Page created by April Craig


                                      Andy McDonald:
                                       a public railway
                                         under Labour

 Andy Wakefield: how I              Southern and DBC                 The train drivers’
 lost 14st in 12 months             the latest positions             union since 1880
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                                                        Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authorit
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                                                                                                                                                                     JANUARY 2017
                                                         Published by the ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN

Mick with Andy McDonald (left) and Mick Lynch

In the eye of
the storm                                                  5                                                              12-13
           HEY say it’s peaceful at the eye of the
  T        storm but, let me assure you, it’s not. You
           quickly learn that the media, the
government, and some of the public don’t care
about the real issues. The media, with one or two
interesting exclusions, pander to the rhetoric
about nasty unions hurting working people. I am           Southern DOO and DB Cargo disputes                      4
yet to hear many people defend us for standing            John McDonnell at District 1 Council                    5
up not for gain, but for safety, on GTR Southern.
And where is the public outcry for 1,116 freight          Mick, the RDG and a sign o’ The Times                   6      14
train drivers facing uncertainty at DBC after years       L/Cpl Thomas Norman Jackson VC                          7
of loyal service?
    The government has chosen not to intervene            Osa Aimienoho on our political course                   8
or investigate the issues that may put the viability
of our infrastructure at risk and I do not hear a lot
from the appropriate industry quangos. As for GTR
Southern, having employed them to do their dirty
work, and caused all the issues that face us, the
government attacks our right to strike; something         Ian McFall on asbestos – the silent killer 11
we never do lightly or without family, and                 and Wullie Simpson on the SUL in Glasgow
personal, cost. They’re getting desperate when
they claim we are seeking to bring down the
Tories; we are simply reacting to issues not of our
                                                          Shadow Transport Secretary Andy
                                                           McDonald on Labour’s plans for Britain’s
making. Apparently we have a pact with sister              railways and life in a punk rock group
trade unions; we do not, we have a joint campaign         Bill Dale on the RMS forum at Low Hall                 14
and are not even both affiliated to the same
political party and, of course, compete with them         Slimmer of the year Andy Wakefield tells               15
in several areas.                                          how he lost 14st in the last 12 months
    We understand that passengers, paying
inflated fares for a service that was crap before any
action was taken, are naturally upset. Evidence of
full crews sitting around while trains are cancelled
                                                         Regulars                                                          18
makes you wonder what the company is up to. But
we are receiving far more messages of support             Branch News and 100 Years of Union                 16-18
and 73% of the public want a guard on every train.        Obituaries                                             19
    I am never surprised at the solidarity and unity
you are showing at this difficult time. The constant      Letters and Classified Advertisements              20-21
drip feed of lies that we are refusing meetings, or       Last Word: Books on which to spend that                22
of offers being made, and of course taking us to           Amazon voucher you got for Christmas
court, is all designed to undermine that. Offers to
meet if we suspend or cancel action are not               On Track, Prize Crossword, ASLEF’s                     23
genuine; going to ACAS to be told ‘let us complete         Legal Services and Change of Address
what we are doing and then we can talk about
how we normalise relationships’ is not an offer,
                                                          Cover photo by Andrew Wiard                                      22
and you would rightly castigate us if we pursued
either of those avenues. This is not about DOO, but
                                                            The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
dwell times, and is a scenario likely to be repeated
in other franchises in coming years.                        ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN Tel: 020 7324 2400
    Despite our challenges, may I take this
                                                            email: website:
opportunity to wish you a Happy and Peaceful
New Year.
                                                         EDITOR Mick Whelan l DESIGNER Michael Cronin l PRINTER TU Ink, 107 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB
Yours fraternally                                        ADVERTISING Ten Alps, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5BH. Contact Edwin Rodrigues on
Mick Whelan, general secretary                           0207 657 1819 or l CLASSIFIED ADS or call 020 7324 2400
                                                         The acceptance of an advert does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by ASLEF
                                                         CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please post your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                                                               January 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                 3

Standstill on Southern
when drivers walk out
             SLEF members on
  A          Southern Railways went
             on strike on Tuesday 13,
Wednesday 14 and Friday 16
December in a dispute over the
company’s decision to try and
force through driver only
operation on the franchise.
Drivers, who voted
overwhelmingly for action –
87.3% to strike, and 95.6% for             be possible to do a deal – as we
industrial action short of a strike,       did with ScotRail – but it takes        Trains stayed in the depot
on a turnout of 77%, well above            two to tango and the company              as passengers suffering
the government’s artificially high         has not been prepared to                     Southern Discomfort
new threshold – will walk out              properly negotiate.’                        demonstrated against
again from Monday 9 to Saturday                 The company – with a               Chris Grayling and the DfT
14 January. Train drivers have not         desperately thin argument about
been doing overtime since                  EU laws on freedom of movement
Tuesday 6 December.                        and the right of people to get to
     The strikes closed the                Gatwick Airport, described by the       Weller appeared live with Steph        partially run by operators in other
Southern network – not one train           judge, Sir Michael Burton, as           McGovern just after 8am on BBC         countries the court case, calling
moved – and, as the TOC refuses            ‘novel’, a legal euphemism for          Breakfast; with Michael Crick on       into question the right of British
to employ enough drivers to fulfil         ‘risible’ – took the case to the High   Channel 4 News; and with Jeremy        workers to strike, was perverse.
its legal franchise commitments,           Court, where it lost, and then to       Vine on Radio 2. DO1 Graham            Fortunately, the court saw sense.’
the overtime ban has hit the               the Appeal Court, where Lord            Morris was on BBC South-East and
company hard, too, forcing it to           Justice Elias, sitting with Lord        Radio 5 Live and EC1 Marz
cancel dozens of services every            Justice Lewison and Lord Justice        Colombini did BBC London and a            QUOTE…
day.                                       Lloyd Jones, backed our right to        phone-in on 5 Live, too.                  ‘ASLEF not on strike. If
     ‘A strike is always the last resort   take lawful industrial action.              Mick said: ‘Our critics, in the       Southern actually had
but, faced with an intransigent                 ASLEF officers were out in         government, and in the media, do          enough drivers in the first
management, our only option,’              force explaining our action. The        not understand that unions,               place they could run a
said general secretary Mick                GS was interviewed by John              especially this one, are                  service. #SouthernFail
Whelan. ‘We tried to reach a               Humphrys in the prestigious             membership-driven and that we             #DoingItOnTheCheap.’ –
sensible, workable compromise              8.10am slot on Today on Radio 4;        articulate the voice and the              Simon Weller
with Southern in the interests of          by Jo Coburn on Daily Politics on       concerns of all the train drivers in                  …UNQUOTE
passengers, the company, and               BBC 2; by ITV News, Sky News and        the UK. Bearing in mind that up to
staff. We always believed it should        Channel 5 News. AGS Simon               80% of UK rail is now wholly or

DBC DEAL IN SIGHT                                                                                       CONFLICT OF INTEREST
After long, and extremely difficult, negotiations with DB                                               Mick Whelan has written to Chris Grayling
Cargo, an end to the uncertainty hanging over the future                                                expressing concern about the merger of ATOC
of 1,116 freight train drivers may be in sight. ‘The                                                    and the RDG to ‘provide greater clarity about the
voluntary redundancy programme is coming to an end,’                                                    services offered.’ Mick wrote: ‘At the time of rail
said AGS Simon Weller. ‘And a new set of terms and                                                      privatisation the remit of ATOC covered the
conditions will be presented to the executive committee.’                                               provision of staff travel facilities and railway
                                                                     Simon Weller, ASLEF’s              pensions. I am concerned that what is essentially
  TWEETS OF THE MONTH                                                assistant general secretary,       a rail industry employers’ association, the RDG,
                                                                     told delegates at the              will now administer these important areas and
        Southern is a company desperate to seek to                   International Transport            benefits for railway staff. This creates a clear
        prevent the voice of their put-upon employees                Workers’ Federation                conflict of interest.’
   being heard.                                                      conference in Brussels last
   Alan Jones, Press Association                                     month, ‘Une vision claire
                                                                     sera nécessaire pour                  QUOTE…
        Millions of low paid, zero hours, exploited workers          organiser les conducteurs             ‘The public, says Chris Grayling, wants to
        need a trade union. But the ones who have one                de train et surmonter les             know who is in charge and do not
   are demonised for using it.                                       obstacles posés par la                understand the present system. They will
   Paul Lewis, Money Box on Radio 4                                  fragmentation du réseau               probably not understand the new one,
                                                                     ferroviaire,’ or, in English, ‘A      either. If public understanding were the
        Ordinary people do not organise themselves to                clear vision is needed to             main criterion for how the railways should
        defend their rights. They stay mute, as we have              organise train drivers in             be run, they would have been renationalised
   bade them, and sup that which trickles down.                      overcoming the obstacles              long ago.’ – Peter Wilby, New Statesman
   Barney Farmer                                                     posed by the fragmentation                                           …UNQUOTE
                                                                     of our railway network.’

4 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017

                                                                                   Off the rails
                                                                                                      MEL THORLEY fondly recalls the days
                                                                                                      that other depots referred to Longsight as
Blood on                                                                                              Maplins. ‘We still had a shed master and
                                                                                                      the 9A depot code, which was introduced
                                                                                                      in 1935, and replaced in 1973 by TOPS-
the tracks                                                                                            friendly LO and LG, was used on all rosters
                                                                                                      until closure in 1994. If you phoned the
                                                                                                      shed and asked whether to start the shift
the Shadow
                                                                                   at Piccadilly or Longsight the answer came 9A if that was
Chancellor, with a
                                                                                   the start of your diagram. One day a Tinsley man came for a
forensic examination
                                                                                   Class 47 which had been stopped for wheel flats and visited
of the Tory Party’s
                              Marz Colombini, John McDonnell, Chris                our lathe. He strolled into the mess room and said, “So this
failed economic
                              Sneddon and Steve Richardson (above);                is Maplins?” That’s what they called us on the Eastern. He
policy, launched a
                              while Mark McGowan, taxi driver and comic,           asked me if it was an urban myth that we still booked on
coruscating attack on
                              brings a smile to the top table (below)              and off on a clipboard. I took him into the lobby, took the
the Conservative
                                                                                   board off the nail, and showed him my entry that morning,
government at a lively
                                                                                   then amazed him further by telling him that when we
District 1 Council
                                                                                   booked on, or off, the window man always looked away.’
     ‘Austerity is not just
                                                                                                     PAUL ROUTLEDGE turned up at the
a word. Austerity
                                                                                                     Etihad stadium, home of Manchester City,
means freezing or
                                                                                                     to play walking football for a feature in
cutting wages and
                                                                                                     the Daily Mirror proudly wearing his red
cutting back on public
                                                                                                     ASLEF sweatshirt. ‘But they made me
expenditure. Has the
                                                                                   wear a proper strip.’ Incidentally, Paul seems to think we’re
debt been reduced?            work.                     at the Waterloo Action     an old school version of Facebook. ‘Having read his stuff in
No, borrowing has                 ‘The Tories may       Centre on 5 December.      the ASLEF Journal, I went to see Gregor Gall in Bradford, a
risen. Has the deficit        think that those          The others were Ben        very agreeable couple of hours.’
been eradicated? No,          people who are “just      Griffin, a former SAS
it’s £47 billion and          about managing” are       trooper and founder of                         BOB DYLAN, criticised for being rude and
rising.                       an electoral              Veterans for Peace;                            arrogant for failing to return calls from
     ‘In my                   demographic, but for      internet sensation                             the Swedish Academy when they
constituency, of Hayes        Labour they are our       Mark McGowan, aka                              awarded him the Nobel Prize for
& Harlington, it’s            friends, our              Chunky Mark, the Artist    Literature, and for pleading a previous engagement on the
meant blood on the            neighbours and the        Taxi Driver; and Vincent   big night itself, has a bit of previous on this sort of thing.
tracks. The truth is that     people we represent.’     Reynolds and Vicky         Once, when a fan went up to him and said, ‘You don’t know
trickle down                      John was one of       Phillips of Thompsons      who I am, but I know who you are,’ Dylan famously replied,
economics, the                five inspiring speakers   solicitors.                ‘Let’s keep it that way.’
dominant economic
theory of
                                                                                                      THE GAMES people play. Stephen Bush
neoliberalism, hasn’t
worked. They think                QUOTE…                                                              takes to task those who view politics only
                                  ‘My mama used to say that America’s                                 in the Westminster bubble: ‘They make
that if you make the
                                  the big melting pot. You bring it to a                              the mistake of seeing the Labour leader
rich ever richer some
                                  boil and all the scum rises to the top.’ –                          as a poor player of the Parliamentary
of that will trickle
                                  Jim Jarmusch, Down by Law                        game rather than realising he is someone who altogether
down to poorer
                                                           …UNQUOTE                disdains it. This was the mistake his Labour rivals made
people. But it doesn’t
                                                                                   when they attempted to remove him last summer. As the
work and it will not
                                                                                   shadow cabinet resignations mounted, his enemies
                                                                                   congratulated themselves on their skill at chess, blissfully
CONFERENCES & RALLIES                                                              unaware that Jeremy Corbyn was playing Scrabble.’
The Scottish Labour Party conference is at the Concert Hall in Perth
from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 February. The Welsh Labour Party                                             CLIFF BLACKWELL spotted this mini
conference is at the Venue Cymru in Llandudno from Friday 24 to                                          freight loco, sending it to the Journal
Sunday 26 March. The Scottish Trades Union Congress is at the                                            with the dry observation, ‘Due to cut
Macdonald Highlands hotel, Aviemore, from Monday 24 to Wednesday                                         backs in the freight sector, a new
26 April. ASLEF’s annual assembly of delegates is at the Marriott Royal                                  eco-friendly loco undergoing trials?’
Hotel, Bristol, from Monday 22 to Thursday 25 May. The Durham
Miners’ Gala is on Saturday 8 July. The Tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival,
near Dorchester, is from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 July. The Trades Union
Congress is at the Brighton Centre from Sunday 10 to Wednesday 13                              Meet Reg the shih tzu, ASLEF’s newest member.
September. The Labour Party conference is at the Brighton Centre                               Well, OK, not really one of our members, but he
from Sunday 24 to Wednesday 27 September.                                                      certainly took a shine to our Retired Members’
                                                                                               Section – and this ASLEF tie – when the RMS
500 CLUB: H Newbury, with number 119, won the December draw,                                   met for their recent weekend forum at Low Hall.
scooping the RMS prize money jackpot of £390.

                                                                                                            January 2017 l The ASLEF Journal        5

Sign o’ The Times                                                                                             ‘As the trade union which represents
                                                                                                          Britain’s train drivers, we, too, believe in
             ICK WHELAN spoke out in response                                                             investment in the railways; but investment in
M            to a letter published in The Times on
             21 November which was picked up as
                                                                                                          what should be a public service, run properly
                                                                                                          and efficiently for passengers, businesses and
a news story and for a leading article in the                                                             taxpayers, not for the TOCs which, as we see
paper. The tendentious contribution, from Paul                                                            every day on Southern Railways, are
Plummer, chief executive of the Rail Delivery                                                             manifestly failing passengers as well as staff.
Group, was co-signed by Martin Griffiths of                                                               We would be willing to debate this publicly
Stagecoach; Mark Carne of Network Rail; Karen                                                             with Mr Plummer, any time, any place.’
Boswell of Hitachi; David Higgins of HS2;                                                                     We sent a letter refuting all of Paul
Russell Mears of Freightliner; David Begg of                                                              Plummer’s allegations but The Times, which
Transport Times and ‘a further 20 names’              The GS challenged Paul                              acknowledged receipt of our response, chose
according to the paper in a clumsy but                 Plummer’s misleading                               not to publish it.
co-ordinated campaign to push DOO.                         letter to The Times
    ‘It’s a shame that Paul Plummer doesn’t                                                                  QUOTE…
know what he’s talking about,’ said Mick. ‘What      unfit for the number of passengers we have in           ‘Globalisation is associated with low
Mr Plummer – who, with his background in             the 21st century.                                       wages, insecure employment, stateless
accounting, has no operational experience of             ‘What Mr Plummer disingenuously refers to           corporations and striking inequalities.’ –
Britain’s railways – mendaciously refers to as       as “smarter working” is, in fact, a desire to cut       Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank
‘modern technology’ is in fact nothing of the        corners, and cut costs, and bring in zero hours         of England
sort; it is technology designed in the 1970s,        contracts, in order to drive up profits for the                                   …UNQUOTE
and introduced in the 1980s, which is palpably       privatised train operating companies that he

DfT ‘in bed with GTR’
Paul Davies, who wrote about       subjecting the travelling
the relationship between GTR       public to unacceptable
and the DfT in the Journal         conditions on Southern. It’s
(November), has launched a         a management contract
campaign on the 38 Degrees         which means Govia takes no
website for an inquiry into        financial risk, the public pays
the conduct of Philip Rutnam,      compensation if GTR fails,
permanent secretary at the         and it fails daily, and Govia’s
Department for Transport.          understaffing results in
‘I’ve launched a petition I        higher profits. Rutnam has
hope you will sign – and let’s     presided over the East Coast
hope we get 100,000                franchise debacle, the West
signatures because that will       Coast re-franchising
trigger a Parliamentary            debacle, the failure of
debate. Rutnam authorised          Western electrification to
falsehoods to the Cabinet          deliver on time or on
Office to protect the cosy         budget, and the catastrophe
relationship with Govia,           at GTR-Southern.’
                                                                                                                                 The Class 395 Regency
                                                         END OF LINE FOR THE TRADITIONAL SIGNAL BOX                               Javelin at Brighton on
VIRGIN TRAIN HITS                                        Philip Hammond, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has                     its whistlestop tour of
                                                         announced plans to spend £450 million to trial digital                 Sussex and Kent to raise
CAR ON CROSSING                                          signalling technology on Britain’s railways. They are part of the       a few bob for the Royal
                                                         infrastructure spending set out in the Chancellor’s autumn              British Legion’s annual
A five-car Virgin Trains Super Voyager, the                                                                                                poppy appeal
                                                         statement on 23 November ‘to achieve a step change in
16.41 service from Preston to Glasgow, struck
                                                         reliability and squeeze more capacity out of our existing rail
a car at Cleghorn level crossing, between
                                                         infrastructure.’ It will mean the end of the line for 500 Victorian       MARK’S TIME
Carstairs and Motherwell in South
                                                         signal boxes using hand levers and Morse code-style messages.             Mark Daniels, of
Lanarkshire, on 3 December. The occupants
got out before the vehicle was dragged 80                                                                                          Barking main line,
                                                         TOP OF THE STOPS                                                          has been selected
yards along the line. British Transport Police
                                                         Waterloo, with 99.2 million passengers last year, is Britain’s            to stand for
are investigating how the car came to be on
                                                         busiest railway station, according to new figures from the                Labour in
the crossing.
                                                         Office of Rail and Road. The top ten includes Victoria 85.3m;             Rochford South at
                                                         Liverpool Street 63.6m; London Bridge 49.5m; Charing Cross                the elections for
                   Stay warm and dry this                42.98m; Euston 42.95m; Paddington 35.7m; Birmingham New                   Essex county
                   winter with our smart new             Street 35.3m; King’s Cross 31.3m; and Stratford 30.9m.                    council in May. He
                   black waterproof jacket.                                                                                        joins Collette
                   Price £30 (inc p&p); email            ANDY NOW BRITISH CHAMP                                                    Gibson, of Gidea
          or visit            Andy ‘Powerhouse’ Pearson, a driver with South West Trains,               Park, who is
                   our online shop at                    who was featured as a key worker in the Journal (January 2016),           standing in
                               won a category in the recent British Powerlifting Union                   Bocking.
                                                         championships. Just champion, Andy!

6 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017

For valour                                       On the morning of 27
                                             September 1918 his company’s
                                             assault on a heavily-defended
KEN GRAINGER on a                            section of the Hindenburg line
                                             was held up by withering
memorial to a young
                                             machine-gun fire. According to
railwayman who won a                         the citation, ‘L/Cpl Jackson was
posthumous Victoria Cross                    the first to volunteer to follow
for attacking a German                       Capt CH Frisby across the Canal
machine-gun position and                     du Nord in his rush against an
capturing 14 prisoners                       enemy machine-gun post. With
                                             two comrades he followed his                   The name of L/Cpl Thomas Norman Jackson VC (left) who ‘showed the
          ACK in 2003 ASLEF                  officer across the canal, rushed               greatest valour and devotion to duty, and set an inspiring example to
 B        sponsorship helped the
          Great Central Railway
                                             the post, capturing two machine-
                                             guns, and so enabled the
                                                                                            all’ is unveiled in Sheffield (right)

Society restore the Great Central            companies to advance. Later in                 replaced by kupron bronze panels   determination of ASLEF’s branch
Railway memorial to 1,304 Great              the morning, L/Cpl Jackson was                 in 1925.                           secretary, Sid Rimmington,
War dead on the forecourt of the             the first to jump into a German                    The memorial has been          formerly of Staveley loco. A book
Royal Victoria Holiday Inn,                  trench which his platoon had to                amended, again with the            of remembrance, with the history
Sheffield. After the restoration,            clear and, after doing further                 generous support of ASLEF, and     of the railwaymen listed on the
the men listed on it were traced,            excellent work, was unfortunately              was unveiled in the presence of    memorial, is viewable on request
but an omission came to light –              killed.’ He was buried in Sanders              past and present Coldstream        at the hotel reception.
Lance Corporal Thomas Norman                 Keep military cemetery,                        Guardsmen, the Lord Mayor of
Jackson VC of the 1st Battalion,             Graincourt-les-Havrincourt, his                Sheffield, the Mayor of
Coldstream Guards, the oldest                headstone inscribed with the                   Rotherham, and the Civic Mayor         QUOTE…
regiment in the British Army.                Victoria Cross he was                          of Doncaster.                          ‘HS2 is a much-needed shot
Norman was born in Swinton,                  posthumously awarded.                                                                 in the arm for the British
south Yorkshire, in 1897 and was a               But why was he not honoured                KEVIN CURRAN writes: The GC            economy.’ – Frances
railwayman – an engine cleaner at            on the Great Central memorial?                 memorial only survived the             O’Grady, general
Great Central’s Mexborough loco              He probably was, but his name                  closure of Sheffield Victoria          secretary of the TUC
– before joining the colours in              was lost when the crumbling                    station in 1970 thanks to the                      …UNQUOTE
December 1916.                               original stone plaques were                    timely intervention and dogged

                                                                                            COP SAYS BOMB
RED AND ALIVE                                                  LUCIO                        CHARITY SHOP                 NEW TRAINS ON
                                                               RISING                       An undercover
                                                               Lucio Buffone,               policeman spying on
                                                                                            trade union activists        New eight carriage Siemens Class
                                                                                            suggested they fire bomb     700 trains have replaced 29-year-old
                                                               branch chair,
                                                                                            a charity shop. The          Class 319s on the Wimbledon and
                                                               who was
                                                                                            Morning Star has revealed    Sutton loop and on stopping services
                                                               featured as a key
                                                                                            that the cop – who used      to and from Luton and St Albans.
                                                               worker in the
                                                               Journal (in                  the alias Carlo Neri
Our recent town hall meeting between the                       February 2015)               between 2001 and 2006
business council and the LLC reps coincided                    has been                     and is still a serving                  Tea and coffee tastes
with Wear Red Day – we all sported                             elected to the               policeman – wanted to                   better in a red and white
something red to show our support for Show                     board of the                 attack the shop on Elgin                ASLEF mug! Price £3.50
Racism the Red Card and raised £70 for the                     London Labour                Avenue, west London, so                 (inc p&p); email
education charity.                                             Party as LGBT                that anti-Nazi      or visit our
Andy Bullock, Freightliner Intermodal                          officer.                     campaigners would get        online shop at
business council rep                                                                        the blame.

                                       All about people, people in the public
                                       transport industry, people like you...
                                       A wide range of financial, health and welfare benefits
                                       available to all those working in the public
                                       transport industry. Just £1 a week covers
                                       you, your partner and dependent children.

        0300 333 2000                                       
    Transport Benevolent Fund CIO, known as TBF, is a registered charity in England and Wales, 1160901

                                                                                                                        January 2017 l The ASLEF Journal        7

I want to
be elected
OSA AIMIENOHO, equality and
diversity rep, Waterloo Nine Elms,
reports on the ASLEF political course
at Stoke Rochford
           THINK it’s fundamental and
   I       imperative for members of a trade
           union to be seriously active in their
constituency Labour Party. For ASLEF to have
any impact in the policy making machinery,
we need to get politically involved. The days of
letting a political elite decide our fates have
gone; we need to get in there and help shape
                                                    The ASLEF train crew
not only Britain’s transport policies, but the
                                                    (above) were joined by
political decisions concerning health, housing
                                                    political journalist
and education that have an impact on us, our
                                                    Paul Routledge (right)
families, and society.
                                                    and Luton North MP
    I was overjoyed when Steve Richardson, my
                                                    Kelvin Hopkins (far
branch secretary, confirmed my place on this
                                                    right) in Lincolnshire
year’s political course as I have always been
interested in a political career. As I drove into   powers and responsibilities. We then went on
Stoke Rochford Hall, near Grantham, I felt          to deal with the all-important question of how
euphoric. The ambience – and the views from         to get selected and then elected. We heard            The highlight of the course was meeting
the grounds – were amazing. The buzz was            from two ASLEF members, Andy Botham               Daily Mirror journalist Paul Routledge, who
quickly deflated when I looked at the itinerary.    (cabinet member for council services,             provided an excellent insight into how to deal
This was no jolly. It was a work-intensive week     Derbyshire county council) and Alan Moir          with the news media, and Kelvin Hopkins,
including three 12 hour event-packed days.          (convenor of the development and                  Labour MP for Luton North, who offered a
    The course started with a welcome from          regeneration committee, East Dunbartonshire       frank, warts and all, perspective from inside
Tosh McDonald, ASLEF’s executive committee          council), who have both taken the leap of faith   the Westminster bubble.
president, with his take on the current political   and successfully contested elections for              EC1 Marz Colombini’s closing contribution
climate. The trainers – Mark Walker and Ed          Labour. The benefit of their experience was       stressed the importance of ASLEF’s political
Murphy – were fantastic, very knowledgeable         invaluable. We also had the opportunity to do     engagement and left us feeling motivated and
and very experienced. They gave us an               a mock radio interview, prepare a motion, and     ready to take the next steps along the path. It
overview of local government and outlined           election speech.                                  was a tough course, at times heavy going, but
                                                                                                      an enlightening five days which left me in no
HOW CHRIS GRAYLING COULD REDUCE DEATHS ON OUR ROADS                                                   doubt about my political inspirations and
Campaigners are calling on the government to commit to moving more freight by rail to                 aspirations. It has practically prepared me, and
help reduce the number of deaths caused by heavy goods vehicles. ‘Removing HGVs from                  given me the confidence, to take up this
the road network has a number of benefits, not least in making our roads safer, and                   challenge. I would encourage anyone with
reducing fatalities, improving our air quality and reducing carbon emissions and                      interest in pursuing a political career to attend
congestion,’ said Philippa Edmunds, manager of Freight on Rail. ‘Rail is the safer, greener           the course.
alternative for long distance consumer freight traffic, but there is currently a suppressed
demand for these services because of a lack of capacity on the rail network. The                      NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE BLASTS DfT
government must prioritise funding to the strategic rail freight network to help improve
                                                                                                      The National Audit Office has issued a damning
road safety and reduce congestion and air pollution.’
                                                                                                      report – blaming mismanagement by the
                                                                                                      Department for Transport – on the electrification
CARRIAGES ‘NOT GOOD ENOUGH’                         STUDY OF RAIL SUICIDE HOT SPOTS                   of the Great Western line. It says cost overruns,
New c2c train carriages on the Shoeburyness         Network Rail has asked a team of academics to
                                                                                                      delays, and contract variations have cost
to Fenchurch Street route have been                 study the communities around 32 suicide hot
                                                                                                      passengers – and taxpayers – £330 million. The
criticised for doing nothing to ease long-          spots. The anthropologists will work on the
                                                                                                      cost of the project has risen by £2.1 billion in
standing overcrowding problems on the line.         ground to investigate what it is about cluster
                                                                                                      three years to £5.58 billion. ‘This is a case study in
‘There are fewer seats and more luggage             locations that attracts those who want to kill
                                                                                                      how not to manage a major programme,’ said Sir
holding,’ said Peter Slattery of the Southend       themselves. ‘Currently, most research is done
                                                                                                      Amyas Morse, comptroller and auditor general of
Rail Travellers’ Association. ‘Passengers           by psychologists, who offer explanations at an
                                                                                                      the NAO.
shouldn’t have to stand every day.’                 individual level, and sociologists, who have
                                                    societal explanations,’ said Ian Stevens, who
                                                    runs Network Rail’s suicide prevention              QUOTE…
             Our woolly hat will keep you
                                                    programme. ‘All the prevention measures we          ‘As far as I have seen Cabinet ministers,
             warm this winter. Price £5
                                                    could have are in place at these stations but,      they are not more clever than other people.’
             (including p&p); email
                                                    unfortunately, still people come and take their     – Anthony Trollope, Phineas Finn
    or visit our
                                                    own life. We need to understand the
   online shop at                                                                                                      …UNQUOTE
                                                    communities around these spots.’

8 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017
Comprehensive legal
cover to keep you and
your family on track

ASLEF members get free, specialist legal advice
and representation for:
   Personal injury – at or away from work, on holiday or on the roads
   Serious injury – including brain and spinal cord injuries
   Industrial disease or illness
   Employment law – accessed via your ASLEF district organiser

Additional member benefits include:
   Special terms for clinical negligence
   Reduced rates for conveyancing, probate and lasting Powers of Attorney
   Criminal law support for workplace issues – 24hr helpline:
   0800 587 7530
   Cover for family members – personal injury claims away from work

Use the ASLEF legal service, provided by Thompsons Solicitors,
and keep 100% of your compensation within the union

Call the ASLEF legal service today on 0808 100 8009                                               Standing up for you
ASLEF Freight Weekend
   ASLEF will be holding a Freight
   Weekend in Birmingham from
   Saturday 8 – Sunday 9 April
   The weekend will be an opportunity to discuss the sector,
   including how we get through the current issues facing our
   industry, as well as securing better terms and conditions
   and working towards safer working.
   Several speakers will address the weekend from within the
   union and the industry.
   Rooms can be booked for £95 if sharing a twin room or £130
   for your own room. This includes a hot lunch on arrival,
   dinner, breakfast and refreshments during the 2 days.
   For more details and the application form please visit the
   ASLEF homepage which has details at:

   DARE DEVIL                                                 TOUR DATES
                                                              22-23 November St Michael’s Irish Centre, Liverpool (0151 263 1808;
    RIDES TO                                        
                                                              24-26 November Yorkshire rural touring scheme (venues tbc)
    JARAMA                                                    30 November The Place, Bedford (01234 718112;

                                                              1 December Square Chapel, Halifax (01422 349422;
      A new play by                                           2 December The Hat Factory, Luton (01582 878100)
                                                              3 December Ruskin College, Oxford (01865 759600;
        Neil Gore
                                                              26 January The Carriage Works, Leeds (0113 376 0318)
                                                              27 January Working Class Movement Library, Manchester (07949 635910)
   ‘To you we speak, you numberless Englishmen,               28 January Working Class Movement Library, Manchester (07949 635910)
   To remind you of the greatness still among you
   Created by these men who go from our towns                 1 February The Lighthouse, Poole (01202 280000)
   To fight for peace, for liberty, and for you.’             3 February Buckerell, Devon (01363 773660)
                                                              4 February Burton Bradstock village hall, Dorset (01308 897421)
   Clem Beckett and Christopher Caudwell were two
                                                              5 February Cadeleigh parish hall, Devon (01884 855311)
   such men. Moved by most Spaniards’ determination
                                                              7 February Swan Theatre, Worcester (01905 611427)
   to defend themselves against Franco, Hitler and
   Mussolini, they crossed the Pyrenees to fight for          9 February Corn Hall, Diss (01379 652241)
   democracy and against Fascism in Spain. Clem ‘Dare         10 February Pound Arts, Corsham, Wiltshire (01249 701628/712618)
   Devil’ Beckett, the rugged speedway star, and              15 February Wolsey Theatre, Ipswich (01473 295900)
   Christopher Caudwell, poet and literary critic, were       16 February Old Fire Station, Oxford (01865 263990)
   unlikely friends; but a common cause brought them          17 February Cramphorn Theatre, Chelmsford (01245 606505)
   together and they fought and died at a machinegun          22 February Blackwood Miners (01495 227206)
   post covering their battalion’s retreat at the Battle of   24 February Hen & Chicken, Bristol (01749 870078)
   Jarama in 1937.                                            25 February Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis (01297 442138)
   Commissioned by the International Brigades
   Memorial Trust, Dare Devil Rides to Jarama tells the       1 March Wortley Hall (07974531211)
   story of the British and Irish volunteers in the brutal
                                                              2 March Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough (01723 370541)
   Civil War in Spain, capturing the idealistic hopes and
                                                              3 March The Maltings Theatre, Berwick-on-Tweed (01289 330999)
   dreams, raw passions, fear and anger in a powerful
   new drama which features stirring songs, poetry and        4 March Blantyre Miners’ Welfare, South Lanarkshire (01698 454690)
   flamenco dance.                                            5 March Eden Court, Inverness (01463 2334234)

10 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017

                                                                                                           It was only after retiring that the 73-year-
The silent killer                                                                                      old sought medical attention with complaints
                                                                                                       of breathlessness. Upon medical examination,
         Asbestos disease is the most                                                                  doctors diagnosed that he was suffering with
         prominent occupational                                                                        mesothelioma. This devastating and incurable
                                                                                                       lung disease was due to years of asbestos
         disease risk in Britain.
         IAN McFALL of Thompsons                                                                           Thompsons was instructed to investigate a
         solicitors explains why it is                                                                 compensation claim, and succeeded in
an ongoing problem for ASLEF                                                                           obtaining an out of court settlement for the
members and what you can do about it                                                                   member.
                                                                                                           If you – or any member of your family – has
          ANY workers in the railway industry                                                          been diagnosed with ill-health due to
 M        have been exposed to asbestos at
          some point in their career. From old
                                                                                                       asbestos, contact ASLEF immediately, to
                                                                                                       access expert legal advice.
railway workshops to decaying train                                                                        A compensation claim for an asbestos-
compartments, the risk of having been                                          Asbestos is a           related disease must be started within three
exposed to asbestos is significant for a large                                 killer. This is what    years from the date when the person suffering
proportion of the workforce. Many ASLEF                                        it does to healthy      from the condition first became aware of the
members will be able to remember the days                                      lungs                   diagnosis. It does not matter whether the
when asbestos was a common fixture in                                                                  exposure to asbestos took place decades or
locomotive cabins across the country.                 One case of an ASLEF member who needed           longer ago – a compensation claim is still
    Asbestos is still the most prominent          the help of his union – and Thompsons – is a         possible.
occupational disease risk and can lead to a       train driver from Wiltshire who developed                The time limitations are strict, so contacting
variety of lung conditions, including the fatal   mesothelioma due to years of asbestos                ASLEF and speaking to an expert solicitor for
disease mesothelioma – current predictions        exposure in his job. This ASLEF member               free legal advice as soon as possible after a
are that there will be around 2,500 deaths        worked on the railways until he retired after 55     diagnosis is vital.
from mesothelioma in the UK this year.            years’ service, having been employed as a                Through your union, you have access to
    Thompsons solicitors is the leading legal     cleaner, a fireman, and, finally, a driver for the   specialist legal support if you suffer from an
representative for workers suffering from         former British Railways Board.                       asbestos-related illness, and lawyers who can
asbestos disease and brought the first                He was exposed to asbestos throughout            investigate and pursue a claim on your behalf
successful case for compensation to the           this period, as it had been used to lag boilers      against those responsible for negligence in the
House of Lords in 1972. The firm has since        and cylinders and between casings on the             workplace. For more information about the
worked tirelessly to protect and assist workers   trains. He was never provided with protection        dangers of asbestos and any steps you can
right across the country who have been            from the dust, nor was he warned about the           take, please visit
affected by asbestos-related illnesses.           dangers to his health.                               asbestos-diseases

    Another brick in the wall
    WULLIE SIMPSON, ASLEF Education project worker in
    Scotland, reports from the SUL conference in Glasgow

               HE ninth Scottish         for Employability and Training

      T        Union Learning
               conference, at the
    Marriott hotel in Glasgow on
                                         in the Scottish government,
                                         said it ‘a great opportunity to
                                         recognise and celebrate the
    8 November, was attended by          invaluable work that the SUL
    Kevin Lindsay, ASLEF’s               education programme does to
    organiser in Scotland, Wullie        support workers across
    Simpson, ASLEF Education’s           Scotland.’
    project worker in Scotland,              There was a panel session
    and the Scottish ULR                 on organising learning and           ASLEF delegates at SUL 2016
    education team.                      sharing good practice
       The themes were                   followed by a presentation           the web; and organising               secretary of the STUC,
    organising union learning and        from Katie Hutton of Skills          learning for young and                applauded the SUL award
    developing workforce skills          Development Scotland. We             precarious workers.                   winners and thanked
    based on the fair work               then moved on to the                    Frances Higson, who has            everyone in attendance for
    framework. Peter Hunter, chair       workshop sessions where              made such critically-acclaimed        their contribution to the STUC
    of the SUL board, warmly             ULRs chose between four              films as The Magdalene Sisters,       learning programme in 2016.
    welcomed everyone and                options – organising union           Orphans, and Fridge, spoke            Wendy Burton, director of
    thanked the Scottish                 learning; equality and               about her pathway from                Scottish Union Learning,
    Qualifications Authority and         learning, how to make a case         leaving school and dropping           thanked the Scottish
    Skills Development Scotland          for equality in the union and        out of college to becoming a          government and all the trade
    for their support.                   the workplace; digital unions,       film director and producer.           unions for their input to
       Jamie Hepburn, Minister           an introduction to coding for           Graeme Smith, general              Scottish Union Learning.

                                                                                                         January 2017 l The ASLEF Journal           11

Andy: Getting Britain’s
railway back on track
Andy McDonald, the Shadow Transport                    for want of a better expression, an ordinary
Secretary, tells KEITH RICHMOND how he                 working-class home. His dad, a Scot, worked in
sees the future of the rail network in                 shipyards and factories, latterly at ICI, his mum
                                                       was a primary school teacher. The values instilled
Britain (and ’fesses up to playing in a
                                                       in him by his parents, and the teachers at his
punk rock band at uni)                                 Roman Catholic school, of hard work, and caring
                                                       for others, chimed with his nascent socialism.
           NDY McDONALD’S political career was             ‘It wasn’t much of a leap to the Labour Party!
 A         almost strangled at birth. Passionate,
           committed, and working behind the
                                                       Jeremy says some wonderful things, like treat
                                                       your neighbour like yourself, and that kind of
scenes, he applied to join Labour’s local              compassionate and caring society is one I want
government panel – a list of candidates                to work for. I had a pretty orthodox Catholic
approved to stand for the party come election          upbringing, and try to live up to those standards.
time. ‘I thought I’d get to fight a safe Tory seat,    I’m a practicing Roman Catholic; and I know I
and lose, and was happy to do that.’ Except he         desperately need the practice!’
was rejected. Because, it was said, he had known           Initially, though, he found the Labour Party
links with the Militant tendency.                      ‘an uncomfortable place to be, more conflict
    ‘The previous decade, I had represented            than consensus, and that shocked and
somebody alleged to be a member of Militant            disappointed me. The values and principles of
and, as I explained to the appeal tribunal, as a       our wonderful movement were observed more
lawyer, I represent many people accused of             in the breach than in the observance.’ So why
many things, including murder, but that didn’t         didn’t he leave? ‘Because the Labour Party is our
mean I’d done any of those things myself.’ John        best hope, our best bet, and even if we don’t get
Burton, Tony Blair’s agent, said there was no case     there that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for it.   Andy lays out his plans for Britain’s railways at Por
to answer. ‘So I was admitted to the panel and         Socialism is like Catholicism. You get up every       enjoys his copy of the Christmas Journal. Photos: A
ended up fighting a safe seat. Being rejected by       day and you fail every day. But that doesn’t
                                                                                                             understood exactly what that terribly cruel
the party kick-started my political career…’           mean you abandon your values and your
                                                                                                             government was doing to my community, what
    Andy, 58, has a dry sense of humour. He’s          principles.’
                                                                                                             it could have done, and chose not to.
good company, as well as dedicated, and, as
                                                                                                                 ‘This government doesn’t get the concept of
someone who became a Member of Parliament              THE TEAM AND THE TOWN                                 an industrial strategy, that’s why it doesn’t have
relatively late in life, a man without that sense of   Andy loves football and Middlesbrough, back in        one. It only pretends to understand the issues.
entitlement which infects some on both sides of        the Premier League, are his home town club            Everything is about extracting value, that’s their
the House. But why get involved in politics?           although his dad, from Clydeside, took him as a       mantra, that’s their obsession, next quarter’s
    ‘The trigger for me was 1979 – that’s when I       boy to Celtic, too. He remembers Steve Gibson,        accounting report. There’s no long-term strategic
joined the party – in response to Margaret             the Boro chairman, from sixth form at school,         thinking.’
Thatcher’s speech on the steps of Downing              and understands what a team can mean to a
Street when she quoted St Francis of Assisi –          town.
                                                                                                             D’YE KEN JOHN PEEL
“Where there is discord, may we bring harmony”             ‘Middlesbrough, the team, is synonymous
                                                                                                             Andy loves music, too. He passed Grade 7 piano
– it struck a chord with me because I knew it          with the town and its people, a focal point to
                                                                                                             and, as a precocious 17-year-old, formed a sixth
wasn’t true.                                           bind people together. We’ve had some terrific
                                                                                                             form band called Amaraz – heavily influenced by
                                                       highs and lows, and injustices, like the three
                                                                                                             Carlos Santana and Steely Dan, with difficult
HOME TOWN HERO ON TEESSIDE                             points deducted in ’96-’97 which led to
                                                                                                             time signatures and a brass section – and then,
‘I benefited greatly from the Labour                   relegation, and people like Ali Brownlee, Mr
                                                                                                             at uni, a spoof punk rock band, Nasty Media,
governments of Harold Wilson and Jim                   Middlesbrough, who died last February, the best
                                                                                                             with Paul Vallely, who, ironically, went on to write
Callaghan, growing up in the 1960s and ’70s, in a      friend people had never met. It might be
                                                                                                             for the Church Times, the Sunday Times and The
country created after the Second World War by          intangible, but there is a bond, and we saw it
                                                                                                             Tablet. ‘Paul came up with a version of D’Ye Ken
the Labour governments of Clement Attlee. I            when the steelworks closed, with that
                                                                                                             John Peel, the Radio 1 DJ, not the 19th century
went to school for free, to university for free, and   demonstration at Old Trafford, and the crowd
                                                                                                             huntsman, which Peely played incessantly, and
was treated in hospital for free.’                     singing a version of Lord of the Dance in
                                                                                                             which was ridiculously successful, so we ended
    Andy is a home town hero on Teesside. He           language of primary colours to David Cameron.
                                                                                                             up out on tour with John Cooper Clarke.
was born and brought up in Middlesbrough in,           The Speaker in the House of Commons
                                                                                                                 ‘I still love music – people like Al Green and
                                                                                                             Marvin Gaye – but haven’t caught up with
                                                                                                             technology. I have my vinyl and CDs but have
                                                                                                             run out of kit to play them on. But I do Spotify
                                                                                                             and am a bit of a crooner, on the quiet, with the
                                                                                                                 With a degree in law and a passion for music
                                                                                                             he had two choices of career – teaching,
                                                                                                             specialising in music, was attractive – but went
                                                                                                             down the legal path because he wanted to stand
                                                                                                             up for the weak and the vulnerable, to right

12 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017
Andy McDonald

                                                        remember the success of East Coast in the              Labour Party but that’s settling down.
                                                        public sector from 2009 to 2014. We will bring             ‘Labour can win in 2020. A significant upside
                                                        them back into the public sector as franchises         to the EU referendum, an outcome I didn’t want,
                                                        come to their end, or a break clause, or               and campaigned vigorously against, is an
                                                        companies volunteer to give them up, so it             opportunity for Labour to have direct
                                                        won’t be an expensive exercise.’                       conversations with people in our constituencies,
                                                           That’s for the future but, in the meantime,         to address their concerns very directly.’
                                                        there are serious problems at Southern and in              He thinks about construction workers,
                                                        the freight sector.                                    precluded from applying for jobs in their own
                                                                                                               territories, with companies bringing over
                                                        DEEP, DEEP TROUBLE                                     workers en masse from Eastern Europe, ‘who are
                                                        ‘These are desperately worrying times for the          wholly exploited, in receipt of wages at or
                                                        freight industry and this government doesn’t           around the minimum wage; it’s a lose-lose
                                                        have its eye on the ball. It will let the market       situation for both sets of workers, but a win-win
                                                        decide and that won’t work. DBC is not just            for the corporates, and creates animosity and
                                                        about the workforce, and the men and women             tension in our communities. Labour has the
                                                        the company is trying to dump, any more than           opportunity to address this head on, and say we
                                                        it’s just about shipping goods and aggregates.         cannot have these jobs exclusively advertised,
                                                        It’s about the infrastructure and the                  everybody must be able to apply for them, and
                                                        maintenance of the railway itself, which the           everybody should be paid the proper rate for the
                                                        government just doesn’t get, and if it doesn’t         job.
                                                        then we’re in deep, deep trouble.
                                                             ‘DOO is political motivation writ large. I’m      TRUE BRITISH VALUES
                                                        not criticising conviction politics, per se, except    ‘That’s one small example, but we have to be
                                                        these are exactly the wrong ones, trying to look       bold and clear there is another side to the
                                                        at workforce costs as the first line of attack to      migration issue. If every European Union citizen
                                                        increase profits, with no thought of safety, and       were to leave we would be in deep, deep
                                                        security, for passengers. There are serious            trouble. We have to value and respect the people
                                                        disability issues, with people being trapped in        who are here. We need to have a clear
                                                        trains and on stations. The DfT is making a            conversation with the electorate.
                                                        complete mess of this but, as we know, Chris               ‘I don’t underestimate UKIP, and I don’t
                                                        Grayling is motivated not by what is in the best       underestimate why they appeal to people, but I
rtcullis House (below left) and thoroughly
                                                        interest of passengers, but in keeping suburban        have great faith in true British values, which I
Andrew Wiard
                                                        services out of the clutches of a Labour Mayor         think will prevail, and I saw that in my own
 injustices, and ‘believed in the power of the law      of London.’                                            constituency where UKIP came a distant second.
 to redress the balance of power in Britain’. As a           Despite talk of an early election, perhaps in     There was a 63% vote to leave the EU, but the
 high street practitioner he did conveyancing and       spring this year, Andy thinks, ‘She’ll bottle it, do   first test back Labour got 76% in a ward for the
 wills and criminal law – ‘everything, right across     a Gordon Brown, and go on to 2020.’ And that,          local authority. That spoke volumes about what
 the spectrum’ – before specialising in injuries        he thinks, is good for Labour. ‘Don’t be under         can be achieved. The Labour Party – which is
 with Thompsons, the trade union solicitors who         any misapprehension, the Tory Party is riven. I        here for the long term – will stand with people
 act for ASLEF.                                         know people talk about open warfare in the             and stand up for people.’

 He got his present job ‘by dint of circumstances;             FACT FILE
 the limit of my ambition was to be a half decent
                                                                                        ■ ANDY McDONALD was born and brought up in Acklam,
 Member of Parliament’ but has embraced it
                                                                                        Middlesbrough, in 1958. He went to state schools before
 wholeheartedly, quickly mastering a complex
                                                                                        reading Law at Leeds Polytechnic, which is now Leeds
 brief. ‘It doesn’t hold the fears it once did. When
                                                                                        Beckett University.
 you’re at the dispatch box you’ve got a platform
                                                                                        ■ He worked as a lawyer, becoming senior serious injury
 for your notes, it’s like being the lead singer in a
                                                                                        solicitor at the Thompsons solicitors office in
 band, you’ve got the mic, it’s easier than being a
                                                            ■ Andy was active in local politics for many years, serving as a councillor for
     ‘Public ownership of the railway – a flagship
                                                            Westbourne ward, before being selected to fight a by-election after the death of Stuart
 policy for Labour – resonates with people who
                                                            Bell in 2012. Andy won the seat, increasing Labour’s share of the vote to 60.5%.
 know it’s the right thing. How stupid is it to allow
 tens of millions of pounds to leak from our rail           ■ He was appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary to Shadow Attorney General
 network in the name of the free market? The                Emily Thornberry in 2013 and then, after Ed Miliband’s reshuffle, PPS to Shadow
 reality is there isn’t a railway in the world which        Business Secretary Chuka Umunna.
 doesn’t run with significant public subsidy. Why           ■ Andy was returned to Westminster at the general election in 2015, polling 18,584
 on earth, on that basis, should we not do it? It           votes, well ahead of UKIP (6,017), the Conservatives, (5,388), Greens (1,407) and
 makes sense, instead of this complicated and               Liberal Democrats (1,220).
 costly system we have at the moment which, as              ■ He became PPS to Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and then, in January 2016,
 we can see, doesn’t work. Revenue on the                   was appointed Shadow Minister for Rail by Jeremy Corbyn.
 railway comes from two sources – the fare payer            ■ Andy was promoted to Shadow Transport Secretary when Lilian Greenwood
 and the taxpayer – and it’s not Richard Branson.           resigned after the EU referendum in June last year.
 This country needs to lose its Virginity.                  ■ He has been married to Sally for 30 years. They had two children, both born with
     ‘There’s a great public appetite for public            special needs; Rory died at 16 and Freddie, 22, has just moved into independent living.
 ownership of something, like rail, which belongs           ‘He’s very, very happy. It opened a new world for us, healthy and sound as we are. It’s
 to the people. We want worker involvement in               not all negativity. We have the joy of our sons, and have met many remarkable people.’
 the management and day to day running, and

                                                                                                                    January 2017 l The ASLEF Journal        13

When I get older
losing my hair
            BILL DALE of Chingford
            branch, a committee
            member of ASLEF’s Retired
            Members’ Section, reports
on the annual RMS forum at Low Hall,
Scalby, North Yorkshire
          HE Retired Members’ Section held its

 T        annual forum at Low Hall, owned by
          the Yorkshire area of the National
Union of Mineworkers, in the village of Scalby.
It was nice to see members who had never
been before and I believe they enjoyed the
experience. The RMS is hoping to hold an
additional forum in another part of the
country in 2017. This is only possible due to
the 500 Club and it would be great to have
more people in the monthly draw so if you can
spare £1 per week remember it greatly assists
your retired colleagues. Forms are available
from ASLEF head office or RMS secretary Alan
    The chair welcomed everyone, asked for a
minute’s silence for Remembrance Day, then
the forum was opened by executive
committee president Tosh McDonald.
                                                   been reinstated. However, there has been a
PROBLEMS FOR FREIGHT                               problem where passes have been abused and           Tosh McDonald, Rodney Bickerstaffe, Chris
He reported on the problems facing our             then withdrawn.                                     and Gail Kitchen (above); Tosh with Tony
colleagues in the freight operating companies,         Our first speaker on Saturday was Chris         West (left); and delegates at Low Hall (top)
with the loss of coal and steel traffic, and       Kitchen, general secretary of the NUM, who
reminded us of our close links with the NUM;       spoke warmly about the close relationship           young and old, blaming the old for the
ever since ASLEF was formed in 1880 we have        between ASLEF and the NUM, and the bitter           hardships we face today, and nothing could
been involved in the movement of coal              miners’ strike of 1984-85. Although the Tories      be further from the truth. The older
around the country. The freight sector, he said,   did their damnedest to destroy the industry,        generation still pay the government £40
is the worst he can remember, with drivers         and the union, the NUM continues with 350           billion each year in taxes and other savings.
under threat of live redundancies for the first    members, and 200,000 retired members, and           The people to blame are in the Conservative
time.                                              is currently financially sufficient.                government, for looking after the rich, and
    ASLEF has always worked with DB Cargo,                                                             making the poor pay more and suffer more.
but the company has a new boss, and issued         FIGHTING FOR DIGNITY AND                                On Sunday Tosh closed our forum. He
redundancy notices to staff so they would          JUSTICE                                             talked about his background, and how it
have to re-apply for their own jobs under new      Chris said that good pits were closed, and          moulded him to become an active member of
terms and conditions, and 391 drivers’ jobs in     seams never opened, on the grounds of               the trade union movement and the Labour
17 areas will be lost for good, anyway. DB is      profitability. It has some similarity with the      Party.
also sacking drivers in Germany. The only bit of   NHS – costs are increasing, so privatise it. The
good news is that they run TOCs, too,              government – well, taxpayers, you and me and        RISE AND FALL OF TONY BLAIR
including LOROL, which gives a little leverage     the rest of us – is going to cough up £18 billion   Tosh talked about the political rise and fall of
to move and, following talks, they have agreed     to build the Hinkley Point C nuclear power          Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown, and how the
to withdraw the notices.                           station in Somerset – although the National         Labour Party lost members, votes and seats
    Tosh also talked about DOO and the             Audit Office estimates the strike price will        with its right-wing free market New Labour
current dispute on Southern. GTR applied for       actually be £29.7 billion – yet there is a wealth   agenda. Following the departure of Ed
an injunction against drivers for refusing to      of fossil fuel underground to serve all our         Miliband the union went for Jeremy Corbyn as
drive new 12 car units on Gatwick Express          energy requirements for years. ‘With modern         leader and Tom Watson as deputy leader. We
without a guard, putting passengers at risk.       technology to burn it, and the will to mine it,     have all seen what has happened since.
ASLEF asked for the history of accidents on        we could have 21st century power stations at        Jeremy has resisted calls from Blairites in the
DOO workings to be looked at; it appears the       a fraction of the price of Hinkley Point C.’        Parliamentary Labour Party to resign, and is
traction interlocking cannot be relied on. This        Rodney Bickerstaffe, former GS of NUPE,         still there because of his beliefs.
should surely mean a review of all DOO             and then Unison, gave an address that was               Tosh also talked about Britain’s decision to
operations in the country, said Tosh, or is it     both serious and light-hearted. One of his          leave the European Union – the executive
only to apply if the cap fits for management?      current passions is the National Pensioners’        committee backed Brexit – which of course is
    On another issue – companies withdrawing       Convention, set up by Jack Jones of the T&G         at odds with the Labour Party leader, but Tosh
group travel for retired members and those         and himself, which now has 1.5 million              said he still believes it was the right decision.
who never worked for them – due to pressure        members, all pensioners fighting for dignity            A warm vote of thanks was given to all our
and representation these withdrawals have          and justice. Some people are trying to divide       speakers for their time addressing our forum.

14 The ASLEF Journal l January 2017
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