T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2

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T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
         February 2020
         Volume 64 No. 2

T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
Volume 64 No.2                                                                                                                                                                                        EDITORIAL
      February 2020

                                 COVER: THE MIRACULOUS WEEPING

                                                                                                          We All Began
                                 I C O N O F S T. G E O R G E A N T I O C H I A N
                                 ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CICERO,

                                                                                                         with God’s Love
                                 3     EDITORIAL
                                       by Bishop JOHN
   C O N T E N T S               5     I T ’ S G O I N G T O TA K E A N A R M Y
                                       by Michelle Moujaes
                                 8      CONFESSING YOUR FINANCIAL SINS
                                        b y F r. M i c h a e l Ta s s o s                                                                                                                   Bishop JOHN
                                 12     DISCERNING TRUTH AND
                                        O F F E R I N G O U R S E LV E S
                                        by Gregory Abdalah
                                 14     S T. C Y R I L O F A L E X A N D R I A :
                                        DEFENDER OF THE THEOTOKOS
                                        b y F r. D a n i e l D a l y
                                 20    FROM THESE STONES —
                                       CUTTING IT CLOSE IN
                                       GILLETTE AND RAPID
                                       b y F r. J o s e p h H u n e y c u t t
                                 21     T H E D E PA R T M E N T O F
                                        C H R I S T I A N E D U C AT I O N
                                 25     FROM THESE STONES —
                                        A NEW KIND OF MISSION:
                                        PITTSBURGH 2020
                                        by Deacon Adam Roberts
                                 26     H O S P I TA L I T Y
                                        by Christi Ghiz
                                 27     ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE
                                 28     GROWING INTO
                                        ORTHODOX MANHOOD                                                        here is a popular situation          should worship its Creator. Of course, it is not
                                        by Giancarlo Crivelli                                                   comedy which examines the            as though God needs man to worship Him, but
                                 30     COMMUNITIES IN ACTION                                                   complexities and humor of            man, like any creature, needs to worship. He or
                                 34     ORTHODOX WOMEN’S
                                        R E T R E AT 2 0 1 9                                                    modern relationships in a group      she needs to be in a right relationship with the
                                        b y To n i a H o w e l l                                                of young adults, called The Big      Creator. To understand our primordial situation,
                                                                                                                Bang Theory
                                                                                                                         eory. The show raises       we begin with God and His love. To understand
                                                                                                                the question, “How did we all        this concept better, I quote Fr. Thomas Hopko’s
                                 Letters to the editor are welcome and should include the
                                 author’s full name and parish. Submissions for “Commu-       get to where we are today?” It’s theme song re-        third talk on worship, found on Ancient Faith
                                 nities in Action” must be approved by the local pastor.
                                 Both may be edited for purposes of clarity and space. All    views the history of the world to its beginnings       Radio’s website.
                                 submissions e-mailed and provided as a Microsoft Word
                                 text or editable PDF. Please do not embed artwork into the
                                                                                              in a “big bang.” Although brilliant in its purpose         To understand how this concept applies to us,
                                 word documents. All art work must be high resolution: at     and humor, the show’s premise fails to go back         Antiochian and Or-
                                 least 300dpi.
                                                                                              far enough. St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans       thodox in America, I

                                                                                                                                                                                We came not
                                 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION:
                                 U.S.A. and Canada, $40.00                                    succeeds, however. He opens his Letter to the Ro-      call your attention to
                                 Foreign Countries, $50.00
                                 Single Copies, $3.00
                                                                                              mans, the children of the Church far away from         a gem of our mod-
                                 The WORD (USPS626-260) is published monthly, except
                                 July and August, by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian
                                                                                              Jerusalem and Antioch, with a description of our
                                                                                              current predicament, which began not in a “big
                                                                                                                                                     ern times: Apostle to
                                                                                                                                                     the Plains: Fr. Niko-      from a “big bang,”
                                                                                                                                                                                but ultimately
                                 Archdiocese of North America at 358 Mountain Road, PO
                                 Box 5238; periodicals postage paid at Englewood, New         bang,” but in the love of God the Father for His       la Yanney. In this
                                 Jersey 07631-5238 and at additional mailing offices.
                                                                                              only begotten Son, the love of the Son for the         impossible-to-put-

                                                                                                                                                                                from the love of
                                 Postmaster send address changes to The WORD, 358             Father and God’s Spirit, and the love of the Spirit    down book produced
                                 Mountain Road, PO Box 5238, Englewood, NJ 07631-
                                 5238                                                         for the Father and the Son.                            by the Saint Rapha-
                                 ISSN 0043-7964     www.antiochian.org.

                                                                                                                                                                                the Holy Trinity.
                                                                                                  Out of this love comes the sharing and multi-      el Clergy Brother-
                                 Canada Post Publication Agreement No. 40043404
                                 Return Canada address to
                                                                                              plication of love in the creation of mankind and       hood (and available
                                 American International Mail, STN A – BOX 697, Windsor        the world. All creation, by its very created nature,   from the Antiochian
                                 ON N9A 6N4, Canada

22 January
    February 2020
           2016                                                                                                                                                                                           The Word   3
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
                                                 Village bookstore, as well as Ancient Faith and most book-sellers), we read
                                                 our story of how Antiochians left the lands of persecution by the Ottomans,
                                                 and wound up in Nebraska and all over North and South America. Here we
                                                 have a true narrative of Antiochian and American history. This book is an ac-

                                                 count of real Christians of modern times, struggling with the elements, per-
                                                 sonal tragedy, and the building of an Archdiocese and Orthodoxy on this
               The Most Reverend                 continent. This book offers us not only a perspective on modern life, but a
               Metropolitan JOSEPH
                                                 sensitive and concrete example of the theology of Saint Paul as expressed in

               The Right Reverend
               Bishop BASIL                      Romans 1. Fr. Yanney followed God in faith from Lebanon to America, seek-
               The Right Reverend                ing the American dream of freedom, and, through losses, trials and hard work,
               Bishop THOMAS
                                                 he discovered God’s tangible love. Building churches as a priest, he discovered
               The Right Reverend
                                                 God in the lives and pains of God’s people, not in Rome or Damascus, but in

               Bishop ALEXANDER
               The Right Reverend                the American relocation of many Antiochians.”
               Bishop JOHN
                                                    It is said that to understand who you are, you need to understand where
               The Right Reverend
               Bishop ANTHONY                    you come from. Apostle to the Plains: Fr. Nikola Yanney is a story of where we
                                                 Antiochians in America came from, and is a must-read. We came not from a

               The Right Reverend
               Bishop NICHOLAS
                                                 “big bang,” but ultimately from the love of the Holy Trinity. This love compels
               Founded in Arabic as
               Al Kalimat in 1905                us to seek the Kingdom of God and praise the life-giving Holy Trinity.
               by Saint Raphael (Hawaweeny)
               Founded in English as

               The WORD in 1957
               by Metropolitan ANTONY (Bashir)
Editor in Chief Bishop JOHN
Assistant Editor Christopher Humphrey
Design Director Donna Griffin Albert
Editorial Board Fr. Michel Najim
                Fr. Patrick O’Grady
                Fr. Thomas Zain
                Fr. Andrew Damick
                Fr. Nicholas Belcher
                Fr. John Oliver
                Fr. Chad Hatfield                                                                                                                      WHAT EVERY
                Kh. Erin Kimmet
                Peter Samore
                                                                                                                                                 ADULT MUST KNOW
                Ann Bezzerides                                                                                                                     ABOUT TEENAGE
               Editorial Office:
               The WORD
                                                                                                                                                   MENTAL HEALTH
               2 Lydia’s Path
                                                                                                                                                                     Michelle Moujaes
               Westborough, MA 01581-1841

               e-mail: WORDMAG@AOL.COM
               Subscription Office:
               358 Mountain Road
                                                                                                                                   THEODEN: “I WILL NOT RISK OPEN WAR.”
               PO Box 5238
               Englewood, NJ 07631-5238
                                                                                                                                   ARAGORN: “OPEN WAR IS UPON YOU, WHETHER YOU WOULD RISK IT OR NOT.”
               registrar@antiochian.org                                                                                                                                                      – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

                                                                                                                                                                     THIS IS WAR
                                                                                                                                   Teenagers today are engaged in a constant battle for the very state of their mental
                                                                                                                                   health, and consequently, their physical and spiritual health as well. If we really want
                                                                                                                                   to support our teens in having good mental health, it’s up to us, the adults in their lives,
                                                                                                                                   to link arms with them on the front lines. The fight is real. The road is hard. It’s going
                                                                                                                                   to take an army to guide our children to the right path.

     4 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Word   5
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
I T ’ S G O I N G T O TA K E A N A R M Y

                                     T H E C R I S I S : W H AT A R E W E                past summer, I was asked to address The Order of           in their lives to stand with our teens as they experi-        Transformation is a process, and one that must take
                                       A C T U A L LY U P A G A I N S T ?                St. Ignatius at the Archdiocese Convention. There,         ence the deep transformation that occurs when they            place in the context of deep and meaningful rela-
                                                                                         I reported that our team at Faithtree had surveyed         are presented with the truth, and give them a safe            tionships; certainly in God’s presence, with parents,
                                  Our teenagers are grappling with questions and
                                                                                         clergy, lay leaders, and parents from Orthodox             space to wrestle with it, to ask questions about it,          teachers, priests and youth workers willing to walk
                              situations, that for the most part, they are not ef-
                                                                                         churches around the country regarding the mental           and to consider what they believe and why. So many            together with our young people.
                              fectively equipped to address. Every day, many of
                                                                                         health struggles of our youth. We had over 530 re-         of our young people are seeking answers and guid-                 And we all know the rub: Creating or facilitat-
                              their Orthodox Christian values related to person,
                                                                                         spondents. When we asked if our Orthodox youth             ance from the Church. Let’s give it to them. Because          ing those deep relationships, and answering their
                              identity, gender, and relationships are being ques-
                                                                                         struggled with anxiety, an overwhelming 97 per-            that army it’s going to take to guide our kids to the right   questions by articulating our rich theology in an
                              tioned, mocked and marginalized. We live in a so-
                                                                                         cent reported that anxiety was a major issue for the       path? That’s us.                                              engaging and relevant way, well… that’s not easy. In
                              ciety overly saturated with sex, where intimacy has
                                                                                         young people in their parish. That’s almost all of                             BUT HOW?                                  fact, it can be a full-time job. That’s why Faithtree
                              been distorted and marriage has been redefined.
                                                                                         them! Moreover,                                                                                                          Resources created the Relationship Project. Our
                              There is a growing disconnect between what society                                                                        For many, there is a feeling that we are un-
                                                                                           • 97 percent told us loneliness was a major issue;                                                                     goal is to help our parishes create such a space, and
                              allows and encourages, and what the Church teach-                                                                     equipped to provide clear, compelling and useful
                                                                                           • 94 percent reported their teens were strug-                                                                          to help articulate the fullness of the Truth as it has
                              es as truth.                                                                                                          support to counter all the noise coming at our teens
                                                                                             gling with depression;                                                                                               been revealed to us by God – in a way our teenagers
                                  We need only to glance at any one of the mental                                                                   these days. We want to address these critical ques-
                                                                                           • 74 percent admitted self-harm (meaning they                                                                          can understand and relate to.
                              health statistics available to see the impact this has                                                                tions and issues, but we don’t always know how. We
                                                                                             physically cut or hurt themselves) was an                                                                                The newest installment in our teaching series
                              on our youth. The statistics are overwhelming.                                                                        may find ourselves avoiding conversations because
                                                                                             issue;                                                                                                               The Relationship Project is coming in February
                                                   SUICIDE                                                                                          these topics are difficult. They are sensitive. They          2020. Visit www.faithtree.org to learn more about
                                                                                           • 68 percent of our responding clergy, youth             are controversial. And most of us aren’t clinicians
                                 Numbers from The National Institute of Mental               workers and parents, said suicidal ideation,                                                                         The Relationship Project, Part 3: Understanding
                                                                                                                                                    or theologians.                                               Mental Health.
                              Health (NIMH) tell us that by the time you finish              or in other words, thinking about or planning              At Faithtree, we believe our teens need a safe                If we are going to support our youth through
                              reading this article, eight people from around the             one’s own suicide, was a major concern they            space where they can think through all this stuff.            these trying times we call adolescence, and guide
                              world will have successfully taken their own lives.            had for their own children and the youth in            They need a place where deep discussion, explo-               them to the right path, it will definitely take an
                              According to the Centers for Disease Control, sui-             their church.                                          ration, reflection, and explanation can occur. A              army. That army is us.
                              cide is the tenth leading cause of death for all ages in
                                                                                             If you still have any doubt that these numbers         place where they can grapple with all the oppos-
                              the United States. The World Health Organization                                                                                                                                                             Michelle Moujaes, Executive Director
                                                                                         are correct, or if the struggles of this culture are im-   ing messages they get every day. A place where they
                              reports that nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in                                                                                                                                                                           Faithtree Resources
                                                                                         pacting our Orthodox youth, I offer you (with a            are heard, respected, and challenged, and can even                                      Michelle lives in Valencia, California.
                              the world each year. That’s roughly one death every
                                                                                         heavy heart) what I shared with members of The             question and push back.
                              40 seconds. Globally, suicide is the second leading
                                                                                         Order this past July. During the twelve-month                  Our team believes this space is
                              cause of death for young people 15–24 years old.
                                                                                         period between our survey and my presentation at           created best in parish communi-
                                     ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION                              the Convention, our team learned of not one, not           ties, where not only their families,
                                  The statistics on other mental health struggles        two, not three – but eighteen separate suicides or         but peers and a spiritual leader are
                              continue to be staggering as well. According to the        suicide attempts by our pan-Orthodox youth, in our         present. Our prayer is that if we can
                              NIMH, 32 percent of teenagers, ages 13–18, have            parishes in this country. Eighteen! In one year!           create those safe spaces in the con-
                              an anxiety disorder.                                           Today, five months later, that number has              text of the Church, our young people
                                  The World Health Organization tells us 3.2 mil-        leapt to twenty-nine. Yes, you read that correctly.        will engage and grow closer to Jesus
                              lion adolescents ages 12–17 in the United States           Twenty-nine! That means eleven of our Orthodox             Christ, which is the ultimate goal.
                              alone had at least one major depressive episode in         teens have taken or tried to take their lives in the             WE CAN DO THIS
                              2017. That’s over 13 percent of the U.S. population        past five months; teens that are actively engaged
                                                                                         in our churches; teens that go to our camps; teens            Listen: this won’t be easy. Our
                              in that age range.
                                                                                         we know. And those are only the incidents we have          teens have real questions. And they
                                  Currently, millions and millions of our young
                                                                                         heard about.                                               want to know what the Church
                              people are not only wrestling with suicidal ideation,
                                                                                                                                                    teaches. It has been proven time
                              anxiety, or depression, but struggling, too, with in-                S O W H AT D O W E D O ?                         and time again by research and real
                              flicting self-harm, eating disorders, substance abuse,
                                                                                             I do not subscribe to the doom-and-gloom               experience, however, that many of
                              Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and loneliness.
                                                                                         notion that the sky is falling. Quite the contrary,        these questions can’t be addressed
                              These are only some of a whole host of mental
                                                                                         I believe that the tide is starting to turn, and that,     by a ten-minute sermon. Transfor-
                              health issues facing young people today.
                                                                                         with the right supports (and by that, I mean re-           mation won’t come from just a few
                                  W H AT A B O U T C H U R C H K I D S ?                 lationships), our youth are going to thrive in and         simple statements about what the
                                  Church kids are not exempt from this crisis. This      because of their teenage years. It is up to us adults      Church does and does not support.

      6 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Word   7
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
Confessing Your
                                                                                                                                         that the spiritual father who is hearing your confes-       money as an instru-
                                                                                                                                         sion can’t really help you if you do not provide any        ment that can be used
                                                                                                                                         specific details.                                           for good or bad. We can

                               Financial Sins
                                                                                                                                             In his book The Inner Kingdom, His Grace Bish-          also think of money as a
                                                                                                                                         op Kallistos Ware refers to a very important passage        kind of life substance,
                                                                                                                                         in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers: “If unclean           much like air, food, or
                                                                                                                                         thoughts trouble you, do not hide them, but tell            water. It permeates almost
                                                                                                                    Fr. Michael Tassos   them at once to your spiritual father and condemn           everything we do. We need
                                                                                                                                         them. The more we conceal our thoughts, the more            money in order to take
                  IN THIS ARTICLE, I WANT TO EXAMINE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN ONE OF THE                                                   they multiply and gain strength. . . . [But] once an        care of ourselves, our
                                                                                                                                         evil thought is revealed, it is immediately dissipated. .   families, and our com-
                                                                                                                                         . . Whoever discloses his thoughts is quickly healed.”      munity. And much like
                  SALVATION – THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION – AND ONE OF THE MOST ORDINARY,                                                    Clearly, most priests are not marriage counsel-         the way we use these other ele-
                  PRACTICAL DIMENSIONS OF OUR LIVES – OUR FINANCES.                                                                      ors, financial advisors, or medical doctors. They are,      ments, how we use our money
                                                                                                                                         however, spiritual counselors, and a confession that        reveals who we are and what we believe.
                                                                                                                                         is honest, complete, and genuine can truly begin to             A priest I know once told me of a visit he took
                                 here are many wonderful books and         ments and incredibly high mortgages. Sometimes                bring about proper healing. It is God to whom we            to one of the monasteries on Mount Athos. He
                                 articles on the subject of confession.    circumstances arise in our lives that force us into           are confessing, and it is the priest who stands as a        went there and asked the abbot to hear his confes-
                                 However, there are almost none that       our particular choices. Nonetheless, we still have a          witness to the confession.                                  sion. The abbot immediately rebuked him, saying
                                 deal specifically with the connec-        responsibility to God to be good caretakers of His                   GROWING UP FINANCIALLY                               that this man could not be a good priest because
                                 tion between confession and our           gifts, and not to squander them foolishly or selfishly.                                                                   he was quite overweight. You can imagine how
                                  own financial sins. There is a won-          God places great importance on stewardship                    If we are honest with ourselves and with God, it        shocked the priest was to hear these words. He re-
                                                        derful Jewish      not only of our time, but also of our material pos-           is safe to say that most of us have never had much          alized, however, that in this particular case the ab-
                                                         saying     that   sessions. If we have fallen short of God’s inten-             training in managing personal finances. We start            bot was correct. My friend had to admit that he was
                                                         goes,     “The    tion, the simplest and most sincere place to begin is         out as children with the notion of saving and put-          a gluttonous person. I am pleased to say that the
                                                         longest path      with confession. One of the greatest treasures of the         ting money into some sort of piggy bank. We grad-           priest has lost considerable weight and now enjoys
                                                         is the one that   Church is the ability to confess our sins, because by         ually move up to our own checking account, a credit         a healthy relationship with the abbot. The point is
                                                         leads     from    releasing our sins to God we can be lifted up and re-         card, a car payment, and finally to a mortgage. As most     that change would never have occurred without the
                                                        the heart to       invigorated with life. The Sacrament of Confession            of us know, there is a huge difference between the          trust and honesty revealed in confession. Confes-
                                  the pocket.” According to several        makes all this possible.                                      days of stuffing change into a piggy bank and mak-          sion reveals to us where we are failing to act in ac-
                                  recent money magazines, the av-                                                                        ing the monthly mortgage payment. All of us grow            cordance with God’s will.
                                                                                   FAITH, LOVE, AND MONEY                                up receiving instruction in everything under the sun,
                                  erage American household has an                                                                                                                                        In fourth-century Egypt, there was a monastic
                                  outstanding credit card balance of           There are three things in this world that most            from driving a car, to getting a job, to cleaning our       theologian named Evagrius Ponticus. He described
                                  over $8,000, a rising level of overall   people cherish: their personal faith, the people they         homes. Sadly though, we receive almost no instruc-          the beginning point of sin as logismos, or intellec-
                                  debt, an average retirement account      love, and money. It would seem that, as a matter              tion in how to manage money. Is it no wonder that           tual activity. It is not so much an intellectual debate,
                                  balance that is woefully short of        of course, most Orthodox Christians would con-                one of the greatest sources of marital strife is money?     but rather a secret thought that has the power to
                                  their needs for retirement, and lit-     fess something regarding each of these important              Even if we have been taught something about money,          stir the mind, a kind of secret dialogue. This thought
                                  tle to nothing saved for their chil-     areas of their lives. It is my experience, however, that      we must examine what, exactly, we were taught. Were         has the ability to move someone to a secret decision
                                  dren’s education. While it would be      only two of the three are usually discussed. The is-          we taught something along the lines of, “He who dies        against God’s laws. Evagrius goes on to explain that
                                  nice to think that these statistics do   sue of money, which is often the most troubling and           with the most toys wins”? Or were we taught, “Money         “demons fight rather by means of present things.”
                                  not apply to Orthodox Christians,        the most painful, is sadly omitted. It is one thing to        is a blessing that should be shared”? For many people       By present things he means pragmata, or objects;
                                  I have yet to find any proof that        confess frustration or anger with a spouse or loved           there is almost no connection between their financial       contact with these objects gives rise to passions. In
                                  Orthodox Christians are statisti-        one, or to describe moments of doubt about God’s              lives and their spiritual lives.                            our modern world, there is probably no greater ex-
                                  cally different from the rest of the     love, but to tell God and another human being that                  IS MONEY INHERENTLY BAD                               ample of what Evagrius is speaking about than a
                                  population in this regard.               you ran up a really large credit card bill, or that you                     OR EVIL?                                      credit card, because it symbolizes and makes avail-
                                    What is going on? The answer           lost a significant portion of your savings in the stock                                                                   able all the things that it can buy.
                                                                           market – now that is really painful!                             Money is not inherently bad or evil. It is simply
                  very simply is sin. Most of us would like to do a                                                                      a product of what we do with our labors. It is not              Think for just a moment whether or not Evagri-
                  better job with our finances. We don’t deliberately          Many books on confession emphasize making                                                                             us’ argument makes some sense. Almost everyone
                                                                           general remarks about your sins. While this is good           a measure of our worth in the eyes of God, despite
                  go out and rack up thousands of dollars of credit                                                                      what many people may think. I personally think of           uses money in concert with their feelings to some
                  card debt overnight, or find ourselves with car pay-     to a point, we should also be honest about the fact                                                                       extent. When people are happy, they tend to buy

8 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Word   9
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2

                                                                                                    ply, is often fear. There is a   yourself the following questions:                          ards of everything in this world. We should not lose                     This article was original-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ly published in AGAIN
                                                                                                    kind of silent fear in many        • Did I use all my money in a wise and prudent           sight of the fact that we have been called to live in                    Magazine, Fall 2005.
                                                                                                    people’s hearts that God             manner?                                                the world and to be witnesses of Christ’s glory on                       AGAIN Magazine is pub-
                                                                                                    will not provide for them          • Did I give some portion of the wealth back             earth. In our daily struggles, we must endeavor to                       lished by Conciliar Media
                                                                                                    or that they somehow have                                                                   be good caretakers of all the bounties given to us,                      Ministries, a Department
                                                                                                                                         to God?                                                                                                                         of the Antiochian Ortho-
                                                                                                    to take all financial mat-         • Have I done as good a job as I could have              to be responsible children of God, and to pass on to                     dox Christian Archdiocese
                                                                                                    ters into their own hands.           done talking about our personal finances to            each succeeding generation the importance of good                        of North America
                                                                                                    It’s okay to talk about God,         my spouse and/or children?                             stewardship.
                                                                                                    but not when it concerns           • Have I used my credit cards in a prudent                   And when we have fallen short of God’s glory,
                                                                                                    their personal bank ac-              manner?                                                we need to partake of the healing that is afforded
                                                                                                    counts. While this couldn’t        • Have I made purchases that are not in keep-            in confession. Nicholas Gamvas, in his book The
                                                                                                    be further from the truth,           ing with what God would have me buy?                   Psychology of Confession and the Orthodox Church,
                                                                                                    it is definitely a widely held     • Have I at any time used my family’s money              makes a wonderful point about confession. He says:
                                                                                                    fear. As with any fear tied to       carelessly, in spite, or in anger?                     “The receiving of forgiveness and absolution are as-
                                                                                                    a misunderstanding about           • Have I truly been as responsible with the fi-          pects of confession that have no clear counterpart
                                                                                                    God, this can and should be          nancial blessings bestowed upon me as I could          in psychotherapy. The Christian who feels truly for-
                                                                                                    overcome through open and            have been?                                             given and cleansed before God is also free of guilt
                                                                                                    honest confession.                                                                          about his/her own shortcomings.”
                   things. When they are sad, they may either close                                                                      As you can see, all of these questions involve “I,”
                                                                                     I’M SORRY FOR MY SINS                                                                                          Much like a surgeon who has to cut away part of
                   off or simply buy more things in order to gain some                                                               because the process of salvation begins with each of       our skin to get to a particular organ in our body, we
                   feeling of joy. In relationships, people often use           Now What? There are tremendous dangers asso-         us as individuals. If we are not responsible, then how     must be willing to peel away the layers of hurt, fear,
                   money as an instrument to control or manipulate          ciated with money. If the average person has a credit    can we expect those around us to be?                       and anger, in order to begin to heal. Our Lord loves
                   the other party. They correlate gift-giving or receiv-   card balance of $8,000, it may take over five years                      LIFE IN CHRIST                             us infinitely more than we can love ourselves. He
                   ing with affection.                                      to pay it off, making slightly more than the mini-
                                                                                                                                         If we are to walk in the Spirit, we must live a        alone can forgive us when we can’t forgive ourselves.
                       Some people even use money in relationships as       mum payments. We are inundated with countless
                                                                                                                                     life that is pleasing to God in all its facets. Our per-   I encourage you to take the Sacrament of Confes-
                   a weapon. It is very common in marriages, for exam-      offers to spend more and to borrow more. In fact, it
                                                                                                                                     sonal finances are no exception. They are an inte-         sion seriously as the starting point of true healing.
                   ple, to find that one person is financially dominant     is actually getting more and more difficult to pay for
                   over the other, and when one party feels wronged,        things with cash. As we move ever closer to a cash-      gral part of who we are; they help define and shape                                                   Fr. Michael Tassos, Pastor
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Holy Cross Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church,Palmdale, CA
                   they know that the way to inflict pain on the other      less society, the sins of overspending become ever       us. Yes, we are called to renounce the things of this                          Fr. Michael is also a certified public accountant.
                   is simply to buy something. It provides momentary        more hidden.                                             world; however, we are also called to be good stew-
                   elation and satisfaction, but it often also results in       There is no magic pill one can take to elimi-
                   even greater pain and suffering for both parties.        nate debt. It requires a determined will and the be-
                   IF I MADE IT, WHY CAN’T I SPEND IT?                      lief that there is a better way. Much like St. Mary
                                                                            of Egypt, who after her conversion spent the next
                        We are raised in America to view wealth in very
                                                                            forty years in the Sinai desert, if we have made a
                   unhealthy ways. We tend to view wealthy individ-
                                                                            mess of our finances, it may take a long time to re-
                   uals as more powerful, more intelligent, or more
                                                                            cover. This is why it is imperative that we discuss
                   successful. These distorted perspectives subcon-
                                                                            the subject of money openly and frankly with our
                   sciously move us away from seeing money as a gift
                                                                            children and family. One of the greatest tools of the
                   from God and us as the caretakers of this treasured
                                                                            evil one is secrecy. We should be no more afraid to
                   gift. Money then becomes not so much a by-prod-
                                                                            discuss money in our households than we should be
                   uct of our labors as a kind of end in itself.
                                                                            to discuss Jesus Christ.
                        The fact is that we really don’t make the money:
                                                                                If you have made financial mistakes or commit-
                   God bestows it upon us. As Deuteronomy 8:18
                                                                            ted what you would characterize as financial sins,
                   says: “You shall remember the Lord your God, for
                                                                            the first place to begin is with confession. I can
                   it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He
                                                                            assure you that you will feel much better. Next, I
                   may establish His covenant.” We would have noth-
                                                                            suggest that you write out your plan to correct your
                   ing without God, and our wealth is truly His. This
                                                                            mistakes, keeping in mind that much like losing ex-
                   is a fundamental principle that is sadly being lost.
                                                                            cess weight, correcting financial mistakes can often
                        Why do some give of their wealth so effortlessly,
                                                                            take many years. As an aid to your confession, ask
                   and others so begrudgingly? The answer, quite sim-

10 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Word    11
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
LIVING THE LITURGY — A PRACTICAL REFLECTION                                                 to discern what we might agree with, and what           hast so loved Thy world as to give Thine
                                                                                                               we might disagree with, we need a guide, and not        only-begotten Son, that all who believe

                   DISCERNING TRUTH AND                                                                        someone who simply shuts our questions down.
                                                                                                               We learn true discernment. This discernment al-
                                                                                                                                                                       in Him should not perish but have ever-
                                                                                                                                                                       lasting life, who, when He had come and

                    OFFERING OURSELVES
                                                                                                               lows us to reconcile our beliefs with the beliefs of    had fulfilled all the dispensation for us,
                                                                                                               the community. We become disciples; we subscribe        in the night in which He was betrayed
                                                                                                               to the beliefs of this community, and we put our-       or, rather, gave Himself up for the life of
                                                PA R T 5 O F 1 0                                               selves under God, living out the call expressed to      the world….” This prayer points directly
                                                                                                               us in baptism. In the end of the Gospel of St. Mat-     to Christ’s self-offering, showing us how
                                                                                                               thew, Christ commissions His disciples, sending         to offer ourselves.
                                                                                                               them out into the world to “make disciples of all           Anaphora is Greek for “bearing up.”
                                                                                                               nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,      The anaphoral prayers answer the im-
                                                                                                               and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We hear        mediate question: What are we bearing
                                                                                                               this at the baptismal service, and it’s easy to think   up? At the high point of the anaphora,
                                                                                                               things end there. Christ, however, goes on to tell      the priest or deacon raises the diskos and
                                                                                                               us that the disciples are to teach the new disciples    the chalice and the priest says, “Thine
                                                                                                               to observe everything that He commanded. As             own of Thine own, we offer unto Thee,
                                                                                                               disciples, we are bound by those commandments –         in behalf of all and for all.” As I wrote
                                                                                                               and to be clear, they are commandments, not sug-        for the article in the September issue,
                                                                                                               gestions.                                               this powerful moment reminds us that
                                                                                                                   So what does that have to do with the Divine        the gifts are offered on behalf of all and
                                                                                                               Liturgy? In the Divine Liturgy, we are taught the       for all; for the entirety of the world on
                                                                                                               high calling of our discipleship: to offer ourselves    behalf of the entirety of the world. At the same
                                                                                                               as Christ offered Himself. Following the Creed,         time, we admit that this is not the best translation
                                                                                                               we pray the prayers of the Anaphora. The word           of this phrase – rather, it could be, “Yours from
                                                                                                               describes the silent prayers that the priest reads      what is Yours, we offer to You, in everything and
                                                                                                               before we ask the Holy Spirit to descend on the         through everything,” reminding us that we serve
                                                                                                               gifts and change them into the Body and Blood of        God by offering ourselves to Him in everything
                                                                                                               Christ. There are two authors of these prayers, Ss.     we do. Another way to say this, as Bishop JOHN
                                                                                                               John Chrysostom and Basil the Great. The Lit-           of the Diocese of Worcester states regularly, would
                                                                                                               urgy of St. John is celebrated most often, with the     be, “We are called to bring God to the world, and
                                                                                                               Liturgy of St. Basil being celebrated during Great      to bring the world to God.” We begin the process
                                                                                                               Lent and a few other times throughout the year.         of bringing God to the world when we offer our-
                                                                                                               Through these prayers, both saints teach us about       selves to others.
                                                           ial obligation. Doubts and questions often arise,   the self-offering character of Christ, and recount          Conversely, others might be called to find
                             ollowing our baptism          challenging what we think we are “supposed to”      the story, culminating in His crucifixion.              God. Just as the disciples were instructed to make
                             and chrismation, we be-       believe. This may make us feel like we are in un-        This is perhaps most notable in the Liturgy of     disciples of all nations, we are given this same
                              long to God. We become       chartered waters, unclear of where we are, and      St. John Chrysostom. The priest exclaims: “Sing-        commission as disciples ourselves. As we follow
                              servants of Christ, as       where we are going.                                 ing the triumphal hymn, shouting, proclaiming,          the discernment process, we become more se-
                              we hear in the opening           Recognizing that we belong to a variety of      and saying,” with the choir finishing the sentence      cure and confident in our faith. We are then able
                      of St. Paul’s Letter to the Ro-      communities helps us to begin wading through        with words by now familiar, from Isaiah: “Holy,         to have different conversations within our other
                      mans: “Paul, a servant of Christ     our doubts, so that we can understand them. In      Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth; heaven and earth are       communities, answering any questions people in
                      Jesus….” Even more than ser-         this way, we own the faith; it is ours, and not     full of Thy glory: Hosanna in the highest. Blessed      them may have. Our local parish, that is, the Body
                      vants, we become disciples. As       simply things we do because we’re obliged to do     is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.              of Christ, becomes our base community, showing
                      disciples, we are called to follow   them. As we develop, our ability to think through   Hosanna in the highest.” The silent prayer goes on:     us the community after which all other commu-
                      Christ and His way. For many         things develops with us. By explicitly question-    “With these blessed powers (the angels) we also,        nities should be modeled. It is the Church that
                     Orthodox Christians, this hap-        ing what we’re told, we can work through our        O Master who lovest mankind, cry aloud and say:         reminds us that we are called to be servants of
                   pens at an early age. All too often,    questions, and ultimately solidify what we be-      Holy art Thou and all-holy, Thou and Thine only-        Christ Jesus – and of others.
                   however, going to church is some-       lieve. Throughout this process our communi-         begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit; holy art Thou                                          Gregory Abdalah, D.Min.
                   thing we do only to fulfill a famil-    ties become increasingly important. As we begin     and all-holy, and magnificent is Thy glory, who

12 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Word   13
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
St. Cyril of Alexandria:                                                                                     Emperor Constantine, not wishing to have his Em-
                                                                                                                                             pire divided, called the Christian bishops to Nicaea
                                                                                                                                             to resolve the problem. The Council of Nicaea pro-

                               Defender of the Theotokos                                                                                     duced the first part of the Nicene creed, declaring
                                                                                                                                             that Jesus is of the same substance as the Father. He
                                                                                                                                             was “true God from true God.” Arius had denied
                                                                                                                           Fr. Daniel Daly
                                                                                                                                             His divinity.
                                                                                                                                                 The battle against Arius was begun by his fellow
“NOW WHEN JESUS CAME INTO THE DISTRICT OF CAESAREA PHILIPPI, HE ASKED HIS DISCIPLES, ‘WHO                                                    Alexandrian, St. Athanasius. Arianism in various
                                                                                                                                             forms did not disappear after the Council of Nicea.
                                                                                                                                             Many would argue the Jesus had a nature that was
ELIJAH, AND OTHERS JEREMIAH OR ONE OF THE PROPHETS.’ HE SAID TO THEM, ‘BUT WHO DO YOU                                                        “similar” to the Father, rather than one that was the
SAY THAT I AM?’” (MATTHEW 16:13–15).                                                                                                         same as the Father. By the late Fourth Century,
                                                                                                                                             Arianism had taken over the city of Constantinople.
                                                                                                                                             St. Jerome lamented, “The whole world groaned,
                         or Christian people, there can be no questions of       some of the more noteworthy figures would include           and was astonished to find itself Arian.”
                          more importance than these two questions. They         the Jewish-Christian sect of the Ebionites, who sim-            The Second Ecumenical Council was called in
                          concern the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. Each        ply regarded Him as the natural son of both Joseph          381 in Constantinople to continue the fight against
                          question is important. If the “peoaple” regard Him     and Mary; Theodotus of Byzantium, who in the Sec-           Arianism, but also to condemn the theology of Ap-
                      as the Son of God, they can build a human society          ond Century argued that Jesus was a human being             polinarius, who taught that Jesus had an incomplete
                      guided by his teachings. The second question is one        “adopted” by God, probably when He was baptized             humanity.
                      that affects each person who hears the gospel. The         by John in the Jordan; and the third-century Sabel-             In 431, the Third Ecumenical Council met in
                      answer of each will determine how they live for the        lius, who advocated the concept of “modalism,” in           Ephesus to challenge the teaching of Nestorius, the
                      rest of their lives.                                       which the Three Persons of the Godhead were sim-            Patriarch of Constantinople, who refused to accept
                          St. Peter, inspired by the heavenly Father, certain-   ply three different “modes” of the One God.                 the term Theotokos (“God-bearer”) for the Virgin
                      ly gave the correct answer, but the issue of the iden-         While some denied the full divinity of Jesus,           Mary. It is during this controversy that St. Cyril
                      tity of Jesus did not simply go away, and probably         others would eliminate his complete humanity. The           of Alexandria became perhaps the most important
                                                                                                                                             defender, not only of the title Theotokos, but of the      his uncle Theophilus, where they went to depose St.
                      never will. St. John the Evangelist, who spoke of Jesus    Docetists denied that Jesus had a human body. The
                                                                                                                                             identity of Jesus Christ. Cyril was a most prolific        John Chrysostom. A group of Egyptian monks had
                      as the “Word made flesh,” whose glory he had seen,         followers of Appolinarius of Laodicea believed that
                                                                                                                                             writer. Prior to his controversy with Nestorius, his       come to Constantinople, complaining of how they
                      had to insist that the One whom he had seen was            the Word of God simply united with human flesh,
                                                                                                                                             works were largely exegetical and anti-Arian. We           were being treated by Bishop Theophilus. In 403
                      “that which we heard, which we have looked upon,           with the Logos replacing the human soul of Jesus.
                                                                                                                                             will look more closely at St. Cyril and his work in        A.D., Emperor Arcadius demanded that Theophi-
                      and our hands have handled….” (1 John 1:1–3). Jesus            These early heresies did not go unanswered. In
                                                                                                                                             the context of the Nestorian controversy.                  lus come to Constantinople to apologize to St. John.
                      was a real, historic person, with a real human body.       the First Century, St. Ignatius of Antioch contin-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Theophilus arrived with twenty-nine of his suffra-
                      This needed to be affirmed by John, because heretics       ued the fight against the incipient Docetists. In the                    THE LIFE OF CYRIL                             gan bishops, (a lesson Cyril would remember later),
                      claimed that the physical body of Jesus only “seemed”      Second Century, Docetism became more fully de-
                                                                                                                                                 We know very little about his early years. He          held a council, and challenged St. John. As things
                      to be real. It was only an “appearance.” There was no      veloped in the form of Gnosticism, a serious here-
                                                                                                                                             was born in the town of Didouseya, Egypt, about            turned out, it was St. John Chrysostom who was
                      Incarnation, no suffering and no death for the Per-        sy that spread throughout the Mediterranean world.
                                                                                                                                             378 A.D. His maternal uncle, Theophilus, was the           called to apologize. St. John was deposed from his
                      son of Jesus, and consequently no salvation. (These        The “gnostic” Jesus was born without any participa-
                                                                                                                                             Archbishop of Alexandria. It is most likely that his       office at the Synod of the Oak in 403, with the sup-
                      heretics were forerunners of a later group, called         tion of the material world. He was part of the gnostic
                                                                                                                                             uncle guided his education. St. Cyril’s education in-      port of Theophilus and Cyril. He was not deposed
                      Docetists, or “Illusionists.”)                             pleroma (fullness) of divine beings who descended
                                                                                                                                             volved the study of the theologians of Alexandria:         for his theology, but rather for disciplinary reasons.
                          The identity of Jesus was debated for the next         into the material world. In his famous Adversus
                                                                                                                                             Origen, Didymous the Blind, St. Athanasius, and            This did not prove to be a permanent estrangement
                      four centuries. And the theologian who would write         Heresaes, St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, defended
                                                                                                                                             even St. John Chrysostom. John McGuckin notes              between these two Fathers of the Church. Cyril
                      the definitive answer to the question was St. Cyril of     the historical Christ.
                                                                                                                                             that “he was evidently schooled in rhetoric, but the       would later use the writings of St. John and speak of
                      Alexandria (A.D. 376–444) . He has been called the             As troublesome as these early years were, in the
                                                                                                                                             substance of his learning is built upon the twin pil-      him as a standard of Orthodoxy. During subsequent
                      greatest christologist.                                    Fourth Century a heresy arose that might be com-
                                                                                                                                             lars of biblical theology and the prior patristic tradi-   years, Cyril was groomed for the position of arch-
                          Between the Apostles Peter and John, and the           pared to a plague of locusts. Arising out of Egypt, it
                                                                                                                                             tion.”1 Scripture and the Church Fathers will be the       bishop. After the death of his uncle, he was conse-
                      fifth-century era of Cyril, the question of the identity   spread throughout the East. The Gothic tribes car-
                                                                                                                                             foundation of his theology.2                               crated on October 18, 412.3
                      of Jesus arose many times. It would be impossible here     ried it to western Europe, Spain and North Africa.
                                                                                                                                                 We meet St. Cyril in a somewhat awkward situ-
                      to cover in any detail the entirety of the christologi-    Named after its founder, Arius, a priest of Alexan-
                                                                                                                                             ation, at least for us. He was in Constantinople with
                      cal controversies in the first four centuries. However,    dria, it is the heresy we know as Arianism. In 325,

   14 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Word   15
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
S T. C Y R I L

                                                                                                                                                             THE ISSUE                              Unfortunately words such as ousia (nature) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    hypostasis (individual) might be used interchange-
                                                                                                                                               The complex theological question was “How did
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ably. The terminology was problematic.8
                                                                                                                                           the Eternal Word, the Second Person of the Trinity,
                                                                                                                                           unite Himself to humanity in the Person of Jesus                      Antioch versus Alexandria
                                                                                                                                           Christ?” “What was the relationship between the
                                                                                                                                           divine and the human?” At issue were the full di-            A further complication was the differing theolo-
                                                                                                                                           vinity of Christ and His full humanity, and, most        gies of Antioch in Syria and Alexandria in Egypt.
                                                                                                                                           important, His existence as One Person. Was His          Each had its unique history as a theological cen-
                                                                                                                                           humanity simply “absorbed” by his divinity?7 What        ter. “Antioch tended to hold apart Christ’s divine
                                                                                                                                           did it mean either to say that Mary was Theotokos, or    and human natures, and the Alexandrian school . . .
                                                                                                                                           to deny it? To whom did she give birth? Nestorius of     stressed their dynamic unity.”9 Each school had its
                                                                                                                                           Constantinople was the spokesman for what would          own theologians. Antioch had Lucian, Diodore of
                                                                                                                                           be regarded as the heresy of Nestorianism, the de-       Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, John Chrysostom,
                                                                                                                                           nial of the term Theotokos for Mary, the mother of       and Theodore of Cyrus. Alexandria had Origen,
                                                                                                                                           Jesus Christ. Cyril was his adversary. In the dispute,   Clement of Alexandria, Didymous the Blind, and
                                                                                                                                           Cyril would clarify the questions regarding Chris-       the great St. Athanasius. Each school had its rep-
                                                                                                                                           tology and permanently make the term Theotokos, or       resentative in the current debate: Nestorius of the
                                                                                                                                           Mother of God, an established part of the theology       Antiochian, and Cyril of the Alexandrian.
                                                                                                                                           and piety of the Church.                                          Alexandria versus Constantinople
                                                                                                                                              T H E C O M P L I C AT I N G FA C T O R S                The third Canon of the First Council of Con-
                                   NESTORIUS AND THE                                  Nestorius’s rejection of the term Theotokos
                                                                                                                                                                Language                            stantinople (381 A.D.) stated that “the Bishop of
                                     CONTROVERSY                                  was not new. It had been rejected by his teacher
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Constantinople . . . shall have the prerogative of
                                                                                  Theodore of Mopsuestia back in Antioch. What                Among the complicating factors of the con-
                             Nestorius was born in the city of Germani-                                                                                                                             honor after the Bishop of Rome, because Constan-
                                                                                  had been a non-issue in Antioch, became in Con-          troversy was language. In English we can simply
                         cia in the province of Syria. He was a student of                                                                                                                          tinople is New Rome.” Although Constantinople,
                                                                                  stantinople a debate that rose to the importance of      say that Jesus had a human nature and a divine
                         Theodore of Mopsuestia. He lived as a priest-                                                                                                                              founded in 320 A.D., was the New Rome and the
                                                                                  Arianism and Appolinarism, both of which were            nature, and that they were united in One Person.
                         monk near Antioch. It is likely that he was chosen                                                                                                                         City of Constantine, Alexandria was far older as a
                                                                                  resolved by an Ecumenical Council. Nestorius de-
                         to be the Patriarch of Constantinople because of
                                                                                  cided to hold a public debate over the issue of the
                         his fame as a preacher. He was probably recom-
                                                                                  term Theotokos. His spokesman was the monk An-
                         mended by Patriarch John of Antioch, who was his
                                                                                  astasius, who “repeated the longstanding argument:
                         friend. In 428, Nestorius arrived in Constantino-
                                                                                  ‘Let no man call Mary Mother of God for she was
                         ple with a number of monks, the most problematic
                                                                                  but a woman, and it is impossible for God to be
                         of whom would be the priest Anastasius. Nestorius
                                                                                  born of a woman.’”5 Nestorius was fond of using
                         managed to incur the antipathy of the monas-
                                                                                  the expression strictly speaking in his writings. His
                         tics in Constantinople, sending them back to their
                                                                                  adversaries mocked him by saying, “If Mary is not,
                         monasteries, and also the very rich and powerful sis-
                                                                                  strictly speaking, the Mother of God, then her son
                         ter of the Emperor, Pulcheria. He publicly refused
                                                                                  is not, strictly speaking, God!”6 What troubled his
                         to give her communion in the sanctuary with her
                                                                                  adversaries was that his refusal to accept the term
                         brother. (This was a privilege of the Emperor.) Pul-
                                                                                  Theotokos implied that there were two separate per-
                         cheria opened a church for herself and the dissident
                                                                                  sons in Christ, one divine and one human. A divided
                         monastics. Although her brother initially supported
                                                                                  Christ meant that there was no real unity between
                         Nestorius, Pulcheria and the monastics allied them-
                                                                                  the divine and the human. If so, this called salvation
                         selves with Cyril.
                                                                                  itself into question. Believing that a council would
                             John McGuckin describes Nestorius as a “con-
                                                                                  decide in his favor, he asked the emperor for one.
                         sistent, if none too clear, exponent of the longstand-
                                                                                  The Emperor, however, called the Council not in
                         ing Antiochene dogmatic tradition.”4 Nestorius was
                                                                                  Constantinople but in the City of Ephesus, which
                         greatly surprised that what he had always taught
                                                                                  was the most important shrine of Mary. This placed
                         in Antioch without any controversy whatsoever
                                                                                  Nestorius at a serious disadvantage.
                         should prove to be so objectionable to the Chris-
                         tians of Constantinople.

      16 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Word   17
T H E WORD - THE MIRACULOUS LADY - February 2020 Volume 64 No. 2
Icon written by Randi Cider Rose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            S T. C Y R I L

                                                                                             doctrine about Christ. Mariology and Christology            the sentiment of the holy Fathers; therefore they      chaos on all sides.                                              century Alexandrian
                                                                                             were now part of a common debate. If Nestorius              ventured to call the holy Virgin, the Mother of God        After the arrival of the papal delegation, six more       4. Cf. McGuckin, op.
                                                                                             denied the term Theotokos, he was undermining the           (Theotokos), not as if the nature of the Word or       sessions were held in Ephesus. Both Nestorius and                cit., p. 22.
                                                                                             Incarnation. The term Theotokos had serious reper-          his divinity had its beginning from the holy Vir-      Cyril wrote letters to Emperor Theodosius, plead-             5. Ibid. p. 29.
                                                                                             cussions not only for the Christian knowledge of            gin but because of her was born the holy body          ing their cases. Many in Constantinople were de-              6. Ibid.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              7. J.N.D. Kelly notes
                                                                                             Mary but even more for that of Christ.10                    with a rational soul to which the Word being           manding the deposition of Nestorius. The emperor                 that, with his Alex-
                                                                                                 The opponents of Nestorius were able to gain            personally united is said to be born of the flesh.12   decided to reject both the Council headed by Cyril               andrian background,
                                                                                             the support of Cyril of Alexandria and the monks                                                                   and that of John of Antioch. The bishops were not                “the Christological
                                                                                                                                                                        The Council of Ephesus                                                                                   problem did not
                                                                                             of Egypt. Both Nestorius and Cyril sent appeals to                                                                 allowed to leave Ephesus until the matters were set-             present itself to him
                                                                                             Pope Celestine in Rome. This resulted in a Roman              On the 19th of November 430 A.D., Emperor            tled. Representatives of the two factions were called            as that of explain-
                                                                                             council. It condemned the teaching of Nestorius.          Theodosius II, yielding to the request of Nestorius,     to meet at Chalcedon. John of Antioch no longer                  ing the union of two
                                                                                             Cyril was appointed to pronounce the sentence of          called for the Council that would meet in Ephesus        supported Nestorius, while the supporters of Cyril               disparate natures. …
                                                                                                                                                       on Pentecost, June 7 of the following year. Ephesus                                                                       He thought rather of
                                                                                             deposition on Nestorius if he did not submit.                                                                      were adamant in their support. In the end Theodo-                two phases or stages
                                                                                                  In December of 430, delegates were sent from         was the site of the most famous Marian shrine. This      sius allowed Nestorius to return to his monastery.               in the existence of
                                                                                             Alexandria to Constantinople condemning Nesto-            gave Cyril an initial advantage.                         Cyril was allowed to return to Alexandria. Cyril had             the Logos, one prior
                                                                                                                                                           By June 7, Nestorius and his sixteen bishops                                                                          to and the other after
                                                                                             rius. Cyril’s letter to Nestorius also attached twelve                                                             been victorious. His theology and language would                 the Incarnation. The
                                                                                             anathemas, and told Nestorius he had ten days to          were the first to arrive. When he arrived in Ephesus,    be used by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D.                  Logos as he liked to
                                                                                             retract his position. The letters of Nestorius to Pope    the local Metropolitan Memnon did not greet him              The importance of Cyril’s victory cannot be                  say ‘remains what He
                                                                                             Celestine went unanswered. As a consequence of            and would not allow him to use any of the churches.      overstated. The term Theotokos affirmed unequivo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 was’” (Early Christian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Doctrines, Prince
                                                                                             the dispute, the Emperor arranged for the Council         Cyril and his entourage of 50 bishops were greeted       cally that the one born of Mary, who suffered, died,             Press, Peabody, MA,
                                                                                             to be held in Ephesus in 431.                             as visiting dignitaries. The bishops of the Ephesus      and rose again, was one Person, God incarnate. The               2000, p. 319).
                                                                                                 The clarity of Cyril’s theology is expressed in his   region and Jerusalem supported Cyril. Other than         rejection of the term would have meant a Christ               8. “He (Cyril) used
1. John McGuckin, St.        center of Christianity. Founded by Alexander the                                                                                                                                                                                                    the term physis and
   Cyril of Alexandria                                                                       first Letter to Nestorius.11                              the papal delegates, Italy was not represented, nor      divided into two persons. A human Christ could
                             Great in 331 B.C., the city was second only to Rome                                                                                                                                                                                                 hypostasis without any
   and the Christological                                                                                                                              was North Africa. The council was largely an East-       not restore us to God. Any other understanding of                distinction to signify
   Controversy, St. Vladi-   in its size and wealth. It was the city where the Sep-                For we do not say that the nature of the            ern affair.                                              Christ becomes confused and misleading. The sal-                 ‘nature’ as well as ‘per-
   mir Seminary Press,       tuagint Bible was translated several centuries earlier.           Word was changed and became flesh, or that it                                                                                                                                     son’ (Quasten, op. cit.,
   Crestwood, NY, p. 3.                                                                                                                                    Cyril opened the Council on June 22, 431. He         vation of man began at the moment when the Word
                             It was the home of the philosopher Plotinus, who                  was converted into a whole man consisting of a                                                                                                                                    p. 139).
   McGuckin’s work is                                                                                                                                  did not wait for the arrival of John of Antioch and      of God became incarnate in the womb of Mary,
   a comprehensive and       would influence later Christian authors. The church               soul and body; but rather that the Word having                                                                                                                                 9. Cf. J.N.D. Kelly,
                                                                                                                                                       his Syrian delegation, which would have been more        who is truly Theotokos.                                          Dictionary of Popes
   very readable account     of Alexandria was founded by the Apostle Mark.                    personally united to himself to flesh animated
   of the events of St.                                                                                                                                favorable toward Nestorius. The representatives of           In time the differences between Alexandria and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Oxford University
                             It was the city of Origen and St. Athanasius. That                by a rational soul, did in an ineffable and incon-                                                                                                                                Press, Oxford, 1986),
   Cyril’s life and of the                                                                                                                             Pope Celestine had also not arrived.                     Antioch were settled. Antioch accepted the term
   Council of Ephesus.
                             these two cities and their churches would be com-                 ceivable manner become man and was called                                                                                                                                         p. 41.
                                                                                                                                                           Nonetheless, against the advice of the represen-     Theotokos. Cyril accepted the fact that while their           10. McGuckin, op. cit.,
2. The appeal of Cyril       petitive is understandable. The two Antiochians, St.              the Son of Man, not merely as willing or be-            tative of the Emperor, and coercing him to read the      language was different, their faith was one.                       p. 21.
   to both Scripture and     John Chrysostom and Patriarch Nestorius, were                     ing pleased to be so called, neither on account of                                                                                                                             11. This is only one
   the Fathers sets the                                                                                                                                official document from the Emperor, the Coun-                Was Nestorius himself really guilty of the heresy
                             driven from their sees by Alexandrian patriarchs.                 taking to himself a person but because the two                                                                                                                                      of a number of
   pattern of theol-                                                                                                                                   cil was officially opened. The letters of both Cyril     of Nestorianism? That debate continues today. His                  significant letters
   ogy for the Church.                       The Term Theotokos                                natures being brought together in a true union;         and Nestorius were read. Cyril’s was approved and                                                                           written by Cyril
   Johannes Quasten                                                                            there is of both one Christ and one Son; for the                                                                 later writings insist that he did not believe that there
                                                                                                                                                       Nestorius’ was condemned. The Creed of Nicaea                                                                               in this controversy.
   notes, “It is certainly       The term theotokos had been used for more than                                                                                                                                 were “two persons” in Christ. In any case, Nestori-
   his merit that from                                                                         difference of the natures is not taken away by the      was reaffirmed, Nestorius was deposed and ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This was true also of
                             a century before its rejection by Nestorius. Origen                                                                                                                                anism is a heresy. We are indebted to Cyril in two                 Nestorius, A discus-
   now on Patristic                                                                            union, but rather the divinity and the humanity         communicated. Cyril had won the day in this first
                             (184–253 A.D.) may have been the first to use it. It                                                                                                                               very important ways. He provided the most com-                     sion of the Council
   testimony stands with                                                                       make perfect for us the one Lord Jesus Christ by        session, but the approval of the Emperor was still                                                                          of Ephesus, includ-
   Scriptural as authority   was used by the fourth-century theologians Atha-                                                                                                                                   plete and Orthodox answer to the question of the
                                                                                               their ineffable and inexpressible union.                not given.                                                                                                                  ing the documents
   in theological argu-      nasius in 330 and Gregory the Theologian in 370.                                                                                                                                   identity of Jesus Christ, and he assured the posi-                 of the council, may
   mentation” (Patrology,                                                                                               ...                                The Syrian delegation were at a marked disad-
                             The Antiochian Theodore of Mopsuestia (350–428)                                                                                                                                    tion of Mary as Mother of God for all generations.                 be found in Nicene
   vol. 3, Christian Clas-                                                                         But since, for us and for our salvation, he         vantage in coming to Ephesus. Some bishops had                                                                              and Post-Nicene
   sics Inc., Westminster,   may have been the first to deny the title. “Mary bore                                                                                                                              Much of modern Christianity needs to rediscover
                                                                                               personally united to himself a human body, and          to journey from Persia and Arabia. Antioch was                                                                              Fathers, Second Series,
   MD, p. 135).              Jesus, not the Word, for the Word was remained                                                                                                                                     not only the title Theotokos, but the its implication
3. Western historians                                                                          came forth of a woman, he is in this way said to        still over 700 miles from Ephesus. The Antiochian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   vol. 14, The Seven
                             omnipresent, although from the beginning he dwelt                                                                                                                                  for the understanding of the mystery of salvation.                 Ecumenical Councils,
   have treated Cyril                                                                          be born after the flesh; for he was not first born      delegation arrived four days late. Not surprisingly,
   in a negative light.      in Jesus in a peculiar manner. Thus Mary is properly                                                                                                                                                                                                  pp.192–242.
                                                                                               a common man of the holy Virgin and then the            they were angry at being left out of the proceed-                                                    Fr. Daniel Daly   12. Ibid. p. 198.
   This partly due to        the Mother of Christ (Christotokos), but not the
   the anti-Christian                                                                          Word came down and entered into him, but the            ings. They held their own council, at which they ex-
                             Mother of God (Theotokos).” As a pupil of Theo-
   biases of the “Age                                                                          union being made in the womb itself he is said          communicated Cyril and Memnon the bishop of
                             dore in Antioch, it was no surprise that Nestorius
   of Enlightenment,”                                                                          to endure a birth after the flesh, ascribing to         Ephesus, and the bishops who had supported Cyril.
   and the anachronistic     followed this line of thought.
                                                                                               himself the birth of his own flesh…..This was           The weeks that followed were a time of conflict and
   treatment of the fifth-       What was needed was a clear resolution of the

     18 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The  Word 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TheWord   19
                                                                “FROM THESE STONES”
                                      DEPARTMENT OF MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM

                        CUTTING IT CLOSE
                     IN GILLETTE AND RAPID
                                                                                                                                                 BELOVED BROTHERS AND SISTERS,                                    Festivals. The theme is a critical one this year. It is a cor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  rective to the widely held notion that we exist in a “neutral”
                                                                                                                                                                           “This then, is our task: to educate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  world, and that Christ, like Santa, will reward the good.
                                                                                                                                                                           ourselves and our children in
                                                                                                                          Fr. Joseph Huneycutt                             godliness”                             Concerning a “Spiritually Fruitful Lent”
                                                                                                                                                                                     – St. John Chrysostom        There are many ways we can grow closer to God: through
                       Allowing for potential weather events, I had                   I searched up rates for a one-way rental car to                                       Parents,       Teachers,       and    Scripture reading, prayer, and church services. All can
                                                                                                                                                                            Church School Directors – if          make for a spiritually fruitful Lent. We can see this growth,
                   scheduled my arrival on Thursday, but flights did not          Denver. Have you ever tried to rent a car for next-day
                                                                                                                                                                            you made any New Year’s reso-         however, as allowing God to change our lives. In the forty
                   cooperate. Staring at the overhead screen after check-         travel, one way, on Christmas weekend? Not good! I
                                                                                                                                                                            lutions last month, I hope one of     days we are urged toward dependence on God, repen-
                   ing in, it dawned on me that, due to delays, I likely          called the Chairman of the Department of Missions
                                                                                                                                                 them was to join our online communities. We post daily           tance, and humility – the right dispositions, as Orthodox
                   would miss my connection in Denver.                            and Evangelism, Fr. John Finley. After listening to my                                                                          Christians know. With these in place we can indeed mani-
                                                                                                                                                 for teachers and parents, and provide useful and thought-
                              When this was brought to the attention of           dilemma, he said, “Do it. Just do it! Don’t worry about        ful resources – continuing education at your fingertips – to     fest the fruit of the Holy Spirit:“The fruit of the Spirit is love,
                                        the customer service rep, I was as-       the cost. We’ll find the money.”                               help you be the best parent, teacher or director for God’s       joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithful-
                                                    sured that, at present, ev-       Thank God for the ministry of The Order of St. Ignatius    children. If you are already online with us, share a post with   ness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22).
                                                     erything should work         of Antioch. While the extra car rental wasn’t cheap, it        a friend and invite them to join too!                            Time and Zacchaeus. How easy it is to consider Lent
                                                     out. That would be nice      was less than the annual pledge of a Knight or Dame.                                                                            as simply a negative period of time. In reality, Lenten sea-
                                                     for the folks at St. John,   Such situations would find little or no solution with-                 @ Facebook.com                                           sons are a gift of time. One of the ways Judaism differed
                                                    Rapid City, South Da-         out the help of the Order; and the Order supports the                  Orthodoxchristianparenting                               from the pagan religions was the commandment to “keep
                                                    kota. They, along with        work of the Department of Missions and Evangelism.                     Orthodoxchristiansundaychurchschoolteachers              holy the Sabbath,” which for them was the last day of the
                                                    Holy Resurrection, Gil-           On Friday morning, December 21, I began the                        Orthodoxchristianchurchschooldirectors                   week, Saturday. As soon after, the Israelites began forty
                                                    lette, Wyoming, had been      six-hour drive to Gillette – where I switched to my                    @ WordPress.com                                          years of wandering in the desert, there were no holy sites
                                                    without a priest for two      previously scheduled (and pre-paid) rental car. Then                   Orthodoxchristianparenting                               for worship. Instead, a portion of time was to be kept holy,
                                                    years.                        I drove two and a half hours to Rapid City. There I                    Orthodoxchristianchurchschoolteachers                    to reflect on one’s life, to repent, and to draw near to God.
                                                        It’s a two-hour drive     heard confessions, served Great Vespers, heard more                    Orthodoxbabyhomecoming                                   A portion of time to reflect; to repent; and to draw near
                   between those communities, and leaving out of Gil-             confessions, and enjoyed the fellowship of the people                  www.orthodoxmustardseed.blogspot.com                     to God. That is what God asked of the Israelites 3,000
                   lette for the return flight made the most sense; thus,         of St John. On Saturday, December 22, it was Orthros                                                                            years ago, and has never stopped asking of His people.
                   that was my roundtrip destination. This was my sec-            and Divine Liturgy, followed by the singing of carols,                 www.pinterest.com/aodce                                  The Great Fast is the yearly portion of time that is to be
                   ond Christmas visit to the Black Hills region. Both            and fellowship. A full house! I drove back to Gillette                                                                          kept holy, peaceful, and focused on God. Today this can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  be difficult. We are “distracted to death,” and can unplug
                   were planned for a day or two before Christmas, to let         for Great Vespers, confessions, and fellowship at Holy         The resources for parents and teachers are posted simul-         only with great effort. We need a heart like Zacchaeus –
                   me get back to my parish in Houston for the Feast.             Resurrection.                                                  taneously on Facebook and WordPress, with WordPress              yearning for God. He knew the opportunity to see Jesus
                       Alas, because of a long delay pulling up to an avail-          On Sunday, December 23, I served Orthros and               offering an archive and search bar. A valuable resource          was fleeting, and he gave up not only his time, but his very
                   able gate in Denver, I just missed my connection. As it        Divine Liturgy. This was followed by the singing of            that had 700 downloads the first year it was posted and          dignity, to do so.
                   was “Christmas weekend,” there were few alternatives;          carols and more fellowship. Because I had an early re-         is now in the archives is the “Great Lent and Holy Week
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  And Jesus looked up and saw him in the tree, and said,
                   none that would work. “I can get you there tomorrow            turn flight (1 p.m.), I was unable to stay for fellow-         Activity Calendar.” You can find it here: orthodoxchristian-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I
                   evening,” the flight rep said. “No, you see, I’m a priest      ship. Thankfully, my return flight to Houston was not          parenting.files.wordpress.com/2015/02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  must stay at your house” (Luke 19:1–10).
                   and one of the parishes I’m visiting will be without           delayed.                                                       On our social networking sites, you’ll often find book re-
                   Christmas services if I don’t make it in time.”                    As I stated to His Eminence, Metropolitan                  views. One of the books reviewed for the Parenting sites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Carole A. Buleza, Director
                       It was getting late, and whatever the solution             JOSEPH, in my report, “All in all, it was a joyful             was, Tending the Garden of Our Hearts, published by An-
                   would be, it would have to wait until morning. The             weekend – bringing a bit of Christmas (early) to these         cient Faith Press to help families make the forty days a         With gratitude, we acknowledge the contribution of the
                   airline would put me up in a hotel, but what to do             thirsty communities.” That’s just a part of the minis-         time of growing together spiritually. Kristina provided an       Order of St. lgnatius that partially funds the work of our
                   the following day? “Have them pull my bags off the             try of The Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch: bringing          overview of the book she co-authored with Elissa Bjelet-         Department.
                   plane,” I said; “I’ll rent a car and drive.” The look from     the Joy of Christmas to those without pastoral care.           ich, which we reprinted for these pages.
                   the customer service rep was like, “Mmm. O … kay.”             I’ve experienced it: The Order provides drink for those        I also share my thoughts here, not as an essay, but as
                   (Driving six hours north from Denver in December               who thirst.                                                    two smaller pieces: “Concerning a Fruitful Lent,” direct-
                   can be iffy.)                                                      Thank you!                                                 ly below, and, further on, concerning the 2020 Creative

20 February 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Word   21
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