FriedrichshaFen, september 2nd, 2009            SHOW day #1




                                                                           SILENT REVOLUTION

                                                                        A STELLA PERFORMANCE

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 1                                                          11/09/2009 12:08:24
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ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                                                                             3

                                                                                           CONTENT hIGhLIGhTS
          cHeck tHiS Out!                                                                  ShOW DAy #1 - WEDNESDAy, SEPT. 2ND, 2009

                                                                                           09       Industry View                                              30       Market Report: Uk
          CROPS                               © DOUG MCLELLAN    hAOLI                              OPINIONS FROM DEMO                                                  A REAL bIkE bOOM?
                                                                 PRECISION                          DAy, ARGENbUEhL
          Japanese light and                                     INDUSTRy                  -----------------------------------------------------------------
          lock maker crops is                                                                                                                                  38       Market Report: USA
          searching for someone                                  led lighting producer     10       World bicycle Relief                                                MORE AMERICANS
          to name their antarex                                  Haoli precision                    bIkE FIRMS bACk AID                                                 ARE RIDING bIkES
          brand led lights. drop                                 industry has been in               TO ZAMbIA
          by their stand, leave a                                business for 30 years.    -----------------------------------------------------------------

          name you think fits the                                                                                                                              40       Market Report: France
          product perfectly and
                                                                 it’s giving out its       11       Messingschlager’s
                                                                 newest akslen-                                                                                         CyCLING ON ThE INCREASE
          get a free led light.
                                                                 branded led lights “to
                                                                                                    85th Anniversary
                                                                 the first 30 customers             GERMANy’S TOP
                            A7/408                                                                  MPORTER CELEbRATES                                         41       New Product
                                                                 showing up with a
                                                                 copy of the eSd.”                                                                                      highlights
          CyCLETECh                                                                        14       Skins Debut                                                         ThE bEST AT ThE ShOW
                                                                                A6-419              PRESENTS COMPRESSION                                       -----------------------------------------------------------------
          Swiss mountainbike                                                                        WEAR FOR bIkE MARkET
          pioneer mtb                                            FUSE                      -----------------------------------------------------------------   46       Dainese at Demo Day
          cycletech introduces       TAyA ChAIN                                                                                                                         FULL LINE OF bIkEWEAR
                                                                 functional head to        27       bikewear Series
          the “Opium 7”, a new
                                                                 toe first layer apparel                                                                       -----------------------------------------------------------------
          member of the already      this year taiwanese                                            SPECIAL REPORT ON bASE
                                                                 supplier fuse is giving            LAyERS & TRICOTS
          legendary Opium mtb        chain maker taya is                                                                                                       50       Specialized Charity
                                                                 out a limited number
          series weighing just       celebrating its 40th                                  -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 of free fuse headwear                                                                                  Ride to Eurobike
          over 13kg – but the        anniversary. they’re
          front fork offers 160      giving out chains for
                                                                 scarves. Show them a      28       E-bike Focus                                                        MUNICh TO FN
                                                                 copy of the eurobike               hAN GOES ON ThE                                                     FOR A GOOD CAUSE
          mm travel and the rear     free to the first 40 IBDs   Show daily and get                 ‘SILENT REVOLUTION’
          shock allows a cushy       showing up at their                                                                                                       -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 your free headgear.
          180 mm.                    stand.
                                                                                            all rigHtS reServed. NO part Of tHiS publicatiON may be reprOduced
                                                                                A4-600      WitHOut Specific WritteN permiSSiON frOm tHe publiSHer. NeitHer tHe
                           A2-300                    b4-509
                                                                                            publiSHerS NOr WriterS caN be Held reSpONSible fOr damage Of aNy
                                                                                            kiNd tHat may ariSe aS a reSult Of tHe cONteNt HereiN.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 3                                                                                                                                                                                 11/09/2009 12:08:44
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ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                        5

          WhAT'S ON TODAy?
          DAy 1 - WEDNESDAy, SEPT. 2ND, 2009

          ALL-DAy EVENTS                                   SChEDULED EVENTS
          EURObIkE AWARD 2009                              10:30AM: SIGMA
          Europe’s leading competition for all             Autograph session with Team Saxo bank
          products connected to cycling, held              pro rider Jens Voigt at the Sigma stand
          in conjunction with iF Design, rewards           A5-200
          excellent innovations
          Foyer West                                       11:00AM: SIGMA
                                                           Autograph session with Team Saxo bank
          EURObIkE VISION                                  pro rider Chris Anker Sorensen at the
          The name says it all: Eurobike Vision            Sigma stand
                                                                                                       6:00PM: EURObIkE AWARD                     12:00AM: CORRATEC PRESS
          presents everything imaginable to do with        A5-200
                                                                                                       CEREMONy                                   CONFERENCE
          bikes, From recumbent to the fashionable
                                                                                                       Award and presentation of Eurobike         hall b1-300
          sport of trike riding. Take a test drive in      11:00AM: EURObIkE FAShION ShOW
                                                                                                       Awards 2009
          front of Entrance West                           See the latest colors, trendy cuts, and
                                                                                                       Fashion show stage in hall A4              12:30AM: PRESSEDIENST FAhRRAD
          Foyer West                                       new apparel functions. Visit the Eurobike
                                                           Fashion Show to discover the future                                                    (P-DF) PRESS PICNIC
          ULTRA MOTOR                                      of bike fashion. It's a chance to get an    MEDIA EVENTS                               Presentation of novelties with interviews,
                                                           overview of upcoming collections by all                                                tests and photos. Snacks and drinks will
          Come meet German actor, anchorman and
                                                           leading manufacturers at a glance                                                      be provided
          musician Mola Adebisi as well as actor                                                       9:00AM: WINORA GROUP PRESS
                                                           hall A4                                                                                Graubünden Lounge, Foyer East 1st floor
          Oliver korittke at the Ultra Motor stand                                                     CONFERENCE                                 (across from Press Center East)
          Zeppelin hall 209                                                                            World novelty “do the town:e"
                                                           1:00PM: CRAFT OF SCANDINAVIA                Room Paris, Conference Center Foyer East
                                                           Autograph session with Craft-sponsored                                                 1:00PM: TIME SPORT INTERNA-
          SLIME                                                                                        1st floor
                                                           Team Saxo bank pro rider Jens Voigt                                                    TIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE
          Come meet 4-time Race-Across-America
                                                           A4-305                                                                                 Room Switzerland, Conference Center
          winner Jure Robic at the Slime booth, and                                                    10:00AM: SPECIALIZED PRESS
          see why he chooses to ride E-hub                                                                                                        Foyer West 1st floor
                                                           2:00PM: EURObIkE FAShION ShOW               CONFERENCE
          hall b5-206                                                                                  The topic: Ergonomic and comfortable
                                                           hall A4
                                                                                                       biking                                     2:00PM: LOOk CyCLE PRESS
          CROPS                                            3:00PM: P&k LIE GMbh                        Specialized stand hall A3-206              CONFERENCE
          Debut Japanese exhibitor Crops and its                                                                                                  Room Liechtenstein, Conference Center
                                                           Prominent guest: Olympic, Worldcup and
          Antarex brand are searching for a new                                                        10:00AM: EDDy MERCkx CyCLES                Foyer West, 1st floor
                                                           Tour de France stage winner Olaf Ludwig
          product name. See page 10 of this issue                                                      PRESS CONFERENCE
          for details. help them out and you’ll get a      3:00PM: GhOST bIkES                         Room Liechtenstein, Conference Center      3:00PM: PRESSEDIENST FAhRRAD
          fancy Japanese-design LED light for free         Prominent guest at Ghost bikes: Three-      Foyer West, 1st floor                      (P-DF) ROND TOUR
          at their stand.                                  time German Master Downhill Marcus                                                     Presentation of new products, interviews
          hall A7-408                                      klausmann                                   10:30AM: ADFC (GERMAN bICyCLE              Administration building ground floor at the
                                                           b1-400                                                                                 reception
                                                                                                       CLUb) PRESS CONFERENCE:
          hEbIE                                                                                        CyCLING IN GERMANy
          Watch hebie produce its bootbags by              4:00PM: EURObIkE FAShION ShOW               Room Austria, Conference Center Foyer
                                                                                                                                                  3:00PM: SPECIALIZED PRESS
          hand, all day at the stand. The bags, for        hall A4                                                                                CONFERENCE
                                                                                                       West, 1st floor
          body and bikes, are available in plastic and                                                                                            The topic: Ergonomic and comfortable
          leather.                                         4:30PM: EDDy MERCkx CyCLES                                                             biking
          hall A5-304                                      Autograph session with roadbike hero
                                                                                                       11:00AM: x-TEChNOLOGy PRESS
                                                                                                                                                  Specialized stand hall A3-206
                                                           Eddie Merckx                                CONFERENCE
                                                           hall A1-401                                 Room Switzerland, Conference Center
          SUGOI                                                                                        Foyer West 1st floor
                                                                                                                                                  5:00PM: VAUDE GET TOGEThER
          Design your own apparel on the spot at                                                                                                  Vaude bike shoe launch with champagne
          Sugoi. bring your design or logo on a            5:00PM: FULL SPEED AhEAD                                                               reception
          memory stick, and together with Sugoi’s          Andi beikirch from Team Milram will be at   11:30AM: PRESS TOUR OF ThE
          custom artist adapt it for a jersey, short, or   the FSA stand to sign autographs and to     ExhIbITION
          any other accessory.                             answer your questions.                      Meeting Point: Administration building,    NOTE: ThIS IS NOT AN ExhAUSTIVE LIST. SOME
          hall A6-201                                      hall A3-303                                 ground floor                                EVENTS hELD ExCLUSIVELy IN GERMAN ARE
                                                                                                                                                                 NOT INCLUDED.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 5                                                                                                                                                         11/09/2009 12:08:58
6                          EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

          meSSiNgScHlager                               We WaNt yOur NeWS!
          Older tHaN We
          tHOugHt                                       Exhibitors are welcome to drop in to our office
                                                        in Room Oslo (Foyer East 1st Floor) or our stand
          In our report on page 11, we                  at Foyer West 109 with show news and event
          report that Messingschlager is                information for publication during the show. You
          celebrating its 80th anniversary.             can also email us at                  quick guide tO
          Wrong - the Baunach, Germany-
          based importer is actually 85                                      Tom kavanagh & Jo beckendorff
                                                                                                                     StaNd NumberS
          years old this year. Our apologies!            Kb media Limited, publishers of the eurobike show daily     at eurObike
                                                                                                                     It’s easy to find an exhibitor
                                                                                                                     located in one of the main
                                                                                                                     A or B halls. But where are
                                                                                                                     E1, FGO, FG and ZH?
                                                                                                                     e1 is a mobile hall built mainly for
                                                                                                                     the german derby group in the
                                                                                                                     inner open air ground between halls
                                                                                                                     a5 and b3. e1 divides the open air
                                                                                                                     ground into fg (freigelände = open
                                                                                                                     air ground) (the open air ground
                                                                                                                     west) with mtb and bmX courses as
                                                                                                                     well as exhibitor stands and fgO
                                                                                                                     (freigelände Ost = open air ground

                                                                                                                     for example, if you are looking
                                                                                                                     for apparel maker Skins you’ll
                                                                                                                     find the stand number fg a7/2 –
                                                                                                                     which means they are located at
                                                                                                                     freigelände West, stand number
                                                                                                                     a7/2. ZH stands for “Zeppelin
                                                                                                                     Hall” which houses mainly e-bike
                                                                                                                     suppliers as well as extraenergy’s
                                                                                                                     test track.

                                                                                                                     taya cHaiN'S

                                                                                                                   STAND NO.

                                                                                                                                                The Super Single Alpha
                                                                                                                                            is a new superlight halflink
                                                                                                                                 chain: not only lighter than traditional
                                                                                                                                    halflink chain, it also offers better
                                                                                                                                         adjustability for hub gear and
                                                                                                                                    singlespeed bikes. © TAyA ChAIN

                                                                                                                     To celebrate its 40th
                                                                                                                     anniversary, Taya Chains
                                                                                                                     is giving away 40 goodie
                                                                                                                     bags to the first 40 dealers
                                                                                                                     who attend its booth today,
                                                                                                                     tomorrow and Thursday.

                                                                                                                     present a valid business card and
                                                                                                                     receive gifts including the highly
                                                                                                                     coveted taya chain beer opener
                                                                                                                     and a randomly chosen 9 or 10
                                                                                                                     speed chain, plus the ‘no tools
                                                                                                                     needed’ Sigma link connector.
                                                                                                                     taya chain is presenting an
                                                                                                                     exciting range of new products at
                                                                                                                     eurobike. among them are gSt
                                                                                                                     plated chains, colorful teflon-
                                                                                                                     coated chains and a new high-end
                                                                                                                     Superlight Halflink chain.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 6                                                                                                                                 11/09/2009 12:09:04
ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                                                                                       7

                                                                                                 Taking a test ride at Demo Day. © DOUG MCLELLAN

          SuNNy WeatHer bOOStS demO
          day turNOut aNd SmileS
                                                                                                aeschbacher agreed.
          The well-tanned Bernd Reck, Argenbühl’s
          tourism manager, had just about promised                                              “it’s really important that people
                                                                                                can understand what’s going on
          sunny weather for Tuesday’s Demo Day. And                                             with the bikes, not just see the
          he delivered.                                                                         bikes,” he said.

                                                          “exhibitors are really happy. it is   at fSa, demo day goers could
                                                          very, very, sunny weather. the        try exact replicas of a number
                                                          organization, i heard, is very        of famous bikes used by riders,
                                                          good, and there were enough           including ivan basso’s team
                                                          bikes for everyone,” he said.         liquigas ride.

                                                          eurobike will consider expanding      “this is a real opportunity to
                                                          the event next year, although         test a real bike,” said fSa’s
                                                          Heidrich said it will stay in the     maurizio bellin. bellin said the
                                                          same place. “We have enough           surroundings contributed to the
                                                          space to have more exhibitors,”       demo experience. “this is a great
                                                          he said. this year’s event            venue,” he said. “the weather is
                                                          attracted 109 booths from 92          perfect. the people are not just
                                                          exhibitors.                           looking around. they are very
                                                                                                focused on the products.”
                                                          Heidrich said he was particularly
                   Adjusting a crank at the Fuse booth.   pleased about the boost in
                                  © DOUG MCLELLAN
                                                          number from visiting journalists.
                                                          “the interest from the press is
                                                          great,” he said. “the topic of
          “What would you want to have
                                                          bikes is very important for an
          more, when the weather is like
                                                          amazing number of people.”
          this?” said reto aeschbacher,
          global marketing manager for
                                                          He singled out the service
          Scott, as he gestured toward the
                                                          providers such as Shimano and
          bright blue sky.
                                                          crank brothers for helping make
                                                          the demo run smoothly.
          the demo day “testival” drew
          larger crowds than last year’s
                                                          exhibitors said most retailers
          event, according to preliminary
                                                          were from germany and other
          figures from eurobike. the
                                                          german-speaking markets. but
          number of retailers attending
                                                          recumbent maker Hp velotechnik
          rose to 1,680 from last year’s
                                                          hosted several retailers from italy
          1,400, while the number of                                                               Icletta’s kirk Seifert drew plenty of attention in his
                                                          and france on tuesday morning,                      aerodynamic bike. © DOUG MCLELLAN
          visiting journalists climbed
                                                          said marketing manager paul
          sharply to 630 from last year’s
                                                          J.W. Hollants.
                                                                                                exhibitors said demo day
                                                          the demo is essential for niche       provided a nice way of setting
          the turnout, combined with the
                                                          products like the ones velo-          the stage for the “real” business
          sunshine, helped make demo
                                                          technik makes, Hollants said.         at friedrichshafen, which opens
          day manager dirk Heidrich a
                                                          “for recumbent manufacturers,         this morning.
          little more relaxed. He came last
                                                          it’s the most important thing,”
          year as an attendee, but this was
                                                          Hollants said, noting that his        “When the show opens
          Heidrich’s first year as project
                                                          company exhibits at the interbike     tomorrow, we will all be wearing
          coordinator for the event.
                                                          demo day every year. “people          nice clothes, handing out
                                                          have some wrong perceptions           business cards, and trying to
          “We were very lucky about the
                                                          about these things. you have to       write orders with retailers,”
          weather,” Heidrich said, noting
                                                          get them on them so they can          Hollants said. “this is the fun
          that the day passed without any
                                                          experience them.”                     part of the trade show business.”
          major problems.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 7                                                                                                                                  11/09/2009 12:09:08
8                           EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

      Industry views ... at Demo Day
      WHat prOduct impreSSed yOu mOSt at demO day?
      CARLOS RESENDE                                          TILO ZIGAN                                   FRANS VAN
      Omega brasil - Sao paolo, brazil                        radstudio - Hannoversch-münder, germany      INGELGEM
                                                                                                           vlaamse Wielrijder & biker
      i have come all the way from brazil to                  until two years ago i wasn’t interested      - belgium
      test focus and bmc bicycles. i enjoyed                  in e-bikes because the engines were
      this one, which is very stiff and has                   lousy, and so were the batteries. but        the first impression is
      a clean design and a very modern                        we started with them last year and are       that this demo day is very
      look. it’s a commercial product, with a                 testing some more for this year, like this   crowded. there’s a very
      black-and-white design that will appeal                 one from flyer. they have become a           stimulating atmosphere
      to consumers..                                          really interesting product.                  out there. i started by
                                                                                                           testing a bmc bike, an
                                                                                                           affordable model to be launched next year. my
                                                                                                           legs are not so good, but the bike is great.

                                                                                                           DAVID AbESSER
                                                                                                           Zrt racing - Heidelberg,

                                                                                                           i was impressed with
                                                                                                           cannondale, because of
                                                                                                           the system integration.
                                                                                                           it’s stiff and compliant. it
                                                                                                           just fits. in a way, it feels
                                                                                                           like you’re not sitting on
                                                                                                           the bike, you’re sitting
                                                                                                           into it.

                                                                                                           hEIkkI kUVA
                                                                                                           Sporttimyyja - finland

                                                                                                           this ar Series felt bike
                                                                                                           is fantastic, just as i had
                                                                                                           heard. it’s responsive
                                                                                                           and light. it basically felt
                                                                                                           like an extension of my
                                                                                                           legs. as for the X-bionic
                                                                                                           shorts, they fit perfectly
                                                                                                           and are comfortable,
                                                                                                           which is all i ask of them. Just excellent.

                                                                                                           NADIA ZANONI
                                                                                                           fiab (italian federation of
                                                                                                           bicycle friends) - milan, italy

                                                                                                           at home i have three
                                                                                                           bikes. One of them is for
                                                                                                           urban transportation,
                                                                                                           another is a trekking and
                                                                                                           cross bike, and the other
                                                                                                           is for leisure. this gepida
                                                                                                           bicycle is just beautiful for
                                                                                                           me. i could use it for different purposes.

                                                                                                           bike marczinzik
                                                                                                           - Warendorf, germany

                                                                                                           i’ve only had a quick look
                                                                                                           around so far but saw
                                                                                                           some very interesting
                                                                                                           things. this Orbea road
                                                                                                           bike was already a good
                                                                                                           bike last year and it has
                                                                                                           been improved further this year. i enjoyed the
                                                                                                           carbon frame, and some tuning has made it
                                                                                                           much stiffer.

                                                                                                           id bike - riel, Netherlands

                                                                                                           i have not been at
                                                                                                           eurobike for five
                                                                                                           years and am hugely
                                                                                                           impressed. it’s turned
                                                                                                           into a major event,
                                                                                                           and this demo day is a
                                                                                                           super move. i’ll never
                                                                                                           tire of telling people that
                                                                                                           bicycles are products you need to touch, feel
                                                                                                           and ride.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 8                                                                                                                      11/09/2009 12:09:16
ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                                   9

          Welcomes ZIV as a new partner
          germaN market figureS preSeNted at eurObike OpeNiNg
          Eurobike kicked off yesterday with Demo Day at Argenbuehl, but back at the Messe, industry                                                          On the subject of e-bikes, he remarked
                                                                                                                                                              that some 25,000 units were sold in
          leaders and Messe management gathered in the morning to present the latest facts and figures on
                                                                                                                                                              germany in 2005. “by 2008, sales figures
          the world’s biggest bicycle trade fair, as well the German bicycle market. Along with Accell Group                                                  had risen to approximately 100,000 units,
          CEO Rene Takens and Shimano Germany’s Bernhard Lange, the trade fair bosses were joined for                                                         and we anticipate an additional rise in 2009
          the first time by Two-Wheeler Industry Association (ZIV) President Rolf Lemberg.                                                                    to some 120,000 units sold.”

          klaus Wellmann, ceO messe friedrich-                                                                                                                rene takens, ceO of the accell group,
          shafen, emphasized that eurobike was
                                                                                                       Messe FN CEO Wellmann; Eurobike Project Manager        told the assembled journalists that he is
                                                                                                       Stefan Reisinger; ZIV President Rolf Lemberg; Accell
          not only significant for the world market                                                   Group CEO Rene Takens; bernhard Lange of Shimano        often asked why the bicycle market is not
          and the european market, but also was
                                                                                                                                    Germany. © MESSE FN       collapsing. “i just change the subject from
          hugely important for the local german                                                                                                               bike sales to cycling and the reasons for
          market: “So we are very pleased to                                                                                                                  its popularity,” he said. “Whatever else
          welcome our new partner Ziv.”                                                                                                                       happens in the world, aging (of the popula-
                                                                                                                                                              tion) goes on, so people have more free
          Wellman said the show would again                                                                                                                   time. mobility is another need, and there is
          break records in 2009 with 1,028 direct                                                                                                             also health consciousness and sustain-
          exhibitors from 42 countries, and 100,000                                                                                                           ability – these things will not change.”
          square meters of exhibition space thanks
          to the construction of new halls and                                                                                                                moreover, he said, there is more attention
          facilities. He noted that construction on                                                                                                           being given to cycling from governments.
          new approach roads had been halted for                                                                                                              for suppliers, takens said they should
          the duration of the show. the number        important partner for the friedrichshafen       nearly 8% by the end of June 2009                       realize that it is now a buyer’s market.
          of bus shuttles was also drastically        show. Ziv president rolf lemberg                compared to the same period the                         consumers show their own preferences
          increased this year to help reduce          presented an overview of the current            previous year.                                          for the type of bike they want, and
          congestion: the messe shuttles now          market in germany.                                                                                      suppliers can no longer dictate this.
          serve 200 hotels in the area.                                                               according to the findings of the                        regarding the outlook for 2009, takens
                                                      “even though our industry is doing relatively   Ziv association, a total of 2,554,000                   pointed to the uncertain economic
          Stefan reisinger, eurobike project          well compared to the overall situation,         bicycles were delivered to the                          prospects, but noted that cycling is set
          manager, said the number of exhibitors is   we do not live in total isolation, but are      german bicycle market in the first                      to increase in popularity thanks to social
          up more than 10% on last year.              also affected to a certain degree by the        six months of 2009 compared to                          and demographic trends in the areas of
                                                      repercussions of this crisis,” he said.         2,774,000 in the first six months of                    health, environment, aging population and
          representing 75 companies, german                                                           2008.                                                   mobility.
          industry association Ziv is now an          domestic deliveries of bicycles declined by                                                                                                    - Tk

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 9                                                                                                                                                                      11/09/2009 12:09:23
10                                      EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

                                                                                                                               F.k. Day.
                                                                                                                           © PETER hUMMEL
      F.k. Day, president of World bicycle Relief and executive vice president of SRAM Corp., delivers a bicycle to Mary                                      Cynthia Nyeleti (front right) and other students at Chilyabale basic School in Chongwe District, Zambia, display the
Lewanika, a grade 7 student at Ndapula Community School near Chongwe, Zambia. In June, World bicycle Relief began                                             bicycles they have received as part of World bicycle Relief's bicycles for Education Empowerment Program (bEEP).
  distributing nearly 50,000 bicycles to students, teachers and community school volunteers as part of the bicycles for                                       Cynthia and other students like her will use the bicycle to cut their commute times to school four-fold, reducing their
                                                     Education Empowerment Program (bEEP). © LEAh MISSbACh DAy                                                exposure to exploitation and increasing their capacity to learn. © LEAh MISSbACh DAy

         'It means a future'
         bike-backed aid grOup tO SeNd 50,000 bikeS tO Zambia
         Zambian children will receive about 50,000 bicycles over three                                                                     this covers the bicycle, which is                                     project Zambia provided about 23,000
                                                                                                                                            assembled in Zambia, as well as the                                   bicycles to healthcare volunteers,
         years under the latest project by World Bicycle Relief, the aid                                                                    cost of training one mechanic for every                               enabling them to take care of more people
         organization launched four years ago by SRAM and Trek.                                                                             50 bicycles distributed. World bicycle                                without neglecting their own families.
                                                                                                                                            relief trains the mechanics and gives                                 in addition to the beep project, World
         the bicycles should help thousands of                                 executive vice-president of Sram, who                        them the tools the need to set up their                               bicycle relief is active in several other
         children attend school in rural Zambia.                               now spends nearly all of his time on World                   businesses, which they repay by offering                              african countries. it has teamed up with
         recipients are at acute risk of poverty                               bicycle relief. “a bicycle makes a huge                      free first repairs. Studies by the Zambian                            land-o-lakes, a large american dairy
         and suffer from the region’s appalling                                difference in this part of africa. it means a                ministry of education, which supports                                 producer, to provide bicycles for farmers
         rate of Hiv/aidS infections. they                                     future.”                                                     beep, shows that only 58 percent of                                   in kenya. about half of the farmers’ milk
         often have little opportunity to attend                                                                                            eligible Zambian children go to school.                               is spoiled in transfer, but the spillage is
         school because they have to take over                                 day discussed plans for the latest program                   by the seventh grade the rate drops to                                sharply reduced with the use of a bicycle.
         household duties from parents who are ill                             during tuesday’s demo day.                                   25 percent, and it is even lower among                                another 1,000 bicycles will be assembled
         or deceased.                                                                                                                       girls. “the first children to be taken out of                         in Zimbabwe under a contract with the
                                                                               launched in June, the bicycles for                           school are girls,” day said. “yet the list of                         World Health Organization.
         “it sometimes takes two to three hours                                education empowerment program (beep) is                      benefits of keeping them in school is the
         for them to walk to the nearest school,                               focusing on about 5,000 Zambian schools. it                  length of your arm. they marry later, have                            another objective of World bicycle relief
         and they just can’t afford to lose so much                            expects to spend $8 million on bikes, for an                 more awareness of health issues, more                                 is improving the productivity and working
         productive time per day,” said f.k. day,                              average of $134 a bike.                                      self-confidence, you name it.”                                        methods in african factories to boost the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  volume and quality of their output.
                                                                                                                                            World bicycle relief is allocating about 70
                                                                                                                                            percent of the bicycles for girls. the bikes                          “from 10 to 15 million bicycles go into
                                                                                                                                            are formally owned by the community                                   sub-Saharan africa each year, and but
                                                                                                                                            and given to families as long as they send                            most of them fall apart within months,”
                                                                                                                                            their children to school. the buffalo-brand                           day said. “by providing advice and
                                                                                                                                            bicycles are assembled in Zambia from                                 training in africa, we could raise the local
                                                                                                                                            parts made in india, china and taiwan.                                production to 80 million bicycles per year.
                                                                                                                                            day described them as “single-speed                                   that is totally achievable, within ten to
                                                                                                                                            steel warhorses” that are built to last.                              fifteen years, but has to be entirely for
                                                                                                                                            World bicycle relief was established in                               profit. that’s the only way to do it”.
                                                                                                                                            2005, in response to the tsunami that
                                                                                                                                            devastated coastal areas in several                                   World bicycle relief is financed by
                                                                                                                                            asian countries in december 2004. the                                 individuals, companies and some
                                                                                                                                            organization teamed up with World vision                              foundations. it reaped donations totaling
                                                                                                                                            Sri lanka to donate more than 24,000                                  about $2.2 million in 2008, much of which
                                                                                                                                            bicycles, all of them assembled locally, to                           came from bicycle retailers.
                                                                                                                                            members of the stricken communities.
                                                                                                                                            the aid organization then turned to                                                                                              - bS
                                                                                                                                            Zambia, again working with other aid
                                                                                                                                            organizations, to help people affected by
                                                                                                                                            the Hiv/aidS crisis.

                                                                                                                                            Mary Lewanika, a grade 7 student at Ndapula Community School, rides the bicycle she
                                                                                                                                            received as part of World bicycle Relief's bicycles for Education Empowerment Program
                                                                                                                                            (bEEP). In partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Education, World Vision and other
                                                                                                                                            non-government organizations, World bicycle Relief will provide nearly 50,000 bicycles
                                                                                                                                            to students, teachers and community school supporters in the 16 poorest districts in
                                                                                                                                            Zambia.. © LEAh MISSbACh DAy

 -ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11/09/2009 12:09:34
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          meSSiNgScHlager celebrateS itS 80tH aNNiverSary
          As well as a wealth of new products, German importer Messingschlager GmbH &                                                                  tiniest screw to complete bicycles.
                                                                                                                                                       it will be expanded again early next
          Co. KG is celebrating two notable events at Eurobike.                                                                                        year. messingschlager keeps about
                                                                                                                                                       2,400 different items from several
                                                                                                                                                       asian companies in stock, “plus a
          The first is a new booth. “Due to
                                                                                                                                                       similar amount based on customer
          space problems we developed a
                                                                                                                                                       requests.” the number is still
          completely new, two-floor booth,” said
          martin buchta, marketing and product
                                                                                                                                                       “Our 2004 catalog had 150 pages,”
                                                                                                                                                       buchta said. “this year’s catalog has
          the second is a commemoration of
                                                                                                                                                       300, which means it has doubled over
          the family-owned company’s 80th
                                                                                                                                                       the last five years.”
          anniversary. benno messingschlager,
          general manager, is the third genera-
                                                                                                                                                       the company employs about 100
          tion of messingschlagers to head the
                                                                                                                                                       people and plans on annual sales
          company. He’s been in charge since
                                                                                                                                                       growth of 5 to 10 percent a year.
                                                                                                                                                       “Our steady growth helps us cope well
          because of his longtime contacts with
                                                                                                                                                       with the recession because we didn’t
          asian producers, messingschlager
                                                                                                                                                       engage in rampant, uncontrolled
          and his team are able to deliver even
                                                                                                                                                       growth. Our company is based on a
          small quantities of products quickly
                                                                                                                                                       wide and stable foundation,” messing-
          to Western wholesalers, bicycle
                                                                                                                                                       schlager said.
          suppliers and producers.
                                                                                                                                                       the company has focused on
          “many industry participants under-
                                                                                                                                                       high-end products in recent years,
          estimate the costs when importing
                                                                                                                                                       buchta said, and works with several
          products from asia themselves. Our
                                                                                                                                                       asian component brands including
          customers pay a single price that
                                                                                                                                                       mighty, cN Spoke, Novatec, Smart,
          includes all costs such as customs
                                                                                                                                                       velo, kenda and tange that seek
          and shipping. they don’t have to deal
                                                                                                                                                       to strengthen their image in the
          with those. We have the experience to
                                                                                                                                                       european market.
          handle this,” messingschlager said.
          financing is also easier than when
                                                                                                                                                       messingschlager itself also develops
          buying through the company, he said,
                                                                                                                                                       private label products. at eurobike,
          because messingschlager customers
                                                                                                                                                       messingschlager plans to reveal its
          don’t have to tie up as much money        benno Messingschlager, the third generation of his family
                                                    to run the German importing company Messingschlager                                                fifth brand - “our first high-end brand”
          up front.                                 Gmbh & Co. kG. © MESSINGSChLAGER
                                                                                                                                                       - that will focus on mainly carbon fiber
                                                                                                                                                       road bike parts, wheels and frames.
          today, messingschlager serves more
          than 1,000 customers in 45 countries,    “We were the first buying source for                         and with business growing in North
          from europe to North africa and North    many bicycle customers in eastern                            america, the company last year
          america. When the berlin Wall fell,      europe. this led to good contacts                            established a u.S. warehouse in              STAND NO.
          messingschlager, based in baunach,       not only with customers but also with                        ames, iowa, with its partner, cycle
          benefitted from its location close to    suppliers,” benno messingschlager                            Source group. in baunach, a huge           A5/100                      - Jo
          eastern europe.                          said.                                                        warehouse stores everything from the                            beckendorff

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 11                                                                                                                                                          11/09/2009 12:09:45
12                          EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

                                                                                                                                      birgit Mattmann handles the Eurobike floor plan.
                                                                                                                                                       © MESSE FRIEDRIChShAFEN

          birgit Mattmann
          tryiNg tO keep 1,000 eXHibitOrS Happy
          Every exhibitor at Eurobike knows Birgit Mattmann. If they haven’t met Eurobike’s
          project coordinator for exhibitor services in person, they have undoubtedly talked to her
          on the phone or traded e-mails with her. Mattmann and her team are responsible for
          coordinating the show's floor plan. That’s no easy task for the world’s largest bike show.

           for nearly 10 years, mattmann has           but the situation quickly gets           “it’s fun to talk to those people
           been the first point of contact for         complicated. “Some exhibitors want       a couple of times over all those
           eurobike exhibitors. the number of          to be in another hall. Others want a     years, and then see them in person
           people she deals with can sometimes         larger booth space that we can’t give    once a year at eurobike,” she said.
           be overwhelming, and this year was          them at their current spot,” mattmann
           “kind of tough,” she said with a smile.     said. “moreover we have always an        this year, as usual, you can find
           “While the show itself is only four days,   overwhelming number of inquiries that    mattmann in her office, located
           my job at eurobike is full time. right      i am constantly working on. believe      in the corridor between the
           after each show we go through the           me, we try our best!”                    West entry and Hall b1.
           post-show process. Within four weeks                                                 “the people searching
           we have to answer all callbacks, check      mattmann and her team are constantly     for me will find me,”
           the booth dismantling and settle our        dealing with competing interests, so     she said.
           final accounts,” she said.                  some exhibitors inevitably end up with
                                                       less than they wanted. mattmann must     What kind of bike does
           When work on one show ends, work            sometimes feel like a punching bag,      she ride?
           on the next year’s show begins.             but she would never admit it. “in our
           registration is open from the end of        current situation sometimes we can't     “i have a trekking bike and a
           October to the end of January, and          give everyone what they want,” she       mountain bike. as a citizen of
           mattmann’s team begins working on           said. blame eurobike’s phenomenal        meersburg, i would say i am a
           the floor plan in february. you might       success. this year there will be about   typical short-distance commuter,”
           think it’s an easy job because longtime     1,000 exhibitors. Having worked in her   mattmann replied.
           exhibitors will just book their regular     job since 2000, mattmann knows many
           space.                                      of them in person.

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 12                                                                                                                                          11/09/2009 12:09:57
ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                       13

          WiNOra grOup fOcuSeS ON
          Xlc acceSSOry liNe
          At Eurobike, Germany’s Winora Group—a subsidiary of
          the Dutch conglomerate Accell Group—is emphasizing
          its stable of individual brands.
                                                                       lesch said. “all in all we have more
                                                                       than 12,500 different parts and acces-
                                                                       sories in stock. it doesn’t matter where
                                                                       you are within the eu market—we
                                                                       deliver within 48 hours.”

                                                                       Wbp is an exclusive distributor for
                                                                       a number of premium accessories
                                                                       brands. it publishes a 1,200-page
                                                                       catalog and maintains a b2b Web site
                                                                       for its retailers in seven languages.
                                                                       and Wbp also manages a large
       Wiener bike Parts has designed new promotional displays for
          retailers to help sell its xLC brand of accessories. © WbP
                                                                       and growing private label business
                                                                       under the Xlc brand. the company
                                                                       has developed new pOps, in-store
          “We want to be more focused on the                           displays and other promotional tools
          individual products and images of our                        for retailers.                                                                          Martin hsu, general manager of kind Shock.
                                                                                                                                                                                     ©JO bECkENDORFF
          complete bike brands: Winora, Staiger,
          Sinus, Hai and Hercules. moreover, we                        the company offers them to ibds
          want to put our growing Wiener bike                          under its “easy to sell” program, which
          parts business in the spotlight,” said                       let retailers create attractive presenta-
          bernd lesch, in charge of exports for                        tions of such products as grips, seats
          the Winora group.                                            and panniers.                                  kiNd SHOck iNtegrateS pump,
          road racer engelbert Wiener began                                                                           gauge iN SuSpeNSiON fOrk
          making Winora bikes in 1914. today,
          the Winora group also oversees the                                                                          Kind Shock always has a stylish booth, but its new
          Hercules brand, which dates to 1886.
                                                                                                                      product range is equally stylish. For 2010, the Taiwanese
          in addition to managing one of the                                                                          parts manufacturer is introducing a load of innovations.
          oldest bike brands in the business,
          Winora also manages one of the oldest                                                                       Have you ever seen an air         “that’s how cyclists can avoid
          parts and accessories wholesalers,                                                                          spring suspension fork with       any long-lasting pressure
          Wiener bike parts (Wbp), which its                                                                          an integrated pump? kind          points,” Hsu said.
          founder began in 1918.                                                                              © WbP
                                                                                                                      Shock’s new apg fork features
                                                                                                                      a pump integrated into the head   another kind Shock product for
          accell acquired Winora in 2002, but it
          is still in many ways a family business.                                                                    tube. a pressure gauge also is    2010 is a new high-end shock,
          it is led today by Susanne puello, the                       an in-house product management                 incorporated in the fork. “this   the “climbmax cX 9.5,” for
          great-granddaughter of engelbert                             team creates Xlc products. “Our Xlc            new product is focusing on the    aggressive cross-country riders.
          Wiener. She inherited it from her father,                    brand’s know-how is rooted in the long         growing trekking and city bike    it offers a laundry list of adjust-
          bernd Seuffert, who inherited it from                        experience that the Winora group has           segment,” said martin Hsu,        able features such as rebound,
          Wiener, his grandfather, in 1955.                            through its Oem business with leading          kind
                                                                                                                        ind Shock’s general manager.    travel, lockout and compression.
                                                                       european complete bike producers,”             the apg will be available for     “this one is very easy and fast to
          the Wbp distribution business has                            lesch said.                                    24- and 26-inch wheels and        adjust,” Hsu said.
          become more important as the accell                                                                         700c wheels.
          group focuses on boosting parts and                          at eurobike, Wbp will have a separate
          accessories sales in europe along                            presentation at the Winora group
                                                                                                                      another innovation is kind
          with its primary business of selling                         stand.
                                                                                                                      Shock’s “cp 5” suspension
          complete bikes.                                                                                             seat post in its mcu series.
                                                                                                                      Instead of a rigidly fixed              STAND NO.
          “today, Wbp is one of the leading
                                                                                                                      saddle, an elastomer ball
          bicycle parts and accessories                                      STAND NO.
                                                                           B5/200                                     inside the post allows the
          wholesalers in the market. from our
          headquarters in Schweinfurt we serve                                                             - Jb       seat to move slightly from                                            New APG fork

          more than 5,000 ibds worldwide,”                                                                            side to side.                                               has an integrated pump
                                                                                                                                                                        in the head tube. © kIND ShOCk

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 13                                                                                                                                                                11/09/2009 12:10:08
14                          EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

          cOmpreSSiON piONeer SkiNS fOcuSeS ON
          Skins, a compression performance wear maker with roots in Australia, has hired                                                               BF: i was an owner and director of a
                                                                                                                                                       cycling team in australia and worked
          its first director for the cycling market, Benjamin Fitzmaurice. This underlines how                                                         closely with cycling australia, national
          seriously the young technical apparel company, now headquartered in Steinhausen,                                                             coach Shayne bannan, and the High
                                                                                                                                                       performance unit.
          Switzerland, takes the bicycle segment. ESD’s Jo Beckendorff talked with Fitzmaurice
          about the company’s focus on cycling.                                                                                                        being an owner of a cycling team means
                                                                                                                                                       that you are part manager, marketer,
                                                                                                                                                       gofer, logistics, politician and business-
          ESD: muscle-supporting compression                                                               ESD: Could you explain the benefits of      man.
          performance wear is a booming                                                                    compression wear?
          product category for the sports and                                                                                                          i have also been involved in the cycling
          outdoor markets. How serious is                                                                  BF: Skins’ compression garments deliver     media as a freelance journalist and
          Skins’ step into the bicycle market?                                                             more oxygen to your muscles through         have sat as a member of National and
                                                                                                           bioacceleration technology. this means      Olympic Selection appeal tribunals due
          Benjamin Fitzmaurice: Skins is a big                                                             that through graduated compression,         to my experience as a lawyer.
          compression brand. Skins compression                                                             the garments assist the circulatory
          has already been embraced by team                                                                system to send blood throughout the         ESD: What is your strategy for entering
          sports and individual athletes. cycling is                                                       body.                                       the bicycle market?
          not a new market for Skins. Skins have
          been in the cycling market for some time                                                         Skins compression reduces the negative      BF: in the short term, the strategy is to
          with its compression products in both                                                            effects of lactic acid, enhances post-      build awareness of Skins compression
          active and recovery ranges.                                                                      activity muscle restoration and lowers      in the cycling market.
                                                        benjamin Fitzmaurice, cycling director for Skins
                                                        compression apparel. © SkINS                       post-exercise pain.
           professional cycling teams, including                                                                                                       in parallel with building awareness,
          team columbia-Htc, rabobank and                                                                  Skins compression delivers oxygen to        Skins will also communicate the
          milram, and individual cyclists, use         comfort with the benefits of compres-               the muscles and decreases the negative
                                                       sion. the next steps for Skins in the
                                                                                                                                                       benefits of compression and the
          Skins compression garments to assist                                                             effects of physical exertion on the body.   practical, positive effects it provides
          the circulatory system and aid recovery.     cycling market will be significant, both
                                                       with respect to the consumer market but                                                         to the body.
          Skins has also taken its performance-                                                            ESD: Skins has hired you to specialize
          enhancing compression and added a            also in competitive cycling. cycling is a
                                                       very important market for Skins and will            in the cycling market. What’s your          ESD: How do you intend to reach
          chamois to produce cycling shorts and
                                                       continue to be so in the future.                    background?                                 bicycle dealers?
          tights that provide outstanding ride

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 14                                                                                                                                                             11/09/2009 12:10:11
ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                    15

                                                                                              Sram add carbON aNd
     cycliNg market                                                                           magNeSium tO avid eliXir miX
     BF: We use local knowledge to                BF: Skins created the therapeutic
     ascertain the best locations and retail      compression segment. as such, Skins         SRAM's new Avid Elixir CR Mag hydraulic disc
     opportunities.                               has held a unique position of offering a    brake puts the icing on the cake of the Elixir
                                                  therapeutic compression product that
     We also work closely with our distribu-      actually works. more than 25 studies
                                                                                              series. A super-stiff, two-piece forged aluminium
     tors and agents as it is important to        have been carried out using Skins           caliper, combined with pivot, are positioned closer
     access their experiences when coming         compression garments, and the results       to the handlebar (Power Reserve Geometry) to
     up with a strategy to penetrate the retail   of those studies have been published in     allow a more natural motion for the
     market.                                      journals including the medical Journal      fingers and provide the Elixir with
                                                  of australia, british Journal of sports
     Sometimes a specialized cycling store        medicine and the Journal of sports          incredible stopping power.
     can outperform a larger sporting goods                                                                                               STAND NO.
                                                  medicine. a list of the studies are
     store. So we look at the local culture
     and trends. as we expand further we will
                                                  published online at http://www.skins.       elixir cr mag has an attractive new       A3/201
                                                  net/au/en/research/Studies.                 carbon lever with a hollow pivot that
     be testing to see what works and what
                                                                                              is shorter and lighter than existing
     does not.                                    claims about Skins compression              models. the lever is made of super
                                                  garments are supported by extensive         lightweight magnesium, and has an
     ESD: is there a separate Skins cycling       research and statistical analysis. for
                                                                                              adjustable reach like all avid brakes.
     sales rep team?                              another brand to be a competitor to
                                                  Skins, it would have to provide a product
     BF: at Skins we use sales staff with         backed by research. at Skins we make
                                                                                              the brake is compatible with the
     specific skills and experience relevant      a product that does what we say it          new matchmaker X (a single clamp
     to the sport they are responsible for.       does. athletes wear Skins compression       fastens shifter, brake lever and
     With respect to cycling, Skins employs       garments because they work.                 hydraulic lock-out lever). Other new
     cycling-specific people to call on,                                                      features include: pad contact-point
     market and supply to cycle-specific                                                      adjustment, u-clamp and an
     retailers.                                                                               updated master cylinder.                 maintenance and service is very
                                                        STAND NO.                                                                      straightforward. the semi-metallic
     ESD: Skins is a pioneer in this field            FG A7/2                                 elixir cr mag maximizes heat             pads load from the top, making
     but faces several competitors. How                                                       management by using dOt 5.1 brake        wheel removal unnecessary when
     will you convince show visitors of the                                        - Jo       fluid, giving constant stopping power    replacing pads.
     superiority of your products?                                          beckendorff       that never fades.                                                       - SM

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 15                                                                                                                                       11/09/2009 12:10:28
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                                                                                            Tony Liang, general manager of Chien king.
                                                                                                                 © JO bECkENDORFF

                                                                                                                                         Smart SeeS brigHt
                STAND NO.                                                                                                                future fOr led ligHtS
                                                                                                                                         Founded in 1993, Smart Co., Limited,
                                                                                                                                         has become one of Taiwan’s leading
                                                                                                                                         manufacturers of LED lights. The
                                                                                                                                         company’s 2008 sales rose 27 percent
                                                                                                                                         over the prior year, said Kevin Chen,
                                                                                                                                         founder and general manager.
                                                                                                                                         and chen is optimistic about the future. “the
                                                                                                                                         [economic] crisis will force people to take their old
                                                                                                                                         bikes out of their garage and tune them up with some
                                                                                                                                         new accessories,” he said. “therefore, i believe that
                                                                                                                                         we as a lighting system producer will benefit from this

                                                                                                                                         about 11 years ago Smart sold its products only
                                                                                                                                         under its company name. but as it reinvested
                                                                                                                                         much of its profits into research, development, and
                                                                                                                                         test equipment, international bike suppliers came
                                                                                                                                         knocking at Smart’s doors. the company stepped
                                                                                                                                         into the Oem business, which today accounts for

          ‘fugu’ = ‘retrO’ =                                                                                                             about 30 percent of its total production. “We listen to
                                                                                                                                         our partner, but sometimes also teach them. it results
                                                                                                                                         in success for both!” chen said.

          treNdy & SucceSSful                                                                                                            Smart works with European design firms to develop
                                                                                                                                         products that are fine-tuned for specific markets. The
                                                                                                                                         Dutch firm Duis Cycle Products, for example, has
          Ever heard of “Fugu style”? If you don’t know what that is, then check                                                         designed several Oem products for the european
          out the Chien King booth. “Fugu” means “retro” in Mandarin, and for the                                                        market. Smart also maintains a subsidiary in bingen,
                                                                                                                                         germany, called Smart europe gmbH. “my team and
          Taiwanese manufacturer it also spells “success.”                                                                               i are open and keen to discuss the latest led lighting
                                                                                                                                         system technologies and products,” chen said.
          thanks to the international boom in single speed        “this product field popped up during the Stingray
          and fixie bikes, chien king’s sales of toe clips and    bike trend but was somewhat dead. it celebrated a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Jb
          straps, along with streamers for handlebars and         comeback when retro cruisers became hip,” liang
          bells, have doubled over 2008. general manager          said. “further sales increases came with the single
          tony liang expects chien king to continuing riding      speed and fixie boom.”                                                       STAND NO.                     kevin Chen, founder and general
          the “pimp my bike” wave.                                                                                                                                           manager of Taiwanese Smart Co.,
                                                                  Streamers aside, the largest slice of the chien king                         B3/504                              Ltd. © JO bECkENDORFF

          With its headquarters in Nan kang, near changhua,       product pie is toe clips and associated leather
          and another factory nearbly, chien king employs         straps.
          34 people.
                                                                  “thanks to ‘fugu style,’ our production is running
          “there are some additional sub-contractors              at full capacity,” liang said, adding that Japan is
          working for us. Our production relies on a lot of       one of chien king’s biggest markets.
          handwork,” liang said. “there are several families
          near our headquarters who work for us out of their      about 80 percent of chien king’s production is for
          homes. that’s been the custom since our company         its own brand, ckc. the other 20 percent is for
          was founded in 1991.”                                   Oems.

          chien king once made grips, but gave up the             at this year’s taipei cycle show, liang said a
          category about seven years ago “due to the low          Western customer tried to buy out the entire ckc
          margins and tough competition on this market,”          booth.
          liang said.
                                                                  “unfortunately it didn’t work out because he
          “margins are quite more attractive and competition      couldn’t carry everything out by himself,” liang
          isn’t as tough in the fields of streamers,” he added.   said.
          chien king is taiwan’s only manufacturer of
          streamers for handlebars and bells.                                                                              - Jb

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 16                                                                                                                                                                 11/09/2009 12:10:39
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          fuSe WaNtS tO dreSS cycliStS frOm Head tO tOe
          Moisture control. Comfort. Ventilation. Ergonomics. Safety. All of these are features of Fuse’s new                                  as long as retailers order at least ˆ 500
                                                                                                                                               ($712) worth of products (“only 80
          “head to toe” first-layer technology. “We dress, you win,” is the motto of the technical apparel
                                                                                                                                               headwear scarves,” reichelt said) the
          manufacturer, which is making its debut at Eurobike.                                                                                 ˆ 200 ($285) fuse display is free.

                                                                                                                                               “accessories are a fast-turning product
                                                                                                                                               group that every cyclist loves to buy.
          “fuse is concentrating on the first ‘head    “the dealers get a full pOS-range          “Our new packaging features a
                                                                                                                                               fuse is offering several first-layer
          to toe’ base layer for sportsmen, outdoor    of technical accessories with most         matchbox-like sliding case that can be
                                                                                                                                               solutions for cool, all-season and warm
          people and cyclists. We offer an entire      attractive margins,” he said. “Our fuse    opened without damage.”
                                                                                                                                               temperatures,” reichelt said. “check
          functional package that you can wear         display is a fantastic profit center for
                                                                                                                                               out our bodywear, for example. We
          directly on your skin,” said uwe reichelt,   each bicycle store.”                       that means consumers won’t destroy
                                                                                                                                               offer versions in muscle-supporting
          the company’s sales manager.                                                            the packaging when they open the box
                                                                                                                                               tight fit and comfortable loose fit. tight
                                                                  pro feet gmbH, the parent       to check out the products.
                                                                                                                                               fit stands for better performance, and
          fuse is sold in sporting goods                        company of fuse, has invested                                                  loose fit for more comfort,” he added.
          and outdoor stores. the                               in new pOp displays as well as                                                 “and don’t forget our large range of
          brand’s eurobike debut fits                            packaging. “you know how it                                  Uwe Reichelt,
                                                                                                                                               socks and headwear. We have also a
          with its strategy to expand                              looks like when customers
                                                                                                                             sales manager
                                                                                                                              of Fuse, with    wide collection of bicycle headwear,
          into specialty bicycle                                    open the box on top and                                      GM and
                                                                                                                             co-shareholder    caps, beanies, gloves as well as leg and
          stores.                                                    put it back? it’s ruined,”                               Peter kapitza.
                                                                                                                                  © JO
                                                                                                                                               arm warmers, which are so important to
                                                                           reichelt said.                                    bECkENDORFF       cyclists.”
          “We are the perfect
          problem-solver for bicycle                                                                                                           With fuse, pro feet has replaced
          dealers,” fuse gm peter                                                                                                              its tess apparel brand and pro feet
          kapitza said.                                                                                                                        sock brand. a third headwear brand,
                                                                                                                                               H.a.d., will continue because it is well
                                                                                                                                               established in the market. However,
                                                                                                                                               the company also will offer headwear
                                                                                                                                               under the fuse name as well. the brand
                                                                                                                                               strategy is an outgrowth of pro feet’s
                                                                                                                                               new owners.

                                                                                                                                                    gm peter kapitza acquired pro feet
                                                                                                                                                      in 2008, along with chief financial
                                                                                                                                                       officer christian Nimmervoll and
                                                                                                                                                           shareholder christian dreyer.
                                                                                                                               STAND NO.               located in Schweinfurt, pro feet
                                                                                                                                                           also distributes Seal Skinz in
                                                                                                                               A4/600                   german-speaking markets. the
                                                                                                                                                        uk company makes waterproof
                                                                                                                                                    gloves and socks that reichelt said
                                                                                                                                                      are a “perfect fit to our portfolio.”

                                                                                                                                                                                     - Jb

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 17                                                                                                                                                     11/09/2009 12:10:54
18                          EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

                                                                                                                             Stephan Geiger, director of the bike division
                                                                                                                               at kettler, which is expanding its pedelec

          kettler celebrateS 60tH;
                                                                                                                                     line for 2010. © JO bECkENDORFF

                                                                                                                 STAND NO.
          eXpaNdS itS pedelec liNe                                                                               B5/307
          As it celebrates its 60th anniversary, Kettler continues the makeover it
          began two years ago. “We wanted to become more modern without leaving
          our roots,” said Stephan Geiger, director of the bicycle division. For 2010,
          Kettler is expanding the pedelec line that it launched this year.

          “We offer three models in men’s and women’s        toolmaking and prototyping. We don’t buy
          versions,” geiger said. “One will be offered       something off the rack,” geiger said.
          as this year with a center motor. New models
          have front-hub motors and 26-inch wheels.”         kettler can rely on six german production and
                                                             logistics facilities for the parent company’s
          kettler is using a panasonic e-bike kit with a     other product lines. for example, the division
          front hub motor that allows for the german         that makes kettler lawn furniture works with
          market’s all-important bottom bracket.             the bicycle division on injection molding.
          it had been used exclusively by derby-             kettler, which has made bicycles for 31 of
          germany’s kalkhoff brand, but in 2010 will         its 60-year history, continues to stay close
          also be adopted by kettler. kettler bike also      to the market. “We just invested in a new
          concentrates on a range of everyday bicycles,      painting facility,” geiger said. “for us, ‘made
          including city, trekking, cross and kids’          in germany’ is a very important part of our
          models.                                            business.”

          its stylish women’s line, the layana, has been     to commemorate the company’s anniversary,
          successful this year and has helped kettler        kettler will launch a limited edition anniversary
          hold on to a consumer group it was in danger       bike at eurobike. “Only 600 units will roll into
          of losing.                                         the market. they will be ready for delivery in
                                                             September,” geiger said. “they are coming
          before changing its strategy, the typical          out now because we wanted to paint them in
          kettler buyer was someone over the age of          our brand-new painting facility.”
          55. the company now is beginning to reach
          younger buyers. another theme for kettler’s        kettler’s bicycle factory is in Hanweiler, near
          2010 range is “integration.” “all parts and        Saarbrücken.
          accessories have to fit perfectly into the whole                                               - Jb
          picture. We invest in r&d and rely on our own

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 18                                                                                                                             11/09/2009 12:11:01
-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 19   11/09/2009 12:11:09
20                          EURObIkE ShOW DAILy 0 | 0 ShOW DAy #1

          fliNger fiNgerS cOmmuter, urbaN bikeS fOr feNder liNe
          Sunny Wheel may be the company’s name, but Flinger is the brand name that visitors to this year's Eurobike
          exhibition will see.
                                                                                                                         the factory includes state-of-the-art
          “in the past, the flinger brand was
                                                                                                                         molding machines. “these machines
          less or more a trial balloon. Now we
                                                                                                                         are the key for our high-end flinger
          are reintroducing our aftermarket
                                                                                                                         production. flinger is made in
          brand with a new image,” said vivian
                                                                                                                         taiwan,” vivian Hsu said.
          Hsu, the company’s senior specialist.
                                                                                                                         flinger has also increased its
          at eurobike, flinger will show its new
                                                                                                                         research and development staff.
          brand strategy, based on “valuable
                                                                                                                         Sunny Wheel current employs about
          function, quality and design.”
                                                                                                                         13 people in taiwan and 250 at a
                                                                                                                         chinese factory that focuses more
          the taiwan manufacturer is widening
                                                                                                                         on Oem production. Sunny Wheel’s
          the flinger product range step by
                                                                                                                         product line includes children’s seats,
          step. Here at eurobike, for example,
                                                                                                                         baskets, fenders, mudguards, grips
          Flinger is introducing its first fenders
                                                                                                                         and chain guards. the company
          designed for commuting and urban
                                                                                                                         plans to steadily expand its product
                                                                                                                         offerings in future years.
          “We will also use several different
                                                                                                                         for now, though Sunny Wheel is
          metals and plastics. in the past we
                                                                                                                         promoting the flinger brand and is
          were more focused on some plastics
                                                                                                                         seeking distributors worldwide.
          but this will definitely change,” said
          tony Hsu, the founder and general
          manager of Sunny Wheel.
                                                                                                                                       STAND NO.
          Supporting the expansion of the
          flinger brand is a new $5 million
          factory that Sunny Wheel recently                                                                                                                 - Jb
          opened at its Hsiushu headquarters.                               benjamin Fitzmaurice, cycling director for
                                                                                Skins compression apparel. © SkINS

                                                                      taya cHaiN’S 40tH iS tHe
                                                                      ‘greeN’ aNNiverSary
                                                                      Taya Chain might not be the largest Taiwanese chain
                                                                      maker, but it’s definitely one of the greenest.
                                                                      Established in 1969, Taya is celebrating its 40th
                                                                      anniversary this year by getting even greener.

                                                                      “With 10 years’ experience in                         Fanny Weng of Taya.
                                                                      anti-rust treatment, our efforts not                  © JO bECkENDORFF

                                                                      only drastically reduce corrosion on
                                                                      steel component parts but also use
                                                                      a harmless surface treatment that’s
                                                                      good for our environment,” said
                                                                      fanny Weng of the company’s sales
                                                                      and marketing department.

                                                                      taya’s answer to most environmen-
                                                                      tal questions is “gSt,” which stands
                                                                      for “greener surface treatment.”

                                                                      “gSt is a unique range of
                                                                      corrosion-protection coatings,
                                                                      developed by taya to meet the                        throughout its four-decade history,
                                                                      demand for corrosion-resistant                       taya has maintained production in
                                                                      specifications of today’s light                      taiwan, which it says assures better
                                                                      metals used by the bicycle                           manufacturing processes and
                                                                      industry,” Weng said.                                environmental safeguards. check
                                                                                                                           out the new full line of gSt-antirust
                                                                      GST is part of Taya’s efforts to find                products as well as colorful, Teflon-
                                                                      engineered solutions that avoid or                   coated gSt chains.
                                                                      minimize pollution risks.

                                                                      it is 100 percent free of hexavalent
                                                                      chromium compounds, Weng said,                              STAND NO.
                                                                      while “still ensuring two to ten times
                                                                      better corrosion protection than
                                                                                                                                B4/509                      - Jb
                                                                      most existing coatings.”

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 20                                                                                                                            11/09/2009 12:11:22
ShOW DAy #1 0 | 0 EURObIkE ShOW DAILy                                               21

          ktm'S e-bike liNe iNcludeS
          tWO NeW Off-rOad mOdelS
          Since 2000, Austria’s leading bicycle brand, KTM
          Fahrrad GmbH, has had one e-bike model in its line-up.
          But that’s about to change for 2010, as KTM brings a
          total of nine pedelecs to its line. They are targeting both
          consumers and enthusiasts with a bike that offers up to
          25 km/hour (15.5 m/hour) of extra energy.

                                                                      STAND NO.

                                                                Austria’s kTM Fahrrad launches first
                                                              mountain e-bike.. © JO bECkENDORFF

          giving a push to the e-bike market     While the off-road trekking e-bike
          are such trends as “climate, crisis,   weighs around 22 kg (48.5 pounds),
          fitness, wellness and health,”         the company’s first electric
          said Stefan limbrunner, ktm’s          mountain bike weighs around 20 kg
          marketing manager.                     (44 pounds).

          “today it is said to be the            Why make an off-road e-bike?
          fastest-growing segment of the         “ktm is a sportive brand so
          international bicycle world,” he       we also offer sportive e-bikes,”
          added. “When our r&d department        limbrunner replied. ktm has been
          in mattighofen sat down and            busy throughout the rest of its line
          brainstormed the idea of a wider       as well. thomas pressl, research
          e-bike range, our first goal was       and development manager, said
          to save 20 percent on weight and       the company has made several
          work on a 20 percent increase in       improvements in the 54 mountain
          distance.”                             bikes it offers.

                                                 brand new is an aluminum frame
       Carol Urkauf-Chen,
       owner and general                         hardtail race bike, based on the
       manager of kTM                            success this year of the “myroom,”
       Fahrrad. © JO
       bECkENDORFF                               a carbon fiber hardtail. ktm also
                                                 will release a new high-end tri-
                                                 and time-trial bike. a new and
                                                 fully adjustable high-end downhill
                                                 frame is being used for four new

                                                 carol urkauf-chen, ktm’s owner
                                                 and general manager, invited
                                                 eurobike visitors to come by the
                                                 booth. “for the last few years, our
                                                 brand philosophy—‘innovation
                                                 comes with quality’—has paid off.

                                                  © JO bECkENDORFF
          ktm is focusing on consumers who
          are a far cry from the stereotypical
          “old & handicapped” e-bike buyers.

          “Our new e-bike range offers seven
          26- and 28-inch, well-equipped
          commuting bikes, with internal hub
          shifters and panasonic’s e-bike
          transmission system, as well as
          with derailleurs and the bionix
          e-bike transmission kit,” limbrun-
          ner said.                              Our 2008-2009 sales increased
                                                 10 percent, and we expect further
          “On top of these seven commuting       growth for 2009-2010.”
          pedelecs are two bionix-equipped,
          sporting off-road models.”                                                     - Jb

-ESD2 Mag CS3 001 FINAL.indd 21                                                                             11/09/2009 12:11:36
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