8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

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8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine
                                                          The magazine for global video

                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                            September 2019

                                                                                                                             Smallsats and more
                                                                                                                             Next-gen codecs
                                                                                                                             5G in broadcast
                                                                                                                             Low latency

                      8K TV: why here, why now?
                      June 2016
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine
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8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine
Contents                                                                                                                                                                                            TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                          The magazine for global video

                                                                                                                                                      24 DTG column

                                                                                                                                                      Ensuring a better future TV experience
                                  TV Broadcast • Streaming • Satellite • Cable • Hybrid
                                        The leading media for video delivery technology
                                                                                                            September 2019
                                                                                                                                 Smallsats and more

                                                                                                                                                      26 Blockchain in broadcast
                                                                                                                                 Next-gen codecs
                                                                                                                                 5G in broadcast

                                                                                                                                                      The latest progress and use cases
                                                                                                                                 Low latency

                      8K TV: why here, why now?
                      June 2016
                                                                                                                                                      32 Smallsats                                 Goran Nastic
                                                                                                                                                      Can the promise outweigh the challenges?
                           • OTT, VoD, Cloud TV, Cable, Satellite, IPTV, DTT, IoT • The latest news, views and features

1_Cover.indd 1                                                                                                       22/08/2019 12:20:26

06 Analyst corner: Disney+                                                                                                                                                                         Camilla Capece
One of the biggest experiments in the                                                                                                                 38 5G in media: part 1
history of the entertainment industry                                                                                                                 What will 5G mean for mobile video?          Design and production
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Matt Mills (Manager)
08 COVER STORY: 8K TV                                                                                                                                 42 5G in media: part 2                       Jessica Harrington
Who needs 8K (apart from TV makers)?                                                                                                                  Examining the potential of 5G in outside
                                                                                                                                                      broadcast and (remote) production            Regular contributors
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Adrian Pennington, Philip Hunter,
14 Opinion: ATSC 3.0                                                                                                                                                                               David Adams, Stephen Cousins,
ATSC president Madeleine Noland provides
                                                                                                                                                      48 Q&A: Yahoo Sports                         Anna Tobin
                                                                                                                                                      How it works with the NFL to reach
insight into the new standard
                                                                                                                                                      younger viewers and football fans            Circulation
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Joel Whitefoot
15 Low latency streaming with
                                                                                                                                                      52 IBC 2019 preview
Synamedia                                                                                                                                                                                          Accounts
                                                                                                                                                      A look at what’s new at this year’s show
Overcoming the challenges of achieving low                                                                                                                                                         Marilou Tait, Mohamad Saidani
latency end-to-end
                                                                                                                                                      53 Next-gen compression with                 Editorial

21 Technology corner: CMAF LL                                                                                                                         V-Nova                                       tel +44(0)20 7562 2401
                                                                                                                                                      Navigating the new codec landscape           goran.nastic@csimagazine.com
Fraunhofer FOKUS details a concrete
implementation of DASH low latency                                                                                                                                                                 Advertising
streaming with CMAF                                                                                                                                   59 Stats corner                              tel +44(0)20 7562 2438
                                                                                                                                                      Euro and US pay-TV data with informitv       camilla.capece@csimagazine.com


Editor’s report:                                                                                                                                                                                   tel +44 (0) 20 1635 588 861
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Circulation manager: joel.whitefoot@
            Ericsson CTO Erik Ekudden recently played down talk about 6G, arguing the                                                                                                              perspectivepublishing.com
            focus should be on moving 5G forward, given that the technology is only just
            out of the blocks. Ekudden’s argument comes to mind in the early discussions                                                                                                           Subscription rates
            around 8K TV. While 4K is not as new or immature as 5G, it still has a long way                                                                                                        Per year: Europe £88; UK £68;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rest of World £98. Cheques payable to
            to go in terms of commercial implementations - with many channels globally yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Perspective Publishing
to make the switch to HD, let alone 4K. Some view 8K as a distraction as 4K finally makes                                                                                                          Limited and addressed to the
progress and gathers steam, while others view it as natural evolution and an inevitability. How                                                                                                    Circulation Department
do you see it? Speaking of 5G, in this issue we examine the implications of 5G for the media
& entertainment sector, starting with the mobile video experience of consumers, including                                                                                                          Printed by Buxton Press
mobile broadcast, before zooming in on the production environment. Goran Nastic                                                                                                                    Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                   John Woods

                                                                                                                                                                   Perspective Publishing          Publishing Director
                                                                                                                                                                   3 London Wall Buildings
                                                                                                                                                                   London                          Mark Evans
                                                                                                        2019                                                       EC2M 5PD
                                                                                                                                                                   www.perspectivepublishing.com   ISSN 1467-5935

                                                                                                                                                                            www.csimagazine.com             September 2019                        03
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

news in brief                  Media giants gearing up for streaming
Telus Home Assistant
for TV voice control
                               supremacy - which one will win?
Canada’s Telus is the latest   2019 has been labelled a         builds up the content                In Canada, Disney+ will be
operator to launch a Home      “hallmark year” for the          catalogue, and then could          priced at C$8.99 per month,
Assistant and voice            streaming industry, the          charge $9.99 per month. This       or $89.99 per year. Dutch
control. In this case, it      biggest shift in the US video    would make it more expensive       residents will pay EUR6.99
gives Optik TV customers       market since Netflix’s push      than Disney+ (at $6.99 in the      per month, or €69.99 per
with hands-free control        into streaming in 2007. This     US) but more on a par with         year. Australia is set at
using voice commands for       is as heavyweight players like   Netflix and Amazon Prime           A$8.99 per month, or $89.99
their entertainment. As        Disney, Apple, AT&T and          (Netflix’s lowest tier is 8.99).   per year, and New Zealand’s
voice assistant                WarnerMedia among others           According to Bloomberg,          price is NZ$9.99 per month.
technologies become more       enter an increasingly crowded    Apple is weighing different          There is much speculation
commonplace in Canada,         field with new streaming         release strategies for shows.      about what Disney’s removals
the company saw it as a        services and direct-to-          Apple’s budget for original        of titles in particular from
natural fit to integrate       consumer (D2C) launches.         content has also grown from        Netflix will have on the
control over the largest          Coinciding with further       the original $1 billion to over    SVOD trailblazer.
screen in the house for a      international rollout and        $6 billion as more shows have        Allan McLennan of Padem
better user experience.        price details of the Disney+     moved through production.          Media has described Disney+
Optik TV customers with a      launch on November 12,             Disney’s new direct-to-          as a “game changer”
Google Assistant-enabled       Apple is now expected to         consumer streaming service           Guy Bisson, the lead
speaker or Smart Display       debut its own streaming          will launch on November            analyst at Ampere Analysis,
can pair the new Telus         service also by that date.       12 in the US, Canada and           labels Disney+ as one of the
Home Assistant to allow           Bloomberg reports that        the Netherlands.                   “biggest experiments in the
voice commands to change       Apple+ will go live by             They will be followed by         history of entertainment” and
the channel, launch Netflix    November, initially offering     Australia and New Zealand a        you can read his in-depth
and other apps, search for     a free trial to start, as it     week later on November 19.         thoughts on page 6.
their favourite shows,
pause or turn off their
digital box. It also allows    Viacom makes inroads into in-vehicle
customers to manage
accounts with voice.           entertainment
                                The Viacom International           Access is acquiring
ViacomCBS sets sights          Media Network is making its      the rights to make
on DTC streaming               TV content available to car      linear feeds of these
A long running saga has        passengers, one of the first     channels available in
come to an end as CBS          content providers to make        German-language for
and Viacom have decided        this move into the connected     integration into in-car
that they will, after all,     car space.                       infotainment systems
merge after 13 years apart.      Viacom’s popular TV            being developed by
CBS will acquire Viacom        channel brands such as           German car
to form ViacomCBS.             MTV, Comedy Central and          manufacturers. The
Current Viacom CEO Bob         Nickelodeon will be              channels available via
Bakish will lead the           accessible to vehicle            Twine4Car service will be a        generation of mobile network
combined entity, with the      passengers in German-            simulcast of the linear TV         technology ushering in a new
deal expected to close by      language via the Twine4Car       networks that VIMN makes           era of connected vehicles and
the end of the year ago.       solution from Access             available free-to-air in           immersive entertainment
The plan calls for an          Europe. This will make           Germany, featuring the same        experiences on-the-go,” said
acceleration of a direct-to-   Viacom’s content available       content and advertising.           Raffaele Annecchino, MD of
consumer strategy,             via the car head unit and           “Viacom believes in-car         VIMN Southern and Western
supported by both both         rear-seat entertainment units    entertainment is an exciting       Europe, Middle East and
subscription and               to more deeply engage            new frontier for the video         Africa. “This deal is the first
ad-supported products.         passengers of all ages.          industries, with the next          of its kind for Viacom.”

04   September 2019            www.csimagazine.com
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

SES looks to the clouds with ONAP                                                                 news in brief

                                                                                                  DT tops 100Gbps over
                                                                                                  microwave link
                                                                                                  ABI Research expects the
                                                                                                  VR market to grow to
                                                                                                  $22bn thanks to enterprise
                                                                                                  adoption and new
                                                                                                  headsets, as well as make a
                                                                                                  deeper push into the M&E
                                                                                                  sector. A new report from
                                                                                                  ABI Research likens the
                                                                                                  VR market to a roller
Satellite operator SES is        powered by its fleet of MEO      the globe, according to the     coaster ride of ups and
taking its business to the       and GEO satellites. SES will     companies. By deploying         downs. Unlike the ill-fated
cloud, together with Amdocs      also be able to serve its        open, cloud-based network       3D market, VR will
and Microsoft Azure.             broadcast, telecom, corporate    automation and                  succeed, but widespread
  SES is creating an open,       and government customers         orchestration, the goal is to   adoption will take longer
standards-based network          with applications and            make satellite networks a       than expected to evolve,
automation and service           technologies such as             seamless extension of the       the reports argues.
orchestration platform, built    SD-WAN, WAN optimisation,        global communications           “Contrary to some
on Open Network                  high security, and Unified       ecosystem.                      opinion, VR is not in the
Automation Platform              Threat Management, creating        “Our vision is to make        same situation as 3D TV,
(ONAP). Using the Amdocs         more value for its customers.    satellite-based networks a      which never really took
NFV solution, SES said it will     The satellite company is       seamless and wholly             off,” said Michael Inouye,
modernise and automate its       implementing ONAP with           integrated part of a global,    of ABI, which expects the
network platforms in the         Amdocs on Microsoft Azure,       cloud-scale network             VR market to hit an
cloud. SES said this will        making SES the first             ecosystem. Central to this      inflection point within the
make it the first satellite      customer to use Amdocs           vision is an open, automated    next two years, but remain
network solutions provider to    NFV for SD-WAN on                operational environment         outside the collective
adopt ONAP, an open              Microsoft Azure. Through         that allows our customers       mainstream audience for
software platform designed       this approach, SES will be       to easily create and            some time.
for orchestrating the creation   able to extend network           deliver new, innovative
and delivery of new services     services and activate            services anywhere,” said        In-home WiFi devices
in an automated operational      virtualised network functions    SES networks CEO                pass 5bn mark
environment.                     quickly and at scale,            JP Hemingway.                   A new wave of WiFi smart
  For example, this will         accelerating time-to-market        Will other satellite          home devices is about to
enable SES to rapidly build      and improving service agility    operators follow suit in the    drive adoption towards a
network solutions that are       for customers anywhere on        company’s lead?                 total of 17 billion home
                                                                                                  devices in use worldwide
IBC hosts MovieLabs 2030 Vision                                                                   by 2030, according to new
                                                                                                  research from Strategy
Motion Pictures Laboratories,    discusses the need for the         The results of this           Analytics, which estimates
together with member studios,    industry to work together        research on media tech          that nearly 5bn home WiFi
published a new white paper      now on innovative new            disruption will for the first   devices are now in use
presenting an industry vision    software, hardware and           time be publically discussed    around the world. The
for the future of media          production workflows to          at IBC, when MovieLabs          leading home WiFi
creation technology and next-    support and enable new ways      will be presenting a keynote    standard today is WiFi 5
gen workflows by 2030.           to create content over the       panel, titled ‘Hollywood’s      (802.11ac), accounting for
  The paper, jointly authored    next ten years. Cloud services   Vision for the Future of        three quarters of 2019
by MovieLabs and technology      and software-defined             Production in 2030’, on         device sales. WiFi 6 (ax),
leadership teams from            workflows are two key            Sunday 15 September,            will account for a third of
Hollywood studios, looks at      overarching trends identified    bringing tech leaders from 5    device sales by 2023,
future technology and            into the next decade.            big Hollywood studios.          dominating thereafter.

                                                                      www.csimagazine.com              September 2019      05
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine
Analyst corner

                                         The great Disney                                                                    offer with ESPN for sports and
                                                                                                                             Hulu for general entertainment.
                                                                                                                             The family strategy or streaming

                                         experiment: Disney+                                                                 channel bouquet is something that
                                                                                                                             has not been tried in the streaming
                                                                                                                             market to date, but for Disney, it

                                         and the studio                                                                      means the $6.99 a month price
                                                                                                                             point for Disney+ (widely analysed
                                                                                                                             by market commentators for under-

                                         direct revolution                                                                   cutting Netflix), is actually just the
                                                                                                                             start of the customer value story
                                                                                                                             and the revenue potential of Disney’s

                                         By Guy Bisson                              Disney has yet to embark on its
                                                                                 promised huge marketing and awareness
                                                                                                                             wider direct move.
                                                                                                                                Of course, with an already crowded
                                                         y the end of this       campaign that will push the service pre-    streaming market where the typical
                                                         year, one of the        launch, but (with Fox) the group            US SVoD home already takes three
                                                         biggest experiments     already owns enough high profile            SVoD services, the place of Disney+
                                                         in the history of the   brands and content franchises to            within the wider home entertainment
                                                         entertainment           have made an impression with its            bundle will be crucial. Ampere’s
                                                         industry will be        streaming plans.                            regular consumer survey shows that
                                                         underway. Disney+,         A survey carried out in the US by        Netflix is usually the foundation
                                         the family pillar of Disney’s grand     Ampere in June 2019 shows that              stone of in-home streaming bundles
                                         ambition to go direct will have         awareness of Disney+ is highest among       and other services are layered on
                                         launched, and consumers will be         18-24 year olds (45% of this age group      top, but rarely taken alone. Asking
                                         getting their first taste of the new    say they have heard of Disney+) and         specifically about how homes
                                         service and the content it has to       homes with children, illustrating an        would engage with Disney+ showed
                                         offer. That description may sound       obvious but important point about           that 65% of consumers interested
                                         melodramatic, but after 100 years       Disney+ and the wider group strategy.       in the service intended to take it in
                                         of history, the major studios will      Disney+ is part of Disney’s direct plans,   addition to other SVoD services.
                                         for the first time take their own       not the be all and end all. Disney+ will    Eighteen per cent said they would
                                         content direct to the end viewer. I’d   be one of a family of streaming services    replace one of their existing SVoD
                                         call that a seismic industry shift.     that Disney will manage, augmenting its     services with Disney+ and 17%
                                                                                                                                          said they would see
                                                                                                                                          Disney+ as a replacement
                                                                                                                                          for multiple SVoD services
                                                                                                                                          in the home.
                                                                                                                                             Disney+ and other studio
                                                                                                                                          services are likely to give a
                                                                                                                                          second wind to the US
Source: ilikeyellow / Shutterstock.com

                                                                                                                                          streaming market which has
                                                                                                                                          otherwise slowed in terms
                                                                                                                                          of the number of services
                                                                                                                                          homes are stacking.
                                                                                                                                          Content will be key to that
                                                                                                                                          boost and — with the
                                                                                                                                          addition of
                                                                                                                                          Fox franchises — is one of
                                                                                                                                          Disney+’s key strengths,
                                                                                                                                          even as it gradually
                                                                                                                                          unwinds its existing
                                                                                                                                          licensing relationships.
                                                                                                                                             Ampere’s Disney+
                                                                                                                                          attitude survey shows that

                                         06   September 2019         www.csimagazine.com
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine
Analyst corner

63% of respondents are aware of at least
one of Disney’s core content franchises
with Pixar being the strongest in terms
of awareness (44% of respondents know
the brand). Star Wars (27%) and
Marvel (25%) rank second and third.
Interestingly, respondents mistakenly
associate a number of key brands that
have no relation to Disney or Fox with
Disney+. Chief among these are rival
Warner’s Harry Potter and DC Comic
franchises and Universal’s Jurassic
Park. The halo of the Disney brand it
seems is engulfing its Hollywood
neighbours, presenting both a benefit
and a challenge. Disney will need to be
clear in its content messaging as it              DISNEY+ AWARENESS
begins the service roll-out.
   Among legitimate Disney content
franchises, interest is spread across age
groups. The Marvel franchise has a twin
peak for interest among 18-24 year olds
and 35-44 year olds picking it as the
content most valuable to them while
Pixar content is most appealing to
25-34 year olds, the group also most
interested in Disney animated films and
Disney TV shows, doubtless driven by
the likelihood of this age group to have
younger children. The Star Wars
franchise is an interesting one for
Disney. Peak interest for Star Wars is
among 35 to 44 year olds, a group just
shy of being old enough to have seen               STACKING DISNEY+
the original 1977 cinema release (now
dubbed Episode 4). Star Wars will be
key for Disney in extending the age
appeal of Disney+, although its other
streaming channel brands will also help
broaden overall appeal of the wider
direct play.
   Disney has set an ambitious target of
60m-90 million subscribers by 2024,
with 20m-30m in the US. On current
interest levels, that would be a fairly
ambitious target, requiring all of the
respondents to Ampere’s interest survey
that said they were highly likely or likely
to sign up for the service to actually
follow through. But with Disney’s own
marketing push yet to come, awareness
and interest in the new service can             MOST VALUABLE CONTENT
only rise.

                                              www.csimagazine.com       September 2019   07
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

8K: Why here, why now?                                                                             resolution of 7680×4320
                                                                                                   pixels, which is four times
                                                                                                   more than 4K and 16 times
With the tools for 8K production and display                                                that of full HD.
                                                                                            For William Cooper, founder of
in place, the hurdles of distribution and                                                   consultancy Informitv, 8K
standardisation now lie between the world                                                   represents a natural evolution of
                                                                                            video resolution. “HD is now
and 8K media. Is it a distraction or just natural                                           mainstream, 4K is already a reality
                                                                                            and 8K is now a possibility,” he
progression? Adrian Pennington reports

                                                                                            says. “Although there may be
                                                                                            diminishing returns with each
                  ack in 2012 when the      to emerge and move forward while an        increase in resolution, if the objective is
                  ITU-R enshrined           earlier one is still being rolled out,”    a representation of the highest fidelity,
                  UHD in two phases,        asserts Peter Siebert, DVB Head of         then 8K or beyond may be
                  4K UHD was already        Technology. “In this case, it’s relevant   technologically inevitable.”
                  seen as a stepping        to note that 8K TV sets are not               He points out that there are many
                  stone to 8K. UHD-2        necessarily threats to 4K production       dimensions to improving the fidelity of
                  was considered so         and delivery, as they could bring          video reproduction. “Spatial resolution
far away that little other than             improvements in image quality for lower    is one, the precision of each pixel is
resolution was considered in                resolution content through upscaling.”     another, and temporal sampling is a
the specification.                            “There will always be technology         further dimension,” he says.
  While the industry is some way from       Luddites,” says Ben Schwarz, speaking      “Traditional television technology is
deploying even 4K, heads are turning        as an independent expert, founder of       compromised in all these dimensions,
towards what’s next. For some this is an    CTOi Consulting and communications         with plenty of room for improvement.”
unwelcome distraction from the              chair of the Ultra HD Forum. “A devil’s       The entire industry is now working to
practicalities of 4K transition, with       advocate would say that 4K is a            deploy 4K with HDR and NGA (Next
possible risk of consumer confusion,        distraction from HD deployment.”           Gen Audio), as a result of efforts that
others view it as the natural progression                                              have cumulated over the last five years.
of an industry which has technological      Increasing resolution vs                      The Ultra HD Forum, at pains to put
advance written in its DNA.                 HDR and HFR                                8K on the back burner, recommends
  “It’s not unusual for a new technology    8K ultra-high-definition video has a       that the industry focuses on these added
                                                                                                  value services such as HDR
                                                                                                  with dynamic mapping,
                                                                                                  NGA and HFR for sports,
                                                                                                  noting that there are barely
                                                                                                  over a dozen active services
                                                                                                  across the world that
                                                                                                  implement HDR.
                                                                                                    “The industry has yet to
                                                                                                  explore the right combination
                                                                                                  of resolutions, taking into
                                                                                                  account HDR, HFR and
                                                                                                  NGA,” notes Thierry Fautier,
                                                                                                  VP of Video Strategy at
                                                                                                  Harmonic and president of
                                                                                                  the Ultra HD Forum.
                                                                                                    Rian Bester, who runs 4K
                                                                                                  channel Insight TV, agrees, “If
                                                                                                  you show a consumer 4K
                                                                                                  verses HD the difference is
                                                                                                  not that apparent but if you
                                                                                                  show them HDR versus non

08   September 2019             www.csimagazine.com
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

                                                                                         Goldman, SVP Technology, MediaKind.
                                                                                         He believes 8K will only be available for
                                                                                         occasional special events like the
                                                                                         Olympics or World Cup over the next
                                                                                         five years. “We all need to find a
                                                                                         compromise between one part of our
                                                                                         industry pushing 8K to sell more
                                                                                         ‘better’ consumer TVs to increase profit
                                                                                         versus another part of our industry
                                                                                         pushing back to prevent undermining
                                                                                         the wider marketplace for 4K content
                                                                                         creation and consumption.”
                                                                                            There is a certain inevitability in cost
                                                                                         reduction from TV sets to distribution
                                                                                         bandwidth. “We know 8K TV sets will
                                                                                         be affordable at some point in time, and
                                                                                         that’s when consumers will adopt them
HDR or HFR vs non HFR - especially             Will the tail wag the dog? This is        at mass scale,” says Fautier. “Therefore,
in fast moving content like sport - the      perhaps the most voluble charge against     the industry needs to make sure it can
difference is very apparent and there is     8K promotion, especially since TV           offer attractive services for broadcast,
no doubt as to the benefit. Those two        makers don’t always get it right (see       live and on-demand streaming, as well
aspects are far more valuable than going     stereoscopic 3D for details).               as immersive experiences.”
from 4K to 8K for current screen sizes.”       It is no coincidence that brands
  While no-one is suggesting 8K holds        including Hisense, Panasonic, Samsung       An embryonic workflow
any benefit over mobile (and even            and TCL are primary backers of the 8K       Bester says Insight TV’s 8K experiments
telcos like BT Sport argue for HD            Association nor that Samsung, LG and        are not necessarily in order to build up
HDR as optimum for handsets) the             Philips are partnering Japanese-owned
claim that you need to sit closer to the     Spanish streamer Rakuten TV’s plans
home screen to perceive the benefit          to stream 8K content later this year, nor   “8K TV sets are not
needs re-examining.                          that Samsung and Sony are sponsoring
                                             8K productions by Insight TV for            necessarily threats
The screen conundrum                         marketing purposes.
Screen sizes are getting bigger – by           “Although models are already              to 4K production and
about an inch a year according to some
reports. What’s more, what we think of
                                             available as low as $5,000 they need to
                                             be five times cheaper, and up-scalers       delivery, as they
as a TV set, could be on verge of a
radical format overhaul with MicroLED
                                             don’t yet make all 4K or HD content
                                             shine at 8K,” notes Schwarz.
                                                                                         could bring
and rollable screens on the horizon.
  “In the not too distant future we will
                                               HDMI 2.1 is provisioned to support
                                             8Kp120 and we are still in the
                                                                                         improvements in
have screens that are significantly bigger
than currently and they will be multi-
                                             interoperability phase.
                                               The potential for consumer confusion
                                                                                         image quality for
application devices like our phones,”        could be high if misleading messages        lower resolution
Bester suggests. “For that reason, I         about near-term 8K content availability
don’t think people should get too hung       are made, which could result in 4K          content through
up on the science of traditional viewing     market destabilisation.
distance and screen size. This is              “While it’s folly to think that the       upscaling.” DVB
completely changing.”                        industry can stymie the natural
  Cooper supports this. “The whole           technological progression of display
point of increasing resolution is that the   technology, the industry does owe a         a library, “but because we want to
pixel structure of the image should be       responsibility to correctly inform          understand where we need to adapt the
imperceptible. It is a psychovisual effect   consumers of the availability of native     workflow chain from production
that results in an image that appears to     8K content and when it will reach a         through to delivery.”
be more realistic.”                          reasonable critical mass,” says Matthew        While there is equipment from

                                                                        www.csimagazine.com                September 2019        09
8K TV: why here, why now? - CSI Magazine

cameras to finishing systems and video      biggest bottleneck is distribution.         meaningfully more effective than HEVC
switchers capable of a full production        “Even if you look at a high resolution    with the goal of decreasing bitrate by
chain the workflow is embryonic. Data       VR application, the problem is not          half. But we will have to wait until 2020
volumes alone present a challenge           displaying the picture it is getting the    when the MPEG specification is
and a cost.                                 content to the consumer via download        finalised and then 2022 to see it
  Nonetheless, the industry is steadily     or streaming,” says Bester.                 implemented in the first devices.
moving toward capturing video at              The only broadcast network capable           Harmonic’s take is that 8K will start
higher resolutions to enable pan, scan      of supporting 8K today is ARIB DTH          with DTH, “but very quickly we will see
and zooming. Production costs for HD        (heavily subsidised by the Japanese         IP delivery to connected TVs and
and 4K can be reduced by capturing in       government via state-run NHK).              mobile devices,” though probably
8K using one camera and extracting the      Neither ATSC nor DVB have made any          limited to 4K.
region of interest via AI.                  provision to support 8K as yet.                The codec is an important element,
  For immersive experiences such as           “In 2019, DTH is probably the only        but high-speed broadband networks
VR, it’s necessary to capture at 8K         viable way to deliver 8K at scale [but]     (fibre, DOCSIS 3.1, and 5G) “are the
resolution and deliver the field            satellite distribution hasn’t yet managed   best fit to carry 8K content,” says
  of view to either an HD or 4K             to ride the 4K wave successfully despite    Fautier. For live applications at scale,
display. The benefit of 8K here,            active promotion by the likes of SES or     multicast will likely be needed, with 5G
according to Fautier, is that it provides   Eutelsat,” says Schwarz.                    FeMBMS an attractive solution.
“an exceptional QoE in contrast to            “As far as compression is concerned,         Globecast, which reports more than
conventional VR approaches where the        the numbers circulating throughout the      60% of its customers in Europe still to
full frame is sent and the player           industry for bandwidth requirements         make the transition to HD, identifies
up-samples the field of view, leading to    vary. NHK’s commercial service uses         OTT as the preferred method for
a poor experience.”                         100Mbps, but recent trials with HEVC        content delivery in new formats.
  In the same manner, for personalised      have shown live sports content at              “That was true for 4K and will likely
broadcast, content can be captured in       85Mbps and VOD at 65Mbps.”                  stay true for 8K,” says Globecast’s Juliet
8K for end-users to navigate the content      VVC promises to half those                Walker. “That’s because you don’t need
(at lower resolution) on mobile devices.    requirements in a few years. The            to wait for an industry-approved new
  “8K offers a more personalised            proposed standard winding its way           interoperable tech standard for the
experience with a high QoE compared         through MPEG “is the silver bullet”         signal transmission chain. Innovation
to other approaches where the zoom          identified by Bester required to drive      comes fast on the internet and device/
leads to fuzzy picture,” says Fautier.      things forward “because whether the         display vendors are quick to adopt new
This was demonstrated at the French         content is 4K or 8K, it really addresses    technologies to sell ‘boxes’.”
Open with Harmonic encoding and             the bottlenecks like CDN costs
Tiledmedia packaging.                       and bandwidth.”                             Standards and business models
                                              Proofs of concept, by BBC R&D             As with 4K, Walker thinks sports will
                                            among others, show VVC being                lead the way in 8K, even while 4K
“We want to
understand where
we need to adapt
the workflow chain
from production
through to delivery.”
Insight TV
  The applications for ultra-high quality
source material are not limited because
of the production technology. The

10   September 2019             www.csimagazine.com

rollout remains sluggish. Expect to see                                     Limited early activity
the first wave of 8K content produced
                                              NHK                      NHK began broadcasting an 8K service in Japan in
at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, as well as                                 December 2018, in preparation for the 2020 Olympic
VoD in 8K streamed to connected TVs                                    Games in Tokyo. The Japanese broadcaster began
in the same time frame.                                                research on an ultra high-definition video system
   That’s why, argues the 8K Association                               back in 1995. Video shot using a 8K Super Hi-Vision
and the UHD Forum, that it’s                                           camera with a frame frequency of 120Hz was shown
important to agree on a standard for 8K                                for the first time in the world at IBC2014.
that includes support for IP delivery
(VoD and live) across all type of             RAI                      Italian broadcaster RAI will begin broadcasts in
networks, on all devices (TVs to                                       both 4K and 8K, coinciding with the Tokyo Olympics
smartphones). Immersive applications                                   in 2020.
being different from broadcast ones,          France Télévisions       France Télévisions trialled 8K over 5G at Roland
will also require guidelines.                                          garros. It demonstrated over 100 hours of live 8K
   The DVB for its part has completed a                                coverage of the tennis in Paris. In partnership with
report into media formats beyond                                       Orange.
UHD-1 4K. “These formats have the
                                              SES                      SES demonstrated an 8K ultra-high-definition
potential to be commercially viable
                                                                       signal broadcast directly to a Samsung TV with an
in the coming years,” says Siebert.
                                                                       integrated satellite receiver in Luxembourg. The 8K
The report was submitted to DVB’s
                                                                       material, at 50 frames per second, was encoded in
Steering Board in July as an input
                                                                       HEVC at a data rate of 70Mbps and carried on a sin-
document for potential future
                                                                       gle 33 MHz transponder as a DVB-S2 transmission.
specification work.
   The prevailing view, voiced by             Rakuten TV               Rakuten TV, a global VOD service provider, plans
Antonio Corrado, MainStreaming CEO,                                    to trial and launch 8K content in the second half of
is that “broadcasters won’t be able to                                 2019, under a partnership with TV manufacturers.
justify the cost for a small niche
audience that will be able to experience
streaming in 8K until its wider adoption                                                through much of the 2020s.”
by device makers and consumers.”              “We need an                                 In summary, there is a vast amount
   Thomas Wrede, VP, New Technology                                                     of work required to make 8K a
& Standards, SES Video says the               equation that                             reality. This is a multi-year effort,
key ingredient is an effective business                                                 at least five to ten years depending
model. “We need an equation that              encourages                                on the application. Is too much
encourages subscribers to pay for the                                                   focus placed on classical broadcast,
quality of the content itself, and not just   subscribers to pay                        while IP is a low hanging fruit?
the screen they unboxed.”                                                               Could certain territories lagging now
   To lay the groundwork for 8K the           for the quality of the                    but unencumbered by legacy
industry needs an aligned end-to-end
ecosystem. Even with two organisations        content itself, and                       infrastructure in future, see 8K
                                                                                        leapfrog 4K in the same way that
(the UHD Alliance and Forum)
guiding 4K deployments, “it was not
                                              not just the screen                       cellular did over DSL?
                                                                                          “The next generation of video
an easy process,” Fautier admits.
“However, member companies have
                                              they unboxed.” SES                        entertainment is based on several
                                                                                        pillars of which a higher resolution is
learned to work together, even if they                                                  but one aspect,” says Schwarz.
compete in the marketplace. The same          broadcasters in particular, need not be     “This is why we shouldn’t get too
collaboration needs to exist for 8K, and      panicked into near-term technology        hung up on the science,” Bester agrees.
the 8K Association is at the forefront to     upgrades to support 8K production           “Let’s imagine you have an entire wall
drive those efforts.”                         and delivery, and few will be able        in your living room at 16K, if you go
   “For most TV viewers 8K will remain        to afford this in any case. 4K, HDR       beyond that it will not make a
off the radar for many years to come,”        and HFR will remain the primary           difference. I think 16K is the top limit
says David Mercer of Strategy                 technology drivers of video               where the drive for higher resolutions
Analytics. “Content providers, and            enhancement for most viewers              will end.”

                                                                        www.csimagazine.com             September 2019        11

                   broadcasters and
                   media companies
                                             8K becomes a reality
                   are preoccupied
                   with the challenges       — for some
                   of making 4K and
                   HDR work, the 8K          By Thomas Bause Mason, SMPTE
format will hit a major milestone in
2020 when NHK presents coverage                For now, however, there is little 8K
of the 2020 Summer Games in                  content available outside of Japan.
Tokyo in high-frame-rate 8K.                 While NHK has Tokyo 2020 in its
  The Japanese broadcaster has been          sights, few broadcasters or studios in
preparing for this event for decades,        other regions have commercial
working on development and                   pressures or opportunities driving 8K
implementation of an 8K production           adoption forward. There are, for
and satellite delivery system to support     example, no expectations that there will
8K public broadcasts. In addition to         be increased revenue in an ad-supported
building out professional infrastructure,    distribution system just because 8K is
including camera systems to support          being distributed. A new business          HD or 4K content to 8K, redefining the
8K, NHK has helped drive development         model may be in order.                     sharpness possible from existing sources
of the 8K consumer TV sets that                Terrestrial and satellite broadcasters   in order to give viewers vastly improved
audiences will need to view Tokyo 2020       in the US tend to favor an improved        on-screen images and an extended field
broadcasts in all their 8K glory.            HD broadcast with higher bit rate and      of view on larger TV sets.
  LG, Samsung, Sony, and TCL                 frame rate over 4K for broadcast. At the     Considering all of these factors, it
announced at CES 2019 that they’d be         same time, most studios are creating       appears that large-scale 8K content
shipping 8K big-screen models to North       content in 2K with little content being    delivery is at least a decade away. When
American retailers this year. Still, for     produced in native 4K, let alone 8K, to    that time comes, and 8K is more of a
several reasons, the market will take        keep production costs down. Although       reality for content producers and
some time to grow. For one, the              some satellite broadcasters have broken    audiences worldwide, SMPTE
adoption of 4K (also known as                into 4K broadcasting (eg, Korea’s          Standards will be ready.
UHDTV1) consumer displays is still           KBS), the main medium for distribution       SMPTE was the first organisation to
ongoing. It may be time soon for CE          of 4K is online. There are no signs that   standardise UHDTV1 and UHDTV2
manufacturers to bring new premium           online distributors will adopt 8K in the   image formats, as well as immersive
TV sets to the market.                       near future.                               audio formats. While SMPTE ST 2110
  The higher resolution of 8K                  While 8K cameras are available,          was mainly developed for current live
(UHDTV2) images aims at increasing           much 8K production equipment is still      HD TV productions, the standards suite
the field of view by raising the             in a relatively early stage of             also can support higher frame rates and
resolution, and it therefore allows          development. Production itself can be      higher resolutions up to 16K.
manufacturers to build larger TV sets        expensive, and most content producers        The buzz over 8K at CES 2019 was
while preserving image quality. The          face serious bandwidth constraints that    considerable — and Kudos to NHK,
intention is to provide a more               would limit high-quality 8K distribution   which realised an incredible
immersive viewing experience without         due to the use of increased                technological milestone in TV history
degrading resolution. The 8K format’s        compression. New compression               by enabling 8K end-to-end workflows.
recommended minimum display size is          technology under development could         So, while 8K may not become
65 inches. At this size the boost in         help to remedy some of these issues.       mainstream any time soon, it is starting
resolution doesn’t deliver a significant       Although all major NLEs are already      to gain real traction, and undoubtedly
difference for the viewer, but as the        capable of supporting editing of 8K        has a bright future.
display gets bigger, the higher resolution   content, adoption of 8K TV sets may
of 8K over 4K does have an impact. In        come more quickly than the creation of
the case of VR and other immersive           8K content for them. This is true simply              Thomas Bause Mason is
experiences, including gaming, 8K has a      because of the high-quality, AI-powered               Director of Standards
lot to offer and can support the high-       upconversion mechanisms in 8K TV                      Development, SMPTE
quality implementation of such.              sets, which will be able to upconvert

12   September 2019              www.csimagazine.com
                       7 MAY 2020

    Celebrating the pioneers of technology and encouraging excellence

   London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London

ATSC 3.0 – “Best of the Best”                                                                     cases have been envisioned
                                                                                                  and implemented already.

for broadcasting’s future
                                                                                                     Of course, content
                                                                                                  security is paramount for
                                                                                                  any IP network. ATSC
ATSC’s Madeleine Noland explains some of the thinking members again turned to
                                                                                                  existing Internet
behind the key components of the new ATSC 3.0 standard technologies for a solution.
                                        achieve true excellence the ATSC 3.0         In this case Common Encryption
                                        system would have to be non-backward-        (CENC) was chosen. CENC is used by
                                        compatible with the current ATSC             many OTT streaming apps, and so
                                        1.0 system, giving the freedom to            many receive devices already
                                        design a system with all the newest          understand CENC. The challenge was
                                        technical developments.                      to devise a CENC system that works on
                                           At the physical layer level, the flexible unconnected devices as well as
                                        nature of the “bootstrap” functionality      connected devices. ATSC members and

                                        offers unparalleled extensibility for the    implementers (including new ATSC
                                        standard, a unique advantage of ATSC         member Google) have solved this use
                 elevision viewing is   3.0. As we have learned over and over        case and are now implementing it in the
                 now much more than     again, technology just doesn’t stand         Phoenix Model Market and elsewhere.
                 something that needs still. The myriad combinations of                 ATSC members also selected Internet
                 just a TV antenna or   modulation, coding and features of the       technologies for the interactivity system,
                 cable line. Over the   ATSC 3.0 physical layer offer                which is based on technologies that are
                 past two decades,      significant improvement over standards       supported by the major web browsers
                 viewers have enjoyed   a decade old (or even older) and             running on laptops, desktops, tablets,
a plethora of new viewing options,      features such as Layered Division            smartphones and smart TVs. This
from satellites to streaming and        Multiplexing bring unheard of                convergence can simplify receiver
new services that take advantages       opportunities for mobility and hybrid        development and also allow
of better connections that can          services with tangible spectrum              broadcasters to tap into the rich
deliver more choice and control.        efficiency advantages.                       ecosystem of web developers, including
   The original ATSC Standard was set      ATSC 3.0 is well aligned with other       the skilled men and women they already
in 1995, before the availability of DVD communications technologies that are         employ in the digital departments of
players (not to mention Blu-Ray).       already in use today, and this reduces       local TV stations.
The iPod wouldn’t even be a reality     the complexity of implementation.               Today, we see the successful
for another six years. And the DVB-T       Certainly, better audio and video,        deployment of ATSC 3.0 in South
standard dates from about the           more accessibility features, advanced        Korea with millions of receivers sold.
same time period. DVB-T2 was a          emergency messaging, and a high              At this year’s NAB Show, broadcasters
huge improvement, but that 10-year-old  capacity, robust, flexible physical layer    announced plans to deploy ATSC 3.0 in
technology dates from the era           are all key elements. In addition to         61 US TV markets over the next year - a
of iPhone3.                             those advancements, one of the key           move that will reach more than 70
   Meanwhile, Moore’s Law has been      decisions for ATSC 3.0 was that ATSC         percent of the US population. Those
chugging away each year reducing chip   members wanted the new system to             introductions coincide with the
cost by half (or doubling capacity),    align with Internet-based technologies.      expected introductions at retail of the
mobile broadband penetration has        We envisioned a future of digital            first US ATSC 3.0 TV receivers.
exploded and Internet Protocol (IP) has terrestrial TV broadcasting as an               It’s an exciting time for Next Gen TV
taken over as the de facto language of  integral part of a global ecosystem that     as broadcasters enter the global 21st
the communications world.               has embraced IP transport, web browser century data-driven world.
   The broadcast industry’s response to technologies, and app-based services.
this rapid pace of technological change    ATSC 3.0 IP transport offers several
is the new ATSC 3.0 standard, now       advantages, but perhaps most
                                                                                                  Madeleine Noland is President
literally the best in the world.        interesting is that it integrates well with               of the Advanced Television
   Early in its conception, ATSC        other IP networks, such as the Internet                   Systems Committee
members determined that in order to     and cellular networks. A number of use

14   September 2019            www.csimagazine.com

                                     Sponsored by:

                                     Special focus

                      Low latency streaming
Low latency

The quest for low                                                                          coming for some time, with NAB 2017
                                                                                           standing out as a moment when
                                                                                           vendors first came out in numbers with

latency gathers pace                                                                       their low latency streaming options. The
                                                                                           big technology driver to cut down
                                                                                           latency at the time was using CMAF
                                                                                           packaging (Content Media Application
Goran Nastic reports on the latest                                                         Format) and HTTP chunked transfer
                                                                                           encoding. CMAF creates content that
development efforts to get to broadcast-                                                   can be viewed in both HLS and
level latency with streaming video                                                         MPEG-DASH, allowing a single

                                                                                           packager output.
                                                                                              Things have moved forward since
                lorian Diederichsen,           but I’d rather have the latency to play     then. Despite having a single media
                the CTO of DAZN, is            around with.”                               container for both HLS and DASH, one
                one of many                      This proclamation is particularly         of the main features introduced with
                technology executives          welcome coming from the CTO of a            CMAF is support for low latency
                working in the                 major online sports video provider          streaming. This is because CMAF in
                streaming space who            because the rise of OTT sports is by far    itself does not actually reduce latency,
                is excited about the           the main reason why so many                 but was created to bring together the
onset of low latency streaming.                companies are pouring R&D efforts in        HLS and MPEG-DASH formats in
  Speaking about low latency CMAF              this space. For live sports, latency is a   order to simplify online video delivery.
(CMAF LL), Diederichsen said at                big problem, with the often cited cases     So chunked CMAF can be seen as a
Streaming Media’s London summit                of people hearing neighbours cheering a     low latency extension to the standard
earlier this year, “It is something I really   goal next door before it has happened       and CMAF-LL is a Flash-free, non-
can’t wait for”.                               on their own screen.                        proprietary, standardised technology.
  He explained that DAZN has got lag             With many high-value live TV events          Also on the standards side, Apple
down to 25 seconds on some devices,            now being watched online, the               during its recent WWDC19 (Worldwide
but that CMAF LL will help get it              additional delays introduced by an IP       Developers Conference) event
down to cable TV levels, which is where        delivery system can have a significant      announced low latency HLS, and it’s
he wants to be. “It’s possible to stream       impact on the viewing experience,           clear that different initiatives are
fast, but hard to stream fast at good          particularly for live sports.               underway to go for a standardised
quality. We will probably be able to get         Thanks to the continued migration         approach, or to have standardised
safely down to seconds, but for product        towards online video delivery and           technology that can help to get the
reasons we won’t necessarily do that…          consumption, innovation here has been       latency down to something which is
                                                                                           equivalent to broadcast.
                                                                                              “It takes years to establish a winner.
                                                                                           We are moving into a phase where
                                                                                           multiple approaches will coexist. Just
                                                                                           look back at what has happened in
                                                                                           streaming, it took a while for HLS and
                                                                                           DASH to gain dominance. The same
                                                                                           will happen here,” says Julien Signes
                                                                                           of Synamedia
                                                                                              The goal everyone is working towards
                                                                                           is for a real-time streaming workflow to
                                                                                           match the latency of live broadcast,
                                                                                           which is about 5-7 seconds from
                                                                                           (stadium) camera to TV. Typically today
                                                                                           viewers on standard OTT DASH or
                                                                                           HLS will see the video some 45 seconds
                                                                                           to a minute behind the broadcast feed.
                                                                                              Once streaming latency is cut down

16   September 2019               www.csimagazine.com
Low latency

to size, it is expected to open new
opportunities for not just live sports
streaming, but also e-gaming, online
gambling, VR and other interactive
applications. It can then also be used by
OTT players, and really all others
broadcasters and service providers that
offer video streaming, helping them
attract and retain customers.

Moving only as fast as the slowest
part of the chain
At NAB 2019, low latency demos were
everywhere and one technology supplier
told us it had a number of trials             “I have a low delay encoder”. OK, that’s   Forward Error Correction (FEC);
ongoing of a real commercial                  one piece of the equipment, but you        player settings; and protocol used.
deployment of ultra-low latency CMAF.         also have the CDN and the player. The          And then, the higher the format, the
  However, things are never that simple       entire e2e chain has to support minimal    longer the latency simply because of the
in real life. As Fraunhofer explains in its   delay otherwise you won’t reap the         amount of data involved with buffering,
technical article that follows this           benefits,” Signes points out.              meaning that the gradual emergence of
section, some open issues in the context         There are signs that more concerted     4K/HDR UHD services will have to be
of low latency OTT streaming with             developments are starting to take shape.   factored in.
CMAF still remain. For example, ad            This is why Apple’s support for low            Synamedia claims it is uniquely
insertion becomes very challenging as         latency streaming with HLS (ALHLS)         positioned in that has all the solutions
the ad splice points are usually signalled    is significant. Instead of using HTTP      needed - from the encoding, to the
4-6 seconds in advance.                       1.1 chunked transfer encoding which is     CDN right through to the player - but
  And that’s just one small part of           widely supported on existing CDNs,         also that it is at the same time capable
the whole piece. ‘A buffalo herd can          Apples implementation requires             of optimising all the key elements in the
only move as fast as the slowest              HTTP/2 Server Push and additional          workflow. This, ultimately, allows the
buffalo’ comes to mind here and               logic on the CDN and media origins.        company to minimise the delay, down
acts as a good analogy for solving               It’s not only about having one low      to a range of 5-7 seconds (see next page
the problem of latency from a                 latency encoder, a low latency packager    for more details).
holistic perspective.                         and a low latency origin and a low             “People have to understand this is not
  To get to the levels talked about by        latency CDN, but also the way in that      an easy solution and they might have to
vendors, and aspired to by service            all the different components are           change various components, it’s a
providers, requires an end-to-end (e2e)       integrated together.                       massive e2e upgrade and investment,
delivery system that can enable that -           Moreover, optimising each of these      it’s not simply changing the profile
and that’s the real challenge.                for latency requires trade-offs in cost,   bitrates or adding a logo somewhere,”
  As Synamedia argues in the next             quality and reach, so operators face a     notes Signes.
article, ‘zero’ latency is not so easy to     balancing act, as DAZN’s Diederichsen          “Because it is so complex and
do in practice, precisely for this reason.    alluded to.                                involves the whole chain, to my
“The pitfall people fall into is they say        OTT delivery results in more inherent   knowledge there is not yet an e2e
                                              latency. The video stream traverses        commercial deployment. But it will
                                              hundreds of nodes and an extensive         happen,” Signes promised, with 2020
                                              number of systems from the production      expected to be the year for these first
                                              down to end user devices, and each of      early deployments to be rolled out.
                                              those systems introduces a small delay.        Once this happens, internet viewers
                                              Because e2e latency is a composite of      will be able to finally cheer that
                                              many elements in and outside of            match winning goal at the same time
                                              network congestion, multiple factors       as their neighbour on good old
                                              and combinations can increase/decrease     broadcast TV.
                                              latency, such as encoding/decoding;        Synamedia can be found on stand
                                              edge server ping, load and CPU;            14.C41 at IBC 2019

                                                                        www.csimagazine.com               September 2019        17
Low latency

Achieving low latency
                                                                                                     who have latency of a minute that they
                                                                                                     can have 15 seconds they would be
                                                                                                     happy with that 4x improvement.

streaming end-to-end
                                                                                                        I would say ideally you would like to
                                                                                                     synchronise both - and that’s exactly
                                                                                                     what we are showing at IBC. It is the
                                                                                                     same as when we launched HD: no
CSI spoke with Synamedia’s Elke                                                                      one was asking for 4K, but then people
                                                                                                     saw it looked better and then HDR
Hungenaert and Julien Signes about what it                                                           came along.
takes to reach low latency across the chain                                                             It’s a question of delta to me. The first
                                                                                                     goal is to reduce it; the ultimate goal is
and how Synamedia can help                                                                           to match it.
                                                                                                     Elke Hungenaert: I think there is
                                                                                                     also a shift occurring. Historically, if
                                                       not want to have access to sports all         you look at traditional broadcast, low
President and General Manager,

                                                       the time but they may want to access          latency was a requirement for live sport
                                                       a particular event and OTT can                events. Also, in regions where there
Video Processing Business
Julien Signes, Senior Vice

                                                       provide a good solution in those cases.       was a lot of competition, for example
                                                       Taking video content into an online           in Latin America between DTH and
                                                       environment brings a lot of pluses in         other operators, even shaving off a few
                                                       terms of metadata and interactivity, but      hundred milliseconds was good enough
                                                       the negative side is you may well have        because they wanted to deliver live
                                                       a delay of up to a minute compared to         sports earlier than their competition
                                                       cable or satellite distribution.              did. In North American cable, on
                                                         Ideally, you want to synchronise            the other hand, there was very little
                                                       your OTT delivery pipeline with live          competition and so it was never a big
                                                       to traditional delivery. For live sports      focus for them.
                                                       especially, this has become a must-              I think with the OTT players coming
                                                       have requirement.                             in and the competitive landscape
                                                         But it is not so easy to do in practice.    changing, then the ability to deliver
Elke Hungenaert, VP Product

                                                       One of the reasons is because it’s an         your live sports earlier than an OTT
                                                       end-to-end (e2e) chain. The pitfall           provider becomes a major plus. So
                                                       people fall into is they say “I have a low    even if it wasn’t that much of an issue
                                                       delay encoder”. OK, that’s one piece of       before in some regions, it has become
                                                       the equipment, but you also have the          (more) important now. Today it’s a

                                                       CDN and the player. The entire e2e            competitive differentiator.
                                                       chain has to support minimal delay
                                                       otherwise you won’t reap the benefits.
                                                                                                     Who do you think technically has
                                                         I think that’s where we as Synamedia
                                                                                                     the upper hand in implementing
                                                       are uniquely positioned because we
                                                                                                     this e2e chain? Are OTT providers

                                                       have an end-to-end solution, from the
                                                                                                     worse off due to their lack of
                                                       encoding, to the CDN right through to
                                                                                                     control in terms of QoS/QoE?
                                                       the player, that enables us to minimise
                  SI: What’s driving                                                                 EH: I would say those who control the
                                                       the delay.
                  this industry push to                                                              pipe end-to-end can master it best.
                  get streaming                                                                      Because there is processing involved in
                  latency as low as                    How low do we need to go? I have              every piece of the chain. For example,
                  possible?                            heard from several service                    there may be an extra delay introduced
                  Julien Signes: It’s a                providers that zero is a nice goal,           when getting it onto the CDN node.
                  hot topic for several                but not necessarily the target.               If you are not in control of the CDN,
reasons. It’s a true market requirement.               JS: I think you can take it in steps. Right   then you are not in control of the e2e
Why? Because for live sports OTT it                    now, it’s a minute versus 5-10 seconds,       network and are dependent on these
is becoming important. People may                      which is a big gap. If you tell operators     third parties.

18                      September 2019         www.csimagazine.com
Low latency

I don’t think the latency control is             JS: We are one of the only companies      how we get to 5-7 second delays, down
specifically related to the software          that to have it all - the encoder piece,     from 30-60 seconds, depending on the
processing of the ABR chain because           the CDN distribution piece, as well as       segments you are reaching.
our product portfolio in broadcast is         access to the player through our Infinite
now following the same technologies           platform. If you look at others in the       Given the variables involved,
there. It’s really about what you do to get   market, none of them has has all the         what’s the challenge, or the trade
every processing step as optimised as         3 pieces together, which puts us in a        off, in trying to achieve such low
possible: looking at how clients actually     strong position with operators. We have      latency across the chain when
process whatever they fetch as input,         showed this in our demonstrations by         making these optimisations?
and; whether it is DASH or HLS – this         touching every part of this ecosystem        EH: The big thing is the in-house
has a major impact on the overall e2e         with those 3 major components.               network conditions. The big contributor
latency that customers experience.               This is very important because until      in traditional broadcast is the encoder.
                                              there is an e2e standardised solution        We can encode with a delay of just a
Where is the industry as a whole              and a way to do this in an interoperable     second, but then the quality will not be
currently in its quest for low                fashion, the best way to do this initially   what the service provider expects and
latency and the e2e goal?                     is to have one e2e solution integration      the viewing experience will be poor.
EH: I would say we are very close to          and that’s exactly what we have done.        There’s definitely a trade off to be made.
getting initial deployments. It’s a given        EH: We optimise every piece in that       JS: In the encoding space, people
that customers select vendors that            chain. For example, because this is          usually talk about bandwidth and
can deliver on the promise. End-to-           HTTP IP delivery where we talk ABR           quality but delay is a third pillar. If you
end testing is ongoing, but because           we support HTTP 1.1 so we support            can increase delay you can increase
it affects the whole e2e ecosystem it         chunk transfer encoding. Let’s say we        quality at a given bit rate, there are 3
typically takes time because in the end       have a packager or origin (server) in        interdependent variables. If you want
if you offer your content on a plethora       the chain, then as soon as a chunk is        to push the encoding to deliver a lower
of devices you need to do this testing        available, as opposed to waiting for the     delay, lower than say the 2-3 seconds of
across the board. There’s quite an            whole segment to become available, it        traditional broadcast-quality encoders,
extensive test requirement.                   will start downloading so it will already    then you will start to chip away quality
   You could say everything that goes         start processing, for example if the         of the video at the same bitrate. That’s
up to the house is pretty much under          DRM needs to happen. We support              one element.
control, but then the big unknown is          this type of technology on each and            Even though each step of the way
in the home, with the WiFi conditions,        every piece of our CDN, origin and           everything can be optimised, we are still
how do you tackle scenarios on a              packager products.                           in a best-effort type of network; we are
bad network day? How do you tackle               We have implemented low latency           talking OTT, and we are dependent on
too many devices needing to share             CMAF in our own product line and we          the quality of that underlying network.
streaming bandwidth at the same               also support chunk encoding on our
time? How do clients react if instead of      virtual DCM products in combination          What can we expect from
fetching 3 segments which the Apple           with CMAF DASH delivery. And                 Synamedia and the market
spec recommends today, they just fetch        we also work with optimised clients,         next year when it comes to low
chunks and the network conditions             depending on other metrics, for              latency streaming?
change? How does that                         example network conditions and so on.        JS: You need to encourage people to
affect the behaviour of the client and           If you look at that optimised chain       do trials because technologies are
how do clients need to adjust to that         and you are offering a traditional ABR       starting to mature. People have to
user experience?                              delivery, then latency can actually go       understand this is not an easy solution
   Getting robustness into the ecosystem      down to 5-7 seconds across the whole         and they might have to change various
is what is preventing those full or large     e2e chain. We optimise the encoding          components, it’s a massive e2e upgrade
scale deployments today. That’s why we        delay, we make sure the packager,            and investment, it’s not simply changing
are still in a proof-of-concept stage.        encryption, origin, CDN and even the         the profile bitrates or adding a logo
                                              multicast ABR just take one chunk in,        somewhere. But user demand is getting
Can you give us more details into             then the player will either download         strong enough that for providers to
Synamedia’s solutions, support                a chunk, or perhaps even 2-5 chunks          embrace it.
services etc in this area and how             depending on the network conditions,             In summary, we certainly hope to
you are helping operators reduce              but ensuring all the time that there is no     be undertaking some deployments
streaming latency?                            buffering or stalling on the video. That’s     e2e in 2020. That is our goal.

                                                                          www.csimagazine.com                September 2019        19
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