Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary

Page created by Jeffrey Weber
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary

February 2020 $3.75

Opening ALA
to Better
Fulfill Our
                                       Chanin Nuntavong,
                      One of the First Male ALA Members
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
The Truth about
Planned Giving
        It’s not as difficult as you think!
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        Check out the truth behind these
        misnomers that might be holding
        you back from making a planned
        gift to the American Legion
        Auxiliary or the ALA Foundation:
        MYTH: It’s only for the wealthy.
        FACT: You don’t need to be
        wealthy to have a will or indicate a
        charitable bequest. No matter the
        size of any individual donation,
        collectively, every gift adds up to
        help ensure the Auxiliary is here
        for the generations to come.
        MYTH: I must have a will in
        order to donate.
        FACT: There are various ways
        to donate without a will, including
        your retirement plan or life
        insurance policy.
        MYTH: It costs way too much
        money to make a will.
        FACT: The average cost for
        a basic will is $375 and ensures
        your assets are distributed
        according to your wishes.
        Start your planned gift by visiting
        Planned-Giving or calling
        (317) 569-4500.

        © American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters. All rights reserved. 12/2019
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
FEATURES                                       IN EVERY ISSUE
28   ‘WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO’                      4   NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S            52    ALL THINGS
     Auxiliary members and returning                 MESSAGE                               ALA GIRLS STATE
     veterans reflect on the healing power      6    BEHIND THE SCENES               53    ALA SCHOLARSHIP
     of annual arts festival.                   7    FROM OUR READERS                      RECIPIENTS: WHERE
                                                                                           ARE THEY NOW?
44   MAKING HISTORY                             8    JUNIOR MEMBERS
     Meet some of the new male spouses                                               54    A WISE PERSON SAID
                                               10    I AM THE ALA
     of veterans and servicemembers who                                              55    LEGION FAMILY NEWS
                                               13    IT’S ALL GOOD
     joined the ALA.                                                                 56    MISSION MATTERS
                                               36    IMPACT ALA!
48   THE PARTY KEEPS GOING                                                           57    SOCIAL MEDIA
                                               51    BUILDING ALA
     Learn about the many ways units are             BRAND LOYALTY                   58    THE LAST WORD
     commemorating the ALA’s centennial.

                                                           A Community of Volunteers
                                                            Serving Veterans, Military,
                                                                    and their Families
ON THE COVER: Legionnaire and U.S. Marine Corps veteran Chanin Nuntavong joined the American Legion Auxiliary as
soon as he heard that ALA membership eligibility was expanded to male spouses of veterans and servicemembers (photo:
Rod Lamkey Jr.). ABOVE (from left): national Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Committee members Barbara Washburn,
Darlene Allen, Janice MacLeod, and Paulette Caron improv dance with veteran participant Patrick Plugge at the 2019
National Veterans Creative Arts Festival (photo: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs).   							                                                     February 2020 | Auxiliary magazine 3
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
President                                                                             families. Learn more about a few of
                                                                                      these new members in this edition of
                                                                                      Auxiliary magazine, starting on page 44.
                                                                                          Another mission-oriented part of
                                                                                      my travels was participation in The
                                                                                      American Legion’s “System Worth
                                                                                      Saving” site visit to the Washington,
                                                                                      D.C. Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
                                                                                      On this visit, I accompanied American
                                                                                      Legion National Veterans Affairs &
                                                                                      Rehabilitation Commission Chairman
                                                                                      Ralph Bozella, as well as George
                                                                                      Mitchell, the Legion’s Veterans Affairs &
                                                                                      Rehabilitation Division deputy director
                                                                                      of health policy. We met with veterans
                                                                                      and their families, plus the center’s
                                                                                      administrators and employees, to learn
ALA MISSION-FILLED MOMENTS (top): Visiting with veteran Jeff Schenkelberg             about the successes, challenges, and
at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, Colo.; (bottom):          limitations there.
standing beside Ralph Bozella, chairman of The American Legion Veterans Affairs &         These were among a series of visits
Rehabilitation Commission, at the Washington, D.C. Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
                                                                                      to VA medical facilities and regional
    Optimism seemed to radiate              someone who requires prosthetics,         offices done each year by the Legion’s
from Jeff Schenkelberg, a veteran I         sensory aids, and other similarly         Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
met recently at the Rocky Mountain          purposed equipment, but I wanted          Commission. Observations and
Regional VA Medical Center in               to try. During my visit with the          information gathered during the visits
Aurora, Colo. I sat by Jeff ’s hospital     Department of Colorado on our             are assembled annually into a System
bed, and we talked. He voiced               stop at the Jewell VA Clinic, I tried     Worth Saving Report, which goes to
appreciation for the staff at Rocky         out a driving simulator followed by       U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Mountain, and to The American               a specially equipped tricycle. Later,     officials, members of Congress, and the
Legion Family for all we do. As it turns    I wore an exoskeleton mobility suit.      President of the United States.
out, Jeff ’s father is a past commander     Then, I worked at going back and              I attended another System Worth
of Legion Post 7 in Carroll, Iowa.          forth between a track chair and kayak.    Saving site visit at the Lexington VA
    Meeting Jeff was a moving                   One of the biggest eye openers
experience, and not just because of         for me was wearing, and trying to
his gratitude or his Legion Family          walk with, a prosthetic leg. Learning
connection. It was also his upbeat          to balance, walk, and maneuver with
demeanor, which, I’m told, he has           it was challenging. (A video of me
maintained throughout his lengthy           walking with the prosthetic leg, plus
hospital stay.                              pictures of me trying other assistive
    Impressive as well were veteran         devices, can be viewed at Facebook.
Karl Milner and his wife, Kathy, who I      com/ALAnationalpresident). My
met at the Jewell VA Clinic in Aurora.      experiences using those adaptive aids
With Kathy’s support and help from          were brief but unforgettable moments.     Health Care System in Kentucky.
his service dog named Red, Karl was         For many of our veterans, military,       It was great to participate alongside
adjusting to having a prosthetic leg.       and their families, adaptive aids are     the Legion.
Karl also wanted to share his gratitude     part of everyday life.                        Finally, thank you to everyone
with me. I thanked the Milners and              On another note: I’ve noticed         who planned or attended activities
Jeff for all they’ve given in service and   the enthusiasm within ALA units           during my ALA and Legion Family
sacrifice to our nation.                    welcoming the male spouses of             visits, including my homecoming
    Paired with Celebrating a Century       veterans and servicemembers into          events in Iowa. I look forward to more
of Service during the ALA’s centennial      Auxiliary membership. I am so             mission-filled moments and centennial
this administrative year is our national    pleased, and I encourage all ALA          celebrations that await our Legion
focus on the health and well-being          members to do the same. These new         Family. I hope you do too!
of our veterans, military, and their        members are more than numbers
families — including their adaptive         added to our membership rolls. They
needs, such as prosthetics.                 are military spouses who, like other
    Most people will never completely       ALA members, endeavor to help and               Nicole Clapp
understand what life is like for            honor veterans, military, and their             National President
4   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                     
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
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Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary

                                            minor changes. Let’s start with how              A Community of Volunteers
                                            we refer to ourselves. No, we’re not     Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families
                                                                                                   February 2020
                                            planning a name change. However,
                                            we can use a different descriptor/                  Published by
                                            tagline to more accurately reflect                  American Legion Auxiliary
                                                                                                National Headquarters
                                            our brand, who we are, and what
                                                                                                 Executive Director
                                            we do: A Community of Volunteers                         Kelly Circle
                                            Serving Veterans, Military, and their       Communications and Marketing Director
                                                                                                     Michael Butt
                                                                                              Communications Manager
                                                In the coming months, you’ll see                    Aaron Meyer
                                            more of this key marketing phrase                     Managing Editor
                                            throughout national ALA media,                      Stephanie L. Holloway
WORKING TOGETHER: Several divisions
from national ALA and American Legion       and we’ll provide you with oodles of                    Travis Perkins
headquarters met in December to             ways you can utilize it to your unit’s         Communications Senior Writer
discuss new Legion Family marketing                                                                 Landa Bagley
                                            advantage. The choice is ours —
                                                                                             Communications Specialist
                                            adapt to the changing times around                       Sara Fowler
TIME TO GET CREATIVE                        us, or stick with statements that may            Communications Specialist
ADDRESSING OUR IDENTITY                     not provide outsiders a more aptly                    Jennifer Donovan
                                            written description of who we are.              Communications Coordinator
    “What’s in a name?” While most                                                                 Alexa Freeman
of us can say we’re darn proud of our                                                           Contributing Writers
name after a century of existence,              Notable NHQ: Kelly Circle joins            Brad Oppenheim, Sydney DeLong
that famous line from the great             ALA National Headquarters as its                 2019-2020 National Officers
William Shakespeare could have              new executive director                           National President Nicole Clapp
                                                                                         National Vice President Kathy Daudistel
lots of outside people asking the               Kelly, who came aboard NHQ                   National Secretary Linda Boone
same about the American Legion              late last year, graduated with honors            National Treasurer Sara Riegel
Auxiliary.                                  from Northwest Missouri State                            ADVERTISING
    Conversations with non-                 University with a bachelor’s degree                James G. Elliott Company Inc.
members/the public sometimes                in psychology. She earned her                       NEW YORK (212) 588-9200
                                                                                                 DETROIT (248) 530-0300
go like this: “Are you the Legion?”         Juris Doctor from the University                     CHICAGO (312) 236-4900
“Well, no; but we’re part of them.”         of Kansas School of Law and                       LOS ANGELES (213) 624-0900

“Then what’s an auxiliary? What             completed her Ph.D. in education at                  ADDRESS CHANGE:
                                                                                       Email name, previous address, new address
does it do?”                                Saint Louis University. Kelly joined        and membership ID (9-digit number above
    Back in 1919 when the ALA was           ALA Unit 153 in Olathe, Kan., in                your name on magazine label) to:
established, people spoke differently.      2006 to honor the service of her
                                                                                        Contact Us: ALA National Headquarters
The English language was more               father and mother, who met while           3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268
formal in nature, a thorough grasp          serving in the U.S. Navy. Kelly has         (317) 569-4500 |
of grammar was strictly enforced            served on a variety of district and
in schools, and everyone wrote like         department committees, as well as        American Legion Auxiliary Magazine is published
                                                                                         quarterly by the American Legion Auxiliary
college professors. Even in some of         Second District vice president and        with a yearly non-refundable allocation of $3.40
the ALA’s most menial historical            president. She has been honored to          from membership dues. Letters, unsolicited
                                                                                       articles and photographs are not guaranteed
pieces like old office memos, you’ll        serve four years on the government        to be published or returned and may be edited.
see this prim prose in action.              staff at ALA Girls Nation. Kelly’s        See
                                                                                          Submissions for further details. Opinions
    What does all of this have to do        responsibilities include management      expressed in this publication may not necessarily
with us today? We know the ALA              of National Headquarters staff and       represent policy or positions of the organization.
                                                                                        Advertisements do not reflect endorsement
is experiencing a membership slide.         operations, fiscal management of                         by the organization.
Attendance is down at unit meetings         assets, working with the governing               Non-member Subscriptions
and service activities. But we can          board and its chair (national               Send $15 (checks only) to address above,
                                            president), and building external                    Attention: Accounting
                    fix that by making                                                    Payable to: National Treasurer, ALA
                    some seemingly          relationships.
                                                                                              The American Legion Family
                                                                                                  The American Legion
                    ALA ON THE GO                                                            (317) 630-1200
                    Auxiliary magazine is fully digital and available                          Sons of The American Legion
                    for download at                                (317) 630-1200

                    TOOLS & TIPS IN A CLICK                                                      American Legion Riders
                                                                                          (317) 630-1200
                    In addition, you’ll find expanded magazine content,
                    valuable unit and department resources, plus downloadable
                    templates, news releases, and other ALA promotional
                    materials available on the ALA website 24/7.
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
FROM OUR readers
                                                 Also, when my husband needed             THANK YOU FROM MISSOURI
                                             to go to a VA hospital, we went to           VA MEDICAL CENTER
                                             the one in Iowa City, Iowa. I found              On behalf of the Columbia
                                             out every veteran who is overnight           MO-Harry Truman VAMC patients
                                             in the hospital gets a lap robe given        and staff, we would like to extend
                                             to them to take home. So, I began            our appreciation to you for your
                                             making them — pieced and knitted.            donation of magazines.
                                             Since 1999 (when I retired), I’ve                It is through the efforts of
                                             made 479 pieced and 245 knit                 community partners like you that
                                             robes. During the Iraq war, I made           allow us to continue the quality care
                                             Christmas stockings to be filled with        and services that we seek to provide
LOVING THE CENTENNIAL                        goodies. Since then, I make them             our deserving veterans. We look
MAGAZINE ISSUE                               for our local unit (Illinois 91) to fill     forward to the opportunity to work
   This magazine is just over                for nursing homes and the VA in              with you again for future events.
the top; it’s just so beautiful in           Peoria, Ill.                                 Thank you for your continued
celebrating our 100 years!                       The veterans are my charity.             support.
      — Mary H. Adame, California                That concludes my helping                                — Ron Graves, Chief,
                                             veterans. I’m only 89 years young!                    Voluntary Services, Columbia
NEED THAT NECK PILLOW                                     — Cleta J. Riggins, Illinois                MO-Harry Truman VAMC
    I just received my first ALA
magazine; thank you. I read
the article [on page 20] about
handmade pillows for heroes.
It references a pattern in the
instructions. I didn’t see a pattern or
a place to get one. Could you help
with this, please? I’d love to make
some of the pillows. Thank you.
      — Jule A. Weaver, Pennsylvania

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thank you for
being part of the American Legion            CALIFORNIA UNIT PUTS                         as you can see in the photograph. In
Auxiliary’s community of volunteers          ALA’S CENTENNIAL ON                          front of the display is a small table
serving veterans, military, and              PUBLIC DISPLAY                               offering applications for eligible
                                                 American Legion Auxiliary Unit           locals to apply for membership in
their families! The ALA member
                                             795 found a unique way to advertise          the Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of The
interviewed for this article was Judy
                                             and celebrate 100 years of service.          American Legion.
Hennis. Her email is judyhennis@
                                             Our small town library, the South                We are asking you to share this and she is more than             Lake Tahoe Branch of the El Dorado           in the American Legion Auxiliary
happy to answer your questions.              County Library, has a three-part             magazine because it is red, white, and
                                             display case in the lobby, which             blue, very colorful, and hopefully will
USING CRAFTING TALENTS                       it offers to groups, businesses, or          promote recognition, appreciation
TO BENEFIT VETERANS                          individuals to create a display and          of veterans and of the Legion, and
   Just received my November issue           maintain it for a month for all the          attract new members.
of Auxiliary magazine. I want to say         town to see.                                             — Carol Olivas, President,
“thanks” for the page of Reflections             Our members collected various                  and Sandy McKnight, Secretary:
— three months [of prayers]. I enjoy         patriotic artifacts and assembled a                        Stella Van Dyke Johnson
that so much.                                three-way depiction of Americana                     Auxiliary Unit 795, California

WE WANT TO                                   Email:            Story and Photo Submissions: Visit

HEAR FROM            you                  or send letters to: ALA National Headquarters
                                          3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268
                                                                                                              for more details.   							                                                              February 2020 | Auxiliary magazine 7
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
JUNIOR members                                                                    to rebuild the program, they faced
                                                                                  some challenges.
                                                                                      Submitting resolutions to
                                                                                  change the bylaws was difficult
                                                                                  because of how infrequently the
                                                                                  Department Executive Committee
                                                                                  meets. Additionally, making sure
                                                                                  the paperwork was all submitted
                                                                                  correctly was also another obstacle.
                                                                                      Currently, there are nearly 800
                                                                                  paid Juniors in the department.
                                                                                      “Every day, we are working
                                                                                  harder and thinking of creative
                                                                                  ways to get together to collaborate
                                                                                  on projects,” Oliver said. “Working
                                                                                  on [the ALA Patch Program] is
                                                                                  the best way Juniors can still be
SMILING FACES: Children donating to homeless women veterans project.              involved and actively participate.”
                                                                                      Once Juniors see there’s a
FLORIDA REBUILDS ITS JUNIOR ACTIVITIES PROGRAM                                    reward, they might want to
    Persistence, support, and       Florida from New York and began               continue and do bigger projects,
working together have helped the    finding out more details about the            she added. They may also have
Department of Florida rejuvenate    non-existent Junior program and               suggestions — so listen!
its Junior Activities program.      what could be done to get it going                “Find out what they want to do,
    About eight years ago, the      again.                                        and just keep encouraging them to
program was placed under the            A Juniors pilot program was               support our veterans, military, and
Children & Youth Committee in       initiated to begin rebuilding.                their families, our communities,
that department. Junior Activities      “We had a lot of support, and we          and children and youth,” she said.
was considered a failing committee, need to have our Juniors,” Oliver             “Let them look at all our programs,
and no one was willing to continue  said. “Everyone always says, ‘The             and help them decide what area
the program at the time, said Dara  Juniors are our future,’ and they             or program they would like to
Oliver, Department of Florida       are — but if we can’t build it up             participate in.”
Junior Activities chair.            together, our organization won’t                  Juniors may need a little extra
    Fast forward to about three     last another 100 years.”                      guidance along the way. Help them,
years ago when Oliver moved to          As Oliver and others worked               and make them feel part of the unit.

                         RETRIEVING        to our veterans, military, and their   Day and Veterans Day services.
                         FREEDOM:          families.                                  One particular project she has
                         Zoe pictured
                                               When she found out she was the     focused on has been Remember
                         with service
                         dog, Hallie,      ALA Junior Member of the Year,         Everyone Deployed (RED) Friday.
                         at Retrieving     she was speechless.                        “My RED project was a very
                         Freedom in            “I was shocked!” she recalled.     special activity,” she said. “When I
                         Waverly, Iowa.    “I had no idea I had even been         started my RED project, I had no
                         Zoe’s project
                                           nominated.”                            idea the impact it would have for
                         donated $10,000
                         to Retrieving         Turns out, her unit president,     me. This award is a special honor,
                         Freedom to        Cindy Meyer, was the one who           and it serves as a reminder to me to
                         sponsor a         nominated her for this award.          continue to give back.”
                         service dog for       “She has a heart of gold and has       Walz said she enjoys
                         a veteran.
                                           been very supportive to me and my      membership in the ALA because of
JUNIOR MEMBER OF THE                       family,” Walz said of Meyer.           all she’s able to do.
YEAR HAS HEART FOR                             Walz is eligible for ALA               “Being part of the ALA has
MISSION                                    membership through her dad. She’s      given me the opportunity to
    ALA Junior member Zoe Walz             been involved in several projects      meet and collaborate with several
lives the mission of the Auxiliary         over the years, from distributing      members of my community,” she
every day through various projects         poppies on Memorial Day and            said. “On top of that, I really enjoy
and activities — not to receive any        assisting with flag setup at the       the feeling you get from giving
kind of accolade — but to give back        ceremony to attending Memorial         back.”
8   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                 
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
    Karah Behrend’s connection to the
military started through family. She
furthered that tie at a young age when
she joined the Auxiliary as a Junior
in 1997. She was eligible through her
grandparents, Edward and Julie Carney.
    “My favorite memory growing up
was volunteering at the VA hospitals
for the Christmas shops every year,” she
said. “I would spend hours talking to       LIFE-CHANGING: Karah Behrend poses next to a Mitsubishi she drove in the Rebelle
veterans and listening to their stories.”   Rally, the country’s longest and hardest off-road navigation rally. She was the first
    The Auxiliary has meant a lot to        person with a disability to not only compete, but to podium as well; Behrend is very
Behrend over the years.                     involved in adaptive sports through Warrior Games.
    “The ALA is a community of people            In 2015, she was diagnosed with          C7 vertebra communicates with the
who truly believe in service before          a rare neurological disease called           tricep muscles. She medically retired
self and leading by example, which           reflex sympathetic dystrophy. A              from the Air Force in 2018.
definitely helped instill both of those      year later, Behrend was involved                 Not one to quit life because it
traits into my values,” she said.            in a car accident requiring three            gets difficult, that same year she
    In 2011, she enlisted in the U.S. Air    back surgeries. The disease spread           competed for the first time in the
Force to become a communication              through her spinal cord at that              U.S. Department of Defense Warrior
signals intelligence analyst.                time. In 2018, it caused paralysis           Games. She won silver and bronze
    “I joined the Air Force because I        in her lower body and parts of her           medals in rowing, a gold medal in
wanted to be a part of something bigger      hands and arms, leaving her as a             track in a women’s 4-by-100 relay,
than myself and follow in my family’s        C7 quadriplegic. The portion of the          gold medals in both shotput and
footsteps,” Behrend said.                    spinal cord corresponding to the             discus, and set new Warrior Games
                                                                                              She currently plays wheelchair
                                                                                          rugby for the Oscar Mike Militia, the
                                                                                          first and only all-veteran wheelchair
                                                                                          rugby team in the world. Behrend
                                                                                          said the mission of the Oscar Mike
                                                                                          Foundation is to get injured veterans
                                                                                          up and on the move again after life-
                                                                                          changing injuries and illnesses.
                                                                                              “Adaptive sports saved my life,”
SHOW YOUR POPPY PRIDE WITH                                                                she said. “It gave me drive and
THIS CHOKER/BRACELET FOR JUNIORS                                                          ambition when I had no other reason
National Poppy Day® is just around the corner! Those who have attended
                                                                                          to get out of bed. It taught me to
national Junior meetings have been making poppy choker/bracelets —                        be persistent and continue to be
and now you can too. This project is fun, easy, and suitable for a wide                   innovative when I didn’t think I could
range of ages. Happy crafting!                                                            figure out a way to get something

What You Need: What To Do:
                                                                                          done. It taught me that strength and
                                                                                          independence were things to strive
1) Red felt, approximately    1) Trace poppy design onto red felt,                        for and continue to push further and
   2”x 2” per poppy.             using poppy template or freehand.                        further, not just dream of.”
2) 1/2” black felt circles,   2) Cut  out poppy.                                              This year, ALA National President
   pre-cut with sticky backs. 3) Remove backing from black felt circle;                   Nicole Clapp is focusing on the
                                 place circle in middle of poppy.                         health and well-being of veterans,
3) Small adhesive rhinestone
   gems, 5mm.                 4) Remove rhinestone gem and place in                       military, and their families, giving
                                 center of black circle.                                  extra emphasis to veterans like
4) 3/4 - 7/8” black ribbon.
                              5) Cut ribbon to 1” longer than needed                      Behrend by drawing more attention
   Velvet works well.
                                 for choker or bracelet.                                  to the adaptive sports. For many
5) Small adhesive-backed      6) Remove a set of hook and loop
   hook and loop fastener
                                                                                          like Behrend, involvement in these
                                 fastener dots. Place one on each end                     sporting events has improved and
   dots.                         of ribbon so they align.
                                                                                          positively impacted her life.
6) Glue gun and glue          7) Use glue gun to adhere poppy to
   sticks.                       ribbon. 							                                                            February 2020 | Auxiliary magazine 9
Opening ALA Membership to Better Fulfill Our Mission - - American Legion Auxiliary
                 “I am very proud to have been a member of the
           American Legion Auxiliary for 81 years. God Bless America!”
                         Growing up        of the Sons of The American                What leadership roles have you
                     as a part of The      Legion, and she has four great-         held as an ALA member?
                     American Legion       granddaughters who are Junior ALA          I was unit president for three
                     Family, Leona         members.                                years, and I was secretary for one
                     Braasch knew              Braasch remembers honoring          year. I’ve been on several different
                     the sacrifices her    Memorial Day as an ALA Junior           committees — about every
                     father and other      and wearing a white dress and           committee we have had. Now I’m
                     servicemembers        placing wreaths at cemeteries. She      just on the calling committee. I don’t
                     made for our          also remembers distributing poppies     have to do a lot; just talk.
                     great nation, but     on Poppy Days. This year, she plans
                     she didn’t know       to have her great-granddaughters            What projects are you working
                     she would also        help, just like she did as a young      on now?
be growing a military and Legion           Junior member.                              Making sure we take gifts to
Family herself.                                                                    veterans in the VA hospitals. Just
    At the age of 90, Braasch still           Why did you join the                 gathering different things they need,
hangs the American flag.                   American Legion Auxiliary?              like deodorant. We try to help with
    “My father was a die-hard patriot.        My father was in the first World     that every month. We have one
The flag had to be out for all the         War, and he was a patriot from the      project every month.
holidays. I think it is instilled in me,   word “go.” He ended up joining the
and the whole family really,” said         Legion, and my mother joined the           What does the ALA centennial
Braasch, Nebraska Unit 132 member.         Auxiliary. She was president when       celebration mean to you?
    Braasch’s 81-year commitment           we started the Junior members              I think it’s a marvelous thing,
as a member of the American                Auxiliary, and that’s why I joined.     really. I mean, goodness, there
Legion Auxiliary hasn’t changed            I was 10 years old.                     aren’t a lot of organizations that
since the day she signed up in 1939.                                               have been in existence for that
She is continuously honoring and               What influenced you to              length of time. And they have done
supporting veterans, military, and         keep your ALA membership all            so much good for this country.
their families. Her own family is          these years?                            People don’t realize how much the
built around the military, and has             I just always liked the             Auxiliary and the Legion have done
really become a true American              organization, and we do a lot           for their veterans.
Legion Family.                             of great things. I pay my dues
    Her father, John J. Sedlacek,          every year. I was pretty active.            What does your ALA
served in the U.S. Army during             Unfortunately, I’m not so active        membership mean to you?
World War I. Her brother decided           anymore. I just felt like it was a          I’m very proud of the fact that
to keep the military tradition alive       worthwhile thing to do.                 I’ve been able to be a member
and served in the U.S. Air Force                                                   for 81 years. To me, it’s a great
during World War II. Both were                  How has being in a military        organization.
proud members of The American              family impacted your ALA
Legion. Braasch’s husband served           membership?
in the U.S. Navy during WWII, and               I think we need to be really         AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT:
                                                                                        Unit 132
her grandson was a U.S. Marine             proud of all these fellas and what
                                                                                        Stromsburg, Neb.
in the Iraq War. Four out of the           they have done for us in the service.
five branches of the military are          If it wasn’t for them, I think we         ELIGIBILITY THROUGH:
represented in this strong family.         would all have to worry just a little       John J. Sedlacek, father
                                                                                       (U.S. Army, World War I)
    Continuing to grow her Legion          bit about where we’d be today. They
Family, Braasch’s son is a member          have sacrificed an awful lot.             YEARS IN THE ALA: 81

                 SHARE YOUR MEMBERSHIP STORY! Tell us about yourself and how you support the
     American Legion Auxiliary as a unit member who also loves the ALA’s mission of serving veterans, the military,
                and their families. Contact us at or (317) 569-4500.

10    Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                 
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IT’S ALL good
                                                            GOOD NEWS. GOOD WORKS. GOOD TO SERVE.

              “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
                      ‘What are you doing for others?”
                                          — Martin Luther King Jr.

                                                                                 (Photo: Amy C. Elliott/The American Legion)

       With diversity and inclusiveness, the American Legion Auxiliary is a community of volunteers
       serving veterans, military, and their families. Under our far-reaching umbrella of community,
       the ALA welcomes members and nonmember-volunteers from a variety of backgrounds
       — differing races, ages, ethnicities, and physical ability levels, for example. We respect the
       differences among ourselves while successfully working together on our common mission of
       honoring and supporting those we serve. That’s an achievement worth celebrating today … and
       every day!   							                                               February 2020 | Auxiliary magazine 13
IT’S ALL good
                               GOOD IDEAS FROM ALA MEMBERS

                                        What are some neat events/activities
                                               your unit conducts?

    WHAT’S                                           “Our unit has hosted a prom in the past for our members.

                                                     We even had a king and queen. This year, we had a
                                                     homecoming. The tables were all decorated with different
                                                     area high school [themes].”

                                                                              — Maria Delgado Cazares, Texas

                                                     “Unit 123 in the Philippines provided free Thanksgiving
                                                     dinner for veterans.”
                                                                                   — Elisa Hughes, Philippines

                                                     “We host an awards ceremony every year for the
                                                     Americanism Essay Contest winners. The winners, their
                                                     families, teachers, and principals are invited. We have
                                                     even signed up a few members because of this event.”
                                                                                       — Sherri McGee, Indiana

We’re looking for stories                            “Unit 2 in West Warwick, R.I., partners with local
to share in the 2020 issues                          restaurants to provide a Sunday meal once a month to a
of Auxiliary magazine:                               local veterans home.”
                                                                                 — Amy Wallace, Rhode Island
• How do you cope when                               “We host a community egg hunt as an American Legion
 your military spouse is                             Family in Willard, Ky., with several churches in the area.
 in another country or                               We hide 20,000 plastic Easter eggs. We also serve a hot
 leaving for drill? How do                           meal, give away over 1,000 books, have prizes for the kids,
 you hold down the fort                              and more. And it’s all free!”
 while they’re away?                                                             — Whittney Dellaire, Kentucky
POPPY MAKING:                                        “Our unit put together snack boxes for American
• Tell us about your regular                         Education Week, and the Legion members delivered
  poppy making efforts and                           them to six schools. We also adopted five veterans for
  how you distribute them.                           Christmas at the Hastings veterans home.”
VALUE OF YOUR                                                                    — Tracy Gurneau, Minnesota
                                                     “Unit 16 in Gainesville, Fla., makes blessing buckets for
• How has your ALA                                   the local homeless and transitioning veterans to survive
 membership benefited                                the cold winter nights. Each bucket holds personal
 your career? Have you                               hygiene items, socks, a blanket, pillow, tarps, and more.”
 learned leadership, public                                                           — Ronna Jackson, Florida
 speaking, teamwork, or
 received helpful training?
                                     Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @ALAforVeterans.
      Email us at:                         You could be featured in an upcoming issue of Auxiliary.
     ALAMagazine         14   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020          
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IT’S ALL good
GOOD WORKS BY ALA MEMBERS                                                                 collaboration. A Unit 539 member
                                                                                          helped by creating the graphic design
                                                                                          pieces on it, and a Legionnaire
                                                                                          welded the library onto a bracket for
                                                                                              Anyone is welcome to borrow
                                                                                          a book, and book donations are
                                                                                          accepted. The unit has a designated
                                                                                          member who keeps an eye on the
                                                                                          library to avoid any risqué titles being
                                                                                          donated. She also checks regularly for
                                                                                          any damages.
                                                                                              People can take a book, read it,
SHARING BOOKS: Unit 539 members (from left) Linda Marie Doege, Judy Booth, and            and then return it to any Little Free
Joyce Zaiontz stand proudly next to their newest unit project, the Little Free Library.
                                                                                          Library. Unit 539 asks that borrowers
LEGION FAMILY WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE COMMUNITY                                          not steal any books. To safeguard, the
    By sharing a love for reading,      member happened to see a story in a               unit purchased stamps that prevent
you can strengthen your mind            newspaper and said we should do this              someone from selling stolen Little
and community. American Legion          too. We looked into it and decided it             Free Library books.
Auxiliary Unit 539 in St. Hedwig,       was something we could do,” said Unit                 Unit 539 registered the location of
Texas, supports veterans, the military, 539 President Linda Marie Doege.                  their library through the Little Free
and their families, and they also           Little libraries are available for            Library website. By clicking on the
encourage reading good books by         purchase on the Little Free Library’s             map and choosing an option such as
opening a Little Free Library at their  website. Instead of buying one, Unit              City, State, ZIP code, or Near Me, it
post home for the community to enjoy. 539 received help from recently                     will pinpoint the libraries in those
    The Little Free Library is a        joined ALA member Duane Dick,                     areas.
worldwide nonprofit organization        who works in carpentry and built                      “We wanted to represent the
that gives children the opportunity to  the library for the unit and his wife,            Auxiliary; that’s why we painted
further their knowledge through access Mayor Dee Grimm, Post and Unit                     poppies on there,” said Doege.
to more books.                          539 dual member.                                  “It was rewarding to be able to do
    “We were looking for something          Building the library was part                 something for the community
to do for the community, and a          of an American Legion Family                      like this.”

HONORING NEW YORK’S                            big thank-you,” Belmont said.                  Thank You for Your Service
HOMETOWN HEROES                                    Two years later, at the beginning      mentions 1,110 past and present
                         After reading         of the American Legion Auxiliary’s         United States veterans related to the
                     an Auxiliary              centennial, Belmont’s Thank You for        Walton area. The Walton Historical
                     magazine article          Your Service was finished. Nearly          Society gave Belmont listings of
                     over two years            200 pages were dedicated to veterans       soldiers from their town who fought
                     ago regarding             from the Walton community who              in each war, from the Civil War
                     honoring                  served during the Civil War through        through the Cold War. Depending
                     veterans with a           the Cold War.                              on the information she had, some
                     service project,              Belmont found most of her              veterans had many pages, some had
ALA member Linda Belmont of Unit               information using the facilities           one page, and others shared pages
32 in Walton, N.Y., was motivated to           of her book sponsor, the Walton            throughout her book.
begin a unique and lengthy project.            Historical Society. She gathered               The book is already being rented
She began writing a military book              more information by writing                out of the local school’s library as
inspired by her father, Samuel P.              questionnaires and distributing            a historical resource. And after the
Belmont (U.S. Army, World War                  them to Auxiliary families in Walton       publication came out, more Walton
II), and the other local veterans and          who may have been connected to             military families reached out to
servicemembers of her hometown.                the servicemembers during that             Belmont wanting to be honored in the
    “Most importantly, it’s a way for          timeframe. Belmont interviewed             book.
me to honor my father. But also, for           numerous people, and also put an               “It’s impossible to get everybody.
me to honor all the veterans who               ad in the local paper for people to        So, I guess there is going to be another
served and to hopefully give them a            contact her.                               one,” said Belmont.
      Support deservingGood
                        students by donating
                             works  to share?to Visit
                                                the ALA Scholarship Funds at
                                               for details.

16   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                         
IT’S ALL good
DISABLED VETERANS LEADING THE CHARGE                                                                    GOOD TO SERVE
Guest Column Written by Dawna               now know that life can be
Callahan, Founder, All In Sport             meaningful and fulfilling.
Consulting                                  Disability does not have to
                                            be a barrier.
    Did you know that veterans with
physical disabilities have led the way      Evolution
for others to participate and compete           Fast forward to the 21st
in adaptive sport?                          century. It’s exciting to
    ALA National President Nicole           recognize the growth and
Clapp’s 2019-2020 focus is on injured       technological advances
veterans and their engagement in            of the adaptive sport
adaptive sport to positively impact         movement. In 2007, the
their physical and mental well-being.       United States Olympic and
What is adaptive sport, and how             Paralympic Committee
does it play a role in the lives of those   launched the Paralympic Military          GUEST SPEAKER: Competitive
                                                                                      wheelchair racer Dawna Callahan
veterans living with a disability?          Program to specifically provide           speaks to attendees at the 2019 ALA
How can American Legion Auxiliary           adaptive sport opportunities for          Department Leadership National
members get involved and serve              injured military and veterans across      Conference.
veterans engaging in adaptive sport?        the country.
Provided below is a brief history of            The program involved collaboration    It’s anticipated this year’s grant
the adaptive sport movement and             from the U.S. departments of Defense      program will reach 11,000 veterans
how Auxiliary members can support           and Veterans Affairs, and community-      with a disability.
the national president’s service focus.     based adaptive sport programs already
                                            offering those with disabilities an       Be a part of the movement
One simple idea                             opportunity to participate in sport in        There are hundreds of adaptive
    Dr. Ludwig Guttmann,                    their local community. The impetus        sport programs across the country
“grandfather” of the adaptive sport         of the program: Rather than doing         supporting injured veterans and
movement, had a revolutionary               physical therapy at a VA facility, get    their quest to stay active and
idea that physical activity could be        veterans active in sport on the archery   healthy through recreation and
a cure for adversity and disability.        range, paddling on a river, or playing    sport. Volunteer at a program,
As a neurosurgeon at England’s              volleyball at the local YMCA.             and experience firsthand the
Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1944,              The program’s success is evident as   positive effects the power of sport
Guttmann was charged by the                 it evolved from sport participation and   has on these veterans’ lives. See
British government to establish a           introduction to developing elite-level    what opportunities exist locally by
rehabilitation center to support the        athletes. In 2016 at the Paralympic       visiting these national adaptive sport
mass injuries experienced by soldiers       Games in Rio de Janeiro, 35 U.S.          organization websites:
during World War II. He believed            military veterans represented the Stars
that sport and physical activity of         and Stripes competing at the highest      chapters/location-map
those injured would provide hope,           level of sport.                     
decrease despair, rebuild self-esteem,                                                Paralympics/find-a-club
and renew a sense of purpose.               VA support
    Guttmann initially introduced               Last fall, the VA announced               About Dawna Callahan: A
recreational adaptive sport                 recipients of its annual adaptive         competitive wheelchair racer, Dawna
opportunities like wheelchair               sport grants for disabled veterans.       Callahan has been involved with
basketball and archery to assist with       The 2019-2020 grant awards were           adaptive sport professionally for
rehabilitation. Given the competitive       distributed to 126 community-based        more than 20 years. Most recently,
nature of the young veterans, these         adaptive sport organizations across       she founded All In Sport Consulting,
recreational opportunities soon             the country, totaling $14.8 million.      a national adaptive sport consulting
evolved into competitions among             Grant recipients are collaborating        group. Dawna placed fifth in the
injured servicemembers.                     with both VA facilities and veterans      Boston Marathon in 2010. She’s held
    Because of Guttmann’s bold vision       service organizations to provide expert   volunteer leadership positions with
of using sport as an innovative form        coaching and training in diverse          the Metro Denver Sports Commission
of rehabilitation, individuals with         sport offerings. The grant promotes       Associate Board, Vail Veterans
physical disabilities across the world,     rehabilitation, quality of life, and      Program, and the Colorado Colfax
including injured servicemembers,           community reintegration.                  Marathon.     							                                                       February 2020 | Auxiliary magazine 17
IT’S ALL good

                                                                                      similar to, “You may not be aware,
                                                                                      but the American Legion Auxiliary
                                          Dear Goodwill Gail,                         should be referred to as a unit, not a

     Post                                    When referring to our
                                          local American Legion
                                                                                      post.” Briefly explain the difference
                                                                                      and let them know it’s a common

                                                                                      mistake. When you’re polite, they’ll
                                          Auxiliary, why can’t our                    likely make it up to you by covering
                                          members just say Unit                       future events.
                                          such-and-such and NOT                           So, how can your unit help
                                                                                      members make it a habit to say
                                          Post such-and-such?                         “unit”?
                                          I have tried to correct people                  • Make it fun! Offer incentives to
                                                                                      members who say it correctly. Every
                                          who say “post” instead of                   time someone correctly says “unit,”
                                          “unit,” but they get upset                  enter their name into a drawing for a
                                          with me. How should                         prize. Consider a prize that includes
                                                                                      branding of your unit. The drawing
                                           I handle this situation?                   could be held quarterly or annually.
                                               Signed, We Are Units                       • Unit leadership needs to be the
                                                                                      example. Leadership should check
                                                                                      social media accounts, websites,
Dear We Are Units,                           ALA member say, “I’m a member of         newsletters, etc., to make sure “unit”
    You are correct. Members should          Post 123,” talk to the member when       is being used correctly.
refer to their local-level American          the opportunity arises. You can say          • Add an education component to
Legion Auxiliary as a unit, not a post.      something like, “I heard you say         your meetings. This could be a fact
The confusion often happens due to           you are a member of Post 123. Has        that is talked about during a meeting.
the fact that units are housed inside        anyone ever told you that we are             • In your newsletters, place a
posts.                                       part of a unit? The American Legion      friendly reminder to say “unit”
    Be mindful that the person               is the post. Don’t feel bad; it is a     instead of “post.”
referring to the unit as a post may          common mistake.”                             • Set up a jar to collect money.
not be aware there is a difference.              If someone outside of the            If someone says “post” instead of
The person may be new or was told            organization, such as the media, is      “unit,” they have to donate money
it was a post when joining. If the           incorrect, be understanding. Realize     to the jar. The money could then go
person is never corrected or hears           it can be complicated for those who      back to the unit.
others refer to your unit as a post,         aren’t connected to our organization         Old habits are hard to change, so
they will never realize there’s a bit        to understand the difference,            patience is important.
more to who we are.                          especially if you’re hosting an          In the Spirit of Service Not Self,
    The most important thing to              event at a post. If you are talking to   Goodwill Gail
remember: Be nice when correcting            a reporter, explain that the event
someone and explaining the                   is being hosted by the unit, and
difference between Legionnaires              explain the difference. The reporter     Need some advice on how to
and the ALA unit members serving             will appreciate the clarification. If    approach conflict within the ALA?
alongside them. This educational             you see it written incorrectly in a      Email with
lesson applies to members and non-           publication, contact the publication.    the subject line “Goodwill Gail.”
members.                                     First, thank the person for covering     We’ll create a pen name so that you
    For example, if you witness an           the event. Next, say something           remain anonymous.

                         NEW ALA ACADEMY COURSE AVAILABLE: How to Deal with Conflict — how you handle
                   conflict determines whether it turns into a major battle or leads to a deeper understanding of others
                        and a more positive relationship. In this course, you’ll learn about conflict and the process
                    of resolving it in a professional, positive, and proactive manner. This ALA Academy course is one
                                    of eight currently available! Log in today at

18   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                     
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IT’S ALL good                                                                       home gifts at each dance. The gifts
GOOD POSTS, GOOD UNITS                                                              also come with adoption certificates
                                                                                    that show the new names and
                                                                                    birthdates of each stuffed animal and
                                                                                    doll. During the October 2019 dance,
                                                                                    the special friends were excited to see
                                                                                    their take-home treasures dressed in
                                                                                    homemade costumes courtesy of the
                                                                                    Girls Scouts. This ongoing project
                                                                                    began two years ago, and they don’t
                                                                                    plan on stopping it anytime soon.
                                                                                        “It’s amazing that these girls are
                                                                                    doing this project. Everybody was so
                                                                                    grateful,” said Spinner.
                                                                                        Each guest goes home with their
                                                                                    hearts and hands full. Not only do
                                                                                    they receive a new “friend,” they also
                                                                                    leave with a beautiful plant. East
SPECIAL OCCASION FOR KIDS: Post 144 Legionnaire Frank Busa and Auxiliary
members Mary Ann Busa (left) and Rosanne Spinner dressed in costumes for their      Williston Florist donates 100 plants
Special Friends Dance last fall.                                                    for every dance. Frank Busa, Past
                                                                                    Post 144 Commander, arranges the
NEW YORK UNIT AND POST DANCING FOR YOUTH                                            time and date to pick up the plants.
     A time-honored tradition began           For the past 57 years, Unit           He brings them back to the post
over half a century ago for American      144 has hosted the dance at their         home for all children to take with
Legion Auxiliary Unit 144 in              post home with help from the              them and enjoy. He said the guests
Williston, N.Y. Twice a year, this unit   Legionnaires, who set up tables           seem to really appreciate the plants,
hosts a “Special Friends Dance” for       before the Auxiliary gets there to        and they are always excited to take
developmentally challenged children       decorate, and they are first in line to   them home.
and young adults.                         help clean everything up.                     Mary Ann Busa never knows
     “It’s a time when you can give           “The unit and post have worked        how many people to expect for
back and make a difference,” said         together this whole time. We              these dances. She sends about 60
Unit 144 member Rosanne Spinner.          couldn’t do it without them,” said        invitations, twice a year, every year.
“It’s the heart of what we do.”           Mary Ann Busa, Unit 144 Children          Most of the invitations are sent to
     The dance allows guests to forget    & Youth chair and Special Friends         developmentally challenged children
their worries and escape into the         Dance organizer.                          and youth living in group homes. She
rhythm for two nights each year.              In 2002, Busa inherited the           does ask for RSVPs, although most of
Unit 144 hosts one dance at the end       project from her mentor and               the time Unit 144 members have to
of October, which allows the special      dear friend Rosemary Wilenski.            wait to see who comes.
friends to dress up in costumes and       After Wilenski passed away, Busa              The talk of the legendary Special
have a fun and unique Halloween           continued to honor her memory.            Friends Dance must have spread
experience. The other Special             The Special Friends Dance grows           from group home to group home,
Friends Dance is in April to honor        more each year and the rest of Unit/      because on one occasion, Busa had
The American Legion Family’s              Post 144 plan to keep the tradition       17 RSVPs for the dance, and 75
Children & Youth month.                   alive for years to come.                  special friends made an appearance.
     The Special Friends Dance brings         As an extra exciting treat for the    Unit/Post 144 could not have been
youth together for an entertaining        bi-annual dance: Unit 144 Junior          more excited for the unexpected
night full of food, drinks, desserts,     member Lily Frohnhoefer and               guests.
and dancing. There’s a DJ who             her Girl Scout Troop 1177 started             “It’s not a party where the public
plays any song the guests request,        a project called “Stuffed Animals         is invited. It’s a private party for
Legionnaires hand out soda, and           for Love.” They collect gently used       them. It’s such a feel-good thing to
there are never any empty trays of        stuffed animals and dolls, clean          do,” said Spinner. “It’s something I
food.                                     them, and repurpose them as take-         look forward to every year.”

                  Do you have tips on asking members to volunteer more at the post home? Does it always
                   seem like the same members volunteer at your events? Looking for new blood to help?
                      If you have a success story on how you corralled new volunteers, tell us about it.
                                You could be featured in a future issue of Auxiliary magazine.

20   Auxiliary magazine | February 2020                                                   
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your side.
This uniquely beautiful ring features a ribbon engraved with the word “Always”
wrapping around a split-style band. A genuine diamond sparkles at the center of the
word “Always”, and 10 additional diamonds glitter from the band which is crafted
in solid sterling silver enhanced with a fine layer of rhodium plating for maximum
shine and beauty. Inside the ring is elegantly engraved “Until We Meet Again”.

                     Not Available in Stores... Order Today!
Available in women’s whole and half sizes 5-12, this stunning ring can be yours for
just $119.99*, payable in 4 easy installments of $30. Your ring arrives in a custom
presentation case with a poem card and a Certificate of Authenticity, backed by our
unconditional 120-day guarantee. To reserve, send no money now; just mail your                                                                       A Fine Jewelry Exclusive from
Priority Reservation today!                                                                                                                             The Bradford Exchange
©2019 The Bradford Exchange Printed in U.S.A. 01-27201-001-BIPR                                                                         Order now at
                                                                PRIORITY RESERVATION                         SEND NO MONEY NOW
Reservations will be accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis. So please respond as soon                                                                                    Signature
        as possible to reserve your ring.
                                                                   9345 Milw aukee Avenue · N iles, IL 6 0 7 1 4 -1 3 9 3        Mrs. Mr. Ms.
                                                                                                                                                     Name (Please Print Clearly)
                                                                YES.      Please reserve the “Until We Meet Again”
                                                                Diamond Ring for me as described in this announcement.           Address
                                                                Ring Size______ (if known)
                                                                                                                                 City                              State           Zip
                            Shown actual size                   SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
*Plus $9.98 shipping and service; see bradfordexchange.         To assure a proper fit, a ring sizer will be sent to you after   E-Mail (Optional)
com. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your jewelry        your reservation has been accepted.
after we receive your initial deposit. Sales subject to prod-                                                                                                          01-27201-001-E24501
uct availability and order acceptance.
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