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Market-leading motorcycle insurance for Ulysses Club members As the preferred insurance broker to the Ulysses Club, Aon offers their members Prestige motorcycle insurance which includes discounted rates and enhanced Key features include: policy cover. • Reduced policy excesses • Age, multiple bike, loyalty, trike, Named Rider and Restricted Usage discounts available Aon’s insurance offer provides cover for all types of on-road • New replacement motorcycle for total motorcycles including 3 wheelers, and off-road motorcycles including loss within 24 months of registration as quad bikes, competition motorcycles (not covered whilst racing), a new motorcycle up to 30,000km motorcycle collections and classic/vintage motorcycles. • Windscreen/shield, headlights or tail lights covered with nil excess • Roadside assistance for comprehensive For more information, please contact Leonie Steedman cover 0800 65 62 64 • Automatic Riding Apparel cover • Optional Replacement Riding Apparel cover • Nil excess for one claim within 12 months with a Ride Forever training course certificate
CONTENTS 3 National Committee Members ULYSSES CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND INC. 4 President’s Report NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS 5 The Editor President: Mike Dew #2415 367 Wairakei Road, Burnside, 5 New Members Christchurch 8053 Ph: 03 359 4949 6 Jim Furneaux – Fond Farewell Mobile: 027 283 0235 Email: 8 Administrator's Report Vice President: Tim (Tiny) Stewart #8959 10 National Secretary's Report 25 Tait Drive, Greenmeadows, Napier, 4112 Ph: 06 845 0238 10 National Treasurer’s Report Mobile: 021 053 7842 Email: 11 Agm Notices Treasurer: Stuart Burns #3703 14 2019 National Ulysses Rally And AGM 33A Iles Road, Lynmore, Rotorua 3010 Ph: 07 345 3053 15 Obituary – Derek Neil Rivers Mobile: 021 972 535 Email: 18 Branch News Secretary: Pete Graham #8196 24 Letter To The Editor 71 Snodgrass Road, RD 2 Ext, Westport, 7892 Ph: 03 789 7749 Mobile: 021 271 2846 Email: Articles Committee: Wayne Painter #1756 PO Box 100054, North Shore Mail, 28 11 Days Of Riding One Day Of Rain Auckland 0745 32 Right Side Up Ph: 09 444 2770 Mobile: 027 289 1018 33 Only Numbers Email: Committee: Jim Furneaux #2098 34 Shag And Oink And Some Bloody 47 Ward Street, Upper Hutt 5018 Ph: 04 971 2893 Big Mountains Mobile: 021 244 2091 37 Birthday Wish Email: Committee: Jane Laing #6361 38 My Southern Escapade 2018 75A Weld Street, Redwoodtown, Blenheim, 7201 42 2018 Taranaki Energy Rally Ph: 03 577 6663 Mobile: 022 450 7042 44 Rallies Email: 46 Branch Meeting Times and Contacts Administration/Membership/Gear: ULYSSIAN MAGAZINE PRODUCTION Debby Morgan, PO Box 40218, Upper Hutt 5140 Publisher/Editor: Paul Lance Ph: 0800 ULYSSES or 0800 859 773 between 2:30pm and 5:30pm Email: Mobile: 021 072 3636 Email: Advertising: Donna Eccles Keeper of the Remembrance Book: Phone: 07 862 6957 Peggy O’Neal #2849 Email: Email: PO Box 96219, Balmoral, Auckland 1342 Design: Helen Scott Website Administrator: Paul Willard Email: Printing: PMP Ph: 07 929 2415 (leave a message) or 021 638 223 Distributon: Gordon & Gotch NZ Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 3
MIKE DEW #2415 NATIONAL PRESIDENT PRESIDENT’S REPORT I hope you’ve been enjoying the hot Club members attending the Ride Forever you, Leonie (Steedman) for all your weather we’ve been having in late courses, as we’re in that age group support to the Club and I’m looking January and early February? It does where a lot of us (older riders) are forward to catching up with you at the make for some hot riding when you’re having accidents. National Rally. wearing all your safety gear. I have no- Following on from my comments in the This is my final President's report, as ticed some riders getting around in shorts, December Ulyssian ref the article written I’m not standing for re-election at the tee shirts and not wearing gloves in the by Paul Owen (Zen and the art of gold AGM. I’ve been on the National city and out on the open road (100km ar- card motorcycling) and the Ulysses Club committee (Natcom) for nine years and eas). It might be a cooler way to ride, but being a shadow of itself, in the seven of those as the Club President, so I it doesn’t give you any protection if you Christchurch Press on Saturday 22 feel it's time to move on and let a younger have an accident or from the sun. Take December there was an article called member take over the helm. While on it from me that it’s very painful having “Death of the Club” written by Nikki Natcom I’ve been very honoured to have gravel rash, and worst still, what if both Macdonald. The headline was, “Clubs worked with some very enthusiastic hands are bandaged up (from not wear- face ageing and declining membership, members who, over the years, have given ing gloves)? Who’s going to clean you up dwindling volunteers and competition many voluntarily hours of service to the after you’ve been to the toilet? from internet meetup groups” and Nikki Club. I believe the affairs of the Club have I attended a Shiny Side Up evening in asks whether they can survive – and does been managed in a very professional Christchurch in early February, and I got it matter whether they do? A survey manner, and yes, I know there will always the feeling that ACC and the guest found sports club membership had fallen be a few members that will always speakers are generally talking to the from 33 per cent of all adults in 1998 to disagree with what Natcom does. Thank converted. I believe that most of the 22 per cent in 2014. you all very much for your support and group understood why it’s important to Pensioners had the highest club friendship. I’d also like to thank the continue ongoing training (Ride Forever membership rates, but also the most Branch coordinators for their support, and Courses) to retain and improve our riding significant decline. After reading the I believe the Natcom and coordinators skills and knowledge, and why it’s complete article, I believe these figures meetings and workshops (now bi- important to wear the correct safety gear. could also be applied to our Club. We annually) are still a worthwhile venue to One interesting fact to be announced is have approx. 2250 members, and as at discuss issues affecting the Club and our that ACC is going to refund you $100 of 12 February, only 49 people (members or future openly. your motorcycle registration fee (for the partners) have registered to attend the Special thanks to Debby Morgan (Club next two years) if you’ve completed two National Rally in Hastings. Those Administrator), William Glendenning Ride Forever courses and held a organising these events put a lot of effort (ex-webmaster), Paul Willard motorcycle licence for more than 10years. into trying to make the weekend (webmaster), Peggy O’Neal You’ll need to have done a Gold course interesting and not expensive to attend. (Remembrance Books) and Paul Lance within twelve months of your rego being They need your support, as that’s a very (Ulyssian editor) for all the support you’ve due. I was hoping to have more details on poor response from the membership. provided to me over my term on Natcom. this, but Dave Keilty (ACC) is at the Burt Aon is the Club's preferred insurance I’d like to wish Tiny (Tim Stuart) and and travelling the country with the Shiny broker, and I believe they offer very his new Natcom team all the best for Side Up Bike fest. competitive insurance rates when you the future. I have invited Dave to attend the compare apples for apples for bike Stay upright. National Rally and our AGM in March. insurance. Aon is also our main sponsor Dew # 2415 ACC will also announce in June if our for the Club National Rally, and they also National President licence fees (rego) is going up or print your membership cards at no cost to The Ulysses Club of NZ Inc. staying as is (I can’t see it going down). I the Club. Please consider Aon when As at the 24 February, registrations for know ACC would also like to see more you’re renewing your insurance. Thank the National Rally have just topped 200. New Zealand’s only comprehensive motorcycling events hub for Road and Dirt Riders, North and South. 4 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
Last day for PAUL LANCE submissions ULYSSIAN EDITOR for the next EDITORIAL Ulyssian magazine is May 10 2019. What a fantastic summer it has been! It’s certainly been one Surely, the roads should be able to withstand a bit of heat for the record books, with an official heatwave affecting the without disintegrating. entire country during January and making lots of tourists happy I had a reader write into the magazine explaining that the tar I’m sure. For us motorcyclists? Dare I say it, many of us were used had been changed to one with a lower melting point to try complaining that it was too hot, as despite advances in and mitigate any burn injuries to the road workers. I’m not sure motorcycle clothing meaning we can be well vented and still how true that is, but the phenomenon of melting roads seems protected, it often felt like riding into a giant blast furnace. And to be getting worse each year, so maybe it is legit. But that when we stopped, it was a race to get the gear off before means the entire roading network is being built to a sub- becoming drenched in sweat! Not nice. standard putting vulnerable users like us at risk, at a time And then there were the roads, which seemed to all but when we’re paying higher registration than ever before. dissolve into a sticky, molten mess as soon as the mercury As usual, there’s not much we can do about it other than rose above the mid-twenties. I had my own scare coming look out for ourselves. Expect the unexpected, learn how to around a corner in the middle of nowhere to be confronted with deal with slides, become adept at spotting shiny surfaces and an unmarked sea of freshly laid fine gravel. To be honest, it keep on training. Many organisations are offering gravel was marked. It was just the signs were about 30 metres into training nowadays, with riders on non-adventure machines the gravel. often attending to get some experience of riding on a loose Pointing out the mistake to the road worker, he merely surface. replied the driver must have spread it too far. No apology, With autumn now upon us, hopefully, the temperatures will quick action to fix the issue – nothing. It’s infuriating as one of be a bit more hospitable and make motorcycling slightly less the most vulnerable groups of road users that we not only uncomfortable. But it would be nice if at least a little bit of need to look out for ourselves from wayward car drivers, but summer would remain so that we don’t have to ride in the wet! we also need to be on our toes for appalling road conditions. Paul BIKE FOR SALE IN TAURANGA Contact me now for information Andrew Chamberlain on 02102344801. FROM March 2019 | UlyssianMARCH Ulyssian 5
JIM FURNEAUX FOND FAREWELL H i all there were occasions when I did not stand Jane as a current NatCom member. As you will have read in the for re-election to NatCom thereby allowing Along with Andy Wilson as the December edition of The new members to step up, but I will not be confirmed new-comer, your new NatCom Ulyssian, there was a call for standing in future, so this is my last already has a good solid foundation. I change in the way the Club is managed. contribution to The Ulyssian as a member know that they have the capability to run Coincidentally, the same edition posted of National Committee. the Club well, and that they will certainly the nominations for National Committee It has been a stimulating journey, with do their best to do so. With a wildcard in at this year’s AGM, indicating clearly that interesting challenges and some great the form of one vacancy to fill at the AGM, will be some changes and new faces. friendships formed. NatCom has been I think that the new Committee has a Changing NatCom members and their stable and cohesive under Mike’s healthy balance between new and roles is healthy for the Club, and regular leadership, and I have enjoyed being part seasoned Committee members, which is incremental changes are usually more of his team. Tiny and Wayne are now just what the Club needs to keep us going advantageous than some of the more stepping up to the President and Vice in the right direction. radical ones that have happened or been President roles respectively; Pete and Thanks for all your support over attempted in the past. Since being Stuart are unopposed in their existing the years. elected National Vice President in 2003, roles as Secretary and Treasurer, as is Jim furneaux #2098 NEW MEMBERS Membership First Name Surname Branch Membership First Name Surname Branch Number Number 9835 Graham Vincent Tauranga 9867 Neville Sheehan Westland 9836 Patricia Windle Southland 9868 Jackie Fluerty Westland 9837 Robert Moss Marlborough 9869 Graeme Thompson Canterbury 9838 Mathias van Geneygen Waikato 9870 Robert Manning Buller 9839 Chris Phillips Manawatu 9871 Philip Yearley Wellington 9840 Jacqui Phillips Manawatu 9872 Raewyn Moodie Auckland 9841 Steve Crow North Harbour 9873 Nick Benfell Canterbury 9842 Sonia Foote North Harbour 9874 Brian Corbishley Canterbury 9843 Daryl Percy Wellington 9875 Simone Rodgers Canterbury 9844 Paul Dawson Wellington 9876 Robert Inglis Westland 9845 Scott Mills Taranaki 9877 Joy Van der Hoeven Westland 9846 Jeff Ransley Taranaki 9878 John Ruesink Westland 9847 Mark Lawrence Auckland 9879 Sui Juris Auckland 9848 Mark Patrick Otago 9880 Steve Hopkins Far North 9849 Adele Patrick Otago 9881 Jasper Aungiers Auckland 9850 William Gillespie North Harbour 9882 Martin King North Harbour 9851 Geoff Hart Wellington 9883 Brenda Fairhall North Harbour 9852 Paul Farrar Nelson 9884 Dave Gould Far North 9853 Marie Farrar Nelson 9885 Barry Fischer Buller 9854 Royd Cumming Nelson 9886 Russell Watt Nelson 9855 Robin Toms North Harbour 9887 Dale Jemmer Nelson 9856 Claire Merchant North Harbour 9888 Maurice McGrath Auckland 9857 Martin Rushton Kapiti Coast 9889 Ben Payne North Harbour 9858 Dean Tutton Wellington 9890 Louis Geenen North Harbour 9859 Derek Harding Marlborough 9891 Michael French Marlborough 9860 John Ford Marlborough 9892 Jacqueline French Marlborough 9861 Richard McDowall Canterbury 9893 John Flight Taupo 9862 Christine McDowall Canterbury 9894 Ted Cunningham Taupo 9863 Ray Chappell North Harbour 9895 Raymond Hall Wellington 9864 Rod Lean Auckland 9896 Kevin Hebberd Westland 9865 Karl de Gans Wellington 9897 Becky Knight Nelson 9866 Pete Crone Auckland 9898 Allan Myers Auckland 6 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT FEBRUARY 2019 Date Mar-18 May-18 Aug-18 Nov-18 Feb-19 Newest Member 9779 9818 9842 9866 9898 Current Members 2414 2463 2486 2503 2222 Odyssey Medal Holders 27 30 30 30 30 NZ Directory Members 2018 2053 2075 2093 2047 Overseas members 9 9 Average Age 63.6 63.7 64 Average Duration Member 11.5 11.7 11.9 Membership Subscriptions – online renewals reminders to members, which greatly reduced the costs First of all, I apologise for removing the ability to pay your incurred by having to send so many renewals by post. This is membership subscription via the online shopping site on our why when/if you change address/e-mail, please let me know web page. Due to the considerable number of options for ASAP so I can update my records and your membership can renewals, i.e. 1 year or 3 years, joint or individual, magazine or remain current. no magazine, and then all the variables that could be selected, it was easier to have members pay by cheque or direct to our Membership cards bank account, rather than risk an incorrect amount being paid. At the time of writing this article, I have a backlog of some 150 Suffice to say, I still received some unusual deposits, but members cards to be posted. This has been caused by an think I have managed to contact most of those whose payment issue with the supplier's printing machine. I was advised at the I was unsure of. beginning of February that the problem could not be resolved The most significant difference was the ability to send e-mail for up to four weeks, so by the time I receive my orders, it may well be into the second week of March before you receive your cards. Rest assured, if you are receiving this magazine you are still a current financial member of the Club. Once you have paid your membership, the usual practice is that you would receive your card within two weeks of payment. Please keep a look out for this as it is the only acknowledgement that I have received your payment. This card will also help you remember when your membership is due again, not to mention offers some significant discounts, details of which can be found on our web page. A Message to Coordinators/Presidents & Secretaries A reminder to all branch executive, if you have any new member applications outstanding, please forward to me ASAP. I have several rogue deposits to our bank account that I cannot match up with any member on my database. To ensure that members receive their membership packs expediently, I need these applications from you as soon as you receive them. If payment has not been received, I will contact you to find out if they still wish to continue with their application. Gear sales If you want to purchase gear items before the AGM, go online to our webpage to make sure you receive the item/s in time. There will be some stock available for purchase at the National Rally, however only a limited number. Prices are not heavily discounted at the Rally. Talk soon. Debby National Administrator I 8 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
NATIONAL SECRETARY’S REPORT MARCH 2019 T he last 12 months have been a ensure the information about their Natcom tell me ‘we’ve been saying this blur dominated by non-Ulysses regular rides and meeting venues are for years and you’ll never change some stuff and I’m conscious little of accurate when published in the Ulyssian. people’, but I’m going to embrace the my energy has gone into this Currently I get emails about all these squeaky wheel principle and keep trying. role over that time. Returning to full-time things, from many different people, and Odyssey Medal employment after 9 years in an idyllic usually after erroneous info has been Thanks for the nominees. We look half-job has also had an impact! I remain printed in the Ulyssian or gone live on forward to branch members sharing convinced there’s potential for much of the website from members who are often stories about these special Ulyssians the administrivia that a single Natsec a bit cross ¬– which makes me, the and the presentations in Hastings. has to deal with could be reduced if ALL webmaster and probably Natcom by Branch AGMs Coordinators/Branch Presidents were association look bad. Coordinators - Please remember to prepared to collaborate online and that I’m prepared to accept this merely send in minutes, financial statement, and means – you’ve possibly heard this be- reflects my own slackness (definitely true ensure minutes contain names and fore – everyone using the Ulysses for this last year) but I’m keen to future- membership numbers of all Branch Gmail address. proof this role for my successors based Officers for 2019. I will share a If that was the case, with a little further on the simple idea that many people Google Drive folder so those of you system set up, Coordinators could all contributing the few important things in using Ulysses Gmail can upload update their own contact details and their part of the organisation into a these documents yourself (see gentle those of other branch officers as these central place is more efficient and rant above). change regularly; they could check and effective (and sustainable) than one Pete Graham 8196 update details of their notifiable branch person repeatedly chasing information activities like AGMs; and they could time after time. Several members of NATIONAL TREASURER’S REPORT The December 2018 Annual Report Natcom has continued to focus on to take steps to improve our income in which has been audited, is available on controlling our operating expenditure. the future by addressing subscription the club website and a copy has been The move to hold the co-ordinator’s levels and also focus on reducing our sent by email to each Coordinator. meeting on a biennial basis has provided operating costs. My thanks also go to our Set out below is my report on the club a saving this year of nearly $10,000. members who have supported the action financial position which accompanies the In prior years I have referred to the taken by Natcom in this regard. Financial Report. increasing cost of the “Ulyssian” and the Without the assistance of our significant effect that this had on our Administrator, Debby Morgan, the Treasurer’s Report financial position. The move to electronic Treasurer’s job would be very difficult The 2018 Statement of Financial distribution of the magazine has been one to do on a voluntary basis. My Performance records a surplus of $185 well received by members and has thanks go out to her. (after $3,400 in one off, Database resulted in cost savings of nearly It has been a pleasure to continue my development costs) compared with $10,000 in the current year. As a part of role on Natcom and to support a club deficit of $21,610 in 2017. Excluding the our digital communications strategy our that I enjoy being a part of and of course one-off expense incurred in 2018 this spending on “Mail Chimp” has increased “Growing Old Disgracefully”. means that the results for the year is an as we move to regular monthly email I would urge members to download improvement of $25,195 over 2017. updates to members. and review your Club’s 2018 Our income increased over the prior Members will note that the net assets Financial Report. year reflecting in part the increase in of the club have reduced during the year As usual if any member requires subscriptions and a significant to $128,713. This decrease is mainly due further information on any matters raised improvement in our gear trading. The to the reduction in the Rider Safety above, please feel free to contact me. quartermaster has worked with our Reserve resulting from the increased Stuart (Smokey) Burns #3703 administrator to only stock gear that is spending from the Reserve as set out in National Treasurer relevant and saleable to our members note 8. resulting in less discounted and written Overall, while the financial position of off stock. The decrease in funds on the club has improved, it is not as deposit along with reduced interest rates satisfactory as one would like, but it is a has seen a 16% decrease in interest good start. I am pleased to see that with income compared to 2017. support from Natcom we have been able 10 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MARCH 2019 THE ULYSSES CLUB OF NZ INC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, VENUE: CLUB HASTINGS, 308 VICTORIA STREET, HASTINGS SATURDAY, 30 MARCH 2019 AT 10.00AM Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome and Greetings 8. Matters arising from report 2. Apologies 9. Coordinators’ Meeting Report 3. Minutes of AGM held at MOSGIEL 2018 10. General Business - none received 4. Matters Arising 11. Odyssey Medal Presentation (if any forthcoming) 5. President’s Report 12. 2020 AGM - presentation 6. Matters arising from report 13. Election Of Officers 7. Treasurer’s Report General Business Subscription/ Membership 2019 to pay your membership to avoid a Hastings AGM Renewals late fee. Please note that if your Please note that there were no items of If your Club subscription is due at the membership is not current at the time of General Business or Members Questions end of 2018 you will have received an the National AGM then any vote cast will notified in writing to the National email or letter from the National be invalid and although you may attend Secretary by Friday 1 Feb 2019. There is Administrator. If you recieve a printed the AGM, you will be unable to vote. no General Business to be discussed at Ulyssian this is shown on the address NOTE: These is a remaining vacancy on the AGM. label. If the renewal date is December the National Committee and nominations 2018, then you have until 1 February will be called on the day of the AGM. Nominations for National Committee, with the proposer & seconder are… NB: There is still one vacancy for a committee member. Nominee # Nominator # Seconded # Incumbent President Tim ‘Tiny’ Stewart 8959 Mike Clark 8916 Sue Hill 9485 (V-P) Vice-President L Wayne Painter 1756 John Heebink 1032 Barry Holland 8331 (Committee) Treasurer Stuart ‘Smokey’ Burns 3703 Gordon White 1272 Hartley Gray 6974 Y Secretary Pete Graham 8196 Rex Collins 5262 Kara Blom 9588 Y Committee Jane Laing 6361 Kelvin Watson 3602 John Sinclair 9727 Y Andy Wilson 7169 Nik Player 8778 Wally Richards 9152 Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 11
FORTHCOMING BRANCH AGM NOTICES 2019 Closing AGM date for Address for # Branch Venue Time Positions date nomina- nominations tions Branch Secretary, Manukau Cruising Club, Or- 1 Auckland 4 Mar 2019 7.30 pm P, VP, T, S, 4 Com 4 Feb 2019 32 Mont le Grand Road, Mt Eden, pheus Drive, Manukau 1061 Auckland 1024 23 Feb Branch Secretary, 2 Buller Star Tavern, Cape Foulwind 7.00 pm C, S, T, Com 9 Feb 2019 2019 49 Romilly St, Westport 14 Feb Cashmere Club, Hunter Tce, Canterbury Secretary, 86 Milns Road, 3 Canterbury 8.00 pm C, S, T, 5 Com 14 Jan 2019 2019 Christchurch Halswell 8025 Sunday 5th Branch Secretary, 7 Otaika Rd 4 Far North Whakapara Hall, Whakapara 11.00 am C VC S T Com 5 Apr 2019 May 11am Woodhill, Whangarei 0110 2 May Tatapouri Fishing Club, 58 Branch Secretary, 3 Pohutukawa 5 Gisborne 7.30 pm C, VC, S/T, 3 Com 1 Apr 2019 2019 Esplanade, Gisborne 4010 Grove, Gisborne 4010 1 May Club Hastings, Upstairs meet- Branch Secretary, 48A King St, 6 Hawkes Bay 7.00 pm P, T, S, 4 Com 1 Apr 2019 2019 ing room, Victoria St, Hastings Taradale, Napier 4112 1 May The Jolly', 93 Mazengarb Rd, Branch Secretary, 24 Kereru St, 7 Kapiti Coast 7.30 pm C, VC, S, T, 5 Com 1 Apr 2019 2019 Paraparaumu Beach, Kapiti Waikanae 5036 2 May Branch Secretary, 17 Baynes St, 8 King Country Riverside Lodge, Te Kuiti 7.30 pm C, S, T, Com 1 Apr 2019 2019 Te Kuiti 3910 7 May Bunnythorpe Tavern, Bun- Branch Secretary, 99A Schnell Drive, 9 Manawatu 7.30 pm C, S, T, 3 Com 7 Apr 2019 2019 nythorpe Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North 14 Feb Redwoodtown Community C, VC, S, T, up to Branch Secretary, 94 Howick Rd, 10 Marlborough 7.30 pm 14 Jan 2019 2019 Centre, Weld St, Blenheim 8 Com Blenheim 7201 Salvation Army Hall, 11 April Branch Secretary, 63 Golf Rd, Tahu- 11 Nelson 57 Rutherford St. 7.00 pm C, S, T, 4 Com 21 Jan 2019 2019 nanui, Nelson 7011 (upstairs) Nelson 231 East Coast Rd, Campbells Branch Secretary, 30 Blue Gum Drive, 12 North Harbour 4 Apr 2019 7.30 pm P, VP, T, S, 4 Com 4 Mar 2019 Bay, Auckland Warkworth, 9100 17 April Criterion Hotel, 3 Tyne St, Branch Secretary, 25 Itchen St, 13 North Otago 7.30 pm P, VP, S/T, 3 Com 8 Apr 2019 2019 South Hill, Oamaru Oamaru 9400 7 May Otago Motorcycle Club Tea- Branch Secretary, 3 Stevenson Rd, 14 Otago 7.00 pm C, VC, S, T, 5 Com 31 Mar 2019 2019 rooms, 3 Clarke St, Dunedin Concord, Dunedin 9045 5 May St John Office, Pereriki St, Branch Secretary, 9 Everard Place, 15 Rotorua 7.00 pm C, S, T, 4 Com 29 Mar 2019 2019 Rotorua Ngongotaha, Rotorua 3010 18 May Branch Secretary, 145 Wicklow St, 16 Southland Venue TBA TBA S, S/T, 3 Com 18 Apr 2019 2019 Clifton, Invercargill 9812 3 May Inglewood Club, Moa St, Ingle- Branch Secretary, 17 Taranaki 7.00 pm SC, S, T, 4 Com 1 Apr 2019 2019 wood 192 Kina Rd Branch Secretary, 52 Mahoe Rd, RD2 18 Taumarunui 9 Apr 2019 RSA, Marae St, Taumarunui 7.00 pm C, T, S, 3 Com 9 Mar 2019 Taumurunui 3992 9 May Taupo Cosmopolitan Club, Branch Secretary, 51 Kurupae Rd, 19 Taupo 7.00 pm C, S, T, 3 Com 9 Apr 2019 2019 Taniwha St, Taupo Taupo 3330 12 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
FORTHCOMING BRANCH AGM NOTICES 2019 Closing AGM date for Address for # Branch Venue Time Positions date nomina- nominations tions Tauranga Citizens Club, Branch Secretary, 20 Tauranga 16 Apr 2019 170 Thirteenth Ave, Tauranga 7.30 pm C, VC, S, T, Com 16 Mar 2019 PO Box 160, Seventh Avenue, South Tauranga 3112 Branch Secretary, 2A Poihaere St, 22 Turangi 6 Mar 2019 Bridge Motel, SH1, Turangi 7.30 pm C, S ,T, 2 Com 6 Feb 2019 Turangi 3334 12 May Paeroa RSA, 40 MacMillan St, 23 Waihi-Thames Valley 2.00 pm C, S ,T, 4 Com 12 Apr 2019 2019 67 Belmont Rd, Paeroa Hill View Park, Katikati 3129 Waikato Commerce Club, 197 14 Brookview Court, Queenwood, 24 Waikato 6 May 2019 7.30 pm C, VC, S, T, 3 Com 6 Apr 2019 Collingwood St, Hamilton West Hamilton 3210 Nik Player 20 May Club Wairarapa, 25 Wairarapa 7.30 pm C, S, T, Com 20 Apr 2019 461B High Street South 2019 Essex St, Masterton Carterton 5713 Club Metro, 13 Ridgway Street, Coordinator, 33C Pitt St, Wanganui 26 Wanganui 2 May 2019 7.30 pm C, S, T, 3 Com 2 Apr 2019 Whanganui. 4500 Otaki RSA, 9 Raukawa St, Branch Secretary, 3 Te Nehu Drive, 27 Wellington 7 May 2019 8.00 pm C, S, T, 4 Com 7 Apr 2019 Otaki 5512 Paraparaumu 5032 Hokitika Chartered Club, 42 Westland Branch, 1 West Drive, RD2 28 Westland 9 April 2019 6.30 pm C, S, T, 4 Com 10 Mar 2019 Hamilton St, Hokitika Hokitika 7882 Ohope Chartered Club, Bluett 382 River Rd, 29 Whakatane 10 Apr 2019 7.30 pm C, VC, S, T, Com 10 Mar 2019 Rd, Ohope Kawerau 3127 Key: C - Coordinator, P - Branch President, VC - Vice Coordinator, VP - Branch Vice President, S - Secretary, T - Treasurer, S/T - Secretary/Treasurer, Com - Committee 1. This branch AGM Notice has been assembled from a variety of information provided by branches and details from last year. There may be errors or omissions as some requests have not been answered; contact with changes that may be printed in the March Ulyssian. 2. You may use the following Generic Branch Nomination form. GENERIC BRANCH AGM NOMINATION FORM 2019 THE ULYSSES CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND INC. I nominate: Member No. # For the position of: {please circle one} Coordinator Branch President Vice-Coordinator Branch Vice-President Branch Treasurer Branch Secretary Committee Member Nomination Accepted by: Date: Nominated by: Member No. # Seconded by: Member No. # All nominations are accepted with no pre-conditions Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 13
2019 NATIONAL ULYSSES RALLY AND AGM 2019 RALLY Your 2019 National rally and AGM is fast The theme for the Saturday night is By the time you read this in the approaching. Taking place on March 29-31, “Last of the summer wine” so be sure to Ulyssian registrations will have closed, registrations are starting to gather pace. air out your Nora Batty stockings and but I also realise life isn’t always a The fantastic Hastings Club is the base dust off your flat cap. There will be a straight line either. So, if you need to for our event this year, and it's looking to major prize for the best dressed member register late or made a last minute be a fun-packed weekend with plenty of and there will be a couple of other decision to attend, let us know so we can activities to keep us all busy. We will competitions to keep thing interesting! help you out. It may mean you have to have trade displays from Bay There will be a live band, but in a room wait for a t-shirt or badges, but come Motorcycles, Suzuki dealership and adjacent to the main venue, so for those along and join in. Motorland Yamaha, the new Hawkes Bay of you who want to have a quiet drink To simplify registration, follow the link Yamaha dealer. They will be bringing and chat without shouting, the main below to register or copy it into your along the new demo Yamaha Niken venue room is for you. As is always the internet browser MTX850, a three-wheeled sports bike case there will be a minibus to get you to which will be available for test rides over and from the event, and subsidised taxis forms/d/1T4v7Pv1_ the weekend. will be available from the bar. qOn7ZJUeNdlC02pau_ Friday night will be a low-key event, so During the day there will be a choice of b4QJF5uamiuNeqh0M/edit?usp=sharing you will have plenty of time to talk and escorted rides through the spectacular The team in Hawkes Bay are looking tell tall stories with mates old and new. Hawkes Bay, to a popular country pub for forward to hosting you all this year, so There will be a prize giving, with prizes lunch. Or you can explore all that the come on down to The Bay for a great for who has travelled furthest to attend Bay has to offer with wineries, weekend. and the oldest member to attend, and all restaurants and scenic lookouts all See you there, sorts of prizes in between. within close reach. Tiny #8959 25thr! 2 5t h ! yea Ye a r Beautiful Baltics Royal Rajasthan Inspiring Iceland Yaks & Yetis Himalayan Heights Five Fingers of S.E. sia v Dalmatian Delights Turkish Treasures Morrocan magic Awesome Andes Spectacular South Africa Life is a DARING ADVENTURE or nothing at all ! 14 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
OBITUARY RIP ULYSSES NUMBER 4179 2 OCTOBER 1947 – 28 DECEMBER 2018 What is It’s an online service that tells motorcyclists what events are up and coming and how to connect with them. Some Ulysses Club events may be on here, especially those which are open to the public. Check it out if you’re at a loose end and looking for a ride, or if your Branch wants to let others know what’s happening locally. W ith great sadness, the Kapiti never without pranks, surprises, fun or the branch joined alongside occasional nudity. family and friends to bid A huge personality, wrapped in a small farewell to Derek Rivers. frame, Derek’s smile and catch phrase, Not so much as a funeral, more a celebra- “this is the face you can trust”, will be tion of Derek’s life – and boy, did Derek missed by all who had his company. live. Our thoughts are with Derek’s wife Tania Born in Nelson, Derek soon developed and his family. a solid work ethic, the ability to talk to anybody and a lifelong love of motorcycles Sad to say our friend has passed – 60+ over his life, from BSAs, Sunbeams, But Derek isn’t gone BMWs to Derek’s beloved Harleys. For he remains in all of us Derek was a member of several His memory will live on motorbike clubs, including Nelson’s Ngatira Motorcycle Club, Wellington Quad His ride is now forever club and from 19th July 1998, Kapiti A smooth road bathed in sun Ulysses club. A tail wind, a tank of gas Derek rode regularly throughout New And corners just for fun Zealand and wherever Derek went, laughter followed. The ride with Derek was Derek lived for every day And gave life to all around Honesty, endeavour, humility And laughter were abound Tours | Track Days | Poker Runs So shed a tear if you must Rallies | Adventure Riding For the passing of our friend But be safe in the knowledge Racing | Training Derek’s love will never end For one day we hope to ride again Together, father and son New Zealand’s only comprehensive Mate, pals, partners in crime motorcycling events hub The friendship will live on for Road and Dirt Riders, David Bergemann #8344 North and South. Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 15
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BRANCH NEWS AUCKLAND'S ANSWER CANTERBURY TALES FAR NORTH FROLIX Hi all from us in the big smoke. Welcome from the hot, dry Canterbury So now Christmas has come and gone, The Auckland branch is ticking along Plains. and 2019 is well and truly here. nicely, and we have had some great rides, This shall be my last missive from this We had a potato dig and Xmas Party in coffee and conversations and general position, as you probably know I am December, both of which were well socialising. It is good to see members standing down from the position as attended. Quite a few members including participating in these activities. Branch Coordinator. It had been my yours truly have done a ‘Ride Forever’ First off, I must say a big thank you to intention to do a couple of years while Course, so we should be able to live the committee and runs committee for all someone was bought up to speed and longer and avoid all the zombie car of the hard work they have put in over the slotted into the job. drivers better. past 12 months, it certainly makes my life a One small problem with this, out of the About nine members have gone to the whole lot easier when I have such a 200 plus branch members, no-one really Burt Munro in Invercargill. If you haven’t dedicated team. Every one of them has put wants to take on the job. Why? It isn’t that been, you’re missing a treat. We went to their hand up to take on a task, and then hard. I must admit I tried to do it all and the last November event. Even bods they have just run with it. I have enjoyed thanks to the past and present committee from Aussie come over for it. Next on my the last three years as Auckland President, members, this wasn’t allowed to happen. bucket list is the Isle of Man TT. but I am standing down this year, and You all owe them a huge thank you for Here’s hoping… some of our Committee members are their work over the last few years, and All too soon we’ll be too sick, too old to standing down also. But, we have some although everyone has different do anything, so you’d better do it now! new blood coming onto the committee, and commitments and things happening in No use saying, “I wish I…”. That’s my that has to be a positive for the branch – their lives, they have been a loyal and excuse for spending it now anyway, and new blood, new ideas, new enthusiasm. hardworking team. I can not thank them I’m sticking to it. I can confirm that the Auckland rally enough or heap enough praise on them. I am looking forward to the National held at Port Waikato will be on again this Those members outside the committee AGM in Hastings. year – 15, 16,17 November. The last two who have been doing all the organising See you there. have been a great success, so I am and ensuring the running of events are Ride it while you can. hoping for the same this year. the hidden , and although I would like to Nick Grbin #1688 We will not be having a Rescue embarrass you by naming you all, I don’t Helicopter Ride this year. There are so think there would be the room in the GIZZY NEWS many charity rides these days that it is NatMag. Please take this as personal Spur of the moment rides/social get getting harder and harder to find good “thank you” from myself and Pam. together, have been held over the sponsors and a lot of hard work goes into We had a good branch get together at holiday period. these events with a smaller and smaller Christmas, and I have been told those Currently we have four members, plus return each year. Having said that, the who manage to attend really enjoyed two ex Gizzy branch members attending new committee might decide to run with it themselves. We had a couple of dinner the Burt Munro in Invercargill. The again in future years. I think that the runs nights/lunches with branch members from weather’s looking great down there. committee puts together a runs list that outside the main city areas, and This Ulysses family is a great place to should suit everyone ie: short, medium we really need to follow these up with make great friends for life. and long rides, so have a look at the list some more. On January 20th, Gisborne Branch and pick a ride that is best for you. On to things of importance to us here, held our sort of annual St John I have been involved with this great the Helicopter Hunt is in full swing and is fundraising ride. An awesome Gisborne club of ours for a long time and I think still open for entries – have a look on the day saw a good turnout of people in that the format we now have – such as Canterbury website for an entry form – various modes of transport. Members having corner markers so nobody can the St John fundraising ride on ANZAC from Whakaktane and Napier Ulysses get lost – is the best it has ever been. It Day to organise and Rallies and rides to doesn’t matter if a person is a newcomer attend. Remember to check the calendar or a returning rider, we will endeavour to for updates. look after them. Remember, there is no As some will be aware, some branch substitute for time spent in the saddle to members are involved in the local gain experience. I will be going to motorcycle racing scene not only as Hastings for our National AGM and am racers but as officials and flaggies, with looking forward to catching up with a lot others helping with escort duties at cycling of you. If you are heading to the AGM events, and others doing meals on yourself and have not booked your wheels, along with other volunteer work. I accommodation, I would suggest you do believe we have got the area well covered. it sooner rather than later. Ride safe out there and, all going to Keep the shiny side up. plan, we will see you at the National Rally Clive Thomas # 2383 and AGM in Hastings Auckland President Stephen Orpwood #2119 18 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
BRANCH NEWS Levin at 12:45 after the front had passed. A good pace up SH1 saw us arrive in Turangi in time for a good soaking in the Tokaanu hot pools. A feed of Turangi's finest sweet ‘n’ sour carrot (wasn't much pork), a few medicinal libations, and Richard's outrageous stories saw a good night ensue. Sleep was rudely cut short for most of us when the wind began howling in the night, with most of us getting up at some point to check on the bikes. Following an early start and tasty brekkie we headed off around the west side of the mountains to enjoy some fine weather, great roads, and little traffic (to the extent that we had the Parapara’s to ourselves and all those corners to enjoy at our own pace - priceless. The Himatangi straights were a different matter with a howling westerly that made riding a bit gnarly in the extreme. joined us. It was so great to have them and games on the Friday, with Tim along, and they didn’t get lost on my entertaining for an hour or so. It’s going Gisborne Overnighter (Jan 19-20 mystery tour of Gisborne. to be a cracker. Any difficulties with 2019) – written by Andrew With a few activities/ideas in the pipeline, registration should be now fixed, and It was a party of one that left BP on our summer riding will be fun filled. time is running out to register. The cut-off Saturday morning to meet up with Paul Safe riding date is 28th February. Maybe too late by at the Puketapu hotel near Taradale. We Chrissy #5993 the time the Ulyssian comes out. But headed on to Gisborne to spend a very Gisborne Branch President here’s hoping. pleasant evening at the holiday park. The We look forward to seeing you here. ride home was via Tiniroto to Wairoa. HAWKES BAY HAPPENINGS Cheers Barry #8175 100km of corners and worth a ride. Just Back to school they went, so now we watch the road surface as road markings know the best times to be out riding KAPITI CAPERS are novel in this part of the country. After again. In this issue we acknowledge with a meeting up with Tony and Mark at It’s been too hot here for good riding heavy heart the passing of Derek Rivers, Puketapu for lunch we headed over the though. Anything over 30 degrees and member #4179. Derek, a 20-year Gentle Annie in 27 degrees. The road you get tar melting. That makes it member, passed away peacefully at his surface was suffering under the heat and interesting on some corners. Is it my home on the 28th of December and will was treacherous in places. Arriving home imagination, or do they actually use be greatly missed. RIP Derek. in Kapiti for dinner after a great cheap or watered-down tar here in New Since our last posting we have had weekend's riding in amazing weather. Zealand? I’ve never noticed tar melts numerous rides and our Christmas lunch, happening in the places I’ve driven in this year at Cobb and Co in Levin, and of Fish n Chip ride to Mr Grumpy’s, overseas. If this is true, I guess it comes course our usual monthly coffee Foxton Beach (Jan 26 2019) down to economics. mornings. One ride in particular stands written by John We have had a few runs in the out for me and that was our Mystery Ride On Saturday evening we left December/January period, none of which on the 13th January. Nine Bikes headed Paraparaumu at 5pm with pickups along I have personally been able to attend. My over the Paekakariki and Rimutaka Hill the way and cruised to Foxton, arriving a family were home for Christmas and a roads, on to Masterton then out to little after 6pm. After a hearty feed of fish spell in hospital being my main excuses. Castlepoint for a brief look-see. We ‘n’ chips, we headed over to the I think from memory we haven’t retraced our steps back to the Tinui Café Manawatu Marine Boating Club normally organised much in January in & Bar for lunch. A perfect day's ride, no launching area where we had a look at the past because of annual leave and wind and plenty of sunshine. one of the largest boats built in New family. It certainly showed with some Zealand, Michael Hill's 40 metre poor turnouts over January. Here’s Turangi overnighter (Dec 10 2018) catamaran waiting for final fit out before hoping for better groups for February. – written by Andrew launching sometime in March. We then Planning for the 2019 National AGM is Metservice were actually right with their rode to Shannon and headed south and going well. We have some bike displays, forecast for this trip. Fortunately, the RSVP home, another great ride. and a great band for the Saturday night option on the website enabled the group to All the best for 2019. function. There are going to be lots of fun discuss options in advance and we left John Rolls (#7221) Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 19
BRANCH NEWS Xmas BBQ which is held on the Monday of Wellington Anniversary. This is a great social afternoon with the club providing the meat and bread and members bringing a salad or desert. Thanks to Malcolm and Mary-Ray Bowling for hosting us in their lovely sheltered garden. Members Bruce Ebbett and Eddie Bell were also presented with their 20 year badges. Our coffee mornings have been well supported and enjoyed by members and their partners with around 20-25 people for coffee or brunch on a Saturday morning. Recent venues were Cafe Soskys, which includes a collection of racing cars, and Murrayfields Cafe near Levin. Preparations are getting underway for the National Rally in nearby Hawkes Bay. Murray Cross #7908 Manawatu Co-Ordinator MARLBOROUGH MUSINGS Greetings from the Marlborough Branch goods for them to reminisce over. The once again. keen ones in the group then moved on to The summer riding season is almost a private American car collection, based over, and I hope you all got some great around the 1950s. The cars were rides in. Our members attended the supported by other memorabilia including usual round of Toy Runs in The Top of jukeboxes and life-sized manikins of The South. Nelson, Westport and our James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. own Marlborough one and our Branch The December ride was the Woodville Back To Basics Rally will have been and Lions Coast to Coast Charity ride. One of gone when you get this Ulyssian. We had MANAWATU MURMURS the branches members, Ron Mabey, has good support from Christchurch The Manawatu Branch has had an been involved with organising this event members, and it was good to see Mike interesting last three months. for many years. This is also the branches Dew this year too. The November club ride was cancelled main charity event and was well Our local Branch AGM has been held, due to weather, but the previous week supported by our members again this one new nomination, so a welcome extra we had the first midweek evening “Pie & year. The weather Gods were kind and committee member – thanks Carol. Apart Pint” ride. A second evening ride saw around 300 riders entered the event. from that, the same great committee as only three members, including yours This Lions Club event is a major fund last year and myself as Coordinator. truly, enjoy a stunning Friday night in the raiser for the Palmerston North Over the next twelve months we will be backwoods of Pahiatua and Eketahuna. Rescue Helicopter busy organising the 2020 National Rally A great ride despite a local cat that January is normally a quiet month, as & AGM. The venue, caterers and band mounted a kamikaze raid on the lead many members are away on holiday or have all been booked, and we have a rider’s front wheel and coming off busy with family. We managed to fit in a theme sorted for the Saturday night second best. couple of evening rides, including a Fish function. However, there is still a lot of Our monthly coffee morning was a little & Chip run to Mr Grumpys at Foxton detail to sort out! different in December. A good sized Beach. All the meals were pre-ordered Branch-wise we are doing all right. group met at Tui HQ, Mangatainoka, for by individuals and the shop did a great Once a month we have a club night – brunch and departed at 12.00 to visit a job having everybody’s food ready when dinner at a different venue each time, private motorcycle collection near we arrived. Dinner was eaten on the followed by some socialising, always a Woodville. The collection is mainly tables down by the beach. It was a good night. Our regular Saturday coffee off-road bikes but there were sufficient beautiful still night and the group also mornings are well supported, and the road bikes, including a Gold Wing and visited Michael Hill’s new boat that was Retreads Thursday rides for lunch trailer with nearly 1,000 accessory lights being assembled beside the Foxton somewhere, they’re always good for fitted. The wives who joined in enjoyed Boat Club. a laugh. viewing a selection of old household The main January event is our belated Sunday rides fluctuate with numbers 20 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
BRANCH NEWS attending each week, sometimes good and the cars were then mixed up with the and sometimes bad. I don’t know what riders getting impatient and trying to the answer is to attract more Sunday barge their way through. riders. I expect it is a sign of the times. Lucky it was a wet day, so we did not Five from Marlborough including have the usual 200+ riders that we myself will be at the National Rally & usually have. Needless to say our AGM in Hastings at the end of March, committee is now working out a plan as looking forward to catching up with to how we are going to overcome this for everyone again. the end of this year. Our Branch membership is fairly static. Many of us are heading down to the We have been happy to welcome some Burt Munro Rally so we will see you there. new members to our club recently and Lorraine #1117 hope they enjoy it as much as I do. Don’t forget to join us at any of our events NORTH HARBOUR NEWS if you are passing through the district. Our branch finished off the year with an Till Next Time “Keep The Rubber On excellent Christmas Bash, we had a The Road”. great turn-out and also had some visitors Kelvin Watson #3602. from the Auckland Branch to help with Marlborough Coordinator. the celebrations. As with many branches we have had a NELSON NIBBLES their hands up to be on committee for few defections at renewal time, if you have Wow, what amazing weather we have this coming year. a friend who has not renewed please been having. Too much of a good thing We are not doing as many overnighters encourage them to change their mind, the now though. Everywhere is crispy brown as we used to, but the one we have kept strength of our club is in the hands of our and we are facing water restrictions. going is to Karamea, which is happening members, not just the Branch Committee Riding in 30-degree temps has been this weekend. or National Committee. tough. When you stop you just melt. Not Our annual Toy Run turned into Unfortunately, most don’t tell us why to mention the wet tar on the roads. something we did not expect! Two weeks they are not renewing. Are we doing However, we have had some memorable out from the event we were told by something wrong, is the club not meeting rides dodging the myriads of campers Tasman District Council that we could not their expectations, maybe they are not and other tourists on the roads. run this event as we did not have a riding any more or have health issues? If A new event we created in November Traffic Management Plan or professional you are no longer riding that is no reason was an overnighter to Kopara to traffic managers to do roundabout control to resign your membership, you are commemorate our recently passed etc. They also told the police that they always welcome to come by car at coordinator Terry Reynolds. He loved were not to support us anymore. any time. nothing better than dabbling around with Bloody hell! We have been running this Although the weather has been good old machinery and gadgets, including event for 33 years with absolutely no for riding the conditions on some of our old guns. problems and no incidences. Our roads has been crap, with excessive tar Kopara, is in a remote location on the secretary ran around like a madman bleed and loose metal lifting out of the West Coast, inland from Greymouth getting a professional Traffic tar which is spreading all over our cars where the Black Powder club meet and Management Plan put together by a and bikes. We have even seen TV where Terry went regularly. A small professional (we had to pay for this, of coverage of the tar lifting in strips under group, including his wife Jean all rode course) which still was not accepted car wheels. At the moment we are down for an overnighter and were made because apparently we all have to go visiting family in Melbourne where the extremely welcome. They even got to through some sort of training course to temperature is 39-degrees, so far we have a go with a blunderbuss. be “Traffic Controllers’. have seen NO tar bleed, so what are the We have sold all our allocated We basically told them that we are NZ roading contractors putting in our tar motorcycle raffle tickets. Great choices doing it anyway so were told in no to give it such a low melting point and this year. Well done to Wayne and team uncertain terms that we had to stick to how do we get the roading authorities to for setting this up. the road rules i.e. give way at put a stop to it? For the first time in a long time our roundabouts, stop at red lights (the Our Branch AGM is being held 4th Nelson branch has signed up more police used to change these to green for April at the Pupuke Golf Club. members than those that chose to leave. us as we came through), and give way at Nominations will be closed by the time Surprise, surprise most of these new intersections (the police also used to you read this, but will be published via members are in their 40s and 50s. We wave us through these so all the bikes Mail Chimp to give members a chance to must be doing something right at last. could stick together). The result being do a postal ballot if they wish, but we These new members have brought along was that we were all put at risk from would rather everyone came to our a great supply of new ideas for us to traffic barging in wherever, the whole branch meeting as you are the ones that work with and already, some have put group of riders getting split up for miles keep our branch strong. I would like to Ulyssian MARCH 2019 | 21
BRANCH NEWS thank the present committee for their OTAGO OFFERINGS “Yours Truly in full combined efforts in keeping our branch Great summer weather has allowed all Xmas Celebration Mode” running smoothly: Barry Holland – rides to take place over recent months. Branch VP, Tracy Unstead – Secretary, Highlights have been catching up with Julia Kelly – Treasurer along with Rob members from North Otago and Bissett (Runs Coordinator), Les Duffield Southland, with some North Otago (Ronnie Run Coordinator) and Andy members joining us at our Herbert Kelly as committee members. Also, Domain picnic and the Xmas BBQ in thanks to N/L Editor – Craig McEwan, December on the peninsular. Sheriff – Peter Webb, Welfare Officer The Secret Santa Fairy attended the – Annette Bissette and Webman – Peter BBQ and dished out some wondersome Unstead. We must also thanks Diane gifts to all. Nine from North Otago also stepping up for the role. We have a core Webb and her helpers for handling the met Otago members at Palmerston for of active riders, all have abilities that raffles over many years and, of course, our Twilight ride for fish ‘n’ chips. would suit the position, and I would hate everyone who has taken a branch ride Southland members met us at Gore in to see the situation of becoming or contributed in other ways. No-one can November and at Tapanui in December, leaderless, and facing dissolution. do the President/Coordinator job without although this was more of a coincidental We have an active Rides Committee, the support of their partner, a very event, with both groups meeting at a offering us varied experiences to special thank you to Dale as rural crossroad at exactly the same different destinations. These continue to quartermaster and for all the support time, with all going on to share lunch be great fun, but attended by the same she has given me over the last 27 years in Tapanui. few. I spoke to members of another as I have fulfilled various committee More catch-ups are planned. branch recently, who said that while they positions in the Auckland and By Mike 7808 were gaining some new, and younger, North Harbour Branches and the members, these recent riders were not National Committee. ROTORUA FLASHPOINT particularly interested in functions like With the National AGM & Rally coming Our Branch Xmas dinner was a beauty, rallies, or even the A.G.M. We need to do up you should be making sure you have and made all the more memorable by the better at what we do! We are all aware purchased your National Bike Raffle giving out of Service badges to those that all sports, service, and social clubs tickets, if you have missed out give me a stalwarts maintaining the steady face difficult times at present – stay solid, call on 027 289 1018 or com.1@ulysses. progress of the Club. Long may the committed, and inventive! P.C. does not It would be great if the winner disgracefulness continue. necessarily mean politically correct, it was at our National Rally when the My sad news this edition is that could be “progressive club”, or winning ticket is pulled from the barrel by personal commitments mean I will not be “participation and comradeship”, or “party a local policeman. continuing as Coordinator after our conduct”, etc., so get up and going! Don’t forget if you are coming to our Branch A.G.M. at the beginning of May. I have my book of raffle tickets, so will area check out our website for club night, These extra other duties mean I cannot be on a new bike come April! dinner night and rides at www. honestly fulfil the role of Coordinator of Cheers, stay upright with a mean or give me a the branch to a full and proper extent. I lean angle, call. We’re a friendly bunch so come and did make this position known to the FLASH 1272 enjoy our hospitality. Branch members at our December L.Wayne Painter #1756NZ meeting as I would like there to be at SOUTHLAND “SCRIBBLES” North Harbour Branch President least one, hopefully more, candidates Hi from the Deep South, I hope Club members had an enjoyable time with family and friends over the festive season and are now getting out and about and enjoying the riding opportunities that summer provides. Reflecting on the period since the last report, the final Branch event for 2018 was our Xmas function held on a member’s property located near Winton. Members were required to meet at a central city location before commencing a “mystery” ride of approx. 80km. During the ride they visited two places of interest before reaching the “mystery” destination where they enjoyed a BBQ meal organised by our hosts. Prior to the 22 | Ulyssian MARCH 2019
You can also read