2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE - Discover why Minto is where your family belongs - The Town of Minto
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F R E E 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE Discover why Minto is where your family belongs C L I F F O R D • H A R R I S T O N • PA L M E R S T O N • M I N T O T O W N S H I P
cont e n ts FOO D + FA R M S E V E NTS 30 12 YOUTH @C LI F FO R DCO N N E C TS TH I S PU B LI C ATI O N I S M A D E I N M I NTO. 36 P U B LI S H E R The Town of Minto C O M M U N IT Y C H A M P I O N Taylor Keunen, Town of Minto C O N TE N T & C R E ATI V E D I R E C TI O N LOCAL LOVE Heather Watterworth, Creative Worth Communications & Design Find our picks for downtown desinations in P H OTO G R A P H Y Rabecca Witzke, RW Photography Clifford, Harriston, and Palmerston starting C O N TR I B U TO R S Town of Minto Staff, Residents and Visitors on page 6! A DV E R TI S I N G S A LE S Somer Antonopolous, Minto Chamber of Commerce A DV E R TI S I N G D E S I G N Irmgard Kuersten-Kirkorian, Innovative P R I N TI N G Innovative BUS I N E SS + N ET WO R K I N G S P O RTS + @H A R R I STO N R I S I N G The Town of Minto Community Guide is a local and area visitor magazine published once a year. The Town of Minto prints 52 R E C R E ATI O N 38 6,000 copies and they are distributed free to locations across Wellington County. The Town of Minto makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, of any kind with respect to the contents of this publication. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that the information in this magazine contains errors or omissions. Please verify information with listed suppliers. While the Town of Minto takes EVENTS 12 PA R K S + T R A I L S 48 reasonable care in selecting the listed suppliers, it does not have any control over them or their suppliers. The Town of Minto R E S I D E NT E N T E R TA I N M E N T 26 BUSINESS + NETWORKING 52 cannot be responsible for any of the acts or omissions of any I N FO F O O D + FA R M S 30 TO W N O F M I N TO C O U N C I L & A D M I N I S T R AT I O N 56 60 suppliers. H I S TO RY + M U S E U M S 34 R E S I D E N T I N F O 60 © Town of Minto. All rights reserved. Individual works are also YO U T H 36 copyrighted by their originators. Reproduction in whole or in part C O M M U N I T Y D I R E C TO RY 66 S P O R T S + R E C R E AT I O N 38 is prohibited without prior written permission. POOLS + SWIMMING 44 Alternate formats of this publication available upon request. @A LL A BOA R D PA LM E RSTO N TH E TOW N O F M I N TO 5 9 41 H I G H WAY 8 9 H A R R I S TO N , O N , N 0 G 1 Z0 51 9 -3 3 8 -2 51 1 • TOW N . M I N TO.O N .C A 2 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 3
A N H O U R F R O M T H E C I T Y. AN HOUR TO THE BEACH. The Town of Minto is located in the north-western boundary of Wellington County, and is composed of the former Towns of Harriston and Palmerston, the former Village of Clifford and r e surrounding rural area of the former Minto Township. there's m o In Minto, you’re only an hour from the major centres of southern Ontario – including Kitchener-Waterloo and Guelph – and popular recreational areas along the eastern shore of Lake Huron and southern Georgian Bay. in M i n t o! “As Mayor of the Town of Minto, I have the great pleasure of leading our community and sharing unparallelled stories of collaboration that continue to make Minto a small town unlike any other.” From our earliest history until today, the success of our Minto also boasts three arenas, two swimming pools, Don’t take our word for it! V I S IT O U R W E B S ITE AT Throughout this guide you’ll find photos from residents, TOW N . M I NTO.O N .C A ! community has been a product of the creativity and imagination numerous ball and soccer fields, and acres of parkland and businesses, organizations, and visitors to give you an of the people who came here to build a life for themselves and scenic walking trails that reflect our commitment to respect the The Town of Minto website provides in depth unfiltered glimpse into life in Minto. Want to see more? their families. A spirit of enterprise and innovation has been a key natural environment. information about the Town’s services, programs, Check out #townofminto and #whereyourfamilybelongs ingredient in building the vibrant rural community that Minto is Minto is also home to locally-grown and made goods that Council, by-laws, events and more! on your favourite social media platform. today. reflect our agriculatural heritage and entrepreneurial spirit. Our unique identity as a community is a product of a proud Don’t miss unique farm markets including Reroot Organic Farm, agricultural heritage, the history and contributions of those Steckle’s Flowers & Produce, Alpaca Time, R-Lil Golden Sweets who settled in this place, and the sense of volunteerism and Maple Treats. Our one-of-a-kind Farmers’ Market in Palmerston G E T S O C I A L W ITH U S ! commitment to community that has helped us achieve everything operates from the beginning of June until the end of August. And that Minto is today. Our culture and heritage is the glue that our recently launched Makers’ Market in Harriston brings made- Follow the Town of Minto on Facebook, Twitter connects old residents and new, our past and our future. in-Minto goods and artisans to Tannery Park during fairweather TH E M I NTO V I S I O N TH E M I NTO M I S S I O N Instagram, and LinkedIn for the updates and Minto offers something for everyone, any time of year, and in months. A friendly, safe, affordable, Provide cost effective and information about programs, events and other all seasons of their lives. Our lively event calendar is packed with In Minto, you’ll truly discover something for everyone. Escape family oriented rural responsive local government happenings. initiatives and activities taking place throughout Minto all year from the chaos of daily city life and discover why Minto is where community built on a through superior customer round. your family belongs! We can’t wait to welcome you. foundation of respect, service, internal stability and /TownOfMinto Visiting our revitalized downtowns provides an unexpectedly volunteerism, and prosperous efficiency, and promoting diverse cross-section of entertainment, shopping, history and business, and sustained responsible economic growth, @townofminto food options – from the Grey-Wellington Theatre Guild and the by people who value healthy lifestyles, and @townofminto Norgan Theatre, to antique shops and everyday essentials, M AYO R G E O R G E B R I D G E neighbourliness, fairness respect for the museums, renovated libraries, and independent eateries that mix Town of Minto and inclusiveness. natural environment. /company/townofminto/ locally grown ingredients into their menus. town.minto.on.ca 4 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 5
Well known for its restaurants and several unique shopping destinations – including our roots need to know antiques, home decor, and a gallery – The village of Clifford was founded around 1855 as Minto Clifford is home to Wightman Telecom. The Wightman family WHERE TO FIND Clifford’s strong sense of community and Village. After the opening of the post office in 1856, the has owned and operated a communication system in CLIFFORD dedicated volunteer base make it standout settlement was renamed Clifford by the first postmaster Clifford since 1908, with a telephone system that was among other small communities. Francis Brown after Clifford originally operated out of a in West Yorkshire, England. kitchen in Howick Township. Clifford was incorporated The company is now involved as a village in 1873. In 1999, heavily in high speed fibre- m ust -see To Mildmay Clifford was amalgamated with optic internet, cable, and HI To Drew GH Palmerston, Harriston and telephone throughout areas of W AY 9 2 CLIFFORD Minto Township to create the Southwestern Ontario. AD RO TY Town of Minto. Cl i ffor d UN E IC H LI N CO FO RDW HOW IC K M IN TO To Harriston TOW NL IN E W H E R E T O E AT BBQ Bite (Seasonal) 33 Elora St. N., Clifford 519-327-2483 W E S T M E A D OW P R E S S & Clifford Takeout Pizza W E S LE Y B ATE S G A LLE RY 29 Elora St. N., Clifford Run by Wesley Bates, West Meadow Press is a small print 519-327-8600 shop featuring multiple letterpresses. Adjacent to the Wesley Bates Gallery, it provides a street-side view of an Gramma Jo’s artist at work. 3 Elora St. N., Clifford 519-327-4726 C LI F F O R D A N TI Q U E C L A S S I C TR U C K S H OW Jemstones Bar & Grill The Clifford 10 Since its introduction Downtown years ago, Revitalization the Clifford Committee Antique com- 47 Elora St. S., Clifford missioned local artist Cliff Smith, whose Classic Truck Show has grown and gained recognition as notable work 519-327-5367 the largestincludes a 14-piece gathering mural of classic on the big rigs side of the in Canada. SeeMount full J O H N H O B E LM A N R OTA RY Forest Legion, event details on page 18! to create an eight-foot-by-eight-foot C E NTE N N I A L PA R K mural of the Clifford Grist Mill. Home to a soccer field, baseball diamond, and a covered pavilion W H E R E T O S TAY The mural will be temporarily installed at the mill site Driftwood Beach Park Campground (Seasonal) with an indoor storage/kitchen in time for a special celebration on July 1, and will remain there until after homecoming. FOLLOW area, this expansive green space connects to Clifford trails, RR #1, Clifford 519-327-8536 driftwoodbeachpark.ca @CLIFFORDCONNECTS making it the perfect place to Pike Lake Golf & Country Club Resort stretch your legs. Following the event, the mural will be permanently located at 2 Elora St. N. in Clifford on the building of O N I N S TA G R A M RR #3, Clifford 519-3278-3010 pikelake.ca Lisa Calzonetti and Ken Morris. FOR COMMUNITY R O O S TE R ’ S P E R C H A NT I Q U E S HIGHLIGHTS AND Rooster’s Perch Antiques is an antique and collectible shop in downtown Clifford. A wide variety of furnishings, glassware, Ron’s Campsite Inc. (Seasonal) RR #1, Clifford EVENTS INFO! china, clocks, toys, games and memorabilia can be found there. 519-327-8654 ronscampsiteinc.com
Harriston Rising is a grass roots, community led movement to revitalize downtown Harriston! From businesses, need to know residents and service clubs, to local talent and the Town of WHERE TO FIND Minto, this is truly a community led movement! Our goal HARRISTON is to make Downtown Harriston a true experience HI GH WA Y 89 and a FUN destination for all! To Mount Forest To Clifford HI GH W AY 9 Harr iston HARRISTON To Wingham MAKERS’ MARKET HI GH W This monthly outdoor market in Tannery Park highlights local AY 23 makers and artisans alongside live music. The Makers’ Market happens the 3rd Thursday of the month from June to October, hot spots To Palmerston weather-permitting. If you create local, handmade goods, become a vendor by contacting taylor@town.minto.on.ca CO O L CO N E S C R AW L A nod to York Ice Cream production in Harriston, the self-guided W H E R E T O E AT Cedar Rail Drive-in New Orleans “Cool Cones” Crawl features three dimensional metal ice cream Restaurant (Seasonal) Pizza & Submarine cone sculptures that have been topped with the art and craftwork 200 Elora St. N., Harriston 94 Elora St. S., Harriston of ten artists, creating unique works of art throughout the 519-338-2540 519-338-5800 downtown core. What could be cooler? Harriston Bakery Pike Lake Clubhouse 22 Elora St S., Harriston (Seasonal) 519-338-2300 Pike Lake (5 minutes east of Harriston on Hwy. 89) Harry Stone’s 519-338-3010 Social House pikelake.com 19 Elora St S., Harriston 519-338-3300 Red Caboose (Seasonal) 5973 Wellington County Lucky Restaurant Rd. 109, Harriston (Chinese Food) 519-338-2400 116 Elora St. S., Harriston 519-338-5366 Tim Hortons 182 Elora St. N., Harriston Magic Ice Cream Shoppe 519-338-1128 25 Elora St S, Harriston 519-604-4935 W H E R E T O S TAY FOLLOW Bev’s Bed & Breakfast Fire #6765, Highway 89 Meiklejohn House B&B 116 Arthur St., Harriston @HARRISTONRISING RR#4, Mount Forest 519-323-2097 519-338-2671 meiklejohnhouse.ca S E LF I E C E N T R A L O N I N S TA G R A M Pike Lake Golf View Glass Ward Bed & Murals, public art and seasonal selfie spots are ripe for the picking in downtown Harriston! You’ll find brightly coloured FOR COMMUNITY Motel Breakfast backdrops throughout the community to strike your best pose. HIGHLIGHTS AND Pike Lake (5 minutes east of Harriston on Hwy. 89) 5180 Line 13, Harriston 519-327-4541 Add the #harristonrising hashtag to your post to be featured! EVENTS INFO! 519-338-3010 pikelake.com bbcanada.com/14327.html
At the junction of fascinating history and vibrant community spirit, Palmerston honours its railway need to know heritage in creative and collaborative ways - here are WHERE TO FIND just a few of the downtown destinations that make us PA LM E RSTO N say #AllAboardPalmerston! W H IT E’ To Harriston M OV I E S & M O R E S ROA AT TH E N O R G A N TH E ATR E D/CO U Municipally-owned, and volunteer-run, the Norgan Theatre All a boar d! N TY RO is more than 70 years old, and still a hub of comunity To Teviotdale AD 5 happenings. Enjoy weekend screenings of first-run ROAD 93 CO UN TY movies, special concerts and performances, or join us for a To Listowel PE RT H PALMERSTON community update on the #AllAboardPalmerston initiative! KIN G ST . /C OU NT YR OA D8 To Drayton W H E R E T O E AT Bombay Hub Pizza Pizza 212 Main St., Palmerston 5928 Main St. W., 647-631-6122 Palmerston 519-343-2220 Fresh Start Bakery 107 William St., Small Town Pizza Palmerston 135 Main St. W., (519) 417-1212 Palmerston 519-343-2500 Grandpa Scott’s Diner 185 Main St. W., Subway Palmerston 405 Main St. E., 519-343-4869 Palmerston 519-343-5789 Kulfi Café 212 Main St., Palmerston Tim Hortons 519-417-4335 535 Main St. W., Palmerston Minto Shawarma 519-343-3223 IT A LL H A P P E N S AT TH E S TATI O N ! 405 Main St. E., Whether you’re a railway afionado or a first-time passenger, visiting the Palmerston Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum is an immersion in all things railway – 519-343-3200 from historical artifacts to handcar rides. The museum is housed inside the original station building, which is is surrounded by the stunning Palmerston Lions Heritage Park, including Ontario’s only pedestrian train bridge. Visit on a summer Saturday morning, and pick up local produce at the Minto Farmers’ Market. W H E R E T O S TAY King Hotel 120 King St., Palmerston 519-343-3906 FO LLOW @A LL A BOA R D PA LM E RSTO N kinghotelbookings@gmail.com O N I N S TA G R A M F O R C O M M U N I T Y Magnuson Hotel: VOW 9151 Highway 23, Listowel HIGHLIGHTS AND EVENTS INFO! 519-417-5000 magnusonhotels.com
where your event belongs ev e n ts Think Minto’s communities are just sleepy small-towns? Our jam-packed event calendar begs to differ! APRIL L A D I E S O F AG PR E - S E E D I N G N I G HT O UT April 3 Palmerston Community Centre No matter the time of year, there’s always Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for social something happening here! Contact: Palmerston Agricultural Society, palmerstonfair.ca Save the date for this “heels and boots” ladies only event in support of the Palmerston Agricultural Society. Enjoy social time with appetizers, medium reading by Journey Healers, and a dance! Age of majority, all women welcome. Tickets available at Palmerston Home Hardware, What’s the Occasion?, and Teenie new events! H O S TI N G A N E V E NT I N M I NTO? Tiny Tots Children’s Shop. N O R TH E R N W E LLI N G TO N YO UTH CO N N E C TI O N S Watch for fun new community events brought to you by April 28, Mount Forest Sports Complex Help make it a success by reaching a bigger audience. M A PLE W E E K E N D AT R - LI L G O LD E N TR E AT S the Harriston Rising, All Aboard Palmerston, and Add it to our online event calendar at Contact: Taylor Keunen, taylor@town.minto.on.ca M A PLE S W E E T S 519-338-2511 ext. 242 Clifford Connects downtown revitalization groups! town.minto.on.ca and tag us on Facebook! April 4 - 5 instagram.com/north4youth 8936 Wellington Road 5 (Whites Road) They’re marked throughout this guide with these icons: Contact: Ron & Lillian Grubb, 519-343-2973 Bridging the gap between youth and the community through hosting an annual forum for local students which includes a Visit R-Lil’s sugar shack during Ontario’s Maple Weekend to see keynote speaker, energizing activities, breakout sessions and how maple syrup is produced right here in Minto. Maple syrup more to help empower our local youth! MARCH samples with Aebelskiver (round pancake balls) and sausage will be available. Maple syrup, maple butter, maple leaf candy and maple leaf lollipops will also be available to purchase. M I NTO C H A M B E R O F CO M M E RC E G R E AT B OW L S O F F I R E CO M M U N IT Y AC H I E V E M E NT AWA R D S Ladies and gentlemen, April 30 start your crockpots! FA R M E R S’ PR E - S E E D I N G B B Q Harriston Legion Follow these accounts on Instagram for more details! This chili cook-off is April 17, Palmerston Community Centre Doors open at 6:00 p.m. sure to ignite local Contact: Palmerston Agricultural Society, palmerstonfair.ca Contact: Minto Chamber of Commerce, mintochamber.on.ca For a complete listing of For more information debate over who spiced it best. This is one of the premier events of the year in the Palmerston events taking place in Minto, on Minto events and Now in its 11th year, this annual community celebration honours region. Attended by nearly 500 people per year, the well-known visit our event calendar destinations, visit our Minto businesses, organizations, and individuals that are going March 6 “Farmers Stag” kicks off the season. Enjoy a delicious steak at town.minto.on.ca, tourism kiosk at LaunchIt, above and beyond to make Minto better. All are welcome to the Harriston Legion dinner, followed by a live auction with some fantastic donated treasuresofminto.ca or 1 Elora St. N. Unit 4 event, which includes dinner and the awards presentation! Grade 6:30 p.m. start items. our Facebook page. Harriston, ON, N0G 1Z0. nine students welcome to attend! HarristonRising.ca 12 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 13
v e n ts where your event belongs e the short list Your clip-and-save list of all the events hap- pening in Minto in 2020. MARCH 6: Great Bowls of Fire Chili Cook-Off (H) M AY APRIL 3: Ladies of Ag Pre-Seeding Night Out (P) N E WCO M E R S’ W E LCO M E R E C E P TI O N S 3: Clifford Firefighters Spaghtti Supper (C) • Clifford: May 5, Clifford Community Hall 6/7: Maple Weekend (P) • Harriston: June 17, Tannery Park 17: Farmers’ Pre-Seeding BBQ (P) • Palmerston: September 10, Lions’ Heritage Park 30: Minto Chamber of Commerce Community Achievement Awards (H) Pavillion Contact: Belinda Wick-Graham, Town of Minto M AY 519-338-2511 ext. 241 5: Clifford Newcomers’ Event (C) 30: Spring Rural Romp (Locations across Minto) New to Minto? We want to welcome you! Join us for JUNE this casual gathering of new friends to learn about 6: Harriston Firefighters Pancake Breakfast (H) resident services, amenities, programs, and more 6: Harriston Horticultural Society Garden Festival (H) available in the Town of Minto, and to pick up your 6: Clifford Street Celebration & Dance (C) welcome package! 6: Minto Farmers’ Market Season Opening (P) 13: Pride in the Park (P) 20: Firehall Kidz (H) 20: Palmerston Raleway Festival (P) 20: Party in the Park (P) • A P R I L 2 0: Big Film Fest Screening: S PR I N G R U R A L RO M P And the Birds Rained Down, Norgan J U LY spring arts Saturday, May 30 Theatre, Palmerston • M AY 2 0: Big Film Fest Screening: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 3/4: Clifford Antique & Classic Truck Show (C) • A P R I L 2 6 - 2 8 / M AY 2 - 4: Official Secrets, Norgan Theatre, Download your Spring Rural Romp passport at tastereal.ca. 16: Makers’ Market (H) & culture Five Alarm, Grey-Wellington Theatre Palmerston AU G U S T Guild Production, Harriston Town • M AY 3 0: 20th Annual Starlight Farms, markets, gardens, and places to stay in Minto, Mapleton and 1: Harriston Town Garage Sale (H) Hall Theatre Gala Benefitting the Palmerston and 6: Mayor’s 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament (H) happenings Wellington North will open their doors to the public to offer self- • M AY 7 - J U N E 1 : Minto Arts District Hospital (Drayton) guided tours. Enjoy this self-guided tour with educational activities, 8: Harriston Street Party & Savour in the Street (H) 9: Sundaes on Sunday (H) Council Juried Art Exhibition workshops and more. Spend the day in the countryside meeting 20: Makers’ Market (H) (3rd Floor, Harriston Library) your local farmers and enjoying the first tastes of spring! 21-23: Palmerston Fall Fair (P) SEPTEMBER 10: Palmerston Newcomers Event (P) Realtors © That Work Hard For You Gray's Auction 18-20: Harriston-Minto Fall Fair (H) 25-27: Culture Days (Minto) service inc. 26: Tiny Trains & Treats (P) O C TO B E R Industrial • Farm 9: Live2Lead (P) Appraisals • Household 23: Harriston Halloween Haunt (H) 25: Palmerston Firefighters Pancake Breakfast (P) N OV E M B E R 18: Harriston Ladies’ Night (H) 20: Light Up the Park (P) Bill Nelson*** Brett Parker** Drew Nelson** 21: Harriston Santa Claus Parade (H) 25: Holiday Hustle (P) Mount Forest • 519-323-3022 Gray's Liquidation Centre 28: Light Up the Street & Clifford Santa Claus Parade (C) www.coldwellbanker.ca Open Friday 10am - 6pm DECEMBER 5: Clifford Firefighters Curling Bonspiel (C) Saturday 9am - 4pm win@coldwellbankerwinrealty.ca Furniture • Household Items • Appliances • Clothing • 5: Palmerston Santa Claus Parade (P) Toiletries Toys & Much, much more! New Items Weekly 12: Harriston Shines (H) Each office is independently Owned and Operated 25: Community Christmas Dinner Sharon Wenger* Brian Padfield* Jessica McFarlane* 519-338-3722 • www.graysauction.ca 31: Fire & Ice New Year’s Eve Celebration (P) ***Broker of Record **Broker *Sales Representative 1 mile West of Harriston Corner of Highways 23 & 87 14 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 15
v e n ts where your event belongs e M I NTO PR I D E I N TH E PA R K Saturday, June 13 Lions’ Heritage Park, Palmerston facebook.com/mintopride instagram.com/mintopride This family-friendly event is a celebration of diversity and SUMMER inclusion in our rural communities. S AT U R DAY S Decorate yourself, your bike or I N M I N TO A R E W H E R E I T ’ S AT ! your pet and join us for a Pride March through the park. Watch for full details online closer to the event. WA S H F O R A W I S H Saturday, June 13, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. JUNE Krown Palmerston, 450 Main St W., Palmerston $10 per car wash 1 9 T H A N N UA L G A R D E N Contact: Cheryl Donkersgoed, 519-343-5300 F E S TI VA L Saturday, June 6 / 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. You can help make a child’s dream come true by getting your car Harriston-Minto Community Complex washed at any Krown location. All proceeds go to The Children’s (Pavilion Area) Wish Foundation of Canada. Stay tuned for full details! 111 George St. S., Harriston Free Admission PA LM E R S TO N R A LE WAY F E S T C LI F F O R D S TR E E T F I R E H A LL K I DZ Saturday, June 20 Contact: Harriston Horticultural Society C E LE B R ATI O N Saturday, June 20, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. palmerstonrailwaymuseum.ca Saturday, June 6, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Harriston Contact: Taylor Keunen, Town of Minto Join us for the largest Garden Festival Street Dance: 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Contact: Callise Loos, 519-343-5300 519-338-2511 ext. 242 in the area. Local growers, artisans and Downtown Clifford mintofiredept.com garden inspired products will be on site, as well as new plant introductions. facebook.com/mintofire Join us for some ales ont he rails at the Palmerston Railway Join us for a day of community instagram.com/mintofire Heritage Museum! Enjoy local food and beverages! The Harriston Horticultural Society will celebration, and a public art unveiling at Look for the event on Facebook for complete details! have their donated plant table filled with 10:00 a.m. Stay tuned for full details! Stay tuned for event details this spring! bargain priced plants. There will also be a great raffle and a food booth. PA R T Y I N TH E PA R K Saturday, June 27 at 7:00 p.m. Norsco Sports “A pleasant drive Wylie Insurance Palmerston Lions Heritage Park Full details at norgantheatre.com & Stitching from anywhere“ Brokers, Ltd. Enjoy an evening concert in the park with all proceeds benefitting the Palmerston Lions Club, the EMBROIDERY • TEAMWEAR • UNIFORMS TROPHIES AND ENGRAVING Harriston - 73 Elora Street Home • Auto • Commercial Norgan Theatre and overall community & improvement. Bus: 519-338-2310 Farm • Life • Investments Toll Free: 1-800-997-2310 TIM WYLIE, CIP What’s the Occasion? Walkerton - Highway 9 South Bus: 519-881-1506 STEPHEN WYLIE, CIP CANDLES • GIFTWARE • TUXEDO RENTALS Toll Free: 1-800-790-4690 HELIUM BALLOONS • CANDLE FUNDRAISING Wingham - Highway 86 East Harriston Gorrie Bus: 519-357-3460 42 Elora St., Harrison 2057 Victoria St., Gorrie 295 Main St. W. Palmerston Toll Free: 1-888-495-8885 Tel: 519-338-3847 Tel: 519-335-3193 519-343-2075 stephen@wylieinsurance.ca tim@wylieinsurance.ca www.norscosports.com www.lesliemotors.com wylieinsurance.ca 16 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 17
v e n ts where your event belongs e J U LY C LI F F O R D C L A S S I C TR U C K S H OW July 3 & 4, Clifford Rotary Park Event Organizer: Chris Hall,519-993-7767 1 1 T H A N N UA L J E F F DAV I E M E M O R I A L 3 - P ITC H TO U R N A M E NT July 31, August 1 & 2 Harriston and Palmerston Ball Diamonds This annual 3-Pitch tournament in memory of Jeff Davie, who passed info@greatlakestruckclub com away in 2008 from a brain tumour, greatlakestruckclub.com has raised more than $150,000 for local recreation groups in Minto. The Clifford Classic Truck Show is the largest The King Hotel at Palmerston offers you 33 spacious rooms Enjoy 3-Pitch, a beverage tent and a designed to accommodate your needs. We have Seven room Classic and Antique Big Rig show in Ontario. dance at the Harriston Curling Club styles to fulfill your needs Luxury Suits, Luxury King, Luxury Re-live the golden years of trucking – whether on the Saturday night. Double Queen, Standard Queen, Deluxe King, Spacious you’re a driver, retired from trucking, or a truck double Queen Rooms and Family Kitchenette Rooms. Each enthusiast! There is on-site camping and the room is provided with comfort you need and enjoy the natural Rotary Club food booth view. We also have a meeting room available to host small is open all weekend. AUGUST events, parties and get togethers. 4 2 N D A N N UA L TR AC TO R PU LL Saturday, July 28 4:00 p.m. start Palmerston Agricultural Grounds palmerstonfair.ca Presented by the Palmerston Agricultural Society, this annual tractor pull is a qualifying event for the King of the Pull and is fun for all ages! H A R R I S TO N TOW N G A R AG E S A LE Investments. Harriston Saturday, August 1 Harriston Harriston Protection. Appliance Centre Contact: HarristonRising.ca Home Hardware facebook.com/harristonrising instagram.com/harristonrising Freedom. Now and in retirement. 78 Mill Street, Box 10 Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0 One person’s trash is another person’s treasure! Clear out the clutter from your basement, attic, and garage and join in this T 519.510.4442 18 Elora Street, Box 10 community-wide garage sale. Watch for full details closer to the MONEY FOR LIFE Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0 homehardware.ca/harriston I can help you develop a customized financial and retirement plan that meets F 519.338.3807 event date! your needs today and builds a solid foundation for your financial future. mockhdwe@wightman.ca T 519.338.2313 Kathie Butcher* 1 Elora Street N., Unit 3 homehardware.ca/harriston F 519.338.3807 Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0 Tel: 226-748-3850 mockhdwe@wightman.ca kathie.butcher@sunlife.com www.sunlife.ca/kathie.butcher *Mutual funds are distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2020. 18 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 19
v e n ts where your event belongs e S U N DA E S O N S U N DAY Sunday, August 9 Harriston Contact: HarristonRising.ca facebook.com/harristonrising instagram.com/harristonrising What’s the cherry on top of a lazy Sunday in the dog days of summer? Two scoops of icey-cool community spirit, of course. Join us downtown Harriston to kick back and celebrate the season. PA LM E R S TO N FA I R 2 02 0 : “A RO U N D TH E WO R LD I N TH R E E FA I R DAYS” August 21 - 23 Palmerston Community Centre Presented by the Palmerston Agriculture Society palmerstonfair.ca facebook.com/palmerstonagriculturesociety A One-Of-A-Kind Visit palmerstonfair.ca for full event schedule! Puzzle Room in a Restored Heritage Building OVER 250 C E L E B R AT I N G 5 Star Reviews 10 YEARS! "We had a great family night at the Old Post Escape Room. S-o-o-o much fun! Non-stop puzzles, codes, mind teasers...all very clever!" AUGUST ★★★★★ – J. Dirksen A One-Of-A-Kind avaNew ila U P U CO D OW NTOW N H A R R I S TO N U sp PbC OM I 1 0 A N N UA L Puzzle Room ace le TH M AYO R ’ S C H A R IT Y S TR E E T PA R T Y VisitVisit Vis the theoldpo G O LF TO U R N A M E NT Saturday, August 8 in a RestoredSATURDAY,SATURDAY Thursday, August 6 Street Party: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. SAT S THeritage O N of aBuilding PLEASE SEPTEMBER 21 Shotgun Start at 1:00 p.m. Savour in the Street: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. A one 3 9 of ELOaRkind A S T. space S . , H A for R R I your O N ,one kind 7event 3 9 E L O R A S T. S . , H A R R I S T O N , O N SEPTEMBE - 10 P.M. SEP A One-Of-A-Kind 7 - 10 P.M. Pike Lake Golf Centre Ltd. Street Dance (Age of Majority): 3T9THEHE LOOLRD A P OSS T.C T. AS .•, H519A-R510R I- 2S2T2 2O N , O N 7-1 E O L D P O S T.C A • 519 - 510 - 2 2 2 2 Contact: Tawnya Robertson, 519-338-2511 9:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m. Located in the lower for level fam of the historic fun Old any ilymulti-purpose Post in day... downtown Puzzle Room T H E O L D P O S T.C A • 519 - 510 - 2 2 2250 2 Esc ape OVER READ: Located in the Harriston, the lower levelisof Post Script an the historic innovative, Old Post in space downtown ext. 233 5Old Star PosttoReviews EscapeTheOldPost.ca Located forin Harriston,meetings, the Post events lower and level Script is gatherings. of the an Custom historic innovative, designed multi-purpose in space downtown This annual community celebration takes BOOK YOUR VISIT AT and in a Restored highlight for meetings,the building’s events historic and features, gatherings. complete Custom with to designed place the second Saturday in August with Harriston, the Post Script is an innovative, multi-purpose a certified commercial kitchen, the space is ideal for a diverse space The Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament 39 Elora StreetContactSouth, Harriston highlight the building’s historic features, and complete with for meetings, events andand gatherings. us forCustom designed family-friendly activities, retail promotions, a"We hadcommercial range of a great groups familyuses. night at the OldforPost availability Escapeto Room. is an annual event created to help raise funds for local clubs and organizations and a car show filling the street by day, Heritage Building certified 519.510.2222 highlight the and building’s range of groups and uses. kitchen, Please | rental rates historic the space S-o-o-o check Contact much us is ideal escapetheoldpost@gmail.com for yourfeatures, for a diverse next event.and complete with SUNDAY, fun!surefor a diverse availability SEPTEMBER 29 a certified commercial and rental rateskitchen, the to for your make space next event.is ideal SUNDAY, 2 - 5 P.M. within the Town of Minto. Please visit with a street dance in the evening. Back Non-stop puzzles, codes, mind teasers...all very clever!"SEPTEMBE • Breakfasts & BBQs range of groups thatuses. A One-of-a-Kind and the information Space us forisavailability Contact town.minto.on.ca for more information. by popular demand, plan to join us for for rental Your One-of-a-Kind Event SUN 2 - 5 P.M. Savour in the Street – a community meal • Leslie Motors Annual Car Show OVER 250 and correct. ratesMark for ★★★★★ any your errors next – J.on event. Dirksen A isOne-of-a-Kind Spaceand private SEP • The Post Script this copy available to rentand email or fax for corporate unlike any other, pairing Minto farmers • Professional Face Painting 5 Star Reviews for meetings, Your One-of-a-Kind workshops, This fully renovated back to 519-843-7607 Event events and social gatherings. a Ne vai w 2-5 U PU CO and producers with local chefs. Bouncy Castles space accommodates The Post Script isOne-of-a-Kind and includesA both modern amenities and up to 30 people, Space historic features Us Pl a pac le WEDNESDAY,bC OM I • Activities at the Library or call available unique for Your One-of-a-Kind Event to The 1-844-638-3066 to rent for corporate Old Post. VisitVi the meetings, workshops, events and social gatherings. and private e OCTOBER 9 Visit theoldpo • Live Music (all day!) "We had a great family night at the Old Post Escape Room. PROOF OF YOUR AD This fully renovated Certified and includes space, 30 both BY MONDAY commercial space kitchen placemodern accommodates with appliances, ample settings, amenities and 3PM. up to counter historic 30 people, toolsfeatures 7 - 9 P.M. • and essential kitchen WEDNESD Sidewalk Sales S-o-o-o much fun! for the February 6 issue of the The Post Script WiFi and 55”isSmartTV available unique IF WE forThe to to rent for /corporate presentations DO Old Post. NOT AV needs and private SATURDAY, HEAR SATURDAY OCTOBER SAT • Balloons meetings, workshops, Unique, custom-built tables events A one of a kind space for your one of a kind event and social and comfortable gatherings. chairs SEPTEMBER 21 Non-stop puzzles, codes, mind teasers...all very clever!" North Wellington Community News. This fullyDesignated 3 9commercial renovated private E L O R A Skitchen washroom T. S . , with space adjacent H A appliances, to space R R I S T O Nample accommodates , up O Ntocounter 30 people, 7SEPTEMBE - 9 P.M. SEP R AFROM YOU, YOUR NAD Certified 7 - 10 P.M. • And much more! 3 and3space, 9 9 EL includes TEHE L30Oplace Coordination OOLboth RDFree A S T.of local modern P Osettings, Sparking S T.C T. S . ,and .• HA ASinamenities , 519 H private RR catering A -R lot IS options essential 510and R T Ohistoric kitchen - 2S2T I , tools 2 2O O Nfeatures N , O N 7 - 10 P.M. WED 7-1 T HE WiFi andO L55” DP O SWILL SmartTV unique T.Cfor toAThe BE PRINTED • Old 519 presentations - 510 Post. / AV- 2 222 needs ★★★★★ – J. Dirksen Escapexfor Located 2 columns Located 5”fam HinEthe TUnique, Harriston, Certified lower - $114.48 inDesignated the the lower 10%day ily fun- any L D Plevel O custom-built O level private Post Script commercial S INisof ... colour ofT.C THE + $25 the historic tables the washroom an kitchen A Old NEWSPAPER historic innovative, with Post- 510 and•comfortable 519 Old Post adjacent in downtown to space multi-purpose appliances, - chairs 2 2 in space 2 downtown ample 2 counter OCT 7-9 Coordination AS of localIT IS HERE. catering options VISIT AT EscapeTheOldPost.ca Located for Harriston, meetings, in the30 Postevents lower Script and level gatherings. is anof the Custom historic innovative, designed Old Post multi-purpose toin downtown space avaNew + HSTBOOKper issue space, place settings, and essential kitchen tools U P C OM YOUR INENG EHarriston V E N TS Free parking in private lot ilabU P C OM I NG forhighlight VSouth, EN TS the building’s historic features, and complete with UspaP C OM I NG39 Elora E E V TS Harriston,meetings, WiFitheandPostevents 55”Script and SmartTV gatherings. for Custom presentations /designed AV needsto space 20 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto PostScript_Postcard_v2.indd a certified commercial 2isTOWN kitchen, an innovative, OF MINTO the space multi-purpose ideal2020 iscomfortable COMMUNITY for a diverse GUIDE | 21 c le Street Unique, custom-built highlight the building’s historic for meetings, events DEADLINES: tables and features, and complete chairswith e range of groups Designated andand private uses. gatherings. forCustom Contact usadjacent washroom availability to designed space to a certified commercial Our kitchen, and rental rates fordeadlines the space is ideal your next event. for for a diverse SUNDAY,
s where your event belongs e v e n t OCTOBER LI V E 2 LE A D S I M U LC A S T LE A D E R S H I P E V E NT f a c i l i ty s n t a l Friday, October 6 r e 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The Norgan Theatre, Palmerston Contact: LaunchIt Business Exploration Centre, 519-510-7400 launchitminto.com Live2Lead is a half-day leadership development conference designed to equip attendees with new perspectives, practical tools and key takeaways. The live conference is simulcast to the Norgan Theatre. Watch for details on speakers and ticket information! The Town offers numerous halls and auditoriums for special occasions, events, meetings and other functions. All facility rentals include tables and chairs set up to your liking, as well as portable stages and audio equipment that can be made available. We have a sufficient number of rectangular and round tables available for use at no additional charge. Find detailed information on our facilities on our webpage: http://town.minto.on.ca/departments/recreation/facilities- parks O N LI N E B O O K I N G F O R FAC I LIT I E S & I C E PA D S The Town of Minto now offers SEPTEMBER online booking for all facilities and ice pads. Whether it’s the Norgan Theatre for a birthday TI N Y TR A I N S & TR E AT S H A R R I S TO N - M I NTO 1 61 S T September 26 party, a community centre for a FA LL FA I R : “ F L A N N E L S H I R T S & D E N I M S K I R T S” 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. wedding reception, or a private September 18 - 20 skating party at one of Minto’s ice Palmerston Railway Museum Harriston-Minto Community Complex pads, the online scheduler allows facebook.com/allaboardpalmerston Presented by the Harriston–Minto Agricultural Society you to view availability and schedule Contact: info@harristonmintofair.ca your rental. Visit the Town of Minto Special activities, giveaways and treats available at participating harristonmintofair.ca website to submit a booking request: downtown businesses! Have your train ticket stamped at all facebook.com/harriston-mintofair H A LLOW E E N H AU NT town.minto.on.ca participating businesses to be entered to win great railway themed prizes! Friday, October 23 Get full event details at harristonmintofair.ca! Downtown Harriston ACC E S S I B I LIT Y LOT TE RY LI C E N S E harristonrising.ca The Alcohol and Gaming The Town strives to J O U R N E Y F O R JA S PE R facebook.com/harristonrising Commission requires C U LTU R E DAYS exceed requirements September 26 instagram.com/harristonrising organizations wishing to September 25, 26, 27 under the Accessibility Contact: Amy Habermehl run bingo games, raffles Various Locations in Minto Act. Improvements to 519-343-2764 Save the date for a spooktacular evening! Dress up in your best or break open tickets to treasuresofminto.ca reduce barriers are costume and hike downtown for tricks + treats for all ages at apply for a licence in the ongoing. For more Now in its 5th year, participating businesses and spooky activities! municipality where the The national annual event invites everyone to explore, discover information, contact this 5 km walk, run, and event is to be held. For and participate in arts and culture through free, hands-on, Matthew Lubbers at 519- stroll raises funds for MPS more information, contact interactive activities that allow you to participate “behind 338-2511 ext. 240, or email VI research, and to support Matthew Lubbers at the scenes”— and to discover the world of artists, creators, matt@town.minto.on.ca. families’ access to these 519-338-2511 ext. 240, historians, architects, curators, and designers at work in your treatments. Fun games or email community. Stay tuned for more details later this year! and activities along the way, matt@town.minto.on.ca. followed by lunch. Watch for full details and online registration. 22 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 23
ts where your event belongs e v e n LI G HT U P TH E S TR E E T Saturday, November 28 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Venues throughout downtown Clifford Contact: Economic Development, 519-338-2511 Join us to Light up the Street in downtown Clifford with family-friendly festivities happening at businesses and venues throughout the evening, followed by the Santa Claus Parade at 7:00 p.m.! S A N TA C L A U S IS COMING TO MINTO! Meet him at any of these parades. H A R R I S TO N : Saturday, November 21 - 7:00 p.m. DECEMBER C LI F F O R D: Saturday, November 28 - 7:00 p.m. H A R R I S TO N S H I N E S Saturday, December 12 PA LM E R S TO N: Saturday, December 5 - 7:00 p.m. Downtown Harriston Contact: HarristonRising.ca facebook.com/harristonrising instagram.com/harristonrising Show off your holiday decorating talents by entering your house, your business, or your street to win prizes and bragging rights during this fun celebration of the season! Watch for registration NOVEMBER details and online voting closer to the event. H A R R I S TO N L A D I E S’ N I G HT CO M M U N IT Y C H R I S TM A S D I N N E R Wednesday, November 18 Friday, December 25, 1:00 p.m. 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Location to be announced Businesses throughout Contact: Jean Anderson, 519-505-5914, jeanurse1@gmail.com downtown Harriston Come and join us for a time of fellowship and a traditional turkey Black Friday has nothing on this dinner hosted by local residents Dave and Jean Anderson. shop-local ladies’ night! Head downtown All are welcome, there is no charge to attend and the event to take advantage of special deals and is not a fundraiser. Rides are available for those who need sweet treats at local businesses during transportation. To donate food, provide transportation, or this annual night of shopping. Plus, volunteer at the event, please contact Jean Anderson. don’t miss the pop-up store at LaunchIt featuring local artisans, makers, and vendors. Watch the event page on M I NTO F I R E & I C E LI G HT U P TH E PA R K H O LI DAY H U S TLE Facebook for more details and info on FA M I LY N E W Y E A R ’ S E V E PA R T Y Friday, November 20 L A D I E S’ S H O PP I N G N I G HT particiants. Ring in the new year at this community event with activities and 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 25 Palmerston Lions Heritage Park 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. entertainment the whole family will love! Full event details to be Businesses throughout announced – watch for the Facebook event! Join us to ‘light up’ the Palmerston Lion’s downtown Palmerston Heritage Park! Railway-themed activities, Thursday, December 31 DON’T MISS THE hot chocolate, and snacks to follow at the Grab the girls and head downtown 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. POP-UP STORE Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum. Palmerston to get hustlin’ for the Fireworks at 8:00 p.m. AT LAUNCHIT!! holidays! You’ll discover great deals, Palmerston Arena • BBQ: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. sweet treats, and bubbly! Contact: Economic Development, 519-338-2511 • Lighting: 7:00 p.m. • Activities: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. 24 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 25
where your event belongs FILM TH E N O R G A N TH E ATR E Opened in 1947 by George Norgan, the 275 Main Street W., Palmerston, ON historic Norgan Theatre is one of the Information and Rentals: Grace Wilson, few municipally-owned film theatres n t 519-343-3640 e in Canada. It is operated primarily by m Big Film Fest Organizer: Gordon Duff, n volunteers with administrative assistance a i 519-338-2497 t from Town of Minto staff. er norgantheatre.com t Equipped with a high-definition digital en facebook.com/norgantheatre projector, the Norgan features regular WANT FREE instagram.com/norgantheatre weekend show times with the latest POPCORN AND new releases, plus special showings MOVIE S? Show Times: Volunteer at and performances, like the Big Film Fest N organ! Con the tact us • Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. monthly film festival, comedy nights, to learn mor e! • Sundays at 7:00 p.m. concerts and workshops. • Matinees on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. (subject to film type) • Big Film Fest: 3rd Monday of the month at 7:15 p.m. From live theatre to latest film releases, unique art 2 02 0 B I G F I LM F E S T DATE S exhibits and one-of-a-kind experiences, there’s no Join us on the 3rd Monday of each • March 16: Once Were Brothers: month at 7:15 p.m. for a selection of Robbie Robertson and The Band reason to look elsewhere for entertainment – independent, foreign and critically- • April 20: And the Birds there’s always something to see and do in Minto! acclaimed films from the TIFF Film Rained Down Circuit. Learn more about Big Film • May 11: Official Secrets Fest and see movie trailers at norgantheatre.com! ART M I NTO A R T S G A LLE RY TH E C R OW N H A R R I S TO N The Minto Arts Gallery is operated by the ( TH E ATR E & C U LTU R A L C E NTR E ) Minto Arts Council, and located on the 23 Elora Street South, Harriston, ON 3rd floor of the historic Harriston Public (519) 604-4935 Library. The Arts Council is committed to thecrownharriston.com using the Gallery to showcase local and facebook.com/thecrowntheater distant artistic talent collections. Visit 2020 exhibits & events mintoartscouncil.ca for information on • January 9 – 31: Norwell District Built in 1949 as a cinema, The Crown closed its doors in the late upcoming events, exhibits and artist Secondary School Student Show 1970s to become a church, and was reopend as a Cultural Centre in talks. • February 6 – 29: Dixi Leroux 2016. • March 5 – 28: Dana Savard LOV E T H E A R T S ? 88 Mill Street, Harriston, ON • April 2 – 25: “Changing Face of Equipped with a new movie projector and surround sound system, The Minto Arts Council (3rd Floor, Harriston Carnegie Library) Photography”- Mark Robinson, the building maintains many original features. With a capacity of welcomes new volunteers to our mintoartscouncil.ca Pete Daize, Gary Moon 220 authentic original seats, the auditorium features a screen, and a exhibition committee, gallery staff, and Christmas silent auction crew! facebook.com/mintoartscouncil • May 7 – 30: Juried Art Show 16’ x 24’ stage with overhead lights. Visit mintoartscouncil.ca instagram.com/mintoartscouncil • June 4 – 27: Elementary H OT TI C K E T ! to get in touch with our Student Art Show The Crown features regular showings of classic films, burlesque and The Crown’s annual volunteer coordinator! Hours: • July & August: Harriston drag shows, and an annual Rocky Horror Picture Show live event Rocky Horror Picture Show live event will celebrate its • Closed Sunday & Monday Historical Society Exhibit that make it a destination for edgy entertainment in Minto. 5th annual event this October! • Tuesday: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. • September 3 – 26: “Left, Right Watch The Crown’s • Wednesday: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. and and Centre”: Ken Thornburn and Space is available for performances, and public and private events, social media for tickets and details! 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Friends such as (birthday) parties, weddings, meetings, showings and • Thursday: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. • October 8 – 31: “Square Foot presentations. Call or email us for more information and bookings. • Friday: 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Show 2”: Kitchener Artists • Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • November 5 – December 3: Christmas Silent Auction 26 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 27
m e n t where your event belongs e n ter t a i n LIVE MUSIC TH E B A S E M E NT C A F E 88 Mill Street, Harriston GUITAR REPAIR (Basement, Harriston Carnegie Library) Contact: Gordon Duff 519-338-2497 FULL SERVICE STRINGED INSTRUMENT REPAIR Held in an intimate setting, These concerts offer an the Basement Café Concert opportunity for the audience Complete Setups / Fret Replacement / Refinishing Series is a coffeehouse-style to experience an “up close Handcrafted Custom Nut, Saddle & Bridge Installs music event sponsored by and personal” performance Neck & Head Stock Repair / Total Guitar Rebuilding the Minto Arts Council. The from top-notch Canadian concert series features a musicians, and likewise, STAYTUNEDGUITARREPAIR.CA / 519-546-5990 diverse selection of musical gives performers a venue to Located in Harriston, Ontario • By Appointment Only genres including blues, jazz, really communicate with an Serving Wellington, Grey, Bruce, Perth & Huron Counties folk, country and rock. enthusiastic and attentive L I V E T H E AT R E crowd. G R E Y- W E LLI N G TO N TH E ATR E G U I LD/ 2 02 0 B A S E M E NT C A F É CO N C E R T S C H E D U LE TOW N H A LL TH E ATR E 68 Elora Street, Harriston, ON Box Office: 519-338-2778 • Friday, March 6: Sarah Smith with Sam & Robin ticketsgwtg@wightman.ca FRONT Visit mintoartscouncil.ca for more information on tickets, greywellingtontheatre.com performers and upcoming shows! facebook.com/greywellingtontheatre A N D C E NTR E • Travel Trailers Wellington Rd. 109 twitter.com/greywellingtontheatreguild ( S TAG E ) ! The cast and crew of • 5th Wheels (Old Hwy. 9) the GWTG’s Fall 2019 A community theatre group, the Grey-Wellington Theatre Guild has production: Knickers! • Motor Homes HARRISTON, ON been staging both well-known favourites and innovative modern Box 460, N0G 1Z0 shows at the Harriston Town Hall Theatre for more than 30 years. • Hard Tops The Theatre building is wheelchair accessible by elevator and boasts professional-quality lighting, sound and staging facilities. • Van Conversions 519-338-3422 For more information on 2020 productions, including casting dates, visit greywellingtheatre.com. O N LY - I N - M I N T O • Toy Haulers 1-888-665-2025 EXPERIENCES P I K E L A K E G O LF • RV Parts &Service Fax: 338-2770 C E NTR E LI M ITE D 9625 Pike Lake Road, RR#3, Clifford, ON 1-800-265-2551 pikelake.com BACKHOE SERVICES info@pikelake.com SEPTIC TANK spring 2020 Pike Lake Golf Centre Limited has been family owned and INSTALLING production operated since 1961, and is scenically located between & PUMPING Harriston and Mount Forest, just off Highway 89, on the Five Alarm beautiful, privately owned Pike Lake. E S C A PE TH E O LD P O S T LARRY EPWORTH & SONS by Kristen Da Silva 39 Elora St., Harriston, ON, 519-510-2222 theoldpost.ca Offering two meticulously maintained and challenging golf Dates and times courses, Pike Lake is the perfect destination for the seasoned facebook.com/theoldpostharriston to be announced! golfer and the beginner alike. “The Links” is an 18-hole instagram.com/theoldpostca championship course with a picturesque links-style design. 90933 Malcolm Line “The Lake” is an excellent, challenging 9-hole course. When Escape the Old Post is a one-of-a-kind game experience played twice, it is a par 72 course that measures 6,400 yards. CLIFFORD, ON created in the former attic of Harriston’s restored original post office. With more than 150 five-star reviews, this live action game uses the legends, lore and historic features of the With a pro shop, driving range, seasonal campground, licensed 519-327-8470 building for a remarkable night out with your favourite group. restaurant, 20-room motel and more, it’s worth a visit to this Visit the theoldpost.ca for full details on game times, online local gem! booking and more. 28 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 29
where your appetite belongs M I NTO I S A FO O D I E ’ S PA R A D I S E ! R E RO OT O RG A N I C FA R M 5642 11th Line, Harriston 519-820-1891 or info@reroot.ca r ms reroot.ca f a facebook.com/rerootorganicfarm food + instagram.com/rerootfarm reroot farm, located just outside of Harriston, is a 70-acre farm producing certified organic produce; pastured pork and chicken; grass-fed beef and lamb; free-range eggs; and raw honey. In addition to the seasonal Minto and Elora Farmers’ markets, reroot also H E N C E F O R T H FA R M sells their produce from the farm store 5642 11th Line, Harriston open daily for self-serve, and through 416-885-4936 their Community Shared Agriculture info@henceforthfarm.ca (CSA) Program. Check out their website facebook.com/henceforthfarm reroot.ca for more details on products From certified organic produce and homestyle baking instagram.com/henceforthfarm and farm events! to pure Ontario maple syrup and the tastiest meats for Henceforth Farm is two first-generation your BBQ, these farms and markets are home to all the farmers who are passionate about grow- makings of a delicious made-in-Minto meal. ing fresh, high quality organic produce R - LI L G O LD E N TR E AT S and cut flowers. They produce more than M A PLE S W E E T S 40 varieties of organic vegetables and 8936 Wellington Road 5 (Whites Road), herbs and over 30 varieties of cut flowers Palmerston for our market stand, CSA shares, and Contact: Ron & Lillian Grubb, 519-343-2973 MINTO FARMERS’ MARKET wholesale. As new farmers, Henceforth Railway Heritage Museum, 166 William St., Palmerston Farm is being hosted in Harriston, ON, Ontario pure maple syrup and maple syrup products are produced right here in Minto at Open Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. nestled between the garden rows and R-Lil’s Golden Treats Maple Sweets sugar shack. Maple syrup, maple butter, maple candy Market season runs June 6 - September 26 grazing pastures of Reroot Organic Farm, and many other maple products are available year round. Wedding favours, appreciation Contact: Taylor Keunen, 519-338-2511, taylor@town.minto.on.ca and stewarding the land in full recogni- gifts and fundraising items also available. Visit during Ontario’s Maple Weekend to tour mintofarmersmarkets.ca tion of the organic principles that Reroot the maple sugar bush, see the sugar shack, and for special activities and samples. facebook.com/mintofarmersmarket Farm protects and upholds. instagram.com/mintofarmersmarket The Minto Farmers’ Market is distinctive in that it features 100% locally grown fruits and vegetables (organic and non-organic), home baking, meat, cheese, maple syrup, S TE C K LE ’ S PRO D U C E & F LOW E R S preserves, spices, plants and unique artisan products. Visit mintofarmersmarkets.ca for Open Monday to Saturday, May to October, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. more information on events and participating as a farmers’ market vendor. Join us for our annual open house on the Friday and Saturday of the Mother’s Day weekend, serving coffee and butter tarts. 5857 Highway 89, 1 km outside of Harriston 519-338-5381 trivia nights supporting the market market events steckles.ca Come out for some tricky trivia and good times, all while • J U N E 6: Season Opening & 10th Anniversary Celebration doing a good deed by supporting Minto’s local farmers’ • J U N E 2 7: Strawberry Social Beautify your outdoor living areas with plants grown at Steckle’s Produce & Flowers market! All ages welcome. • J U LY 4: Library Day garden centre. Visit their farm market and experience the benefits of family farm fresh • J U LY 1 8: Family Day & Breakfast and the warmth of a personal connection that you can’t find in a supermarket setting. • February 21, March 20 at the Palmerston Legion • AU G U S T 22: Corn Roast at the Palmerston Fall Fair Steckle’s is small enough to care about the food they offer, because it is also what they • August 22 at the Palmerston Community Centre feed their own family. • Registration starts at 7:30 p.m.Trivia from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. • 3 rounds of trivia C E L E B R AT I N G O U R • $10 per person (2-6 people per team) 1 0 TH S E A S O N ! 30 | TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 31
food + f ar ms where your appetite belongs H A R R I S TO N PAC K I N G CO. 142 Arthur St., Harriston Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m Sunday Closed 519-338-3330 harristonpacking.ca Harriston Packing Co. is a family- owned butcher shop, fresh deli and smokehouse, proudly located in Harriston, Ontario. Check out these Minto They’ve been here for over 50 hot spots for locally grown years, working with local farmers to offer you the freshest, highest and made goods! quality meats and specialty smoked products. HARRISTON (located in the old Collison House, Main Street) 519-338-3300 | www.harrystones.com A LPAC A TI M E 5509 Highway 9, Harriston, ON H O M E S T Y LE F L AVO U R S Helping Hours: Thursday & Friday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., 6721 Wellington Rd 109, Palmerston Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m, Sunday CLOSED Monday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 519-327-4566 or deb@alpacatime.ca Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. alpacatime.ca Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. you make facebook.com/alpacatime Sunday Closed 519-343-5775 Our six styles of premium alpaca socks are made on site. backyard We complement them with hats, headbands, mittens, gloves, Known to many a cottage-bound traveller, Homestyle Flavours is alpaca/wool blend insoles and other felted products we make as packed with Mennonite-made breads, pies, cookies, butter tarts, well. Our alpaca yarns, rovings and raw fibre will make all fibre pastries, jams and more. Sample the diverse selection of deli memories. artists happy. We round out our store inventory with fair trade meats and cheese, and enjoy their made-to-order generous deli alpaca scarves, ponchos, wraps and blankets, as well as some sandwiches any time of year. other non-alpaca products. Stop by to learn more about alpacas! B L AC K H O R S E BIO -MECHANICS THINK MINTO FIRST! R I D I N G S I M U L ATO R BUY LOCAL! 6639 Wellington Road 109, Palmerston By reservation only With advanced technologies and 519-323-7488 materials, there is no reason to feel blackhorsebiomechanics.com limited or embarrassed by your teeth. A denturist can help you achieve your best possible smile, improving your A must-visit for riders who want to health and above all, your confidence. develop their skills and abilities, this fully • Relines, rebases and repairs BULK FOODS · SEWING NOTIONS · USED FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS interactive experience allows you to achieve a correct, balanced At North Wellington Co-op, we’re always UNIQUE GIFTS & TOYS · DRY CLEANING DEPOT • Complete, partial, immediate dentures seat and accurately timed aids via a 2019 RDA Dressage Model bringing you what’s next - a backyard full of Tuesday-Friday 9-5 | Saturday 9-4 | Sunday and Monday closed • Implant retained dentures manufactured by Racewood Simulators. Sensors in the simulator memories. We Buy and Sell Quality Used Furniture • Free consultations- no referral necessary body move and respond to your riding style – just like a real horse! Spend time in the saddle, giving exclusive focus to yourself! 56 Margaret St S, Harriston ts 519-338-2331 r a Frui a n Niag aso www.northwellington.ca in se Liquidation Items ave 50 Elora Street South, Harriston We now havailable, it u re Richard Bondy, DD, Denturist NEW fu rn TM 519-338-2777 unk beds, sofa sets,b s and Alycia Nafziger, DD, Denturist sales@evergreenvariety.com mattresse e! evergreenvariety.com much mor 340 Main St., Palmerston, ON • 519-417-1234 town.minto.on.ca | /townofminto TOWN OF MINTO 2020 COMMUNITY GUIDE | 33
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