CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

Page created by Harvey Barnett
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

       Woman            Volume 61 No 03    June 2020


Keeping Connected—Staying at Home
        For all Women of NSW and the ACT
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                  State President                   State Vice President        Hospital Support
Level 2, 244 Coward St        Stephanie Stanhope                Ann Adams                   Committee Secretary
Mascot NSW 2020               Ph: 0429 161 038                  Ph: 0428 387 753            Susan Hutchison
PO Box 222                   Ph: 02 6554 2185
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                             susan.hutchison@bigpond.
                              State Honorary Secretary          State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200                                                                            com
                              To be announced                   Judy Houghton
Fax: 02 8338 1595
                                                                Ph: 02 6342 3205            Agricultural &          State Honorary Treasurer
                                                         Environmental Committee
                              Anne Kotz
Honorary Editor                                                 Chief Executive Officer     Secretary
                              Ph: 0428 511 948
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                                 Danica Leys                 Robin Godwin
PO Box 1070                                                                                 Ph: 02 6888 5647
Tamworth NSW 2340             State International Officer       Cultural Committee      Lyn Braico                        Secretary
                              Ph: 02 9487 2665                  Yvonne Davis                “The Land” Cookery
Communications and                                              31 Tripoli Way              Committee Secretary
advertising                                                     Albion Park NSW 2527        To be announced
Leah Gaskell                  State Agricultural &              Ph: 02 4256 4541
Ph: 02 8337 0200              Environmental Officer         Social Issues Committee
communications@cwaofnsw.      Tanya Jolly                                                   Secretary                        Ph: 02 6975 6240                  Show Catering Committee     Elizabeth O’Dwyer
                              Secretary                   Ph: 0421 452 646
Association Patron                                              Margaret Breust             elizabethmarynash@
Her Excellency the            State Social Issues Officer       Ph: 0424 685 789  
Honourable Margaret           Bronwyn Dunston         
Beazley AC QC, Governor of    Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                                Handicraft Committee
New South Wales               bronwyn_dunston@dodo.
Journal Patron                                                  Pam Wright
Mrs Libby Fairfax                                               Ph: 02 6767 1044
Cover: Crochet shopping bag by Dinah Jopson; Banana, Orange and Date Health Loaf by Susan Shearwood; Rainbow Ripple Baby
Blanket by Carol Mcintyre; Broken Hill members meeting via Zoom; Narrandera Evening members meeting via Zoom.
 ►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                  Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,099 (September 2019)                                                  Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                              Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to               Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to          For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                    By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                    Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced               Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                         Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No         either full sized digital
                                                                                                photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                  or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                    email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country             developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                      prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be              on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                 not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                              When posting photos
                                                                                                 please do not write
                                   directly on the back of
                                                                                                photos. You may add
                     @cwaofnsw                                 labels or Post-It notes.

2  June 2020 The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter                 4
CEO’s Report                             5
Staying at Home                          6
Virtual Branch Q & A                     8
Advocacy update                          10
5 steps for making your mental
health a priority                        10
Committee Reports                        12
Winning Short Story                      17
Competition and Raffle Winners           18
Cultural Competition Results
Judges reports
                                                                          6                                10
The Land Cookery New Recipes             21
Food for these Interesting times         23
Financial update                         24
State Treasurer’s Report                 25
Sudoku                                   26
Telstra Update                           27
Garry Prize Winning Essay                28             1

Welcome New Members                      29
Story of the Month                       30
From our Branches                        30
From our Groups
ACWW SPA President letter
                                         33                             21                                28
From the Editor
There’s not much to thank the          family members, kind neighbours,        friendly and efficient.
Coronavirus for; however, my           online grocery shopping, home
                                                                               It has been a pleasure to interact
cupboards have been cleaned,           delivery of medications and library
                                                                               with the Journal Patron, Libby
shutters wiped, windows cleaned,       books.
                                                                               Fairfax and over the past four
clothes sorted from those that fit
                                       This is my last editorial for the       years she has written the guest
and those that don’t, gardening
                                       Journal and I am happy to say we        editorial for the December issue
tasks undertaken, a walk each
                                       have a new editor taking my place. I    very willingly. Her words of wisdom
morning before the sun is up and to
                                       do hope Sue-Ellen Hogan will enjoy      have been much appreciated.
top all that up—I haven’t filled the
                                       the journey as editor as much as I
car with petrol since January!                                                 Finally, thank you to all the
                                       have over the past four years.
                                                                               contributors who have supplied
I miss having lunch or coffee with
                                       It has been my pleasure to work         interesting    and     inspirational
friends, hugs and kisses from
                                       with all the State Office staff         material for our journal. Lastly but
family including grandchildren,
                                       including Luisa Deacon, Jackie          not least, thank you to the readers
the weekly art class and monthly
                                       Camiller and especially Leah Gaskell    of “The Country Woman”.
meetings with local members.
                                       Communications         Coordinator.
However, I’m grateful for healthy                                              Noelene Grainger, Hon Editor
                                       These ladies are always helpful,
                                                                              The Country Woman  June 2020      3
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter
                                           we try to navigate the wonderful              There are those members who give
                                           world of Zoom meetings.                       their time to direct the path of
                                                                                         CWA of NSW. I would like to thank
                                           We have also been in high demand
                                                                                         Ann Adams, State Secretary; Annie
                                           with regards to media outlets
                                                                                         Kiefer, State Vice President; and
                                           looking for interviews and guest
                                                                                         Annette Turner, Immediate Past
                                           appearances on local and national
                                                                                         State President, for the support
                                           radio stations and on national TV
                                                                                         and encouragement that they have
                                           stations. You may have seen Danica
                                                                                         given me, and all that they have
                                           represent us on The Drum; she
Greetings from isolation! I hope, in                                                     given to our organisation. And to
                                           was amazing, and I would like to
this troubling time, that you are all                                                    the Executive Committee Members,
                                           offer her many congratulations on
staying safe and healthy, and that                                                       Virginia Stuart, Helana Donaldson,
                                           representing us all so well.
this journal will find you all at home                                                   Sally Torr, Tina Billing, Wendy
COVID-19 free. I know that it has          One of the many aspects of                    Morris and Christine O’Rourke.
been a trying time for us all and I        Conference that needs to be                   Thank you for the time and effort
encourage all of you to remember           addressed is the acknowledgement              you have given to your groups and
the principles of self-care and the        of those office bearers and                   to the organisation.
importance of the connections              representatives who have finished
                                                                                         Take care everyone and thank you
that we promoted through our               their term of office. Any organisation
                                                                                         once again for the support that I
“Sconversation” project whilst we          needs the input of all members,
                                                                                         have received over the past months.
all battle with the negative mental        and for those members to work
                                                                                         It has made the process of recovery
health impacts of social isolation         together. Be that washing dishes
                                                                                         so much easier.
in our own ways. I know that               after a function, cooking, organising

maintaining connections has been           functions or advocating to business
difficult while in isolation but I hope    and government. The list is endless.
you all have been utilising contact-
free methods of remaining in contact                   1
with each other. I would like to take       Online Branch Meetings
this opportunity to remind you of           While physical meetings had to be cancelled due to COVID-19
the Mental Health hotline: 1800 011         restrictions, many branches are been able to meet online via Zoom.
511 has people on call 24 hours a day
and is available should any of you feel
the need to talk to someone. Also, if
you are worried about yourself or
someone you know and think that
they will require emergency mental
health intervention please call
000. With all the media attention                                          Broken Hill Branch         Narrandera Evening Branch

on COVID-19 we, at CWA of NSW,
are still pursuing governments for
assistance for those impacted by
drought and bushfires.
A positive to come out of this situation
is that we, as an organisation,
have progressed more into the
technological age than we have ever
                                                       Jindabyne Evening Branch                            East Maitland Branch
before! It has been encouraging to
see how you have all embraced these
necessary changes and persevered
through the difficulties of learning a
new skill on such short notice. I have
also had difficulties with utilising
these technologies and as such I
would like to offer my immense
thanks to those who have worked                     Southern Highlands Evening Branch                 Gloucester Evening Branch
patiently with myself and others as

4  June 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CEO’s Report
                                        arrangement and I’d like to thank        many issues to work on coming
                                        the operational team for their           out of our postal voting process.
                                        resilience and flexibility in how we     We look forward to keeping you
                                        approach our work. We’ve taken the       informed of progress against these
                                        opportunity also, at this time, to       policies throughout the year.
                                        execute a couple of projects that we
                                                                                 Kind regards,
                                        have been exploring for a while. The
                                        biggest of these is a new database       Danica Leys,
                                        (also referred to as a CRM customer      Chief Executive Officer
                                        relationship management system).
                                        The new database will also come
Usually I would be providing            with a new website and increased           2021 Conference—Bega
this report to you straight after       services and functionality for you,
the conclusion of the Annual            the member. We will also look to           The 2021 Conference will held
Conference. I certainly missed the      upgrade our accounting software            from 3–7 May 2021 in the Bega
opportunity to meet with you all        and move to a cloud-based                  Showground with registration
at this yearly event and see all the    solution that has some efficiencies        and church service on Sunday,
work and preparations that we           embedded within it.                        2nd May 2021. More information
collectively put into the event come                                               will be available in the December
                                        The organisation has taken a               journal.
to life. The Hunter River Group had
                                        financial hit, mainly through a
gone to great lengths to ensure
                                        combination of decreased rental
that the Newcastle Conference was
                                        income in Mascot, the lack of the
going to be fabulous and I know we
                                        Easter Show proceeds and the loss          State Office Bearers
all share in their disappointment at
                                        in sponsorship from the Conference.
this current time.
                                        We’ve applied for JobKeeper as a
That said, like many organisations      result, which if deemed eligible,          State President
in the current climate, we look to      will be a very welcome
                                                          1       assistance
                                                                                   Stephanie Stanhope
find other ways of doing things.        measure at this time. That said, I’d
As I write, Conference Delegates        like to assure members that overall,       State Honorary Treasurer
have received their voting papers       we are a very financially stable           Anne Kotz
and they are making their way           organisation with significant assets,
back into the office for collation      minimal liabilities and a structure        State Honorary Secretary
and counting and we are, as much        that will enable us to get back to         Margaret Breust
as we are able, endeavouring to         normal very quickly after this time
keep the organisation’s agenda and      of uncertainty passes.                     State Agricultural &
important decisions on track as a                                                  Environmental Officer
                                        Webinars on various topics such
result. I know we all look forward to                                              Tanya Jolly
                                        as public relations, finance and a
the opportunity to again see each
                                        guest chat from GIVIT have been a
other face-to-face in Bega next                                                    State International Officer
                                        great success and we will continue
year.                                                                              Lyn Braico
                                        to run these on various topics of
In good news, the cladding upgrade      interest. Previously aired webinars
                                                                                   State Social Issues Officer
and foyer/level 5 improvement           are recorded and available for any
project at Mascot is nearly finished    member to view at a time that suits        Bronwyn Dunston
and by the time you receive this        them. They are available on the            State Vice President
journal it should be 100% complete.     Downloads section of the website.
I look forward to welcoming                                                        Ann Adams OAM
                                        A reminder that Procedures
committees and members back into                                                   State Vice President
                                        Manual updates will be out in July.
CWA House soon and you can see
                                        This years updates will contain            Judy Houghton
for yourself the great work that has
                                        information about the member
been done here.
                                        scholarship, a crowdfunding policy         State Hon Editor
Almost all staff have been working      and the updated merchandising
offsite and that has been going         policy. All updated material will be       Sue-Ellen Hogan
quite well with all of our usual        uploaded to the Downloads section          PO Box 1070
functions able to be maintained.        of the website.                            Tamworth NSW 2340
We transitioned quickly to this                                          
                                        Going forward, we will still have
                                                                                The Country Woman  June 2020     5
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Staying at Home
These are some of the things           Press the remaining pastry out on a         Banana, Orange and Date
members have made while staying        lightly floured surface into a round,
at home.                               large enough to cover the tart.
                                                                                   Health Loaf (1981)
                                       Place pastry round over the apples          Photo by Susan Shearwood. Recipe
Why not try one of these yourself?
                                       and press edges together to seal.           from Jam Drops & Marble Cake.
Apple Tart                             Sprinkle top with extra sugar.
Photo by Jocelyn Parker. Recipe        Bake for 40 minutes, or until pastry
from 365 CWA Favourites.               is golden and cooked through and
                                       filling is bubbling.

                                       Dinah’s crochet shopping

                                                                                   90 g butter, softened
                                                                                   2 teaspoons finely grated orange
                                                          1                        zest
                                                                                   110 g (1 cup) raw sugar
Serves 8                                                                           2 eggs
                                                                                   240 g (1 cup) mashed ripe banana
Ingredients                                                                        120 g (¾ cup) chopped dates
                                       By Dinah Jopson                             300 g (2 cups) wholemeal self-
60 g caster sugar, plus 2
tablespoons for sprinkling             Base: Using a 4 or 4.5mm hook               raising flour
115 g butter, softened                 (old number 9) and cotton crochet           125ml (½ cup) orange juice
1 egg                                  thread (single thread or double)            Method
250 g (1 ⅔ cups) self-raising flour    make 82 chain loosely, then 1 double
2 large granny smith apples, peeled    crochet (DC) in each chain to the           1. Preheat oven to moderate (180°C,
and finely chopped.                    end then 2 DC in turning chain.             160°C fan forced). Grease a 9 x 19
                                       Repeat on other side.                       cm loaf tin and line the base and
Method                                                                             sides with baking paper.
                                       Work 12 rows of DC. Remembering
Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly         2 DC at each corner. The base of the        2. Cream butter, orange zest and
grease a 23 cm tart tin.               bag can be made wider if desired.           sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy,
Using an electric beater, beat 60 g                                                beat in eggs one at a time, add
                                       Body of Bag: Row 13, 4 chain into 1st       banana, beat until combined.
of the sugar with butter in a bowl     DC then 1 treble. 1 chain into 2nd
until light and creamy. Add egg and    DC from hook. Continue across the           3. Transfer mixture to a large bowl,
beat well. Add the flour and stir to   row, 2 treble no chain into corners.        stir in dates. In a separate bowl, sift
form a soft dough. Wrap dough in       Continue in this manner for 40 rows         the flour (returning the husks to
plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30    or length desired.                          the flour). Add half the flour to the
minutes.                                                                           mixture, then half the orange juice,
                                       Next 6 rows of DC then 1 row of slip        then stir in the remaining flour and
Divide the dough in two pieces,        stitch to finish off.
with one piece slightly larger than                                                orange juice; stir until smooth.
the other. Using your hands, press     Make 2 handles—6 DC for 23 inches           4. Spread into the prepared tin. Bake
the larger piece over the base and     or desired length (remembering              for about 1 hour. Stand 10 minutes
side of the tart tin. Scatter apples   that they will be a little stretchy) Slip   before turning out to cool.
and remaining sugar over pastry.       stitch along the edges to neaten.

6  June 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CWA Face Washer                                                                 Banana Cake
By Merrie Hunt                                                                  Photo by Susan Shearwood. Recipe
                                                                                from CWA Cook Book.

                                     Method                                     Cream 2 tablespoons butter and
                                     Preheat over to 170°C. Grease and          220g (1 cup) sugar in a bowl. Add 1
                                     flour a 24cm x 13 cm x 6 cm loaf tin.      beaten egg and then add 3 whole
                                                                                mashed very ripe bananas, one at
Cast on 40 stitches and Knit rows    Place flour in a bowl then, using your     a time, beating well. Mix in 225g
1 to 5                               fingertips, rub in the butter. Stir in     (1½ cups) plain flour, 1 teaspoon
Row 6 and every even row until row   the baking powder and sugar. Add           bicarbonate of soda and 1 teaspoon
50—Knit 5, Purl 30, Knit 5           the dates, eggs and milk, and stir to      baking powder. Add 2 tablespoons
Row 7—Knit                           mix well. Spoon the batter into the        milk. Spoon into greased cake tin
Row 9—K21, P3, K3, P3, K10           tin, smoothing the top even.               and bake in a 180°C oven for 35-45
Row 11—K21, P3, K3, P3, K10
                                     Bake for 35-40 minutes or until            minutes.
Row 13—K21, P3, K3, P3, K10
Row 15—K21, P9, K10                  a skewer inserted in the centre            Make an icing by melting 2
Row 17—K21, P9, K10                  comes our clean.                           teaspoons butter and stirring in
Row 19—K21, P3, K3, P3, K10          Cool the loaf in the tin, then turn        1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1
Row 21—K21, P3, K3, P3, K10          out onto a covered
                                                      1    rack to cool         tablespoon of strong coffee and
Row 23—K9, P3, K3, P3, K3, P9, K10   completely                                 ½ teaspoon vanilla essence. Add
Row 25—K9, P3, K3, P3, K3, P9, K10                                              enough icing sugar to make a
Row 27—K9, P4, K1, P4, Knit to end   Rainbow Ripple Baby                        smooth, even spread. Decorate with
Row 29—K9, P9, Knit to end           Blanket.                                   walnuts.
Row 31—K9, P9, K5, P9, K8
                                                                                Note: Always remember to preheat
Row 33—K9, P4, K1, P4, K5, P9, K8
                                                                                your oven and if using fan-forced,
Row 35—K9, P3, K3, P3, K11, P3, K8
                                                                                set at 160°C. For the coffee in the
Row 37—K9, P3, K3, P3, K11, P3, K8
                                                                                icing, Susan used used 1 teaspoon
Row 39—K9, P3, K3, P3, K11, P3, K8
                                                                                instant coffee in 2 tablespoons
Row 41—K29, P3, K8
Row 43—K29, P3, K8
Row 45—K23, P9, K8                                                              Lacy Shawl
Row 47—K23, P9, K8
Row 49—Knit
Knit rows 51 to 55
Cast off Row 56.

Date Loaf
Photo by Tracey Phillips. Recipe
from 365 CWA Favourites.
450 g (3 cups) plain flour           Photos by Carol McIntyre.
                                                                                Photo by Robyn Chapman.
1 tablespoon butter                  Unfortunately, the pattern cannot
2 teaspoons baking powder            be printed here due to copyright           Unfortunately, the pattern cannot
165g (¾ cup) caster sugar            restrictions; however, it is available     be printed here due to copyright
120g (¾ cup) pitted dates, chopped   for free at               restrictions; however, it is available
1 egg                                patterns/library/rainbow-ripple-           for free at /
250ml (1 cup) milk                   baby-blanket                               patterns/library/lacy-shawl-34

                                                                              The Country Woman  June 2020        7
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Virtual Branch Q & A
Members of the CWA of NSW Virtual       We            have
Branch have shared answers to           introduced
common questions they get asked.        Virtual Cuppas—
Do you conduct your meetings in         an informal chat
the same way physical branches do?      session       held
                                        several times a
Our meetings are held on the second     month with no
Tuesday of the month via Zoom, an       theme or agenda.
online meeting site, for which we       Virtual    Cuppas
pay a monthly subscription. Our         are the Virtual                          where we share photos and run
meetings follow the same format as a    Branch’s version of dropping in for      challenges such as photography,
physical branch’s meeting with office   morning or afternoon tea and a chat.     cooking tips and recipes, craft tips
bearers, agendas and minutes like       One member hosts the chat and all        and patterns and quizzes.
any other branch. After the official    members are invited to join in.
part of our meetings concludes we                                                Do you ever meet up in person?
can stay online to chat and enjoy a     Members have also participated in
                                                                                 There are limited opportunities for
cuppa together—we just can’t share      a Virtual Walk where members who
                                                                                 us to meet in person but we have
food!                                   like to walk for exercise were able
                                                                                 members who have met each other
                                        to chat with each other using their
How do you know who is at the                                                    at State Conference and at The
                                        mobile phones and Zoom while
meeting?                                                                         Sydney Royal Easter Show CWA Tea
During the Zoom meeting all who         Members also arrange to volunteer
are attending the meeting can be                                                 Which branch/group          are   you
                                        and work together on the same day
seen in individual boxes on each                                                 affiliated with?
                                        at the Sydney Royal Easter Show
member’s screen. When a member          CWA Tea Room.                            The Virtual Branch is a CWA branch
speaks a yellow border surrounds                                                 in its own right. It is a member of the
her box on the screen, so we all        How are you able to fundraise when
                                                                                 Mid North Coast Group. Members
know who is speaking at that time.      you all live so far 1apart?
                                                                                 of the Mid North Coast Group
What difficulties do members face       So far our fundraising activities have   under the direction of the State
living so far apart?                    been held individually. Two of our       Executive Committee convened the
                                        members have held bake stalls to         initial meet and greet of prospective
Because we are not all in the same      raise money for the Disaster Relief      members until the branch was
room new members may sometimes          Fund and for our branch. These           officially formed in December 2018.
feel isolated from the group but        ladies, cooked, packed and worked on
our members strive to welcome                                                    How do you participate in the wider
                                        their stalls by themselves. Last year
everyone and make them feel part                                                 community?
                                        members held individual fundraisers
of the group. We have instigated        in June, such as afternoon teas, wine    To date members of our branch
a mentoring program, where new          and cheese nights or donated money       have held cake stalls, sent drought
members are offered an experienced      to raise funds.                          care packages to other branches
member as a mentor for a few weeks                                               in NSW, provided morning tea to
to help them settle in and feel         We also participate in CWA raffles,
                                                                                 the branches in the Barwon Group,
comfortable joining in.                 and purchasing and selling CWA
                                                                                 knitted or sewn beanies and gloves
Other difficulties we encounter are                                              for the homeless and sewn joey
fundraising, attending group events     How do you participate in cooking,       pouches for animals affected by the
(very few of us live within easy        handicraft and International Days?       recent bushfires.
travelling distance of our group) and   Members who wish to participate          Why did your members choose to
attending celebration events.           in competitions enter items in           join the Virtual Branch instead of
Are you able to get to know one         their local physical CWA branch          a physical branch near where they
another socially?                       competitions.                            live?
We have overcome the physical           We held a “Learn to Knit” night via      Our members chose to join the
distance between members through        Zoom at one of our Social Meetings       Virtual Branch for several reasons,
introducing monthly social meetings     last year which proved to be great       including flexibility of attending
which is a less formal get-together     fun and full of laughs!                  from home, work or while travelling,
than our general meetings. Social       Celebration Days are observed at         balancing meetings with other
meetings often have a guest speaker     our Social Meetings and via our          commitments and socialisation
or theme to be discussed.               Facebook and Instagram pages             outside of existing friendship groups.

8  June 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

    The Country Woman  June 2020    9
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Advocacy update
Much of our advocacy focus                     Government.                             that we can ensure our members’
is currently on COVID-19, and                  Thank you to all delegates who have     concerns are heard.
ensuring regional communities                  sent their postal voting package        We      are     currently      seeking
are supported and issues are                   back to state office, we are hopeful    information as to the new
raised at the highest level of the             to commence advocacy on those           arrangements for the Senate Inquiry
NSW Government. In May we met                  policy motions which are clearly        into the Management of the Inland
(virtually) with the Deputy Premier            passed. We will be required to ratify   Rail project, given the restriction on
and the Minister for Regional NSW,             any vote at the next AGM of the         community meetings. We have put
Industry and Trade. The focus of               Association.                            forward our position to the Chair of
the meeting was the brand new                                                          the Inquiry Committee, being that
Department of Regional NSW, and                Thank you to all members who
                                               sent in feedback on the CWA of          we support virtual hearings given
we also took the opportunity to                                                        the pressing nature of this Inquiry.
discuss issues of importance to our            NSW submission to the NSW
                                               Independent Bushfire Inquiry, and       We have also written to a number of
members, such as bushfire recovery,                                                    NSW Ministers with responsibility
water and drought, regional health,            to the Social Issues and Agricultural
                                               & Environmental Committees who          for NSW Planning approvals because
and inland rail. The Deputy Premier                                                    many sections of the route will now
has offered an “open door” policy              put forward members’ concerns.
                                               The Submission was lodged in April      need state government approval.
for the CWA of NSW, and we are                                                         Many of our questions about route
developing a close relationship with           and the inquiry is ongoing, holding
                                               virtual community meetings to           selection remain unanswered. If
the new Department of Regional                                                         any members have any specific
NSW which we are hopeful will                  hear from impacted people and
                                               businesses.                             concerns please be in touch with
further elevate our advocacy                                                           the Policy Manager.
concerns and positioning.                      We are a member of a number
                                               of government reference groups          The status of the Independent
Thank you to the members who                                                           Planning Commission approach to
have sent in feedback relating to the          which have specifically been set
                                               up in response to COVID-19 and/         assessing the Narrabri Gas Project
issues around seeking COVID-19                                                         has not yet been announced, and
related    support    or    services,          or drought and bushfires
                                                                1        including
                                               the NSW Department of Primary           we have placed our position on the
including perhaps in conjunction                                                       record—being that we support a
with seeking bushfire recovery and             Industries, the National Broadband
                                               Network, Agriculture and Wellness       pause of the inquiry, until face-to-
drought support. The main issues                                                       face consultation is permitted.
regional people and businesses are             Support Providers, the National
facing in seeking COVID-19 support             Farmers Federation, and the             The CWA of NSW is a member
are to do with proving a drop in               Department of Prime Minister and        of the NSW Government and
income during a very specific                  Cabinet. These groups although          SafeWork Quad Bike Safety Group.
time period, where drought and                 broad in nature are an excellent        Keep an eye out for our campaign
other natural disasters has already            opportunity to directly provide         on “keeping kids off quads”, which
impacted income. We have relayed               input to policy makers. Please stay     is currently rolling out across social
all of the concerns to the NSW                 in touch with the Association so        media and regional print media.

5 steps for making your mental health a priority
                                               fitness goals and promises to eat       what “mental health” means, make
                                               better, plan to work smarter and        this the year you find out.
                                               spend more time with family or
                                                                                       Just like physical health, everyone
                                               friends. Now is a good time to think
                                                                                       “has” mental health, not just people
                                               about making your mental health a
                                                                                       who have been diagnosed with a
                                                                                       mental illness or condition.
                                               Follow these steps to invest in your
                                                                                       Your mental health is your
                                               mental wellbeing.
                                                                                       psychological     and     emotional
Your mental health is your psychological and
           emotional wellbeing.                1. Understand what mental               wellbeing. The World Health
                                                                                       Organisation defines mental health
Many of us hope that each year we’ll           health actually is                      as “a state of well-being in which
be feeling healthier and happier
                                               If you’re still a bit unsure about      every individual realises his or her
than the year before. We make

10  June 2020  The Country Woman
own potential, can cope with the          Build meaningful relationships            can be a good thing, helping you
normal stresses of life, can work                                                   to focus and perform well under
                                          Feeling connected to other people
productively and fruitfully, and is                                                 pressure, ongoing stress is not
                                          can play an important part in
able to make a contribution to her                                                  healthy for your body or mind.
                                          feeling and staying mentally well.
or his community.”
                                          Everyone will have different              Some strategies for decreasing
Being mentally well doesn’t mean          ways that they find meaningful            stress are knowing what triggers
you don’t experience “negative”           connections with people. You might        your stress, practising relaxation
emotions or reactions, like sadness,      do this by developing relationships       techniques,     setting    achievable
anger, grief or frustration. Similarly,   with family and friends, connecting       goals, making time for activities
being mentally unwell doesn’t             with co-workers or classmates,            you enjoy, and using tools like to-do
necessarily mean that you can’t           joining a team or club where you          lists to help you set priorities.
experience emotions like happiness        spend time with likeminded people,
or excitement, go to work or school,      or volunteering for a charity or          4. Take time out
or have relationships.                    community organisation.                   Sometimes you just need to take
Having mental wellbeing means             Find your purpose                         a break and allow yourself to rest
being able to experience all the                                                    and relax. You might find it helpful
                                          Feeling like you have purpose can         to schedule some “you” time each
ups and downs of life and cope
                                          help you feel motivated and build         day or week, or take the occasional
with them in a psychologically and
                                          your self-esteem. You might find          day off to help you relax and reset.
emotionally healthy way.
                                          purpose by working at a job where         Put the to-do list away, switch your
Mental health and mental illness          you get to use your strengths and         phone to silent and do something
                                          talents, by looking after a person or     that makes you feel good, whether
Some people experience mental
                                          a pet, or by engaging in hobbies that     that’s going for a run, practising
health conditions, like depression,
                                          are meaningful to you. What gives         meditation or watching your
anxiety or schizophrenia, which
                                          you purpose is very personal, and         favourite TV show.
impact on their mental health.
                                          might change throughout your life.
Mental illness is very common: 20%
of Australians will experience a          Give your mind a workout                  5. Get help when needed
mental health condition each year.                                                  It’s important to know that there are
                                          Mindfulness      or      meditation
We often only hear about mental           techniques can help
                                                           1     you learn to       professionals and resources to help
health in the media in stories about      quiet your mind and stay present in       you if you’re not feeling mentally
mental illness. But mental health         the moment. Practising these might        well.
isn’t only about mental illness; it’s     help you learn how to deal with           Signs it’s time to seek professional
about your overall wellbeing.             stress and help you relax.                help include:
Learning to be aware of your mental       Tools like the Your Mental                ▪▪ you’ve been feeling sad, down,
health may help you identify what         Wellbeing building blocks (https://         angry, depressed, numb or
helps you feel mentally well, times        generally “not yourself” all the
when you are not well, and when           au/buildingblocks) can help you             time, for two weeks or more
you might need to seek further help.      to map out the different aspects of
                                          life that impact on your health, and      ▪▪ the way you’re feeling is affecting
2. Cultivate mental                       what you can do in each area to look        your ability to cope at work,
                                          after your health and happiness.            school or in your relationships.
                                          You can find more resources               You can start by talking to your GP,
Just like you eat your veggies and
                                          about looking after your mental           a trusted friend or family member
exercise to keep your body well,
                                          health on the Head to Health              who is a good listener, or by calling
there are things you can do to
                                          website     (        a helpline like beyondblue: 1300 22
promote mental health (handily,
                                          au). This Australian Government           4636 or Lifeline: 13 11 14. If it’s an
they also include eating well and
                                          website focuses on four broad             emergency and you think your life
                                          aspects of life that can impact your      or someone else’s life is in danger,
Look after your body and mind             mental wellbeing: physical health,        always call Triple Zero (000) for an
                                          connectedness, purposeful activity,       ambulance.
Exercising regularly, eating a healthy
diet, drinking plenty of water and        and feeling safe, stable and secure.      Remember that only a trained
getting enough sleep can all play a                                                 health professional can diagnose
role in your mental health as well as     3. Find ways to decrease                  you with a mental illness and offer
your physical health. Cutting down        stress                                    treatment services
on smoking, alcohol and drug use
                                          Stress can impact anyone and can          © The State of Queensland
can also help improve your mental
                                          affect your mental and physical           (Queensland Health) 1996-2020.
                                          wellbeing. While a little bit of stress   Printed with permission.
                                                                                The Country Woman  June 2020         11
Social Issues Report
The Social Issues Committee              ▪▪ paramedics                               our priorities for the coming year.
began the year running, then the         ▪▪ school hats                              The introduction of the Palliative
year turned upside down with the         ▪▪ mixed gender wards                       Care Nurse Grant, over three years,
drought and bushfires. We battled
and survived these and then came
                                         ▪▪ Awareness of AEDs and signage            was successful with three applicants.

the Coronavirus. This changed the
                                         ▪▪ Birth registrations                      I would like to thank Mary and
world overnight and brought the          ▪▪ Homelessness                             Melanie for the wealth of knowledge
world to a screeching halt. Zoom         ▪▪ Royal Far West Invisible Children        you have given this Committee over
                                                                                     the past twelve months, we are sad to
meetings, webinars, teleconferences         Report, to name a few.
                                                                                     see you go but wish you all the best.
became the normal. Not having            We are still following with great           I would also like to thank Stephanie,
family drop-in or catch up with          interest in:                                Danica, Jackie, Adair and all the staff
friends, having to stay at home and       ▪▪ Royal Commission into Aged Care         at State Office for all your assistance
isolate, etc, was very hard to do            Quality and Safety                      over the past 12 months.
but we did, and we have survived          ▪▪ Review of the Narcotic Drugs Act        The Committee held their AGM on
but I think our outlook on life has          1967 (this was released early in
changed—time will tell.                                                              Tuesday 5 May via Zoom. Our State
                                             September and the Committee is          President, Stephanie, oversaw the
We were scheduled to host a                  reading it currently. At a glance, it   election of our Committee Secretary.
workshop at State Conference in              looks good and in line with some
Newcastle as well as our display.            of CWA of NSW recommendations           I would like to welcome the
The State Conference was cancelled           that were used in our submission)       Committee       for    2020/2021:
due to the Coronavirus. Hopefully         ▪▪ Offensive language on vehicles          Secretary:   Elizabeth   O’Dwyer.
                                                                                     Committee members: Leonie Fish,
we will be able to use our topic—         ▪▪ Review of Fair Trading Amendment        Karen Pavey, Maggie Kyle, Narelle
Domestic Violence, next year for our         (Cash Loan Machines) Bill 2019
                                                                                     Sargent, Tina Billing and Annie
workshop.                                 ▪▪ Review of Government response           Kiefer.
We continue to have input in policies        to Final Report of the Inquiry into
and make recommendations on                  the Support for New Parents and         Our next meeting will be on Friday
motions passed at State Conferences.         Babies in New South
                                                             1      Wales            3rd July via Zoom. Please keep the
We received a wide range of issues        ▪▪ Special   Commission     of Inquiry     Committee informed if there is any
                                                                                     issue in your area.
from members for discussion:                 into Drug “Ice” submission
 ▪▪ Safety of coloured corn starch        ▪▪ Cannabis Medicines Prescribing          Stay safe,
    used for fun runs, etc                   Guidance submission.                    Bronwyn Dunston,
 ▪▪ juvenile justice                     Our first meeting in July 2019, we set      State Social Issues Officer

 Hospital Support Report
The Hospital Support Committee           packs are for the use of Health Care        Westmead Children’s Hospital. The
held their AGM by teleconference         Workers to enable them to shower            social worker said she was “over the
on Monday 4th May. The election of       after treating COVID-19 patients.           moon” to receive these items.
office bearers was chaired by State      The Committee is also working with          The Committee continue to sponsor
Executive member, Susan Vassie.          the GIVIT team to assist families           a Family Room at Ronald McDonald
The office bearers for 2020-2021 are     in need. Contact is made through            House at the John Hunter Hospital.
Chairperson: Elisabeth Hodgson,          the relevant social worker and we           Unfortunately, with the cancellation
Secretary:     Susan      Hutchison,     have been able to mail premmie              of Conference our fundraising
Treasurer: Kerrie Tomlins.               babywear for mothers in crisis and          efforts have been reduced and we
While a lot of hospitals are currently   also toys, books, games and puzzles         will struggle to continue this very
in lockdown, Committee members           to Westmead Children’s Hospital for         worthwhile project. We were only
have still been able to make some        the social worker to use with special       able to sell a small amount of raffle
deliveries to hospitals where            needs children. A lot of very sick          tickets and the winners are listed in
requested. Kerrie Tomlins has            children are isolated at the moment         this journal. The Committee thanks
delivered toiletry packs to Westmead     and are unable to have visitors, and        the members for their continued
Hospital and Mount Druitt Hospital       need the books and toys to entertain        support as we endeavour to assist
while Maureen DeBrincat delivered        them during this time. Kerrie Tomlins       families in crisis.
toiletry packs to Royal North Shore      was able to receive permission to
                                         deliver a large box of toys, books and      Elisabeth Hodgson,
Hospital. Some of these toiletry
                                         teddies direct to the social worker at      Chairperson
12  June 2020  The Country Woman
International Report
Thank you to everyone for your            All registrations will be logged in,      understanding and hope that we can
amazing entries in the 2019               in order of Coupon receipt and            enjoy a wonderful, if not a bit more
International Competitions for            payment, and a waitlist will be           intimate and informal, International
Papua New Guinea. The Books,              created. Should anyone cancel,            Seminar on Ecuador in 2020.
Postcards and PowerPoints have            then the next on the waitlist will        Please do not hesitate to call me if
been judged and will be on display at     be registered for the Seminar.            you have any queries: 0422 580 922.
the International Seminar in Dubbo.       With restricted numbers in mind,
The Dolls, Bilums and International       we will have an innovative process        Thanks,
Needlecraft will be judged on Friday,     to ensure state-wide equity of            Lyn Braico,
7 August, 2020 between 5.00 pm            attendees for all Groups. i.e. One        State International Officer
and 7.00 pm at Dubbo and then also        space will be reserved for each
displayed at the event. All prizes will   Group International Officer (or their
be awarded during the Seminar on          representative, with confirmation of           Ecuador Seminar
Saturday, 8 August, 2020.                 this appointment from their Group
The 2020 Registration Coupon is           International Officer) and one                   Registration
in this Journal and on the CWA of         additional person per Group, then
                                          in order of registration as received.
                                                                                      Saturday 8 August, 2020
NSW website. Please note that as I
write this article, the Government is     I know this may disappoint some            Name __________________________________
relaxing the COVID-19 restrictions,       members, but it is the only way to
yet we are still unsure of what           enable all Groups to attend. As some
                                          Groups do not send members, and            Branch:________________________________
guidelines will be in place in August.
Having said this, the International       once the Registrations close on            Group:_________________________________
Committee still propose to host the       30th June, 2020, we will open up
                                          the Registrations to the waitlisted        Email:__________________________________
Seminar in Dubbo 8th August, 2020;
however, there may be number              members. If the “100 person                _________________________________________
limitations on our event. We are          restrictions” ease, then we will
                                          advise more members     on the waitlist    Phone:_________________________________
steaming ahead in the hope that we                           1
can offer an opportunity to have a        of their ability to attend. Members        Day Seminar                   $80.00
break from our isolation, a chance        who have registered, paid, been
                                          confirmed yet not actually arrive          Saturday Dinner:
to catch up with friends and hear
interesting speakers on Ecuador. We       to Seminar, sorry, there will be no        No. of persons @$50.00 ___________
hope to have permission to gather         refunds this year. Please ensure you
                                          have email contact on your Coupons         Names:_________________________________
at least 100 attendees and still
ensure the safety of our members.         so we can keep you up-to-date with         _________________________________________
As always, we will be guided by the       all Seminar news.
                                                                                     Total (GST inclusive) $____________
government and should we have to          Those not wishing, or able, to attend
further postpone the Seminar, we          Seminar can pre-order the Seminar          State any dietary needs
will make the call mid-July. Dubbo        Booklet/Pack and there is space            _________________________________________
RSL has more than enough space to         on the coupon to order and pay for
                                                                                     Pre-Order Seminar Booklets
responsibly distance all attendees        your order. We will post out all pre-
and are really hopeful to have            ordered books prior to the Seminar         No. of books @$20.00 _____________
visitors to their town in the wake of     to avoid any confusion at the event.       Please post with cheque made
COVID-19.                                 We thank you in advance for your           payable to “CWA of NSW
                                                                                     International Seminar” to

 Country of Study 2020: Ecuador                                                      Lyn Braico, PO Box 2182,
                                                                                     Normanhurst NSW 2076
                                                                                     Direct Debit and send as above
                                                                                     Account name: CWA of NSW
                                                                                     International Seminar
                                                                                     BSB: 012823
                                                                                     A/c No. 191599617
                                                                                     Please ensure your name is
                                                                                     referenced on your deposit.

                                                                                The Country Woman  June 2020              13
The Land Cookery Report
By now Conference would have                 loaf tin.                             Sugar Art has had a revamp thanks
been over. I really missed the            ▪▪ The Jam Drops should be 5cm           to Jo Holt so I hope everyone gets
whole occasion, catching up with                                                   inspired by this whole section.
members that you only see once a
                                          ▪▪ The Gluten Free Caramel Walnut
                                             Slice, to be cooked in a slice tin.   I see there has been a lot of fabulous
year. We will have to make next year                                               cooking coming up in the Closed
                                             Six Pieces to be presented cut
bigger than ever.                                                                  Facebook Group so I am hoping
                                             approx. 5 cm x 3 cm.
We have introduced a special cake                                                  we get a lot more entries from our
                                          These have been corrected now
for our 70th year of The Land                                                      schedule. We should all encourage
                                          in both the schedule and recipes
Cookery Competition. It’s a Cherry                                                 everyone to have a go.
Blush Cake. We have had some fun                                                   I am putting out a challenge to see
making this so I hope you all enjoy       The Orange and Tarragon Jelly has
                                                                                   how many can make the Banana
it. The use of red glacé cherries is      2 small sprigs of Tarragon. I have
                                                                                   Bread in your Branch Cooking
required for this recipe.                 been talking to a nursey man and
                                                                                   competition. It’s very cost effective
                                          he said get the perennial French
Please note, a couple of corrections                                               (about $4.00 to make). You could
                                          Tarragon, at this time of year cut
have been made to the schedule so                                                  help some of your new members
                                          all your sprigs off then whether
take another look at the website                                                   with loaning them a loaf tin if they
                                          it be in a pot or the ground cover
(                                                      don’t have one to make this. At
                                          with a light mulch, let it sleep for
and maybe print it out for some                                                    Conference when I get all the group
                                          the winter, with some occasional
members that don’ have a computer,                                                 forms in I will acknowledge the
                                          water and it will burst to life come
as there will no glossy schedule this                                              Branch that achieved the highest
                                          spring. During spring it should be
year.                                                                              number of Banana Bread loaves
                                          plentiful to buy fresh sprigs from
Corrections include:                                                               cooked.
                                          the supermarkets. Dried Tarragon
 ▪▪ The Carrot Gingerbread Loaf is        doesn`t work.                            Denise Hawdon,
    to be cooked in approx. 24 x 13cm     Our Section 6 Cake Decorations and       Chairperson

Handicraft Report
We have certainly been living in          meeting held on 5th April we             Competition Day.
difficult times over the last few         discussed next year’s competition
                                                                                   If anyone has any questions in
months. I sincerely hope that             regarding what items are eligible to
                                                                                   relation to this, please do not
everyone has been able to stay safe       be entered. The following decision
                                                                                   hesitate to contact myself or our
and in good health.                       was made:
                                                                                   Secretary, Pam Wright.
It was very difficult and disappointing   All this year’s entries, even though
                                                                                   It was also decided at the meeting
for me to have to cancel this year’s      eligible to go to state, which was
                                                                                   that as from next year’s competition
competition; however, I am satisfied      cancelled for this year, will need to
                                                                                   (2020/2021) there will be no
now that the right decision was           be entered in the Group Competition
                                                                                   painting, pottery or scrapbooking
made in view of all the restrictions      next year and to be judged with all
                                                                                   accepted     in    the    Handicraft
that the government had to put            the other articles produced during
into place to stop the spread of this     this lockdown. However, each
devastating virus.                        Group is autonomous and if they          The Committee did have another
                                          want to send this year’s entries to      2-day workshop planned to be held
With everyone spending a lot of
                                          state without having another Group       in Wagga Wagga in September. It
time at home I am sure many of you
                                          Judging, it is up to them. They can,     was decided to cancel this as well,
have been able to complete all the
                                          however, only send the same number       as everything is still uncertain at
UFOs (unfinished objects) that have
                                          of items as usual. Unfortunately, it     this time. Hopefully we will be able
been lying around in cupboards for
                                          will be bad luck if an item picked for   to start afresh next year and run
a long time or have started a new
                                          state this year does not get picked      some very interesting workshops
project that you may have been
                                          again next year—blame the virus.         for members to attend.
wanting to do.
                                          Some people are of the opinion that      Keep smiling and enjoying whatever
The Committee has met twice               items judged for this year will not      it is you are doing.
during this time via Zoom which           have to be judged again next year
proved to be very different than          but that is only the case if the Group   Diana Frost,
meeting face-to-face. At our              decides not to have another Group        Chairperson
14  June 2020  The Country Woman
Agricultural & Environmental
The Agricultural & Environmental       some great rain falls in parts of
Committee members are Robin            NSW and this has put down some
Godwin (secretary), Joy Beames,        good sub-moisture for planting for
                                                                                   Agricultural &
Alexandra Bunton, Cate Hardy,          our summer crops.                      Environmental Seminar
Toni Nugent, Margaret Muspratt,                                                       Leeton, NSW
                                       News of the Chinese government’s
Margaret Rolph and Karen Weller.
                                       decision to impose a tariff of up to   14th & 15th September 2020
Congratulations to all the winners     80% on Australian barley will be
of our Competitions, we really enjoy   another huge kick in the guts for      Name(s)_______________
judging these and would like to        grain producers if the Australian      ____________________
commend you all for the time and       government cannot stop this. A lot
effort taken in all the categories.    could be said of the timing of this.   Name of partner if attending
Like many of you we are using          According to Sunrice there will
Zoom; this was used for our AGM        be no Australian rice on our
and are looking at holding our July    supermarket shelves by December.       ____________________
meeting this way too. Some great       They are reporting it’s the cost of    _______ Post Code:______
motions were set for this year’s       water and the Murray Darling Plan
Conference so looking forward to       which is affecting rice growers.       Phone:________________
hearing the results.                                                          Mobile:________________
                                       Tanya Jolly, Agricultural         &
94.9% of NSW is still classified as                                           Email:_________________
                                       Environmental Officer
being in drought. We have seen                                                ____________________
       Leeton seminar, 14th & 15th September, 2020                            Group:________________
Join CWA members and friends for                                              Emergency contact details
the Agricultural & Environmental                        1                     Name:________________
Seminar in Leeton, NSW.
Registrations are to be posted to
                                                                                   I have enclosed a cheque/
Joy Beames using the form on this
                                                                              money order for $150 per
page or can be emailed if preferred.
                                                                              person     for    the   seminar.
Please remember to check vacancies
before paying.
                                                                              Cheques or money orders to be
Cost $150 (includes morning and                                               made payable to “CWA of NSW”.
afternoon tea, and lunch on both
days).                                                                         I have paid by direct deposit for
                                                                              $150 per person for the seminar.
Visits include DPI Yanco, a citrus and hazelnut orchard, wetlands and
cotton facility.                                                              Total:__________

Some accommodation options include:                                           Date:___________

▪▪ Motel Riverina						6953 2955                                              The account details for direct
                                                                              deposit are:
▪▪ Leeton Heritage Motor Inn		 6953 4100                                      BSB: 062 014 A/C: 00901538
▪▪ Historic Hydro Motor Inn		 6953 4555                                       Name:      Country      Women’s
                                                                              Association of New South Wales
▪▪ Leeton Caravan Park				 6953 3323                                          Reference:   Your   last  name
                                            Please   check    with   Joy      followed by AAE
                                            Beames (6375 1173, 0428 751       Notify when sent: joybeames@
                                            173   or   joybeames@gmail.
                                            com) to ensure that there         Send coupon with payment by
                                            are places available for the      31st August to: Joy Beames, PO
                                            seminar before booking your       Box 92, Dunedoo 2844
                                            accommodation.                    Ph: 02 6375 1173
                                            Numbers are limited.              Email:

                                                                          The Country Woman  June 2020       15
State Cultural
The cancellation of State Conference     in the vital roles of Secretary and     taking place. Simply preparing a
really brought restrictions around       Treasurer, and for their enthusiasm     competition entry is worthy of note
“social distancing” to the forefront     and organisational skills. Thanks       and deserves congratulations.
of living through the COVID-19           also to the other Committee
                                                                                 Retrieval of the “not-drawn-at-
pandemic for members of the              members for accepting nomination
                                                                                 the-Conference      raffle”   books
extended CWA family. From mental         to the Committee: Mary Bowman,
                                                                                 was a mammoth effort for our
health and cultural perspectives         Janet Klepatzki, Liz Lazzaroni,
                                                                                 Treasurer; special thanks to Alison
attaching the word “social” to           Norma Power and Pam Simcoe.
                                                                                 for successfully coordinating this
the distancing we need to place          With the varied interests, talents
                                                                                 challenging task. The possum-wool
between ourselves and others is          and expertise of these women we
                                                                                 silk poncho and stunning evening
somewhat of an oxymoron. While           are assured that all things cultural
                                                                                 purse both went to Chris Ford,
“physically distancing” is required,     will thrive in 2020/2021. Best wishes
                                                                                 Walgett Branch, and the Inspire
social connections are even more         and thanks to our Representative,
                                                                                 jewellery to Helen Galton OAM,
essential to our wellbeing than          Sally Torr, who is retiring from
                                                                                 Bega Branch. Two prizes from five
when things are chugging along in a      Executive. Sally’s presence and
                                                                                 tickets are exceptional odds; Chris
more “normal” manner. Friendships        support at the wonderful workshop
                                                                                 should take a lottery ticket for a
and contacts; speaking to each           at Kandos-Rylstone last November
                                                                                 chance at a winning trifecta! Thank
other via telephone, sending a card,     was greatly appreciated.
                                                                                 you everyone who supported this
writing a letter or texting and, for
                                         Unfortunately, the China Painting       fundraiser.
the technologically savvy, Skype or
                                         and Art Competitions had to
programs like Zoom, are critically                                               After        being         Executive
                                         be cancelled. Fortunately, the
important. ‘The Country Woman’                                                   Representative to the Cultural
                                         photography and literary works
is another means of maintaining                                                  Committee, an application to
                                         sections, which were submitted
our relationships, and our sanity,                                               continue, as a Committee member,
                                         prior to the pandemic restrictions,
through this viral outbreak.                                                     became inevitable. Accepting the
                                         were able to be judged. The standard
                                                                                 Chairperson’s role is a privilege,
For     her     leadership,   all-       of entries was again pleasing and
                                                                                 a challenge and a pleasure. With
encompassing love of life and            the Cultural Books1 were absolutely
                                                                                 your support, we can explore the
genuinely authentic, iconic sense        outstanding. The judge had great
                                                                                 fascinating facets of our national
of humour, I wish to thank, Lynne        difficulty separating the winning
                                                                                 culture, while having a great deal of
Dunn for the past three years            entries; only the narrowest of
                                                                                 fun too.
she has served as Committee              margins existed between them.
Chairperson. My gratitude to             As these books catalogue cultural       Eva Campbell,
Yvonne Davis and Alison McKenzie         endeavours, they indicate that there    Chairperson
for their willingness to continue        are some truly amazing activities

Show Catering
The new Committee is as follows:         Buck, Alison Christie and Helen         meet again until early next year to
Kae Anforth, Tracey Bonfante,            Pegler, for their fantastic efforts     plan for the 2021 Royal Easter Show.
Margaret Breust, Judy Buist, Julie       over the past few years. We
                                                                                 We thank those of you who had
Deer, Alison Fiddy, Merrie Hunt,         especially thank Carol Vincent who
                                                                                 cooked for the promotions table
Lyn Jacobsen, Jenny Le Gros, Cheryl      has been on the Committee for
                                                                                 and who have been able to sell
Mayberry, Donna Robertson, Lynne         many years and was most recently
                                                                                 some of your cakes and jams. We
White and myself, a total of 13. We      the Chairman. Carol’s husband
                                                                                 are grateful for the donations that
can have up to 17 so would be grateful   Tom has also been a familiar face at
                                                                                 have been sent to the Committee. I
if a few more members would              the Tea Room doing a sterling job
                                                                                 made up a number of hampers for
consider joining this Committee.         behind the scenes. There is nothing
                                                                                 Mother’s Day and these made a few
Whilst we work hard at the Show          much this pair don’t know about
                                                                                 hundred dollars which was very
Tea Room, we do have a lot of fun        the running of the CWA Tea Room
and there is good camaraderie. We        and we thank both of them for their
are a tight band!                        enormous contribution to CWA.           Rowena Casey,
We thank those who have retired:         We will be holding our AGM via          Chairperson
Carol Vincent, Zara White, Lynette       Zoom on 1st July and will then not
16  June 2020  The Country Woman
Winning Short Story
A Knock at the Door                      chattering.                                 raising money for their organisation
                                                                                     by selling home-baked scones; a
By Faye Owner; Bellingen Branch          Half an hour later, it’s still there, and
                                                                                     very persistent salesman trying to
                                         I am pondering if there’s anything I
I’m barely awake, and thinking                                                       persuade me to install more solar
                                         can do, when I hear another knock
about getting out of bed, when I                                                     panels and a storage system; a pizza
                                         on the door, accompanied by an
hear a loud knock at the door, and                                                   delivery guy who has come to the
                                         anxious enquiry, “Hello? Is anyone
a deep, official-sounding voice                                                      wrong address; two fellow members
                                         home?”. A slim, tanned, fit-looking
calling, “Hello? Anyone home?”                                                       of my CWA branch wanting to
                                         young woman in a stylish designer
                                                                                     discuss (over tea and the scones I
“Hang on—I’m coming”, I reply,           jogging outfit and running shoes,
                                                                                     just bought) our upcoming street
pulling on my gown and slippers.         is nervously pacing the path,
                                                                                     stall; and two tearful youngsters
I glance, in passing, at the clock.      clutching a birdcage and a fish-
                                                                                     looking for a lost terrier.
Six a.m.! Someone’s got to be            landing net. My dear neighbour has
kidding! Two earnest young police        shown her the location of her pet,          Finally, just as I’m hoping I might
constables are on the doorstep, one      and she seeks my permission to try          at last get a break, my neighbour’s
brandishing a pen and notebook.          to lure it back into the cage. Luckily,     son returns with the sugar his
They apologise for the early visit,      the little creature is very tame and        mother had borrowed this morning.
but explain that a house across the      extremely hungry. In no time it has         “Looks like we’re in for a corker of
street has been broken into some         flown down to the cage, clambered           a storm”, he remarks, inspecting a
time last night. Have I seen or heard    inside, and is munching away at             darkening sky. Sure enough, within
anything suspicious during the           its food bowl. A very happy and             twenty minutes, the heavens open
early hours? I have not. They depart     relieved owner bears it away, and I         and deposit a deluge, accompanied
and head next door.                      close the door yet again.                   by roaring winds. The temperature
                                                                                     drops by at least ten degrees, and I
It’s not worth returning to bed,         The phone rings. I am in the middle
                                                                                     am absolutely ecstatic! I am utterly
so I make an early breakfast. I’m        of a pleasant conversation with
                                                                                     exhausted and longing for an
just clearing the table when I hear      my youngest daughter when, to
                                                                                     uninterrupted nanny nap. Surely no
another knock at the door, and a         my intense annoyance,       there is
                                                            1                        fool would venture out in this!
faint voice asks,                        another knock on the door, and the
                                         usual “Hello? Is anyone home?” I            I sigh contentedly as I stretch
“Hello? Is anyone home?” A frail,                                                    out on the sofa, and am blissfully
                                         promise to ring my daughter back
elderly man with wild, uncombed                                                      drifting off to sleep when I hear
                                         shortly. Two pink-cheeked, clean-
hair’ clad in striped pyjamas and                                                    it! Above the howl of the storm,
                                         shaven suits, wearing Harry Potter
well worn felt slippers, is standing                                                 a knock on the door—and a voice
                                         spectacles and clutching pamphlets
outside, gazing about uncertainly.                                                   yelling “Hello? Is anyone home?” In
                                         and small books, try to convert me
In a quivery voice, he demands a cup                                                 sheer disbelief I get up and stagger
                                         to their select brand of Christianity,
of tea. And the morning newspaper.                                                   down the hall. It must be important
                                         and, with a fixed smile, I try to
And a bowl of porridge with honey                                                    for someone to be out in such
                                         dissuade them politely as possible—
and a dusting of cinnamon. Before                                                    violent weather. The gale almost
                                         no easy task. They eventually give
I can think of a suitable reply, a car                                               knocks me off my feet as I open the
                                         up and I am able to call my daughter
pulls up at the gate and a flustered,                                                door, and I am drenched as the rain
embarrassed young woman rushes                                                       drives in almost horizontally. But
up the path. She gently ushers the       By now it is almost lunchtime
                                                                                     no-one is there! I am furious! What
old fellow out, firing apologies over    and my usual daily routine has
                                                                                     moron would pull pranks at a time
her shoulder, and quickly drives off.    been thoroughly shattered. I am
                                                                                     like this? I give voice to a few choice
                                         just getting organised when I am
What a novel start to my day! But                                                    expletives, knowing the downpour
                                         summoned again. Knock! Knock!
I’ve hardly sat down when the door                                                   will drown out my words.
                                         “Hello? Is anyone home?” It’s a
reverberates again, and a familiar                                                   The hall carpet is sodden and I will
                                         couple of enthusiastic volunteers
voice calls, “Yoo-hoo! Hello! Are you                                                have to fetch the wet-vac. I am still
                                         seeking money for the Red Shield
up yet?”                                                                             seething when suddenly the door-
                                         Appeal, I fossick in my purse for a
It’s my neighbour, wanting to            suitable donation, and they’re soon         knock sounds again—but from the
borrow a cup of sugar. She can’t get     on their way.                               sunroom! A raucous voice yells,
to the shops until her son returns                                                   “Hello? Is anyone home?”
                                         The disruptions continue unabated
with the car. I happily oblige. As she                                               My son’s smart-arse parrot has
                                         all afternoon—a hopeful Greens
leaves, she tells me she saw a white                                                 added to his already extensive
                                         candidate seeking votes in the
budgerigar fly into the magnolia                                                     repertoire!
                                         upcoming election; a trio of noisy
tree in my front yard. I can hear it
                                         small girls in Brownie uniforms
                                                                                 The Country Woman  June 2020         17
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