Page created by Ronald Dominguez
ISSUE 9/10, 20 DECEMBER 2013                                                                                         ENGLISH EDITION

                                  Fédération Internationale de Football Association – Since 1904

                               Magical moments

                                                                                                      T E D E L B O S Q UE
                                                                                             V IC E N
                                                                                                   I S T M A S T R U CE
                                                                                                L E T I C B IL B A O
                                                                                                           W W W.FIFA.COM/ THEWEEKLY

          2013: Our highlights from a fascinating year                              North and                         South America
          Underdogs Tahiti took a turn on the global football-                      Central America                   10 members
          ing stage in 2013. Coaching legend Sir Alex Ferguson                      35 members                        www.conmebol.com
          bade the beautiful game farewell. A women joined                          www.concacaf.com
          the FIFA Executive Committee. A visit to the San Siro
          became a journey into the past. Bayern Munich and
          Borussia Dortmund shook up the European game.
          The FIFA Weekly reviews an incident-filled year, as our
          reporters and columnists
          pick out their personal favourite moments.

            R ussian resurgence, Soviet-style
            The money is rolling in and Russian clubs are in the
            fast lane on the European football superhighway,
            but the distribution of power offers a reminder of the
            Soviet era.

    18     	T he interview: Vicente del Bosque
             Vicente del Bosque is currently the world’s most
             successful coach. Now he wants Spain to become the
             first European team to lift the World Cup in South
             America. He speaks to The FIFA Weekly about his
             targets, desires and worries.

    21     	T he expert
             FIFA Chief Medical Officer Professor Jiri Dvorak
             discusses head injuries and specifically concussion,
             calling for the adoption of a simple but crucial
             maxim: If in doubt, keep the player out.

    25     	G eniuses in gloves
             Lev Yashin, Gordon Banks, Dino Zoff and their ilk
             made history. The FIFA Weekly Top 11 of ’keepers
             includes somes colourful characters.

         	A club like no other
           Their policy may seem anachronistic, but La Liga club                                       Wagner Ferreira dos Santos
           Athletic Bilbao still only recruit players with Basque                                      Escaping the drop with Fluminense

           roots. Despite their self-imposed constraints, the club
           has never been relegated.

    33      B latter: This Club World Cup is a milestone
            The Club World Cup is an established fixture on the
            international calendar, but the tournament has never
                                                                                           Premier League
            achieved universal acclaim. FIFA President Blatter
            adds his voice to the debate.
                                                                       23.12.2013                                26.12.2013
                                                                     Arsenal – Chelsea                  Hull City – Manchester United

    45     	Turning point
             Hannu Tihinen withstood countless blows to the head
             during his professional career and was forced to give
                                                                                                         Aston Villa – Crystal Palace
                                                                                                         Cardiff City – Southampton
                                                                                                            Chelsea – Swansea City
             up the game prematurely in 2010. But the Finn does                                             Everton – FC Sunderland
             not regret a single moment he spent on a football                                              Newcastle – Stoke City
             pitch.                                                                                         Norwich City – Fulham
                                                                                                        Tottenham – West Bromwich
                                                                                                             West Ham – Arsenal
                                                                                                         Manchester City – Liverpool

2                                                                       T H E F I FA W E E K LY

                                                       Europe                                  Africa                                    Asia                                           Oceania
                                                       53 members                              54 members                                46 members                                     11 members
                                                       www.uefa.com                            www.cafonline.com                         www.the-afc.com                                www.oceaniafootball.com

                                                                Hannu Tihinen                             Alex Ferguson
                                                                Career cut short by                       Farewell to a legend
                                                                head injuries

                                                                                                                                                                                        ISSUE 9/10, 20 DECEMBER 2013                                                                                    ENGLISH EDITION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fédération Internationale de Football Association – Since 1904

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Magical moments

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     VICENTE DEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CHRISTMAS TRUC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ATHLETIC BILB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              W W W.FIFA.COM/ THEWEEKLY

                                                                                                                                                                                        Dash of colour
                                                                                                                                                                                        Tahiti captain Nicolas
                                                                                                                                               Marcello Lippi
                                                                                                                                                                                        Vallar and his team
                                                                                                                                               Guiding Guangzhou at
                                                                                                                                                                                        provided ample proof at
                                                                                                                                               the Club World Cup
                                                                                                                                                                                        the Confederations Cup
                                                                                                                                                                                        that even the smallest
                                                                                                                                                                                        nations are worthy of a
                                                                                                                                                                                        place on the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                                        stage. Our cover
                                                                                                                                                                                        illustration, in the style
                                                                                                                                                                                        of French master and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Tahiti connoisseur Paul
                                                                                                                                                                                        Gauguin, depicts Vallar
                                                                                                                                                                                        swapping shirts with
                                                                                                                                                                                        Spain captain Cesc
                                           Vicente del Bosque                                                                                                                           Fabregas.
                                           The FIFA Weekly interview

                                                                                                             Premier League

                                                                    28.12.2013                                       29.12.2013                                     01.01.2014
                                                             West Ham – West Bromwich                           Everton – Southampton                      Swansea City – Manchester City
                                                              Aston Villa – Swansea City                          Newcastle – Arsenal                          Arsenal – Cardiff City
Cover: Jon Berkeley Inhalt: Getty Images

                                                                  Hull City – Fulham                              Chelsea – Liverpool                       Crystal Palace – Norwich City
                                                           Manchester City – Crystal Palace                     Tottenham – Stoke City                          Fulham – West Ham
                                                          Norwich City – Manchester United                                                                      Liverpool – Hull City
                                                             Cardiff City – FC Sunderland                                                                     Southampton – Chelsea
                                                                                                                                                                Stoke City – Everton
                                                                                                                                                             FC Sunderland – Aston Villa
                                                                                                                                                            West Bromwich – Newcastle
                                                                                                                                                           Manchester United – Tottenham

                                                                                               T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                                                                                                                                              3

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“SONY” and “make.believe” are trademarks of Sony Corporation.

A complete underdog challenges the world
champion. Farewell to perhaps the greatest manager
in modern times. Women are making themselves
heard in FIFA’s executive committee. A visit to the
San Siro is becoming a journey into the past.
FIFA Weekly looks back on the year 2013 in foot-
ball. Magical moments from a personal perspective.

2013             T H E F I FA W E E K LY             5
→ http://fifa.to/19A95FI                                                 2 013

                Tahiti players Lorenzo Tehau, Ricky Aitamai, Samuel Hnanyine and Vincent Simon (left to right)
                at the Confederations Cup match against Uruguay on 23 June 2013.

                           TAHITIAN DIGNITY AND PRIDE
                                                                    Sven Goldmann

Fernando Torres fell in love on the evening of       threw himself so heroically at every Spanish               On the face of it, the Confederations Cup
20 June 2013. That can happen, of course, but        shot that the Brazilian crowd roared “Man of           was celebrated as the scene of Brazil’s come-
rarely in football, where you respect your           the Match” at him, even though this accolade           back as a world footballing force, culminating
opponents at best. However, on this particular       ultimately went to the Chelsea striker. Shortly        in a 3-0 win over Spain in the final. But will this
evening everything was different, and not            before the end of the match, the Spanish super-        remain the tournament’s lasting legacy?
because Fernando Torres had scored four goals        star went one-on-one with the keeper but fired             Perhaps, when this competition is remem-
at the Maracana, the world’s most famous foot-       his shot onto the crossbar, prompting Roche to         bered in a few years’ time, the only memorable
ball stadium. At the end of the evening, the         celebrate so exuberantly that it seemed almost         story will be that of Spain and Tahiti: two
Spanish international spoke the heart-               as though he had cast a spell on the ball.             mismatched opponents with a shared football-
warming words: “We’re all fans of Tahiti!”               This was the night when Rio de Janeiro             ing vision. The Tahitians arrived at the tourna-
     Torres had become smitten with the very         burned and football became a sideshow com-             ment ranked 139th in the world but keen to be
team he and his team-mates had just played off       pared to the mass demonstrations unfolding             part, making the most of a rare opportunity to
the pitch at the Maracana. Nevertheless,             nearby, but nevertheless the match was a great         play the world champions by attacking with a
Spain’s 10-0 win over Tahiti in the group stages     occasion. Some 75,000 fans in the Maracana             fantastically high defensive line. There were no
of the Confederations Cup marked a great foot-       sang just as they would if Flamengo or Flumin-         fouls, no delays and no unsportsmanlike
balling moment. The world and European               ense or Botafogo were playing, and adapted             behaviour. The Tahitians faced their inevitable
champion and Champions League winner’s face          their chants in honour of their new-found              defeat with dignity and pride. “Today didn’t do
lit up as he spoke about the souvenir photos his     South Pacific heroes. The match became a               football any harm,” said Spain’s coach Vicente
team posed for with the Tahitians, the “smiles       performance the like of which will not be seen         del Bosque. “Today, football won.”

on their faces” and a sporting spirit that seems     at another official FIFA tournament any time
to have long disappeared in the results-driven       soon, featuring a David who knew and accepted
world of modern football. It was for all these       his place and a Goliath who overcame his oppo-
reasons that Torres so warmly embraced Tahi-         nent with technical footballing precision rather
                                                                                                                                                                  Alex Livesey

tian goalkeeper Mikael Roche, who plays for AS       than relying on rebounds, own goals and errors
Dragon in the Tahitian capital Papeete and           – all for the good of the game.

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                      Last respects: Stefano Borgonovo’s funeral was held in Giussano, Lombardy.

                           STEFANO BORGONOVO LIVES ON
                                                                                  Luigi Garlando

        What will be the abiding memory of 2013?               His tireless resistance against the malevolent
        Stefano Borgonovo’s eyes. Eyes that closed for         condition is a timely lesson for every athlete. A
        ever on 27 June when the former AC Milan, Fi-          centre-forward, for example, should continue
        orentina and Italy striker lost his eight-year         to give everything he has through to the final
        battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),       seconds of a match, even with his team three
        an incurable condition more commonly known             goals down and already condemned to defeat.
        as motor neuron disease. But the memory of                  This is what Stefano said when his condition
        those eyes lives on.                                   was at its most acute: “I’ve learned to value what
             The debilitating condition worsened with          still remains for me personally: friends, positive                   W H A T I S “A L S ” ?
        every passing day, but Stefano was a great striker     feelings, little movements. I see the good things
        and knew all about holding up play. Even as his        in life and despite it all I’m still happy, because   Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – also known as
        life force inexorably ebbed away, he gathered his      I know there are people who have even less than       Lou Gehrig’s disease – is a debilitating illness affect-
        remaining energy in his eyes and fought grimly         I do. And that’s why even now I can still smile.”     ing motor neurons in the brain. The causes of the
        to retain his last remaining means of communi-         He spoke of the uncompromising power of hope          disease are unclear. The degeneration is character-
        cating with the outside world. Despite the             and the ability to appreciate what really matters     ised by increasing muscle weakness (paralysis) and
        ravages wreaked by the illness he always               in life even if it was destined to last only a few    muscular atrophy. Paralysis leads to walking, speak-
        managed to keep his eyes open.                         short breaths longer.                                 ing and swallowing difficulties as well as limited
             Stefano communicated with his eyes, he                 Stefano’s 50th birthday falls on 17 March        coordination and weakened arm and hand muscles.
        laughed and he lived through them. For many            2014. We will celebrate because for us he will        ALS is an incurable illness with a survival time of
        long years these gleaming eyes were a beacon,          always live on, in our memories and as a shining      around three to five years. Death is often caused by
        showing him a way forward and giving him en-           example.                                              pneumonia brought on by increasing swallowing

        ergy. His good friend Roberto Baggio paid a mov-                                                             difficulties and the paralysis of the muscles that
        ing and appropriate tribute: “Dear Stefano, your                                                             support breathing.
        greatest achievement was to transform the in-

        justice of your illness into a medicine for others.”                                                         www.fondazionestefanoborgonovo.it

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→ http://fifa.to/1bSiHez                                                2 013

                                                                   Tatjana Haenni

In 2013, a woman was elected to the FIFA            The second major development followed in              Joseph S. Blatter proposed expanding the
Executive Committee for the first time,             1990, when Hannelore Ratzeburg became the             Executive Committee by one person and
marking a further milestone in the history of       first and, so far, only female member of the          suggested that a woman should be invited and
women’s football. The first major step came at      newly-founded FIFA Committee for Women’s              appointed to the Executive Committee by
the FIFA Congress in Mexico in 1986, when           Football. Since then, women have regularly            Congress for the first time in FIFA’s history.
Norwegian delegate Ellen Wille demanded             served on FIFA bodies such as the Technical or        Lydia Nsekera, former President of the Burundi
greater promotion of women’s football, leading      Football Committees.                                  Football Association and a member of the IOC,
to the first friendly competition in 1988 and the       Nevertheless, it was not until the FIFA           was invited by Congress to become the first
first Women’s World Cup in 1991.                    Congress in Zurich in 2012 that FIFA President        co-opted member of the Executive Committee.
                                                                                                          At the same time, FIFA’s statutes and regula-
                                                                                                          tions were adapted so that Nsekera did not
                                                                                                          need to be officially voted into the Committee
                                                                                                          at the 2013 Congress.
                                                                                                              Three women put themselves forward for
                                                                                                          election. Congress confirmed Lydia Nsekera
                                                                                                          and appointed her as the first female member
                                                                                                          of the Executive Committee and appointed her
                                                                                                          two fellow nominees, Sonia Bien-Aime from
                                                                                                          the Turks and Caicos Islands and Moya Dodd
                                                                                                          from Australia, as co-opted members. Both
                                                                                                          were appointed as co-opted members as the
                                                                                                          FIFA Statutes initially only provides for the
                                                                                                          election of one woman to the Executive
                                                                                                          Committee, so the other two nominees were
                                                                                                          appointed in a different capacity.
                                                                                                              It was also decided that women should be
                                                                                                          represented on as many committees as possible,
                                                                                                          such as the Referees Committee, which has al-
                                                                                                          ways previously been an all-male panel.
                                                                                                              The election of these three women is hugely
                                                                                                          significant for the future of women in football,
                                                                                                          but also for the future of women’s football. It is
                                                                                                          a milestone as well as a reminder to all other
                                                                                                          football associations and organisations that
                                                                                                          women make up half of the footballing commu-
                                                                                                          nity. A 2007 McKinsey study entitled “Women
                                                                                                          Matter” adds that: “Companies with three or
                                                                                                          more women in top management functions
                                                                                                          score more highly for each organisational crite-
                                                                                                          rion than companies with no women at the top.”
                                                                                                              2013 appears to have been a breakthrough
                                                                                                          year for women in decision-making bodies.
                                                                                                          FIFA has cleared the final hurdle and sent out a
                                                                                                          clear signal in the hope that as many of its
                                                                                                          member associations as possible will follow
                                                                                                          suit. Women’s football will only become eman-
                                                                                                          cipated and achieve the ultimate breakthrough
                                                                                                          when women are represented in football’s
                                                                                                          highest decision-making bodies and when wom-
                                                                                                          en’s football has its own structures in every
                                                                                                          football association.

                                                                                                                                                               Markus Ulmer

The first woman on the FIFA Executive Committee:
Lydia Nsekera from Burundi breaks new ground.

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                                              Trophies galore: Joyous celebrations for Bayern Munich and former coach Jupp Heynckes.

                                                       HERE’S TO THE HAPPY TEAMS
                                                                                                           Jordí Punti

                                  This year, football has once again delivered us    chewing gum on the Manchester United bench.             Spain’s World Cup-winning goalkeeper was
                                  its weekly measure of joy and misery. When I           On the subject of happy teams, Jurgen               dropped by Jose Mourinho and remains a
                                  think of an iconic image to sum up 2013 in foot-   Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund also springs to               substitute under Carlo Ancelotti.
                                  ball, one goal by one player immediately springs   mind with their brilliant combination of tech-              And on the subject of superhuman phenom-
                                  to mind: Zlatan Ibrahimovic, for Paris Saint-      nical ability, sweat and suffering as a collective      ena, 2013 was also the year of Eric Abidal.
                                  Germain against Bastia. Surrounded by defend-      unit. Each one of their players symbolises              Having recovered from his liver transplant, the
                                  ers, he pounced on a rebound to score with an      Klopp’s football vision in their own way, but           Frenchman returned to action for Barcelona, but
                                  elevated flick of his heel. It was the move of a   perhaps the one who impressed me most was               was not given a contract renewal at the end of
                                  footballer turned taekwondo master. Ibra is so     Ilkay Gundogan, a young man with a technique            the season because the Catalan club did not see
                                  unique a player that his goals only remind us of   and calm when passing the ball reminiscent of           him fit for football at the highest level. So Abidal
                                  the other goals he has scored, no-one else.        Xavi at his very best.                                  moved to Monaco, where he plays at the highest
                                      All happy teams are alike, but each unhappy        Because even though football is a team sport,       level every Sunday and now looks likely to fea-
                                  side is different. We won’t recall the miserable   we remember its outstanding individuals. This           ture at the World Cup in Brazil, much to the em-
                                  ones here though, because they are often mere-     year, Ryan Giggs turned 40 years old while still        barrassment of the directors at Barcelona who
                                  ly a consequence of the happiness of others.       starring for Manchester United, while Brazil’s          prematurely called time on his career in Spain.
                                  The most joyous club of 2013 has to be Bayern      Ronaldo took part in a reality TV show at the age           But I would like to finish with another hap-
                                  Munich. Their play in the Bundesliga and the       of 37 in order to lose weight, and achieved his goal.   py image, away from European football. It
                                  Champions League was often breathtaking,               2013 will also be remembered as the year of         occurred in an airport in New Zealand, where
                                  especially in the two-legged success against       the Welshmen with bright futures ahead of               Mexico went to play their World Cup play-off,
                                  Barcelona which took them to the European          them: Gareth Bale, who broke records in his             and were greeted by a group of Maoris inter-
                                  final. Jupp Heynckes led those players with the    signing for Real Madrid, and Arsenal’s Aaron            preting the Haka as a form of welcome. The
                                  virtuosity of a philharmonic conductor, and his    Ramsey, whose link-up play with Mesut Ozil,             Mexicans duly said thank you by belting out
                                  successor Pep Guardiola has maintained his         bought in the Madrid sales, could see him go            one of their songs: “Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no
                                  predecessor’s fine work in the last few months,    far. Others have shown that they too have a             llores, porque cantando se alegran cielito lindo
Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images

                                  drawing on his fluid mastery of the German         bright future ahead of them, including Isco of          los corazones...” (Ay, ay, ay, ay, sing and don’t
                                  language. In truth, Guardiola’s signing for Bay-   Real Madrid, Lorenzo Insigne at Napoli, Eden            cry, because, pretty little heaven, singing
                                  ern is also one of the major stories of 2013,      Hazard at Chelsea and Gerard Deulofeu, on               warms the hearts…”)

                                  especially given the freedom behind his choice.    loan at Everton from Barcelona.
                                  And among the other coaches, only the retire-          In terms of injustices, Iker Casillas’ relega-
                                  ment of Sir Alex Ferguson deserves greater         tion to the bench at Real Madrid must be
                                  attention: homage to an uninterrupted 27 years     mentioned. By some paranormal phenomenon,

                                                                                     T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                                   9
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            Victory from the jaws of defeat: Borussia Dortmund’s Lukasz Piszczek, Mats Hummels and Nuri Sahin (left to right)
            celebrate booking a place in the Champions League semi-final.

                    THE NIGHT ANARCHY REIGNED
                                                                      Roland Zorn

It was a night on which all those involved          on complete anarchy. Dortmund appeared to               that night understood why it happened, but
appeared to be adrift in a sea of emotions.         be heading for the exit, with Reus’ equaliser           anyone watching afterwards found it incredi-
    Even the Scottish team of officials, led by     in the first minute of injury time just a               ble and incomprehensible. As is so often the
the experienced Craig Thomson, were affect-         consolation. Nothing of the sort. BVB were              case in football, it was ultimately all a matter
ed by the thunderous and quite terrifying           determined to chase down every ball in the              of perspective.

atmosphere at Signal Iduna Park on 9 April          last four mintes of time added-on until they
this year, when the second leg of Borussia          had pulled off “The Miracle of Dortmund”.
Dortmund’s Champions League quarter-                    Ultimately, they were helped by excep-
final against Malaga escalated into a foot-         tional circumstances that appeared to have
balling drama in which keeping a cool head          overwhelmed the referee too. Thomson and
became almost impossible.                           his assistants failed to spot no less than four
    After a goalless first leg, the Andalucian      Borussia players in an offside position as
side took a 2-1 lead thanks to an 82nd minute       Lewandowski swung in his cross, nor did
goal from Eliseu, with Thomson and his              they then see that Santana was offside when
team failing to spot that the Portuguese            nudging the ball over the line. This double
winger was offside, as can happen in top-           error from the officials crowned an electri-
flight matches every week.                          fying evening of football in which the laws
    But that controversy was just the start of      of this unpredictable game seemed to cease
a frantic closing phase that at times bordered      to apply altogether. Anyone who was there

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                       MANNARI’S GENIUS RE-LIVED
                                                                         David Winner

I love a bit of faded glory, even when it isn’t my
own. In May I visited the San Siro for the first
time and saw Milan play Roma. Knowing the
legend of Arrigo Sacchi’s Milan of the 1980s, I
hoped for a footballing feast.
     The vast, lopsided stadium with its towers
and giant roof was certainly impressive, though
only half full. And the Milan fans, singing and
waving their black and red flags continuously
on the Curva Sud, were a raucous treat.
                                                                                                                            Aerial acrobatics:
     But the game was a let-down with bad foot-                                                                             “Gooooal! Gooooal! Manari!
ball, two red cards and no goals. The match                                                                                 Manari does it again!”
stopped at one point because of racist chanting                                                                             (Italian TV commentary)
by the Roma fans. I didn’t even see Milan’s
famous red and black stripes because they wore
a tacky change strip.
     So the next day I went back. Virtually. Han-
kering for a glimpse of a great past I’d missed I
googled and found a treasure.                        Finally, a cross was whipped in and a 20 year     Pistoiese and Pontedera. Later he became a
     Someone on youtube had posted an entire         old substitute called Graziano Mannari scored     youth coach for Milan in Tuscany.
San Siro match from 1989 when Sacchi’s Milan,        with an impossible header – diving and flicking       Perhaps time is not as linear as we imagine
with Gullit, Van Batsen Rijkaard and Baresi          the ball in an arc over the goalkeeper into the   but, as Doctor Who says, “wibbly-wobbly” with
were in their pomp. Against Juventus in front        far top corner.                                   past and present mixed up in strange ways.
of an ecstatic capacity crowd, they played like          Mannari, who also scored the fourth, was          For me at least, thanks to the computer
gods and won 4-0. The cameras kept looking up        obviously destined for stardom. Why had I         screen, this was the year Mannari’s thwarted
at the half-finished roof, then being built for      never heard of him? The answer, I soon discov-    genius lived again.

the 1990 World Cup.                                  ered, was: knee injuries. This Juve match seems
     And in my mind’s eye I saw it all from my       to have been his peak. As a squad player, he
seat of the night before. The third goal was         earned winner’s medals for the scudetto of 1988
magical. Every Milan player seemed to take a         and the 1989 European Cup. But by the mid-90s
touch in a move which flowed all over the field.     his career was petering out with teams like

                                                     T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                        11
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     Living legend: Sir Alex Ferguson.

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                                                                            Thomas Renggli

He managed Manchester United for 27 years,
or 2,153 matches, and won 49 trophies, 13 of
                                                                “I’ve got a plan                              “When an Italian tells me it’s
them in the Premier League and two in the                       to stop him: it’s                             pasta on the plate, I check
Champions League. He was knighted in 1999.
Scottish legend Sir Alex Ferguson (71) is a true
                                                                called a machete.                             under the sauce to make sure.
footballing icon. The announcement of his re-                   Plan B is a
tirement last May made the headlines and
                                                                machine gun!”                                 They are the inventors of the
relegated the annual Queen’s Speech at the
State Opening of Parliament in London to the                    Ferguson on Cristiano Ronaldo
inside pages.                                                                                                 Ferguson on Italian opposition
    Ferguson led United from domestic medio-
crity back to the elite of the world game, hel-
ping to build one of the most valuable brands
in global sport and even surpassing the fame                    “My greatest challenge was knocking
                                                                Liverpool right off their f****g perch.
achieved by his most revered predecessor Matt
Busby. It was not without its material rewards
either, as his estimated personal wealth of £34
million made him the richest manager in the
country. The son of a docker still retained im-
peccable working class credentials in his public
                                                                And you can print that.”
                                                                Ferguson on Liverpool – England’s record league winners at the time – in 1993
persona. He struck David Beckham in the face
with a boot, kept his players under surveillance
from a dark limousine, and broke up wild
parties by barging into hotel rooms with a look
of thunder on his face, scolding his players as
                                                                “They say he’s an
                                                                intelligent man, right?            “I can’t believe it,
a teacher might chide a classroom. He swore
into microphones and attacked a cowed press,
                                                                Speaks five languages.
                                                                I’ve got a 15-year-old boy
                                                                                                  I can’t believe it!
but (almost) always stood up for his players in
public. One lasting legacy of his childhood in a                in my team who speaks             Football. Bloody
Glasgow tenement block was a strong sense of
                                                                five languages!”
community, he said in a rare interview. And he
never, ever talked anything but straight.                       Ferguson on Arsene Wenger
Eleven quotes from a unique career.                                                               Ferguson after Manchester United’s last-gasp victory against
                                                                                                  Bayern Munich in the 1999 UEFA Champions League final

                                                                “Sometimes you have a noisy neighbour. You cannot do anything about
                                                                that. They will always be noisy. You just have to get on with your life.”
“I won’t be doing a
Bobby Robson and be           “Just f****g                      Ferguson on Manchester City in 2009

a manager when I am
70. It is just knowing
                              patch him
when to quit.”                up!”                              “He was certainly full of                              “You shouldn’t try
Ferguson on his future in     Ferguson to a physio after the
                              Scot had kicked a football
                                                                it, calling me boss and
October 2008
                              boot at David Beckham’s head      big man when we had
                                                                our post-match drink                                   to see inside the
                                                                after the first leg. But it
                                                                would help if his greet-
                                                                ings were accompanied
                                                                                                                       brain of someone
                                                                by a decent glass of
“That lad must have                                             wine. What he gave me                                  crazy.”
been born offside.”                                             was paint-stripper.”
Ferguson on Filippo Inzaghi                                     Ferguson on Jose Mourinho                              Ferguson on himself

                                                         T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                                     13

                     O N                                    T H E                                          I N S I D E
                               Russie : Primjer-Liga

                           Backed by state
                                      Thomas Renggli is chief editor
                                      of The FIFA Weekly.

                                       Which way to turn? East or
                                       west? This is the question
                                       presently causing turmoil in
                     Ukraine, and it was very much the issue for
                     Russian football a few years ago. The Russian
                     Premier League responded by aligning its
                     wages and fixture schedules with those of the
                     top western European leagues. Up until 2010,
                     fixtures were scheduled between March and
                     November, but the system was then changed
                     and this spring will see the title awarded in       Under construction: Russian football must overhaul its infrastructure for the 2018 World Cup
                     May for the second time. This was seen as the       (picture: Dynamo Stadium).
                     only way in which the Russian clubs in
                     European competition could compete on a
                     level playing field with clubs in England,          Three Russian clubs are still battling it out in      Schamijew installed the then Mayor as club
                     Germany and Spain. It was also the only way         Europe this season, with Zenit St. Petersburg         President and transferred Rubin to the public
                     of gaining genuine majority appeal with an          involved in the Champions League and Rubin            authorities.
                     eye on the 2018 World Cup.                          Kazan and Anzhi Makhachkala eyeing glory
                                                                         in the Europa League. The story of Rubin              In the spring Rubin want to follow in the
                     There have been many changes in the east,           Kazan reflects the economic and political             footsteps of CSKA Moscow in 2005 and Zenit
                     but the power bases offer a reminder of the         realities in Russian football perfectly. The          St. Petersburg in 2008 by triumphing in the
                     Soviet era. The Old Establishment currently         club’s Champions League victory against               Europa League. This would only be a staging
                     occupy the top five places in the Premier           Barcelona at the Nou Camp some four years             post for Russian club football. Russia’s mas-
                     League: Lokomotiv Moscow, Zenit St. Peters-         ago laid down a meaningful marker for                 sive economic power and immense human
                     burg, Spartak Moscow, Dynamo Moscow,                Russian football. The club from the province          resources mean that only one thing can
                     CSKA Moscow. The clubs’ financing methods           of Tatarstan benefits hugely from the enor-           satisfy the appetite of the world’s largest land
                     are also reminiscent of times gone by, sup-         mous oil reserves there. Canny manoeuvring            mass: victory in the Champions League. Å
                     ported as they are by major state controlled        on the political scene also enabled it to gain a
                     corporations. Lokomotiv are backed by the           solid foundation. Its most significant benefac-
                     Rossijskie (RZD) railway company, Zenit by          tor, Mintimer Schaimijew, was both President
                     Gazprom, Spartak by Lukoil and Dynamo by            of Tatarstan and Vice-President of Rubin
                     VTB, a bank with close links to the Kremlin.        Kazan until January this year. The club saw
                     As for CSKA, the former Red Army club, the          hard times in the nineties and that was when
                     ownership situation is a little murkier. Roman
                     Abramovich, the current owner of Chelsea,
                     was initially involved. After that the club was
                     backed by the millions of the Bashneft oil
                     company. As of this year the club is (officially)
                     deemed to be self-financing. Is this really the
                     case? The current President of CSKA Jewegenij
                     Giner is a close friend of Abramovich.

                     Somehow or other the money is rolling in and
                                                                             “The power bases offer a reminder
                     the Russian clubs are in the fast lane on the
                     European football superhighway. They may
                     not be moving at quite the speed they would
                                                                             of the Soviet era.”
                     like but they are still making continuous
Vasily Maximov/AFP

                     progress. The current five year UEFA assess-
                     ment sees the Russian league in seventh
                     position, hot on the heels of the competition
                     in France and Portugal.

                                                                         T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                             15
England: Premier League
                                                         “Even winning the Champions League
     On club devotion                                    is no inducement“
                  David Winner is a London-based
                  author and journalist. His books     be the club my father supported, that people             Many fans experience changes such as the
                  on football include ‘Brilliant       stretching back generations have supported.”             new colours and badge imposed on Cardiff
                  Orange’ and ‘Dennis Bergkamp:        Even the prospect of winning Champions                   City by their Malaysian owner Vincent Tan,
                  Stillness and Speed’.                League was no inducement. “What name do                  as evidence the game itself is being taken
                                                       you want to have engraved on that trophy?”               from them.
On a radio phone-in show a Hull City fan               asked Ian. “Do you want it to be Hull City,
called Ian was offered what outsiders might            which is the name we’ve had for 109 years,               Dr Allam is evidently frustrated by all this.
see as a rather attractive Faustian bargain. In        which we’re proud of, or do you want it to be            He scored a damaging own goal when he
its 109 year history Ian’s team has never won          Hull … (pause) Tigers? (He spat the word                 called anti-name-change protestors “hooli-
a major trophy and has rarely been in the top          rather than spoke it). I don’t want a trophy if          gans” and said of the traditionalist fan group
division. Now owner Dr Assem Allam, a local            it’s going to have Hull Tigers engraved on it!”          City Till I Die: “can die as soon as they want”.
tycoon who rescued the club from oblivion              Never underestimate the power of ancestor                But he is adamant. And the battle is coming
three years ago, put £70 million into it and           worship in English football.                             to a head. Steve Bruce, Hull’s manager, has
dragged it to the Premier League, wants to                                                                      said the owner has put so much into the club
rename the team “Hull Tigers”, a move he               Most fans around the country feel exactly as             he should be allowed to change the name if he
thinks would make the team sound more                  Ian does. Dr Allam’s proposal has stirred a              wants. Allam himself has threatened to walk
powerful and bring in more money, especially           storm of protest all over Britain and fans of            away if he is thwarted and has upped the ante
from Asia.                                             other clubs have voiced their support for the            by formally asking The Football Association
                                                       Hull protests.                                           in London to sanction the Tigers name from
The vast majority of lifelong fans – like Ian                                                                   next season. The FA has said it will consult
– are implacably opposed. While Allam’s                In the early years of professional football              fans before making its decision. Å
officials have started using the intermediate          clubs “rebranded” themselves regularly and
term “Hull City Tigers” traditionalists are            had a quite fluid approach to colours, stadi-
adamant that only “Hull City AFC” will do.             ums and names. Chelsea started out in green.
Because the club was founded under that                Arsenal were, at various times, known as Dial
name in 1904, they stand up in the stadium             Square, Royal Arsenal and Woolwich Arsenal.
after 19 minutes and four seconds of every             Manchester United began as Newton Heath.                            Argentinian League
game to protest the change.                            Everton was originally a church team called
                                                       St Domingo’s. But things settled down and                       The God squad
On Talksport radio last week Ian was asked if          clubs as we came to know them became
he might feel differently if rebranding helped         potent symbols of identity.                                               JordÍ Punti is a novelist and the
Hull to become one of the great clubs of                                                                                         author of many football features
Europe. Very firmly, Ian said no. Why not?             Owners may see clubs as businesses, but fans                              in the Spanish media.
“Because it wouldn’t be my club. It wouldn’t           treat them as objects of religious devotion.
                                                                                                                                  God is Argentinian. Ask the
                                                                                                                                  fans that populate the coun-
                                                                                                                try’s football stadiums and they’ll tell you as
                                                                                                                much, and not without good reason. After all,
                                                                                                                they have the divine talents of Diego Marado-
                                                                                                                na and Lionel Messi to back up their argu-
                                                                                                                ment, and now a spiritual element in the
                                                                                                                shape of Pope Francis, God’s manager on
                                                                                                                Earth if you will.

                                                                                                                The effects of this heavenly power could be
                                                                                                                felt only last weekend, when San Lorenzo de
                                                                                                                Almagro, the club that the pope supports,
                                                                                                                won the Torneo Inicial. El Ciclón’s first league
                                                                                                                title since 2007 was gleaned on a tense, taut
                                                                                                                                                                     Matthew Lewis/Getty Images

                                                                                                                final day on which God himself seemed to be
                                                                                                                lending a helping hand at times.

                                                                                                                Four teams went into the denouement with a
                                                                                                                chance of landing the title, and as fate would
Big cat benched: Hull City fans oppose the owner’s plan to rename the club Hull Tigers.                         have it, they were pitted against each other,

16                                                                                    T H E F I FA W E E K LY
with third-placed Velez Sarsfield hosting         San Lorenzo’s reward is a place in the Copa         Paranaense and played as poorly as the fans
leaders San Lorenzo and second-placed Lanus       Libertadores. As well as booking a return to        of both clubs behaved. The match had to be
visiting Newell’s Old Boys, who lay fourth at     the South American elite, their title triumph       delayed for 70 minutes due to brawling among
the start of play. All four contenders had been   will also focus more attention on their ulti-       supporters in the stands. The police moved in
in inconsistent form heading into the last        mate goal of returning to Boedo, the Buenos         and a rescue helicopter landed on the pitch to
round of matches, where the permutations          Aires suburb where the club was founded and         airlift injured spectators to hospital.
were endless. Juan Antonio Pizzi’s San Loren-     where their old ground, known as El Viejo
zo were naturally the best-placed of the four,    Gasometro, was situated. Nationalised by            Fluminense only avoided an even more
though defeat for them and a draw between         General Videla’s military junta in 1979, the        dramatic relegation thanks to a lot of luck
Newell’s and Lanus would allow Velez to take      stadium was subsequently sold and a shopping        and a little judicial assistance. Never before in
the crown.                                        centre built on the site.                           Brazil have the defending champions been
                                                                                                      relegated into Serie B the very next season,
The two games were all square heading into        Though San Lorenzo have had an alternative          but this was the fate that loomed over the
the last five minutes, with the leaders holding   home of their own since 1993, albeit in another     Tricolores despite a 2-1 win over EC Bahia in
their hosts 0-0 and Newell’s and Lanus locked     part of town, the fans have been campaigning        their final match. Just a year earlier, Rio’s
at 2-2. Velez had not given up hope, however,     in recent years for a return to their old stamp-    Estadio Engenhao played host to a red, white
especially with their guests sitting back,        ing ground. In 2012 the government of Buenos        and green carnival as Fluminense celebrated
grimly holding on to the point they needed.       Aires approved “a project of historical restitu-    becoming Brazilian champions for the fourth
                                                  tion”, by virtue of which the club will recover     time. The team returned to the refurbished
The game to that point had been a forgettable     part of the old site and be granted the right to    Maracana this summer, but the move has not
one, as long balls went astray and crosses        buy the remainder.                                  brought success.
were sent in to no-one in particular. Exasper-
ated by the aerial wastefulness on show, the      While hopes of a long-awaited return to             Ultimately, a court managed to achieve what
commentator on national TV implored the           Boedo grow ever stronger, on Monday a               the defending Brazilian champions could not.
players to get the ball down on the ground        delegation of San Lorenzo players and               The Brazilian sports tribunal STJD ruled that
and play a little.                                directors travelled to the Vatican to offer the     fellow relegation strugglers Portuguesa, from
                                                  league title to the pope and, who knows,            Sao Paolo, fielded ineligible midfielder Hever-
Finding an extra gear from somewhere, Velez       thank him for spiritual services rendered. In       ton in their 0-0 draw with Gremio Porto
finally exerted some pressure in the closing      their prayers there will no doubt be a place        Alegre on the final day of the season. Portu-
minutes, pressure that culminated with            for El Viejo Gasometro of the future. Å             guesa were docked the point they won against
Agustin Allione volleying the ball powerfully                                                         Gremio that day, plus three further points,
goalwards from inside the box and San Loren-                                                          consigning the team to 17th place behind
zo goalkeeper Sebastian Torrico pulling off a                                                         Fluminense and a place in Serie B next year.
superhuman reflex save, somehow clawing it
over the bar. The scores would remain un-                                                             If Portuguesa had refrained from fielding
changed in both matches, leaving El Ciclón to                      Brazil: Serie A                    Heverton and lost the match against Gremio,
celebrate their latest title.                                                                         Fluminense would have been relegated in-
                                                     Fluminense spared                                stead. It is no wonder, then, that fans and
The game was entirely in keeping with a                                                               cartoonists across Brazil poked fun at the
low-profile championship race in which there                          Sven Goldmann is a football     manner in which the champions managed to
was little to choose between the contenders.                          expert for the “Tagesspiegel”   avoid their fate. Å
San Lorenzo’s winning points tally of 33 is                           newspaper in Berlin.
the lowest ever in the history of the champion-
ship, though that statistic should in no way                        Rio de Janeiro has experi-
detract from their achievement.                                     enced some difficult days
                                                  recently. The Cidade Maravilhosa (Wonderful
Pizzi’s arrival as coach saw the Buenos Aires     City) is used to being the centre of attention,
club return to their ball-playing ways and        but although the eyes of the world were on
hone their counter-attacking game, and his        Brazil recently, they were not looking at Sugar
contribution was rightly recognised by mid-       Loaf Mountain or the Maracana. Instead, the
fielder Juan Ignacio Mercier on the night the     focus was firmly on the country’s northern
title was won: “Pizzi has given San Lorenzo an    Bahia coast, where the World Cup groups
identity on the pitch,” he said.                  were drawn at the holiday resort of Costa do
That identity is based on tactical astuteness,
a core of experienced players, including          Two days later, the spotlight was once again
Mercier, Leandro Romagnoli and the                back on Rio for less celebratory reasons when
free-scoring Ignacio Piatti, and a clutch of      two of its most historic clubs were relegated
promising youngsters, among them teenage          from the Brazil’s Serie A on the final day of
striker Angel Correa.                             the season. Vasco da Gama lost 5-1 to Atletico

                                                  T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                            17
     Vicente del Bosque Gonzalez
     Date and place of birth:
     23 December 1950, Salamanca
     Clubs played for:
     1969–1970 AD Plus Ultra
     1970–1984 Real Madrid
     1970–1971 CD Castellon (loan)
     1971–1972 Cordoba CF (loan)
     1972–1973 CD Castellon (loan)
     Teams coached:
     1985–1990 Real Madrid Castilla
     1994 Real Madrid
     1996 Real Madrid
     1999–2003 Real Madrid
     2004–2005 Besiktas
     2008-present Spain

                                                                JerÓnimo Álvarez

18                                    T H E F I FA W E E K LY

   “The timing of the Champions
     League final worries me”
As a world champion, European champion and Champions League winner, Vicente del Bosque, 62,
 is currently the world’s most successful coach. Now he wants Spain to become the first European
team to lift the World Cup in South America. Del Bosque speaks to The FIFA Weekly about Spain’s
                   toughest competitors, the Brazilian climate, Messi and Ronaldo.

Spain are world champions, European champi-          the Champions League final in Lisbon takes          Your ability to break down the barriers
ons and top the FIFA world rankings. Are they        place on 24 May, with the World Cup set to          between Barcelona and Real Madrid and unite
the best team in the world right now?                start on 12 June. That doesn’t leave much           both parties was a decisive factor in the team’s
    Vicente del Bosque: These results and            preparation time.                                   recent success. How did you manage that?
rankings are certainly no accident; they                                                                     I appealed to the players’ sense of reason,
reflect our performances over the past few           So you’re hoping the Champions League final         and we discussed it at length. It was my job to
months and years. On the other hand, Brazil          will be another all-German affair…                  make it clear to the players that the national
are at a disadvantage in the world rankings              (laughs) I’m hoping for two things: as          team is a completely different platform to
because as World Cup hosts they haven’t had          much preparation time as possible and an            club football, offering them a unique oppor-
to play any competitive matches during the           all-Spanish final. But whatever happens, we’re      tunity to achieve great things together.
qualification phase. Spain are currently             ready for every scenario and will make our
number one, but we should not lose our               preparations as flexible as possible.               It looks as though you would also have been
respect and humility as a result. Our past                                                               very successful as a political diplomat…
results will count for nothing at the World          Spain enjoyed a relatively easy qualifying             (laughs) I’m very happy as a football
Cup finals.                                          campaign. Is that a bonus with regard to the        coach…
                                                     finals, or do teams who have already over-
Who do you currently rate as your toughest           come great obstacles or faced a stern test,         Let’s return to Barca and Real. These two
competitors?                                         such as France, have a psychological advan-         teams contain three of the world’s most gifted
    That’s a long list. There are several strong     tage going into the tournament?                     non-Spanish players right now: Messi, Neymar
teams, such as Germany, Holland, Russia,                 I’ve got to disagree with you completely        and Ronaldo. Who is the best in your opinion?
France, Italy, Portugal, England, Uruguay,           there. We had anything but an easy qualifying           (laughs) It’s very tough to choose between
Argentina and, of course, Brazil. There is also      campaign and only qualified after the final         Messi and Ronaldo. I can only say this: I have
a wealth of talent beyond that; we mustn’t           round of matches. If we hadn’t beaten France        cast my vote for the Ballon d’Or and I don’t
forget smaller teams such as Belgium, who            away from home back in March, we probably           get involved in debates between Barcelona
have an exceptional crop of players at the           would have ended up in the play-offs. It was a      and Real Madrid.
moment.                                              very finely balanced group. It was clear that
                                                     France have a strong team even before their         Does that mean you voted for Ribery or Ibrahi-
A European team has never won the World              second leg play-off match against Ukraine.          movic?
Cup in South America. Do you think there are                                                                (laughs and says nothing)
specific reasons for that, or is it simply coinci-   Spain’s tiki-taka style no longer inspires the
dence?                                               enthusiasm it once did. In fact, the team were      What do you want for Christmas – and for
   The South American climate takes its toll         even criticised for their playing style at Euro     2014?
on European teams, both in terms of temper-          2012 before dominating Italy in the final in a         I would like a good year of football and a
ature and, above all, the humidity. That can         way scarcely seen in such an important game         good World Cup in Brazil, for both the world
cause one or two difficulties, and I think           before. Is Spain’s short passing game the           and for Spain. Å
England in particular will struggle in               future of football?
Manaus’s tropical climate.                               Ultimately, it’s the players that determine                        Interview: Thomas Renggli
                                                     the style. When you have footballers like Xabi
What are you doing to ensure Spain can write         Alonso, Xavi Hernandes, Iniesta, Silva and
a new chapter in its history next summer?            Villa in your team, it dictates the type of foot-
    We have the quality and experience to            ball you play. The Spanish team blend together
win the title. Our players ply their trade not       perfectly, both on and off the pitch, and that
just in Spain but in other top European              makes any talk of tactics unnecessary. Our
leagues, and the final squad selection will be       approach works best for us, and our success
based their performances in those leagues.           proves us right.
Next year’s scheduling worries me slightly;

                                                     T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                           19
THE EXPERT                                         → http://www.f-marc.com/concussoin2012

                                          Concussion – be careful!

                                         Living with the consequences of a head injury: Chelsea’s Czech keeper Petr Cech wearing his headguard.

                                          During FIFA competitions, an average of one concussion
                                             in 25 matches is registered. Basically, half of the
                                           concussions do not resolve in a subsequent absence.
                                                Careful medical attention is still necessary.

                                                            Jiri Dvorak     an obvious concussion. A player who sustains         insurance, in a special symposium on 28 No-
                                                                            such an injury must not return to the field of       vember 2013 at the Home of FIFA. The relevant

                             ased on scientific evidence and prior to       play unless cleared by the medical doctor.           lectures are available on FIFA.com.
                             the World Cup 2006, the International              In most cases, following a sustained                 In relation to concussion and its manage-
                             Football Association Board (IFAB) intro-       concussion, a minimum of seven days is               ment, generally speaking, the following should
                             duced the red card system sanctioning          required to observe the typical symptoms. A          be applied: If in doubt, keep the player out. Å
                             elbow to head hits. This resulted in a         medical assessment is appropriate. It is impor-
                             significant reduction of head injuries as      tant for the managers and coaches to realise,
                       well as in concussion.                               understand and accept, that the player’s health
                           The recent case of Hugo Lloris, the French       is the main objective and the most valuable
                       National and Tottenham Hotspur goal keeper,          asset, not only for the professional footballer
                       aggravated the topic by returning to play            but in general for all concerned.
                       following a sustained concussion. This was               FIFA, IOC and the International Team
                       obvious in the case of Lloris.                       Sports Federation organized concensus meet-
                           The team doctor recommended replacing            ings on this issue. The results are widely accept-
                       Lloris, however his decision was over-ruled by the   ed by the medical and scientific communities.
                       team manager. Hugo Lloris returned to the field      They should also be a guide to the managers
                       of play. As a result, this controversial decision    and coaches, not only for the professional player
Sergio Perez/Reuters

                       raised a discussion amongst doctors and media.       but also recreational football clubs.
                           F-MARC (FIFA Medical Assessment Re-                  The insurance company Nationale Suisse
                       search Centre) issued a clear recommendation         set an example of collaborating between the          Prof. Jiri Dvorak is the FIFA Chief
                       on the return to play following a suspected or       sports representatives, medical profession and       Medical Officer.

                                                                            T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                                  21

T              H                                                E      N


     The Fulham players work on their
     fitness with a training run in casual
     shoes and loafers. John Arnold,
     under orders from the club physician
     to go easy on an injured knee,
                                                                           H. Allen/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images

     completes the session on his bicycle.

22                                           T H E F I FA W E E K LY

                         N                                         O    W


                             It is neither Alpe d’Huez nor Mont
                             Ventoux, but altitude training in
                             Tignes is patently a punishing work-
                             out for the leading group of Thierry
                             Henry, Franck Ribery and William
                             Gallas (front, left to right) and the
                             rest of the France national team.
                             The image would prove prophetic:
                             this laboured effort in the mountains
                             foreshadowed a lacklustre showing
Francois Mori/AP Photo

                             at the World Cup in South Africa.

                                         T H E F I FA W E E K LY        23
With Visa
you are always
in the country
of football.

                 © 2013 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
                            © 2013 Getty Images.
FREE KICK                                                                   W E E K LY T O P 11

                                                                                                              Best goalkeepers

                                                                                                          1   Lev Yashin (Soviet Union). Voted the best
                                                                                                              goalkeeper of the 20th century, Yashin loo-
                                                                                                              ked like a film star and saved 150 penalties
                                                                                                              in his career. In 1968 he became the only
                                                                                                              footballer to receive the Order of Lenin
                                                                                                              from the former Soviet Union.

                                                                                                         2    Iker Casillas (Spain). Casillas has been vo-
                                                                                                              ted “World Goalkeeper of the Year” for the
                                                                                                              past five years in a row. He won the Europe-
                                                                                                              an Championship in 2008 and 2012 and the

The season of giving 3
                                                                                                              World Cup in 2010.

                                                                                                              Gianluigi Buffon (Italy). Moved from Par-
                                                                                                              ma to Juventus for 54.1 million euros in 2001
                                                                                                              and has 138 international caps for Italy.

                                                                                                         4    Gordon Banks (England). Banks was a
                                                                                                              1966 world champion, five-time “World Go-
                                                                                                              alkeeper of the Year” and made 628 top-
                                                                                                              flight appearances for Chesterfield, Leices-
                          Alan Schweingruber        a German energy company boss for one mil-                 ter City and Stoke City. Who says England
                                                    lion euros – an amount the NBA could only                 never produces any good keepers?

      ootball promoters in the United States        dream of.
      certainly have a task on their hands. Two
      weeks ago, much was still being written
      about their incredible vision. Buzzwords
                                                        Christmas means presents, peace and
                                                    contemplation; a chance to reflect on the past
                                                    year and glance nervously into the future.
                                                                                                         5    Sepp Maier (Germany). Won 95 internati-
                                                                                                              onal caps, more than any other German
                                                                                                              keeper, and played a record 442 consecutive
      such as ‘quality’, ‘excitement’ and ‘on the   Football fans everywhere spend the festive                Bundesliga matches. Won the World Cup in
      up’ were being thrown around, and why         season wondering how they will endure more                1974 before a car accident ended his career
not indeed? The national team had just com-         than a week without football. However, there              five years later.
pleted an outstanding World Cup qualifying          is an upside. According to the largest European
campaign, and Major Soccer League has never
been so popular. Then, with Christmas just
around the corner, that good mood dissipated
                                                    myocardial infarction registry, made up of 298
                                                    heart clinics, the risk of a heart attack is ten
                                                    per cent lower over Christmas than even two
                                                                                                         6    Petr Cech (Czech Republic). The lofty
                                                                                                              1.96-metre-tall Cech has manned the Chel-
                                                                                                              sea goal since 2002. His trademark is the
like smoke. First, shockwaves reverberated          days before Christmas Eve. In particular, any             headguard he has worn since suffering a
from Brazil’s Bahia coast when USA were             football fans who are smokers, inactive or                skull fracture in 2006.
drawn against Germany, Ghana and Portugal           overweight should make the most of this
in their World Cup group, prompting the US
media to announce “Welcome to the Group of
Death”. Then, the NBA struck another public
                                                    recovery period, as they fall under the register’s
                                                    Category One of people most likely to suffer a
                                                    heart attack. This is particularly evident when-
                                                                                                         7    Dino Zoff (Italy). A national hero who play-
                                                                                                              ed 112 times for his country, Zoff became
                                                                                                              the oldest player to win the World Cup in
relations blow to US soccer when an anony-          ever a team has to take penalties in a cup tie            1982 at the age of 40.
mous buyer paid 104,765 US dollars for a pair       or tournament, when the average number of
of Michael Jordan’s old shoes from 1997. Who’s
still talking about soccer after news like that?
     In essence, basketball is certainly an
                                                    heart attacks registered among men is three
                                                    times higher than on average.
                                                        As a result, Category One fans would be
                                                                                                         8    Jorge Campos (Mexico). Known for his
                                                                                                              colourful, self-designed shirts, Campos was
                                                                                                              bizarrely listed as a striker as well as a goal-
­attractive sport, and Jordan’s old shoes will      well advised to spend the next six months                 keeper in Mexico’s 1994 World Cup squad.
make a nice present for a fan, especially after     eating healthily, jogging daily and cutting out
they have been left stinking under the Christ-
mas tree for a few days. They will make it
easier for the recipient to rate their favourite
                                                    smoking, because on 26 June 2014, the USA
                                                    will play Germany in the World Cup. It will be
                                                    the final and perhaps decisive match in Group
                                                                                                         9    Peter Schmeichel (Denmark). The Dane
                                                                                                              made 398 appearances for Manchester Uni-
                                                                                                              ted, keeping 177 clean sheets, and featured in
present this year, not to mention the fact that     G before the Round of 16 begins. Who knows,               the United team that beat Bayern 2-1 in the
such a rare piece of sporting memorabilia is        by then US football pundits might even be                 1999 Champions League final.
sure to leave an lasting impression on any vis-     talking about a team ‘on the up’ characterised
itors to the house. In any event, the Chicago
Bulls legend’s old sneakers would probably at-
tract more attention than another famous
                                                    by ‘quality’ and ‘excitement’ once more. Å
                                                                                                         10   Jose Luis Felix Chilavert (Paraguay). The
                                                                                                              highest-scoring goalkeeper in history, with
                                                                                                              more than 60 career goals.
piece of footballing memorabilia – the most
famous cheat sheet in footballing history.
     In late 2006, the crumpled note written in
pencil by Jens Lehmann to help him prepare
                                                                                                         11   Fabien Barthez (France). Won the World
                                                                                                              Cup and European Championship with
                                                                                                              France in 1998 and 2000, and allowed Lau-
for Germany’s 2006 World Cup quarter-final          The weekly column by our staff                            rent Blanc to kiss his bald head before each
penalties against Argentina was auctioned to        writers                                                   match.

                                                    T H E F I FA W E E K LY                                                                               25
→ http://fifa.to/1hnNB0w                                                   BILBAO

                                 A club like no other
 Spanish Primera Liga club Athletic Bilbao only recruits players originating
  from the Basque country, the province of Navarra or the Basque region
  of France. Despite these constraints, the club has never been relegated.

                   Jordi Punti, Bilbao (text) and     period is made all the more impressive by a               situation as an excuse when results fail to meet

                        Xavier Cervera (photos)       policy that has given the club its own distinct           expectations.
                                                      character: it only recruits players who come                  Galder Reguera points out that there are
                      hen the referee blew his        from the Basque country, the Navarra province             plenty of foreigners at Bilbao, namely, “the
                      whistle to end the match in     or the Basque region of France.                           thousands of fans across the globe who
                      Bilbao on 1 December,                Teams without any foreign players are beco-          support the team and congregate in fan clubs.”
                      Athletic’s players embra-       ming an increasingly rare breed in the world of           The club also occasionally accepts coaches
                      ced each other as if they       elite football, primarily because they have a             from outside the Basque region, including Jupp
                      had just won the league.        significantly lower chance of bringing in                 Heynckes and Marcelo Bielsa. Since the 1980s,
                      Their fans cheered and          top-quality players. For years, Steaua Bucharest          there have also been loopholes in Bilbao’s
                      celebrated with them, and       practised this same policy, as did Spanish club           Basque-only recruitment policy. Examples in-
                      for good reason: their team     Real Sociedad, and there are clubs elsewhere,             clude the cases of Biurrun or, more recently,
                      had beaten Barcelona 1-0,       such as Chivas Guadalajara in Mexico, Nacional            Amorebieta, who were both born in Brazil and
                      subjecting the Catalans to      in Ecuador or Saprissa in Costa Rica, who still           Venezuela respectively but were able to enlist
                      their first defeat of the       retain this philosophy. The reasons for imple-            in Athletic’s youth ranks by virtue of having
season. The victory also enabled a new chapter        menting such a restrictive policy are usually             grown up in the Basque country.
of the club’s history to be written at the new        similar; Chivas fans speak about “national
Estadio de San Mames.                                 pride” and say they feel like “true Mexicans”.                Heroes and friends
     This little jewel of an arena, only recently          In Athletic’s case, the Basque players have          Athletic Bilbao love to honour their heroes, as
inaugurated, should create a largely similar          become one of the club’s defining characte-               demonstrated by the bust of Pichichi at the
atmosphere to that of Bilbao’s former home,           ristics, an identifier with sentimental value.            exit of the tunnel to the changing rooms, one
albeit in greater comfort and with larger atten-      When I discussed the issue with Galder Reguera,           of the few elements to have made the transition
dances. Once the construction work is comple-         who heads up the club’s Fundacion Athletic, he            from the old stadium.
te, the stadium will be able to hold 54,000 fans,     reminded me that the club’s recruitment policy            The bust is a memorial to Rafael Moreno
but the club so desperately needed the new            is not simply a matter of ethics or social exclu-         Aranzadi, better known as Pichichi, a striker
facilities that it was forced to open the arena       sion. It is important to clarify this, as the politi-     who played for Athletic between 1911 and 1921
before the work finished.                             cal conflict between Basque nationalists and the          and racked up an incredible goal tally during
     One of the stands has yet to be built, leaving   Spanish government has often generated confu-             that time. Exactly 100 years ago, it was he who
the venue looking more like a baseball ground         sion in this regard. In fact, Bilbao’s Basque-only        scored the first goal in the old Estadio San Ma-
than a football stadium. The current gap in the       approach owes its existence to a historical               mes. Today, it is customary for every team to
structure also serves as a window to the past;        decision whose roots lie in amateur football.             leave a bunch of flowers on the bust when
the new San Mames stadium has been construc-               In 1911, Athletic played in several Spanish          visiting the club for the first time. The trophy
ted just metres from its predecessor, giving a        Cup matches, leading their coach, a Mr                    awarded each year to the Spanish league’s top
direct view onto the now fallow land on which         Shepherd, to draft in three professional English          scorer is also named in Pichichi’s honour.
the old arena once stood. The vista brings to         footballers. As soon as Bilbao won the compe-                 Athletic’s fans commemorate Pichichi,
mind memories of a “hallowed” place that acqui-       tition, the Spanish Football Association deci-            Zarra, Gainza and many others with a mix of
red the nickname “La Catedral” (the Cathedral)        ded that professional footballers could no                admiration and affection, as they were not only
from fans during its 100-year history.                longer participate in the competition. Bilbao             heroes but also neighbours, who could often be
     Take a look into Spanish footballing history     reacted by deciding that they would no longer             seen strolling through the same streets as their
and it quickly becomes clear that the match           recruit foreign players, and the policy remains           supporters. Another of the club’s idols is goal-
between Athletic Bilbao and Barcelona is a            unchanged to this day.                                    keeper Jose Angel Iribar, or “El Txopo”, who
classic Spanish league fixture. Together with              As a result, it is to Athletic’s enormous            made his debut for Bilbao in 1962 before
Real Madrid, the Basques and the Catalans are         credit that they have established themselves so           enjoying an 18-year career with the club. From
the only teams to have played continually in          firmly in Spanish football’s top flight without           1964 to 1976 he was also the Spanish national
the top flight without being relegated. In            recourse to multi-million-euro player transfers.          team goalkeeper, before working as a coach for
Athletic Bilbao’s case, this long and successful      At the same time, the club has never used its             Los Leones after his retirement.

26                                                                                    T H E F I FA W E E K LY
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