OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD

OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
No. 102 Summer 2020

The only UK publication dedicated to American Old Time Music and Dance

                 Old-Time in Lockdown
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
In this issue
                                                                                    Editorial                                                       3
                                                                                    FOAOTMAD matters                                                3
                                                                                    Old-Time in Lockdown:
                                                                                      Old-time music in the time of coronavirus, Maria Wallace      4
                                                                                      House concert sites, Alan Pridgeon                             8
                                                                                      Quarantine Happy Hour, Gabrielle Macrae & Barry Southern 8
                                                                                      Su Mo’s Old-Time Sessions, Su Mo                               9
                                                                                      In these strange times... Maureen Pridgeon                     9
                                                                                      Lockdown diversions, Jan Howard                                9
                                                                                      The Richmond Online Music Gathering, Julian Marshall 10
                                                                                      Support from Old Time News, Judy Spindler                     10
                                                                                      Playing through the pandemic, William Duddy                   11
                                                                                      Spring Camp under Lockdown, Andrew Cocks                      14
                                                                                      Dancing through the pandemic, Clare Sheridan                  16
                     Chairman’s Report                                              Getting started in dance, Paul Sheridan                         17
                                                                                    Step dance, body percussion..., Sara Marshall-Rose              18
    As I sit and write this it is hard to believe how much has
                                                                                    My first FOAOTMAD festival, Jo Moore                            19
    changed in the last three months. We have seen our once
    reasonably measured and ordered world turned upside down                        Kate Lissauer at Penzance Folk Club, Bob Chase                  20
    leaving no one untouched. Undoubtedly in the time gap                           Griffin Banjos, James Bowen                                     21
    between writing this and it appearing in print we will have                     Obituaries:
    seen even more changes, but hopefully we will have a clearer
                                                                                      Bill Skelson, Stu Weetman & Hannah Skelson                    22
    picture of how life in the future will look.
        Some people have suffered far worse than others and                           Carole Chant, David & Shirley Dry                             22
    not always as a direct consequence of the coronavirus                             Annie Warner, Colm Daly                                       23
    pandemic as ordinary life takes its toll as well, often unseen                  The Woodshed, “Trouble, Trouble”, Mike Bostock                  24
    but not forgotten. Over the last few months we have sadly
                                                                                    Spotlight on... Ernie Carpenter, Alan Pridgeon                  26
    lost at least three well known and respected members of
    FOAOTMAD. We will no longer be greeted by smiles and                            Reviews – CDs and films                                         27
    hugs from Annie Warner and Carole Chant as we arrive at                         Dates for your Diary                                            30
    camp or the festival, nor will see the dapper Bill Skelson on                   Latest news on Summer Camp, Andrew Cocks                        31
    stage at Gainsborough. There will always be a place for them
    around the campfire as we sit and enjoy the music they so                       Latest news on Gainsborough, Tim Rooke                          32
    clearly loved.
        Many members are suffering hardship and despair as they
    see their way of life and sometimes their livelihood taken                     website with free access to anyone who wants to read it. It is
    from them, but hopefully the end of the nightmare is in sight.                 downloadable should readers prefer, and it seems the least we
        On the flip side of all that we should recognise the efforts               can do to help the old-time community get through these
    some people have made to make our lives more bearable                          dreadful times.
    through the medium of old-time music and dance. Their                                                                         Alan Pridgeon
    contribution has been both generous and selfless, and we have
    picked out just a few examples to highlight in this magazine,
    but it is by no means all of them. It’s a huge thanks to all of                       Publicity Officer Wanted
    those who have offered free lessons, run sessions, organised or
                                                                                           We are looking for an extra person to join the
    given house concerts etc. during this crisis, and in many ways
                                                                                     FOAOTMAD committee to take on the role of Publicity
    we have had the opportunity to enjoy more old-time music of
                                                                                     Officer. We feel that we need to do more to both advertise
    late than before the lockdown.
                                                                                      what FOAOTMAD has to offer and to reach out and
        While we all reflect on the past months we are also still
                                                                                     encourage suitable advertising in the magazine. Therefore
    working hard to try and prepare for coming out of lockdown.
                                                                                       we are looking for someone who preferably has some
    The summer camp, autumn workshops and next year’s
                                                                                      experience in advertising or marketing and is willing to
    Gainsborough Festival continue to be planned in the hope
                                                                                      work with the other committee members to formulate
    that they can take place, and some information on those
                                                                                                      and manage our publicity.
    plans is included in the magazine which gives us hope and
    something to look forward to.                                                               If you are interested drop a note to
        Finally, as well as going to press as usual, we have                                        chairman@foaotmad.org.uk.
    also decided to post this issue of Old Time News on our
    Cover photos show how some members have been spending their time in lockdown

2                                                                                                       OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
 I thought that this issue of the Old Time News might be               focusing on current old-time musicians. The new ‘Spotlight’
 a bit thin because so many of our usual activities have been          series will shine a light on key individuals in the history of the
 curtailed during the Covid-19 crisis. But not a bit of it.            music and we begin with fiddler Ernie Carpenter. As with
 If anything the issue is testament to the power of music              the ‘Classic Cuts’ series the idea is to build a resource which
 and friendship to help people in times of crisis. Robbed of           members will find useful – in this case of artists who have
 the chance to play together in person people have found               been influential and important in the old-time scene in the
 numerous ways to share music and dance via the internet.              hope that people will seek out their music. I would very much
 We report on a good number of these although no doubt we              encourage others to write pieces on other musicians – and
 are only scratching the surface – if you have been involved           dancers or dance groups - who deserve to be widely known.
 in something which we haven’t reported please get in touch                One theme which shines out clear and strong from this
 for the next issue as all the signs are that things may not be        issue of the Old Time News is friendship. Actually more than
 back to the way they were before for a long time (although            friendship. The strong bonds of companionship, warmth and
 there is some hope that some form of Summer Camp may                  love created by our shared love of old-time music and dance
 be possible). It’s clear from the reports in this issue that many     mean that we are all privileged to be members of an extended
 people have been finding old-time a useful way of maintaining         family. So it is with great sadness that we mourn the passing
 their sanity – although reading Foxy’s account of his solitary        of three valued members of this family – Carole Chant, Bill
 Spring Camp, this grip on sanity may be stronger is some              Skelson and Annie Warner. The warmth of the comments in
 cases than others. I am particularly delighted to see so much         the obituaries is ample testament to how much all three were
 dance content in the issue – no less than three articles. I am        loved and how much they will be missed. I was honoured to
 also pleased to announce the start of a new feature for the           call all three friends and will miss them very much indeed.
 magazine, the brainchild of our chairman who has also penned                                                                   Steve Wise
 the first contribution. Recent issues have run a series of articles

       FOAOTMAD matters                                                      Slim Jim Banjos
 Over the last few months we have become aware that some
 members’ details we hold are out of date. It would be helpful
 therefore if you could help us in the following ways.                                       Bespoke old
 • If you think you may have changed your email address since
   joining FOAOTMAD and not told us it would help us if
   you could do so. To let us know just go onto the website’s
   Contact Us page and simply put your name on the contact
                                                                                             Time Banjos
   form and press send, we will do the rest.
 • Some members are rejoining using the old prices; please
   ensure you are paying the correct amount as detailed in the
   blue box at the back of the magazine or on your renewal
 • Some members still pay their membership fees by an old
   bank standing order and have not changed the payment
   amount since the prices were increased several years ago.
   If you think you may be one of those we would be grateful
   if you could change your standing order amount to that                           Also Repairs And Restoration
   shown in the blue box at the back of the magazine or
   change to GoCardless, our preferred method of payment.
 • Some members are accidently paying twice, normally as                                     T:07578124042
   they have a standing order in place then electing to pay
   their renewal by a different method, forgetting to cancel
   their Standing Order.                                                          WWW.slimjimbanjos.co.uk
 We have decided to send out The Old Time News in
 paper envelopes from now in an effort to ensure we are not
 contributing to the planet’s waste plastic problem. There is a
                                                                                 E: slimjimbanjo@outlook.com
 small on-cost per unit which we feel is worthwhile and will
 be absorbed in our running costs.
                                                   Alan Pridgeon
                                                                                          F: Slim Jim Banjos

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                            3
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
old-time in lockdown

                           Old-time music in the time of coronavirus
                                                           by Maria Wallace
             As everyone reading this knows all too well, the Covid-19 virus crisis started to make a serious
            impact in the UK and USA in early March 2020 and in the following weeks the pandemic really
              took hold across the world. It quickly became apparent that in addition to the serious danger to
             health and life, live music events – concerts, tours, festivals and sessions – would (quite rightly)
           have to be cancelled for the foreseeable future. As well as the social toll this has taken on the old-time
           community, it’s had a devastating financial effect on independent musicians. With music streaming
            (which pays fractions of pennies to most artists) in the ascendant and sales of recorded music at an
            all-time low, live performance has become the main way that most grassroots musicians can earn
            a living. I contacted a handful of old-time musicians on both sides of the Atlantic to find out how
          they’ve been affected, and to ask how fans and friends might be able to help them to survive and keep
             making music during this crisis. Their responses were received in late April and early May 2020.
       JANE ROTHFIELD                                                    the world to create a “new normal” and so I have started to
       Based in Staunton, Virginia, Jane has been celebrated for         reinvent my business model of performing, teaching and
       several decades as an exceptional old-time fiddler, banjoist      creating community in a virtual world.
       and tune writer. She taught banjo on the FOAOTMAD
                                                                         Have you been able to move some of your work online?
       residential weekend back in 2017 and has toured the UK
                                                                         First of all, it took a few weeks for me to get used to being
       with her duo Hen’s Teeth, one of her many projects.
                                                                         home all the time! My first step was to get input from friends,
                                                                         family and students about my ideas, marketing and outreach
                                                                         processes and most importantly what they wanted from me.
                                                                         I also did some test performing and teaching, to see what
                                                                         worked and what didn’t. I decided to add weekly group lessons
                                                                         for fiddle, clawhammer banjo and back up guitar, as well as
                                                                         hosting jams online on the Zoom platform. My students
                                                                         and those who contact me about my weekly jams will get the
                                                                         added value of a Dropbox link to my recordings of a Tune of
                                                                         the Week – played by me on fiddle, banjo and guitar (basic,
                                                                         medium and advanced versions). The next phase will be to add
                                                                         classes for tune writing, tune and song arranging and band
                                                                         coaching. As soon as my technology is updated for better
                                                                         sound and video, I will start more performing streams and
                                                                         videos. Ultimately I plan to invite and host other musicians
                                                                         for performance fun as well as group workshops and jams.
                                                                         Eventually I will figure out how to reinvent my Janie’s
                                                                         Jumpstart music camps. Lots to do! Finally, if anyone wants
                                                                         to participate in the Zoom group or jams and has financial
                                                                         hardship, they are more than welcome to join in.

                                                                         How can our readers help support you during this time?
                                                                         I love to see people from around the world join my classes
                                                                         and sign up for lessons. Contact me directly by email at
                                                                         janerothfield@gmail.com to sign up for lessons (private,
       How has the Covid-19 crisis impacted you and your livelihood?     group or hosted jams). You can stay connected via Facebook,
       I was literally on my way for a two week Contra Dance tour        Instagram and Twitter, with me and my bands The Idumea
       in the southern US with my band Coracree, when everything         Quartet, Coracree, Little Missy, as well as Janie’s Jumpstart.
       started cancelling. After that tour, I was scheduled to head to   You can purchase and/or download my recordings from my
       Europe for a three week CD release tour with my fabulous          own website, or on Bandcamp and CD Baby. Watch out for
       European based band The Idumea Quartet, to be followed by         my various performances and other events. And do stay in
       solo shows and workshops in Italy, France and Germany. All        touch! I’d love to hear from everyone and stay connected. Let
       cancelled. My “normal” was a busy life of being on the road       us know that you are listening and watching! Love you all.
       internationally with my various bands and collaborations,
       and as a solo artist, teaching at workshops and camps. Also       Links:
       running my own home based Janie’s Jumpstart music camps,          www.janerothfield.com
       recording and hanging out at festivals like Mount Airy and        www.janiesjumpstart.com
       Clifftop (just to name a few projects). Covid-19 has forced       www.idumeaquartet.com

   4                                                                                          OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
JAKE BLOUNT                                                         friends and mentors Megan Jean & the KFB have repeatedly
 Jake is a hugely talented young African-American fiddler,           told me and others during these trying times: “being an artist
 banjoist and singer based in Providence, Rhode Island. He           is all about being backed into a corner and finding a way out
 performed at Gainsborough with the Moose Whisperers                 of it.” We may not be feeling our best in this moment, but I
 in 2019. As we go to press, Jake’s newly released debut             suspect that it may yield some of our most compelling work.
 album Spider Tales has been garnering outstanding reviews,
 including from The Guardian and Rolling Stone.                      Links:

                                                                     SIMON ROBINSON
                                                                     Based in Yorkshire, talented banjoist and guitarist Simon
                                                                     performs solo as well as with his trio the Redwood River
                                                                     Band. He also teaches clawhammer banjo and runs the
                                                                     Leeds Old-Time session.

 How has the Covid-19 crisis impacted you and your livelihood?
 To date, all of my scheduled performances from now through
 August have been cancelled (one camp is still hanging on
 and planning to make a call in the next few days, but the
 writing’s on the wall). As a touring musician, the total loss
 of income would be devastating under any circumstances. It
 hits especially hard right now because I have a new album
 coming out on May 29th. Touring is a critical part not only
 of publicizing a new release, but also starting to recoup the
 money I’ve invested into it. My savings were already depleted
 from that project before the pandemic got started, and I had
 planned to rebuild them over the next few months. Now, with
 no work and no real job opportunities, I’ve just got to burn
 through what’s left.
                                                                     How has the Covid-19 crisis impacted you and your livelihood?
 Have you been able to move some of your work online?                The virus has obviously had a massive impact across the
 My sole sources of income right now are streamed                    world. As well as finding the isolation difficult mentally, the
 concerts, Skype lessons and revenue from online sales and           current situation has also meant that I’ve lost most of my
 streaming. These are proving more lucrative than I had              work through cancellations. As well as working as a gigging
 initially expected, but they don’t generate the money or the        musician and music teacher, I work as a music practitioner
 fulfilment that my ordinary touring and teaching schedule           in care homes and Special Needs schools, and unfortunately
 would, and are significantly more draining. The Cabin Fever         these were some of the first jobs to go, due to obvious safety
 Festival did a great job of replicating an in-person concert        precautions and social distancing. The loss of gigs and
 experience on the Zoom platform by encouraging attendees            festivals this year will cause a huge impact on many artists
 to turn on their cameras as they watch. Being able to see           and production staff – it’s a tough time for everyone! I’m
 people’s faces and reactions makes a big difference, and I          really missing the social aspect of making music with people
 hope this is able to set a trend.                                   and going to jam sessions. That connection you get making
                                                                     music in the same room can’t really be replicated in isolation.
 How can our readers help support you during this time?              It’s not all been so negative though – I’ve had more time to
 Tune into all the streaming events you can, book Skype lessons,     practise and play, and I’ve been working on lots of new tunes
 and buy music online! My streaming, contact and pre-order           and songs. Even my fiddle playing is improving slowly too!
 information is available on my website. I must say, I’ve been       Music has and always will be an amazing coping mechanism
 overwhelmed by the community’s support. It’s telling that in        for the stresses of life for me.
 these trying times, we’ve all collectively turned to art (whether
 in the form of literature, film or music) to make ourselves feel    Have you been able to move some of your work online?
 better. I hope people realize that, while live performances and     I’ve managed to move my teaching for banjo, guitar and
 recording projects are mostly on pause, streamed concerts are       ukulele online. I also run a weekly ukulele group on Monday       u
 the only way to hear the new art that’s being created. As my        evenings, on Zoom and Skype. There have been a few

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                      5
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
technical issues to overcome, but I think it works well, and     How has the Covid-19 crisis impacted you and your livelihood?
    serves as a decent substitute. It’s been fun getting creative    The current crisis has put a complete halt on how I normally
    with the technology, and nice to be able to share my videos      make my living. It’s actually really brought into focus how
    and creative ideas with others in new ways. Social media has     month to month my existence until now has been, with an
    become an even more important way of engaging people,            almost complete reliance on gig work and very little long
    so I’ve been posting new songs I’ve been working on. To fill     term infrastructure for earning outside of performing. So
    the void left by the lack of sessions I’ve started an online     it’s been an eye opener, and I’ve really had to look at ways I
    singaround session, which anyone is welcome to join! One         can create income while locked in my house, which has been
    definite advantage of working online is that you have a          daunting at times.
    much wider reach for your audience and the world feels
    like a smaller place in many ways. I’ve had people attending     Have you been able to move some of your work online?
    my groups from as far afield as Canada, America and New          Yes and no. For me personally it’s been less about moving
    Zealand so far, and have collaborated with other musicians       existing work online and more about creating new online
    who I wouldn’t normally have had the chance to. The main         opportunities. I had tons of gigs cancelled in March, April,
    issue with working online is that you can’t really play live     May and June and starting to look further out at this point.
    together because of internet latency issues, and I think         Those gigs are gone, but some new online festivals and
    everyone who is doing online groups is trying to find their      performance opportunities have popped up and I got the
    own creative ways of getting around this.                        chance to perform for some of them. But there’s definitely a
                                                                     limit to how often you can access your online audience, it’s
    How can our readers help support you during this time?           not exactly equivalent to performing in new places to new
    As well as joining one of my online groups, or taking lessons,   people each day. Luckily I started creating the infrastructure
    you can support me by purchasing merchandise directly            for an online teaching platform back in January, before this
    from me or through Bandcamp. You can also follow me on           pandemic hit. It had been on my mind to start building an
    Facebook for more up to date information on the projects I’m     audience on Patreon so that I could generate some earning
    working on.                                                      potential that wasn’t reliant on being on the road. I’m
                                                                     really glad I had a little head start on putting that together,
    Links:                                                           because I’ve been able to put a lot of energy into creating
    https://simonrobinsonsounds.bandcamp.com                         content for followers on that platform and I’m proud of the
    https://redwoodriverband.bandcamp.com                            community that’s building there, learning fiddle tunes and
    www.facebook.com/simonrobinsonsounds                             fiddle techniques.

                                                                     How can our readers help support you during this time?
                                                                     Buy an album! Don’t just stream music if you like an artist
    GEORGE JACKSON                                                   – buy their music directly from them, or from Bandcamp.
    Based in Nashville, Tennessee, fiddle ace George hails           My album “Time and Place” is available on Bandcamp. Sign
    from New Zealand. His 2019 debut album Time and Place            up to a Patreon page to help your favorite artists make it
    featured a raft of memorable original old-time tunes.            through this tough time. Many are offering some pretty great
    The George Jackson Band was due to tour the UK this              access to lessons or exclusive content. On my Patreon page
    September (including Sweet Sunny South) before plans             I post lessons weekly or monthly, I break down old-time or
    had to be cancelled.                                             bluegrass tunes and techniques, and there are tons of videos
                                                                     up for immediate access right now if you sign up. I also have a
                                                                     $5 tier for people who just want exclusive access to new music
                                                                     before I release it publicly. Lastly I’d just say be an advocate
                                                                     for governments to support the arts! Help us be heard and
                                                                     valued by governments who want to ignore how important
                                                                     music and art is to human endurance and joy. Help the arts
                                                                     gain and keep access to funding, and to be valued by our
                                                                     societies not just as a luxury, but as an essential service.


6                                                                                         OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
CHARLOTTE BREESE                                                      Skyracer. We recently signed a major record deal [with Island
 Also known by her maiden name Charlotte Carrivick, gifted             Records] and after more than a year of preparation and hard
 multi-instrumentalist Charlotte is a fixture on the UK old-           work, our album is coming out in June. We had a great tour
 time and bluegrass scenes with her bands Midnight Skyracer            booked in to promote it, but of course that’s gone. As well as
 and Cardboard Fox, and her duos with twin sister Laura and            the immediate financial loss from the gigs, that will hugely
 with fiddler Kieran Towers.                                           impact the overall scope for album sales and promotion. That
                                                                       said, I much prefer to think of the positives: I have a routine
                                                                       for the first time in a very long time and that has made
                                                                       things a lot easier with our 10 month old son, than it was
                                                                       while touring. I’m finding time to actually practise, and our
                                                                       allotment is going to be great this year!

                                                                       Have you been able to move some of your work online?
                                                                       I have a few students and I’ve managed to move them to
                                                                       Skype. I’ve even picked up a couple of extras. By the time this
                                                                       article comes out I’ll have been involved in an online festival
                                                                       style workshop with a bunch of other mandolin players, all
                                                                       of whom I really admire too. [Ed: check out the Isolationist’s
                                                                       Guide to Mandolin page on Facebook]. I’ve also started
                                                                       doing a series of fiddle tune arrangements for flatpicking
                                                                       guitar. Every Thursday I upload a video to my instagram page
                                                                       @charlotteguitar and put the tab up on my website for £1 a
                                                                       go. It’s small change, but I’m enjoying having a focus for my
 How has the Covid-19 crisis impacted you and your livelihood?         own practice!
 We first got hit by cancellations back in the middle of
 March. Laura and I had a couple of shows in Sussex. The first         How can our readers help support you during this time?
 one went ahead, then the next morning everything started              If anyone wants to help musicians, then buying their music
 getting cancelled. I think we’ve had gigs cancel right into           or booking an online lesson is always a good way to do that.
 the autumn now – in fact I’m supposed to have just come               Also, engaging with any social media stuff is really important
 back from a tour with Cardboard Fox. We met up on Skype               – it helps with the algorithms... or something like that!
 instead and joked about which bits we’d have messed up by
 that point in the evening, and what time we needed to be up           Links:
 the next morning to get to the next gig. It was equally funny         www.guitarmandolinbanjo.co.uk
 and sad. The biggest blow for me has to be for Midnight               https://linktr.ee/carrivicks

               These really are unprecedented times. Many of the stalwarts in our old-time community are in a high-risk
              group by virtue of age, underlying health issues or a combination of factors. People are missing contact with
                friends and family members as well as missing the communal aspect of music making. In order to protect
             ourselves and others, we have had to forego our usual pleasures of gathering together in music and friendship,
             and that loss hits hard. The silver lining in all this is that thanks to the power of modern technology, we ARE
              still able to see and hear live music online, and to participate in workshops, lessons and jam sessions (to some
                                    extent). I know it’s not the same as the real thing, but it’s something.

                You might also like to consider donating to one of the main appeals which are making emergency grants
                  available to individual musicians (across all genres) who are facing significant financial hardship:
                   Help Musicians UK – https://www.helpmusicians.org.uk/support-our-work/make-a-donation
                                Musicians’ Union (UK) – https://www.musiciansunion.org.uk/Donate
                Musicares (USA) – https://www.grammy.com/musicares/get-help/musicares-coronavirus-relief-fund

            For those that do have the means, your regular support of musicians will help them to survive this time. Book
             a lesson with a musician hero (who might usually be too busy touring) and throw a few pounds in the tip jar
               for a live streamed performance you enjoy. Buy a couple of albums each month instead of just streaming on
             Spotify. If you can’t afford to contribute financially, you can still help by liking and sharing musicians’ social
            media pages and spreading the word about online performances and workshops. That helps keep the community
             spirit going too. As well as the handful interviewed above, thousands of other grassroots musicians are going
                through the same thing – your favourite OT musicians among them. Seek out their websites, social media
              pages, Patreon accounts and Bandcamp pages. Most importantly, I hope that everyone reading this can stay
              safe and well, so that we can gather together again in the future to play tunes, sing, dance and make merry.

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                        7
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
Old-Time in Lockdown
                               In this section we try and present an overview of the many ways in which
                                the old-time community has tried to keep in touch with the music and
                                            with each other during this unprecedented crisis.
    House concert sites
    We’ll start with Quarantine Happy Hour organized by              two (one slow jam and one normal) are proving popular. She
    Gabrielle Macrae and Barry Southern of the Horsenecks            reflects on what it has been like to run these sessions and
    (who reflect on their experience of running the concerts         William Duddy provides a consumer’s view.
    below). The concerts are free but most performers have               A whole weekend of tuition and sessions was provided by
    an online tips jar. There have been some really top class        the online version of the Old-Time Rollick, normally held in
    performances from the likes of Bruce Molskey, Nadine             the Ashokan Center in New York State. The center has a series
    Landry and Sammy (Foghorn String Band), Aaron Jonah              of events planned for the near future, all listed in the special
    Lewis and Alice Gerrard to name just a few. Occasionally         https://ashokancenter.org/online-rollick-2020/ website. The
    technical problems occur, normally a reversed image which        center also hosted the dulcimer weekend described by William
    is just a shame, but other than looking odd it doesn’t affect    Duddy in his article which starts on page 11.
    the show. The shows are live then archived on facebook page          You may find other concert streaming sites on facebook,
    Quarantine Happy Hour.                                           like the one run by recording label Free Dirt Records which
         Another source of old-time music has been via the Fire      has hosted concerts by their artists including Allison de
    in the Mountain facebook page, organised by Joe Buirski          Groot and Jake Blount.
    – it has hosted house shows as a virtual festival. It works          There are also various sites with free lessons on various
    in a similar way to the Quarantine Happy Hour but has a          instruments. One of note is Peghead Nation with some
    greater mix of genre, by no means not all old-time but it        archived free workshops on their facebook page by Evie
    does include some dance workshops. Again the shows appear        Laden (banjo) and Bruce Molskey (fiddle). The website
    to be archived and have included performances by Evie            cabinfevertunes.com has started to list both future and
    Laden, Bruce Molskey, Nadine Landry and Sammy and The            archived events.
    Horsenecks. The shows can be found live and archived on              Either go direct to the relevant facebook pages or to the
    facebook page fireinthemountain_ONLINE.                          Covid-19 page on our website home page where you will find
         For those who want to try an online old-time jam there      links to those mentioned above as well as others.
    are several that come up on our facebook page but Su Mo’s                                                            Alan Pridgeon

    Quarantine Happy Hour
    Gabrielle Macrae and Barry Southern started a regular series
    of online concerts which has been running pretty constantly
    through the lockdown period. Gabrielle says:
         We started this originally as a way to try and help raise
    a little money for working musicians whose gigs have all
    been cancelled and as a way to stay connected to our music
    buddies while we’re all quarantined. It has definitely been
    that, but quickly turned into something else: a catalogue
    of great shows from some amazing musicians. Running it
    feels like a taste of what it’s like to book a venue, though
    there’s no loss associated with any of it for anyone, so it’s
    been a great way to showcase lesser known musicians to
    a wider audience, right next to people who are considered
    giants of the genre. At first we weren’t thinking that it
    would be old-time specific. We’ve had some early jazz,
    country, calypso, cajun, bluegrass, klezmer and americana.
    We’re still not ruling other genres out, but just by virtue
    of it being a couple of old-time musicians booking it, it’s
    turned out to be very old-time heavy, and it seems like
    it’s the wider old-time music community that has been
    consistently tuning in, tipping, and keeping up a constant
    stream of banter in the comments section. It’s been a lot
    of fun and a great way to connect with friends who we
    probably won’t get to see in person for quite a while.
         Thanks to Milo Krims of the Misty Mountain Pony
    Club for the picture which shows a selection of the
    featured acts.
                            Gabrielle Macrae and Barry Southern

8                                                                                          OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
Su Mo’s Old-Time Sessions
 During this Covid-19 crisis, it was the well-being of others        about it and it
 that I had a concern for with difficult news and losing loved       meant more stuff
 ones all around us. I even had to deal with my brother in           for me to organise
 hospital for a few weeks in ICU. Music and creativity is a          in my control freak
 saviour at times like these so I decided to help others keep        way, but we did it
 music going virtually. When lockdown was in the horizon,            without strangling
 I prepared quite early to deal with it, so much so that the         each other too
 first online session was ready to roll on the second day of         much! I started
 lockdown. I teach music lessons online so I have a structure        to run Zoom tutorials to help people get set up and also
 in place for dealing with the latency delay issues and focusing     introduce how to adjust our human behaviour in using online
 the music and sound for the listener. I started with just           communications. Many people find that hard to get used to
 Facebook live video which was quite successful with the chat        at first which is very normal, but once you get the hang of
 for interaction. Each session meant more improvements on            it, it works! We have a strong group of 30+ on Tuesday and
 tech and gear. Jules on guitar has a lot of great audio gear. He    Sunday Slow jams. The session is also viewable on YouTube to
 is also a bit of a social animal and suggested using Zoom for       keep things easy to access.
 more interactivity. I quite like hiding so I wasn’t too enthused                                                             Su Mo

                              In these strange times...
                                 In these strange times we               This resulted in me buying a tenor guitar as it only has
                                   are all living in I thought       four strings and I find that is my limit at the moment. I
                                     I would update you with         thought as I knew a lot of the tunes, having listened to them
                                      what strange things I have     for the last 10 years, playing them would be relatively easy. I
                                       been doing over the past      got that wrong! I struggled with learning the notes/chords
                                       year. It all started when I   by ear and found it helpful to have them written down. I did
                                       finally had a moment of       manage to join in some sessions at Dunfield House, our local
                                      madness and decided to         pub sessions and even a workshop at Gainsborough. I was
                                     start playing the banjolele.    looking forward to going to Spring Camp for the first time
                                    This was partly driven by my     but this was not be. I am living in the hope that we may get
                                  need to learn something new        to do Summer Camp but if not will have even more time to
                               and the encouragement I got           practice.
                           from my music friends saying, “Isn’t          Little by little some of the tunes are beginning to become
 it about time you joined us and played an instrument?” I            easier to play and because of lockdown I can practice every
 therefore embarked on daily practice sessions and trying to         day! Needless to say I will still have plenty of time to chat
 understand chords, tuning, strumming etc – all totally alien        with friends over a glass of wine while I give my guitar a rest
 to me. I don’t consider myself musical and only ever got as far     – I haven’t completely gone over to the dark side! So until we
 as playing a recorder at school until age 10. I persevered with     meet again please stay safe and well in these strange times.
 the banjolele for a few months and then decided I would like                                                       Maureen Pridgeon
 to try a different instrument.

 Lockdown diversions
 With a bit more time for music, I’ve been learning some
 new tunes including Maple Sugar from Ward Allen and
 Tennessee Mountain Fox Chase, mostly from Nate Leath. At
 the beginning of lockdown I experimented with a couple
 of on-line jamming facilities (jammr and JamKazam) but
 neither of them was ideal, particularly for old-time. Su Mo’s
 Open Old Time Jams on Facebook use Zoom which is better
 and it helps me learn other new tunes as they are being played
 in a session setting. In particular though, Steve Blake played
 a tune Hell Among the Yearlings from Wilson Douglas. His
 recordings have revived my interest in tunes I used to know,
 such as Flop-Eared Mule, Folding Down the Sheets, Leather
 Britches and Cold Frosty Morning… thanks Steve.                     tune called Locked Up Lock Down Blues,
     Another diversion has been to learn recording techniques,       https://youtu.be/AYYUnM12Qfc
 inspired by Josh Clark’s video tutorials from Get Real Audio            Another free opportunity worth investigating is the on-
 on Facebook. I use free software (Reaper and YouTube Movie          line Song Writing course run by Sheffield University through
 Maker) to make split screen videos of my multi-tracked tunes.       Futurelearn.com. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to being
 It has certainly helped me to keep much better time in my           able to go to a pub and play some tunes with people.
 playing, having to play to a click track metronome. I’ve got a                                                       Jan Howard

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                      9
OLD TIME NEWS - Old-Time in Lockdown - FOAOTMAD
old-time in lockdown

    The Richmond Online
    Music Gathering
    The 4th Richmond Old Time Music
    Gathering was all set to happen at Easter, but
    once that was no longer possible, ROTMAD
    took things online, via our Facebook page.
    The community rallied round to turn our
    initial disappointment into a very special day.
        We were thrilled to gather more than 50
    musical contributions on Saturday 11th April.
    They came in from all corners of England,
    Ireland Scotland and Wales, as well as from
    Oslo and Berlin. There was Cajun music from
    Paris, and some old time and swing from
        While some people performed live, others
    uploaded pre-recorded films and the page was
    busy with new posts throughout the day, from
    12 noon until almost midnight. There were
    lots of supportive and encouraging comments
    from everyone and the whole occasion was
    very uplifting – in the face of the difficult                       but the internet has offered a great way for our community
    times we have been living through.                                  to stay connected in the meantime.
        Lockdown has given people the opportunity to learn                  The Richmond Old Time Music Gathering has a public
    new video recording and editing skills, and also to gain the        Facebook page, and all the performances from the online
    confidence to play into cameras on their computers and              gathering are available to view there.
    phones and all this was on heartening display.                      The URL of the Facebook page is
        Hopefully, this online version of the Gathering was a           https://www.facebook.com/richmondoldtime
    one-off and we’ll be able to meet again in person next time,                                                        Julian Marshall

    Support from Old Time News
    Until a few weeks ago it was touch and go whether we would
    have enough material to fill this issue, however thanks to a
    big effort from the committee and our regular contributors,
    we have been able to give the good news to our printers
    and mailing house that we will be requiring their services as
    normal. If we had not gone to print, we had planned to put a
    simplified version on the website and we will still be uploading
    a full PDF of this issue only which will be available to anyone
    who visits our website. The website is also where you will find
    a list of the online sessions mentioned on these pages. Finally,
    in order to help our advertisers, we will not be charging them
    to place their adverts for the duration of the pandemic and we
    would urge you to support them if you possibly can.
                                                        Judy Spindler

        Welcome to these new members
        1445      Peter Coggins            Swindon
        1446      Giles Conway             Warwickshire

                 Members’ Small Ads
    Clawhammer Banjo, Mandolin & Guitar Tuition
    Lessons in Hemel Hempstead, Herts. Chris Lawrance is a
    music teacher with 40 years experience, specialising in old-time,
    bluegrass and blues. Beginners of any age welcome.
    E: chrisbanjolawrance@gmail.com W: www.chrislawrance.co.uk

   10                                                                                        OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
Playing through the Pandemic
                                                       by William Duddy

 When I boarded the train at Gainsborough Central on                 The well-known limitations on sound quality, and disparities
 Monday 17th February after another great FOAOTMAD                   in broadband speed around the nations does little to dilute
 Festival, I had no real premonition of what was on the              the joy when Su hands the lead to visitors from all over the
 horizon. The small pack of antiseptic wipes, forced into            UK and, more recently, USA. Even on Zoom, two hours
 my coat pocket as I was leaving home, were (in retrospect)          passes too quickly when great tunes are being played with
 scant safeguard for a homeward trek navigating three                old friends and new. Of late, Colm Daly and Cathy have
 crowded trains, packed stations, Manchester Airport and             brought their own Reading flavour to the set-lists – with the
 a claustrophobic Easyjet flight when – as it now seems –            inevitable mirth, jollity (and sometimes, chaos) that brings.
 trouble was already in the air. Nor did I realise that I’d sat in   Impressively, shortly after the session finishes, Jules helpfully
 an old-time workshop with dear, departed, Carole Chant for          publishes the tune list by key. I understand Su is writing
 the last time.                                                      elsewhere [see page 9] on her organisation of the sessions so,
     On 23rd March, lockdown was announced and, for most             for now, I just say a big thank you to Su and Jules for stepping
 of us (except those involved in essential services) our world       out and providing this opportunity for increasing numbers
 shrank into homes and – if we were lucky – gardens. No more         every week.
 sessions, gatherings, or camps for an indeterminate lapse of
 time. But then, in previous years, I had been quite limited in
 the FOAOTMAD events that I could attend anyway –                    Nonsuch Dulcimer Club
 other than those within a gentle night-time stroll of a feather     Having bought my first mountain
 bed in a quiet, self-contained room. Strangely, as things have      dulcimer (on a whim, as one does)
 turned out, I’m playing more music now, in the “virtual”            from the Birdrock McSpadden
 company of many more people (across the globe) than would           marquee at the much-missed
 have been possible previously.                                      North Wales Bluegrass Festival
                                                                     some 10 years ago, I soon realised
                                                                     that I didn’t know anyone else in
 Su Mo’s Old-Time Sessions                                           Ireland who played one. Nevertheless,
 From where I sat, Su Mo was the first to take the initiative        being the fascinating diatonic thing
 and set up (eventually twice) weekly online old-time sessions       that it is, many a rainy evening was
 – initially on Facebook, then adding Zoom and more recently         spent accidentally discovering its joys in
 also livestreamed on YouTube. Welcoming the unexpected              isolation. Then, having booked an “Albion to Appalachia”
 opportunity to play regularly with FOAOTMAD friends, I              Weekend – organised by Brian Peters, featuring Jeff Warner,
 set aside concerns about Zoom security and, after installing        and in the unbeatable company of Jed Todd, at the lovely
 the application on PC, settled into what is now a highlight         Halsway Manor (Somerset) in May 2018 – I noticed that
 of the virtual week. Su (with Jules Bushell on driving guitar)      the following week featured the evocatively named Nonsuch
 leads well planned, properly organised sessions, slower on          Dulcimer Club’s “Dulcimers at Halsway” gathering. Staying
 Sunday evenings and faster when Tuesday comes around.               over the intervening Sunday night, I was thereby introduced
 Their sound system overcomes almost all of Zoom’s acoustic          to a great new “tribe” (with mountain and hammer sub-
 limitations – providing a clear, rhythmic lead to the “grids”       genres) marking the beginning of invaluable friendships with
 of swinging bows and frailing banjos on “Gallery View”.             more kindred spirits.

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                    11

                                          The Nonsuch Dulcimer         The Ashokan Center
                                     Club https://www.dulcimer.        It was actually on the Nonsuch Facebook page that I saw
                                     org.uk/ was conceived in          notification of the Ashokan Center’s Autoharp/Dulcimer
                                     1989 by a small handful of        Weekend (15-17 May). Following the links, another whole
                                     hammer dulcimer players in        new world opened up – on Beaverkill Road, Olivebridge in
                                     the south-west of England.        upstate New York!
                                     They settled on the name of the        The Ashokan Center https://ashokancenter.org/ (formerly
                                     little red Nonesuch “Flower of    the Ashokan Field Campus) is an outdoor education,
                                     Bristol” (yes, we know about      conference, and retreat centre located in the Catskill
                                     the spelling!) – considering      Mountains – Ashokan meaning “where waters converge”. The
                                     also that one of their regular    first homesteaders on the land were Dutchman Jacobus Bush
                                     tunes was titled Nonesuch and     and his wife, Eycke Vandermerke (from Ulster(!) County,
                                     echoing Henry VIII’s boast        New York) in the late 17th century. Later, this was the
                                     that his new palace, Nonsuch      frontier during the American Revolutionary War and General
                                     at Cheam, was “without equal”.    Washington authorised the building of a fort at Shokan, now
                                     The Club soon expanded            under the waters of the Ashokan Reservoir.
                                     to incorporate mountain                The property operated as the Ashokan Field Campus
     dulcimer players and now has 240 members, including some          from 1967 until 2008 when it was divided and part sold to
     in Europe and USA. Nonsuch has (or rather had, until “you         the non-profit Ashokan Foundation which continues to
     know what”) an active programme of workshops throughout           support and develop environmental education programmes
     the year alongside their annual Autumn Gathering and              for schools in partnership with non-profit partner the
     a “satellite” Spring Fling in Allendale. In fact, I had been      Ashokan Center. Ashokan’s Music & Dance Camps for
     looking forward to my second Spring Fling (in March)              adults and families have been held – in this landscape of
     until it became one of the first musical “casualties” of the      forests, waterfalls, stream-fed ponds, and open meadows –
     Lockdown.                                                         for over 50 years and accommodation facilities have been
         Following postponement of the scheduled Nonsuch               developed to host conferences, retreat groups, weddings etc
     Annual Weekend until 2021 (and typical of the enthusiastic,       when schools are not in residence.
     inclusive Nonsuch people) several different online sessions,           The location was the inspiration for Jay Ungar’s iconic
     workshops and events were quickly planned into what is            tune “Ashokan Farewell”, famously used as the theme music
     now an active club Zoom calendar. My first participation          for PBS’s “The Civil War” series by Ken Burns – and Jay is
     in this new phase was with the South West group (under            the Principal Officer for the Foundation.
     the aegis of Geoffrey Reeve-Black, he of Revels Dulcimers
     https://revelsmusic.co.uk/) who abandoned their monthly
     pub sessions in the Nova Scotia, Bristol to move online and
     extended invitations to the outer fringes to join.
         The Nonsuch Events Organiser, Hilary Davis, convened
     an experimental Southern meet-up at the end of March
     and is now co-ordinating weekly Nonsuch online (Zoom)
     sessions. With tune lists circulated in advance, good
     preparations can be made by referring to the excellent
     resources generously and freely available on both Pete
     Bromwich’s hammer dulcimer site
     https://www.dulcimerheaven.co.uk/ and the
     aforementioned Revels Dulcimers page.
          Thanks to Sally Whitehead (Chair/President and
     Website Manager), the club has an excellent website for
     online events and resources, including listings of online club
     dulcimer events in the UK and also in the USA. The move
     last November to a “wordpress” based membership website
     now better enables Nonsuch to respond flexibly to the
     evolving situation.
         With planned club conventions now cancelled, Nonsuch
     is actively supporting the intended tutors (many American)
     – who have suffered drastic disruptions to their schedules
     and livelihoods by scheduling Zoom workshops with such as
     Stephen Seifert and Jessica Comeau – rapidly establishing
     what is now a busy “alternative” programme for as long as it
         And so, through Nonsuch, he who had been isolated
     with his mountain dulcimer for almost a decade is being
     introduced to a growing global community.

   12                                                                                      OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
most notably, Ashokan managed to create (within “virtual”
                                                                  limitations) the “down home” vibe of an actual camp – helped
                                                                  along by a live tour of the park with Jay and Molly. This being
                                                                  one of their first such online ventures, and the first I became
                                                                  aware of, The Ashokan Center nailed it and have set the
                                                                  benchmark for others.
                                                                     And fittingly – the Weekend memorably finished with an
                                                                  emotional rendition of “Ashokan Farewell” by Jay and Molly
                                                                  from the porch of the Ashokan Conference Centre. Simply

                                                                  Learning in Lockdown
                                                                  And so, to conclude…the world as we knew it stopped
                                                                  suddenly not long after the Gainsborough Festival, ruining
     Anyway, back to the Center’s Autoharp/Dulcimer               the musical calendar (probably for the remainder of 2020).
 Weekend - my first purchased Zoom event and the best $50         Many of us may have lost relatives and friends to Covid-19.
 I’ve ever spent. Having received advance links to the detailed   Camps and festivals, as we knew them, which are the beating
 schedule and the comprehensive “Resource Dropbox”, some          heart of old-time music (with their friendship, vibrant
 90 participants gathered in the “Garden Room” at 2pm BST         sessions and packed workshops) won’t be happening for
 (5 hours ahead) on the Saturday afternoon for welcomes           some time. However, the disruption to the social side is a
 and introductions, along with the Center’s hospitable hosts      minor consideration compared with the hardship thrust upon
 and under the watchful eyes of Jay Ungar and Molly Mason         hundreds of musicians worldwide whose livelihoods are in
 themselves. This set the stage for an enthralling weekend of     doubt. Strangely, I have played more music with more people
 top-flight tuition, jams and the Saturday night concert.         in more places this year than ever. There are upsides to online
     Sitting in on Neal Walter’s Autoharp Waltzes Workshop        workshops where the tutor is clearly visible and audible, one
 (not having an autoharp) was a revelation on what this           can try out new tricks in “a safe space” and the noodlers can
 instrument can do. The great Don Pedi, with his true old-        be muted at the flick of a mouse. If we can sign up for the
 time mountain dulcimer style, perfectly complemented             increasing number and variety of online music offerings, and
 Norm Williams’ focus on fingerpicking styles and tunings. If     divert some of the savings from camp registrations, travel
 you’re wondering how to play “Whiskey (before breakfast)”        expenses, camping fees and accommodation rental into the
 on mountain dulcimer in 5 keys and 5 tunings – including         hands of hard-pressed “professional” musicians then some
 “Whiskey Sour” in the minor – Norm is your man! Then, if         small comfort can be collected from Covid. q
 ever there was a reason to stay up until 2am in Belfast, the
 Saturday evening concert was it, with Don, Norm and the
 two halves of Doofus https://doofusmusic.com/ stepping in        Previous page:
 from their respective abodes across the US for a wondrous        The author
 night’s music (of excellent trans-Atlantic sonic quality         The Nonsuch Dulcimer Club logo
 considering the vagaries of Zoom).                               Opposite:
     Re-convening in the “Garden Room” on the Sunday              Lychnis chalcedonica - the Nonesuch flower (Flower of Bristol)
 afternoon, Don shared some great Appalachian ballads             The Ashokan landscape
 leading into the farewell jam. Each workshop was “facilitated”   The Ashokan Centre logo
 by one of Ashokan’s excellent team, monitoring the “chat”        This page:
 questions, sharing “split screen” tab where necessary and        Ashokan Autoharp/Dulcimer poster
 generally keeping good order. The links worked perfectly and,    Don Pedi in action

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                                  13
old-time in lockdown

                                    Spring Camp under lockdown
                                              by Andrew Cocks, Events Organiser
               Friday 15th May 2020 was supposed to be the first day of Spring Camp. It was so sad that
              the Coronavirus Lockdown meant it couldn’t happen. When the day arrived I felt the occasion
                needed to be celebrated even if in splendid isolation. Actually, I wasn’t entirely on my own!
                    Here’s a review of my Lockdown Spring Camp. Just me and my pet pheasant Phil.
                               Many thanks to Mrs Frances Cocks who took the photographs.

             Friday 15th. Setting up Camp. Tent up and I’ve
             found something to start the camp fire. Phil
             monitored the site to ensure social distancing.

               In stark contrast to 2019, the weather was, hot, sunny and
            still. The tent went up and came down in the dry. Perfect. I’d
            been at work during the day and consequently it was getting
           late by time we’d both set up. We went straight to the fireside
           session. It was great. In fact, the first one I’ve been to where I
            knew all the tunes! Phil reminded us that the camp site rules
                    meant we had to stop at 11:30 and so we retired early.

                                                        Saturday. We slept well
                                                        and breakfasted heartily.
                                                        I have to say the facilities
                                                        were pretty good and
                                                        almost uniquely for a
                                                        FOAOTMAD event, there
                                                        were no complaints about
                                                        the catering. Phil asked me
                                                        not to make any corny jokes
                                                        about his eating habits.

   14                                                                                  OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
We spent most of the day
                               “chillin’ an’ a tuning,”as Phil likes
                               to say. So nice to have some time
                               away from work and the worries
                               of these times, just relaxing and
                               having quality time with old
                               instruments and old tunes. A
                               chance to recharge the batteries
                               in an environment where
                               everyone attending had common
                               interests and appreciation of the
                               old-time scene.

                               Our early evening barbeque was a bit rushed as
                               it would soon be time for the Saturday evening
                               concerts. In fact Phil got a little impatient with
                               me. Whilst I finished my burger, he was pacing
                               up and down worried we might not get a seat.

                                     Shortly after I realised where the “tension in the tent” had come from. Phil was
                                     performing on the Summer House Stage as a finalist from the open mic sessions
                                     which took place in the afternoon. I thought I’d heard something! Imagine how
                                     proud I was when he was voted best act of the show. After that we piled into the
                                     concert on the main stage. Here’s a picture of me in the “mosh pit” watching a two
                                     hour solo performance from that guy from the Malvern Hillbillies. Frankly, he
                                     hasn’t got any better!

                              Saturday evening
                              ended with another
                              fireside session with
                              a difference. We all
                              brought marshmallows
                              and toasted them on the
                              flames. I was missing
                              some of the banter
                              which I usually enjoy
                              until the early hours of
                              the morning. To remedy
                                                             And then it was Sunday and that sad time for packing up,
                              that I listened to old
                                                             saying our au revoirs and getting ready for the 120 yard journey
                              telephone messages
                                                             home. No picture of Phil at this stage. He had an early flight!
                              from Eve Morris and
                                                             What a great weekend. I very sincerely wish you all could have
                              Tony Mears and the
                                                             been here!
                              time simply flew by!
                                                             Do you have any pictures of Lockdown old-time style? If so
                                                             we’d love to see them!

OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020                                                                                         15


                                        Dancing through the pandemic
r o n                                                    by Clare Sheridan, dance rep

   u           d
     While we are having to stay away from our favourite haunts,                 You can put on some old-time music and dance to it on
     like Croft Farm Park     duringBOARD
                          DANCE       FOAOTMAD
                                      DANCE      BOARD Spring Camp,         your own, get a feel with bending your knees in time to the
     we can still dance. Dancing is luckily something that you can          tune, listen to the nuances in the tune, you can just do step lifts
     do anywhere. While      standing
                          The dance    in
                                      The the
                                        board queue
                                            dance    to
                                                 weboardget into
                                                      have been  the
                                                              we have using alternate
                                                                                  years feetfor
                                                                                             isand  as
                                                                                                    verythe is
                                                                                                                 verydo a step step
                                                                                                                        simple      step,A
                                                                                                                                              flat of
                                                                                                                                  construction.        A 2piece
                                                                                                                                                           foot s
     shop/chemist/etc5you      can be
                            ply wood  surreptitiously
                                      5 ply
                                         screwed      practicing
                                             wood screwed         a
                                                      onto 2x1 onto toe
                                                                   inch 2x1 flat,
                                                                         battens. or flat toe
                                                                              inch battens.     flat. Just play with making  sounds   with your  feet.
     lift. It’s OK, people will just think that you’re impatient or              Paul has included a simple design for a dance board,
     that you need the bathroom!                                            which has a bit of spring in it and sounds good as the raised
          Toe lift = flat foot step then on the same foot lift the toe      box makes the sound, but you can just use a piece of plywood
     up and as it comes down it would make a sound. There you               or an old cupboard door.
     have a two sound step. Step = 1 toe lift and down = sound 2.                Su Mo is doing a weekly slow jam and it is ideal to dance
          Sara Rose is doing weekly dance movement sessions with            along with on mute so that nobody can hear you but you can
     a different dance/music each week which really makes you               get a feel of being in a session.
     think about rhythms and how you use your body. As Sara will                 Love to all you dancers and musicians out there. Stay safe
     tell you, doing any form of dance or movement will help your           and stay with the music and dance. We will play and dance
     dance technique.                                                       our way through this strange time.
    The dance board we have been using for years is a very simple construction. A piece of 2 foot square
    5 ply wood screwed onto 2x1 inch battens.

                                                                                                                The dance board we have been
                                                                                                                using for years is a very simple
                                                                                                                construction: a piece of 2 foot
                                                                                                                square 5 ply wood screwed on
                                                                                                                to 2 x 1 inch battens.

                                                                                        The battens are just screwed
                                                                                        together at the ends and with
                                                                                        recessed screws to the top so
                                                                                        no joints are needed. There are
                                                                                        no cross battens in the middle
                                                                                        so it is free to move which
                                                                                        gives movement that is better
                                                                                        for your joints than dancing on
                                                                                        a rigid surface. We have also
                        The battens
                                        just screwed
                                              are just screwed
                                                       together together
                                                                at the ends
                                                                         at the
                                                                                with andattached
                                                                                     recessed      a strap to to
                                                                                          with recessed
                                                                                                   screws     carry it. toptoso
                                                                                                                 the          the
                        needed. needed.
                                  There areThere
                                             no cross
                                                   are no
                                                                  the middle
                                                                          in thesomiddle
                                                                                   it is free
                                                                                           so to
                                                                                              it is
                                                                                                    free which
                                                                                                          to movegives
                                                                                                                          gives mot
                        better forbetter
                                   your joints
                                         for your
                                                         than on
                                                                 a rigidon
                                                                            a rigid We
                                                                                         have We
                                                                                                           also attached
                                                                                                                a strap toacarry
    The battens are just screwed together at the ends and with recessed screws to the top so no joints
    needed. There are no cross battens in the middle so it is free to move which gives movement that is
    better for your joints than dancing on a rigid surface. We have also attached a strap to carry it.

       Because it is raised up it
       acts like a drum and you get
       a lovely sound when using
       hard soled shoes. It is easy to
       transport to sessions where you
       might not have a wooden floor
       to dance on. Ours has served
       us well for many years as you
       can see from the wear pattern.

    Because it is raised up it acts like a drum and you get a lovely sound when using hard soled shoes.

    It is easy to transport to sessions where you might not have a wooden floor to dance on. Ours has
    served us well for many           Because
                               years as  is raisedit from
                                            can see   is
                                                                      it a
                                                                                   a drum
                                                                                      you get
                                                                                                          a lovely
16                                                                                                    OLD TIME NEWS No. 102 Summer 2020
                        It is easyIttoistransport
                                         easy to transport
                                                  to sessions
                                                           to sessions
                                                               where you
                                                                                   have not
                                                                                        a wooden
                                                                                            have a floor
                                                                                                         to dance
                                                                                                             floor to
                                                                                                                       Ours o
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