Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide

Page created by Ethel Robles
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Class of 1969
Golden Jubilee
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Welcome message from the                                                                                                                             Order of Proceedings
Vice-Chancellor and President
                                                                                                                                                                       The ceremony
                                                                                                                                              The congregation is requested to stand as the procession enters the hall
                                                                It gives me great pleasure to welcome
                                                                the class of 1969 alumni back to the                                                                         Opening
                                                                University of Adelaide to celebrate
                                                                your Golden Jubilee reunion on the                                                                          Inga Davis
                                                                                                                                                                 Chief Executive, External Relations
                                                                50th anniversary of the conferral of
                                                                your degree.
                                                                                                                                                                    Welcome address
                                                                The University is both proud of and indebted to its alumni. You
                                                                are our greatest ambassadors, representing and connecting us                        Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Rathjen AO
                                                                locally and globally through business, industry, government, or
                                                                as volunteers, while bringing benefit to all.
                                                                The University of Adelaide is not its campuses, or its staff and                           The Golden Jubilee address
                                                                students, it is certainly not the Vice-Chancellor! The University
                                                                of Adelaide is in fact the much wider community that stretches                                       Professor Julian Disney AO
                                                                across the globe and which is largely made up of our alumni.
                                                                It is vitally important to unite this community, to bring people
                                                                together through a strengthening of the connections that exist,
                                                                and a sense of common purpose and values.                                                             Vote of thanks
                                                                One of the best things about my role, as an alumnus of the                                                    Inga Davis
                                                                University and now the Vice-Chancellor and President, is
                                                                hearing the wealth of stories about the achievements of our
                                                                alumni. Each and every one of you has a story to tell about the
                                                                unique contributions you have made to your professions and                    Presentation of Golden Jubilee graduates
                                                                communities over the past 50 years, and I look forward to reading
                                                                them in this commemorative book.                                                   Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Rathjen AO
                                                                The Golden Jubilee reunion is also an opportunity for you to return to               to present the Class of 1969 graduates to the Chancellor,
                                                                your alma mater to reminisce about the places, events, people and                Rear Admiral the Honourable Kevin Scarce AC CSC RAN (Rtd)
                                                                activities that made your time at the University unforgettable.
                                                                Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to contribute
                                                                to this book by submitting your biographies, memories and
                                                                photographs. Your valuable input helps to make this booklet a
                                                                treasured memento of your Golden Jubilee.                                                       Inga Davis will close the proceedings
                                                                Just as your graduation day was a memorable experience 50 years
                                                                ago, I hope the Golden Jubilee reunion is also significant for you.                           Group photograph session for graduates
                                                                                                                                                                       Return academic gowns

                                                                                                                                         At the conclusion of the ceremony, those attending the Golden Jubilee Reunion Luncheon
                                                                                                                                                     are invited to proceed to the National Wine Centre of Australia

                                                                Professor Peter Rathjen AO
                                                                Vice-Chancellor and President

2   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                      The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   3
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Past Golden Jubilee Addresses
The first Golden Jubilee Commemoration was held in 1986 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the opening of
Bonython Hall. The graduates and diplomates of 1936 who returned to the University for that first Golden Jubilee
Commemoration began a tradition that is being continued this year by the graduates and diplomates of 1969.

The previous Golden Jubilee Addresses have been delivered by:
1986        C Warren Bonython AO                                2003    Dr Jeanette Linn OAM
1987        The Hon Dr John J Bray AC                           2004    The Honourable Justice Leslie T Olsson
1988        Helen Crisp AM                                      2005    Mathew Wilfred Anthonisz
1989        Dr Mervyn K Smith CBE                               2006    Elizabeth Silsbury OAM
1990        Dr Kathleen Woodroofe                               2007    The Most Reverend Dr Ian George AO
1991        Dr Reg C Sprigg AO                                  2008    John Halbert MBE
1992        Sir Russel Tullie Madigan OBE                       2009    Professor Richard Deane Terrell AO
1993        Kenneth Berndt                                      2010    Robert Cowan (Bob)
1994        Joan Brewer AM                                      2011    Ken Allen AM
            Milton Spurling
            Dr James A Bonnin
                                                                        Professor Richard Blandy (Dick)
                                                                        Dr Cheong Choong Kong                         University of Adelaide
                                                                                                                        Graduates 1969
1997        Dr Alan Kerr Grant AO                               2014    The Hon Margaret Nyland AM
1998        The Hon Dr Samuel J Jacobs AO                       2015    Professor Rob Morrison OAM
1999        Dr Harry Medlin                                     2016    Professor Jock Findlay AO
2000        Emeritus Professor Tasman Brown                     2017    Emeritus Professor John Taplin
2001        Dr Rex Lipman AO                                    2018    Dr Baden Teague
2002        Professor Fay Gale

Graduates, Diplomates, Alumni                                   Acknowledgements
The Enabling State Government Legislation in 1990               The Golden Jubilee Commemoration Ceremony
for the mergers between the University of Adelaide,             and Reunion Luncheon were organised by the staff of
Roseworthy Agricultural College and the City Campus             External Relations.
of the South Australian College of Advanced Education           We would like to acknowledge the University of
conferred graduate status upon holders of University            Adelaide Archives office for its assistance in the
Awards regulated by the Statutes and Regulations.               preparation of this event.
Accordingly, all diploma holders and some certificate
holders are known as graduates in the same way as               A very special thank you to our volunteer Ellen
those with degrees.                                             Randva (B Sc 1973) for her assistance in compiling
                                                                the Commemoration Book. We would also like to
                                                                thank Catherine Sloper for sharing her story, and
                                                                photographer, Meaghan Coles.

4   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Arts                                         Cooper, Anne                Gunn, Angela              Kowalik, Henry            Pope, Alan                          Tuckfield, Brian
Adey, Sandra                                             Cordes, Cedric              Gutte, Kenneth            Kriklewicz, Ernst         Prime, Geraldine                    Turnbull, Robert
Amamoo, Diana                                            Cotton, Isabella            Hackett, Janet            Lane, Sharyn              Purdie, Graeme                      Van Dissel, Dirk
Argent, Christine                                        Crafter, Robert             Haese, Richard            Lawson, Joy               Quinn, Michael (dec)                Vaughan-Williams, John (dec)
Ashenden, Edward                                         Croft, Barry                Haines, Janine (dec)      Leslie, Mary              Rabbitt, Carole                     Veitch, Elizabeth (dec)
Ayre, David                                              Crouch, Colin               Hall, Clifford (dec)      Lewis, Rossalyn           Ralph, Rosemarie                    Vogelsang, Arthur (dec)
Bagdonas, Grazina                                        Crowe, Martin               Hall, Jillian             Lewis, Kay                Rappolt, Jutta                      Von Kolpakow, Andrej
Baker, Brian                                             Dabars, Maris               Hancock, Joelie           Lillingston, Anne         Raven, Deborah                      Wall, Helen
Barratt, Christopher                                     Dahl, James                 Harper, Jane (dec)        Lin, Mary                 Roberts, Malcolm                    Wearing, Gillian
Bartram, John                                            Davis, Isolda               Harrington, Robert        Lohe, Helen               Roberts, David                      Webb, Peter
Beach, Claire                                            Davis, Christine            Hartmann, Jan             Loren, Patrick            Robertson, Janice                   Webbe, Robin
Beaumont, Joan                                           Day, Ronald                 Hartmann, Heather         Lovell, Robert            Robinson, John                      West, Alison
Beverley, Douglas (dec)                                  Ding, Graham                Hartshorne, Peter (dec)   Mableson, Robert          Rodda, Kaye                         West, Clive
Biele, John                                              Dixon(Keele), John          Hastwell, Robyn           Macdonald, Margaret       Rogers, Carolyn                     Westhorp, Peter
Blaikie, Prudence                                        Doherty, Julie              Hauser, Richard           Magnusson, Ronald (dec)   Rosenberg, Norman                   White, Gillian
Bonython, Simon                                          Dreimanis, Dace             Healy, Judith             Mason, Christine          Rosenzweig, Margaret                White, Christine
Bowden, Michael                                          Duance, Raymond             Herbert, Graeme           Matison, Katherine        Rosewarne, Helen                    Wilkins, Peter
Bowden, Suzanne                                          Dudaniec, Colleen           Hetzel, Susan             McCarthy, Paul            Rosie, David                        Wilkinson, Josephine (dec)
Bowering, Helen                                          Duffield, David             Hewton, Terence           Mcinerney, Joan           Russell, Peter                      Wilson, Derek (dec)
Bowley, Desmond (dec)                                    Duffield, John              Hewton, Rosalind          McNeil, Margaret (dec)    Russell, Josephine                  Wilson, Anne
Bradley, Wayne                                           Dunn, Margaret              Hill, Brian (dec)         Meadows, Margaret         Ryder, Leonie                       Wilson, David
Braham, Beverly                                          Durward, Christine          Hill, Diana               Mellor, Wendy             Sander, John                        Wilson, Garry
Broadbent, Perone                                        Dyer, Stephen               Hill, Pamela              Michelson, Jennifer       Schneider, Laurence                 Yeend, Geoffrey
Brock, Margaret                                          Easom, Eleanor              Hodgson, Geoffrey (dec)   Miller, Kay               Schultz, Judith                     Young, Dianne
Broomhill, Giuliana                                      Easson, Lesley              Holthouse, Lindsay        Mitchell, Rosemary        Schumacher, Marie                   Zanker, Judith
Broomhill, Raymond                                       Edhouse, Margaret           Holzberger, Kathryn       Mitchell, David           Scobie, Susan
                                                         Edwards, Elizabeth          Honey, Diana              Muirhead, Valentina       Scott, Geoffrey (dec)               Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Brown, Michael
Brown, Gertrude                                          Farrell, Kerry              Horsnell, Maurice         Naffin, Frances           Searle, Garfield                    Abdullah, Sallehhudin
Browne, Murray                                           Fewings, Anne               Horton, Cynthia           Nankivell, Arthur         Sheppard, Alison                    Abeyasekere, Susan
Brownell, Julie                                          Fewster, Valma              Howard, Heather           Neuage, Lesia             Short, Albert                       Adlington, Gertrude
Bruse, Dale                                              Fleming, Peter              Howland, Maxwell          Nicholls, Virginia        Simon, John                         Allen, Margaret
Burdett, Murray                                          Flower, Richard             Hunter, Ottley            Nicholson, Susan          Sladden, Richard                    Alter, Reinhard
Burley, Stephanie                                        Fookes, Susan               Hutchens, Penelope        Noble, Alan               Smith, Julie                        Andre, Roger
Burnard, Susan                                           Foster, John                Hwa, Teoh                 Noble, Margaret           Stapleton, John                     Blake, Denise
Butler, John                                             fourmy, David               Illman, Margaret          Olasz, Margarete          Steenwoorde, Margaret               Breuer, Margaret
Campbell, John                                           Fowler, Ian                 Innes, Michael            Olssen, Kevin             Stevens, Lawrence                   Buxton, John
Candy, Linda                                             Fox, Patricia               Jackson, Ronald           O’Neill, Vivienne         Swiderek, Alicia                    Cahalan, Peter
Casson, Stirling                                         Galliford, David            Jenkin, Graham            Ortlepp, Judith           Swincer, David                      Chai, Marian
Chesterfield, Norman                                     Garner, Rita                Johnson, Graham           Paterson, Andrew          Sydorowich, Lucie                   Chandler, Margaret
Chiro, Robert                                            Ghee, Richard               Jolly, Susan              Peacock, David            Tapley, Stuart                      Charlton, Charles (dec)
Christian, Ivan                                          Gilbert, Marilyn            Jonson, Keith             Pearce, William           Taylor, Marie                       Connell, Susan
Clark, Avril                                             Gill, Lesley                Kahlbaum, Maxwell         Pedler, Frances           Teh, Yang Heng                      Coombe, Anthony
Clarke, Fairelie                                         Ginters, Anda               Kalnins, Reinis           Perkin, Dianne            Telfer, Helen                       Cooper, Jeanette
Clayfield, Rita                                          Goerecke, Rosslyn           Kay, Elizabeth            Peters, David             Tennosaar, Kulliki                  Davis, John
Clyne, Irene                                             Greet de Boissiere, Lois    Kay, Valerie              Phillips, Barbara         Thomson, Helen                      Dodsworth, Stephanie
Cole, Susan                                              Gregory, Jennifer           Kenley, Ian               Pike, Donald              Tilley, Susan                       Doyle, Frances
Collins, John                                            Grierson, Christine (dec)   Kennedy, Rosemary         Pollard, Rosemary         Tonkin, Susan                       Edge, John
Connaughton, John                                        Grindlay, Frances           Kennedy, Janice           Polson, Gregory           Townsend, Ronald                    Ellis, Lesley

6   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                    The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   7
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Ellis, Robert                                            Van Wageningen, Brian              Gregory, Malcolm
                                                                                                                       Bachelor of Dental Surgery   Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical)            Bachelor of Engineering
Finlay, Susan                                            Verrall, Derek                     Johnston, Ian                                                                                         (Electrical)
                                                                                                                       Brasted, Stuart              Clark, Richard
Gardner, Kevyna                                          Walkley, Jane                      Jones, Robert
                                                                                                                       Castle, Douglas              Foulis, John                                  Baghurst, Andrew
George, Rodney                                           Windsor, Michael                   Ling, Phyllis
                                                                                                                       Choong, Philip               Maley, John                                   Clarke, Darrell
Gillam, Margaret                                         Wood, William                      Loveday, Leonard
                                                                                                                       Dangerfield, Ian             Mitchell, Graeme                              Cleland, David
Goldsmith, David                                         Zweck, Lois                        Lush, John
                                                                                                                       Duke, Paul                   Rudd, Brenton                                 Cuffley, John
Griffiths, Robert                                                                           Meldrum, John
                                                                                                                       Evans, Godfrey                                                             Davis, Barrie
Halstead, David                                          Bachelor of Agricultural Science   Moore, Colin
                                                                                                                       Evans, Margaret              Bachelor of Engineering                       Dick, Gordon
Harris, Colin                                            Baghurst, Peter                    Pearce, Anthony                                         (Chemical) (Honours)
                                                                                                                       Gibberd, Mary                                                              Falkenberg, Ronald
Hawley, Ludmilla                                         Chittleborough, David              Peikert, Trevor (dec)
                                                                                                                       Holmes, William              Fisher, Jeffrey                               Grigg, Donald
Head, Beverley                                           Gallasch, Peter                    Perry, Julie
                                                                                                                       Hunter, Neil                 Hia, Chek Pang                                Harrod, William
Hickman, John                                            Gifford, Dennis                    Reilly, Terrence
                                                                                                                       Janenko, Vladimir            Lee, Cheong                                   Hollams, Robert
Horton, Jennifer                                         Gooden, James                      Trengove, Roger
                                                                                                                       Kyros, William               Szto, Melville                                Jenner, Alan
Jamrozik, Adam (dec)                                     Henderson, Graham                  Watters, Peter
                                                                                                                       Lund, Patrick                Tan, Cheng Yam                                Kong, Ai
Johnston, Brian                                          Horne, Michael                     Wright, Lynette
                                                                                                                       Makiv, Emilian                                                             Krievs, Gunars
Kentish, Michael                                         Kaehne, Ian
                                                                                                                       Mansfield, Christopher       Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)               Lin, Siong Kong
King, Judith                                             Lawrence, Gregory                  Bachelor of Architecture
                                                                                                                       McAuliffe, John              Battye, Peter                                 Rawnsley, Graham
King, Margaret                                           Lewis, David                       Binks, Anthony
                                                                                                                       McRostie, Colin              Budarick, Roger                               Schemeczko, Michael
Krygger, Dianne                                          McArthur, Ian (dec)                Corbet, Mark
                                                                                                                       Miles, Timothy               Chitnuyanondh, Larp                           Vassos, Jim
Lavskis, Peter                                           Meissner, Anthony                  Davidson, Malcolm
                                                                                                                       Mills, Russell               Coats, John
Lewis, David                                             Peters, Brenton (dec)              Drogemuller, Kevin                                                                                    Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                                                       Muggleton, Peter             Cowan, David
Little, Geraldine                                        Portmann, Peter (dec)              Dungey, Peter                                                                                         (Electrical) (Honours)
                                                                                                                       Muggleton, Geoffrey          Forrest, John
Lowery, Sandra                                           Pullman, Alan                      Fielder, Michael
                                                                                                                       Nottage, David               Horn, Richard                                 Bryans, Neil
Madelaine, Richard                                       Richardson, John                   Harry, Dennis
                                                                                                                       Sokolowski, Elisabeth        Lai, Kam                                      Downing, Andrew
Manders, Jennifer                                        Rogers, Peter                      Jarvis, Geoffrey
                                                                                                                       Srikandi, Woro               Luckhurst-Smith, Hugh                         Keane, Philip
Mickan, Peter                                            South, Michael                     Kravinskis, Andrew
                                                                                                                       Strazds, Peter               Moorfield, Peter                              Khoo, Teng
Mills, Alice                                             Stirling, Graham                   Lamb, Allan
                                                                                                                       Watson, Bruce                Ports, Ziedonis                               McPharlin, Terry
Mitchell, Georgina                                       Stoeckel, Mark                     MacCormac, Kym
                                                                                                                       Webster, Graham              Redden, Adrian                                Purdey, Brian
Ogborn, Keith                                            Walkley, James                     McLoughlin, Peter
                                                                                                                       Westerman, Bill              Templer, Graeme                               Quan, Yew Choy
Plavkalns, Gundars (dec)                                 Young, Philip                      Mitchell, John
                                                                                                                       Wetherell, John              Tokmakoff, Victor                             Smith, Neil
Pride, Allan                                                                                Rintoul, Allan
                                                                                                                       White, Richard               Tuncks, Robert                                Wang, Kenneth
Pryor, John                                              Bachelor of Agricultural Science   Sharley, David
                                                         (Honours)                                                     Wilkinson, Thomas            U Lwin, Khim
Ramsey, Stephen                                                                             Stratmann, John                                                                                       Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                                                       Wissell, James               Wang, Khang
Regan, Mary                                              Chapman, Keith                     Sumner, Peter                                                                                         (Mechanical)
                                                                                                                       Yeung, Stephen               Williams, Brian
Saies, Janet                                             Faull, Kym
                                                                                            Ad Eundem Gradum                                        Williams, Mark                                Connolly, John
Scarfe, Janet                                            Fulwood, Peter
                                                                                            Corkery, Peter             Bachelor of Dental Surgery   Wilson, Richard                               Freeman, Robert
Schwerdt, Dianne                                         Grierson, Iain (dec)                                          (Honours)                                                                  Hall, Ian
Scott, Lynette                                           Tan, Go-Keat
                                                                                            Bachelor of Architecture   Kearney, John                Bachelor of Engineering                       Lam, Denis
Seager, Joanne                                           Tan, Beng Huat
                                                                                            (Honours)                                               (Civil) (Honours)                             Polson, Ian
Simpson, Janet
                                                                                            Challen, Malcolm (dec)     Bachelor of Engineering      Fraser, Robert                                Tyler, Christopher
Slee, Christopher                                        Bachelor of Applied Science
                                                                                            Chatterton, Roland         Contos, Cecil (dec)          Fuller, Trevor
Smith, Roger                                             Allingame, George                                                                                                                        Bachelor of Engineering
                                                                                            Evans, Adrian              Craig, Ian                   Gillett, John
Starrs, Christopher                                      Browning, Brenton                                                                                                                        (Mechanical) (Honours)
                                                                                            Gardner, Douglas           Pucknell, Douglas            Horgan, Ian (dec)
Stephens, Maria                                          Drew, Bryan
                                                                                            Lloyd-Jones, Gavin                                      Laing, Ian (dec)                              Blake, Adrian
Stollznow, Paul                                          Edgeloe, Robert
                                                                                                                       Bachelor of Engineering      Padarin, Werner                               Chee, Yan Pong
Strehlow, John                                           Folks, Robert                                                 (Honours)                    Rehn, Mark                                    Lim, Siong Guan
Svilans, Marija                                          Glatz, Anthony
                                                                                                                       Hardy, Michael               Sandery, Dennis                               Presnail, Richard
Tulloch, Graham
                                                                                                                                                    van der Wel, Bart                             See, Leong

8   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                         The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   9
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Economics                                    Tsu Kok, Chin                     Lindh, David                                                   Hill, David                              Riessen, Robert
                                                                                                                         Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor
Adam, Bruce                                              Wagstaff, Peter                   Martin, Brian                 of Surgery                       Hiriyanna, Vidyaranyapura                Risely, Dennis
Adcock, Peter                                            Warne, Gregory                    McEvoy, Leon                                                   Hockley, Bronte                          Rososinski, Andrzej
                                                                                                                         Aleem, Abdul
Ang, Kok Chin                                            Wee, Hean Bee                     McKenzie, Margaret                                             Horwood, Michael                         Saunders, Brian
                                                                                                                         Asher, Michael
Bansemer, Alan                                           Wee Seng, Chua                    Muecke, Geoffrey                                               Hua, Andrew                              Schultz, Terry
                                                                                                                         Babu, Suresh
Beasley, Victor (dec)                                    Williamson, Ian                   Muecke, Robert                                                 Hudson, Michael                          Scobie, Michael
                                                                                                                         Baily, Albert
Bhotiwihok, Sunissa                                      Wing-Kay, Chan                    Nicolle, David                                                 Humphry, Noel                            Sheppard, John
                                                                                                                         Baker, Ronald
Bond, Colin (dec)                                        Wright, Leslie                    Nolan, John                                                    Jarrett, David                           Solomon, David
                                                                                                                         Barbera, Bernardo
Camilleri, Anthony                                       Yao, Souchou                      O’Brien, Timothy                                               Jennings, Reece                          Soo, Gerald
                                                                                                                         Bastian, Peter
Campbell, Andrew                                                                           Parish, William                                                Joseph, Peter                            Soong, Yin
                                                                                                                         Benger, Ross
                                                         Bachelor of Economics (Honours)   Pirone, Pasquale                                               Joyner, Peter                            Strachan, Wendy
Choon, Soon                                                                                                              Bhatia, Sajan
Duncan, Ian                                              Eckermann, Lee                    Plumridge, Piers                                               Judd, Stephen                            Stubberfield, John
                                                                                                                         Blicavs, Gilars
Dunsford, Colin                                          Edgar, Robert                     Quick, David                                                   Juttner, Christopher                     Tang, Sui Tong
                                                                                                                         Bowman, Ronald
Edwards, John                                            Hirst, Jane                       Rice, David                                                    Kerin, John (dec)                        Thatcher, Roger
                                                                                                                         Bruce, Gregor
Ferguson, Malcolm                                        O’Brien, Kevin                    Rice, Anthony                                                  Kitchener, Barbara                       Thompson, Robert
                                                                                                                         Campion, Elza
Forrester, James                                                                           Roberts-Smith, Leonard                                         Lau, Dominic (dec)                       Thompson, Geoffrey
                                                                                                                         Carpinelli, Angelo
Frogley, John
                                                         Bachelor of Laws                  Short, Anthony                                                 Lees, Richard                            Tingay, Helen
                                                                                                                         Carrangis, Heather
Gilbert, Nicholas                                        Anderson, Timothy                 Smith, Robert                                                  Leeson, Robyn                            Tingay, Michael
                                                                                                                         Carrangis, Fredde
Hall, Anthony                                            Apps, Stephen                     Smith, Meredith                                                Levy, Joe                                Trigg, Kym
                                                                                                                         Chin, Chong Yoon
Hill, Malcolm (dec)                                      Bashford, Helen                   Smith, Rosemary                                                Linde, Werner                            Vedig, Alnis
                                                                                                                         Chitti, Francesco
Kheng Ho, Chong                                          Behenna, Rodney                   Solomon, Richard                                               Lloyd, Eric                              Vimpani, Anne
                                                                                                                         Chivers, Robin
Koh, Agapit                                              Bidmeade, Ian                     Stace, Brian                                                   Lovell, Ronald                           Walker, Robert
                                                                                                                         Coleman, Mark
Larcombe, Barbara                                        Burdett, Andrew                   Taylor, Leigh                                                  Mahar, Leo                               Wilkenfeld, Peter
                                                                                                                         Coster, Douglas
Lean, David                                              Caldwell, Priscilla               Ting, James                                                    Malycha, Peter                           Williamson, Geoffrey
                                                                                                                         Couper-Smart, John
Leane, Geoffrey                                          Carabelas, George                 Townsend, Christopher                                          Marin, Raymond                           Willinck, Jan
                                                                                                                         Diu, Kai-Cheung
Lee, Ping Shih                                           Colton, Alan                      Truss, Dianne                                                  McEvoy, Peter (dec)                      Woodhouse, Peter
                                                                                                                         Down, Reginald
Lewis, Nicholas                                          Cooper, John                      Unkin, Victor                                                  McNamara, Brian                          Woodroffe, Andrew
                                                                                                                         Duffield, David
Ling, Kui Hung                                           Cousin, Geoffrey                  Warhurst, Robert                                               McNicol, David
                                                                                                                         Egan, Barry
Loh, Soo Beng                                            Craddock, Rosemary                Watkins, Denise                                                Morton, Peter                            Bachelor of Music
                                                                                                                         Elieff, Christopher
Loh, Jeffrey                                             Crotti, Louis                     Wesley Smith, Peter                                            Munchenberg, William                     Blatt, Ruth
                                                                                                                         English, Donald
McMurtrie, John                                          Daenke, John                                                                                     Need, Allan                              Burternshaw, Leonard
                                                                                                                         Fox, Nigel
                                                         Duncan, Peter                     Bachelor of Laws (Honours)                                     Oakley, John                             Cox, Marcus
Morgan, David                                                                                                            Francis, Roy
Morris, Norman                                           Eaton, Christopher (dec)          Abbott, Anthony                                                Oats, Jeremy                             Eu, Kim
                                                                                                                         Friend, Christopher (dec)
Murch, Robert                                            Engelbrecht, Jay                  Disney, Julian                                                 Ollino, Thomas                           Larsen, Greta
                                                                                                                         Gardiner, Lyn
Need, Barry                                              Field, Frederick                  Jennings, Barry                                                Oswald, John                             Larsens, Gunars
                                                                                                                         Gauvin, Peter
Norman, Anthony                                          Glynn, Robert                     Lutterus, Mai                                                  Partridge, Stephanie                     Larsens, Mairita
                                                                                                                         Gazard, Alison
Nosworthy, Neil                                          Hall, Peter                                                                                      Partridge, Ian                           Miller, Necia
                                                                                                                         Germann, Peter
O’Brien, Kevin                                           Hancock, John                     Bachelor of Mathematical                                       Patterson, Gillian                       Naylor, Bruce
                                                                                                                         Gibberd, Richard
                                                         Hart, David                       Science (Honours)                                              Pauliukeviciene, Annita
Pickhaver, Mark (dec)                                                                                                    Goodman, Hubert                                                           O’Brien, Jennifer
Plews, John                                              Hawker, Adelaide                  Cooper, Thomas                                                 Peisach, Aaron                           Owens, Ian
                                                                                                                         Gupta, Ashok
Plunkett, Michael                                        Homburg, Mark                                                                                    Phillips, Patrick                        Saddler, Christabel
                                                                                                                         Hand, Kenwyn
Reina, Alfonso                                           Hunter, Rex                       Bachelor of Medical Science                                    Philpot, Christopher                     Schrama, Maria
                                                                                                                         Hart, Gavin
                                                         Johns, Brian                      (Honours)                                                      Pols, Rene
Shepherd, Richard                                                                                                        Hayes, Michael                                                            Seager, Janet
Sincock, John                                            Kelly, Graham                     Campbell, Lachlan                                              Pondes, Sandra                           Smith, Mark
                                                                                                                         Hee, Douglas
Srikraivin, Churairat                                    Kennelly, Denis                   Horowitz, John                                                 Porter, Adrian                           Smith, Milton
                                                                                                                         Heinrich, Christopher
Tang, Kwong-Chung                                        Kneebone, Susan                   McKenzie, Peter                                                Potter, Robert                           Thiem, Judith (dec)
                                                                                                                         Henschke, Philip
Taplin, Gary                                             Latimer, William                                                                                 Ramsay, Andrew                           Vick, Melissa
                                                                                                                         Hill, David (dec)
Ting Yuen, Chan                                          Leak, Ronald                                                                                     Reece, Garry

10   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                        The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   11
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Bachelor of Music (Honours)                              Binks-Williams, John    Errington, Robert      Kovaleff, Michael        Philpot, Alison                        Symons, Richard
Edwards, Ross                                            Binns, Andrew           Fielding, John         Kretschmer, Peter        Pierce, Paul                           Ta, Kim
Folauhola, Jillian                                       Blight, David           Flavel, Sally          Krol, Barbara            Pitt, Juliet                           Tan, Heather
Wesley Smith, Martin                                     Bolin, Barbara          Ford, John             Kroon, Gerard            Poole, Leslie                          Teoh, Choy
                                                         Bonnell, Michele        Fowless, Alan          Lahiff, Craig (dec)      Pope, Neville                          Teoh, Chye Tee
Bachelor of Pharmacy                                     Both, Gerald            Frears, Robert         Lambert, Marjorie        Preston, Mervyn                        Teuatabo, Nakibae
Bell, Pamela                                             Botham, Susan           Freeman, Michael       Lambert, Peter           Pudney, Brian                          Thomas, Helen
Dawson, Graham                                           Bottomley, Eric         Gabb, Andrew           Leadbeater, Carolyn      Purdie, Rosemary                       Thompson, Jane
Dollman, William                                         Bowey, Neil             Gallas, Graham         Lee, Ping                Purnell, Arthur                        Thurlow, Graham
Edwards, Robert                                          Bradshaw, Tony          Gallus, Robert         Lee, Peter               Quinn, Kay                             Tidemann, Sonia
Edwards, Roderick                                        Bridges, Malcolm        Gauvin, Drinda         Lemmey, John             Raeside, William                       Ting, Sing Ping
Germein, Peter                                           Bridgman-Lee, Barbara   Germein, Barry         Lindner, Eric            Read, Jeffrey                          Tonkin, Kenneth
Gilbert, David                                           Broders, Nils           Geue, Rodney           Lipman, Judy             Rechner, Anthony                       Towsty, Anatol
Gourlay, Geoffrey                                        Brown, Sandra           Glaetzer, Brian        Lowe, Patricia           Reed, Jeffrey                          Tran, Van Nguyen
Green, Peter                                             Brown, Elaine           Gould, Allan           Lutz, John               Reilly, Peter                          Trojanowski, Edward
Gumpl, George                                            Bruer, David            Green, Pamela          Marks, Raphael           Rencis, Valentis (dec)                 Uszynski, Boguslaw
Gumpl, Peter                                             Bull, Christopher       Grey, Darryl           Marnham, Raelene         Riedl, Norbert                         Van der Hoek, Nafty
Hancock, Richard                                         Bullock, Ian            Hadley, James          Mart, Patricia           Rippin, Susan                          Victory, Ronald
Hynes, Kay                                               Byrne, Trevor           Hall, Robert           Mart, Patricia           Robert, Roger                          Walker, Ian
Lawrence, Russell                                        Cadby, Peter            Hall, Robert           Mason, Douglas           Rogers, Marilyn                        Warn, Robert
Leith, Malvern                                           Carr, Keith             Hancock, David         Mason, Daryl             Rooney, Peter                          Watt, Heather
Roediger, Mary                                           Carr, Nigel             Harlow, Roger          Mastins, Herbert (dec)   Rosewell, John                         Webber, Gregory
Steadman, David                                          Carson, Peter           Haslett, Peter         McCubbin, Janice         Rossiter, Julie                        Wee Khui Chew, Dennis
Stone, Michael                                           Castle, John            Hawes, Catherine       McInnes, James (dec)     Rungie, Campbell                       Whellum, Emily
Tiang, Christopher                                       Caust, Martin           Heath, Deanna          McLeod, Nigel            Russell, Harold                        Whitrod, Denise
Tonkin, John                                             Chandler, Helen         Heath, Robert          Merry, David             Ryan, Dennis                           Williams, Geoffrey
Truscott, Toni-Jane                                      Chau, Woo               Hewish, Dean           Mewett, Trevor           Ryan, Peter                            Williamson, Arthur
Williams, Kevin                                          Chenoweth, Lee          Hewton, Martin (dec)   Miethke, Patricia        Saint, Peter                           Wilson, Allan
Wilson, Mark                                             Christie, Malcolm       Holmes, Nigel          Milligan, John           Schmidt, Bryon                         Winkler, Clive
                                                         Clarke, Marion          Holmes, Trevor         Mitchell, Andrew         Schubert, Brentyn                      Witt, Graham
Bachelor of Science                                      Cohn, Michael           Hope, David            Molde, Trevor            Searle, Colleen                        Wong, Wai
                                                         Correll, Margaret       Hough, Geraldine       Mole, James              Senior, David                          Woo, Kam
Ambler, Gillies
                                                         Couzner, Darryl         Hughes, Robert         Moriarty, Kevin          Sharrad, Robert                        Woods, Martin
Amos, Joan
                                                         Crase, Nicholas         Hurst, Angas           Mular, Michael           Sheriff, David                         Yuen, Rosalina
Andrew, David
                                                         Culley, John            Illman, Richard        Mun, Wong                Sibly, Peter                           Zeidler, Wolfgang
Angove, John
                                                         Cutts, Harold           Ingham, Colin          Murray, Stephen          Simpfendorfer, Margaret                Zuliani, Enzo
Annear, Geoffrey
                                                         Daly, Ross              Jackson, Robert        Murray, Grantley         Sincock, Donald
Aust, Robert
                                                         Dankiw, Wolodja         Jolley, Patricia                                                                       Ad Eundem Gradum
Ayling, Delwyn                                                                                          Ng, Hui Min              Smyth, David
                                                         Davey, Roger            Jones, Rhys            Norman, Trevor           Spencer, George (dec)                  Boyd, David
Bais, Renze
                                                         Dawe, John              Jupp, David            O’Keeffe, Richard        Spencer, Susan (dec)                   Davis, Annie (dec)
Balan, Peter
                                                         Demytko, Nicholas       Just, Jeanette         Olesnicky, Roman         Spencer, Brian
Bampton, Kenneth
                                                         Dippy, Stephen          Kallas, Katrin         Oliver, Lola             Spier, Russell                         Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Barker, William
                                                         Dolling, Colin          Keily, John            O’Malley, Terrence       Stevens, Anthony                       Anfiloff, Wadim
Beaumont, William
                                                         Dowdy, Esmond           Keller, Malcolm        Ottaway, John            Stevens, Judith                        Appels, Rudolf
Beaumont, Rosemary
                                                         Dredge, Michael         Kent, Rodney           Page-Hanify, Elizabeth   Stevens, Michael                       Askins, Paul
Bell, Peter (dec)
                                                         Durdin, John            Kernich, Alan          Palmer, Geoffrey         Stevens, Lea                           Barnes, Lewis
Bell, Timothy
                                                         Eckert, Stanley         Keur, Gertrudis        Partington, Geoffrey     Struik, John                           Baverstock, Peter
Bennett, Michael
                                                         Elksnis, Daina          Kimber, Hubert         Payne, Robert            Surikow, Tatjana                       Beames, David
Bettess, Peter

12   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                             The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   13
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Beart, Philip                                            Marchant, Harvey        Wilson, David                       Morrison, Bruce                                                       Scrymgour, June
                                                                                                                                              Bachelor of Technology
Beech, Thomas                                            Marinoff, George        Wood, Glen                          Morton, Anthony          (Mechanical)                                 Sexton, Betty
Blake, John (dec)                                        May, Anthony            Woods, Walter                       Newbery, Dean                                                         Simmons, Deirdre
                                                                                                                                              Cowan, Colin
Bohm, Robert                                             McAvaney, Kevin         Zadoroznyj, Ivan                    Norley, Kym                                                           Slade, Helen
                                                                                                                                              Ellis, John
Bower, Anthony                                           McKay, Keith                                                Paterson, John                                                        Smith, Colleen
                                                                                                                                              Evans, Owen
Butler, Keith                                            Mitchell, Robin         Bachelor of Technology              Pike, Robert                                                          Smith, Diane
                                                                                                                                              Foster, Malcolm
Callen, David                                            Neuling, John           Ellis, Gregory                      Pilkington, Geoffrey                                                  Taggart, Barbara
                                                                                                                                              Ganley, Robert
Cleave, Geoffrey                                         Nicholson, Brenton      Fisher, Geoffrey                    Quantrill, John                                                       Tomanis, Maija
                                                                                                                                              Hutchens, Noel
Crossing, Peter                                          Noble, Kenneth          Longbottom, John                    Rippin, Kenneth                                                       Trueman, John
                                                                                                                                              Morton, David
Doolette, Dennis                                         Nyunt, Than             Mayberry, Peter                     Salkeld, Phillip                                                      Vincent, Susan
                                                                                                                                              Nesbitt, Leslie
Douglas, Trevor                                          Pain, Anthony           Mudie, Peter                        Saunders, Richard                                                     Walling, Francis
                                                                                                                                              Noesbar, Mahjoeddin
Farrell, Bradford                                        Parham, Richard         Payne, David                        Speck, Barry                                                          Webb, Heather
                                                                                                                                              Sorell, Brian
Faulkner, Ian                                            Petkovic, Mirko         Phillips, Peter                     Stumpo, Sabino                                                        Wiggins, Geoffrey
                                                                                                                                              Stege, Peteris
Finnegan, David (dec)                                    Pincombe, Christopher   Ralph, Gregory                      Thomas, Lee                                                           Wilhelm, Robert
                                                                                                                                              Susans, Geoffrey
Frederiksen, Jorgen                                      Porter, Terence         Rippon, Edward                      Wight, Barry                                                          Wright, Susan
                                                                                                                                              Treloar, Robert
Freund, John                                             Prior, Randall          Sandford, Geoffrey                  Williamson, Robert       Westphalen, Herbert
Frost, Michael                                           Pruul, Hendrik          Tisdall, Trevor                                                                                           Diploma in Computer Science
                                                                                                                                              Whitford, Christopher
Gaffney, Janice (dec)                                    Pryor, David            Varga, Istvan                       Bachelor of Technology                                                Duncan, Bruce
Gara, Andrew                                             Pua, Claudio            Varney, Robert                      (Electrical)             Diploma in Arts and Education                Henshaw, Ian
Glover, Robert                                           Rankin, Don             Vonow, Ross                         Allan, William                                                        Kelley, Graham
                                                                                                                                              Baird, Graham
Gray, Douglas                                            Rashleigh, David        Watson, Charles                     Barker, John                                                          Low, Kim
                                                                                                                                              Bate, Jon
Grevins, Juris                                           Rattley, Robert         Wilkins, Kevin                      Bourne, Leslie                                                        Roper, John
                                                                                                                                              Bennett, Raymond
Guiney, David (dec)                                      Rattray, Alistair       Wilson, Neil                        Brown, David             Bullard, Rosemary
Haines, Allan                                            Rounsevell, David                                           Canala, Giuseppe                                                      Diploma in Education
                                                                                                                                              Buxton, Barbara
Hall, Clive                                              Rowe, Joan              Bachelor of Technology (Building)   Crouch, Brian                                                         Allen, Morris
                                                                                                                                              Chicco, Eddi
Harris, Cathryn                                          Rudd, Lex               Allen, James                        Davies, James                                                         Ayles, Carolyn
                                                                                                                                              Cooper, Grant
Harris, Robert                                           Ryan, Douglas           Argent, Trevor                      Dennis, John                                                          Bahariah, Binti Mahmud
                                                                                                                                              Cornish, Mary
Haselgrove, Maxwell                                      Sauerteig, Kurt         Bone, Graham                        Earl, Roland                                                          Barclay, Peter
                                                                                                                                              Cuttle, Karina
Hemmerling, Malcolm                                      Searle, Peter           Bowering, Bruce (dec)               Eshraghian, Kamran                                                    Baxter, Jeffrey
                                                                                                                                              Davies, Judith
Hergstrom, Ingrid                                        Shedley, Christine      Bricknell, Raymond                  Geisler, Trevor                                                       Bonnett, John
                                                                                                                                              Excell, Ian
Hetherington, Robert                                     Stewart, Judith         Clayfield, John                     Goodale, Roger (dec)                                                  Bowden, John (dec)
                                                                                                                                              Gerlach, Brian
Hewitson, Michael                                        Thiel, John             Dadds, Murray                       Grivell, Maurice                                                      Brinkworth, Peter
                                                                                                                                              Hart, Barry
Hilditch, John                                           Tolstoshev, Paul        Eberbach, Kenneth                   Hau, Christopher                                                      Brougham, Geoffrey
                                                                                                                                              Healey, John
Hoffmann, Philip                                         Tolstoshev, Carolyn     Fee, David                          Jenkin, Alvin                                                         Bryant, Deborah
                                                                                                                                              Holman, Margaret
Holmes, Kerry                                            Vawser, Keith (dec)     Fincher, Garry                      Lawson, Geoffrey                                                      Burford, Peter
                                                                                                                                              Howieson, Suzanne
Horton, Brian                                            Veenendaal, Johan       Fotheringham, John (dec)            Lee, Kam                                                              Carmichael, Samuel
                                                                                                                                              Humphris, David
Ioannou, Noris                                           Ward, Martin            Gerke, Donald                       Lynn, Kenneth                                                         Cheesman, Margaret
                                                                                                                                              Johnston, Helen
Ireland, Trevor                                          Watkins, Brenton        Gunson, Paul                        Miting, Rombe                                                         Choo, Shek Nyen
                                                                                                                                              Kalnins, Miriam
James, Margaret                                          Watts, Clive            Jacob, Robert                       O’Keefe, Peter                                                        Coles, John
                                                                                                                                              Keen, John
Jarrett, Richard                                         Watts, Thea             Jacobs, Thomas                      Partos, George                                                        Cook, John
                                                                                                                                              Kemp, Barbara
Jennings, Leslie                                         Wells, Roderick         Knight, Graham                      Phillis, Neville                                                      Cordes, Cedric
                                                                                                                                              Leverington, Kevin
Johnson, Sydney                                          Westhoff, John          Larwood, John                       Reynolds, Ray                                                         Corney, Robert (dec)
                                                                                                                                              Maschmedt, Judith
Jones, Melvyn                                            White, Miles            Lehmann, Trevor                     Robson, David                                                         Cox, Margaret
                                                                                                                                              McCauley, Kathryn
Kemp, David (dec)                                        Whiting, Malcolm        Mack, Stanley                       Sangster, John (dec)                                                  Curtis, Carol
                                                                                                                                              O’Leary, Patricia
Langsford, Nicholas                                      Whittle, Andrew         Mandziak, Zygmunt                   Seidel, Dennis                                                        Davoren, Kathleen
                                                                                                                                              Ottens, Kevin
Lazareich, Peter                                         Whyte, Penelope         Marshall, Graham                    Smith, Graham                                                         Dawson, Sheila
                                                                                                                                              Outhred, Merrill
Lee, Geok Eng                                            Wilksch, Philip         McNamara, Geoffrey                  Stagg, Trevor                                                         Donnell, Heather
                                                                                                                                              Penaluna, Leslie
Lindner, Bernard                                         Williams, Anthony       Morris, John                        Venus, Richard                                                        Eckermann, Brian
                                                                                                                                              Richards, Peter
                                                                                                                     Wyett, Noel (dec)

14   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   15
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Ellis, Bronwyn                                           Spence, Robyn           Osinski, Krystyna               Taylor, Merridy                                                              Heuzenroeder, John (dec)
                                                                                                                                                    Diploma in Teaching
Field, Lynette                                           Spier, David            Reynolds, John                  Thomas, Janet                      (Secondary General)                       Jaensch, Dean
Fuss, Eric                                               Stewart, Jim            Vining, Robert                  Tonkin, Pamela                                                               Jones, Helen (dec)
                                                                                                                                                    Beck, David
Gallasch, Keith                                          Stone, David            White, John                     Wallbridge, Jill                                                             Le Lacheur, Hellier
                                                                                                                                                    Blencowe, Mark
Gerner, Brian                                            Stow, Hardy                                             White, Kay                                                                   McGowan, Ursula
                                                                                                                                                    Bonney, Suzanna
Grady, Cheryl                                            Strath, Anne            Diploma in Physical Education                                                                                Reid, Ilona
                                                                                                                                                    Burtnik, Krystyna
Green, Ian                                               Sumner, Robert          Amery, Richard                  Diploma in Primary Education       Butler, John
Hall, Terry                                              Talbot, Alec            Bastian, Terence (dec)          Ashenden, Edward                                                             Master of Business Management
                                                                                                                                                    Calvett, Michael
Harris, Elizabeth (dec)                                  Thompson, Helen         Carlsson, Irmgard               Duffield, John                                                               Phillips, Bevan
                                                                                                                                                    Close, Peter
Hayball, John                                            Thomson, Murray (dec)   Close, Peter                    Fowler, Ian                        Couzner, Barry
Hendrick, Jane                                           Tindale, John           Dawson, Bronte                  Horsnell, Maurice                                                            Master of Dental Surgery
                                                                                                                                                    Croxton, Malcolm
Jaroschenko, Ludmilla                                    Treilibs, Verner        Fletcher, Harold                Kahlbaum, Maxwell                                                            Chau, Kai Kin
                                                                                                                                                    Culley, John
Jericho, Adrienne (dec)                                  Veldhuis, Josephine     Geue, Helen                                                                                                  McNulty, Edward
                                                                                                                                                    Ellis, Gregory
Jones, Janette                                           Viggers, George         Kernbach, Jurgen                Diploma in Public Administration                                             Williamson, John
                                                                                                                                                    Golding, Robert
Jordan, Jack                                             Webb, Jennifer          Lindsay, Janice                 Hodges, Charles                    Graham, Francis
Joyce, Neville                                           Webbe, Robin            Miels, Brenton                                                                                               Master of Engineering (Chemical)
                                                                                                                                                    Grant, Lillian
Kieslinger, Hans                                         Welch, Neil             Miller, John                    Diploma in Secondary Education                                               Ryan, William
                                                                                                                                                    Greig, David
Lee, John                                                Wells, David            Murphy, Thomas                  Hartshorne, Peter (dec)            Guster, Lesley
Leske, Michael                                           Westwood, Christine     Nicholas, Jeffery               Kriklewicz, Ernst                                                            Master of Engineering (Civil)
                                                                                                                                                    Hawdio, Anton
Liddle, John                                             White, Graham           Ralph, David                    Molde, Trevor                      Jerram, William                           Woodburn, John
Lumbers, James                                           Whitehead, Lindsay      Rieuwers, Frank                 Stapleton, John                    Keuning, Duurt
Maddison, Brian                                          Whitehead, Millicent    Slade, Lynette                                                                                               Master of Engineering (Electrical)
                                                                                                                                                    Leach, Lynne
Mathers, Roger                                           Whitington, Anthony     Slater, Geoffrey                Diploma in Social Studies          Liepins, Anita                            Keith, Ronald
Mayes, John                                              Whittington, Peter      Smith, Robert                   Andrewartha, Graham                McCarthy, Paul                            Mohd Salleh, Hashim bin
McCluskey, Eileen                                        Wilkinson, David        Spier, David                    Bates, Yvonne                      McElroy, Geoffrey
McFarlane, Peter                                         Williams, Graham        Taeuber, Christine                                                                                           Master of Education
                                                                                                                 Binks, Priscilla                   McKechnie, Anthony
McKenzie, Andrew                                         Wood, Rae               Tierney, Patrick                Blackburne, Penelope               Mortimer, Barry                           Were, Keith (dec)
Milich, Corinne                                          Wood, Eileen            Topsfield, Robert               Chivers, Susan                     Neuage, Lesia
Murphy, Brian                                            Woods, Warren (dec)     Turnbull, John                                                                                               Ad Eundem Gradum
                                                                                                                 Ennis, Margaret                    Pepper, Alan
Murray, Robert                                           Woolven, John           Welke, Wendy                                                                                                 Simons, Martin
                                                                                                                 Fopp, Peter
Nolan, Heather                                           Youngson, Robert        Wyatt, Robert                   Gillies, Heather                   Master of Agricultural Science
Palmer, Eric                                                                     Yandell, Ronald                                                                                              Master of Laws
                                                                                                                 Hawryszkiewycz, George             Boros, Catherine (dec)
Parker, David                                            Diploma in Music
                                                                                                                 Kelly, Janet                       Firn, David                               Coulter, Carol
Paull, Alwyn                                             Moloney, Joanna         Diploma in Physiotherapy
                                                                                                                 Layton, Ronald                     Fletcher, Ian
Pech, Bronte                                                                     Brookman, Heather                                                                                            Master of Science
                                                                                                                 McBratney, Susan                   Horwood, David
Pereira, John                                            Diploma in Pharmacy     Brooks, Jane                    McLean, Gayle                      Howard, Geoffrey                          Barker, Peggy
Pride, Maureen                                           Abbot, Elizabeth        Burgan, Helen                   Owen, Susan                        Lindner, Robert                           Barr, Heather
Purcell, Ian (dec)                                       Badman, Winsome         Carmichael, Janet               Prior, Caroline                    Muirhead, Warren                          Boundy, William (dec)
Pye, Ian                                                 Brooks, John            Chapman, Patricia               Rabbitts, Elizabeth                Rahman, Lutfur                            George, Peter
Reed, John                                               Clipstone, Richard      Colman, Helen                   Settle, Suzanne                    Simpson, Jack                             Hutchens, Helen
Rendell, Jeanette                                        Colley, Desmond         Cowell, Robin                   Sheppard, Felicity                                                           Kilpin, David
Robinson, Erroll                                         Day, Peter              Crowhurst, Lynette              Smoker, Lesley                     Master of Applied Science                 Potter, Ronda
Schoff, Noel                                             Hall, Roland            Dewhurst, Susan                 Wilkinson, Doreen                  Wainwright, Mark                          Reynolds, Sandra
Sexton, Leo                                              Jones, Janice           Fitzgerald, Robyn               Wright, Brenton (dec)                                                        Shaughnessy, Peter
Silis, Maris                                             Kelly, Denise           Kadow, Jennifer                                                    Master of Arts                            Wanstall, Janet
Slater, Ruth                                             Lang, Peter             Lindsay, Lisbeth                Diploma in Teaching                Denholm, Decie (dec)                      Yeomans, Frank
Small, Marlene                                           May, Frank              Quinlan-Watson, Elizabeth       Gould, Sinclair                    Dobrez, Livio
Smith, David                                             O’Brien, Kathleen       Tait, Suzanne
Smythe, Betty

16   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1968 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1968 Golden Jubilee   17
Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee - University of Adelaide
Master of Surgery                                        Ratkowsky, David                  Roseworthy Diploma in
Ad Eundem Gradum
                                                         Shearer, Robert                   Agricultural Technology
                                                         Smith, Meredith                   Crawford, David
Ludbrook, John (dec)
                                                         Smith, John                       Eckersley, Gavin
                                                         Sommerville, Raymond (dec)        Holloway, Robert
Master of Surgical Science
                                                         Spencer, Michael                  Jones, John
O’Loughlin, John
                                                         Swincer, Graeme                   Wigney, Bruce
                                                         Thompson, Glen
Doctor of Education
                                                         Thredgold, Harold                 Roseworthy Diploma
Butler, Janet
                                                         White, Roy                        in Agriculture
Murton, Dennis
                                                         Willard, John                     Boerth, Brian
                                                         Young, John                       Cooper, James
Doctor of Medicine
                                                         Zdysiewicz, Jan (dec)             Davies, John
Beal, Robert (dec)
                                                                                           Elsden, Walter (dec)
Bisazza, Anton                                           Ad Eundem Gradum
                                                                                           Giles, William (dec)
Cameron, Alexander                                       Alston, Angus                     Glaetzer, Colin
Cleary, Edward
                                                                                           Habgood, Richard
Cohen, Alexander                                         Doctor of Philosophy in
                                                                                           Kirkwood, Guy
Elmslie, Ronald (dec)                                    Electrical Engineering
Heddle, Robert (dec)
Lloyd, John (dec)
Lloyd, Christopher
                                                         Cooper, Dennis
                                                         Davis, Bruce
                                                                                           McCallum, Keith
                                                                                           Miegel, Darryl
                                                                                           Philp, Barry
                                                                                                                     1969 Alumni Profiles
                                                         Potter, Robert
                                                                                           Riley, Michael
Marshall, Vilis                                          Smith, Bernard
                                                                                           Roesler, Warren
Nayak, Satyendranath                                     Vladcoff, Adrian
                                                                                           Turnbull, Richard
Doctor of Philosophy                                                                       Usher, Thomas
                                                         Doctor of Philosophy in
                                                                                           Watson, William
Abdi, Wazir                                              Engineering
                                                                                           Womersley, Jonathan
Alcock, John                                             Ketteridge, Ian
Anderson, Ian
Bailey, Lindsay (dec)                                    Doctor of Philosophy in
Barker, Anthony (dec)                                    Mechanical Engineering
Campbell, Robert                                         Morgan, Garth
Casey, Bryan
Cockroft, Bruce                                          Doctor of Philosophy in Science
Doyle, Elizabeth                                         Allison, Graham
Evans, Adrian                                            Cheng, Mee Chooi
Ford, Graeme                                             Cramond, David
Gabb, Bronte                                             Cutten, Dean
Goh, Tong                                                Ellis, Keith
Hankin, Margaret                                         Harries, John
Horton, Brian                                            Lim, Teck Kah
Husain, Imtizaj                                          Pfueller, Sharron
Iverson, Geoffrey
Ledwith, Francis                                         Doctor of Science
Lim, Wah Ching                                           Oliphant, Mark (dec)
Mackenzie, William                                       Welford, Alan
Mackintosh, Erven
Paice, John                                              Ad Eundem Gradum
Phillips, Marlene                                        Oliphant, Marcus (dec)

18   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1968 Golden Jubilee
Delwyn Ayling, RFD                                               Dr Peter Balan OAM                                          Dr Vic Beasley (dec.)                                       Associate Professor Ross Benger

Qualifications                                                   Qualifications                                              Qualifications                                              Qualifications
Bachelor of Science (Hons) (University of Adelaide, 1969)        Bachelor of Science (University of Adelaide, 1969)          Diploma in Arts and Education (University of                Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (University
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration                      Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical, Honours)               Adelaide, 1955)                                             of Adelaide, 1969)
(University of South Australia, 1988)                            (University of Adelaide, 1970)                              Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (University of Adelaide, 1957)      Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
                                                                 Diploma in Business Management (University of               Bachelor of Economics (University of Adelaide, 1969)        (FRACS, 1978)
Honours and awards                                               Adelaide 1977)
                                                                                                                             PhD (Flinders University)                                   Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand
Australian Service Medal (SE Asia) (2003)                        Master of Business Management (University of                                                                            College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO, 1978)
                                                                 Adelaide, 1980)
Centenary of Federation Medal 1901-2001 (2003), for                                                                          University memories
service to successive governors of South Australia as an         PhD                                                                                                                     University memories
Honorary Aide-de-Camp                                                                                                        Vic loved university life and was the first in his family
                                                                                                                             to attend any university classes.                           Camaraderie in curricular and extra-curricular
Reserve Force Decoration (1997), for efficient service           Honours and awards                                                                                                      activities, in a beautiful setting
in the Reserve Forces                                            2016: OAM For service to tertiary education, and to         Career and life accomplishments
Australian Defence Medal (2006)                                  the community of South Australia                                                                                        Career and life accomplishments
                                                                 2016: Award for Teaching Excellence (Australian             Setting up the Flinders University Foundation Course.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Career...first surgeon in Australia to practice
University memories                                              Department of Education and Training)                                                                                   oculoplastic surgery full-time. Clinical Associate
                                                                 2016: Award for Community Engaged Impact (UniSA)            Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self              Professor Macquarie University. Foundation fellow and
Enjoying lunches with friends on the banks of the River
Torrens, in the refectory, and in the city.                                                                                  I think my father would have advised himself to go          later President, Australian and New Zealand Society
                                                                 2013: Emerald Literati Award (Outstanding Reviewer)
                                                                                                                             for postgraduate studies directly after his first degree,   of Oculoplastic Surgeons. Established first ophthalmic
Having cricket coaching and practise under the watchful          1991 and 2014: Award for Excellence in Teaching (UniSA)                                                                 day surgery hospital to receive a licence in NSW.
                                                                                                                             rather than undertaking a second bachelor degree. He
eyes of former South Australian state player Neil                                                                                                                                        Head of oculoplastic surgery Sydney/Sydney Eye and
                                                                                                                             felt he was wrongly advised and, as a result, took much
Dansie and former Australian player Margaret Jude.               University memories                                                                                                     Macquarie University Hospitals.
                                                                                                                             longer than necessary to undertake a PhD.
Watching TV as Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon.                                                                                                                                        Raised four wonderful children with Lesley (deceased
                                                                 When I started in 1965, I saw Uni students graduate
                                                                 from suits and twin sets to jeans, miniskirts and                                                                       2000) and experiencing a successful blended family
Career and life accomplishments                                  maxiskirts, and from neat trimmed hair to “let it all                                                                   with Susan (married 2004) and three step-children.
Undoubtedly, the proudest accomplishment of my 45-               hang out.” Prosh Week was the city procession, the
year career as a Defence Scientist and Royal Australian          SCIIAES vs Med tug-of-war and the Prosh Prang (at                                                                       Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
Air Force Reserve Officer was being appointed an                 Pt Adelaide). The Upper Refectory disco was tops.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Persist...keep on researching and evaluating until you
Honorary Aide-de-Camp to two former governors of                                                                                                                                         eventually find your ideally-preferred career option.
South Australia: Dame Roma Mitchell, AC, OBE, CVO                Career and life accomplishments                                                                                         None of the experience gained in the process will be a
and Sir Eric Neal, AC, CVO between 1991 and 2001.                                                                                                                                        waste. Be true to yourself.
                                                                 CEO of Tyronsea Plastics (Adelaide); founder and
I was a member of South Australian women’s cricket               manager of Montessori School Adelaide; Foundation Head
team from 1970-81 and also a South Australian                    of Marketing; School and Foundation Director of the
representative on the Australian Women’s Cricket Council.        Centre for the Development of Entrepreneurs (UniSA).
I remain a member of the South Australian Cricket                OAM for 35 years of voluntary service to many different
Association and Australian Cricketers’ Association.              organisations. I am still very happily married to my
Watching my niece and nephew grow up, and now                    Adelaide University girlfriend who I met at John Angove’s
observing my two little great-nephews starting                   21st. I have two daughters and five granddaughters.
their journeys.
                                                                 Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self                   There are more opportunities than you can possibly
Establish and keep a circle of close friends who will            take up. The trick is to make the best decision you can
share the ‘ups and downs’ that life bestows on one. My           at the time, then accept the consequences, and do the
friends have meant the world to me.                              best you can with what you’ve got. At the very least, be
                                                                 kind to others.

20   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                     The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   21
Ian Bidmeade AM                                                  Neil Bowey                                                Dr Tony Bradshaw                                            Jane Brooks (nee Cowan)

Qualifications                                                   Qualifications                                            Qualifications                                              Qualifications
Bachelor of Laws (University of Adelaide, 1969)                  Bachelor of Science (University of Adelaide, 1969)        Bachelor of Science (Hons) (University of Adelaide, 1970)   Diploma in Physiotherapy (University of Adelaide, 1969)
Bachelor of Arts (University of Adelaide, 1986)                  Graduate Diploma in Education (Makerere University,       PhD                                                         Bachelor of Science (Murdoch University, 1988)
                                                                 Uganda, 1972)                                                                                                         Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Law Society of
Honours and awards                                               Master of Theology (Hons) (Charles Sturt                                                                              South Australia)
                                                                 University, 2015)
AM awarded in June 2008 for service to public health
and to people with disabilities through contributions                                                                                                                                  Honours and awards
to administrative and legislative reforms, and to                University memories                                                                                                   Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) Prize (1989), for
the community through a range of social welfare                  Eating lunch on the banks of the Torrens.                                                                             performance as the top student graduating in Physics
organisations.                                                                                                                                                                         from Murdoch University
Burr Medal - awarded for being the ‘Best and Fairest’            Career and life accomplishments
tennis player in SA in the season of 1973/1974.
                                                                 Teaching in east Africa and then remote areas of the                                                                  University memories
Service to Tennis - awarded in June 1997 for
outstanding service to tennis in SA, both as a player            Northern Territory. Raising our four children to become                                                               Time spent chatting with other physiotherapy
and administrator.                                               responsible adults and parents.                                                                                       students between lectures and practising techniques
                                                                                                                                                                                       with each other.

University memories                                              Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self                                                                        I also appreciated my year at St Ann’s College (1968)
                                                                                                                                                                                       and the help given to me by tutors.
Banter with other law students                                   If there is something you want to do in life, and you
                                                                 have the opportunity, then provided it won’t do any
Attending the World University Games in Tokyo for                harm to anyone, go ahead and give it a try.                                                                           Career and life accomplishments
tennis in 1966
                                                                                                                                                                                       I had a short career as a physiotherapist because I
                                                                                                                                                                                       wanted to study science; my imagination was captured
Career and life accomplishments                                                                                                                                                        by space exploration. I graduated with a Bachelor of
I played a major role in achieving legislative and policy                                                                                                                              Science in 1988.
reform for primarily SA, but also other state and                                                                                                                                      I then worked for 18 years in a planetarium.
Commonwealth governments in a number of areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                       In the 1970s I married University of Adelaide LLB
Being Deputy Chair and chief author of two volumes
                                                                                                                                                                                       (1967) graduate Clive Brooks, and both of our children
of ‘The Law and Persons with Handicaps,’ as a result
                                                                                                                                                                                       also are graduates.
of the Bright Committee on Rights of Persons with
Handicaps, was a highlight of my early career and                                                                                                                                      After retirement, Clive and I volunteered with Radio
brought significant change.                                                                                                                                                            Adelaide for 11 years and did a lot of bushwalking
                                                                                                                                                                                       together. We are proud of reaching the summit of St
Two publications of which I’m most proud would
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mary Peak in Wilpena Pound twice!
be ‘Health Law in SA,’ and ‘Justice For All, Legal
Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities in SA.’
Travelling overseas twice for tennis, being number one                                                                                                                                 Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
in the state and Tennis Director of Tennis Australia are
                                                                                                                                                                                       Make time in your life to be physically active and
also significant accomplishments.
                                                                                                                                                                                       fit while you are still young, and be adventurous!
                                                                                                                                                                                       Discover how much you can do!
Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self                                                                                                                                         Don’t take good health for granted: you won’t always
In my retirement I published a small anthology entitled                                                                                                                                be young.
‘Sweet Melancholy.’ It took me quite a long time to
truly realise this passion and appreciate the joy it
brought to me. In light of this, I guess I would tell my
20-year-old self to ‘live life as a free spirit and let my
inner poet shine.’

22   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   23
Elaine Brown (nee Patrick)                                       Julie Brownell                                            Ian Bullock                                                Dr Stephanie Burley (nee Fannon)

Qualifications                                                   Qualifications                                            Qualifications                                             Qualifications
Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Physics and Mathematical             Bachelor of Arts (University of Adelaide, 1969)           Bachelor of Science (University of Adelaide, 1969)         Bachelor of Arts (University of Adelaide, 1969)
Physics) (University of Adelaide, 1970)                          Graduate Diploma in Group Work (South Australian          Diploma in Technology                                      Master of Education (University of Adelaide, 1993)
Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies              Institute of Technology)                                                                                             PhD (University of Adelaide, 2003)
(Western Australian Institute of Technology)                     Bachelor of Social Administration (Flinders University)   University memories
                                                                 Diploma in Teaching (Adelaide Teachers College)           I enjoyed the freedom and independence, meeting a          University memories
University memories                                                                                                        wide range of people and gaining a useful qualification.   I have had the privilege of attending lectures by the
Lunches in the refectory and completing assignments                                                                                                                                   outstanding international historians Rude, Phillips and
in the undercroft, near the Maths building, with my                                                                                                                                   Gilchrist, all in the History department.
                                                                                                                           Career and life accomplishments
university mathematical genius friend Rhys Jones, AC,
now an emeritus professor at Monash University.                                                                            With my teaching qualification I taught mostly             On a lighter note, I enjoyed the cheap pies and chips
                                                                                                                           mathematics at Naracoorte, Bordertown and Marion           and gravy in the refectory, along with the coffee in
                                                                                                                           high schools, then Marden Senior College.                  the thick mugs which warmed us up, and endless
Career and life accomplishments                                                                                                                                                       conversations with loyal friends in the underground
                                                                                                                           I was involved in secondary mathematics curriculum         women’s room, Lady Simon.
Creation of my latest book, Physics and Faith (Amazon,                                                                     development, and evaluating and marking
2019), and artwork for the Kathleen Lumley College                                                                         matriculation mathematics examinations.
inaugural greeting cards in 1991.                                                                                                                                                     Career and life accomplishments
                                                                                                                           I was a South Australian Certificate of Education
                                                                                                                           writer and developed Business Mathematics for Year         My career enabled me to play a decisive role in
Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self                                                                             12 (firstly at Marion). I was the subject’s first chief    the development of self-confidence and historical
Use your God-given intuition.                                                                                              moderator and visited many schools in South Australia      understanding in many young adults in their senior
                                                                                                                           and the Northern Territory. With further development,      years in schools. It was rewarding to see students take
                                                                                                                           this subject became extremely popular.                     on the challenges set by historical concepts, analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                      and application of ideas for their futures.
                                                                                                                           Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self             When I returned to the University as a lecturer in
                                                                                                                                                                                      education, I was able to play a role in the development
                                                                                                                           Work hard, take opportunities, follow your interests       and education of student teachers. I could see these
                                                                                                                           and enjoy.                                                 student teachers in school classrooms apply successful
                                                                                                                                                                                      ideas and practices, shared and discussed with me at
                                                                                                                                                                                      the University, and enriching their lives and the lives of
                                                                                                                                                                                      their students. Their appreciation was evidenced in my
                                                                                                                                                                                      award for Teaching Excellence from the University.
                                                                                                                                                                                      I have had a privileged life, and value my relationships
                                                                                                                                                                                      with my husband, children and grandchildren. I
                                                                                                                                                                                      am pleased that I have been able to contribute to
                                                                                                                                                                                      school boards and South Australian homeless in a
                                                                                                                                                                                      voluntary capacity.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
                                                                                                                                                                                      I would have liked to have had more self-confidence to
                                                                                                                                                                                      join in all the extracurricular activities that the University
                                                                                                                                                                                      offered in those days. Obviously too, I would advise
                                                                                                                                                                                      myself to study in a more consistent fashion and extend
                                                                                                                                                                                      my mind, given all the opportunities I had to do so.

24   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   25
John Butler OAM                                                  John Clayfield                                               David Cleland                                              Ginetta Cocks (nee Fassina)

Qualifications                                                   Qualifications                                               Qualifications                                             Qualifications
Bachelor of Arts (University of Adelaide, 1969)                  Bachelor of Technology (Building) (University of             Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic) (University of        Bachelor of Science (University of Adelaide, 1970)
Diploma of Teaching (Sec Gen) (University of                     Adelaide, 1969)                                              Adelaide, 1969)
Adelaide, 1969)                                                                                                               Bachelor of Economics (University of Adelaide, 1975)       University memories
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (University of Adelaide, 1972)        University memories                                          Master of Business Management (University of               My uni life started with being awarded a scholarship
Graduate Diploma of Curriculum Development                       Some of my fondest memories at university were having        Adelaide, 1978)                                            to Adelaide Teachers College by the state government.
                                                                 the opportunity to gain a better understanding of            Master of Biostatistics (University of Adelaide, 1978)     I studied for a teaching degree as well as a science
                                                                 mathematics and physics. Education had changed much                                                                     degree. Initially I found the whole experience daunting.
Honours and awards                                               in my time away from school and I was therefore behind
                                                                                                                              Bachelor of Laws (Queensland University of
                                                                                                                                                                                         I soon made friends and settled into uni life. Among
                                                                                                                              Technology, 2000)
OAM in 2006 for services to education, particularly              on certain parts of the curriculum. I felt embarrassed of                                                               some of my fondest memories: lunch with friends
in the field of geography, as a teacher, author and              what I didn’t understand, but it was not long before a       Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Law Society of         along River Torrens, watching free lunchtime movies
administrator, and to the community.                             camaraderie and respect began to grow between myself         SA, 2001)                                                  organised by the student body in Uni hall, watching the
FACE (Fellow of the Australian College of                        and my classmates. As a mature-age student, I felt that                                                                 moon landing at Uni in July 1969 and the camaraderie
Educators) 1995                                                  my lecturers and peers were happy to assist me when I        University memories                                        in Organic Chemistry classes trying to produce a
                                                                 was struggling, which helped immensely in the long run.                                                                 passable end chemical after following a week long
                                                                                                                              I was involved in The Blacks football club. The Blacks     ‘cooking recipe.’
University memories                                                                                                           had nine teams and I played a game in each team. My
                                                                 Career and life accomplishments                              number was 198.
Being a student at the University of Adelaide in the 1960s                                                                                                                               Career and life accomplishments
was an immersive experience. The Barr Smith Library,             Having my wife and children beside me when I
the Refectory and the Cloisters were favourite hang-outs.        graduated; my wife was my inspiration throughout my          Career and life accomplishments                            I was very proud to be the first in my extended Italian
                                                                 career, and I would not have reached every milestone                                                                    family to attend the University of Adelaide and be
University opened my eyes to so much that was new                without her support.                                         I studied Electrical Engineering at University, then       awarded a degree. Having also gained my teaching
and it expanded my interests.                                                                                                 went on to work as an Engineer and start my own            degree, I was now bonded to the state education
                                                                 I also had the opportunity to supervise my own major         manufacturing company in Adelaide.
I had some of my best experiences from participating             works and be part of drawing attention to more efficient                                                                department for three years‒a small price to pay for
in university societies.                                         and faster building techniques. One such project             It was in my 50’s that I realised that I wanted a career   the financial assistance that I had received. I was sent
                                                                 brought colour television to Australia.                      change and I undertook a law degree. I have now            to Glossop High in the Riverland to teach science.
                                                                                                                              been a lawyer for 20 years practicing in building and      I met my husband in the Riverland. We have three
Career and life accomplishments                                  I am extremely proud to have corrected a major               construction law.                                          wonderful sons, three wonderful daughters-in-law,
I enjoyed 40 years in my career as a teacher, advisor,           design flaw in the construction of cyclone shelters                                                                     and eight grandchildren. One of my proudest
writer, curriculum developer, and administrator.                 under the direction of the Darwin Reconstruction                                                                        achievements in teaching has been to instil a love of
                                                                 Commission after Cyclone Tracy, which will save many         Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self             learning in many students, some of whom have then
I have enjoyed traveling widely, using my experiences            lives in the future.
in writing more than 40 geography books, and in                                                                               Get whatever degree you like! Go to London and work        gone onto tertiary studies.
teaching. I have always enjoyed working with students,                                                                        there if you have the chance.
and helping them to achieve their aims.                          Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self                                                                          Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
In my personal life, marriage has given me great                 Learn what it means to be a professional in your                                                                        The girl that started at the University of Adelaide
pleasures, and so have eight grandchildren. I was very           discipline—the responsibilities to the community it                                                                     was so raw and naive. However, by 20 I had met
fortunate to recover from cancer when I was 25.                  carries—and remember to acknowledge this in other                                                                       some wonderful people who are friends to this day.
                                                                 professionals. Teamwork and understanding are a large                                                                   I enjoyed my time at University . To my 20-year-old
                                                                 part of quality building, and as a constructor it is your                                                               self I say ‘enjoy what’s ahead of you because you can’t
Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
                                                                 responsibility to reflect the quality of all professionals                                                              change a thing!!!’
Believe in yourself – take on tasks that at first seem           involved. You have only touched the surface of what you
beyond you. Keep reading and learning. Knowledge                 will add to your learning in your ensuing years within
and thinking are always to be valued in yourself and             Australia. It is a large country with diverse issues with
others. Be kind to all, both in manner and in actions.           construction, and it holds many challenges. Travel
                                                                 widely across Australia before venturing overseas for
                                                                 more specialised training.

26   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                      The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   27
Rosemary Craddock (nee Smith) AM                                 Lou Crotti                                                     Raymond Duance                                             The Hon. Peter Duncan

Qualifications                                                   Qualifications                                                 Qualifications                                             Qualifications
Bachelor of Laws (University of Adelaide, 1969)                  Bachelor of Laws (University of Adelaide, 1969)                Bachelor of Arts (University of Adelaide, 1969)            Bachelor of Laws (University of Adelaide, 1969)
                                                                                                                                Diploma in Arts & Education (University of
Honours and awards                                               University memories                                            Adelaide, 1965)                                            Honours and awards
AM in 2017, for significant service to local government          The camaraderie amongst my contemporaries and                  Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) (Adelaide Teacher’s        Title “The Honourable” awarded on swearing in as
in South Australia and to the community of Walkerville           students in other years in our comparatively small             College, 1968)                                             a Minister in the South Australian Government and
                                                                 student numbers, as they then were, in the Adelaide            Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration             again when subsequently sworn in as a Minister in the
                                                                 Law School. Being in five Footlights revues and being          (Adelaide College of Arts and Education, 1981)             Australian Government.
Career and life accomplishments
                                                                 the lead in a Law School revue. Guest speakers, plays
Member of the Order of Australia (AM)                            and movies in the Union Hall. Prosh days and being
                                                                                                                                Honours and awards                                         University memories
Mayor of Walkerville Council                                     one of the group that ran the Prosh Day procession
                                                                 and ball in the year when Law School students ran the          Joy Noble Medal for Volunteering (Environment)             Editor of On Dit in 1968.
State President (SA), Local Government Association               Prosh activities.                                              (SA Government, 2006)
State President (SA), Liberal Party of Australia                                                                                Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary International, 2002)            Career and life accomplishments
Federal Vice-President, Liberal Party of Australia               Career and life accomplishments                                                                                           Establishing Cocks Duncan law firm, now Duncan
                                                                 A successful 50-year career in legal practice. Being           University memories                                        Basheer Hannon (1971)
                                                                 actively involved as a committee member in, spokesman          My association with the inspirational staff of the         Attorney General for South Australia (1975-79)
                                                                 for, and pro bono legal adviser to, resident groups in         Geography Department under the leadership of
                                                                 my community.                                                                                                             Minister and Parliamentary Secretary in the Australian
                                                                                                                                Professor Graham Lawton. In particular, Dr Nigel           Government (1987-96)
                                                                 Being a 30-year committee chairman of, Life                    Wace, Mrs Ann Marshall, Dr Roland Twidale and
                                                                 Member of, 30-year vice-president of, and recipient            Mr Mason.
                                                                 of a Distinguished Service Award from, the Rowing                                                                         Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
                                                                 Association of SA.                                                                                                        Never mistake movement for progress. Don’t let
                                                                                                                                Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
                                                                 Being a member of the Jubilee 150 Board of SA and of                                                                      perfect be the enemy of the good. I shall not waste
                                                                 the SA Council of the Australian Bicentenary Authority,        Get involved and take your opportunities when they come.   my time in circumstances where I can do good work.
                                                                 the peak bodies for celebrating, respectively, the 150th                                                                  Positive beats negative every time.
                                                                 anniversary of SA and the 200th anniversary of the
                                                                 landing at Port Phillip Bay.

                                                                 Advice you would give to your 20-year-old self
                                                                 Embrace university life by studying hard, but also by
                                                                 participating in the non-study activities and interests it
                                                                 has to offer. Engage with other students and academic
                                                                 staff. If you are able to attend lectures, tutorials and the
                                                                 campus generally in person, do so. Do not be a student
                                                                 who is at arm’s length from these, and who learns
                                                                 simply via video link and obtaining copies of lectures.

28   The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee                                                                                                                                       The University of Adelaide - Class of 1969 Golden Jubilee   29
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