The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine

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The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
Your Resource for Business & Session Room Success


The Missing Link to Your
Successful Massage Practice
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The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
Your Resource for Business & Session Room Success

                                                                 Pg 34-35

ISSUE 299 • APRIL 2021                    

Where We Work
10 Types of Massage Jobs
Earn Money from Online Ad Sales
Is Your Business
Based on Core Values?
“I Don’t Want to Wear a Mask”
(How to Deal with Challenging
Client Behavior)
The Self-Employed MT’s Guide
to Getting Health Insurance
The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
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The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
| April 2021 Issue 299

                                           On the Cover
                                    24     Massage Jobs: One of These 10 Types of Workplaces
                                           Could Provide the Change You’re Looking For
                                           If you are ready to look at a new “where” for your work, follow this guide to the top 10
                                           places therapists can secure a massage job. From medical clinics to independent practice
                                           and many venues in between, the massage field offers myriad workplace choices—and
                                           2021 could be the best time to take a look at where you are, where you want to be in your
                     24                    career, and make the changes necessary to get there.
                                           By Kelly Bowers, LMBT

                                    20     Core Values are Crucial to Your Business’s Success
                                           Your fundamental beliefs are crucial to any business’s success, in your personal life,
                                           massage practice and larger organization.
                                           By Terrance Bonner

                                    30     “My Massage Business Policies Have Changed.”
                                           Communicate Changes in a Way that Builds Good Will
                                           You need a new strategy for communicating your new policies, whether related to
                                           cancellations or COVID-19.
                     20                    By Melinda Hastings, LMT, BCMT
                                           Read “Massage Business Success Means Learning to Love the Financial Side of Your Practice”

                                    38     The Self-Employed MT’s Guide to Getting Health Insurance
                                           As a self-employed individual you can’t access an employer-sponsored plan—but you
                                           need health insurance, even if you’re young and healthy.
                                           By Allison M. Payne

                                    50     How is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Different from Swedish Massage?
                                           Lymphatic drainage follows different pathways than a typical Swedish
                                           massage therapy session.
                     38                    By Selena Belisle
                                           Read about 5 common types of lymphatic drainage treatments in an expanded
                                           version of “How is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Different from Swedish Massage?”

4 MASSAGE Magazine   |April 2021 |
The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
| April 2021 Issue 299

                                Regular Features
                                     36     THE MASSAGE MAGAZINE LIST
                                            Top 3 Ways to Earn Money from Online Ad Sales
                                            By Gael Wood
                                            Read “How Can I Generate Non-Massage Supplemental Income?”
                                            featuring 100 ways to make money online, by Gael Wood, at

                                     30     PRACTICE BUILDING
                     36                     “My Massage Business Policies Have Changed.” Communicate Changes in a Way
                                            that Builds Good Will
                                            By Melinda Hastings, LMT, BCMT

                                     38     MASSAGE LIFE
                                            The Self-Employed MT’s Guide to Getting Health Insurance
                                            By Allison M. Payne

                                     46     TECHNIQUE SPOTLIGHT
                                            Taping & Massage
                                            By Adam Wolf, PT, LMT
                                            Read “Why You Need to be Taping Movement, Not Muscles,” by Adam Wolf,

                                     50     YOU ASKED
                     46                     How is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Different from Swedish Massage?
                                            By Selena Belisle
                                            Read about 5 common types of lymphatic drainage treatments in an expanded version
                                            of “How is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Different from Swedish Massage?”

                                     52     SELF-CARE
                                            Sync Up Your Circadian Rhythm
                                            By Karen Menehan

                                     56     RESEARCH MATTERS
                                            This is How Massage Research Validates Your Work
                                            By Andrea Winzer, M.Sc., LMT, BCTMB
                                            Read “To Grow as a Therapist, Build an Evidence-Based Practice,” on

                                       12     To Our Readers
                                                                                                             Your Resource for Business & Session Room Success

                                                                                                                                                                              Pg 34-35

                                       14     Letters                                                        ISSUE 299 • APRIL 2021                    

                                       16     News
                                       42     New on the Scene
                                       60     Conventions and Events                                         Where We Work
                                       61     Display Ad Directory                                           10 Types of Massage Jobs
                                                                                                April 2021
                                       62     Educational Resources
                                                                                                             Earn Money from Online Ad Sales
                                                                                                             Is Your Business

                                                                                              cover image
                                                                                                             Based on Core Values?

                                              and Development
                                                                                                             “I Don’t Want to Wear a Mask”

                                                                                                             (How to Deal with Challenging

                                                                                     by     Client Behavior)

                                       64     Marketplace
                                                                                                             The Self-Employed MT’s Guide
                                                                                                             to Getting Health Insurance

6 MASSAGE Magazine   |April 2021 |
The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
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The Missing Link to Your Successful Massage Practice - MASSAGE Magazine
| April 2021 Issue 299

Online Resources
                                                                                  Visit for unique articles, special offers, videos, e-books and
                                                                                  more. Our site is updated throughout each week to bring you the latest news and
                                                                                  advice related to running a massage practice, self-care, business and hands-on

                                                                                  COVID-19 Resources
                                                                                  Get information on coronavirus (COVID-19), with articles on sanitation
                                                                                  processes, PPE, self-care, news, safety advice and marketing insights, updated

                                                                                  Massage Study Buddy
                                                                                  With more than 1,400 practice test questions, Massage Study Buddy is the only
                                                                                  tool you need to pass the MBLEx. This tool is free and allows you to study how,
                                                                                  when and where you want. Massage Study Buddy is guaranteed to help you pass
                                                                                  the MBLEx the first time.

                                                                                  FREE E-Books
                                                                                  Download free e-books on topics including self-care, technique and business—

                              The Top 8                                           including MASSAGE Magazine’s guide to building a successful massage practice.
                                                                                  Massage Insurance Plus Liability Insurance
                             Techniques                                           Insurance protects your practice, whether you are a new practitioner or one
                              for 2021                                            with an established career. Even the most skilled professional can encounter an
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                                 Assisted Stretching
                                 Trauma Release
                                 Kinesiology Taping
                                                           Oncology Massage
                             SPECIAL: How to Market a Technique

                                                                                  Resource Centers

                                                                                  MASSAGE Magazine’s Resource Centers provide specialized articles, videos, news,
                                                                                  tools and information to support new and experienced massage therapists. Topics
                                                                                  covered by our Resource Centers include Massage CE, MBLEx Review, Careers,
                                                                                  Kinesiology Taping, Insurance, Massage Creams, Modalities and Tables, Pregnancy
                                                                                  and Infant Massage, and Topical Pain Relief. Visit and select
                                                                                  each Resource Center from the pull-down menu.

                                                                                  Social Media
                                                                                  Join our groups to network with and learn from your massage colleagues:
                                                                                         Facebook Closed Group:          

8 MASSAGE Magazine                         |April 2021 |
| April 2021 Issue 299                                         FAQs
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10 MASSAGE Magazine        |April 2021 |
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To Our Readers

                                     IT IS ALWAYS the right time                                For example, the massage field offers myriad types
                                     to consider your career. Such                          of workplaces; as well as independent practice versus
                                     questions as “What brings                              employment—and practically unlimited specialties and target
                                     me the most professional                               clientele. You can build long-term resilience by choosing the
                                     satisfaction right now?”;                              workplace and focus that are best for you. As Kelly Bowers writes
                                     “How can I best communicate                            in “Massage Jobs: One of These 10 Types of Workplaces Could
                                     with my clients?”; and “What                           Provide the Change You’re Looking For” (page 24), there is no
                                     is the ethical bedrock on                              one-size-fits-all massage job.
                                     which my practice rests?” are                              Therapists who have chosen independent practice can build
                                          PHOTO BY STUDIO R

                                     all vital to success—and these                         resilience by standing firmly behind their policies—like rules
                                     and other considerations                               about masks, COVID-19 symptoms and cancellations. Our
                                     are addressed in this special                          guide to policies, “‘My Massage Business Policies Have Changed.’
                                    Career Issue edition of                                 Communicate Changes in a Way that Builds Good Will” (page
                                    MASSAGE Magazine,                                       30), by Melinda Hastings, gives you the tools you need.
   I feel the word that best describes the massage field and its                                And in “Core Values are Crucial to Your Business’s Success”
members is resilient. Despite the challenges and even losses                                (page 20), Terrance Bonner helps you build resiliency by looking
experienced in the last year, the massage field remains resilient.                          at how you run your practice, and how you can boost it up with
Strong. Tough. Expansive. Rebounding.                                                       faith, determination, dedication and compassion.
   For some therapists, business is better than ever. Others have                               We are one-third into 2021, and with vaccinations underway,
pivoted to offer online courses and treatments. Some have taken                             new realizations about the powerful need for human touch, and
a pause to retool their focus and learn new skills. There is no                             innovative business concepts being born each day, we can be
right or wrong way of being during this new normal, and each of                             confident that the massage field will not just survive, but will
has to do what we feel is best.                                                             thrive and continue to evolve in exciting ways.
   No matter your focus right now, this could be the exact right                                Please send me your ideas for articles and news, or simply
time to take a look at your massage career and determine how                                check in, at
you want to shape your work life.

Contributors                                                                 Meet some of the contributors who helped
                                                                             create this month’s MASSAGE Magazine

Kelly Bowers wrote “Massage              Andrea Winzer wrote “This        Terrance Bonner wrote “Core       Selena Belisle answers this    Melinda Hastings wrote “‘My
Jobs: One of These 10 Types              is How Massage Research          Values are Crucial to Your        month’s You Asked question,    Massage Business Policies
of Workplaces Could Provide              Can Support Your Success”        Business’s Success” for this      “How is Manual Lymphatic       have Changed.’ Communicate
the Change You’re Looking                for this issue. Andrea, who      issue. Terrance is a massage      Drainage Different from        Changes in a Way that
For” for this issue. Kelly writes,       helps people heal their pain     therapy instructor and CE         Swedish Massage?” for this     Builds Good Will” for this
teaches and speaks about the             and suffering on emotional,      provider. He is also the author   issue. Selena is the founder   issue. Melinda has practiced
business of massage. She is              mental, physical and spiritual   of “Determination + Core          of CE Institute LLC, where     massage therapy since 1996.
the owner of the Healing Arts            levels, wrote this article       Values = Success: A Business-     she teaches evidence-based,    She is a Nationally Approved
Business Academy.                        on behalf of the Massage         Building Guidebook for New        NCBTMB-approved lymphatic      Continuing Education Provider
                                         Therapy Foundation.              Wellness Entrepreneurs.”          drainage CE courses, as well   through the NCBTMB.
                                                                                                            as other topics.

12 MASSAGE Magazine                  | April 2021 |
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In Our Mailbox

BE HEARD! MASSAGE Magazine invites Letters to the Editor on topics in the magazine and within the massage profession. Letters should be
no more than 300 words in length and may be sent to:


Polarity—Science or Not?                                                 by Harold Saxton Burr; they include the groundbreaking copper
I remember the first time I received a Polarity [Therapy] session        wall studies at Menninger Foundation, as well as the correlation
decades ago. I had no idea what it was, and about 5 to 10 minutes        between biofield changes and physiology demonstrated by Nobel
into it, I remember saying to myself, “I’m paying for this!” (“What      Laureate Mae Wan Ho; and they are advancing rapidly in modern
is Polarity Therapy—and How Can it be Used in Massage?”,                 university studies.                                                                                   It is important to understand that this
    I was only used to massage where I was                                                      kind of science is the base that forms the
being manipulated and touched deeply.                                                           foundation for more specific research.
The next thing I knew the session was                                                           The original article did not claim Polarity
over. I went into one of the deepest places                                                     Therapy is a form of spiritual healing.
of relaxation. Wonderful, wonderful                                                             Rather, it is specifically grounded in the
therapy. Love it.                                                                               emerging science of energy medicine.
Karen Ball                                                                                       Roger Gilchrist, RPE, RCST
St. Augustine, Florida
                                                                                                 How We’ve Changed
It is obvious from reading this article                                                          I was really impressed with how the
that this is a religious or spiritual practice                                                   magazine has been at the forefront of
and not evidence-based. The author                                                               change and improvement over the last
clearly has no understanding of scientific                                                       35 years (“A Timeline of Massage Events
research and cannot explain the evidence                                                         that Shaped the Field, 1985–2020,”
that supports this therapy. What makes                                                  Thanks for sharing.
the scientific community important is the                                                        Ben Perales
fact that it is collaborative, it works on a                                                     Aiea, Hawaii
scaffold of existing evidence in order to
build new insights in clinical practice.                                                            Memberships, Yes & No
    If we want massage therapy to be                                                                I love memberships and I’m confused as
a viable health care service and not a                                                              to why so many LMTs are against them.
spiritual/faith healing practice or pseudo-                                                         Business-wise, it’s brilliant and a win-
science we need to reflect the ethical standards of the scientific       win for everyone. My practice was membership-based; we called
community.                                                               it our membership wellness program—and it was there for my
Christine Grimes, LMT                                                    ideal client, people who are serious about massage and their
Via email                                                                wellness goals.
                                                                             [At my practice] there were lots of perks to committing and
Author Roger Gilchrist Responds                                          it really did give the client the best bang for their buck. It helped
As the author of the article on Polarity Therapy, it is important to     so much with budgeting to know roughly how much guaranteed
me to note the letter of concern. This kind of informed discussion       cash flow I had to work with every month. There’s a reason why
is part of the scientific method, and in the long run it improves        big chain massage establishments use this model: It works.
everyone’s understanding. Since some points in the letter of             Michelle Mitchell
concern erred from themes I intended to address in the article, I        Via
will take this opportunity to clarify those.
    I do, in fact, have an understanding of scientific research. I was   Absolutely not. What distinguishes small businesses from
trained at a major research university that is home to one of the        the chains is the personalized, individualized care and clients
top 10 medical schools in the U.S. I cited the primary research          knowing the true value of that service. Memberships lend an air
study to date that focused on Polarity Therapy. That was funded          of obligation and perfunctory attendance and lessen the value of
by the National Institutes of Health.                                    the service in the mind of the client.
    Biofield studies are an aspect of the established discipline         Mary Fitzgerald
of biophysics. These date from the 1930s research at Harvard             Via         M

14 MASSAGE Magazine      | April 2021 |
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          News & Current Events

MTF President Robin Anderson
Begins Her Term
Robin B. Anderson, MEd, LMT, BCTMB,                                                        as we are a nonprofit    RA: Our research agenda, which recently
CEAS, is the Massage Therapy Foundation’s                                                  organization. So the     came out, is something that’s going to be
(MTF) new president, taking over from                                                      funds we take in,        shared for people to understand the future
Douglas Nelson, LMT, BCTMB, CNMT--. Her                                                    we put back into the     directions of where our profession could
term at MTF, an organization that promotes                                                 profession. My goal      be going and where more research could
                                                COURTESY OF MTF
massage research and community service,                                                    is also to find those    be developed. The next systematic review
begins April 1, 2021, and runs for two years.                                              researchers who          could be developed from that research
                                                                                           want to do research      agenda. We’re also working on a practice-
MASSAGE Magazine: Can you give us a                                Robin B. Anderson that could potentially         based research network.
snapshot of what is entailed in being the                                                  propel the profession.      We also have some cool
president of the MTF?                                                My job is also to look for some volunteers,    fundraising avenues. Doug recently
                                                                  because the MTF is only as good as the            started the Spare Change Program
Robin Anderson: The president oversees                            people who fuel the fires, fuel the projects      (
the board and the operations—not the                              that we do.                                       change), because little change makes a big
day-to-day, that’s really what the executive                         The president is the face of all of those      difference. We’re trying to do some other
director does—but I work in conjunction                           things and the champion of all of those           creative things too, some fun fundraisers—so
with the executive director. I’ll do speaking                     things, with a lot of support, of course, from    stay tuned for that.
engagements, talk to the people who are                           the board and the staff. This is not a one-
interested in doing research, the grantees,                       woman show by any means!                          —Karen Menehan
oversee the projects that we tackle, and
then, of course, fundraising.                                     MM: Are there any new MTF projects in the         Read the full Q&A with Robin Anderson at
   All of what we do involves what we raise,                      works that you’d like to share with us? 

                                                                  Americans are (Still, Very) Stressed
        404.66                                                    A poll conducted by the American Psychological Association and released to the public on

                                                                  Feb. 2 showed that in early 2021 U.S. adults had reported the highest stress level since the
                                                                  early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Stress in America: January 2021 Stress Snapshot
                                                                  was conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association.
                                                                     Eighty-four percent of Americans reported feeling at least one emotion associated with
                                                                  prolonged stress in the prior two weeks. The most common were feelings of anxiety (47%),
      Projected size of the                                       sadness (44%) and anger (39%).

    global complementary                                             Additionally, two in three adults (67%) said the number of issues America is facing is
                                                                  overwhelming to them. Those issues that respondents pegged as significant include the
       medicine market by                                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (80%) and U.S. political unrest (74%).
                                                                     “Nearly a year into the pandemic, prolonged stress persists at elevated levels for many
       2028, according to                                         Americans. As we work to address stressors as a nation, from unemployment to education,

    Grand View Research,                                          we can’t ignore the mental health consequences of this global shared experience,” said
                                                                  Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, APA’s chief executive officer. “Without addressing stress as part of a
     growing from $100.04                                         national recovery plan, we will be dealing with the mental health fallout from this pandemic
                                                                  for years to come.”
           billion in 2021.                                          The APA recommends as stress-relievers taking a break from the news and social media,
                                                                  reflecting on positive aspects of one’s life, exercise, humor and staying connected to friends
                                                                  and family. (This publication will add: Get massage.)

16 MASSAGE Magazine      | April 2021 |
Massage Practice Awarded for Resilience
                             MINDBODY software company recently               When the business originally closed, the
                             announced the recipients of its 2020             wellness studio offered distance reiki energy
                             Visionary Awards. Bodywise Massage               healings. Then, when only outdoor massages
                             Inc. was awarded in the category of              were allowed, the business renovated
                             Consciously Evolving, an award category          its courtyard to create a private treatment
                             that acknowledges businesses that balanced       oasis.”
                             safety and business acumen during the year.         The Visionary Awards celebrate those
                                The massage practice is located in            businesses that use Mindbody’s (mindbody.
                             San Rafael, California. According to             com) product and have demonstrated
                             a statement released by MINDBODY,                adaptability, strength, determination
                             “Every time a new challenge presented            and community in the face of the global
                             itself, Bodywise Massage found a solution.       coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

                             New Multicultural Group                                                       One-Third of Patients
                             Seeks Founding Members                                                        Put on Ventilator Report
                             A new group that intends to provide tools and education to health-and-
                             beauty therapies, with an emphasis on diversity and multiculturalism,
                                                                                                           PTSD Symptoms
                             has launched. Toshiana Baker founded the Network of Multicultural             Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is triggered by a terrifying
                             Spa and Wellness Professionals (NMSWP) in early 2021 to support               event, according to the Mayo Clinic, and involves such
                                                      multiethnic and multicultural health care            symptoms as flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well
                                                      professionals. She said the NMSWP is needed          as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Massage therapy
                                                      because she found in her spa and wellness            has been found effective through anecdotal and scientific

                                                      career that “true diversity and inclusion”           evidence to relieve symptoms of PTSD and is employed
                                                      were lacking. Baker has worked in spas as an         frequently in work with U.S. military veterans and survivors of
                                                      esthetician and educator for 15-plus years and       domestic violence and other trauma.
                                                      also founded SpaWorx, a spa-and-wellness                A new study out of the UK, “Post-traumatic stress disorder
                                                      business consulting firm.                            symptoms in COVID-19 survivors: online population survey”
                              Toshiana Baker             Baker said in an NMSWP press release that         (, confirmed the hypothesis that PTSD
                                                      the increased collective awareness of racial         symptoms were disproportionately elevated in those requiring
                             inequities, disparities and lack of representation of people of color         inpatient admission. The authors noted, “especially those
                             within the mainstream last year was the final nudge she needed to             requiring ventilation support, compared with those who had
                             launch the NMSWP.                                                             mild COVID-19 symptoms that had been managed at home
                                However, she added that the spectrum of representation in today’s          … [and] these group-level differences controlled for relevant
                             global marketplace goes beyond race, and pointed to the global                demographic characteristics, medical and psychiatric history,
                             population becoming predominantly multiethnic and multicultural.              as well as background levels of anxiety and depression.”
                                “We need to be about the business of better preparing and                     The authors noted that their screening tool was not definitive
                             supporting the multicultural and multiethnic healers and practitioners        in determining if the formal definition of trauma was met in
                             across all disciplines to better serve the multiethnic and multicultural      relation to a person’s COVID-19 experiences, or if PTSD
                             client,” Baker said. “Anything less is incongruent and inauthentic.”          symptoms had persisted for sufficient time to constitute PTSD
                                A paid membership is required to access the NMSWP’s (            rather than an adjustment reaction.
                             content and resources, which include monthly video trainings and,                “Collectively, these findings highlight the importance of
                             interviews with experts and vendor resources.                                 following up survivors of COVID-19 infection for PTSD,” they
                                                                                                           noted. M
                             Read a feature article about the NMSWP at

                                                                                                                MASSAGE Magazine | April 2021 |           17
20 MASSAGE Magazine   | April 2021 |
Core Values are Crucial to
  Your Business’s Success
                                                      By Terrance Bonner


ALONG MY JOURNEY, I have come to                vision of my space, I would come to realize    heart and soul, and I would not stop.
learn how important core values helped          something later on—much later, actually:       Compassion also helped me pursue this
me achieve my goals. My core values             I realized my core values dictated my          profession. Sometimes we don’t identify
are faith, determination, dedication and        behavior and outcome.                          our core values, but someone may help us
compassion.                                         The journey I was on forced me to take     along the way to navigate our course to
    I realized my first core value of faith     a leap of faith. I knew with the preparation   help others. I have always had compassion
at a very young age. (Most people can’t         I had done I would be ready. Faith is          and in my opinion, it is crucial for my
remember things that happened to them           my number-one core value, actually my          business.
while they were young, but I distinctly         driving force.
remember a moving train and my mother               Every “no” I received pushed me            Negative Core Values
pressing hard on the gas as I held on for       harder to my destination. Determination        Matter Too
dear life in the back seat.) Values that        is another one of my core values. It is        Another thing to remember is that
were instilled in me from a young age           perhaps my second strongest core value,        individuals do not necessarily choose their
have come to shape my very existence and        and pushed me through everything and           core values. Many people have these values
contribute to the success I have today.         made me a better person. Without my            instilled in them by their parents and the
    In this article, you will see how your      determination and faith, you would not be      surrounding community and could be
fundamental beliefs are crucial to any          reading this now.                              either positive or negative.
business’s success, whether it be in one’s          Finding a purpose may be easy for             You may already live by strong core
personal life or organization.                  some and for others it could take a            values without realizing it. Here are some
    They say that someone else’s success is     lifetime. It’s also more than a job or a       examples of the negative core values in
tied to whether or not you are obedient         career. It’s much deeper. It’s that driving    your life that you may identify with:
to yours. I faced a lot of trials and           force that is unstoppable. It’s the knowing
tribulations in my years of climbing to the     you are meant for something more, even         •   A belief that the world is
top. I had to learn things the hard way. I      when you can’t put your finger on it.              fundamentally a hard place and that
had to push through. No one held doors              For me, this took time; it did not             only the strong survive.
open for me. I had to unlock them. So if I      show up or manifest quickly. I remember
can help just one person out, they can pay      listening to recruiters in high school and     •   A belief that people are powerless to
it forward to do the same.                      when they mentioned massage therapy,               change personal situations.
                                                something resonated deep within me. My
Core Values Dictate                             family had no clue what massage meant,         •   A belief that you do not deserve good
Outcome                                         and encouraged me to pursue working                things or relationships in life.
As I entered my career as a massage             with computers. I listened to them,
therapist and esthetician, my goal was to       and went into animation and design. I          •   A belief that people are unloving or
become a boss by owning my business. I          hated it. I quit. Doesn’t sound much like          non-deserving.
honestly did not realize what it all entailed   determination, does it?
or how to begin. As I wrote everything              Dedication, however, kept me               •    A belief that life is meaningless.
down I needed, like equipment and the           pursuing something I knew was in my

                                                                                 MASSAGE Magazine | April 2021 |          21
Core Values are Crucial to Your Business's Success

Identify Positive Core                                        an unwavering commitment and if they                  to your business, I promise you that the
Values                                                        are in it for the long run. These guiding             possibilities are endless. M
After you start to diminish your negative                     principles help define how your company
core values, you can begin to work on your                    should behave in business. Core values
                                                                                                                    Highly recognized in the massage and
positive ones. List your four cornerstone                     are usually expressed in the corporation’s
                                                                                                                    esthetic industry, massage therapy
values. Ask yourself the following                            mission statement.
                                                                                                                    instructor and CE provider Terrance Bonner
questions:                                                       Some examples of core values for a
                                                                                                                    ( has trained
                                                              company include:
                                                                                                                    all over the U.S. and internationally. His
•       What brings me the most joy in life?
                                                                                                                    continued training and dedication to his
                                                              •    A commitment to sustainability
                                                                                                                    craft, as well as his diverse approach to
•       What provides meaning to my life?                          and to acting in an environmentally
                                                                                                                    massage and skin care, has led him to be
                                                                   friendly way.
                                                                                                                    featured on CBS, FOX and NBC, and in
•       What is my guiding principle to do
                                                                                                                    The New York Times. He is the author of
        well in life?                                         •    A commitment to innovation and
                                                                                                                    “Determination + Core Values = Success:
                                                                                                                    A Business-Building Guidebook for New
•       What would I want to achieve?
                                                                                                                    Wellness Entrepreneurs,” available on
                                                              •    A commitment to doing good for the
                                                                                                           and from which this article was
•       What is the one thing that seems to                        whole.
        keep me going?
                                                              •    A commitment to caring for others.
•       Do I have firm beliefs?
                                                              Endless Possibilities
•       What are the central beliefs that guide               Who would have thought that a little
        my actions?                                           Black boy from Mississippi would one day
                                                              become the owner of a six-figure business
Company Core Values                                           in an industry where people who look like
Core values guide companies to determine                      him are few and far between? If you take
if they are fulfilling their goals by creating                these exercises seriously and apply them

                                                Learn . . .

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22 MASSAGE Magazine               | April 2021 |
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24 MASSAGE Magazine   | April 2021 |
Massage Jobs
   One of These 10 Types of Workplaces Could Provide
             the Change You’re Looking For
                                                   By Kelly Bowers, LMBT


A MASSAGE THERAPIST FRIEND and I              has taken a long look at their massage job       “where,” follow this guide to the top 10
joke about advanced tapotement—having         and asked themselves, “stay or go?”              places therapists might secure a massage
to bop someone on the head. The chaos of         Some people decided to retire or move         job. I have grouped these into two
2020 (which isn’t over, even a few months     into a new profession. Some decided to           categories: massage-primary and massage-
into 2021) has given massage therapists       stay but want change in how they’ve been         secondary: places where massage is the
a solid round of advanced tapotement.         working, including where they work.              primary business and places where massage
Virtually every massage therapist I know         If you are ready to look at a new             is a secondary part of their business.

Massage-Primary vs. Massage-Secondary Jobs                                                     practice with multiple locations and dozens
When a workplace is massage-primary, the things you need to deliver massage—space,             of therapists. You’re often paid by a split
supplies, tools and time—will be given priority because massage is its primary income          (a percentage of each massage) but there’s
stream. You may have leadership who are or have been massage therapists themselves.            less responsibility for things like laundry
Management should understand the need for continuing education, license renewal and            and marketing. If you’re an independent
time between appointments.                                                                     contractor you still need to maintain a
    When a workplace is massage-secondary, the things you need to deliver massage may          separate practice (or at least try to) or you
not be given priority because massage is not the primary income stream. It’s secondary,        risk being mis-classified. Note: I discuss
or a supplement to the primary source of income. You can’t expect leadership to be or          franchises separately.
have been massage therapists or even understand the needs of massage therapists. You
may have to advocate harder to get what you need. You may have to educate leadership           Wellness group. This is similar to a group
about massage.                                                                                 practice except there are non-massage
    We’ll look at both massage-primary and massage-secondary settings.                         practitioners such as yoga teachers,
                                                                                               herbalists and acupuncturists. While it
                                                                                               isn’t technically massage-primary, you
Massage-Primary Jobs                                                                           may not have the same challenges of a
                                                                                               massage-secondary setting. The needs of
Private practice. This is the ultimate        private practice is having full control over     all the types of practitioners are ideally
experience of self-employment. Whether        your work.                                       given equal or near-equal weight. The
in your home or in an office, there is only                                                    biggest advantage is the ability to refer
you. You get 100% of the control and          Multi-therapist/group practice. Working          across different specialties and have a
income. You’re also 100% responsible          for someone else in a group of massage           coordinated approach to client care. While
for the expenses and all the behind-the-      therapists. You may be an employee or an         very attractive, I see fewer wellness groups
scenes administrative work, especially        independent contractor. The practice can         than any other type of massage-primary
marketing. The biggest attraction to          be as small as the two of you or as large as a   workplaces.

                                                                                 MASSAGE Magazine | April 2021 |          25
Massage Jobs | One of These 10 Types of Workplaces Could Provide the Change You're Looking For

Franchise. These are national or                 more physically strenuous ways to provide      clients to you, you should also expect to
international chains that primarily provide      massage. Even lightweight tables weigh 25      function as a stand-alone business and
massage, often through a membership              to 30 pounds. You may be self-employed or      market yourself to the fitness facility
model. Individual locations are owned as         an independent contractor for an outcall       membership. Being able to connect
franchises of the larger chain. The three        chain, such as Zeel or Soothe. This can        with personal trainers can make a big
most common examples are Massage Envy,           be some of the highest-priced massage,         difference in filling your schedule.
Hand & Stone and Elements Massage.               potentially offering the highest per-massage
You will be an employee with some of the         pay, and tips are common—but it can also       Medical setting. A medical setting can
expected benefits of employment but also         be the most physically difficult.              mean a hospital, but it’s more likely to
with some of the lowest per-massage pay                                                         mean another medical practitioner’s
in the industry. Franchises work hard to         Massage-Secondary                              office, such as a chiropractic clinic. It
fill your schedule and strongly encourage        Jobs                                           can be similar to working with a fitness
clients to tip generously to augment the                                                        facility in that many people will be coming
pay. The quality of an individual franchise      Fitness facility. Gyms, health clubs           to you for pain relief. Your work may
location is heavily dependent on who             and training centers may have massage          be independent, but you may also be
owns that location and who they hired as         therapists to round out their fitness          expected to work in conjunction with the
management.                                      offerings. You can expect more clients         treatment plans of the larger business. You
                                                 asking for help with muscle pain and           are also more likely expected to have a
Outcall or mobile massage. You provide           function, performance and soft-tissue          detailed knowledge of the musculoskeletal
massage at the client’s location—usually a       issues, though not exclusively. The wider      system. Tips may be uncommon.
home or hotel room. You have to bring all        the demographic of people who use the
your supplies, including table, linens, oils     facility, the wider your potential client      Spa or salon. Spas and salons offer
and music, which can make this one of the        base. While the fitness facility may refer     massage therapy as part of their menu of

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26 MASSAGE Magazine      | April 2021 |
Massage Jobs | One of These 10 Types of Workplaces Could Provide the Change You're Looking For

treatments. The pluses and minuses of                  will likely be shorter than usual. Sessions              Be True to Yourself
fitness facilities and medical offices apply           of 10 to 20 minutes are normal. On-site                  There are no “perfect-for-everyone” places
to salons and spas. Because salons and                 can also mean working at events, such                    to work. Your massage job will come down
spas often promote themselves as places                as bridal showers, farmers’ markets and                  to whom you want to work with and what
for luxury, pleasure and esthetics, you are            health fairs.                                            you want to do with your skills. You may
more likely to have clients who are coming                                                                      want to choose more than one to diversify
to you with the same mindset. Two                      Cruise ship. You will be working in the                  your income stream. Whatever you
common challenges are having a room                    on-board spa. The hours can be long                      choose, be true to yourself and your goals
large enough for your work; and noise and              (eight to 12 hours per day), you are                     as a massage therapist. M
scents from other services provided. Tips              expected to clean and re-stock in your
are very common.                                       spare time, and you are strongly expected
                                                                                                                Kelly Bowers, LMBT (NC 16669), has been
                                                       to push product sales. The on-board
                                                                                                                writing, teaching and speaking about the
Corporate or seated. For this massage                  accommodations are basic and usually
                                                                                                                business of massage since 2003. Owner
job, you take your work into someone                   small. According to multiple sources, pay
                                                                                                                of the Healing Arts Business Academy
else’s workplace that is on-site or in a               can range from $800 - $3,600 per month.
                                                                                                                (, she is the co-author of
corporate setting. You may be there as a               Tips are common. Massage therapists
                                                                                                                “Between Doormat and Diva: How Massage
one-time event or it may be an ongoing                 don’t usually make this a career but a
                                                                                                                Therapists Can Find the Sweet Spot
relationship; weekly, for example. While               short-term option. The primary attraction
                                                                                                                Between Service & Servitude” and “Can
you might work through a company                       is being able to travel while you work.
                                                                                                                I Deduct That?” (both, and
that provides on-site services. you’re just            (U.S. cruise lines are expected to remain
                                                                                                                author of “The Accidental Business Owner”
as likely to be there as an independent                off-line through most of 2021 due to the
                                                                                                                (Handspring Publishing).
business. The most common way to                       coronavirus (COVID-19).)
work is with a massage chair. Sessions

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