Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL

Page created by Lewis Dawson
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
                                                                           CONNECT    April/May 2021                          Volume 10, Issue 4

Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art                                                                                            city, particularly for the youth. The
                                                                                                                         Pembroke Road and SW 72nd Ave. box
                                                                                                                         references the city’s historical North
   The City of Pembroke Pines’ lat-    Designer, to create designs for traffic                                           Perry Airport which has a long stand-
est Public Art Project – Traffic Box   boxes wrapped at 10 locations. For                                                ing relationship with the U.S. Armed
Wraps is catching the eyes of resi-    six of the designs, the artist incor-                                             Forces and its use as an auxiliary
dents and visitors. The City’s Arts    porated a QR code which creates an                                                training facility for the naval air sta-
and Culture Advisory Board created     interactive experience. Residents can                                             tion. And, the University Drive and
the theme “What Makes Pembroke         walk over to various boxes, down-                                                 Pembroke Road box depicts the city’s
Pines a ‘Happy City’ after the city    load the “Eyejack” app from the App                                               vibrant public parks system, com-
was named one of the Happiest          Store (IPhone or Android), hover                                                  plete with playgrounds and recre-
City’s in South Florida in 2019 and    their phone camera over the designs                                               ational equipment. Each of these and
2020 by online personal finance web-   and watch the images come to life.                                                the other boxes have been featured on
site WalletHub. Once the theme was        “We are very excited not only                                                  the city’s social media platforms.
chosen, the creative artwork began     about the beautiful and creative             Flamingo Rd & Pines Blvd
and the 14 boxes are now ready for     designs from John, but having some           Palm Avenue & Taft Street
all to enjoy.                          of them come to life in this truly           University Drive & Pines Blvd
   The City commissioned Artist John   unique approach is amazing,” said            Pembroke Rd. & 72nd Ave
Potter, an Illustrator and Graphic     Holly Bonkowski, Assistant Director          University Drive & Pembroke Rd
                                       of Cultural Arts. “It a fun way for          Hiatus Rd & Johnson Street
                                       our community to engage with this            Pines Blvd & 145th Ave
                                       public art.”                                 Pines Blvd. & 196th Ave
                                          The Arts and Culture Advisory             Pines Blvd. & 172nd Ave
                                       Board has been tasked with bringing          Sheridan Street & 184th Ave
                                       ideas and themes for the next set of         Some examples of the traffic box
                                       traffic box wraps. The traffic boxes      art include: The University Drive and
                                       (with QR code are bolded) currently       Pines Blvd. box depicts the variety
                                       wrapped are located at:                   of sports offered throughout the

                                                                                    Pembroke Pines City Commission
                                                                                   From left to right: Thomas Good (Vice Mayor - District 1),
                                                                                   Angelo Castillo (District 4), Mayor Frank C. Ortis,
                                                                                   Iris A. Siple (District 3), Jay D. Schwartz (District 2)

                                                                                   Mayor Frank C. Ortis      954-450-1020 ….........….
                                                                                   Angelo Castillo           954-450-1030..............
                                                                                   Thomas Good               954-450-1030............….
                                                                                   Jay D. Schwartz           954-450-1030.....…..
                                                                                   Iris A. Siple             954-450-1030...............…
                                                                                   City Manager:
                                                                                   Charles F. Dodge          954-450-1040….......….
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021    Pembroke Pines City Connect      Page   2

Pooches in Pines                       reminds residents to please call the
                                       Pembroke Pines Police Department at
                                                     954-431-2200 if someone
                                                                                Bike Safety Initiative Continues
   Pooches in Pines,                                    has lost or found a        The Pembroke Pines Police Depart-      protect the safety of pedestrians and
a community group                                         dog. Though ap-       ment is once again participating in the   bicyclists. Enforcement efforts will
of dedicated volun-                                        proximately 70%      High Visibility Enforcement (HVE)         primarily focus on education to driv-
teers in Pembroke                                          of dogs found        campaign to promote pedestrian and        ers, pedestrians, and bicyclists along
Pines is open once                                        are reunited          bicycle safety education efforts, now     City intersections and roadways.
again to help find                                        with their owners     through May 14, 2021. This campaign       However violations may result in
forever homes for or                                   through Pooches in       is funded through a contract with the     warnings or citations depending on
help unite dogs found by                            Pines, those who are not    University of North Florida (Institute    the circumstances.
the Pembroke Pines Police.                       are fully vetted, bathed       of Police Technology and Manage-             Traffic citations, if issued, will
They were closed for                            and then are fostered in        ment) in partnership with the Florida     carry fines ranging from $63.50 to
many months due to the                            temporary homes until         Department of Transportation’s fo-        $263.00. For more information about
pandemic.                                          a new loving home is         cused initiative to improve pedestrian    the Pembroke Pines Police Depart-
   Though they are now                             found through an adop-       and bicycle safety.                       ment’s involvement in the High
open, Pooches in Pines                             tion process.                   The goal of this enforcement ef-       Visibility Enforcement of Pedestrian
                                                                                fort is to increase awareness of and      & Bicycle Safety initiative, please call

                             WE DELIVER
                                                                                compliance with traffic laws that         954-431-2200.

                                  954-432-PILL (7455)                           Happy Birthday, Pembroke Pines!
  April 30 is our 36 Anniversary
                                                                                   We’re turning 61!                                         It was Kipnis who
                                            th                                  Each year in the                                               led an effort to
                                                                                month of April,                                                    secure Pem-
                                                                                the city cel-                                                        broke Pines’

  Thank you for making                                                          ebrates Pines
                                                                                Day, to com-
                                                                                                                                                      status as
                                                                                                                                                       an incor-

        Our Pharmacy
                                                                                the “birth”                                                             city. This
                                                                                of Pem-                                                                 followed
                                                                                broke Pines,                                                           the dis-
                                                                                complete with                                                         solution of

             Your Pharmacy                                                      cake, games
                                                                                and fun activities.
                                                                                Due to the pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                    the Village
                                                                                                                                                  of Pembroke
                                                                                                                                              Pines in December
                                                                                such a gathering is on                                   1959, after it was first
                                                                                hold; however, we’d like to thank                establishment in February of
                                                                                everyone for making the City of           the same year. On January 16, 1960,
                                                                                Pembroke Pines a great place to live,     the electorate voted and the new City
                                                                                work and play.                            of Pembroke Pines was created. The
                                                                                   While April may not be the exact       population was 1,429 and the city
                                                                                birthday month, it is a great time to     was one square mile located between
                                                                                look back at our beginnings and look      North Perry Airport on the west, the
                                                                                forward to all that lies ahead. Did       Florida Turnpike to the east, Wash-
                                                                                you know that when the Village of         ington Street to the north and Pem-
                                                                                Pembroke Pines was incorporated,          broke Road to the south.
                                                                                there were no municipal facilities?          Jump to 2021, the City of Pem-
                                                                                An ordinance passed by the Village’s      broke Pines has over 173,000 resi-
                                                 1700 NW 122 Terrace            Board of Alderman designated the          dents and is the 11th largest city in
                                           One Block East of Flamingo on Taft   home of Mayor Walter Seth “Doc”           Florida and the 149th largest city in
                                            Pembroke Pines, FL 33026            Kipnis and his wife Estelle as the        the United States. The city has a total
                                              954-432-PILL (7455)               Village Hall. His home was actually       area of 34.4 square miles spread east
                                                    referred to as the temporary Pem-         and west between the Florida Turn-
                 Est. 1985                                                      broke Pines City Hall.                    pike and US 17.
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect       Page   3

Historical Timeline Highlights City’s The Egg Express Lane
Transformation                                                                          “Egg-sclusively” for City of Pembroke Pines
                                                                                     residents -- The City of Pembroke Pines and
                                                                                     Joe Di Maggio are EGG-sited to invite Pembroke
   Taking a look back, the City just
                                                                                     Pines residents to hop on over to the “Egg Ex-
completed an historical timeline
                                                                                     press Lane” at the Charles F. Dodge City Center,
to commemorate how the city has
                                                                                     located at 601 City Center Way, to DRIVE-BY and
evolved throughout the decades.
                                                                                     see a very special guest...Peter Rabbit. Residents
When City Hall opens to the public
                                                                                     can join us on Saturday, April 3, 2021 between the
once again, it will be a great oppor-
                                                                                     hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. for this fun adventure.
                        tunity for all
                                                                                        To ensure everyone remains safe, all guests must
                        residents to visit
                                                The timeline information is dis-     stay in their cars at all times. For more information,
                        this permanent
                                             played on seven acrylic panels, each    please call the Special Events office at 954-392-2116
                        exhibit on the 4th
                                             representing a decade of the City’s     or visit
                        floor, read about
                                             history, from the City’s incorpora-
                        the changes
                                             tion to present day. The timeline was
                        throughout the
                                             created, a portion of which was paid
                        city and look
                                             for by a Florida Humanities Grant, in
                        at the many
                                             collaboration with the city’s Recre-
                        pictures saved
                                             ation and Cultural Arts Department,
                        throughout the
                                             History Fort Lauderdale and City
                                                                                                                                   MY NAME IS ENZO
                                             Historian Jack McCluskey.

 Pembroke Pines City Connect                 Public Services                                                                      My 4-month-old kitten was last
 Published by the                            954-518-9060                                                                          seen on 02/14/2021 in Antigua
 City of Pembroke Pines                      Martin Gayeski,                                                                        Pembroke Pines. He's a very
 Marianne Wohlert- Communications
 Division Director; News Editor              Deputy City Manager                                                                 sweet, friendly, and joyful cat that
 601 City Center Way - 2nd Floor                                                                     is extremely loved and missed.
 Pembroke Pines, FL 33025                                                                                                          We are completely devastated.                      Fire 954-435-6700
 Translated to Spanish by                                                                                                         If there's any sightings of him,
                                             John Picarello, Fire Chief
 Fernanda Pineda, EdD                                                                                                             please help us bring him home.
                                                                                                                                      His collar fell off but he's
 For Advertising Information                                                                                                               microchipped.                      Police 954-431-2200
                                             Kipp Shimpeno, Police Chief
 Follow us on Facebook:                                                                            Mi gatico se perdi6 el domingo 14                                                                                                   de Febrero, 2021 en Antigua
                                             Recreation and Cultural Arts                                                         Pembroke Pines. Enzo es dulce,
 Contacts:                                   954-392-2130
 City Manager’s Office                                                                                                             amigable y alegre, y estamos
 954-450-1040                                Christina Sorensen,
                                                                                                                                    completamente devastados
 Charles F. Dodge, City Manager              Recreation Director                                                                                       porque lo amamos y lo
 Martin Gayeski,                                                                                                                  extrariamos. Si lo has visto, por
 Deputy City Manager                         Community Services                                                                  favor ayudanos a traerlo pronto a                         954-450-6888                                                                         su hogar. No tiene su collar pero
 Aner Gonzalez,
 Assistant City Manager                      Jay Shechter,                                                                                tiene microchip.                        Community Services Director
 City Clerk’s Office 954-450-1050
 Marlene Graham, City Clerk                  Human Resources                          954-392-2090
 Finance 954-450-1070                        Daniel Rotstein,
 Lisa Chong, Finance Director                Human Resources Director                 
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021      Pembroke Pines City Connect      Page   4

 16th Annual Art Virtual Art Classes Memorial Day HOA Contact
  Competition       for Children       Virtual    Info – Required
  Winners to be                       Observance                                                                                 The City of Pembroke Pines ad-
                                                                                                                              opted an ordinance requiring Home-
   Announced                                                                         On Monday, May 31, 2021, the
                                                                                  City of Pembroke Pines will honor
                                                                                  our country’s men and women
                                                                                                                              owners Associations (HOAs) and
                                                                                                                              Condominium Associations (CA) to
                                                                                  who have died in the military               continuously provide updated con-
    Winners of the City of Pem-
                                                                                  during a virtual Memorial Day               tact information to the City to ensure
 broke Pines 16th Annual Art                                                      observance at 9 a.m. There will             that our communications database is
 Competition will be announced                                                    be a live feed tribute on the city’s        as accurate and up to date as possible
 on April 9, 2021. This competition                                               Facebook page (fb./me/cityofpem-            in the event of an emergency.
 was for artists 18 years or older,                                               brokepines) and Instagram (@
                                                                                  cityofppines).                                 It is imperative that the city has
 residing in the tri-county area.            The City of Pembroke Pines is
                                                                                     While Memorial Day may                   updated email addresses to ensure
    Artists had an opportunity            hosting Virtual Art Classes for chil-   symbolize the start of summer               that notifications and alerts can be
 to submit up to three pieces of          dren ages 8-11. These classes explore   for many, this is a special day             sent out to key members of HOA/CA
 artwork in one medium category.          the use of different mediums all from   set aside to honor all men and              boards and HOA/CA emergency con-
 Nearly 60 artists submitted 89           the comfort of home. Participating      women who have died in mili-                tacts of emergency public meetings.
 pieces of work to the competition.       students will have an opportunity to    tary service for the United States.            Pursuant to City Ordinance 1544,
    A Festival Poster Winner will                                                 Originally called Decoration Day,
                                          engage virtually with the art teacher                                               the City requires all Homeowners
 be selected from all of the sub-                                                 Memorial Day was officially pro-
                                          with the provided art materials.        claimed on May 5, 1868 by Gen-              Associations and Condominium
 missions to the Art Competition.            Class sizes are limited. Pembroke                                                Associations to designate an officer
                                                                                  eral John Logan, National Com-
 The Festival Poster Winner will          Pines residents pay $50 / month + a     mander of the Grand Army of the             to be an emergency contact person;
 receive a $200 cash prize, winning       one-time fee of $10 for the base kit    Republic. It was first observed on          HOAs/Condo Associations are re-
 artwork featured in the Art Fest                                                 May 30, 1868 when flowers were              quired to provide the name, address
                                          of materials. Non-residents pay $60
 in the Pines publication and a 10 x                                              placed on the graves of Union and           and phone number of property man-
                                          / month + the one-time fee of $10.      Confederate soldiers at Arlington
 10 space with a tent at the 23rd An-                                                                                         agers, emergency contact person and
                                          Proof of residency is required.         National Cemetery. The Day is
 nual Art Fest in the Pines sched-                                                                                            at least one other board member.
                                             Registration for the classes is by   now observed every year on the
 uled for November 6-7, 2021.                                                     last Monday of May.                            Information can directly be entered
                                          appointment only. For more infor-
    For more information, please                                                     For more information about the           on the City’s website by going to
                                          mation or to set up a registration
 call 954- 961-6067 or email amo-                                                 Memorial Day Observance, please   , click on “City Gov-
                                          appointment please call 954-986-5027                                                                call 954-392-2116.                          ernment” and scroll down to select the
                                          or email
                                                                                                                              “City Clerk” link, then scroll down
                                                                                                                              to the HOA Portal link. Complete the

                                                                                               Additio 10%
                                                                                                      nal Bo
                                                                                                                              online form and hit “Submit.”
                                                                                                                                 An email listing of the required
                                                                                                                  nus Pa      information can also be emailed to
                                                                                                     With C
                                                                                                                  Only  id!   the City Clerk’s Office by email-
                                                                                                                              ing Donna LaFrance at dlafrance@
                                  We Will Beat Any Price                                      Free estimate!                     In addition, the City urges every-

                                                                                                                              one to subscribe to the City’s “No-
                                                                                              Stop in now!                    tify Me” app and select the feature
             Gold s                                                                                                           that allows city meeting dates that

                                                                                              We Buy & Sell
             P r i c ec o r d
                                                                                                                              are entered on the web calendar to
                                                                                                 Gold                         push through to your cell phone as
            A t Ri g h !                                                                         Silver                       a notification.
               H                         2018 N. Flamingo Rd. • Pembroke Pines                   Diamonds
                                                                                                                                 HOA/CA contact information
                                                                                                                              should be updated as soon as person-
                                            S.W. Corner of Flamingo & Sheridan                   Watches                      nel on HOA/CA boards are changed

                                                   954-447-0566                                  Estate Jewelry
                                                                                                                              or as the contact person for designat-
                                                                                                                              ed emergencies changes. For more
                                        Hours: Tues-Fri 10am - 6pm • Sat 11am - 5pm              Broken Jewelry               information, please call 954-450-1050
                                                                                                                              or email
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021       Pembroke Pines City Connect     Page   5

Hurricane Preparedness Week                                                           Don’t Miss The Frank’s
                                                                                      Virtual “Bits & Pieces”
   While Florida has an official hur-
ricane season, being prepared should
be a year-round activity. That’s one
of the reasons why, in 2004, National
                                                                                     The final days of the virtual exhibi-    Ryan Harvey, and Third Space
Hurricane Preparedness Week in the                                                tion “Bits & Pieces” at The Frank C.        solo artist, Twyla Gettert.
United States replaced the previous called “Pem-        Ortis Art Gallery is fast approach-            “By incorporating animation
observance of National Hurricane         broke Pines Prepared” where visitors     ing. Now through April 30, 2021,            and virtual reality technologies,
Awareness Week, as awareness does        will find a wide range of resources,     everyone is invited to experience Bits      this completely virtual exhibition
not equate to preparedness.              videos, information, and preparation     & Pieces, a 360 degree virtual exhibi-
                                         materials. There will also continually                                               takes place within the recognizable
   National Hurricane Prepared-                                                   tion and tour, which is an analysis of
                                         be helpful information posted on the                                                 interior of The Frank Art Gallery,
ness Week is a nationwide effort to                                               transitional histories through collage
inform the public about hurricane        city’s social media on Facebook, In-                                                 while offering portals to alternative
                                                                                  and fragmented imagery.
hazards and to disseminate informa-      stagram and Twitter throughout the                                                   environments informed by each
                                                                                     With a focus on artists who utilize
tion and share knowledge which can       season and year, and during National                                                 artists’ style and thesis,” said The
                                                                                  cropped and fragmented imagery in
be used to prepare and take action. It   Hurricane Preparedness Week.             their artistic production, this collabor-   Frank Curator Taryn Nicoll.
will take place Sunday, May 9, 2021         As part of everyone’s prepara-        ative project disassembles and recom-          There is not admission fee or
through Saturday, May 15, 2021.          tions during hurricane season, saving    bines existing works of art to create a     subscription required to view.
   Each day during National Hurri-       emergency/urgent situation hotline       new conversation about authorship,          Please visit www.thefrankgallery.
cane Preparedness Week, the Na-          phone numbers is an important            representation and subjectivity.            org. The Frank is temporarily
tional Weather Service will address a    step. The City of Pembroke Pines            Featured artists include Jason           closed to the public. For more infor-
specific hurricane-related topic which   activates its emergency hotline phone    Aponte, Diego Gutierrez, Jefreid            mation, please call 954-392-2120 or
includes: an overview of major U.S.      number, 954-565-9571, when its           Lotti, Jackie Tileston, Jonathan            email
hurricanes; hurricane hazards such       Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
as high winds, and inland flooding;      goes to a Level 2 – Partial Activation
the forecast process; disaster plan-     or a Level 1 – Full Activation. This                                         Serving South Florida Since 1997
ning/preparation; and knowing when       phone number provides informa-
to take action. The goal is to make      tion to citizens reporting or asking                                   Rolfs Insurance Services
sure that every family has a disaster    questions about relevant information
plan; every business has a disaster      on such topics as power outages,                                             10011 Pines Blvd #201
checklist; and everyone gets out of      mandatory evacuations, shelter in-                                           Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
the path of the hurricane safely. This
information will also be shared on
                                         formation, road closures, closures of
                                         any city functions or properties and                            954-251-3312
the city’s social media.                 updated transportation schedules.
   For residents of the City of Pem-     Please put 954-565-9571 in a conve-          
broke Pines, there is a comprehensive    nient location so it can be accessed
section on the city’s website at www.    easily when needed.                         A Relationship Driven Insurance Agency

                                                                                                   Home Auto Life Insurance
                                                                                                     Commercial Insurance
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect         Page    6

NOTICE of Water Chlorination/Preventative Maintenance                                                                               ly or every 2 years depending on need.
                                                                                                                                        Do other Cities perform free chlo-
   Now through April 11, the City of       mines) throughout the water distribu-      tine part of the free chlorination pro-           Yes. This a common industry
Pembroke Pines will be performing a        tion system as part of the distribution    cess. This will occur in various parts        practice. There are many utilities
chlorination preventive maintenance        system maintenance. Free chlorina-         of the City in order to distribute free       throughout the country that use
procedure to clean our Water Distri-       tion is a common practice used by wa-      chlorinated water into all parts of the       chloramines as a distribution system
bution System. The procedure runs          ter producers to maintain water mains      water distribution system. As a result,       disinfectant which convert to free
for three weeks from March 22, 2021        using chloramines for disinfection. It     increased flushing may be observed
                                                                                                                                    chlorine on a periodic basis.
until April 11, 2021.                      is typically performed over a two to       during this time during the day and
                                                                                                                                        Does free chlorination change or
   During this period, the City’s          three week time period as needed.          also in the evening. This is a routine
                                                                                                                                    affect water quality?  
Drinking Water Distribution System            What are Chloramines?                   part of the maintenance process.
                                                                                                                                        No, the drinking water still meets
will continue to meet ALL Federal             Chloramines are bacteria killing           Why does it take three full weeks?
                                                                                                                                    all State and Federal water quality
and State water quality standards.         compounds that form when chlorine             The City has an extensive water
   Some residents may notice a slight      and ammonia react in water. Chlo-          distribution network and it takes that
                                                                                                                                        What can I do to improve the wa-
chlorine taste and/or chlorine odor in     ramines are used to purify drinking        much time to completely distribute the
                                                                                                                                    ter taste/smell?
the water. Residents on kidney dialy-      water, and are known to be more            free chlorine to all sections of our water
                                                                                                                                        We suggest storing water in an
sis or those who have other medical        stable than chlorine                       mains during the maintenance activity.
conditions should contact their health        Will I notice a change in my Water?        Will Residents Be Notified When            open pitcher and placing it in your
care providers for more information           Some people may notice a change         the Process is Complete?                      refrigerator. The chlorine will natu-
about increased chlorine levels in         in the taste, odor and color of water         The timeframe, March 22 to April           rally dissipate from the water, and
their drinking water during this time      during this time but adverse health        11, 2021 will be effectively managed.         will become less noticeable.
frame. Fish owners should also take        effects are not expected. If you are es-   If the process will go longer for any             Why are you doing this during this
necessary precautions during this          pecially sensitive to the taste or odor    reason, updates will be posted on the         time of the year?
procedure. Additionally, you may see       of chlorine, keep an open container        City’s website at                 As part of our commitment to pro-
water running from fire hydrants in        of drinking water in your refrigerator        How long has U.S. drinking water           vide safe and reliable water, our staff
your neighborhood. This is a part of       for a few hours to allow the chlo-         been chlorinated?                             monitors the distribution system to de-
the normal maintenance process.            rine to dissipate. Some aquatic and           Chlorine has helped provide safe           termine when the system needs to be
   If you have questions, please call      marine animal species are sensitive        drinking water in the United States           maintained. When this determination
the Utilities Customer Service Depart-     to free chlorine. Persons maintaining      for more than 100 years.                      is made, the appropriate notifications
ment at 954-518-9000 or visit www.         aquariums with any sensitive species          How common is chlorine disinfec-           are made and the maintenance process for information and up-         are encourage to contact their pet         tion of drinking water?                       is initiated for the three week period.
dates. Below are answers to the most       supply stores regarding dechlorinat-          Chlorine is by far the most com-               What are the methods for remov-
frequently asked questions regarding       ing of the water.                          monly used drinking water disin-              ing chlorine/chloramines from fish
chlorination of water distribution            Any questions regarding kidney          fectant in all regions of the world.          aquariums?
systems for maintenance purposes:          dialysis should be directed to the cus-    Today, about 98 percent of U.S. water             Just as with chlorine, chloramines
   What is Free Chlorination?              tomer’s doctor or dialysis specialist.     treatment systems use some type of            can harm all saltwater and fresh-
   Free chlorination is a temporary           Fire hydrant is flowing on my           chlorine disinfection process to help         water fish, reptiles, shellfish, and
process that distributes free chlorine     street, is this part of the process?       provide safe drinking water. The U.S.         amphibians that live in water. Com-
in place of combined chlorine (chlora-        Flushing of fire hydrants is a rou-     Environmental Protection Agency re-           mercial establishments and hobbyists
                                                                                       quires treated tap water to contain a        involved in fish rearing need to take
                                                                                       detectable level of chlorine to protect      precautions. There are two meth-

    Interested in Advertising?
                                                                                       against germs as it flows from the           ods that can be used to remove or
                                                                                       treatment plant to consumers’ taps.          neutralize chloramines before adding
                                                                                          Is chlorine in drinking water safe?       water to a fish tank, pond, or aquar-
                                                                                          The small amount of chlorine              ium: (1) Granular Activated Carbon
     Maximize your advertising investment with City Connect                            added to disinfect drinking water in         (GAC) filtration system specifically
            and directly reach your targeted audience:                                 accordance with U.S. Environmental           designed to remove chloramines, or
                                                                                       Protection Agency regulations is safe        (2) conditioner or additive that con-
    Mailed to approximately 66,000 Pembroke Pines residents and businesses 6x          for consumption. According to EPA,           tains a de-chlorinating chemical for
    a year. Viewed at the click of a mouse at at no extra charge.       allowable chlorine levels in drinking        both ammonia and chlorine. These
                                                                                       water (up to 4 parts per million) pose
                    Use coupons, advertorials, track your leads!                                                                    products are available at local pet
                                                                                       “no known or expected health risk.           and aquarium supply stores. The res-
                                                                                          Is this the first time the City of Pem-
        Space is limited. Request more information at                                  broke Pines has used free chlorination?
                                                                                                                                    idential and commercial fish owners
                                                                                                                                    are advised to verify which method
                                                          No. The City uses this maintenance        is best for them with their pet store
                                                                                       procedure as needed, typically annual-       or aquatic/aquarium retailer.
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect        Page   7

                                                          Silver Palms Elementary
                                                             Celebrates Success
                                                             In the face of unprece-
                                                          dented hurdles in education
                                                          and learning, The Silver
                                                          Palms Elementary School
                                                          community has bonded
                                                          together to provide a safe,
                                                          welcoming, and kind learn-
                                                          ing environment for all
SHINE / AAABC Zoom Event List                             of its students. “Resilient,
                                                          compassionate, kind, and
                                                          cohesive really describes
SHINE-COVID 19 & MEDICARE PRESENTATION                    the students, parents, teach-
                                                          ers and staff at Silver Palms
Description: Designed to help explain how Medicare        Elementary School,” said
coverage related to COVID-19 is being handled.            Intern Principal Shannon Schreidell.    to commemorate their success. The
                                                             Teamwork makes the dream work        PTA parents have been instrumental
                                                          is not just a cliché at Silver Palms.   in helping to decorate the front of the
                                                          The support the school’s parents        school and provide rewards for the
SHINE PART C-Medicare Advantage Presentation
                                                          have given teachers and students        students during the celebrations.
Description: Provides an overview of Medicare             has been unwavering. “They go out          “Seeing our families drive through
Advantage options available in Florida.                   of their way daily to ensure that our   with cars vibrantly decorated with
                                                          students have their materials and the   balloons, streamers, and congratu-
                                                          support they need to be successful,”    lations signs, hearing the cheers
                                                          added Schreidell. “They truly have      and honking horns brought such
SHINE Medicare 101 Presentation                           become teaching partners with our       joy to our school community,” said
Description: Provides an overview of the different        teachers in the endeavor to guaran-     Schreidell. “Even more exciting are
                                                          tee our students continue to grow in    the smiles and pride we see on our
parts of Medicare including Parts A, B, C, D, Medigap,
                                                          the midst of the challenges we face     children’s faces when they collect
and available financial assistance                        resulting from COVID-19 and the         their awards. We love to celebrate
                                                          impact it has had on the traditional    our students’ success.”
                                                          learning environment.”                     Engaging in service is also a prior-
                                                             Celebrating students’ success has    ity for all of the students. Recently,
SHINE Financial Assistance Presentation
                                                          not been impacted by current circum-    the students participated in the
Description: A concise presentation of MSP (Medicare      stances. The school continues to hold   service project A Day of Love and
Savings Plans) and LIS (Low Income Subsidy)               Honor Roll Drive-by Celebrations        Service by creating beautiful and
programs.                                                                                                thoughtful cards for local
                                                                                                         healthcare workers and the law
                                                                                                         enforcement agency to show
                                                                                                         their love and appreciation for
 To register for any of these presentations or for more                                                  all they’ve done to help keep
  information please email                                                         everyone healthy and safe.
                                                                                                            Continuing to foster kindness
                                                                                                         and celebrate diversity, while
     SMP- (in English)        SMP- (en Espanol)                                                          delivering high quality instruc-
                                                                                                         tion that prepares students for
                                                                                                         life inspires the students to be-
                                                                                                         come vital members of a happy
                                                                                                         healthy community, are top
                                                                                                         priorities for all the teachers,
                                                                                                         staff, parents and students.
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021      Pembroke Pines City Connect        Page   8

City Dedicates Street Studio 18: Taking Flight
   The City of Pembroke Pines recent-                                                 Produced by Studio 18 in the Pines    look at an object or a problem from a
ly dedicated a street at the intersec-                                             and presented by the City of Pem-        different angle, and see new possibili-
tion of Taft Street and NW 125 Ave.                                                broke Pines, residents are encouraged    ties that were out of sight before.
to honor the memories of Alexandra                                                 to experience a new virtual exhibition      Taking Flight: A Change in Per-
Abrahams, 14, and Cassie Tianna                                                    called “Taking Flight: A Change in       spective explores the possibilities
Torres, 15, who tragically lost their                                              Perspective” beginning May 28 and        created with changes in perspective.
lives in two separate traffic fatalities.                                          running through July 14, 2021.           Artists and photographers share their
   Alexandra Abrahams and Cassie                                                      Perception of the world is based      work, taking people high above the
Tianna Torres were both students at                                                on the angle or direction in which an    Earth and deep within themselves
Charles W. Flanagan High School and                                                object is looked at and the way it is    as they answer the question - What
residents of the City of Pembroke Pines.                                           seen. Changing perspective by chang-     magic can we find by simply adjust-
                                               Alexandra was struck by a driver    ing a position in physical space or by   ing our point of view?
                                            on October 20, 2011 at the intersec-   changing the way in which some-             To view please go to www.ppines.
                                            tion of Taft Street and NW 125 Ave.    thing is viewed means anyone can         com\studio18.
                                            Cassie was struck by a driver on
                                            November 12, 2018 while riding her
                                            bicycle at the intersection of Taft
                                            Street and NW 125 Ave.
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect       Page   9

Stay Connected                                                                     Global Scholars at Silver Trail
   The city’s website at www.ppines.
com is the place to go if you are
looking for the latest information
                                                                                   Middle School
about what is happening in the City                                                   Silver Trail Middle School’s Global
of Pembroke Pines. Use the Google                                                  Scholars are fully engaged in their
                                                                                                                             and exports with a focus on global
style SEARCH bar, scroll down to                                                   study of people and concerns around
                                                                                                                             trade. Students are learning just how
News Flash, click on the calendar, or                                              the world. These scholars have even
                                                                                                                             much orange juice production has
check out the tabs listed at the top                                               enjoyed face to face conversations
                                                                                                                             changed since 2007 with most of the
of the website. There are also many                                                with students in Spain. Mrs. Green’s
                                                                                                                             orange juice produced in Florida ac-
informational specialty sections such                                              students participated in virtual visits
                                                                                                                             tually coming from oranges imported
as,                                                     to Barcelona, in November and De-
                                                                                                                             from Brazil. The students will learn and                                                       cember, while Mrs. Louis’ class con-
                                                                                                                             about the timeline regarding how
Mental Health and Public Notice                                                    nected with students from Madrid,
                                         also live streamed on the city’s You-                                               long it takes for manufactured goods
sections that feature very helpful                                                 most recently in February.                to reach the U.S. from global partners
                                         Tube page. We welcome everyone to
resource links.                                                                       The students had an opportunity        and who decides on trades.
                                         subscribe to the city’s YouTube chan-
   Social media is also a great option                                             to share details about the weather,          Before the unit ends, they also will
                                         nel, which is free, to ensure exciting
to see what’s happening in the city                                                their schools and how holiday             be conducting a survey to find out
                                         events aren’t missed.
and the community. “Like” our Face-                                                celebrations had changed due to CO-       how the Pembroke Pines commu-
                                            Information is also sent from the
book page at                                                     VID-19 restrictions in both countries.    nity feels about over consumption.
                                         City to local newspapers, television
cityofpembrokepines and follow us                                                  They learned how different the win-       Residents are encouraged to visit the
                                         stations and radio stations to keep
on Instagram and Twitter @cityofp-                                                 ter holiday celebrations are and how      Silver Trail Website (browardschools.
                                         residents informed.
pines. The City can also be found on        Another way to stay informed           similar the restrictions are in both      com/silvertrail) for the survey link.
NextDoor at City of Pembroke Pines.      that is free and easy to sign up for      countries. They especially enjoyed           Local connections were also made
   Residents can tune their television   is Notify Me on the city’s website,       sharing information about how they        to ask questions and clarify research
to Pines Media TV which creates          as well as registering for CodeRED.       have learned to live more sustainable     done in areas of environmental
programming for all ages and covers      To register for CodeRED, please text      lives. Students in Pembroke Pines         concern. Mrs. Louis’ students inter-
city meetings. Pines Media TV can        PPinesAlerts to 99411 or simply sign      shared information about the city’s       viewed personnel from Florida Pow-
be seen locally on Comcast Channel       up on the city’s website – click on the   recycling program, and students in        er and Light regarding sustainable
78, and on AT&T U-verse by finding       Alerts button just below the homep-       Barcelona shared how they have to         energy. And, Mrs. Green’s students
Channel 99 and clicking on Pembroke      age photo. These are two notification     actually sign up for bins if they want    connected with a representative from
Pines Media. Commission Meetings         systems that will send emails, text       to recycle in their city. They both       the Broward County’s Waste Man-
are live streamed for convenience.       messages or calls (CodeRED) regard-       discovered that ordering online from      agement and Recycling Department.
   Short videos of what’s happening      ing important information.                Amazon and other online sites can            Silver Trail’s Global Scholars Proj-
throughout the city are also posted         If you prefer to read City Connect     create a large amount of cardboard        ects will continue to provide students
on the city’s YouTube page at www.       on your phone or computer, digital        and plastic packaging.                    with unique opportunities of research- under Pembroke Pines         versions in both English and Spanish         Their new unit of study has stu-       ing, communicating and collaborating
Media. Commission Meetings are           can be found at           dents investigating product imports       locally and around the world.
Traffic Boxes: Fun Public Art - Pembroke Pines, FL
April-May 2021        Pembroke Pines City Connect                Page     10

                                   City of Pembroke Pines - Carl Shechter Southwest Focal Point Community Center
                                                         301 NW 103rd Avenue | Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 | (954) 450-6888

                                                                 Virtual (LIVE) Class Schedules APRIL/MAY 2021
        MONDAY                           TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                       THURSDAY                         FRIDAY                     SATURDAY
       LIVE: Zumba Gold              LIVE: Chair Total Fitness           LIVE: Pottery with Mr. D        LIVE: Let’s Talk with       LIVE: 20/20/20 Fitness         LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect
           with Elda                        with Carlos                      9:30am-10:30am                 Carl Shechter                   with Kim               FREE “Take Charge of Your
       9:30am-10:30am                   11:00am-12:00pm                  $35 pp - 6 weeks session         10:00am-11:30am               9:30am-10:30am                Aging Mind & Body”
         FREE ongoing                      FREE ongoing                     (4/14/21-5/19/21)               FREE ongoing                  FREE ongoing           (Saturdays) 10:30am-12:00pm
    Sponsor Baptist-via Zoom          Sponsored by Careplus                     (at SWFP*)                   (at SWFP*)             Sponsored by Sole Health           Call for schedules:
                                                                                                                                                                         (954) 484-7117
   LIVE: Chair Yoga with Kim        LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect            LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect    LIVE: Ageless Grace with Lana   LIVE: Healing Sounds and
       10:00am-11:00am            FREE Virtual Computer Classes             FREE iPhone Class             11:00am-12:00pm           Meditation with Audrey
          FREE ongoing              Tues & Thurs 2:00p-3:15p            Mon & Wed 10:30a-11:45a             FREE ongoing                 9:30am-10:30am
       Sponsor Caremax                  Call for schedules:                 Call for schedules:         Sponsored by Humana                FREE ongoing
                                         (954) 484-7117                      (954) 484-7117                                         Sponsor Baptist-via Zoom
    LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect                                              LIVE: Salsa with Scott    LIVE: Watercolor with Daniel    LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect
        FREE iPhone Class                                                   11:00am-12:00pm               12:30pm-1:30pm             FREE Computer Classes
   Mon & Wed 10:30a-11:45a                                                    FREE ongoing            $20 pp – 6 weeks session       Call SoFIA for schedules:
        Call for schedules:                                                Sponsored by Aetna           (4/15/21 – 5/20/21)               (954) 484-7117
          (954) 484-7117
    LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect                                            LIVE: Floral Arranging        LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect        LIVE: Acrylic Painting
  FREE Virtual Computer Classes                                      11am-1pm (2nd and 4th Wed)     FREE Virtual Computer Classes          with Daniel
    Mon & Wed 2:00p-3:15p                                                   $20 per class             Tues & Thurs 2:00p-3:15p          10:00am-11:00am
        Call for schedules:                                                   (at SWFP*)                  Call for schedules:       $20 pp – 6 weeks session
          (954) 484-7117                                                                                   (954) 484-7117              (4/16/21 – 5/21/21)
        LIVE: Bingo Mania                                             LIVE: SoFIA Tech Connect
 2:00p-4:00p (2nd & 4th Monday)                                     FREE Virtual Computer Classes
       $20 pp – per month                                              Mon & Wed 2:00p-3:15p
            (at SWFP*)                                                    Call for schedules:
                                                                            (954) 484-7117
                                                                      LIVE: Spanish with Daniel
                                                                       $20 pp – 6 weeks session
                                                                      LIVE: Drawing with Daniel
                                                                       $20 pp – 6 weeks session
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect      Page   11

Home Fire Sprinkler Week                                                             Semana de los aspersores
   Did you know a house fire can
become deadly in as little as two min-
utes? Fires can spread quickly and can
                                          tools like smoke alarms are critical.
                                             So how do home fire sprinklers
                                          work? It’s not like what is seen on
                                                                                    contra incendios en el hogar
grow quickly due to the varied items      television and movies where they             ¿Sabía que un incendio en una         baterías deben cambiarse cuando se
we now have in our homes. Much of         all activate simultaneously and the       casa puede volverse letal en tan         cambian los relojes.
our furniture and other belongings        house is left drenched in water. Each     solo dos minutos? Los incendios             También es importante asegura-
are made of plastic and other synthet-    fire sprinkler has its own temper-        pueden propagarse rápidamente            rse de que usted y su familia tengan
ics that are likely to burn faster in a   ature-sensitive part which is com-        y pueden crecer rápidamente              un plan de escape y practicarlo con
fire, as well as produce deadly smoke.    posed of a fusible link. This fusible     debido a la variedad de artículos        regularidad con los miembros de
Other factors that aid the rapid          link is what holds the water. When        que tenemos ahora en nuestros            la familia. Los rociadores contra
growth of a fire in homes include         there is a fire, the high heat from the   hogares. Gran parte de nuestros          incendios funcionan como supresión
lightweight building materials, open      fire is what causes that part to break    muebles y otras pertenencias están       y pueden apagar un incendio en un
design concepts, and flooring.            open. The fire sprinkler closest to the   hechos de plástico y otros materiales    minuto y medio o menos, pero los
   According to the National Fire         fire activates when it reaches 135-165    sintéticos que probablemente se          planes y otras herramientas como las
Protection Association (NFPA), over       degrees, and water will start flowing.    quemen más rápido en un incendio,        alarmas de humo son fundamentales.
80% of fire deaths occur in the home.     This sprinkler should control the fire.   además de producir un humo                  Entonces, ¿cómo funcionan los
Home fire sprinklers can save lives          Fire sprinklers are not activated by   letal. Otros factores que ayudan al      aspersores contra incendios domésti-
and property from fire; they respond      smoke alarms, steam, smoke, or other      rápido crecimiento de un incendio        cos? No es como lo que se ve en la
quickly and effectively and often         vapors. There is far less damage from     en las casas incluyen materiales de      televisión y las películas donde todos
extinguish the fire before the fire de-   a fire in a home with fire sprinklers     construcción livianos, conceptos de      se activan simultáneamente y la casa
partment arrives. To bring attention      versus the one without. Fire, heat,       diseño abierto y suelos.                 queda empapada de agua. Cada
to the importance of home sprinklers,     smoke, and high-pressure water from          Según la Asociación Nacional de       aspersor contra incendios tiene su
the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition         Fire Department hoses can cause           Protección contra Incendios (NFPA        propia parte sensible a la tempera-
and the NFPA will celebrate Home          greater damage. Home fire sprinklers      por sus siglas en inglés), más del       tura que se compone de un enlace
Fire Sprinkler Week this year during      are affordable and easy to maintain.      80% de las muertes por incendios         fusible. Este enlace fusible es lo que
May 16-22, 2021.                             For more information regarding         ocurren en el hogar. Los aspersores      contiene el agua. Cuando hay un
   In addition to sprinklers, a home      Home Fire Sprinklers, please visit        contra incendios domésticos pu-          incendio, el calor intenso del fuego
safe from fire also means having       eden salvar vidas y propiedades del      es lo que hace que esa parte se abra.
working smoke alarms that serve           sprinkler-facts/ or https://www.nfpa.     fuego; responden rápida y eficaz-        El rociador contra incendios más
as an early warning. Smoke alarms         org/Public-Education/Staying-safe/                                                 cercano al fuego se activa cuando
                                                                                    mente y con frecuencia extinguen el
should be installed inside every bed-     Safety-equipment/Home-fire-sprinklers
                                                                                            fuego antes de que llegue el     alcanza los 135-165 grados y el agua
room, outside every
                                                                                            departamento de bomberos.        comienza a fluir. Este aspersor de-
sleeping area and
                                                                                            Para llamar la atención sobre    bería controlar el fuego.
on every level of
                                                                                            la importancia de los asper-        Los aspersores contra incendios
your home. Smoke
                                                                                            sores domésticos, la Coalición   no se activan con detectores de
alarms should
                                                                                            de Aspersores contra Incen-      humo, vapor, humo u otros gases.
be tested once a
month and batter-                                                                           dios Domésticos y la NFPA        Hay mucho menos daño por un
ies changed when                                                                            celebrarán la Semana de los      incendio en una casa con aspersores
clocks are changed.                                                                         Rociadores contra Incendios      contra incendios en comparación
   It’s also impor-                                                                         Domésticos este año del 16 al    con la que no los tiene. El fuego, el
tant to ensure you                                                                          22 de mayo de 2021.              calor, el humo y el agua a alta pre-
and your fam-                                                                                  Además de los aspersores,     sión de las mangueras del Departa-
ily have an escape                                                                          una casa a salvo de incendios    mento de Bomberos pueden causar
plan, and practice                                                                          también significa tener detec-   daños mayores. Los aspersores
the escape plan                                                                             tores de humo que funcionen      contra incendios domésticos son ac-
regularly with fam-                                                                         como una advertencia tem-        cesibles y fáciles de mantener.
ily members. Fire                                                                           prana. Las alarmas de humo          Para obtener más información
Sprinklers work as                                                                          deben instalarse dentro de       sobre los aspersores contra incendios
suppression and                                                                             cada dormitorio, fuera de        domésticos, visite https://homefire-
can put out a fire                                                                          cada área para dormir y en o
in one and a half                                                                           todos los niveles de su hogar.
minutes or less, but                                                                        Las alarmas de humo deben        tion/Staying-safe/Safety-equipment/
plans and other                                                                             probarse una vez al mes y las    Home-fire-sprinklers
April-May 2021       Pembroke Pines City Connect         Page   12

Local Rotary Club Donates Books Club Rotario local dona libros
   The Rotary Club of Miramar-Pines           in which the Rotary Club could             El Club Rotario de Miramar-Pines        la Sra. Bell para analizar las formas
has long been promoting reading in            help regarding reading and books.       lleva mucho tiempo promoviendo la          en que el Club Rotario podría ayudar
its service area as Rotary International      Principal Bell outlined the need for    lectura en su área de servicio, ya que     con respecto a la lectura y los libros.
has literacy as one of its six areas of fo-   classroom libraries throughout the      Rotarios Internacional tiene la alfabet-   La directora Bell destacó la necesidad
cus. As part of this, the Club has been       school. So, with proceeds received      ización como una de sus seis áreas de      de bibliotecas en los salones de clases
providing holiday books for every             from participation in a Rotary Dis-     interés. Como parte de esto, el Club       en toda la escuela. Por lo tanto, con
student in several local schools, allow-      trict 4 fundraising event, the Rotary   ha estado proporcionando libros de
ing students to select a book of his/her                                                                                         las ganancias obtenidas de la partici-
                                              Club of Miramar-Pines presented the     vacaciones para todos los estudiantes
choice for reading over a recess period.                                                                                         pación en un evento de recaudación
                                              school with 12 classroom libraries,     en varias escuelas locales, lo que les
   This year, due to the COVID-19                                                                                                de fondos del Distrito Rotario 4,
                                              each containing 100 books.              permite a los estudiantes seleccionar
pandemic, the selection process dif-                                                                                             el Club Rotario de Miramar-Pines
                                                 Rotary is a global network of 1.2    un libro de su elección para leer du-
fered, but the effort continued so that                                                                                          entregó a la escuela 12 bibliotecas de
                                              million people and 35,000+ clubs        rante un período de receso.
students didn’t miss out on the gift                                                                                             aula, cada una con 100 libros.
                                              with a mission to provide service          Este año, debido a la pandemia de
of a book. Natasha Bell, principal of                                                                                               Rotarios es una red global de 1.2
                                              to others, promote integrity, and       COVID-19, el proceso de selección
Pembroke Pines Elementary hosted                                                                                                 millones de personas y más de 35,000
a Saturday event which included a             advance world understanding,            fue diferente, pero el esfuerzo con-
                                              goodwill and peace through the fel-                                                clubes con la misión de brindar servi-
drive through parade for parents and                                                  tinuó para que los estudiantes no se
                                              lowship of businesses, professional                                                cio a los demás, promover la integ-
their children, music, decorations,                                                   perdieran el regalo de un libro. Nata-
and gift bundles of the books, can-           and community leaders. Paul Har-        sha Bell, directora de la escuela pri-     ridad y el entendimiento mundial,
dies, and other items for every child         ris, a Chicago attorney, formed the     maria de Pembroke Pines organizó           la buena voluntad y la paz a través
at the school. The event lasted the           Rotary Club of Chicago on February      un evento sabatino que incluyó un          del compañerismo de empresas,
entire morning, and an overwhelm-             23, 1905. What began as an oppor-       desfile para padres e hijos, música,       líderes profesionales y comunitarios.
ing majority of families participated.        tunity for professionals with diverse   decoraciones y paquetes de regalos         Paul Harris, un abogado de Chicago,
   Another literacy project took              backgrounds to exchange ideas and       de libros, dulces y otros artículos        formó el Club Rotario de Chicago el
center stage when the Rotary Club             form lifelong friendships, over time    para cada niño en la escuela. El even-     23 de febrero de 1905. Lo que comen-
contacted Mrs. Bell to discuss ways           extended to humanitarian service.       to duró toda la mañana y participó         zó como una oportunidad para que
                                                                                      una gran mayoría de familias.              profesionales de diversos orígenes in-
                                                                                         Otro proyecto de alfabetización         tercambiaran ideas y formaran amis-
                                                                                      tuvo un papel protagónico cuando el        tades para toda la vida, con el tiempo
                                                                                      Club Rotario se puso en contacto con       se extendió al servicio humanitario.
April-May 2021     Pembroke Pines City Connect      Page   13

       Older Americans Month                                                       Mes de los Americanos Mayores
   Every May since                                      and stay engaged in           Cada mayo desde 1963, la Admin-
1963, the Administra-                                   the world around us.       istración para la Vida Comunitaria
tion for Community                                      Social isolation and       (ACL por sus siglas en inglés) lidera
Living (ACL) leads our                                  loneliness can have a      la observancia del Mes de los Ameri-
nation’s observance                                     devastating impact on      canos Mayores en nuestra nación. El
of Older Americans                                      a person’s health and      tema para 2021 es “Comunidades de
Month. The theme for                                    well-being. According      fuerza”. Ha sido un momento difícil
2021 is “Communities                                    to the ACL, a recent       para todos, pero especialmente para      bienestar de una persona. Según la
of Strength.” It’s been                                 study found that           los adultos mayores en el manejo         ACL, un estudio reciente encontró
a difficult time for ev-                                social isolation can be    de los desafíos que la pandemia de       que el aislamiento social puede ser
eryone, but especially                                  as bad for a person’s      COVID-19 desató en todas las comu-       tan malo para la salud de una per-
older adults in han-                                    health as smoking 15       nidades. El tema de este año se centra   sona como fumar 15 cigarrillos al día.
dling the challenges                                    cigarettes a day.          en que los adultos mayores sean             Como parte del Mes de los Ameri-
that the COVID-19                                          As part of Older        resistentes y fuertes, destacando sus    canos Mayores, hay un enfoque
pandemic unleashed                                      American’s Month,          historias, logros y contribuciones que   especial en “conectarse” de manera
throughout all com-                                     there is a special focus   ayudan a apoyar e inspirar a otros.      segura. Las personas de todas las
munities. This year’s theme focuses    on “connecting” safely. People of              A lo largo del Mes de los Ameri-      edades y capacidades están luchando
on older adults being resilient and    all ages and abilities are struggling       canos Mayores, se anima a todos a cel-   como resultado del distanciamiento
strong, highlighting their stories,    as a result of physical distancing,         ebrar la fuerza de los adultos mayores   físico, pero muchos adultos may-
achievements and contributions that    but many older adults, people with          y encontrar una manera segura de         ores, personas con discapacidades y
help to support and inspire others.    disabilities and others who are at          conectarse con ellos, incluso en este    otras personas que corren un mayor
   Throughout Older Americans          increased risk from COVID-19 are            momento de distanciamiento social.       riesgo de contraer COVID-19 están
Month everyone is encouraged           particularly feeling the weight of             Mantener la distancia física de los   sintiendo particularmente el peso del
to celebrate the strength of older     social isolation. Everyone is encour-       demás es clave para ayudar a preve-      aislamiento social. Se anima a todos
adults and find a safe way to con-     aged to safely make sure they are ok,       nir la propagación del COVID-19, sin     a asegurarse de que estén bien y a
nect with them, even in this time      and help them connect to services and       embargo, también es importante en-       ayudarlos a conectarse a los servicios
of social distancing.                  resources they may need.                    contrar formas de conectarse con los     y recursos que puedan necesitar.
   Keeping physical distance from         The Carl Shechter Southwest Fo-          demás, especialmente con los adultos        El Centro Comunitario Carl Shech-
others is key to helping prevent       cal Point Community Center offers           mayores que pueden estar aislados        ter Southwest Focal Point ofrece mu-
the spread of COVID-19, however,       many virtual classes and opportuni-         y mantenerse comprometidos con el        chas clases virtuales y oportunidades
it also is important to find ways to   ties to virtually connect with others.      mundo que nos rodea. El aislamiento      para conectarse virtualmente con
connect to others, especially with     For more information, please call the       social y la soledad pueden tener un      otros. Para obtener más información,
older adults who may be isolated,      Center at 954-450-6888.                     impacto devastador en la salud y el      llame al Centro al 954-450-6888.

                                                                                                                 REMEMBERING OUR VETERANS
                                                                                                                  EVERY DAY OF EVERY YEAR
                                                                                                                Memorial Bricks
                                                                                                                 4” x 8” - $50
                                                                                                                 8” x 8” - $95
                                                                                                                      To purchase your bricks
                                                                                                                 go to our city site and order today
                                                                                                                Call for more information: 954-392-2127
April-May 2021      Pembroke Pines City Connect        Page    14

The Broward Animal Care Intros                                                   #9PMRoutine                                   Campaña #9PMRoutine
Virtual Shelter                        more about the pet and make
                                       an informed decision about the             Campaign
                                                                                                                                  Los asaltos y robos de vehículos son
                                                                                                                               a menudo delitos de oportunidad en
                                       animal they wish to adopt.                                                              los que los ladrones se aprovechan de
   Broward County’s Animal Care
                                          The “Virtual Shelter” will also                                                      las puertas no aseguradas para robar
and Adoption has developed a
                                       offer detailed information on At                                                        artículos que se dejan desatendidos o
new “Virtual Shelter” which of-
                                       Risk and Urgent pets, who need                                                          a la vista. El Departamento de Policía
fers detailed information about
                                       immediate or special care.                                                              de Pembroke Pines se ha unido a los
all the dogs and cats located at                                                                                               departamentos de policía de todo el
                                          “We are very excited to intro-
the Adoption Center.                                                                                                           país en una campaña de seguridad
                                       duce our Virtual Shelter,” said
   In addition to standard pet                                                                                                 pública destinada a promover estrate-
                                       Emily Wood, Director, Animal
details such as age, weight, and                                                                                               gias de prevención del delito para
                                       Care and Adoption. “The more
breed, the new “Virtual Shelter”                                                    Vehicle burglaries and thefts are          reducir y prevenir estos robos. Esta
                                       information an adopter has about
complements the traditional            a dog or cat, the more confident         often crimes of opportunity where              campaña, conocida como # 9PMRou-
listing of pets by providing           they will feel about their selec-        thieves take advantage of unsecured            tine, alienta a los residentes a realizar
up-to-date detailed medical and        tion. It is our goal to ensure that      doors to steal items left unattended or        controles de seguridad de sus vehícu-
behavioral information for each        every pet in our care finds a per-       out in plain view. The Pembroke Pines          los todas las noches para garantizar
shelter dog and cat.                   manent home. The Virtual Shelter         Police Department has joined police            que su propiedad esté segura.
   Potential adopters will be able     will play an important role in           departments throughout the country                Se anima a los residentes partici-
to select a special search icon to     making that happen.”                     in a public safety campaign aimed at           pantes a programar un recordatorio a
see all the notes in the pet’s re-        For more information and              promoting crime prevention strategies          las 9 p.m. cada noche para asegurarse de
cord as submitted by shelter staff.    the Virtual Shelter listing, please      to reduce and prevent these thefts. This       que se completen las siguientes tareas:
The information will give poten-       visit       campaign, known as the #9PMRoutine,               • Los objetos de valor de los vehícu-
tial adopters the ability to learn     mal/adoptions/Pages/Default.aspx.        encourages residents to conduct securi-        los (incluidas las llaves de repuesto,
                                                                                ty checks of their vehicles each evening       las armas de fuego y los controles de

 El Refugio Virtual del Centro de                                               to ensure their property is secure.
                                                                                    Participating residents are encour-
                                                                                aged to set a reminder at 9 p.m. each
                                                                                                                               garaje) sean llevados adentro.
                                                                                                                                  • Las puertas y ventanas de los ve-
                                                                                                                               hículos estén cerradas y aseguradas.
 Cuidado Animales de Broward                                                    night to ensure that the following tasks
                                                                                are completed:
                                                                                                                                  • Las puertas del garaje estén cerra-
                                                                                                                               das y aseguradas.
   El Centro de Adopción y Cui-        informada sobre el animal que            • Valuables from vehicles (including              • Los sistemas de alarma estén
dado de Animales del Condado           desean adoptar.                             spare keys, firearms, and garage            habilitados.
de Broward ha desarrollado un             El “Refugio Virtual” también             openers) are brought inside.                   Si bien el Departamento de Policía
nuevo “Refugio Virtual” que of-        ofrecerá información detallada           • Vehicle doors and windows are                de Pembroke Pines patrulla de manera
rece información detallada sobre       sobre mascotas en Riesgo y Ur-              locked and secured.                         proactiva los vecindarios y centros
todos los perros y gatos ubicados      gentes, que necesitan cuidados           • Garage doors are closed and secured.         comerciales locales para disuadir
en el Centro de Adopción.              inmediatos o especiales.                 • Alarm systems are enabled.                   los asaltos y robos de vehículos, los
   Además de los detalles es-             “Estamos muy emocionados                  While the Pembroke Pines Police            esfuerzos del departamento se ven re-
tándar de las mascotas, como la        de presentar nuestro Refugio             Department proactively patrols local           forzados por la participación activa de
edad, el peso y la raza, el nuevo      Virtual”, dijo Emily Wood,               neighborhoods and shopping centers             los residentes. Cuando los residentes
“Refugio Virtual” complementa          Directora del Centro de Cuidado          to deter vehicle burglaries and thefts,        llaman para denunciar una actividad
la lista tradicional de mascotas al    y Adopción de Animales. “Cu-             the department’s efforts are enhanced          sospechosa, no solo ayudan a la policía,
proporcionar información médica        anta más información tenga un            by the active involvement of resi-             sino que también ayudan a que sus
y de comportamiento detallada          adoptante sobre un perro o un            dents. When residents call to report           vecindarios sean un lugar más seguro
y actualizada para cada perro y        gato, más confianza tendrá sobre         suspicious activity, they aid not only         para vivir y trabajar. Los residentes que
gato del refugio.                      su selección. Nuestro objetivo es        the police but help make their neigh-          observen personas, vehículos o activi-
   Los posibles adoptantes             asegurarnos de que cada mascota          borhoods a safer place to live and work.       dades sospechosas deben notificar a la
podrán seleccionar un ícono            bajo nuestro cuidado encuentre           Residents observing suspicious per-            policía a través del 9-1-1 para emergen-
de búsqueda especial para ver          un hogar permanente. El refugio          sons, vehicles, or activity should notify      cias o al 954-764-HELP para situaciones
todas las notas en el registro de la   virtual jugará un papel impor-           police via 9-1-1 for emergencies, or 954-      que no son emergencias.
mascota tal como las envió el per-     tante para que eso suceda”.              764-HELP for non-emergencies.                     El departamento de policía alienta a
sonal del refugio. La información         Para obtener más información y            The police department encourages all       todos los residentes a participar en esta
les dará a los posibles adoptantes     la lista de refugios virtuales, visite   residents to take part in this crime preven-   campaña de prevención del crimen y
la capacidad de saber más sobre          tion campaign, and make the #9PMRou-           hacer de #9PMRoutine una parte regu-
la mascota y tomar una decisión        adoptions/Pages/Default.aspx.            tine a regular part of their schedules.        lar de sus horarios.
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