Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...

Page created by Sara Love
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
Greater Bendigo
August 2020       Piinpi

                         Love your local

                       Bendigo Invention
                    + Innovation Festival
                         brings optimism

                                   SECTION HERE   1
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
8                   CONTENTS
                                                                              4 	Love your local
                                                                              5     The City of Greater Bendigo 2020/2021 Budget
                                                                              6     Adapting to change
                                                                                    Bendigo Town Hall to return to original colour

                                                                              7     BARC celebrates first birthday
                                                                              	Deadline extended to register backyard pools
                                                                                and spas
                                                                              8     Become a foster carer
                                                                              10 	Sharing the road with heavy vehicles
                                                                              11    Recycling at its best
                                                                              12    Swept up with pride
                                                                              13    What's in the works?

                                                                              14 	City plans new Bendigo Botanic Gardens Central
                                                                                   Hub Precinct
                                                                              	Friends celebrating 20 years of volunteering
                                                                                in 2020
                                                                              15    Na-na-na-na bat facts!
                                                                              16    Read all about it!
                                                                              17    Local organisations advance gender equity
                                                                                    Life in lockdown

16               Greater Bendigo
                 August 2020
                                     P iinpi
                                                                              18 	Committee life
                                                                                    GB quiz!
                                                                                    Spring Gully, a place worth writing about
                                                                              22    Save money and the planet with cloth nappies

                                                                              23    Bendigo’s city centre to benefit from development
                                                                                    Business webinars support local industry
                                                                              24 	Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings
                                                Love your local

                                               Bendigo Invention              WARD NEWS
                                            + Innovation Festival
                                                 brings optimism              26 	Councillors – a term in reflection
                                                                              29    Do you want to be a Councillor?

                                                           SECTION HERE   1

                                                                              ACTIVE AND HEALTHY
                                                                              30    Get your skate on at Epsom
          ON THE COVER: Piinpi: Contemporary Indigenous                       	Want to go for a nice ride?
          Fashion at the Bendigo Art Gallery.
          Read more on page 34.                                               31 	Hockey precinct redevelopment completed
                                                                              	A new look for Ewing Park
                                                                              32    Census reveals we love to walk
                                                                              	Residents embrace walking and cycling during

                                                             33                 COVID-19 restrictions

                                                                              33 	Art brings city to life
                                                                              	3 for free!
                                                                              34 	Exhibition to showcase contemporary Indigenous
                                                                              35 	Save the date - NAIDOC week to take place in
                                                                              	Stories from the Dja Dja Wurrung people in new
                                                                                art project for Bendigo

Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
Looking good Bendigo!
                                                                                                                                                            Have you got a great photo of
                                                                                                                                                            Bendigo? Submit your image
                                                                                                                                                            to gbmag@bendigo.vic.gov.au
                                                                                                                                                            and you might just see it
                                                                                                                                                            featured here next edition.

The time has come for me to start saying       jobs for Greater Bendigo. This work is well     I think engagement with our rural                As our Council term comes to an end
my farewells for this Council term.            underway, particularly with the planning        communities over this term of Council has        Greater Bendigo is facing its greatest
                                               approval for a new hotel for Hargreaves         really improved, with ward tours regularly       test, COVID-19. There is no quick fix to
It’s been an amazing four years and to
                                               Mall, the lantern conversions underway to       taking place in our rural communities            the economic mess it has created but
have been your Mayor this entire time has
                                               create new business opportunities in the        and Councillors making the time to               supporting local businesses is one way
been a privilege and it has truly caused
                                               Mall, and the attraction of events that help    hold listening posts in our small towns          we can all do our bit. Our 2020/2021
me to pinch myself many times – yes,
                                               to activate the city centre and bring people    and villages. The Rural Communities              Budget includes a range of capital works
it has really happened and I could not
                                               into it. The continued work on the Mining       Committee has helped Council to                  projects that will employ local contractors
have been more proud and honoured to
                                               Exchange is also exciting and will give this    understand more about the needs of               and funding to attract events to Greater
represent the people of Greater Bendigo.
                                               iconic building a new lease on life.            rural residents.                                 Bendigo. The $300M worth of major
Wherever I went, to community events,                                                                                                           construction projects in our city centre,
                                               The Bendigo GovHub will be a game               For me, personal highlights have included
meetings with ministers, the Premier or                                                                                                         the Bendigo TAFE redevelopment, new
                                               changer. It will bring an additional 600        the arrival and debut of Dai Gum Loong
Deputy Prime Minister, meeting famous                                                                                                           Bendigo Law Courts and Bendigo
                                               workers into central Bendigo and create         at the 2019 Bendigo Easter Festival and
visitors to Bendigo or my travels further                                                                                                       GovHub, will also be essential to helping
                                               100 new jobs, leading to greater activation     leading our citizenship ceremonies. These
afield, the comments about our city and                                                                                                         us recover.
                                               by more people walking around and               ceremonies are the most joyous occasions
region were always positive, optimistic
                                               shopping. This development signals              and it is a privilege to have a role in          Finally, I would like to thank the
and encouraging.
                                               confidence to others and we are already         helping these residents become Australian        Councillors for their commitment to the
When I look back, this Council has had the     seeing planning applications for private        citizens. Also, Meet the Mayor meetings          role. It is both rewarding and challenging,
joy of seeing a number of major projects       sector investment.                              have been very popular and I hope helpful        but most of all it is a great honour to serve
through to completion but the decision                                                         for the people that have come to see me,         the people of Greater Bendigo.
                                               The new Greater Bendigo Industrial
making and hard yards to attract funding                                                       and meeting our friends in Maubisse
                                               Land Development Strategy will also                                                              Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke
were done over many years by successive                                                        and seeing first-hand the work that the
                                               help ensure a strong local economy
Councils. We now can’t imagine life                                                            Bendigo community has supported over
                                               into the future and support our thriving
without Gurri Wanyarra Wellbeing Centre,                                                       many years was very special.
                                               manufacturing sector to expand and help
the expanded Bendigo Stadium or the new
                                               attract new businesses to the region.
Bendigo Airport runway, which ultimately
allowed us to attract the Bendigo to           A number of strategic plans adopted
Sydney return Qantas flights!                  by this Council will drive generational             CONTACT THE CITY OF GREATER BENDIGO
                                               change for the presentation of our city and
Celebrating the opening of the Bendigo
                                               region and for our community, particularly          Main office                                  Website
Botanic Gardens Garden for the Future
                                               Greening Greater Bendigo, the Bendigo               15 Hopetoun Street, Bendigo                  www.bendigo.vic.gov.au
and now securing funding for the central
                                               City Centre Plan, Food Systems Strategy,            Postal                                       After hours/emergency number
hub to complete this valuable green
                                               Reimagining Bendigo Creek, Gender Equity            PO Box 733, Bendigo 3552                     5434 6000
oasis will be a project this Council will be
                                               Strategy, Greater CREATIVE Bendigo and              Telephone
passing onto the next.                                                                                                                          Operating hours
                                                     All Ages All Abilities Action Plan.           5434 6000                                    8.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
We were also pleased to see
                                                        Establishing a Youth Council               Hearing or speech impaired?                  Follow us
projects like the Soldiers                                                                         Call via National Relay Service on 133 677
                                                         has also been particularly
Memorial Institute upgrade
                                                          important to this Council and it         Email
and expansion, Bendigo
                                                           is wonderful to have the voice          requests@bendigo.vic.gov.au
Tennis Centre expansion and
                                                            of young people in Council
Eaglehawk Regional Play
                                                             decision making. I hope
Space come to fruition.
                                                                  this is an initiative that
                                                                                                   Want to read this document in an alternative format? The City is committed to
When I originally stood                                             continues and future           providing documents that are easy to read for all. If you would like to read the
for Council, my focus                                                  generations remain          magazine in an alternative format e.g. large print or text only, contact Customer
was on improving                                                        engaged with Local         Service on 5434 6000 or requests@bendigo.vic.gov.au and we will endeavour to service
our city centre                                                          Government.               your request in the quickest time possible.
and securing new

                                                                                                                                                                                     NEWS       3
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
                                                                                                       Why not take
                                                                                                       Love Your Loca

                                                                                                       challenge and
                                                                                                                      see how
                                                                                                       many of these
                                                                                                      you can tick off
                                                                                                      it's safe to do
                                                                                                         Buy a coffee
                                                                                                        Visit Golden
                                                                                                        Dragon Museum
                                                                                                       Get your nails
                                                                                                       Get your hair cu
                                                                                                       Visit the Great
                                                                                                      Stupa of Unive
                                                                                                      Buy a birthday
                                                                                                       Go down Centr
                                                                                                      Deborah Gold
                                                                                                      Go out for lunc
                                                                                                      Learn something
                                                                                                     new at the
                                                                                                     Discovery, Scie
                                                                                                     and Technolog
    Supporting the Love
    your Local Campaign,                                                                             Buy a piece of
    owner of Evans                                                                                   Bendigo Potter
    Shoes, Richard Evans                                                                                            y
    (above), and Barista
    Coffee van operator
    Marlene Quay (below)

    We know the economic                             favourite local businesses or love them
                                                     online if you can through a click and collect
    recovery from COVID-19 is                        or delivery service.
    going to be long.                                Also, when was the last time you visited
                                                     the Central Deborah Gold Mine, the Golden
    To help our local small businesses and           Dragon Museum, the Great Stupa, Bendigo
    great local attractions bounce back, show        Pottery or the Discovery, Science and
    them some love!                                  Technology Centre to name a few?

    Love your local café, restaurant, pub, gym,      Make a future date to experience your home
    retailer, hairdresser, beautician, market        town as a tourist and invite your friends and
    or florist. When the time is right, visit your   family to join you when it's safe to do so!

4    NEWS
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
The City of Greater Bendigo 2020/2021 Budget

 Recover and thrive
 The 2020/2021 Budget was adopted by

 Council in July. The Budget is balanced,
 optimistic and supports Greater Bendigo
 residents and businesses to recover and
 thrive following the COVID-19 pandemic,
 including $48M of capital works and
 a $200M operating budget to deliver
 essential community services.

 The Budget supports the six key                              COVID-19 Budget response package:
 goals outlined in the Greater Bendigo
                                                              The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant                Community
 Community Plan 2017-2021:                                    disruption to the Greater Bendigo economy                   • Deferral on rates payments to June 30, 2021
 • Lead and govern for all                                    and put financial strain on many households                    for residents experiencing hardship
                                                              and businesses. The City has included a
 • Wellbeing and fairness                                                                                                 • A freeze on fees and charges on a variety of
                                                              comprehensive response in the 2020/2021
 • Strengthening the economy                                                                                                facilities and services
                                                              Budget which totals $7.8M, including $4.8M
 • Presentation and managing growth                           from the State Government for 115 currently                 • Providing jobs for 115 community members
                                                              unemployed community members.                                  that are currently unemployed through a
 • Environmental sustainability
                                                                                                                             partnership with Working for Victoria
 • Embracing our culture and heritage                         Business                                                    • Staffing and financial assistance for Bendigo
                                                              • Deferral on rates payments to June 30, 2021                 Foodshare
                                                                 for businesses experiencing hardship, without
                                                                 incurring interest or late payment penalties             Advocacy
 Budget highlights:                                           • A “Love your Local” campaign to increase local           • Advocate to State and Federal Governments
                                                                 and regional spend and assist with financial                for stimulus funding for local infrastructure
 • A new pavilion at Kennington
                                                                 recovery                                                    projects and support for residents and
   Recreation Reserve (Harry Trott Oval)
 • New shade pavilion in Hargreaves Mall                      • A full waiver of various fees under the Local
                                                                 Law such as A-frame, outdoor dining and goods            • Partner with State and Federal Governments
 • Extension of organics collection service                      for display permit fees for impacted businesses             to identify ways for our community to access
   to rural towns                                                                                                            new and existing funding programs
                                                              • 50% reduction of food, health and
 • Increased tree planting program across                        accommodation registration fees for the 2021             • Continue to provide coordination and
   Greater Bendigo                                               calendar year for impacted businesses                       assistance for
 • Stage 2 of the Bendigo Town Hall renewal                                                                                  regional relief and
                                                              • Free business development webinars, in
 • Stage 1 of the Wolstencroft Reserve                                                                                       recovery efforts
                                                                 partnership with Be.Bendigo
 • New shelter and soccer pitch renewal
   at Epsom Huntly Recreation Reserve
 • Renewal of the Grevillea Road play
   space (Huntly)                                            Rates and charges:
 • Detailed design of the Heathcote Civic                    The Budget is funded by a 2 per cent rate rise, which is in line with the
   Precinct                                                  Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System. General waste charges
 • Funding for City of Gastronomy initiatives                will rise by a small amount ($8.55 for a 140L bin) and recycling and
                                                             organics will rise by 1 per cent. Waste charges cover costs, the City                             2020
                                                                                                                                                         City of Greater Bend

                                                                                                                                                           Budget 2020/20
                                                             does not raise a profit from providing waste                                                                      21
                                                                                                                                                                      Greater Bendigo
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Creating the
                                                                                                                                                                    world’s most liveabl
                                                                                                                                                                                        e community

                                                             collection services. Those experiencing financial
                                                             hardship can apply to have their rates deferred
 Essential infrastructure:                                   or to pay via a payment plan. Fees for affected
                                                             community and sporting groups using Council-                  READ THE BUDGET
 • $11.4M on roads
                                                             owned land/grounds have been reduced and                      To read the full Budget go to
 • $510,000 on bridges
                                                             a 50 per cent reduction in commercial rent for                www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/budget
 • $1.5M for drainage works                                  affected Council tenants will be applied from
 • $3.5M in footpaths and shared paths                       June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS                   5
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
Adapting to change
                                                               teachers and students all deserve a gold star for       in the use of walking and cycling paths across
    The last time GB Magazine was                              the way they are managing to support our young          Greater Bendigo.
    delivered to letterboxes was                               people to continue to learn from home.
                                                                                                                       Hopefully we see these healthy habits return
    just before Christmas last year.                           We also cannot overlook the amazing contribution
                                                               our health professionals and other essential
                                                                                                                       during the second round of restrictions and
                                                                                                                       they are something we continue to practice as
    Since then, no-one could have                              workers have made and continue to make. They            we adjust to our ‘new normal’, whenever that
                                                               are on the front line of this pandemic in helping to    may be!
    guessed what would happen.                                 keep us well but also to ensure we have access to
                                                                                                                       This year we have also again been reminded
                                                               food and other essential supplies that we need.
                                                                                                                       that we all have a role in preventing racism.
    Locally, nationally and globally, the first half of
                                                               Local Government has been treated as an essential       Recent international protests around racial
    2020 has tested us all in ways we probably never
                                                               service, so from a City perspective we have             inequality are a strong reminder about the
    thought we would be.
                                                               continued to keep staff employed by operating           importance of this and the impact inequality
    First, we watched as our neighbours in other               local services and constructing and maintaining         continues to have around the world.
    regional areas battled out-of-control bushfires            necessary infrastructure.
                                                                                                                       Greater Bendigo is proudly a welcoming
    and thought how lucky we were not to experience
                                                               Bins are still being collected, children continue to    community and I look forward to City
    a similar fate. Communities around the country
                                                               be immunised and cared for, we’re checking on our       staff continuing to build important
    demonstrated our great Aussie spirit and came
                                                               elderly clients, maintaining our parks and gardens,     relationships with all members
    together to raise funds, donate goods and give
                                                               answering customer phone calls and emails, and          of our community, but
    their time to help people and animals displaced by
                                                               are completing a range of maintenance projects on       particularly our Traditional
    the fires.
                                                               our facilities while they’re out of action.             Owners and newcomers from
    Then it was COVID-19. It was like watching a wave                                                                  overseas.
                                                               Supporting businesses and community groups
    coming that was making its way around the world
                                                               through the pandemic, sharing important health          Everyone is welcome here.
    and in March this year Australia was next in its
                                                               messages with our community, continuing with a          Based on the year we’ve
                                                               range of strategic work and processing planning         had, we can’t be sure what
    I am amazed and saddened by the impact COVID-19            applications also remain part of our day-to-day.        the remaining months
    is continuing to have, as we find ourselves living                                                                 of 2020 will bring but I
                                                               We continue to provide the best level of service
    through a second round of stage three restrictions.                                                                think it’s safe to say we’re
                                                               we can to the community and adjust as needed
                                                                                                                       more resilient, better
    Many businesses are suffering greatly from having          so as staff can to do this safely. Although parts of
                                                                                                                       able to adapt to change,
    to close or significantly lessen their output, putting     our business are closed again due to the latest
                                                                                                                       and more accepting and
    individuals and families under huge financial              restrictions put in place, when the time is right our
    stress.                                                    focus will be on helping them to operate in line
                                                               with the restrictions of the day.                       Look after yourselves.
    I really do admire the businesses that have been
    able to ‘pivot’ and change their delivery model to         During the first round of stage three restrictions      Craig Niemann,
    operate in a pandemic, and parents and carers,             we saw between a 100 and 120 per cent increase          Chief Executive Officer

    Bendigo Town Hall to return to original colour
    The Bendigo Town Hall                             the building quite a patchwork, grey
                                                      appearance but evidence of its original
    will be returned to its                           stone-coloured wash coat was discovered
                                                      during the repair work.
    original render colour as
                                                      As part of the restoration, the City of
    part of a major ongoing                           Greater Bendigo has colour-matched
    project, which commenced                          the paint to the remnants of the original
                                                      colour so that the building can be returned
    in 2019 to conserve and                           to its original appearance.

    repair the exterior of the                        This work has been approved by Heritage
                                                      Victoria under the current permit for the
    historic building.                                conservation works.
                                                      The Bendigo Town Hall is one of Greater
    The restoration works include significant         Bendigo’s most iconic heritage buildings
    roof, window and door repairs, painting           and since the mid-1990s the City has
    and repairs to the external façade.               invested considerable funds to not only
    As the external render works progress,            revitalise the building inside and out but
    people will notice that the building              also to maintain it, so that it can continue
    is changing colour. Render repairs                to be enjoyed and used by the people of
    undertaken over the years had given               Greater Bendigo well into the future.

6    NEWS
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
BARC celebrates
first birthday
The City of Greater Bendigo has celebrated a successful first year of
operating the Bendigo Animal Relief Centre (BARC), after bringing pound
and animal shelter services back in house after more than 20 years.
BARC is committed to providing a           to the high number of unregistered            BARC is currently looking for all
safe and caring temporary home for         and non-microchipped cats, which              types of foster carers, for kittens,
lost pets, reuniting pets and owners,      makes tracing owners difficult.               dogs and even young farm animals.
finding life-long homes for dogs and                                                     Registering to become a foster carer
                                           BARC understands that pets are not
cats that need one, providing housing                                                    is easy and can be done by simply
                                           just limited to cats and dogs and have
and veterinary care to lost or injured                                                   downloading the application form on
                                           adopted out a total of 952 animals,
animals and educating                                                                    the BARC website and sending it to
                                           including sheep, goats, chickens,
the community about responsible pet                                                      the email address provided.
                                           rats, ferrets, rabbits, birds and
                                           even a horse! Our goal is to see the          BARC gratefully accepts any
BARC has had a brilliant start to          number of reclaimed pets rise each            donations of money, food, clean
providing the local pound service to       year and to create an awareness of
                                                                                         towels and blankets to help provide
Bendigo, with news of its vision and       responsible pet ownership.
                                                                                         additional comfort to the animals in
purpose spreading far and wide over
                                           BARC has been able to offer                   our care.
the past 12 months.
                                           rehoming services to animals from
                                                                                         BARC operates from 20 Piper Lane
In its first year of operation BARC        other rural councils where there is
                                           little opportunity for adoptions and          and is open from 10am to 4pm
has placed 274 dogs and 595 cats
into forever homes, and has provided       this has helped to build a positive           Monday to Saturday and 10am to
food, shelter and medical attention        reputation beyond Greater Bendigo.            12 noon on Sundays. You can
to over 2,611 animals, from rats and       BARC has also formed alliances                visit the BARC website at www.
rabbits to hounds and horses!              with several rescue organisations             bendigoanimalreliefcentre.com.au to
                                           from across Australia and has                 view the animals that are available
The good news is that nearly 80 per
cent of stray dogs who make their
                                           successfully transferred 152 animals
                                           for rehabilitation and rehoming.
                                                                                         for adoption, follow us on Facebook
                                                                                         or phone us on 5441 2209.
                                                                                                                                          In its first year of operation
way to BARC are reclaimed by their
owners. Unfortunately, this statistic is   In its first full year of operation, 161      During COVID-19 stage three                   BARC has placed 274 dogs and
not as high for cats, with less than 17    animals from BARC have received               restrictions visiting BARC is by
per cent being reclaimed largely due       foster care.                                  appointment only.                               595 cats into forever homes.

Deadline extended to register backyard pools and spas
The Victorian Government has extended the deadline for residents to register their private
swimming pools and spas online with the City of Greater Bendigo until November 1, 2020.
This is a requirement under new legislation introduced in December 2019.
City of Greater Bendigo Safe and             “The new legislation has introduced             to the pool or spa owner to organise.
Healthy Environments Manager Caroline        mandatory requirements for all                  The inspectors will issue certificates
Grylls said under the new mandatory          Victorian Councils to establish and             of compliance or non-compliance,
requirements all residential swimming        maintain a register of all private              which owners will need to then lodge
pools and spas that fall within the          swimming pools and spas, and residents          with the City. Certificates of non-
requirements of Victorian Government         must undertake the registration process         compliance will also be acted upon.”
legislation and                              online via the City’s website at
                                                                                             Inspection compliance certificates will
regulation must have a compliant             www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/poolregister by
                                                                                             be required to be lodged with Council
barrier in place and must be registered      November 1, 2020, or within 30 days of
                                                                                             every four years. Owners wanting
with their local Council.                    completion if the installation is under
                                                                                             further information or wishing to do
                                             construction at this date.
“Broadly, these include all permanent                                                        their own initial safety assessment
pools and spas and most relocatable          “As part of the new registration process,       can be guided by the checklists on the
pools and relocatable spas capable of        pool and spa barriers will need to be           Victorian Building Authority website at
holding a depth of water greater than        assessed by registered private building         www.vba.vic.gov.au
300mm,” Ms Grylls said.                      surveyors or inspectors and this is up

                                                                                                                                                                 SERVICES   7
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
Become a
    foster carer
    Have you ever wondered what
    it takes to be a carer for a
    foster pet? Meet Emma
    Lanera, she fosters
    animals from BARC –
    Bendigo Animal Relief
    Centre. She provides
    a safe, loving
    environment for the
    animal until they find
    their furever home.

                                                                                                                                                        “I love seeing the
                                                                                                                                           transformation in the animals
                                                                                                                                          over the time they are with us.”

    How did you become a foster carer?              Why did you decide to do this?                  the bond created in those first moments          fences and troughs. Then it’s off to work. I
                                                                                                    and then following their progress through        am lucky enough to work at Bendigo TAFE
    Around 10 years ago I moved out of home. I      There are so many animals that need             updates (generally on social media) brings       where I teach Animal Studies, so the foster
    took my dog Murphee with me when I moved        good homes and there is not enough              me so much joy.                                  dogs generally come along as well. This is
    but the family dog, Turbo, stayed behind. As    space in shelters and rescue centres to                                                          great for their socialisation. Then it’s home
    I worked fulltime, Murph spent long hours       accommodate them all. I feel that fostering     What types of animals do you care for?           for the afternoon feeding (pretty much the
    by himself and was understandably lonely        is the best way for me to help, as it allows                                                     same as the morning routine) before settling
    so I started looking into a second dog. Murph   an animal that might not have a chance          I started with dogs, generally puppies or
                                                                                                                                                     in for the night. During this time I might
    was older and a bit grumpy, so a puppy was      otherwise to find their furever home. Also I    young dogs, but recently have had a litter
                                                                                                                                                     do some training, such as crate training
    out of the question. Someone suggested a        feel this is a great way for me to give back,   of kittens and their mum. They are very
                                                                                                                                                     or loose lead walking, just some basic
    greyhound and after speaking to the guys        as animals enrich my life so much I feel I      different, the dogs require more hands-on
                                                                                                                                                     skills that will help the dog in their new
    at Greyhound Safety Net, I decided to try       need to give something back. I would be         time especially in regards to toilet training,
                                                                                                                                                     life and these sessions are no more than 10
    fostering to see how it went. From then on      totally lost without my animals!                while the cats/kittens are more independent.
                                                                                                                                                     minutes. The foster dogs sleep inside, either
    I had fosters at various points, usually dogs                                                   While I have never done it myself, I do also     in the lounge with my other dogs or in the
    that I was helping to rehome for people, but    What do you like most about being               have a number of friends who have fostered       bedroom. With the puppies, I teach them to
    none through a group or organisation though.    a foster carer?                                 rabbits, rats, mice, guinea pigs and horses.     sleep overnight in a crate as this is a great
                                                    I love seeing the transformation in the                                                          skill and also minimises mess/destruction.
    When we moved to Bendigo I was
                                                                                                    What is a typical day like for you when
    approached by a friend about a dog who          animals over the time they are with us.                                                          For the kittens – breakfast and a room
                                                                                                    caring for a foster pet?
    needed a home. We were able to take her         I often take on animals with behavioural                                                         clean. Kittens are great at making a mess
    on through a private rescue organisation        issues, generally fear-related, and I love      With the dogs/puppies – breakfast in the         overnight, so I find that the morning clean
    and since then we have had six dogs (four       helping them to find their confidence and       morning and then out to feed the horses/         is the most time consuming! This involves
    through the private rescue and two from         place within the world. The other thing         alpacas. We have to supervise the horses         washing and refilling food and water bowls,
    BARC) and more recently a mum cat with          I love is when they find their human.           while they have their hard feed, so the foster   washing and changing litter trays, a sweep
    her six kittens who also came from BARC.        Although it is hard to see them go, seeing      dogs come for a walk with us to check            of the area (while they are distracted

Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
eating because it’s impossible if they decide     we do, we know well in advance and plan
to ‘help’) and plenty of cuddles. Unlike the      accordingly and tend to avoid having
puppies, the kittens don’t always come into       foster pets if we know we will be away
work but when they do they will spend time        for more than a night. Generally if we do
in our cattery. When they are at home during      go away it’s my mum who looks after our
the day we provide plenty of toys (toilet         animals, so having a foster pet there isn’t
rolls and wine corks are a hit!), cat climbing    a problem. If my mum can’t do it I have a
trees and their favourite thing ever – a pile     number of trusted house/pet sitters who
of washing that they use to play ‘King of the     come in to take care of the animals/farm.
Mountain’ as well as sleep in. After their
night feed and clean, I spend some time           Does it cost you anything to be a foster
playing with them for about half an hour.         carer?
Is it easy to fit the pets into your lifestyle?   BARC provides equipment such as collars                 “A warm heart and a
                                                  for dogs, litter trays, bedding and other items
Yes, I find it really easy. We have a farm and    that will help an animal settle into foster             comfy couch is what these
quite a number of animals ourselves, so the
fosters just fit into our normal routine. The
                                                  care. They also provide any medication the
                                                  animal might be on, and a little bit of food
                                                                                                          animals need the most.”
first day or so can be a bit bumpy but after
                                                  to allow them to transition over to whatever
that they settle in and I find the routine
                                                  suitable food is used in the foster home.
really helps them to develop confidence.
                                                  Do you need any special skills or                 etc. and know that you are helping animals      The second is Gecko, who was the second
How long do you have the pets for?                                                                  in need while also being able to experience     dog I fostered for BARC. Gecko came into
                                                  qualifications to be a foster carer?
This really depends on the animal, but I                                                            the joy of having animals in your life.         care as a skinny, terrified young dog with a
would say the average length would be             Not at all! For myself I teach animal studies                                                     wild look in his eye. I met him out at BARC
around three or four weeks. Some will             and am a dog/animal trainer, but honestly         Have you ever kept a foster pet, giving         and offered to foster as I felt there was
stay longer if they need a bit more time,         anyone can foster as long as you are              it a furever home?                              something special about him. Within two
others flourish in care and find homes            committed to giving the animal the best start                                                     days of him coming home I knew he was
                                                  to their new life. A warm heart and a comfy       Yes, two of my four dogs are fosters that       staying, however it took another two weeks
really quickly. I think the shortest I had
                                                  couch is what these animals need the most.        have found their furever home with us.          (and a promise to do the dishes forever) to
was two weeks, the longest was about 10
weeks for a dog who was super sweet but                                                             The very first foster all those years ago was   convince my partner! He has been with us
also super smart and quite a handful, so it       Is fostering a pet a good way for people                                                          for three months now and has developed
                                                                                                    Dharma, my beautiful sweet greyhound
took a while to find a good match for him.        to enjoy having one in their life if they                                                         into a confident and outgoing young man
                                                                                                    who found her place on my couch within a
                                                  can’t have one full time?                                                                         who is my constant companion.
                                                                                                    week of coming home. She is still with us
What if you are going away for the
                                                  Yes. I know of a number of people who foster      but older, slower (if that’s possible!) and     If you would like to learn more about
weekend or on holidays?
                                                  because they can’t commit to having a pet         with only half her teeth left, and is now       becoming a foster carer with BARC, please
Having a farm and a lot of animals means          long term. With fostering you can fit having      living out her twilight years on the same       phone 5441 2209 between 10am and 4pm,
we don’t often get away. However when             an animal around a busy lifestyle, travelling     couch she claimed that first week.              Monday to Saturday.

                   Follow us on
                                                          Whether you’ve lost your best                  wormed, desexed and vaccinated,
                                                          friend or you’re looking for a new             and you can check them
                                                          one, the Bendigo Animal Relief                 out on our website at www.
                                                          Centre, or BARC for short, can help.           bendigoanimalreliefcentre.com.au

         if you’re looking                                At BARC we provide a safe and
                                                          caring temporary home for your
                                                                                                         Our Facebook page is full of
                                                                                                         special tips, information and
              for a new                                   lost or new best friend.                       of course great cats and dogs

                                                                                                         needing a new home.
                                                          BARC has a variety of cats and
                                                          dogs available for adoption. All our           So make sure you follow us

                                                          animals are temperament tested                 at BARC, Bendigo Animal
                                                          and our staff work hard to ensure              Relief Centre, where
                                                          that new pets are a suitable match             you might find your new
                                                          for potential adoptees.                        best friend!
                                                          All our cats and dogs available
                                                          for adoption are microchipped,

        Bendigo Animal Relief Centre
        20 Piper Lane, East Bendigo t. (03) 5441 2209 www.bendigoanimalreliefcentre.com.au
        Proudly operated by the City of Greater Bendigo

                                                                                                                                                                                    SERVICES       9
Piinpi CONTEMPORARY INDIGENOUS FASHION - Love your local Bendigo Invention + Innovation Festival brings optimism - City of Greater ...
Sharing the road
     with heavy vehicles
     You may have spotted some new, important road safety
     messages rolling around Bendigo and central Victoria.
     Local Bendigo freight operator, Power’s       several local truck operators, including
     Country Express, has provided one of          Agri-Trans A & M Stone and Power’s
     its trucks to feature the messages on its     Country Express.
     13.5m-long truck curtains. The messages
                                                   This exciting project takes advantage
     are aimed particularly at young car drivers
                                                   of Deakin University’s expertise in
     who are at greater risk of being involved
                                                   Virtual Reality (VR) and 360-degree
     in truck and light vehicle crashes.
                                                   video to help immerse young drivers
     On one side of the truck the message          in virtual real-life scenarios and gain a
     reminds drivers to stay out of a truck’s      better understanding of the experiences
     blind spots, while the other side focuses     of heavy vehicle drivers. This young
     on the importance of giving a truck room      age group will experience the VR as a
     to turn.                                      passenger of both a car and a truck to
                                                   get a sense of what it is like to be high up
     These messages are part of an innovative
                                                   in the truckie’s cabin in a realistic virtual
     Truck Wise pilot project targeting novice
     drivers aged between 16 to 18 years.
     The pilot project is in the final stages of   The challenges of a truck’s blind spots, the
     development and being led by the City         extra distance needed for a heavy vehicle                                     Mayor Cr Margaret O'Rourke with Marla Stone, owner of Agri-Trans
     of Greater Bendigo, in collaboration with     to brake, and the amount of space and skill                                         A & M Stone and Damien Power of Power's Country Express.
     Deakin University.                            needed to turn a long and heavy vehicle
                                                   are highlighted in these realistic scenarios.
     Other partners involved in the campaign                                                       an important issue that needed urgent             The Truck Wise pilot project targets 16 to
     include the Transport Accident                By using cutting-edge technology, the           attention. Over 60 per cent of fatalities         18 year-olds to complement their on-road
     Commission, Bendigo Tech School, the          aim is to support young novice drivers          occur on country roads and the focus is on        supervised driving practice and encourage
     National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and          to think about their behaviour around           young learner drivers because of the high         an empathetic approach to driving at a
                                                   trucks, encourage them to empathise with        risk of death and serious injuries among          time when they may be more receptive to
                                                   truckies, and to better understand the          young drivers.                                    road safety awareness programs.
      The crash rate for                           serious risks and challenges of interacting
                                                   with heavy vehicles.                            The crash rate for novice drivers is 10           The pilot project is expected to be
      novice drivers is 10                                                                         times higher than that of middle-aged             completed later this year with plans for
                                                   The City secured Australian Government          drivers. There is an extremely high crash         an educational portal for schools and a
      times higher than that                       funding for the Truck Wise pilot project        and fatality rate during the first year of        roadshow for youngsters to experience
                                                   in response to the City’s Bendigo Freight       driving, particularly during the first six to     the VR and 360-degree scenarios as part
      of middle-aged drivers.                      Study (2017). It identified road safety as      12 months of unsupervised driving.                of the safety campaign.

Recycling at its best
The City of Greater Bendigo has led by example by making
use of recycled products to create a new domestic waste
drop off and weighbridge area at the Eaglehawk Landfill.
The new drop off area features an               keen to support the use of recycled materials
environmentally-friendly asphalt mix            where possible.
containing recycled materials including
                                                “We hope that this project inspires a greater
approximately 586,000 recycled plastic
                                                acceptance of using recycled products in
bottles, 303,000 recycled glass bottles and
                                                this way and that it creates a lot of interest
66.5 tonnes of recycled asphalt.
                                                from other local governments, business
City of Greater Bendigo Director Presentation   and organisations throughout Australia who
and Assets Debbie Wood said the area had        also want to utilise recycled material in their
been paved to provide a better experience for   projects.
customers when they visited the landfill to
                                                “While the landfill itself only has a limited life
drop off their waste.
                                                span, the facility will continue to
“When the opportunity to use an                 operate as a transfer station into the future
environmentally-friendly asphalt in             and this project is about preparing for that
the construction of this project was            transition.”                                           “The City was excited to
first presented, the City was excited to
demonstrate a project using recycled
                                                The City has also implemented a range of                 demonstrate a project
                                                other improvements at the landfill site, from
materials,” Ms Wood said.
                                                creating the new domestic drop off area to           using recycled materials.”
“This has been a great project for the City,    extending the waste loading shed to allow
as we are committed to sustainability and       waste to be transported from the site.

                                                                                                                            SERVICES   11
Swept up
                                                              At 5am when most people are still cosily
                                                              tucked up in bed, a dedicated team of              “Residents are
                                                              Sweepers from the City’s Resource,
                                                              Recovery and Education unit set to work
                                                                                                                 pleased to see us out
                                                              to ensure the city centre looks as good as
                                                              a picture postcard every day.
                                                                                                                 and about making a
                                                              Team Leader Dale Tranter said there were           difference so people
                                                              20 staff in the Sweepers unit who each
                                                              take great pride in what they do to present        can enjoy a clean and

     with pride
                                                              Bendigo in the best possible light.
                                                                                                                 tidy environment.”
                                                              “Pride is the pillar of what my team stand
                                                              for. They are an extremely proud bunch,
                                                                                                                “The members of the street sweeping team
                                                              very humble and somewhat shy. They tend
                                                                                                                come from all walks of life, but they all
                                                              to want to just get on with the task at hand
                                                                                                                possess patience, attention to detail and a
                                                              without too much fuss. They work 363 days         good work ethic. They’re a great bunch of
                                                              of the year regardless of the weather,”           fellas who work towards a common goal to
                                                              Dale said.                                        present the city as best they can,” Dale said.
                                                              The Sweepers take advantage of the early          The city centre plays host to over 100
       SERVICE IN THE SPOTLIGHT: STREET SWEEPERS              start when the streets are predominantly          events a year, and the Sweepers are busy
                                                              empty, so their tasks can be done quickly         behind the scenes cleaning the streets.
                                                              and efficiently before the early commute          It’s incredible to see that within just a few
                                                              begins. It’s their responsibility to ensure       hours of an event finishing and the crowds
     Come rain, hail or shine the City of Greater Bendigo’s   city centre streets and footpaths in the          dispersing, the Sweepers and other City
                                                              retail and public areas are swept, cleaned        units endeavour to restore order. It’s a
     team of Sweepers take immense pride in ensuring          and cleared. Median strips, roundabouts           testament to them that their work leaves
                                                              and bus stop surrounds also get a tidy
     Bendigo’s beautiful public areas are kept clean and      before the city starts to wake up.
                                                                                                                no hint that an event has even taken place.
                                                                                                                “We come in and deliver extra event bins
     presentable for all to enjoy.                            Others in the team focus their attention on       and we clean up before and after the event
                                                              clearing street gutters, unblocking storm         to make sure the city is back to looking its
                                                              water pits and clearing and cleaning drains.      best,” Dale said.
                                                              “My role is the day-to-day delegation of          Street sweepers, a footpath sweeper,
                                                              tasks, ensuring that the City’s standards         electric blowers, a pressure cleaner and
                                                              are met. Autumn is the busiest time of the        light trucks are also on hand to get the job
                                                              year, as we still have our normal work to         done when it's time to clean up.
                                                              carry out, plus keeping on top of cleaning        Dale acknowledges that dealing with so
                                                              up all the leaves,” Dale said.                    many tasks across the municipality can
                                                              Dedicated street sweepers are manoeuvred          sometimes be a challenge.
                                                              to remove dirt and debris from residential        “You’re trying to meet and fulfil competing
                                                              streets and a smaller one handles the bike        demands and expectations and there are
                                                              lanes and narrow footpaths. The Sweepers          also other issues, such as trying to get a
                                                              visit residential areas on a rotational           necessary job done in traffic and navigating
                                                              basis, including Elmore, Goornong and             narrow streets and tight court bowls,” he said.
                                                              Heathcote, to target public areas that need
                                                              to be regularly maintained.                       “The community response is really
                                                                                                                positive and members of my team are
                                                              You may even spot the team members                often thanked for the work they are doing.
                                                              delivering and maintaining waste, recycling       Residents are pleased to see us out and
                                                              and organics bins while they are out and          about making a difference so people can
                                                              about in the suburbs. It’s all in a day’s work.   enjoy a clean and tidy environment.”


                                                                                                      2                                                                                  3

                                                                                       2. An upgrade to the footpath in Mundy        EAGLEHAWK
                                                                                           Street, Bendigo (between Myers Street      Canterbury Park - lighting
      WHAT’S IN THE WORKS?                                                                 and Mollison Street) to create a city
                                                                                           centre-style footpath with bluestone       GOLDEN SQUARE
                                                                                           paving and asphalt bays is valued at
      As part of the Council’s commitment to deliver improved                                                                         Belle Vue Road/Sullivan Street - road
                                                                                           $101,000 and is expected to be completed   reconstruction
      infrastructure, a range of works are currently underway                              mid-August.
      or have recently been completed.
                                                                                       3. Works are underway to replace the          SAILORS GULLY
                                                                                           aged bridge under Allies Road at Myers     Sailors Gully Road - footpath construction
                                                                                           Creek. Valued at $448,000, completion is
                                                                                           expected mid-September. This section of    SPRING GULLY
1. Construction of a new roundabout at         Fixing Country Roads Scheme and            Allies Road will need to remain closed
    Averys Road/Jobs Gully Road, California     developer contributions. The project                                                  Burns Street - major drainage upgrade
                                                                                           for the duration of the works. Detours
    Gully is now complete. Works were           cost was $810,000 and involved             are in place.
    made possible through joint funding         upgrades to drainage, lighting and a                                                  To keep up to date with works in your area,
    from the City of Greater Bendigo, the       realignment of the intersection.                                                      visit www.bendigo.vic.gov.au/roadworks

                                                                                                                                                                       SERVICES     13
City plans new Bendigo Botanic
     Gardens Central Hub Precinct
     One hectare of vacant land located at the bottom of Hamelin Street, between the
     Bendigo Botanic Gardens Heritage Gardens and the new Garden for the Future,
     is set to be transformed into a new Central Hub Precinct.
     The new precinct will form the heart of      This exciting project will enhance Greater        new elements and facilities where people
     the Bendigo Botanic Gardens by creating      Bendigo and the wider region’s arts and           can meet.
     a new entrance to the gardens and will       recreation strengths, and will provide
                                                                                                    The Central Hub Precinct buildings and
     feature a visitor centre, café, amenities,   unique opportunities for people to interact
                                                                                                    landscaping is an important project
     wetlands/ponds, stormwater harvesting        with the Bendigo Creek and learn more
                                                                                                    featured in the City’s award-winning
     system, and landscaped gardens and           about our region’s indigenous heritage
                                                                                                    Bendigo Botanic Gardens Masterplan,
     areas where people can gather.               and culture.
                                                                                                    which will form the heart of the Bendigo
     There is currently a void between the        Importantly it will be a place for everyone,      Botanic Gardens.
     Heritage Gardens and the Garden for          from the very young to the not so young
                                                                                                    Plans for the new precinct are advancing
     the Future, so the new Central Hub           and everybody in between, by offering
                                                                                                    and the City has received $3.75M from the
     Precinct will provide a seamless             opportunities to attend events, recreate,
                                                                                                    Victorian Government and $1.75M from
     transition between both the old and the      learn, play, eat, drink and enjoy.
                                                                                                    the Australian Government to undertake
     new gardens.
                                                  It’s an exciting cultural project for the City    the project, which the City hopes will be
                                                  of Greater Bendigo that will enhance the          completed by June 2022.
                                                  flow of the existing gardens by adding

     Artist impression

                                                                                             Friends celebrating 20 years of
                                                                                             volunteering in 2020
                                                                                             The City of Greater Bendigo congratulates         Through their various activities the Friends
                                                                                             the Friends of Bendigo Botanic Gardens            play an important ongoing role in the life
                                                                                             for providing 20 years of voluntary service       of the gardens. The City acknowledges
                                                                                             to the promotion, protection, restoration         all past and current members for their
                                                                                             and ongoing redevelopment of the Bendigo          contribution to making the Bendigo Botanic
                                                                                             Botanic Gardens since the group formed in         Gardens one of the most significant botanic
                                                                                             April 2000.                                       gardens in Australia.

Grey-headed Flying Foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) first arrived in
Bendigo in March 2010 after heavy rains in New South Wales and
Queensland destroyed their food sources.
Since that time they have taken up                under pressure from food shortages.        • Eats fruit from a range of native and
permanent residence in Rosalind Park              There is only one population of Grey-        introduced species and nectar and
and their population has fluctuated from          headed Flying Foxes in Australia. The        pollen from native trees, especially
the 100s up to over 30,000, depending on          colony in Bendigo is part of the same        gum trees, and are important to
the time of the year and the food that is         population that lives in Yarra Bend, New     healthy forest ecosystems because
available to them.                                South Wales and Queensland                   they pollinate and disperse the seeds
                                                                                               of many important tree species
Rosalind Park is now an established             • Is one of the largest bats in Australia
breeding and maternity camp for the               with a wingspan of over 1 metre and        • Is nocturnal however the colony is a
Grey-headed Flying Fox.                           able to cruise at speeds of up to 25km/h     busy place during the daytime where
                                                                                               the bats spend part of the day sleeping
Love them or hate them, it appears they         • Is mostly dark brown, except for a grey                                                    Enjoy Rosalind Park
                                                                                               and part of it interacting with their
are here to stay, so maybe we need to             head and orange-red mantle encircling                                                      and its Flying Fox
                                                                                               neighbours. Bats are very talkative
learn more about them!                            the neck                                                                                   population but remember,
                                                                                               and it’s estimated that they make 20 to
                                                                                               40 different sounds                           if you come across a sick
You may not know that the Grey-headed           • Navigates by eyesight, scent and
                                                                                                                                             or injured bat don’t touch it.
Flying Fox:                                       sound, and their senses are so sharp
                                                                                             • Is pregnant for six months, giving            Instead, please call the Department
                                                  that a mother can always find her baby
 • Is protected under the Victorian                                                            birth to a single baby around October.        of Environment, Land, Water and
                                                  amongst the thousands of other bats
   Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act and                                                           The young cling to their mother’s fur         Planning on 136 186 or contact your
                                                  in the colony, flying directly back to
                                                                                               for the first few weeks and are suckled       nearest wildlife shelter. If Flying Foxes
   the Federal Environment Protection             them after a night’s feeding. They can
                                                                                               until around five months old                  are not handled, there is no risk from
   and Biodiversity Conservation Act.             see better than humans and their night
   Therefore, it is illegal to scare, harm or                                                • Young bats will start to fly short            any disease. If for any reason you do
                                                  vision is as good as a cat's
   disturb them without a permit                                                               distances after three months, heading         get bitten or scratched by a Flying
                                                • Is the only mammal capable of sustained                                                    Fox, you should seek medical attention
                                                                                               out with the rest of the colony once
 • Although they often appear in large            flight and may travel up to 50km at                                                        immediately. If you come into contact with
                                                                                               they are a year old
   groups, numbers of Grey-headed Flying          night in search of food or to reach a                                                      faeces from any wildlife you should take
   Foxes are declining because of habitat         feeding area. They also hang by their      • With enough food and habitat, a Flying Fox    the usual hygiene precautions of washing
   clearing. They are a threatened species        feet because it’s very energy efficient      will survive in the wild for up to 15 years   with warm, soapy water.

 Rosalind Park is now an established
 breeding and maternity camp for
 the Grey-headed Flying Fox.

                                                                                                                                                                         COMMUNITY        15
The move to the
      Lockwood Road site is a
      strong investment in the
      future of Kangaroo Flat.

     Read all about it!
     The new Kangaroo Flat Library is now completed and it’s hard not to notice
     the amazing transformation of the former Senior Citizens building when
     travelling along Lockwood Road.
     As part of the redevelopment, a bright and colourful     Local Dja Dja Wurrung artist Daikota Nelson has been
     building façade has replaced the old brown bricks        commissioned to develop an original piece of art work
     to create an enticing new entrance and the removal       for the library. This artwork is the first of a range of art
     of some interior walls has opened up the inside to       projects across Goldfields Libraries to acknowledge
     provide a range of fantastic new library spaces.         and celebrate Aboriginal people and culture.
     Works to modernise and repurpose the building            The Kangaroo Flat Library is also looking forward to
     commenced in late 2019 and have included repairs to      developing partnerships with other local community
     the building structure, services upgrades, the           groups, including the City of Greater Bendigo’s Social
     creation of a new entrance, removal of interior walls    Support Group co-located in the building. This could
     to create more open, accessible spaces, and plastering   involve programs that include interactions between
     and painting.                                            young children and their parents/carers and the older
                                                              residents who use this service.
     New windows, high-grade insulation and solar
     panels were also installed to allow more natural         The move to the Lockwood Road site is a strong
     light in and make the building more sustainable and      investment in the future of Kangaroo Flat and
     comfortable. A new car park and landscaping works        surrounding communities by the City, the Victorian
     were also completed.                                     Government through the Living Libraries Grant Fund
                                                              and Goldfields Library Corporation. It provides an
     The new library features free public computers and
                                                              exciting new library that is double the size of the
     Wi-Fi, a children’s area complete with reading nook
                                                              former Kangaroo Flat Library and fit for purpose for
     and special story time chair, a lounge space with tea
                                                              the whole community to enjoy.
     and coffee facilities, and a baby change room and
     accessible toilets. There is also an outdoor courtyard   An official opening will be held when residents
     and a shared group space for special library events,     can attend the celebration in line with COVID-19
     including adult programs and children’s activities.      restrictions.

What’s life been
                                                                                                                 like for you in
Local organisations                                                                                              Have you caught yourself in
                                                                                                                 recent times talking about when
                                                                                                                 life goes back to normal?

advance gender equity                                                                                            Have you stopped and wondered if there could be a
                                                                                                                 ‘new normal’ that might be even better than the ‘old
                                                                                                                 normal’? We’ve been asking ourselves these questions
                                                                                                                 during lockdown at Goldfields Libraries and we want to
The Greater Bendigo City Council recently endorsed the Greater                                                   hear from you too.

Bendigo Coalition for Gender Equity Strategy to help guide the                                                   In the future, historians and others will look back at
                                                                                                                 this time with interest. They will want to know how
Coalition’s collective work over the next five years.                                                            we lived, what we did and how we felt. The team at
                                                                                                                 Goldfields Libraries has created the ‘Life in Lockdown’
The strategy identifies structural change, relational   “While gender equity means different things to           project to record this moment of history in the making,
change and attitudinal change as key objectives         different people, it is hoped the strategy will help     and to offer an opportunity for the community to reflect
and focuses on six priority areas – workplaces,         to level the playing field by helping guide activities   on and share their experiences of this moment in time.
education, community, health, sport and recreation,     across our community and monitoring the
                                                                                                                 Community members can get involved in the project in
and emergency management.                               progress towards achieving gender equity.”
                                                                                                                 a variety of ways. Your contributions will be developed
It’s an important piece of work because gender          The strategy is available online at www.bendigo.         into an online blog and exhibition, which will then
inequity is unfair, unjust and unacceptable.            vic.gov.au/coalition-gender-equity                       become a physical exhibition and book for future
Addressing it is critical in preventing violence                                                                 generations to reflect on and enjoy.
against women, recognising and respecting the
                                                                                                                  • Workshops: Join local writers, photographers,
value of all people, and delivering the social and
                                                                                                                    cartoonists and poets as they share their own work,
economic benefits that arise from communities              Members of the Coalition include: AFL                    and encourage and support you to create and share
that are safe, fair and just for everyone.                 Central Victoria, Annie North Women’s                    your own ‘history catching’ from this time
The Coalition for Gender Equity is made up of              Refuge, Be.Bendigo, Belgravia Leisure,
                                                           Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, Bendigo                     • Postcard to the future: Collect a ‘Life in Lockdown’
more than 30 local public, private and community
                                                                                                                    postcard to the future from one of our libraries
organisations and groups, including the City, who          Community Health Service, Bendigo
                                                                                                                    and jot down what ‘normal’ was like for you before
are committed to advancing gender equity and               Health, Bendigo Interfaith Council, Bendigo
                                                                                                                    and during coronavirus, and what you hope a ‘new
preventing violence against women and children.            Loddon Primary Care Partnership,
                                                                                                                    normal’ might look like in the future
                                                           Bendigo Kangan Institute, CatholicCare
Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke said the Coalition had          Sandhurst, Centre Against Sexual Assault               • Take part in our “I pledge” campaign: As the country
a broad and extensive reach throughout Greater
                                                           Central Victoria, Centre for Non-Violence,               starts to emerge from isolation, we want to pause,
Bendigo, with member organisations employing
                                                           City of Greater Bendigo, Coliban Water,                  reflect and document what new habits we'd like to
over 8,000 staff with direct and regular contact
                                                           Country Fire Authority, Department                       hold onto. What part of 'Life in Lockdown' do you
with the community through the delivery of core
                                                           of Education and Training Victoria,                      pledge to maintain? We'd love to know! Take a photo
programs, services and facilities.
                                                           Department of Environment, Land, Water                   of you with your pledge or find the campaign on your
“Our vision is to see a community where all                and Planning, Department of Health and                   local library’s Facebook page, join in and share
people are respected, safe to participate in all           Human Services Victoria, Dja Dja Wurrung
                                                                                                                  • Write a letter to your pre-Covid self: Most people
aspects of community life and have equitable               Aboriginal Clans Corporation, Goldfields
                                                                                                                    who write a letter to their past selves find it very
access to the resources they need to succeed               Library Corporation, Greater Bendigo
                                                                                                                    beneficial. Thinking on different timescales can help
and to achieve their aspirations, whilst living in         Against Family Violence Committee, La                    us to reimagine our present and shows us just how
a community that is free from violence against             Trobe University, Loddon Campaspe                        strong we can be. Join this national campaign and
women,” Cr O’Rourke said.                                  Multicultural Services, Murray Primary                   share with us!
                                                           Health Network (PHN), North Central
“We know that gender inequity happens when
                                                           Catchment Management Authority, Parks                  • Read inspiring local stories on the library’s Life in
people are living and working in unfair, unjust and
                                                           Victoria, Sport and Recreation Victoria,                 Lockdown blog
unacceptable circumstances, which then impacts
on access to health, education, work outcomes and          Sports Focus, Victoria Police Bendigo,                 • DIY: Email us your photos, poetry, journaling,
community participation. It’s not just a women’s           Women’s Health Loddon Mallee and YMCA.                   art or stories of your experiences of this time to
issue, it affects men and gender diverse people too.                                                                programs@ncgrl.vic.gov.au

                                                                                                                                                                  HERE      17
Disability Inclusion Reference Committee.   Strategic committee role
                                                                                     Please note this image was taken before COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                          For example, the Creative Industries
                                                                                                                                          Advisory Committee takes on a strategic
                                                                                                                                          role and provides advice to Council
                                                                                                                                          on developing and implementing the

     Committee life
                                                                                                                                          Greater CREATIVE Bendigo strategy.

                                                                                                                                          Community group/organisation role
                                                                                                                                          with integrated support
                                                                                                                                          These are independent boards
                                                                                                                                          or committees, however they are
     Did you know that the City of Greater Bendigo has over 40 committees                                                                 operationally integrated or reliant
                                                                                                                                          on support from the City of Greater
     that bring together community members, representatives from relevant                                                                 Bendigo. These include the Bendigo
     organisations and Councillors to share knowledge, exchange ideas and                                                                 Easter Festival Committee, Bendigo
                                                                                                                                          Tourism and Bendigo Stadium Limited.
     encourage debate? Council connects with the community in many ways to
                                                                                                                                          Community advisory or reference
     seek public engagement and feedback. One very important way is the positive                                                          group role
     contribution from community members who are involved in committees.                                                                  These committees provide advice or
                                                                                                                                          support to Council on a specific matter
     The committees may have different        Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke                  an important process that encourages            or service. For example, the Greater
     roles, but they all have one thing       said committees provided an                 all involved to share information,              Bendigo Heritage Advisory Committee
     in common. Community members             excellent opportunity to seek public        knowledge and discuss matters which             provides strategic advice to Council to
     who sit on these diverse committees      engagement.                                 can only benefit the wider community.           ensure that our built, Indigenous and
     have a strong interest, a passion or a                                                                                               natural heritage matters are given
                                              “Councillors benefit hugely from the                                                        due consideration, as well as advice
     specialism and wish to contribute and
                                              committee process as they provide                                                           on the management, conservation
     engage with the other members where
                                              a valuable forum to challenge                                                               and restoration of places of heritage
     discussions, views and questions are
                                              our thinking and help broaden                                                               significance. They also raise awareness
     part of proceedings.
                                              discussions,” Cr O’Rourke said.                                                             in the community regarding heritage
      “People who join                        “The committees attract people
                                              from all walks of life and the
                                                                                                                                          Independent community group
      our committees are                      Councillors and the organisation can
                                              learn a lot from them. Community                                                            These are independent boards or
      surprised at the                        members ask a lot of questions
                                              and that’s an important part of
                                                                                                                                          committees, but a Councillor provides
                                                                                                                                          support to the group. For example, the
      diversity of work                       committee life. They make us more
                                              accountable and keep us better
                                                                                                                                          Bendigo Agricultural Show Society and
                                                                                       Rosalind Park Advisory Committee.                  the Bendigo Volunteer Resource Centre.
      carried out at the City.”               connected with our community. It’s

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