    league baseball. It was 85 years ago
Cardona,1 who subsequently has been        referred to above (asked 10 times over       when Jesse Owens embarrassed
confirmed as Secretary of Education.       the course of five minutes) seems to         Hitler in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
    While Sen. Paul’s concern about        be an implicit denial of what we have        It was 73 years ago when Jackie
discrepancies in physical traits that      learned about the psychology and             Robinson integrated Major League
may put some at an advantage and           biology of transgender youth, namely         Baseball. While these occurrences
others at a disadvantage is a valid one    that those individuals are people            are traditionally looked upon as
– although appearing to be in his case     who have anxieties and insecurities,         reflections of racism – and they were
almost an obsession – and shared by        just as others do. They are people           – they also were likely driven by fear
many students and parents, it became       with feelings and emotions just like         that people of color might possess
clear that he is not going to be part of   everybody else, tempered, of course          some innate physical advantage, or
any resolution of concerns in this area.   by the fact that their gender identity       that their achievements should not
    Which brings me to the compound        doesn’t fit neatly into the traditional      receive recognition, lest the supposed
question. Sen. Paul expressed              model of male-XY chromosomes-male            inferiority of people of color be
concern about competition between          eternal genitalia vis a vis its female       disproved. It was only recently that a
a (“boy that’s 6’2,” and later on in       counterpart of XX chromosomes and            79-year-old man was awarded a high
his questioning, “hulking 6’4” guys”)      matching female genitalia.                   school letter that he was denied at the
transgender girl and his 5’4” niece. But        Transgender individuals are             age of 16 because he was correctly
the form of his compound question,         more and more being recognized               believed to be gay.2 He said that at
asked repeatedly, was essentially, “Do     and accepted as individuals in our           the time, “If it was discovered that
you think it’s OK for boys to compete      society. There also are (admittedly          you were a gay kid there were two
with girls in school athletics?” The       rare) instances of XX/XY mosaicism           alternatives: psychiatry because they
concept of the compound question           or chimerism. There are genetic              thought you were nuts, or the cops
boils down to that of question that is     abnormalities that may blur                  because it was illegal.”
really two or more questions contained     classification of gender at birth or later       Just in the last few years, a 2016
in what sounds like a simple question,     in life. We as a society, and in the law,    Olympic Gold Medalist, Caster
that if answered as a response to the      are gradually beginning to understand        Semenya, a woman who was
apparent simple question suggests          these things and are learning to deal        identified as female at birth, and who
or implies an answer to the other          with them in ways that increasingly                              Continued on Page 104

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                   103
From Page 103                               prevalence of psychological problems,          dress and show up for try-outs of
has lived her entire life as a woman,       suicide, substance abuse and                   sports teams in schools – something
was ordered to take testosterone-           victimization of transgender individuals       that Sen. Paul’s line of questioning
reducing medication as a condition          or individuals with indeterminate              suggests would happen if we recognize
to compete, after it was discovered         genitalia is well-documented, and              the need for some accommodation of
that she had abnormally high levels         much of that may be due to the societal        transgender students. The need for
of endogenous testosterone and              attitudes about gender, sometimes              participation of transgender athletes in
eventually a finding that she was XY        foisted on the child by their parents or       school sports, whether interscholastic
but had 5-alpha-reductase deficiency,       by their peers, a phenomenon that can          or intramural, is not going to go
a rare condition that leads to failure of   exacerbate those problems.                     away and cannot be dismissed as
in-utero development of male genitalia.         We have begun to recognize the             if it doesn’t exist. Indeed, there are
Her case is now pending before the          terms non-cisgender (meaning that              mounting pressures from within the
European Court of Human Rights.3            one’s gender identity is different from        athletic community to make reasonable
    We do classify athletes by weight       what they were determined to be at             accommodations.6
(boxing and wrestling), and in youth        birth) and non-binary (meaning that the             It is probably still true today that
sports by age, and by gender. Are we        individual identifies as being neither         most people feel threatened by ideas
to classify athletes by testosterone        male or female).                               that challenge traditional notions of
levels? There are likely wide variations        As a society, we tend to fear others       gender and sexuality, but I believe the
in testosterone levels among boys in        who are different from ourselves,              trend is for more of us to understand
Little League Baseball, and in many         not only because of skin color and             these issues with the passing years.
of these leagues, girls are allowed         associated traits and the complex              So, it is distressing that we have folks
to participate with boys. Boys and          history of the groups with which they          in our legislatures who, either out
men who are, say 6’8,” have a clear         are associated, including individuals          of their own fear and ignorance, or
advantage in basketball; we don’t (as       who do not nicely fit into our notions         a belief that their careers are better
far as I know) have separate leagues        of the male-female duality, including          advanced by validating fear and
for different height ranges. We have        expectations of sexual preference. And         ignorance in some of their constituents,
handicaps in some golf leagues. Senior      too often that fear is manifested by           hold fast to ideas that deny the
athletes are grouped by age. All of         hatred or marginalization.                     existence of what we have learned
these examples are reasonable, but              We are making progress. The                about gender identity. Some have even
they are rough estimates imposed to         U.K. enacted the Gender Recognition            gone so far as to say that allowing
approximate a level playing field – and     Act of 2004,4 legislation that officially      participation of transgender children in
they are never precise. When Tom            recognizes a person’s gender for all           scholastic sports will destroy girls’ and
Dempsey kicked the longest field            purposes, when it has changed from             women’s sports. Such a statement is
goal in NFL history, many wanted to         what it was at birth, subject to certain       reminiscent of the claim that same-sex
disqualify the record because he had        requirements. A number of states               marriage would destroy the institution
a special square-toed shoe made             have enacted legislation that permits          of marriage.
because he was born without toes on         reissuing of birth certificates and official        Vince Lombardi’s oft-quoted mantra,
that foot.                                  identification documents, such as the          “Winning isn’t everything: it’s the only
    In the 1950s, Dr. John Money,           driver’s license, to reflect an acquired       thing,” may make sense in the high-
a psychologist at Johns Hopkins             gender. We may soon see the ability of         stakes money-ball of professional
University Hospital, advocated early        individuals to be identified in keeping        sports, but it seems to disorder
intervention of “corrective” surgery on     with their perceived gender, including         priorities when one is talking about
infants with ambiguous genitalia and        nonbinary, at the federal level.5              sports in school-age children.
designation of a conforming gender,             No one wants to endorse the idea                So, while debates about
an approach since discredited. The          that a male student could put on a             participation of transgender students

104                                                                                                                www.acms.org
     Perspective                                                                    Let us be the key to your future ...

in school sports will, and should, continue, we need to be
thinking more in terms of what Mr. Cardona expressed so
well in his responses to Sen. Paul,7 rather than, for the sake                                                 Specializing
of simplicity, maintaining a rigid adherence to outdated views
of gender and gender identity that may adversely affect                                                        in physician
people who live among us.                                                                                      practices
                                                                                                               since 1978
   Dr. Wilder practiced neurological surgery in the Pittsburgh
area. He currently is of counsel in the law firm of Wilder,
Mahood, McKinsley and Oglesby. He can be reached at

  The opinion expressed in this column is that of the writer and
  does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board,
     the Bulletin, or the Allegheny County Medical Society.

        1. See https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4943022/senator-paul-
                                                                                        412-281-1901 • www.3kcpa.com
        2. Carol Pogas, Denied a Varsity Letter For Running Track at 16,
   Gay Man Will Get It at 79, New York Times, 3/2/21, https://www.nytimes.
        3. Sara Spary, Caster Semenya appeals to European Court of
   Human Rights over ‘discriminatory’ testosterone limit, https://www.cnn.
   com/2021/02/26/sport/caster-semenya-appeal-scli-intl-spt/index.html.              SURPLUS MEDICAL
        4. Gender Recognition Act of 2004, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/
        5. Valeriya Safronova, Passports Could Include a New Option
   for Gender Identity, New York Times, 3/4/21, https://www.nytimes.
                                                                                     OR OFFICE ITEMS?
   com/2021/02/24/style/gender-neutral-x-passport-ids.html.                          DONATE THEM TO GLOBAL LINKS!
        6. Gillian R. Brassil, Athletes Push Back as States Move to Bar
   Transgender Women in Sports, New York Times, 3/12/21, https://www.
        7. See note 1, at 1:58, “I think it’s the legal responsibility of schools          WE CAN ACCEPT:
   to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities and this
   includes students who are transgender.”                                              SUPPLIES, EXAM TABLES,
                                                                                         CHAIRS, FILE CABINETS,
                                                                                            DESKS AND MORE!

                                                                                             CONTACT US:

ACMS Bulletin / April 2021                                                                                                105
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                                Doctor, heal thyself
Wendy Palastro, MD

B   eing a physician, I strive to put my
    patients’ needs first, to provide the
best care I can. And with marriage
                                             provider at the time of my routine
                                             checkup. After further investigation, I
                                             was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism
                                                                                          care of myself and give myself grace.
                                                                                          If I do not, my body may give me more
                                                                                          signs in the future that it is not well.
and motherhood, I focus on caring            secondary to Graves’ disease. In ret-             I am not perfect, and I don’t think
and serving my family. Though this           rospect, this health condition was my        any of us can be. In the journey of
commitment and devotion to others is         body’s manifestation of all the stress in    going through the rigors of high school
laudable, I realize now that this singu-     my life, much self-imposed.                  education, college education and
lar dedication to others without focus-           Though hard to admit, I am get-         medical training, I realize there was
ing also on myself has led to negative       ting older (and hopefully wiser in the       a constant self-directed aim toward
consequences for my well-being. I am         process), and my body is providing           perfection. (And I am probably not the
trying to get better at caring for myself.   constant reminders that I am not young       only one.) Seeing the vast amount of
I am trying to change my behavior            anymore. With these reminders, I am          knowledge out there, I am humbly real-
through diligent practice and attention.     making a concentrated effort each            izing all of the things that I do not know
I am meditating, journaling, reading,        day to slow down and let my body talk        and will never know due to my limited
exercising, focusing on hobbies and          to me and guide my efforts to work           resources of time and energy. I have
outside interests, sleeping more and         more efficiently. Gone are the days of       come to appreciate and recognize my
looking more mindfully at the nutrition      limitless energy and perceived invinci-      own shift from a fixed mindset in col-
and fuel I am putting into my body. If       bility. Now I must conserve – be it with     lege/early years post college (“I know
something will not serve me and make         my time, my energy, or my focus. I see       almost everything and have all the
me better, I now question, “Why am I         how fast time has passed already, as         answers now that I have this degree!”)
doing it?”                                   my children grow and the years tick          to a growth mindset in the past several
    A few years ago, I was struggling        by in my marriage and in my career. I        years (“Uh oh … there is a lot left to
with intense fatigue. My two children        realize that time is finite, and health is   learn. And I am not going to have time
were around 3 years old and 6 months         not something to be taken for granted.       to learn it all!”).
old at the time, give or take. I felt ex-    Looking back on those years in my 20s             Besides physical care, such as
hausted and attributed it to the “go-go-     of not getting enough sleep, not eating      striving for more sleep, more exercise
go” and numerous competing pres-             the right nutrients and not getting near-    and better eating (the last one is still
sures of being a full-time working mom       ly enough exercise, I definitely have        admittedly very much a work in prog-
with two very young children. I took it      regrets. And I feel those health choices     ress), I also am working on my mental
as “normal” to feel worn out. Looking        at least in part led to my hyperthyroid-     and emotional care. I spend some
back, though, I realize my time spent        ism. My hyperthyroidism, thankfully, is      of my free time reading, listening to
focused on my career and serving my          well controlled currently with medica-       podcasts and audiobooks, meditating
family (and not enough time spent on         tion and lifestyle. Though I would rather    and journaling. I am learning how to
myself) was having consequences.             not have the condition, I think it serves    play the guitar. I work on continuing
I shared this feeling with my health         as a constant reminder that I must take      medical education consistently, but

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