Big Data in Governance in India: Case Studies - The Centre for Internet and Society, India - The Centre ...

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Big Data in Governance
in India: Case Studies
EDITORS Elonnai Hickok, Sumandro Chattapadhyay, Sunil Abraham

The Centre for Internet and Society, India
This work has been made possible by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation. The conclusions, opinions, or points of view expressed in
the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of
the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Designed by Saumyaa Naidu
       Shared under
       Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Introduction			                     		1

Case Studies					3
Predictive Policing				4
The Unique Identity Project			          7
Big Data in Credit Scoring			           12
Smart Meters and Big Data			            19
Intelligent Transport System			         22

Detailed Narratives of Case Studies		   26
Predictive Policing				27
The Unique Identity Project			          32
Big Data in Credit Scoring			           41
Smart Meters and Big Data 			           45
Intelligent Transport System			         49

Big Data Regulation Agenda 		54
This research seeks to understand the most effective way of researching Big Data          Data Characteristics
in the Global South. Towards this goal, the research planned for the development
                                                                                          The most popular definition of big data was put forth in a report by Meta (now
of a Global South big data Research Network that identifies the potential
                                                                                          Gartner) in 2001, which looks at it in terms of the three 3V’s—volume 4, velocity and
opportunities and harms of big data in the Global South and possible policy
                                                                                          variety. It is high-volume, high-velocity and/or high-variety information assets
solutions and interventions. The research was for a duration of 12 months and in
                                                                                          that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing that
form of an exploratory study which sought to understand the potential opportunity
                                                                                          enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process automation. 5 Aside from
and harm of big data as well as to identify best practices and relevant policy
                                                                                          volume, velocity and variety, other defining characteristics of big data articulated
recommendations. Each case study has been chosen based on the use of big data
                                                                                          by different commentators are— exhaustiveness, 6 granularity (fine grained and
in the area and the opportunity that is present for policy recommendation and
                                                                                          uniquely indexical), 7 scalability, 8 veracity, 9 value 10 and variability. 11 It is highly
reform. Each case study will seek to answer a similar set of questions to allow for
                                                                                          unlikely that any data-sets satisfy all of the above characteristics. Therefore, it
analysis across case studies.
                                                                                          is important to determine what permutation and combination of these gamut of
                                                                                          attributes lead us to classifying something as big data.
What is Big Data                                                                          Qualitative Attributes
Big data has been ascribed a number of definitions and characteristics. Any study         Prof. Rob Kitchin has argued that big data is qualitatively different from
of big data must begin with first conceptualizing defining what big data is. Over         traditional, small data. Small data has used sampling techniques for collection of
the past few years, this term has been become a buzzword, used to refer to any            data and has been limited in scope, temporality and size, and are “inflexible in
number of characteristics of a dataset ranging from size to rate of accumulation to       their administration and generation.” 12 In this respect there are two qualitative
the technology in use. 1 Many commentators have critiqued the term big data as a          attributes of big data which distinguish them from traditional data. First, the ability
misnomer and misleading in its emphasis on size. We have done a survey of various         of big data technologies to accommodate unstructured and diverse datasets which
definitions and understandings of big data and we document the significant ones           hitherto were of no use to data processors is a defining feature. This allows the
below.                                                                                    inclusion of many new forms of data from new and data heavy sources such as
                                                                                          social media and digital footprints. The second attribute is the relationality of
Computational Challenges                                                                  big data. 13 This relies on the presence of common fields across datasets which
The condition of data sets being large and taxing the capacities of main memory,          allow for conjoining of different databases. This attribute is usually a feature of
local disk, and remote disk have been seen as problems that big data solves. While        not the size but the complexity of data enabling high degree of permutations and
this understanding of big data focusses only on one of its features—size, other           interactions within and across data sets.
characteristics posing a computational challenge to existing technologies have
also been examined. The (US) National Institute of Science and Technology has             Patterns and Inferences
defined big data as data which “exceed(s) the capacity or capability of current or        Instead of focussing on the ontological attributes or computational challenges
conventional methods and systems.” 2 These challenges are not merely a function           of big data, Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer Schöenberger define big data in
of its size. Thomas Davenport provides a cohesive definition of big data in this          terms of what it can achieve. 14 They defined big data as the ability to harness
context. According to him, big data is “data that is too big to fit on a single server,   information in novel ways to produce useful insights or goods and services of
too unstructured to fit into a row-and-column database, or too continuously               significant value. Building on this definition, Rohan Samarajiva has categorised
flowing to fit into a static data warehouse.” 3                                           big data into non-behavioral big data and behavioral big data. The latter leads to
                                                                                          insights about human behavior. 15 Samarajiva believes that transaction-generated
                                                                                          data (commercial as well as non-commercial) in a networked infrastructure is what
                                                                                          constitutes behavioral big data.
Scope of Research                                                                                  8.    Nathan Marz and James Warren, Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime
                                                                                                         data systems, Manning Publication, New York, 2015.
                                                                                                   9.    Bernard Marr, Big Data: the 5 Vs everyone should know, available at https://www.linkedin.
The initial scope arrived at for this case-study on role of big data in governance                       com/pulse/20140306073407-64875646-big-data-the-5-vs-everyone-must-know.
in India focussed on the UID Project, the Digital India Programme and the Smart
                                                                                                   10. Id.
Cities Mission. Digital India is a programme launched by the Government of India
                                                                                                   11.   Eileen McNulty, Understanding Big Data: the 7 Vs, available at
to ensure that Government services are made available to citizens electronically                         vs-big-data/.
by improving online infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity or
                                                                                                   12. Supra Note 7
by making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology. 16 The
                                                                                                   13. Danah Boyd and Kate Crawford, Critical questions for big data. Information, Communication
Programme has nine components, two of which focus on e-governance schemes.                             and Society 15(5): 662–679, available at
Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting program by the                               Critical_questions_for_big_data_Provocations_for_a_cultural_technological_and_scholarly_
Government of India with a mission to develop 100 cities (the target has been                          phenomenon
revised to 109 cities) all over the country. To begin with, each of the schemes under              14. Supra Note 6.
these two wings were the subject of this case study. We looked at 67 e-governance                  15. Rohan Samarajiva, What is Big Data, available at
schemes under these projects at different levels of implementation, and finally                        data/.
narrowed down to 5 case studies. In order to arrive at them, we looked at the                      16.
stated objectives of each scheme, classified them under broad headings and
focussed on schemes with a strong focus on three objectives. Integration and
data consolidation, Interoperability and common standards, Data driven decision

While looking at what schemes could qualify as big data, we have considered
schemes which are one of the following:
•    Self Identified: Scheme policy documents describe the use of big data analytics
     and techniques.
•    Publicly Identified: Described in publicly available third party sources as a
     scheme using big data or as big data being a critical component of the scheme.
•    CIS Assessed: Schemes that indicate the use or generation of big data through
     aspects of the dataflow and that will enable a quantified society.

1.   Thomas Davenport, Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the opportunities,
     Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, 2014.
2.   MIT Technology Review, The Big Data Conundrum: How to Define It?, available at https://www.
3.   Supra Note 1.
4.   What constitutes as high volume remains an unresolved matter. Intel defined Big Data
     volumes are emerging in organizations generating a median of 300 terabytes of data a week.
6.   Viktor Mayer Schöenberger and Kenneth Cukier, Big Data: A Revolution that will transform
     how we live, work and think” John Murray, London, 2013.
7.   Rob Kitchin, The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and their
     consequences, Sage, London, 2014.
Case Studies

Predictive Policing
                                                                                                                        PREDICTIVE POLICING PROCESS
CCTNS                                                                                                                                           Data
CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Network Tracking System) is an e-governance project under the Digital India mission                                 Collection
which seeks to use ICT for better provision of citizen-centric services, connect about 14000 police stations across
the country and facilitate investigation, detection and prevention of crime. Various states have decided to use
predictive policing techniques. 1 The idea is to build on the already existing structured data based on geographic
locations and the nature of crimes in locations, and databases of history sheeters and police reports with other           Criminal                                Data
alternative data. 2                                                                                                       Response                                Analysis

Predictive Policing
Predictive Policing is the application of big data analytical techniques to identify targets for prevention of crimes                       Interventions
through police intervention or use of statistical predictions to solve crimes. 3 Predictive Policing usually works in
the following four ways —
                                                                                                                        In the first step, data is collected from different
a) predicting places and times with an increased risk of crime,                                                         sources — crime data from police station databases,
                                                                                                                        environmental data including crime seasonal patterns,
b) predicting potential future offenders,                                                                               neighborhood composition, call data records and other
                                                                                                                        mobile phone data. The next step is the Analysis, where
c) creation of profiles for past crimes, and                                                                            the data collected is analysed based on a predictive
d) predicting groups of individuals likely to be victims of crimes. 4                                                   method. Examples could include near-repeat theory, 7
                                                                                                                        social network analysis 8 and regression models using
                                                                                                                        risk factors. The next step is making police interventions
                                                                                                                        in response to the insights such as deploying more forces
Predictive policing draws from canonical theories of crime that focus on criminal events, crime-prone locations,        in a neighborhood. It is noteworthy that the very act of
and criminal opportunities. 5 The basic underlying assumption of predictive policing is that crime is not               predictive policing also creates new data. The final step
randomly distributed across people or places. Rather, patterns of crime are a “function of environmental factors        is to account for the criminal response to predictive
that create vulnerabilities for victims and spaces at certain times.” 6                                                 policing and includes cases like displacement of crime to
                                                                                                                        another area.

Inherent Biases
India has a history of tribes with a taint of inherent                                    SUSPECTS
criminality which has led to racist and discriminatory                          1         2     3         4
practices by police. 9 This is widely reflected in their
presence in history-sheets (database of people
accused or suspected of a crime) and other police
databases.                                                                                                                          Given the data, the risk assessment for
                                                                                                                             5      individual criminal behavior might suggest
Pardhis (a de-notified “criminal” tribe) are routinely         3               HIRA                                                 that Hira is at a high risk of committing
picked up by the police every time there is a crime in                         Hira, a member of the Pardhi tribe                   crimes. This could lead to the police
                                                                                                                                    arresting him on reasonable suspicion and
the area. A large number of people belonging to the                            lives on one of the streets identified.
                                                                                                                                    focussing the investigation solely on him
community have records in police databases by virtue
of belonging to the community.                                       Hira is a ‘history sheeter’ and it is possible
                                                                     that factors/data that lead to him being
                                                                     suspected are in itself biased data from                Data driven myopia bias/ Automation bias
        A predictive policing model might take
 1      historical data about a particular type of
                                                                     police databases.                                       In the presence of data and automated systems, law
                                                                                                                             enforcements agencies have been reported to focus
        crime, the location and time of that crime,
                                                                                                                             solely on these factors. For instance, in Washington DC,
        and plot those past crimes in a way that
                                                                                                                             the officers had a tendency to only parol areas indicated
        would inform crime analysts about an                   Incomplete and biased data                                    in the heat maps and ignore other neighborhoods.
        unusual cluster of crimes.
                                                               Data censoring, systematic bias and irrelevant data           Therefore, any use of predictive policing software must
                                                               lead to incorrect patterns and inferences. Implicit           also be accompanied by a training of law enforcement
                                                               biases in police data about criminal tribes can lead          officers to critically question its insights while applying
                                                               to amplified biases in the case of Hira. Discrimination       them.
                                                               may be an artifact of the data collection and analysis
                                                               process itself. Even with the best intentions, algorithmic
                                                               decision-making can lead to discriminatory practices and
                                                               outcomes. 12
                                                                                                                                    This perpetuates a vicious cycle
                                                                                                                                    of injustice against an already
        The police looks at previous crime recorded to try                                                                          disenfranchised community.
 2      to predict and prevent thefts in a locality. Towards
        this, the police performs Hot Spot analysis 10
                                                                      !               !
        to identify likely areas where crime will occur.
        Regression analysis 11 is also used, which looks at                                                              !
        factors such as prior burglaries as well as counts
        for other types of crime, counts for vandalism and
        other types of disorder, numbers of homes in the             Upon social network theory analysis, the
        area, numbers of unoccupied homes, the number          4     police may find many connections to other
        of individuals with recent convictions for property          criminals/suspects/history-sheeters, as he
        crimes. This throws a list of areas which are crime          is from a community with a high number
        prone. Further, Near Repeat Methods are used to              of history sheeters.
        narrow down streets which are most risk-prone in
        the immediate future.

                                                                                                                       1.    National Crime Records Bureau. “About Crime and Criminal Tracking
Better allocation of resources          agencies to preemptively act            More holistic analysis                       Network & Systems - CCTNS.” available at
In India, the police force is           against predicted crimes by             Predictive Policing is a multi-        2.    Bibhu Prasad Routray, Making a case for futuristic predictive policing
overburdened with work leading          focussing on crime-prone areas and      disciplinary process which seeks             in India, available at
of health and social issues. 13 Cops    individuals at the risk of offending    to bring together insights from              voices/2012/sep/09/making-a-case-for-futuristic-predictive-policing-
                                        or being targeted. If crimes can be                                                  in-india-404220.html.
usually work seven days a week and                                              diverse fields such as actuarial
often have to attend to very long       stopped before they are committed,      science, statistics, criminology       3.    Sarah Brayne, Alex Rosenblat and Danah Boyd, Predictive Policing,
shifts. Therefore, any technology       it has great social and economic        and a contextual understanding               DATA & CIVIL RIGHTS: A NEW ERA OF POLICING AND JUSTICE, available at
and system of policing which            value not just for those at the risk    of local surroundings. 14 Therefore,
enables a more efficient allocation     of being victims of such crimes,        it is hoped that this will lead to     4.    Walter L. Perry, Brian McInnis, Carter C. Price, Susan C. Smith, John S.
of resources is extremely desirable.    but also for the offenders, as they     more comprehensive and holistic              Hollywood, Predictive Policing: The Role of Crime Forecasting in Law
                                        can be stopped from making life         analyses of crime patterns.                  Enforcement Operations, available at
Preventive Policing                     altering mistakes.                                                         
Predictive Policing offers the                                                                                               Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, Policing Predictive Policing, forthcoming in
                                                                                                                             94 WASH. U. L. REV. (2017).
opportunity to the law enforcement
                                                                                                                       5.    Supra Note 3.
                                                                                                                       6.    Andrew Ferguson. G. 2012. “Predictive Policing and Reasonable
HARMS                                                                                                                        Suspicion.” 62 Emory Law Journal 259.
                                                                                                                       7.    Supra Note 4.
Lack of safeguards to prevent abuse The form of discrimination                  Surveillance without just cause        8.    Id.
Predictive policing entails          in predictive technologies is              One of the key goals of predictive     9.    Rule 1054 (3) of the Karnataka Police Manual, which states: “History
preemptively responding to the       institutional in that there are            policing is to predict likely                Sheets should be opened for those registered ex-notified tribe
threat of crime. This automatically  implicit biases in data. In India,         offenders. The likely interventions          members...for whom the Superintendent or Sub-Divisional Officer
raises questions of preventive       there are documented problems              in response to such analysis would           thinks it is advisable to do so on account of their active criminality.
measures inconveniencing and         with the police data which includes        involve greater attention to the       10. Hot spot methods predict areas of increased crime risk based on
infringing on the rights of innocent ‘history sheets’, ‘rowdy sheets’ and       person in question in the form             historical crime data. Hot spot methods seek to take advantage of the
people. There are already existing   records of individuals classified as       of surveillance. Such measures             fact that crime is not uniformly dis- tributed, identifying areas with
provisions in the Code of Criminal   ‘hooligans’, ‘goondas’ and ‘criminal       are problematic and raise new              the highest crime volumes or rates. The underlying assumption—and
Procedure in India which allows      tribes.’ 16                                questions about how the standard           prediction—is that crime will likely occur where crime has already
arrest upon suspicion. 15 Abuse of      Further, the predictive policing        of reasonable suspicion can be             occurred.
predictive policing could lead to       algorithms are inscrutable to the       measured against algorithmic           11.   Regressions fit a mathematical relationship between the variable to be
warrantless arrests and detention       courts in many circumstances.           insights.                                    predicted and independent “explanatory” variables. In contrast with
without probable cause.                 Therefore, despite constitutional                                                    hot spot mapping, regressions project future crime risk based not just
                                        protections preventing the              Opacity of predictive models                 on past crimes but also on what can be a wide range of data.
Discriminatory impact of predictive     discrimination, redressal               What data goes into the predictive     12. Solon Barocas and A. Selbst, “Big Data’s Disparate Impact.” California
policing                                mechanisms are not effective.           models, what assumptions are               Law Review. 104. SSRN Scholarly Paper.
Any data driven decisionmaking                                                  being made by the algorithms, and      13. “National Requirement of Manpower for 8-Hour Shifts in Police
system runs the risk of amplifying      Data ideology                           what kind of contextual questions          Stations”, by the Bureau of Police Research & Development,
existing inequities. Each               Use of predictive policing in other     are does the algorithm ask are             Government of India, and Administrative Staff College of India,
intervention made under predictive      jurisdictions has raised questions of   entirely opaque. There is a need for       Hyderabad
policing also feeds into the data       over-reliance on data and ignoring      greater transparency and making        14. Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, Policing Predictive Policing, forthcoming in
that informs decisions. Thus,           other factors. For instance, police     information available in form which        94 WASH. U. L. REV. (2017).
if certain neighborhoods are            patrols could have a tendency of        is accessible.                         15. Section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
identified as crime-prone, there will   only patrolling areas pointed out by                                           16. Mrinal Satish, Bad Characters, History Sheeters, Budding Goondas
be greater policing in those areas,     heat maps. 17                                                                      and Rowdies, available at
and consequently, lead to more                                                                                             cfm?abstract_id=1703762
focus on the same areas.
                                                                                                                       17.   Supra Note 4.
The Unique Identity Project

The Unique Identity Project in India, Aadhaar, which is reported to have over                                      Digital Identity
one billion registrants 5 is an online, digital and paperless identity system                                      In recent years, digital identity systems have been
  which can act as a platform for a number of digital services, all of which                                       promoted as key to reducing fraud, facilitating financial
                                                                                                                   inclusion, providing for efficient delivery of services,
produce enormous troves of data, precious to both the government and the                                           enabling political empowerment, and facilitating
private sector. Once residents have a uniform identification number and                                            economic growth and security in developing countries.
                                                                                                                   A Digital Identity system includes the following
technology which is used across a range of services, it allows service providers                                   components: 1) identification, 2) authentication, the
to leverage this existing system, rather than engage in the verification process                                   process of asserting an identity previously established
themselves. 7 Further, the presence of a digital identity allows for a host of                                     during a process of identification, and 3) authorization,
                                                                                                                   the process of determining what actions may be
services to move online and facilitates enormous transaction generated                                             performed or services accessed on the basis of the
information which is useful behavioral big data. 8 We look at some key features                                    asserted and authenticated identity. 1 Because of
                                                                                                                   these features, a digital identity becomes critical for
of this project and ways in which we see Aadhaar manifesting itself as big data.                                   the use of online services such as e-governance or
                                                                                                                   e-commerce platforms, and facilitates the generation
                                          CIDR                    AADHAAR                                          of enormous amounts of transactional data - termed as
                                                                                                                   transactional identity. 2 This transactional data results
      ENROLMENT                                                                  VERIFICATION                      in behavioral big data. 3 A digital identity system can be
        AGENCY                                                                REQUESTING AGENCY                    both centralised and decentralised. 4
                                                             YES/ NO

CIDR                                                    Authentication procedure                                                                  AADHAAR
The Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) is        In order to authenticate an individual, the biometric
a centralised database containing all Aadhaar           information is matched with the corresponding                                          1.03 billion
numbers, demographic information and biometric          Aadhaar’s number’s biometric information in the CIDR.                                   People Enrolled
information. The presence of a central repository of    11
                                                           The false positive ratio (the probability that the
all enrollment data has attracted severe criticism, 9   identifiers of two persons will match) of this procedure   FALSE POSITIVE RATIO
with commentators comparing it to a “honey-pot” with    has been estimated to be extremely high, and in a
both the username (Aadhaar No.) and the password        population size of 1.2 billion people, the expected               1/121
(biometric information). 10                             proportion of resulting duplicands could be as high as           Duplicands
                                                        1/121. 12

Seeding                                                                                                                                                  OPEN QUESTIONS
Seeding is a process by which the Aadhaar numbers of residents are included in the service delivery                                                       Lack of data protection regulation
database of service providers for enabling de-duplication of database and Aadhaar based authentication                                                    The lack of a comprehensive data protection regulation
during service delivery. Seeding allows different databases to be tagged with unique identifiers, thus                                                    and privacy law in India translates into an absence of rules
establishing a relationality, a key feature of big data datasets. Once seeded, disparate datasets can come                                                on how government agencies may share data with each
together and enable big data processing.                                                                                                                  other. This could lead to issues such as ambiguity over who
                                                                                                                                                          has data ownership, indiscriminate sharing of data across
                                                                                                                                                          databases, and mission creep where data collected for one
HOW DOES IT WORK?                                                                      MANUAL/                              ALGORITHMIC/                  purpose is used for other secondary purposes.
                                                                                    ORGANIC SEEDING                      IN-ORGANIC SEEDING
The seeding process itself can be done through manual/                                                                                                    Convergence
organic processes or algorithmic/in-organic processes.                              BANKS                                 USAGE OF AADHAAR                Anyone having access to the ‘control’ end of the Ginger
                                                                                                                          SEEDING APP ON                  platform can access all data associated to an Aadhaar
Ginger Platform                                                                                                           SMART PHONE / POS               number. That convergence can now easily be initiated
                                                                                                                          DEVICE / TABLET, ETC.           with databases on the Ginger platform and the profiling of
Service providers that adopt the Aadhaar number must                                COLLECTION
move their existing databases onto the Ginger platform,                                                                                                   individuals can take place through the linking of data points
which then organizes the present and incoming data in the                                                                 MATCHING THROUGH                via this platform. Thus, UIDAI effectively get access to all
                                                                                    COLLECTION AT POINT                   USE OF STATE                    “seeded” data.
database by individual Aadhaar numbers. Once organized,
                                                                                    OF SERVICE DELIVERY                   RESIDENT DATA HUB
automatically or manually, data can be queried by Aadhaar
                                                                                                                          (SRDH)                          Technological failure
number by person’s on the ‘control’ end of the Ginger
platform.                                                                           CROWD SOURCING -                          Database of                 Poor technology with low resolution cameras often
                                                                                    IVRS, SMS, DROPBOXES                      Beneficiaries               result in problem in enrollment and authentication. Such
                                                                                                                                                          technological failures have very high costs in India where
                                                                                                                              KYR + DATA from
                                                                                                                              Enrolment Agencies          people may rely on the technology for essential services like
                                                                                    3rd PARTY SERVICE                                                     rations, benefits and subsidies, and credit opportunities. 13
                                                                                    PROVIDERS                                 EID-UID Database
                                                                                                                              from UIDAI

                                                                                    COMMON SERVICE
                                                                                    CENTER (CSC)
                                                                                                                                       DATA EXTRACTION          CONSOLIDATION           NORMALIZATION            MATCHING

 A Sample of what the database looks like                    A Sample of what the database looks like
       BEFORE AADHAAR SEEDING                                        AFTER AADHAAR SEEDING
                                                                                                                                        AADHAAR DATA                      DATA                         AADHAAR
  Village Name   Applicant No.   Scheme Identifier   Village Name   Applicant No.   Scheme Identifier   Aadhaar Number
                                                                                                                                         DIGITIZATION                CENTRALIZATION                    SEEDING
                                                                                                                                          Data digitization     It does not necessarily mean      Aadhaar Seeding and
                                                                                                                                        may be done using          collating all data at one     Data centralization do
                                                                                                                                       existing Department            physical location.        not follow any particular
                                                                                                                                         Data (through use        Software application users     order, and any activity
                                                                                                                                       of physical Aadhaar          with authorized access      may precede another, or
                                                                                                                                        letters/ e-Aadhaar      should be able to access data    both activities may run
                                                                                                                                        print outs/ e-KYC).      online in a seamless fashion           in parallel.
                                                                                                                                                                    while providing service
                                                                                                                                                                     benefit to residents.
Cradle to Grave
                                                                                                                                     Marriage Certificates            Property Registration
                                                                                                                                     e-District                       Central Registry, NLRMP
The original press release by the Central Government                                                   Examination Results       Taxes                            Utility Services
                                                                                                       e-Learning                ACES, IncomeTaxIndia,            LPG, PDS, Aadhaar        Death
reporting the approval by the Cabinet of Ministers                 Birth Certificate                                                                                                       Certificates
                                                                                                                                 Commercial Taxes
of the Digital India programme speaks as ‘cradle to                e-District                                                                                                              e-District
grave’ digital identity as one its vision areas. The                                               Education              Employment Service             Law Enforcement
characteristic of this identity are mentioned as “unique,                                          e-Learning             Employment Exchange,           CCTNS
lifelong, online and authenticable.” 14 We have done                                                                      e-Office
a survey of the e-governance schemes under Digital
India, and tried to map those which seek to service
individuals and create a welfare state. 15 In order to
provide services effectively, these schemes shall
collect and store information through the lifecycle of                                 School Admissions           Passport/ Visa          Municipality Services       Court           Pensions
an individual. The result, as we can see, is building                                  Education                   Passport Seva, IVFRT    Municipalities              Proceedings     Pensioners’
databases on individuals, which when combined, as                  Healthcare                                                                                          e-Courts        Portal
enabled by the Seeding process, will provide a 360                 Services
degree identification. The schemes under Digital India             Health                    Scholarship                Driver’s License           Land Records            Insurance Services
conceptualise a digital ecosystem, 16 with the Aadhaar                                       National                   Roads                      NLRMP                   Insurance
functioning, if not as the singular, the primary form of                                     Scholarships Portal
identity that would be used to enter this ecosystem. 17                                                                     Vehicle Registration       Financial Transactions
This diagram represents a snapshot of how the entire                                                                        Roads                      Banking
lifecycle of an individual may be documented.

BENEFITS                                                                                            HARMS
 Efficient service delivery                     Better fraud management                              Profiling                                           Knowledge gap
 A consolidated view of the entire data would   Convergence of databases in a digital format         Disparate pieces of data collected by               A cradle to grave databases will lead to
 facilitate the social welfare department of    from different government departments will           different agencies shall come together to           decisions being made using unrelated,
 the state to improve the service delivery      make available more information in order to          create a 360 degree profile of the citizens.        inaccurate data without the knowledge of
 in their programs, while also being able to    aid detection of cases such as tax fraud and         This enables greater surveillance and               the citizen. People do not fully comprehend
 ensure that the same person is not availing    money laundering.                                    impeded any efforts towards anonymity. This         how powerful data mining techniques are,
 double benefits from two different districts                                                        could lead to chilling effects on the citizens’     how much data analysis exists today and has
                                                Better information dissemination and                 right to free speech and expression.                been going on for decades, or who uses their
 Convenience for the citizen                    training                                                                                                 personal data 19
 Convergence of data will mean that citizens    One of the benefits of a holistic approach to        Lack of trust
 are not asked for the same data many times     government modernization and innovation              Sharing of data across government
 and there could be a potential one stop        is the ability to communicate information            departments and agencies will mean that
 shopping. 13 Therefore, updates like changes   to citizens effectively about more than              citizens may not know which organization
 in address need not be done across multiple    one program. Disparate projects require              ultimately holds and uses the data, and this
 agencies and databases.                        communications targeted to that individual           will cause a lack of trust in the relationship
                                                program, and the citizen has only so much            between citizens and state.
                                                bandwidth to spend on figuring out how to
                                                do things and get service. 18
IndiaStack                                                                                                         BENEFITS

IndiaStack is a set of APIs conceptualised by iSPIRT, a consortium of select IT companies from India, to be        Presence-less use
deployed and managed by several government agencies, including the National Payments Corporation of India          Once registered on Aadhaar, residents can remotely identify
(NPCI). 20 One of the key features of IndiaStack is supposed to be open-loop interoperability between providers,   and authenticate themselves by inputting their fingerprint or
                                                                                                                   iris information on a biometric reader. The Central Identity
which will mean that different private and public parties can build over the APIs to create their own customized
                                                                                                                   Data Repository (CIDR) which houses the Aadhaar enrolment
products and services.                                                                                             data offers the basic validation service which takes as inputs
                                                                                                                   the biometric and identity numbers and validates whether
Various talks about the IndiaStack speak of the following layers as integral to its structure: a) An identity      they match in the database. Residents can now sign up for
layer supported by UID project, b) a presence layer which enables users and service providers to transact and      services without having to be physically present.
communicate remotely, c) a paperless layer which leverages the existing functionalities built over UID such
as e-KYC and e-Sign, d) a cashless layer which is an interoperable payments infrastructure, and e) a consent       Speedy and more efficient transactions
later based on the idea of OpenPDS conceptualised by a team at MIT Media Labs. 21 The cashless layer involves      •   A system that allows customers to use their Aadhaar
a payments switch which enables mobile account holders to transfer funds to and from any account in the                numbers and biometric information to auto-populate
country. With the implementation of the United Payments Interface (UPI), an architecture and set of APIs which         information, converting what was a 30-day paper-based
                                                                                                                       process into a short digital process
will work on mobile, 22 users can transfer money between different banks, or even do an online transaction with
far greater ease. As more and more transactions move from cash to noncash medium, the amount of data being         •   A database that enables citizens to digitally store and
generated increases dramatically. This is supposed to enable Anytime/Anywhere payments without a need to               retrieve loan documents, land titles, diplomas, training
                                                                                                                       certificates and other documents in a single place.
have access to cash. 23
                                                                                                                   •   An API for digital signature in order to remotely and
                                                                                                                       digitally sign and authenticate documents.

                                                                                                                   Reduce fraud
                                                                                                                   This data is valuable to governments (mitigate corruption
                                       IDENTITY LAYER                              CASHLESS LAYER                  and tax evasion, and making policy decisions), financial
  JANDHAN YOJANA                       An identity layer supported                 A host of digital payments      institutions (payments data to build credit scores),
                                       by the UID project.                         systems like Aadhaar            advertisers (purchasing data for targeted advertising),
  250 + million                                                                    Payments Bridge, Aadhaar        services providers (sales data to inform business plans).
     Bank Accounts                                                                 Enabled Payments System,
                                       PRESENCE-LESS LAYER                                                         One stop decentralized privacy control
                                                                                   UPI and Bharat Bill Payment
                                       Digital technology that                                                     Privacy and indiscriminate sharing of personal data has
                                                                                   Service that can work with
       MOBILE                          enables authentication and                                                  been an much spoken about problem in the digital world.
                                                                                   Aadhaar as identifier and       The openPDS model intends to “allows users to collect,
                                       transactions remotely.
    1 billion +                                                                    on mobile phones                store, and give fine-grained access to their data all while
      Registered                                                                                                   protecting their privacy.” 24 Instead of sharing personal
     Mobile Phone                      PAPERLESS LAYER                             CONSENT LAYER                   data and metadata directly, this model intends to employ
       Numbers                         Functionalities like e-KYC,                 A XML artifact linked to        SafeAnswers, which “allows services to ask questions whose
                                       e-Sign and Digilocker built over            the document/data being         answers are calculated against the metadata instead of
                                                                                                                   trying to anonymize individuals’ metadata” 25
                                       Aadhaar to enable paperless                 shared that specifies the
                                       registrations and verifications.            provider, user, and purpose
                                                                                   of use of that document/
                                                                                   data. Revocation of consent
                                                                                   is only possible if the
                                                                                   consent seeker allows it.

                                                                                                                                          12. Hans Varghese Mathew, Flaws in the UIDAI Process, available
 Complete loss of anonymity                    having to pass through multiple               for its consent layer, there is so far           at
                                               platforms and connectivity issues. 27         little clarity on how exactly it will work       uidai-process.html.
 Moving a cashless system as default
 mode of payment will decrease                                                               and how a model like SafeAnswers will        13. Rajasthan presses on with Aadhaar after fingerprint readers
                                               Predatory practices                           be adapted. 28                                   fail: We’ll buy iris scanners, available at
 anonymity dramatically, and this
                                               Lack of regulation in the Fintech                                                              article/806243/rajasthan-presses-on-with-aadhaar-after-
 could lead to greater surveillance
                                               sector can enable predatory practices         Regulation by code                               fingerprint-readers-fail-well-buy-iris-scanners
 and impacts on free expression and
 choice. 26 Data will be collected about       where right to remotely deny financial  An architecture like IndiaStack enables            14.
 purchases made, medical services              services can be granted to private      datafication of financial transactions             15. Sumandro Chattapadhyay, The Last Chance for a Welfare
 sought and received, food and                 sector companies. For instance, where   in a way that enables linked and                       State Doesn’t Rest in the Aadhaar System, available at http://
 beverages consumed etc. This data             all transactions are being handled      structured data that allows continued        
 can be used for targeted advertising          through a mobile phone, inability to    use of transaction data collected. This                rest-in-the-aadhaar-system/.
 and sharing of data across bodies can         pay EMIs could lead to disconnection    phenomenon is exacerbated due to                   16. Ravi Shukla. “Technologies in Aadhaar: A sociological view” in
 also lead to services providers making        of mobile phone services.               the creation of a state sanctioned                     Ashish Rajadhyaksha ed., In the wake of Aadhaar: the Digital
 an assessment about recruitments,                                                     monopoly like IndiaStack as default                    Ecosystem in India, available at
                                               Doubts over the consent layer           mode for payments. This is a classic                   CSSP/RaviShukla.pdf.
 credits etc.
                                               There is a lack of clarity about the    example of code behaving as law 29                 17.   Section 57 allows the Aadhaar number to be used in order
 Potential denial of financial agency          whether there will be a blanket         and determining modes of behavior                        to establish the identity of an individual by the government
 Technological failures can be                 consent allowing service providers to   between citizens. Further, this is                       or private bodies. This provision runs counter to the claims
 disastrous as it may deny financial           authenticate the identity, and access   one of the first instances that a                        that the Aadhaar number is for the purpose of identifying
 agency. If services insist on payments        all particulars of an individual, or    state sanctioned product has been                        individuals for better targeted government subsidies.
 through these modes only, it could            the consent will be specific to each    developed by the private sector                    18.
 lead to a completely inability of             piece of information. Further, once     independently as opposed to under                      Information_Sharing_Jan2015.pdf
 transact where there are technological        consent has been provided, there        the RFP model, thus, circumventing                 19. Peter Schaar, former data commissioner for Germany
 failures. Similar cases of cashless           are no effective opt-out mechanisms     regulatory oversights by the                           recently published a call to arms on data mining in a special
 mobile based payments in the Global           available in the Aadhaar Act or         Comptroller and Auditor General and                    edition of MIND
 South such as M-Pesa have faced               architecture. While the IndiaStack team under the Right to Information Act.                    PrivacyandInternetGovernanceMIND7.pdf.
 problems of delays due to information         has spoken of openPDS as the model                                                         20.
                                                                                                                                          21. Pramod Verma, Understanding the IndiaStack, available at
ENDNOTES                                                                    resources and personal data owned by citizens as        
1.   Paul Makin, Steve Pannifer, Carly Nyst, Edgar Whitley, Digital                                                                       22.
     Identity: Issue Analysis, available at      5.                unified-payment-interface/article9037034.ece
     wp-content/uploads/2016/07/PRJ.1578-Digital-Identity-                  crosses-1-billion-mark-ravi-shankar-prasad-1338621.
                                                                                                                                          23. Supra Note 15.
     Issue-Analysis-Report-v1_6-1.pdf                                 6.    Jake Kendall and Stephen Deng, It’s the ecosystem, stupid!,
                                                                            available at    24.
2.   Decentralised Citizens ENgagement Technologies, Research
                                                                            the-ecosystem-stupid-exploring-the-digital-poverty-stack-     25. Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye , Erez Shmueli, Samuel S. Wang,
     on Identity Ecosystem, available at
                                                                            part-1/                                                           Alex Sandy Pentland, openPDS: Protecting the Privacy of
                                                                      7.    Id.                                                               Metadata through SafeAnswers, available at http://journals.
3.   Rohan Samarajiva, What is big data?, available at http://        8.    Rohan Samarajiva, What is big data?, available at http://
                                                                                        26. Dominic Frisby, Why we should fear a cashless world, available
4.   On one side we have the view that we must adapt                  9.    Sunil Abraham, Surveillance Project, available at http://         mar/21/fear-cashless-world-contactless.
     traditional ideas of identity, such as the ID card and       
                                                                            article8408866.ece.                                           27.
     ID number, to the digital age. This means that national
     governments should be the main providers of digital              10. Liliyan, UID Project in India - Some Possible Ramifications,
     identities. On the other side are the proponents of using        28.
     multiple identity sources and other more decentralised                                                                                   towards-presenceless-paperless-and-cashless-service-
                                                                      11.   Section 2 (iii) and Section 7 of The Aadhaar (Targeted            delivery-an-ispirt-initiative
     systems that do not rely on state assurance. These could
                                                                            Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and
     provide a better balance between publicly controlled                                                                                 29. Lawrence Lessig, Code v.2.0, available at
                                                                            Services) Bill, 2016.
Big Data in Credit Scoring
                                                                                                                         EMERGING FINTECH, CREDIT SCORING,
                                                                                                                           AND DIGITAL FINANCE SECTOR 10
One of the key areas of focus in the Digital India mission is the use of Mobile
and e-Banking technologies to enable greater financial inclusion. 1 Mobile                                                2 billion                Widespread adoption and
                                                                                                                                                   use of digital finance could
                                                                                                                         INDIVIDUALS &
and e-Banking technologies are apart of a larger shift that is happening in                                                                         increase the GDPs of all

the banking sector - whereby companies are utilizing technology to provide                                             200 million                  emerging economies by
                                                                                                                     micro, small, and midsize                  6%
financial services - often through new business models and platforms.                                                BUSINESSES in emerging                 or a total of
                                                                                                                                                       $3.7 trillion
                                                                                                                   economies today lack access
                                                                                                                       to savings and credit
Fintech in India                                                                                                                                               by 2025

                                                                                                                      Digital finance could
The Fintech story in India, and in the Global South often is one of financial inclusion and empowerment, and           provide access to
                                                                                                                                                           An additional
relies on statistics demonstrating an untapped financial market comprising the poor. 2 The Indian fintech
                                                                                                                        1.6 billion                   $2.1 trillion
software market is forecasted to touch USD 2.4 billion by 2020 from a current USD 1.2 billion, as per NASSCOM.                                    of loans to individuals and
                                                                                                                        unbanked people,          small businesses could be
  Prominent business areas in the Fintech sector in India include credit-scoring, lending, payments, brokerage          more than half of
and insurance. 4 One of the fast emerging areas of opportunity is credit scoring due to the low penetration of                                         made sustainably
                                                                                                                        them are women
financial services, and the emphasis on financial inclusion by the government. 5 Many of the FinTech business
models focused on credit scoring by leveraging alternative credit data in combination with big data analytics to                   Governments could gain
provide services. 6 Examples of emerging credit models include: small ticket unsecured loans, pre-paid plans for                       $110 billion
single medical procedures, instant point of sale credit, pay per day insurance, and micro-investment. 7                              per year by reducing
                                                                                                                                  leakage in public spending

Fintech Regulation
                                                                                                                                      and tax collection

In this thread, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has considered different aspects of FinTech and potential forms         FINTECH AND CREDIT SCORING IN INDIA
of regulating the same. For example, the RBI released a Master Circular on Mobile Banking transactions in
India in July, 2016, which recognized the importance of mobile phones in attaining financial inclusion. Earlier     Investment in India’s                  In 2014, more than
this year in April, 2016, the RBI had also released a Consultation Paper on P2P Lending as well as regulation of    fintech industry grew
                                                                                                                                                           400 million
Account Aggregators. The RBI also provided an in-principles approval to a number of Fintech companies to set              282%                        people borrowed money
up payment banks. 8 We already see a discussion around the regulatory approaches that the government must          between 2013 and 2014,
                                                                                                                        and reached                         But, fewer than 1 in
adopt to these emerging sectors and what kinds of regulation may be desirable. 9
                                                                                                                   US$ 450 million
                                                                                                                                                            7 were approved for
                                                                                                                                                               a formal loan 12
                                                                                                                          in 2015 11

                                                                                                                                   2.4 billion USD
                                                                                                                                     market opportunity in
                                                                                                                                  India for companies able to
                                                                                                                                   take advantage of big data
                                                                                                                                   and interoperable cashless
                                                                                                                                         transactions 13

What is Credit Scoring?                                          TRADITIONAL                            BIG DATA ENABLED
                                                                 CREDIT SCORING                         CREDIT SCORING
Credit scoring is a method of calculating the potential
risk of credit applicants involving use of statistical                     Thin File                                                                                   Thick File
techniques applied to historical data about the
applicants. 14 The outcome of this exercise, the credit
score is a summary of an applicant’s creditworthiness
that informs lending decisions. 15
                                                             SOURCES OF DATA                                                                    Any Baseline
                                                                                                                                                 Credit Data
BIG DATA ENABLED CREDIT SCORING                                                                                                               (Credit Card and
                                                               Mobile Phone Data                      Partnership                                                          Bank
With the increased use of information and                      (1 billion + mobile                      Data 19                              Loan Payments) 21         Statements 20
communication technology, particularly through                   phone in India)
mobile phone penetration, everyday activities of                                       BEHAVIORAL                               Utility payment
people leaves behind a much larger digital footprint                                                                            records such as              NON              Psychometric
                                                                                        BIG DATA
which can serve as behavioral data. This big data                                                                                 Bescom Bills             BIG DATA               Data
phenomenon has also impacted financial institutions                 Behavioral data                Publicly Available
and there is a greater push to move beyond                         from mobile apps                  Web Data (216                             Aadhaar                     Income Tax
traditional sources of data for credit scoring and                                     Government
                                                                                                  million social media                        and other                 Returns from the
underwriting, as well as use of big data technologies                                               user in India 18)                        forms of ID    Proof of     IT Department
along with the conventional statistical techniques.                                                                                                        Residence
   Big data proponents claim that big data will
gives creditors a fuller picture of a consumer and           ANALYSIS
therefore gives a more accurate prediction of the
consumer’s ability to repay. These practices involve         SOCIAL PROFILING                               FINANCIAL PROFILING                    LOCATION BASED PROFILING
analysis of numerous ‘potential credit variables’ in a                                                              SMS
                                                                   CALLS AND CONTACTS 22                                                                   Address and domicile information
manner that it provides insights about an applicant’s
                                                                                                                    Financial profiling                    used to profile ethnic background,
creditworthiness. However, credit scoring using                                                                                                            social strata, etc.
                                                                   SOCIAL MEDIA DATA                                based on transactional
alternate data in a regulatory vacuum also poses the
risk of bad lending decisions, discriminatory results              WEB BROWSING DATA (social profile                                                       Location data from mobile phones
and mission creep. So far, we have not seen too much               through search, websites visited)                SMS data has been used                 and web browsing data
movement on regulation of credit scoring companies                                                                  a proxy for an individual’s
                                                                   EXAMPLES: An individual whose                    discretionary income 24                 Location based marketing,
in the Fintech sector. In 2014, the RBI has produced
                                                                   calls to others are returned may
a report on Data Format for Furnishing of Credit                                                                                                            Profiles of customers based on
                                                                   have stronger social connections         BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS
Information 17 but no regulatory steps have followed               that allow them to better follow
                                                                                                                                                            their everyday routine through
it. The risks are exacerbated due to the lack of any                                                                                                        data on residence, workplace,
                                                                   through on entrepreneurial                       Behavioral signals from time
fair credit underwriting and fair lending regulations in                                                                                                    places frequented, routes taken.
                                                                   opportunities. Similarly,                        taken to fill forms, answers
India. Further, unlike in other jurisdictions like the US,         responsible borrowers may                        revised and paused at, may
there is limited right to access information regarding             keep their phone topped up to a                  provide insights which could
the data used to generate credit reports.                          minimum threshold so they have                   lead to decisions about the
                                                                   credit in case of emergency. 23                  individuals. 25
                                                                                                                    Signals used to judge character,
                                                                                                                    truthfulness, need, saving
                                                                                                                    score to inform assessment of
                                                                                                                    intent to repay.
How BDCS may work?

HARI                                 No credit opportunities               Credit from Fintech firms              Credit history
Hari works at a general              However, being a member of the        The presence of Fintech firms          Further, once Hari begins
provisions store.                    unorganised sector, Hari is not       providing small credit based           building a credit history with the
                                     a part of the credit ecosystem        on big data analysis, could            BDSC firms, he could also have
                                     and has no credit opportunities       potentially allow him access           an opportunity to avail credit
                                     available to him.                     to credit for entrepreneurial          from the banking and financial
                                                                           opportunities or specific needs        companies in future.
                                                                           for him and his family such as
                                                                           education, housing etc.


A Fintech small lending firm may     Location data is very useful to       However, Hari gave his old             Hari also often takes extra night
analyse his recent bank account      see patterns of movement and          cellphone to his wife after using it   shifts at a local factory once a
transactions, address, ID, other     get an idea of the routine of the     for the few months. Hari purchase      week to earn extra cash. Big data
traditional forms of data, however   person. This will give an idea        another phone and started              credit scoring could possibly
they would rely on alternate data    about whether the person has          using an old SIM lying at home.        correlate his routine travel at
like mobile phone data to a large    been consistently employed in the     Often, people have multiple SIMs       night as suspicious activity.
extent.                              past, how regular he is at his job,   registered in their name, and used     Examples of analysis shared by
                                     whether he has a regular routine.     by different family member and         the Fintech industry have shown
                                     The SMS data can give an idea of      friends.                               that this anomaly in his routine
                                     purchasing habits which could                                                could also lead to an assumption
                                     also speak to creditworthiness.                                              that he is travelling to meet to
                                     Further his call records and                                                 his second wife once every week,
                                     contacts can be used to create his                                           thus, adversely affecting his credit
                                     social profile.                                                              score.
                                                                           When Hari’s wife begins using his
                                                                           phone and SIM, her location data
                                                                           and purchasing habits would give              No credit for Hari
                                                                           a completely different picture

The DBT Story
A review of big data enabled loan products by the                            AADHAAR
National Consumer Law Centre in the US showed that
they were very poor payday loan alternatives. Most
of these products involved annual percentage rates                      Benefits & subsidies
three times higher than considered non-predatory.                      transferred directly to
                                                                           bank accounts
Most importantly, most products require electronic
access to the applicant’s bank account or some other
arrangement of automatically deducting the the owed     GOVERNMENT                                 BANKS
amount from the borrower’s account. 26
                                                                                       Lending Companies
In India, the government has rolled out the direct                                     can deduct the DBT
benefits transfer scheme (DBT) in various states                                        benefits towards
                                                                                       repayment of loans
where benefits and subsidies are transferred to the
bank accounts seeded with the Aadhaar numbers of
the individuals directly in order to do away with the                        LENDING
intermediaries involved in the flow of funds, thereby
reducing leakages. 27 In the absence of regulations
governing lending practices and credit reporting for
small loans, lending companies could provide small      USE OF DBT FOR PAYDAY LOANS
loans to even those who may not have the capability
to pay back loans, as long as they can deduct the       During a women empowerment campaign to enable greater
DBT benefits reaching the borrower’s bank account       use of information technology by women, led by the
towards repayment of loans.                             government with the aid of a large IT hardware company
                                                        and a host of Fintech companies providing small loans
                                                        using alternate data, there are various offers for women in       However, the firm notices that she is eligible to
                                                                                                                      3   receive subsidies and benefits for rations, LPG,
                                                        rural areas to buy phones and data package.
                                                                                                                          education, electricity and health, in the form of
                                                                                                                          cash in her bank account every month through
                                                         1               SEEMA                                            the DBT scheme. She is granted a loan, as long
                                                                                                                          as the Fintech firm is allowed to deduct the DBT
                                                                         Seema works in the local post office in
                                                                                                                          benefits directly from her bank account.
                                                                         a village in Karnataka. She is impressed
                                                                         by the campaign and sees this as an
                                                                         opportunity to build new skill sets.

                                                                                                                          As suggested by the credit scoring, she is
                                                                                                                      4   unable to repay the loans. and the benefits
                                                                                                                          intended for essential services like food and
                                                                She applies for a loan to buy a laptop, however,          housing are diverted towards consuming non-
                                                         2      an analysis by the Fintech firm does not                  essential products.
                                                                suggest that she is creditworthy.

Regulatory Vacuum
An argument often made is that for the Fintech                        Greater protection required for the poor
firms to thrive and innovate, a regulatory sandbox
                                                                      People who lack the education, information, and
for these firms is required so that they are not                      other economic, cultural, and social capital that
riddled with unnecessary overheads. Due to                            would allow them to take advantage of—and
the new business models employed by Fintech                           shield themselves against—the free market are
companies, they often exist in regulatory vacuums                     most vulnerable and need greater protection
where they fall outside the scope of regulatory                       The consequence of bad decisions are far more
frameworks governing traditional banking and                          dire for those disadvantaged and lacking the
financial institutions. There have also been calls                    resources—financial, psychological, social, and
for a regulatory sandbox for the Fintech sector in                    political—to compensate for their errors.
India. This would involve controlled limited-scale
experiments of financial innovations in controlled                    Are de-risking strategies by Fintech firms
environments., starting with a limited size and once
there is data on their benefits and harms, formalise                  The only way Fintech firms can drive financial
the regulatory leeway for the entire sector. 28                       inclusion is by ‘de-risking’ the those who
                                                                      otherwise be considered as risky borrowers.
However, these the following factors must be kept in                  This can be done by collecting consumer data
mind:                                                                 and using it to condition consumer behavior, for
                                                                      instance, through targeted advertising. If there
        Opacity of big data
 1                                                                    is too much consumer spending on particular
        Big data enabled credit scoring poses the                     products and services, this data can be sold
        challenge of opaque algorithms using                          to companies providing these products and
        undisclosed and proprietary methodology                       services. 33
        which could be used to circumvent fair lending
        regulations. 29 Even in jurisdictions which provide
        right of access to citizens to check and verify the   Keeping the above in mind, while it may be desirable
        credit report, 30 use of credit scoring using big     that small Fintech firms are not saddled with the
        data will prevent them from examining how loan        kind of regulatory overhead costs that traditional
        eligibility was determined. 31                        banks are subject to, the peculiar problems and
                                                              abusive practices, such as contacting borrowers
        Lack of non-discrimination regulations                family and friends, dissemination of personal
 2                                                            information, unauthorized transaction, high interest
        The are is a lack of non-discrimination
        regulations in the credit scoring industry in India   rates and predatory practices, that we have seen
        which prevent. Thus, there are no laws which          Fintech firms exhibit in their short life suggest a
        prevent the firms from collecting data on religion,   need for some regulation. These should include
        caste etc. which can be used toward disparate         regulation ensuring fair lending practices and
        treatment. Even in other jurisdictions, there is      ensuring that the borrowers has the ability to
        a call for Fintech firms to be exempt from equal      pay back the loan, costs spread evenly across the
        credit opportunity and fair credit regulations.
                                                              lifetime of the loan, preventing overcharging of bank
           However, lack of regulations which prevent
        discriminatory practices are essential for any
                                                              accounts and disallowing use of subsidies meant for
        financial products introduced in the market.          essential services for repayment. 34

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