As SPCA Plans to Refuse Niagara Falls' Pit Bulls, Dyster Plans - THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS FAIR

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As SPCA Plans to Refuse Niagara Falls' Pit Bulls, Dyster Plans - THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS FAIR
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   As SPCA Plans to Refuse Niagara Falls’ Pit Bulls, Dyster Plans...
       FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015                              VOL. 16, NO. 05
As SPCA Plans to Refuse Niagara Falls' Pit Bulls, Dyster Plans - THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS FAIR
                                                    NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                               Pit Bulls - Not Other Breeds - Are Causing
                               The Serious Dog Problem in Niagara Falls
    Jonathan Macready
                                                                                                                                                   Wheatfield, Pendleton, Cambria and Niagara
                                                                                                                                                   Falls. When stranded dogs and cats are found
                                                                                                                                                   on the streets, they're brought to the SPCA.
      There is a problem.                                                                                                                                The majority of pets are from the Falls
      Aggressive pit bulls from Niagara Falls                                                                                                      -- again - mostly pit bulls.
are filling up about 90 percent of available                                                                                                             The SPCA will continue to accept ani-
cages at the Niagara County SPCA.                                                                                                                  mals from Niagara Falls. But, in either 2016
      Currently, the SPCA has 85 dogs. The                                                                                                         or 2017, the SPCA has told the city it will
shelter has permanent kennels to house 74.                                                                                                         likely stop and that city must begin housing
      Currently, the shelter is made up of 90                                                                                                      its own animals- which are going to be -
percent pit bulls. Almost all of them came                                                                                                         mostly - pit bulls.
from Niagara Falls.                                                                                                                                      "Within the next two years the Niagara
      Soon the SPCA may not be able to take                                                                                                        County SPCA and the City of Niagara Falls
more pit bulls from Niagara Falls because                                                                                                          will be moving to ceasing the SPCA servic-
the SPCA is now a "no kill" shelter.                                                                                                               ing the city," Lewis said.
        Before the SPCA could handle the                                                                                                                 And if the city builds a shelter that is a
dregs of Niagara Falls’ society’s abandoned                                                                                                        no kill shelter, then expect costs to skyrocket.
pit bulls. They euthanized pit bulls they                                                                                                          Aggressive and poorly treated pit bulls will
could not adopt.                                                                                                                                   make up the bulk of the dogs.
      As a result of being no kill, the Niagara                                                                                                          In a few years they will fill up all the
SPCA now keeps dogs who are unadoptable                                                                                                            cages of the shelter.
in small cages until they die. You might call      Exactly what’s so humane about keeping a dog in a cage for life at
                                                                                                                                                         And it will cost. Whether city run or on
it slow-kill.                                      a no-kill shelter?
                                                                                                                                                   contract with a not for profit – it will require
      Meantime, Niagara Falls has too many                                                                                                         a director, employees, consultants, a build-
unadoptable pit bulls that today or tomorrow                                                                                                       ing, equipping the building, vehicles, insur-
will be abandoned and left on the streets.                                                                                                         ance, utilities, promotion and advertising,
      And no one will ever want them.                                                                                                              legal and veterinarian services.
      Niagara Falls is solely responsible for                                                                                                            Salaries, contracts, services straight on
creating overcrowding at the SPCA - caused                                                                                                         the backs of taxpayers.
by pit bulls and their reckless owners.                                                                                                                  Lewis in describing the SPCA is also
      "Certainly, there is an overabundance of                                                                                                     giving us a glimpse of what Niagara Fall's
pit bulls here in Niagara Falls," Lewis said.                                                                                                      future shelter will be like.
"Irresponsible breeding plays a major part…       they go and live until they die.                                                                       "When walking through our building
It is no secret that the Niagara County SPCA           In a cage.                                 responsible people, knuckle heads, pit bulls     you will find a pit bull type dog in almost
has an abundance of pit bull type dogs."               Not poodles or pugs, dachshunds or         will be left in small cages the rest of their    every kennel and most of these dogs do orig-
      It’s a catch 22.                            wiener dogs, or retrievers.                     lives, and taxpayers will pay to feed them,      inate from the City of Niagara Falls…. There
      The most troublesome breed ends up               The proposed shelter is for the trouble-   give them veterinary care and pay for heat       is not enough space in our shelter to accom-
creating more trouble by taking all the cages     some dog, caused by the troublesome dog         and food and lights and someone to clean up      modate the number of animals that need our
at the shelter and because it's a troublesome     owners.                                         after them.                                      help."
dog, often poorly handled, often poorly bred           In defense of the pit bull, people bred         Until they die.                                   Thanks to Niagara Falls' pit bull owners,
and poorly treated, often nasty by nature,        them, people abuse them, and people are              Since at least 2013, the SPCA has been      the SPCA is full, so they will not be able to
people don't want to adopt them.                  screwing them up. Now the taxpayers are         considering terminating services to the city     take pit bulls from the city.
      The SPCA, now a no kill shelter, fills up   going to be forced to live with their errata    because of the cost of caring for unwanted             The solution is either the city paying a
with pit bulls - and not the best treated or      and their carelessness.                         pit bulls. From 2013 to 2104, the SPCA           lot more money to the SPCA to expand their
best bred pit bulls - from the criminal and ir-        Mayor Dyster set aside $3.2 million of     raised the price they charge the city from       facility or build a city shelter where pit bulls
responsible elements in Niagara Falls.            casino money over two years to build his pit    $84,000 to $195,000 for services- mainly to      will reside.
      The solution, according to Mayor Paul       bull shelter. Depending on how it is man-       house pit bulls.                                       Before the city spends this kind of
Dyster, is to take taxpayer money to build a      aged, it may cost another million a year to          At $195,000, the SPCA is subsidizing        money, someone should look into pit bulls in
shelter for, essentially, pit bulls in Niagara    maintain.                                       Niagara Falls' pit bull problem.                 this city. The number of people who have
Falls.                                                 Because we don't euthanize dangerous            No-kill shelters are expensive to oper-     them. Can they nail it down to a certain part
      A slow kill shelter for pit bulls where     dogs, dogs that belonged to drug dealers, ir-   ate. The SPCA said its actual cost for provid-   of the city, to a certain type of owner? Can

                                                                                                                                                   it be evaluated as to how ownership of pit
                                                                                                                                                   bulls has expanded in the last 15 years from
                                                                                                                                                   a problem to a big problem then try to solve
                                                                                                                                                   the problem.
                      “The Truth is Always Fair”                                                                                                         Dyster is trying to accommodate the
                                                                                                                                                   problem, instead of fixing it.
                          CHAIRMAN & EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                                                                                         Right across the Niagara River in On-
                                Frank Parlato                                                                                                      tario, there is no problem. Prosperous Niag-
                                                                                                                                                   ara Falls, Ontario put a ban on pit bulls.
                                         PUBLISHER                                                                                                       Niagara Falls, New York, with the high-
                                          Peter Mio                                                                                                est crime rate in the state, and one of the
                                                                                                                                                   poorest cities in the nation, has an expensive
                                         Senior Editor                                                                                             pit bull problem.
                                          Tony Farina                                                                                                    The local SPCA is potentially not going
                                                                                                                                                   to take dogs anymore from Niagara Falls-
                                                                                                                                                   which isn't the best thing for the pit bulls.
                                       Managing Editor                                            An aggressive, abandoned pit
                                                                                                                                                         So Niagara Falls will build its own ani-
                                      Dr. Chitra Selvaraj                                         bull is more than likely not                     mal shelter - for pit bulls.
                                                                                                  adoptable.                                              And at the SPCA, and perhaps soon at
                                PHONE: (716) 284-5595                                                                                              the Niagara Falls shelter, pit bulls who can't
                                                                                                  ing services was $230,000 in 2012.               be adopted will sit in a cage, as if they had a
                    P.O. Box 3083, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14304                                           During 2012, the SPCA handled 899           life sentence in prison.
                         E-mail:                                               calls from the city, 68 percent of which were          Instead of the death sentence of eu-
                                                                                                  for stray animals.                               thanasia.
                                                                                                       Sixty percent of these were pit bulls.

               All contents copyright © 2015 Niagara Falls Reporter Inc.                               The SPCA serves Lockport, Niagara,
As SPCA Plans to Refuse Niagara Falls' Pit Bulls, Dyster Plans - THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS FAIR
                                                  NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                            Nasty Pit Bull Owners Don’t Help Their Cause
     Last week the Reporter published an ar-            "Jonathan A. Macready's parents should          "I hope you get a full email inbox of
ticle, "Pit Bulls, Bred to be Aggressive Like     be ashamed they did such a poor job educat-      people outraged by this article because I am
Many of Their Owners".                            ing their little brat."                          going to be sharing this article across all so-
     The pit bull zealots went right off their          "I hope you lose many readers"             cial ready."
leashes.                                                "You (sh)ould be shut down, or better           "The writer of the article about Pitbulls
     The Reporter got a spate of nasty letters.   still, be charged for reporting so many inac-    should get fired."
     We tried to make it clear that not all pit   curacies!"                                            "I'm …probably a better person than the
bulls are aggressive and dangerous. We are              "Tell your reporter Jonathan Mcready       moron who thinks he is doing a great jour-
certain that some pit bull owners would not       … he's an idiot!!"                               nalism talking about pit bulls and they've
have bitten us if we were in the same room.             "HOW DARE YOU publish such                 owners!!!... Fire this guy."
     The angry outpouring of letters however      TRASH!!! Pit bulls are NOT aggressive in              "You are an ignorant mother f--ker."
shows that dogs and their masters are some-       any way!... You're a f--king DISGRACE!!!"             "The editor should be ashamed to allow
times eerily similar.                                   "What planet is this idiot from? I guar-   an article to be published. Your newspaper
     Here are a few comments from dozens          antee my pit bull is smarter and much more       will be boycotted."
of nasty letters we got:                          loving than this reporter!"

     Some Pit Bull Facts You Might Like to Know
     According to the leading experts on pit          Pit bulls represent about five percent of    recorded over the past 32 years, compared to
bulls in the nation, Merritt Clifton and                                                           268 by all other breeds combined. 1,624
Colleen Lynn, as well as other experts in the                                                      people have been disfigured by pit bulls.
                                                                                                        In 2014, in the U.S. and Canada, pit
                                                                                                   bulls killed 31 people.
                                                                                                        The number of pit bulls involved in fatal
                                                                                                   and disfiguring attacks has risen since 2007
                                                                                                   from 78 to 603 in 2014; the number of child

                                                                                                   Attacked by pit bull.
                                                   Killed by a pit bull.

 Killed by a pit bull.                            dogs in America.
                                                       Of the 210 fatal dog attacks occurring
                                                  since January 1, 2010, 138––66%––have
field:                                            been inflicted by pit bulls.
     There are an estimated 3.5 million pit            Pit bulls accounted for more than half of
bulls in the U.S. out of an estimated 70 mil-     all fatal dog attacks since 1844. 300 fatali-
lion dogs.                                        ties by dogs identified as pit bulls were

                                                                                                   victims increased from 30 to 264; the num-
                                                                                                   ber of adult victims increased from 23 to
                                                                                                   279; the number of deaths directly inflicted
                                                                                                   by pit bulls went up from 13 to 31, and dis-
                                                                                                   figurements soared from 37 to 451.
                                                                                                        As of 1961, there were about 200,000
                                                                                                   pit bulls in the U.S.
                                                                                                        The pit bull population has expanded
                                                                                                   twenty-fold since then, to close to four mil-
                                                                                                   lion dogs counting mixes. Human fatalities
                                                                                                   from pit bull attacks have expanded twenty-
                                                                                                   fold as well, to 30-plus per year.
                                                                                                        About one million pit bulls - about a
                                                                                                   third of all adult pit bulls in the USA are sur-
                                                                                                   rendered every year to animal shelters or im-
                                                                                                   pounded, primarily for dangerous behavior.
                                                                                                        About 80% of pit bulls coming to ani-
                                                                                                   mal shelters each year are killed as too dan-
                                                                                                   gerous to adopt.
                                                                                                        Half the adult pit bull population are
                                                                                                   failing in homes every year. Nothing re-
                                                                                                   motely comparable has ever occurred with
                                                                                                   any other type of dog.
4                                                   NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                 Security Measures Intense for NY Medical Marijuana
                    Police Chief Says Lewiston Up to the Challenge
          Frank Parlato                                                                                                                                       (1) a perimeter alarm;
                                                                                                                                                              (2) motion detectors;
                                                                                                                                                              (3) video cameras in all areas that con-
      Last week the Niagara Falls Reporter
                                                                                                                                                        tain marijuana and all points of entry and
broke the news that all five Lewiston Coun-
                                                                                                                                                        exit. (
cil members said they would likely support
                                                                                                                                                              4) twenty-four hour recordings from
a medical marijuana growing facility in the
                                                                                                                                                        cameras, available for live viewing by the
Town of Lewiston.
     Lewiston Greenhouse LLC, owned in
                                                                                                                                                              (5) The alarm system must include: (A)
part by the owners of Modern Disposal, is
                                                                                                                                                        A silent “duress alarm," generated by the
expected to make application to the state of
                                                                                                                                                        entry of a code into an arming station to sig-
New York this spring to be granted the right
                                                                                                                                                        nal the alarm user is being forced to shut off
to grow medical marijuana at their H2 gro
                                                                                                                                                        the system; (B) A “panic alarm,” manually
facility, a 12 acre greenhouse owned by
                                                                                                                                                        activated, to signal a life threatening or emer-
Modern Disposal on Pletcher Rd, which is
                                                                                                                                                        gency situation requiring law enforcement.
presently used to grow tomatoes.
                                                                                                                                                        (C) A silent “holdup alarm” generated by
     Gov. Andrew Cuomo is expected to pick
                                                                                                                                                        manual activation to signal a robbery in
five medical marijuana growers throughout
                                                                                                                                                        progress; (D) An automatic voice dialer, pro-
New York.
                                                                                                                                                        grammed to send a prerecorded message,
     As part of the application process, a
                                                                                                                                                        when activated, over telephone, radio or
company wishing to be considered as one of
                                                                                                                                                        other communication system, to law en-
the five growers is expected to demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                        forcement, public safety or emergency serv-
support from the local community.
                                                                                                                                                        ices agency requesting dispatch; (E) A
     In Lewiston the issue has bi-partisan
                                                                                                                                                        failure notification system that provides au-
                                                                                                                                                        dible or visual notification of any failure in
     Supervisor Dennis Brochey, the sole
                                                                                                                                                        the surveillance system within five minutes.
Democrat, is joined by Republicans Ron
                                                                                                                                                        (F) The ability to remain operational during
Winkley, Alphonso Bax, and William Con-
                                                                                                                                                        a power outage which requires a back up
rad, along with Independence Party member
                                                                                                                                                        generator and a back up to the back up gen-
Beth Ceretto in supporting the concept for as
they have stated a variety of reasons.
                                                                                                                                                              ** The grower must also limit access to
                                                                                                                                                        surveillance areas to persons essential to sur-
     Medical marijuana has been proven to
                                                                                                                                                        veillance, law enforcement, and the Health
aid suffering children and ailing adults.
Uniquely Lewiston Greenhouse LLC has
                                                                                                                                                              ** Growers must keep the outside
one outstanding edge over all other potential
                                                                                                                                                        perimeter illuminated so that video record-
growers. It owns the New York State license
                                                                                                                                                        ings are crystal clear.
for the world -famous Charlotte's Web strain
                                                                                                                                                              ** Inside, marijuana must be stored in a
of medical marijuana - which has been              Modern’s H2 Gro greenhouse in Lewiston presently grows toma-                                         secure area and products must be in a safe or
proven to aid children with epilepsy when all
                                                   toes which they sell to area markets. Will it become the site of one                                 vault locked except for the actual time re-
other drugs failed.
                 Potential revenue                 of five growing facilities in New York for medical marijuana?                                        quired to remove or replace medical mari-
                                                                                                                                                        juana products.
     Lewiston Greenhouse partner Gary
                                                        Ceretto, who is the town's newest coun-     security measures).                                       ** Before medical marijuana can leave
Smith, who is also vice president and COO
                                                  cil member and is married to State Assem-               “If it were to come where Modern Dis-         the growing facility to the dispensary the
of Modern Disposal Inc, one of the largest
                                                  blyman John Ceretto - who voted for the           posal grows it, we would like to be part of         grower must, two days prior, complete a
disposal companies in the USA, said his
                                                  passage of the medical marijuana law last         the safety factors. Our force is capable and        shipping manifest transmitted to the dispens-
medical marijuana company is willing to
                                                  year, said she will take the lead in sponsoring   able to maintain safety for a facility like that.   ing facility and the Health Dept.
enter into a host agreement with Lewiston to
                                                  a resolution endorsing Lewiston Greenhouse              "Remember, the town already has some                ** It must be transported in a locked,
provide a mechanism of payment based on
                                                  as a grower of medical marijuana in town.         very important places and structures that the       safe and secure storage compartment in a ve-
                                                        Meantime across the state and in WNY,       police keep an eye on - the Power Authority,        hicle transporting the marijuana directly to
     In addition, Niagara County would reap
                                                  a number of communities are vying for the         the international bridge and all our schools.       the dispensary.
a windfall since the county where the grower
                                                  opportunity to host growers of medical mar-       If it become legal and if it does go to Modern            ** The truck must have at least two em-
is domiciled will receive about 1.58 percent
                                                  ijuana. The competition is expected to be in-     we will do our best to make sure it is regu-        ployees - one to remain with the vehicle at
of gross sales, as the county's share of the
                                                  tense.                                            lated and secured properly. I wouldn't op-          all times.
state’s seven percent excise tax. This is
likely to result in millions in new revenue for              Other Municipalities Hopeful           pose it."
                                                        Already several municipalities have               Salada is not the only police chief who             Overall the regulations for medical mar-
the county.
                                                  been in contact with potential growers to lure    feels security can be handled.                      ijuana are more stringent than for drug stores
     Considering that only five growers will
                                                  them to operate in their towns.                         In Niagara Falls, where some officials        which contain large quantities of morphine
be selected, counties across the state will be
                                                        According to sources, Lewiston Green-       have privately told the Reporter that they          based prescription pills which have large
vying for this windfall.
                                                  house has been approached to establish            would like to lure Lewiston Greenhouse or           street values.
                    Job creation
                                                  growing facilities in another municipality in-    another company to grow medical marijuana                 It is expected the state will begin accept-
     Because growers will be engaged in the
                                                  stead of Lewiston.                                in their city, Police Supt. Bryan DalPorto          ing applications as soon as this spring and
year round cultivation of medical marijuana
                                                        But there seems no need for the com-        said that in the event his city hosts a grower      Lewiston Greenhouse LLC will be among
as opposed to seasonal greenhouse growing
                                                  pany to relocate and utilize a building in an-    of medical marijuana he would be "willing           the applicants.
of tomatoes and because of the extra security
                                                  other municipality - even if it was offered for   to work with any business" adding "It is no               Whether they win one of the five cov-
required by the state as part of its regulatory
                                                  free - since Lewiston officials seem support-     more a threat than a drug store which has           eted spots is in large part up to the governor.
process, it is expected that the net employ-
                                                  ive of the medical marijuana initiative.          pharmaceuticals. As long as there is security,      There is anticipated to be as many as 100
ment gain from converting the H2 Gro
                                                                  Security Challenges               we would be willing to work with them."             companies competing for spots.
greenhouse from tomatoes to medical mari-
                                                        Lewiston Police Chief Chris Salada                State Demands Security Measures                     Lewiston Greenhouse LLC has the fa-
juana will result in more than three dozen
                                                  weighed in this week on the town's prepared-            Local police would be guided by secu-         cility, the apparent support of the town coun-
new jobs.
                                                  ness to safeguard growers of medical mari-        rity measures imposed by the state as part of       cil, is willing to make the investment in time
     Consider that the Niagara County IDA
                                                  juana.                                            the medical marijuana law.                          and money to start up and a police force will-
offers decades of tax free incentives worth
                                                        "If it becomes legalized, we will adapt           According to the new state medical mar-       ing to aid in the security challenges.
millions to get this kind of job creation. In
                                                  and move forward, " Salada said. "Obviously       ijuana law, a grower will have to have a se-              It is hopeful.
this instance however the county will not be
paying incentives but will be receiving in-       it is going to be regulated closely and I want    curity system to prevent and detect theft of
centives.                                         (our department) to be involved in (crafting      marijuana which must include:
                                                   NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                                          Ceretto Believes Silver’s Departure
                                          May Clear Path for Legalizing MMA
            Tony Farina
                                                         Advocates say state regulation would
                                                   insure that safety precautions would be fol-
                                                   lowed. Some proponents also believe the
     The path to the legalization of Mixed
                                                   state would reap an additional $135 million
Martial Arts in New York State may have
                                                   in additional revenue from MMA events at
gotten a little easier with the departure of As-
                                                   major venues including Niagara Falls. New
sembly Speaker Sheldon Silver who has
                                                   York has banned MMA events since 1997.
been a strong opponent to legalizing the
John Ceretto (R. C. I.
– Lewiston) believes
Silver’s arrest on fed-
eral         corruption
charges and his de-
parture as speaker
could be the ticket al-
lowing the state legis-
lature to vote on
legalizing        MMA
which has broad bi-
partisan support in the
     Ceretto said le-
galization would bring over $5.2 million in
economic activity to Western New York plus
additional revenue to the state.
      “A lot of progress has been made in Ni-
agara Falls lately, but we are really missing
a great opportunity by not allowing MMA
events in the state,” said Ceretto in a state-
ment. “New York is the only state where
professional MMA events are not allowed,
which only highlights how unreasonable the
de facto ban on the sport is. If we had MMA
events in Niagara Falls, it would be another
way to draw tourists to the city to enjoy all
the amenities we have to offer. Hopefully,
with a new speaker, we can finally get this
      As the ranking member of the Assem-
bly’s Tourism, Arts, Parks, and Sports De-
velopment Committee, Ceretto has been a
strong supporter of MMA in Albany but Sil-
ver has been a roadblock to progress on le-
galizing MMA.
      Martial arts champion A. J. Verel of
South Buffalo believes—like Ceretto-- that
with Silver out of the way there is a good
chance New York can finally pass legislation
and allow the state to finally be competitive
in the martial arts arena.
      “We have a great opportunity now to
get this done,” said Verel, a former light
heavyweight and middleweight sport karate
and kickboxing champion who holds black
belts in five different martial arts.”
      “If this can get done, the state athletic
commission can promulgate rules to help
make it safe,” said Verel. “It will bring in a
whole new fan base, will be beneficial eco-
nomically, and would be great for state com-
petition.” Verel is a 2003 inductee into the
martial arts hall of fame and has also ap-
peared as an actor and stuntman in numerous
      Ceretto said he plans to use his position
on the Tourism Committee to push legalizing
MMA during upcoming budget hearings.
      New York is the only state that doesn’t
allow professional MMA contests even
though it has passed four times in the state
senate only to expire in the Silver-controlled
assembly. Assembly Minority Leader Joe
Morelle has sponsored legislation to end the
ban but Silver never allowed the measures to
come to the floor for a vote.
6                                                   NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                                         Tonawanda News Gone but Not Forgotten
            Tony Farina                           dedication and work ethic, will join WLVL
                                                  -1340 radio in Lockport as news director.
                                                                                                   way with their experience and local knowl-
                                                                                                                                                         Small daily newspapers will soon be a
                                                                                                                                                    thing of the past and communities will lose
      In the mid-1960s, the Tonawanda News        The fate of the others is unknown.                     I’m saddened by the passing of the         the local flavor of small town America, from
was a vibrant, well-staffed daily newspaper            When I joined the Tonawanda News in         Tonawanda News, another of my many old           Little League game pictures to news about
with a circulation in the neighborhood of         early 1967, I arrived fresh from several         haunts as a chain-smoking young journalist       local politics. Newspapers have been a part
25,000. I know firsthand because for about        months as sports editor of the Lockport          looking to break big stories. Fortunately, I     of my life for many years, and when one
18 months during that time, I had the pleas-      Union Sun and Journal after four years as a      was able to do that both at the Courier and      passes it hits home.
ure of working at the newspaper as the tele-      navy journalist. I was pretty green, a young     later on television but it all really started         I certainly still enjoy writing for news-
graph editor responsible for placing wire         man with a wife and three small children,        with Milt Carlin at the Tonawanda News.          papers and carrying on the tradition of the
stories, writing headlines, and laying out the    and desperately hoping to earn enough                  Milt is long gone, and now so is the       professionals who taught me, like Milt Car-
pages.                                            money to support my family.                      newspaper he cared about so much. I re-          lin and Jim Schrader at the Courier-Express,
       When the Tonawanda News closed its              The Tonawanda News was my training          member those days, and names like Shirley        city editors of a different era but a time I will
doors for good last Saturday, publishing its      ground, as it was for many young journalists     Connor, Lynn Hemmings, Jim Watson, Milt          always cherish. I wish good luck to all those
last edition in black and white, the circula-     over the years, and veteran AP reporter and      Simon, Mort Carpenter, and many others. It       at the Tonawanda News who are now look-
tion was reported to be about 3,500 and the       City Editor Milt Carlin—a character right        was a fun time with memorable parties—es-        ing for work in a business that sadly is fast
editorial staff was down to a mere handful        out of the old movies-- took me under his        pecially at Christmas--presided over by a        disappearing.
compared to the days when I was there under       wing and taught me the ropes. Milt always        fun-loving owner in Ruby Hewitt and a won-
publisher Ruby Hewitt and Editor Harvey           had a pencil in one hand and a cigarette in      derful executive editor and true gentleman,
Hough.                                            the other, and like many a journalist of his     Harvey Hough. It was a real newspaper and          NOTICE OF FORMATION OF
       Newspapers cutting staff is the trend      day like to wash down the sweat of putting       the newsroom was the smoke-filled center of            A DOMESTIC LLC
these days as the industry has reportedly lost    out a daily newspaper with a stop at the local   it all with the wire machines pounding out
a fifth of its journalists since 2001. News-      gin mill after the presses had rolled. He        the world news as the typewriters cranked         CR HOME INVENTORY LLC has been formed
papers have faced increased pressure from         schooled me in that side of the business as      out the local stories of the day. All those       as a limited liability company (LLC) by filing Ar-
                                                                                                                                                     ticles of Organization with the NY Secretary of
the internet media and many have been             well, but as a mentor he was wise in the         things are gone now and newsrooms are             State (NYSS) on December 17, 2014. Office
forced to close, like the Tonawanda News,         ways of the newspaper business and               smoke free, the teletype machines don’t           located in Niagara County, NY. NYSS desig-
in the face of declining revenues.                groomed me about how to approach stories         exist, and typewriters are relics from the        nated as agent for the LLC upon whom
       But I would like to use the occasion of    and the importance of getting the facts right.   stone age of newspapers.                          process against it may be served. NYSS may
                                                                                                                                                     mail a copy of any process against it served
the loss of the Tonawanda News to reminisce       There was no tolerance for factual errors              But I remember it all, and the names and    upon him to: 2802 Stenzel Ave., North
about my days at the newspaper so long ago        from Milt, and that’s the way he ran the         faces from those days and my years at the         Tonawanda, NY 14120. The purpose of the
and my feelings about the changing times          newsroom. The result was a very good daily       late Buffalo Courier Express. The newspa-         LLC is to engage in any lawful business acts or
that have slowly taken away one of the sta-       newspaper, a nurturing and learning environ-     pers are gone and so are most of the journal-     activities permitted for LLCs under the NY Lim-
                                                                                                                                                     ited Liability Company Act. The limited liability
ples of many communities, the local news-         ment for many young journalists who passed       ists who worked there, but they still live in     company is to be managed by one or more
paper with the comings and goings of              through the River Road offices of the            my memories and the closing of the                members.
everyday life and the obituaries of those who     Tonawanda News and a good home for vet-          Tonawanda News brings it all back for the
have come and gone which sometimes don’t          erans on staff who stayed for years and          moment. It was a great time and I miss those      2/3/15, 2/10/15, 2/17/15, 2/24/15, 3/3/15,
make the pages of the larger newspapers.          served the community in such a valuable          days and the people dearly.
      Let me indulge a bit in my newspaper
history to help explain my feelings about the
passing of this small daily and the decline of
the newspaper industry everywhere.
      I started my newspaper career profes-
sionally at the Lockport Union Sun and Jour-
nal in 1966 and joined the Tonawanda News
in 1967, working under legendary City Edi-
tor Milt Carlin. I moved to the Buffalo
Courier-Express in late 1968 where I spent
12 years before leaving to become a televi-
sion reporter. Now, all these years later, both
the Tonawanda News and the Courier are
gone as are many of my friends and col-
leagues from those days.
      The Tonawanda News which closed its
doors for good last Saturday was nowhere
near the paper it was when I was there, but
it still served the public with as much local
news as it could with its reduced staff. But
now it is gone, an institution that had been a
part of the community it served since it
began in 1880. Unfortunately, many more
newspapers will be forced out of business if
the current trend continues, as expected, and
the public, especially seniors, will continue
to lose an important link to their communi-
ties, one they could actually touch. It is a
feeling I crave to this day.
      Eric DuVall, the last managing editor of
the Tonawanda News, did not say much
about the newspaper’s closing beyond the
statement from the publisher, Chris Voccio,
last October who said the decision was made
for business reasons. Voccio works for
Community Newspaper Holdings of Ala-
bama which also owns the Niagara Gazette.
      Many of the two dozen editorial em-
ployees at the Tonawanda News will now be
looking for jobs in a newspaper market
where jobs are in short supply. Some have
found work, many have not. DuVall, who is
a serious journalist and well respected for his
                                                  NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                     Long, Krauthammer, Stone Headline Kemp Tribute March 14
            Tony Farina                           to his father, the second annual event by the
                                                  Conservative Forum which is the party’s out-
                                                                                                   columnist and political commentator for Fox
                                                                                                   News. Krauthammer was paralyzed in a div-
                                                                                                                                                    the cabinet of President George H. W. Bush
                                                                                                                                                    from 1989 to 1993. He was the Republican
     The Conservative Forum of Erie County        reach network to the business community.         ing-board accident during his first year of      nominee for vice president in 1996 on the
is planning a major tribute to former con-             Among those expected for the special        medical school at Harvard Medical School,        ticket with Robert Dole.
gressman and Buffalo Bills quarterback Jack       tribute are State Conservative Party Chair-      but will make his presentation at the Kemp            During his professional football career,
Kemp on Saturday, March 14, at 6 p.m. at          man Mike Long, political consultant Roger        event by videotape.                              Kemp won two championships with the Buf-
the Clubhouse at Diamond Hawk at 255              Stone who served as an adviser to the Jack             Gugino, a close associate of Diamond       falo Bills of the American Football League
Sonwil Dr. in Cheektowaga.                        Kemp for president campaign in 1987, and         Hawk restaurant and golf club owner Sam          in the 1960s and was a co-founder and later
     Erie County Conservative Party Chair-        former Kemp staffers Ed Rutkowski and            Tadio, is helping to coordinate the event for    president of the AFL Players Association.
man Ralph Lorigo said Jimmy Kemp, a for-          Russ Gugino. Rutkowski is also a former          his former political mentor.                          For information on the event honoring
mer CFL quarterback and the son of the late       Erie County executive.                                 Jack Kemp served 18 years as a con-        Jack Kemp, contact the Erie County Conser-
congressman will be on hand for the tribute            Also scheduled is a video presentation      gressman from Western New York (31st Dis-        vative Party at 716-826-6814.
                                                  by Charles Krauthammer, a syndicated             trict) and also served as housing secretary in

                                                        Brady Delivered When It Counted
            Tony Farina                           by Jermaine Kearse put the ball at the New
                                                  England 5 yard line and put Seattle in a po-
                                                                                                   talking Rex Ryan and the Buffalo Bills who
                                                                                                   will get to face him next year as Brady bids
                                                                                                                                                    enue for the owners.
                                                                                                                                                         Buffalo fans are competitive and will do
     Perhaps New England receiver Julian          sition to win the game as the clock ran out.     for a fifth world championship.                  their part to keep the owners happy and keep
Edelman summed it up best after his Patriots      But as we all know, the Seahawks passed in-           For now, the season is over and New         the Bills in town. But even with local own-
topped Seattle 28 to 24 behind Tom Brady’s        stead of handing off to Marshawn Lynch and       England, as most experts expected, found a       ership, nothing is really guaranteed down the
four touchdown passes: “He’s Tom Brady,”          the rest is history.                             way to win. They have the coach, like him        road, especially for a franchise that hasn’t
Edelman said. “He’s the greatest quarter-              No matter what Carroll says, the Sea-       or not, the quarterback, and a swagger that      made the playoffs in 15 years. Rex says it
back on the planet.”                              hawks made the wrong decision and despite        comes with knowing you’re the best. Rex          will be different next year, but there is no
     Brady was 13 out of 15 in the fourth         his outstanding game, Brady would have           can talk a good game, but he hasn’t done it      Tom Brady on the Bills roster and without a
quarter as he led his team on drives of 68 and    likely come out on the short end if Seattle      yet. We know he can coach but can he win,        decent quarterback all of Ryan’s bluster will
64 yards to overcome the Seahawks and win         had tried to run it in with Lynch. Who read-     and can he win without a very good quarter-      not win football games in the clutch, like
his fourth Super Bowl and third MVP. When         ing this doesn’t think Lynch would have          back? He couldn’t in New York, as we all         Brady does.
it counted, despite two early interceptions,      gained one yard in three tries?                  know, but maybe Buffalo will be different.            Anyway, the season is over, the Super
Brady came through as he usually does.                 Belichick is a great coach even though      Time will tell.                                  Bowl was a great finish with a strange end-
     Forget “Deflategate” in the 45 to 7 win      he is willing to bend or break the rules a bit        As the Super Bowl excitement passes,        ing, and now the focus will be on the offsea-
over the overmatched Indianapolis Colts.          to gain an edge. His teams are extremely         the talk around here will be about who is        son efforts to find a quarterback and end the
Brady, or the Patriots locker room attendant,     well prepared and rarely fail in the clutch.     going to pay for the new stadium that the        playoff drought. But right now, I’m ready to
didn’t need to deflate the footballs to win the   Brady is Brady, maybe the best quarterback       NFL owners say is needed in order to make        give football a rest and look forward to
Super Bowl. They did need a little help at        ever to play the game. And he shows no sign      small market Buffalo competitive? Or, put        spring and baseball season.
the end from Pete Carroll after a circus catch    of slowing down. That’s bad news for big-        another way, a stadium that deliver more rev-
8                                                     NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

                                Reporter Predicts Train Station is Doomed
       Anna M. Howard
     The Reporter has frequently poked fun
at Niagara Falls Mayor Paul A. Dyster's train
station project AKA “Inter-modal Trans-
portation Facility”.
     The Reporter has also posed serious
questions regarding the need, the cost and
wisdom in building a train station in an age         The present train station (above and below), although humble and modest in ap-
where travel is ruled by air and road.               pearance, is large enough to accommodate the dozen or less train passengers                One of our favorite pictures. There are
     Niagara Falls remains primarily a desti-        who happen to come here daily.                                                             so few riders for trains in Niagara
nation reached by auto with visitors arriving                                                                                                   Falls that the hours of operation are
from within New York, the northeast and the                                                                                                     posted on a makeshift wooden ledge
Midwest. Along with this we have travelers                                                                                                      above a garbage can. Note the train
from Asia and Europe who arrive by air.                                                                                                         station is closed by 4:30 every day!
     When it comes to the Dyster “Inter-
modal Transportation Facility” we feel con-
fident we can predict the future.
     The train station “three phase” construc-
tion concludes at a minimal cost of $45 mil-
     The train station opens in late 2015 -
just before election - to great fanfare as Dys-
ter cuts the ribbon. As to the date of the rib-
bon cutting, we predict that if Dyster has a
tough primary the ribbon cutting will be
early September. If he has a tough general                                                                                                      The present train station has only a
election the ribbon cutting will occur in Oc-                                                                                                   few stop per day and never has a
tober.                                                                                                                                          crowd. Unless people are going to
     Although it won’t be realized until after                                                                                                  start taking trains to the Falls be-
                                                                                                                                                cause the new train station is pretty,
the election - train ridership will remains the
                                                                                                                                                people should assume ridership will
same as it is now at the old train station:                                                                                                     be about the same. The only thing
about 10 riders per day.                                                                                                                        that will change is the huge cost to
     It will also not be until after the election                                                                                               taxpayers to maintain the new station.
when the true costs to maintain and manage
a 25,000 square foot building with tall ceil-                                                                                                  budget deficit Dyster built into the budget
ings and a lot of glass will be calculated.                                                                                                    against the advice of the NYS State Comp-
     Costs may soar to $50,000 a month to                                                                                                      troller.
operate a large, vacant facility.                                                                                                                   The train station wasn’t needed and
     Dyster and his senior planner, Thomas                                                                                                     wasn’t asked for. Its planning flew in the
DeSantis will appeal to US Sen. Charles                                                                                                        face of everything known about US travel
                                                     A cadre of politicians showed up for the cameras to break ground for the new $45
Schumer for federal subsidies to cover oper-                                                                                                   habits and visitation to Niagara Falls.
                                                     million train station. Note the smiling faces. Why? Because not one of them put
ation and maintenance, and to aid in getting         up one dime of their own money to build the unneeded train station.                            The future is easy to see.
Border Patrol, Homeland Security and Am-                                                                                                            Within months of its grand opening the
trak to bear more of the operating costs.           and for parties and events on Old Falls St,   millions in consulting fees, and over $100   train station will be near lifeless with an an-
     But the formerly Democratically-con-           inflated cost of government for salaries,     million in casino funds Dyster spent since   nual operating expense the city, already on
trolled US Senate went Republican. A Re-            overtime and stipends designed by Dyster,     2008, along with a repeating municipal       the verge of financial collapse, cannot afford.
publican majority will not give more federal                                                                                                        Within a few years, it will be shuttered,
money in support of Dyster’s train station, a                                                             It’s going to be a huge, empty       or rented to someone else or sold at a frac-
project built by a Democratic city in a Dem-                                                              train station. The city got          tion of its cost to build.
ocratic state supported by Democratic Con-                                                                grants to pay for most of the             I know readers find this hard to believe.
                                                                                                          construction, but will not get
gresswoman Louise Slaughter and                                                                                                                     Could government, could Dyster be that
                                                                                                          grants to maintain it. This sug-
Democratic Sen Schumer.                                                                                   gests that just because you’re       stupid?
     The burden to operate and maintain the                                                               offered a grant, doesn’t mean             He built a $45 million train station that
train station will fall upon Niagara Falls tax-                                                           you accept it. Suppose you got       few will use and in time will have to be
payers.                                                                                                   a grant for a white elephant,        closed, rented or sold?
     Those taxpayers presently pay $2.4 mil-                                                              but you had to pay to feed him            You read it here first.
lion annual mortgage and interest payments                                                                - would you still accept the
for the $45.5 million courthouse, $1.5 mil-                                                               grant?
lion annual charge for the conference center

 The new train station - at 10 times the size of the old - will have the same cus-                This fancy new train station will be an attractive but empty building. Note the
 tomers but will cost a fortune to heat. Note the high ceilings and the wasted space.             empty parking lot. This artist rendering will come to show how life imitates art.
                                                  NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015
      Lockport and Niagara Falls Take Different Paths to Monitor Fiscal Problems
       Anna M. Howard                                                                               nance director in spite of the fact that they
                                                                                                    already have a city treasurer handling finan-
                                                                                                                                                       are discovered as the Lockport committee
                                                                                                                                                       has, means it is much different panel.
     Lockport recently selected three of its                                                        cial matters.                                           The Niagara Falls council would be
residents to sit on the newly created “Lock-                                                              The Niagara Falls council “Financial         wise to guarantee that those chosen are fi-
port Audit Committee.”                                                                              Review Panel” resolution lacks the gravity         nancial professionals with zero connection
     The three business leaders are: Paul                                                           and precision that Lockport's “Audit Com-          to city government, and rewrite the resolu-
Mullane, David S. Sholk and Brian C. Ran-                                                           mittee” possesses.                                 tion to provide the panel with total access to
ney, all Lockport residents.                                                                              The Niagara Falls panel will have as         all finance records while empowering the
     On January 20 the Niagara Falls council                                                        many as seven members. The members will            members with investigatory powers.
approved, 4-1, a resolution sponsored by                                                            report to the council, not the State Comptrol-          Otherwise, it remains unclear what its
chairman Andrew Touma titled, Relative to                                                           ler, and “The panel will have no formal de-        true purpose is. Other than a feel good meas-
the Creation of a city of Niagara Falls Finan-                                                      cision making role, and will have no access        ure, it will be essentially useless since it can
cial Advisory Panel. The council is presently                                                       to confidential supervisory or other confi-        be barred from learning about so -called con-
accepting resumes from city residents inter-                                                        dential information regarding specific City        fidential financial matters (one has to won-
ested in serving on the panel.                    nancial oversight in the past.                    financial matters” according to the resolu-        der how public monies are confidential) and
     There are major differences between the           Lockport Mayor Anne E. McCaffrey re-         tion.                                              for that matter toothless since it has no in-
two cities and their respective financial re-     cently told the Buffalo News, “The goal is to           That it will not have access to informa-     vestigatory powers.
view/oversight efforts: First, the Lockport       have greater scrutiny of the audit process…       tion that details the heart of the city’s finan-        It is a far different board than Lockport
committee is being formed through the             the goal is to prevent the city from getting      cial condition, and have no authority to make      has established.
mayor’s office with council input. The Niag-      into financial trouble again.”                    referrals to outside agencies if irregularities
ara Falls panel is being formed through the            The Lockport panel will oversee the bid
city council. Second, Lockport is creating        and hire of Lockport’s outside auditing firm,
their committee at the direction of the State     and “The city employees or their immediate
Comptroller while Niagara Falls is doing it       family are barred from serving on the audit
voluntarily.                                      committee. Members aren’t allowed to have
     The council recently declined the assis-     business with the city.
tance of the state financial restructuring             The Lockport Audit Committee has
board, although Mayor Dyster encouraged           been designed not to simply rubber stamp
the council to accept that state proposal.        city finance records. They’re going to have
     Because Lockport’s financial problems,       significant power in the auditing process.
including a near $5 million deficit, caused            The Lockport Audit Committee goes
the city to borrow $4.3 million from the state    one significant step further than the Niagara
the city is now beholding to Albany, having       Falls council finance panel in that “The com-
to share all fiscal information with the State    mittee will have the power to investigate any
Comptroller for the next decade. The seating      suspected fraud and turn its findings over to
of the Lockport Audit Committee is fallout        outside agencies.”
from the state loan and the city’s lack of fi-         Lockport is also going to hire a city fi-

          Skrlin Stuns With Another Happy
          Master Stroke: ‘Hamister Joker’
     The increasingly famous Gerald Skrlin,       at having "dried up Niagara Falls." While the
a cartoonist known for his joke within a joke     Joker/Hamister deal has not literally dried up
motif, has taken that motif one step further      the "falls," the non transparent and dubious
by placing a joke within a joke within a          economic development project surely has
Joker. (see cartoon right)                        dried up a valuable downtown parcel along
     In this case the Joker is the nemesis of     with all of the goodwill of a trusting and
legendary super hero Batman and he has            naive city populace.
played the greatest joke of his career on the          In this way the cartoonist reminds the
city of Niagara Falls through the "Hamister       viewer that it is nigh on two years and not
hotel deal." Note closely how the artist has      one bucket of concrete or single length of
transformed the Joker into the Hamister           two by four have been delivered to the site
Group joker via a well placed HG on the           of the alleged "transformative" Hamister
chest of the nefarious rascal. The Joker struts   hotel project.
his stuff in full flaunting form at the Ameri-         In this way "the joke" is on the taxpayer.
can observation tower celebrating in pure joy                  Ralston Delano Peabody
                                                                      Art Critic

                                Politics Suspected as Caso Named ‘Acting’ DPW
                            Director, as Dyster Claims to Seek Permanent DPW Chief
           Frank Parlato
                                                                                                                                                      against Caso because he is white and still ex-
                                                                                                                                                      pect smooth election year-oriented paving.
                                                                                                                                                            Hiring a black for optics with voters has
       As the Reporter predicted last week,
                                                                                                                                                      to be weighed against efficient election year
DPW Deputy Director John Caso has been
                                                                                                                                                      paving - also done for optics.
named "acting" director of the DPW follow-
                                                                                                                                                            The Reporter predicts Dyster takes the
ing the retirement of DPW Director David
                                                                                                                                                      safe road - dangles the carrot of permanent
                                                                                                                                                      director to Caso to incentivize him to use the
      Mayor Paul Dyster told the Niagara
                                                                                                                                                      DPW to Dyster's most advantageous election
Gazette he will conduct a search for a per-
                                                                                                                                                      year efforts, and forgo the advantage of a
manent director.
                                                                                                                                                      black hire (including the "historic" press
      Caso, Kinney's deputy director, began
                                                                                                                                                      conference where he announces he hired the
with the DPW in the 1990's. Kinney was a
                                                                                                                                                      first black DPW director in Niagara Falls in
Dyster appointee in 2008.
                                                                                                                                                      30 years etc.)
      Last week sources told the Reporter
                                                                                                                                                            Dyster's term expires in 11 months.
that, because this is an election year, Dyster
                                                     Mayor Paul Dyster, who is run-                                                                   Should Dyster win reelection, we predict
hopes to hire a permanent director based on
                                                     ning for reelection, says he will                                                                Dyster will appoint a permanent director
race and consultants are seeking a black in-
                                                                                                                                                      based on campaign debts he wishes to repay.
dividual to assume the permanent position.           select a permanent DPW direc-
                                                                                                                                                      The next DPW director needn’t be black
      It may not be easy to find.                    tor. The Reporter doubts this                                                                    after the election.
      Qualified directors of a department as         will happen soon.
                                                                                                     John Caso is named ‘acting’ di-                        If he loses, the new mayor will appoint
large as the DPW, with over 100 employees,
                                                                                                     rector of the DPW. But will he                   his own director - which may be - if merit is
whether black, brown or white, are typically        the Niagara Falls Reporter of some of these                                                       used to decide such things - Dyster's "acting"
employed and not usually seeking a $75,000          revealed they were improperly milled and         get the permanent position?
                                                                                                                                                      director, John Caso.
job that may last less than one year. If Dys-       the new asphalt was less than one inch in
ter loses his reelection bid, the next mayor                                                              “At some point we’re going to move
                                                    many places.
will appoint his own DPW director.                                                                   forward and make a long-term decision with
                                                         While Dyster told the Gazette that Caso
      This gives Caso a fighting chance at                                                           the director and deputy director positions,”
                                                    will be eligible for the permanent position,
staying in the "acting" director position until                                                      Dyster told the Gazette.
                                                    we predict that, despite being well qualified,
voters decide who the next mayor will be.                                                                 The Reporter believes that if Caso is by-
                                                    Caso will not be appointed to a permanent
      Caso increases his odds by supporting                                                          passed because he white, he is unlikely to ea-
                                                    position any time soon.
Dyster's election year plans - which is, we                                                          gerly support a new director hired over him
                                                         Should Caso pave the most roads, plant
suspect, to pave the most streets where the                                                          because of race. But, in our opinion, Caso
                                                    the most trees and remove the most stumps
most voters will notice - even if the asphalt       in neighborhoods where Dyster needs the
                                                                                                     knows the job, the 10,000 details of the          If the whole world stands
is a little thin - as it was alleged to have been   most votes, our prediction is Caso will re-
                                                                                                     DPW and has the institutional knowledge to        against you sword in hand,
during the last election cycle - when Dyster        main as acting director until after the elec-
                                                                                                     make the department run smoothly as it tran-      would you still dare to do
paved a record number of streets.                   tion.
                                                                                                     sitions from Kinney's leadership.                 what you think is right?
      No one can dispute that many streets the                                                            Dyster may not be able to discriminate
                                                         The same is true of crew leader Bob
Dyster administration paved have cracked            Spacone, who will serve as "acting" deputy
and heaved prematurely. An inspection by            director, assuming Caso's old duties.
                                                NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER FEB 03 - FEB 10, 2015

            Touma Plans Survey on Dyster, Council Performance,
            Safeguards for Politicizing, Survey 'Stuffing' Needed
     Council Chairman Andrew Touma de-          crime in Niagara Falls?                       for people to make a written comment.)
vised a survey he apparently plans to dis-          O In general, I feel safe from crime
tribute which asks residents to rate the job    in Niagara Falls.                                  The Reporter commends Councilman
the mayor and council are doing.                    O In general, I do not feel safe from     Touma for his idea of canvassing public
     Council Secretary Ryan Undercoffer         crime in Niagara Falls.                       opinion on matters of governance, and be-
explains in an email sent to members of the                                                   lieve the questions he asks are fair ones.
council on Jan 21.                                   5. What impact do you believe our             If it was a true survey, in order to be
     "Chairman Touma has asked me to            city's use of Casino dollars have had on      accurate, it would necessarily go out to
send the survey below to all Council mem-       economic development in Niagara Falls?        every resident in the city and be carefully
bers. He would like to distribute this survey        O Our city’s use of Casino dollars has   tabulated. As planned, it raises some trou-
in the library, the billing office, and the     had a positive impact on economic devel-      bling questions:
City Clerk's office, and electronically via     opment in Niagara Falls.                           Will the survey require someone to          Council Chairman Andrew Touma
the Council's facebook page in the coming            O Our city’s use of Casino dollars       sign his or her name? Or will it be anony-       wants to know what you think of the
                                                has had no impact on economic develop-                                                         job the mayor and council are doing.
months. The data collected could be used                                                      mous?
to inform decision-making in the coming         ment in Niagara Falls.                             What checks will be put in place to en-    in order to skew the results?
year. If you have any feedback, questions,           O Our city’s use of Casino dollars has   sure that people who fill out surveys are ac-         The Reporter believes that "surveys"
or concerns, please let Chairman Touma          had a negative impact on economic devel-      tually residents of Niagara Falls?              like this can be indicators of general public
know ASAP."                                     opment in Niagara Falls.                           What safeguards will be in place to        opinion if safeguards are in place. They can
     1. How do you rate the city's snow                                                       make sure there isn't "survey stuffing"         also be used as tools by politicians to mis-
plowing services?                                    6. Do you believe the Mayor and          where one person fills out multiple surveys     lead the public, if insufficient safeguards
     0 Strongly Disapprove 0 Disapprove         City Council have been fiscally responsi-                                                     are not utilized.
O Neutral O Approve O Strongly Approve          ble in the past year?                                                                               Will this wind up being a voter satis-
                                                     O I believe the Mayor and City                                                           faction political survey in disguise?
    2. How do you rate the city's trash         Council have NOT been fiscally responsi-                                                            What will the survey cost in city man
and recycling collection services?              ble in the past year.                                                                         hours?
    0 Strongly Disapprove 0 Disapprove               O I’m not sure, or I don’t have an                                                             This is a mayoral election year. What
O Neutral O Approve O Strongly Approve          opinion on this issue.                                                                        would stop Dyster supporters from filling
                                                     O I believe the Mayor and City                                                           out hundreds of surveys saying they
    3. How do you rate the city's street        Council have been fiscally responsible in                                                     “strongly agree" Dyster is doing a great
paving services?                                the past year.                                                                                job?
    0 Strongly Disapprove 0 Disapprove                                                                                                              What would stop his opponent(s) from
O Neutral O Approve O Strongly Approve              7. Please use this space to share any                                                     organizing to do the opposite?
                                                other comments you have for the City           An actor demonstrates how to fill out
                                                                                               Touma’s survey to ensure your opin-                  Who will tabulate the results and attest
    4. In general, do you feel safe from        Council: (the survey provides ample space                                                     to its honesty?
                                                                                               ion is heard. He filled out 200 of them.
Falls’ ‘Old School’ Chiropractor Allows Body to Heal Itself

          Frank Parlato                             ments and soon after, somehow - she got
                                                    pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child.
                                                                                                     nose should be on your face, and where your
                                                                                                     vital organs belong.
                                                                                                                                                            "Sick cells makes sick tissues which
                                                                                                                                                       make sick organs. Then there are sick peo-
      According to the philosophy of Chiro-              The person with the brain tumor that             "This Innate Intelligence stays with you     ple. Symptoms are the last to show up. If the
practic and Niagara Falls' most renowned            went away. Science can't prove it - no more      after you are born and guides every function      spine is healthy, the body needs no help in
Chiropractor, Dr. Mark Del Monte, everyone          than you can X- Ray for a headache and           of your body until your last breath of life.      healing. It does the healing."
deserves to enjoy the miracle of better             prove it. Maybe he would have healed his              "The master control system for this is            The main procedure is “spinal manipu-
health.                                             tumor without spinal adjustments.                your nervous system which consists of your        lation,” or “adjustments” which restore mo-
     Dr. Del Monte is an old school chiro-               The two year old that couldn't speak        brain, spinal cord and nerves that go to every    bility by applying force into joints that
practor.                                            who suddenly opened her mouth and bab-           cell, tissue and organ. Nerves control your       became restricted – as a result of injury --
     He learned his craft from the first gen-       bled one hour after her first adjustment.        heartbeat, respiration, hormone balance, di-      caused by a traumatic event or through
eration students of the founders of chiroprac-           Asthmatics, bedwetters, people in pain,     gestion, immune system, muscle contraction        repetitive stresses - causing inflammation,
tic - father and son, Daniel David and              their back and neck, indigestion, earaches.      and every other function that is necessary for    pain, and diminished function.
Bartlett Joshua Palmer.                                  Cured.                                      you to live.                                           Manipulation, or adjustment of the joint
     Chiropractic was founded by Daniel in               People set for surgery because they              "Your Innate Intelligence is ‘wise' to the   and tissues, alleviates pain and muscle tight-
Davenport, Iowa in 1895. The word comes             couldn't bear the pain - who went to Dr. Del     importance of this system. Fully encased in       ness, and allows tissues to heal.
from the Greek -- chiro - "hand" and prak-          Monte and never met the surgeons' knife.         bone, your skull protects your brain and your          “It should be tried first ahead of drugs
tikos - "practical." Palmer, a magnetic healer,          Dr. Del Monte is an apostle - and I use     spinal column protects your spinal cord."         and surgery," Dr. Del Monte says.
hypothesized that manual manipulation of            the word advisedly - for chiropractic is not          While no chiropractor can guarantee               The focus is therefore on spotting and
the spine could cure disease.                       religion - although its founder D.D. Palmer      that your Innate Intelligence will self cure      curing "vertebral subluxations", said to be
     It is so simple people tend to discount it.    thought of making it a religion - because it     any specific symptoms or diseases, they can       the cause of many diseases. Sometimes chi-
     They prefer quacks who charge a lot and        seems to unleash God's healing power.            guarantee that when your body is free of          ropractic assumes the sole cause of an indi-
prescribe expensive drugs that never cure.               Chiropractic can open up impossible         nerve interference it will work better.           vidual's health problems are subluxations.
     They chose drugs over self healing.            doors, unlock the door to free-flowing, “In-          Some have regained eyesight.                      These subluxations, commonly caused
     D.D. Palmer called chiropractic, "a sci-       nate Intelligence” - the natural tendency of          Several threw away their canes.              by birth trauma, childhood falls, accidents
ence of healing without drugs".                     the body to seek and maintain a condition of          You will often hear people say, when         and all types of stress, reduce the function of
     The challenge with persuading people           balance or equilibrium.                          they leave Dr. Del Monte's office “My back        the areas supplied by these nerves.
to try chiropractic is, it does not easily sub-          You don't believe in Innate Intelligence?   is so much better, I can stand up straight; My         Nerve pressure can affect areas that are
mit to clinical proof that the body heals itself.        One chiropractor explained it this way:     migraines are gone; My blood pressure is          directly supplied by those nerves: muscles,
     And therefore as a stranger give it wel-       "At the moment of your conception, 23 chro-      down; My heartburn is gone; Menstrual             bladder, prostate or heart; they can affect the
come. There are more things in heaven and           mosomes from your mother and 23 chromo-          cramping went away; My digestion is better;       entire body because of the relationship that
earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your          somes from your father combined to form          I haven’t had a cold in years."                   each cell, organ and system share.
philosophy.                                         one cell, the unique 'You'.                           Dr. Del Monte explains: "Anything that            Straight chiropractors believe vertebral
     How many of the 10,000 patients Dr.                 ”Barely the size of a pinhead, that one     could be effected by the nervous system can       subluxation leads to interference with "In-
Del Monte has - upon whom he has per-               cell began to divide into what is now an es-     be improved by chiropractic manipulation,         nate Intelligence" and is a primary factor for
formed one million spinal adjustments -             timated 80 quadrillion cells that make up        and the nervous system controls and coordi-       diseases. These subluxations are not only
with his hands - healed themselves?                 your body. This process is driven by some-       nates almost every function of the body.          structural displacements, but signs and
     The woman who could not get pregnant.          thing - call it an Innate Intelligence, an in-        "Why would you mask the symptoms             symptoms of the spinal column that create a
Doctors told her she would never conceive.          born wisdom, which knows how tall you will       with drugs, when you could allow your own         dysfunctional segment which alters neuro-
     She came to Dr. Del Monte, got adjust-         be, the length of your fingers, where your       body to heal?"                                    logical function, which leads to disorders.
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