Page created by Lawrence Manning


 ASLEF on thE
   Meet me by the entrance of the Tube

                                                                     The train drivers’
                                                                     union since 1880
railway enginemen’s tax free saver plans

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                                                        Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority.
                                                        Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
                                                        Incorporated under the Friendly Societies Act 1992 2

                                                                                                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                         Published by the ASSOCIATED SOCIETY of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS & FIREMEN

Mick: They promise one thing and deliver another

Tories and the DfT –
here we go again                                           7                                                     8
            ELL, here we go again. A party that
W           promised electrification of key areas in
            2010, and then truncated the proposals
to win votes, has done it again: 2015                     Commuters, cattle trucks and carriages                      4
                                                          A Bridge Too Far for Edward Fox
electrification, 2017 no mention of reduced
investment until after elected. The figures for the                                                                    5
comparative investment, in particular rail, per           John Davies: a tribute from Lew Adams                       6
                                                          British Transport Pensioners’ Federation
head of population, are a matter of public record
and, as we know, do not make good reading if                                                                           7
you live outside the south-east, especially when          Fail the disabled and lose your franchise                   8
qualified by population density. What can you say
to those areas – what we call districts 3, 4, 6, and
7, which make up half our railway – directly
impacted by the lack of a long-term strategy? So
                                                          Deputy Mayor Val Shawcross: Labour’s
in the month they announce the end of
production of petrol and diesel cars we commit
to bi-mode trains for an indeterminate future.             new strategy for transport in London
                                                                                                                      10       14
The Northern Powerhouse on rail is no more –              Finn Brennan on churn and change at LU                     11
                                                          Going Underground: Terry Wilkinson,
just minor fixes that only mitigate in certain areas
and do not meet economic, social and                                                                             12-13
community needs.                                           Julian Vaughan and Graham Dean
     The irony is the announcement of Crossrail 2         Gregor Gall, with a nod to Disraeli, on                    14
(which we welcome as part of a greater long-term           Theresa May and the two Tory nations
strategy) at the same time which highlights the
contempt this government holds for rail outside           Dave Prentis on Unison’s landmark victory                  15
the south-east. As I write the big discussion on
Radio 4 is about walking and cycling as the
                                                           in court and Chris Nutty on sign language
solution for all our transport needs; they have a
role but do not drive the economy like rail. And
does this government have any plans for the
                                                          Branch News and 100 Years of Union
long-term future of freight other than the paths
that may be created, years from now, by HS2?                                                                     16-17
     21st century society is not the polite respectful    Legal: Lorena Webster and Gerard Stilliard                18
                                                          Obituaries
place we would all like it to be and the rise of
knife crime and sexual assaults in our industry,                                                                     19
with many more unreported, is a major concern.            Letters and Classified Advertisements                 20-21
                                                          Last Word: Books for the summer
These issues are coming to a head in certain areas,
especially in Scotland, and we are calling for
additional staff to ensure not only the safety of         On Track, Prize Crossword, ASLEF’s                        23        23
the travelling public but of those who work on             Legal Services and Change of Address
                                                          Cover: A London Underground Train at a Station by Anita Van Den Broek
our railway system. It is time for employers to
demonstrate their duty of care.
     Finally, let’s nail an industry lie – when
companies try to deflect criticism of their failure
                                                            The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:
to recruit enough staff by putting out on CIS that
it’s down to the drivers. It isn’t. It’s the company’s      ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN Tel: 020 7324 2400
fault. And if any driver is abused or assaulted
                                                            email: website:
because of such company misinformation we will
act in the strongest terms.
                                                         EDITOR Mick Whelan l DESIGNER Michael Cronin l PRINTER TU Ink, 5 Wythburn Place, London, W1H 7BU
Yours fraternally                                        ADVERTISING ASLEF Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond on 0207 324 2407
Mick Whelan, general secretary                           or l CLASSIFIED ADS or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a
                                                         display or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by ASLEF
                                                         CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please post your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                                                             September 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                       3

Commuters – cattle
trucks not carriages
           ICK Whelan has put the blame for
 M         overcrowded commuter trains firmly
           where it lies – on privatisation – after
new figures from the Department for
Transport revealed the extent of the problem
on Britain’s railways.
    ASLEF’s general secretary said: ‘If we had
cattle trucks instead of carriages then fare-
paying passengers would be much better off!
Because we have legislation – statutory
protection – for animals being transported –
but not for people. Which is why so many                                                                      QUotE…
                                                      The GS with ASLEF freight reps at AAD                   ‘If 7% of the population goes to
trains are now not just uncomfortable, but
seriously overcrowded. It cannot be right that,       passengers to get the seat for which they have          private school, then it seems only
after 20 years of privatisation, people               paid a lot of money!’                                   fair that only 7% of Britain’s elite
travelling and working on our railways are                Mick added: ‘Privatisation has failed. Fares        jobs should go to privately-
treated like this by the privatised train             have soared, taxpayer subsidies have risen,             educated individuals. This would
companies.                                            rolling stock has got older and overcrowding            include chief executives, barristers,
    ‘These DfT figures underline what we have         has got worse. We need – and the people in              journalists, judges, medical
said all along – that there is no long-term           this country deserve – a properly integrated,           professionals and MPs.’ – Ellie Mae
strategy, no long-term planning, and no long-         properly managed, publicly owned railway.               o’hagan in The Guardian
term thinking, among the TOCs which are only          That’s what Jeremy Corbyn has promised and                                   …UnQUotE
in the railway business to make a quick buck.         these figures from the DfT prove the point. By
    ‘The train companies say they need more           bringing our railway back into public
time to sort it out but they’ve already had           ownership, the Labour Party will put a badly        resources across the whole network, rather
more than 20 years, since the railways were           fragmented system back together, which will         than on a company by company, franchise by
privatised, to provide enough trains for              allow better management of capacity and             franchise, area by area, basis.’

Stephen cleared – but clouds lour over DOO                                                                MBE For tEj
                                                                                                                        Tejinder Kumar Sharma, a former
The driver whose train                                                          written to Ian Prosser,                 Silverlink/London Overground
pulled away from a                                                              chief inspector of                      driver, who has written several
station, dragging a                                                             railways and director                   critically-acclaimed collections of
woman along the                                                                 of rail safety at the                   short stories, was made an MBE
                                                                                                          Tej – driven in the Queen’s birthday honours
platform, after the                                                             Office of Rail and
                                                                                                          to write      list for his contribution to Hindi
systems failed, has                                                             Road, asking: ‘Given
been found not guilty                                                           the jury and the RAIB     literature and community cohesion in London.
of endangering             A systems failure left Neelan Malik                  appear to agree this
passenger safety.          struggling to free her hand from the train           issue relates to a        WorK FroM hoME – thAt’S thE
Stephen Murdoch, 45,       door as the loco left the station                    technical problem, are    AnSWEr SAYS SoUthEAStErn
was charged with           Malik’s hand – in the     Transport Police,          you considering           Southeastern’s credit card size fold-out guide
‘endangering the           door. Stephen told        perversely, decided to     stopping the              to ‘changes and closures’ on services into
safety of rail             police he carried out     prosecute.                 movement of all units     London Bridge, Waterloo East, Charing Cross
passengers, by wilful      all the proper checks         ‘This case shows       which might perform       and Cannon Street from Saturday 26 August
omission or neglect,       and an investigation      that drivers cannot        in a similar manner in    to Saturday 2 September doesn’t beat about
by failing to check the    revealed that the         rely on the train door     such circumstances        the bush. Under ‘top tips for passengers’ it
length of the train was    safety lights did not     interlocking               until such time as a      simply advises: ‘Work from home’.
clear’ before leaving      work.                     technology,’ said Mick     safe solution to the
Hayes & Harlington              But the British      Whelan. The GS has         problem is found?’          tWEEtS oF thE Month
station in west
London in July 2015.       SUpErtrAM dEBtS to LASt For 60 YEArS                                                  Pensions are deferred wages. Any attack
    The verdict, at                                                                                              on the TfL pension fund would mean the
                           Mick Whelan has condemned the spiralling cost of the Stagecoach
Blackfriars crown                                                                                           mother of all disputes.
                           Supertram in Sheffield after the Star newspaper in the city revealed that
court, has clear                                                                                            Finn Brennan
                           residents in South Yorkshire will be paying for the system, which
implications for the       opened in 1995, until 2056.
safety of driver only                                                                                             Chancellor called me hysterical a couple
                                Mick said: ‘As a trade union, we believe in improving Britain’s
operation in Britain.                                                                                             of months ago. Now it’s the turn of train
                           infrastructure, and we believe passionately in better transport links
Evidence revealed a                                                                                         drivers.
                           because we know better transport links are good for people, and good
malfunction on the                                                                                          Mary Creagh
                           for business. But politicians have to get a grip on the costs and make
warning system in the      sure that taxpayers, at national level, and council taxpayers, at local
driver’s cab, which did                                                                                           Emmanuel Macron is a Silicon Valley-
                           level, aren’t ripped off. ‘It is utterly ridiculous that the Stagecoach
                                                                                                                  loving, union-hating, Third Way centrist.
not illuminate to show     Supertram spiralled four times over budget, and utterly ridiculous that
                                                                                                            He’s no bulwark against the far-right.
there was an               it is going to take 61 years to pay it off. We need investment – but we
obstruction – Neelan       need clarity, transparency, and value for money, too.’

4 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017

New rail crossing                                                                 Off the rails
is a bridge too far
                                                                                                       ErIC hEFFEr, the left-wing Labour MP
           DWARD Fox,
  E        who starred
           in films such
                                                                                                       for Liverpool Walton from 1964 until
                                                                                                       1991, liked to tell the tale of how, when
                                                                                                       he was canvassing in his constituency, he
as The Day of the
                                                                                                       went up to one house and saw a large
Jackal, The Shooting
                                                                                  black Labrador in the front garden. ‘I carefully skirted the
Party and A Bridge Too
                                                                                  beast and was welcomed in by a lovely lady who promised
Far, has spoken out
                                                                                  me her vote and offered me a cup of tea. The dog followed
against controversial
                                                                                  us in. As I was served tea and biscuits, the dog went berserk,
plans to replace the
                                                                                  tore up the furniture, and urinated on the sofa. I thought she
rail crossing at his local
                                                                                  should keep the dog under better control but the woman
station – Wareham in
                             Film star Edward Fox (top) has criticised plans      didn’t bat an eyelid. And then, as I left, she said politely,
Dorset – with a new
                             for the new railway bridge (above)                   “Aren’t you going to take your dog with you, Mr Heffer?”’
and ‘unsightly’ ramped
railway bridge costing       residents have signed     actor, who has lived in
                                                                                                        pAULInE CAWood, of Leeds branch,
£1.7 million.                a petition calling for    the hamlet of Steeple
                                                                                                        witheringly slapped down Chancellor
     The Grade II listed     the crossing to be        for 30 years, and uses
                                                                                                        Philip Hammond when he told the
station is currently         retained, saying no       the station to travel to
                                                                                                        Cabinet that train driving is now so
served by a level            one has been              London, told a packed
                                                                                                        easy ‘even a woman can do it’. Pauline,
crossing controlled by       seriously injured in 40   public meeting: ‘The
                                                                                                        pictured here with Ruth Kelly, Transport
locked gates and a           years and, if the guard   proposal would ruin
                                                                                                        Secretary for 15 months in Gordon
guard but Network            has to go, they would     for evermore a
                                                                                  Brown’s government, told The Sun: ‘It’s an old-fashioned,
Rail says the cost of        prefer an automated       precious corner of
                                                                                  sexist comment. He ought to be ashamed of himself. Women
manning the crossing         gate linked to the        Dorset and be a
                                                                                  are just as capable as men at driving trains. What’s that man
– £120,000 a year – is       signal system at the      permanent blot on
                                                                                  been doing for the past 50-odd years? Probably sat in a
prohibitive.                 crossing.                 our town’s historic
                                                                                  gentleman’s club smoking cigars and drinking whisky.’
     Now 2,200                   The 80-year-old       station.’
                                                                                                     hYWEL BEnnEtt, who excelled at playing
Fill in your form                                                    says it’s
                                                                                                     loners and outsiders such as Tom the pimp
                                                                                                     in Pennies from Heaven and the scalp
Dave Tyson, trustee          fill in their death in                  time to
                                                                                                     hunter Ricki Tarr in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,
director of the              service nomination                      fill in
                                                                                                     as well as the loveable loafer Shelley in the
Railways Pension             forms and, if possible,                 that
                                                                                                     hit 1980s sitcom, has died at the age of 73.
Scheme, a driver with        get them to make a                      form
                                                                                  He was much in demand for voice over work, with British Rail
Greater Anglia, and          will as well! That way    employers.railwayspe       using his dulcet tones – from originally Garnant, a Welsh
former EC president,         they will ensure that       mining village, and then via south London and RADA – to tell
as well as the man           what they have goes       ocuments/Public/For        passengers: ‘We’re getting there.’
who each year                to the people they        ms/RPS/Nomination
provides a detailed,         want to have it.’         Form (PM39).pdf or go                           jULIA hArtLEY-EVAnS, who presents
but highly intelligible,           Members can         on the RPS website                              the morning show on Talk Radio,
report to AAD on our         download the form         and fill in the form                            uploaded a photo to her Twitter
pensions, has made a         from https://             online.                                         account of this message on a
timely call for                                                                                        whiteboard at her local London
members to fill in their     no go LoCo                                                                Underground station. Under service
death in service form.       Locomore, the crowdfunded open access                                     information, in black marker pen, it
‘I know this is not a        operator, has cancelled all services between                              said: ‘Some days you can see the light at
pleasant request, but        Stuttgart and Berlin and begun insolvency            the end of the tunnel. Other days it’s a train.’
it is important. Only        proceedings. The company, launched as an
half our members fill        alternative to the state-owned rail operator                          nIgEL EVAnS, Conservative MP for Ribble
in a form. So please         Deutsche Bahn in 2016, said it hoped to find                          Valley, didn’t come out until after his mother
get your colleagues to       a ‘positive solution for train traffic’.                              died. ‘You really do have to understand the
                                                                                                   struggle of people like myself, growing up in
ConFErEnCES & rALLIES                                                                              Swansea in the 1960s, where I don’t know
The Burston strike school rally is at Crown Green, Burston, near Diss,                             whether it was worse to come out as a
Norfolk, on Sunday 3 September. The Trades Union Congress is at the                                Conservative or come out as gay.’
Brighton Centre from Sunday 10 to Wednesday 13 September. The
Labour Party conference is at the Brighton Centre from Sunday 24 to               MEL thorLEY, reflecting on Longsight legend Tony Evers,
Wednesday 27 September. The Scottish Trades Union Congress is at                  who retired from Virgin West Coast in July, admits, ‘He’s a
the Macdonald Highlands hotel, Aviemore, from Monday 16 to                        flippin’ sky blue shirt follower, but we forgave everybody
Wednesday 18 April 2018. The Durham Miners’ Gala is on Saturday 14                who kissed the shedplate…’
July. The Tolpuddle Martyrs’ festival, near Dorchester, is from Friday
20 to Sunday 22 July.                                                             thor hEYErdAhL, the great Norwegian explorer, when
                                                                                  asked about borders, declared: ‘I have never seen one. But I
500 CLUB: D Weddle, with number 42, won the August draw, scooping                 have heard they exist in the minds of some people.’
the RMS prize money jackpot of £394.

                                                                                                        September 2017 l The ASLEF Journal             5

                                                                                                        for an eight day course on industrial relations.
John, you did                                                                                           You might wonder what he did outside of
                                                                                                        representing the Society? Well, he served his
                                                                                                        country through national service in the RAF

us proud                                                                                                from August 1949 until September 1951.
                                                                                                            John became famous when he stopped the
                                                                                                        job at Charing Cross in support of the miners
                                                                                                        in 1985; an understanding manager and the
john davies, a former member of
                                                                                                        support of the Society saved the day.
ASLEF’s executive committee, died at                                                                        Hither Green, many years ago, had a
the end of july. LEW AdAMS, general                                                                     football team that ran out in the sky blue shirts
secretary of ASLEF from 1994 to 1998,                                                                   of Manchester City. There was speculation as
pays tribute to a union legend                                                                          to how they came by the strip, and much was
                                                                                                        made of the fact that John’s brother-in-law
          OHN DAVIES, former Southern                                                                   was Malcolm Allison, the former West Ham
  j       Region executive committee
          member, passed away peacefully on
                                                                                                        centre-half who was, at the time, manager of
                                                                                                        Manchester City!
                                                   All smiles – John as Southern Region
Saturday 29 July. He served on the national                                                                 John married Alexia in 1951 and they had
                                                   members remember him
executive from January 1985 until he retired in                                                         two daughters, Annette and Kim. Sadly, Alexia
1993.                                              AAD in 1973, 1979 and 1984. He was also a            died in 1977. John married Ina in 1980 and
    John started his railway career at Hither      member of sectional council B Southern               became father to her daughter. He was very
Green depot in 1947 and, after cleaning and        Region from 1977 until elected to the national       proud of his family and his three wonderful
firing, was appointed driver in 1958. During his   executive in 1985.                                   grandsons.
career John was always active in the Society,          During the 1982 flexible rostering strike            Ina, and family, we thank you for the
representing ASLEF on Hither Green LDC for         John acted as co-ordinator of information            support you gave John because, without that,
17 years and holding office as staff side          between Southern branches and ASLEF head             he could not have done so much for ASLEF.
secretary throughout that period. In addition,     office. He also made time to attend education        John, the union salutes you. You gave so much
he was branch chair and district council           courses at York University and Sheffield             to this trade union and for that we are really
delegate for many years and a delegate to          University and Ruskin College, Oxford, in 1970       grateful. You did us proud.

                                                                                        Labour Party’s plans to      LEVEL CroSSIng
this is the                                                                             deliver the infrastructure
                                                                                        Britain needs with           drIVEr jAILEd
                                                                                        electrification and          A farm worker who drove his
modern world                                                                            expansion across the
                                                                                        whole country, including
                                                                                                                     Land Rover Discovery onto
                                                                                                                     Nairns level crossing at
                                                                                        Wales and the South          Stretham in Cambridgeshire,
GS Mick Whelan has            Western, and parts of                                     West, offers the prospect    without contacting the signal
welcomed the Labour           the Lake District is yet                                  of building a better         box for permission, has been
Party’s pledge to invest      another reminder of the      Mick condemns the            Britain.’                    jailed for 10 months. Dimitar
in Britain’s railways after   lack of ambition for the     Tories’ failure to deliver       The Tories               Vaclinov, 34, of Ely, pleaded
Theresa May’s Tory            future which has beset       be on even more              announced they were          guilty to endangering the
government abandoned          the railway since            overcrowded trains in 10     halting electrification      safety of persons on the
plans to modernise            privatisation and            years’ time.                 with a masterclass in        railway.
Britain’s railway system –    confirms that the                ‘The failure of          Orwellian doublespeak.           His vehicle was immediately
the much-needed and           government’s rail policy     successive governments       The Transport Secretary,     struck by a passenger train
long-promised                 is no more than make do      to develop a transport       trying desperately to        travelling at 70mph, causing
electrification of this       and mend.                    strategy has been a          turn a negative into a       £100,000 worth of damage to
country’s busy main               ‘Bi-mode trains are      huge impediment to           positive, said passengers    the loco. ‘It was extremely
lines.                        more expensive, less         economic growth and          would now not have to        lucky no one else was injured,’
    ‘Chris Grayling’s         reliable and slower to       social mobility which        put up with ‘disruptive      said Det Sgt Alan Bardsley. ‘But
decision to axe plans to      accelerate than electric     will only be worsened in     electrification works’ and   it was extremely traumatic for
fully electrify the           trains. Passengers on        a post-Brexit Britain.       ‘intrusive wires and         the train driver and
Midland main line, Great      packed trains today will         ‘In contrast, the        masts’.                      passengers.’

on thE BEACh
Seven New York City subway stations will                 proFItIng FroM pUBLIC projECtS                                 QUotE…
partially close until late next year as part of          network rail announced ‘sweeping new                           ‘More than 100 years ago,
a $395 million modernisation programme                   reforms’ on 31 july to enable ‘third parties’ –                Britain’s pioneering
on the BMT beach line.                                   private companies – to become ‘heavily                         railway network enabled
                                                         involved’ in delivering railway infrastructure                 its national daily
                      Carry all your                     projects. At the same time it published a                      newspapers to reach all
                      stuff – papers,                    report commissioned from peter hansford, a                     parts of the country by
                      keys, sandwiches                   civil engineer, called Unlocking Rail                          breakfast time. It helped to
                      – in style with our                Investment: Building Confidence, Reducing                      create the legendary
                      smart black                        Costs. ‘I am determined to create an                           power of Fleet Street.’ –
    documents bag. Price £10 (inc p&p);                  environment where innovative third party                       Colin Morrison on
    email or visit our                 companies can compete for, and directly                        Flashes&Flames
    online shop at                      deliver, railway projects,’ said CEo Mark Carne.                           …UnQUotE

6 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017

                                                                                          Convention; and by having a
Will you still need me                                                                    close relationship with the Rail
                                                                                          Delivery Group, especially
                                                                                          regarding free and privilege

will you still feed me?                                                                   travel.
                                                                                              We also work closely with
                                                                                          railway industry trade unions –
                                                                                                                                          A voice for railway pensioners
                                                                                          like ASLEF – to help safeguard our                  We have 50 branches and more
LES McdoWELL, chair of the               wellbeing of railway people in
                                                                                          benefits and pensions.                          than 13,000 members. You will be
British transport pensioners’            retirement and, over the years, we
                                                                                              Just as important is the welfare            warmly welcomed as a member –
Federation, and a former                 have helped secure many financial
                                                                                          support and advice we offer. We                 and membership starts at just £3 a
director of EWS, explains                benefits for our retirees and their
                                                                                          promote social activities with                  year – of our federation and your
                                         dependants, as well as
what the BtpF does                                                                        former colleagues across all our                friends and relatives will also be
                                         improvements in their travel
                                                                                          branches, such as day trips by                  able to enjoy our activities.
          AM delighted to have                                                            river, road and railway, holidays in                Any questions? Email us at
                                             We do this through regular
  I       this opportunity to let
          you know a little about
                                         contact with Railway Pensions
                                         Management & Investments, both
                                                                                          the UK and abroad, theatre trips,
                                                                                          dances, lunches, and talks.
                                                                                                                                 To join go to
                                                                                                                                          our website at
the British Transport Pensioners’        directly, and through a BTPF
Federation, which was set up in          member who is a director on the                                                                      BAttErY pArK
1948.                                    board of the Railway Pensions                          QUotE…
                                                                                                                                              Vivarail, the British company
   The BTPF provides a voice for         Trustee Company, and through                           ‘Now we know how the
                                                                                                                                              building the D-train, turning
everyone who has retired from            BTPF members who are trustees                          City will be kept open for
                                                                                                                                              old District line Tube trains
our great railway industry. We are       of a number of Railways Pension                        business after Brexit. If a
                                                                                                                                              into modern rolling stock to
one of the few recognised                Scheme committees; by lobbying                         foreign government, in
                                                                                                                                              replace Pacers on short
organisations that works to              Parliament through our affiliation                     this case Saudi Arabia’s
                                                                                                                                              commuter routes, branch
protect and maintain the                 to the National Pensioners’                            royal family, doesn’t like
                                                                                                                                              lines and tourist hops, has
                                                                                                the rules in London, the
                                                                                                                                              received an Accelerating
                                                                                                UK is happy to be flexible.’
Southern Fail top for overcrowding                                                              – nils pratley in The
                                                                                                                                              Innovation in Rail grant
                                                                                                                                              from Innovate UK to
                                                                                                                                              develop and build battery-
                                                                                                             …UnQUotE                         run trains.

                                                                                          rdg grABS rSg
                                                                                          The Rail Delivery Group – the fox in the railway hen house, and
                                                                                          desperate to try and grow its power base in our industry, especially
                                                                                          when decisions are made about the future of rail – has announced ‘a
                                                                                          new strategic partnership’ with the Rail Supply Group in a bid to create ‘a
                                                                                          one-stop shop’ and ‘encourage growth in the rail industry supply chain’.

                                                                                          dIAgnoStIC tEChnoLogY For FrEIght trAInS
                                                                                          Siemens is to install predictive maintenance technology on DB Cargo
                                                                                          locomotives. A spokesperson said: ‘Rather than be dictated by mileage
                                                                                          or time, maintenance will now be conducted when data shows it is

New DfT stats reveal that Southern Rail run five of the ten most
                                                                                                              Tea and coffee tastes better in a red and white
overcrowded services in Britain. The TOC’s worst train – the 5.40
                                                                                                              ASLEF mug! Price £3.50 (inc p&p); email
from Uckfield to London Bridge – operates at 226% of capacity and
                                                                                                     or visit our online shop at
the second-worst, Southern’s 7.16 from East Grinstead to London
Bridge, operates at 195%.

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                                                          your new, shiny £1 coin?
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                                                          0300 333 2000
                        Transport Benevolent Fund CIO, known as TBF, is a registered charity in England and Wales, 1160901, and Scotland, SC047016.

                                                                                                                            September 2017 l The ASLEF Journal                7

Rail firms that fail disabled                                                                          WESt MIdLAndS FrAnChISE SLIpS
                                                                                                       AgAIn AFtEr dFt prEVArICAtES
                                                                                                       London Midland has got an extension to

should lose their franchises                                                                           continue operating its West Midlands services
                                                                                                       until at least December 2017. The Department
                                                                                                       for Transport should have announced the
                                                                                                       winner of the new franchise agreement, due to
          ICK WHELAN, general secretary of ASLEF, has backed a call                                    start in October, in July but London Midland
 M        for train companies to be stripped of their franchises if
          they fail to meet standards for making their services
                                                                                                       will now hang on to the franchise until the end
                                                                                                       of the year, with a possible extension until
accessible for disabled people.                                                                        February 2018. The DfT said: ‘We want the next
   ‘Everyone has a right to use our rail network,’ said Mick, ‘and it is                               operator to deliver real improvements and
probably more important for disabled people to be able to get on                                       provide more space, improved connectivity
and off trains, and in and out of stations, because there are fewer                                    and more frequent journeys. We are currently
realistic alternatives.                                                                                evaluating the two bids and the winner will be
   ‘We all know the franchise system isn’t fit for purpose, and that                                   announced in due course.’
privatisation hasn’t delivered what John Major promised it would
more than twenty years ago.                                                                            nIgEL’S MAKIng pLAnS For YoU
   ‘But the one thing the train operators fear is losing their licence       Mick: TOCs fear           District 6 Organiser Dicky Fisher and Nigel
to print money. That’s why I agree with the think tank Bright Blue. If       losing their licence      Thompson, health & safety rep on Virgin Trains
a rail operator doesn’t deliver, it should lose its franchise.’              to print money            at Wolverhampton, have organised a seminar
                                                                                                       for D6 reps on Tuesday 3 October to replicate
                                                                                                       the successful forums organised in the north-
   After Boaty McBoatface it’s Trainy McTrainface                                                      west by DO3 Colin Smith and Alan Moss of
                                                                                                       Longsight. ‘It will be held at Virgin’s office in
   MTR Express has                                                                                     Birmingham,’ said Nigel. ‘Mick Whelan has
   named one of its                                                                                    kindly agreed to open the seminar and
   new high speed                                                                                      speakers from the Hazards campaign and
   trains Trainy                                                                                       Thompson’s solicitors are also booked.’ Details
   McTrainface. The                                                                                    from either Dicky ( or
   Swedish operator                                                                                    Nigel (
   asked passengers
   to submit names                                                                                     FrEEdoM rIdErS FoUndEr dIES
   for four trains on                                                                                  Dave Gibson, one of the founding fathers of
   the Gothenburg to                                                                                   the Freedom Riders in South Yorkshire, the
   Stockholm route                                                                                     campaign against cuts in free travel for
   and the most                                                                                        pensioners and disabled people, has died.
   popular suggestion                                                                                  ‘Dave did so much to build links between our
   was Trainy                                                                                          campaign and the trade unions, particularly
   McTrainface.             It’s not 1 April, says Trainy – most popular name in a Swedish poll        Tosh McDonald and ASLEF,’ said George Arthur.
                                                                                                       ‘He had also been an inspirational secretary of
                                                                                                       Barnsley trades council.’
                                                                     that carried fast-moving
Jailed for obstructing the line                                      trains. As a result, quite
A man has been jailed for         off, causing 26 trains to be       rightly, National Rail took           QUotE…
12 weeks and ordered to pay       delayed. Doctors at                the view that all railway             ‘It is a very unsatisfactory situation
£1,000 compensation after         University Hospital in             traffic should be stopped. It         where you have the Prime Minister
causing chaos on a railway        Coventry said his behaviour        took two hours for Mr                 surrounded by people who are just
line by threatening to            was the result of drink and        Considine to be talked                waiting for the moment they decide to
commit suicide. Jamie             drugs.                             down.                                 throw her off the ledge.’ – tony Blair
Considine, 23, of Kenilworth,         Judge Andrew Lockhart,            ‘The inconvenience was                                      …UnQUotE
sat on Rugby Road railway         sitting at Warwick crown           considerable and this man
bridge in Leamington for          court, said: ‘This offence is so   has pleaded guilty to a
two hours, dangling his legs      serious that only a custodial      serious matter of
over the edge and                 sentence can be justified.         obstructing an engine using       A BrAnd nEW FrIEnd
threatening to throw himself      That is a busy railway line        a railway line.’                  London Mayor Sadiq Khan and Transport
                                                                                                       Secretary Chris Grayling have pledged to work
                                                                                                       together on Crossrail 2. ‘Crossrail 2 is essential

Corruption on Crossrail                                                                                for the future prosperity of London and the
                                                                                                       south-east,’ said Sadiq, ‘so I’m pleased the
                                                                                                       Transport Secretary and I have reached an
Four men have been jailed over corrupt payments made to secure work on the Farringdon                  agreement to take this vital project forward.’
station redevelopment for Thameslink and Crossrail. Alandale Rail, the contractor, was also
convicted of corruption and fined £25,000. Blackfriars crown court heard how operations director
Kevin McKee and fellow director John Zayya made corrupt payments to Innocent Obiekwe, a                      Our hip, hot and happening black
senior manager working for Costain/Laing O’Rourke, to get the contract to supply safety critical               baseball cap will keep the sun out
staff for the project. They later made payments via William Waring, a director at Qualitas                      of your eyes. £5 (inc p&p); email
Infrastructure Developments. ‘The scale of the corruption was significant,’ said Justin Yorke of the   or visit our
British Transport Police commercial fraud squad. ‘It was complex, prolonged and meticulously                    online shop at
planned and I am pleased we have brought a criminal gang to justice.’

8 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017
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Let me take you by the
hand and lead you through
the streets of London
          VAL ShAWCroSS, deputy
          Mayor for transport in
          London, on the Mayor’s bold
          new transport strategy which                                                                    Val at City Hall; on the
will fundamentally change the way                                                                         Tube; and with London
                                                                                                          Mayor Sadiq Khan and
people move around one of the world’s
                                                                                                          his top team by the
busiest and most exciting cities                                                                          Thames (above)

           ODAY about one-third of journeys                                                               need support from the government to make
  t        in London are made by car.
           Although that is less than other
major cities in the UK, the density of London,
                                                                                                          this happen.
                                                                                                              Sadiq understands that transport doesn’t
                                                                                                          just impact on our daily lives by helping us get
and the fact that our population continues to                                                             around – it also creates new opportunities,
grow rapidly, means we simply cannot afford                                                               unlocks housing potential, and shapes the
to continue using our cars at this rate. We                                                               whole character of our city. That’s why it’s so
don’t have the space on our roads, we can’t          the Metropolitan, District, Circle, and              important that we don’t just deliver affordable,
continue to ignore the growing health                Hammersmith & City lines; improvements to            reliable and accessible transport, but also
problems caused by inactivity, and we must           the Jubilee, Northern, and Victoria lines,           change the way we look at every aspect of our
tackle the air pollution crisis. It is, therefore,   making them among the most frequent                  transport network.
vital that more people choose to walk, cycle or      services in the world; and modernisation of
use public transport – especially rail.              the Piccadilly, Central, Bakerloo, and Waterloo      InVESt rECord SUMS
    That’s why the Mayor of London has set out       & City lines with new trains to increase             Some parts of London have been planned
a bold new transport strategy that, working          capacity and improve reliability.                    around car use for so long that there are no
with you, will fundamentally change the way                                                               decent alternatives for local people. We plan to
people move around our city. It is an                WE WILL groW thE nEtWorK                             change that. We will transform London’s
ambitious 25 year approach that will help            We will grow the network by opening the              neighbourhoods using the healthy streets
Londoners make more active and sustainable           Elizabeth line and expanding the Bakerloo line       approach to make them cleaner, safer and
transport choices, reduce congestion, make           to Lewisham and beyond, the London                   quieter. We will invest record sums to improve
efficient use of our streets, and support the        Overground to Barking Riverside, and the             streets for all, and ensure that new
health and wellbeing of Londoners.                   Northern line to Battersea. We’ll also be            developments are designed around walking,
                                                     investing in the tram, DLR and bus network,          cycling and public transport. This will help to
At thE hEArt oF oUr pLAnS                            and working to ensure London’s entire                reduce our capital’s car reliance, significantly
It’s a strategy that puts rail – light and heavy,    transport system is zero emission by 2050 – as       increase the proportion of people walking,
the Underground, and the Overground – at             part of the Mayor’s wider ambition to improve        cycling and taking public transport, and help
the heart of our plans to increase and improve       air quality across the city.                         Londoners do at least the 20 minutes of active
public transport services, develop more                  The centre piece of the Mayor’s strategy to      travel they need to stay healthy each day.
housing, regenerate the city, and make               promote economic growth in London and the                I hope that our bold strategy will begin a
London a more attractive and healthy place to        south-east in the long term is Crossrail 2. This     national shift towards a more progressive,
live.                                                project would support hundreds of thousands          environmentally-friendly approach to
     The hard work that you put in every single      of jobs and homes, and prevent                       transport policy. We want it to mark the
day across the transport network and your            unprecedented overcrowding. It is a line that        beginning of a new appreciation of the
drive to offer a passenger-focused, accessible       would complement and support High Speed 2            importance of growing and improving our rail
service that will encourage people to move           coming to London and must be part of a co-           networks and services. And we want the whole
away from their cars, is absolutely vital to         ordinated major UK-wide development plan             of the UK to see how vital the role of walking,
Londoners and London’s future. As part of this       for rail transport infrastructure.                   cycling and public transport can be in making
new approach, we are committed to giving                 Rail devolution is also more important than      us healthier and improving the places where
you the tools you need to help passengers so         ever, as it is vital that we see improved services   we live.
you can improve training and take advantage          on London’s existing Network Rail track
of innovations to ensure you have the latest         infrastructure. Allowing TfL to run the               I urge you to read our draft strategy and
real-time information to hand, making more           suburban lines is the fastest and most cost-         give us your comments. You can access it by
stations fully accessible and bringing 4G            effective way to guarantee better transport          visiting
mobile communications to the Underground.            services to vast areas of south London and we        strategy
     You, more than anyone, know the
                                                               VAL SHAWCROSS lives and breathes the capital. She was first elected to the
importance of modernising and improving
our services for passengers so they choose to
                                                              London Assembly at the inaugural elections in 2000 and represented Lambeth
use public transport. In the coming years
                                                              & Southwark for 16 years. Before that she served on Croydon council from
there will be major investment across the
                                                       1994 to 2000. Last year London Mayor Sadiq Khan appointed her Deputy Mayor for
entire Tube network with the completion of
                                                       Transport to help him get the capital’s public transport system back on track.
new signalling and more frequent services on

10 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017

When I get to Warwick
Avenue meet me by the
entrance of the Tube
         district 8 organiser           delivered four years of
         FInn BrEnnAn                   guaranteed pay rises that keep us
         reports on a busy              ahead of inflation but, as
         year dealing with              executive committee member
churn and change on London              Terry Wilkinson outlines overleaf,
                                        the fight continues to make sure
                                        all the commitments made on the
                                        work/life balance and personal
           NE of the many useful
 o         pieces of advice I was
           given by my predecessor
                                        development are delivered.
                                            Health & safety reps have,
                                        perhaps, the hardest battle
as district organiser, the late Steve
                                        against the impact of ill-thought
Grant, was ‘Remember, Finn, there
                                        through cost cutting but, as
is never a quiet time in ASLEF
                                        successes on issues like access to
District 8.’ Well, that has certainly
                                        cool drinking water show, their
proved to be true!
                                        persistence and determination            A tram is not a
    On London Underground
                                        still brings results. Branches and IR
increasing passenger demand,
                                        reps have had to deal with a big         bus on wheels
line upgrades, and higher service
                                        jump in the number of                    By far the worst moment of the
levels, including Night Tube, have
                                        disciplinary cases, many of which        last 12 months in our district was    increase in pressure, public
been combined with huge cuts in
                                        should have been dealt with              the terrible tragedy on Tramlink at   scrutiny and potential major
government funding. The fares
                                        simply and quickly at local level.       Sandilands on 9 November last         changes to the way they work
freeze, although a real benefit to
                                        ASLEF trains council reps have           year. Seven people lost their lives   pushed through with little or no
hard-pressed commuters, means
                                        shown huge commitment and                and scores more were seriously        consultation.
even less money is available. The
                                        dedication in holding                    injured. Multiple investigations          Recent changes in
result is constant pressure to
                                        management to account. Despite           are continuing into the causes of     management, including bringing
make cuts to budgets and put off
                                        the pressure put upon them, and          the derailment by the RAIB, BTP       in senior people with a
spending plans.
                                        attempts to intimidate them, they        and TfL. But while the root causes    background in rail operations,
    The management structure
                                        do not hold back from vigorously         have still not been revealed the      who understand that a tram in
has also changed dramatically in a
                                        defending our members.                   driver involved faces the prospect    not just a ‘bus on wheels’ are
short time. The role of trains
                                            So, while there will never be a      of a criminal trial.                  welcome, but a serious culture
operational support manager and
                                        quiet time in District 8, neither will       As always when such accidents     change is needed. Unless
performance manager have
                                        there ever be a quiet union. ASLEF       happen a rush to close the stable     management start listening to
disappeared. Line general
                                        reps at every level will continue to     door means new safety measures        drivers instead of imposing
managers and service directors
                                        do whatever we can to defend             are introduced. While these may       change from above it will be
are being reorganised. Chief
                                        our members and better our               be necessary, drivers and their       impossible to build trust and
operating officers or their
                                        conditions at work.                      union reps have seen a huge           industrial relations will suffer.
rebranded equivalent seem to
come and go on a more regular
schedule than the Circle line on a
Sunday. So far, I have had a new
                                        Active in ASLEF
one to deal with each year I have                 Ith so many challenges to deal with,
had this role.
    With so much change and
churn at senior level, dealing with
                                        W         keeping members informed and
                                                  encouraging you to be active in our
                                        union – at branch and district level – has never
staff concerns and trade unions         been more important. In july we ran, for the
seems to be very far down the list      first time, an Active in ASLEF seminar at head
of management priorities. With          office aimed at giving recently-involved
their eyes firmly focused on            members the tools they need to understand
spreadsheets – or the prospect of       the union’s structure and how to influence
a large redundancy cheque –             change.
mundane matters like sticking to            the event included a brief history of ASLEF,
agreements and genuinely                sessions on the role of equality and learning
consulting on change seem, to           reps, writing a branch motion and an AAd item,
some, to be a nuisance.                 and strengthening local organisation. Ian
    Despite this, your ASLEF reps,                                                                   Finn Brennan (third left) and District 8 activists
                                        goodman of White City kindly helped with an
at local and combine level,                                                                          on the steps of head office in Clerkenwell
                                        overview of the trials and tribulations of being
continue to battle with some            a local rep.                                                 knowledge and confidence to take part in their
success to defend and improve               Feedback from the participants will be used              branch and build the strong and resolute
working conditions for our              to develop more seminars and half day courses                ASLEF we know we will need to succeed in the
members. Our strikes in 2015            so that as many people as possible have the                  battles ahead.

                                                                                                         September 2017 l The ASLEF Journal               11

Management bulletins,
a memo from Turner
and reality check
If you read the recent management                       accordingly. Management wanted to do this by
bulletin on the work streams from the                   moving anyone who applied to the pool. This
current pay deal you could be forgiven for              would mean getting duties and rest days on
thinking all is well. here, from tErrY                  Thursday for the following week, which is totally
                                                        unacceptable, and, if required, working at any
WILKInSon, EC member for district 8,
                                                        location on the line. On top of this they wanted
and district 8 organiser FInn BrEnnAn,                  to reduce the working day by 12 minutes,
is an update from the real world…                       resulting in a loss of annual leave (this would be
                                                        six days on the current five day week).
          ANAGEMENT have stated that the four               Naturally, this wasn’t presented in the            occasion, is that any reduction is for the lifetime

 M        day week trial ends in September. We
          believed that if the trial was successful
                                                        management bulletin. Instead we were told
                                                        about an agreement that would be advertised.
                                                                                                               of the deal and, if no agreement is reached,
                                                                                                               management can increase weekend working. As
then the opportunity would be given to other            The truth is this isn’t a new agreement, it’s a        things stand at this moment the first line that
depots to decide if it was something that was           current agreement which we had to prove to             would be affected is the Central line which has a
wanted at their location. As we have always said        management existed.                                    new timetable next year with an enhanced
this would be a depot choice and no individual              We believe train operators should have the         Sunday service.
would have to move from the current five day            right to stay at their own depot and simply apply          Train operators voted for more Saturdays,
week rota.                                              to work how many days they wish, knowing               Sundays, and weekends off and that’s what we
    We met every single Wednesday until                 exactly what they are doing, well in advance.          expect to happen.
recently, to address any management concerns,               The bulletin also mentions a slight reduction
and we believed that part of this weekly                in Saturdays and Sundays worked. This is true,         trAnSFErrIng LICEnCES
meeting was to address any problems                     but only applies to locations that have Night           A presentation has been given on this issue.
highlighted. The facts are that, to date,               Tube, which is the reason some Saturdays and           Whilst it addressed some points it didn’t address
management have not raised one concern. It              Sundays have reduced rather than some kind act         the issue of how such a licence could be
should also be noted that the attendance of             from management. It also failed to highlight           achieved. The presentation was also at odds
individuals on the trial has improved.                  that, at some of these depots, train operators         with what district organisers have told us about
    As part of the pay deal it was agreed to            were displaced to other lines as a result of Night     the transferring process. One of the DOs has
introduce, by 1 July 2017, an opportunity to            Tube.                                                  arranged a meeting with one of his companies
reduce the days you work and to be paid                     What also has been stated, on more than one        in an attempt to move this issue forward.

                                                                                                     in, say, US dollars, then      virtually all have.
More bangs for your bucks                                                                            when the currency is
                                                                                                     converted you get more
                                                                                                                                        One other benefit
                                                                                                                                    available to members of the
grAhAM dEAn, chair               come on to London                 example, the most recent          pounds for your bucks.         pension fund worth
of trains council,               Underground, it remains as        increase in the funding level         Likewise, I doubt many     mentioning is the option to
reports on the state of          a final salary scheme, and        is considered to be because       in the trade union             make additional voluntary
the pension fund for             contribution rates for            of two very newsworthy            movement would welcome         contributions. This is a
                                 members remain at 5% of           events. First, the election of    the election of President      scheme where members
London Underground
                                 pensionable salary.               Donald Trump as President         Trump but, because he is       can choose to invest a
staff                                In regards to the funding     of the United States and,         viewed as good for             percentage of their salary
           OTHING is             position, we have made            second, the vote on Brexit.       business, this has had a       into a range of funds to
 n         guaranteed to get
                                 good progress recently in
                                 closing the funding gap,
                                                                   Without getting dragged
                                                                   into a debate on the rights
                                                                                                     positive impact on the
                                                                                                     markets. This has, in turn,
                                                                                                                                    build up an additional
                                                                                                                                    pension fund on retirement.
attention at branches than       which has been as low as          and wrongs of leaving the         led to an increase in the      Without getting into too
a report on the state of the     85% fully funded (in June         European Union, it is             value of our investments       much detail, the obvious
pension fund so, as a            2016) to a position where         generally regarded to have        which, again, improves the     attraction is that the money
trustee of the fund, I           we are now 96.6% fully            raised the rate of inflation in   funding position. As they      you invest is tax free which,
thought it would be good         funded. This means we are         the UK, which is, in broad        say, it’s an ill wind that     for a higher rate taxpayer,
to give a brief update on        on track to be 100% fully         terms, generally regarded         blows no one any good!         has the effect of giving you
where we are in regards to       funded at the end of the          as a bad thing (although I            The other big event has    £10 of benefit for every £6
staff on London                  recovery plan in 2022.            know it can be argued the         been the welcome news          you put in. There are caps
Underground.                         However, I must offer a       other way).                       that former Tube Lines         on what you can put in but I
    I am pleased to report       word of caution. The                  Because the TfL pension       employees are now able to      would recommend
that, currently, it is pretty    markets are still very volatile   fund is invested mainly           join the TfL pension fund      members do look into it
much all good news. The          and, as they always say, the      overseas it has had a             and benefit from all the       and consider if it is
fund remains open for all        value of investments can go       positive impact on funding        benefits it offers – and it    something you would like
staff to join when they          down as well as up. For           as, when profits are taken        would appear that they         to do.

12 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017

                                                       Service over safety at LU
                                                       jULIAn VAUghAn, of trains health &
                                                       safety council, reports on a worrying
                                                       change of culture on London
                                                                  HE Tories’     default position that
                                                         t        austerity
                                                                                 traction current is
                                                                                 turned off when drivers
                                                       have resulted in huge     access the track;
                                                       cuts to London            ensuring LU has
                                                       Underground’s             adequate procedures
                                                       budget and will mean      in place when dealing
                                                       that, by 2020, London     with infrastructure
                                                       will be the only major    incidents;
                                                       European city without     improvements to safety
                                                       a subsidised transport    at the platform train
                                                       network. The mixture      interface; and raising
                                                       of cuts and ever-         the profile of dust and
                                                       increasing passenger      fatigue issues. These
                                                       numbers means that        subjects – and many
                                                       ASLEF health & safety     more – have been hard
                                                       reps face significant     fought for and were
                                                       challenges on the         not conceded lightly.
ChAnCE oF proMotIon                                    front line in the next        The Grenfell Tower
 We believed that promotion opportunities on           few years.                tragedy has
stations were being denied to train operators              It can seem that      highlighted what can
simply because when the jobs are advertised it         h&s reps are fighting a   happen when health &
                                                                                                             Management often turn a blind eye to
states that you require certain licences to apply.     rearguard action and      safety is seen as a
                                                                                                             overcrowded platforms, poor sightlines, and
We wanted the opportunity for T/Ops to obtain          merely holding the        ‘burden to business’
                                                                                                             poor visibility to keep the service on track
these licences (which could possibly be achieved       line against a ‘service   rather than as an
by e-learning). However, management told us            over safety’ culture      essential requirement
                                                                                                             disaster for years. The     as a shining example of
that licensing was not a factor and it was based       that seems prevalent      and concerns are
                                                                                                             lesson that must be         driver only operation in
on interviews and experience, etc. We believed         at the current time.      ignored as
                                                                                                             learned is that the         action, we know that
this was a positive way forward, then the trains       However, we have          scaremongering. One
                                                                                                             current culture of          this mode of operation
council looked at the requirements for applying        had a number of           of the most disturbing
                                                                                                             cost/benefit analysis       has significant issues,
for supervisory positions on stations which            successes as ASLEF        aspects of the fire was
                                                                                                             and safety seen as a        particularly in relation
stated you must have certain licences to apply.        h&s reps hold LU to       that residents and
                                                                                                             burden rather than a        to obscured views of
This, therefore, proves that our assumptions           account. These            organisations had been
                                                                                                             benefit has to change       the PTI. While tier 2 reps
were correct.                                          include ensuring the      predicting such a
                                                                                                             across all areas of         deal with the GAPS
                                                                                                             public service including    project, which is slowly

Fortune’s always hiding                                                                                      London Underground.
                                                                                                                 Tier 2 h&s reps deal
                                                                                                             with safety matters that
                                                                                                                                         dealing with the
                                                                                                                                         movement of cameras,
                                                                                                                                         drivers can take
ASLEF ShrUggEd, an entertaining,                      managers (currently undergoing another                 affect all lines and deal   immediate action by
enlightening and rather wry blog about life           change with TOSMs and DTSMs being merged               with issues that were       insisting on assisted
Underground written by a Central line driver,         back into one grade) and technical staff but they      not resolved locally. We    despatch at platforms
and West Ham fan, shut up shop earlier this           still need one driver per train. The big change        also keep in close          where their view of the
year. This was his last valedictory post on           will come with the introduction of driverless          contact with the ORR        platform train interface
18 April:                                             trains but even that will only happen if the T/Ops     and raise concerns or       is blocked.
                                                      agree to it, as was the case when they converted       formal complaints as            The role of a health
           EVEN years ago today I started             M1 in Paris. I might get to enjoy the blissful irony   appropriate. As well as     & safety rep can seem
  S        blogging so it seems appropriate that I
           mark that anniversary by ending it. I’m
                                                      of driving a driverless train but it now looks as if
                                                      the Bakerloo line will get the new trains before
                                                                                                             ensuring that LU
                                                                                                             complies with h&s laws
                                                                                                                                         like a war of attrition,
                                                                                                                                         but it is a war we must
all blogged out. I keep thinking I should write       we do so I’ll probably miss out on that                and their safety            continue for the sake of
something, start to write a post and then simply      experience. I’ve got 10 years, 8 months and 20         certificate we deal with    our members and our
can’t be bothered to finish. It was fun for most of   days until I retire, I’m going to dedicate more        combine-wide issues         passengers. We are
the time but, from now on, I will stick to posting    time to looking after Old Mother Shrugged (now         such as training and        confident that, with the
comments on The Guardian website (mostly on           87), looking after myself, and getting out in          hazards faced by            support of drivers, and
London and transport issues), occasionally on         London a bit more. I’ve got memberships for            members (such as dust       local h&s reps, we will
the Evening Standard when I can do so without a       both the Tate and the National Portrait Gallery        and fatigue).               continue to hold LU to
feeling of vague disgust, District Dave’s London      but haven’t used either in the last six months.            Drivers themselves      account and achieve
Underground forum and WHU606.                         I’ve not been to the theatre in over a year while      hold a great deal of        further successes,
    A lot has changed on the Tube with ticket         the last film I watched was La La Land!                power in dealing with       resulting in a safer and
offices closing, station staff undergoing a               If you’re ever up by the Lea Bridge Road end       safety issues. While        healthier working
complete re-organisation and Night Tube, but          of Leyton High Road and fancy a drink, pop in          London Underground          environment for our
my job is relatively the same as it was in 2010.      the William IV, there might be an ex-blogging          is used by critics of the   members and the
They can mess around with station staff,              T/Op propping up the bar on his rest day.              Southern Rail dispute       public.

                                                                                                              September 2017 l The ASLEF Journal              13

                                                                                                                 offers no practical solutions to the

Two Tory
                                                                                                                 scourge of insecure and low paid
                                                                                                                 work and is frankly not worth the
                                                                                                                 paper it is written on’.
                                                                                                                    After the CBI sunk her proposal

nations                                                                                                          of mandatory worker
                                                                                                                 representatives on the boards of
                                                                                                                 big companies, it was clear that
                                                                                                                 by choosing Matthew Taylor, a
         grEgor gALL,                                                                                            former adviser to Tony Blair,
         professor of                                                                                            nothing significantly progressive
         Industrial                                                                                              would come out of the review –
         relations at the                                                                                        especially in terms of what the
         University of                                                                                           government would do.
Bradford, examines what
happened to theresa May’s                                                                                        dEAd In thE WAtEr
ambition to rediscover one                                                                                       So the notion of meritocracy as
nation Conservatism                                                                                              May’s big idea is as dead in the
                                                                                                                 water as Cameron’s big society
                                                                                                                 was by 2011. When it comes to it,
             HEN Theresa May made
W            her pitch to become
             Tory leader and, thus,
Prime Minister in Birmingham last
                                                                                                                 May is not prepared to challenge
                                                                                                                 those who would lose out from
                                                                                                                 creating an economy and society
                                                                                                                 based upon people’s life chances
summer, she was promising big                                                                                    being determined by their ability,
things. Her key messages were                                                                                    talent and performance.
that work should pay and people                                                                                      Amongst other things, it
should be able to get on in life.     Theresa May initially tried to put blue water between her Tory             would mean ending student fees
She promised opportunity for all,     government and the policies pursued by members of the Bullingdon           and re-introducing student grants
‘a country that works for everyone    Club including (top) David Cameron (back row, standing, second left)       so money is no object to getting a
– not just the privileged few’.       and Boris Johnson (front row, sitting, on far right) and (above)           degree; it would mean banning
Britain, under her, would become      (1) George Osborne and (5) Jo Johnson                                      unpaid internships which only
a meritocracy. This was a pitch                                                                                  middle-class kids can now afford
from a state school-educated          need to be sure of your ideas as       prepared to use state               to take; it would mean ending pay
Conservative against the              well as having, to use a now           intervention to right the wrongs    inequality based on gender;
privately-educated Bullingdon         common phrase, all your ducks in       of the market or the class system   ending inherited wealth; and
Club (past members of which           a row.                                 under which we live. This is        giving workers a say in how they
include Boris Johnson, David                                                 because such state intervention     are treated at work. There would
Cameron and George Osborne)           StorM thE BArrICAdES                   could work and would favour the     be many winners from this – but
ruling elite.                         Because the establishment and          many, not the few.                  also quite a few losers, too.
     But, like Tony Blair, Gordon     ruling class have material interests       The recent Taylor review of         One way or another, Theresa
Brown and Cameron before her,         to defend and will use their           modern working practices, Good      May has shown that attending
the dream of a new promised           financial, ideological and             Work, is a case in point. Mick      Oxford University and working for
land with equality of opportunity     organisational power to see off        Whelan, ASLEF’s general             the Bank of England has instilled
(if not equality of outcome) has      any challenges. Don’t get me           secretary, struck the right         in her a respect for the powers
died a death. And, in May’s case,     wrong – I’m not trying to paint        response when he said: ‘For Mr      that be in Britain. Her vision of
much, much quicker than her           May as a radical, let alone a          Taylor to say work should be fair   one nation Toryism has been bent
predecessors.                         revolutionary, preparing to storm      is a statement of the obvious.      to shape around them and not
                                      the barricades of privilege.           Unfortunately, Mr Taylor’s report   the other way around.
CrAShEd And BUrnEd                        But if you look at all the key
So why has May’s dream of a           elements of her leadership pitch,
                                                                                               ‘Say what you like, our Queen reigns over
meritocracy crashed and burned        she has either backed down or
so quickly? Could it be that her      not moved forward with them.
                                                                                              the greatest nation that ever existed.’
inadequacies as a leader have         The kinder and more forgiving
                                                                                                 ‘Which nation?’ asked the younger stranger,
been her undoing? Could it be         might say she’s had to deal with
                                                                                              ‘for she reigns over two.’
that she didn’t mean what she         making sure ‘Brexit means Brexit’
                                                                                                 The stranger paused; Egremont was silent,
said? Could it be that, since         and the self-induced hari-kari of
                                                                                              but looked inquiringly.
becoming Prime Minister, she has      calling that ill-fated general
                                                                                   ‘Yes,’ resumed the younger stranger after a moment’s
changed her mind? Could it be         election.
                                                                                interval. ‘Two nations; between whom there is no
that she did not get enough               But the underlying reason is
                                                                                intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each
support in the Conservative Party     that she has met opposition from
                                                                                other’s habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were
to make her vision a reality?         powerful vested interests who
                                                                                dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different
    It could be any or all of these   made it clear to her that she can
                                                                                planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by
things because what underlies         continue to spout those ideas – if
                                                                                a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are
them is the system of social          she wishes – so long as she does
                                                                                not governed by the same laws.’
classes at the heart of how the       not use the levers of the state to
                                                                                   ‘You speak of – ’ said Egremont, hesitatingly.
British economy, polity, and          pursue them.
                                                                                   ‘The rich and the poor.’
society operate. If you are to            Hence, when she calls upon
                                                                                – Benjamin disraeli, Sybil, or the Two Nations
challenge the establishment, and      business groups to do x or y, that
confront the ruling class, you        is all she is doing. She is not

14 The ASLEF Journal l September 2017
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