March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors

Page created by Laurie Fletcher
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit
                                                                       and Jefferson County Neighbors

©2018 The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors

                                                             March 2018
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Simple ways to extend the life of your car Protect vehicle paint finish
   Automobiles are signifi-        just clean a vehicle. Routine       cy, potentially costing drivers        Perhaps nothing ages a car         designed for automobiles and a
cant investments. Accord-          washing and waxing can re-          substantial amounts of money        or truck more than a lackluster       clean rag or sponge so as not to
ing to Kelley Blue Book, the       move dirt that, if left on a        over time. Drivers of older         exterior finish. Even if vehicles     cause scratches that can cause
average transaction price for      vehicle, can gradually scratch      vehicles without tire pressure      are only a few years old, failure     further damage. Because miner-
light vehicles was $34,968         paint and contribute to chips       alerts should routinely check       to maintain the paint, tires and      als in tap water can be left behind
in January 2017, marking a 3       and rust. Over time, rust can       tire pressure and keep tires        chrome accents can make them          through evaporation and may
percent increase from just a       affect vehicle performance          adequately inflated. Vehicles       look worn beyond their years, po-     oxidize and damage the paint,
year earlier.                      and may even compromise             that are slow to accelerate from    tentially affecting resale value.     it’s best to wipe away as much
   The decision to spend tens      the safety of drivers and their     resting positions may not have         The environment can be a           residual moisture as possible
of thousands of dollars on a       passengers if bad enough            enough air in their tires.          vehicle’s worst enemy. Protect-       with a chamois.
new vehicle is not one consum-     frame rust affects structural          4. Adhere to maintenance         ing a car means being mindful                  Paint protection
ers should take lightly. Once      integrity. Routine washing          guidelines.                         of substances and habits that can         Waxing can prevent bird drop-
drivers purchase their new         also can remove road salt from         Drivers may have heard that      compromise the exterior finish.       pings, berries, splattered bugs,
vehicles, they can protect their   vehicles. Salt can build up         today’s vehicles were built to                  Seek shade                and more from sticking to the
investments and get greater        during winter when roads are        go longer periods of time be-          Over time, the sun can dam-        paint and wearing down the fin-
returns on those investments       routinely treated during and af-    tween oil changes and tuneups       age a vehicle’s paint job through     ish. Waxes come in paste, liquid
by prioritizing maintenance        ter snowstorms. Road salt can       than the vehicles of yesteryear.    oxidation and premature fading.       and spray. Each type has a dif-
and taking simple yet effec-       be extremely corrosive and, if      But drivers should still adhere     People who live in areas with es-     ferent reapplication schedule,
tive steps to extend the lives     left unremoved from a vehicle,      to manufacturer-recommended         pecially warm climates may see        so drivers should consult the
of their cars and trucks.          can contribute to rust that ul-     maintenance guidelines. Upon        the paint on their vehicles suffer    product instructions.
   1. Drive defensively.           timately can cause extensive        buying new vehicles, driv-          considerable damage thanks to             Vehicle owners also can invest
   Aggressive driving is dan-      damage to a vehicle.                ers should read their owners’       the sun.                              in spray films to further protect
gerous and can have adverse           3. Routinely check tire          manuals to determine recom-            One of the easiest ways to         painted surfaces. Do-it-yourself
effects on a vehicle. When         pressure.                           mended maintenance intervals,       protect a vehicle from the sun is     products are applied like a spray
driving, always obey posted           Many of today’s new ve-          and stick to those intervals        to use sheltered parking or park      and then dry to an invisible,
speed limits and avoid ac-         hicles alert drivers when tire      for as long as they have their      in the shade whenever possible.       durable film. This helps protect
celerating and decelerating        pressure is low. Drivers should     vehicles.                           This can help protect the paint,      against insects, gravel, sand,
quickly. Such a style of driving   not ignore such warnings, as           Cognizant of the sizable         headlights and trim. Drivers          winter salt, and even road grime.
can strain vehicle engines and     low tire pressure can affect        investments they’re making          should store their cars in their      Different manufacturers offer
drive trains while negatively      engine performance by forcing       when buying new vehicles,           garages overnight and during          protection films.
affecting fuel efficiency and      it to work harder than should       many drivers want to get as         daylight hours when they are              It is important to safeguard
wearing down brakes, states        be necessary. Engines that are      many miles out of their ve-         home.                                 the exterior of a vehicle to help
the National Institute of Auto-    forced to work harder than          hicles as possible. Simple                    Wash and dry                it look newer longer, protect-
motive Service Excellence.         they need to likely won’t last      maintenance and safe driving           It’s important to routinely        ing the value of the car or truck
   2. Maintain a clean ve-         as long as those that run effi-     habits can go a long way to-        wash vehicles to protect their ex-    while also protecting it against
hicle.                             ciently. Low tire pressure also     ward keeping vehicles on the        terior finish. Use a mild cleanser    the elements.
   Car washes do more than         negatively affects fuel efficien-   road for years to come.

How to avoid and repair flat tires                                                                              TRUCK CAPS
   Nothing can delay road trips    and do so when the tires have       and divots in the roads can               COMPLIMENT
more suddenly than flat tires.
Unfortunately, because tires
                                   rested for three hours. Many
                                   vehicles now monitor tire pres-
                                                                       cause punctures and eventu-
                                                                       ally flats.
are the only part of the vehicle   sure automatically and alert                 Flat tire repair                 TRUCK CAPS
constantly in contact with the     drivers through a signal on the        When flats occur, having the
road, wear and tear is to be
                                      • Tire wear: The advisors
                                                                       right tools and understanding
                                                                       the procedure for fixing the

                                                                                                                                                                                       2 – Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018
   The National Highway Traf-      at Select Auto Imports say          flat is key.                                                                  QUALITY & VALUE
fic Safety Administration says     that inspecting tires for uneven       Drivers will need an inflated                                                    IN
that flat tires and blowouts are   wear should be a routine part       spare tire, a jack, a lug wrench,                                              EVERY MODEL!
a leading cause of highway         of maintenance. If tires show       bracing material (to keep the
traffic accidents. Even though     uneven wear, they may be more       vehicle from rolling, such as                   Class III And IV
flats cannot be prevented, there   susceptible to flats or blowouts.   a brick or piece of wood), and                                                           NOW IN
                                                                                                                    Max-Frame™ Receivers
are ways to make tires less        Tire rotations can help allevi-     the vehicle’s owner’s manual.                                                            STOCK
vulnerable and make vehicles
safer along the way.
                                   ate uneven wear. The NHTSA
                                   recommends tires be rotated
                                                                       Goodyear says it is essential
                                                                       to fix the flat in a safe area
                                                                                                                                                75 Series
      Flat tire avoidance          every 5,000 miles.                  away from traffic and on a flat
                                                                                                                                       Rated up to
                                                                                                                                       12,000 lbs.            TRAILERS!
   Routine inspection and tire        • Tire treads: The All-          surface.
maintenance is essential to        state Insurance company says           • Use the owner’s manual                 CARS                   Too Many Sizes To Mention!
their performance. In addi-        to look for worn tire treads.       to find the correct position to
tion, paying attention to road     Check for wear bar indicator        place the jack to lift the car.          FOUR WHEELERS
hazards and avoiding them          marks located between the              • Remove hubcaps or center              MOWERS
when possible can prolong the      tread pattern of the tires. If      covers to access the lug nuts.             CAMPING
life of tires.                     the wear bar is level with the      With the lug wrench, loosen                HUNTING
   • Tire pressure: Tires should   treads, it’s time for new tires.    lug nuts in a counterclockwise             LOGGING
be maintained at the correct air   Otherwise, place a quarter          direction.
pressure indicated on the side-    between the grooves of the             • Take off the tire and put on
wall or as advised by the manu-    tire. If the tread doesn’t extend   the spare. Replace and tighten          gRA-TER INdUSTRIES AlUMINUM TRAIlERS
facturer. Tires with too much      beyond the top of Washington’s      the lug nuts. Replace hubcaps                    NNT UTIlITY TRAIlERS
air can be damaged by bumpy        head, it’s a good idea to replace   or covers.
roads and potholes. Tires that
are not inflated enough may
                                   the tires.
                                      • Construction sites: Driv-
                                                                          • Slowly lower the vehicle
                                                                       and drive cautiously to ensure         TRI-COUNTY            PERFORMANCE
                                                                                                                 997 Beaver Drive • DuBois • (814) 371-2642
increase friction on the road-     ers should try to avoid areas       the spare is in working order.                Open Monday-Friday 9 to 5; Saturday 9 to 2
way, resulting in a blowout.       under construction. Rocks,             • Purchase a new tire or have
Check tire pressure routinely,     nails, metal shards, glass,         a hole plugged or repaired at a
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
April 13, 2018.

                                                                                                                          20% OFF
Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018 – 3

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                                                                                       hearing instruments vary by type and degree of hearing loss, noise environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit. ©2018 GN Hearing Care Corporation. All rights reserved. Beltone is a trade-
                                                                                       mark of GN Hearing Care Corporation.
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Simple ways to avoid injury while gardening
   During the winter, many          plants. From lawn mowers to          and loose gravel, from the          cal products used in the garden.    periodic breaks so prolonged
people anxiously await the ar-      pruners to manual garden tools,      yard at the start of gardening      Gloves also can keep hands          repetitive motions do not con-
rival of warm weather so they       gardeners may handle various         season.                             clean, ensuring bacteria and        tribute to soreness or injury.
can get back outdoors. Garden-      pieces of equipment that can            • Wear gloves to prevent         fungi do not find their way into       • Follow instructions for
ing is one outdoor activity that    make them susceptible to injury      blisters from forming and to        open cuts or scrapes.               tools, and always use the right
attracts many a devotee.            if they’re not careful.              protect hands from any chemi-          • Vary activities and take       tool for the job.
   Although gardening can be            To reduce their risk for in-
a worthwhile and enjoyable
hobby for people of all ages,
                                    jury, gardeners can follow these
                                    important safety precautions.
                                                                         Elder Sales and Service has long history of
like other activities, garden-
ing carries certain safety risks,
                                        • Plant gardens in raised
                                    garden beds and containers to        fine products and superior customer service
even though few people may          reduce the need to stoop down           Elder Sales & Service has           From 2006 to the present         tion, Elder Sales and Service
give much thought to the risk       to tend to plants. Raised beds       seen many changes over the             In 2007, the service depart-     Inc. is now doing business as
of getting hurt when garden-        are easier on gardeners’ backs       years. Since starting business in   ments added a Ready-to-Mow          Elder Ag and Turf Equipment
ing. The Consumer Product           and knees.                           1952, Harry Elder has gone from     truck, a mobile maintenance         Co. at all three locations.
Safety Commission reports               • Wear long-sleeved shirts       selling horse drawn equipment       truck specifically designed for        In 2017, Honda power equip-
that gardeners suffer thousands     and durable pants to protect         to selling tractors equipped with   lawn and garden equipment and       ment was added to all three lo-
of injuries every year. Many        arms and legs from branches,         Auto-Steer that can drive by        commercial mowing equipment;        cations, giving the consumer as
of these injuries involve lawn      thorns and insects.                  themselves.                         this was a big change for Elder’s   well as the commercial cutters
and garden equipment or ac-             • Remove tripping hazards,              From 1950 to 1955            and a convenience for our cus-      yet a wider variety of products.
cessories used while tending to     such as roots, lumber, rocks,            Harry Elder contracted in       tomers. JD Ag Management            Elder’s has also gotten more
A spa-like oasis in your bath                                            1952 to sell Minneapolis-Mo-
                                                                         line tractors and other related
                                                                                                             Systems was added in 2009, also
                                                                                                             a big advance for our Ag cus-
                                                                                                                                                 aggressive with the Precision Ag
                                                                                                                                                 equipment products and training
                                                                         farm equipment. It was in 1953      tomers. In 2010, Stihl hand-held    for their customers.
   (BPT) – Today, more than         Sleek, oval architectures provide    that Harry really got the busi-     power equipment was added,             Elder’s has continued to grow
ever, homeowners gravitate          an organic contemporary touch,       ness started from the family        giving Elder’s a wide variety of    and progress over the years and
toward design elements that         while rectangular basins deliver     farm. In 1954, he purchased the     products to offer the consumer      invites you to Like them on
transform the bath into a spa-      a strong geometric focal point.      former general store and moved      as well as the farmer.              Facebook to keep updated on
like oasis. Designers look to       Take the spa-like experience         to the village of Clarks Mills.        A third location, in Fairmount   what is happening at the stores
incorporate pieces inspired         even further and incorporate the            From 1956 to 1975            City, was added in 2013. This       or check out the website www.
by the natural world to bring       use of essential oils. Lavender         Over the next several years,     has greatly increased Elder’s As always,
renewed energy into the room        and chamomile reduce stress          Harry added a service shop and      territory, which now spans from     Elder’s would like to thank their
and create a soothing environ-      and encourage sleep, while pep-      a parts room as he continued        western Ohio to the middle of       valued customers for their con-
ment. From fixtures inspired by     permint and lemon oils increase      to expand his business as well      Pennsylvania. With this addi-       tinued support over the years.
booming waterfalls, to neutral      focus and mental alertness in the    as adding product lines and
color schemes and natural light,    morning. From modern to tran-        employees. He ran the business
nature infuses life back into       sitional aesthetics, a freestand-    from Clarks Mills for 22 years.
luxury bath design for a serene     ing, natural stone tub paired with   Most farmers bought 3 things: a
sense of calm.                      the sensory infusion of essential    tractor, a plow and a cultivator.
           Neutral calm             oils creates the perfect at-home            From 1976 to 2005
   Light colors such as cool        getaway.                                In 1976, Harry moved Elder
grays and muted blues evoke                  Living accents              Sales & Service to the pres-
tranquility and peacefulness.          Natural lighting and live         ent location on Route 358 in
Neutral colors for walls and fab-   plants blur the line between the     Stoneboro. At that time the
rics create a soothing aesthetic    great outdoors and the enclosed      John Deere line of equipment
that fosters relaxation in the      space. Large floor-to-ceiling        was added. In the early 1980’s
space. To create visual interest    windows and skylights serve as

                                                                                                                                                                                     4 – Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018
                                                                         Harry Elder’s son and daughter,
within a neutral palette, incor-    eye-catching accents while also      Harry Elder, Jr. and Joyce Elder
porate varying shades of earth      naturally illuminating the room.     McCutcheon, came to work full
tones to serve as complementary     Hanging succulents and potted        time for the business. In the
accents throughout the room –       bamboo plants are additional         1990’s the East Palestine, Ohio
from decorative rugs and plush      decor options to bring nature in-    store was purchased, which
towels to cabinetry and tiling.     doors without sacrificing clean,     is managed by his daughter,
     Nature’s inspiration           simple design.                       Joyce, and son-in-law, C.H.
   Elements inspired by nature                                           McCutcheon.
work together to produce a

sense of relaxation in the home’s
oasis. Intuitive in design, the
Vettis Bath Collection by Brizo
combines solid proportions and
angular architecture with an op-
tional four-sided open chamber
that mimics the sensory experi-        Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
ence of a waterfall. Inspired by
the strength found in nature,
                                                           of Punxsutawney
the defined edges of the spout
create a balanced aesthetic,              is ASSE Certified for testing
while subtle facets offer visual
depth. Paired with natural stone          and installation of backflow
accents, this collection evokes
elements of natural inspiration.              protection assembly.
         Stone serenity
   A freestanding stone tub                                   Call Today                      PA #039563

makes a luxurious statement to
enhance the spa atmosphere.          814-938-9207 or 814-939-9063
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Surviving a home renovation                                          Preparing garden beds for spring
                                                                                          Homeowners invest large         at once to maximize motiva-
                                                                                       sums into improving their          tion and renovation materials.       Gardening enthusiasts may                   Nutrition                    only these nutritional elements that
                                                                                       homes to make them more            However, having no place          have been thinking about their          Testing the pH and the levels of    are needed.
                                                                                       comfortable living spaces or       in which to escape the mess       landscape plans throughout          certain nutrients in the soil, namely      Top-dressing empty beds with
                                                                                       to increase their odds of sell-    can elevate stress levels. Do     the winter, eager to once again     nitrogen, phosphorous and potas-        a layer of mulch or compost can
                                                                                       ing quickly. The Remodeling        not think about renovating        get their hands dirty with soil.    sium, will give gardeners an idea       prevent weed growth and preserve
                                                                                       Futures Program at the Joint       kitchens and bathrooms all at     Whether a home gardener is          of other soil additions that may be     moisture until it is time to plant.
                                                                                       Center for Housing Studies of      once, or you will not have any    making preparations for edible      needed. Soils with a pH below 6.2       If existing shrubs or plants are
                                                                                       Harvard University predicted       working fixtures for tasks like   crops or beautiful flowers, he      often can benefit from the addition     in garden beds, use more care so
                                                                                       U.S. spending on home reno-        washing up.                       or she must take time to make       of lime several weeks before plant-     as not to disturb roots or dig too
                                                                                       vations and repairs to peak at      Have everything in place...      the soil amenable to planting.      ing. Soil tests will determine just     deeply.
                                                                                       $327 billion in 2017.                 Before demolition even be-     To establish hearty, durable        how much fertilizer to add to the          Preparing garden beds takes
                                                                                          Whether one is doing a          gins, have building materials     plants, gardeners can focus on      soil. Complete fertilizers will have    some effort initially, but can be
                                                                                       large renovation or a small        bought and stored, contractors    three main areas: addressing        equal amounts of nitrogen, phos-        well worth the work when plants
                                                                                       remodel, life may be turned        and subcontractors lined up,      soil composition, cultivating       phorous and potassium. Individual       flourish throughout the growing
                                                                                       upside down during the proj-       and see what you can do to        and adding nutrients.               fertilizers can amend the soil with     season.
                                                                                       ect. Furniture may be moved        minimize the time workers             Soil composition
                                                                                       out of the room, walls may be      need to spend in your home.          Many gardeners prefer grow-
                                                                                       demolished, water or electric-
                                                                                       ity may be turned off, and ap-
                                                                                                                               ...but expect delays.
                                                                                                                             In a world where things
                                                                                                                                                            ing a variety of plants in their
                                                                                                                                                            gardens. Such an approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HAPPY SPRING!
                                                                                       pliances may be missing or not     move at lightning speeds,         requires taking inventory of the                                             We’re very excited for our
                                                                                       hooked up. Home improve-           renovations have not gotten       type of soil in one’s garden and
                                                                                       ments often drum up dust and       the memo. Home projects           making the necessary modifica-                                                30th season to serve the
                                                                                       disarray. Such projects can try    take lots of time and will        tions so that the types of vege-                                            area with beautiful flowers.
                                                                                       the patience of any homeown-       likely take longer if you are     tables, herbs, shrubs, or flowers                                              Stocked for the season
                                                                                       er, and things may get worse       doing the work yourself in        that will be planted can grow                                                 with seeds, soils, mulch,
                                                                                       before they get better.            your free time. Build lots of     in strongly. In fact, according                                              tools and everything else
                                                                                          Even though remodeling          extra time into the project       to the plant company Proven
                                                                                       can be taxing, the end result is   so you are not disappointed       Winners, the most important                                                  for your gardening needs.
                                                                                       often worth it. Here’s how to      when delays happen – even         step to developing good roots
                                                                                       look forward to the silver lin-    when you’ve done your best        is preparing the soil.                  2473 BLINKER PKWY                   Visit our website or like us
                                                                                       ing and come out unscathed.        to avoid them.                       Take a sample of the soil             DUBOIS PA 15801                     on Facebook to keep up
                                                                                             Discuss the project               Plan an escape zone          and examine it to see what is                                                with the latest inventory
                                                                                               before it starts.             Construction environments      present. If the soil is too full           814-375-0305
                                                                                          All family members should       can be messy, loud, smelly,       of clay, too sandy, too dense,                                                       and sales.
                                                                                       be in agreement before the         and a host of other unsavory      or too loose, that can lead to
                                                                                       first hammer is swung. Decide      adjectives. The chaos that en-    problems where plants cannot
                                                                                       on as many details as you can      sues when life is turned upside   grow in strong. Work with a
                                                                                       ahead of time and have a firm      down can be overwhelming,         garden center to add the right
                                                                                       plan in place. Establish back-     particularly for the person       soil amendments to make a rich
                                                                                       up choices for tiles or color      who spends the most time in       soil. This may include organic
                                                                                       schemes in case the items          the home while work is being      compost or manure, which will
                                                                                       you want are out of stock.         done. Build escape moments        also add nutrients to the soil.
                                                                                       Trying to make decisions un-       into the plan and make sure               Cultivation
                                                                                       der duress may result in bad       everyone else at home is on          Cultivating the soil can in-
                                                                                                                                                            volve different steps. Removal
                                                                                                                                                                                                           It’s Time To Start Your
                                                                                       choices.                           board. During the real grind
                                                                                         Do one project at a time.        of the project, a night or two    of weeds, errant rocks, roots,
                                                                                          It’s tempting to want to        at a hotel may be a welcome       and other items will help pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Spring Lawn Care
Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018 – 5

                                                                                       improve as much as possible        respite.                          pare the soil. Mother Earth
                                                                                                                                                            News suggests working on
                                                                                                                                                            garden soil when the soil is
                                                                                       The perils of bottled water                                          damp but never wet; otherwise,
                                                                                                                                                            garden soil can become messy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lawn &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s Lopp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Leaf R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ers & P
                                                                                          According to The Water Project, a nonprofit organization          and clumpy. Use a digging                                                    Spread         runers
                                                                                       that provides reliable water projects to communities in sub-         fork or shovel to lightly turn                                               Fertili
                                                                                       Saharan Africa, the environmental cost of the consumption            the soil when it’s mostly dry.                                             Weed K
                                                                                       of bottled water has led some communities in both the                Gentle tillings also can open                                          Lands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cape F
                                                                                       United States and Canada to consider banning its sale. The           up the soil to incorporate the                                            Grass
                                                                                       Santa Clara Valley Water District estimates that 80 percent          nutritional amendments and                                               Garden
                                                                                       of all single-use water bottles used in the U.S. ultimately          relieve compaction that likely                                       Lands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       cape T
                                                                                       become litter. Many of those bottles ultimately end up in            occurred from freezing temps
                                                                                       landfills, where they can spend several hundred years de-            and snow pressure. Tilling also
                                                                                       composing. But plastic water bottles are not just harmful to         helps with drainage and oxy-
                                                                                       the planet post-production. The environmental group One              gen delivery to roots. The DIY
                                                                                       Green Planet notes that the production and transportation            Network suggests turning over
                                                                                       of plastic bottles, which are made from a petroleum prod-            soil at a depth of 12 inches to
                                                                                                                                                            work the soil – about the length
                                                                                       uct known as polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, require             of a shovel spade. However,
                                                                                       incredible amounts of fossil fuels. While consumers might            the resource Earth Easy says
                                                                                       feel simply recycling the bottles is enough to offset the            that existing garden beds have
                                                                                       environmental cost of their production and transport, it’s

                                                                                                                                                            a complex soil ecosystem and
                                                                                       important to note that not all plastic can be recycled, and          simply top-dressing with com-
                                                                                       while plastic bottles are generally considered recyclable,           post or manure can be enough

                                                                                       not all of them actually are. Consumers concerned about              preparation for planting. Gar-
                                                                                       their bottled water consumption should know that reusable            deners can experiment with the
                                                                                       water bottles are not only more eco-friendly, but also much          methods that work best for their
                                                                                       more cost-effective.                                                 gardens.                                         814-938-4510
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Create a teen                                                        Easy ways to conserve water
                                                                         The are a number of reasons       and their hands. However, such       hours than in the middle of the

friendly space                                                       to conserve water, but perhaps
                                                                     none is more urgent or compel-
                                                                     ling than the role water plays in
                                                                     human survival. notes
                                                                                                           practices are incredibly wasteful,
                                                                                                           as substantial amounts of water
                                                                                                           literally goes down the drain
                                                                                                           when faucets are running unat-
                                                                                                                                                day, meaning less water will be
                                                                                                                                                lost to evaporation. Consider the
                                                                                                                                                weather when watering the lawn
                                                                                                                                                as well. If wind is in the forecast,
   Teenagers are busier than      food is a popular pastime.         than human beings can survive         tended. In addition, homeowners      turn off automatic sprinklers
ever before. But even the         When renovating a room             for weeks without food but only       can install low-flow faucets in      and hand water if absolutely
busiest teens need places         into a teen cave, find a way       make it a few days without water.     their sinks, which GRACE notes       necessary. Gusty winds increase
to unwind and relax with          to make food a focus. Install      What’s more, the foods humans         typically flow at 1.5 gallons per    water loss due to evaporation and
friends. Many parents aspire      a mini-refrigerator and non-       eat, namely plants and animals,       minute instead of the five gallons   prevent water from getting to the
to create that type of environ-   alcoholic bar where kids can       require water to survive.             per minute of more traditional       lawn. In addition, if the forecast
ment in their homes but don’t     serve snacks to friends. Think         The world’s supply of fresh       faucets.                             is predicting rain, turn off auto-
know where to begin.              about a space you would like       water is dwindling, a troubling          • Take showers instead of         matic sprinklers and let nature
                                                                     notion on its own, and even more      baths. Baths might feel like         water the lawn instead.
   Having teens close by and      as an adult and modify it to       so when considering the human         just what the doctor ordered            • Take steps to conserve
interacting with them on          be more accommodating to           population is only growing. In        after a long day, but baths are      energy. Water plays a vital role
a regular basis can benefit       teenagers.                         fact, the World Water Council         considerably more wasteful than      in the production of energy, so
families. Data from the Na-          • Add more seating. Hav-        estimates that the world’s popu-      showers. GRACE estimates that        taking steps to conserve energy
tional Center for Education       ing friends over means hav-        lation will grow by as much as 50     the average bath can require as      can go a long way toward reduc-
Statistics notes that parental    ing enough seating to handle       percent in the next half-century.     many as 50 gallons of water,         ing your water footprint. When
involvement correlates to         a small crowd. Beanbags,               Such a reality only highlights    while a 10-minute shower under       buying new appliances, opt for
higher grade point averages.      cushioned benches, a daybed,       the need to conserve water.           a low-flow showerhead requires       energy-efficient products. Hom-
Research from the National        modular seating, and more          Though the growing global water       roughly half that amount of          eowners can investigate renew-
Highway Traffic Safety Ad-        can ensure everyone has a          shortage is a complex problem,        water.                               able energy sources such as solar
ministration says certain         place to sit.                      the many ways people can con-            • Take your conservation          energy, which can dramatically
parenting styles, including          • Make a private outdoor        serve water are quite simple.         efforts outside. Water conserva-     reduce their carbon footprints
those that set rules and moni-    spot. Teen spaces do not need          • Change your diet. Reduc-        tion efforts need not be confined    while conserving substantial
tor teens in supportive ways,     to be restricted to the indoors.   ing consumption of livestock and      to indoors. Homeowners who           amounts of water over the long
develop kids who are more         Design advice site Houzz           poultry in favor of vegetables can    pride themselves on having lush      haul.
likely to wear seat belts while   says an outdoor escape zone        help people dramatically reduce       green lawns can still produce en-       The need to conserve water is
driving, while such sup-          that includes comfortable          their water consumption. Ac-          vious landscapes while conserv-      urgent. But as complex a prob-
port also lowers crash risk.      seating in a private area – par-   cording to the Grace Communi-         ing water. When watering a lawn,     lem as the dwindling world water
Involved parents also may         ticularly a spot that can also     cations Foundation (GRACE), a         do so in the early morning hours     supply is, the efforts to solve that
reduce the chances of teen        be enjoyed into the evening        nonprofit organization dedicated      or early evening. Temperatures       problem through conservation
                                                                     to creating a more sustainable        tend to be more mild during these    can be simple.
drug use and promiscuous          – will be a coveted spot.          food system, livestock and poul-
behavior.                            • Invest in “indestruc-         try produced in the United States

                                                                                                                     Tired of your
   Parents who want to keep       tible” materials. Teenagers        consume substantial amounts
teens nearby can create hang-     are bound to make messes,          of water-intensive feed. By
out spaces at home that make      and having other people            reducing consumption of such

                                                                                                             Wet Basement?...
it easy for teens to feel com-    over means contending with         products, consumers can greatly
fortable with their friends.      a certain measure of dam-          reduce their water footprints.
These “teen caves” can be         age. Design the space with         When eating meat, dairy and
private but permit supervi-       indoor-outdoor carpeting,          eggs, GRACE recommends
sion when necessary. With a       water-resistant fabrics, dis-      opting for pasture-raised prod-

                                                                                                                 Call Waterproofing
few modifications, it’s pos-      tressed wood, and other du-        ucts that feed on grass, which
sible to transform a room in      rable materials.                   is less likely to be irrigated than

                                                                                                                                                                                       6 – Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018
a home into a teen-friendly          Adolescents are always          water-needy food sources like
hangout space.
   • Talk to your children.
Involve teens in the process
                                  looking for spaces to gather
                                  without overbearing adult
                                  interference. Homeowners
                                                                     corn and soybeans that are fed
                                                                     to many commercially produced
                                                                     livestock and poultry.
                                                                                                             q3 Guaranteed Dry Basement
of renovating a home to cre-      can create such spaces for             • Reduce water consumption
ate a spot in which they would    their children in their own        when cooking. When cooking,
like to congregate. Talk about    homes.                             some cooks might find it conve-

                                                                                                             q3 Permanently Remove Water
elements they would like to                                          nient to keep faucets running so
                                                                     they can more easily rinse foods
see in the space, whether it

                                   It’s SPRING!                                                              q3 No Exterior Digging
be a particular design style,
technology or activity.

                                                                                                             q3 Bowed Wall Reinforcement
   • Establish a shared bud-
get. Paint is inexpensive and
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                                   Think Shirey Farms
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                                                                                                             q3 Basement Mold Removal
room in a single afternoon.
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                                                 9590 Rt. 536 • Punxsutawney, PA
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Minimize dust while renovating Select the right fertilizer for your needs
                                                                                          Even though dust is ever-present      It’s best to remove clutter from the
                                                                                       both inside and outside of a home,       room, including any furniture that        For plants to truly flourish, the right growing    (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) is in
                                                                                       when renovations are in full swing,      can be taken out of the space. This    conditions and soil that offers the right nutrients   the mix. Judging by the soil test, gardeners can
                                                                                       dusty conditions are often exacer-       helps items from becoming dirty        is of paramount importance. Fertilizer enhances       choose a product that will give them the right
                                                                                       bated. Whether a home is new or          and hazardous particles from set-      soil so that plants and flowers can thrive. How-      ratio to amend the soil for the type of plant they
                                                                                       old, numerous substances can be          tling into nooks and crannies.         ever, fertilizer is not a one-size-fits-all mix.      are hoping to grow. Complete fertilizers often
                                                                                       stirred up when removing walls,              • Close vents and registers. If       Choosing fertilizer can be a little over-          have NPK in the formulation. Incomplete fertil-
                                                                                       refinishing floors, removing tile,       forced air systems are part of the     whelming thanks to the variety of formulations        izers may have only one or two nutrients. This
                                                                                       or expanding living spaces. These        home, it’s best to divert air away     available at neighborhood lawn and garden             allows a person to customize fertilizer even
                                                                                       include silica from drywall, lead,       from the work area. Block vents        centers. Shelves contain all-purpose products,        more without overdoing it with a particular
                                                                                       asbestos, paint particles, and even      and intake registers so that dust      such as those billed as vegetable fertilizer, and     nutrient.
                                                                                       waste from bugs or rodents.              does not clog the system or transfer   even formulations geared toward specific flower                    Grow plant knowledge
                                                                                          Homeowners who want to                to other rooms.                        varieties. Others may feature buzz words like            A cursory knowledge of the plants being
                                                                                       remodel with minimal construc-               • Cut items outside. Design        “all-natural” or “organic,” and consumers may         planted in the garden also can be helpful. Gar-
                                                                                       tion debris floating through the         advice site Houzz says that some       not be sure just what they need to keep plants        deners must recognize that some plants will not
                                                                                       air – both for health purposes and       power tools have vacuum extrac-        healthy. The following guidelines can help any        tolerate excess amounts of a particular fertil-
                                                                                       general cleanliness – may find           tors to suck up dust at the point      would-be gardener or landscaper grow more             izer component, while some may need more.
                                                                                       these proactive steps helpful.           of contact, removing 90 percent        vibrant plants.                                       Checking books out of the library, seeking
                                                                                          • Prepare dust-containment            of dust where it is generated. For                   Start with a soil test                  information online and consulting with land-
                                                                                       plans. If a contractor is involved, it   those who do not have access to           It’s difficult to determine what plants need       scaping experts will help expand homeowners’
                                                                                       is often his or her responsibility to    these tools, cutting and sanding       without an accurate picture of what’s going on        knowledge about plant types and the needs of
                                                                                       minimize dust. Do-it-yourselfers         can be done outdoors to keep dust      in the ground. A soil test can paint a picture of     each particular plant they hope to grow.
                                                                                       must make dust containment a             outside.                               what’s going on and indicate if any nutrients                     Solid and liquid fertilizer
                                                                                       priority. Protecting the floor and           • Open a window. If weather        are lacking. A common misconception is that              Fertilizers are generally sold in pellets,
                                                                                       keeping the dust confined only           permits, an open window can pro-       gardeners fertilize plants. But fertilizer amends     spikes and liquid forms. Pellets or granules are
                                                                                       to work areas can be achieved            vide ventilation. Another idea is to   the soil that feeds plants, according to the soil-    dispersed over large areas and will gradually
                                                                                       with plastic sheeting and other          create an air vacuum in the work       testing lab professionals at Virginia Tech. Soil      offer nutrients when the soil is watered. Liquid
                                                                                       barriers.                                area. Picking a window at the far      types vary by region, and conditions may even         fertilizer is concentrated and fast-acting. These
                                                                                          • Designate an entrance and           end of the work area and mounting      vary between spots on a landscape. Testing            may be used for container plants or smaller
                                                                                       exit. The experts at This Old            a window fan blowing outward can       where the plants will be placed can yield the         areas. Spikes usually are placed in houseplants
                                                                                       House say it is best to choose one       suck dust out and away from other      most accurate results. Soil tests are available       or to feed individual trees or shrubs. Depending
                                                                                       doorway as the only means in and         areas of the house.                    at gardening centers and online. Otherwise,           on the formulation, fertilizer may need to be
                                                                                       out of a work area. Ideally, this            • Clean up daily. By keeping       landscaping professionals can conduct tests.          reapplied once a month or more. Consult the
                                                                                       doorway should lead to the out-          on top of dust, including sweeping                  Know the N-P-K ratio                     product packaging for the correct application
                                                                                       doors. All other doorways should         and vacuuming the work area fre-          Most fertilizers will come with information        advice.
                                                                                       be sealed on both sides.                 quently, dust will not accumulate      concerning the nutrients within. Most notably            Fertilizer amends soil to grow stronger, more
                                                                                          • Remove extraneous items.            and migrate elsewhere.                 it will have a breakdown of how much nitrogen         resilient plants.
Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018 – 7

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March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Prepare HVAC       Laundry room renovation ideas
systems for spring
                                                                                 To f o r m e r a p a r t m e n t           reduce clutter            vent wrinkling. Repurposing
                                                                              dwellers or those who have               Simple, clean designs          a ladder and suspending it
                                                                              never enjoyed the benefit             can be an asset in a laundry      from the ceiling also creates
                                                                              of a dedicated laundry area,          room. If budget and space         a spot to hang clothes.
   The arrival of a new season can be an exciting time. Ho-                   even the smallest washer and          permits, cabinetry built into       Consider laundry room
meowners may have renewed vigor to start home renovation                      dryer space can seem like a           the design will help keep                    flooring
projects or even tackle some cleaning and organization tasks.                 luxury.                               items out of sight in the            It’s important to select
Before the weather starts to warm up too much, homeowners                        The benefits of dedicated          laundry room. Cabinets hung       flooring materials that will
may want to evaluate their home cooling needs and ensure that                 laundry rooms abound. How-            directly above the appliances     not be damaged by contact
all equipment is in good working order.                                       ever, disorganized laun-              can store detergent, bleach       with moisture or spills. Vi-
   Spring air conditioning inspections and tuneups are essential              dry rooms can nullify such            and fabric softener. Use cabi-    nyl, tile and some composite
steps in system performance. Homeowners should not take for                   benefits. Depending on the            nets elsewhere in the room as     products often make good
granted that a system that performed optimally last year will do              needs and preferences of              catch-alls for cleaning sup-      laundry room floor materi-
so this year when temperatures climb. Various factors, includ-                each homeowner, laundry               plies used in various other       als. Resilient flooring that
ing weather damage, dust and grime, mechanical wear and tear,                 room designs can be custom-           rooms around the house.           mimics the look of hardwood
and even rodent or insect infestations, can compromise HVAC                   ized for convenience.                      Incorporate a sink           may add a classy touch, and
systems. Since HVAC systems have so many moving parts, a                         Employ vertical space                       in the design            give the appearance of wood
thorough inspection of such systems can save headaches and                       Floor space may be at a               Some older laundry room        without having to worry
money down the road.                                                          premium in a laundry room,            setups have a slop sink to        about damage. To alleviate
   According to Heating Ontario, the extreme weather condi-                   especially for those who              drain discharged water from       fatigue while spending long
tions that come along with fall and winter can be especially                  wa n t t o d evo t e a s m u c h      the washing machine. How-         moments in the laundry
taxing on homes and the systems that keep them comfortable.                   space as possible to bulk-            ever, newer homes may have        room, invest in a memory
During a spring visit, an HVAC technician will perform main-                  size washer and dryer units.          plumbing installed directly       foam mat that can be placed
tenance on the air conditioner and make sure it is ready for the              Therefore, utilizing wall             through the floor or walls.       underfoot.
heat of summertime. This maintenance may include cleaning the                 space is key. Use shelving,           It is still a worthwhile idea        Keep lighting in mind
unit, checking controls, calibrating the thermostat, lubricating              wire racks, hooks, and other          to have a sink in the laundry        Lighting can be important
moving parts, checking refrigerant levels, tightening electrical              organizational tools to store         room for rinsing out stains,      in the laundry room. Rely on
connections, and clearing any clogs. Homeowners are urged to                  items on the wall. Shelves            handwashing items and hav-        task lighting, under-cabinet
also change the filter at the start of the cooling season.                    can be tucked into just about         ing a go-to sink for messier      strip lighting and overhead
   Correcting any issues in the HVAC system well in advance                   any space, and there are dif-         cleanup.                          lights as needed for effi-
of the arrival of warm weather can help ensure comfort when                   ferent options that can fit               Utilize a tension rod         ciency.
air conditioning is needed. As an added advantage, homeown-                   into corners or shallow areas.           A rod installed between           Laundry room design can
ers should install programmable thermostats if they do not                    These are a great option for          two cabinets or across a          maximize the space available
already have them to keep cooling as cost- and energy-efficient               keeping detergent or other            narrow width of space in the      and make it more convenient
as possible.                                                                  laundry essentials nearby.            laundry room is a handy spot      to launder and sort clothes.
                                                                                     Clean designs                  to hang shirts or pants to pre-
House cleaning tips for allergy sufferers
   (BPT) – Many people turn to        mite debris, animal dander, molds      can help dust mites thrive, and
nasal sprays and antihistamines to    and pollen. Replace bags every         may also lead to mold. Using a
combat seasonal nasal allergies or    couple of months and filters at        dehumidifier, especially in humid
hay fever, but keeping the home       least every six months.                climates or summer months, can
clean is just as important in the      Wash bedding with hot water           help control the spread of mold
fight against allergies.                 Bedding also should be a focus      and dust mites.
     Keep the outdoors out            when attempting to allergen-proof          Minimize indoor plants
   While it is hard to control ex-    the home. Sheets, blankets and            While plants can build am-
posure to pollen and other triggers   comforters attract dust mites in       biance in the home, some in-

                                                                                                                                                                                      8 – Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018
when outside, those with allergies    even the cleanest environments.        door plants can amplify allergy
can avoid bringing pollen into the    Wash bedding once a week in hot        symptoms by releasing spores
house with them. Keep shoes and       water to keep allergens at bay. It’s   and other allergens into the air.
jackets limited to the entryway or    also smart to consider protective      For those with a green thumb
mudroom, and shower and wash          covers for mattresses and pillows      who can’t live without plants
hair before bedtime to stop the       to stop dust mites from getting in     at home, make sure to research
spread of pollen.                     too deep.                              the plants that are least likely to
          Vacuum often                          Keep air dry                 increase pollen or mold exposure
   One key to minimizing aller-          Too much moisture in the air        indoors.
gens at home is to vacuum at least
twice per week. Start by using
attachments to clean surfaces up      recycled concrete wall block• ready Mix concrete • SePtic tankS
high, working down to the floor.
Make sure to vacuum curtains                       Celebrating Our 50th Year 1968-2018
and upholstery as well as hard
surfaces, and pay extra attention
to entryways and areas around
   It’s also important to select                                                                                                                                    No Electricity
vacuum accessories that have                                                                                                      Needed
been designed specifically to cap-
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March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
Early-blooming spring flowers warm up your garden                                                                                                           OPENING MONDAY, APRIL 2
                                                                                          The arrival of spring is a           there’s bound to be an offering          pansies, violets will start to fade   the most recognizable flowers          Shaffer’s
                                                                                       welcome occurrence for many             that will blend with any hom-            when the heat arrives.                thanks to their familiar shape and    Greenhouse
                                                                                       people. Budding flowers are             eowners’ landscape design.                  • Crocus: Crocus plants are        fragrant aroma.                        Take Rt. 36 North of Punxsy
                                                                                       among the harbingers of spring.             • Creeping phlox: Also               relatively small, only reaching          • Lenten rose: Hellebores,         11 miles, at Stanton Dynamics
                                                                                       Spring flowers can revitalize           known “moss phlox,” creeping             three to six inches in height.        also called the Lenten rose or        take a left & go 2 miles on the
                                                                                       winter-weary people just when           phlox is a short ground-cover            However, their grass-like leaves      Christmas rose, can tolerate light        Pansy-Ringgold Road
                                                                                       they need it most – and provide         that is a herbaceous perennial.          are some of the first sprouts that    frosts. These blooms get their
                                                                                       reassurance that brighter, warmer       Phlox produces small, fragrant           can be seen among bulb and            name from the time of year when             April 2-14
                                                                                       and longer hours of sunlight are        flowers in dense clusters, which         corm plantings. Preferring full       they bloom, which is typically           Monday-Saturday
                                                                                       just around the corner.                 can attract wildlife, such as but-       to partial sun, these gold, purple,   around the Christian Lenten              8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                                          Cold-tolerant flowers are            terflies, to their mats across the       lavender, white, or yellow flow-      season. Despite their name, these
                                                                                       hardy enough to start blooming          soil surface.                            ers can be enjoyed during the         delicate flowers are not actually      April 16-June 16
                                                                                       before the last frosts have dissi-          • Snowdrops: Snowdrops can           earliest days of spring.              related to roses, however.               Monday-Saturday
                                                                                       pated. Other flowers will begin         peek out even when there is snow            • Daffodil: Daffodil bulbs            Early-blooming flowers give
                                                                                       to fill in as days warm a little bit    still on the ground – sometimes          produce cheerful, yellow flowers      winter-weary gardeners hope               8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
                                                                                       more, according to Better Homes         as early as January and Febru-           in early spring. They’re one of       that spring has arrived.                   (814) 856-2232
                                                                                       and Gardens. Home gardeners             ary. But their name is actually
                                                                                       looking to warm up their gardens        a reference to their appearance,
                                                                                       with early blooms can use these         as snowdrops have three white
                                                                                       flowers in their early-season           petals that hang down like drops
                                                                                       containers, window boxes and            dripping off the stem.
                                                                                       planting beds.                              • Violets: These flowers are
                                                                                          • Pansy: Pansies prefer cool         closely related to pansies and, as
                                                                                       weather, which can make them            a result, prefer cool seasons. Vio-
                                                                                       one of the best flowers to plant in     lets are generally slightly smaller
                                                                                       early spring and late fall. Pansies     than pansy blooms, but they can
                                                                                       come in a variety of colors, so         be just as beautiful. But as with

                                                                                       Shopping for fencing
                                                                                           Fences can improve function-        does not obstruct views of the pool
                                                                                       ality of a yard and provide extra       might be the best choice. If secu-
                                                                                       security and privacy. Some fences       rity or privacy is the main desire,
                                                                                       are decorative while others are         tall fences that make it difficult for
                                                                                       functional. Families with children      neighbors to see into the yard may
                                                                                       and/or companion animals also           make an ideal choice.
                                                                                       may find fencing is a necessity to                   Restrictions
                                                                                       keep everyone safe and corralled.           It is important to understand
                                                                                           With a vast array of fencing        local regulations before installing
                                                                                       materials available, homeowners         fencing. Communities governed
                                                                                       may find it challenging to decide       by homeowners’ associations may
                                                                                       which material is right for their       have rules in place that dictate the
                                                                                       properties. The following break-        type of fences that can be installed.
                                                                                       down can help homeowners learn          Townships and other munici-
                                                                                       more about fencing and potentially      palities may have their own rules
                                                                                       point them in the right direction re-   concerning fence type, property
                                                                                       garding which material to choose        borders, fence height, and other
Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018 – 9

                                                                                       for their properties.                   factors that will have to be adhered
                                                                                                     Budget                    to so that fencing will meet code. If
                                                                                           Budget is one of the first con-     such rules are not following fines
                                                                                       siderations many homeowners             may be imposed and the fence may
                                                                                       have when installing fencing.           have to be removed. Homeowners
                                                                                       Pricing will affect whether one         also may need permits to install
                                                                                       can afford a chain link fence           fencing, whether they are hiring
                                                                                       (one of the most budget-friendly        a contractor or doing the work
                                                                                       options), wrought iron or ornate        themselves.
                                                                                       wood (more expensive). Pric-                        Maintenance
                                                                                       ing out several different types of          Consumer resource Angie’s
                                                                                       fences will give homeowners an          List advises homeowners to con-
                                                                                       idea of which material fits into        sider maintenance before choosing
                                                                                       their budgets.                          a fencing material. Wooden fenc-
                                                                                                    Purpose                    ing requires the most maintenance
                                                                                           Homeowners install fencing          due to painting and staining. Alu-         EAST AMERICAN MOTORSPORTS
                                                                                       for various reasons. If a fence is      minum or vinyl fencing requires            20064 RT 119 HWY N
                                                                                       an ornamental way to delineate          less maintenance, but it can be            PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA
                                                                                       property lines, a picket fence or       harder to repair isolated damage
                                                                                       a post-and-rail fence are simple        or replace pickets, if necessary. In       814-938-4230 • 888-322-3997
                                                                                       options that can lend a homey           some instances, the entire fence
                                                                                       feel to a property. These types         may have to be replaced.
                                                                                       of fences also can enhance and              Homeowners install fencing
                                                                                       frame landscaping elements, such        for many different reasons. Con-
                                                                                       as gardens.                             sidering price, budget, purpose,
                                                                                           In many area, laws require          and maintenance before making
                                                                                       homeowners to install fencing           a decision regarding fencing can
                                                                                       around swimming pools. In such          help homeowners make the best
                                                                                       instances, chain link fencing that      decision possible.
March 2018 - A Special Publication of The Punxsutawney Spirit and Jefferson County Neighbors
How to hang photos and artwork with ease
   Personal touches turn a house              Next, plan on hanging artwork        whether the artwork will be hung         Take into consideration the type of   work - to keep the frame sturdy in
into a home. Hanging pictures,            at 57 inches on center, according        horizontally or vertically. These        attachment, whether it’s D-rings,     the drywall. Home improvement
whether they’re personal pho-             to the renovation experts at Apart-      templates can then be easily taped       sawtooth hangers, wire, or other      resource Today’s Homeowner
tographs or artwork, can really           ment Therapy. “On center” means          to the wall and rearranged until the     fasteners on the back. Measure        also suggests using self-adhesive
change the character of a room.           the middle of the photograph or          grouping is ideal.                       from the top of the frame to          rubber bumpers to the bottom
   Unfortunately, some people             painting will always be at 57”,              There are no hard and fast           the hanger. Measure the wall to       corners on the back of the frame
may not know the proper ways to           as this measurement represents           rules concerning frames, mean-           achieve the 57” on center location,   before hanging so that the picture
display pictures on a wall. Design        the average human eye height.            ing they do not all have to match.       and then calculate where this falls   will not damage the wall and will
maven Martha Stewart advises              This height is regularly used as         But placing framed artwork side          within the height of the artwork      help it hang level.
that the first step is to gather all of   a standard in many galleries and         by side can give a person a feel         and frame top. Adjust accord-            It can take a few attempts to
the pictures that are in consider-        museums.                                 for whether the images and the           ingly and mark. Then measure the      hang pictures correctly, but with
ation for hanging. This will enable           When the goal is to hang             frames work together in the space.       distance from the frame top to the    practice it should come with
a person to see what is available         multiple pictures, treat the entire      Some people like to use frames of        hanger location on the wall.          greater ease. The good news is
and edit their selection based on         grouping as a single unit. This          similar colors and sizes. Others            Be sure to take the weight of      there are new products constantly
the space available, theme or color       means creating the layout and            want the eclectic mix-and-match          the picture into consideration        being evolved to make picture
scheme. Having the artwork there          finding the center of the middle         appeal. It’s ultimately up to the        when selecting hanging hardware.      hanging easier, including those
enables a person to move it around        piece of the grouping. To make           homeowner.                               Wall anchors may be needed if         that enable removal and reloca-
like a puzzle until the placement         picture grouping easier, use paper           Measuring is key to hanging          measurements determine a wall         tion of artwork without damaging
feels just right.                         templates with arrows to indicate        a picture correctly on the wall.         stud will not help secure the art-    walls.

Create an efficient, inviting outdoor living environment
    (MS) – Be ready to enjoy the          offers a large number of how-to          for outdoor surfaces include Gen-        Titebond III Ultimate Wood Glue,      man-made material. Build a
warm days of spring and summer            articles such as “Laid Back in a         eral Finishes Outdoor Oil Finish         SculpWood Putty, and Briwax           wooden croquet set with help
with an “updated” outdoor dining/         Classic Adirondack” that shows           (use over exterior oil stain or exte-    ChaiRX.                               from “Picnic Perfect Croquet
living/garden area that is welcom-        how to build with Adirondack chair       rior clear oil finishes for additional          Custom Garden                  Set” in Issue 65 of Woodcraft
ing and efficient. Woodcraft has the      templates, while “WoodSense:             protection) and General Finishes                & Game Projects                Magazine. Subscribers can
tools and supplies you will need,         Spotlight on Outdoor Projects,”          450 Varnish (minimizes fading,              Turn a unique transplanter,        download the article free, or
along with helpful advice at your         describes woods that work well           retards mold and fungus growth).         cultivator and weeder with the        the issue can be purchased at
local store and free how-to articles      outdoors.                                   For painting guidance, watch          three-piece WoodRiver Garden
on                             For building projects, the Free-     “Hand Applied Milk Paint from            Tool Turning Kit constructed             To learn more about these
               Projects                   man 11/4” 18-Gauge Brad Nailer           General Finishes at Woodcraft” and       of durable, cast aluminum.            and other products, visit your
    Take stock of your outdoor fur-       is a professional quality, innovative    read “Create a Milk Paint Master-        Turning blanks for the handle,        local Woodcraft store, call
niture – do you need more? Would          home improvement tool that is great      piece” on                 sold separately, may be made          (800) 535-4482 or visit www.
colorful new Adirondack chairs,           for furniture. Its oil-free operation       HOMERIGHT’s Finish Max                from wood, acrylic or another
a new picnic table and maybe a            requires no regular maintenance          HVLP Sprayer will spray most
garden bench and planters be more         and eliminates the risk of stains        solvent (except lacquer and con-
inviting? Or perhaps a cleanup and        on project surfaces. If your joinery     version varnish) or water-based
new paint would bring your existing       choice requires screws, the Groz         products – latex paint, milk paint,
furniture to life for another season?     Insta Drive Screwdriver features         chalk paint, furniture paint, stains,
Does your porch/patio/deck area           a patented retractable, rotating bit     and finishes. It’s easy to set up, use
need to be resurfaced or enlarged?        cartridge that makes it easy to find,    and clean. When painting furniture,
    Streamline your dining by build-      store and change driver bits.            consider using the HOMERIGHT
ing mobile carts to transport food            For hauling lumber or other          Large Spray Shelter. When painting
for prep and for serving. Add a           large items to your project site, use    small accessories, opt for the Small
butcher block top to the food prep        the Xstrap Heavy Duty Ratchet Tie        Spray Shelter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       10 – Spring Preview, The Punxsutawney Spirit & Jefferson County Neighbors, March 2018
cart and storage drawers to both, and     Down to hold up to 1,000 pounds             For furniture that needs some                                                        STARTING AT
improve the efficiency and pleasure
of your dining experience.
                                          in place on a truck bed.
                                              To finish new furniture or recolor
                                                                                   TLC, read “Restoring Outdoor
                                                                                   Projects” on to
                                                                                                                                                                             (SPX 23/42)
    Gardeners may want to build a         existing pieces – and brighten your      learn how to determine what needs
potting bench and wooden flatbed          outdoor landscape – choose one of        to be deep cleaned, repaired, rebuilt
wagon to haul plants and supplies.        the 28 premixed General Finishes         and repainted. Handy helpers for
  Tools, Supplies and How-Tos             Milk Paint colors that can be mixed,     the TLC process include Blue Bear
    “Make anywhere your work-             lightened, glazed, layered, antiqued,    Paint and Urethane Stripper, Krud
space with the Kreg Mobile Project        or distressed. Other good choices        Kutter No-Rinse Prepaint Cleaner,
Center,” Woodcraft senior product
manager Peter Collins said. “It’s a
portable workbench, sawhorse, as-
sembly table, and clamping station
                                                                     B.K. ASPHALT PAVING, INC.
all in one that provides a versatile                               Commercial and Residential Paving
work space for DIY, repair, and
woodworking projects.”
    The large 273/4” x 311/2” poly-
propylene work surface supports a
350-lb. load capacity, and two cen-
ters can be connected to double the
work area. Collins also suggested
adding the new Kreg In-line Bench
Clamp and Bench Clamp System
                                                                                                                                  310 Lawn & Garden
for Dog Holes to make almost every                                                                                              Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.-12 p.m.; Sun. Closed
clamping task possible.                                                                                                            938-4443 • 2056 Rt. 310, Reynoldsville • Located in Panic
    Visit to see
Building Plans for Outdoor Furni-                                                                                            Special Financing Available
ture, as well as Adirondack chair
templates. also                                                                                                                                               See dealer for details
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