Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty

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Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful                             ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012              1

                                          32 Pages              Rs. 15               Bangalore          English Monthly
                                          July 2012            Vol. 25-07          No. 307    Shaban - Ramadan 1433 H

                       Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
                       A recent TISS report reveals that poverty and illiteracy are the key factors for the large
                                                    population of Muslims in jails.
By A Staff Writer                      time of arrest. This violates the    declines to discuss in detail the   whom the police slapped with        of inmates from the minority
                                       rights of an accused.                alleged police discrimination       the non-bailable, cognisable        community had completed their
A recent report by two                 The report discusses several         against Muslims, a few              Section 333 after he had a          higher secondary education,
scholars, Dr Vijay Raghvan and         reasons for so many Muslims          confessions do pertain to it.       spat with traffic constables for    while few had gone to college
Roshni Nair of the Centre for          joining crime. Lack of resources     Sajid, a prison inmate with         jumping a signal. Assaulted         or completed their post-graduate
Criminology and Justice at the         and income opportunities,                                                       brutally for arguing with    degree, states the report. If we
Tata Institute of Social Sciences      peer pressure and conflict                                                      the cops, Shaikh suffered    add the percentage of illiterates
(TISS) reveals that Muslims            with the police were cited                                                      a fracture on his right      to those educated up to the
comprise 32.4 % of the prison          as the major reasons.                                                           arm, arrested and cooled     primary level, only 0.6% had
population in Maharashtra jails,       The report also gives                                                           his heels in prison for      completed their graduation,
whereas Muslim population in           area of residence as one                                                        eight days while the four    while the number of post-
the state is 10.6%.                    of the major reasons for                                                        cops got bail on the same    graduates was a marginal four,
Commissioned by the State              Muslims taking to crime.                                                        day since their offence,     the 117-page survey report
Minorities Commission, the             Many respondents who                                                            according to the FIR,        states.
study is based on interviews           were involved in repeat                                                         was       non-cognisable.    Thus poverty and lack of
with 339 Muslim inmates,               offences came from                                                              This shows the clear         education among Muslims have
mostly between 18 and 30 years         Muslim neighborhoods                                                            bias of the police against   surfaced as the key reasons for
of age, in 15 prisons. “Our team       where, they said, they                                                          Muslim offenders, alleges    them taking to crime, the report
questions were first approved by       were witness to the                                                             Hashmi. The TISS report      suggested. The highest number
the jail authorities, says Dr Vijay    flourishing of illegal                                                          says that most Muslims       of illiterate inmates was found
Raghvan.                               activities.    A     considerable    a criminal record, told the         echo these sentiments: They         in Mumbai and Thane.
 The report points out the fact that   number were arrested for alleged     researchers: “I am trying to        view the police as an unjust        Of the total 614 under-trials
some of the offences are minor in      forgery of documents, making         make a new beginning. Every         system using unfair methods in      and convicts in Thane jail,
nature. Dr Vijay Raghavan says         fake currency notes, cheating        time I start some work, the         the performance of their duties.    176 had never been to school,
that 75.5% of the respondents          and fraud. Since many Muslim         police arrest me on some charge      Another reason why Muslims         while 378 had barely attended
were arrested for the first time       ghettoes are blacklisted by the      or the other. They also demand      take to crimes is illiteracy.       primary school. Of the 709
and 24.5% were repeat arrestees.       banks, even better educated          money from me. Those who            The study reveals that 31%          inmates in Mumbai jails, 225
This shows that majority of the        people forge documents to            can pay are set free. The police    of the Muslims under-trials         were uneducated and another
respondents were not career            get loans. Some of them paid         are very powerful and can do        and convicts could not read or      475 had studied only up to
criminals, says the report. The        agents to make fake documents        anything”.                          write, while another 61% could      Class IV. A majority of the
study reveals that over 30% of         in order to get the loan, explains   Human rights activist, Shabnam      barely understand the written       inmates interviewed by the team
the prisoners were not allowed         the report.                          Hashmi cites the recent example     word, having studied only up to     admitted that lack of education
to talk to their relatives at the      Although Dr Vijay Raghvan            of Kalyan resident Bilal Shaikh,    Class IV. Only a small number                               Page 24
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty

Darul Umoor completes a Decade Best Doctor Award
                       Convocation held for the 11th Batch
By A Staff Writer                     Srirangapatna,” said Ziaullah        some have got jobs abroad and
                                      Sheriff while speaking to Islamic    in India in the software industry
Srirangapatna: The convocation        Voice. So far, 245 students from     too. About 20 % are earning
for the 11th batch of students        various madrasas have come out of    upto Rs 8000 a month, 20 % at
of Darul Umoor- Tipu Sultan           Darul Umoor since 2002. About        least Rs 20,000, 5 % about Rs
Advanced Study and Research           44 % cent are from Nadwa, 22 %       50,000 and 2 % one lakh. Yet
Centre, was held last month in the    from Deoband, Islah, 4 %, Falah      there are many improvements to
campus. Set up in 2002, under the     4 %, Omerabad, 5 % Sabeelur          be done in Darul Umoor and we
aegis of the Sheriff Foundation,      Rashad, Bangalore 5 % and other      need really dedicated people for
the centre is the brainchild of       madrasas 16 %. “ Students who        this,” says Ziaullah Sheriff. Syed
noted businessman and builder         have been in Darul Umoor, after      Hamid Mohsin of Salaam Centre,
Ziaullah Sheriff, who heads           completing the course here, have     Bangalore and Maulana Abdul                            Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Dr        and Mooligai Doctor, a monthly
the India Builders Corporation        gone out into the world with         Bari Nadwi, principal of Jamia                         M.G.R. Medical University         Tamil magazine. Dr Ameen is
in Bangalore.       Tucked away       new fresh perspectives. About        Islamia, Bhatkal were among the                        conferred the “Best Doctor        the managing director of S.K’S
amidst a quiet coconut grove          58 % of the students have opted      chief guests. Secretary General                        Award” to Dr Syed M.M. Ameen      Integrated Medical Wellness
in Srirangapatna, Darul Umoor         to teaching deeniyat, computers      of the Centre, A.R. Kamaruddin,                        for his services towards the      Centre, a Unani Hospital
provides the best of residential      and English, 15 % have taken         Faculty member M.A. Ataulla                            Unani system of medicine, as      Research and Wellness centre
facilities to its batch of 20-25      up higher education, 7 % have        and Dr Haziq Nadwi, presented                          the editor of Herbal Unani Med,   for the application of Unani
students taken in every year who      joined trade and business and        the progress report of the Centre.                     a monthly English magazine        therapies.
have graduated from different
madrasas across India. “Here,         Imam’s daughter scores 97%.
during the course of 11 months,
they are exposed to different             Dreams to be a doctor to serve the Poor
subjects like Management, History,    Hyderabad:                                    of books. She had to face
English, Computers, Comparative       Tayyaba       Fatima,                         various punishments for
Religion and seminars, on various     daughter of an Imam                           the whole year when she
topics. When I was a student of the   of a small mosque,                            could not pay the school
Muslim Hostel in Mysore, I would      is one among the                              fee on time. But despite
cycle around and see the condition    scores of girls who                           all these, she secured
of the Muslim institutions. I made    have set a goal for                           nothing short of 1st
up my mind that if God bestows        them against all odds                         division. And this time,
some financial status on me, I        and she is hopeful                            she secured 97 percent
would use it for the welfare of       that she would fulfill                        marks. She says ‘I want
the community. It was the vision      her dream. Daughter of an Imam       to become a doctor not because I
of Tipu Sultan that he wanted to      of Masjid Baqer Husaini, located     want to earn money, but to serve
set up a centre for the Ulema like    at Basti Nabi Kareem surrounded      poor people like us.’ She further
this. I became passionate about       by slums, is studying in the fifth   says, ‘whenever any of our family
this and with the team effort         standard. She is so deprived that    members falls ill, we don’t have
of a few friends, set this up in      she does not have a complete set     money to go to a hospital’.
                                                                                                            Raksheenda Ads
                                                                                                                      Raksheenda Ads
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012   3

Tutorial Coaching with Deeniyat
By A Staff Writer

Bangalore: A group of
professionals     have   started
tutorial classes in HBR Layout
here combining subjects taught
in CBSE and ICSE together with
teaching of Deeniyat and Arabic
language. Students aged between

7 and 14 years and requiring
coaching in core subjects can
enroll against payment of
tutorial fee. Classes are held in
evening in two batches. Desirous
students can call Mr. Anwar,
8970786666 or 9739260392 or
email: Mahadussufah@gmail.
com. The classes are held in the
Wisdom School premises at No.
2, 7th cross, 1st main, 1st stage,
2nd block HBR Layout, Yasin
Nagar, Bangalore-560 043. n
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
banking & finance                                                                                                                   ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012
                                                                          Hamid Taylor

                                   A Banker’s Tryst with Philanthropy
             By Maqbool Ahmed Siraj

For suave, soft-spoken and ever-    philanthropy and social service    that it is being dusted off and        bred and educated in that urbs     himself in Dubai, the hub of the
pensive Abdul Hamid Taylor,         in Bangalore. Though he            receiving a fresh coat of paint        prima, he did his family proud     new economic dynamism in the
life has been a multi-tiered        acquired a house in Bangalore      for his several short sojourns to      by topping the promotional         region. He served short stints in
escalator, offering one station     some decades ago, it is only now   dispense off what he gathered          exam of the Bank of India in       Mashreqbank (Bank of Oman
after another, each elevating                                          over the long years.                   1972 after having earned his       then) and still later Union Bank
him to a newer height. A banker                                        Rooted in Kerala ancestry,             M. Com, LLB and CAIIB.             of the Middle East rechristened
by choice, qualification and                                           Hamid’s parents had moved to           Oil boom had brightened the        EMIRATESNBD chaired by
training, Hamid having dealt                                                                                                                     Late Abdul Wahab Galadhari.
with money in ample measure,                                                                                                                     Still later, having been picked up
is now looking to a future in                                                 Islamic banking is only nominally                                  by tycoon Mohammed Abdullah
disbursing much of what he                                                                                                                       Al-Qubaisi of the National bank
earned for himself.                                                       different from conventional banking and                                of Abu Dhabi he was carried
General Manager at Abu                                                    the element of interest gets camouflaged.                              to the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
Dhabi’s Finance House at a time                                                                                                                  and then to Finance House. “It
when his plea for giving him a                                                                                                                   was a company of trust that has
final respite from a 43-career                                         Mumbai from Kannur to ensure           prospects in the Gulf by the mid   endured for over two decades”,
is being stonewalled, Hamid is                                         their kids a future no other city in   1970s and Hamid took wings         he observes.
contemplating a life devoted to                                        India could promise then. Born,        shortly thereafter to anchor                                Page 22
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012                    5

                  Donating Blood, 40 Times
“A man never stands as tall as    donate in a blood camp, but      at The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R.
when he lies down to save lives   to the patient directly. The     Medical University, Guindy,
by giving blood.” This is the     Tamil Nadu Public Service        Chennai. Sadaqathullah is
philosophy which has guided       Commission Chairman,        R.   also secretary, Kayalpatnam
Shaikh Sadaqathullah, who has     Nataraj, IPS, and Dr. Mayil      HAM Radio Society, trustee
been a voluntary Blood Donor      Vahanan Natarajan,        Vice   - Kayalpatnam Medical Trust
since 1993 and his blood group    Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu       Hospital and member - Tamil
is A1B Negative (Rarest Group     Dr. M.G.R. Medical University,   Nadu Haj Service Society,
- 1% in the world population).    presented    a Certificate of    Chennai. For more details,
So far, he has donated blood      Appreciation to him on the       visit his website, www.         The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Chairman Thiru. R. Nataraj and Dr.
40 times and since his blood      occasion of World Blood   Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical
group is very rare, he cannot     Donor Day on 14th June 2012,     Email:       University, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Shaikh Sadaqathullah.
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
          Galloway Wins Bradford                                                                                 30% Muslim Women
Bradford: The British city
which is host to a large Asian
                                     to the unwavering support of the
                                     Asian Muslim community.
                                                                           Thus, it was considered to be a
                                                                           sign of dissatisfaction with the
                                                                                                                 Marry Non-Muslim Men
community, has been a Labour         The results were received as          mainstream parties and, by some      Vancouver (Canada) : Multi-           men to marry non-Muslim
Party stronghold for 100 years.      a blow to labour leader Ed            Islamphobic media, considered        faith Metro Vancouver is a place      women, because they don’t pass
However, in the Bradford West        Miliband who had been expected        a source concern since they          of high rates of intermarriage and    on the faith.
                                                                           understood it as ‘Islamic            inter-ethnic dating. Islam, now       “There is a lot of heartache if a
                                                                           extremism’ inauguration in           the second largest religion in        Muslim woman marries a non-
                                                                           British politics.                    Canada, teaches that it is sinful     Muslim,” says Fehmida Khan,
                                                                           Galloway built his election          for Muslim women, but not             president of the Canadian Muslim
                                                                           strategy upon two issues:            Muslim men, to marry outside          Women’s Association.            She
                                                                           Occupation of Afghanistan,           the faith.                            explains that Muslim imams and
                                                                           Palestine and the austerity          Professor Yvonne Haddad, a            other religious officials won’t talk
                                                                           policies, and called his victory a   prominent Islamic scholar at the      to non-Muslims about difficulties
                                                                           “Bradford Spring,” thus making       University of Massachussets,          followers have with marriage.
                                                                           a comparison to the popular          says that Canadian census figures,    Only about four per cent of
                                                                           uprisings taking place in Arab       which are far more detailed than      foreign-born Muslim women
                                                                           countries. He might seem to be       U.S. census data, reveal the extent   in Canada will intermarry, says
                                                                                                                of the marriage threat to North       Hassan Hamdani, a Muslim
                                                                           going too far by comparing a
                                                                                                                America’s roughly two million         researcher who studies Muslim
                                                                           Liberal democratic Britain to the
                                                                                                                Muslim women. Statistics Canada       demographics through his job with
by-election George Galloway,         to capitalize on the double dip       oppressive dictatorial regimes of
                                                                                                                census data shows that roughly 30     Statistics Canada in Ottawa. But
the outspoken British politician,    recession that hit hard on the        the Middle East, yet there might     % of Canadian Muslim women            evidence of second-generation
gained a landslide victory against   UK economy. The results were          be some similarities between the     marry non-Muslim men, says            Muslims embracing Canadians’
Labour’s Pakistani Muslim            also bad news for Tories as their     two. Increasing unemployment,        Haddad.                               openness to intermarriage is
candidate Imran Hussain, thanks      vote went significantly down.         cost of living and discrimination    Children are the crux of the          strong, Hamdani says. Almost
                                                                           have indeed frustrated the large     Muslim law against women              40 per cent of Canadian-born
                          Switzerland                                      working class Asian community        marrying outside the faith. Islam     Muslim families consist of a
                                                                           of Bradford, especially the          teaches that Muslim identity is       Muslim wife and non-Muslim
  Swiss Islamic Bodies                                                     youth who have had to face
                                                                           uncertainty and alienation. n
                                                                                                                transferred through the father.
                                                                                                                That makes it all right for Muslim
                                                                                                                                                      husband. (Source: Vancouver
                                                                                                                                                      Sun, June 5, 2012) n

        to Merge
Geneva: The Federation of            many obstacles in the way
Swiss Islamic Organizations          before recognition on the
(FIDS) and the Coordination          state level would be possible.
of Islamic Organizations in          He highlights especially the
Switzerland (KIOS) announced         low degree of institutional
recently their intention to          organization in Islam, while
merge and create a “religious        also pointing out that the
parliament” in order to represent    issue     concerns      perhaps
the Muslims of Switzerland and       only 15% of “Muslims”
receive official recognition from    in Switzerland, i.e. those
the state.                           who practice their faith.
Andreas           Tunger-Zanetti,    Moreover, given the ethnic
specialist of Islam and              cleavages among Muslim
coordinator of the Center            immigrant groups which still
for Religious Studies at the         persist, he states that it is still
University of Lucerne, believes      too early to begin speaking
however that there are still too     of a unified movement. n
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012         7
International Peace Award                                                  UAE opens 40 schools in Pakistan
                                                                       Swat: The UAE Project to             ceremony was held at one
  presented to OIC Chief                                               Assist Pakistan has completed        of the boys’ schools in
                                                                       40 world-class schools and           the presence of Abdullah
Jeddah:          The                                                   institutes and handed them           Khalifa Al Ghafli, director
Secretary General of                                                   over to the local authorities in     of the Project.        The
the Organization of                                                    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province          Project, which focuses
Islamic Cooperation,                                                   in Pakistan. This was in line with   on four major sectors:
Professor Ekmeleddin                                                   the directives of UAE President      education, public health,
Ihsanoglu         has                                                  Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al          roads and bridges comes        one of the leading donors in
been awarded the                                                       Nahyan. Nearly 21,000 boys           within the framework of the    the field of humanitarian aid
“International Peace                                                   and girls have already started       efforts by the UAE to help     and international development
Award 2011-2012”                                                       classes.     A grand opening         Arab and Muslim countries as   around the world.
by the Beirut-based
International Human
Rights Commission (IHRC).           world about the universal
IHRC World Chairman and             norms, values and practices
Ambassador at Large, Dr.            such as democracy, good
Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan           governance and rule of law,
presented the award along with      freedom of expression, respect
‘lifetime membership’ to the        for human rights, women’s
OIC chief at a ceremony held        empowerment and participation
at the OIC headquarters in          in political process, protection
Jeddah recently. The award was      of Muslim minority rights and
in recognition of Ihsanoglu’s       above all, for his services for
services to the Muslim world        the establishment of the OIC
and his contribution towards        Independent Permanent Human
raising awareness in the Muslim     Rights Commission.

      Refugees in Muslim
     countries on the Rise
Jeddah: On June 20, many            of OIC member states gathered
countries mark U.N. World           at a conference focusing on
Refugee Day with events to raise    refugees in the Muslim world
awareness about the situation of    in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan last
refugees. In recent years, Muslim   month, to address this issue in
countries have seen a huge          ways that can promote stability
growth in refugees. The United      and peace. This issue is crucial
Nations High Commissioner for       as it may be years, before those
Refugees (UNHCR), António           who are currently refugees can
Guterres, recently stated that      return home. Khalid Koser, an
“in 2011, the 57 Organization       expert at the Washington, D.C.-
of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)        based Brookings Institution
states, hosted 50 per cent of the   think tank, estimates there have
people who are of concern to        been approximately two million
UNHCR, some 17.6 million in         refugees who have left countries
total. Several representatives      affected by the Arab Spring.
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
                                                    AMP Convention at Lonavala

         Education, Economic Empowerment Emphasised
Lonavala,        (Maharashtra):     address two basic problems i.e.,        employable. He said that there is   pioneer of the ‘Rahmani Super-   impart coaching to students but
The two-day convention of           poverty and illiteracy. He said         no shortage of traditional skills   30’ guidance & training for      also identify budding geniuses
the Association of the Muslim       the focus should be on education        in the community but the need is    budding IIT aspirants, said      and nurture them.
professionals that attracted 90     through effective utilization           for enhancing their managerial      political empowerment through    According to Syed Najeebur
participants from across the        of Government Plans for the             skills to move up the economic      identification and analysis of   Rahman, who heads the PR and
                                                 underprivileged. He        chain.                              Governmental policies and        communication wing of the AMP,
                                                 said that we need to       Religious scholar from Panta        plans was crucial. He said       the organization concentrates
                                                 have a pool of trained     Mohammad Wali Rahmani,              academicians should not merely                          Page 24
                                                 skilled workers and
                                                 there needs to be
                                                 a paradigm shift
                                                 of societal change
                                                 through      intensive
                                                 implementation of
                                                 technology. He also
                                                 asked the youth to
                                                 develop respect for
                                                 the Constitution.
                                                 The convention took
                                                 place on June 16 and
                                                 17 at Balwan Village
                                                 Mr. P. A. Inamdar,
                                                 leading educationist
                                                 and      businessman
                                                 from Pune, said India
                                                 offered      immense
                                                 opportunities         to
                                                 people without any
                                                 prejudice       against
                                                 caste, colour and
                                                 religion        merely
                                                 because      of      its
                                                 democratic set-up.
                                                 He said in autocratic
                                                 countries, the wealth
                                                 gets concentrated in a
                                                 few hands. Inamdar
                                                 said focus should be
country emphasized educational      on employment-oriented courses
empowerment and economic            like the ones in Industrial
upliftment of the Muslims. In       Training Institutes (ITIs) in
his keynote address, Dr. M.         order to make them employable.
M. Ansari, former Information       Regarding the underprivileged,
Commissioner,             Central   he said that Focus should be on
Information Commission and          Employment oriented courses
presently the Government of India   (like ITI) for students so that even
appointed interlocutor on Jammu     if they are unable to continue
and Kashmir, said Muslim need to    further studies, they are still
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
book review                                                                                                                         ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012             9
                                  Muslim Education
                       Accessing Equity                                                                          Exclusion linked deprivation reinforces barriers
                                                                                                                 between communities and individuals and leads
                                                                                                                    to negation of human rights and freedom.
Minority Education in India: Issues of Access, Equity                      by Gujarat police in a fake
and Inclusion                                                              encounter, hailed) and etches       colleges after the community        to education and employment is
Edited by Dr. Abdul Waheed                                                 to relief the contours of spatial   was targeted en masse in Gujarat.   fairer than West Bengal which
                                                                           delineation.                        Evidently,    Muslims      alone    has been under supposedly
Serials Publication, New Delhi                                             Not all positive efforts on         cannot be accused of gender         secular Marxists regimes for
4830/24-Prahlad St., Ansari Road,                                          inclusion of a minority would       disparity. Mobility of women        the last 35 years. Despite
Daryaganj, New Delhi110002                                                 pay the dividends unless the        presupposes physical safety         Muslims representing a quarter
Rs. 850, Pages 252                                                         powers that be ensure communal      and environment of communal         of the state’s population, their
                                                                           security and harmony. Sabiha        harmony. Disequilibrium affects     representation is merely 2.1%
Reviewed by Maqbool Ahmed Siraj                                            Hussain’s paper on plight of        the women more than men.            among government employees.
                                                                           the community in Darbhanga          But curiously, record of            None of the State’s more than
                                                                           district of Bihar says Muslim       communal Gujarat in matters         20 universities were set up in
Minority Education in India:           life. Tone of the book is set by    girls were withdrawn from           of providing access to Muslims                              Page 30
Issues of Access, Equity and           paper titled ‘Social Topography
Inclusion is edited compilation        of Delineated Others: Muslims
of 22 papers presented by a            in Contemporary India’, a study
large number of educationists          focused on Mumbra suburb
and social activists at a national     of Mumbai. The chapter is an
seminar organized under the aegis      exercise in mapping moral
of CEPECAMI in the Aligarh             barricading vis-à-vis others with
Muslim University on March 7           topographical delineation. It
and 8, 2009. Having attracted          analyses how exclusion linked
a diverse range of scholars, the       deprivation causes barriers for
seminar looked at the Muslim           individuals and communities
situation in the field of education    and how exclusion underlines
and assessed as to where the           the negation of freedom and
Muslim community figures after         denial of basic human right to
65 years of independence.              those who are at the periphery
Exclusion linked deprivation           of contemporary political and
has been the bane of Muslims           development discourses. The
in India. While it is more             paper by Manoj Kumar Jha and
pronounced         in      political   P. K. Shahjahan focuses on how
representation and economic            myths propagated by media,
empowerment, it operates subtly        misinterpretation of history and
in the educational and cultural        linking of violent incidents to
fields as they are considered          Islam and Muslims could malign
tools of soft power. Being the         the image of a community and
key input for economic progress,       ruin its prospects of claiming
modern, higher and professional        inclusion and equal opportunities
education is considered sine           and lead to civic neglect and
qua non for Muslims to claim           increased surveillance of the
their legitimate place and             areas inhabited by them. The
proportional         representation    study has focused on Mumbra
in vital spheres of national           (from where Ishrat Jahan, killed
Muslim Prisoners: Victims of Poverty
Prisoners of the Past
                                                                 Progressive Steps for Welfare
Old—be they things, formulas, methods, or patterns—              For the past few months, I have been receiving Islamic    anti-Muslim comments. Surely, the editor is aware of
always looks comfortable. It is so because it is known,          Voice and have been pleasantly surprised to read about    the fearless way, Khushwant Singh has spoken about
seen, tested and tried. New, stranger as it is, is viewed        the progressive steps being taken for the education       injustice to Muslims, and his untiring efforts to create
with doubt, received with skepticism and adopted—if              and economic welfare of the Muslims of India. It is       cordial relations between India and Pakistan over the
it comes to that—with fear. Continuing with the old is           also heartening to read about the success of Muslim       past many decades. I doubt if it is a good policy to allow
easy, smooth and effortless. Embracing the new involves          candidates in the competitive exams. There is no          total freedom of expression to a contributor to criticize.
challenges, entails effort and is full of risks. But old         doubt that the presence of senior Muslim officers in      The editor must keep a close eye on such submissions.
ultimately yields place to the new and gets phased out.          our administrative services will reduce the frustration   Readers must have seen in the press about a group of
Those insistent upon sticking with the old find themselves       which the majority of Muslims are prone to feel,          Muslims in London who are attempting to modernize
cast into the trash bin of history. New takes over the old,      because of the absence of their co-religionists in high   Islam. It will be interesting to follow their progress.
gets entrenched and reigns till it itself gets overtaken by      positions. I was surprised to read a letter in the June   Perhaps Islamic Voice can also join the debate.
the newer one.                                                   2012 issue, which criticized Khushwant Singh for his      Zafar Futehally, Bangalore.
Muslims are generally residents of the comfort zones and
also the ones who take pride in it. Glorifying the past
is their pet pastime. Old is holy too. New scares them.          Lowering the Gaze
They see in it a challenge to their faith, set of beliefs and    This is with reference to the question and answer         have found that people do not lower their gaze, but
traditions. In most cases, the reference to the new is a         section in the June 2012 issue of Islamic Voice. In       lower their heads and as a result, they are looking
sacrilege for them. The new is also a threat to their way        a reply to a question about where one should look         straight. Even when they are in public, their gaze
of living, mode of thinking and manner of behaving. No           during salaat, one of the options given is to look        is not lowered. So their salaat does not have the
wonder then why the agents of change have been vilified,         at the Imam. The Quran instructs us to lower our          desired effect.
demonized and dubbed fifth columnists. Few amongst               gaze in public. I am of the view that this can be         Haroon Shaikh,
us are amenable to new ideas, tolerant of the criticism          achieved by lowering our gaze during salaat. But I
of the old and open to reform. So champions of the old
are feted, status quoists are honoured, Islamic press feels
no qualms in uncritically publishing the writings of
                                                                 An Appeal from Rampur
                                                                                                                           and is available with very few chemists. With a
the dead and singing paeans of the hackneyed and the
                                                                 Saba Mahboob Shamsi is 27 years old and lives             weak economic background and aging parents too,
trite. Revisionists face contempt and reformists stay
                                                                 with her parents and two brothers in a two -room          the family is running from pillar to post to buy the
condemned. ‘Revert to the old’ is the reigning slogan
                                                                 house in the by-lanes of Rampur in Uttar Pradesh.         medicine for Saba. The family appeals for help
even though it is sounded through amplifiers, circulated
                                                                 Saba is suffering from myasthenia gravis which            from the community. For more details, contact Saba
over the Internet and propagated through radio and the
                                                                 is a chronic auto-immune neuromuscular disease            or Shoeb Shamsi at: c/o Mr. Mahboob Ali Shamsi,
                                                                 characterized by varying degrees of weakness of           Ghair Peepal Wala, Saifal Khan. Near House of Datt
Scarcely do we realize that passage of time and change
                                                                 the skeletal muscles of the body. Saba has to be          Bhai, Rampur , Uttar Pradesh, Pin Code 244901.
of locale could influence laws, social mores, norms of
                                                                 on medicines lifelong for survival, which are very        Mobile (Shoeb Shamsi):8791210581. The doctor’s
propriety and conventions, just as the traditions we follow
                                                                 expensive. Every bottle of the prescribed medicine        letters and hospital documents are available with
were new at certain point of time in history. So sharia
                                                                 “Mastenol” that contains 150 tablets costs Rs 2700,       her brother Shoeb Shamsi.
remains inscribed in stone; women must stay away from
the mosque; zakat must be doled out only to madrassas;
three talaqs at one go dissolve marriage irrevocably;            An Appeal to Human Rights Organisations
moon must be sighted to herald lunar months; one not
trained in a traditional madrassa must not interpret the         The cold-blooded murder of Qateel Siddiqui in             We appeal to the national and international human
Islamic law; non-Muslim judges must not adjudicate               Pune’s Yarvada high security jail recently, is yet        rights organisations to take notice of the situation
Muslim civil disputes; et al. The list of abominations           another proof that the life of a Muslim is no longer      in India where sections of the administration are
goes on and on and manifestations of it are too palpable         safe in India even behind the walls of a high security    fighting a war against the country’s largest religious
to be missed in the Muslim society.                              jail.                                                     minority in the name of fighting “terror”, while the
Evidently, this stage has been reached due to the                This cold-blooded murder comes in quick succession        security agencies themselves are the biggest culprits
dogmatic approach that Muslims have come to adopt and            after a number of cases where security agencies’          and excel in fabrication of cases and use torture to
demonstrate in each and every sector of life. It does not        high-handedness in dealing with Muslim youth              force the accused to confess to crimes they never
help, to say the least. Rather it acts as an albatross against   on flimsy charges and mere suspicion gives away           committed.
progress and development, to admit the least.                    the game of the administration’s war against the          ALL INDIA MUSLIM MAJLIS-E-
It is time this mindset is given up to embrace changes,          Muslim community in the name of fighting “terror”.        MUSHAWARAT
interpret the laws and the ancient text more progressively.      The murdered accused, Qateel Siddiqui, was a law-         [Umbrella body of the Indian Muslim organisations],
Nations and communities do not commit collective suicide.        abiding citizen of this country.                          New Delhi,
They marginalize themselves by creating a sea of taboos
and anathemas around them. Narrow vision stunts their            Good Piece on Cupping
outlook, lack of freedom of expression and articulation          I was happy to read an article on Cupping in Islamic      (hijama). (Sahih al-Bukhari (5371) . This shows the
smothers dissent, and fear of loss of originality breeds         Voice. Cupping is the best remedy recommended and         importance of this Sunnah.
rejectionism and spawns negativism. Gleefully clinging           used by the Prophet (Pbuh). The Messenger said,           Abdul Rahiman Chaithotam,
to their past, they have hardly anything to offer the world      “Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping          Bangalore
by way of contemporary. Consequently, the changes pass
them by, reducing them to the signposts of an old era,
objects of romantic past but irrelevant for future. Such         Tamil Writer seeks Publishers
people do exist, but live in the past. They are rendered         I have completed some books , the first is The            the money I may get as way of Royalty for
to serfdom, consigned to sidelines of the civilization           Life of the holy Prophet (Pbuh) in Tamil. The             performing Hajj with my wife. I am now 74
and are easy target for calumnies such as practitioners          Hagiography of the Prophets of Allah, The                 years old and need this as never before.
of terrorism. Phobias can be kicked up against them and          Salient Features of Islam and description,                My address:
chimeras can be churned up with ease. Prisoners of the           cause and effect of each surah in the Quran.              Muhammad Ali Khalilullah,
comfort zones and enmeshed in the past, they have only           (these are in English). I am looking for printers         No 4/88-C, Habib Street, Second Floor, Fort,
to blame themselves, none else. Are we listening?                and publishers for these books. I hope to use             Salem-636001, Ph: 0427-2217879
ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012            11
                                                                                                                Azad Foundation
    Muslim girl students                                                    Scholarships for Girls Announced
   felicitated in Manipur                                              New Delhi: Maulana Azad
                                                                       Foundation under the aegis
                                                                                                             boards can apply online from
                                                                                                             July 1. The applications can be
                                                                                                                                                The Foundation website says
                                                                                                                                                that it is a one time scholarship
By Dr. Syed Ahmed                                                      of the Central Government             downloaded from the website        and no claim as permanent
                                                                       has invited applications from and can be         beneficiary will be entertained.
Imphal: Manipur Muslim Sis-                                            girl students among Muslims           submitted till September 30 this   Students once selected for
terhood (MMS), a face-book                                             and other recognized minority         year.                              scholarship cannot avail the
forum, organised a felicitation                                        communities      for    courses       The applicants should have         same again. Students getting a
programme on 17 June, 2012                                             beginning after 10th standard         secured not less than 55 % mark    scholarship from any other source
at Oinam in Imphal West dis-                                           (or SSLC) for the new academic        in 10th standard board exam        would not be eligible for this
trict, Manipur, to commemo-                                            year. All those who have              and their family income from all   scholarship, the announcement
rate the achievement of Mus-                                           passed the 10th std from state        sources should not exceed Rs.      said. Scholarship will be
                                    80 girls were felicitated at the   examination boards, ICSE or                                              admissible for expenditure on
lim girl students in the recently                                                                            one lakh in the preceding year
                                    function.                          CBSE or any other recognized                                             payment of school or college
declared Class X and Class XII                                                                               i.e., 2011-2012. They should
                                    (                                                                                            fee, purchase of textbooks,
board examinations, and the                                                                                  have secured admission in any
                                                                                                             course and college recognized      stationery, equipments required
                                      Jamia Millia’s Architecture
Manipur MBBS/BDS Entrance
Examination, 2012. MMS is a                                                                                  by the governments, State or       for the course and payment of
face-book forum of Manipuri                                                                                  Central.                           hostel charges, it added. n
Muslims, which was created in
2012 with the objective of pro-
                                     faculty among top 10 in India
moting and sustaining ‘women        New Delhi: The Faculty of          latest issue. The first position in
empowerment’ within the Mus-        Architecture and Ekistics of       the top 10 is held by Department
lim community in Manipur.           Jamia Millia Islamia has been      of Architecture, IIT, Roorkee
MMS agendas includes gender         ranked at the 8th position         followed by Sir JJ College of
issues including women em-          amongst the top 10 Architecture    Architecture, Mumbai. Jamia
powerment, confidence building      Colleges of the country in a       Millia’s department of Social
measures, women’s rights and        survey conducted by ‘Outlook’      Work holds 4th position among
problems, fighting men’s preju-     magazine. Jamia’s faculty has      top 10 faculties/institutes for
dices (patriarchal domination)      got overall 810 points out of      social work studies. In this
and societal, cultural prejudices   1,000. The Outlook magazine        category, Tata Institute of Social
against women.        More than     has published the survey in its    Sciences holds first rank.
commentary                                                                                                                        ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012
    Delhi HC Ruling on Age of Muslim Girls Marriage
                                                                                                             personal laws, religious codes     or annul the marriage upon

              Setting the Clock back                                                                         and ethnic customs. For the
                                                                                                             implementation part, the State
                                                                                                             exercised leniency, providing
                                                                                                                                                attaining puberty by expressing
                                                                                                                                                or withdrawing her consent.
                                                                                                                                                Just as Islam did not prescribe
By Maqbool Ahmed Siraj              Marriage should ideally take          exercised immense amount of        scope for awareness to percolate   any age of marriage, it did not
                                    place between people who are          energy to resist the compulsions   and social reforms to be imbibed   oppose fixation of any age
The Delhi High Court’s refusal      physically mature and possess         of traditions six decades ago      rather than enforced.              either. Such questions were left
to render the marriage of a 15-     maturer minds. While puberty          when they fixed the age of         Islam, like all other religions,   open for future societies—and
year old Muslim girl void raises    or physical maturity could be         marriage for girls and boys at     did not prescribe any age for      by extensions—states to decide
more questions than it answers.     subject to diet, climate and racial   18 and 21 respectively. Several    marriage. It would not have        as per the exigencies of the
The judgment is basically           and genetic characteristics,          of the national leaders must       been feasible given the general    time.
flawed because it practically       there is almost a consensus           have had memories of their         insecurity and warfare then. But   Prophet Muhammad (peace
lowers the age of marriage from     that psychological maturity           own marriages in early teens—      Islamic law made it mandatory      be upon him) laid the general
the nationally recognised and       depends on level of education         Mahatma Gandhi was 13 and so       that girls too should give their   principle that the girls be
acknowledged standard of 18         and awareness and is acquirable       was Kasturba, his wife—fresh.      consent prior to their marriage.   married away when they attain
to 15. To boot, it does so on the   at certain age. Fathers of the        And this law became applicable     In case of pre-puberty marriage,   sinne buloogh (in Arabic) or
religious ground.                   Indian Constitution must have         to all regardless of myriad        which was the norm then, the       age of maturity. Maturity is a
                                                                                                             girl was entitled to validate
                                                                                                                                                                        Page 13
commentary                                                                                                                                   ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012              13
    Page 12                            The ruling while setting the clock    where the consensus was nearly            of marriage. This will be a step      emanating from the ruling are
wider term and encompasses             back has introduced, may be by        universal. It is in the interest of all   towards adoption of laws that         likely to encourage obscurantist
physical, psychological, and           default, difference on the basis of   that no distinctions are permitted        transform people into citizens of     forces out to maintain fault lines
may be educational and legal           religion in a matter of civil law     in matters of age and registration        a state. Unfortunately, the signals   and divisions. n
maturity. It could be therefore
safely assumed that Islamic law
desired that such questions could
be settled according to the climes
and times of a specific society. All
that it required was that women
should be mature enough to make
their own decision in choosing
their spouses; know their rights
and duties; should have attained
sufficient level of knowledge
and education to feel confident
in a relationship; be aware of
the biological consequences of
marriage and also may be able
to take up the responsibilities
emanating        consequent       to
The fathers of the Indian
Constitution         had        very
appropriately designated official
age for marriage for girls and
boys in the given social and
economic context of Indian
society. It had also been quite well
known that this provision was
universally applicable as people
from the same racial and genetic
stock could not be privileged or
Viewed from this angle, the
Delhi High Court ruling is a step
back in time. Eighteen being
the age when an individual just
about finishes education up
to the senior secondary level,
can be said to endow a woman
with bare minimum level of
education for being a citizen
and gaining a measure of self-
confidence. If physicians are to
be believed, twenty plus is the
right age for child-bearing, hence
it would have been advisable to
rather raise the age of marriage.
Demographic pressures too
support such an enhancement of
the lower limit.
advertisement                                                                                                                     ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012
An Appeal to support Aasra Home for Women                                                                       Government schemes for free
Aasra Home for Women,             premises. It can accommodate          Your contributions and Zakat             coaching for UPSC /KPSC
provides shelter and training     nearly 40 inmates and provide         will help Aasra to continue its   Free Pre-Examination coaching          government of Karnataka has
to indigent women, women          them training in various vocations    support for women in distress.    for Minority candidates of             called for eligible candidates under
from broken homes, victims of     and skills. Aasra also provides       For more details ,contact Ms.     Karnataka state for UPSC/ KPSC         the scheme to take the screening
domestic violence, and women      training in tailoring, embroidery,    Sajida Begum at Aasra, 121-Ist    Examinations scheme has been           test. Last date to apply for the
in vulnerable situations. Aasra   knitting      and      handicrafts,   Cross, Kariyanapallya, Near       initiated in 2010 by Directorate       Scheme is July 7, 2012. Screening
has been set up by Tanzeemul      computers, first aid and nursing,     Lingarajapuram,       Thomas      of Minorities, Government of           test will be held on 29th July 2012
Mohsinath Charitable Trust at     health and hygiene, and also          Town Post, Bangalore-560084,      Karnataka. All graduates under the     across various cities in Karnataka.
Lingarajpuram, in the Bangalore   imparts Islamic values of family      Phone: 98453-83905, 080-          age of 30 are eligible. This year      For more details, visit www.gokdom.
Cantonment area in a rented       life, tajweed and deeniyath.          25479968.                         also, the Directorate of Minorities,   com/upsckpsc-coaching.html
UPDATE                                                                                                                                  ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012             15
                                                 Human Development Report 2011

                                Muslims at the Bottom of the Pile
By S. Tahsin Ahmed                                                       despite high growth rates, many        the major highlights:                  The Worker Population Ratio
                                                                         people are being left out of India’s   High incidence of poverty:             is much lower in the case of
The India Human Development                                              growth story and inequality is on      One-third of the Muslims in the        Muslims as against all other
Report (HDR) 2011 brought                                                the rise.                              country are living below the           religious communities (51.8% in
out by the Institute of Applied                                          It is heartening to notice that        poverty line.                          rural sector and 45.9% in urban
Manpower Research, a research                                            in the national HDR 2011, the          The open unemployment rate             sector).
body under the Planning                                                  HDI between 1999-2000 and              (current daily status) is increasing   The percentage of adult women’s
Commission, did not create a                                             2007-2008 (the latest year for         for Muslims.                           malnutrition is increasing for
storm as could be expected - given                                       which it can be estimated) has         The ownership of assets among          Muslims.
the nature of its disclosures. The                                       increased by 21%. This Report          households is the lowest in the        The increase in the incidence of
Report examines whether certain                                          provides interesting insights on       case of Muslims.                       women suffering from anaemia
sections of the Indian society                                           the question whether different         The Labour Force Participation         between 1998-99 and 2005-06
suffer from multiple deprivations                                                                               is much lower for Muslims,             was observed to be the highest
by investigating how different                                                                                  as against all other religious         for Muslim women with about
castes and religious groups fare in                                                                             communities (52.8% in rural            six percentage points.
terms of various socio-economic                 Muslims are though catching up on                               sector and 47.4% in urban              Among the major States with a
indicators. Arriving a couple of               several development indicators, they                             sector).                                                       Page 23
years after the Sachar Committee              are still at the bottom of the pile when
Report (2006), this Report is of
much significance to the Muslim
                                              in terms of human development index.
community, in particular, since
it analyzes whether the social
indicators of excluded groups are     living. In the 2010 global HDR,    social groups like the SCs, STs,
converging or diverging with the      India ranked 119 among 192         or Muslims, get excluded from
rest of the population.               countries with a medium level      the development process and
 The Human Development Index          HDI of 0.52. The 2010 Report       whether India is experiencing
(HDI) is a composite index of         recognizes that India is among     inclusive growth in the true
three outcome indicators: health      the top 10 movers in gross         sense. The scope of this article is
and longevity, the educational        domestic product (GDP) growth.     restricted to the major findings in
attainment and the standard of        However, there are concerns that   respect of the Muslims. Here are
OUR DIALOGUE by adil salahi                                                                                                             ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012

 Fasting-A Duty of Obedience to Allah
                                                                                                                 (Commentary by Sayyid Qutb. Translated by Adil Salahi)
                                                                 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
              Believers, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you, so that you may remain God-fearing! Fast a certain
              number of days. But whoever of you is ill, or on a journey, shall fast instead the same number of days later on. Those who find
            fasting a strain too hard to bear may compensate for it by the feeding of needy persons. He who does good of his own account does
              himself good thereby; for to fast is to do yourself good, if you but knew it. It was in the month of Ramadan that the Quran was
            revealed, a guidance for mankind and as a self-evident proof of that guidance, a standard to distinguish right from wrong. Hence,
          whoever of you is present in that month shall fast throughout it; but he who is ill or on a journey shall fast instead the same number
           of days later on. Allah desires that you have ease. He does not desire you to be afflicted with hardship. You are, however, required to
          complete the necessary number of days and to extol the greatness of Allah for having guided you and to tender your thanks (to Him).
          If My servants ask you about Me, I am indeed near. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls to me. Let them then respond
                                to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be wise. (Al-Baqarah: The Cow: 2: Verses: 183-6)

We must always realise that          be, with all the duties it imposes     after the Prophet’s (Pbuh)             whether it is done voluntarily,    account does himself good
duties of worship aim primarily      on us and look at it in the light of   settlement in Madinah. As a new        i.e, not in compensation for       thereby”. Allah follows this
at the formulation of an attitude    our overall duty of obedience to       duty, fasting was very hard for        not fasting, or by doing more      by recommending that fasting
of mind which governs the            Allah in every respect. We must        Muslims. Allah, therefore, gave        than the minimum required.         has great benefits for us. Most
behaviour of the believer, which     take it as a perfect, harmonious       a concession to those who find         The compensation required for      immediately apparent to us
develops his conscience and          whole, which includes situations       fasting too much of a strain and       making use of this concession is   is the fact that it teaches self-
helps him offer his worship in the   which require strenuous effort         who can do it only with great          to feed one person for each day    control, bearing hardships and
proper manner and adopt a good       and situations of ease and             difficulty. They were allowed not      one does not fast, and increase    making a conscious preference
standard of behaviour in life.       concession, trusting the wisdom        to fast, provided that they feed a     it to feed two or three or more    of obeying Allah, even at the
From our point of view, we must      of Allah who knows best.               needy person. He also made it          needy people for each day. This    expense of one’s own rest and
always take the religion of Islam    Fasting was first made an              clear to them that to feed the         is the meaning of the statement-   comfort.
as a whole, as Allah willed it to    obligation in the second year          needy is highly commendable,           “He who does good of his own                               Page 22
ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012               17

  Plan Your Time Well for Suhoor
        Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is quoted as saying: “Make sure to have your suhoor meal, for suhoor is blessed”. It is
          a concession given to us by Allah so that we are better able to undertake the task of fasting throughout the day.

Commentary by Adil Salahi            said to his wife: ‘Do you have       companions that they should         every generation, that they need     which is derived from the word
                                     any food?’ She said: ‘No, but        consider the call made by Ibn       not start fasting before they are    sahar which denotes the night
We fast from dawn to dusk. This      I can go and seek some food          Umm Maktoom as the signal           absolutely certain that it is due.   time immediately before dawn.
is the timing given to us by Allah   for you.’ He had spent all that      for starting the fast. Aisha, the   Some people in later generations     The Prophet explains to us that it
in the Quran when he states: You     day working. As he sat, sleep        Prophet’s wife, mentions that       began to advise people to leave      is this meal which distinguishes
may eat and drink until you can      overtook him, when his wife          Bilal made his call to prayer       a gap of time between finishing      our fasting from that of people of
distinguish the whiteness of the     came back and saw him, she           when it was still night time. She   their meal and the time for          earlier religions. It is, therefore,
day against the blackness of the     said ‘deprived you are’. ‘When       further quotes the Prophet as       Fajr prayer. They did this as a      a concession given to us by
night at dawn. Then continue         it was midday the following          saying: “Eat and drink until Ibn    precaution against error. This       Allah so that we are better able
your fast until nightfall.”          day, he fell unconscious.” This      Umm Maktoom makes his call          Hadith and similar ones are          to undertake the task of fasting
(2;187)                              was reported to the Prophet.                                                                                  throughout the day. When the
This verse, however, was not         Shortly afterwards, the verse                                                                                 Prophet adds in the first of the
revealed at the time when the        was revealed which starts with:        Suhoor was introduced to clear the wrong notion                        last two Hadiths that this meal
duty of fasting was imposed          It is made permissible for you to    that once they (Muslims) go to sleep, they cannot eat                    in the early hours of the morning
in the second year after the         have sex with your wives in the        till the azan was called for the Maghrib next day.                     is blessed, he leaves us no doubt
Prophet’s (Pbuh) settlement          night of fasting. Also revealed                                                                               that we should always make
in Madinah. What Muslims             (in the same verse) were                                                                                      sure to have it.
were required to do before the       Allah’s words: You may eat and                                                                                Some people find it difficult to
revelation of this verse was that    drink until you distinguish the      to prayer. He does not make it      clear in that no such time gap is    wake up at that early time in
they were allowed to eat, drink      whiteness of the day against the     until the break of dawn.” This      required for any reason. Indeed,     order to have a meal. They say
and have sex with their wives at     blackness of the night.              Hadith is related by Al-Bukhari     the Prophet has taught us to take    that they prefer to go without
night, until they have prayed Isha   Prophet taught his companions        and more than one version of it     our meal of Suhoor, i.e. the meal    it rather than interrupt their
and slept. When they have slept,     to exercise it to the full, making   is related by Muslim. Al Bukhari    we eat before we begin fasting,      sleep. Be that as it may, they
no matter how early at night they    sure to have a meal shortly          further quotes a statement added    as late as possible. Anas quotes     lose a great deal of blessings
did so, they were not allowed to     before the beginning of the day      by one of the reporters of this     the Prophet as saying: “Make         by sleeping through that time.
have anything to eat or drink        of fasting. At the time of the       Hadith which states: “The gap       sure to have your suhoor meal,       They will have to wake up
until sunset of the following        Prophet, two of his companions       between the two calls to prayer     for suhoor is blessed.: Another      shortly afterwards anyway in
day. Al-Bukhari relates on the       made the call to prayer at dawn,     made by them was no more than       Hadith related by Muslim on          order to offer their Fajr prayers.
authority of Al Baraa: “If a man     Bilal and Ibn Umm Maktoom.           what it took the one to come        the authority of Amr ibn Al-Aas      If they wake up for suhoor, they
from among the companions of         Bilal was a former Abyssinian        down and the other to go up.”       quotes the Prophet as saying:        make sure of praying Fajr at the
Muhammad (Pbuh) was fasting          slave who had a very melodious       There used to be a time gap of      “The difference between our          beginning of its time which is
and it was time to end the fast,     voice. Ibn Umm Maktoom was           reciting around 50 verses of        fasting and that of the people of    far more preferable. Moreover,
but he slept before he broke         a blind man whose incident with      Quran between the time Prophet      earlier revelations is the suhoor    if they allow themselves half an
his fast, he was not allowed to      the Prophet is related in Surah      finished eating suhoor and doing    meals.” These two Hadiths            hour extra, they can have a short
eat for the rest of that night, or   80. Each one of them made the        Fajr Prayers.                       stress the importance of making      stint of night worship which is
during the following day until       call to prayer at dawn, with         We note that the gap between        good preparations for a day          always one of the best rewarded
the evening. Qais ibn Sirmah,        Bilal making it first, then Ibn      the two calls to prayer was not     of fasting by having a meal          acts of worship. It is far more
a man from the Ansar, was            Umm Maktoom. In order not to         more than a few minutes. Yet        immediately before it is time        so in Ramadan, when every
fasting. When it was time to         leave any room for confusion,        the Prophet was keen to tell his    to begin the fast. This meal is      good action is rewarded much
end his fast, he came home and       the Prophet mentioned to his         companions, and the Muslims in      given a distinctive name suhoor,                                Page 22
soul talk                                                                                                                                  ISLAMIC VOICE, July 2012
                           Azaan -
                 A Sublime Musical Experience
             From the Azaan, flows wisdom which waters spiritually parched souls. It was the month of
                  Ramadan and when the the Azaan came through, I felt like I was in a fairy land.
By Indira Satyanarayan                ental Christians, but one of the       claimed in the right ear of the        even while conducting business,       seminar organised by Secular Ac-
                                      Emigrants had a dream. A man           newly born child which is Sun-         performing mundane duties, one        tivists Watch at the Y.B.Chavan
During the fasting month of           wearing a green cloak told him         nat.                                   should not let materialistic con-     Auditorium had made a poignant
Ramadan, my friend Zaheer             in the dream that the best way         Azaan is recited five times in         cerns take over the spiritual call-   comment which I will always re-
Memon ( NCP National                  of summoning people to prayer          a day. ‘’ Why Five times in a          ing of remembering God.               member. The Justice said that as
secretary- Advocate Majid             was to have a man with a ‘’Res-        day’’, I ask. My question ap-          One of the remarkable aspects         a child, he had seen his father re-
Memon’s son) gave me the book,        onant Voice’’ call the people          pears naive to my friend, Zaheer       of Karen Armstrong’s biography        cite the Gayatri Mantra at dawn,
‘’Muhammad- A Biography of            loudly with ‘’Allahu Akbar!’’(         Memon. ‘’You have to remem-            of Muhammad is that she has           at the same time from a nearby
the Prophet,” to read, with the       God is great), three times, to         ber God throughout the Day,’’ is       portrayed him as both Prophet         mosque, the Azaan would burst
condition, ‘’ Be sure to return the   remind the Muslims that God is         the profound answer.                   and Poet. The book aroused my         out. While the Gayatri Mantra
book to is my wedding        greater than any other good. The       Shattering the grim silence of the     curiosity to experience the mu-       was in Sanskrit, the Azaan was
present. ‘’                           summons would continue thus:           early dawn, theAzaan acts as a         sic of the Azaan. I switched on       in Arabic. The language of the
 One of the gems delineated in the    ‘’ I bear witness that there is no     wake-up call exhorting Muslims         the speaker in my computer and        prayers was different, but the
book by the author, Karen Arm-        God but Allah, I bear witness          that, ‘’ prayer is better than sleep   went to the google site search-       substance was the same – MAN
strong- a Roman Catholic Nun          that Muhammad is the Apostle           ‘’ reminding them to get ready to      ing forAzaan. It was the month        REACHING OUT TO GOD.
is the mystic, musical power of       of God. Come to Prayer. Come           perform their worldly duties.          of Ramadan And Lo! When the           While listening to the Azaan, I
the Azaan, which had a poignant       to Prayer. Come to Divine Ser-          Once I had forgotten to set the       Azaan came through, I felt like I     realized that there are no musi-
effect on me. Azaan to Muslims        vice. Come to Divine Service,          alarm clock to wake me up at           was in a fairy land . The Azaan       cal instruments used, but still
is a call for prayer recited at an    Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.            5.30 in the morning . The Azaan        was from a mosque in Turkey           the music was so soothing and
appointed time with certain pre-      Prophet Muhammad liked the             however acted as an alarm and          called by Hafiz Mustafa Ozkan.        spiritually elevating. I discov-
scribed words. Karen Armstrong        idea and appointed Bilal, Abu          woke me up. While in Jeddah            It dawned upon me then that the       ered a delightful blend of Raag,
in her biography of the Prophet,      Bakr’s freedman as the person in       shopping in the busy street of         Azaan was a poignant musical          Taal, and Bhava in the Azaan.
‘’Provides us with an accurate        charge of this assignment. Every       Balad in mid-afternoon, I saw          appeal from one individual soul       The Azaan’s spiritual depth,
and profound understanding of         morning Hazrat Bilal ,the black        shops being shut for Salaat            to the soul of humanity, asking       the poetry and verbal music in
Islam and the people who ad-          Muslim, who had a loud, awe-           (prayers) when business was at         them to turn to God for succour       it compels one to respond to its
here to it ‘’ she explains that in    some voice used to climb up to         its peak. ‘’ Won’t this amount         and to partake of the spiritual       sublime message of SURREN-
April 623, about seven months         the top of the tallest house near      to loss of profit, ‘’ I had asked .    feast.                                DER to God.
after the Hijra (the emigration       the mosque and sit on the roof         The reply I got from the owner         A few years ago, Justice Sri          (The writer can be reached at in-
of the Prophet and his followers      top, waiting for the first rays of     of a jewellery shop was that           Krishna, while speaking at a
to the city of Madina), Muham-        the dawn to appear. When he
mad built a Mosque in Madina          saw the rays, he used to stretch
in which there was a large court-     out his arms , face the Kabaah
yard for formal prayers. At first,    and before beginning the Call,
people used to turn up for prayers    would say , ‘’O, God I praise
without summons, but this was         Thee and ask Thy Help for
obviously unsatisfactory as ev-       Quraysh that they may accept
erybody turned up at different        Thy religion. ‘’
times. Councils were held for the     It is believed that the Muezzin
formulation of the proper Prayer      will have great rewards on the
Call. Muhammad first thought of       Day of Resurrection. Muslims
using a ram’s horn, like the Jews     also believe that besides prayer
or a wooden clapper, like the ori-    times, the Azaanshould be pro-

   Page 19

Compensation for not Fasting ...
poor person is operative in this      year and breast-feeding the year
case. For each day of Ramadan,        after that. She is thus in a similar
he should give every poor person      situation to a person who is
two meals of the average type         chronically ill. In all these cases,
he has in his home normally.          compensation may be offered
He may, if he so wishes, give         by way of feeding a poor person
the poor person the cost of that      for one day (two meals) in place
meal in cash, according to a          of each missed day of fasting. In
number of eminent scholars.           this condition which my reader
The persons to whom this              has put to me, this last method
opinion remains valid are: 1) a       of compensation does not apply.
very old man or woman who can         When he has this pain, which he
no longer bear the difficulty of      says he has two or three times
fasting from dawn to dusk; 2) a       each month, he may go ahead
person who is chronically ill and     and have his pain killer tablet.
has little hope of recovery; and      What he is required to do is to
3) a woman who is pregnant or         fast one day in compensation
breast-feeding, particularly one      for each day of non-fasting in
who finds herself pregnant this       Ramadan.
year, breast-feeding next year,       Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab
pregnant again the following          News - Jeddah )
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