In this Issue... World Cup Finals Las Vegas CDI 2007 Wrap Up Equitana Preview

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In this Issue... World Cup Finals Las Vegas CDI 2007 Wrap Up Equitana Preview
In this Issue...

World Cup Finals Las Vegas

CDI 2007 Wrap Up

Equitana Preview
In this Issue... World Cup Finals Las Vegas CDI 2007 Wrap Up Equitana Preview
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In this Issue... World Cup Finals Las Vegas CDI 2007 Wrap Up Equitana Preview
From the Editor:00

From the Office.............                             as you renew or join the EFA. But there is        Major Projects

                                                         no need for concern. These are the exact               ver the next 18 months $30,000 of
R    enewals are here again. This year we
     hope to return your memberships faster
than ever having sent out renewal notices at
                                                         same waivers that have been used at EFA
                                                         competitions for years now and it does not
                                                                                                                Department of Sport and Recreation
                                                                                                           finances will be spent on establishing a
                                                         invalidate your personal accident insurance.      volunteer recruitment and retention scheme
the end of May and having the much valued                The only difference is now you are sending
assistance of our casual employees, Rose                                                                   statewide. More on that in the next issue of
                                                         them to the EFA office and the clubs will         Equest News.
Palm, Amanda Donnelly and Elysha Moffat.                 not have to undertake the long and involved
A big thanks to you for stepping in at such              process of collecting and storing these           Equi-skills and Interschools
short notice and agreeing to work in the EFA             documents every time they run an event.
NSW office during this busy time.
    You will notice some changes this year.
                                                         Clubs take note: Anyone entering your
                                                         competition who IS NOT an EFA member
                                                                                                           A    s Equi-skills grows every day the EFA
                                                                                                                recognises the need to make the
                                                                                                           interschools programme grow more and
Unlike in previous years when all riders had             but simply a member of your club will still       more. The EFA NSW is currently working
to sign a waiver each and every time they                have to submit a signed waiver to you at the      on ways to make everyone’s involvement
took part in a competition or other EFA                  time of the event or at least annually.           of interschools events easier and less
activity, now you will only have to sign one                 This year sees a change in horse              complicated. Watch this space.
waiver every twelve months which will be                 registration also. Previously we have included
held at the EFA office. The waivers are to               one free card with each horse rego or             Events Funding
be returned to the office at the same time

                                                         transfer, now, with changes made to the                 ver the last twelve months, as in
                                                         show jumping performance card fees, this                previous years the EFA has supported
                                                         is not easily managed so we have decided          many events, ensuring that important dates
                                                         to charge for all performance cards BUT
    Equestrian Federation                                have reduced the cost of registering a horse
                                                                                                           on the equestrian calendar, including state
                                                                                                           championships and regional events can
        of Australia                                     back to $85. We hope you understand               run. The NSW office sponsored the National
   NSW Branch Committee                                  that with such a small office and so many         Dressage Championships last year for
                                                         memberships and cards to process this was         $10,000, as much as the National Office and
 Sydney International Equestrian Centre
 Saxony Road HORSLEY PARK NSW 2175                       the most efficient and fair way to manage the     much more than any other state. The Scone
 Tel: 02 9620 2660 Fax: 02 9620 2260                     performance card system for all members.          Three Day Event also received support from
 Postal address:                                             Speaking of which, people wishing to          this office for $10,000 in event support plus
 PO Box 7077,                                            jump officially will notice that performance      a further underwrite. The Sydney CDI also
 WETHERILL PARK BC NSW 2164                              cards have increased in price. The                attracted $10,000 in sponsorship from the                                       NSWSJC is unique in terms of our discipline       EFA NSW. These are only a few examples of
 Board:                                                  councils in that it does not have the same        how the office is helping events throughout
                                                         control over the sport as other councils and      the year, across all disciplines. In total the
 David Lawrence              Chairman
                                                         as a result has an imbalance in revenue           EFA NSW allocates almost $200,000 a
                             02 9652 2336
 Michael Benson              02 4572 3905
                                                         coming in versus obligations to train officials   year for development of the sport, directly
 Julie Baker                 02 9710 0129                and regulate events. This extra revenue           funding events, clinics, development
 Katrina Dukats              02 4651 2312                raised will be injected into much needed          programmes, maintenance of venues and
 Judy Fasher                 02 4576 3232                programmes to develop the sport. For more         courses, swabbing and discipline council
 Paul Cargill                                            information please feel free to contact the       administration support.
 Graham Davey                02 4966 2004                NSWSJC.                                               Finally, in this issue you will notice a great
 Wendy Cohen - CEO                                           Please remember that in terms of              deal of coverage of events both national and                                     performance cards, horse registration             international. Thank you to all contributors for
 Laura Decker - Sport Development Manager                and membership, NSW is still the most             their great coverage and interesting articles,                                     affordable state in the country. On the flip      especially Toni Venhaus for the wonderful
 Sue Birch - Member Administration                       side NSW EFA injects more money back              CDI report, Lita Dove for our World Cup                                       into the sport in the form of event funding,      coverage, Jenny Sheppard who again
 Debbie Bugden - NCAS Co-ordinator                       special projects, discipline council support,     stepped in at the last minute to provide SJ
 Please call 02 9620 2460                                swabbing and officials training and regional      and elite squad news and Jane Frankum                                    and junior development than any other state.      for her candid insight into the evening with
 Joanne Cocksedge - Bookkeeper/Office                    So while you might feel as though the cost        Edwina Alexander.
 Manager                          of being involved in the EFA is unpalatable,          You will also note that in the past
 DISCLAIMER                                              remember it is your membership money              twelve months our elite riders have been
 Neither the Equestrian Federation of Australia,         that is supporting and developing the sport       achieving some amazing results, here and
 NSW Branch Inc., nor the Secretary is responsible for   for you and your fellow riders and enabling
 views or statements made by correspondents.                                                               overseas. We are heading into an Olympic
                                                         the infrastructure of the sport – rules,          year in 2008, let’s hope our incredible
                                                         regulations, judges, technical delegates,         form continues and that we have our best
                                                         swabbing stewards, coaching and events            Olympics ever. Roll on the next twelve
                                                         – to exist. Without you and the EFA none          months! Until the next issue.
                                                         of what happens every week in equestrian
                                                                                                           Wendy Cohen CEO
                                                         sports would occur.
                                                                                                           Cover Pic: Lucinda Fredericks takes on
                                                                                                           Badminton. Pic: Kit Houghton

                                                                                                                                  EFA NSW Branch July 2007
                         16" -16.5" 2ND HAND DRESSAGE SADDLES
     BRAND                   TYPE         COLOUR     CONDITION       PRICE         INFO
  AMBASSODOR             TURNOUT (2)       BLACK       GOOD        $1,595.00        16"
     BATES            CAPRILLI DRESSAGE    BLACK     EXCELLENT     $1,695.00       CAIR
     BATES                PRECIEUX        BROWN      EXCELLENT     $2,195.00       CAIR
     BATES             CAPRILLI TURNOUT   BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,495.00
 PETER HOROBIN            PIROUTTE        BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,995.00      Mounted
    TRAINERS                BARON          BLACK       GOOD        $1,495.00
    TRAINERS                BARON         BROWN        GOOD        $1,295.00
                             17" 2ND HAND DRESSAGE SADDLES
      BATES                 ISABELL       BROWN        GOOD        $1,595.00
      BATES                PRECIEUX       BLACK         FAIR        $750.00
      BATES            PRIX ST GEORGE     BROWN        GOOD        $1,295.00
      BATES           CAPRILLI DRESSAGE   BLACK        GOOD        $1,795.00
      BATES             ISABELL WINTEC    BLACK        GOOD         $990.00
     BATES                 MAESTRO        BROWN        GOOD        $1,400.00
    COLEMAN              SHOW SADDLE      BROWN        GOOD         $895.00
   FORRESTER               DRESSAGE       BLACK        GOOD        $1,295.00
     KIEFFER                  KUR         BLACK      EXCELLENT     $3,200.00
     KIEFFER                  WEIN        BLACK        GOOD        $1,495.00
        KN               SYMPHONIE (2)    BLACK         FAIR       $1,495.00      NORMAL
        KN                SYMPHONIE       BROWN        GOOD        $2,495.00       WIDE
    PASSIER                  OPTIUM       BLACK        GOOD        $2,495.00
 PETER HOROBIN             AMAZONE        BLACK      EXCELLENT     $2,600.00
 PETER HOROBIN              GRANDE        BLACK        GOOD        $1,495.00
   SIGNATURE                              BLACK        GOOD        $1,395.00
     STUART               COMBOYNE        BROWN         FAIR        $995.00
    STUBBEN            TRISTAN SPECIAL    BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,990.00      MOUNTED
                           17.5" 2ND HAND DRESSAGE SADDLES
  AMBASSADOR              DRESSAGE        BROWN        GOOD        $1,850.00
    BARNSBY                   AVG         BLACK      EXCELLENT     $2,400.00
      BATES                CAPRILLI       BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,995.00
        KN                 MELODIE        BLACK      EXCELLENT     $3,400.00
        KN              SYMPHONIE (3)     BLACK         FAIR       $1,995.00      NORMAL
     KIEFFER                  KUR         BLACK        GOOD        $2,995.00
 PETER HOROBIN              LIBERTY       BLACK      EXCELLENT     $2,995.00
      LAZER               DRESSAGE        BLACK         FAIR       $2,495.00
 PETER HOROBIN             PIROUTTE       BLACK      EXCELLENT     $1,895.00
   SIGNIATURE             DRESSAGE        BLACK        GOOD        $1,395.00
    STUBBEN                SPECIAL        BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,995.00
    TRAINERS                BARON         BLACK        GOOD        $1,495.00      MOUNTED
       ANKY                MARK 1         BLACK        GOOD        $1,295.00
                             2ND HAND JUMPING & A/P SADDLES
  AMBASSODOR               MILTON         BLACK        GOOD        $1,295.00        17
  AMBASSODOR               MILTON         BLACK      EXCELLENT     $1,895.00        17
     BATES             CAPRILLI X/CNTRY   BLACK        GOOD        $1,300.00       16.5
     BATES              CAPRILLI JUMP     BLACK        GOOD        $1,495.00        17
BRUNO DELGRANGE             JUMP          BROWN      EXCELLENT     $2,695.00        17
   FORRESTER                JUMP          BROWN        GOOD        $1,295.00        17
    GRAINGE             ALL PURPOSE       BLACK        GOOD        $1,095.00       16.5
GREG SMITH JUMP             JUMP          BROWN        GOOD         $850.00         17
    TRAINERS                JUMP          BROWN      EXCELLENT     $1,500.00        17
   WENTWORTH           CROSS COUNTRY      BROWN        GOOD        $1,195.00        17
    TRAINERS                JUMP          BLACK        GOOD        $1,195.00       17.5
                                BRIGHTON SADDLEWORLD
    1ST FLR, 89 ANZAC PARADE KENSINGTON NSW 2033 - PH: 02 9662 7588 FAX 02 9662 8792
                  email: web:
International Focus:00

                                                                      The Fredericks' Juggernaut

                                                                                  Lucinda Fredericks wins
                                                                                  F   or the second year in a row, an
                                                                                      Australian rider has won the prestigious
                                                                                  Mitsubishi Badminton Horse Trials. Lucinda
                                                                                  Fredericks riding her mare Headley Britannia,
                                                                                  co-owned with husband Clayton, led from
                                                                                  day one of the competition but had to
                                                                                  withstand a number of challenges over
                                                                                  the final two days. Lucinda held her nerve,
                                                                                  however, to complete her second major
                                                                                  four-star victory in six months.
                                                                                      The win follows her first major four-
                                                                                  star win at the Burghley Horse Trials last
                                                                                  September and comes one week after
                                                                                  husband Clayton won the Rolex Kentucky
                                                                                  four-star event in the USA.
                                                                                      After her outstanding dressage test on
                                                                                  day one, Lucinda gave up just 1.6 time
                                                                                  penalties over the cross-country course and
                                                                                  another four penalties in the jumping to finish
                                                                                  on 39.6 penalties, winning by just two points
                                                                                  from German Andreas Dibowski and Kim
                                                                                  Severson from the USA who finished 3rd.
                                                                                      Australian Olympic gold medallist Matt
                                                                                  Ryan riding Bonza Katoomba capped a
                                                                                  memorable event for Australia by continually
                                                                                  improving his position throughout the
                                                                                  competition with clear rounds in the cross
                                                                                  country and showjumping phases, to finish
                                                                                  in 4th position.
                                                                                      As the World Equestrian Games are
Lucinda executing a wonderful dressage test at Badminton. Pic Kit Houghton        only held every four years, the Badminton
                                                                                  event was the 2007 benchmark event for
                                                                                  Australian Olympic Committee’s Adidas
                                                                                  Medal Incentive Programme. The win will
                                                                                  now see Lucinda qualify for the $15,000
                                                                                  funding awarded to winners of benchmark
                                                                                  events. Matt Ryan also qualified for $2,500
                                                                                  funding awarded to 4th placegetters in
                                                                                  this programme instigated by the AOC
                                                                                  and Adidas to support athletes in their
                                                                                  preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games.
                                                                                      Badminton continues a wonderful run of
                                                                                  major four-star performances for Australian
                                                                                  riders who have now won six of the last
                                                                                  eight of these major events and finished
                                                                                  second in the other two, including the World
                                                                                  Equestrian Games last year in Aachen,

                                                                                                        EFA NSW Branch July 2007
00:International Focus

The Fredericks' Juggernaut                                                         (cont'd)

Clayton Fredericks wins
E    ngland-based Australian eventing
     competitor Clayton Fredericks riding
Edwin McCauley’s Ben Along Time was
victorious in the prestigious Rolex Kentucky
International Three-Day Event, one of only
five 4-star events in the world. Phillip Dutton
and Connaught, now riding for the USA,
came second. Olympic Team Gold Medallist
Wendy Schaeffer improved to sixth place on
her horse Koyuna Sun Magic.
    This is another major win for Clayton
Fredericks and Ben Along Time who gained
Individual Silver and Team Bronze at last
year’s FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG)
in Aachen (Germany). Clayton won the FEI
World Cup Eventing in Malmö (SWE) in
2005 on the same horse.
     Going into the final showjumping phase
in third position, Clayton rode a beautiful
round to incur just the one time penalty and
put the pressure on American riders Heidi
White Carty in second place and overnight
leader Kristin Bachman, just as Andrew Hoy
did to win Kentucky last year.
     Heidi White Carty then incurred 11
penalties to put Clayton into second
position. It was up to Kristin Bachman to see
if she could withstand the ‘Aussie’ assault
once again. In unfortunate circumstances,
however, Kristin riding Gryffindor jumped a
wrong fence and was eliminated from the           Clayton and Ben Along Time, victorious at Kentucky. Pic: Kit Houghton
competition, giving Clayton his major 4-star
victory to go with his WEG medals and his
World Cup Final win in 2005.
    Over the past year Australia has              Results:-
achieved some amazing results starting
                                                  1. B
                                                      en Along Time
with Kentucky in 2006, followed by Andrew
                                                     Clayton Fredericks – AUS 54.0
Hoy in Badminton, Lucinda Fredericks in
Burghley and Heath Ryan in Adelaide. Add          2. Connaught
to this our best-ever result at WEG, it has           Phillip Dutton – USA 59.1
been a year not to forget for Australian          3. Theodore O’Connor
Eventing.                                             Karen O’Connor – USA 60.1
     Wendy Schaeffer, though very                 6. K
                                                      oyuna Sun Magic
disappointed with her final round with one           Wendy Schaeffer – AUS 64.6
rail down and 3 time penalties, improved her
overnight position from seventh to sixth to
show that she is coming back to the form
that saw her win an Olympic gold medal in
Atlanta in 1996.

EFA NSW Branch July 2007
International Focus:00

                                                                        World Cup Glitz and Glam

World Cup Final –                                                                                     But it turned out we had Isabell, and
                                                                                                 Warum Nicht – and we really did not need
Las Vegas                                                                                        anything else. Every day, Isabell rode her

E   very once in a while, it can be wonderful                                                    big red gelding, with coach Wolfram Wittig
    to be present when change ripples                                                            on the sidelines. A word here, a look there
through the air.                                                                                 – that is all the communication the three
     In 1984, we all sat in the California sun,                                                  need by now, they have been together for
at the Santa Anita racetrack, and watched                                                        five years.
Dr. Klimke and Ahlerich make magic – a                                                                Each day, Isabell gave a masterclass
‘victory round’ that included something like                                                     in how to wed commitment and talent to
30-40 effortless one-tempis, horse and rider                                                     focus and desire. Each ride, she schooled
touched by gold, by the sun, by some kind                                                        for purity of gait, for suppleness, for
of Greek Olympiad madness, as Dr. K. sat                                                         throughness, for elasticity, for true forward,
erect, reins in one hand, piaffing, passaging,                                                   for focus and power.
finally leaving the arena in an extended trot                                                        Isabell has had a few bad years – getting
that got so powered, even he had to jam his                                                      her leg broken by a kick, having the press
hat back on his head and grab both reins                                                         say she was washed up, being accused of
to keep the sparks shooting out of Ali’s feet                                                    poor riding and training – but the wheel had
from igniting the stands.                                                                        already started turning upwards when she
   And then, in 2005, we all went to Las                                                         earned her great success at 2006 WEG,
Vegas, for the first combined World Cup Final.                                                   winning an individual gold medal as well as
     We got to watch Meredith Michaels-                                                          helping score the team gold.
Beerbaum define the meaning of greatness-                                                             In Las Vegas, she went about her
under-pressure as she won the Jumping             Beat Mandli – world beater in Las Vegas.       business, no whip, simple spurs, posting
Final. And we got to watch Anky-who-only-         Pic: Kit Houghton                              trot, beautifully mobile hips welded to a very
needs-one-name and the black whale,                                                              strong yet flexible core, and truly educated
Salinero, get beaten in the Grand Prix                                                           hands. Even riding around the actual
– which we had thought was a meaningless                                                         competition arena, she began each ride in
class, useful only for the order of go in the        Anky was not there. We all knew – she       posting trot – a stark contrast to every other
all-important freestyle. But getting beaten       had just had baby daughter Ava Eden, and       competitor, who entered in full show mode,
only made Anky more determined, only              she had announced she would not return to      horses showing off collection and extension.
made her reach down and find ...more.             Las Vegas. But... there were secret hopes.        By now, everyone knows – some
   We all got our money’s worth, whether              Still – we had WEG superstar and freak     dreams work out and some do not.
we won at the gaming tables or not.               of nature, the great Danish mare, Matine,           Meredith, riding in the last round, one
                                                  and her rider, Andreas Helgstrand. And we      jump-off away from claiming her two-peat
   So going back to Las Vegas for another
                                                  had Isabell Werth, who brought the ever-       trophy, fell off Shutterfly. Meredith likes to
double World Cup Final was a no-brainer.
                                                  improving giant red thing, Warum Nicht,        ride light and loose, so Shutterfly never feels
   But could it possibly top 2005?                the semi-clone of Gigolo, her Olympic          impeded,and he was exploding over the
   Well.                                          champion.                                      jumps, having one of those magical rounds,
   It was different.                                 This was shaping up to be a spectacular     clearing everything, shaving seconds off
   Meredith had announced that she had            duel.                                          the time. They came to a huge liverpool,
worked hard to get Shutterfly even more               And then – roll of the dice – we had       Shutterfly jumped HUGE, started to turn in
conditioned, even more connected, even            nothing.                                       the air and his power and twist moved her
more of a partner – and this was for the               Getting offloaded from the horsebox,      off-center. The horse finished his turn and
JUMPING final.                                    Matine was upset, as were several of the       she could not stay on the saddle. Meredith
                                                  other horses. But Matine scrambled – and       meant to make a sharp right turn, which
    And she has succeeded – in each
                                                  fell down, onto the hard pavement.             is why her weight was to the right. But
round, you could see that horse and rider
                                                                                                 somehow, Shutterfly ‘remembered’ a sharp
had truly reached a new level of partnership.         Two days of riding, trying to see if       left turn from a previous round. She went off
Shutterfly disdained the jumps, focused           anything was wrong – and then the vet          to the right as he rolled left, and that was
during his warm-ups on the flat, looked as        inspection said something was wrong. Just      that. Meredith eventually got up, her helmet
though he had added 50 pounds of muscle           before the mare was due to be re-presented     slightly awry, and had that looong walk back
and topline.                                      to the ground jury, Andreas Helgstrand         to the in -gate, where someone had caught
    Meredith had that secret goofy smile on       announced the mare’s withdrawal. “She is       Shutterfly.
her face that athletes sometimes get when         almost 100%, but we just cannot take the
they are so in the zone they forget anyone        chance,” he said simply in his soft accented
else sees them.                                   English.

                                                                                                                        EFA NSW Branch July 2007
00:International Focus

World Cup Glitz and Glam                                                            (cont'd)

                                                                                                        In 2005, Joao Oliveira brought his cousin
                                                                                                    and two Lusitano stallions, for a thrilling pas
                                                                                                    de deux performed in the total darkness,
                                                                                                    only the horses outlined in lights on their
                                                                                                    necks, tails and hooves. It was thrilling and
                                                                                                    masterful, the cadenced beat of the hooves,
                                                                                                    the powerful music, the feeling that the
                                                                                                    sinuous light lines had a life of their own.
                                                                                                        This time, the Lusitano stallions,
                                                                                                    courtesy of Brookside Lusitanos and Oliveira
                                                                                                    Dressage, appeared in a quadrille but
                                                                                                    without Joao.
                                                                                                         The legendary master’s son was in the
                                                                                                    last stages of lung cancer, and it is not too
                                                                                                    much to say that the emotion of the riders
                                                                                                    affected their performance-an unspoken but
                                                                                                    real tribute to Oliveira himself.
                                                                                                        It was only more magical to have four
                                                                                                    sets of lit hooves dancing around the
                                                                                                    arena, the rolling, somber music making the
                                                                                                    audience break into spontaneous applause
                                                                                                    several times.
                                                                                                         When it was over, 3 of the stallions
                                                                                                    exited in the dark, leaving Joao’s cousin,
                                                                                                    Lucia, to exit by herself, mounted on Joao’s
Isabell the Great and Warum Nitch - winners of the dressage WC. Pic: Kit Houghton                   own stallion. (Joao Oliveira, only son of the
                                                                                                    legend Nuno Oliveira, passed away on May
                                                                                                    7th. “João got to hear how the audience
     Nevertheless she did the course walk for             He went back to Switzerland, not sure     reacted,” said his wife Rebecca Oliveira,
the jump-off round with Markus, helping to           how to live and Beat Mandli, whom he has       who put a phone next to his ear when a
figure out the best lines. Coz a super person        known since he was a child, got him going      friend called from Las Vegas during the
does what needs to be done – and I guess             again. They found a horse in a field. The      performance. “João started crying. He was
it helped, because Markus, her husband,              horse was broke to ride, but had no sport      so emotional and he was so touched. He
finished 3rd.                                        career or competition record – it was all      said, ‘The world has seen the beauty of the
   Sharing 3rd was young Swiss ace Steve             Steve could afford. “If you asked me two       Lusitano.’”)
Guerdat.                                             months ago what my dream is, I would say            Of course this is Vegas so when the
                                                     to qualify for World Cup,” Guerdat says in     lights came on, a dancing clown shot T-shirts
    It is amazing, despite the slick, notorious
                                                     his quite,earnest manner. “If you asked me     up into the bleachers with an air-gun, much
side of the horse business, the friendships
                                                     last week what I hoped for, I would say to     to the delight of the crowd.
and the interactions and the drama can be
                                                     place top ten.” Then he smiles ruefully. “If        This year, we DID have coochie girls,
rather overwhelming.
                                                     you asked me this morning, I was really        fabulous rippling musclemen dressed in
    Guerdat used to work for Jan Tops-he             hoping that Beat and I could be 1-2, either
actually rode Isovlas Pialotta at the WC                                                            thongs, and booming entertainment with
                                                     way. But third... third is not bad at all!”    lights and swirls.
2005 in Las Vegas, right before Australian
                                                          Guerdat paid honor to Beat Mandli,           But in the name of good taste and at the
star Edwina Alexander became the mare’s
                                                     saying he is easily as good as the best        request of the riders no smoke bombs.
                                                     Germans and overlooked all too often, and
    Guerdat was on top of the world-gaining          Beat just smiled and said Steve is sort of         Somehow, this all worked. It was just
a reputation as an up and coming major               like a son... and they both agreed that 1st    enough and not over the top, as 2005
talent.                                              and 3rd was not bad at all.                    might have been. This is one of the best-run
   And then, as Steve Guerdat puts it,                                                              show organizations in the world: each and
                                                          Guerdat’s sponsor is Yves Piaget – and    every person is top-notch at their respective
suddenly he had nothing. He left Jan Tops            it would have been so nice if a Piaget could
and had... nothing. No horses, no sponsors,                                                         jobs, and all deserve a very hearty standing
                                                     have won a Rolex!                              ovation.
no owners, no future.
                                                        In true Vegas fashion, in between           Lita Dove
                                                     rounds, we need some entertainment.            Equest News’ US correspondent

EFA NSW Branch July 2007
International Focus:00

                                                  World Cup Glitz and Glam                                                          (cont'd)

The Warm-Up and how it’s changed                                THE GP                                  Kyra’s test with Max was highlighted
– Lita Dove observes                                                                               by textbook, classical piaffe, the great
                                                                                                   signature pirouettes, the gorgeous walk,
W     atching warm-ups this morning in Las
      Vegas – truly, a lesson of itself.        N   ow in 2007, one dressage Grand
                                                    Prix down, the magic has not yet
                                                                                                   and lovely changes, straighter than I’ve
                                                                                                   seen on other occasions. “Max is a lot like
    Isabell Werth on the huge Weltmeyer         happened.                                          his father, Master,” said Kyra. “It is a great
gelding, Warum Nicht.                                A lot less glitter, a lot more information:   feeling to ride into a stadium of thousands
    Isabell gets ‘into the zone’ better and     the jumbotron – a four sided huge TV               and thousands of people and feel your
faster than anyone else I’ve seen, other        screen, shows the test as it is happening,         horse look around, say – ’this is fine’ and
than Anky.                                      plus a running score, given as a percent,          want to show off even more!”
    Her focus and commitment are                which represents the judge’s marks. Each               Isabell walked into the arena, picked
incredible and one can actually feel the        horse which follows has an actual score            up rising trot, rode long and low, then sat
mental strength as she rides by.                tally on the left hand corner, compared to         down, and the fun really began. Although
                                                the leader’s score in the right hand corner.       her final score was only a percentage point
    Her seat is a model of supple hips,         The announcer has toned down, is much
strong core, fast timing aids. She sits                                                            or so above Steffen and Floriano, it was a
                                                more sober. The coochie girls and smoke            test on another level entirely.
wherever she needs to be, to keep the           bombs are gone. One can only keep
balance and stay in rhythm.                     fingers crossed that freestyle day will have           Warum Nicht is eleven, the Weltmeyer
    During warm-up, she rides long and          some surprises.                                    gelding is just coming into his prime and
low, really long reins, asking the horse to                                                        Isabell works him to produce maximum
                                                   Of the top competitors, all shared in           elasticity, maximum suppleness and max
stay forward, on her aids and keeping the       harmony, power, risk, elasticity.
contact.                                                                                           power.
                                                    Steffen Peters kept Floriano so supple,            Sweeping half passes, gorgeous
    Sounds familiar?                            the half-passes were breathtaking, both in         extended trot, the first passage and
    Sure – but to see it done this way,         sweep and flow. It was a test of very high         piaffe so good, she is working on a 78+
taking the basics to the highest level – that   standard, with little flaw. The piaffe, while      score. The extended walk must get
was eye-opening and thought-provoking.          not standout, remained regular.                    9s. The tempis, both the 2s and then
    Sure, there were moments of                     Steffen said, “Floriano took one look          the 1s, suddenly must be ridden more
disagreement, but it always stayed a            at the crowd and tried a pirouette back            conservatively, as the huge chestnut
conversation between two opinionated            to the barn. But I knew, once he got in to         decides his hind legs just do not want to
athletes.                                       the arena, he would be fine. And the roar          stay under THAT much. Still the extended
     And the warm-ups themselves, over the      – well, it really pumped him up, but it did        canter bounces the score back up. The
last 10 years, have changed dramatically.       not unsettle him. He was really like he was        roar that greets her final halt does not even
                                                at WEG last year (where they placed 4th in         faze Warum Nicht – he has grown out of
     To watch riders bending and flexing,
                                                the GPS)                                           his spookiness.
taking slow, small steps that require max
commitment from the horse, cantering                 Kyra Kyrklund and Imke Bartels had                Isabell looks over at coach Wolfram
on-the-spot in deep position, then moving       different tests for the same score. Sunrise        Wittig and sponsor Madeline Winter-
on. The much more emphasized forward-           is possibly one of the greatest equine             Schulze, and smiles for the first time, her
back. – none of this was around in terms        athletes now competing and the test is full        serious ‘in the zone’ concentration finally
of gymnasticising the horse back in 1995,       of high-definition movements, wonderful            over.
the first World Cup Dressage in the United      gaits, including the walk – missing from               Later she says that she tries not to
States.                                         some otherwise good tests. Piaffe and              compare her horses, “But Warum Nicht
                                                especially passage have that extra                 is earning his place in my heart. Not yet
    Only Anky and Bonfire (and Sjef) were
                                                cadence that earn superior marks. But              Gigolo – those are big shoes to fill. But still
using the deep extreme position; the idea
                                                there was a real sense that she was saving         – who knows?”
of changing the rhythm and size of steps
                                                the mare for the kur on Saturday. Asked
was in its infancy – even for them.                                                                Lita Dove
                                                what she was thinking as she entered
     It used to be possible to see how the      the arena, Imke laughed and said, “Oh.
test might evolve from the particular warm      My.God!!!” She then said that Sunrise
up. Now, each warm up was more like             settled in to the atmosphere and she was
a human athlete’s series and sets, with         really happy with the result.
different ideas and areas addressed.
   These days, the warm-up is a
specialized set of tools, and more than
anything else, tells how much the sport is

                                                                                                                          EFA NSW Branch July 2007
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A World of Difference                                    
International Focus:0011

                                                     World Cup Glitz and Glam                                                             (cont'd)

The GP Freestyle                                                                                                               7th to Catherine Haddad

I t was Isabell’s to lose – and she did not.                                                                              and Maximus. They changed
  Instead she gave all of us – the audience,                                                                              their choreography for the
the riders, hey maybe even then other                                                                                     better – a more powerful
horses – a lesson in how it can look.                                                                                     opening of passage-piaffe.
    How it can be.                                                                                                        They had little flaws – some
                                                                                                                          loss of balance in the
    What a love for horses, incredible                                                                                    pirouettes, nothing major.
knowledge and experience, and some kind                                                                                   Overall they were a little flat in
of deep abiding passion and commitment                                                                                    going and lacked the power
can produce.                                                                                                              and engagement necessary
   She entered in top hat and tails, doing                                                                                for the high marks.
posting trot around the arena, sat down,                                                                                      8th went to a deserving
waved her hand, and danced with her horse.                                                                                Iryna Lis and her Trakehner
     In the extended trot, he had so much                                                                                 gelding, Problesk. Light
air under his feet, you could see the other                                                                               elegant, airy movements, not
side of the arena. In the passage and piaffe,                                                                             enough power again in the
he articulated every joint – in rhythm and                                                                                collected work, but a clean
balance. Then degree of difficulty was great,                                                                             and pleasing test.
the execution was wonderful.                                                                                                  9th to Marlies van Baalen
   The only thing missing was a truly worthy                                                                              and Kigali. The passage
opponent.                                                                                                                 was too ‘skipping’ behind,
     Imke Schellekens-Bartels and the                                                                                     not enough medium and
great mare Sunrise performed to the most                                                                                  extended gait. A VERY
wondrous music, and they were worthy                                                                                      brave series of one tempis
of it tonight. The half passes had sweep                                                                                  down centerline away from
and power. The passage was in excellent                                                                                   the judges and then back
balance, the piaffe very good, and the           Isabelle winning the Freestyle in Vegas. Pic: Kit Houghton               towards them, all straight
tempis swept along exactly in time to the                                                                                 and lovely.
powerful music.                                                                                                              10th to Leslie Morse
    But the difference between 1st and 2nd                                                                               and Tip Top. Tip Tops
was a matter of extreme athleticism in both      and by the 2nd time, one knew this would               quality showed in the half passes and the
partners, with Isabell matching each stride      be costly in scoring. Not even the gorgeous            pirouettes, but his refusal to piaffe affected
and exertion of her horse, making the whole      one-handed canter pirouettes, followed by              too many marks for high scores.
effort a seamless dance. The difference          double pirouettes a few strides later, could              11th to Gribaldi who only had two
was brilliance maintained and sustained          offset the stickiness.                                 answers to everything, ESPECIALLY piaffe:
throughout – and brilliance with a few more          Nevertheless, Max was a much more                        “No, I don’t think so” and, “NO”.
earthbound moments.                              focused and willing partner than in the Grand
                                                                                                            I asked Edward Gal what happened with
    The difference between 2nd, 3rd and 4th      Prix, and Kyra was ecstatic after her ride, a
                                                                                                        Gribaldi and he smiled a bit wistfully and
were more the stuff of the usual dressage        true horseman so happy to have her partner
                                                                                                        said, “It is breeding season and this has
performances – a few more or less seamless       back in sync again.
                                                                                                        taught us that if he goes away from home for
transitions; a few sticky moments into a              Briar and Jan Brink held for 5th, the             this long a time, he has to stop breeding a
major movement, etc.                             stallions wonderful passage still exciting,            month before, not a week or so before.”
      So, 3rd to Steffen Peters and Floriano     and the piaffe, a little forward b ut very good
                                                                                                             Gal laughs. “Usually, he has a wonderful
– not quite as sharp as at 2006 WEG, but         quality. Tempis and pirouettes all polished
                                                                                                        temperament, a very good character, and
still wonderfully supple and responsive. The     – only in the extensions did doubt creep in
                                                                                                        likes to work. But he is a stallion as well as a
textbook half passes, excellent passage and      and affect the scores.
                                                                                                        horse. We can never really predict what the
some of the best piaffe I’ve ever seen the             6th to Idocus and Courtney King – the            answer will be.”
horse do. Only lacking was the extreme level     first pair of the night to achieve over 70
of athleticism of Warum Nicht. Steffen’s own                                                                Solos Carex was withdrawn from the kur
                                                 percent in the results. King is an elegant
musicality and elegant riding was a joy to                                                              – running a VERY slight temp, but enough for
                                                 rider, and the crowd energy only served
behold.                                                                                                 Swedish rider Tinne Vilhelmson to make this
                                                 to puff up the sometimes laid back Dutch
                                                                                                        decision rather than chance stressing the
    4th to Kyra Kyrklund and Max. It could       stallion, giving the clean and obedient test a
                                                                                                        horse. Lita Dove
so easily have been 3rd. But the piaffe, while   little extra pizzazz.
classical, was sticky in the transitions in,

                                                                                                                                EFA NSW Branch July 2007
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International Focus:0013

                                                          World Cup Glitz and Glam                                              (cont'd)

The Jumping Final II                                  been really difficult and I
                                                      thought ‘I can do this –
E      dwina, who started the second day
       of competition in 31st place, had
just a rail down in 32.15 seconds in the
                                                      stay positive and strong
                                                      and trust the horse’.
thrilling jump-off against the likes of world              “So I had a totally
No.1 Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and                   different mentality tonight
Switzerland’s Beat Mändli.                            – it’s all in the head.”
    Her 6th placing tonight moved her up to                Edwina, from
18th heading into Sunday’s final, 14 penalty          Glossodia, NSW, moved
points (3.5 rails) behind the new leaders             to Belgium in 1998
– Meredith, Germany’s WEG bronze                      to see whether she
medallist, and Switzerland’s Steve Guerdat.           could make a success
                                                      of showjumping. She
    Edwina, who last year recovered from              originally intended to
22nd position on day 2 of WEG to become               stay only six months, but
the first Australian rider to make the                returned in 1999 and
prestigious final four, was now hoping for a          rode for Belgian Ludo
top 10 finish.                                        Philippaerts for three
     “I don’t see myself being able to get            years before starting her
into the first five or six but if I finished in the   own company buying
first 10 I’d be very happy,” she said.                and selling horses.
    “She’s jumping great, I’ve got more                    During this period,
confidence and I’m feeling a lot better with          she represented
the whole thing.”                                     Australia at the 2002
    The 1.55m to 1.60m track claimed                  WEG in Jerez, Spain,
two casualties – Poland’s Lukasz Jonczyk              on Quelle Damme van
and American Rich Fellers – although                  de Heffinck, finishing
their eliminations (for a fall and error of           48th. Four years ago,
course respectively) were nowhere near as             she moved to the
unexpected as the exit’s the previous night           magnificent Stal Tops
of Beezie Madden and Michael Whitaker.                stables at Valkenswaard
    Walking the course, Edwina thought                in the Netherlands and
the track in the compact Thomas & Mack                in 2005, Stal Tops,
indoor arena was “very technical and big              Edwina and Cees van                   Australia’s Gavin Chester and Warlord II, not their
enough” and predicted to foreign technical            Opstal bought Pialotta                event this year, failing to qualify for the Jumping
delegate Leopoldo Palacios that there                 for Edwina to ride.                   Final III. Pic: Kit Houghton
would be eight clears. Little did she know            Melanie Beeby,
she would be the first and the only one of            courtesy of the National EFA.
the first 19 riders.
     Edwina said she had expected the line
to the treble would ride more like a short
six than it did “and I got there a little bit
long”. “That’s why I think I had it down in
the jump-off because I came in a little bit
     She said her bad warm-up (Isovlas
Pialotta stopped at a practice fence),
starting early in the draw, and not having
competed indoors for three weeks had all
left her nervous heading into the first day’s
competition, and she overrode the horse.
    Tonight, she was much more relaxed. “I
think after I walked the course and realised
how difficult it was, I reminded myself that
a lot of the indoor tracks I’ve ridden have

                                                                                                                     EFA NSW Branch July 2007
0014:International Focus

World Cup Glitz and Glam                                                                 (cont'd)

Edwina and Pialotta, proving their class in the Jumping Final II with a clear in the first round. Unfortunately
this great form did not continue in the Jumping Final III. Pic: Kit Houghton

                                                                 The eventual winner, Beat Mandli from            as he himself says, “6 months ago, just a
             Jumping Final                                 Switzerland on the brilliant Selle Francais            dream to come here. I got Tresor 9 months
                                                           gelding, Ideo du Thot, looked fresh coming             ago, he was doing nothing before – that

 In round 1, US superstar and hot medal
  hopeful Beezie Madden parted company
 with Authentic, and that was that.
                                                           into the arena – and freshness resulted
                                                           in enough spark and bascule to produce
                                                           the clean rounds for a final score of 5
                                                                                                                  is all the horse I could afford to get. And
                                                                                                                  then, he got better – and then I qualified
                                                                                                                  for here. Last week, I would have been
     In Round 3, the favorite to “two-peat”,               penalties over the 3 days of competition.              thrilled to just make the final. This morning,
 scoreboard leader and champion of the                     The youngest German--Daniel Deusser                    I was hoping to carry my score through.
 world Meredith-Michaels-Beerbaum parted                   – held on, 11 penalties for 2nd. Deusser’s             And the first round, my horse felt great. And
 company with Shutterfly – and that was                    greenness showed on Day One, then he                   even before the 2nd round, he still felt very
 that.                                                     settled down and wow! By Day Three, he                 good. But then, we came in to the arena
                                                           rode with typical German technique and                 and even to the first fence, I could feel he
      Nevertheless, she did the course walk
                                                           flair and had the luck that escaped some               was a little tired. This was a lot for him, this
 for the jump-off round with Markus, helping
                                                           other with unlucky rails. Asked what he was            competition. I am very proud of him.”
 to figure out the best lines.
                                                           doing a year ago, he laughs and says, “I                  Unfortunately Edwina Alexander had
    Just a tiny drama of many, only noticed                know exactly what I was doing. I was riding            two refusals in the first round of the Final III
 because she is a superstar...                             the five-year olds in the morning, cleaning            and was eliminated. This is hopefully just
     So, going into the all important and                  up after – and watching World Cup on the               a minor setback for the classy pair as they
 decisive Final III, with its two rounds, the              television at night.”                                  prepare for Beijing in 2008.
 leaderboard had really changed drastically                   Third went to two riders: Markus                    Lita Dove
 over the course of the competition.                       Beerbaum, husband of Meredith, having his
     Guilherme Jorge’s courses were                        best finish in a championship on the mare
 uniformly brilliant – fair but technical, many            he had here in World Cup 2005; and Steve
 twisty roll backs, a test of rider nerve and              Guerdat, the brilliant young Swiss rider, who
 horse heart.                                              came into the last round in first place, but

EFA NSW Branch July 2007
National Focus:0015

                                                                                               Sydney CDI 2007

2007 Sydney CDI 3-Star                                                                                    On Monday morning the Japanese Team
                                                                                                     flew in, the loan horses and their owners
– a view from the inside                                                                             arrived at SIEC and Stable Manager Mike

T   he 2007 Sydney CDI turned out to be                                                              O’Callahan and wife Sandy were on hand
    one of the best yet. For me it is not so                                                         to assist with horse arrivals. Hard working
easy to tell but the feedback has been very                                                          members of the CDI crew Cathie and Trevor
positive and the great thing is that we keep                                                         (Klein) arrived around midday along with
on producing events that riders, sponsors,                                                           Johanna Warland who would be the groom
exhibitors, spectators and volunteers enjoy                                                          for the loan horses for the week. Johanna
being involved with.                                                                                 did a marvellous job and her cheery
    These events take some time to                                                                   disposition endeared her to all. After settling
organise and we need to start at least 12                                                            in horses, Cathie and I had a briefing with
months or more in advance for the next                                                               the overseas riders riding borrowed horses,
event. The workload increases as one gets                                                            introductions of owners of the loan horses
closer to the event but for me, there is                                                             etc. After some lunch this it was on to the
always something that needs to be done                                                               arenas for the overseas riders to try their
throughout the year: securing judges;                                                                borrowed horses. This is always a stressful
organising sponsors; budgets - financial                                                             time for all concerned. There is not an easy
submissions; schedules, meetings and                                                                 formula of how to allocate or draw horses.
planning sessions etc.                                                                               In contrast to the Derby (where all draw a
                                                                                                     horse for that competition alone) for the lead
    The Organising Committee had an                                                                  up competitions of the PSG and Inter I we
extremely busy time during the event                                                                 have allocated a horse to a rider. This year
and despite continued improvements to                                                                we had enough horses (partly due to the
our systems, procedures and pre event             Heath Ryan, Regardez Moi and Sandy Oatley          USA not fielding a Team in the end) and we
preparation – there’s only so much that                                                              decided that we would allocate 3 horses per
one can do until the event gets underway.                                                            team and let the riders decide which horse
Things could come unstuck very easily and             The Sunday morning prior the CDI the           suited them best.
the event would be a shambles if all the          event got underway. First to the airport and
work in the lead up was not done.                                                                        On Tuesday the bump-in continues and
                                                  after dropping off the Canadians at Mulgoa it
                                                                                                     the venue starts to take shape for the event.
    The first of our visiting riders from NZL,    was on to SIEC to give the Patti’s hire crew
                                                                                                     Trade stands set up, electrician working
Coralie Williams and Karen Anderson arrived       their directions for the setting up of the trade
                                                                                                     wonders, arenas being set up and VIP area
on the Thursday the week before the event.        area, hang up a banner on the fence, then
                                                                                                     and back of house taking shape.
Flight problems meant that they had to arrive     home to more paperwork and packing up
much earlier than planned. The management         of stuff boxes that I needed to take to the
at SIEC were flexible and the horses flown        venue for the event.
over from NZL were allowed to go to the
venue early which was much appreciated
by the NZL Team. The following day (Friday)
it was an early morning trip to the airport for
me to pick up Wendy Christoff from Canada
and take her to Marcus and Emily Le Poer
Trench who were hosting some of our riders
during the event. On Saturday I got to sleep
in and Marcus picked up the English Team
Tracy Wright and Daryl Ware. Daryl arrived
with a broken foot but determined to ride (a
horse stood on his foot the morning of his
departure to AUS). On Sunday another early
morning trip to the airport to collect Denielle
Gallagher (CAN) and her charming French
fiancé Bertram. Denielle and Bertram live
and work in New York (Denielle works for
a leading Canadian dressage rider, Ashley
Holzer who is based in the USA). It was
interesting hearing about their life in the
big apple while driving them to Emily and                         Pic courtesy Rachel Smith - Furdography
Marcus’s home.

                                                                                                                           EFA NSW Branch July 2007
0016:National Focus

Sydney CDI 2007                                         (cont'd)

                                                       SIEC management did a great job: the
                                                    venue looked a real picture and all the staff
                                                    gave me and the team all the support we
                                                       Welcome drinks for riders follow while
                                                    my other half (Franz) came to help after work
                                                    and is out in the dark hanging up the CDI
                                                    and EFA flags on the SIEC road entrance
                                                    and car park.
                                                        A happy gathering at the riders
                                                    welcome, Toshiya the young Japanese
                                                    rider has a nice glow after a few glasses of
                                                    champagne and his English improves as the
                                                    evening wears on. The evening concluded
                                                    early enough for all to get good nights sleep
                                                    before day one of competition.

                                                    Day One of competition -
Glennis Barrey and Classico II                                                                      Christine Crawford and Northern Simba

      Wednesday things are hotting up with
                                                    B     right and early on Thursday morning
                                                          the competition started in the indoor
                                                    with the Gow-Gates Prix St Georges and              Rozzie Ryan and Jive Magic won the
judges arriving in the wee hours of the             outdoors the National Wagners Saddlery          Gow-Gates Prix St Georges. Rozzie
morning, horse arrival inspections, arena           Prix St Georges Competition. With the           was granted a wild card for Jive for this
familiarisation (always a great time to come        number of entries and international riders it   competition. Under normal entry conditions,
and watch if one has the time) 63 plus              is not easy to make the cut for the CDI PSG     the horse would have been put on the
horses present for trot-up in the afternoon         and the national competition allow those        reserve list due to limited starts in the
(all but two horses got through and had to          riders who are on the reserve list to get a     qualifying period. At the Sydney CDI the
re-present early on Thursday morning); final        ride.                                           Organisers have the authority to grant wild
touches to the arenas, flags hung, sponsor                                                          cards - this one paid off.
banners put out and arenas dressed and                   Event starts out well with all systems
                                                    up and running: live scores up on the web          Alycia Targa continued to impress
ready for competition. It is all a buzz in                                                          on Neversfelde Kudu to win the Riders
the Rider Info Office with accreditation of         as the competitions take place (thanks
                                                    to Graeme & Karen Lever); score board           Shoppe Young Rider PSG (CDI-Y)
riders/owners taking place. The event office                                                        competition.
started to get busier. Geraldine Kawabe             operator, Georgina James gets familiar
                                                    with her position for the next three days           The youngest rider at the event, Dimity
arrived to manage the affairs of the office
                                                    in the commentary box putting scores            Lourey won the Wagners Saddlery
(all the way from New Zealand at her own
                                                    into the HyGain score board computer. All       National Prix St Georges Competition.
expense) and along with Jan Grove these
                                                    volunteers turn up and competition gets         In no time we will see Dimity mixing it with
two ladies handled the rather stressful job of
                                                    underway smoothly and on time.                  the big boys and girls in the international
dealing with many issues that confront them
in their stride. There was a hive of activity
taking place in various areas in readiness for                                                           Heath on Greenoaks Dundee and
the first day of competition. The exhibitors                                                        Regardez Moi took out the first two placings
start rolling in and all jostling trying to bag a                                                   in the Needs for Steeds Intermediate
better spot.                                                                                        II competition. A great achievement
                                                                                                    considering the thrills and spills Heath had
                                                                                                    only a few days prior to the CDI in the 4-Star
                                                                                                    in Kentucky.

EFA NSW Branch July 2007
National Focus:0017

                                                                             Sydney CDI 2007                                      (cont'd)

                                                                                                   Day Three Saturday – the
                                                                                                   big one

                                                                                                   T   he day starts out early with freestyle
                                                                                                       practices from 7am in the indoor. The
                                                                                                   second round of the Coprice NSW Young
                                                                                                   Horse Championships is held outdoors
                                                                                                   and today is more orderly as the tests are
                                                                                                   ridden with only one horse in the arena at
                                                                                                   any one time. Some confusion with judges
                                                                                                   tests papers delays the start of competition
                                                                                                   but the judges very quickly have the timing
                                                                                                   back on track.
                                                                                                       The indoor competition starts at 10am
                                                                                                   with the final leg of the IRT Tournament
                                                                                                   which was won convincingly by Linda Foster
                                                                                                   on Mauritius followed by Claire Wickins on
                      Packed to the rafters. The most successful CDI yet?
                                                                                                   Worldwide PB.
                                                                                                        People start rolling through the gates
                                                                                                   early with many seats suddenly covered
    Day one of competition concludes with               The EFA Grand Prix was held in the         up with blankets and all sorts of things to
the presentations and relief to behind the         indoor on Friday afternoon and won again        reserve seats. We had a huge increase in
scenes people that all had worked well.            by Heath Ryan on Clyde Wunderwald’s             pre-sold seats on Saturday and sold over
Tomorrow will be another day. Hopefully            Greenoaks Dundee. Brett Parbery was in          half of the indoor seating. Next year we will
one where the judges don’t run down the            third place on Caroline Lieutenant’s Victory    move to allocating all seats which will be a
batteries in the Lexus vehicles.                   Salute. Nice to see two blokes at the top for   much fairer way for all. Tickets can be pre-
   Final results for the day and pictures          a change and hopefully this will encourage      purchased before the event or purchased
and reports or stories were posted on the          more males to take dressage seriously. The      on site from a ticket booth at the entrance.
web site each night. Visits to web increased       ladies need some men at the top to stir         We will need to put some restrictions on
considerably during the event with many            things up and make the competition more         group bookings setting up catering tables
keenly tracking the live results.                  interesting. Leif Törnblad gave out three       in full view on Saturday night. The venue
                                                   MES (minimum eligibility scores) scores         management has been accommodating to
                                                   to Greenoaks Dundee, Regardez Moi and           date but it is starting to get out of hand.
Day Two Friday                                     Victory Salute, Cara Whitham gave out two           The crowd on Saturday was huge

T     he morning starts bright and early           to Greenoaks Dundee and Victory Salute.         and an extra 100 loose chairs offered to
      again (sun continues to shine)               The pressure is now on for others to try for    accommodate more people. These were
with the Holiday Inn Intermediate I                qualifying scores at the coming CDI-W in        taken up quickly. Once the arena was full we
competition indoors and the IRT Advanced           Qld.                                            dropped the price on the gate to standing
Tournament commences outdoors. The                     After the end of competition                room only prices. Over 200 spectators still
first qualifier for Coprice NSW Young              presentations again take place followed         came in even though they knew they would
Horse Championships gets underway                  by freestyle practice in the indoor.            probably have to stand up. The figures say
in the main outdoor arena. The Young               Embarrassing for us to have to advise Lexus     this was the biggest crowd but numbers to
Horse competitions always throw up a few           that once again some of the cars used by        me looked less than the year before.
challenges, young horses being as they are         the judges had flat batteries (same situation
and riders being a bit anxious, sometime           occurred on Saturday). Next year we will
the mix is interesting. All went well and          take away the keys to avoid this.
many experienced people were on hand
to make sure this was so. Flora Freeman
was out on the arena making sure all was
working and after some guidance with the
protocol re the use of the “walkie talkie” as
she affectionately calls them, the young
horse competitions ran as they should, on
time and no drama. Unlike several years ago
when I can remember Rachel Sanna saying
“my horse will be a year older by the time we
are through.” We have all learnt.

                                                                                                                         EFA NSW Branch July 2007
0018:National Focus

Sydney CDI 2007                                       (cont'd)

                                                      In the main arena, the Australian                 The format for the Coprice Young
                                                  Sports Commission Grand Prix Special              Horse Finals was different this year. Rather
                                                  was held and won by none other than               than have a guest rider, the winner of each
                                                  Heath on Greenoaks Dundee. Riders may             age group came in and rode in front of the
                                                  only ride one horse in the Freestyle and          judges and the judges decided the overall
                                                  must declare before the start of the Grand        winner. The judges were Leif Törnblad
                                                  Prix which horse the will ride in the Freestyle   (DEN), Isobel Wessels (GBR) and Suzy
                                                  and GPS. Heath decided to ride Regardez           Hoevenaars (AUS). During each horses work
                                                  Moi in the Freestyle.                             out one of the judges provided a running
                                                      The Riders Shoppe Young Rider                 commentary on what they were seeing and
                                                  Freestyle followed the Derby in the indoor        what they were looking for when judging
                                                  with Alycia Targa winning on Kudu. Robbie         young horses. I thought the format worked
                                                  Soster improved on her placing in the PSG         well and the judges were very informative
                                                  by coming second in the Freestyle riding          and had interesting observations to make.
                                                  Robali Irish Cream.                               The crowd seemed to think so also as they
                                                                                                    were all concentrating and quiet during the
                                                      Mid afternoon and the crowd builds
                                                                                                    display. Maree Tomkinson on her lovely
                                                  up; business is booming in the trade show
                                                                                                    mare Diamantina won the overall prize
                                                  and SIEC management are coping with
                                                                                                    and Randwick Equine Centre provided an
                                                  the car park and making preparations for a
                                                                                                    additional $250 cash bonus to the winner.
                                                  big night. Business was brisk at our event
                                                  merchandise stand (ably managed by Alison             The evening activities start out with the
                                                  Rogers who travelled down from QLD to             popular Zilco Intermediate Freestyle
                                                  oversee the stand), we were starting to run       which was a close finish with Rozzie on Jive
Maree Tomkinson on Diamantina with Fiona Neill    low in stock. A short cold blast would have       Magic winning (70.73%) and Di Jenkyn and
of Coprice                                                                                          Florett (70.43%) following closely behind.
                                                  helped to move some of the heavier items
                                                  but they will keep until next year.               Sally Evans on A’Seduction finished third.

     The NSW Department of Sport Prix                We were also blessed with the most
St Georges Derby gets underway around             beautiful weather for the entire week.
midday and again Rozzie Ryan was in fine
form taking out the individual title on Kylie
Woodyatt’s Silkston. In second place was
Toshiya Taguchi from Japan on Maxine
Cummings Pinnamurra Ricardo – both the
rider and the owner were delighted with
the result. Denielle Gallagher from Canada
in third place riding Deborah Schofields
    The Horseland Teams event was won
by Australia and the duo of Rozzie Ryan
and Rachel Sanna (who seemed to have
fun riding Dimity/Ann-Maree Lourey’s horse
Byalee Gold), followed by Canada and Great
Britain in third place.
    Presentations followed, the Australian
Anthem played, country flags flying, flowers
presented by Cathie DK to the owners (with
Georgie Barrey as flower girl) and all visiting
riders relieved and happy that their riding
commitments were over and they could now
relax and have some fun on Saturday night.

                                                  Judy Dierks and PSI de Caprio

EFA NSW Branch July 2007
National Focus:0019

                                                                              Sydney CDI 2007                                       (cont'd)

    The Stallion Show followed with six
super stallions shown by their riders and
handlers with expert commentary provided
by Roger Fitzhardinge. The Stallion Show is
a hit with the crowd and just as important,
a fund raiser for the event. The crowd
was impressed with the running of the
Axel Renz who showed the Stallion Royal
Hit off with great pizzazz. All owners and
riders enjoyed having the freedom to just
ride and show their horses outside of a
competition environment. The Stallion Show
provides owners with a great opportunity to
showcase their stallions in front of a capacity
crowd – where else does that happen?
     The popular Farewell to the Nations
followed with the all members of the Teams
and the visiting members of the Ground
Jury. They were transported into the arena
in fine style via two Lexus of Parramatta
convertibles and the popular Morgan Car
Club. Speeches and formal presentations
followed including a presentation to Deb                                                  Linda Foster and Mauritius
MacNicol for her services to the sport as ex
Chair of the National Dressage Committee.
The hard working Field of Play crew were               The organisers had a glass or two in               Thank you to our sponsors (some
on hand to accept the round of applause           the office to celebrate another successful          old and some new ones this year) who
and accolades for all the CDI volunteers.         event. Overseas riders made their farewells         supported the event; we could not do it
    After this the Organisers took a deep         all praising the event and the friendly             without you.
breathe and began to downwind as the              assistance and support they received from
rest of the evening is a piece of cake and        all. They all had a ball and I am sure that         Principal Partners
some of us managed at long last to watch a        communication with their new friends in AUS         NSW Sport and Recreation, Equestrian
few horses. The 250 people in the Hunter          will continue.                                      Federation of Australia, Equestrian
Valley Warmblood Stud Marquee were                    On Sunday a Judges Seminar with Leif            Federation of Australia, NSW Branch;
enjoying the Evening Dinner while watching        Törnblad took place and around 75 people            The Australian Sports Commission, NSW
the Freestyle. The stands were packed and         attended and were all pleased that they did.        Institute of Sport.
we just let the evening roll on.
                                                      Sunday was slow motion day for many
    The finale for the evening was Hamilton       of us as we tried to motivate ourselves to          Gold Sponsors
Island Grand Prix Freestyle. A smaller field      get started with the horrible job of packing        Hamilton Island, Holiday Inn Rooty Hill, Gow-
than normal with 10 horses taking part but        up, cleaning up, taking down banners etc.           Gates, CopRice, Zilco International HyGain,
this made no difference to the crowd who          By around 4pm on Sunday most of us                  International Racehorse Transport
enjoyed the competition. The results were         had left for home feeling tired and looking
close with Heath winning on Regardez Moi          forward to a G&T.                                   Silver Sponsors
on 71% with Brett and Victory Salute on                                                               Needs for Steeds, The Riders Shoppe,
70.30%.                                                Each year we try and improve and
                                                  introduce new things to add to the event.           Lexus of Parramatta, Wagners Saddlery,
    Before the final presentation the             The live scores (first for an event in Australia    Virbac Animal Health
crowd all stayed in their seats to watch          I believe) this year was a new initiative that
the “Stewards Review” choreographed by            worked really well. We had some problems            Official Suppliers and Supporters
Simon Barrey and performed by Simon,              with the Event Radio – the system does              Hunter Valley Warmblood Stud, Horseland,
Graham Shelley, Graeme Lever and Trevor           work, the concept is great but some of              Fugi Xerox, Mandavilla Catering Services,
Klein. It was pretty funny and Simon says he      the radios (due sometimes to operator               The Lancaster Group, Randwick Equine
has plans for an improved version next time!      errors) did not function as well as they            Clinic; The Morgan Car Club, The Sydney
    The final presentations followed and that     could. We will get it right for next time. The      International Equestrian Centre, Wizardry
concluded the competition side of the event       commentary from the panel of experts was            Imaging and Signs
for 2007.                                         well received and many really enjoyed doing
                                                  it once they got the hang of it.

                                                                                                                           EFA NSW Branch July 2007
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