News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

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News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
teachers’ uNiON OF ireLaNd / AONTAS MúiNTeOirí éireANN

                                                         VOL.35 / NO.4
                                                         Fe brua ry 2013
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs


    p.3 A word from the

    p.5 equality News

    p.6 iCTU protests

    p.8 Maternity leave

    p.10 institute News

    p.15 Teaching Council

    p.16 Mental health and        New GAlwAy CiTy BrANCh OffiCerS wiTh TUi AreA 11 exeCUTive MeMBer CATheriNe fAhy
         Bullying Guidelines

    p.19 Salary Scale Circular

    p.21 fe/plC Campaign

    p.30 view from Gaza

    p.36 TUi in the Media

    p.39 rMA News

    p.40 Crossword

                                  CO. SliGO BrANCh MAke preSeNTATiON TO reTiriNG MeMBerS ANNe MANNiON ANd
                                  MiChAel dee

                                 ediTOriAl                                                    prOdUCTiON

    Gerard Craughwell            Annette dolan                 Bernie Judge                   TUI News is published by the
    President                    Deputy General Secretary      Education & Research Officer   Teachers’ Union of ireland.                            Aontas Múinteoirí Éireann,
                                                                                              73 Orwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6.
    Gerry Quinn                  declan Glynn                  Cathy Glavey
    Vice-President               Assistant General Secretary   Administrative Officer                        T: 01-492 2588    f: 01-492 2953
                                                                                              e:     w:
                                 Aidan kenny                   roisin farrelly
    John MacGabhann              Assistant General Secretary   Press & Information Officer
                                                                                              printed by:
    General Secretary         
                                                                                              Typecraft Ltd.
                                 Ben Bishop
                                 Assistant General Secretary

2   February 2013 - TUi NewS
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
A Word from
                                                                                                 tui NeWs

                                                                                                The President

                                                person when an ‘at risk’ child has been        mergers and the possibility of some ioT’s
                                                identified. There is only one such qualified   seeking Technological University status will
                                                person in our schools and that is the          present serious challenges for TUi
                                                Guidance Counsellor. Again, we call on         members. TUi members who lecture in
                                                the Minister to re-establish the guidance      the ioT sector have always welcomed
                                                counselling service in our schools on an       change but the current proposals appear
                                                ex-quota basis.                                disjointed and seem to have little to do
                                                                                               with improving quality. Not unlike
 TUi preSideNT, GerArd CrAUGhwell
                                                Central to the reform agenda at second         changes at post-primary level, many
                                                level is the junior cycle. TUi calls on the    decisions are being made without the
in the context of the current                   Minister to consider the scale and pace of     active participation of the lecturing staff
government’s programme of austerity,            junior cycle reform. TUi representatives       employed by ioTs. There is a real need
there has to be concern about the               on the NCCA had worked along with              for engagement at all levels, including with
capacity of the public education system, at     other colleagues to modernise the junior       TUi, before there is any change. The heA
every level, to accommodate the broad           cycle and it is a matter of great concern      and the department would be ill-advised
ranging agenda of reform that is being          to the TUi that the blueprint, carefully       to ignore this need.
proposed. even good ideas – and not all         developed by that group, was gazumped
of the government’s ideas are good – will       by the Minister’s unilateral decision to       very soon now TUi members will have to
not prosper in a resource starved               abolish state certification. while             deal with the outcome of the current
environment. Appropriate timing is a vital      acknowledging the need to keep                 round of pSA talks. The government
ingredient for effective reform. Moreover       curriculum relevant and updated, TUi           wants to take more from us through
the word ‘reform’ is itself problematic as it   questions the need for reform of the           further pay cuts and productivity
suggests that all is currently broken. it is    extent proposed. As State certification of     measures. Many of our colleague teachers
not. Any wise view of our current               student’s achievements at age 15, the          and lecturers are put to the pin of their
education system would see immediately          Junior Certificate has served our              collar to get by on very low incomes, the
that there is much to be admired and            education system well. having said that        product of part-time, casualised work.
conserved, that meets the needs and             TUi welcomes modernisation providing it        perhaps now is a good time for all of us to
aspirations of learners and of irish society    is aimed at meeting the needs of today’s       consider how some of our practices are
in general. There is much that we as            learners. well-judged modernisation of         damaging our own interests. Teachers and
teachers and lecturers should be rightly        the junior cycle has the potential to          lecturers routinely give more than they
proud of. we must ensure that language          provide an opportunity for schools to          are contracted to do. yet, in the second
isn’t debased by a cynical representation       shape a programme that will serve the          level and fe/plC sectors, posts of
of cuts as reform.                              wider needs of their learners. however,        responsibilities have been lost. it is
                                                there is a need for much greater               unlikely that we will get them back if we
recently we have seen the roll-out of new       engagement with the practitioners in the       do the vacated duties free gratis. Similarly,
mental health and suicide prevention            schools, the real experts. The new junior      at third level, lecturing beyond the weekly
guidelines for second level schools. On         cycle must be properly resourced, provide      norm plus flex, reduces hours (and
the day when these new guidelines were          proper training to those delivering it and     thereby pay) available to part-time
launched, the Minister of State at the          crucially it must be externally moderated.     colleagues. we have a duty to one
department of health said: “what we             in addition, there must be a proper            another, as trade unionists, as
want [schools] to do is take a whole-           allocation of time for all additional work     professionals and as citizen educators
school approach”. She went on to talk           and, where appropriate, there must be          with an abiding commitment to a high
about the great work done by guidance           payment for work done. Teachers, in            quality public education system, to protect
counsellors in schools but ended by             general, and TUi members, in particular,       the status of teaching and lecturing. That
saying: “we are talking about everyone in       who are engaged in the delivery of the         will be greatly assisted by adhering to
the school, the caretakers, the ladies and      junior cycle demand a high quality             good old-fashioned trade union values in
men who come in to clean the school. it’s       programme based on a centralised               the first instance – starting with
a whole school approach”. None among            certification system.                          collegiality and solidarity amongst TUi
us would disagree with the idea of a                                                           members, as TUi members.
whole-school approach to mental health          with respect to third level we are about
and suicide prevention. But what is             to see the biggest shake-up for years of
missing from the guidelines is the single       the ioT and university sectors. The
point of referral in schools to a qualified     establishment of clusters, the likelihood of

                                                                                                    - TUi NewS             3
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

    education international/Oecd
    conference: Framing education
    for the Public Good
    TUi was represented at a recent 2 day         teacher unions must resist government
    education international OeCd                  attempts to usher in a whole new era of
    Conference in london by the president         schools run by firms simply wanting to
    Gerard Craughwell and the deputy              make a quick buck for their
    General Secretary Annette dolan, both         shareholders. She added that, “of course
    of whom contributed to the discussions        we want well-funded schools, colleges
    that teachers and lecturers are key to        and universities, and good education
    framing education for the public good.        accessible to all, regardless of             ANNeTTe dOlAN ANd GerArd
                                                  background, status or wealth. But we         CrAUGhwell AT The ei/OeCd CONfereNCe
    Opening the Conference, ei president          also want our educators to be well-
    Susan hopgood stated: “This year, the         treated, fairly rewarded and respected      seven threats
    grave financial crisis which many             for the work they do.”                      highlighting de-professionalisation as
    countries in the world face has given the                                                 one of the main challenges facing the
    conference a sharper edge. it gives us        Values of education                         education sector today,van leeuwen
    the opportunity to do what the                ei General Secretary, fred van leeuwen      highlighted seven signs posing a serious
    conference title says: ‘frame education       stated: The “values of public education,    threat to the future of the teaching
    for the public Good’.”                        are essentially the values that underpin    profession and its capacity to ensure
                                                  democracy as well as our prosperity,” he    high quality teaching:
    threats to education                          said. “They encompass the principles of     • The influx of unqualified teachers
    frances O’Grady, General Secretary of         equity and equal opportunities, of non-     • The casualisation of teaching
    the Uk Trade Union Congress, stated           discrimination and social justice.”         • The growing gap between teachers’
    that increasing privatisation and                                                             pay and remuneration in other
    continuing austerity pose a huge treat to     van leeuwen called on participants to           sectors
    education. “At a time when education is       get back to basics, get off the defensive   • The restriction of teachers’
    increasingly being privatised and             and articulate again why public                 autonomy
    subjected to the profit motive, we must       education has such an important role in     • The rapid spread of standardised
    speak up for high-quality, publicly funded,   each of our societies and why it cannot         testing
    publicly accountable education, that is       be outsourced to the private sector.        • Mechanistic forms of high-stake
    accessible to all,” she said. “with the       “we must make it clear to our political         teachers’ evaluation
    forces of global economic competition         leaders that privatisation and              • private sector management practices
    and the interests of multinational            commercialisation of education are not          sneaking into educational institutions
    corporations increasingly shaping the         the answer,” van leeuwen said.              having a two-way dialogue with the
    education our young people receive, we                                                    OeCd is vitally important, he stressed.
    must also resist the creeping                 “Boosting education quality nationwide      The OeCd’s education directorate
    commercialisation of what is being            simply requires a massive investment in     studies and surveys are anxiously
    taught in our schools, colleges and           the entire teaching profession, in the      followed by governments. “whatever
    universities.” education is not just about    initial training of teachers, in their      our views on the OeCd’s policies and
    economic competitiveness, important           professional development, and, yes, also    research, we cannot deny the influence
    though that is. “Most fundamentally, it is    in their pay and employment                 the OeCd has on our education
    about human enrichment, about the             conditions,” he explained. “There is no     systems.”
    power of knowledge to transform lives         way around this reality and there are no
    and about the beauty of learning itself,      shortcuts, such as performance pay          This is a pivotal time for the future of
    so that every child, young person and         based on student outcomes. Mind you,        education, said van leeuwen. “we must
    adult has the chance to fulfil their true     there is no evidence whatsoever that        not let education slip away as a top
    potential in life.”                           individual performance-related pay          priority for governments. it is our job to
                                                  raises professional standards. what it      keep pressing the core message that
    O’Grady also said that classrooms             does raise is anxiety and turmoil in        without properly resourced high-quality
    should be a place for learning, not a         teachers’ staff rooms.”                     education for all, society itself will be
    source of shareholder profit, and                                                         fundamentally damaged.”

4   February 2013 - TUi NewS
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

New equality council

                                                                                                pATriCk hOGAN ChAir Of The
    eQUAliTy COUNCil TrAiNiNG SeSSiON wiTh MAry QUirke, ASSiSTANT                               eQUAliTy COUNCil, MAry QUirke,
    direCTOr Of AheAd                                                                           ANNeTTe dOlAN

The newly elected equality Council,             standing committee members:
elected on the 13th december 2012 is as
                                                Anne Meagher, limerick Colleges                Maura fitzgibbon, Cork City branch
                                                lorranne vallely, Carlow iT                    Michael hughes, Co dublin Branch
patrick hogan, limerick City Branch             Geraldine horgan, Co Meath Branch              Stephen lynch, Cork C&C Branch.
rose O’Mahony dublin C&C Branch

equality Officer training
Mary Quirke from AheAd (The                     •   Students that successfully progress
Association for higher education Access             from school and attain a place in third
and disability) facilitated an excellent            level do not do so by chance. All of
training session for TUi equality Officers          these students have been through the
on a range of disability issues including:          second level system and have
•    Comparing the impact of different
     models of disability                       •   Similarly the students with disabilities
                                                    that graduate with honours degrees,
•    exploring equality officer’s own
                                                    masters and doctorates do so due to        The classroom/lecture hall is increasingly
     attitudes towards disability
                                                    the same hard work and diligence as all    diverse as teachers/lecturers work with
•    reviewing the legislation                      students.                                  students with unique learning styles.
•    Understanding the experience of            however, there can be times when the           Teachers and lecturers need to rethink the
     people with disabilities                   playing field needs to be ‘levelled’ with      classroom and this ‘rethink’ will without
                                                reasonable accommodation as deemed             doubt benefit all, she said.
•    Understanding universal design
                                                necessary. “reasonable accommodation
Ms Quirke challenged the equality Officers      may be defined as providing adjustments
in relation to why teachers/lecturers           so that a student is enabled to access a       ahead conference
should take notice of ‘disabilities’ and        service. Accommodations can include            2013
inclusive practices.                            voice activated software, print in large
                                                font, use of tape recorders, extra time in     AheAd’s annual conference 2013 entitled
She stated:                                                                                    ‘is Universal design in education Any of
                                                exams and screen reading software.” The
• it is a fact that students and graduates                                                     My Business?’ is a two day event taking
                                                question is “how do you strike the right
   with disabilities are creative, motivated,                                                  place in the Croke park Conference
                                                balance between making curriculums
   hard working and due to circumstance                                                        Centre on March 12-13 and will tackle the
                                                accessible and maintaining standards while
   very used to ‘thinking outside the box’.                                                    subject of universal design in education
                                                working within thr current legislative
•    it is also a fact that while in            framework?”                                    and on into the world of work.
     school/college; students with                                                             for further information please
                                                There is no doubt that working with            contact dara at or
     disabilities meet the same
                                                accommodations and ensuring that               at 01 7164396.
     requirements as other students and
                                                education is inclusive requires change.
     achieve comparable grades.

                                                                                                   - TUi NewS           5
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

    110,000 people take to the
    streets to protest at ireland’s
    bank debt burden
    On Saturday, february 9th 2013, over         Government and to
    110,000 people took to the streets           europe about the
    across the country to protest against        unfairness currently
    the unsustainable €64 billion bank debt      being imposed on
    burden that ireland is carrying and to       irish citizens. “irish
    demand that it be lifted. rallies            people, each
    organised by iCTU, were held in Cork,        individual citizen, man,
    dublin, Galway, limerick, Sligo and          woman, boy and girl
    waterford. Over 60,000 people took           in this society, has
    part in the dublin protest, while at least   notionally paid €9000
    15,000 turned out in Cork, 13,000 in         towards resolving a        lifT The BUrdeN – JOBS NOT deBT
    waterford, 10,000 in limerick, 7,000 in      debt that is not their
    Sligo and 5,000 in Galway.                   debt, while those who                         people cannot possibly pay a bank debt
                                                 were responsible for creating the             burden of €64 billion - especially a debt
    TUi was well represented at all marches      difficulties that we are in seem to be        they played no part in running up. There
    and it was clear that branches made a        escaping punishment. The large numbers is nothing fair about this deal.
    significant effort to encourage and          attending the marches around the              we saved the european banking system
    support members to join the rallies.         country were there because they want          in 2008, an act of extraordinary
    General Secretary, John MacGabhann,          to see justice done,” he said.                solidarity with europe - now we want
    had earlier called on members to attend
                                                                                               some solidarity in return,” Mr Begg said.
    the protests, saying it was “critical that   The General Secretary of the irish
                                                                                               he pointed out that ireland had already
    members demonstrate their opposition         Congress of Trade Unions, david Begg,
                                                                                               paid some €41 billion for the banking
    and resistance to the failed austerity       told protestors at the rally in dublin’s
                                                                                               crisis, more than Germany, the Uk, Spain
    programme that has led to government         Merrion Square that bank debt problem
                                                                                               or portugal. That is neither fair nor just”
    cutbacks and demands”.                       had not been solved by the recent deal
                                                                                               he said.
                                                 regarding the promissory notes. “if you
    reflecting on the large TUi turnout the      read some papers yesterday you would          The rallies also heard personal
    president and General Secretary              think we had achieved economic                testimonies from people affected by the
    thanked all those who had braved the         salvation and our problems were over.         crisis from all around the country.
    cold - and in some regions rain – to         Nothing could be further from the
    make known their strong opposition to        truth. And we have over 100,000               iCTU has said it will continue the bank
    the continuing bank debt burden and          thousand people on the streets of             debt campaign until the link between
    the resulting austerity programme. The       ireland today who feel the same way.          private bank debt and national debt is
    General Secretary said the huge turnout                                                    clearly broken. lift the burden -
    would send a message to the                  “New deal, same problem: 1.8 million          Jobs not debt!

      leAderS Of TeAChiNG ANd leCTUriNG UNiONS AT The                     dAvid BeGG, GeNerAl SeCreTAry Of iCTU AddreSSeS The
      dUBliN prOTeST                                                      dUBliN rAlly

6   February 2013 - TUi NewS
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

tui at protests across the country

                    - TUi NewS   7
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

    Maternity leave – revised circular

    following the announcement in Budget          •   A teacher will be entitled to leave in     tui advises that any small
    2013 of changes to maternity and                  lieu for any public holidays that fall     number of days in lieu that
    adoptive leave entitlements for teachers,         during her maternity leave. The            might accrue should be
    the department of education and Skills            statutory 20 days annual leave will be     taken immediately prior to
    (deS) has now issued Circular letter              increased by the number of public          the commencement of
    09/2013 on maternity leave.                       holiday closures that occur during         maternity leave, otherwise
                                                      the maternity absence (i.e. if 3 public    they are effectively lost if
    The original Budget announcement
                                                      holidays fell during a teacher’s           carried forward to the next
    meant the ending of leave in lieu during
                                                      maternity leave, her entitlement to        leave year.
    maternity and adoptive leave from May
                                                      annual leave in respect of that leave
    1, 2013. following on-going engagement
                                                      year would be 23 days).                    examples
    between TUi and the other teacher
    unions with the department, some              •   A teacher’s entitlement to 20 days         (1) A teacher began her maternity leave
    progress has been made. The new                   annual leave (plus public holidays) is         in mid-January 2013 and her 26
    Circular does not fully abolish the               not affected by her absence on                 weeks expire on 20th July 2013. Any
    entitlement to days leave in lieu, but cuts       maternity leave. however, leave                days in lieu accumulated by the
    leave in lieu to the minimum in line with         in lieu must be taken on                       teacher up to April 30th 2013 are
    the requirements of the Organisation of           existing school closure days,                  granted under the previous
    Working Time Act. Please note any days in         either before and/or after                     Maternity protection entitlements
    lieu accumulated up to April 30th 2013            her maternity leave, in the                    for registered Teachers Circular
    will be granted under the previous                leave year in question (1                      0011/2011. Therefore this teacher
    Maternity Protection Entitlements for             september to 31 august).                       will receive 5 days in lieu for the
    Registered Teachers Circular 0011/2011.           Therefore, if in a leave year, a teacher       february mid-term break and 10
                                                      on maternity leave has reached the             days for the easter holidays. These
    TUi is of the view that the Circular does                                                        days in lieu are to be taken following
                                                      statutory minimum of 20 days annual
    not address all of the concerns of our                                                           the end of the school summer
                                                      leave, and any public holiday
    members. TUi will therefore be inviting                                                          holiday period (i.e. starting
                                                      entitlements due, either before
    members who have been adversely                                                                  September 1st 2013).
                                                      and/or after her maternity leave, then
    affected by the changes set out in the
                                                      she has achieved her statutory                There are 3 bank holidays after May
    circular letter, to contact the union. The
                                                      entitlements and there is no leave in         1, 2013, over the course of the
    union will support claims under the
                                                      lieu accruing.                                teacher’s maternity leave. These will
    appropriate legislation to be taken,
    where applicable.                             •   in a leave year, where the pattern of         be covered by the new Circular so
                                                      a teacher’s maternity leave does not          the teacher will take them during
    The changes announced in respect of                                                             existing school closure in the
                                                      give her 20 days annual leave plus
    maternity leave are set out in paragraph                                                        remainder of the leave year (i.e. over
                                                      public holidays accrued in the
    8 of the Circular. The changes mean:                                                            the summer holidays following the
                                                      existing leave year, teachers may
                                                      either: (i) Take the extra days due           expiry of her maternity leave on
    •    The leave year for teachers runs
                                                      immediately before the                        20th July).
         from the period 1 September to 31
         August.                                      commencement of her maternity              (2) A teacher begins her maternity leave
                                                      leave.                                         in mid-October 2013 and her 26
    •    full time employees have a statutory
                                                  (ii) Carry the days forward to the                 weeks maternity leave expires on
         entitlement to 20 days annual leave
                                                       following year but they must be               22nd April 2014. The teacher has
         and 9 public holidays per year (pro
                                                       taken during school closures.                 taken no annual leave days prior to
         rata for part-time teachers).
                                                                                                     her maternity leave. Over the course

8       February 2013 - TUi NewS
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui NeWs

   of her maternity leave there are 5           October midterm break (excluding            teacher returns to work on 30th
   bank holidays. The teacher will take         bank holidays), 7 days leave at             August there are 2 school closures
   these bank holidays and her 20 days          Christmas (excluding bank holidays)         days left in the existing leave year.
   statutory leave during existing school       and 5 days leave for the february           Therefore 2 of her 9 days must be
   closure in the remainder of the leave        midterm break, plus public holidays.        taken on these school closure days.
   year (i.e. over the summer closure           Therefore she has used 16 days of           The remaining 7 days should be
   period).                                     her 20 days statutory leave and 4           taken immediately prior to her
                                                public holidays. during the period of       maternity leave. (Alternatively she
(3) A teacher begins her maternity leave
                                                her maternity leave (March to               can carry the days forward to the
    at the beginning of March 2014 and
                                                August) there are 5 public holidays.        following year but they must be
    her 26 weeks maternity leave expires
                                                Therefore the teacher has 4 annual          taken during school closures.)
    on 30th August. in the leave year
                                                leave days and 5 public holidays left
    prior to maternity leave, this teacher                                              Circular 09/2013 is available on
                                                to take, 9 days in total. when the
    has had 4 days leave during the                                                     DES website and TUI website.

 changes to the Occupational health
 strategy for teachers in second
 Level schools
from the february 1st 2013, any              sick leave scheme from 2014 arising        when the changes are introduced in
teacher who has four continuous weeks        from the labour Court                      2014, the sick leave scheme provides
of sick leave or twelve cumulative           recommendations of July 2012. The          for 12 months paid leave over a rolling
weeks of sick leave in a 12 month            existing scheme which allows for 12        four year period. it has not been
rolling period must be referred by the       months full pay over a rolling 4 year      clarified, however, when this rolling four
teacher’s employer to the Occupational       period and 24 months of unpaid leave       year period will begin. TUi understands
health Service (Medmark).                    will change to the following provisions:   that some members may have already
                                                                                        exhausted the 12 month paid leave
from January 1st 2014 any teacher on         standard:                                  period. The union is also aware that
sick leave who has four weeks                • 3 months full pay followed by 3          others may now be commencing an
continuous or cumulative sick leave             months half pay, unpaid leave or        extended period of leave, arising from
absence in a 12 month rolling period            temporary rehabilitation pay            treatment and/or surgery for some
must be referred to the Occupational            thereafter for 18 months, depending     serious illness which may result in them
health Service (Medmark). The details           on the illness.                         having exhausted the 12 month paid
of the revisions to the scheme are set                                                  period by the operative date of the new
out in C/l 04/2013, which can be             critical illness:                          scheme in 2014.
accessed on the TUi website       • 6 months full pay followed by 6
or on the department website                    months half pay, 12 months              TUi advises that the transition                                temporary rehabilitation pay or 12      arrangements for such teachers from
                                                months unpaid.                          the existing sick leave scheme to the
Transition arrangements from the                                                        new sick leave scheme in 2014, will
existing Sick leave scheme to the            please note that temporary                 form part of discussions which are due
revised Sick leave Scheme to be              rehabilitation pay is a payment based on   to commence shortly between the
introduced in 2014                           pensionable service and is equivalent to   department of education and Skills
                                             the teacher’s accrued pension benefit.     and the Teacher Unions.
Members will also be aware that              please also note that the rolling 4 year
substantial changes will be made to the      period also applies to the new scheme.

                                                                                            - TUi NewS           9
News VOL.35 / NO.4 February 2013 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
iNstitute NeWs

     apprenticeship Working Party calls for
     national review of apprenticeship system
     with apprenticeship continuing to               people a new approach needs to be              (3) Members must engage proactively
     experience a significant reduction in           considered.                                        with their institutes to create new
     student enrolment the employment led                                                               opportunities and programmes.
     recruitment system is been questioned.          The TUi executive has approved three
     The Apprenticeship working party has            recommendations made by the                    The Apprenticeship working party notes
     called for a national review of the             Apprenticeship working party:                  that apprenticeship should not be
     apprenticeship system, to include an            (1) The department of education and            perceived as an industrial training model
     examination of alternatives to the                  Skill should begin a national review of    but rather as an alternative education
     employer led model. Members are                     the apprenticeship system. This review     model based on the principal of praxis,
     concerned that the current polices and              should be supported by an inclusive        the application of technical knowledge
     funding model will deplete capacity and             and transparent consultation process.      and expert practice. Members of TUi
     structural resources within the institute                                                      seek to retain the best of the present
     of Technology sector and that the quality       (2) A united trade union position on           apprenticeship model while constructing
     and excellence created over decades will            apprenticeship needs to be forged          a pedagogy that will shape the
     become obsolete. in order to guarantee              with colleagues in other union who         apprenticeship model for the next
     the future supply of qualified trade’s              have an interest in apprenticeship.        decade.

     Funding cuts continue for iot sector
     The institute of Technology sector              for 2013-2014 will have an additional          The extent of the dramatic cuts
     continues to suffer from the rolling            once off 5% deduction applied, resulting       combined with the top slicing could
     annual cuts to core grant funding. Since        in an accumulative cut of 7% from core         result in some institutes experiencing
     2008 the sector has witnessed a massive         grant funding.                                 significant deficits, as much as 13% in
     reduction in funding of over 12%, or in                                                        some cases. This is unsustainable. The
     monetary terms €121,628,170. due to             however, the cuts go even deeper than          cuts have stripped back the fat and
     the cuts, institutes are now struggling to      the percentage cuts to core grant              muscle exposing the bone, the next stage
     fund their core activities, such as teaching,   funding, as other top slicing measures are     is marrow extraction which will result in
     engagement with industry and applied            performed on the funding allocation            a hollow higher education structure
     research. The high quality standard of          before the core grant funding budget is        devoid of life and substance. This will put
     programme provision may also be                 identified. for example, €9 million was        the future economic development of the
     damaged by the relentless austerity             taken from the higher education funding        country at risk. The economic and social
     measures.                                       allocation to deal with pension fund           progress that resulted from the
                                                     liabilities in the university sector and the   investment in education strategy, which is
     To date, the sector has experienced an          €14.8 million addition revenue raised by       now nearly 50 year old, could be undone
     average annual reduction in funding of 3%       the €250 increase in student fees will be      in just five years of austerity. recessions
     but the projected cut for 2013-2014 is          deducted from the grant allocation. in         cannot be resolved by reductionist
     more than double this. According to             addition, a further €15 million will be top    strategies. To combat recession there is a
     figures released by the higher education        sliced for sectoral and strategic              need for investment, innovation and a
     Authority (heA) the projected 2% cut            development projects.                          new social imagination.

     athlone it
                                       l-r rONAN flyNN, derMOT dUffy, GerArd CrAUGhwell, JiM MAGUire, JOhN O’CONNOr,
                                       keviN MClOUGhliN

10   February 2013 - TUi NewS
iNstitute NeWs

institutes of technology must be
protected in restructuring of third level
The Teacher’s Union of ireland (TUi)           iOTs promote access to higher education        employment prospects of students and
criticised last month’s publication of a       for non-traditional or under-represented       graduates, must also be protected.
discussion document on possible changes        cohorts of students, including a significant
to the third level sector, by the higher       proportion of students from                    The heA proposes institutes of “more
education Authority (heA), as a kite flying    disadvantaged backgrounds, students            significant scale and critical mass in the
exercise.                                      completing apprenticeship courses and          best interests of students”. however, a
                                               mature students.                               distinct advantage of iOTs is their smaller
The document ‘Completing the landscape                                                        size, resulting in greater staff-student
process for irish higher education’            The heA itself suggests that “when             interaction.
contains a number of proposals that will       choosing full-time study mature students
impact on the institute of Technology          in recent years have favoured the iOTs,        Before proposing an ill-thought through
sector. TUi believes the publication of the    possibly due to the range of courses           overhaul of the sector, the heA should
discussion document was an attempt by          offered and alignment with improving           address existing problems. These include
the heA to influence the outcome of an         work prospects and proximity to home,          increases in student numbers but
on-going consultation process, with higher     keeping the iOTs ahead of the universities     decreasing staffing levels and a funding
education institutes and the Minister for      with regards to proportions of mature          model that dis-incentivises iOTs from
education and Skills, on the future of the     entrants”. The heA also acknowledges           providing level 6 and 7 courses which are
third level sector.                            that during the economic downturn iOTs         an extremely important option for
                                               are “capitalising on recruiting those          students. in addition, the employment
The proposed changes contained in the          unemployed in a region”.                       control framework imposed on the sector
document make it apparent that the                                                            is preventing iOTs from developing new
higher education Authority (heA) does          TUi is concerned that the heA proposals        courses which could address potential
not fully appreciate the role of institutes    are driven by cost saving goals and not by     areas of employment and equip students
of Technology (iOTs).                          educational or student need. where there       with necessary skills for the current jobs
                                               are valid educational reasons for change       market.
About 40% of third level students in           the iOT sector and TUi members in the
ireland attend an iOT. institutes have         sector will not be found wanting.              Over the past forty years, the iOT sector
widened access to third level and are an       however, the heA must demonstrate that         has made a valuable contribution to
increasingly popular choice for students.      merging iOTs that are up to eighty miles       national economic development. iOTs
enrolments in iOTs increased by 48%            apart will not damage access to regional       have empowered communities and regions
between 2006 and 2010, compared to an          higher education.                              and have created sustainable employment
increase of 14% in Universities over the                                                      in local economies. however, there is now
same period.                                   Students and communities, as well as           a real concern that the heA proposals risk
                                               institutes themselves, need to know if         undermining this distinct mission. Before
The distinct educational offering of iOTs is   existing courses will be lost to individual    any change proposals are finalised it is
characterised by their regional locations,     iOTs under these plans. rationalisation of     imperative that there is meaningful
the applied employment focused nature of       course provision must not result in            engagement with TUi to ensure that this
their courses and the progression options      students being denied the right to pursue      vital educational option is protected.
available. Crucially, iOTs provide regional    a programme in their local region that was
or local access to third level for students    previously available. The close links that     Extracts of this article were first published
who do not have the financial resources        each institute has forged with local           in the Irish Independent on 23rd January
or ability to relocate.                        industry and business, vital to the            2013.

training for Governing Body representatives
 The education and Training Committee of       The training programme will provide a          in order to assess the scope and demand
 iCTU is developing an accredited training     trade union perspective on a range of          for this type of training programme an
 programme for worker/staff                    relevant legislation, guidelines and policy.   online survey will be circulated to
 representatives on the boards of state        The programme content will                     worker directors and Governing Body
 and semi-state bodies. This programme         comprehend subjects such as                    representatives. TUi would encourage
 will provide worker director and              Governance, finances, employment law,          members to participate in this online
 Governing Body representatives with a         Communications, Strategic management,          survey. Any member seeking further
 range of knowledge, skills and                Occupational health and Safety,                information should contact TUi head
 competencies to assist in them in             Negotiations.                                  office.
 performing their role and function.

                                                                                                    - TUi NewS            11
tui NeWs

      Public service talks
     Talks on an extension to the public         in this initial phase of talks, the           primary and second level and at third
     Services Agreement began in January         department of public expenditure and          level have been held and have been
     between public service unions and           reform set out the fiscal situation and       attended by TUi representatives. Unions
     management. last december, the TUi          outlined an indicative agenda under           have been informed that of the total
     executive decided, on a without             three strands – productivity, workplace       targeted €1 billion of savings, a
     prejudice basis, to accept the              reform, and pay/pension measures. The         contribution of €350 million would be
     Government’s invitation to talks. This      union side has also outlined its agenda       expected from education. in the
     was with a view to examining any            for talks, including that any proposals       education sector, management’s
     proposals that might be put forward by      must be fair and equitable. Of particular     indicative agenda was clarified as
     the Government side and to putting our      significance for TUi are the issues of        including reference to additional
     own priorities to Government.               casualisation and the elimination of the      working time and adjustments to
                                                 discriminatory, reduced pay scales            certain allowances, including supervision
     On friday, february 12th 2013, the TUi      imposed by Government on new                  and substitution.
     executive Committee passed a motion         entrants.
     on the talks that states: “As soon as                                                     A series of discussions has been
     concrete proposals from the current         The unions have sought clarification          scheduled which commenced on friday,
     Croke park extension talks are put by       from management on a number of                february 15th 2013. TUi will keep
     the Government side, this executive         matters to do with its indicative agenda.     members informed of developments as
     Committee will meet without delay to        These include measures that could be          the talks continue and the executive
     discuss these. further, if at that stage,   applied centrally, across the entire public   Committee will keep developments
     the Government side has not removed         service, such as a reduction in numbers       under close review.
     cuts in pay and jobs losses from the        and a possible pay cut above a certain
     agenda, then this executive Committee       level. Unions have also asked the             The priorities of TUi are to preserve
     will consider the union’s further           management side to provide figures on         the pay and pensions of members,
     participation in the talks.”                savings that could be generated under         ensure protection against compulsory
                                                 these and other measures. we are              redundancies, tackle the casualisation of
     prior to the commencement of talks          awaiting this detail and the unions have      the teaching and lecturing professions
     the Government set out its requirement      engaged external financial advisors to        and improve the pay scales of newly
     for a further €1 billion of savings from    examine the management data when it           qualified teachers.
     the public sector pay and pensions bill     is provided.
     between 2013 and 2015, on the basis
     that envisaged growth and tax revenues      following initial discussion of the
     had not materialised and that, as a         overarching issues, some sectoral
     result, the deficit to be closed had        discussion has taken place. in the
     increased by this amount.                   education sector, sub-sectoral talks at

     single Public service Pension scheme
     The Teacher Unions’ campaign against        The main elements of the scheme are:              reference to Consumer price index
     the introduction of the new career                                                            (C.p.i.)
     average scheme, underpinned by the          •   New entrants appointed on or after
     Trident report, was successful in               January 1 2013, are members of the        •   Minimum pension age linked to the
     delaying the introduction of the new            Single Scheme.                                State pension age; 66 years initially,
     pension scheme by two years. however,                                                         rising to 67 in 2021 and 68 in 2028.
                                                 •   existing employees who resign/retire
     on december 31st 2012, the Minister             and have a break in employment of         •   Compulsory retirement age of 70
     for public expenditure and reform               26 weeks or greater will be                   applies.
     announced the commencement with                 members of the single scheme on
     effect from January 1st 2013, of the            return to employment.                     •   post retirement pension increases
     Single public Service pension Scheme                                                          are linked to C.p.i
     (“Single Scheme”), as provided for in the   •   Career average earnings are used to
     public Service pensions (Single Scheme          calculate benefits; a pension and         The provisions in respect of teachers
     and other provisions) Act 2012.                 lump sum amount accrue each year          are set out in Circular letter 07/2013.
                                                     and are up-rated each year by             A similar Circular letter applying to
                                                                                               lecturers is expected to issue shortly.

12    February 2013 - TUi NewS
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tui NeWs

     Visit from the american
     Federation of teachers

      AfT OffiCiAlS ANd JOhN MCGABhANN wiTh STUdeNTS ANd TeACherS frOM deANSrATh COMMUNiTy COlleGe

     A delegation from the American                   Secretary, John MacGabhann, told the AfT       also pointed out the need for union
     federation of Teachers (AfT) came to             delegation that irish unions are currently     members to “relearn activism”. we need
     ireland at the beginning of february, as         in “uncharted territory” with regard to        to see union membership like a health club
     part of a study visit to see at first hand the   talks on an extension to the public Service    membership, the more you put in the
     irish primary and post-primary education         Agreement and the Government’s aim of          more you will get out, she stated.
     system. AfT represents 1.5 million               removing a further €1 billion from the
     members in the United States including           public service pay and pensions bill.          Accompanied by John MacGabhann, the
     early childhood educators, first and                                                            AfT delegation visited two dublin second
     second level teachers and higher                 AfT president randi weingarten explained       level schools; deansrath Community
     education faculty. The delegation visiting       that AfT had developed a number of key         College in Clondalkin and St. Colmcille’s
     ireland included AfT president randi             strategies to revitalise the union. This       Community School in knocklyon. They
     weingarten and vice presidents, dick             included encouraging teachers to tell their    also visited St ronan’s National School in
     iannuzzi and Mary Cathryn ricker.                stories, linking with other stakeholders in    deansrath. They spoke to pupils, teachers,
                                                      the education community as a form of           members of schools management and
     As part of AfT’s visit they attended a           density and focusing on leadership             parent representatives. The delegation was
     round table discussion at TUi head Office        development within the union. Ms               particularly interested in the level of
     with officials from TUi, ASTi and iNTO.          weingarten also emphasised AfT’s focus         engagement by the schools with the local
     The purpose of the discussion was to             on “ideas” and “being part of the solution”.   communities they serve. AfT officials also
     share information and ideas on the               “we need to solve problems as opposed          remarked upon the extent to which
     industrial relations structures in the irish     to win arguments”, she said. This point was    students seemed genuinely motivated by
     education system, as well as the current         echoed by AfT vice president, Mary             the culture of the school and by the
     cutbacks in education and how trade              Cathryn ricker; “we never let them hear        breadth of curriculum provision.
     unions can respond. TUi General                  us say no. we say how about?” Ms ricker

     AfT deleGATiON wiTh OffiCiAlS frOM TUi, ASTi ANd iNTO                     AfT preSideNT (lefT) diSCUSSeS The iriSh edUCATiON
                                                                               SySTeM wiTh deANSrATh COMMUNiTy COlleGe STUdeNT

14    February 2013 - TUi NewS
tui NeWs

The following articles have been
submitted by the Teaching Council

teaching council
Launches Video for
student teachers
The Teaching Council has launched a new video telling
student teachers all they need to know about registering
with the Teaching Council.

it is important that future registrants are familiar with the
registration process; know how to submit a complete
application and how long the process takes. That is why
the Teaching Council visits final year student teachers and
gives a presentation detailing how to go about getting
registered with the Teaching Council.

This video has been put together to make this important
presentation accessible to all future registrants. it provides
all the information needed to begin the registration
process and can be watched on the registration pages of

Being aware of the registration process will be particularly
important once Section 30 of the Teaching Council Act
2001 is introduced. Section 30 provides that only
registered teachers employed in State funded teaching
positions in recognised schools will be paid from State

                                                                 registration with the
The Minister for education and Skills has publicly indicated

                                                                 teaching council –
his intention to commence Section 30 of the Act before
the end of this school year.

                                                                 important changes
registered teacher are encouraged to tell any final year
teaching students they know about the video.

                                                                 with effect from July 2012 just one renewal notice will issue
                                                                 from the Teaching Council approximately 4 weeks before

annual renewal
                                                                 your current registration expires. if you do not renew your
                                                                 registration before your registration expires a Final Notice will

Fee reduced to €65
                                                                 issue to you by registered post/courier service .

                                                                 if you do not renew registration within thirty days of
                                                                 the date on the Final Notice, your name will be
The annual registration renewal fee has been reduced to          automatically removed from the register in accordance
€65, a reduction of €25. This reduction applies only to          with Section 34 of the Teaching Council Act. (remember to
annual renewals falling due after 1 January 2013.                advise the Council immediately should your current contact
registered teachers should also be aware of some                 details change – this can be done on line).
important changes which were made to the registration
renewal process in 2012.                                         from a specific date in 2013 (yet to be specified) the
                                                                 department of education and Skills or veCs will be prohibited
from now on a single registration renewal notice will be         from paying a salary from state funds to a person employed as a
posted to teachers approximately four weeks in advance           teacher who is not registered. The education (Amendment) Act
of their renewal date. if registration is not renewed by the     2012 requires the Teaching Council to share information it holds
expiry date, a final Notice will be issued by registered         on registered teachers with the department and the veCs.
post. if registration is not renewed within thirty days of
the date on the final Notice, the teacher’s name will be         Prompt renewal of your registration is advised as if you are
automatically removed from the register.                         removed from the register you will have to undergo the complete
                                                                 registration process, including Garda vetting.

                                                                                            - TUi NewS           15
tui NeWs

     contradictory policy messages
     by government about student
     welfare and support
     January brought the publication of two         communities, the family, social and health    with day-to-day adolescence life and
     significant policy documents by the            services and schools, is necessary.           prepare for adulthood.
     department of education and Skills and         explicit acknowledgement that schools
     department of health, both of which            already have anti-bullying measures in        A TUi study (2012), conducted by an
     seek to increase the level of support          place and that they can only shoulder         independent company Behaviour and
     available for young people in our schools.     some of the responsibility for taking         Attitudes gathered extensive data on the
                                                    actions that prevent or counteract            impact of the budget cuts on schools and
     Well Being in Post-Primary Schools:            bullying is, therefore, welcome. however,     students. in a sample of 88 schools close
     Guidelines for Mental Health Promotion and     as can be expected, school is seen as a       to a quarter (22%) reported that the
     Suicide Prevention is a response to strong     place that has a strong influence on          level of pastoral care had been reduced
     evidence of growing incidences of poor         students’ attitudes and behaviour. in this    by September 2012 and 19% reported
     mental health and self-harm among              context, efforts to increase capacity in      reductions in guidance provision.
     young people and an increase in youth          schools, families and society to avert or     following the decision to withdraw
     suicide. in ireland the cost of poor           address bullying merit serious                provision for ex-quota posts many more
     mental health was estimated to be 2% of        consideration. immediate development          schools reported expected reductions in
     GNp (€3bn) in 2006. An investigation by        of new anti-bullying procedures for           these critical areas from September 2012
     headstrong (National Centre for youth          schools is being given high priority and      - 63% reporting expected reductions in
     Mental health) found that every town           the department has already invited the        guidance provision and 50% in pastoral
     and community has a small number of            teacher unions to participate in a            care services. The allocation of a year
     young people living on the edge and            working group that will prepare draft         head (from the reduced pool of senior
     many young people are unable to cope           new procedures for consultation.              posts) to each year group, seen by many
     with the problems they face (2009).                                                          as the key to strong pastoral care
     international research shows that mental       contradictory policy                          systems, is now a luxury in most schools.
     health promotion is most effective when        The publication of these two policy           70% of all respondents in the study (283)
     it takes place early in life and school is a   documents can be taken as a                   ranked the resulting negative impact on
     favourable location to start support           demonstration of a laudable and               support and welfare services to students
     programmes and initiatives. Therefore,         welcome government commitment to              as high but management felt they had
     guidelines to support practice in schools      the welfare of students and young             little choice.
     are welcome. Correctly, the good work          people. Such effort would, however, be
     already being done in schools (Sphe,           more impressive and instil greater            A recent small, localised study across 12
     Guidance, pastoral Care, other                 confidence in teachers and principals if it   schools on the east coast paints the
     initiatives) is highlighted. however, the      did not lie alongside contradictory policy    reality that arises from the removal of
     guidelines seek to bring greater               decisions; decisions that have seen           ex-quota provision for guidance. half of
     coherence to current practices and             schools lose teachers, guidance and           the schools involved had reduced
     emphasise a stronger focus on a whole-         counselling support and middle                discrete provision for guidance and
     school approach and co-ordinated links         management posts on an on-going basis         counselling by 50% or over and one third
     with out- of- school services (health,         since 2008. Teachers and principals live      had reduced it by over 60% (the highest
     youth, community).                             with the consequences of poorly,              reduction was 85%). Just one quarter of
                                                    thought out and disconnected policy           the schools surveyed had retained
     The second report Action Plan on Bullying      decisions each day and it is difficult to     discrete provision for guidance at over
     is also a comprehensive document and           imagine how the coherent approach             80% of the original allocation. At the
     lays the foundation for training for           advocated will emerge. They understand        time of the study one school indicated it
     parents and boards of managements, the         the negative impact the education             no longer had a guidance counsellor.
     identification and provision of                cutbacks have had on the state of ‘health’    feedback also flagged that some
     appropriate professional development           of their school. The critical point is that   guidance provision was now general in
     for teachers, a public awareness               the reduction in teacher numbers and          nature and delivered by non-specialist
     campaign and a national anti-bullying          management posts and diminished access        teachers or guest speakers.
     website.                                       to the expertise of guidance counsellors      Additional data and commentary from
     Bullying is a social phenomenon and a          restricts how schools can support young       personnel in these schools showed that
     multi-faceted approach, involving local        people in developing the personal             within the discrete time allocated to
                                                    attitudes, skills and competences to cope

16    February 2013 - TUi NewS
tui NeWs

guidance work, many guidance                  counsellors are not facilitated in           continuity of strong care and support
counsellors are now expected to               attending their personal supervision         systems in schools. if, as has been
concentrate on delivering guidance to         sessions; an essential to ensure best        reported, they are restricted in the time
whole class groups. These trends have         practice. in addition, the guidance          available or in how they use their time
also been identified by a recent              counsellor can no longer assign time to      they will not be able to deploy this
independent national study (lifeCare          core planning or co-ordination activities    expertise in a manner that will best suit
psychological Services) in 240 second         that support other staff with less           the needs of the whole-school
level schools which found that the            specialist expertise in working with         community and individual students.
amount of time guidance counsellors are       students.
spending on timetabled class room                                                          while the procedures and guidelines to
activity has increased by 19.8% which         These trends clearly conflict with the       address bullying are under review the
can include curriculum guidance, subject      whole-school strategy advocated by the       guidelines for mental health promotion
teaching, Sphe and other activities.          guidelines. Both sets of guidelines          and suicide prevention are agreed and
                                                                                           clearly articulate a continuum of support
                                                                                           with three levels:
                                                                                           •   ‘Support for All’ - universal support
                                                                                               for all students.
                                                                                           •   ‘Support for Some’ - targeted
                                                                                               support for the mild or transient
                                                                                               needs of some.
                                                                                           •   ‘Support for a few’- intensive,
                                                                                               individualised support for more
                                                                                               complex and/or enduring needs.
                                                                                           it is difficult to see any compatibility
                                                                                           between government guidelines that
                                                                                           clearly expect more time and attention
                                                                                           to be given to student welfare and the
                                                                                           plight of schools in a resource stripped
Both studies emphasised the provision of      recognise that someone has to have core      environment with many competing
one-to-one support sessions as the            responsibility and a small number of staff   priorities. in such an environment it is
biggest casualty of the removal of ex-        should have lead roles in order that         not surprising that schools are
quota guidance posts. The lifeCare            effective responses are planned, co-         expressing considerable concern that
psychological Services study found a          ordinated and delivered. Critically, there   most students will not receive the
51.4% reduction in the time available for     is repeated reference to guidance,           general support they deserve, the short-
one-to-one student counselling with           counselling, pastoral care services and      term targeted support required by some
guidance counsellors struggling to fit this   care teams as core supports in               will be inadequate and restricted and,
in around timetabled and other                identifying needs, planning, intervening,    most importantly, those that need
commitments. The highly specialised           monitoring and review.                       intensive interventions will be short
expertise of the guidance counsellor and                                                   changed by the system as too little
the ‘necessary confidential space’ are,       diminished school capacity                   support will come too late. failure in this
therefore, no longer readily available to     yet school capacity in all these areas has   regard will have negative consequences
students who need individualised, high        diminished, challenging even the most        for the current generation of young
support to deal with personal issues          imaginative of schools in terms of how it    people, which as identified in national
and/or career advice. individual sessions     will prioritise the implementation of any    and international reports will simply cost
are by necessity restricted, often            new guidelines and procedures. what          the state more in the long term.
reserved for the extreme case that            seems to have escaped the policy makers
                                              is that guidance counsellors have            Our thanks to Co Dublin VEC Branch for
presents after a student has already
                                              additional professional expertise that is    their assistance in preparing this article.
endured significant personal distress or
trauma. Notably, some guidance                critical to the development and

                                                                                                 - TUi NewS          17
tui NeWs

     Pda News

     The pdA conference 2012 theme of
     ‘Change in Education- Meeting
     the Challenge’ was aptly chosen to
     reflect the current educational landscape
     which is being sculpted by the prevailing
     economic uncertainties, as well as the
     numerous reforms to teaching and
     learning in our schools. in recent years
     the irish educational context has
     changed radically as a result of
     successive budgetary cutbacks. The pdA
     abhors the detrimental effect of recent
     budgetary cutbacks and pay cuts. pdA
     accepts, that in a world of constant
     change it is necessary to keep apace, to
     embrace necessary change and to adapt
     to new methodologies and approaches.
     Notwithstanding that, pdA also
     recognises that a prerequisite to any         pdA preSideNT BriAN Ó MAOilChiAráiN MAkiNG A preSeNTATiON TO
                                                   dr. deirdre MATThewS fOllOwiNG her AddreSS TO The pdA CONfereNCe
     reform is the system’s capacity to
     manage change and at the moment the
                                                 Cuts (capitation, resource hours etc.);    consequently ill-equipped to
     system is creaking at the seams. we ask
                                                 reduction in veC administration staff      satisfactorily implement new initiatives.
     now how a modern system of education
                                                 and the imminent establishment of local    indeed schools have already been placed
     for ireland is going to be resourced?
                                                 education and training boards (eTBs);      in the invidious position of choosing
                                                 public Service Agreement - transfers and   between guidance and subject provision.
     There are approximately 1,000 teachers
                                                 redeployment issues; deS inspections -     The rot however does not even stop
     less in second level schools at present -
                                                 Mll, programme inspection etc. Couple      there. Another critical issue looming for
     that is equivalent to shutting down 30
                                                 these with the additional challenges of:   schools will be the proposed savings of a
     schools of 550 pupils, or closing a 550
                                                 induction/probation; Teaching Council      further 350 million euro next year from
     pupil school in every county in ireland!
                                                 revisions and Career entry professional    the national education budget. where is
     does the public realise the extent of the
                                                 programme; a further 6% cut in             that to come from?
     cuts and the inevitable reduction in the
                                                 capitation over next 4 years; Junior
     educational service to irish families?
                                                 Certificate reform; literacy and           Mar fhocal scoirr, undoubtedly, we are
     pdA stress that in any new education
                                                 Numeracy Strategy; incidental              operating in times of unprecedented
     landscape it is critical to:
                                                 inspections, legislative demands; SOlAS    change. however, despite the enormity
     •    ensure the quality of teaching and     and the changes facing the further         of the challenge facing us, pdA would
          learning and student welfare           education sector and all of us in          know that we as teachers are resilient,
     •    ensure the sustainability of current   education can foresee the damage being     innovative, we know how to improvise
          provision and quality in the system    visited upon the educational               and manage, and most importantly of all
     •    ensure the welfare of principals,      infrastructure of the nation.              we know we will not shy away from
          deputy principals and school staff                                                adversity!
                                                 Our clear message is that the recent
     how can this be done in a situation of:     dismantling of school middle               BriAN Ó MAOilChiAráiN
     reduced time for leadership; revised        management structures coupled with         preSideNT Of p.d.A.
     pTr; reduced Guidance provision             the revised pTr has left schools under-
     (effectively a cut in pTr); School-Budget   resourced to meet current demands and

18       February 2013 - TUi NewS
You can also read