Time's Up! Dating the Minoan eruption of Santorini - Malcolm H. Wiener

Page created by Byron Rodriguez
Time’s Up!
Dating the Minoan eruption of Santorini

Acts of the Minoan Eruption Chronology Workshop,
Sandbjerg November 2007
initiated by
Jan Heinemeier & Walter L. Friedrich

Edited by
David A. Warburton

            Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens
            Volume 10
© Copyright The Danish Institute at Athens, Athens 2009

Time’s Up! Dating the Minoan Eruption of Santorini

Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens
Volume 10

General Editor: Erik Hallager
Graphic design: Erik Hallager
Printed at Naryana

Printed in Denmark on permanent paper
conforming to ANSI Z 39.48-1992

The publication was sponsored by:
The Faculty of Science, University of Aarhus
Aarhus University Research Foundation

ISBN: 978-87-7934-024-4

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Cover illustration: drawing vulcanic eruption, © Walter Friedrich
Front cover:
Stone vase NM 592, © National Museum, Athens
Olive branch from Thera eruption, © Walter Friedrich


  9 Scientific & technical organizing committee

 10 List of contributors

 13 Editor’s preface
    David A. Warburton

 15 Bibliography

 53 General introduction
    David A. Warburton

 56 The Minoan eruption of Santorini radiocarbon dated to 1613 ± 13 bc
    Walter L. Friedrich & Jan Heinemeier

 65 Part I: Evidence, geology, archaeology & chronology

 67 Volcanic chronology of Santorini
    Alexander R. McBirney

 73 The eruption within the debate about the date
    Floyd W. McCoy

 91 The effects of the Minoan eruption
    Walter L. Friedrich & Nikolaos Sigalas

101 Evidence from Pseira for the Santorini eruption
    Philip P. Betancourt

107 The impact of the Minoan eruption of Santorini on Mochlos
    Jeffrey S. Soles

117 Papadiokambos: new evidence for the impact of the Theran eruption
    Thomas M. Brogan & Chrysa Sofianou

125 The basis for the Egyptian dates
    Rolf Krauss & David A. Warburton

145 How uncertain is Mesopotamian chronology?
    Hermann Hunger

153 Part II: Debate: typology, chronology, methodology

    154 Thera, Hatshepsut, and the Keftiu: crisis and response
        J. Alexander MacGillivray

    171 The Thera eruption and Egypt: pumice, texts and chronology
        Karen Polinger Foster, Johannes H. Sterba, Georg Steinhauser & Max Bichler

    181 The date of the Late Bronze Age eruption of Santorini
        Peter Warren

    187 Aegean-Egyptian synchronisms and radiocarbon chronology
        Felix Höflmayer

    197 The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption
        Malcolm H. Wiener

    207 Beyond the Santorini eruption
        Sturt W. Manning

    227 The dating of the earlier Late Minoan IA period
        Sturt W. Manning & Christopher Bronk Ramsey

    247 Chronological conundrums: Cypriot and Levantine imports from Thera
        Robert Merrillees

    253 The chronology of Tell el-cAjjul, Gaza
        Peter M. Fischer

    267 An update on the chronological value of Minoica in the Levant and Cyprus
        Annette Højen Sørensen

    275    C and 10Be around 1650 cal bc

          Raimund Muscheler

    285 The Minoan eruption of Santorini radiocarbon dated
        Jan Heinemeier, Walter L. Friedrich, Bernd Kromer & Christopher Bronk Ramsey

    295 Epilogue
        David A. Warburton

The state of the debate about the date of the
Theran eruption
Malcolm H. Wiener

The primary aim of this paper is to present a critical   White Slip and White Painted III, IV, and V, found
review of the proposed scientific evidence for the       in various contexts in the Near East, for example
date of the Theran eruption. A brief preliminary         at Tell el-cAjjul and at Ashkelon,3 in Rhodes and
summary of the textual and archaeological evi-           in Cyprus in contexts including Minoan LM IA
dence for the date is in order, however, to establish    pottery.4 At Palaepaphos-Teratsoudhia on the west-
the cogent nature of the case which any purported-       ern coast of Cyprus one tomb contained not only
ly contradictory scientific evidence must overcome.      sherds of White Slip I and LM IA pottery (the same
   First, Egyptian dates based on a rich interweav-      association seen at Thera), but also a serpentine ves-
ing of texts, both public and private, and supple-       sel bearing the nomen and prenomen of Ahmose,
mented by interconnections with securely dated           the first pharaoh of Dyn. XVIII in Egypt, who be-
rulers in the Near East and astronomical observa-        comes pharaoh on the death of his brother Kamose
tions, are solid back to the beginning of the New        between c. 1540 and 1525 bc.5 The Aegean Long
Kingdom between 1540 and 1525 bc, and cannot             Chronology with a date for the Theran eruption
move by more than two decades through the pre-           of 1613 ±13 bc requires LM IA to end c. 1580 bc
ceding century of the Hyksos Period.1                    at the latest, which in turn would require either
   Second, chronological interconnections with           that the LM IA vases placed in the tomb were all
Thera and the Aegean world have been established         heirlooms and that the White Slip I vases were of
through multiple finds in good stratigraphic con-        an earlier date than White Slip I vases known from
texts in Egypt, the Near East, Cyprus, and the           anywhere else, or that the tomb had been reopened
Aegean. For example, it is hard to imagine that a        to deposit the Egyptian serpentine vessel about 50
Cypriot White Slip I bowl from the Volcanic De-          years after the deposit of the LM IA vessels. At Tri-
struction Level at Thera, a type nowhere attested        anda in Rhodes, Cypriot White Slip ware appears
earlier than the beginning of the New Kingdom            only above the tephra layer of the Theran eruption.6
in Egypt or at most no earlier than about 1560 bc,       While any individual object may be an heirloom or
could have arrived in Thera prior to c. 1613 bc.         of uncertain context, large numbers of potsherds
The bowl shows evidence of use and repair in an-         and other objects are surely unlikely to arrive in
tiquity, and according to the leading specialists is     foreign contexts regularly after 80 years’ delay, or
not stylistically early in the sequence of White Slip    indeed 50 years’ delay. Archaeological arguments
I pottery.2 Under the circumstances, about 1525 bc       seeking to explain such a delay by drawing a line
seems the earliest reasonable date, even if the bowl
was one of the first such ever made and traveled
quickly. The chronological horizon of White Slip         1
                                                           Wiener 2006b.
I seems well-fixed, moreover by the fact that ear-       2
                                                           Merrillees 2001, 90.
lier Cypriot wares appear in the established order in
                                                           Bergoffen 2001; Fischer 2003, 265.
                                                           Eriksson 2001b.
earlier strata at Tell el-Dabca, and by the thousands    5
                                                            Eriksson 2001b, 63; Karageorghis 1990, 95, fig. 1, pl.
of sherds of Cypriot pottery, including some White       XX:L.1.
Slip I and its chronological predecessors, Proto         6
                                                           T. Marketou (pers. comm. 1 April 2007).

The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption                                                197
of demarcation separating Cyprus into western and       the 17th century bc, than to Thera. Other volca-
eastern zones trading with different regions, other-    noes, including the Hayes Volcano in Alaska, Mt.
wise unattested and matching no natural features,       St. Helens in the Northwestern United States, and
are rightly dismissed as wholly unconvincing by         Avellino in Italy, also experienced 17th century bc
most archaeologists.7 In any event, the chronologi-     eruptions.14 Moreover, an analysis by Peter Fischer
cal argument based on Egyptian interconnections         using state-of-the-art SIMS equipment at the Nor-
does not by any means rest on Cypriot pottery,          dsim facility in Stockholm could find no trace of a
but includes Egyptian objects of well-established       volcanic eruption in the ice lamination of the suc-
date found on Thera, Crete, and in the Mycenaean        ceeding year, notwithstanding the expectation that
Shaft Graves at times closely related to the Theran     some such particles would have remained in the
eruption, and Aegean objects plus depictions of         atmosphere.15 In any event, there seems no basis
Aegean objects found in Egypt in contexts con-          for an assumption that every northern Hemisphere
sistent with the standard chronology. The Theran        eruption must leave an acid signal in every square
evidence includes an Egyptian stone vessel found        meter of the Greenland ice.16 In sum, there is no
in the excavations of the Theran Volcanic Destruc-      sustainable ice core evidence for the Theran erup-
tion Level by Christos Doumas published by Peter        tion.
Warren and described by Manfred Bietak as no ear-          There is at present no direct dendrochronologi-
lier in manufacture than the beginning of the New       cal evidence for dating the Theran eruption either.
Kingdom between c. 1540 and 1525 bc, based on           The key sequence of logs from Porsuk near the
finds of similar stone vases to date.8 Late Minoan I    Cilician Gates, 800 km due east of Thera, shows a
rhyta vase shapes are copied in local Egyptian clay     growth spurt of indeterminable cause around 1642
or faience beginning in the New Kingdom.9 If Late       bc, an impossibly early date for the Theran erup-
Minoan IA ended fifty years before the start of the     tion on textual-archaeological grounds (and signifi-
New Kingdom as required by a 17th–early 16th cen-       cantly earlier than the date proposed by the recent
tury bc date for the eruption, then Egyptians were      radiocarbon analysis of a Theran olive branch cov-
copying heirlooms which survived the Hyksos ex-         ered in tephra discussed below). The Porsuk tree-
pulsion from Egypt, even though no such objects         ring sequence largely ends in 1573 bc and hence is
have ever been found at Hyksos sites.                   not relevant to the discussion of any later date for
   We now move to the scientific claims for dat-        the eruption, for example a date compatible with
ing the eruption. An article in Science by Friedrich    the textual/archaeological evidence such as 1525
et al. asserts that there is evidence from ice cores    bc. Apparent correlations of ice core and tree-ring
and tree rings for a date 75–100 years earlier than     events in the same year or two in a number of lo-
archaeological dating for the Theran eruption.10
There is in fact no such sustainable evidence. As to    7
                                                          Bietak 2004; Warren 2006; Wiener 2001; 2003; 2007.
ice core dating, first the claim of significant simi-
                                                           Further elaboration of the archaeological evidence may be
                                                        found in Peter Warren, this volume.
larity in rare-earth element composition between        9
                                                          Koehl 2000; 2006, 342–5, 358.
microscopic glass shards in a Greenland ice core        10
                                                           Friedrich et al. 2006.
lamination of c. 1642 bc11 was challenged as not        11
                                                           Hammer et al. 1987; 2001; 2003, 93.
yielding convincing results.12 Second, investiga-       12
                                                           Pearce et al. 2004; Keenan 2003; Wiener 2007.
                                                           Keenan 2003.
tion disclosed that major differences in the bulk       14
                                                           Pearce et al. 2004.
components of the Greenland ice particles and the       15
                                                           Fischer & Whitehouse 2004.
Theran tephra made a common source unlikely.13          16
                                                           Wiener 2003a; Robock 2000 and pers. comm.; Robock &
Finally, it was shown that the published chemical       Free 1995. The recent paper by Vinther et al. 2008, contends,
composition of the ice core indication was closer       however, that the analyses of chemical composition by Pearce
                                                        and others, while cogent, do not completely rule out the
to the composition of an eruption of Aniakchak,         possibility that the c. 1642 bc event in the Greenland ice cores
a volcano in the Aleutian Chain which on inde-          was caused by the Theran eruption; contra Denton & Pearce,
pendent evidence is believed to have erupted in         2008.

198                                                                                         Malcolm H. Wiener
cations around the globe, probably the results of       sets found in inter-laboratory comparisons even
major eruptions, occur at several dates, including      between the high-precision laboratories”.19 The
1571-70 bc and 1525-24 bc,17 but the locations of       recently published VERA laboratory in Vienna de-
the putative eruptions responsible for the suspected    terminations for the Thutmoside period in Egypt,
climate-forcing events are presently unknown.           based on seeds found at Tell el-Dabca, differ mark-
   We turn now to the radiocarbon evidence for          edly from all other radiocarbon determinations for
dating the Theran eruption, focusing first on           this period, as well as from solid historical dates for
problem areas of radiocarbon dating in general and      the period.20 The cause of the anomaly is unknown.
then specifically on proposed dates for the Theran         Comparison of measurements of short-lived
eruption. The general challenges of radiocarbon         samples such as seeds which may have a lifespan
dating include 1) the effect of seasonal variation      measured in weeks to the decadal or bi-decadal
reflecting differences in growing seasons between       measurements of the trees which constitute the
plants and trees in various areas, sometimes            calibration curve necessarily confronts the fact that
exacerbated by periods of cold climate; 2) the          the intra-year difference in radiocarbon-age mea­
relatively small number of measurements of the          surements between the summer high and winter
tree segments of known date which compose the           low varies significantly, generally between 8 and 32
calibration curve, some from before the advent          radiocarbon years, but with occasional higher vari-
of modern high-precision laboratories, including        ations. (The dilution of the atmospheric concentra-
measurements which have subsequently been               tions of 14C and 13C by large amounts of fossil fuel
acknowledged to be erroneous;18 3) questions            containing CO2 largely lacking 14C and 13C in the
arising from the assumptions underlying the             past two centuries may limit the relevance of the
claimed precision of results of the Bayesian or         proposed summer high versus winter low annual
quasi-Bayesian probability analyses connecting          range with respect to premodern periods. Keenan
sample measurements to the calibration curve;           suggests that 32 years may be a significant under­
and 4) possible carbon reservoir contamination of       estimate of the intra-year range.)21 The growing
samples by the presence of 14C-deficient carbon         season of Egyptian seeds is of course far different
from a) upwelling of seawater affecting the 14C         from that of the oaks in northern Europe on which
content of the atmosphere, b) groundwater, soil         the calibration curve is mostly based.
concentrations, or limestone formations, or c)             Calibration-curve determinations present signif-
volcanic vents.                                         icant further problems. The decadal measurements
   We begin with the measurement of 14C in labora-      of the calibration curve necessarily mask to some
tories. While measurements have improved greatly        degree both intra-year as well as inter-year variabil-
over the course of a generation, outliers and incon-    ity, particularly since years of greater growth pro-
sistent measurements in samples divided between         ducing large rings will be always overrepresented in
two or more high-precision labs still occur. Man-       the decadal sample, and years of low growth pro-
ning et al. in an article published in 2006 report      ducing narrow rings underrepresented. Anatolian
that “[o]verall, comparing the Oxford versus Vi-        trees give quite different radiocarbon dates from
enna data on the same samples, we find an average       European trees of the same known dendrochrono-
offset of -11.4 14C years. The standard deviation is,   logical date for the period 800–750 bc. A change
however, rather larger than the stated errors on the    in solar radiation at this time with a consequent
data would imply at 68.1 [uncalibrated radiocarbon      cold period latening growing seasons in Anatolia
years]. This indicates that there is an unknown er-
ror component of 54.5 14C years”. Moreover, “the
possible likely typical unknown error component
                                                           Wiener 2006a, 320–3; Salzer & Hughes 2007.
                                                           Manning 2007, 108.
of around 14 14C years found between Oxford and         19
                                                           Manning et al. 2006b, 5.
Vienna is about as good as can be expected in such      20
                                                           Wiener 2006b; Marcus et al. n.d.
an inter-comparison given the typical level of off-     21
                                                           Keenan 2004.

The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption                                             199
has been proposed as the cause by Manning et al.          of Japan also, a question relevant to the discussion
The inconsistent effect of the 11- and 88-year sun-       below.) The warning of statistician Marian Scott is
spot cycles also pose problems.                           apposite: “Bayesian analysis is not a ‘cure-all’; it has
    The problematic nature of the 1998 calibration        costs, not least the specification of the prior. This
curve was recognized by the international commit-         is not easy and even in those situations where we
tee that produced the INTCAL04 calibration curve.         think we are not making any strong assumptions,
The committee accordingly recommended that the            there may be hidden complications”.26 The utili-
Gaussian bell-curve-derived estimates of measure-         zation of 14C determinations from different sites
ment accuracies should be multiplied at the one-          (and hence subject to different circumstances with
sigma range by 1.3 for the Seattle mea­surements          respect to 14C reservoir effects of various types, as
and 1.76 for the Belfast measurements on German           well as different seasonal effects) as if they were re-
oak.22 The INTCAL04 Committee further decided             peated measurements from one horizon at one site
to smooth the calibration curve by incorporating          is clearly problematic. Voutsaki et al. put the mat-
information from 100 surrounding data points for          ter bluntly: “despite widespread practice, this pro-
each decadal determination, in order to limit the         cedure is not really statistically valid”.27 All such
impact of any single wayward decadal measurement.         programs narrow the error bands depending on the
The number of years incorporated in this manner           number of measurements, a procedure sometimes
is inversely correlated to the density of information     justified with respect to first-order measurement
for any given decade. The calibration curve – really      uncertainty, but irrelevant and hence inadequate
a probability band rather than a curve23 – is not a       with respect to errors in the calibration curve,
fixed and immutable reference point, but rather a         climate-magnified seasonal/regional variation, or
fallible human construct. The former Deputy Di-           local/regional variation stemming from the presence
rector of the Oxford Research Laboratory for Ar-          of 14C-deficient carbon, whether from seawater or
chaeology and the History of Art noted that “con-         terrestrial sinks or other sources of 14C-deficient
version to calendar date is confusing because of the      carbon, including volcanic sources. Two-sigma er-
irregular form of the calibration curve; the difficulty   ror bands of ±15 or less with respect to calibrated
of translating error limits from one time-scale to the    dates for the second millennium bc rest on highly
other is particularly acute and here we are inevitably    optimistic assumptions concerning the accuracy and
in the hands of the statisticians”.24                     precision of the calibration curve, the near perfec-
    A recent experiment in Japan, where 5-year seg-       tion of the algorithms connecting sample measure-
ments of a piece of cypress wood of known den-            ments to the calibration curve, the absence of sea-
drochronological last-ring date of ad 389 were sub-       sonal and climate-induced variation, and the non-
mitted for radiocarbon dating, provided a calibrated      existence of 14C-deficient carbon, from any source,
date range of 86% probability which was erroneous         in the samples tested. (The question of the potential
by a minimum of 72 years.25 This result clearly illus-    presence of 14C-deficient carbon is of particular sig-
trates the potential for confusion on the part of most    nificance in relation to measurements from Thera.
consumers of radiocarbon dates stemming from the          Each 1% of such carbon in a sample moves the ap-
use of the term “probability” in this manner, with        parent date 80 years earlier than the true date.)
no disclosure of the underlying assumptions, par-
ticularly the assumptions concerning the accuracy         22
                                                             Reimer et al. 2004, 1034–6.
and adequacy of the calibration curve measure-            23
                                                             Manning 1995, 128.
ments and the absence of climate factors and of 14C-      24
                                                             Aitken 1990, 93.
deficient carbon, discussed below. (The Japanese          25
                                                             Imamura et al. 2007.
study also sounded a note of caution as to whether
                                                             Scott 2000, 181. Discussions of or relevant to the application
                                                          of Bayesian statistics to radiocarbon dates may be found in
the utilization of a calibration curve largely based      Buck et al. 1996; Christen 1994; Christen and Buck 1998;
on German oaks was appropriate for the calibra-           Nicholls & Jones 2001; and Zeidler, Buck, & Litton 1998.
tion of measurements of material from the islands         27
                                                             Voutsaki et al. 2009.

200                                                                                           Malcolm H. Wiener
One regional variation is already well estab-        welling of deep water occurs near many coastlines”
lished and accepted by the radiocarbon commu-           and that it “is affected by the shape of the coast-
nity. Recently a separate Southern Hemisphere           line and the bottom topography, local climate, and
calibration curve was published to reflect the fact     wind and current patterns”.33 (Such upwelling is
that radiocarbon measurements from decadal tree         not a general phenomenon in the Eastern Mediter-
segments of the same known date in the North-           ranean at present, however.)
ern and Southern Hemispheres differ by a mean              Let us consider the position of the island of Thera
difference of 41 ±14 years over the past 900 years,     in this light. Unlike the German oaks and central
with a variation between 8 and 80 years. The un-        Anatolian juniper and pine trees which form the
derlying cause or causes of the differences between     basis of the radiocarbon calibration curve, the trees
Northern and Southern Hemisphere 14C measure-           and crops of Thera are surrounded by sources of
ments of samples of the same absolute date and          14
                                                          C-deficient carbon. Thera in particular and the
their relative significance are unclear. (Wind belts    Aegean in general are notorious for vents contain-
known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone             ing 14C-deficient carbon. Geothermal areas are
separate the two hemispheres and prevent atmo­          known in the northern and central Aegean as well
spheric mixing.) More of the Southern than the          as along the Hellenic Volcanic Arc. A recent occur-
Northern Hemisphere is covered by water, and            rence near the island of Melos was described as fol-
water contains 14C-deficient carbon which, when         lows: “Every fumarole on the shore blew out. And
released into the atmosphere through periodic up-       the sea boiled as the gas came out with such force.
welling of deep-sea water and absorbed by trees and     Stunned fish came to the surface”.34 Another major
plants, makes calendar ages seem older than in fact     source of old carbon exists 5 km north-northeast of
they are. Such regional effects are not limited to      Thera. The traveler Bent reported that in the 1880s
the Southern Hemisphere, however. For example,          a 10-days’ stay in the waters off the Burnt Islands
similar regional offsets are proposed for Japan, ei-    of Thera would clean the bottoms of ships without
ther generally or for certain periods.28 Stuiver and    any effort on the part of the sailors.35 One study
Braziunas describe how irregular water circulation      showed that while the present levels of soil carbon
oscillations of 14C-deficient water,29 some with a      dioxide (CO2) on Thera are not uniformly high, 24
periodicity of 40–50 years, operate globally, “re-      separate locations out the 76 yielded high levels, in-
gionally distinct from ENSO but influencing Δ14C        cluding one location close to Akrotiri.36 The most
in a similar manner” to these El Niño-Southern          recent detailed study by McCoy and Heiken, pub-
Oscillation episodes.30 (They also consider whether     lished in 2000, reports that “manifestations of vol-
a combination of low sunspot activity and resulting     canism and concomitant hazards remain today with
cold climate could cause a significant decrease in      fumeroles, seismic activity, hydrothermal springs,
radiocarbon in certain periods in particular places.)   and higher concentrations of helium and CO2 in
Similar periodic upwelling of old carbon has been       soils”37 and that “high concentrations of helium
proposed for the Aegean, whether caused by the          and CO2 are present in soils on central Thera”.38
exchange of new cold deep water created annually
in the northern Adriatic pushing up older water
in the central Mediterranean, which then degas-         28
                                                           Imamura et al. 2007; Ozaki et al. 2007.
                                                           Stuiver & Braziunas 1993.
ses as it depressurizes, or by the exchange of wa-      30
                                                           Delworth et al. 1993.
ter with the Black Sea, rich in old carbon,31 or in     31
                                                           Keenan 2002.
the form of periodic release of old carbon from the     32
                                                           Reimer & McCormac 2002.
underwater vents discussed below. Reservoir effects     33
                                                           Rapp & Hill 2006, 153.
have been reported for the Mediterranean includ-
                                                           P.R. Dando, as quoted in Pain 1999, 41.
                                                           Bent 1965, 118.
ing the Aegean in the early 20th century ad, but the    36
                                                           Barberi & Carapezza 1994, 338.
evidence is scanty and nothing is presently known       37
                                                           McCoy & Heiken 2000a, 43.
about earlier times.32 Rapp and Hill note that “up-     38
                                                           McCoy & Heiken 2000a, 48.

The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption                                            201
With respect to the potential presence of 14C-         lished the existence of such intake. With respect
deficient carbon, a test by M. Bruns et al. in 1980       to pines, for example, a recent study in the jour-
is worth noting. Their study of current short-lived       nal Tree Physiology reports that “plants can acquire
plant material from Thera whose true age was              carbon from sources other than atmospheric CO2,
about one year provided radiocarbon ages of 1390          including soil-dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC).
and 1030 bp (years before present). The plants were       Although the net flux of CO2 is out of the root,
located near a vent of such old carbon, which the         soil DIC can be taken up by the root, transported
plants had absorbed. The pronounced old-carbon            within the plant, and fixed…”.43 Similar behavior
effect of this particular vent, a point source as dis-    has been proposed for sycamore and willow trees.44
tinguished from a line (volcanic fault) source or a       Oliver Rackham, a leading specialist on olive trees,
distributed source, disappeared beyond a distance         has noted that olive trees in particular spread mas-
of 250 m.39 Strangely, some of the advocates of an        sive roots in a search for water in dry climates.45
Aegean Long Chronology have turned this one               As to seed-producing plants, all modern studies
example into a universal rule, claiming that vents        known to me suggest that plants take up at least
do not affect radiocarbon determinations except at        a small amount of CO2 through their roots,46 and
close distances, and only by gross amounts. The lit-      none reports they do not, notwithstanding certain
erature shows just the opposite, with volcanic car-       assertions to this effect. Moreover, it is necessary
bon vents in various areas in Italy affecting radio-      to consider the possibility that the uptake of soil
carbon readings over many kilometres. A number            carbon saturates at a fairly low value to protect the
of Italian studies have shown that historically se-       health of the tree or plant (unless the tree or plant
curely dated deposits have produced anomalously           is overwhelmed by proximity to a volcanic vent).
high 14C dates.40 Further, agricultural activity can      Plants and trees of course principally take up CO2
release 14C-deficient carbon, as can groundwater          through photosynthesis sites in their leaves. The ef-
flowing through ancient rocks and used for irriga-        fect of dense leaf canopies on radiocarbon determi-
tion. N.A. Mörner and G. Etiope note that in the          nations is the subject of a forthcoming study by S.
“Tethyan belt [which includes the Mediterranean           Soter.
region], high CO2 fluxes are related to important            It is sometimes claimed that the presence of 14C-
crustal formations of … carbonate rocks [causing]         deficient carbon in seeds or trees from Thera would
high level of CO2 concentration in ground and             necessarily result in gross and highly irregular dis-
groundwater”.41 The great earthquake at the be-           tortions.47 The Southern Hemisphere anomaly,
ginning of the Late Cycladic I period, 50 to 100
years before the Late Cycladic I–Late Minoan IA           39
                                                             Bruns et al. 1980, 534 fig. 1.
eruption, released quantities of magma through fis-       40
                                                              Rogie 1996; Chiodini et al. 1999; Rogie et al. 2000;
sures, according to McCoy and Heiken.42 The pre-          Cardellini et al. 2003; Guidi et al. 1996; Turfa 2006; Chiodini
cursor phases of the final eruption would of course       et al. 2004; Gambardella et al. 2004; Minissale et al. 1997.
                                                             Mörner & Etiope 2002, 193.
have released magma; and accordingly, seeds col-          42
                                                             McCoy & Heiken 2000a; Palyvou 2005, 177–8.
lected and stored during this period have an in-          43
                                                             Ford et al. 2007, 375. I am most grateful to Steven Soter
creased potential for a reservoir effect. We have no      for providing this reference. He notes that “the seedlings
information whatever on the extent of magma re-           acquired about 0.8% of their carbon from soil DIC (CO2
                                                          and its derivatives). Interestingly, the soil-derived carbon was
lease, if any, at any point in the past, let alone from   partitioned unevenly among the various plant tissues, with a
the Theran eruption horizon.                              higher concentration in stems than in needles (leaves)” (pers.
   The presence of 14C-depleted carbon in the soil        comm. 18 Nov. 2007).
and groundwater of Thera (apart from the potential        44
                                                             Teskey & McGuire 2007; Vuorinen & Kaiser 1997.
atmospheric presence due to upwelling of the sur-
                                                             Rackham 1965–1966. I am grateful to Peter Warren for this
rounding deep-sea water) raises the question of the       46
                                                             Cramer 2002; Enoch & Olesen 1993; Cramer & Richards
degree of carbon intake by trees and plants via roots     1999. See also Saleska et al. 2007.
rather than leaves. A number of studies have estab-       47
                                                             Manning 2007, 111–2.

202                                                                                           Malcolm H. Wiener
constrained within a range of 8–80 years over a                ervoirs in their own right and exchange CO2 with
900-year span, indicates that, in some areas at least,         the atmosphere, but also incorporate carbon from
                                                               carbonates of geological origin. This, in principle,
discrepancies of less than a century are the rule
                                                               means that the radiocarbon concentration can lie
rather than the exception. The Gordion log deter-
                                                               anywhere between the levels in the atmosphere
minations, where a less-than-a-century discrepancy             and those of the bedrock (effectively zero).54
has been attributed to a low-solar-activity-induced
cold-climate shift affecting the growing season and       The potential reservoir effect of old carbon on ra-
the absorption of sunlight during the late 9th–early      diocarbon dates is significant, both in general and
8th century bc, and the differences of up to a hun-       with regard to the environment of Thera in par-
dred years at around 680 bc in Japan are also in          ticular. The problem is generally ignored in the
this range.48 The 17th century bc is believed to have     publication of Aegean radiocarbon determinations,
been a period of intense volcanic activity involving      however.
the eruption of Aniakchak and the Hayes Volcano              A recent article by Manning contends that “at
in Alaska, Avellino in Italy, a volcano in Japan, and     present there seems no even vaguely satisfactory
perhaps Mt. St. Helens in Washington state.49 Re-         explanation that could plausibly account for such
search by Eddy describes a period of rapidly di-          a small and consistent/systematic ‘old’ age error/
minishing solar activity following a solar maximum        contamination for radiocarbon dates for the whole
which affected the 14C absorption by trees during         region at this time (and only this time)”.55 As we
the period 1850–1700 bc, which may have affected          shall soon see, there is no credible radiocarbon dat-
climate and seasonal variation differently in Theran      ing evidence at this time for the whole region, and
samples versus European and central Anatolian cali-       indeed for anywhere but Thera itself. As to the
bration curve measurements.50                             claim that such a Theran anomaly, if present, would
   Fortunately, awareness of such potential prob-         exist “only at this time”, there is no evidence at
lem areas is becoming evident with the radiocar-          all for Theran radiocarbon dates at any other time.
bon laboratory community. For example, C. Bronk           No radiocarbon samples were obtained in the early
Ramsey, the Director of the Oxford Radiocarbon            excavations of the Archaic or Hellenistic-Roman
Accelerator Unit, in his review of the current state      sites. Indeed, there is no evidence for human pres-
of radiocarbon dating in the 50th anniversary issue       ence on Thera between the eruption and the 13th
of Archaeometry has carefully noted that 1) “[o]cean      century bc.
circulation and climate are obviously not in a steady        With respect to determinations from the erup-
state and so the reservoir offsets seen today will not    tion horizon itself, the pre-olive branch evidence
be the same as those prevailing in the past (see, e.g.,   is ambiguous. Most radiocarbon measurements fall
Ascough et al. 2007)”;51 2) “[u]nfortunately for dat-     within the oscillating portion of the radiocarbon
ing applications, the oceanic circulation is an un-       curve, which makes it impossible to distinguish
wanted complication and it is usually only possible       dates between 1615 and 1525 bc. A few determina-
to make allowance for the spatial component of the        tions give dates somewhat earlier, putatively for any
variability”;52 and 3) “[i]n practice, the radiocarbon    of the myriad reasons discussed in this paper why
in any one region of the ocean will vary relative         some radiocarbon determinations provide mislead-
to the surface oceanic average. This variability, first   ingly early dates. (Consider, for example, the dif-
seen in places where there is significant ocean up-
welling (Monges Soares 1993), is much more likely         48
                                                             Ozaki et al. 2007.
to be the rule than the exception”.53 With respect        49
                                                             Vogel et al. 1990, 535.
to potential freshwater old-carbon reservoir effects,     50
                                                             Eddy 1977.
Bronk Ramsey observes that
                                                             Bronk Ramsey 2008b, 252.
                                                             Bronk Ramsey 2008b, 252.
  [h]ere, we know even less than we do about the          53
                                                             Bronk Ramsey 2008b, 252.
  oceans. Such freshwater systems not only act as res-    54
                                                             Bronk Ramsey 2008b, 252–3.
                                                             Manning 2007, 111.

The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption                                                    203
ference between Oxford measurement OxA 1552               believes probably came from a chair or throne in
at 3390 bp ±65 and OxA 1555 at 3245 bp ±65,               a shrine area.59 The piece of wood was covered
or between Heidelberg Hd 5058/5519 at 3490 bp             in Theran tephra, but there was no way of de-
±80 and Hd 6059/7967 at 3140 bp ±70.56) Sturt             termining the age of the wood when the chair,
Manning summarizes the situation as follows:              throne or beam was made, and still less the age
  it is apparent from the parameters and data for the     when it was destroyed. The Cretan claim rested
  Thera “problem” … that a solution may well be           in part on the single aberrant measurement by the
  unlikely from the volcanic destruction level radio-     Belfast lab which was incorporated into the cali-
  carbon data alone. The data at hand either indicate     bration curve but has since been disavowed,60 and
  strongly, or, in most cases, tend toward, a 17th cen-   in part on unjustified or erroneous assumptions
  tury solution. However, it is undeniable that not       concerning the number of LM IB destructions at
  all do, and that the radiocarbon “gap” between 17th     Khania or the simultaneity of LM IB destructions
  century certainty, and 17th/16th century ambiguity,     on Crete.
  is all of about 20–30 radiocarbon years. This span
                                                             Let us turn at last to the now-famous branch of
  is about the same as the best measurement pre-
  cision available today for Accelerator Mass Spec-       an olive tree found by an Aarhus University team
  trometry determinations—the source technology           covered with tephra from the eruption on Thera.
  for nearly all the modern Thera radiocarbon ages.       The Media Release of 27 April 2006 of the Faculty
  Hence one is operating on the limits of precision.      of Science of Aarhus University has caused some
  And even small laboratory offsets, or variations        astonishment, for it cites Dr. Walter Friedrich as
  caused in sample pre-treatment regimes, could           claiming that the Theran artist who painted the
  become relevant in pushing data into, or out of,        miniature fresco of the fleet scene depicted the ef-
  the ambiguity threshold. Hence we hit an impasse.       fect of the tsunami as it was happening, and that
  And a skeptic is justified to be so.57
                                                          this accounts for the damaged prow of one ship
Numerous other bases for skepticism, from the             and the drowning naked men,61 notwithstanding
problems of pretreatment and inter-laboratory             the fact that the image is a standard depiction of a
measurement differences, to the fragile and uncer-        defeated enemy, warriors are shown ashore, and all
tain nature of the calibration curve, to the effects      the other ships are upright. More importantly, the
of seasonal, regional and climate variation, to the       tsunami followed the major (Minoan C) phase of
problems inherent in the Bayesian algorithms con-         the eruption that deposited four meters of tephra
necting 14C measurements to the calibration curve,        over the site, by which time all the inhabitants had
to the potential presence of 14C-deficient carbon,        departed.62
have been considered above. Statements of radio-             Let us focus on the radiocarbon measurements,
carbon-measurement ranges in the nature of ±13            however, for they form the most substantial argu-
for Bronze Age dates should come with caveats re-         ment to date for a long chronology. The article by
garding all these potential sources of error.             Friedrich et al. in Science states that radiocarbon
   The claim that relevant radiocarbon determina-         dates were obtained for four successive segments of
tions exist from “the whole region” (i.e., from           the branch, which had a total of about 72 rings;
Trianda on Rhodes, Miletus in Anatolia, and sites         that the radiocarbon measurements fall in the right
on Crete) supporting an Aegean Long Chronol-              order with the inner rings giving older dates, and
ogy have been shown to be faulty. The evidence            finally that the measurement of the latest segment
from Rhodes consists of a piece of wood of inse-
cure context which produced inconclusive mea­             56
                                                             Manning et al. 2006b.
surements for its three decadal segments, with 80         57
                                                             Manning 2005, 111–2.
years separating adjacent decadal segments and
                                                             Manning et al. 2006a; Wiener 2009.
                                                             Niemeier 2005, 6–7.
the outer segment providing earlier dates than            60
                                                             Manning 2007, 108; Wiener 2003a, 392.
an inner segment.58 The evidence from Miletus             61
                                                             Friedrich & Heinemeier 2006.
comes from a piece of wood which the excavator            62
                                                             McCoy & Heiken 2000a.

204                                                                                       Malcolm H. Wiener
gives a destruction date of 1613 bc, ±13 years, us-      the archaeological date (based on interconnections
ing the 2004 smoothed calibration curve (but pos-        with Egypt, and estimates of the duration of the
sibly as late as 1575 bc if the 1998 curve is used       LM IA, LH I, and LC I periods) for the massive
and assumptions about the number of years repre-         Seismic Destruction Level at the beginning of LC
sented by the rings relaxed).63 Of course 1575 bc        I, an event which could have caused the death of
is within the oscillating portion of the calibration     the branch.
curve as we have seen, but the earlier segments of          With respect to the potential presence of 14C-
the branch are said to give dates earlier than the       deficient carbon (prevalent at and around Thera as
1620–1520 period of oscillation. How persuasive is       noted above) in the olive branch, we do not and
this evidence?                                           cannot know anything about the pre-eruption lo-
   The first question which arises is whether the        cation of terrestrial vents. Recent research indicates
branch in question was living at the time of the         that a caldera existed prior to the Minoan period
eruption or had died and ceased to absorb 14C earli-     eruption, perhaps formed by an earlier eruption
er. Oliver Rackham, the coauthor of The Making of        around 25,000 bc, but the extent of that caldera
the Cretan Landscape (Rackham and Moody 1996)            cannot be closely determined.66 Accordingly, the
and The Nature of Mediterranean Europe (Grove and        statement made in the abstract of the paper by
Rackham 2003), has kindly provided the following         W.L. Friedrich and J. Heinemeier that the tree was
comment in this regard:                                  growing at a distance of more than 2.5 km from
  I don’t follow the argument that the last growth       what is today the active volcanic zone is irrelevant.
  ring of the wood specimen was contemporary             Moreover, old carbon can exist outside the active
  with the eruption. The authors describe it as a        volcanic zone, as noted above. Of course we can
  “branch”, but the pictures indicate a shattered ra-    have little idea of the pre-eruption landscape, in-
  dial fragment of a stem or major branch at least 40    cluding whether the tree stood in proximity to a
  cm in diameter. As we all know, many olive trees       degassing vent or to a river or other water-source of
  bear dead branches and fragments of branches, and      14
                                                           C-deficient-carbon contamination which would
  I would not rule out the possibility that some of      put dates older.67 The propensity of olive trees to
  these might last 100 years after they died. The tree
                                                         seek groundwater for nourishment and the poten-
  itself may have been alive when it was buried, but
  not all its limbs were necessarily alive or even re-   tial presence of 14C-deficient carbon in groundwa-
  cently dead.64                                         ter in a volcanic landscape have already been noted,
                                                         as has the potential for upwelling of 14C-deficient
Harriet Blitzer (the leading specialist in the ethnog-   carbon from the sea surrounding Thera. A general
raphy of preindustrial Cretan agricultural practice      discussion of the problems posed for radiocarbon
and author of ‘Agriculture and Subsistence’ in The       dating by the reservoir effects of 14C-deficient car-
Plain of Phaistos [2004]) concurs, stating that          bon from upwelling of seawater and from ground-
                                                         water is now available in the 50th anniversary issue
  certain parts of a mature tree may die and other
                                                         of Archaeometry.68
  parts of the same tree may continue to grow and
  bear fruit. The decision to prune the dead branch-        In sum, at present there are simply too many
  es is based in part on the overall structure of the    unknowns with respect to the radiocarbon evidence
  tree (its stability and balance) and on whether the    to solve the equation. The advice of Aristotle to
  dead sections prove an obstacle to further growth      look for exactitude in each class of things only so far
  in other parts of the plant. In many cases, among      as the nature of the matter allows (Nicomachean Ethics
  older trees, there are massive dead branches that
  have been left untouched for the above reasons. In     63
                                                            Friedrich et al. 2006.
  those instances, the remainder of the tree is alive,   64
                                                            O. Rackham, pers. comm. of 11 May 2008.
  growing, and producing fruit.65                        65
                                                            Pers. comm. 23 July 2008; see also Blitzer forth.
                                                            Heiken et al. 1990.
It is worth noting that the radiocarbon date of 1613     67
                                                            Yu et al. 2007.
±13 proposed for the last segment would fit exactly      68
                                                            Bronk Ramsey 2008b.

The state of the debate about the date of the Theran eruption                                                   205
1094b 23–27) remains sound and is applicable here.       which now consists significantly of the radiocarbon
The radiocarbon-dated olive branch for the moment        measurements from the single Theran olive branch,
is that dreaded scientific phenomenon, a singleton.      does not seem sufficient in light of all the areas
Both intensive remeasurement of the existing branch      of uncertainty described to shift the balance of
(preferably by a different radiocarbon laboratory)       probability against the well-established text-plus-
to determine whether the initial measurements are        interconnections-based Aegean Chronology.
replicable and the location and measurement of an
additional branch or branches are critical desiderata.
We hope for further discoveries. “Extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence”, said the
scientist Carl Sagan.69 The scientific evidence,         69
                                                              Sagan 1979, 62.

206                                                                                   Malcolm H. Wiener

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