THROUGH HEALING BRINGING JOY - Singapore Medical Association
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4 5 26 EDITORIAL FEATURE EVENT RETURNING TO PAVING THE WAY WE ARE THE OUR ROOTS FOR GOOD CHAMPIONS! Dr Tan Yia Swam UROLOGICAL HEALTH Dr William Kristanto Vol. 47 No. 9 2015 Sylvia Thay & Donna Cheong EDITORIAL BOARD Editor Dr Tan Yia Swam Deputy Editors 27 Dr Tina Tan OPINION Dr Tan Tze Lee NO TRACE LEFT Editorial Advisors Dr Tan Su-Ming A/Prof Daniel Fung A/Prof Cuthbert Teo Dr Toh Han Chong Members Dr Jayant V Iyer Dr Natalie Koh Dr Leong Choon Kit Dr Jipson Quah 10 12 28 Dr Jonathan Tan PRESIDENT’S FORUM INTERVIEW EXEC SERIES Dr Jimmy Teo ALWAYS ROOM FOR MEDICAL DIPLOMACY: FROM PAPER-BASED EX-OFFICIOS IMPROVEMENT — MAKING THE WORLD A TO PAPERLESS Dr Wong Tien Hua DEVELOPING GOOD BETTER PLACE Dr Desmond Wai Dr Daniel Lee Hsien Chieh HABITS IN CLINICAL Interview with PRACTICE PART 2 Prof Tommy Koh EDITORIAL Dr Wong Tien Hua OFFICE Senior Manager Sarah Lim Editorial Executives Sylvia Thay 14 18 32 Donna Cheong INTERVIEW INSIGHT PROFESSIONALISM AVIATION MEDICINE — A GLIMPSE INTO MEDICINE, LAW, ADVERTISING AND THE PAST — PROFESSIONAL WHERE THE SKY’S NOT PARTNERSHIP MEDICINE IN THE LIMIT REGULATION AND Li Li Loy Interview with SINGAPORE (PART 3) ETHICS – PART 1 Denise Jia Dr Jarnail Singh Prof Cuthbert Teo Dr Peter Loke Tel: (65) 6223 1264 Email: PUBLISHER 36 Singapore Medical Association FROM THE HEART 2 College Road PRESCRIBING Level 2, Alumni Medical HAPPINESS Centre Singapore 169850 Dr Keith Goh Tel: (65) 6223 1264 Fax: (65) 6224 7827 Email: URL: 22 24 38 UEN No.: S61SS0168E DESIGN AGENCY Oxygen Studio Designs Pte Ltd GP MATTERS EVENT AIC SAYS PRINTER SATISFYING, HAPPY SWING INTO ACTION HAPPY HEARTS, Sun Rise Printing & OR REWARDING Donna Cheong HEALTHY MINDS Supplies Pte Ltd Dr Leong Choon Kit Opinions expressed in SMA News reflect the views of the individual authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial board of SMA News or the Singapore Medical Association (SMA), unless this is clearly specified. SMA does not, and cannot, accept any responsibility for the veracity, accuracy or completeness of any statement, opinion or advice contained in the text or advertisements published in SMA News. Advertisements of products and services that appear in SMA News do not imply endorsement for the products and services by SMA. All material appearing in SMA News may not be reproduced on any platform including electronic or in print, or transmitted by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Editor of SMA News. Requests for reproduction should be directed to the SMA News editorial office. Written permission must also be obtained before any part of SMA News is stored in any retrieval system of any nature.
4 editorial What W hat an eventful month! August to September had a string of major international and loco-regional events; to the extent that it was quite hard ffor or the SMA News team to decide what exactly to focus on. At the time of writing this, I was still in shock over the Bangkok bombings (and giving thanks for my parents and colleagues who returned safely from their respective trips). I was also concerned for my friends and family in Malaysia over the Bersih 4 rally. And right here at home, the surging interest in the General Elections. It’s yet another sign of becoming older, when I actually know some of the candidates personally! But I’m just a simple surgeon. When in doubt, always review and recap — SMA should be for doctors, for patients. We return to our roots and collate articles relevant for doctors: pertaining to developing clinical and administrative skills, improving empathy and patient care and developing leadership in international forums. Dr Wong Tien Hua starts off this issue by sharing his tips on forming good habits, Dr Tan Yia Swam is an associate consultant at the Breast which will sustain us in our busy clinical practice. The SMA National Medical Department of KK Women’s and Convention in July was a resounding success, and this month’s feature article Children’s Hospital. She continues summarises its key topics and discussions. Dr Desmond Wai also shares his input to juggle the commitments of on the benefits of having a good clinical management system. being a doctor, a mother, a wife and the increased duties of SMA We carry reports on the SMA Annual Golf Tournament, with a special mention News Editor. She also tries to keep of a new Oon Chiew Seng Challenge trophy for Best Lady Golfer, and the annual time aside for herself and friends, both old and new. YG Tan Challenge Cup soccer tournament. Dr Leong Choon Kit continues the GP Matters column with some introspection on the rewards and challenges in GP practice. Dr Tan Su-Ming recounts a poignant moment in her practice and Dr Keith Goh tells us about the Make-a-Wish Foundation, a simple but powerful ia S wa m way to bring happiness and joy to children with life-threatening illnesses. Y Editor The next instalment of A/Prof Cuthbert Teo’s writings on the history of medicine in Singapore covers the founding of the medical school, while Dr Peter Loke gives us the basics on law, regulations and guidelines in the first part of his two- part article. We are honoured to have an interview with Dr Jarnil Singh, conducted by Dr Gan Wee Hoe. Dr Singh has just been appointed as president of the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine. In preparation for the upcoming SMA Lecture in November, we include an interview with Prof Tommy Koh. We hope to hear more from him during the lecture and discussion session. As usual, enjoy the issue and we look forward to your continued feedback on what you would like to read about. We welcome contributions on any aspect of healthcare (and leisure!) that you want to share. SMA News / sep 2015
feature 5 Paving the Way for Good Urological Health BY SYLVIA THAY AND DONNA CHEONG, EDITORIAL EXECUTIVES The 46th SMA National Medical Convention, Good Urological Health, was held at Sheraton Towers Singapore on 25 July 2015 with close to 400 members of the public and 100 doctors in attendance. In line with SMA’s new slogan, “For Doctors, For Patients”, launched in June this year, the annual convention aims to address topics that are of current interest to both the medical profession and the public. sep 2015 / SMA News
6 feature tur tu PROSTATE ROSTATE RO AT TE PRO PROBLEMS RO OBLEM MS AND ND D HELP, EL ELP LP, I CAN’T C CA AN’T THHOLD HO OLD IT IN!! PUBLIC PU PUB UBLIC The LICC SYMPOSIUM SY SYM YMPOSI e public p pub OS UM OSIUM ublic M c symposium sy sympos osium um cocommen commenced encece Y UR YOUR R SEX XLLIFE LI Urinary U ry incontinence incon onti ntinence ce (UI) — the lolos loss Benign nign pros nig pr prostatic rostatic c hyperplasia hyper h perpl rplasia (B (BPH) H)) of bla bladder der ccontrol rol — is a com common mmon on with th the welcome wel e me e address a ss delivered delive liver vered byy an and prosta prostate state e ca cancer are m male and often o e embarrassing mbarrassing mbarra ng conditco condition dit D Ng Dr g Chee C Kwan, Kw Chairperson Chairper C h ers of tthe erson problems blems lemms thathat can n a affect aff ct a coup couple’s uple’ ple that affects affe afffectss b both mmen en and d wom women, omen me Convention nvention nve on n Organisin O Organising ising Com Co Committee. Dr Ngg sex exx life. This Th T interesting int inte nteresting in ng topic opic ic was s especially spe peciallyy the aged aged andand obese. obese. ob was hearten h heartened eneded byy the t overwhelming ove overwhelm rwhelm delivered d deliver ered in English ere En h by Drr Colin C Teo, Te D Sha Dr Sharon haron a Yeo Ye and ndd Dr TrTric Kuo, Tricia K Kuu attendance, ndan nd dance,e, which ch he considered considere con ered ed a a senior eniorr con en c consultant onsultanant from Khoo o Teck ck consultants ants at Tan nsultants nsu Tan n Tock T Seng S eng ng sign ign n of the eppublic’s ic’s ’s interest es in urolo est uro urological ological all Puat Hospital Hospit pitall and in Mandarin Manda ndarin arin by Hospital Ho Hospit pital an and d Singapore Sin ore GenGeneral issues. is issueses. s. He then th hen intro introduced roduced ro ed d the t topics top op Dr Tan an n Yeh Ye Hong, Ho cons consultant co onsultan tant urologist urolog ologis ogis Hospital, Hospit pital, al, res respectively, respectiv ctivel vely, were w the tth h and d tthe outstanding ou outs utstanding ding panel pannel of spea speakers peakers p ers s at Mount Mountt Elizabe Elizabeth beth Medical be Me C Centre entree English ngl ngli glish and nd Mand Mandarin and ndarin s speakers peaker ker ers forr for the symposium. symp mposium. osium. a and tthe h president pr pres residentnt of Singapore ent S apo Singap po th second the sec econd c sessions. ses seessions nss Urological ological olo call A Associat Association. ciation. n. In n h his opopening ope peningg a address, es Dr Wong address ess, g Both Dr D Yeo eo and Dr D Kuo uo started tarted by T Tien Hua, H President Pres Pre resident ntt of SMA, SM MA clarifi MA, clari arifi rified Throug Through ugh gh the e use u of diagrams, dia diag iagramsms, analogies analoglogie gie iintroducing introduduci ucing theth h four urr types ty es of UII an a and thee difference differe d feren ence betw betweeneen n uurology gy and g d andndd a short shoror video, ort eoo, Dr Teo eo and Te d DrDr Tan n how oww each h type ty off UI U is diagnosed dia diagnose ia ed and sed d gynaecology, gynaecology gynae gy, and an nd underscored unders derscored cored the illustrated ill illustrarated at how ow to locate loc oc the he prost prostate, sta ta treated. tre treateded. Management d. Managnage agement nt with m ent medication, med medicati ati tio importance ortan ort tance of public e o publi ic awareness blic awar wareness s and an explained plained pla ed how h pr prosta prostate state a te probl problems oblems ms Botoxox inj injec injections, jections,s, surgery, surge ne nerve rve education. du duc u cation. onn. Hee a also lso congratulated c congrat co ratu atulated ed d affe affect ect a man’sma s s sex sexual exual pe perform performance, forma ma stimulations tim timu mulations ns and d otherr treat treatments eatmtm the th organising organisin org rg ing committee ng commmmittee mm e on o a well- w as well ellll a as elab elaborated laborated ed on the he availa available ilab ab were briefly brriefly touched brie to ou d on. on The he speakers e speak aker ker planned nned nn conference d c con onference nce and tthankedked the treatment eaa tment nt modalities, mododd alities, es including inclu cluding clu g also soo dispe dispensed pen ensed h helpful elpful ful ul advice vicce on n speakers speeakers for speak fo setting etting aside se settin asi e time tim to medication m medica ication and and surg surgical urgical g p procedur procedures. roc dur lifestyle f yle changes chanange nges to improve improv rove ve bladder blad add conduct uct the various duct duc v s sessions. session se s on In spit spite e of the th sensitive sens ensitiveive nature na of the control, trol, such as redu tro reducing educing cing one’s o coffee co fee topic, opp ic, both th speakers peak were we e aable abl bl to and nd alcohol a hol intake, intake mai maintaining maintain nin a tainin Thereafter, T reafter, Therea ea th the he part participants articipant ti nts ts adjoi adjoined oin in effectively effectiv ctive ively engage enng the th audience aud udience die e w wit wi with h healthy hyy weight w weigh ht and ght d practising practis p tising is kegel ke kege ege for th thee concurrent concurren con rent talks talk t lks in eithe ei either he their eir candid, candiddid id, and d sometimes, sometimetim imes, hilarious hila hililariousus s exercises. erc rcises.s Participants Partici tic cipantsts s were re e also o English Englis orr M Mand Mandarin. andar darin. The top topic topics pics for illustrations, illu illustrat trations,, drdraw drawing rawingng lloud gu guffa guffaws uffaws s fr from urg d to foll urged follow low so some si simple sim imple e but b his yea year’s year ear’s con conventio convention on tion on were: were ere: e BPH H and an the audience. au ence. Import Importantly, ortantly, ntly, th the spea speakers peakers ers effective ctive cti e strategies, stra es, which wh ch could uld not Prostate ro ostate os e Cancer C ancererr — Men's Me Men e n's Problems Prob ro oblemsms s continually con contin encouraged ntinuallyy encou e uraged their ourag the h aud heir audie audiences diences nlyy help only h stop sto the hee leak, le but ut alsoso enable en That T t Affect A tC Couples; Co Couples Getting les; Getti ing Control tting Con on t keep to epp a healthy healt althy lth lifestyle lifes esty style and nd to remain rem ema ma t them to lead l d a relatively relativivel vely normal norm ormal rm life. life fe. e of Urinary Incontinence; Uri aryy In Incontine tinence; nce; a and Treating Treating vigilant gila ilant and ndd optimis o optimistic mistic iff di mis diagnosed dia sed with se th h Male Ma Infertility ale Infertilit rtility — Wh What Can Be D Done? Don o prostate pr tate probl prostat problems. oblem lems. Legend 1 2 1. Dr Wong Tien Hua delivering his opening address 2. Dr Colin Teo commencing with the first English topic 3. Dr Tan Yeh Hong speaking about prostate problems during the Mandarin session 4. Dr Ng Chee Kwan presenting the token of appreciation to Dr Sharon Yeo 5. Dr Tricia Kuo presenting on the topic of UI 6. Participants discussing 3 their concerns with Dr Colin Teo during break time 7. Dr Joe Lee during the last Mandarin session for the morning SMAA News N / se sep 20155
feature eat ea 7 4 5 6 MALE M ALE E IINFERTILITY IN NFERT RTILITY RT TY Y m mostly mo y pertaining pertainiini ning to o treatment, treatme t ment, th me the he 7 Reproduction eproducti epr p ction ion is a simple ple e and a d natural n al length ngth ngt g of medication med ation use medicati se e and a di dietaryy experience expe rience for most mos couples. couple couuples. However, Howe owever, ver, for intervention terve te ventio tion to d decrease ecr creasase the e rrisk sk of some coup som couples, ouples, s, con c conception onception i is very d ion difficult. ult. the variousrious s u uro urological rologica ical pr problems. prob r oblems. ms. Addressing ddre ddr dressingng g the t issue iss ssue sue off male m infertility infe nfer fertilityy Participants rtici rti ticipants nts ts who o had ha h beenbee een en diagn diagnosed gnosed gno in n Englis English glish sh and d Manda M Mandarin dar arin resp respectively esp spective vel el also aske als al asked ske ked spec specific pe ecific qu questionson ns about abou bout out was as Dr Sim Simon mon Chong, Cho a consult consultant co c ultant at their eir conditions conditi dition ions and mana management. nage agemen ent. The e Pacific Pac fic He Healthca Healthcare caree Specialist Spec st C Cen Centre entrere Q & A sessions sessi were we e obviously obvio y popular p popu opular ar and Dr Joe Lee,ee,, a consultant consult ultantt at at National Nationa N na with the with e participants p partici ticipa ipants as evidenced evide viden enced byb University nive niv versityy Hospital. H Hospita tal. al. thee crowds c cr ds s surrounding surrou s oun unding g tthe h spe speakers pea ea after the aft af he sessions, sessiosions, even si ev during du dur uring tea te ea For or a starstart, art, the th speakers spe rs defi de ned male le break eak and ea d lu lunc lunch! unc infertility nfertility nfer tility and an alsoso ooutlined outl utlined ned the ananatomy atomy of the male of ma reproductive re repr eproductivctive system. sy syst ystem. To T Allll in all,, th A the PuPubl Public ublic Symposium Sym ymposiusium um was sa helplp p tthe au audience ce better ter er under understand erstand ers d big s success success. u ss Hopefully, ss. Hopefefully, the efu he participants partici p cip the function th func nct ction and annd importance impo mpor portance cee of each eac ach walked wa w d away aw with with not no only lyy greater greate ater ter part art of the he male m e rreproductive reprodu ductiv ctive system, sy m, insights sights on sig n the he various variou ouss urolo urological rological al both oth speakers spea used used a number numbmberer of issues, sues, sue es, but ut aalso practi pra practical ctical al knowled knowledge k wledge ge on diagrams d dia iagrams ms and da an analogies. nalogiesi ies. For orr ex example example,ple ho to m how maintain aintain tain in a healt healthy althy life lifes lifestyle festyle so his hii s wife, f e, Mdm m Irenene Lim. Lim im. m . “ Verr y Dr LeeLe use used sed the e analogy a gy of a water w as to kkeep u urologic urological r ica cal problems probl ble blems at bay. b informative ormative orm ea and enjoyable! enj njoyable njo le! I especially espe pec faucett d fau fa dra drawing rawingg water w er fr from a re reservo reservoir rvoi voi found ound th ou o tthe he recommendations reco comm me m endatio ions onon to o illustrate il ate e the path p of sperms. sperms sp rms. The he PUBLIC P PUB UBLIC CFFEEDBACK FEEDB EEDBA K surger surg urger y so sound ound anda useful. u seful. sef l. We’ll ll speakers peake pea akers s also a highlighted highlig high hlightedted factor factors torss tthat at SMA MA News N ws caught c ht up with someme of tthe e definitely efinite efinnitelyy look l out ouut for or ffuturere SMA can c an lead ad to ma male m infertility ale infe nf nfertility tyy aand th the participants p par articipan ants to find out utt their ir tth thoughts houghts ht hts talks,” ta talk alks,” ad add added dded M Md Mdm dm Lim Lim. m various riou rio ious treatreatment eat eatment to options ns such ha as the on th the convention. conv nve vention. n n. use off m medications, me edicatio tions, surgery sur surgeryy and an non- noon- Md Chan Mdm Cha Chhan Siew ew Khin, Khin hin, n, wwho att attende attended nded ed surgical urgical treatments. urg treatment Lifes Lifestyle festyle tyle changes ch es “The symp symposium mpos posiumum is really re ally he helpful. ul t e Mandarin the Mand ndarin rin ta talks w with ith h her he two o such uch h asa exercise exe e and and the e use u off natural nat n al The he spspeake speakers akers are e engaging engag and and tthee sisters, sters ste rs, has thiss to t say,ay, “We e found fou f d remedies re rem es such chh as a supplements sup up men uppleme ents were were ere explanations explanat ex at ations s a are re eas easy as for asy orr laymen l e en ou out u t abou about ou the out he talks t tth ugh through h Lianhe nh he also oc covere coveredred ed by thehe speak speakers. ake to uunderst understand. n sta tand. I feel rerea reassured eassureured re to Wanbao. Wanbao nb . We’ve W e e learnt ntt so m much know tha kno th that h at prost prostate ostatee p pro problems roblemsms don don’t n ’t about boutt the bo th various var us s aspec aspects ects o off All tthree talks concluded ta ks conc ed with w qu question- que n- necessarily nec ecessari arilyy mean me cancer,” ca ncer,” says ys urological urolo al health, hea th, espec especially pecially ally urinary u ry and-answer nd-an nd- -answe wer (Q & A A) segments segm egmentsts wh where w re Mrr Coli C Colin olin Yeo, Yeo a mid middle middle-aged dle-age aged gentle gentleman ntlem eman n incontinence, conti conntinenc ence, whic which ch iss a problem proble blem em inn the par th ar tticipa ticipants pan a nts raised ra d queries q ie es who w whho atte attended te tended d tthe th he English Eng ng nglish talks ta tal alks with witth older old lder wom women.” om omen.” ssep ep 20155 / SMA News ew w
8 feature tur tu Legend 8 9 8. Dr Koh Li-Tsa discussing the topic on UI management 9. Dr Ng Chee Kwan speaking during the medical symposium 10. Lunch symposium participants listening attentively 11. Dr Li Man-kay presenting updates on PDE inhibitors 12. Dr Simon Chong during his segment on managing male sexual dysfunction 13. Dr Lim Kok Bin elaborating on management of testosterone deficiency 14. Dr Leong Hoe Nam, wrapping up the medical symposium with the final topic 10 11 PDE5 P 5 in inhibito iinhibitors’ to effects tors’ effe fects on fec naachiev achieving evi implem implementation im mentatio m e tionion off m male slings sl ffor LLUNCH LUN UNCH The NCHH SYMP SYMPOSIUM SYMPOSIU MPOSIUM e lunch l SIU h symposium s symp mpos p osium m c comm commenced mme m enced d and d maintaining maint m ntai taining erectio er erection tion on in men men, en, and nd d menn suffering suffer s ferin ring from om stres stress ress ss UI. compared the comp th e effectiveness effe effectiven eness ess of the at 1.2 1.25 25 2 5 pmm w with Dr Ng C Chee h Kw Kwa Kwan various ous ou s PDEE inhibito iinhibitors. itors ors Moving ing ng g on, o Dr Koh h ga gave ave an update ate on addressing ddr dd dressing ngg the doc do doctor octor participants pa part articipant ants and an ndd e management the he manage ge nt o gement off overac overactive ra active e bladder, bla thanking th nking Pfi thankin zer er Pte fize te Ltd L foror sponsoring sponso s spo so Accord According A ording rdi to o Dr D Li,, tthere h are are uses es of w with a brief review rev w o of the e c condit condition diti ti the lunch lu nch spread. s spread ad. More than an 70 7 sildenafi denafi den fil for for non-er non-erectile -erectil ctile le d dysfunction dysfunc unction on andd the th co com common ommon n types ty es of treatment treatm atment nt doctors doc docto ctors gatheredred d in thee ballroom b ballroo room om and d purposes, pu purpos poses, sucsuchh as in increasi increasing asingg exer exercise currently cur curren ently approved approved for f use, use including includ t tuned d in to the th talks ks as the they he enjoyed hey enjo joy oy capacity, acity aciity, improving imp mproving ngg cardia c cardiac diac output, outp utpu pu the associated as asso ssociat iated cautca cautionary autionanary notes nottes thee sumptuous s sumptptu tuous bubuffet. buf and ndd incre increasing r reasingngg mem memor m or y p po power. ower.r andd side e effects ffects s of eac each acch treat treatment eat atmentt The session concluded with modality. m modalit ality. lit Shehee tthen inintroduced introducuce ced rec recent ece ce PDEE IINH INHIBITION NHIBI BITION N AND information ormation orm ation shar sharing aring g ono n silden sildenafil denafil afil advances ances an es in treatm treatment tment nt of overac overactive ractiveve NE NEW E W DEVELOPMENT DEV EV OPM EVELOPPMENT NT T orodispersible orodispersibl orodis sible e tablets. table bladder, suc bladde such uch as s ththe usese of be bet beta-3 Dr Li M D Man-ka Man-kay, kay urol kay, urologist ologist and olo an kidkidney dn d n adrenergic adrenenerg ergic agonist, ag st, m mirabegron mirabe abegron n aan and transplant ansplan ans an ant n t surgeon surgeo geon att Li ge L Man an Kay a ayy MANAGEMENT ANAGE AN A GEM EMENTNT T OF botulinum otuu linum m Toxin in n A (Bo(Botox), Bo o tox),, ggiving ivingg Urology Ur Urologlogy Associates, Asso ssocia ociates es, Mount Moununtt Elizabeth Elizab E zab URINARY U URINA NARY A INCONTINENCE IN INC NCONT NTINEN T ENC NC recommendations re recom mmenda m dat ationsns s on when w n to Novena vena ve na Hospital, Ho al, kkicke kicked ked off ff ththe Dr Koh Koh h Li-Tsa, consultant consu nsulta ultant at the prescribe scribe cr e Botox B Bot otox too patients. patien p ientsnts lunch un unc n ch sym symposium m posiu sium u m by outlining o utlinin ning ing the e department dep depart partment nt of o urology, urolo uroology, Changi Cha gi Gen G General en vvarious variou ous us types es of pho phospho ph phosphodiesterase od odiester era Hospital, pital, pit tal, beg began egan her err p prese presentation sentation on n by b (PDE) DE) inh DE inhibitors. nhib hibitors.. AAccor According cordi rding to o Dr D Li, providing rov oviding ov g a recapcap ap of tththe he defi efinition n PDE5 inhibit inhibitors bitors ors are comm commonly mmon monlyy u used of UI and a com comparison omm on off tthe son for ererectile erec rectile dysfunction. le dysfun func on. Through nction. Throroug ug various ious ou s surgical sur urgical o options ptio available. availa ailable. ble various ari ario rious dia di diagram diagrams, ams ms, he el elaborated e orate elaboratated on n Shee also a hig lighte the highlighted he usage ge and usag sage SMAA News N / se sep 20155
feature eat ea 9 MEN MEN AN AND TES TESTOSTERONE ESTOST ES ST TERON ON N consulting co con onsultingng on genital tin ge ulcers. ul . Dr Dr Leong onng MEDICAL M ME EDIC DIC ICAL ALL SYMPOSIUM SYMP S MPOSI M OSIU SIUM M The Medical S ymposium, the Dr LimL Kok Ko Bin, B i a consu consultant su also touched o touch hed on ched several n sever vera sexually eral sexexually x from rom Raffles Raff Hospit Hospital, Ho pital, tal, focused focus cused d on on transmitted ransm an mitte tted diseases, dis ases dispensed dispe spense nsed ed ffinal fin inal seseg segment egment ent nt of the h convention, he con onv n vention o on advice adv on n examination, amina listed lis d treatment trea nt the management nagemgemen m ent off testosterone testost ne c o mme m m e n c e d imme im m m e diatel di dia l y af diate a te r methods hods and tho th a n caucautioned aut utioneded about d abou ut the out deficiency eficie efic ciencycy syndrome syndro drom rome due d to o late l e lunch. lun unch.. DDrr Ng ChChee e Kwan, K Kw wan, Dr Simon Simo mon on rise s e of drug ris d rug resistant re resistan nt gonorrhoea. ant gono no o rrhoea oea ea onset hypogonadism, on hy hyp ypogona ona nadism, m a and nd elaelaborated laborated te ed Chong, hong, Dr Lim Kok ho Ko Bin n and and Dr Leong ng He concluded conclude co ded his uded s talk t byy highlig highlighting h lighting g g on th the ill effects effe ef s o of low w testost te testosterone sterone te Hoe oe Nam N ms spokeke on o pros prostate rostatee health, h hea ealth, h, pelvic elvic pain elv pa syndrome ain syndrodrome me and other forms her form orms ms levels. evels. He also eve elaborated o elab labor borated o on n the sexual s seexuall healt health alth t h , man manage a anage e ment m ent o of of prostatitis, p atitis,, an and nd gave e suggestions su gestio on positive posi ositive ininfluence uence that at improvement mprov nt testosterone stosteron sto to one ne defificiency ci cie ciency syndrome sy syn om syndrom me and d howw GP GPs can G manage an mana nage age such uch conditions. ch condit ditio of testosterone testo te estoster terone levels lev evels vels has on prostate prost proostatee management manage ma agem e ment of ure urethral reth discharge e thral discharg dis arge rge health. Dr he D Lim m tth then hen spoke sp spo poke ext exte extensively xtensively vel ely andnd genital genita ital ulcers, ulcers respe respectively. pectiv tively. ly. about out tes ou testosterone esto stostero erone ro rreplacement replace ep cement em t therapy, herapy, her py, in including ng the he results res re reported reporte orted ed MANAGING M ANAG AG AGING Dr Ng PROSTATE PROSTA Ng Chee STA TATE HEALTH ee HE TH e Kwan, H Kw n, a consu consultant sulta ultant urologist uroro t in n publish published shed d stu studies,, a andnd touched to ed CONCLUSION briefly efly ef fly on alternative alternativ altt tive ve treatment ttreatm atment options. optio opptions. s. at CK Ng Ng Urology ogy & Minimally Min Minimallyy Invasive I vasive The 46th SMA National Medical Surgery,, was Sur was the firstt speaker s eaker at the he Convention — featuring three A mmember e err of o thehe e audience audien dienc ence inquired inqq d Medical edica eddical Symposium. Symposiu Sym sium um. He reported reporte rted ed that t at symposiums comprising 12 about boutt testosterone bo test testosteron erone e replacement rep replacemementt forfor prostate pr te e disease diseas easese is a major m or cause cause e of o talks — concluded with great th the he elderly rly (aged aged ≥ 75 years), yea s), as as he had ad urinary ina nary sym na symptoms ymp mptoms ms in old olde older der me menen and d success in the late afternoon. heard ard at it helps rd that pss ccognitive cognit gnitive nit function func funnctionn listed isted symptoms iste sym ms that hat would w d ident identify i entify tify besides be s ssexual exualal h health. th h. Dr Lim replied m replie plied ed BPH and dp prostatitis. ostati Dr Ng g suggested sug ed The Convention Organising that at results lts s ffromm currententt studies s studie dies on n a wo work workflow orkflow ow ffor GPs Ps mana m managing naging patie pa patients atients s Committee Chairperson, testosterone’s estosterone’s est steron effect ef ect o on cognitive co nitive with w wi ith lower low owwer urinary urin inary tract tra ract symptoms. sym ymptoms ms Dr Ng Chee Kwan, and the rest function func n a are m mixed. mixe Although ixed. Alth ugh h he sawaw The he e first step sttep is s history h y taking tta g and a a of the committee thank all no harm har in ha n trying tr it, t, he h alsoo warned so warne ed thatt ned physical phy cal examination, examina e ination, on, which w in includes udes invited speakers, guests and expectations expectati exp ex tions should atio hould not sho ot be too oo high.h a prostate prostattate examination, exam examinatio ation,, urinalysis, urin urinalysis,sis, participants for taking the time discussion scus sccussion onn on PSA PSSA scre screening creening ee g an and a a to attend the convention. The GENITAL ENITAL ENITAL ULCER ULCERS ERS RS voiding vo g ddiary, iary, if indica indicated. cat ated. Th Thereafte Thereafter,fte te committee would also like to AND A ANND UR URETHRITIS RETHR HRI RI the e next coursecou e of action, actiion, such ction suc as s express their appreciation to Thee final f s speake speaker p kerer for th the dayayy wwas surveillance, surveilla surv eillanc ance, use se of alpha alp blockers, blockers, the convention’s sponsors: Tote Dr Leong ong ng Hoe eNNam, am, mmedical edical al directo d director cto to PDE5 P PDDE5 inh inhibitors nhibitors tors or ad additional tiona 5AR 5ARI AR Board, Lee Foundation, Pfizer Pte at RRophi Clin Clinic, C c, who w spok sp spoke poke on the e and d referra rreferral rral ra to a urologurologist, logist, og can ca be e Ltd, Astellas Pharma Singapore topic opic of genital ge u ulcers cers aand uret urethritis. rethrit hritis. s. decided. de ed d. Dr Ng added adde ded ed that att patients patient ent nt Pte Ltd, Bayer (South East Asia) He presen He presented ented d a chart c lis listing ng tth the he most ost with ith uncom uncomplicated comp mplicat cated prost pro prostate ostate e issues i es Pte Ltd, Eli Lilly (Singapore) Pte common mmon m m infectious in infectio iou ous genital geen ulcers u ulc lc can an be ma managed ed at at their GP clin clinic cwwithth Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline Pte Ltd, SCA and the a e less le common com ommon o onn non-infectious non-inf n nfectiou n ous us appropriate appropria app riate thera therapy. theera Hygiene Singapore Pte Ltd as well ones, nes, follow nes followed owed wed by advice a ce on o questions ques ues s a do doctor ctor should s d raise with w patients pa ients as our product sponsors. MALE MA M ESSEXUAL SE EXUAL AL DYSFUNCTION A DYS YSF SFUNCT CTION C N Next ext up was was Dr Simon S on Ch Chong, Chong ng, g who o began egan eg an his session sess ession on with w a shor sh r t 12 14 anecdote a annecdote te on what what a GP wh G should sho houl ould askk a patient tien tie ient who hoo claims c ms s tthat PDE5 PD inh inhibitors nhib hibitorss do nott wo d w work ork foror them. m. Following Followi F ow wing that, tha that hat Drr CChong ng listed lis d tthe treatments treat treeatmen ents foror erectile rec tile dysfunction, rectile dys dysfunctioction,n, including inclu ncluding g the the use of sildena of sildenafi nafil, low-intensity low low- ow-intens nsity shoshockwave sh hockwave ave therapy erapy and erap era nd others. others rs. Tips s were w giv given give iven on how to ho h om ma manage anage e prema p premature matu ature ejac ejaculation, ja aculatio ation on ass wwell a ass the ttreatme treatmentsment ents opoptionsns available. vailab vai lable.e. DDr Chong Cho hongng also lso highli highlighted ghligh ghted ed P e y ro ni e ’s dis Pe d isease, e as e , a c o m m o n 13 condition ndition that ndi nd tha th ma many any a n men en sufferer from without wit outt realising realisin sing it it. According t . Accord A ording g to Drr Chong, C g, treatment tre treatmtment for male sexual s al dysfunction ysfun ysffunctiotion requires requ quire ires an all-rou all-rounded rounded unded approach, a appproach c as itt can ch, c co-exist co-e o o-exist t with w wit ith many ma an a ny other her heer issue issues. ues es. It shshould ho be used daas an n opportunity opportu opp rtunit unity to screen sc en for fo and d manage manag m nageage associated ssociate ss ted cocondit conditions. ditions. ssep ep 20155 / SMA News ew w
10 president’s forum Always ROOM for Improvement Improvem IImprovement Improvem mprovem Developing Good Habits in Clinical Practice — Part 2 In July’s issue of SMA News, I wrote w about how habits are integrated d into Illustration: Dr Kevin Loy our subconscious routine in clinical cllinical “automaticity” practice. The term “automaticit ty” is the ability to do things without having having to occupy the mind with low-level loww-level details, thereby reducing stress s and function. additional demands on brain fun ction. Many daily actions may seem to be voluntary decisions, but they are, a in behaviour. fact, subconscious habitual beha aviour. It is important to develop good habits h early in one’s professional career c because it is difficult to change habits h acknowledge the patient with simple However, it is not good enough to once they are adopted. Another nother eye y contact. In clinical assessment,, convince ourselves that we can difficulty is in differentiating between we employ focused clinical change; consciously willing ourselves good and bad habits; one can fall into examination pathways but often to correct an ingrained habit is an the latter pattern if not careful. Bad forget to check basic parameters exercise in futility. habits typically form when we try to (eg, blood pressure) that can reveal take shortcuts in order to save time critical information. We need to save New York Times’ reporter Charles or minimise energy expansion. This time; a perfunctory hand wash saves Duhigg, in his book The Power of Habit: is especially relevant in a busy and time, skipping a troublesome per Why We Do What We Do in Life and stressful practice environment. In the rectal examination saves time, and Business, explored the science and midst of high patient load and multiple scribbling a few cursory observations psychology behind habits and how they demands requiring our professional in the notes is faster than keeping can be optimised. According to Duhigg, expertise, time is indeed a commodity concise clinical records. in order to better understand how habits in short supply and doctors have to be form and how we can change them, one extremely efficient. We learn to zoom Developing good habits early is an needs to understand the habit loop. in on critical action items and rank important piece of advice for junior His three-point loop consists of Cue, less important tasks further down our doctors starting their professional Routine, and Reward. internal workflow. careers. However, many among us who have been in practice for years, Since doctors are so fond of mnemonics, Patient communication is one if not decades, have developed habits I have adapted Duhigg’s habit loop into area that often suffers. Dense data that have served us for better or the four Rs of habit: Reminder, Routine, from medical records that require for worse. Old habits die hard, and Reward and Repeat. This breakdown of processing can easily distract us, since no one is perfect, we all have the habit process is very useful when and we forget to smile or even behaviours that can be improved. we are trying to change a habit. SMA News / sep 2015
president’s forum 11 time and energy) and patient safety. THE FOUR RS OF HABIT Like everyone else, we doctors must sometimes rush home on time to attend to personal matters; however, 1. reminder der 2. routine tine 3. reward ard 4. repeat making it a personal policy to try to beat the clock every day can turn into The cue or trigger The routine is the 6JGDGPGƒVVJCV 6JGDGPGƒVVJCV If the brain decides a bad habit. Taking shortcuts to save that signals the whole process that you gain from that the previous brain to go into runs automatically. the routine. steps were time and skipping steps in a procedure automatic mode. If you have a bad worthwhile, it will to save energy may be more efficient, habit such as poor remember and but patients suffer from substandard hand hygiene, you repeat the process. care and are exposed to an increased would want to Alternatively, if an risk of medical error. change this. action is repeated often enough, it will become a habit. To change our established habits, we must refocus on the long-term reward of patient safety. We have to keep reminding ourselves of our ethical conviction to do no harm and to put patient’s safety first and foremost. SETTING REMINDERS Good habits need to be consciously A reminder is a cue that can be learned, preferably from the start. The reward we can expect is the sense visual or situational. For example, the Once a bad routine sets in, change of satisfaction that we have done placement of hand washing facilities becomes difficult. It is said that one our best for each of our patients. We in prominent locations reminds us to cannot actually change a bad habit; should crave for the emotional high wash our hands in the ward. Alcoholic one can only replace it with another. that comes from relieving suffering hand rubs at the foot of every bed are We need to find a more powerful new and giving comfort to a fellow human visual reminders to practise strict hand habit to replace the old one. being. We owe this to our patients and hygiene when moving from one bed to to ourselves. another, examining patients. A patient Let’s take the process of setting an that knocks and enters the consultation intravenous line, which involves many room is a typical situational cue. Do we steps, as an example. First, we ensure PROFILE immediately look up, greet and offer the that the right equipment is at hand. patient a seat to build rapport, or do we Then we explain the procedure to the dive into the notes and sift through the patient, followed by insertion of the history and data, expecting the patient cannula and proper disposal of wastes. to wait for us to initiate the conversation? Doctors who are doing this for the first time need to strictly follow every step We can train ourselves to respond and keep repeating it in order to train to reminders and follow through the brain to learn the right routine. If TEXT AND a sequence of actions based on some steps are left out and shortcuts DIAGRAM BY information that presents during the taken to save time, we may eventually consultation. If a patient offers a adopt the wrong routine. history of smoking, we should pursue Dr Wong Tien Hua further instead of merely checking REFOCUS ON off a box on the case records. Before LONG-TERM REWARD Dr Wong Tien Hua is administering injections, we can use We adopt habits, both good and bad, for President of the 56th the act of retrieving the equipment as a the payoff. Charles Duhigg describes this SMA Council. He is reminder to check the expiry dates and as a kind of craving — a combination of a family medicine to ask the patient about drug allergies. anticipation and desire. For instance, physician practising people who exercise regularly develop a in Sengkang. Dr Wong GETTING THE ROUTINES RIGHT craving for the emotional and physical has an interest in Established routines are the backbone high that comes after a session of primary care, patient of clinical practice because many intense activity, while those who play communication and of the actions we perform daily are video games excessively develop a medical ethics. repetitive. How we interact with our habitual craving for the stimulus and patients and colleagues, perform become frustrated when denied access. procedures and record our findings follow patterns of behaviour that are In clinical practice, there is a conflict refined through repeated action. between self-preservation (saving sep 2015 / SMA News
interview 13 helping to make this a better world. to some extent, made the world a Singapore may be a small country safer place for small countries. The and we are often misperceived as second lesson is that small countries The SMA Lecture was a selfish nation. The truth is that must unite in order to make their instituted in 1963, with the our medical volunteers, hospitals, voices heard and for their interests objective of educating the universities, as well as the Singapore to be taken into account. This is healthcare professionals on International Foundation, Singapore why Singapore founded the Forum medical ethics and related Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Red of Small States and the Global topics. This year, we are Cross Society and Mercy Relief have Governance Group. The third lesson honoured to have Prof Tommy unselfishly contributed enormously is that, for small countries, the law is Koh as the SMA Lecturer. to our neighbours and friends in the both a shield and a sword. We want Prof Koh will be speaking on region. Through their deeds, they to strengthen the rule of law and to Medicine and Diplomacy. have replaced suffering and despair weaken the rule that “might is right”. with relief and hope, taught the This is why Singapore has worked so Prof Koh is currently trainers and left a positive legacy. hard to promote international law and Ambassador-At-Large at the Most important of all, they have the peaceful settlement of disputers Ministry of Foreign Affairs; taught us to believe that we truly through the international legal Rector of Tembusu College; live in one world and belong to one process. The fourth lesson is that Governor of the Lee Kuan human family. we have to be relevant and useful to Yew School of Public Policy; other countries, especially the major Chairman of the International Advisory Panel of the Asia In what ways has Singapore powers. The fifth and final lesson Research Institute; Special contributed to the mission and work is that Singapore has to strengthen Adviser of the Institute of of World Health Organization (WHO)? both its hard and soft power. Medical Policy Studies and Chairman What can our doctors do to help? diplomacy is a form of soft power. of the Centre for International TK: Singapore has played an active Law, National University of and very positive role in the WHO. Singapore. He is also Chairman First, the late Dr Balaji Sadasivan Intrigued by what of the SymAsia Foundation of had served as the Chairman of the Prof Tommy Koh has Credit Suisse and Co-Chairman Executive Board of WHO. Second, to share on Medicine of the China-Singapore Forum, LTC (Dr) Vernon Lee, currently Head and Diplomacy? the India-Singapore Strategic of the SAF Biodefence Centre, Register for SMA Dialogue and the Japan- had worked with WHO, both at its Lecture 2015 to Singapore Symposium. headquarters in Geneva and in the gain more insights field. From 2007 to 2008, he was a on the topic. In anticipation of the upcoming medical epidemiologist in WHO’s Lecture, SMA News conducted office in Indonesia, working on avian Date : an email interview with influenza response and pandemic 7 November 2015 Prof Tommy Koh (TK). preparedness. From 2010 to 2012, he Venue : worked with WHO in Geneva, leading One Farrer Hotel & global health collaborations and Spa, Ballroom 2 pandemic preparedness. Third, Time : Dr David Ho served for two years with Prof Koh, you were the Guest-of- 1 pm to 5.30 pm the Permanent Mission of Singapore Honour and keynote speaker at to the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, the first International Conference To register for the from 2012 to 2014. David’s primary on Humanitarian Medical Missions. lecture, visit http:// duty was to represent Singapore What motivated you to accept at WHO. He did so well that the 37 that invitation? What was your academy. Awarding member states of the Western Pacific key message? of CME points is still Region at WHO elected him as their TK: We live in a very troubled world. regional coordinator and to represent pending approval It is full of conflict, war, suffering, their interests. from Singapore hostility, mistrust and fear. Each Medical Council. of us has a moral duty to do what What lessons have you learned we can to promote peace and from your long career as a understanding, to replace fear with Singapore diplomat? hope and to help those who are in TK: The first lesson is that, pain. I salute the doctors, dentists, historically, the world has been nurses, therapists and allied workers unkind to small countries. The who go abroad on humanitarian founding of the UN in 1945 has medical missions. They are sep 2015 / SMA News
14 interview Dr Jarnail Singh has been Chairman Spread of Communicable dise disease ease of the Civil Aviation Medical Board through Air travel (CAPSCA) in n the (CAMB), Civil Aviation Authority Asia-Pacific, Africa, the Ameri Americas icas of Singapore (CAAS) since his and the Middle East. He is amamong mong appointment in 1997. He is also the the world’s leading experts in current Chairman of the Aviation fatigue management and crew crew-rest w-rest Medicine Subspecialty Training in aviators. Additionally, Dr Sin ngh Singh Committee and the immediate chaired the CAAS Ultra Long Range R past president of the Society of (ULR) Task Force, which enab enabled bled Aviation Medicine Singapore. He the world’s first non-stop ULR R has dual specialist accreditations commercial flight from Singapore Singappore to in aviation medicine and New York on 28 June 2004. occupational medicine and holds an MSc (Occupational Medicine) For his outstanding contributi contributions ions from the National University of to international aerospace Singapore and a Diploma in Aviation medicine, Dr Singh was Medicine awarded by the Faculty honoured with the 2011 of Occupational Medicine, Royal Won Chuel Kay Award by College of Physicians (London). the Aerospace Medical Association and the Public Dr Singh spent his formative Administration Medal (Silver) years as a military flight surgeon for this year’s National Day in the Republic of Singapore Air Awards. He assumed the Force (RSAF). He is internationally appointment of President, renowned for his many achievements International Academy of in aviation medicine. He was Aviation and Space Medicine instrumental in coordinating and in September 2015. implementing an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)-led Dr Jarnail Singh (JS) shares Anti-SARS project in 2003, for the medicine his vision for aviation medicin ne affected States’ aviation sectors. with Dr Gan Wee Hoe, president preside ent He also spearheaded and led ICAO’s of the Society of Aviation global project on Cooperative Medicine Singapore. Arrangement for the Prevention of SMA News / sep 2015
interview 15 Dr Singh, please share with us a little 3 about your growing up years. What made you decide to pursue medicine and later aviation medicine? JS: The pursuit of medicine, in a way, came naturally — I was not too good in maths and physics, and during my time you either became an engineer or a doctor; thus the choice was obvious. I was posted to Tengah and Sembawang Air Bases as a National Service doctor and the rest, as they say, is history. What were some of your most memorable moments as a military flight surgeon in the RSAF? JS: The development and build-up of the RSAF Aeromedical Centre — from the building of infrastructure to the installation of the aeromedical training equipment and clinical facilities — would top the list. I remember using a video of myself losing consciousness in a training Aviation mishaps have been in the main mode of global transmission of centrifuge in the US to justify for the spotlight, especially in the last two communicable diseases. As such, the human centrifuge. At the end of the years. Moving forward, how do aviation sector must play a key role, presentation, the then Minister for you think aviation medicine can alongside the public health sector, to Defence asked just one question: contribute towards the enhancement put in place risk assessment matrices “Where are you going to site it?”. of aviation safety standards, in the with the appropriate responses to area of human factors? mitigate the consequences of these 1 JS: Human factors have contributed public health threats. It has to be a to almost 80% of aviation mishaps “whole of society” approach apace with for a few decades now. Humans have a “whole of government” approach. become the weak link in the entire safety chain. The aviation medicine Aviation medicine is the newest specialist, equipped with both aviation medical subspecialty in Singapore, knowledge and medical know-how, having been formally recognised by is ideally placed to contribute to both the Ministry of Health’s Specialists the understanding of aviation safety Accreditation Board in 2014. Being and intervention in this arena. a relatively young specialty, how can the fraternity promote the The global transmission of diseases awareness and standing of aviation such as the Ebola virus disease medicine in Singapore? and the Middle East Respiratory JS: We play a key role in protecting 2 Syndrome (MERS) constantly the health and safety of the travelling threatens Singapore due to our high public as well as ensuring the safety interconnectivity with the rest of of our military aviators and allied the world through air travel. In your workers in the aviation sector. The opinion, what else must we do to formal recognition of the specialty is enhance our resilience in preventing evidence of the fact that the medical and mitigating against these fraternity recognises this key role. communicable diseases? It is incumbent upon us now to play JS: As a major aviation hub, we that role even better to realise the full must recognise that air travel is the potential of this unique specialty. sep 2015 / SMA News
16 interview What are the vision and mission JS: Training of medical examiners, PROFILE of the International Academy of who are responsible for the medical Aviation and Space Medicine assessments of pilots and air traffic (IAASM)? As the first Singaporean controllers, has fallen behind the who will lead this international advancement of aviation expansion professional body, what are your worldwide, especially in developing thoughts on taking on this global countries experiencing a boom in the leadership position? aviation travel sector. This will be a JS: The Academy was founded in key focus area. INTERVIEW BY 1955 with the objective of promoting and searching for new knowledge in Do you have any words of advice Dr Gan Wee Hoe aerospace medicine and contributing for younger doctors in training to international cooperation among or those who hope to pursue those devoted to education and aviation medicine? Dr Gan Wee Hoe is research in this particular field. the president of the JS: The specialty of aviation Aviation and space medicine are the Society of Aviation medicine is unique and very fields of medicine concerned with Medicine Singapore. challenging in that it covers most the maintenance of health, safety of the other medical disciplines, as and performance of those involved well as psychology in relation to the Legend in aviation or space activity (flight). health, performance and safety of It is an honour to be filling the shoes 1. Assistance visit to HK workers in a unique occupational of eminent and famous people in the Int Airport — for public setting. The specialty offers health events world of aviation medicine. I hope fulfilling, challenging and varied work 2. Then CPT(Dr) Jarnail to fly Singapore’s flag high, but I experiences across military and civil Singh chairing a meeting will need the support of the entire aviation. You are not likely to be a with fellow medical fraternity to do this. staff at the RSAF millionaire, but you’ll definitely enjoy Aeromedical Centre the work! Under your tenure, are there specific 3. Director — Generals of areas in aviation medicine and Civil Aviation Conference Macao 2012 aviation safety that you will drive 4. Leading a panel IAASM to focus on? discussion at the ICAO CAPSCA meeting 5. Won Chuel Kay Award, AsMA 4 5 6. In Bogota, Colombia. Photos by Dr Jarnail Singh 6 SMA News / sep 2015
SCS-SMA Cancer Education Seminar Series 2015 Date: 31 October 2015, Saturday Time: 1 pm – 4.30 pm (Lunch will be provided) Venue: Health Promotion Board Auditorium (3 Second Hospital Avenue) Number of CME Points: Pending approval from the Singapore Medical Council To register, visit p // g g/ y or fill in the form below THEME: PROSTATE CANCER Prostate cancer is the third most common cancer among Singaporean men but early detection can save lives. As a GP, you can advise, encourage and empower your patients to take ownership of their prostate health and adopt healthy lifestyle practices for cancer prevention. So sign up for the SCS-SMA Cancer Education Series to learn how you could be a life changer for the patients you care for. Time Programme GENERAL PRACTITIONERS 1 pm Registration (Lunch will be provided) ARE THE FIRST LINE 2 pm Welcome Address — Mr David Fong, Chief Operating Officer, Singapore Cancer Society OF DEFENCE AGAINST CANCER. 2.10 pm Introduction — Dr Tan Yeh Hong, President, Singapore Urological Association 2.15 pm 1) Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Clinical Evaluation 2) Treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) 3) PSA Screening — Yes or No? The Controversy 4) Prostate Cancer Treatment Options & Robotic Surgery 5) Testosterone Replacement and Prostate Cancer Risk 6) Prostate Cancer Prevention — Myths or Truths 3.45 pm Panel Discussion 4.15 pm Closing Remarks 4.30 pm End of Seminar Supported by: Sponsored by: Please return this slip for SCS-SMA Cancer Education Series to Carina Lee, Singapore Medical Association, 2 College Road, Level 2, Alumni Medical Centre, Singapore 169850. Tel: 6223 1264, fax: 6224 7827 or email: A confirmation email will be issued to all applicants. Name: Handphone no.: Email: Profession/Specialty: MCR no.: SMA member: Yes / No (please circle accordingly) Registration Fees (inclusive of GST) By registering for this event, you consent to the collection, usage and SMA member: Complimentary disclosure of personal data provided for the purpose of this event, as Non-member: $120 well as having your photographs and/or videos taken by SMA and its appointed agents for the purpose of publicity and reporting of the event. Mode of Payment Credit Card VISA/ Master Card no.: Expiry date: / CVV2/CVC2 no.: Cheque (payable to Singapore Medical Association) Bank: Cheque no: Signature: Date:
18 insight 1 A Glimpse into the Past Medicine in Singapore (Part 3) 1889 to 1905: Founding and the first batch This is the third instalment of a series on the history of medicine in Singapore. SMA News / sep 2015
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