US Business in Ireland 2016 - A special report on the outlook for business in Munster - American Chamber of Commerce Ireland
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US Business in Friday, January 29, 2016 Ireland 2016 A special report on the outlook for business in Munster
US Business in Ireland CONTENTS Mutual friendship Kevin O’Malley, the US Ambassador to Ireland, explains how the unique US-Irish relationship is delivering equal benefits for both parties. — pages, 10, 11 Joe Tucci, president of EMC, visiting the Ballincollig plant in 2013, when he praised the EMC employees in Ireland and recognised their contribution to EMC’s global vision. Photo: John Sheehan Photography Highly skilled roles to fill Cork hurling star Brian Steady growth in South-West Corcoran is playing a AS the incoming president of the highest jobs growth outside of Dub- lead role in Regeneron, a pharma firm recruiting to American Chamber, Bob Savage, Bob Savage lin last year, up 17%, and bodes well vice president and managing direc- for further future expansion. fill hundreds of highly tor EMC Ireland, sees the position as “Looking across the South West, skilled jobs in Limerick. American Chamber of Commerce Ireland, an important honour, and one not president and Cork in particular, the variety — page 30 taken for granted. of new investments and the expan- “It is an extremely big honour not sion of existing profiles across a just for me, but also for EMC. The Interview: John Daly broad range — not just in technol- chamber has been a very powerful ogy, but also in financial, pharma and effective organisation for many and biopharma, has made this a years for all of us in US FDI. And of “This level of investment takes great year.” course, the ‘E’ in EMC stands for the some looking after, added to in other Mr Savage also cites the presence late Dick Egan, who became the US areas such as creating a support net- of UCC, CIT, and the prospect of its Ambassador after his time with the work, providing access to Govern- merger with the Institute of Tech- company, and maintaining those ment, research and development, in- nology Tralee creating a new and vi- links to that office is another im- novation, and increasing work brant university as additional fac- portant aspect of the American around harnessing the right kind of tors underpinning future growth: Chamber’s activities,” he says. talent. During my presidency, I “The spine is being built to continue Mr Egan, who founded EMC with would hope to extend some of that this investment and with the digital his college friend Roger Marino in great work through more partner- transformation that is going on 1979, retired as Chairman Emeritus ships and networking with bodies right now which is changing the Cultural focus in 2001 to accept an appointment by President George W Bush to serve as like the IDA and Enterprise Ireland and making sure we are complimen- way we do business with the cloud, social, mobile, big data and the In- the US Ambassador to Ireland. tary to one another.” ternet of Things — affecting every- on people “The chamber has long been in- volved in tremendous work focused With 5,300 people employed in Ire- land by EMC and Dell, the planned body in the way we do our business — I think Cork and the South West on innovation, research and devel- €59bn acquisition announced in Oc- region in general is very well posi- Barbara D’Ovidio tells tober will make it the biggest ever opment, and attracting top class tal- tioned to take advantage of that.” how Voxpro ensures its ent into the country to continually EMC Ireland’s Bob Savage says it is a big tech deal. Dell employs approxi- As a graduate of CIT, Mr Savage staff feel they are highly honour to be named as president of the mately 2,300 in Ireland, between its move up and forward,” he added. admits to a particular gratification valued members of the company’s growth plan Mr Savage is one of a number of American Chamber in Ireland. European financial services head- in EMC’s development of a masters Chamber members appointed this quarters in Dublin, a multilingual in cloud computing along with the — page 32 communities, with the aim of devel- EMEA business and technology month to lead a task force advising Institute that is now delivered re- the Government on regional job cre- oping more innovative companies centre in Cork, and an EMEA sol- motely around the world, and has ation. He will chair the South-West and, ultimately, more sustainable utions centre in Limerick providing been acknowledged by Forbes as the region and is joined by two former jobs at a regional level. server and storage support. key cloud degree globally. Contacts American Chamber presidents — “Another great honour over the EMC has 3,000 staff, almost all of “We are tremendously proud of Eamonn Sinnott (Mid-East) and past five years has been my time on which are based at its centre of ex- that, and, in real terms, what that Editorial: Gerry Kilcommons (West), as well the board of Enterprise Ireland, and cellence in Cork, where functions has done for us is provide a platform Joe Dermody as current board member Barry now I am very much focused on the include marketing, customer ser- where our talent can constantly up- O’Sullivan (Mid-West). South West region where I chair the vices and international finance. grade their skills. If you are moving tel: 021 4802313 The Government has earmarked implementation group of the Action “The complimentary nature of and transforming at a tremendous up to €40m for local job creation, Plan for Jobs.” both organisations makes this a pace, like cloud is doing, you must Advertising: which will facilitate the key priority With more than 700 US companies very exciting prospect, and some- invest and prepare for the future by of more new companies being located in Ireland, providing over thing very much to look forward to making sure that you collaborate Aidan Forde started up and scaled. It will also en- 140,000 jobs, the American in the future,” he says. with universities like UCC and CIT tel: 021 4802118 courage greater collaboration be- Chamber’s brief is as varied as it is As the recovery continues to to provide the programmes to trans- tween the research and business all-encompassing. gather pace, Cork accounted for the form those skills.” 2 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016
US Business in Ireland Recruitment signals clear benefits of US-Irish links Research focus American Chamber of Commerce Ireland Report Des O’Sullivan AFTER a phenomenal year in the US-Ireland business relationship in 2015 we need to future proof Ireland against global competition. The way to do this accord- ing to the American Chamber of Commerce in Ireland is to double our spending on research, devel- opment and innovation to 3% of GDP. The path to fu- ture success in foreign di- rect investment (FDI) lies in research, development, and innovation (RDI). Bringing successful new ideas to fru- ition should continue to se- cure further positive in- Janina Zambrzycka, winner of the Niall Condon Pfizer Process creases in US FDI here. Safety Award, with Niall J Condon, Pfizer VPfor BioPharmaceutical Recruitment drives at Manufacturing Operations, visiting Cork Institute of Technology; companies like Apple, Pfizer is one of many US-owned companies with plans to recruit Pfizer, and ABEC in Cork and Regeneron and Meco in new staff in Ireland this year. Picture: Darragh Kane Limerick show how growth in US companies is deliver- term RDI is fundamental to o p e d by t h e A m e r i c a n ing benef its to Munster. continued growth in the Chamber and the Royal Many indigenous Irish com- Irish economy. Irish Academy the awards panies have learned from ‘ I r e l a n d ’ s I n n o va t i o n acclaim exemplary ideas US corporations based here Pathway’ is a strategy paper originating in Ireland which a n d d ev e l o p e d o ve r s e a s launched by the American h a ve m a d e a s o c i a l a n d markets. Chamber in 2015. It under- economic impact. Jobs are being delivered lines the need to reassess This is a country which throughout Ireland through Ireland’s proposition for fosters and celebrates inno- FDI. In the south of the FDI. vation. Many of the inno- country there has been a The paper argues vations that emanate from range of new companies strongly that achieving a Ireland, and have an impact opening up such as Mal- global leadership position in on a global scale, come from warebytes in Cork and Uber, RDI will proof the Irish the community of US FDI. which has just opened its economy ag ainst global The impact is seen across first centre outside the US in competition for investment. the full spectrum of indus- Limerick. This will ulti- Ireland must double RDI in- try. Irish designed computer mately create 300 jobs. vestment to 3% of GDP. Im- ch i p s a n d s o f t wa re p ro - The growth of companies plementing this strategy grammes are powering sys- long located in Ireland is should, by 2025, support tems worldwide. Irish de- equally encouraging. Apple, further positive increases in vices are improving and which will expand its cam- US FDI over the period. saving lives worldwide. pus in Cork and add 1,000 FDI in Ireland has pro- ‘Created in Ireland’ is now new jobs, is an outstanding vided stability for the econ- synonymous with quality example. Bausch and Lomb omy. The innovation paper innovation in sectors like will invest €75million in suggests that Ireland can online media, data, clean Waterford and add 125 new win increased investment technology, and many more. jobs, Regeneron in Limerick by focusing on excellence, Awards are presented in a are delivering plans to bring innovation, and sustaining number of categories. These total investment to $350m investment certainty. include the Irish operations which will add 500 jobs by It recommends that com- of a US company; an Irish 2017. The long list of expan- plexity in the current RDI small or medium enterprise ding companies includes system be removed; that with links to a US company; Dell, Pfizer, GE Healthcare, ease of access to RDI system and an Irish higher edu- and Northern Trust. is provided by ensuring en- cation or research institute Many Irish companies terprise agencies are client working with US firms. benefit from the innovation centric; that RDI centres are The World of Talent Cam- of US companies here. One internationally ranked in paign — a joint American o f t h e m o s t i m p r e s s i ve terms of their scale, scien- Chamber and IDA initiative examples is Voxpro in Cork. tific and engineering repu- — highlights abroad the ca- When this company won a tation, and proven leader- reer opportunities that now major contract with Google ship in particular domains; exist in Ireland. It is sup- they had just 40 staff. Now that objectives are aligned ported by leading multi- through their work with to achieve a more balanced national firms in Ireland. Google, and other well portfolio of investment with The www.worldoftalenti- known names such as greater focus on the RDI im- website is an AirBnB, they are on track to pact on the economy and online resource for those exceed 1,200 jobs in Cork that we develop, attract, and considering moving or mov- and in the US too. retain key individuals and ing back to Ireland. Last year was a year of global leaders in RDI. Those considering a move growth and all indications Excellence in research in- back can do so in the knowl- are that 2016 will be another novation in Ireland as a re- edge that the most inno- very good year for US FDI. sult of US FDI is recognised vative, exciting companies There is, apparently, much by the US Ireland Research on the planet find Ireland a in the pipeline. In the longer Innovation Awards. Devel- great location for business. IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016 3
US Business in Ireland “ Ireland has 38 research centres in third level colleges. The priority areas FDI at an all-time high US investment into Ireland are clustered in six themes: is at an all-time high. Mark Redmond, chief executive of Amberican ICT, health & medical tech, Chamber of Commerce in Ireland, said this is under- sustainable food, energy, pinned by brilliant com- panies like IBM, which cel- ebrates 60 years in Ireland manufacturing & materials, this year, and Apple, which is involved in major expan- innovation in services and sion in 2016. Amazing innovation is happening in Ireland. business processes “What we hear again and again from leading US com- panies is that they are stunned by the positive im- pact that their Irish oper- Tech centre for ations are having on their global figures,” he said. The proof of that pudding is in the eating. The most re- US, Irish and cent figures suggest that US investment in Ireland now stands at a staggering $310 billion (€285bn). That figure, Chinese talent Mark Redmond points out, exceeds US investment into the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) combined. Joe Dermody for their European tech- If Ireland can maintain nology centre. We are the focus on our national American bank State aware that other cities reputation as a centre of glo- Street, Zhejiang Univer- and universities in Eu- bal excellence he is confi- Mark Redmond, chief executive, American Chamber; Eamonn Sinnott, GM Intel Ireland; and Donal Óg sity (ZJU) in China, and rope were considered. dent investment this year Cusack at the 2015 Cork Business Lunch in the Maryborough Hotel. UCC are collaborating “In joining with our will be another all time o n a n ew t e ch n o l o g y colleagues in Zhejiang high. centre in Cork. University we are collab- US Foreign Direct Invest- The collaboration ex- orating with one of the ment (FDI) into Ireland in Mark Redmond pands State Street’s rela- top three universities in the five very tough years tionship with both uni- China. We are confident from 2008-2012 exceeded the Chief executive, American Chamber versities and will in- the centre will create a entire investment of the pre- itially focus on emerging unique global research vious 60 years. “While many technologies, and how experience for students others around the world Interview: Des O’Sullivan they impact on the finan- and will help Ireland to were questioning Ireland cial services industry. be at the forefront of Fin- the US business sector saw The American Chamber vigilant. Ireland faces very “This is an exciting tech research.” that our fundamentals are makes sure that Ireland’s stiff competition for US FDI. initiative that will en- Research at ZJU spans sound and confidence in Ire- reputation as a global lo- “We have to benchmark our- able us to better under- philosophy, economics, land did not wane” he said. cation of choice is main- selves with those countries stand emerging technol- law, education, litera- “If that is the case you can tained and enhanced. The we compete with for jobs.” ogies and their impact ture, history, science, only but be extraordinarily chamber communicates On the higher tax rate, on our businesses and art, engineering, agri- optimistic about the future. very strongly the amazing singled out by the IDA as a our clients,” said Susan culture, medicine, and All the indications are that talent in Ireland and the ap- potential future problem, he Dargan, head of State management. the pipeline is very strong preciation of that talent by believes that there is an op- Street’s global services Yang Xiaohu, execu- for 2016. We are seeing the leaders of companies in portunity for Ireland to be- offshore. “Ireland has tive vice dean of Soft- growth throughout Ireland. the US. come more competitive by become synonymous ware College and head of We can be very optimistic “That is a very strong increasing the level of in- with disruptive technol- State Street Zhejiang about the strength of US in- message. Talent is the come at which the top mar- Mark Redmond, optimistic for ogies, with numerous University Technology vestment here”. number one reason why US ginal rate kicks in. future investment in Ireland. centres of excellence. Centre, said: “Zhejiang By any standards the companies come here,” he It happens at a low level in This partnership is a tes- U n i ve r s i t y h a s p a r t - growth has been extraordi- said. Ireland relative to other tament to our history of nered with State Street nary. And, as Mark Red- The American Chamber countries. increase investment to 3% innovation and bringing for 14 years on research mond points out, it is a two functions as an advocacy “It kicks in when you of GDP by 2025 from the cur- together academia and and development of ad- way relationship. Irish com- group. want to reward exceptional rent level of 1.6%. business.” va n c e d i n f o r m a t i o n panies are now employing “We represent the views performance. To take 50% “We need to make sure The technology centre technologies for State large numbers in the US. of our members to govern- away before someone even that there is a global recog- will initially involve 20 Street’s global needs. We Companies like Glanbia, the ment. We aim to ensure that gets a bonus is difficult. We nition that Ireland is a place students from UCC and appreciate this new initi- Kerry Group, and CRH em- Ireland is very competitive have said to government where you can carry out ZJU focused on areas in- ative and look forward to ploy thousands of people in on the global stage. you do need to look at it. high value research and de- cluding virtual crypto working together with the US. “The priority is to ensure There is certainly an aware- velopment and innovation.” currency and investor State Street and UCC.” It is remarkable that out- that we continue to have a ness that this is an import- The US Ireland Research behaviour. The partner- put from US companies in cost competitive environ- ant factor.” Innovation Awards insti- ship includes a research Ireland accounts for 26% of ment, that we continue to The American Chamber tuted last year demonstrate exchange programme GDP. US companies directly have a very strong pool of also wants to ensure that how major innovation for students between the employ 140,000 people here. talent, including talent that there is work mobility with- exists in Ireland thanks to two universities. UCC Their Irish workforces cre- is attracted in to the in Ireland, that if somebody US investment. They re- may also establish as- ate products that enhance country. We have to make wants to move from Tralee ward innovation in US and sociated master and doc- the lives of people around sure Ireland is an attractive to Cork or vice versa that Irish companies and in toral programmes. the world. place to come to live and they can do so. Irish institutions of higher Prof Ciaran Murphy, Four out of every five work.” Last year, the American education. dean of Cork University medical stents in the world Mark Redmond stressed Chamber carried out a “This is showing the Business School, UCC, are made in Irleand, the importance of the physi- major exercise with its world where amazing inno- said: “We are delighted “When you go into these cal and digital infrastruc- members on what will con- vation is happening,” he and proud that State Susan Dargan, of State companies and you see the ture, schools, residences tinue to attract investment said. “We have to future Street has selected Ire- Street bank, says Ireland precision and skills of the and the personal tax regime. in Ireland. The conclusion proof our society and econ- land and University Col- has a global reputation for Irish workforces it is quite He does not see any impedi- was that Ireland needs to in- omy. We need to attract lege Cork as the location disruptive technology. remarkable,” Mark Red- ments in these areas but vest more in research, devel- more jobs, and encourage mond said. warned that we must be ever opment, and innovation, to expansion.” 4 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016
US Business in Ireland “ Ireland has the youngest population in Europe and has one of the lowest old-age dependency ratios at just 18.6%, compared to an average of 27.5% in European Union member states An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Minister Richard Bruton and European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan, unveiling Glanbia Ingredients Ireland’s €235m investment plan. At the opening of ABEC in Fermoy , Co Cork, Seán Sherlock, Minister for Trade Promotion; Cllr Kevin O’Keeffe; Scott Pickering, presi- dent of ABEC; Paul McConologue, MD of ABEC; Jim Lynch, CFO ABEC; Joe Munley, VP global manufacturing ABEC; Brian Conroy, The new ‘One Albert Quay’ block in Cork, headquarters for Tyco, the American security systems company which is to recruit 500 new staff. Michelle Yewlett and Ray O’Connor, all IDA. Picture: Eddie O’Hare Action plan sets 92,000 jobs target The southern part of the extra 92,000 jobs for these re- IDA are continuing to pro- minister to destinations country suf fered catas- gions over the coming years. mote all regions including right across the world, since trophically from the jobs This would bring employ- Munster and a key part of as part of our plan to sup- collapse that happened be- Richard Bruton ment in these areas signifi- that is providing state-of- port increased exports we tween 2008-2010. cantly past the peak that the-art property solutions have doubled the number of If you take the six coun- was hit at the time of the for potential investors in the trade missions. Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation ties of Munster plus Wex- boom. region eg. IDA Ireland is It should also be noted ford, Carlow and Kilkenny, A key part of our Jobs building an Advanced Tech- that the presence of multi- 102,800 jobs were lost during impact with 135,000 extra Of course smaller an- plan is attracting companies nology Building in Tralee nationals in a region creates these years. Construction — people at work across the nouncements can have just to Ireland and Munster is this year. a positive knock-on effect in which had been articifially country since we f irst as big an impact outside the well placed as an attractive Ireland has been very suc- its area. IDA Ireland esti- inflated — was particularly launched this Action Plan. big cities and I am rem- region for US companies to cessful in attracting the fol- mates that for every 10 jobs badly hit, as were the expor- In the South, 44,500 extra inded particularly of Abec set up. Munster has always lowing sectors: Pharma- generated by Foreign Direct ting sectors, which had been people are at work since we making an investment in an had a strong track record in ceuticals, medical devices, Investment, another seven neglected. Companies sup- launched our f irst jobs empty factory in Fermoy attracting FDI companies. ICT, engineering, financial jobs are created in the wider ported by my department plan, with the exporting and creating 100 jobs, Irish Most recently, there have services and life science economy. This creates a through IDA and Enterprise companies supported by company Technopath in- been several recent signifi- companies all have a very positive economic impact at Ireland lost 15,548 jobs in my department through vesting in Ballina County cant announcements in the strong presence in Ireland local level. Support services these areas during these IDA and Enterprise Ireland Tipperary, Dawn Meats in area — particularly in soft- across several regions. We and business grow to meet years. leading the way, creating Wexford and the continued ware, customer support and have worked hard to devel- the needs of these work- We took office with a plan over one third of these jobs. success of Dairymaster in shared services activities. op Ireland’s reputation as a forces. to build a new, sustainable Some of the notable jobs Kerry. European hub in some of I have over the past year “ economy, based on exports, announcements by IDA and However there are still these sectors. launched regional action enterprise and innovation, to replace the failed model based on property and debt Enterprise Ireland com- panies include Apple in Cork announcing that it far too many people unem- ployed, both in Muster and right across the country. Munster Considering the economic difficulty of recent years and international competi- p l a n fo r j o b s a n d a ke y measure in those plans are future FDI growth of be- which collapsed. Through our Action Plan for Jobs we would create 1,000 extra jobs, Eishtec in Waterford Jobs are growing in every region but some regions are has always had tion Ireland has continued to do well at encouraging tween 30-40% in each region. The IDA are committed to have implemented thou- sands of measures to pro- vide better supports to ex- and Wexford creating over 1,000 jobs, Tyco announcing 500 jobs for Cork, Glanbia growing faster than others. That is why at the heart of the Action Plan for Jobs is a strong track FDI companies into Ireland. Ireland managed to work with companies to retain a achieving this target. An extra 92,000 jobs for the southern regions of Ire- porting companies and at- tract more FDI, put in place making a huge investment in Beliview on the Water- ensuring that job growth happens right across the record in presence and these com- panies are expanding and land would mean 92,000 lives back on track, tens of thou- new sources of credit for SMEs, make tax changes to support sectors like tourism ford/Kilkenny border and Nor thern Trust making several announcements tot- country. The three regional jobs plans we have put in place attracting FDI creating more IDA Ireland client company employment than ever before. sands of people off the dole and thousands of emigrants coming home to their com- and to reward work. This has had a significant alling hundreds of jobs for Limerick. for the southern part of the country are targeting an companies I have led nearly 30 trade missions since I became munities. I believe this is a goal worth fighting for. 6 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016
US Business in Ireland US Business in Ireland Starwood, growing with Cork through the decades Hotel Danieli, Venice. St Regis, Abu Dhabi. W Hotel, Barcelona. Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Starwood House, MacCurtain Street, Cork. Starwood expands in Munster Starwood Reservations We now have teams that Hundreds of Starwood Corporation has grown and transformed since it support web development, corporate training, rate and associates have found rewarding careers moving Starwood has began operations in Cork in 1994. Established as ITT system support for hotels, business analytics and through several positions and departments in employed Sheraton with an original business plan of creating marketing. We think one of the things that makes Cork, with many of the leadership team having state-of-the-art 40 jobs, the operation has us special is that we have been with the company for successfully expanded to a strong culture of self- over 15 years. A number of technology to over 500 positions in 2016 development, with everyone the Cork team even go right with a remit to support the Europe, Africa and Middle from the VP of operations back to the very beginning ensure the latest East operating division across all levels of customer spoke in the care throughout its 1,270 hotels. “We have moved company’s Irish from being predominantly a call centre to a true contact Caroline Cooney-Hurrell, Vice President Customer Contact Centre, and Irene Contact Centre. Starwood Hotels and Resorts, hub will integrate centre where our associates Santos, Director of Human Resources. Starwood House, MacCurtain Street, Cork. routinely communicate with guests via Voice, down having started their in 1994, having joined with encourage our associates actively involved in the positive for us that many International, Inc. and industry, and we look smoothly and Email, Chat, Social media and most recently in App,” career ‘on the phones’, interacting with our guests. the intention of staying for a short stint but instead from day one to explore our hotels and gain a true regeneration of the street. “The diverse multicultural can walk or bike to work and contribute to the life Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide unanimously forward to combining our respective innovative ideas efficiently says Caroline Cooney- We all understand what discovering rewarding understanding of what nature of the workforce blood of the city. Like many approved a definitive and service commitment to Hurrell, Vice President it is like to deal with a and progressive careers. it feels like to be a guest. here fits right in with the other companies, we worry merger agreement under deliver unforgettable guest Staff members of the Sneem Hub during their induction day. Customer Contact Centre, guest and we never lose “One of our most coveted Given the profile of many slightly quirky feel of the about the availability of which the companies experiences,” says Caroline EAME. “While our core focus on putting the guest benefits is access to staff of our staff - young, mobile street. I am sure many good quality city centre will create the world’s Cooney-Hurrell. On January 25th, Starwood talent pool for us in a very says Irene Santos. Working company’s Irish hub will business is managing central to everything we and family rates at our and hungry for travel - it is people walk past the office accommodation to ensure largest hotel company. The transaction is launched its first remote hub competitive skills market and with the IDA, South Kerry integrate smoothly and direct interaction with the do. Hospitality is in our hotels,” says HR Director a perfect fit.” every day and have no idea Cork remains an attractive Combined, the companies still subject to Marriott operation at Sneem in Kerry, we were delighted to come Development Partnership efficiently. “We are excited to guests and customers on DNA, we are conscious that Irene Santos. “We consider Starwood is located in a that more than 500 talented place to live. We rely operate or franchise more International and Starwood having have already sourced across talented individuals and the Sneem Enterprise see this new project come behalf of Starwood, over we represent our hotels ourselves so lucky to work unique city centre location, people call it their home heavily on a mobile global than 5,500 hotels with 1.1 shareholder approvals and German, French and Dutch who not only speak very Centre Committee, Starwood to fruition and hope it will be the years we have built up and are an extension of for a company that allows occupying the former from home. Our associate workforce choosing Cork as million rooms worldwide. regulatory conditions, with speakers to fill operational much in demand languages, has employed state-of-the- a win-win situation for both new skill sets and secured our brands, regardless of us to stay at some of the Thompson Bakery building population for the most a place to live.” “This combination brings both parties expecting the roles. “We are hoping but also have great art technology to ensure Starwood and the Sneem jobs that support hotel and what role we have in the best hotels in the world on MacCurtain street for part live in the city centre Late in 2015, the boards together two of the most transaction to close in that this opens up a new customer service skills,” the latest spoke in the area.” headquarter operations. company.” on preferential rates. We the past ten years, and or environs, it is a huge of directors of Marriott talented teams in the mid-2016. Christina Winkler: German Pilar Herrero: Spanish Fernando Canovas: Spanish Andrea De Santis: Italian Birgit Jobst: German Charlotte Backman: Swedish Gerald Sheehan: Irish Hire date: February 8th, 2010 Hire date: March 12, 2012 Hire date: April 06, 2006 Hire date: February 04, 2013 Hire date: May 08, 2007 Hire date: June 08, 1999 Hire date: December 15, 1998 Position: Ambassador Position: Customer Service Position: Co-ordinator, Global Position: Global Rate Support Position: Senior Supervisor, Position: Manager, Position: Digital Marketing Quality Assurance Marketing Operations Team Social Media Eame Quality Assurance Analyst “I work with the Ambassador “After finishing my master degree “After finishing my Business “My journey with Starwood started “I joined Starwood in 2007 for the “It’s hard not to pick up a Cork “My current role involves crunching department to provide a in Architecture and an internship Administration degree at university in 2009 at Le Meridien Rimini, Italy Sales and Service team. From accent living here and I’m told I numbers for over 250 hotels across personalised service to our most in Rome, I decided that it was in 2005, I decided to join two while I was still studying Economics there I got promoted to various sound more Irish than Swedish at Europe, Africa and the Middle East valuable customers - a job that is time to improve my English. Hotel friends on an Irish adventure to and trying to make sense of the at the University. My General teams - Starwood offers fantastic this stage. Cork people know how never boring, with new challenges Design has been my passion Cork for a few months to improve trends coming out of those very every day. One of the big perks are Manager invited me to join the opportunities to their employees to make you feel welcome and since I was a kid, and a quick our English. Starwood has given Starwood Customer Contact Centre to get promoted within no time there is always someone at hand large sets of data. Over my time my many travels through Europe look to the Starwood hotels me the opportunity to travel around at Starwood I’ve had numerous and stays in places like Sheraton in Cork to increase my know-how - unlike in other companies where to help and guide you. I never opportunities to travel across portfolio was more than enough the world and to discover some of about the Hospitality industry. After you have to work for years in the made a decision to stay in Ireland, Krakow, Westin Grand Berlin, Europe, North America and the to realise how much I wanted the most stunning places on Earth. a short period, I had the luck to join same department. There is never a it just happened. I now manage Hotel Fürstenhof Leipzig and Hotel Middle East, all the while availing to work for the firm. I will never Thanks to Starwood, I have visited the department where I currently dull day in Social Media. Besides a dynamic department with a Danilie in Venice. I even got to be of our luxurious hotels. Although my own ‘Tour Operator’ back in forget the day my manager came places that used to be only part of work in, the Global Rate Support providing customer service through team of Quality Business Analysts we have some stunning rural and 2014 for 7 weeks travelling through to tell me that they had decided my dreams, like Singapore, Bali, Team. Last summer I was selected Facebook and Twitter, our team that evaluate work in 9 different beach resorts, my preferences Peru and Ecuador. As backpackers, to renovate the employees break Mauritius, Rome, Paris, Athens to represent the Corporate office always needs to be up to date languages. My work has taken me usually lean more towards our we stayed in cheap hotels, jungle room, only a few months after and many others. I have enjoyed urban hotels and some personal I started working as a Sales incredible experiences like scuba for a cross training program, a of what is going on in the world. to many places around the world lodges and even in a big canoe on marvellous opportunity that gave Time is crucial. In 2010, Starwood such as China, Canada and the highlights in the last few years were the Amazon River, gazing at a starlit Associate. Since then, I have been diving in the Mauritian coral reefs, trips to Istanbul and Venice. Rome, involved in many design projects or breakfast at a rooftop restaurant me the chance to spend 2 months asked me to train my Ambassador US. It has opened opportunities sky. I learnt that not knowing where Warsaw and Barcelona were all through Starwood, especially overlooking the Acropolis. It has in the Costa Navarino Complex in colleagues in Guangzhou, China - a for me to learn and develop, to the future will take us is always a great experiences too. The office in little scary, but also exciting. This is working with the MacCurtain been more than 10 years now since Greece. If I had to leave Starwood trip that will for sure be part of those travel and build a career. I have Cork boasts a very culturally diverse why I am looking forward to the big Street Traders Association and I moved to Cork for ‘a few months’ tomorrow I would leave richer than I stories you tell your grandchildren. now built a life in Cork with plans set of employees – a less celebrated changes coming at the company Fourem Architects on the plan and one of the reasons that arrived and it is not the money that A shout out to my colleagues: they to get married in the near future but nevertheless important benefit this year, full of excitement, ready to rejuvenate the street - one of made me extend my stay was the made me rich - but the experiences, have been some of the loveliest, and the birth of my son last year. that affords the culturally curious for a new chapter in my life and a the biggest satisfactions in my opportunity of working for Starwood the work and the people I met. most welcoming and funniest And Starwood is still more than a great opportunity to make new new adventure.” professional career so far.” Hotels.” Thank you Starwood.” people I met.” a job.” friends from all over the world.”
US Business in Ireland US Business in Ireland Transatlantic ties deliver mutual business benefits talk radio’s Down to Busi- “The world is becoming more things together, and so ■ Kevin O’Malley ness programme last Au- more globalised each day; I on. It’s a wonderful virtuous gust. McKelvey met entre- believe companies every- circle, and I wouldn’t want it US Ambassador to Ireland preneurs at the Guinness where are thinking globally any other way. Enterprise Center. In No- m o r e t h a n eve r b e f o r e . “With regards to Norwe- Interview: Des O’Sullivan vember, the US Embassy When US companies want to gian Air International spe- hosted an event with culi- explore Europe, they often cifically, the application is nary entrepreneur Danny start in Ireland. So the more pending with the Depart- US investment in Ireland is cited the recent decision by Meyer, with a discussion of global the entrepreneurial ment of Transportation; it growing at a faster pace the EU Court of Justice to best practices for the hospi- mindset becomes, the more would be inappropriate to than in the rest of the world invalidate Safe Harbor, a tality industry and likely I believe a US busi- comment while that review according to that country’s method that some 4,400 US strengthened US-Ireland ness is to come to Ireland. continues.” A m b a s s ador t o I reland, and European companies culinary and hospitality And as I said before, if there Kevin O’Malley. Ireland were using to transfer data linkages. Meyer also gave a are any impediments to this ■ Are you optimistic now enjoys the fifth highest across the Atlantic. This has masterclass for culinary globalisation, they have that we can continue to US Foreign Direct Invest- raised costs for existing entrepreneurs at Dublin In- more to do with Europe as a claw our way out of reces- ment in the world. companies, and created sig- stitute of Technology’s (DIT) whole than with Ireland.” sion. It seems to me that Ambassador O’Malley, a nif icant uncer tainty for Culinary Arts programme. Ireland’s recovery is pat- second g eneration Irish them. There are questions “We also look for ways to ■ Can I ask you to specu- chy, that many problems American, St Louis attorney around whether taxation connect US and Irish entre- late about the potential r e m a i n i n a r e a s l i ke a n d f r i e n d o f P re s i d e n t policy across the EU will preneurs across sectors. impact of a British depar- health funding. Do you Obama, points out that Ire- change and if certain com- Last April we hosted our ture from the EU on US; if see a way to making a land has established itself as panies might adopt their Embassy’s annual economic Britain were to leave the continuing economic re- a dynamic and productive own policies. This could conference which focused EU would this have an im- c o ve r y f a i r e r f o r a l l place for businesses to grow. have a disproportionate im- on the impact of the creative pact on US investment citizens? US investment in Ireland pact on US companies. The economy in US-Irish re- here? has been increasing for European Commission has lations. The conference en- “Ireland is certainly making some time. From 2008 to undertaken several state aid gaged 500 prominent US and “I don’t want to speculate on very impressive strides in 2012, US companies invested investigations relating to Irish entrepreneurs and a hypothetical. Neverthe- its economic recovery. I $130 billion in Ireland — tax policy which appear to leaders to share insights on less, I can reiterate what understand GDP for 2015 much more than all US in- target US companies. the impact of creativity on President Obama has said: was projected at 6%, far and vestments in Ireland during Ambassador O’Malley re- building ecosystems of inno- the issue of Britain’s mem- away the highest in the EU, the 58 preceding years. In ferred to questions over the vation. More than 50 speak- bership in the EU is up to its in or out of the Eurozone. 2 0 1 4 U S i n ve s t m e n t e x - Transatlantic Trade and In- ers from diverse creative citizens to decide. Recovery, however strong, ceeded $311 billion. ve s t m e n t P a r t n e r s h i p sectors came together for “From our perspective, can be uneven and health Ambassador O’Malley, (TTIP) — in some parts of the day-long event including the United States favours a funding is a complicated who has been here since Oc- Europe while Asian and senior executives from Intel, strong UK in a strong EU. I issue almost anywhere. tober 2014, said: “When I ar- some Latin American states Dell, LinkedIn, Disney, the know that the Irish govern- “I do want to mention r i ve d i n I r e l a n d , t h i s are queuing up to join the Smithsonian Institution, the ment is concerned about the something Ireland can do, country was the seventh- Trans-Pacific Partnership. National Endowment for the possibility of the UK leaving and is doing, with the United largest destination in the This is a free trade agree- Arts, among others. The day the EU, and understandably States, and the rest of the world for total value of US ment negotiated among the explored themes of building so. If there is any potential EU, which could help boost investment, according to the US and 11 other countries in US Ambassador to Ireland, Kevin O’Malley, said Ireland is making impressive strides in its recovery. Photo: Leah Farrell / creative communities work- upside for US investment in growth — and that is to sup- US Bureau of Economic the Pacific region. Issues ing in areas from technol- Ireland in that scenario — port the Transatlantic Analysis. Since then, invest- like these raise questions ogy, arts, culture, scientific and I’m not sure there is Trade and Investment Part- ment has continued to flow about how the investment “I have witnessed the high country which are doing gether and start-ups also our strong trade and invest- research, design, and social given the level of uncertain- nership, known as TTIP. into Ireland. Ireland receiv- landscape in Europe will tech, innovative, globally fo- great things in Ireland not have more suppor t than ment links underpinned by entrepreneurship. ty — it seems likely to be “TTIP is a free trade ed more new U.S. FDI than look in a couple of years, cused, and ethically minded only in the manufacturing ever before. our shared entrepreneurial “In November, in partner- much less than what Ireland agreement, but it is more any other country in the which may provide reasons country that modern Ire- and services industries but “In the United States, Sec- spirit which will lead to new ship with the Dublin City stands to lose. than the traditional FTA world in 2013 and again in for some companies to look land has become. While I in research and develop- retary of Commerce Penny collaborations and new jobs University Ryan Academy “The Taoiseach said a UK which seeks primarily to 2014. US investment in Ire- elsewhere. read with awe the statistics ment. These companies are Pritzker recently launched a for both Irish and US firms. for Entrepreneurship, we departure is “a major stra- lower tariffs. land is not only growing, it “The world is becoming that define the size of the inspiring new Irish-owned Startup Global initiative to “Another way we’re con- brought together 120 young tegic risk for Ireland,” The goal of TTIP is to is growing faster here than more globalised each day. I US-Ireland economic rela- spin-offs — companies that help early-stage American necting Irish and American delegates from Ireland and which suggests that any lower all unnecessary bar- it is in the rest of the world, believe companies every- tionship — now valued at have the ambition to suc- companies plan for inter- entrepreneurs is through Northern Ireland, as well as good news on investment riers to trade and invest- and Ireland now has the where are thinking globally more than $510 billion — my ceed globally. national success. I am im- our Creative Minds series, the US and international would be minor compared to ment — tarif fs, and also fifth-most total US FDI in m o r e t h a n eve r b e f o r e . visits to state-of-the-art US “Over the past year, I pressed by the high level of which I launched in Janu- students, for a social entre- the bad news overall.” things like red tape, delays, the entire world.” When US companies want to facilities in Cork, Dublin, have observed countless support in Ireland for start- ary 2015. The series invites preneurship hackathon. and uncertainty over prod- He agrees the Taoiseach’s explore Europe, they often Galway, Ballina, and Limer- examples of the scale and ups both from the business prominent US artists and in- “In an intense 48-hour ■ Air connectivity from uct requirements — but view that Ireland’s greatest start in Ireland. So the more ick have offered first-hand growth of our economic re- and academic communities novators to share their ex- hackathon, sponsored by Cork is a major issue loc- without compromising on asset is its talented people. global the entrepreneurial insights into the role invest- lationship. Taking our won- across exciting incubator pertise with the next gener- Intel, IBM, Kerry Group, ally. There are plans by a our commitment to strong “I hear from US com- mindset becomes, the more ment plays in the incredible derful relationship to the and accelerator spaces. ation of Irish leaders. and Pepsico, delegates aged Norwegian Airline to in- labour rights, enforceable panies all the time that they likely I believe an American bond that exists between next stage is important for “At the US Embassy we “The goal is to find ways 18 to 25 outlined important troduce a direct transat- environmental protections, also concur. Ireland is the business is to come to Ire- our two countries. Ireland’s both our countries as we help Irish companies look- to create new collaborations social problems facing lantic route from Cork food that is safe for our youngest country in the EU, land,” he said. story of economic recovery broaden and strengthen ing to either expand or in- and encourage more cre- them, formed teams to incu- this year, and it would be children, and intellectual which helps supply the new is compelling. shared prosperity on both vest for the first time in the ative economic and cultural bate creative solutions, and seen by business in this property rights that encour- skills needed in our increas- ■ You have always had a “The Irish have forged a sides of the Atlantic. And I United States through our linkages between young ultimately competed in a r e g i o n a s b e n e fi c i a l . age entrepreneurship. ingly digital economy. Many deep knowledge of Ire- strong reputation as an ex- look forward to meeting federal SelectUSA pro- entrepreneurs in the United pitching competition where Would the US suppor t “This could especially of those skills come from land through your own cellent place to do business many more of them over the gramme which is a one-stop- S t at e s a n d I r e l a n d . F o r the groups presented their such a proposal? help small businesses, the Ireland’s quality education roots. How has your per- in the global marketplace. next year, to learn their shop for companies looking example, in February 2015 solutions to an experienced ones that may cur rently system, especially a t the ception of the country Business in Ireland offers stories and their inno- to invest in America. we hosted a South by South- panel — including myself. “The number of people find trade out of reach, by third level. As an English- chang ed now that you multinationals an entrée vations as we work together “Last year I led a del- west (SXSW) Send Off event The winning project, travelling back and forth be- making border procedures speaking member of the Eu- have been living here for into the well-established to advance this great two- egation of Irish companies for the Irish delegation of Educa$ion, proposed an on- tween Ireland and the more efficient, shipping and rozone, Ireland can be a the past 16 months? markets of Europe, and way economic partnership to a Select USA Summit in startups and musicians who line banking platform to United States is significant, paperwork simpler, and in- gateway to Europe — and often beyond. Ireland has es- through 2016.” DC where they met with participated in the SXSW give young people a practi- and growing. It’s yet an- ternet transactions more often beyond – for many “Since my arrival just over tablished itself as a dynamic economic development of- music and tech conference. cal way to learn about other reflection of this won- seamless so entrepreneurs companies. Ireland’s tax 15 months ago in my official and productive place for ■ You are reported as fices from all 50 states. Some “Through a panel dis- budgeting, banking, and fis- derful relationship. can easily access new mar- system — not just the rate, capacity as US Ambassador businesses to grow. saying you are working of those companies have cussion and performances, cal responsibility. It was “Many of those people are kets for their products. but the ease and simplicity to Ireland, I have travelled “It is extraordinary to hard on ways to hook up subsequently expanded the event armed the Irish amazing to witness how the travelling to visit family, “Moreover, this is an op- of corporate tax — is an- the length and breadth of learn about the collabor- Irish and American their operations in the US delegation with the tools for hackathon both developed many more are doing busi- portunity for the United other factor. But probably this beautiful country on an ations between US com- entrepreneurs? How has while two companies have success at this important and exhibited the entrepre- ness, and quite a few are States and the EU to bolster the biggest reason for our extensive range of public, panies on the ground here that been developing and also established new green- conference. I look forward neurial skills of dynamic simply coming to enjoy Ire- our strategic partnership, as joint success is our long, business, and cultural visits who are developing custom- is it bearing fruit? field operations on our east to hosting another send off Irish and US students, as land’s charms. well as set the rules of the deep historical connection, to cities, towns, and villages. ised courses in partnership coast. Through these invest- for the 2016 Irish delegation well as strengthened cross “I know in America, we road together. TTIP can our cultures have a great “The warm welcome and with local universities and “Irish entrepreneurs are ments the companies will to SXSW this March. border dialogue.” love Irish visitors. This is demonstrate to the world deal in common — we just the Céad Mile Fáilte ex- institutes to ensure a pipe- really pushing the bound- help to grow jobs on both “We hosted an event with a n o t h e r re a s o n w h y we that you don’t have to sacri- ‘get’ one another.” tended to both myself and line of highly qualified em- aries when it comes to inno- sides of the Atlantic and I start-up entrepreneur Jim ■ Is the internal US view understand each other so fice standards to create op- Against this background, my wife Dena on our travels ployees to fuel growth and vation. New technologies look forward to leading a McKelvey, founder of mo- on investment by US com- well — it’s because we know portunity. In doing so, we issues that create uncertain- more than underscores the expansion, and also to give and new opportunities are second Irish delegation to bile pa ym ents co m pa ny panies abroad changing each other, and we get to can unlock new opportun- ty are, he said, more to do special close relationship students real-world skills. I constantly emerging for the 2016 Summit in June. As Square, who shared his keys and might this be a threat know each other better by ities and build a better, with the EU as a whole than between the United States have also visited many US Irish and American com- US Ambassador to Ireland, I to business innovation. He to future US investment visiting. And when we know brighter, and more resilient with Ireland alone. Here he and Ireland. companies around the panies to do business to- will continue to champion was also featured on News- in Ireland? each other better, we do economic relationship. 10 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016 11
US Business in Ireland Donal Sullivan, VP and general manager of Tyco Business Systems, with developer John Cleary, launching the new ‘One Albert Quay’ development, Tyco’s headquarters in Cork. Picture: Denis Scannell Tyco unveils expansion ambitions Tommy Barker Property Editor THERE are not too many genuinely global com- panies of scale headquar- tered in Ireland, not to mind in Cork city, but Tyco with 57,000 employees and three million customers around the globe has started to move into that slot with some aplomb. Having secured the glo- bal HQ status after a move At a Midas Ireland event to help scale up small firms were: Peter of Tyco’s business base Simkens, MD of DSP Valley Cluster in Belgium and chair of Silicon from Switzerland to Cork, the fire protection, secur- Europe Alliance; John Blake, chair MIDAS; Dónal Sullivan, VP and ity and sensors control GM of Tyco Ireland; and Seán Mitchell, CEO of Movidius. giant is moving some 270 staff into new offices at the the world (including over to local arms of other global FMC INTERNATIONAL Tel: 021/4517200 €58 million One Albert 300 international airports, brands such as PWC and Wallingstown Quay office building by over 100 stadia, and repre- Arup, and also making the City Hall next month, as it sented in most of the For- move to the six-seven storey Little Island prepares to ramp up em- tune 500 firms) Tyco is a building are Malwarebytes, Co Cork ployee numbers to 700 over business ticking away in and Ardmore Shipping the next two years. the background, makes Group. The Cork office building product for over one mil- The quayside block “is the is going to serve as both as lion firefighters, has of- smartest, and best, commer- test-bed and a sophisti- fices in more than 50 coun- cial building in Ireland, and cated ‘smart building’ tries — and now is an- even though it’s a cliche to showroom for Tyco prod- chored in Cork. say it is ‘state of the art,’ it ucts and abilities, and on Already, the company really is, and we’ll con- Manufacturing the eve of its opening, Ire- has started to fly in cus- stantly update the technol- land GM and Tyco vice tomers from markets as di- ogies to ensure it remains president Dónal Sullivan verse as Europe and the that way,” pledges Dónal has said it will serve as a Far East to Ireland to see Sullivan. pharmaceuticals and food talent magnet for Cork, helping them in their drive to lure new jobs and talent its smart technologies and access controls going to work in One Albert Quay, a Tyco’s board will meet now in Cork four times a year, and attributes helping ingredients in Cork since in a competitive inter- national skills market. As it currently stands, building which signals re- covery of confidence in de- veloping a new Central secure the major employer to the region were accessi- bility, city centre location 1978 Tyco’s 270-and-growing Business District in Cork, and lifestyle attractions, as workforce represents over and will it’s hoped go on to well as cost of living and cost a dozen nationalities. attract even more FDI of business advantages out- With an incredible one firms to Ireland. side of major cities like Dub- billion Tyco-related sen- One Albert Quay is also lin and London, Tyco’s Mr sors in buildings around to become a Cork city home Sullivan has said. 12 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016
US Business in Ireland “ Irish labour costs (€29.80 per hour) have remained stable compared to some EU countries which have experienced significant increases in wages and salaries (Belgium, €39; France, €34.60) ‘Meeting US software pioneers was surreal’ Peter Cagney Director of engineering, Intel Security Interview: Joe Dermody Peter Cagney, Intel Security, who also coaches with College Corinthians under 13A team in his spare time. Picture: Denis Minihane WORKING for US multinationals opens up new horizons, enhances career prospects and provides travel opportunities, says Peter Cagney, director of engineering, Intel Security, Cork, who has been employed by US companies all his working life. It all began when Peter studied electronic engineering at University of Limerick. He applied for a J1 summer work visa in the US and Symantec arranged for him to work in their Los Angeles office. “It was surreal to be working in Santa Monica on security software, meeting people that are pioneers in the industry,” he says. Shortly after Peter graduated, Symantec acquired a company in New Zealand and Intel Security’s Global Community Service Day, asked him to work on the integration of the where 50 members of staff helped clean up Cork new company for six weeks. Seven years on Simon Community high dependency homes. he was still there, married to Ranjan, with their first son, Lorcan. and when immigration officers ask me who “In 2004, I knew it was time for me to re- I work for, they say: ‘We have McAfee on our turn to Ireland, before my daughter Róisín systems’.” Shortly after Peter’s second son was born. There were lots of opportunities Cathal was born, Intel acquired McAfee in in Ireland, and when McAfee announced it 2010. It wasn’t long before Peter realised that was opening a R&D centre in Cork I knew Intel was more structured and focused on this was a great opportunity for me and my engineering and developing talent. young family,” Peter recalls. “Intel has a deeper reach into the industry Since then the engineering team in Cork which opens so many doors and Intel has grown from 20 to over 140 people today, doesn’t do things by halves, it invests and is still growing. heavily in its engineering teams. In Cork we “McAfee had a global engineering work- are currently hiring software developers to force, but it felt like a startup” he said. work on two new major programmes,” he “The Cork team is very dynamic, the cal- said. ibre of which equals anything I’ve seen, with “Intel has a big emphasis on work/life bal- one distinction — they have a unique deter- ance, so sport is big at Intel Security. Run- mination and conviction and they don’t fear ning was my release, but as I get older, like obstacles. In fact, the Cork site has devel- many men my age, I cycle more than run. I oped a reputation of solving complex prob- also coach my sons’ under 13s and under 6s lems for the entire global organisation,” he soccer teams at College Corinthians. Des- added. pite being a Limerick man they made me “Paul Walsh, Vice President Engineering very welcome from day one. And the effort gave me and my peers the opportunity to we are all putting in is paying off. The u13s work on projects that had a huge impact on were promoted from division 4 to division 3 the organisation. This allowed me to travel last year and are now reveling in the in- the world, hire new teams in Cork, and work creased competition. I enjoy seeing the kids with large profile customers like Dell, LG develop and it gives me great satisfaction to and Vodafone. I still get a great buzz seeing help their game improve, but I don’t think the products we develop in Cork on systems I’ll be giving up my day job just yet! Martin in electronic stores all around the world, O’Neill can rest easy,” said Peter. 14 IRISH EXAMINER | 29.01.2016
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