ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

Page created by Shane Harrington
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019
ASLEF                                                    JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                           APRIL 2019

Scotland the brave

ASLEF: the train drivers’ union since 1880
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019
ASLEF                                                       JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                                          APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                  GS Mick Whelan
                                                                                                                 Better world
                                                                                                                 for everyone
                                                                                                                             E ARE, and always
                                                                                                                 W           should be, a
                                                                                                                             campaigning union
                                                                                                                 carrying out the wishes of the
                                                                                                                                                        Mick: ‘Voice,
                                                                                                                 membership on workplace
                                                                                                                                                        strength and
                                                                                                                 issues, standards, health and
                                                                                                                 safety, pay, equality fairness, legal
                                                                                                                 protections and rights. This is on top of hundreds
                                                                                                                 of existing policies on issues, at home and abroad,
                                                                                                                 generated and rightly supported by this trade
                                                                                                                 union over the 139 years of its existence.
  4                                                                        5                                     Sometimes we should remind ourselves that we
                                                                                                                 were formed not just as the collective industrial
News                                                                                                             voice of our members, but to be a force and voice
                                                                                                                 for social justice and a pressure group to achieve
l Northern – Failing Grayling does it again!                      4                                              those aims and correct those injustices that impact
l Alison Miller Inside Central Station plus                       5                                              on our members and their families.
  Off the Rails: Richard E Grant, Sue Perkins,                                                                        To those who have not been in a trade union
                                                                                                                 before, and think we are just an insurance policy,
  Roy Hodgson and Naomi Campbell
                                                                                                                 or about pay and conditions, it is our job to
l Strike vote forces Freightliner to back down                    6                                              demonstrate that, together, we are more than that,
l Mick slams TIGgers’ Blair Witch project                                                                        and we operate as a movement for the greater

l Vertically-integrated: putting the wheels and
                                                                           10                                    good. There are, of course, those we will never
                                                                                                                 convince, but as one of the few groups that have
  the steel of Britain’s railways back together                                                                  not seen austerity directly impact upon us we have
                                                                                                                 a greater need to demonstrate our belief of a
Features                                                                                                         better world for everyone. None of us can believe
l Mick Holder looks at a historic agreement
                                                                                                                 it is right for children to go hungry outside of
                                                                                                                 school terms or that one in five workers suffer in-
  hammered out for train drivers in 1919                                   11                                    work poverty. Work must pay and have the dignity
l Flower of Scotland: DO2 Kevin Lindsay                         11                                               that comes with it.
  and EC2 Jim Baxter                                                                                                  Trade unions were formed to give voice,
l Company council reports from Andrew
                                                                                                                 strength, and liberty through education to drive
                                                                                                                 social mobility and a more just society. It seems to
  Fergusson, Rab Wicksted, Archie Barr,
                                                                                                                 me we still have a long way to go. Since politically-
  John Hay, Kev Bell; and Shirley Handsley
                                                                                                                 imposed austerity we have slipped back;
  on the ASLEF Education project
                                                                                                                 childhood illnesses that had been eradicated have
l Danielle Rowley on Labour’s new transport                     14                                               returned, life expectancy is decreasing,
  policy and Hugh Bradley on freight                                                                             homelessness is increasing, and food banks are
l Let’s dance – Key Worker Sherelle Cadogan
                                                                                                                 becoming the norm. With the norm comes
                                                                                                                 acceptance and we will fight to see that does not
                                                                                                                 happen. I am ashamed that we are the only
Regulars                                                                                                         generation to leave our children and
l Branch News and 100 Years of Union                        16-17                                                grandchildren worse off. That should not be our
l Obituaries
                                                                19                                                    So with your support and help, and the help of
l Letters and Classified Advertisements                     20-21          15                                    your reps, ASLEF will continue to march,
l Last Word: Chris Proctor, suffering from
                                                                                                                 champion, campaign and demonstrate. To add our
                                                                                                                 voice and our logo to all those causes that advance
  information overload on the platform,
                                                                                                                 society and help to build a better world. When we
  makes a plea for silent railway stations                                                                       come under attack we are called ‘greedy train
l On Track: Carry on regardless, Chris                          23                                               drivers’ and comparisons are made with other
  Grayling; Crossword; Legal Services;                                                                           workers – to try to create the politics of envy – but
  and Change of Address                                                                                          those who say these things are not like us because
                                                                                                                 we want decent wages and standards for
                                                                                                                 everyone, and I have never seen any of our critics
     The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:                                                              stand as we do – and we will continue to do.
     ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN
                                                                                                                      May I add my congratulations to Graham Morris
     Tel: 020 7324 2400 l email:
     website: l twitter: @ASLEFUnion                     22                                     on his re-election as officer for District 1 and to
                                                                                                                 Mark Daniels on his re-election as trustee. I look
                                                                                                                 forward to continuing to work with them both.
EditoR Mick Whelan l dESiGNER Michael Cronin l PRiNtER College Hill Press, London, SW19 4HE
AdVERtiSiNG ASLEF Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond on 020 7324 2407
                                                                                                                 Yours fraternally
or l cLASSiFiEd AdS or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a
display or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by ASLEF   Mick Whelan, general secretary
chANGE oF AddRESS Please post your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                                                                            April 2019 l The ASLEF Journal        3
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

Failing Grayling does it again!
          ICK Whelan spoke out        Chris Grayling, the Secretary of     promised would be sorted this
 M        after it emerged that
          Northern Rail’s six-
                                      State for Transport who
                                      famously washed his hands of
                                                                           year, won’t be dealt with for
                                                                           another two years. Now I know
carriage long services in and out     the problems passengers were         that nothing is ever Mr Grayling’s
of Leeds station have been            suffering by claiming “I don’t run   fault, but it is now clear that he
delayed by a further two years.       the railway”, and not Northern –     knew, and chose to say, and do,       Mick: ‘Nothing is ever his fault’
The longer trains should have         ever mentioned that the new,         nothing.
been brought in at the end of         longer, trains wouldn’t be               ‘Mr Grayling is the man who       It’s why his Cabinet colleagues,
this year but won’t, now, come        coming in until 2021.                hired a ferry company with no         as well as long-suffering
into service until late 2021.            ‘That means that the              ferries and is now responsible for    passengers, call him Failing
   Mick said: ‘During the             problems of overcrowded trains,      a train company with no trains –      Grayling. And why it’s time for
timetable crisis no one – not         which the DfT, and the company,      or, at least, not the right trains.   him to go.’

The lighted flame
ASLEF’s 18 senior elected officers – the
general secretary, assistant general
secretary, executive committee
members and district organisers – line
up at head office in front of the Mick
Jones triptych portraying the history of
our union since it was formed in Leeds
in 1880. From left: DO2 Kevin Lindsay;
EC3 John Metcalfe; DO5 Nigel Gibson;
EC7 Andy Hudd; AGS Simon Weller;
EC5 Howard Kaye; DO7 Brian Corbett;
DO3 Andy Hourigan; GS Mick Whelan;
EC1 Marz Colombini; DO6 Dicky Fisher;
DO1 Graham Morris; EC6 Dave Calfe;
EC4 Mark Wakenshaw; EC2 Jim Baxter;
DO4 Nick Whitehead; DO8 Finn
Brennan; and EC8 Terry Wilkinson.
Photo: Andrew Wiard

   QUOTE…                             Blowing                                                     TWEETS OF THE MONTH
  ‘Brexit was like the UK got
  drunk and accidentally
  unfriended Europe on
                                      bubbles                                                          Top speech from Kevin Lindsay of
                                                                                                       @ASLEFunion calling out the shambles of
                                      Graham Morris has                                          Abellio ScotRail, the need for public ownership of
  Facebook.’ – Leo Kearse
                                      been re-elected,                                           buses and trains, and rejecting the parking levy.
                                      unopposed, to serve                                        @NeilFindlay_MSP
                                      another five-year term
DBC FINED £2.7 MILLION                as District 1 Organiser.                                       We have minor delays between Woodford
dB cargo has been fined £2.7          Graham, London                                                 and Hainault due to absence of train staff.
million, with £188,873 costs,         Bridge branch, and a                                       @centralline
after being convicted of an           big West Ham fan, was
offence under the health &            first elected to the        Graham Morris: coYi                  Use of language is important. It’s a lack of
Safety at Work Act. the oRR           position in November                                             train staff either due to the company trying
                                                                  Southeastern; South
prosecuted the company after a        1999. He is ASLEF’s                                        to run the service on too few staff or poor
                                                                  Western; Thameslink;
13-year-old boy suffered life-        lead officer for                                           coverage administration. Saying absence puts
                                                                  Great Northern; and
changing injuries when he             negotiations with                                          the blame on staff and implies that they have
                                                                  the Island Line on the
received an electric shock from       Southern;                                                  made a choice to just not come in.
                                                                  Isle of Wight.
a 25,000 volt overhead line at                                                                   @WestLondonElectric
tyne Yard in Gateshead.               TUBE SUICIDE ATTEMPTS FALL                                      Not enough train drivers on the roster with
                                      the number of suicide attempts on London                        the added bonus of four ‘one unders’ in six
STUPID GIRLS POSE FOR                 Underground has fallen for the first time in five
SELFIES ON LIVE LINE                                                                             weeks means four less drivers from the ones we
                                      years. tfL has praised staff for making more               do have.
two ‘stupid’ schoolgirls, aged 13     interventions with vulnerable passengers.                  @ShruggedAslef
or 14 according to police, were
caught on camera risking their
                                                                                                      Police colluded with construction
lives by posing for selfies,                           Our woolly hat will keep you warm
                                                                                                      blacklisting by giving information about
striking several different poses,                      this winter. Price £5 (including
                                                                                                 workers to building companies.
on live railway lines at                               p&p); email or
Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, on             visit our online shop at
Friday 1 March.

4 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

My aim                                                                            off the Rails
is true                                                                                           JONATHAN POWELL, who made a few
ALISON Miller, a driver                                                                           friends, and lots of enemies, as Tony Blair’s
with ScotRail, and                                                                                chief of staff from 1995 to 2007, has
secretary of our                                                                                  condemned the Tory government’s
Women’s                                                                                           ‘abominable handling of Brexit’ as ‘the worst-
Representatives’                                                                                  managed negotiation in living memory’.
Committee, starred in                                                                             Theresa May, he says, ‘tried to play hardball,
the six-part television                                                           employing the mantra that “No deal is better than a bad
series Inside Central     Alison by Grand central Station                         deal”.’ Adding, caustically, ‘In a negotiation it is a good idea
Station on BBC                                                                    to know what your best alternative to a negotiated
Scotland last month.         The show is                   Alison, in a full      agreement is, but that is not the same as threatening to
    The documentary       broadcast at 9pm on         page Q&A in No 1            shoot yourself in the head unless the other side do what
series, which began       Sunday night,               magazine, ‘Scotland’s       you want [because] they are likely to invite you to do it.’
on 3 March, and was       repeated at 11pm on         glamorous glossy’ and
produced and              Tuesday, on the new         DC Thomson’s rival to                      RICHARD E GRANT, asked by ES magazine
directed by Paul          channel which was           Red and Marie Claire,                      whether he takes ‘bus, taxi or Tube’? replied:
Glynn, looks at the       launched on Sunday          said the ‘biggest                          ‘Bus and Tube every day using my coveted
lives of the men and      24 February as ‘a           misconception about                        Oyster freedom pass, due to my vast vintage.’
women who work all        channel for modern          Scotland is that we are                    The star of Withnail and I, The Age of
hours to keep             Scotland’. It’s available   a skinflint, crabbit, Irn                  Innocence, Gosford Park and Can You Ever
Glasgow Central,          on BBC iPlayer,             Bru drinking nation.        Forgive Me? was born in Mbabane, Swaziland, 61 summers
Scotland’s busiest        Freeview and YouView,       It’s beautiful and holds    ago. Asked what he would do if he were Mayor of London
railway station, on       Sky, Freesat and Virgin     lots of happy               for a day, he said: ‘Offer free bus and Tube travel. Make wifi
track.                    Media.                      memories for me.’           free above and below ground and designate a landing spot
                                                                                  for Mary Poppins in Cherry Tree Lane.’

Pete ‘Punky’ Smith                                                                                 THE WAY to heal political divisions, they say,
                                                                                                   is to see the other person’s point of view. That
A retirement do for Pete ‘Punky’ Smith – a Watford driver for more than
                                                                                                   commonplace was undercut by the American
40 years – is being held from 16.00 on Friday 12 April at the White Lion,
                                                                                                   humourist Jack Handey who said: ‘Before you
79 St Albans Road, Watford, WD17 1SJ. ‘All who know Pete are welcome,’
                                                                                                   criticize someone, you should walk a mile in
says Ian Morris, Watford LLC.
                                                                                                   their shoes. That way, when you criticize
                                                                                                   them, you are a mile away from them, and
CONFERENCES & RALLIES                                                             you have their shoes.’ Worth remembering, too, that Tony
The Welsh Labour Party conference is at the Venue Cymru in                        Blair, asked by a colleague if he would drop the New Labour
Llandudno from Friday 12 to Sunday 14 April. The Scottish trades                  branding once he’d been elected, said: ‘It’s worse than you
Union congress is at the Caird Hall, Dundee, from Monday 15 to                    think. I really do believe in it.’
Wednesday 17 April. Workers’ Memorial day is Sunday 28 April.
ASLEF’s annual assembly of delegates is at the Marriott Hotel, Leeds,                            SUE PERKINS, best known for The Great
from Monday 13 to Thursday 16 May. The StUc LGBt+ workers’                                       British Bake Off, Light Lunch and Insert Name
conference is at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow, from                              Here, when asked about the political figure
Saturday 25 to Sunday 26 May. The StUc youth conference is at the                                she most admires, didn’t hesitate. ‘Nye Bevan.
Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow, from Saturday 29 to Sunday                             Universal health care is the most sacred part,
30 June. The durham Miners’ Gala is on Saturday 13 July. The                                     the most important pillar, of British
tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival, near Dorchester, is from Friday 19 to                citizenship.’ Mind you, when asked what her Mastermind
Sunday 21 July. The trades Union congress is at the Brighton Centre               subject would be, she muttered: ‘The Gothic novel, or
from Sunday 8 to Wednesday 11 September. The Labour Party                         Jacobean tragedy. No trifling for me: it’s all about grimness,
conference is at the Brighton Centre from Saturday 21 to Wednesday                death, destruction and monsters.’
25 September.
                                                                                                     ROY HODGSON, manager of Crystal
500 CLUB: John White, with number 77, won the March draw, scooping                                   Palace, and fondly remembered by
the RMS prize money jackpot of £392.                                                                 ASLEF members in Kent as a tenacious
                                                                                                     right-back for Tonbridge Angels,
                                                                                                     Gravesend & Northfleet, Maidstone
                                               our new ASLEF mug                  United and Ashford Town, was droll in defeat when a Match
                                               has images from the                of the Day interviewer gushed, ‘Looking at the positives, you
                                               Mick Jones triptych                did score two away from home today?’ Roy, after a
                                               in reception at head               Pinteresque pause, replied: ‘Yeah, but it’s no good scoring
                                               office. there are four             two away from home if the opponents score three...’
                                               versions – three have
                                               an image on one side                               NAOMI CAMPBELL, asked by ES magazine
                  and the ASLEF logo on the other; the fourth has                                 ‘Bus, taxi or Tube?’ replied: ‘If I were a tourist
                  all three images. £6 each (inc p&p) or £15 for a                                I’d say get on the Tube, as that’s where you
                  set of three; email or visit our                              see and hear the real London.’ Naomi’s not a
                  online shop at                                                 tourist, so that’s taxi, not Tube, then…

                                                                                                               April 2019 l The ASLEF Journal          5
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

                                                                                   coming in, as others        determined to              business council
Strike vote forces                                                                 leave, to maintain
                                                                                   the level of
                                                                                                               protect the interests
                                                                                                               of our members,’
                                                                                                                                          reps Paul Barber and
                                                                                                                                          Pete Mason ‘to

FOC to back off                                                                    contributions in the
                                                                                                               said GS Mick
                                                                                                               Whelan. ‘It is still not
                                                                                                                                          confirm that
                                                                                                                                          Freightliner will not
                                                                                      Ballot result: Are       too late for the           be proceeding with
          FTER              Haul and                                               you prepared to take        company to see             the implementation
 A        drivers at
          two of the
                            Intermodal sought
                                                                                   part in a strike?
                                                                                   Freightliner IM: Yes
                                                                                                               sense. We are willing
                                                                                                               to sit down and talk
                                                                                                                                          of these proposals at
                                                                                                                                          this time.’
big five rail freight       to introduce a five-                                   94.1%. No 5.9%.             to Freightliner and               ‘We stuck to
companies voted             year qualifying                                        Turnout 70%.                try to keep the            our position that we
overwhelmingly to           period before new                                      Freightliner HH: Yes        wheels of business         would not support
strike to protect           drivers can join the        Lead officer Nigel         84.8%. No 15.2%.            turning in Britain.’       changes to benefits
their pensions              companies’ scheme.          Gibson: ‘We stuck to       Turnout was 60.3%.             Nick Barclay of         for commercial gain,’
Freightliner                This would have a           our position’                 The EC called two        Freightliner, a            said Nigel Gibson.
withdrew its plans to       detrimental effect                                     24-hour strikes for         Genesee & Wyoming              ‘And that strike
change its scheme.          on current members          retire – means fewer       Friday 15 March and         company, wrote to          action would go
    Members were            as a five year pause        in the scheme; and         Friday 29 March. ‘We        Mick after a meeting       ahead if they did
balloted after              on new members –            schemes are reliant        regret the need to          with lead officer          not withdraw
Freightliner Heavy          as people leave or          on new people              go on strike but are        Nigel Gibson and           the proposal.’

Kevin calls on councils                                 Rail firms say they                                                 CARDIFF BLUES
                                                                                                                            GS Mick Whelan gave evidence
to rule out car park tax                                have learned lessons
                                                                                                                            about the future of Trafnidiaeth
                                                                                                                            Cymru/Transport for Wales to the
ASLEF has urged                                                                                                             National Assembly for Wales’
councils to rule out                                    Rail companies claim they have ‘learned the lessons’ of             Economy, Infrastructure & Skills
introducing a car                                       last year’s timetable fiasco – the problems of which                Committee at the Senedd in
parking tax which                                       would have been far worse had ASLEF members not                     Cardiff Bay on Wednesday 13
would penalise hard-                                    helped tocs out of problems of their own making –                   March.
pressed working men                                     ahead of the introduction of 1,000 extra services on
and women. Kevin                                        Sunday 19 May to tackle overcrowding.                               CALL FOR INVESTMENT
Lindsay, our organiser                                     Govia thameslink Railway, Northern, Network Rail                 Whitehaven town council has
in Scotland, said: ‘It is                               and transport Secretary chris Grayling were all blamed              urged Northern Rail to invest in
absolutely outrageous                                   by passengers for the chaos last year which crippled the            West Cumbria’s rail line after
that councils are           Kevin Lindsay:              rail network. this time companies say new services will             services were suspended due to a
considering taxing          ‘carrot, not stick’         only be introduced where there is ‘high confidence’ in              landslide between Workington
people for turning up       will do is make it more     the infrastructure, where the route learning has been               and Whitehaven. Sue Hayman,
to work!                    expensive to go to          done, and when the trains are ready.                                Labour MP for Workington, has
    ‘The SNP                work. A workplace                                                                               called on Network Rail to resolve
                                                                                                                            the issue.
government, in
cahoots with the
                            parking levy scheme
                            in Nottingham, for          The road to hell
Greens, is going to         example, charges                                                                                THIS IS LUCIO
                                                        Chris Proctor,         Naples and Portici
give councils the right     £415 per space.                                                                                 Lucio Buffone, Paddington branch
                                                        once of this           but met with
to charge a workplace           ‘This is the wrong                                                                          chair, and an active member of
                                                        parish, sends a        opposition from
parking levy and there      way to go. The right                                                                            Vauxhall constituency Labour
                                                        postcard from          an unexpected
are signs that many         way is carrot, not stick,                                                  chris: Postcard      Party, has been re-elected as LGBT
                                                        Sicily: ‘The first     quarter. The Pope
councils will do just       to make it easier, and                                                     from the edge        officer of the London Labour
                                                        railway in Italy       at the time –
that. They say it will      cheaper, to travel by                                                                           Party.
                                                        was inaugurated        Gregory XVI –           banned railways
reduce congestion on        bus and train. And to       180 years ago, in      changed the             from all Papal
the roads and cut air       bring the transport         October 1839, in       French term for a       territories! Lord
                                                                                                                            TOP MARK
pollution.                  network in Scotland         the Kingdom of         railway chemin de       knows what EC        Mark Daniels, of Barking main line
    ‘That’s, frankly,       back into public            the Two Sicilies. It   fer – path of iron –    member Marz          branch, and a driver with c2c, has
unlikely. But what it       ownership.’                 was less than five     to declare it a         Colombini would      been re-elected as an ASLEF
                                                        miles long and         chemin d’enfer – a      have to say about    trustee.
Graffiti artists died                                   ran between            way to hell! – and      that!’

hiding from train
Three graffiti artists – Jack Gilbert, 23, Alberto           QUOTE…                                                                             carry all
Carrasco, 19, and Harrison Scott-Hood, 23 –                  ‘Anniversary tours tend to be wearily nostalgic. But                               your stuff
who were found dead at Loughborough                          Massive Attack’s Mezzanine (1998) has acquired                                     – papers,
Junction station on 18 June were hiding from                 greater relevance. In an era of hostile                            sandwiches, keys – in
an oncoming train, a coroner has found. A                    environments, drone warfare, and surveillance                      style with our smart new
detective told the court they would have seen                capitalism, its air of encroaching paranoia feels                  sturdy black ASLEF bag.
the train coming but not known which line it                 eerily prescient. Is there a better description of the             Price £17.50 (inc p&p);
was on as it was pitch black. A statement from               anxious tedium of Brexit than Inertia Creeps?’                     email
the families said the three friends ‘lost their              – George Eaton in the New Statesman                                or visit our online shop at
lives because of the dangers this art form                                                            …UNQUOTE        
brings’ and added: ‘Rest in Paint’.

6 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

                                                          general election that
TIGgers’ Blair                                            inspired millions to                                             Shortage of drivers
                                                          vote Labour and saw                                              DB Cargo and the National College for High
                                                          the party increase its                                           Speed Rail have launched a new 18-month

Witch project                                             vote by the largest
                                                          share since 1945.
                                                              ‘Their decision to
                                                                                                                           Level 3 train driver apprenticeship programme
                                                                                                                           in Doncaster. ‘This shows what can be
                                                                                                                           achieved when train operating companies,
         S Mick           decided they no                 walk out into the                                                freight operating companies, on-track

 G       Whelan
         spoke out
                          longer wish to
                          represent their
                                                          political wilderness –
                                                          remember the fate of
                                                          the SDP? – is sad, but
                                                                                                                           machine companies, trade unions and
                                                                                                                           regulators come together and collaborate,’ said
after Chuka Umunna        constituencies in                                                                                Kerrie Talbot of DBC.
                                                          not unexpected.                  Mick: ‘Remember
and seven other           Parliament as Labour                                                                                 She added, with no discernible sense of
                                                          Frankly, it’s less about         the fate of the Gang
Labour MPs resigned       MPs, especially as                                                                               irony, given the company’s mass clear-out of
                                                          a desire to “forge a             of Four’
the whip to sit as The    that was how they                                                                                drivers via voluntary redundancy and early
Independent Group. ‘I     were elected. On a              new consensus” and               the Labour Party is, as         retirement, ‘We have an acute shortage of train
regret that they have     Labour ticket at a              more that they don’t             it has been since it            drivers and this is an excellent way of
                                                          like Jeremy Corbyn,              was founded, more               developing a new pipeline of talent and
                                                          and the socialist                than 100 years ago,             creating the next generation of drivers.’
   QUOTE…                                                 policies on which                by the trade unions
   ‘The trouble with Labour voters,                       Labour fought the                to represent ordinary
   including me, is that we’re very loyal. I’m            last election, and               hard-working people             Passengers fed up
   not going to leave Labour.’                            long to bring back               in Parliament, the
   – Melvyn Bragg                                         the ghost of Tony
                                                                                           greatest force for
                                                                                           progress in this
                                                                                                                           with private TOCs
                              …UNQUOTE                                                                                     A new survey by Transport Focus shows that
                                                              ‘The truth is that           country.’
                                                                                                                           passengers do not feel the railways are run for
                                                                                were asked to dance! We were               their benefit and there is a lack of

ASLEF for all                                                                   given a chance to be heard
                                                                                and also gained an insight into
                                                                                the mechanics of the union. It
                                                                                                                           accountability when things go wrong. TF chief
                                                                                                                           executive Anthony Smith said: ‘Passengers
                                                                                                                           know they are not getting the train service
SHERELLE CADOGAN, assistant branch secretary,                                   was an opportunity to hear first           they are paying for. This research underscores
                                                                                hand the vision of our general             that passengers want a more reliable service
Morden, reports on the District 8 BAME forum
                                                                                secretary in ensuring ASLEF is             that is better value for money and – whichever
I attended the ASLEF BAME            move forward with engaging                 for all.                                   model is selected to run the system – that they
forum for District 8 at head         more of our BAME colleagues                    A great day and events like            want to know who is in charge of their railway.’
office for the first time last       across the transport network.              this show what an inclusive
month. With Mick Whelan, Finn           Diversity is being invited to           and progressive union we are.              TRAIN WINDSCREEN SMASHED
Brennan and Terry Wilkinson          the party, inclusion is being              Thanks to D8 BAME rep Trevor               Police are trying to trace teenagers who threw
we discussed how we can              asked to dance. This day we                Robinson for hosting the event.            a stone that cracked the windscreen of a train
                                                                                                                           approaching Galashiels on the Borders Railway
                                                                                                                           line between Edinburgh and Tweedbank. The
                                                                                                                           driver was unhurt but the windscreen will cost
                                                                                                                           £3,200 to replace.

                                                                                                                                          the water of life tastes
                                                                                                                                          better in an ASLEF crystal
                                                                                                                                          whisky tumbler! Price £8
                                                                                                                                          (inc p&p); email
                                                                                                                       or visit our online
                                                                                                                                shop at
tube train operators attended the d8 BAME forum in the meeting room at St John Street

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                                                                                                                                      April 2019 l The ASLEF Journal     7
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019

Put the wheels and                                                                                   Fly like an Eagle
steel back together                                                                                  Angela Eagle, Labour
                                                                                                     MP for Wallasey, and
           S MICK         integrated railway, fit                                                    Pensions Minister in
 G         Whelan has
           urged the
                          for the 21st century –
                          in which the operator
                                                                                                     Gordon Brown’s
                                                                                                     government, recalls
Williams Rail Review      is also responsible for                                                    coming out to
to recommend              the track on which                                                         colleagues in 1997.
putting the ‘wheels       the trains run,’ said                                                      ‘Chris Smith was
and steel’ of Britain’s   Mick.                      Mick: ‘We need to forge a modern vertically-
                                                     integrated railway fit for the 21st century     absolutely
railways back                 ‘But it has to be                                                                                Prescott’s Eagle eyes
                                                                                                     gobsmacked, but
together – under          done under public          infrastructure, which    the TOCs charge,       delighted.’ Ditto Peter   gay men were
public ownership.         ownership. Keith           is currently in public   want to bring every    Mandelson. But when       gobsmacked,’ she
    He was speaking       Williams has said that     hands.                   part of our railway    she told John             tells the Progress
after Sir Peter Hendy,    the franchise system           ‘Opinion polls       back into public       Prescott, her boss at     podcast, ‘and all the
chair of Network Rail,    has failed and             show that even           ownership. To run it   the Department for        heterosexual men go
which owns and            everyone who works         Conservative-voting      for the benefit of     the Environment,          “Yeah, yeah, we
manages the UK’s          on the railway – a         commuters, fed up        everyone. That’s the   Transport and the         know” because,
railway infrastructure,   natural monopoly –         with the high fares      way forward.’          Regions, he               obviously, they don’t
said he would not         knows that                                                                 harrumphed: ‘Tell me      get the signals they
mind if the Williams      privatisation hasn’t                                                       something I don’t         normally get from
report recommends         worked.                       QUOTE…                                       know, love.’‘All the      heterosexual women.’
Network Rail’s                ‘That’s why it            ‘Though I admire Diane Abbott – and
abolition.                would be utterly              put her as my first choice in the 2010
    ‘We have long         wrong if the                  Labour leadership election – I am bound      WHEELIE BIN LEFT ON LINE
argued that the right     privatised train              to admit that her constantly wagging         Teenagers climbed a fence across a private
thing to do – for         operating companies           forefinger, and habit of speaking slowly     level crossing at Carnoustie, near Dundee, on
passengers, staff and     – which let                   and enunciating her words carefully as       Thursday 21 February and left a wheelie bin on
taxpayers – is to         passengers down               though talking to inattentive infants,       the railway line. One boy stood by the tracks to
bring the wheels and      every day, and take           grate with many people.’ – Peter Wilby       film the impending crash but the driver of the
the steel back            money out of the              in the New Statesman                         Edinburgh to Aberdeen service, warned by a
together – to forge a     industry – got their                                   …UNQUOTE            train driver going the other way, slowed before
modern, vertically        hands on the                                                               impact. The BTP are looking for the culprits.

                                                                                                     NEW RESEARCH REVEALS HGVS

The air that I breathe                                                                               CAUSE ACCIDENTS AND DEATHS
                                                                                                     A Freedom of Information request to Highways
                                                                                                     England by Freight on Rail has revealed that
Mick Holder of
                                                                                                     HGVs were involved in 43% of critical incidents
ASLEF’s health and
                                                                                                     on the strategic road network lasting more
safety department
                                                                                                     than five hours, and 56% lasting more than
attended the launch
                                                                                                     ten. ‘More rail freight means fewer fatal
of the Trade Union
                                                                                                     collisions and fewer road closures,’ said Freight
Clean Air Network at
                                                                                                     on Rail manager Philippa Edmunds.
the ITF in Borough,
south London, on
                                                                                                     CITY OF LONDON
Wednesday 6
                                                                                                     Our City of London branch has closed.
February. UNICEF, the
                                                                                                     Members from this branch have been moved
same week, launched
                                                                                                     into St Pancras branch.
Healthy Air for Every
Child, a report which
criticised the UK
government for                                                                                                            our new topical tee-
being ‘insufficiently     tUcAN do this: workers campaign for clean air                                                   shirt, designed by
ambitious’. Graham                                                                                                        those hoxton hipsters
Petersen, secretary of    this but very little has   numbers of people                                                    at Philosophy
the Greener Jobs          been said about            exposed to                                                           Football, features Rik
Alliance, said: ‘There    workers as a               dangerous levels of      rarely reflected in                         Mayall as the
has, rightly, been a      vulnerable group.          pollutants as a result   national and local         obnoxious anarchist Rick in The
public outcry about       There are huge             of work yet this is      strategies.’               Young Ones, and this classic
                                                                                                         exchange: ‘he threw us off the train
                                                                                                         because you said ASLEF was an
£80m wall to protect track                                                                               anagram for “total and complete
                                                                                                         bastard”.’ ‘And apart from everything
The DfT has made up to £80 million of funding available for a new wall to protect the railway line       else… it isn’t, even.’ £10 (inc p&p);
at Dawlish in Devon where the sea wall, built to protect one of the most picturesque stretches of        email or visit our
track in the country, was destroyed by high tides and stormy seas in 2014. The new wall will be          online shop at
two-and-a-half metres higher than the existing five metre high structure.

8 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Scotland the brave - APRIL 2019
100 Years of Union

Deal with the devil
          The Locomotive Journal in
          April 1919 heralded a historic
          agreement hammered out
          after long negotiations – and
the threat of a national strike – between
ASLEF and the Railway Executive over
our national programme. MICK HOLDER
turns back time, and the pages of the
bound copies of the Journal, to see
what GS John Bromley and the EC won
for members
                                                   John Bromley left school at the age of 12, in 1888, and joined the Great Western Railway as an
         HE outstanding event of this month
  T      is undoubtedly the claim made for
         the fulfilment of our national
                                                   engine cleaner two years later. he became a fireman, then a driver, and was always active in
                                                   the union, known as ‘a witty and erudite orator with pronounced left-wing views, at least on
                                                   domestic affairs’. he was general secretary of ASLEF from 1914 to 1936 and Labour MP for
programme. The first conference was held at
                                                   Barrow-in-Furness from 1924 to 1931
the Board of Trade on 12 February when our
national programme was explained in detail         something tangible.                                 guaranteed week. In the event of a strike
to representatives of government.                       ‘If the same spirit is kept up during future   affecting the work of any grade, either
                                                   negotiations, I am convinced that a final           generally or in any district, the question of
THE GOVERNMENT’S PLEDGE                            amicable settlement will be arrived at. I think,    suspending the operation of this article shall
Monday 24 March saw the final conference in        from the assurances that have been given us         be referred to the general committee to be set
the renewed negotiations between our               by the representatives of the government, that      up under article 7 of this memorandum.
representatives, Sir Albert Stanley, and the       our members will have nothing to fear from a            Guaranteed day This to be further
Railway Executive. The interpretation of the       little bit more patience.                           discussed.
government’s offer has been decided, and to             ‘Personally, I feel that what has already          overtime All time worked on weekdays in
that extent an agreement was reached. The          been practically agreed upon, if ratified by the    excess of the standard hours to be paid for at
government give a pledge that negotiations         executive committee, should be immediately          the rate of time and a quarter, each day to
on the outstanding items of the programme          put into operation, so that the men could gain      stand by itself for overtime purposes.
shall be continued immediately after the           the benefit of it at once’.                             Sunday duty Twelve o’clock midnight
agreement is ratified.                                                                                 Saturday to twelve midnight Sunday. Time and
   Representatives of the National Union of        THE TERMS OF THE OFFER                              a half, without addition, to rate for overtime or
Railwaymen and the Associated Society of           Sir Albert Stanley issued the following             night duty, the same to apply to Christmas Day
Locomotive Enginemen and Firemen met Sir           statement: ‘At the meeting between                  and Good Friday. Hours worked on these day
Albert Stanley, President of the Board of Trade,   representatives of the government, the              in excess of the standard number of hours
and the Railway Executive. Sir Auckland            Railway Executive Committee, and the railway        shall not be computed as part of the hours of
Geddes and Sir Robert Horne, Minister of           unions, the whole of the concessions offered        work of any other day.
Labour, were also present.                         by the government were reviewed and agreed              Night duty (Weekdays) All ordinary time
   At the conclusion of the conference, after      interpretations arrived at.’                        worked between 10pm and 4am to be paid for
seven o’clock, Mr Bromley said: ‘A general             Guaranteed Week The standard week’s             at the rate of time and a quarter; all overtime
agreement has been reached. It is not a final      work to consist of 48 hours. The standard           worked between 10pm and 4am to be paid at
settlement; it is only an understanding so far     week’s wages, exclusive of any payment for          an inclusive rate of time and a half.
as we have gone. I am more satisfied tonight       overtime or Sunday duty, to be guaranteed to            Rest In all regular duties a period of 12
with the progress that has been made than I        all employees who are available for duty            hours rest to be shown on the rosters at the
have been hitherto all through the                 throughout the week. But turns commencing           home station, but in other cases a minimum of
negotiations, as we have at last arrived at        and finishing on Sunday shall form part of the      nine hours.
                                                                                                           holidays One week’s holiday with pay after
                                                                                                       12 months’ service, to include all casual
                                               the ASLEF Journal – which was known,                    employees who are regularly employed,
                                               from its first issue in 1888 until 2006, as the         without prejudice to those men who already
                                               Locomotive Journal, is the longest-                     have a longer holiday under their existing
                                               established, continuously-published, trade              conditions of service.
                                               union periodical in Britain and, we believe,                Management The negotiating committees
    the world. the Journal, which is mailed to every member’s home each month, is the                  of the two unions will be recognised as the
    main method of communication between head office and members. When the                             medium for dealing with all questions
    Locomotive Engineers & Firemen’s Monthly Journal was launched as a 32 page A5                      affecting rates of pay and conditions of service
    periodical in February 1888, the editor explained: ‘A desire has been expressed that               while the present negotiations are proceeding.
    there should be a medium of communication between the members of the Society                       Other items to be discussed at further
    and locomotive engineers and firemen in general, whereby they might exchange                       meetings.
    opinions on the different questions in which they, as a body of responsible
    workmen, are directly interested, with a view to their consolidation as a body for                 PRIVATE OWNERSHIP OF RAIL
    the purpose of improving their position.’ While the look of the Journal has changed,               Private management and ownership of
    the reasons for publishing it have not. the ASLEF Journal is still, in this 21st century           railways not only stands condemned in itself,
    digital age, a key tool for this trade union.                                                      but its stranglehold affects every other
                                                                                                       department of national life.

10 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019

Brexit Hokey Cokey
              KEVIN LINDSAY, ASLEF’s organiser in Scotland,
              opens our four page special report by looking at
              Brexit, the Scottish government budget, tax
              bands, the workplace car parking levy, ScotRail’s
              poor performance (but nice fat profit), and how
              our union’s political fund gives members a
              powerful voice both in Scotland and the UK

           OLITICS is the main topic     made many progressive choices –
  P        of conversation just now
           with the UK Parliament
                                         free prescriptions, free tuition fees,
                                         and free bus travel for our
engaged in a game of Brexit Hokey        pensioners, for example. As a nation      of cars and onto public transport as
Cokey. Our politicians at a UK level     we make a political choice on our         possible – but putting a levy in
will be held accountable for the         government and its tax policies but       place is not going to achieve it.
outcome at the next general              I’d argue that these proposals don’t          Recent press reports say that
election by us all. But whilst most of   go far enough. With a more                people are making 5 million fewer          train drivers should be exempt as
the media focus has been on              progressive tax system we could           bus journeys a year due to cuts in         there is no public transport for early
Westminster and Brexit, here in          achieve a lot more for the people of      services and the failed policy of          morning starts or late night finishes.
Scotland the Scottish government         Scotland.                                 deregulation of the bus industry.              ASLEF is a campaigning union
has passed its budget with the                It can’t be right that a worker on   On rail, Abellio ScotRail is practically   and, without our political fund, we
support of the Scottish Greens.          £43,430 pays the same tax rates as a      running the railway into the               would not be able to campaign for
Contained within this budget were        company director on £150,000.             ground, with some employers                a progressive tax system, a publicly-
significant tax changes which will       Surely a progressive tax system           saying they won’t employ anyone            owned railway, for or against a
affect ASLEF members and their           must include other tax bands? And,        who relies on Abellio to get them          workplace car parking levy, or
families.                                with a fairer tax system, Scotland        to work as the railway is so               safeguarding our pensions as well
    As a socialist and trade unionist    could do more.                            unreliable.                                as many other issues that affect our
I’ve always supported a progressive           Also included in the Scottish            The Scottish rail franchise            lives. For those who think it’s all
tax system. I’ve always believed that    budget is a proposal from the SNP         performance is the worst it’s ever         about donating to the Labour Party,
those who earn the most should           to the Greens to give local councils      been. Yet, remarkably, Abellio will        you’re wrong! Our political fund is
pay the most. In the Scottish            the powers to introduce a                 post a profit of around £1.2 million       really our most powerful tool. It’s
budget train drivers in Scotland, on     workplace car parking levy. Whilst        this year. So, with public transport       our voice – and it allows us to shout
average pay of £52,000, will pay         councils are seeing their budgets         in disarray, this is not the time to       loud and proud for our policies. I’d
around £1,500 more in tax than a         cut this levy can’t be the panacea to     allow local councils to introduce          urge all members to join the
train driver in the rest of the UK.      this problem. As a union we want          this levy. I’d also argue that, in the     political fund and help make the
    Our Scottish Parliament has          to encourage as many people out           event it is introduced, shift-working      voice of our union stronger.

                                                                                                                ownership. A case in point is DB Cargo which,
We live in interesting times                                                                                    after the mass clear-out of drivers via
                                                                                                                voluntary redundancy and early retirement,
                                                                                                                is now seeing the error of its ways and
               JIM BAXTER, ASLEF’s new EC              and our members are the ones suffering;                  looking to recruit heavily. But I don’t think
               member for Scotland,                    jobs constantly being cancelled or altered               DBC will find it easy to recruit experienced
                                                       and drivers being moved to suit. There                   drivers from other companies with the
               examines the problems at
                                                       appears to be an exodus of drivers, which is             gaping hole in its pension scheme.
               ScotRail, Freightliner and                                                                           We, as a union, will do all we can, in what
                                                       hardly surprising, what with bad timetabling,
               DB Cargo, pension deficits              bad diagramming, heavy workloads, lack of                is a very difficult situation, to protect our
               and greedy shareholders                 training, and being at the low end of the pay            members as the company looks at all options
                                                       scale. All issues Abellio was warned about               to alleviate this problem. Freightliner seems
          ’D LIKE to start by thanking                 but chose to do nothing about.                           to want to attack our members’ pensions for
   I      everyone, branches and individuals,
          who supported me during the
                                                          There are clearly a number of problems
                                                       the company has to deal with, amongst them
                                                                                                                no other reason than to fill the pockets of its
                                                                                                                greedy shareholders.
executive committee election. It’s a great             a new training and recruitment plan. While                   It’s not all bad news, though, as we are
privilege to be elected by my peers to                 they’re at it a discussion about an Employer             looking at a recruitment drive across many
represent District 2 in the EC room and I look         Justified Retirement Scheme wouldn’t go                  companies that should see the number of
forward to the challenges ahead and hope I             amiss. Knowing when drivers are going to                 train drivers swell significantly. We have the
can do our district proud.                             retire will allow the company to plan better             new TransPennine Express depot in Glasgow,
    We are living through some very                    with the bonus of seeing the industry help to            and Freightliner, DBC, ScotRail, Virgin and
interesting times politically. Brexit is a             bring down the high unemployment figures                 CrossCountry all looking to recruit. Going
complete mess and, for our members in                  for young people.                                        forward we will be working to the true
Scotland, there is the added ingredient of                The rail freight industry continues to be a           professionalisation of our grade through the
whether the eventual departure of Britain              merry-go-round of contracts won and lost.                Train Drivers Apprenticeship Level 3. Already
from Europe will lead to a second                      This creates uncertainty for our members. I              being trialled in England, we will be working
independence referendum. Only time will                believe the only way to stop this                        with employers and lobbying the Scottish
tell. Our members in ScotRail have their               unsustainable model is for the whole rail                government and political parties to make
crosses to bear. Abellio is in complete turmoil        industry to be brought back under public                 sure Scottish train drivers aren’t left behind.

                                                                                                                        April 2019 l The ASLEF Journal         11

                                                       problem by going above and beyond to keep
Comedy sketch                                          the services running. But this hasn’t stopped
                                                       ScotRail being issued with its second
ANDREW FERGUSSON, company council                      performance notice, as the company has failed
                                                       to meet contractual targets of 85%, scoring just
secretary, reports on Abellio ScotRail
                                                       79%, and has been given 12 weeks to submit
          UILDING the best railway Scotland has        remedial plans.
 B        ever had’ is Abellio’s new slogan. Well,
          sadly, since they took over from First
                                                          Over the last year ScotRail has lost more than
                                                       80 drivers for various reasons, and this year will
Group in April 2015, they have done some real          lose another 50, mostly because of heavy
old fashioned shunting and propelling                  recruiting by Virgin and FTP, and we can see a
movements. Our new InterCity service, which            real problem materializing as these drivers have
was to be operated by our refurbished iconic           not been replaced in time.
HSTs, with a full deployment from the December            Queen Street refurbishment is ongoing but,
timetable change, sadly has not materialised.          we believe, running behind schedule. The next
Indeed, we have only 10 sets in ScotRail at            stage is due to start in May, and will mean more
present of which only two have been                    cancelled and altered workings for our members.
refurbished. The Mark 4 coaches leased from               We are in year two of our two year pay deal;
Angel Trains, and refurbished by Wabtec, have          this will deliver a further increase in salary of
been on a permanent slow and behind schedule.          2.5%. Lastly, we have a new EC member in
    Our 385s are well in service now and               Brother Jim Baxter who has taken over after
operating on the Edinburgh to Glasgow service,         Hughie’s stewardship of District 2 for the last 15
with few problems, and have been extended              years. We wish you well, Hughie, and look
                                                       forward to working alongside Jim.
onto the southside of Glasgow services,
although this was only possible after a full
renewal of the driver’s front window, which was
                                                                                                              First batch of app
giving a distorted view whilst driving at night.                                                              ARCHIE BARR, Polmadie, and                     company
Our interim fleet of 365s are being withdrawn, as                                                             company council rep, reports on                council o
they were a short-term lease, and the ageing                                                                  Virgin West Coast                              would g
314s have also come to their lives’ end.                                                                                                                     training
    We have to mention the fiasco that was the                                                                           t hAS been a busy year at           existing
training of drivers on HSTs and 385s, where our
train planning made a comedy sketch of
                                                                                                                 I       Virgin West coast. the
                                                                                                                         company has continued to
producing too many diagrams on the network                                                                    recruit drivers internally, and                Pendolin
side of ScotRail with nowhere near enough                                                                     recruited trainee drivers from                 overhau
drivers trained to cover services. Our drivers have                                                           outside the industry. our lead                 have bee
excelled at trying to shore up this ongoing            Abellio: is this the best Scotland can get?            officer, Kevin Lindsay, was the                location
                                                                                                              initiator in taking on the first batch         there ha
                                                                                                              of apprentice drivers, this being a            about th

We drive trains from A to B                                                                                   first for Virgin. of the apprentices,
                                                                                                              one was placed at Polmadie. Going
                                                                                                              forward, the company has
                                                                                                                                                             drivers’ p
                                                                                                                                                             has rece
                                                                                                                                                             which w
RAB WICKSTED, company                                                                                         intimated it intends to continue to            with ma
council secretary, reports                                                                                    recruit in our grade in Scotland. the          future. t
on London North Eastern
           HE LNER drivers’                                                                                   Change is in the air
  T        company council last
           year negotiated and                                                                                JOHN HAY, company council chair, reports
delivered a four part, three year,                                                                            on a year of change at CrossCountry
pay deal from April 2018 to 2020,
which included a                                                                                                         HANGES abound and 2019 looks like
traction/technology payment
given to drivers from 28
                                                                                                                C        being an interesting year. Longstanding
                                                                                                                         chair Dave Sullivan left the council in late
December. The third part of this     LNER took over from VtEc on the East coast main line                     2018 after 15 years’ service due to his relocation to
deal was paid from 27 March,                                                                                  Manchester with Leicester driver Mark Sarson
this payment based on the            the Class 90/91/DVTs.                RPI).                               elected in his place. The council wishes Dave all the
February RPI figure published in     Unfortunately, their introduction        We have a change on the         best for the future and thanks him for his sterling
March. Different companies use       has been delayed, but this bears     DCC as Mark Wakenshaw, of           work, steering us through some very difficult times.
different monthly RPI figures        no significance to us as drivers,    Gateshead & Newcastle, was          We also welcome Mark to the council.
throughout the year, hence the       as we drive trains from A to B       elected to the executive                Pay negotiations will begin shortly and, given
reason for the differing             whenever they make delivery          committee, from January 2019.       that the franchise finishes in October, any deal will
percentage rises your colleagues     and become available, and for        We wish him well, and especially    have to be sanctioned by the DfT. CrossCountry is
working for other companies          whoever the franchisee, or body      thank him for his time and all of   in discussion with the DfT regarding the possibility
might get.                           appointed by the government          his excellent work for drivers on   of a direct award to the company. This, with news
    The new traction we are          is, so long as we are given the      the East Coast main line. We        that DB is considering the sale of Arriva, leaves us
learning, Class 800/801, is the      correct time to be trained and to    welcome Paul Basham, from           with the feeling that things could change, but
largest undertaking of new           learn them. The final part of that   Gateshead & Newcastle, who          change is something we are used to on the railway
traction learning on the East        pay deal comes in on 29 March        takes over from Mark on the         and we will meet any challenges head on.
Coast main line since we learned     2020 (based on February 2020         company council.                        We have been working with our lead officer

12 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019

                                                                                                                          council rep is a different dynamic from
                                                                            Big step forward                              my previous role as a local level rep,
                                                                                                                          and I look forward to embracing this.
                                                                            KEV BELL, company council,                        Our first meeting with
                                                                            reports on DRS in Scotland                    management covered a number of
                                                                                                                          topics. Over the past year the company
                                                                                       HAVE the honour of giving the      recruited a number of trainee drivers
                                                                              I        first ever report on behalf of
                                                                                       the Direct Rail Services
                                                                                                                          into the grade, mostly from other roles
                                                                                                                          in the company. The trainees all
                                                                            company council (Scotland). DO3 Andy          successfully passed their first driver’s
                                                                            Hourigan negotiated a third position,         rules and regulations. They have now
                                                                            which was a good opportunity for me           passed out on their basic traction, the
                                                                            to move from local level rep to               Class 37 engine. Further training on
                                                                            company council. The post was created         Class 66, 68 and, where required, Class
                                                                            in February after consideration of the        88 diesel/AC traction has started. Our
                                                                            size and geographical area previously         drivers in training should be up and
                                                                            covered by one member. The                    running by about September.
                                                                            constituency covers York, Sellafield,             There is still an active recruitment
                                                                            Carlisle, Motherwell, Grangemouth and         programme in the company; we have
                                                                            Inverness, a very large area for one          seen two new drivers for Motherwell
                                                                            person to cover, thus the new position.       and a train person at Inverness.
                                                                                This is a big step forward for both           DRS has recently been awarded one
                                                                            ASLEF and DRS considering this time           new contract in Scotland, the IM train,
                                                                            last month there was no ASLEF                 which brings with it a fair bit of
prentices                                                                   company council. The three new
                                                                            company council reps are Peter
                                                                                                                          training from route learning DBSO and
                                                                                                                          Class 37 locos. In some cases it’s just
 y is also in talks with the                                                Robinson (Crewe depot) for the south          refreshers but it’s encouraging to see
over a training app which                                                   of England; Warren Brannon (Sellafield)       work coming into Scotland and we are
 reatly enhance driver                                                      for the north of England; and Kevin Bell      aware of other contracts being looked
  for future recruits and                                                   (Grangemouth) for Scotland. All three         at. Throughout the UK, DRS has won
  drivers.                                                                  of us have hit the ground running since       some new flows of traffic and lost
                                   Pendolino cabs to get an upgrade         taking up our posts in the middle of          others; overall it balances out. We have
 ing has been made
 e to upgrade the cabs of the       improvements in regard to the           February.                                     had meaningful discussions on rules
no, starting with an                mental health policy in the                 We met with Andy Hourigan, lead           days, clarified that drivers can and will
ul of the driver’s seat which       machinery, making it apparent that      officer, a couple of days after being         be given light duties as the occasion
 en available at various            this is an important subject. drivers   elected. The first of what are going to       arises. We are currently negotiating a
 s for drivers’ feedback.           have expressed concerns over our        be regular coaching sessions to give us       new rest day working agreement and I
ave also been discussions           health supplier, Medigold. the Ec       an insight into how ASLEF works within        look forward to bringing ASLEF
he benefits of upgrading            has introduced a sub-committee,         the machinery. The role of company            policies into the company.
 phones to smartphones. RPi         which we are
 ntly been announced,               involved in, to
                                                                                                                Monday 1 April the new project will focus on the
 ill be added into pay talks
 nagement in the near
                                    tackle members’
                                                          Rock’n’roll high school                               following key objectives:
there have also been great          concerns.                                                                       l Apprenticeships: A train drivers Level 3
                                                          SHIRLEY HANDSLEY, ASLEF Education’s                   apprenticeship went live in England in June
                                                          project co-ordinator, reports on the                  2018. Using this as a model the Scottish project
                                                          project’s work in Scotland                            will work within funding and qualification
                                                                                                                frameworks to create and deliver the equivalent
                                                                    SLEF Education is coming to the end of      across all companies operating in Scotland. We
                                                            A       a two-year project, funded by the
                                                                    Scottish government via Scottish Union
                                                                                                                will also replicate the SVQ Level 2 modern
                                                                                                                apprentice that we deliver in ScotRail to other
                                                          Learning, with a network of eight union learning      TOCs and continue to work with Unite to expand
                                                          reps working across ScotRail, LNER and Virgin         opportunities in engineering apprenticeships.
  crosscountry: Pay talks start soon                      West Coast. The ULRs have been instrumental in            l Mental Health: Raising awareness of how
  Andy Hourigan on a new competence                       helping us deliver a range of courses to our          the nature of driver employment can negatively
  development process. This is an arduous task but        Scottish members.                                     impact on mental health. We will engage with
  we are confident we can get to a position that sees        Examples include: Spanish language courses         employers to develop a comprehensive mental
  the removal of draconian discipline for driving         to SQF level 4; mental health awareness –             health policy and procedures to address these
  incidents. We are fortunate that Andy was the           understanding trauma; sign language courses;          issues and look at creating mechanisms to assist
  ASLEF specialist in this field during his time on the   and understanding pensions.                           drivers who have traumatic incidents by
  executive committee.                                       The project has continued to work with our         providing trauma support courses.
      The council has just negotiated a new driver        partner to develop courses for members that can           l New Employer Engagement: Rather than
  training programme which has been signed off by         be delivered in a classroom environment or            being a ScotRail focused project we will expand
  the EC. The pilot training course commences in          online, with tutor support, for members in            employer engagement with a particular focus on
  May with eight candidates (internals) being based       outlying areas through the collect learning           the vulnerable rail freight sector.
  at Birmingham. This will be the first trainee course    partnership initiative run by the City of Glasgow         To enable us to deliver these objectives a new
  since 2005 and is seen as an indicator of               Trade Union Education Department.                     project worker will be appointed as Jim Baxter is
  companies starting to realise that poaching                ASLEF has successfully applied for a further       now on the EC. Thanks, Jim, for leaving ASLEF
  experienced drivers from other operators cannot         three years' funding from the SUL. Starting on        Education in Scotland in a healthy position.

                                                                                                                        April 2019 l The ASLEF Journal       13

    Transport for passengers not for
    profit – for the many not the few
                 DANIELLE ROWLEY, Labour MP
                 for Midlothian, fresh from the
                 Scottish Labour Party
                 conference, makes the case for
                 public transport in public hands
                                                                                                           Scottish Labour. Not only has it
              ’VE JUST returned                                                                            helped to tackle social isolation,
       I      from the Scottish
              Labour Party
                                                                                                           but concessionary travel makes
                                                                                                           a difference to our economy.
    conference 2019 – and what a                                                                           Each £1 spent on concessionary
    conference it was! Scottish                                                                            bus travel generates at least
    Labour leader Richard Leonard                                          The SNP prefers private to      £2.87 in benefits to bus pass
    MSP set out our vision for                                          public ownership when it           users and to the wider
    Scotland following a Scottish                                       comes to our railways and our      economy.
    Labour win at the next Scottish                                     bus routes while Scottish              At conference, Richard
    Parliament elections in 2021.                                       Labour is committed to             Leonard called for an extension
       Scotland is a rich and                                           bringing our railways and buses    of the free bus pass to all under
    prosperous nation, but that                                         back into common ownership.        25s within the lifetime of this
    wealth and prosperity is held in                                       When the Transport Bill         parliament. In government, we
    the hands of a few, while the                                       comes before the Scottish          will go even further. Richard
    services used by the rest of us                                     Parliament, Labour will table      committed a Scottish Labour
    are run down and all too often                                      amendments to facilitate           government to providing free
    run for profit.                                                     municipal ownership and            bus travel for all.
       The Scottish public transport       Bus services, except in      radical re-regulation of our           This would make a huge
    system is a patchwork of           Edinburgh under public           buses, bringing an end to the      difference for people right
    services, with many areas left     ownership, are grinding to a     ban on local councils setting up   across Scotland, cut emissions
    behind, with no decent             halt. We have a bus network      local bus companies. This will     and put power back in the
    provision. Public money has        being slowly dismantled by the   give councils the power to end     hands of the many, in place of a
    been siphoned off through          SNP, route by route – with       the dismantling of lifeline bus    few big businesses. It’s just the
    privatisation and used to fund     journeys down 10% since they     routes and put a stop to rip-off   kind of change we need to
    the rocketing earnings of          came into power. Under rising    fares.                             make.
    directors, dividends for           fares, bus passenger numbers        And that’s not all. Free bus        Publicly run transport for
    shareholders, and the coffers of   have also fallen by 10% in the   travel for the over 60s has been   passengers, not for profit: for
    overseas governments.              last five years.                 one of the finest successes of     the many, not the few.

                                                 facilitated.                                    are seeing active recruitment within dBc
Element of hope                                     Against this backdrop we also have the
                                                 major problems with the dB cargo final
                                                                                                 and, hopefully, new contracts on the
                                                                                                 horizon with increased intermodal and
            HUGH BRADLEY, a driver               salary pension fund being addressed while       supermarket traffic.
                                                 Freightliner members voted to strike over          And, on a positive note, the Mossend
            with Freightliner Intermodal,
                                                 management‘s changes to their final salary      international rail freight park is on schedule
            and the former EC member             pension fund.                                   for operation in 2020. this is the project to
            for District 2, reports on the          We still have the madness of the             expand the existing Mossend railhead
            state of freight in Scotland         privatised freight industry where, in           including 775m sidings with onsite storage,
                                                 Scotland, heavy haul’s major work is            distribution services, and logistical
         BRiEF update on the state of            presently tPE services to Manchester            facilities, with new road access and
 A       Scottish rail freight is still one of
         precariousness tinged with an
                                                 airport from Glasgow and Edinburgh;
                                                 GBRf’s major work is the caledonian
                                                                                                 community green space. this will be a
                                                                                                 significant investment in the local
element of hope.                                 Sleeper service; and dRS still covers the       community with up to 4,900 construction
   For this article i’ve spoken to the various   loco-hauled Fife circle ScotRail services.      and operational jobs and will provide a
reps and find it frightening when looking at        Add to this we have colas iM drivers         direct road to rail link to logistic users all
the number of freight drivers currently          working track maintenance services for dRS      over the UK and continental Europe via the
working in Scotland: dRS 36; dBc 32; GBRf        – after dRS won the contract from colas iM      channel tunnel.
30; Freightliner iM 12; Freightliner hh 12       – because dRS do not have enough drivers           this will be an opportunity to run longer
(once the drivers working the tPE services       to fulfil this newly-won contract!              and heavier trains although, at this time, we
are tUPE’d over in May); colas iM 4. With           hopefully, at last, we have reached the      do not know how many trains will be
these driver numbers there has to be a           bottom of the demise of the freight             involved or who the preferred operator will
question of how the rail maintenance             industry in Scotland and can now see an         be. Nevertheless, it’s a positive story in a
contracts with Network Rail will be              increase in traffic and driver numbers. We      time of uncertainty.

14 The ASLEF Journal l April 2019
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