Bibliography Naukratis: Greeks in Egypt - British Museum

Page created by Ian Fleming
Naukratis: Greeks in
Alexandra Villing, Marianne Bergeron,
Giorgos Bourogiannis, Alan Johnston,
François Leclère, Aurélia Masson and
Ross Thomas
With Daniel von Recklinghausen, Jeffrey Spencer,
Valerie Smallwood, Virginia Webb and
Susan Woodford



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LGPN = Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Oxford, 1987-

LIMC = Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae, Zurich, 1981-2009

MIFAO = Memoires publics par les Membres de I’lnstitut Français d’Archéologie Orientale

SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum


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