Page created by Gordon Dunn
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Volume 52, Issue 11


    NAIT students reflect on wartime sacrifice, page 2

                                                                                        Photo by Tegan Dutton

           At Churchill Square wreaths sit in rows, to help us all remember those,
          Who gave their lives to fight for you – for this and more check out page 2.
2     The Nugget                                                                                                                                  Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why Nov. 11 is special                               “We enjoy the freedom to go to school,       dom came at a price and we shouldn’t for-        Edmonton, you see the bond the people
                                                to have employment, to make friends and           get that or forget about the lives that could    develop with their units and other units.
                                                to love, all because our brave men and            have been that price.”                           Remembrance Day is where the entire
                                                women sacrificed a life of safety and com-             NAIT student Amanda Aldrich knows           country gets to share that bond with those
                                                fort … ,” he said.                                of the sacrifices made by families who have      actively serving and those who have served
                                                     “We should be thankful every day for         loved ones who serve in the military and         in the past.”
                                                this but Remembrance Day boils it down            not just due to her time as a public service         Today, Stamper is a Canadian and
                                                into one day, one minute of silence for the       member at Canadian Forces Base Edmon-            Remembrance Day has special significance
                                                hundreds of thousands we have lost. All the       ton, but also because her mother is an act-      given her emigration to Canada.
                                                little complaints people have about stress,       ively serving member of the military.                “(It) makes me feel proud that we chose
GabRIELLE Hay-Byers                             weather and tiny annoyances pale in com-               “Remembrance Day to me is a day             to move to this country because Canada
Editor-In-Chief                                 parison to the hardships of what these brave      where I get to stand proud knowing so            really didn’t have to get involved (in the
@Gee_H_Bee                                      men and women endure. In addition to              many of my family members have served            world wars) but they did, so I’m proud to
    In recent weeks, the concept of             gruelling training, they spend months away        in the military, as well as knowing my mom       have citizenship of a country that is known
Remembrance Day and the sacrifices our          from family and friends.”                         still is actively serving,” Aldrich said.        to help and not leaving an allied country
armed forces make has struck closer to               Phillips isn’t alone in his feelings about        “It means a lot seeing everyone across      or countries to fend for themselves. I have
home with attacks on soldiers occurring on      Remembrance Day and our veterans.                 the nation come together for a moment of         pride that my home country is England and
home soil. Most Canadians don’t remember             Fourth-year BBA Human Resources              silence on the 11th day of the 11th month at     that I had two family members (serve) in
a time where they were afraid for the safety    student Laura Stamper, who was born in            the 11th hour. Growing up on bases across        the war, one helped in liberating a concen-
of their country like past generations could    England, added, “To me, one of the big-           the country, as well as my experience work-      tration camp but just as proud of Canada
but that doesn’t mean that Remembrance          gest things (about Remembrance Day)               ing as a public service member at CFB            because they have that reputation.”
Day is devoid of meaning.                       is it reminds us that we wake up with the
    Remembrance Day is special for NAIT         right to choose what religion we want, to
BBA student Logan Phillips.                     say what we want, the freedom to make
    “For me in finance, I enjoy the freedom     our own choices all because of people who
to pick stocks, manage bank accounts and        wanted us to have that right and sacrificed
attempt to beat markets,” he said.              their lives.”
    “I love all of this but in the grand             Stamper then continued on to say,
scheme of the world it is meaningless           “For me it also means that we also have
without a safe and free country … I think       to remember the families of soldiers that
Remembrance Day represents what we              have had their lives altered as well from

For the ages
always take for granted.                        their soldier’s sacrifice and that our free-

By Taylor Braat                                 ing up for our country. Veterans and soldiers
@taylorbbraat                                   have fought, still fight for our country and
    Two soldiers have been killed on Can-       they will continue fighting. This is some-
adian soil, so very close to Remembrance        thing we as Canadian citizens need to appre-
Day. It is hard to believe these horrifying     ciate always. Although there were two recent
acts of terror are still happening. We have     deaths, we must always know that we are
protective services in place because we         being protected by the armed forces, RCMP
need them to protect our country.               and policing and protective services.
    Scott Ferris, Director of Marketing             Remembrance Day is about those who
and Membership with the Royal Canadian          made the ultimate sacrifice but also those
Legion says that, “these incidents have         who sacrifice each and every day to help us.
raised the awareness in all Canadians, of the       Hopefully everyone in Canada, some
service and sacrifice of the men and women      way or another celebrated Remembrance
who wear uniform for Canada, give to us.        Day this year, by doing anything from
    “The freedoms that we enjoy today are       simply wearing a poppy, to helping raise
a direct result of the work that they do on a   our flag high into the sky. We are a proud
day-to-day basis. This Remembrance Day,         nation as Canadians and we must not for-
we are honouring everyone who has ever          get that people have been fighting for many
served, those serving now and those serv-       years to make Canada the safe and liberated
ing in the future.”                             country that we are.
    It is an amazing thing to see large num-        As you are reading this you are
bers of people attending all of the ceremon-    reminded of what you did to celebrate
ies held on Nov. 11. It goes without saying     Remembrance Day and, hopefully you                                                                                          Photo by Tegan Dutton

that all Canadians have someone to remem-       will pass this tradition on to generations to     Military personnel take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies on Tues-
ber or someone to be celebrated for stand-      come.                                             day in Sir Winston Churchill Square.
Thursday, November 13, 2014                                    NEWS & FEATURES                                                                                        The Nugget                3

                                                                                                                                                     The Nugget
                                                                                                                                                     Room E-128B
                                                                                                                                                     11762–106 Street
                                                                                                                                                     Edmonton, Alberta
                                                                                                                                                     T5G 2R1
                                                                                                                                                     Production Office 471-8866

                                                                                                                                                     Gabrielle Hay-Byers
                                                                                                                                                     Issues Editor
                                                                                                                                                     Maria Tagliente
                                                                                                                                                     Sports Editor
                                                                                                                                                     Connor Hood
                                                                                                                                                     Entertainment Editors
                                                                                                                                                     Richard Lukacs
                                                                                                                                                     Quinton Berger
                                                                                                                                                     Photo Editors
                                                                                                                                                     Ciaran Boyle
                                                                                                                                                     Tegan Dutton
                                                                                                                      Phoro by Gabrielle Hay-Byers   Online Editor
                                                       Moment of truth                                                                               Baillie Scheetz
A student waits to have his flu shot in the NAITrium last week. Students took part in the program, which was                                         online

Little known party
set up on Main, Souch and Patricia campuses.                                                                                                         Special Consultant
                                                                                                                                                     Bridgette Tsang
                                                                                                                                                     Production Manager
                                                                                                                                                     Frank MacKay
                                                                                                                                                        Submissions encouraged:
By Nicolas Brown                                 to form a new nation, arguing that west-        although vocal, has consistently proven          
@bruchev                                         ern Canada could not receive fair treatment     to be a minority in our province. With the          The opinions expressed by contributors
    This article is the seventh in a series by   as long as Ontario and Quebec dominated         party seemingly dormant, it could be that           to the Nugget are not necessarily shared
  Nugget contributor Nicolas Brown on the        Canadian politics. The movement gained          Alberta’s independence movement has                 by NAIT officials, NAITSA or elected
   political parties in Alberta. This week he    popularity after then Prime Minister Pierre     fallen by the wayside, forgotten in the drive       school representatives.
        looks at the Alberta First Party.        Elliott Trudeau announced the controversial     for oil revenue or shunned due to the antics
                        •••                      National Energy Program which aimed to          of Quebec’s separatist movement. The                   For advertising, call 780-701-1951
     Anyone who pays even the slight-            ensure low energy costs for Canadian con-       party may even be on the cusp of de-regis-                          or e-mail:
est attention to national politics should        sumers, but at a cost to Alberta’s energy       tration, as parties are required to provide   
be familiar with Quebec’s infamous Bloc          sector. Numerous other forms of the West-       updated information to Elections Alberta
Quebecois, the federal party that advo-          ern Canada Concept have cropped up since        and file financial statements every year.

cates for Quebec’s secession from the            its initial formation, including the Western    However, politics in Canada are changing;
Confederation. Others may be somewhat            Independence Party, and the Western Block       Albertans may become dissatisfied with the
familiar with Quebec’s multitude of prov-        Party, as well as individual provincial par-    attention paid to our province, as we share
incial parties who also advocate for Que-        ties pursuing the same goals.                   the bounty of our resource-rich industries
bec’s sovereignty; Québec                                          This brings us to Alberta’s   with the rest of the country. The separation          We want your views
Solidaire, Option Nationale,                                   best kept political secret; the   movement may be silent now, but there is              Is something bugging you
Parti Indépendantiste. The                                     Alberta First Party. Origin-      no way of knowing just how far the move-            about NAIT or the world? Do
Quebec sovereignty move-                                       ally formed in 1999, the party    ment spreads across the province, or just           you have some praise for the
ment has rumbled in the political back-          has had a tumultuous past. The party was        how loud its collective voice might be once
                                                                                                                                                     school or life in general?
ground for many years on the national            deregistered in 2003, requiring it to re-       awoken.
                                                                                                                                                      Keep your thoughts short
scene.                                           register as the Separation Party of Alberta         If you would like more information
     What many of you might not be aware         in 2004 before reverting back to the Alberta    about the Alberta First Party, you can find         and to the point. No more
of, is Quebec’s sovereignty movement             First Party brand in 2013. Very little infor-   their listed party information on the Elec-         than 100 words. Submit
isn’t the only group pushing for secession       mation is available about the party’s poli-     tions Alberta website under the Parties sub-        your letters with your real
in Canada. Our nation has seen a number          cies or activities, as the party does not       menu of the Politicial Entities tab. If you         name and contact info to:
of different movements in the past; Atlan-       maintain an e-mail, website or phone line       are looking for other information, all I can
tic Canada, Nova Scotia, British Columbia        for communication purposes. Similarly,          say is, good luck!                                   We need to list your real name.
& Yukon, and the largest of them all; the        very little information is available on the         Next week will wrap up this series on            Getting something off your
Western Canada Concept Party. Originat-          party’s leaders, with no online presence or     Alberta’s provincial parties with an inter-         chest is downright therapeutic.
ing in the early 1980s, the Western Canada       contact information publicly available.         view with Elections Alberta officials and           Write us.
Concept Party came about with the desire              The separatist movement in Alberta,        other information.
4     The Nugget                                            NEWS & FEATURES                                                                    Thursday, November 13, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                  Photos by Maria Tagliente

                                                                   SIGNS OF WEAR AND TEAR
    NAIT has been open for more than 50 years and, in some places, infrastructure is beginning to crumble. See next
    week’s edition for information about how NAIT keeps up with the task of maintaining such a huge campus.

Haas donates over $500K
By Charlie ZHAO                                    “We have over 20 years of working           the Machinist programs are increasingly          complete line of CNC vertical machin-
    Haas Automation, Inc., a leader in        with NAIT, installing Haas CNC machines          focused on teaching students to use CNC          ing centres, horizontal machining cen-
Computerized Numerical Control (CNC)          and look forward to offering our continued       machines.                                        tres, CNC lathes and rotary products.
machine tool manufacturing, has made a        support for many years to come.”                      “It is through NAIT’s relationships with    HAAS machine tools and rotary prod-
donation to NAIT Machinist programs. The           Essential to industries around the          Haas and their Western Canadian distribu-        ucts are built to deliver higher accur-
donation, valued at $595,740, includes an     world, NAIT currently offers non-credit          tor, HFO Thomas Skinner, that we are able        acy, repeatability and durability than
entrustment agreement of four CNC turn-       courses in addition to five educational path-    to make our programs the best that they          any other machine tools on the mar-
ing centres and 10 CNC vertical mini mills    ways to train machinists – Pre-Employ-           can be and respond to industry needs,” said      ket. The company also builds a variety
over a five-year period.                      ment, Machinist Apprenticeship, Mill-            Haines.                                          of specialty machines, including five-
    The donation from Haas raises the         wright Apprenticeship (first period), CNC             Ross stresses the importance of partner-    axis machining centres, mold making
total to 30 CNC machines that have been       Machinist Technician and Machine Shop            ships with NAIT.                                 machining centres, toolroom machines
entrusted to NAIT’s Machinist program         Technician.                                           “As the need for skilled workers con-       and gantry routers.
since 2008. To add to this, the program has        As a part of the curriculum, Machin-        tinues to rise, we believe it
purchased another 15 CNC machines bring-      ist students learn to use various of equip-      is the responsibility of the
ing the overall total to 70 Haas machines.    ment, both manual and CNC, including             business community to get
    “Haas Automation recognizes the           milling machines and drills. The exposure        involved and support the edu-
importance of NAIT to the manufacturing       to these machines helps students to develop      cation of trades and technol-
industry in Canada,” said Vice President      a versatile set of skills to operate in a safe   ogy. With the addition of the
Peter Zierhut.                                environment.                                     new machine tools, NAIT is
    “Our donation of CNC machine tools             “Companies like Haas Automation see         now the largest CNC training
supports the high quality training at NAIT    the value in hands-on learning and, as in the    centre in North America.”
and their success in connecting with local    past, have shown strong support by helping            Over the next year, there
industry. We fully support their efforts to   us prepare our students to join the workforce    will be 350 seats reserved for
expand and modernize CNC training.”           by using the most up-to-date tools and tech-     Machinist Apprenticeship
    “We are very proud to be the Western      nologies currently available,” said Malcom       students.
Canadian distributor of Haas Automation;      Haines, dean of NAIT’s School of Trades.              HAAS Automation is
it has been exciting to manage a project of        CNC technology allows machin-               the largest machine tool
this magnitude,” added Ross McDonald,         ists to manufacture and repair products          b u i l d e r i n t h e We s t e r n
vice president of sales.                      quicker and more accurately. As a result,        w orld, manufacturing a
Thursday, November 13, 2014                                                                                                                                                       The Nugget                5
                                                                     NEWS & FEATURES

Bridging the great divide
By Elyssa Teslyk                                           Student 1 writes “#181 – I’m tired of sit-    ing his food obviously uncomfortably. So a               So I ask you, what are we going to do with
    As a school, I think that we can all agree        ting by myself in the market at lunchtime every    couple minutes after that, a girl comes in with     that? Do we lean towards NAIT confessions in
that NAIT hosts many events in efforts to             day. I have no friends at school and it sucks. I   the same situation and instead of sitting at        hopes that we will reach some sort of gratify-
engage students and raise funds for different         have no one to sit and enjoy lunch with.”          my table, sits on a bench like the dude but of      ing closure or do we actually grow some con-
causes. Although the school is successful, one             Another student comments “#178 – Does         course sits at a different bench than him. Right    fidence and start talking to each other about
Business student explains, “I’ve never actually       anyone know the name of the guy who sits in        after I got up, those two people were eyeing the    ways we can start breaking the ice to foster a
been to a beer garden event, so I don’t know          the library? (The librarian guy) looks Indian      table like f**** vultures. The guy literally had    community?
what they actually do there (if it’s just drinking,   to me, is kinda skinny and brown colour! Just      excitement in his face. Unfortunately for the            Go talk to that person that you are too shy
then it’s pretty boring because people are just       wanna let him know that he makes my day.”          guy, the girl got to my table faster. He was lit-   to introduce yourself to, tell that person who
going to be with their friends and not socialize           Student 3 writes “#176 – It’s hilarious       erally one foot away from the table when the        makes your day that they make a difference,
with other people). There should be icebreaker        how scared of each other we are these days.        girl sat down and he awkwardly just walked          befriend the girl or boy that everyone in class is
games for everyone, NAIT confessions Face-            Today in the outdoor part of NAIT, right in        back to his bench and sat down again. Maybe         nice to but ignores socially. You might be sur-
book implies that a lot of students are having a      front of the market, I managed to get a table      I’m different but I would have no problem           prised at the opportunities that open because
hard time making new friends at NAIT.”                to eat my food by myself. A couple of minutes      sitting at one of those tables with someone I       you decided to keep an open mind. If that’s
    Do NAIT students actually have a hard             later a dude comes in with a plate and drink in    didn’t know.”                                       just not your style, than leave a comment at
time making new friends? After chatting with          his hand and it was obvious he wanted to sit            One last noteworthy comment states             the NAIT Nugget or NAIT Facebook confes-
some students and looking at the NAIT con-            down at a table though all of them were occu-      “#130 – I love how U of A confessions is a          sions to let us know what types of events and
fessions Facebook, there were some interesting        pied by other groups and the one I was sitting     sickening window into human depravity and           icebreakers you think will help students build
comments posted that confirmed the comment            alone. Instead of sitting at my table, which had   NAIT confessions is all just people wanting to      friendships; and #181, I’ll eat lunch with you

Brrr ... it’s getting colder!
our Business student suggested.                       plenty of space, he sits down on the bench eat-    get to known each other.”                           if you want …

By Brandon Hess                                       the surface. The freezing rain changed             ate away at the moisture. This Arctic air-          cold air is sticking around. I do not see any
Meteorologist in Training                             into snow by the time the cold front came          mass is very heavy. This means it will not          sign of daytime highs at or above 0 C in
@edmontonwxab                                         through. This cold front allowed temper-           move out fast. The next wind shift will be          the model runs. The GFS Ensemble is pro-
     Are you ready for winter? The weekend            atures in the atmosphere to cool enough to         Friday, Nov. 14 when we get into a north-           jecting highs around minus 5 C starting the
of Nov. 8 and 9 marked a drastic change in            support snow by Nov. 8.                            west wind that will last into next week! The        week of Nov. 16.
the weather. You have likely brought those                 Here is a list of snowfall totals from
snow shovels out of storage. I am sure                northern Alberta by Nov. 9 at 5 p.m.:
many of you had mixed emotions while                  Grande Prairie 21 cm, Grande Cache 11
doing this!                                           cm, Hinton 10 cm, Jasper 7 cm, Whitecourt
     It all started on Nov. 7 when a warm             12 cm and Edson 8 cm.
front pushed in from the Pacific. This warm                An Arctic high has now come down.
frontal boundary collided with the cold               The core of the Arctic high brought the cold-
Arctic air starting to settle in the north.           est temperatures. Thankfully, the core is
Think of what happens when two objects                where the lightest wind can be found. The
collide. The warm and cold air collid-                air comes out of the high in a clockwise dir-
ing with each other meant rain, snow and              ection. Therefore, we saw a wind shift from
freezing rain in parts of Alberta. This was           northwest to southeast on Nov. 11.
a mixed bag!                                               Morning lows will be near minus 20 C
     Freezing rain occurs when temperatures           this week and highs will struggle to reach
at the surface are 0 C or below. Then we see          minus 10 C. Coldest wind chills could be
a warm front push in aloft or above the sur-          at or slightly below minus 25 at times (par-
face. This warm air above the surface sup-            ticularly overnight and early mornings). We
ports rain. The rain falls out of this warm           have been under a clear sky lately. This is
air and freezes on contact when it reaches            due to the Arctic high that came down and
6      The Nugget                                               NEWS & FEATURES                                                                   Thursday, November 13, 2014

                                                            Point       unt
Nickelback bashers

By quinton berger                                                                                  By NATE BRYANT
                                                                                                       I love Alberta, I really do, but there are a few things about this province I hate. The
    Nickelback is quite possibly one of the most unjustly hated bands in music. Yeah, I            insane weather, the trucks to people ratio and Nickelback. It’s just embarrassing to have to
said it. Look, we can all ask anyone we know and nine out of 10 people will tell you that          venture into the world and when I say I’m from Alberta, hear “Oh right, like Nickelback?”
they hate Nickelback. They’ll then go on to either perform their own rendition of Chad             The worst part is that they are the biggest band to come from Alberta. We have nothing
Kroeger or tell you he’s a douche (I’m not saying they’re wrong), but how many of them             coming out of here, so Nickelback wins as most known Albertan band by default. People
have really listened to Nickelback? I don’t mean the crappy singles you hear on the radio,         will say that it’s just fun to hate Nickelback and that they are catchy and that I don’t really
either. How many people have tried to listen to an album? I’m willing to bet maybe four            hate them. No. You’re wrong and you should feel wrong. I have a rule – I won’t hate a
out of 10, meaning the majority could be jumping to conclusions but more than likely,              band unless I’ve listened to at least one full album. That, combined with all the singles that
they say they hate Nickelback because everybody hates Nickelback. It’s cool to hate Nick-          have been drilled into my head since I was 10, have given me a pretty legitimate reason to
elback. You, your friends and your cousin’s friend’s stepbrother hate Nickelback. Most             hate them. Chad Kroeger has talked in interviews about how there is this “mathematical
people out there hate Nickelback solely because it’s common opinion. They’ve done no               formula” to getting famous. All he is doing is playing people.
actual listening to see if they hate Nickelback. Hell, these days it’s taboo to like Nickel-
back that no one admits to it because they’ll be ostracized by their peers who have formed                                          Formula for fame
a general conclusion based on nothing. Do I like Nickelback? For the most part, no, but I               First, have you actually listened to Nickelback? If you have, I shouldn’t have to make this
can say that because I’ve listened to more than their radio songs.                                 argument, you will understand what I am trying to say. For those of you who are still not con-
                                                                                                   vinced, I will make one. They are the leader of the post-grunge nightmare, a league of bands that
                          Hated for wrong reasons                                                  rides the success left in the wake of grunge. It’s been going on for 20 years now and it’s ridicu-
    See, I’m not saying it’s wrong to hate Nickelback. The majority of hate they get is for        lous. All Nickelback is doing is trying to make money because they know how to make you spend
no real reason, though. As stated in my previous point, most people who hate them will usu-        it. Like I said, Chad specifically said he has a formula to getting famous that he’s been using
ally follow up with “Chad Kroeger’s a douche.” Well, you may be right. But a person being          for almost 20 years. He’s even signed most every other post-grunge band out there! Theory of
a douche says nothing about their musical ability. I mean, come on! Lots of massive stars are      a Deadman? Chad. Default? Chad. Thornley? Chad again. His label is also the one that put out
douches. Bono of U2? Douche. Deadmau5? Douche. Kanye West? Big douche! So how do                   Call Me Maybe. He just signs Canadian acts that make money but we all know they are terrible.
Deadmau5 and Kanye differ from Chad? Well, they make good music. But that’s what should
be your basis for not liking an artist, their music. Chad Kroeger may be a douche but using that                                      Personal thing
as an argument about a band that consists of him and three other people automatically discredits       OK, now this is kind of a personal thing for me. Chad Kroeger is married to my future
your anti-Nickelback argument.                                                                                                                                     fiancé, Avril Lavigne. I
                                                                                                                                                                   know, this article is anti-
 Many worse artists                                                                                                                                                Nickelback, yet I’m in love
     So it looks like we can all agree                                                                                                                             in Avril Lavigne. It’s dif-
that no one here is a Nickelback fan.                                                                                                                              ferent. It just is, OK? Now
But even if hating is justified, the                                                                                                                               Chad (I mean, how dou-
sheer amount of shit they get isn’t.                                                                                                                               chey a name is Chad, any-
There are so many worse artists out                                                                                                                                way?) is taking that away
there than Nickelback. Insane Clown                                                                                                                                from me. If I had the chance
Posse (along with every artist on                                                                                                                                  I would punch him in his
Psychopathic Records) is worse than                                                                                                                                smug face. I’d probably run
Nickelback. The majority of Limp                                                                                                                                   after, I mean, I can’t deny
Bizkit’s music (Chocolate Starfish                                                                                                                                 that the dude is jacked but I
is a great album) is worse than Nick-                                                                                                                              would have to at least TRY.
elback. Creed is worse and BrokeN-                                                                                                                                 I would probably also ask
CYDE, what the hell was that? The                                                                                                                                  for a refund for the album I
only real difference is their level of                                                                                                                             bought when I was 11, that
success on the charts but, that also                                                                                                                               I threw out after a week.
is a stupid reason to hate an artist.                                                                                                                              And now he’s touring with
There are so many crappy artists who                                                                                                                               The Pretty Reckless? With
spend time on the charts, many of                                                                                                                                  my backup future fiancé?
whom, in my opinion are (or were)                                                                                                                                  What is this garbage? Next
worse than Nickelback. Look, there’s                                                                                                                               he will be cheating with
no denying that Nickelback is a sub-                                                                                                                               Hayley Williams just so he
par band, led by an ass that somehow                                                                                                                               could take everything from
makes tons of money … not exactly                                                                                                                                  me. I know you’re reading
uncommon in popular music. Nick-                                                                                                                                   this, Chad. This isn’t over.
elback sucks, but so do your reasons                                                                                                                               It’ll never be over! She was
for hating them.                                                                                                                                        File photo never yours to take!
Thursday, November 13, 2014                                                                                                                                           The Nugget              7

One day not enough
                                                                                — Editorial —

                                                                  name? How many of us know that the 51-year-old mother           time in jail for refusing to take part in an inquiry into their
                                                                  intentionally drove her car into the path of a semi truck       daughter’s death. Rather than pay the Rogers family back
                                                                  last Christmas, committing suicide after a battle with          for the thousands of dollars in legal fees they now owe,
                                                                  post-traumatic stress? How many of us know that this            the DND alleges that the family should be responsible for
                                                                  occurred right here in Alberta, just outside of Calgary?        their own costs, as well as the legal fees of the DND. Lieut.
                                                                  MacEachern’s widower says she fell between the cracks           Rogers’ family simply wants a transparent, civilian inquiry
                                                                  of a system that barely exists to handle the increasing inci-   into their daughter’s death.
                                                                  dences of PTSD in returning soldiers.                               Eleven days of wearing a poppy and an hour out in the
                                                                      What about the family of Lieut. Shawna Rogers, who          cold will not help these families. It is a beautiful annual
                                                                  committed suicide right here at CFB Edmonton in 2012?           show of support, but it completely bypasses some of these
GabRIELLE Hay-Byers                                               They’ve had to pay legal fees to fight the actions of the       soldiers and their families that need our support now. It
Editor-In-Chief                                                   Department of National Defence, who shortly after Lieut.        fails to recognize the current struggles that our serving and

                                                                  Rogers’ death demanded a multitude of information in a          retired members, as well as their families, face. So wear
         t the Nugget, we try to keep things current and          situation that James Bezan, parliamentary secretary to          the poppy, attend the ceremonies but also make use of the
         NAIT related so that we can provide the best             the Minister of Defence, called “not acceptable.” Some          liberties that so many have died to ensure we continue to
         coverage possible. “Current” is sometimes a hard         have gone so far as to say that the Department of National      have. Maybe make use of them to put pressure on the gov-
task when you only publish once a week, so we cut stories         Defence’s actions amounted to bullying the Rogers family        ernment to support our military members in a way that rec-
and keep things that occur on a single day, like Halloween,       after the loss of their daughter, citing that the Rogers        ognizes the massive sacrifices that they and their families
to a minimum.                                                     family was informed that they could face up to two years        make for our country.
    This week, we are breaking from that tradition to cover
Remembrance Day ceremonies as they should be in addi-
tion to our regular stories. People, brave people, have
fought so that we may have that liberty, so I’ll be damned if
I don’t make use of those liberties to highlight the one time
a year where our nation gathers together to give thanks to
those who have fought to keep us as citizens safe and free.

          Mayor misses the mark
    Or, if I’m completely honest, this is the day our nation
is supposed to gather to give thanks to those who have
served. Lately I’m disappointed as Nov. 11 rolls around,
to see only the truly young and the middle aged joining the
elderly at ceremonies. I was sad to hear Edmonton Mayor
Don Iveson say that our generation knows no wartime on
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014, despite our nation’s sacrifices dur-
ing our 13-year peacemaking mission in Afghanistan. If
our politicians can’t even recognize that we were engaged
in war for over a decade, I suppose it’s hard to expect any-
one else to recognize it.

                 Life-long calling
     I’m not here to be righteously indignant about those who
don’t attend Remembrance Day ceremonies. I’ve been there
and have had years that I haven’t attended as well. Respect-
ing and honouring our veterans is a lifelong calling that as
Canadians, we should answer. One day a year doesn’t give
help to the veteran who needs a job at 65 because his pension                                                                                                              

is clawed back due to the rules regarding pension clawbacks
(which also affect our RCMP members). One day doesn’t                                                                          Is something bugging you about NAIT or
help the veteran who is plagued with post-traumatic stress                                                                   the rest of the world? Do you have some
disorder that affects his day-to-day life. One day doesn’t help                                                              praise to dish out about the school or life
the veteran who has physical wounds but still has a family to
                                                                                                                             in general? Get those thoughts into print.
care for and a home to keep.
                                                                                                                               Keep them short and to the point. No more
     Our television and computer screens have seen many
images of soldiers killed in combat and recently at home.                                                                    than 100 words. We’re a newspaper, not an
These names are carved in stone and their sacrifice will be                                                                  encyclopedia. Give us a break!
recognized forever. But how many of us know the names                                                                          Submit letters with your real name and
of those who died at home due to wounds suffered on the                                                                      phone number to:
battlefield? How many of us know Leona MacEachern’s
8     The Nugget                                                                                                                            Thursday, November 13, 2014

Two special players                            Lindros, Mario Lemieux and, perhaps, Association (NCAA), to play for the Bos-
                                               Mike Modano. It’s also quite rare to have ton College Eagles. Eichel has put up 13
                                               18-year-old kids with the potential to dras- points in the seven games he’s played for
                                               tically change a team. But that’s exactly the Eagles. That’s as an 18-year-old playing
                                               what these kids will do.                     college hockey against men. That’s remark-
                                                   Let’s start with McDavid, the odds able in its own right. Before college, Eichel
                                               on favourite to go No. 1. McDavid was was tearing it up in the U.S. National
                                               only the third person ever                                   Development Program, a
                                               to be given exceptional It’s also quite rare system that has pumped

                                               status into the OHL, mak-        to have 18-year- out NHL stars such as Pat-
Sports Editor
                                               ing him eligible to play
                                                                                old kids with the rick Kane, Phil Kessel and
                                               in the league at only 15.                                    Erik Johnson.
                                               And what did he do as a             potential to                 For hockey, centre is
    Every decade or so, there comes along      15-year-old? Twenty five drastically change believed to be the most
a hockey phenom that has the chance to         goals and 66 points in 63 a team. But that’s important position on a
drastically change a team, a division and      games. Last year? Ninety- exactly what these hockey team, besides the
the game. This upcoming 2015 NHL draft         nine points in 56 games             kids will do.            goalie. They are respon-
has the potential to have two of those play-   and he was only 16. And                                      sible for faceoffs, defence,
ers – Connor McDavid and Jack Eichel.          this year is perhaps the most impressive offensive contributions and team leader-
McDavid is currently playing for the Erie      of his young career. The Otters have only ship. That’s why having a set of good cen-
Otters of the Ontario Hockey League, while     played 18 games. McDavid has 51 points. tres is critical to winning in the NHL and
Eichel is at Boston College and both play-     Unbelievable. He has also led his team to that’s what these players bring to the table.                      

ers are assured to go one, two in the draft.   16 wins during those 18 games. Now you The two teams that will get them will go                            Jack Eichel
One of the few things left to decide is who    can see why this kid is so good. Tuesday’s from a bottom dwelling team, to a pos-
will get to draft them?                        broken hand, while a setback for this year, sible playoff contender, just like that. But      ton Oilers for example. The difference I
    It’s not often teenagers are hyped         won’t affect his draft position.             before we get to ahead of ourselves, we          see in these prospects compared to recent
as much as these two are and only a few            Eichel, on the other hand, has taken his must remember that rebuilding your team          first overall picks is that they are game
names come to mind – Sidney Crosby, Eric       talents to the National Collegiate Athletic doesn’t always work. Look at the Edmon-           changers, once or twice in a generation
                                                                                                                                             talents capable of putting a team on their
                                                                                                                                             backs. Nail Yakupov, isn’t.
                                                                                                                                                  With the NHL’s draft lottery system, it
                                                                                                                                             isnt a guarantee the two bottom teams will
                                                                                                                                             have the first two picks. Even with the rules
                                                                                                                                             however, there are a few teams to look at
                                                                                                                                             as possible landing spots for the two pros-
                                                                                                                                             pects. First, and the most obvious is the Buf-
                                                                                                                                             falo Sabres. A league worst eight points in
                                                                                                                                             16 games and a minus 34 goal differential.
                                                                                                                                             The Sabres are desperate for a star in their
                                                                                                                                             mix, and they are almost certain to get one.
                                                                                                                                                  Another team to look at is the 2006
                                                                                                                                             Stanley Cup Champion Carolina Hurri-
                                                                                                                                             canes. They have been living at the bot-
                                                                                                                                             tom of the standings for years, and have
                                                                                                                                             suffered from inconsistency from their top
                                                                                                                                             players including the Staal brothers. Or
                                                                                                                                             even the Edmonton Oilers, I’m not betting
                                                                                                                                             on them making any sort of improvement
                                                                                                                                             on their constant spot at the bottom of the
                                                                                                                                             Western Conference. When June comes,
                                                                                                                                             don’t be surprised if the Oilers are again
                                                                                                                                             picking in the Top 3. Too bad one of these
                                                                                                                                             players isn’t a top two defencemen.
                                                                                                                                                  It doesn’t matter who gets either of
                                                                                                                                             McDavid or Eichel, one thing for certain
                                                                                                                                             is that the team getting the chance to draft
                                                                                                                                             one of them will never be the same. Look
                                                                                                                                             at what Crosby did to the Penguins. Bot-
                                                                                                                                             tom to the top, in four years. But let’s hold
                                                                                                                                             off on the Cup parade in Buffalo for now,
                                                                                                                                             they still have another five months of losing
                                                       Connor McDavid                                                                        before the draft starts.
Thursday, November 13, 2014                                                       SPORTS                                                                           The Nugget              9

Silver caps great year

By Josh Ryan                                     while Michaels potted one in between.                They scored and defended at a rec-       after finishing second last year. They also
@joshryansports                                  Kautz’s two goal performance led to her          ord pace and dominating every squad they     represented the ACAC conference well
     It was a grand weekend down in              being named player of the game.                  faced in the regular season. They won the    with their silver medal finish, the program’s
Medicine Hat until the final game for the             The semifinal pitted the ladies against     program’s third ACAC title in four years,    fourth CCAA medal in five years.
undefeated NAIT Ooks.                            the fifth-seed Indiens d’Ahuntsic, the
     Ranked first in the nation going into the   second-seed from the RSEQ league in
2014 CCAA women’s soccer champion-               Quebec. The game was scoreless until
ship, the Ooks fell 4-0 in the gold medal        late in the first half when Kelsey Mitch-
game to Elans de Garneau. This ended an          ell scored to put the Ooks in front. NAIT
impressive season from the Ooks, who set         added some insurance in the second half
several records, including most goals in an      and won 2-0 to advance to the champion-
ACAC regular season with 75.                     ship contest. Newman earned player of the
     Before the action began, a couple of        game honours with another great defen-
Ooks were honoured at the CCAA All-              sive performance.
Canadian banquet. Kayla Michaels was                  In the final, NAIT was unable to handle
named CCAA player of the year and she,           Garneau, which controlled the pace from
along with Caitlin Newman were named             the early stages of the contest. Trailing 1-0
All-Canadians after impressive showings          at the half, the Ooks desperately tried to get
in the ACAC campaign. Michaels broke an          their offence rolling but Garneau continued
ACAC single season scoring record with           to stymie the attack, while capitalizing on
26 goals and set a record for most goals in      their own chances in the 4-0 win. Ash-
a single game with seven. She also scored        ley Woodford was player of the game for
two goals in the ACAC semifinal against          NAIT while Kautz, Newman and Kelsey
Grande Prairie. Newman’s timing and              Langille were named tournament all-stars.
physical presence led an Ooks defence that            While the ending wasn’t what the
only allowed three goals the entire season.      women’s team wanted, the ladies accom-
     In Medicine Hat, the women’s quar-          plished a lot this season.
ter-final contest went relatively smoothly            “Our willingness to compete never
against the Mount Saint Vincent Univer-          changed and to me, shows the character of
sity Mystics from Nova Scotia. While             this team,” said Ooks head coach Carole
MSVU held NAIT off the scoreboard in the         Holt.
first half, the powerhouse from Edmonton              “I would start all over again right now
                                                                                                                                                                                Supplied photo
proved too much to handle in the second,         with this same group if it meant that in
scoring three answered goals for the win.        another 90 days we would have another            NAIT Ook forward Kelsey Langille, right, in action during the gold medal
Laura Kautz scored the first and third goals,    chance to play this game over.”                  match in Medicine Hat against the Elans de Garneau. NAIT lost 4-0.

Bronze so close, but ...

By Josh Ryan                                     year Ook forward Jahmed Mayes received            The Ooks then faced the top ranked          out on top against the Ooks for the second
@joshryansports                                  player of the game honours.                   Algonquin Thunder on Day 3. The Thunder         time in the tournament. NAIT’s final player
    After a rough start to the CCAA men’s             Despite low morale from the first day of had fallen on the previous night in penalty     of the game for 2014 was Zebie.
soccer championship at Sheridan College          play, the guys came out refocused on Day kicks in the semifinals. Both teams battled               The team narrowly missed the podium,
in Oakville, Ontario, the third-seed NAIT        2. In quarter-final bronze play,                          hard throughout the contest and     but have plenty to hang their hats on.
Ooks finished the tournament swinging for        the Ooks faced off against the                            neither gave an inch. Finally,           “After our opening game, we regrouped
the fences but fell just short 3-2 in extra      second-seed Douglas Royals,                               Haines struck once again for        and once again fell just a little short in the
time in the bronze medal game.                   who had also been upset on                                NAIT in the dying minutes of        bronze medal game for the second straight
    Due to the unique rules for CCAA tour-       Day 1. Neither team was able                              the contest to give the Ooks a      year,” said Ooks head coach Charles
naments, the Ooks were able to play their        to score until the Royals struck                          1-0 win. Haines, as a result of     O’Toole after the tournament.
way back to the bronze medal game despite        at the 54th minute. Rather than                           the game winner, was named               “The weekend overall was quite good
losing in the quarter-finals and showed great    lose heart, the Ooks continued                            player of the game.                 and the level of competition was very high
determination throughout the competition.        to battle and were rewarded                                   On Saturday, the men found      and we were able to rise to the occasion. We
    Before the competition got underway,         when midfielder Igi Broda                                 themselves facing Garneau, the      are proud of our team and look forward to
Ook midfielder Bruno Zebie was named to          evened the score 23 minutes                               team that had eliminated them       having many returning players for next year.”
the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association     later. The guys didn’t let up                             from gold medal contention on            The squad overcame tough games
all-Canadian team after helping to lead his      pressure on the defensive side                            Day 1. The Elans had defeated       against Keyano in the regular season to
squad to an ACAC championship. Zebie is          of the ball and fourth year for-     Bruno Zebie          Keyano in penalties the previ-      bounce back and win ACAC gold, the pro-
one of the youngest captains in NAIT history.    ward Monty Haines broke the           All-Canadian        ous day to advance to the bronze    gram’s third title in five years. They also
    Nothing seemed to go NAIT’s way on           tie with less than 10 minutes                             medal game. This contest was        overcame the heartbreak of losing badly
Day 1. Trailing 1-0 going into the second        left in the game. The Royals tried in desper- much closer that the quarter-final game, with   on Day 1 at the nationals to battle back and
half, sixth-seed Garneau exploded for five       ation to tie but a great block from the head both teams taking turns on offence. Zebie        beat the top two seeds on consecutive days.
unanswered goals. The Ooks continued             of rookie defender Stephen Wright helped and Haines both found the back of the net for             The Ooks may not have come away
to fight, but were unable to generate any        preserve the 2-1 win. Ook Haris Kevac was NAIT but it took extra time to decide a win-        with CCAA hardware, but they played like
offence, resulting in a 6-0 loss. Fourth-        named player of the game.                     ner. Unfortunately, Garneau scored to come      champions.
10      The Nugget                                                               SPORTS                                                       Thursday, November 13, 2014

Men win, women lose

By Josh Ryan                                service line. After dropping the first two           winning 25-20 and 25-19.                     stand against the Keyano Huskies. The
@joshryansports                             sets 25-21 and 25-19, the women started                  Rookie outside-hitter Trent Mounter women faceoff with a Huskies squad sport-
    This past weekend bore differing much stronger in the third, leading 12-5.                   earned player of the game honours thanks ing the same winning percentage but sit ahead
results for NAIT’s men’s and women’s However, a couple of poor serve-receive                     to a match high 13 kills and steady passing. in the standings due to more matches played.
volleyball teams. The                                         rotations cost NAIT                    Match No. 2 was                                                  “We need to be will-
squads took on the Lake-                                      the lead and Lakeland              also a sweep for the                                            ing to push ourselves out-
land Rustlers in a home-                                      roared back to take the            Ooks, though their exe-                                         side our comfort zone
and-home series where                                         set 25-23. Joslyn Peters           cution level dropped                                            every day in order to
both matchups ended                                           was named player of                a tad with a differ-                                            improve. We’ll get back
in a sweep. However,                                          the match, recording               ent lineup on the court.                                        to that this week and be
the ladies wound up on                                        six kills, three blocks            Set scores were 25-20,                                          ready to go this week-
the wrong side of said                                        and two aces off the               25-20 and 25-22. Anton                                          end,” said Heinrichs.
sweep. The weekend                                            bench. Shaynah Godlien             Borodyuk, always solid                                               The men now face
was a homecoming of                                           returned from injury with          and steady for NAIT,                                            one of the bigger teams
sorts for Sean Renaud                                         a team high eight kills.           earned player of the                                            in the ACAC, particu-
and Justin Knight, as the                                         “While we saw some             game honours with                                               larly on the outside. This
two started their ACAC                                        important improve-                 seven blocks, four kills                                        will make shutting down
careers in Lloydminster.                                      ments from Friday to               and a service ace. Anton                                        the Huskies outside
    The women had a                                           Saturday, we still made            hopes for better execu-                                         attackers, who are led
rough go early on against                                     way too many unforced              tion down the road, but                                         by North Division kills
the Rustlers, managing                                        errors,” said head coach           remained satisfied with                                         leader Matt Powell.
only 12 and 15 points in           Trent Mounter              Benj Heinrichs. “Our               the troops picking up            Candace Hughes                      “If Powell is con-
the first two sets. In the       Player of the game           discipline and tough-              two wins.                         Player of the game            trolled, Keyano struggles
third, the Ooks finally                                       ness needs to improve                  “I don’t think we                                           to find offence. We have to
started to find their rhythm and pushed significantly.”                                          really played particularly well either show good ball control and air control, which
the Rustlers, before losing 25-23. Candace      Friday night went reasonably smoothly            night,” coach Doug Anton said. “We are two things they don’t necessarily do really
Hughes led the team with six kills and was for the men. After a push from Lakeland,              made too many mistakes and played ten- well. If we can beat them in those areas of the
named player of the game. Abby O’Neill the Ooks played solid side-out ball at the                tative at times. But wins in the ACAC match we will be successful,” said Anton.
added nine digs.                            end to win the opening set 25-23. The                are hard to come by, so you celebrate             Friday evening start times are 6 and 8
    Back at home, the Ooks again strug- remainder of the match went by quickly as                every one of them.”                          p.m. once again while Saturday’s matches
gled early, making several errors from the the Ooks cruised through the next two sets,               Both squads now prepare for a home will take place at 1 and 3 p.m.

Not so comforting after all

By Carol Tan                                   fort foods provide them with mood bene-           a pick me up. I know it’s not good for me,     right, the deliciousness that is chocolate
@ceeCarolina                                   fits, comfort foods do not provide comfort        but somehow it provides a warm feeling         is actually good for you and it is proven
     Put down that pint of ice cream, put      beyond that of other foods (or no food),”         to my body. It’s weird how food has that       to lighten up your mood. So go ahead and
down the candy bar and throw away that         the study concluded.                              much control over us.                          purchase that chocolate bar the next time
greasy, salty and saucy cheeseburger. Oh,           Many people have the idea that com-              On a lighter note, you’ll be surprised     you need a pick me up, but remember, stick
and skip that impulse purchase at the regis-   forting foods are reassuring them but it’s        to learn that there was one exception to       to dark chocolate over that tub of ice cream,
ter, too. You don’t need it and neither does   all in their heads. On television, if a charac-   the comfort food myth: chocolate. That’s       it will do you more good.
your body. Whatever you eat when you’re        ter goes through a breakup, you will almost
feeling down, it’s not helping. People these   always see them grab a tub of ice cream.
days are crediting the stereotypical “com-     Wikipedia defines comfort food as “a trad-
fort foods” as the reason for mood effects,    itionally eaten food which often provides a
says a study published in the Journal of       nostalgic or sentimental feeling to the per-
Health Psychology.                             son eating it … The nostalgic element most
     The Myth of Comfort Food study out        comfort food has may be specific to the
of the University of Minnesota found that      individual.”
comfort foods do lead to small improve-             That just proves that comfort foods are
ments in one’s mood – just not any more        generally eaten to relieve negative psych-
than other foods or no food at all. Dur-       ological effects or to increase positive
ing the study, subjects were given a ques-     feelings.
tionnaire about their favourite ways to eat         Only 33 per cent of people turn to
their feelings and then they were shown        healthy foods during emotionally stressful
sad movies in two separate sessions. At the    times and the other portion has no worries
end of one session, they were given their      as they turn to their favourite junk food.
favourite comfort food. Then, at the end of    Little do they know, indulging in these so
the other session, they were either given a    called comfort foods is a key contributor
choice of having a healthier food option or    to obesity. I know I sound a little critical
eat nothing. Researchers then measured any     right now but I am no different. I usually
short-term mood changes.                       find myself gorging on some ice cream or                                                                        

     “Although people believe that com-        grabbing a slice of pizza whenever I need         Chocolate – one comfort food that is actually good for your mood.
Thursday, November 13, 2014                                                       SPORTS                                                                      The Nugget            11

     Athlete Profile                                                                                  Athlete Profile
                         Player: Tehnille Gard                                                                          Player: Keenan Bailey
                         Sport: Hockey                                                                                  Sport: Hockey
                         Position: Goaltender                                                                           Position: Left wing
                         Program: Bachelor of Applied                                                                   Program: Business
                           Business Administration
By Carol Tan                                          What are the top three songs in your        By Carol Tan                                   What are the top three songs in your
@ceeCarolina                                                                                      @ceeCarolina
                                                 playlist? “Burning It Down” by Jason                                                        playlist? Ready Set Roll by Chase Rice,
    What’s your go to pre-game meal?             Aldean, “Alive” by Krewella and “Elec-               What’s your go to pre-game meal?       Somewhere In My Car by Keith Urban
Chicken and veggie stir-fry.                     tric Pow Wow Drum” by A Tribute Called           Spaghetti and meatballs.                   and Leave The Night On by Sam Hunt.
    Any pre-game rituals? I have a music         Red.                                                 Any pre-game rituals? I put every-         Why hockey? My dad had me in
playlist I always have to listen to on the            Why hockey? I love being on the ice         thing on from left to right. I also have   skates before I could walk. I was raised in
drive to the rink.                               and having pucks shot at me.                     to tape my stick exactly one hour before   a hockey family and I love the game. The
    Who’s your favourite player and                   Twitter, Facebook or Instagram,             game time.                                 relationships you make along the way with
why? Shannon Szabados, because she is            why? Facebook, because there’s always                Who’s your favourite                                     the players and the fun
an incredible goaltender and is an inspira-      something interesting popping on my              player and why? Pavel                                        we have makes me stay.
tion for our country.                            newsfeed.                                        Datsyuk because he’s a                                           Twitter, Facebook
    What are your hobbies outside of                  What’s your favourite sport to              hard working team player                                     or Instagram, why?
hockey? I love to be involved with sports,       watch besides hockey? Baseball.                  with tons of skill and he’s                                  Instagram. I’m not
and have also begun coaching as well.                 You’re stuck on an island, what are         got a scoring touch. He’s                                    photogenic so the filters
    Describe yourself in three words.            three things you must have with you? A           also very humble.                                            help.
Reserved, smiley, sarcastic.                     lawn chair, sunglasses and a beverage.               What are your hobbies outside of           What’s your favourite sport to
                                                                                                  hockey? Golfing in the summer, looking     watch besides hockey? Golf.

Ooks dominate
men’s HOCKEY                                                                                      through Instagram and letting loose with       You’re stuck on an island, what are
                                                                                                  the boys after a big win.                  three things you must have with you?
                                                                                                      Describe yourself in three words.      My phone, golf clubs and my men’s Ooks
                                                                                                  Hard-working, laid-back, stutter.          hockey team … can I say that?

lowly Portage                                                                                       Athletes of the week
                                                                                                                               November 3-9
By Connor O’Donovan                              icked by the constant attack of NAIT’s high       Ashley Woodford
    The men’s hockey team filled the net often   flying forwards. After NAIT put away two
and efficiently during their two-game series     more goals in the second, the Voyageurs did
with the Portage Voyageurs on the weekend.       manage to muster some pressure on their                                       Ashley led her NAIT Ooks women’s soccer team
                                                                                                                          to a silver medal at the CCAA National Champion-
    The Ooks outscored their opponents           opponents in the first half of the third. Por-
                                                                                                                          ships this past weekend in Medicine Hat. The veteran
15-1 over the two games, starting with an        tage left-wing Cody Koskimaki slipped a                                  defender helped the Ooks to shutout victories in their
8-1 triumph on Friday night, followed by a       tally past Ook goaltender Ken Cameron, but                               first two games at the nationals and was NAIT’s player
7-0 thrashing on Saturday. The back-to-back      it was far too little, far too late. NAIT Ooks                           of the game for the final where the Ooks lost to a
victories improved NAIT’s record to 9-2-1        Scott Fellnermayr, Tyler French and Tanner                               tough CEGEP Garneau team from Quebec. “Ashley’s
while Portage is still looking for their first   Dunkle answered loudly with a goal each in                               performance this past week was outstanding –she
win of the season after falling to 0-11-1.       the span of a minute and 56 seconds, silen-                              played with courage and led by example,” said head
    The Ooks arena was rocking right after       cing any notions of a Portage comeback.                                  coach Carole Holt. “She finished her final game of her
puck drop on Friday night, after scoring              Playing Saturday night’s rematch on                                 career by being named as our Player of the Game in a
started just 36 seconds into the first per-      Voyageur ice did little to deter NAIT’s                                  national gold medal final – what a way to go out!” Ash-
                                                                                                                          ley is a fifth-year Business student from Edmonton.
iod. NAIT forward John Dunbar picked up          momentum. Cameron recorded the shut-
the puck in Voyageur territory and circled       out, stopping all 20 shots he faced in the 7-0
hard beneath the blue line and into the right    Ooks victory. NAIT, on the other hand, fired      John Dunbar
corner before throwing it towards Kevin          46 shots on Portage goaltender Adam Iwan.         Hockey
Carthy in front of the net. The pass bounced          Seven different Ooks found the back of                                  John helped his NAIT Ooks men’s hockey team to a
cleanly off of Carthy’s skate to Michael         the net on Saturday, including John Dunbar.                              pair of wins over the Portage Voyageurs this past week-
Piluso, who accepted it with open arms and       Dunbar, a third-year Business student, had                               end. In Friday’s 8-1 victory on home ice, John led the
tapped it home inside the right post. Piluso     four total points on the weekend, giving                                 way with two goals and an assist and followed that up
                                                                                                                          by scoring Saturday at Lac La Biche in the Ooks 7-0
notched his second goal of the night on the      him 19 on the season in just 12 games, and
                                                                                                                          shutout win. “John was a constant threat offensively for
power play at 10:27 in the first after Tyler     making him the top scorer in the ACAC.                                   the Ooks this past weekend in both games versus the
French sent him to the slot with a sneaky             Dunbar and the Ooks will likely face a                              Portage Voyageurs. He set the tone for a very product-
dish between a Portage defender’s shins.         tougher match in this week’s home and home                               ive weekend for NAIT,” said head coach Serge Lajoie.
John Dunbar capped off the first period          against the Augustana Vikings, who sit just                              “His attention to detail at both ends of the rink continues
onslaught by tucking away a Carthy slap-         behind the Ooks in third place in ACAC stand-                            to get better and as a result he is generating a lot of
shot that went just wide of the left post.       ings. Look for the results of Wednesday’s                                great scoring chances for himself and his linemates.”
    Portage generated little offence and suf-    game, as well as Thursday’s, which goes down                             John is a third-year Business student from Calgary.
fered from a jumpy defence that was pan-         at Augustana at 7 p.m., in next week’s Nugget.
12       The Nugget                                                                                                                                    Thursday, November 13, 2014

Simpsons tired, old – dead                          donates … some of his snot. The ground is          only other memorable joke happens at the very    write these words. It really does. I grew up on
                                                    dug up along with some toxic waste from the        beginning when the words “a show out of          all these shows I’ve been saying bad things
                                                    nuclear plant. As you can guess, the waste         ideas teams up with a show out of episodes”      about this past month. Watching these new epi-
                                                    seeps into the time capsule and Millhouse’s        appears at the bottom of the screen.             sodes makes me feel like a parent watching a
                                                    rabbit’s foot is mixed with Bart’s snot, creat-        But aside from those two jokes, the epi-     son or daughter descend into heroin addiction.
                                                    ing these evil art, rabbit hybrids which run       sode is incredibly unmemorable. Nothing          I want to stop the train wreck but there’s really
                                                    amok in New New York in the 3000s. Cue the         about it will stick out in your head. There’s    nothing I can do. So what should I (and you)
                                                    Futurama gang. Bender comes back in time           not even anything to quote or reference. This    do? Just stop watching. Now, I hate (absolutely
                                                    to kill Homer and the two end up becoming          episode contains all the makings of a forget-    hate) saying this about a childhood favourite,
                                                    friends. They hang out at Moes, sleep on the       table, one-note slump, a last grasp at viewer    something I was raised with and had such an
QUINTON BERGER                                      couch together when in comes Fry, Leela and        attention.                                       impact on my life. But Travis, it’s time to put
Entertainment Editor                                the Professor to finish the job. Naturally, Lisa       Now, don’t get me wrong, it pains me to      Old Yeller down.
                                                    talks them out of it and they team up to destroy
     There’s been a lot going on in the world       these critters.
of the Simpsons lately. Just a few short weeks           Where the episode falls short, though, is
ago, the world witnessed the “epic” Simpsons/       the jokes. None of them are really that funny.
Family Guy crossover and I wasn’t surprised         There are a couple of references to past Futu-
to find myself writing about how lacklustre         rama episodes, like the gang walking past
it was. Well, last Sunday the world bore wit-       Fry’s old dog, Seymour outside the pizza
ness to the Simpsons/Futurama crossover. I          place. But the majority of them fall short. I
watched it last week and goddam, was it ter-        can’t even recall them because nothing in the
rible! If the Family Guy crossover was the nail     episode stood out. Honestly, I expected this
in the coffin that I’d previously suggested, then   from a new Simpsons episode but thought the
the Futurama crossover is the crematorium the       Futurama side would come through. Futu-
coffin was put in.                                  rama was still really good in its last seasons,
     The plot is decently clever enough. The        albeit they’ve been on TV for a one-quarter of
people of Springfield start up a time capsule.      the time that the Simpsons but, still. You think                                                                                

Millhouse donates his lucky rabbit’s and Bart       they’d bring something fresh to the table. The     Simpsons/Futurama crossover a dismal failure.
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