                                                                  Public affairs
                                                                  NFRN Awards
                                                                  and much more…

                                                                  ISSUE 155


 AND be in with a chance of
 WINNING £10,000!                                         *

*Eligible National Lottery retailers only. Ts&Cs apply,
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A word from the
                                                                            NFRN NATIONAL PRESIDENT
                                                                            benefits and support; recruitment and                                        more attractive than ever to independent
                                                                            retention; tackling retail crime; engaging                                   retailers, to bring even more people through
                                                                            with publishers and wholesalers; sweating                                    the doors.
                                                                            the NFRN’s assets and improving our                                             While the NFRN’s legal policy is five star,
                                                                            internal procedures.                                                         and many members benefit from it, the
                                                                               One of our biggest assets is our                                          offering will be regularly evaluated and
  Stuart Reddish                                                            dedicated field team who provide a lifeline
                                                                            to members by developing stores, making
                                                                                                                                                         adapted to ensure it continues to offer the
                                                                                                                                                         support you need.
Putting members first and finding new ways                                  businesses flourish and keeping owners and                                      No stone will be left unturned in our
of putting money in your tills will be at the                               staff legally compliant. Having merged our                                   push to get retail crime tackled once and
forefront of everything the NFRN does over                                  news and operations departments to create                                    for all. No member should feel scared to
the coming year.                                                            the new field operations and news                                            provide for their family, yet staff assaults are
   It’s time to stop talking about the                                      department, over the coming months we                                        at their highest level in decades and the
challenges that we are facing, and with                                     will be looking to fully utilise their skills,                               impact can be both devastating and long-
delegates at our 100th Annual Conference                                    bringing members even greater benefits.                                      lasting. Both the government and police will
making some bold decisions, now is the time                                    Last year, NFRN Connect assisted                                          be told in no uncertain terms they need to
to act to make sure that our Federation is fit                              members with issues which would                                              act now and fast.
for purpose for the next 100 years, at least,                               otherwise go unresolved, saving or                                              With Smiths News and Newspread
and that members are running professional                                   recouping them a whopping £250,000 in                                        recently announcing hikes in their carriage
and successful businesses.                                                  the process. Surprisingly, not all members                                   charges, we shall shine a greater spotlight on
   As I said in my presidential speech in                                   use this valuable service so we will look at                                 these punishing taxes and poor service
Brighton, we have just one chance to get                                    new ways in which contact can be made,                                       levels, with publishers and wholesalers
this right and we owe it to everyone who                                    such as through WhatsApp groups, email,                                      challenged on all fronts. Next month I am
has ever been a member to succeed.                                          text and, of course, our soon to be                                          calling a summit of all our supply chain
   So together with the new national                                        developed NFRN app.                                                          partners for a frank and honest debate on
executive committee – who are pictured on                                      I was pleased to see the motion to turn                                   all the ills that beset our members.
the front cover – national council and NFRN                                 branch meetings into business forums                                            It’s an exciting time ahead and by putting
staff we are creating a three year business                                 receiving 100 per cent support and our task                                  members first I am confident that it can
plan that focuses on six key areas: member                                  now is to make these bigger, better and                                      only get better.

                                                                               CONTENTS ...what’s inside
                                                                               NFRN NEWS                                                                  HERE TO HELP
                                                                               National and local news                                        4-9         NFRN Connect                                               38-39
                                                                               LETTERS                                                                    NFRN AWARDS
National President Stuart Reddish
                                                                               Having your say                                              10-11         Entries now open                                           40-41
Editor Anne Bingham
                                                                               PROTECTING YOUR BUSINESS                                                   MAIL AWARDS
0207 017 8887
                                                                               The latest legislation                                       12-13         Our monthly winners                                        42-43
Editorial 0207 253 4225                                                        MERGER NEWS                                                                STORE2DOOR
Advertising Josephine Mallin                                                   Ensuring member focus                                            15        The importance of deliverers                                    44
0207 017 8892                                     CONFERENCE REVIEW                                                          NEWS SALES OPPORTUNITIES
Design & production MYPEC                                                      One chance to get it right                                  16-25          i’m on your side                                                46
0113 257 9646                                 SPOTLIGHT                                                                  BRANDS OF THE CENTURY
                                                                               The future for the vaping market                           26-27           Boosting soft drinks sales                                 48-56
                                                                               RETAIL MUTUAL                                                              TRADE SHOWS & SOCIAL EVENTS
öWhereùer one man can                                                          20 year celebration                                             29         Out and about                                               57-61
help another, thank God for                                                    MARKETPLACE                                                                NEWSPAPER MARGINS
such a birthright, brotherõ                                                    Latest from NFRN direct                                     31-34          At a glance guide                                               62
                                                                               BUXTON COMPETITION                                                         DIARY
                                                                               The search continues                                             35        Key dates                                                       63
                                                                               ASK THE EXPERTS                                                            PUZZLE
                                                                               Your questions answered                                     36-37          Two prizes to be won                                            63

   0800 043 0215                                     ADVICE & CLAIMS:                                   020 7017 8865                                  0800 028 7283                                 0333 212 7263
   (01) 247 9181                                      0330 303 1457                                                                                    020 7017 8892
                                                       (01) 453 7991

   0800 121 6376                                        020 7017 8858                                   0800 121 6376                                  0800 121 6376                                 0800 028 7283
   020 7017 8872                                                                                        020 7017 8880                                  020 7017 8880
                                                                                                        (01) 453 5822                                  (01) 453 5822

Disclaimer: While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this publication, no guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete, and/or up-to-date. The materials contained
in this publication are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. The NFRN and the publisher do not accept any responsibility for any loss
which may arise from reliance on information contained in this publication. Produced by MYPEC and printed in England.
NATIONAL NEWS                                                                   For latest news, deals and views, go to


✓                LATE NEWS GAME CHANGER…
 A new automatic payment scheme to              included, although Mr Reddish said the       said: “The collectables marketplace is
 Smiths News customers when papers are          NFRN would work closely with Smiths          very exciting and contributes some
 “materially late” has been described as a      News to get these added.                     valuable sales to NFRN members. Having
 major game-changer by the NFRN.                   And he promised: “We hope that            made representations to both
    Now, Menzies Distribution and News          publishers will take heed of this new        wholesalers and to publishers for more
 UK DTR are being lobbied to follow suit        scheme and look again at their arrival       support in this area, we are delighted
 and acknowledge the serious impact that        times into wholesale depots.”                that Smiths News is taking positive steps
 very late newspaper deliveries have on            Under the scheme, payment will be         that will put more money in our
 news retailers’ businesses.                    credited automatically to the following      members’ tills. Deferring payment for
    Responding to the news, National            week’s summary invoice and will appear       four weeks will improve members’ cash
 President Stuart Reddish said: “The            as a ‘service payment’ under the             flow and help them enjoy more profits
 NFRN’s news team has campaigned long           miscellaneous items section of the           from this valuable category.”
 and hard for news retailers to be              paperwork.                                      Menzies and partwork publishers will
 automatically compensated for late                News of this new automatic payment        now be pressed to introduce deferred
 papers so we welcome this bold step by         came hot on the heels of another win         payment schemes.
 Smiths News. We are pleased that a key         for members served by Smiths News               He added: “To enable members’ to
 industry player has finally recognised         with the news wholesaler introducing a       make the most from collectables we
 that it can no longer do nothing when          four weeks deferred payment scheme           will be launching a new pre-order service
 the service it is paid to give its retail      for collectables.                            for products and SKUs. This service will
 customers fails.”                                 This new scheme, which took effect        be available from,
    The new £5 payment, which takes             from July, means that collectables           NFRN Connect, our field force
 effect from September 1, will be made          stockists will not be charged for product    representatives and at our business
 for every live newspaper delivery that         until four weeks after delivery. Up until    meetings and trade shows. I have no
 arrives at a store two or more hours           now Smiths News has operated a one-          doubt that it will help NFRN members
 after the retailer’s required delivery time    week deferred payment scheme.                significantly increase their share of the
 (RDT). However, reruns and claims are not         Welcoming this move, Mr Reddish           collectables market.”

 öThe new Ç5 payment, which takes effect from September 1, will be made for every
  live newspaper delivery that arrives at a store two or more hours after the retailerùs
        required delivery time (RDT).õ

✗                …BUT CHARGES SET TO RISE!
 Just 24 hours after announcing its ground-     retailers are going to have to find nearly   supplies. In effect, this means she would
 breaking automatic compensation                £50 a year extra to pay for a service that   need to sell as many as 24 extra
 scheme for late deliveries, Smiths             can be far from acceptable.”                 newspapers just to cover this increase.”
 News was accused of giving with one               Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland               Newspread was slammed for giving
 hand and taking with the other after           members were outraged to discover            less than six weeks’ notice of its actions
 advising that from September 1 its             that Newspread had increased its             with news of the rise, which took effect
 carriage charge would rise by an average       carriage charge by stealth by nearly         from July 7, hidden at the bottom of
 of 2 per cent.                                 4 per cent.                                  retailers’ delivery dockets on Sunday
    National President Stuart Reddish              Mr Reddish said: “This is both            June 2.
 described this increase as “yet another        disgraceful and ridiculous. One of our          Mr Reddish warned: “The NFRN will
 nail in the coffin for independent             members has advised that her weekly          not accept such underhand behaviour
 retailers who are struggling to pay            Newspread charge has gone up from            and we will be consulting our lawyers
 their bills in such a challenging              £62.62 to £68.62 – that is nearly 10 per     and asking them to investigate whether
 trading environment.                           cent. And with two news wholesalers          Newspread had acted lawfully.”
    “Smiths News tries to justify its actions   operating in Northern Ireland she will          As The Fed went to press the NFRN
 by saying the increase is 93p per week         now be paying a whopping £141 per week       was demanding an urgent meeting
 but this means that hard-pressed news          for her newspaper and magazine               with Newspread.

 öSmiths News tries to justify its actions by saying the increase is 93p per week but this
  means that hard-pressed news retailers are going to have to find nearly Ç50 a year
  extra to pay for a service that can be far from acceptable.õ


TWIN TRACK APPROACH                                                                                     News in brief
TO RISING RETAIL CRIME                                                                              DIGITAL AGE
                                                                                                    The Proof of Age Standards Scheme
The NFRN is adopting a new twin track             along the corridors of Westminster and we         (PASS) is to develop UK standards for the
approach to further raise awareness in            need to continue to lead the debate and           presentation of digital proof of age to
parliament and the local media of the             shape the way forward. No member, in fact         enable retailers to check a customer’s
devastating impact that crime has on              no one, should feel scared to provide for         age via either their mobile phone or a
independent retailers.                            their family. Crime ranges from shop theft        physical ID. Pass chair Baroness Anne
   Working in conjunction with the All Party      to armed robbery with often tragic                McIntosh said: “The aim of the new
Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Retail              consequences. Staff assaults are at their         standards is twofold. First, to enable
Crime, for which the NFRN provides                highest level in decades and the impact can       customers of age restricted goods and
support, MPs are being encouraged to visit        be devastating and long-lasting. The              services to be able to use PASS-
                                                                                                    accredited Digital Proof of Age on their
local retailers who have been victims and         government and police need to act now
                                                                                                    mobiles to prove their age. Second, to
are prepared to share their experiences.          and fast.”
                                                                                                    enable retail staff to confirm that a
   This campaign will launch during                  This latest action follows a direct plea for
                                                                                                    customer presenting such digital proof
parliament’s summer recess when                   more action that immediate past president         of age is the correct age to buy or access
participating MPs are back full time in their     Mike Mitchelson made to the then home             the goods or service.”
constituencies. Journalists from the local        secretary Sajid Javid.
media will be invited along to report on             Mr Mitchelson laid bare the devastating        CARD LIMIT
these meetings.                                   toll that violence and abuse takes on shop        Plans have been unveiled to raise the age
   If you would like to receive a visit from      owners, their family members and their staff      for buying scratchcards to 18. Culture
your MP contact the NFRN’s political              when he met Mr Javid in Cumbria in June.          minister Mims Davies said she was
engagement team:          After the meeting Mr Mitchelson said:          ‘minded’ to stop children aged between
   At the same time, police and crime             “Mr Javid asked that we continue to work          16 and 17 betting on scratchcards and
commissioners will be invited to local            with Victoria Atkins, the Home Office             online instant-win games to cut the risk
district meetings where, again, they will hear    minister, to ensure this issue is addressed by    of gambling addiction but had no plans
first hand of members’ experiences.               providing evidence of crimes and sharing          to raise the age limit for buying tickets
   This latest campaign, which was agreed at      suggestions as to how the government and          for the Lotto draws on Wednesdays and
the July meeting of the APPG, comes ahead         police can help.                                  Saturdays. A consultation will run until
of the government’s response to its call for         “He brought up the subject of “low value”      October 8 2019.
evidence which is expected this autumn.           shop theft, adding that he believed this
   In his presidential address at this year’s     should be given greater priority by the           BOOKER MEETING
Annual Conference National President              police. Mr Javid also told me that he wanted      NFRN National President Stuart Reddish
                                                                                                    said he is looking forward to meeting
Stuart Reddish said raising awareness of          to see more policemen back on the beat
                                                                                                    with the new Booker Retail Group
retail crime would continue to be a major         and vowed to continue to push for
                                                                                                    managing director Colm Johnson who
focus for the NFRN.                               increased funding for the police to help
                                                                                                    replaces Steve Fox who is leaving the
   He said: “Retail crime is talked about         improve retail safety.”                           company after 17 years. Mr Reddish said:
                                                                                                    “I am excited about continuing the

 Our 2019 Community Champion Trudy
                                                                                                    strong working relationship that the
                                                                                                    NFRN currently enjoys with Booker.” Of
                                                                                                    Mr Fox’s departure, he added: “We
 Davies of Llanidloes, in mid Wales, and                                                            would like to thank Steve for the huge
 Assembly Member Eluned Morgan have                                                                 support he has given both the NFRN and
 joined forces for a Shop Local campaign to                                                         the independent retail sector during that
 encourage people to support their                                                                  time and we wish him all the best for
 communities by using their local towns and                                                         the future.”
 high streets.
    Through the scheme, the two women                                                               PUZZLE PRIZE
                                                                                                    Winners of the PuzzleLife prize puzzle in
 want to remind the people of Powys of the
                                                                                                    the June edition of The Fed were Kamal
 benefits and importance of using local
                                                                                                    Thaker of Stop Shop News in Edgware
 independent shops and high streets and to
                                                                                                    and Mrs J Janes of Penarth. Cheques for
 appreciate the vital services they offer the                                                       £50 will be winging their way to them
 local area.                                                                                        shortly. To enter this month’s
    Launching the scheme, Ms Morgan pointed                                                         competition turn to page 63.
 out that “for every £1 spent in your local
 stores, 60p stays within the local economy.”                                                       FUNDS RAISED
    Ms Davies was crowned Community                                                                 A fund raising page set up by the NFRN
 Champion earlier this year for her dedication                                                      to assist the family of Ravi Katharkamar
 to supporting local charities, setting up                                                          after he was murdered during a robbery
 events and getting involved in fundraising for                                                     in his Pinner shop in March has raised a
 a variety of causes.                                                                               total of £2,289.10.

                                                                                                          AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 5
NATIONAL NEWS                                                                  For latest news, deals and views, go to


                                                                                             COFFEE TO
GOING DARK                                                                                   GO GOES TO
 NFRN members are being invited by the            Launching the consultation, which runs
                                                                                             After moving swiftly following the news
 government to have their say on the           until September 15, the department said:      that Espresso Essential had gone into
 impact the tobacco display ban has had        “Your views will help us to assess whether    administration, the NFRN is delighted to
 on their businesses.                          the legislation has achieved its objective    welcome Broderick’s as our new in-store
    Four years after tobacco displays went     and whether legislation is still the best     coffee-to-go partner with a great deal for
 dark in small shops, the department of        way of achieving that objective.”             our members covering ingredient supply,
 health and social care wants to                  Commenting on this new legislation,        machine sales and support all backed up
 understand the impact that the display        the NFRN’s chairman of political              with 50 years industry experience.
 ban has had, and is having, on retailers in   engagement Muntazir Dipoti said: “When           Established in 1969 by John Broderick,
 England and Wales.                            the legislation was first announced, the      this third generation independent family
    In a new consultation on all tobacco       NFRN campaigned long and hard as we           business continues to go from strength-
 regulations introduced between 2010           were concerned that it would fail to meet     to-strength, growing year after year. Its
 and 2016, the government is also              its stated health objectives in stopping      values have never changed with high
 seeking views on the bans on selling          young people from smoking whilst              service levels, well-built quality machines
 nicotine inhaling products (NIPs)             imposing further regulation and cost on       sourced from a range of manufacturers,
 including e-cigarettes to under 18s and       small retailers. That said, ahead of the      recruiting and retaining the very best staff
 on proxy purchasing.                          legislation taking effect in small shops on   who are passionate about looking after its
    The government committed to                April 6 2015 and with the NFRN priding        customers and, most importantly,
 reviewing the Tobacco Advertising and         ourselves on offering practical assistance    producing delicious hot beverages from its
 Promotion (Display) (England) Regulations     to members to help them run successful        own coffee and milk range.
 2010 and The Nicotine Inhaling Products       businesses, we launched a comprehensive          Special prices have been negotiated for
 (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing)            campaign to prepare them for going dark,      NFRN members and there is a 10 per cent
 Regulations 2015 within five years of         from converting their tobacco gantries to     discount on these prices by quoting code
 their implementation. Through this            training staff.                               NFRN2019. All orders placed before 1pm
 consultation it is seeking to find out how       “This new consultation provides            from Monday to Friday are delivered within
 effective the legislation has been in         retailers with a real opportunity to lay      48 hours. There is no minimum order and
 discouraging young people from taking up      bare the impact that the display ban and      delivery is free. Credit and debit card
 smoking and vaping, encouraging existing      the bans on selling nicotine inhaling         payment is accepted.
 smokers to quit and protecting others         products to under 18s and proxy                  Broderick’s can also offer maintenance
 from the harmful effect of cigarette          purchasing has had on their businesses, so    packages and machine upgrades, including
 smoke. It also asks about economic losses     I would urge all members to take part.”       free product. Details can be discussed
 or gains for businesses associated with the   To do so, please complete our survey at       directly with the company on 0161 697
 introduction of covered gantries.   , the Federation’s website.     4020 or call NFRN direct team leader
                                                                                             Dawn Harvey-Golding on 0800 028 7283.
                                                                                                Broderick’s will shortly be available to
WORTHY CUP                                                                                   order through NFRN direct.
                                                                                                Announcing Broderick’s as the NFRN’s

WINNER                                                                                       new coffee-
                                                                                             to-go partner,
 Every year the NFRN’s Eastern Counties                                                      the
 North East branch recognises an up and                                                      Federation’s
 coming athlete from a local school.                                                         business
    This year the Foreman Cup was                                                            development
 presented to 16 year old Daniel Harrison                                                    committee
 who is a pupil at Cliff Park Ormiston                                                       chairman
 Academy in Gorleston-on-Sea in                                                              Muntazir
 Great Yarmouth.                                                                             Dipoti said:
    The presentation of the cup was made                                                     “We are
 by Eastern Counties North East branch                                                       confident that
 secretary Ralph Childs. Also pictured         will keep and a cheque for £30.               this new
 is the school’s deputy principal                 The Foreman Cup is awarded in honour       partnership
 Miss Cameron.                                 of Wilf Foreman, a previous NFRN Great        will be of
    Daniel, who is a promising 800 metres      Yarmouth branch secretary.                    interest to
 and 1,500 metres runner, will hold the           Mr Childs said: “Daniel is a very          previous
 trophy for one year. He was also              talented sportsman and a worthy winner        Espresso
 presented with a smaller cup which he         and he was thrilled to receive this award.”   Essential

Make more from
The Guardian Weekly
All NFRN members get an extra 10% margin on
all copies of The Guardian Weekly, the essential
international news weekly magazine from The Guardian,       Exclusive
sold in their store until 31 December 2019.               offer for NFRN
The Guardian Weekly is sold at £4.50 and we’re offering      members
you a 35% margin worth£1.58 per copy. To stock Guardian
Weekly in your store, contact your local wholesaler.

To get your exclusive margin, email or tel 08001216376
Promotion applies to Original and Sugar Free 250ml 49p Energy only. T&C’s apply.
     *IRI Marketplace Data Symbols and Independents’ 52 weeks unit sales to 30th December 2018.


A Glasgow retail entrepreneur who helped         was the first of its kind to sell alcohol as
introduce a new concept for takeaways has        well as food.
spoken of his “deep honour” after being             His solicitor told Stirling licensing board at
awarded an MBE in the Queen’s 2019 New           the time: “This is a new concept in off sales.
Year’s Honours for services to business and      There is nothing like it in Stirling. It would
the community of Govan.                          allow people who are buying a takeaway
   Mamun ur Rashid travelled to Buckingham       meal to purchase wine or whatever without
Palace on May 16 this year to receive his        having to go to other premises.”
award from Prince Charles.                          Looking back on his retailing career,
   After arriving in Scotland on January 15      Mr Rashid said: “I have bought many shops
1990, Mr Rashid spent a year working in the      in central Scotland, enabling many people
statistics department at the Glasgow             to start and run their own businesses. These
University before deciding to pursue a           have been of huge benefit – not just to the
career in retail. His first shop was in          local communities but also to the economy
Drumoyne Store in Glasgow where, through         in terms of the increased income tax they
satisfying customers’ shopping needs, he         have generated.”
trebled sales to £14,000 a week.                    His recent purchase of a further seven
   Two years later he sold this shop, using      shopping units around Glasgow has brought
the money to buy two empty neighbouring          the total number of shops he owns to 50.
shops which he knocked together to form          Some of his premises are rented to small
one larger unit which was leased to              church groups.
convenience store chain Alldays.                    Currently, Mr Rashid runs a Premier store
   This was quickly followed with the            in Linthouse, which was officially opened by        all pharmacists.
purchase of what Mr Rashid described as          Glasgow Lord Provost Sadie Docherty.                   In July 2013 Mr Rashid attended a royal
“an exceptionally large shop unit” to which      At Christmas he provides free lunches to            garden party at Holyrood where he was
he added a post office before leasing it to      pensioners in the Govan area.                       introduced to the Queen.
the Co-op.                                          He is married to Zahida, a learning                 “I was lucky to talk to her for some time
   After moving to Stirling in 1997, Mr Rashid   support worker at a local primary school,           and when I received my MBE from Prince
took ownership of a takeaway store which         and the couple have three children who are          Charles I told him about our conversation.”

 Republic of Ireland president Martin            have been broadcast on Ireland’s national           increase in the cost of insurance without a
 Mulligan has taken to the airwaves to           radio station News Talk and have featured           knock-on impact elsewhere. The prospect
 highlight the adverse effects of increasing     in national and local papers the length and         of an uncontrolled hike in future years also
 insurance premiums on small businesses          breadth of the country as well as in the            needs to be considered.”
 and the knock-on effects on the                 Lännen Media newspapers in Finland.                    Taking to the media, Mr Mulligan has
 communities that these businesses serve.           He has even warned that the future of            argued that legislation is urgently needed
    Mr Mulligan’s concerns about the threat      his own convenience store, filling station          in order to deal with the issue of spiralling
 these hikes pose to local shops and jobs        and post office in Athlone, which he has            insurance costs.
                                                 run for 40 years with his wife Mary, is now            “It’s a culture that needs to change and
                                                 in doubt following a four-fold increase in          the only way that’s going to change is
                                                 their insurance cover.                              through legislation. The legislation is
                                                    Mr Mulligan said: “The annual quote              needed today.
                                                 went from €7,000 to €30,000 – a                        “Our small business communities are
                                                 whopping 428 per cent increase. At the              the bedrock of our society, they provide
                                                 same time the level of insurance excess             local employment, pay a substantial share
                                                 payable went from €1,000 to €25,000.                of local authority rates and are key
                                                 Essentially the insurer is increasing the cost      contributors to the central government
                                                 of their cover while paradoxically reducing         exchequer. The time for government and
                                                 the level of cover provided.”                       others to act is now.”
                                                    Calling on fellow retailers to press their          Mr Mulligan’s concerns have gained
                                                 local and national representatives for              support from Fianna Fail TD Eugene
                                                 immediate action, he continued: “My                 Murphy who is calling for a major forum
                                                 situation is far from unique; it is replicated      to discuss them. Affected businesses and
                                                 right across Ireland. Few, if any businesses,       representatives from the insurance
                                                 can absorb a non-justified fourfold                 industry will be invited to attend.

                                                                                                              AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 9
LETTERS                                                Have your say email

TIMES PACKS                                        phoning The Times to arrange holiday            (RDT). You can check your RDT on SNapp.
As a shopkeeper I do HND, shop save and            refunds, was invited to take free delivery.     Any such payment to you shall be
have regular Times customers on                    Luckily they confused him enough for him        credited to the following week’s summary
subscriptions. They’re mostly elderly              to say no.                                      invoice, using a reference of ‘service
customers and like me just want the print             This is despite their guarantee scheme       payment’ and you will find it under the
edition. This was available for £7 per week        to ring-fence and protect existing HND.         miscellaneous items section. Please be
and that’s what most of us were signed up          The message is forgotten on the front-          assured that you will not be required to
to. Web access came with it so you could           line where their customer service               do anything and the process will be
have Smartphone and tablet apps for an             staff deal with OUR customers.                  automatic.
extra £1, but not many of my customers do.         #nevertrustapublisher.
The same packages are still available but                          Name and address supplied.      Why are we doing this?
prices have gone up. No problem with that.                                                         We want to acknowledge the seriousness
The print only pack is now £9. But the             The Times and The Sunday Times director         of very late newspaper deliveries on your
Times aren’t leaving us on the same                of customer value Peter Evia-Rhodes             business. We have worked with the NFRN
package and increasing the price to £9.            replied: “The Times works hard to provide       to come up with a solution which, we
They’re upgrading all those on the £7 pack         the best content at the most affordable         believe, recognises material service failure
to the £10 pack, without making it clear           price for our subscribers, with access to our   and provides for an automatic and
that the print only pack is still available at     industry-leading journalism across multiple     meaningful compensatory sum for the
£9. It’s a big increase and I fear many of my      platforms. Given that our insight suggests      inconvenience of receiving newspapers
customers will just cancel, or as one has          that digital formats are complementary to       very late.
done, just move to the weekend only pack           our print products for many of our                 It is important to note that this does
with the app for the weekdays, because             subscribers, this is something we are           not replace any of the industry policies
that’s what the Times is pushing. So it’s          increasingly offering with many of our          and procedures that already exist. This
hastening a loss of printed copy business          packages. Of course all of our subscribers      proposal is therefore in addition to those
for shop save and HND retailers.                   are free to change their package at any time    policies and procedures. Customers who
   Profit per copy is not the issue; the           to suit their needs and should call us on       are not satisfied with either our standards
discount for the subscription is not the           0800 018 5177 with any queries, so we can       of service or the £5 credit at any time can,
issue; it’s the fact that this is misleading and   keep our readers, and your customers,           of course, continue to seek redress
is transferring customers onto the more            engaged.”                                       through the existing industry grievance
expensive app-inclusive pack that will lead                                                        process under the Press Distribution
some of them to cancel the print edition.          The Fed editor comments: The NFRN               Charter (PDC) which can be found on the
   Personally, as a Times customer not a           through National President Stuart Reddish       Press Distribution Forum (PDF) website:
shopkeeper, I refuse to deal with a                will discuss this further with The Times.
company who try to hoodwink me in such                                                                                              Simon Gage
a way to get an extra £1 a week out of me          HIGH STANDARDS                                                        Retail services director
without telling me they’re upgrading my            We take customer service extremely                                    Smiths News, Swindon
package and that my old package was still          seriously and delivering high standards of
available at a cheaper price than the              service day-in-day out is at the heart of       LOTTERY WINNERS
contract they’re transferring me onto. Some        what we strive to achieve. However, I am        This year is a milestone for both Camelot
customers will go with it, not realising           acutely aware of the inconvenience and          and the National Lottery and an
they’re giving an extra £1 a week for              the impact to your store and your               opportunity for us to reflect on the last 25
something they won’t be using. Others will         customers when Smiths News is unable to         years. Having now returned over £40 billion
see the sharks for what they are and cancel        meet the exacting standards that we set         to good causes and over £16.5 billion to the
some or all of their subscription and we’ll        ourselves, such as delivering newspapers        Treasury in Lottery Duty, the National
be the ones who lose the business. Two             late. Consequently, from September 1 we         Lottery has exceeded even the most
down, 13 to go for me.                             are introducing a new automatic payment         optimistic Treasury forecasts from the
                    Name and address supplied      to all customers in the event of a              time of its launch. This would not have
                                                   materially late newspaper delivery from us.     been possible without our friends and
Fifteen of my HND customers are Times                                                              partners, and we are truly grateful for
subscribers, either Sunday only or seven           How will it work?                               your support.
day. I've had one cancel her seven-day             We will make an automatic credit of £5 for         As we approach November and the 25th
print subscription in favour of a weekend          every live newspaper delivery (excluding        anniversary of the first ever National
only plus digital subscription. I fear the         re-runs and claims) which arrive at your        Lottery draw, there will be many more
worst.                                             store two or more hours after our system        events celebrating the positive impact that
   Another of my customers, upon                   hold customer Required Delivery Time            The National Lottery has had across the


UK. It is going to be a fantastic moment of
celebration and I hope you will join us in                A plastic poem
marking this anniversary by getting involved
in one of the many events planned. Please
look out for more information as we get                There’s plastic in the rivers                  That’s probably made of plastic
closer to November.                                    There’s plastic on the land                    that’s now been made for you.
                                  Nigel Railton        Gloves that are made of plastic
                               Chief executive         covering all our hands                         The money that you have in your
           Camelot UK Lotteries Ltd, Watford           Even fancy coloured plastic bands.             wallet too
                                                                                                      They have made it all with plastic,
CUP DISCOUNT                                           Phones made with plastic so that               especially for you
I am passionate about the amount that                  we can talk                                    Everything now wrapped in plastic,
we are throwing away, as most of the                   It’s covering the pavements where              whatever can we do?
country is.                                            we like to walk                                Well, that’s up to me and you.
   With this in mind, I thought of contacting          Even the windows through which
Jack’s Beans, as we have a machine in store,           we like to look                                Even some ladies’ faces that look
in the hope that it would reduce my pence              Plastic in the kitchens where we all           so very nice
per cup on coffees sold if a customer                  cook.                                          They have been filled with plastic,
supplied their own cup, hence reducing                 Cup and plates, forks and knives               more than once or twice.
waste. I know that its cups are recyclable,            Plastics becoming the bane of our
but are unnecessary if someone reuses their            lives                                          The seas so full of plastic when we
cups! I have now contacted the company                 Even made with plastic are the cars            eat fish from the sea
on average twice a week for the past three             we love to drive.                              We will all be filled with plastic,
weeks! As an independent retailer I care                                                              even you and me.
about my community and have more                       There are now manmade plastic
contact with the local community, more so              mountains over all the land                    Plastic here, plastic there, plastic
than the large chains, where decisions are             Plastic over all the dunes and sand.           bloody everywhere
made at head office level.                                                                            It’s time to stop this scourge of
   Maybe this is something that the                    Plastic in rivers that flow in to the          man
independent can push?                                  sea                                            Let’s now start the plastic ban.
   Food for thought?                                   Even the glasses through which
                                   Heidi Killen        that we can see                                Let’s take it off the bread, cakes
                              Lunns Art Store          Bottles from which we like to drink            and meat
                             Ringwood, Hants           All made from plastic – even now               Let’s stop wearing it on our feet
                                                       the kitchen sink.                              Ban all the things from which it’s
The Fed approached Jack’s Beans for a                                                                 made
comment but the company had not                        Planes made with plastic in which              Now come and join the plastic free
responded before the magazine went                     we all fly                                     brigade.
to press.                                              Plastic on top of mountains that
                                                       reach up to the sky                            No plastic here, no plastic there. In
IT’S A WRAP                                            Our food is wrapped in plastic                 fact, there is no plastic anywhere.
In response to the letter from Chris                   which we like to eat
Duncan, Times Newspapers managing                      Including now the bread, the cakes             Let us clean it up from where it lies
director, regarding the removal of the                 and the bloody meat.                           Before all the things it covers dies
plastic outer packaging of the Sunday                                                                 Let us ban this scourge of man
Times (Plastic Pledge, The Fed June 2019               The shoes on our feet they are                 Please bring in a plastic ban.
edition), we have had our business for eight           plastic too                                                              Gordon Bird
years now and not once received said                   The seat that you sit on whilst you                                    Mellor’s News
paper in a plastic wrapper.                            are in the loo                                                  Cudworth, Barnsley
   I had always presumed that was the sole
preserve of the ever pampered
supermarket, yes those who rip the heart
                                                  facilities! @TNLUK @NFRN_Online@Grand
out of the true independent, but cannot                                                              NOT WELCOME
possibly spend time putting the various                                                              I do not welcome the letter from Smiths
                                                                                  Charlie Grice
supplements together!                                                                                News regarding the increase in weekly
                                                       British Middle Distance Athlete, Brighton
                                 David Proud                                                         delivery charge services.
            Holme Valley News, Huddersfield                                                             My delivery charges are being increased
                                                  SHOW SUCCESS                                       by 10 per cent from September 1 2019.
FUN RUNNER!                                       The Annual Conference trade show was               Smiths News will continue to provide a
Had fun talking in front of 500 independent       terrific, well attended with very motivated        poor service, with late deliveries and
retailers at NFRN centenary gala dinner. The      and responsive retailers. We have a list of        missing titles on a weekly basis. What
hard work of the retailers to sell more           enthusiastic retailers to call on.                 choice do we have when Smiths News
tickets help fund athletes like myself to                                            Owen Arnot      continue to act in a monopolistic way!
train full time and fund local sports                                 Publishing director, Keesing                   Harshal Kshatri, via Facebook

                                                                                                            AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 11

                                   A YEAR

                    PRICING OF
                    ALCOHOL IN ROI
Having become law earlier this year, the NFRN expects the
Offensive Weapons Act to come into effect in October.                Irish health minister Simon Harris has announced plans to bring a
  This legislation updates offences relating to the sale, delivery   minimum unit price of alcohol (MUP) into effect within the next
and possession of offensive weapons including knives and             12 months. The plans are for a minimum price of 10c per gram of
corrosive substances. Of primary concern to retailers will be the    alcohol, taking a can of 5 per cent abv beer to €1.97, 12.5 per cent
requirement to age check parcels containing bladed items to          wine to €7.40 and a bottle of scotch to at least €22.
ensure the customer collecting them is 18 or over.                       Concerns have been raised about the cross border impact if MUP
  The government has yet to publish the regulations that will        is introduced in Ireland before it is launched in Northern Ireland.
govern this process. When it does the NFRN will make details
available on and over social media.                    WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW
                                                                      • If you have strong views on MUP in the Republic
 WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW                                                of Ireland and how it should be implemented,
 • Keep an eye out for NFRN updates regarding the                       please share them with our political engagement
   introduction of this new legislation on NFRN                         team by emailing and we
   Online and through our social media channels.                        will include them in our discussions.

 MINIMUM UNIT PRICING OF                                                                                              DELAYED
 ALCOHOL IN WALES DELAYED                                                                                               2020

 A minimum unit price of alcohol (MUP) in Wales was initially        Members that he now anticipates that the regulations will be
 expected to be put into place this summer but following an          laid this autumn and minimum pricing will come into force by
 intervention by the Portuguese government its roll out has been     early 2020.
 delayed until next year.                                               The NFRN will continue to monitor the issue and to work
    The Welsh government wants to charge 50p a unit, with the        with the Welsh government on the implementation of minimum
 minimum price affecting 70 per cent of alcohol.                     unit pricing and will advise members when more information is
    Wales’ health minister Vaughan Gething has told Assembly         known.
                                                                        Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol in Scotland continues

                                                                      WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW
                                                                      • If you have strong views on MUP in Wales and
                                                                        how it should be implemented, please share
                                                                        them with our political engagement team by
                                                                        emailing and we will
                                                                        include them in our discussions.
                                                                        Keep an eye out for NFRN updates on NFRN
                                                                        Online and through our social media channels.

EARLY                                                                   PROTECTING YOUR BUSINESS

The NFRN continues to engage with the Scottish government and         Sadly, the physical and verbal abuse of retailers has             2019
other stakeholders on the development of a deposit return             become a daily occurrence.
scheme for Scotland.                                                     Against this background, and after a campaign from the
  It is expected that the Scottish government will publish the        NFRN working with MPs, the government launched a call for evidence
regulations shortly, with a consultation period to follow. The        on violence against retailers. The NFRN has made its submission and
NFRN will make the details available to members when they             encouraged members to complete the government survey.
are received.                                                            The government is expected to publish its response in the early
                                                                      autumn, together with its intended next steps.
 WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW                                                 The NFRN, working through the APPG on Retail Crime, will
                                                                      continue to campaign on violence against retailers and the wider
 • Considering a store refit? Think about how DRS                     issues of retail crime.
   might impact your plans, with space being needed
   for either a reverse vending machine or bags for                    WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW
   collecting returned containers.                                     • Always report all crimes to your local police force so
     Ahead of the consultation, share your views                         a true picture of the extent of this issue can be seen.
   with the political engagement team so the NFRN                        Keep an eye out for NFRN updates regarding the
   can include them in our response.                                     government’s response and next steps.

 TRACK AND TRACE                                                       WHAT YOU NEED                                         MAY 19
  The Track and Trace scheme for tobacco, which seeks to tackle        TO DO NOW                                              2020
  the growing illicit market, is now in force, and compliant stock     • Please check your slower moving lines
  is now available.
     However, non compliant stock can continue to be sold until
                                                                         to ensure that you are not left with
  May 19 2020, after which time it must be removed from sale.            stock that you cannot sell come May 20 2020.

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                                                                                                    AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 13

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                             “SNapp has been an invaluable tool for my
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   App           Online                 Jason Birks, Mosci Convenience Store
                                                                         FOLLOWING A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW, AND IN A
                                                                         MOVE TO BETTER SERVE THE CHANGING NEEDS OF
                                                                         MEMBERS TO HELP THEM GET MORE OUT OF THEIR
                                                                          MEMBERSHIP AND AS A RESPONSE TO THE EVIDENT
                                                                        DECLINE OF THE NEWS CATEGORY, THE NFRN’S NEWS
      Brian Murphy                         Jason Birks                       AND OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT HAVE MERGED.

       The new field operations and news department is headed by former
       NFRN head of news Brian Murphy with former news business
                                                                                been so important and with news space often needing to reduce, for
                                                                                myriad reasons, a clear opportunity exists for this to be developed
       development manager Phil Williams assuming the title of senior retail    and utilised for new and more profitable opportunities. The field
       development manager (SRDM). Eighteen retail development                  operations team will, therefore, share more information about
       managers and four retail support officers will report directly into Mr   suppliers’ offers and how they want to interact with members.
       Williams. Mr Murphy will report into Jason Birks, the chairman of the      “By the same token, all the team will fully understand the
       field operations and news committee.                                     complexities that continue to exist in the news category to ensure
          News operations managers Jerry Hayes and Peter Williamson will        that they can play their part in ensuring publisher and wholesaler
       continue to manage the NFRN’s relationships with news wholesalers        service failings are not accepted but are raised in real time
       Smiths News, Menzies Distribution and News UK and lend support           and resolved.”
       on campaigns and Newspro.                                                  The team will also assist in gaining support from members for
          Also in the new department is Angela Simpson who remains as           the NFRN’s political campaigns to gain change.
       operations support manager.                                                National President Stuart Reddish said: “During my presidential
          Explaining the rationale behind the move, Mr Murphy said:             year I have vowed to continue to put more money in members’ tills
       “Through this new department we can ensure that member contact           and by merging these two departments and creating the field
       is both frequent and relevant to each member’s needs and that they       operations and news department we can promise members more
       are fully aware of the sheer breadth and depth of the benefits that      contact, either in store or over the phone, and place a greater focus
       membership of the NFRN offers. Each contact will be relevant,            on helping members trade more profitably. First and foremost,
       proactive and productive.                                                though, the team will be available for those members in real need
          “Segmentation and the management of space in store have never         of help and support.”

         WHAT DO RDMs AND RSOs DO?                                              Retail Development Managers (RDMs)
                                                                                The primary role of our 18 RDMs is to help members
         Retail Support Officers (RSOs)                                         develop profitable businesses through nationally
         There are four retail support officers. The role was                   agreed activity involving business development and
         created to improve contact with members and to                         effective communication. RDMs also play an active
         assist with recruitment and retention activity.                        role in recruitment and retention.

                                                                                                               AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 15
One of our RDM’s in a store


  Small shops would have the full backing of    Parliament to get assaults on shop workers    from the North West becoming
  a Labour government, promised Brighton        classified as an aggravated crime, but        national vice president and Jason Birks
  Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle as he         Mr Russell-Moyle said Labour would go         taking the mantle of deputy vice
  opened this year’s Conference.                further to get the £200 threshold before      president.
     “As small independent retailers you play   which shop thieves are investigated              Nilesh Patel from London district
  a vital role in your communities so it is     dropped.                                      was elected as a trustee for a three
  important that we support you,” he               “If you don’t stop small crimes in their   year term.
  pledged. “We are on your side because         bud lower level crimes then spiral out of        Meanwhile, there are three new faces
  you are on the side of communities.”          control and endanger communities.” Mr         on our National Executive Committee.
     Promising an overhaul of business rates    Russell-Moyle explained.                      Andrew Taylor from Yorkshire, Suleman
  with reductions for high street outlets and      Investigations into monopolistic           Khonat from the North West and Shahid
  increases on out of town warehouses,          practices in the news trade would also        Razzaq from Scotland join Gwen Patterson
  Mr Russell-Moyle said it was wrong for the    be launched and a Labour government           (Northern Ireland) Bhavesh Patel (South
  “Amazons of the world to pay less tax         would look into the impact that universal     East) and Peter Wagg (London) who were
  than independent bookshops.” Labour was       credit is having on high streets, “because    all re-elected.
  also concerned that by undercutting their     people have less to spend in their local         Joining the three trustees, Martin Ward
  smaller rivals on alcohol pricing, the big    corner shop.”                                 (Northern), Nilesh Patel and Sunil Patel
  four supermarkets were squeezing                                                            (East Midlands) on the national finance
  independent retailers out of their            NFRN officers elected                         committee are James Wilkinson (Yorkshire)
  communities.                                  Yorkshire’s Stuart Reddish was elected as     who was re-elected and Hetal Patel
     Work was already under way in              National President with Muntazir Dipoti       from London.

Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle

öNew National President Stuart Reddish vowed to lead the Federation into a
  brighter and more optimistic future, adding that the time for action was now.õ

A chance to get this right                                           Mr Reddish said he would be working with trustees and the NEC
New National President Stuart Reddish vowed to lead the              to transform Yeoman House, the London head office, into “a
Federation into a brighter and more optimistic future, adding that   modern money-making building during 2019.”
the time for action was now.                                           New forms of communication, either by WhatsApp groups, text
   “We have only one chance to get this right and, as we continue    or through the new member app, were being explored.
to celebrate our 100 years and look to the future, we owe it to        “We all hear so often the quote “what does the Federation do
everyone who has ever been involved in this great Federation         for me?”. Well we really do a lot. The benefits alone cover the
to succeed.”                                                         membership fee, but add in the money saved on the services
   NEC members and national councillors were urged to “be strong     available and it’s a fantastic offering. But we need to shout about
and embrace change”.                                                 our success.”
   Mr Reddish continued: “Be bold and recognise that change is         Concluding his speech, Mr Reddish said: “This year will, I am
needed.”                                                             sure, bring challenges, but with the hard work of staff, officials the
   Unveiling a six point plan for the coming year Mr Reddish said    NEC and its sub committees we will succeed.”
the Federation’s focus would be on member benefit and support,
recruitment and retention, retail crime, engagement with             Could you be breaking the law?
publishers and wholesalers, sweating the Federation’s assets, and    A warning about the pitfalls of being under-insured or having no
internal procedures.                                                 insurance at all was given by the Retail Mutual.
   “Business meetings are what the membership wants,” he                “You could be breaking the law,” said Mutual manager Kirsty
continued. “I’m pleased the motion to change branch meetings to      Hampton, adding that it was a legal requirement to have employers’
business meetings was passed and now we need to make them            liability cover.                                 continued overleaf
attractive to all independent retailers which should result in
better attendance.”
   Exorbitant carriage charges meant the tipping point between
being profitable on news or making a loss was being reached.
   “Many retailers are now turning away from having news supplied
direct from the wholesaler. Publishers and wholesalers need to
wake up and deal with this issue.”
   All parties form the newstrade would be summoned to a
summit on this issue for a frank and honest debate.
   Retail crime was now talked about along the corridors of
Westminster but Mr Reddish said the NFRN would continue to
lead the debate and shape the way forward.
   “No member, in fact no one, should feel scared to provide for
their family. We have heard so many stories of robberies and shop
theft which is at its highest level in decades.
   “Crime ranges from shop theft to armed robbery with often
tragic consequences. Staff assaults are at their highest level in
decades and the impact can be devastating and long-lasting. The
government and police need to act now and fast.”
   Announcing Project Awakening to sweat the NFRN’s assets,

                                                                                                     AUGUST 2019 NFRNONLINE.COM 17

                                                 the years. However, the Federation must         Competition and Markets Authority had
                                                 now look to the future to ensure that it        decided – on prioritisation grounds – not
                                                 continues to contribute meaningfully to         to launch an investigation into the news
                                                 the lives of independent retailers.             supply chain but there was some comfort
                                                    “Belonging to the Federation can and         in that it had written to all publishers
                                                 does make a difference,” Mr Mitchelson          reminding them of their responsibilities
                                                 insisted.                                       under competition law and warning that
                                                    While engagement with members                failing to do so would result in action.
                                                 had been stepped up over the past 12               “While an investigation into the unfair
                                                 months, “we can and need to do more,”           practices in the newstrade would have
                                                 Mr Mitchelson said.                             been very welcome, at least we have made
                                                    New ways of bringing together                the CMA aware of the injustices that exist
                                                 members who did not currently attend            and, when systems fail, we will continue to
                                                 branch or district meetings and extending       provide them with firm evidence.”
                                                 the NFRN’s appeal to non-members                   In meetings with publishers and
                                                 needed further exploration.                     distributors the financial challenges and
                                                    Every opportunity would be taken to          pressures facing independent retailers on a
                                                 shout about the Federation’s successes          daily basis had been raised.
                                                 “so that members are aware of exactly              “What we have made abundantly clear
                           Mike Mitchelson       what we do for them, what we have               is that the future survival of the news
                                                 to offer and to confirm that their              trade is dependent on all sectors working
 A century on, the NFRN continues to             membership provides them with the best          together. This means that everyone’s
 make a real difference to the lives of          representation and assistance in a difficult    needs – not just those of shareholders –
 independent retailers, said outgoing            and ever changing trading environment.”         must be taken into consideration when
 National President Mike Mitchelson in his          Much work had been done in raising           business decisions are made. More
 opening address.                                awareness of the extent of retail crime.        importantly, that all sectors should receive
    While the organisation today was in             “As we all go about our day-to-day job       their fair share of the income from cover
 many ways very different to the one             of opening, closing or just generally           price rises.
 founded back in 1919 its ethos remained         working in our shops we have the right             “Without this the future of the news
 the same: to protect, promote and               to feel safe in our environment,”               industry teeters on a precipice.”
 develop independent retailers in the UK         Mr Mitchelson said.                                Mr Mitchelson said it had been “a
 and in Ireland.                                    “It is great that our voice is being heard   privilege to preside over the NFRN at such
    With few organisations standing the test     and that parliamentarians now realise just      a significant time in its history.” And as the
 of time and existing for 100 years “this year   how serious a concern this is to retailers up   NFRN moved into its next century there
 has been a big year for the NFRN and it         and down the country. And it is crucial         were exciting challenges ahead.
 has been memorable too.”                        that the NFRN continues to put pressure            “With the challenges facing
    Tribute was paid to the hard work and        on all of our politicians to make sure          independent retailers being greater than
 wisdom of members and individuals who           measures are taken.”                            ever before, so is the need for a strong
 had shaped the NFRN and guided it over             It was disappointing that the                and dedicated NFRN.”

from page 17                                     and to vary the days they bank their takings.   PayPointOne or you can leave with no
Business interruption was often an area of       Mr Warmink said that fogging machines           penalties. This will happen over the next six
cover that was underestimated and                were proving to be a good deterrent.            to nine months. We know you need time to
misunderstood but this provided cover for                                                        decide what is best for your business.”
loss of income from a fire or flood.             Yellow boxes to retire                            Three quarters of PayPoint’s retail
   Detailing the impact of retail crime, head    PayPoint’s yellow boxes are being retired but   base were now using PayPointOne,
of claims Nic Warmink said that the average      retailers who still have them will be able to   Mr O’Neill added.
ram raid took less than five minutes, often      upgrade to PayPointOne or leave without           “For some people it’s the first time they
happening between 2am and 4am and                penalty, promised its marketing director
costing between £20,000 and £100,000 in          Steve O’Neill.
damage while criminals could seize £4,000           “The yellow boxes are 14 to 15 years old
to £5,000 of stock in a gantry raid.             and they have had a good innings but we
   Delegates were encouraged to ensure           are looking to moving things on,” Mr O’Neill
that cover limits were sufficient, taking into   explained.
account extra seasonal stock and price              He said there were currently between
increases on tobacco.                            3,000 and 3,500 yellow boxes in circulation.
   A reminder was given for retailers to            “Over the course of this year, those
empty their till at night, leave the drawer      retailers will get a communication from us
open, invest in security lighting and alarms     advising that you can upgrade to

                                                                                                                                             Steve O’Neill
You can also read