UHK Annually - 60 years of the University of Hradec Králové 2019/2020 - Univerzita ...

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UHK Annually - 60 years of the University of Hradec Králové 2019/2020 - Univerzita ...
UHK Annually

                  60 years of
                the University
            of Hradec Králové
UHK Annually - 60 years of the University of Hradec Králové 2019/2020 - Univerzita ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UHK ANNUALLY

UHK celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2019 –                                   The František Hrubín Award for 2019 goes
An interview with Kamil Kuča, UHK Rector................. 3                     to Professor Vladimír Křivánek.................................. 55

Good wishes of the UHK faculty deans......................... 9                 Congratulations – new associate professors and
                                                                                professors of the University of Hradec Králové.......... 55
A Velvet University of Hradec Králové........................ 11
                                                                                FOREIGN RELATIONS
Unique photographic exhibition –
Hradec Králové as time went by.................................. 21             The UHK receives a bumper crop of funds for
                                                                                ­international student mobility................................... 62
                                                                                A Cambodian graduate of the UHK launches her
Scientists started working on the biggest project                               literary debut at her alma mater................................. 63
in the history of the University of Hradec Králové...... 24
                                                                                I heartily recommend studying at the UHK,
The Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences                                says the Cape Verdean Eloi Semedo............................ 65
achieved a great success ............................................. 28
                                                                                International students want to learn Czech
We succeeded in Module 1.......................................... 29

A Fulbright Scholar Program scholarship holder
                                                                                in the summer............................................................ 66

                                                                                Students from Asia spent an interesting month
                                                                                                                                                                   The University of Hradec Králové
is on his way from UHK to Harvard University........... 30

A total of 130 experts from 15 countries came
                                                                                in Hradec Králové....................................................... 67

                                                                                The Faculty of Science stayed busy all summer, as
                                                                                                                                                                   celebrated its 60th anniversary
together at the University of Hradec Králové.............. 33                   the Department of Mathematics and the Department
                                                                                of Chemistry organised their own i­ nternational                                   JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN
Cross-University Multidisciplinary Science and                                  summer schools.......................................................... 69
Research Teams. The road that the UHK will take...... 35
                                                                                Taiwanese professor lectures as part
An international congress of mathematics was held                               of Erasmus+ program................................................. 71            The Institute of Education of the University of Hradec Králové was opened on
for the first time in Hradec Králové............................ 37
                                                                                LIFE AT UHK                                                                        September 1, 1959, and its purpose was to educate and train future primary
The International Czech-Polish Cross-border                                                                                                                        school teachers. The year 2019 was characterised by celebrations as this institu-
Conference was a success........................................... 38          The new deans............................................................ 72
                                                                                                                                                                   tional predecessor of the University of Hradec Králové as we know it today was
Investigating the impact of climate change                                      FIM UHK student awarded by the Mayor                                               founded 60 years ago. It did not take long for the Institution to find its place
on ­society under the Northern Lights......................... 40               of Hradec Králové ...................................................... 74
                                                                                                                                                                   amongst Czech and international universities worldwide. On this occasion, we
Leading economists meet once again                                              FAMOS 2019 Awards for teachers at                                                  bring you an interview with UHK’s fourth rector, Kamil Kuča, in the preface of
in Hradec Králové....................................................... 41     the Faculty of Education............................................. 75
                                                                                                                                                                   this year’s UHK Annually.
The UHK was awarded almost CZK 15 million                                       The Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs honoured
in support of the applied research, experimental                                Professor Ondřej Felcman with the Bene Merito
­development and innovation program....................... 43                   Distinction.................................................................. 76   Mr Kuča, last year, the University celebrat-     as the years go by, we will fairly rival these
                                                                                                                                                                   ed the 60th anniversary of its institutional     ­traditional institutions.
Kamil Musílek is the first Czech winner                                         The University of Hradec Králové is the best Czech
of a ­prestigious award by the European Federation                              university in an international university ranking....... 77                        predecessor. Of what significance is that
for Medicinal Chemistry............................................. 46                                                                                            to you? You have been a member of the            Do you think that a regionally-based uni-
                                                                                A medal from the Universiade: Petra Hančová
A discovery of a seven thousand year old trading                                won bronze in ski orienteering.................................. 79
                                                                                                                                                                   academic world for a long time. In what          versity like ours can compete with tradi-
station by archaeologists from the UHK..................... 47                                                                                                     condition is the sixty-year-old University       tional, established universities?
                                                                                Secondary school students enjoy their Pi................... 80                     of Hradec Králové?                               Even though we are a small, and I like saying
The Faculty of Science’s new ICT in Education
PhD program has been accredited for a period                                    A new edition of Jitka Snížková’s compositions                                     Since its foundation sixty years ago, the        family, university, studying here is incredi-
of 10 years............................................................... 48   now in works.............................................................. 81      University of Hradec Králové has devel-          ble and very beneficial to everyone involved.
Kateřina Andršová and Jan Bílek: The first graduates of                         UHK students keep a vigil in memory of Jan Palach.. 82                             oped into a respected university and it is       Teachers often know students by name. I, for
the doctoral study program Music Theory and Pedagogy                                                                                                               well established among the public universi-      example, like meeting up with students on
and Theory and History of Czech Literature............... 49                    A varicoloured patchwork of EduDays 2019............... 84                         ties in the Czech Republic. Nonetheless, we      a regular basis. Unlike tutors and lectur-
The Faculty of Science opens a new doctoral                                     Young software geeks rendezvous at the University... 86                            should humbly admit, that the University         ers at other, bigger, universities, we take up
program, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic... 50                                                                                                         of Hradec Králové will never be as well known    a much more individual approach to students
                                                                                A survey shows that humanities and social sciences
The University of Hradec Králové finally listed in the                          graduates are still in demand on the labour market... 87                           as Charles University or Masaryk University,     and that's why, in my mind, we can provide
prestigious World University Rankings ­published by                                                                                                                as we will never draw level with their histor-   our students with a sounder education and
Times Higher Education............................................. 52          General partner of UHK – Česká spořitelna.
                                                                                Together for eleven years............................................ 89
                                                                                                                                                                   ical experience. But I trust and believe that    training. We talk to our students, we meet
The Bioinformatics Centre at the Faculty of Science,
UHK, wants to train a new generation of experts....... 53                       UHK ANNUALLY in a nutshell.................................... 90
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up with them and we support their ideas           universities in the Czech Republic, let’s say we     reflected in the creation of university-wide      concentrate on our people. On those that
and activities.                                   rank amongst the top 3, in both our students         areas of research – in fact, all three of them    make the UHK a university.
                                                  studying abroad and international students           (Editor’s note: Healthy Ageing and Quality of
                                                  studying at the UHK. The very fact that more         Life, Security and Sustainable Development
     Even though we are regionally-               and more international students want to              in Digital Society, and New Challenges in            My objective is to ensure that
     based university, we have to admit           study at the UHK tells us that the UHK is            Education) are associated not only with the          our employees are happy and
     that we have got global ambitions.           an attractive choice and that people abroad          faculties, but also with the individual branch-      that they will contribute to make
                                                  know about us.                                       es of study that our University offers. The          the institution a better place.
                                                                                                       fact that we are going in the right direction
The University’s global ambitions go, with-       I understand that internationalisation               is supported by other national universities
out a doubt, hand in hand with how far            is one of the top priorities for the UHK.            originally not interested in identifying areas    It was unfortunate when in 2019 the
the UHK has internationalised. Is interna-        What about other priorities?                         of research now doing just that. I recently no-   University of Hradec Králové decided to
tionalisation still a priority?                   Those would, without a doubt, be science and         ticed that Masaryk University has followed in     withdraw its application for institutional
Internationalisation is a road that the           research. Here too we are getting better and         our footsteps and has decided to identify Age     accreditation. Why did the management
University of Hradec Králové must take. Not       better. Not only with regards to the number          as one of its areas of research. So it is clear   board make the decision?
only in terms of it being an important indica-    of very good scientific publications, but also       that even a regionally-based university has       It may seem like a paradox, but the fact that
tor when it comes to budgeting and income,        with regards to the increased number of pro-         enough pull to significantly influence and set    we acted on the opinion of the National
from the Ministry of Education, Youth and         jects that we have applied for and won. A few        trends in research.                               Accreditation Authority and decided to with-
Sports, for instance. I like to explain the       years ago, we only had a handful of projects                                                                        draw the application may well
concept by retelling the Czech fairy tale about   per year. Today, if I correctly recall the latest                                                                   benefit the University from with-
Honza. He too had to go out into the big wide     figures, we are working on almost 50 projects,                                                                      in. As feedback, it confirmed that
world to gain experience and skills that he       and that is a tremendous increase. Besides,                                                                         some of the processes in place
would otherwise not have found back home.         the projects are often worth tens of millions                                                                       at the UHK must be radically
In the same way, real-life students have to go    of Czech korunas, which I think is confirma-                                                                        changed, while new processes
abroad to gain international know-how and         tion enough that our institution is a good                                                                          need to be introduced, and most
we must do all we can to support them in their    institution. This also confirms my experi-                                                                          importantly – we established the
efforts. And I do not agree with the idea that    ence as a scientist, as my foreign colleagues                                                                       Procurement Office, which is
we should send our students only to countries     contact me more frequently with the wish to                                                                         going to set and monitor these
with stronger economies. On the contrary, our     cooperate with us.                                                                                                  processes. Now we have sufficient
students learn and gain more valuable skills of                                                                                                                       feedback that will help us put
the same importance in countries and regions      During your first term of office, universi-                                                                         together a new application for
that taking into account basic economic indi-     ty-wide areas of research were established                                                                          institutional accreditation. We
cators are far behind the Czech Republic.         at the UHK. Why were they set up and                                                                                also have more time to make the
                                                  what is their purpose?                                                                                              necessary preparations. And I am
Are our students aware of this? Are they,         The idea again comes from the experience                                                                            convinced that in the next few
in your opinion, making the most of being         that I gained at renowned universities abroad.                                                                      years the University of Hradec
able to visit and study at international          The probability that we are going to make                                                                           Králové will have the dignity and
partner universities?                             radical discoveries in the fields that the UHK       Now, can you think of any area that the           capacity to receive institutional accreditation.
I must say that as the Rector I am very happy     specialises in, like mathematics, physics or         University is behind in?
with the way things are going, even though, of    even medical biology, is slim. Nonetheless,          Unfortunately, yes. University workers.           I would like to ask about the changing
course, there is always room for improvement.     we can contribute in terms of multidiscipli-         Including academic and research staff, and        conditions regarding the evaluation of
When it comes to the number of students           narity of research. The likelihood that more         technical and administration staff. When          higher education institutions, particularly
travelling abroad to study, the latest figures    will be achieved in the area of research may         I took up my function as rector, I essentially    Methodology 17+. How is the UHK adapt-
show that, in absolute terms, the University      essentially be due to the fact that it is based on   needed to kick-start those indicators which       ing to these new evaluation frameworks?
of Hradec Králové ranks amongst the top ten       multiple scientific disciplines and trends; put      directly affect the financing of universities,    First allow me to note that, like other higher
universities in the Czech Republic. Converting    simply, more scientists specialising in various      particularly internationalisation and sci-        education institutions, the UHK just simply
the numbers into actual students, it may          fields of interest are coming together to find       ence, which is going well. Now I want to          has to adapt. It is in this regard and in respect
be noted that we are one of the most active       comprehensive solutions. This logic is then                                                            to emerging rules affecting Methodology 17+

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that we introduced the Bonus for Quality
system at the University (Editor's note: Prémie
                                                   Jan Palach in 1969 or the Velvet Revolution
                                                   of 1989 – a series of events attended by
                                                                                                        An overview of the deans and
pro kvalitu, abbreviated PPK). And so we have
been preparing the University for changes
                                                   thousands of people have gained the UHK
                                                   a sound reputation. As part of the UHK’s so-         rectors ranging from the Institute
                                                                                                        of Education up to the University
in evaluation over the past three years. This      cial responsibility I would like us to focus on
university budgeting motivation system has         further topics – let’s be more active in discus-
already produced its first initial outcomes,       sions concerning environmental protection,
specifically in terms of the publications in the
Q1 or the said internationalisation, which is
                                                   improving quality of life and Industry 4.0.
                                                   We must be a trustworthy partner to Czech
                                                                                                        of Hradec Králové
also very much taken into consideration in         society, who brings forth matter-of-fact and
the evaluation.                                    scientific arguments in shaping public opin-
                                                   ion. It’s definitely better than if various media    Institute of Education (1959-1964) – Director:
Let’s briefly talk about a practical topic –       groups or political parties and movements
investments into the infrastructure of the         were to be involved.                                    Karel Angelis
UHK. What awaits us in the years to come?
One of our most extensive investment projects      The faculty deans have voiced their
is, without a doubt, the complete rebuilding of    thoughts in commemoration of the 60th                The Faculty of Education in Hradec Králové (1964-1992) – Dean:
the Faculty of Education and the Philosophical     anniversary of the University of Hradec
Faculty in Svoboda Square. Even though our         Králové. I would like to give you the same              Karel Angelis                      Josef Švarc
academic staff and students will certainly have    opportunity in the conclusion of this                   (1964–1968)                        (1976–1985)
to deal with some discomfort, I am convinced       interview.
that the outcome is worth the while. And after     When I took up the job at the University                Josef Kittler                      Olga Ducháčková
all the excitement has played down and every-      of Hradec Králové a long time ago, my col-              (1968–1969)                        (1986–1989)
one is back at their desks in the new build-       leagues from other universities used to make
ings, I want to have everyone and everything       fun of me noting that I took up a job with              Karel Angelis                      Jindřich Hellberg
slowly moved from rented premises that we          Oxford Na Soutoku. I have not forgotten and             (1969–1971)                        (1990–1991)
don’t own; we’re paying high tenancies. And        I wish the University of Hradec Králové on the
finally, what concerns the Na Soutoku Campus       occasion of its 60th anniversary that, as a re-         Jaroslav Máslo                     Oldřich Richterek
– we need to initiate more intensive negoti-       gionally-based higher education institution,            (1971–1972)                        (1991–1992)
ations with the the Municipality of Hradec         it continues to educate its students well, that
Králové and possibly also with the Regional        it be scientifically strong and ambitious on an         František Krejčí
Authority so that these institutions become        international level so that it is deserving of the      (1972–1976)
a convincing partner in the development of         title Oxford Na Soutoku. Oxford, Cambridge
the infrastructure of the University, without      or Harvard – these are no big megalomani-
which neither the Municipality of Hradec           ac universities. Qualified people make really        College of Education in Hradec Králové (1992-2000) – Rector:
Králové nor the Regional Authority could be        good science there and they educate and train
labelled as academic.                              excellent students in a sound environment.              Oldřich Richterek                  Pavel Cyrus
                                                                                                           (1992–1996)                        (1996–2000)
I would like to balance one more impor-
tant thing, the so-called third role of the           Simply put, the size of a university
University. How are we doing?                         does not show how good it actually                University of Hradec Králové (since 2000) – Rector:
I think that we're doing very well. People are        is. So let us not be frightened by
aware of the University of Hradec Králové             such talk in the years to come.                      Pavel Cyrus                        Josef Hynek
thanks to the conferences and forums it or-                                                                (2000–2002)                        (2008–2016)
ganises and the clubs and societies it runs; it
contributes to the development of the com-         Date of interview: December 17, 2019                    Jaroslava Mikulecká                Kamil Kuča
munity. The UHK pursues important events,                                                                  (2002–2008)                        (since 2016)
such as remembering the self-immolation of

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60th Anniversary of the University of Hradec Králové                                                                                                                                                UHK ANNUALLY

 and its institutional predecessors
                                                                                                                  The good wishes of the UHK faculty
                                                                                                                  deans in commemoration of the 60th
                                                                  1959             Institute of Education
                                                                                   in Hradec Králové              anniversary of the UHK
                                                                                                                  doc. PhDr. MgA. František Vaníček, Ph.D.
                                                            1964          Faculty of Education
                                                                          in Hradec Králové
                                                                                                                  DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK

                                                                                                                  C   ordial greetings from the Dean’s Office of
                                                                                                                      the Faculty of Education of the University
                                                                                                                  of Hradec Králové at Svoboda Square, where
                                                                                                                                                                      Education in which
                                                                                                                                                                      the Dean’s Office
                                                                                                                                                                      is now located will
                                                                   1992                College of Education
                                                                                       in Hradec Králové          the Institute of Education was established          soon undergo the
                                                                                                                  60 years ago. Its mission was to train future       necessary repairs
                                                                                                                  teachers. Five years after being founded,           and that it will once
                                                           1992    Faculty
                                                                   of Education                                   the Institute of Education was transformed          again shine bright!
                                                                                                                  into the Faculty of Education in accordance
                                                                                                                  with the law. And since then, the Faculty of        I wish the University
                                                             1993    Faculty of Informatics
                                                                     and Management*
                                                                                                                  Education has run strong. If today we are com-      of Hradec Králové
                                                                                                                  memorating the 60th anniversary of the legal        and our Faculty of
                                                                                                                  predecessor of the entire university, we are        Education many
                                                                                                                  also commemorating the still most important         successful years
                                                                         2000                 University
                                                                                              of Hradec Králové   mission of this higher education institution –      to come, plenty of
                                                                                                                  60 years of academic teacher training. And          applicants, talented students and qualified
                                                                                                                  so, it is also our Faculty’s anniversary. We cel-   graduates and a plenitude of happy and moti-
                                                             2005      Philosophical
                                                                       Faculty**                                  ebrated it in March 2019 as part of the Social      vated educators.
                                                                                                                  Evening hosted by the Faculty of Education.
                                                                                                                  We take great pride in joining the celebra-         Long live the First Faculty Lady – the
                                                                                                                  tions. We are happy to say that the interior        Faculty of Education and the University
                                                                 2010     Faculty
                                                                          of Science
                                                                                                                  of the historical building of the Institute of      of Hradec Králové!

                                                                                              2019                prof. RNDr. Josef Hynek, MBA, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                  DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF INFORMATICS
                                                                                                                  AND MANAGEMENT, UHK

                                                                                                                  S   ixty years have passed since the Institute of
                                                                                                                      Education was founded in Hradec Králové
                                                                                                                  and our school, our students and our employ-
                                                                                                                  ees have lived half of that time in freedom.
                                                                                                                  I wish the number of years our alma mater
                                                                                                                  and all of us live in freedom increase every
                                                                                                                  year by the number one and may these years
                                                                                                                  be filled with happiness and success.
* Faculty of Management and Informational Technology till 2000
** Faculty of Humanities till 2007
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Mgr. Jan Prouza, Ph.D.

Our University has gone through
much over the past sixty years –
Stalinism slowly coming to an end,
the beginning of the Prague Spring
                                                                                                    The Campus has a new Václav Havel
and its abrupt and violent end under
the Warsaw Pact invasion, followed                                                                  Square and the students built a wall
                                                                                                    out of paper boxes in Ulrichovo town
by the Biafra of Spirit in the form of
the period of normalisation insti-
gated by Gustáv Husák and then
the Velvet Revolution, followed by
30 years of freedom of development,
                                                                                                    square. The Velvet Revolution and
which we have the honour to cele-
brate this year.
                                                                                                    the University of Hradec Králové
And so, keeping the next at least 60 years in      as non-academic staff contributes to us not
                                                                                                    JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN
mind, I wish the University (and all of soci-      squandering the sacrifices and efforts made by
ety) that it be the University which through       our predecessors and that it continues in its
                                                                                                    Even though there were many other events in Hradec Králové in commemo-
its graduates, students and academic as well       dynamic development.
                                                                                                    ration of the Velvet Revolution of 1989, hundreds of people attended events
                                                                                                    organised and hosted by the University. “We usually celebrate the 17th of
doc. RNDr. Jan Kříž, Ph.D.                                                                          November on Národní avenue, in Prague. But you have created a very dignified
                                                                                                    alternative to the celebrations for the citizens of our town,” says a woman, en-
DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UHK                                                                 thusiastically, with a candle in her hand and attending the festive unveiling of
                                                                                                    the Václav Havel Square with her family.

W      hat can I wish our University
       over the next 60 years? May
it remain student-friendly. What                                                                    T    he grand opening of this new town square
                                                                                                         named after the first Czech President and
                                                                                                                                                     doing we also extend our support not only to
                                                                                                                                                     students in the Czech Republic, but also to
kind of university would it be                                                                      standard bearer of the revolutionary events of   international students who have not lost hope
without (happy) students? The fact                                                                  1989 – Václav Havel – was the main event that    and who strive for a more democratic soci-
that students are part of an envi-                                                                  took place on the eve of 17th November at the    ety,” says Matyáš Strnad, Vice-Chairman of
ronment that is familiar to them is                                                                 Campus. About 500 hundred people gathered        the Student Chamber and one of the organ-
what I regard as being our family                                                                   in the square at 4:30 pm. They watched in awe    isers of the meeting, while hinting at what
silver. Let us maintain a kind face,                                                                as the sign attached to the Faculty of Science   is going on in Hong Kong or in some South
let us make study programs a bit                                                                    was uncovered and waited in suspense as the      American states.
more interesting and attractive and                                                                 commemorative plaque was uncovered too.
success will be ours to have and to                                                                 The students, or more precisely their repre-
hold. And to add to that in the first                                                               sentatives from the Student Chamber of the
years of the second 60-year period                                                                  Academic Senate of the UHK, had the plaque
a fantastic scientific breakthrough in the form    for four strong players. And then best wishes    made. "The plaque that we as students have
of a prestigious international grant, best be an   to everyone associated with the UHK; the rest    dedicated to those who fought totalitarianism
interdepartmental one and an interfaculty one      will fall into place on its own.                 is also a symbolic promise that we will heed
                                                                                                    and stand behind freedom and democracy
                                                                                                    whenever we feel that the values achieved by
                                                                                                    our ancestors have been compromised. By so

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The Mixed Choir of the University of Hradec                                                               The festive unveiling of the Václav Havel        Several more speakers took the floor, as
Králové, directed by Jiří Skopal, Jr., sang                                                               Square was part of an orchestrated pro-          did several performers, including Dagmar
the national anthem and Gaudeamus Igitur                                                                  gramme titled Road to Freedom (Cesta             Pecková; they were accompanied by the Mixed
and in so doing made the gathering a mag-                                                                 ke svobodě). It was put together by the          Choir of the University of Hradec Králové,
ical and dignified one. While the academic                                                                University of Hradec Králové, Post Bellum        directed by Jaromír Křováček.
commercium song Gaudeamus Igitur sound-                                                                   (East Bohemian Branch), the Statutory City
ed, the plaque was unveiled by the Rector                                                                 of Hradec Králové and the Hradec Králové         The festive unveiling of the Václav Havel
of the University of Hradec Králové, Kamil                                                                Region for the citizens of Hradec Králové.       Square and the Road to Freedom were not
Kuča, the Chairlady of the Academic Senate                                                                Those participating in the Road to Freedom       the only events that the University of Hradec
of the University of Hradec Králové, Hana                                                                 set out in a procession holding candles to-      Králové proudly participated in remembrance
Tomášková, and the Vice-Chairman of the                                                                   wards Pivovarské náměstí town square, where      of the 30 year old events. UHK students and
Student Chamber of the Academic Senate                                                                    the commemorative event was concluded by         people from the Artistic Activities Centre and
of the University of Hradec Králové, Matyáš                                                               an open-air concert. The Rector, Kamil Kuča,     the East Bohemian Museum all took part in
Strnad, and the writing on the plague became                                                              welcomed them with open arms as he did at        reconstructing a wall out of paper boxes at
known to the public for the first time. It reads:                                                         the Campus. “Like the free media, students       Ulrichovo náměstí town square. “Many years
                                                                                                          are the watchdogs of freedom and democracy       ago, a wall about 20 metres long was built at
                                                                                                          and the imaginary catalyst of democracy in the   the former Gottwaldovo náměstí town square
        “Hope is not the conviction that                                                                  Czech Republic. “I am proud of our students      to symbolically divide the headquarters of
      something will turn out well but the                                                                and I am grateful that they keep the dramatic    the Communist Party District Committee in
     certainty that something makes sense,                                                                events of 1939 and 1989 in mind. I am glad       Steinský Palace from the headquarters of
         regardless of how it turns out.”                                                                 that our students know who Jan Opletal and       the municipal committee and the security
                                                                                                          Jan Palach were and that they continue to up-    bodies on the opposite side of the square. The
                  Václav Havel                      theatre in Hradec Králové, surprised dozens           hold their legacy,” added Mr Kuča.               weather did all it could to hamper our efforts
                                                    of new visitors at the Václav Havel Square.
        The students of the University of           He took it on himself to read selected essays
      Hradec Králové dedicated the plaque           from Václav Havel’s The Power of the Powerless.
     to all those who fought totalitarianism,       Visitors could warm up in the lobby of the
     on the occasion of the 30th anniversary        Building of Common Education where the
         of the Velvet Revolution of 1989.          organisers installed a special photography
                                                    exhibition. “It is actually a collage of historical
                   16. 11. 2019                     photographs mapping the history of Hradec
                                                    Králové over the past approximately 200 years
                                                    which we embedded into a modern Hradec
Popular actor, Jan Sklenář, who until recently      Králové. Altogether there were 16 unique
was a member of the Klicperovo Divadlo town         photographs made by Martin Brus, our
                                                    graduate,” says Vojtěch Tuček, Head of the
                                                    Department of Publicity and Communication
                                                    of the University of Hradec Králové. The first
                                                    300 visitors got a commemorative postcard
                                                    bearing the Campus motif. It was printed es-
                                                    pecially for this event.

                                                       Kamil Kuča: “I am proud of our
                                                       students and I am grateful that
                                                       they keep the dramatic events
                                                       of 1939 and 1989 in mind.”

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to rebuild the wall. First it rained and the wall
got all soggy and when the students rebuilt it,
                                                    has worked very hard and has gone a very
                                                    long way. We are a democratic country. A safe
                                                                                                       Velvet tones of freedom
the wind scattered it all over the place,” de-      country. And that is why we are building the       PETRA KUBAŘOVÁ DEAN'S OFFICE, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK
scribes Soňa Došková, Chancellor of the UHK,        wall against people relativising these facts. We
how difficult it was to put the wall up.            are against hateful and untruthful moods be-       Are we grateful for the freedom our society has fought so hard for and are we
                                                    ing stirred up in Czech society and that is why    worthy of all the benefits? What were our regional faculties like during the rev-
We managed to keep the wall standing, mainly        building the wall symbolises the protection of     olutionary period? How has the position university students hold changed over
thanks to volunteers from the University,           Velvet ideals,” Mr Kuča explains the signifi-
                                                                                                       the past years? What is the current status of student activism? Those are but
museum staff and Hradec Králové primary             cance of the wall made out of paper boxes.
                                                                                                       a few of the questions that came to light in contributions and interviews during
school teachers, who sent entire classrooms
                                                                                                       the Social Evening hosted by the Faculty of Education to mark the anniversary
full of children to help. It was once again full
                                                                                                       of the Velvet Revolution.
of contemporary slogans, memories, messag-
es and rhymes. “Given the weather, which was
not good at all, it was rather difficult to keep                                                       A concert and get together were held at the           The Student Annual Awards hosted by the
repairing the wall and keep it standing. We                                                            Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary           Faculty of Education granted the following
considered giving up many times. But then an                                                           and the adjacent New Adalbertinum in Hradec           awards to these students:
eyewitness or a person who helped build the                                                            Králové on December 2, 2019. The event was
wall thirty years ago came along and cordially                                                         organised by the Faculty of Education for
thanked us for our efforts. And that gave us                                                           both the academic community and the public.               Award for extraordinary creative
the energy to go on and we promised our-                                                               It provided a unique opportunity for former               contribution to Art:
selves that we would keep the wall standing                                                            and current students alike and academics                  Alžběta Dvořáková, a bachelor's
until the happening on Sunday in Ulrichovo                                                             from various institutions of higher education             degree student studying
náměstí town square. And it was worth it!”                                                             based in Hradec Králové to meet and engage                Multimedia Graphic Design
recalls Dominik Šípoš, a member of the                                                                 in intergenerational dialogues. Those pres-
Chamber of Students of the Academic Senate                                                             ent included Jindřich Vedlich, Pavel Fátor,               Award for extraordinary creative
of the University of Hradec Králové. He coor-       The University of Hradec Králové had 1,200         Robert Novák, Arnošt Štěpánek and photogra-               contribution to Sports:
dinated everything on-site.                         commemorative postcards made bearing the           pher Miloš Hofman.                                        Natálie Víšková, a master’s
                                                    wall of 1989. “Everyone who participated in                                                                  degree student studying Physical
                                                    putting up the wall got a postcard and as all      Guitar player Lubomír Brabec and soprano                  Education and Ethics
     Over a thousand people                         of the postcards were handed out we assume         Karolína Žmolíková concerted as well.
     participated in building the                   that more than a thousand people helped                                                                      Award for extraordinary activities
     wall against the bad mood.                     build it. And that makes us very happy. Our                                                                  in internationalisation: Martin
                                                    sincere thanks go to the students and schools                                                                Menšík, a master’s degree student
                                                    of Hradec Králové that participated in the                                                                   studying English and Russian •
The happening, attended by hundreds of visi-        event,” commented Soňa Došková, Chancellor
tors, went really well and the wall stood tall on   of the UHK, on the success of the event.
Ulrichovo náměstí town square all afternoon         People then went on to artistically arrange the
thanks to the beautiful weather. “The wall of       boxes and the event was brought to a close
2019 serves as a reminder of and refers to the      by the band Bílé světlo, which played with the
wall of 1989; it also stands against the bad        famous Plastic People of the Universe. •
mood that President Havel used to refer to.
Over the past 30 years, the Czech Republic

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Discussions were led in the assembly                                                                     We didn't know what we wanted
hall about how reporting has changed                                                                     to achieve. But we did know what we
over the past thirty years                                                                               were running away from

The 19th November 2019 saw discussions being held in the assembly hall of                                In celebration of the Velvet Revolution, the Faculty of Informatics and
the Building of Common Education on how reporting has changed over the                                   Management hosted a talk with one of the student leaders of that time,
past thirty years. The Philosophical Faculty of the UHK and Czech Television                             ­Václav ­Bartuška.
hosted a panel discussion. It was part of a series of lectures overseen by Czech
­Television referred to as 1989–2019: 30 Years of Freedom of Media.
                                                                                                         T    he talk was mostly attended by students of
                                                                                                              the same age as Václav Bartuška was at the

V    áclav Moravec (ČT24 anchorman), Hana
     Andělová (Czech Television news script
editor), Radomír Tichý (archaeologist and
                                                      The debate went on for almost ninety minutes.
                                                      Topics included how reporting and public-
                                                      ly-owned media have changed, how freedom
                                                                                                         time of the revolution. Mr Bartuška told his
                                                                                                         listeners: “We didn’t know what we wanted to
                                                                                                         achieve. We knew what we were running away
participant in the November 1989 events) and          of speech is understood, and on-line behav-        from. We wanted to be a part of the West,”
Jiří Sova (former manager of the Civic Forum)         iour and social networking as a new phenom-        and he passed the following message to the
participated in the debate on the transforma-         enon. And the entire debate focused on the         public: “You are living in a free, content and
tion of reporting. Pavlína Springerová, Vice-         30th anniversary of the fall of the totalitarian   rich country and that is not commonplace.
Rector of the University of Hradec Králové,           regime and the importance of the principle of      You shouldn’t take that for granted. I wish you
moderated the debate.                                 freedom of speech while keeping in mind the        minor cuts and bruises in life, so that you are
                                                      independence of publicly-owned media. •            able to understand what you have.”

                                                                                                           Václav Bartuška, a diplomat, is
                                                                                                           also the author of a book titled
                                                                                                           Polojasno. It was published in
                                                                                                           1990 and portrays the diary of
                                                                                                           student Bartuška, a member of
                                                                                                           the Parliamentary Committee
                                                                                                           investigating the events                          You could hear a pin drop in the assembly hall
                                                                                                           of November 17, 1989.                             during the debate; so enthralling it was. And
                                                                                                                                                             many questions came from the public. The ex-
                                                                                                                                                             perienced speaker did not forget to point out
                                                                                                         When asked if, when looking back, he would          that he greatly values those who started the
                                                                                                         change anything, he replied definitely not.         demonstration outside of Prague. “We would
                                                                                                         “No-one had any idea of how to run a govern-        not have succeeded if it had not been for the
                                                                                                         ment. We made mistakes. But we did all we           Republic and people from all over the country
                                                                                                         could,” adds the current Ambassador-at-Large        who stood behind us,” he concluded. •
                                                                                                         for Energy Security in the Czech Republic.

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                                                                                                     Awards were given to 12 prominent people          thirty years ago, in December 1989, when
                                                                                                     associated with the University of Hradec          our university students made a human chain
                                                                                                     Králové. The Rector's fifth and thirteenth        and set out from their regional capitals to
                                                                                                     medals were awarded to the University of          meet, we symbolically recreate this chain on
                                                                                                     Pardubice. As the Rector, Jiří Málek, of the      the occasion of this anniversary by awarding
                                                                                                     University of Pardubice was unable to attend      the UHK Rector’s Medal to the University
                                                                                                     the event, Andrea Koblížková, Vice-Rector,        of Pardubice,” concludes Kamil Kuča, UHK
                                                                                                     accepted the awards. “I would like to thank       Rector, in explanation of why the fifth medal
                                                                                                     you on behalf of the University of Pardubice.     was awarded to the University of Pardubice.
The University celebrated its 60th                                                                   I trust that by extending my appreciation I ex-
                                                                                                     press my respect and goodwill in our on-going     The second half of the evening belonged to

anniversary and commemorated the                                                                     cooperation. We can play rivals for the media,
                                                                                                     but everyone here knows that we like each
                                                                                                                                                       actress and singer Bára Poláková. She was
                                                                                                                                                       initially wary of her seated audience. But her
                                                                                                     other,” she said.                                 concert was very lively and her fears were un-
Velvet Revolution                                                                                                                                      founded as her songs got the audience out of
                                                                                                     “The University of Hradec Králové very much       their seats and dancing, Kamil Kuča includ-
KRISTÝNA VLASÁKOVÁ FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK                                                         values the partnership between our two            ed. People could also go to an art exhibition
JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN                                                                            institutions. Our bond strategically guaran-      organised by the students of the Department
                                                                                                     tees the protection of academic freedoms          of Art, Visual Culture and Textile Studies
                                                                                                     in the East Bohemian Region. And just like        (Faculty of Education, UHK). •
 The 12th Social Evening of the University of Hradec Králové took place on Tues-
day, November 12, 2019, at the Aldis Congress Centre. It is traditionally held on
the occasion of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day and Internation-
al Students’ Day. Awards were given out to prominent people from all of the
                                                                                                     Faculty of Informatics and Management
T    he 12th Social Evening commemorat-
     ed more than one anniversary. The
first anniversary celebrated the Institute of
                                                  dramatic events of 1939; they affected many
                                                  Czech institutions of higher education. The
                                                  year 1989 was also commemorated, that is the
                                                                                                     Ing. Michal Zacpal

Education. It was founded 60 years ago in         30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, not     Award for long-term cooperation in organ-
Hradec Králové and is the predecessor of the      only in Hradec Králové.                            ising the Faculty's social events and super-
University of Hradec Králové, which opened                                                           vising the Student Union of the University
in 1959. Sixty guests were given a book titled    “I would like to thank everyone who over           of Hradec Králové.
Pedagogická fakulta v Hradci Králové v roce       the past 60 years has helped to build the
1968 a na počátku normalizace by Mgr. Sylva       University. Thanks to you the University is        prof. RNDr. Martin Gavalec, CSc.
Sklenářová, Ph.D., the Head of the UHK            a dignified institution of higher education, it
Archives. Fifteen prominent people made           is internationally renowned on a scientific lev-   Award for publishing many excellent articles
a video and in it they congratulated the          el and it is student-friendly,” said the Rector,   in magazines, for being cited many times, for
University on its anniversary. These includ-      Kamil Kuča, in a video and extended his            being hailed a recognised scientist and schol-
ed city leaders, regional leaders, people from    welcome to everyone in the assembly hall. He       ar by the scientific community and for partici-
abroad, people from affiliated institutions and   also introduced the second significant event:      pating in a great number of external projects.
even the Minister of Education, Youth and         “I am looking forward to our next 30 years of
Sports, Robert Plaga.                             freedom. A hard fought for freedom, without        doc. RNDr. Jaroslava Mikulecká, CSc.
                                                  which the University would not be as we know
Each guest received a special limited edition     it today. I pray for freedom always and I trust    UHK Rector’s Medal of Merit for developing
postcard, which the University had made on        our University will always guarantee and pro-      the Faculty of Informatics and Management
the occasion of its 60th anniversary. Also com-   tect our freedom.”                                 and for developing the University
memorated was the 80th anniversary of the                                                            of Hradec Králové.

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Philosophical Faculty                                                                              Unique photographic exhibition –
Mgr. Hynek Kaplan                                 Mgr. et Mgr. Pavlína Springerová,
                                                                                                   Hradec Králové as time went by
Award for outstanding academic achievement,
                                                                                                   JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN
representing the University of Hradec Králové     UHK Rector’s Medal of Merit for the unprec-
and engaging in public life on its behalf.        edented development of the Philosophical
                                                                                                   The University of Hradec Králové and the State District Archive of Hradec
                                                  Faculty in the areas of internationalisation,
Mgr. Tomáš Mangel, Ph.D.                          research and publishing, and the third role of
                                                                                                   Králové created a unique photographic exhibition reflecting how Hradec
                                                  the University.                                  Králové changed over the past 200 years on the occasion of the 30th anniversary
Award for publications, supervising archae-                                                        of the November events of 1989. The exhibition features the unique work of
ological research projects at the Department                                                       Ing. Martin Brus, a graduate of the Faculty of Informatics and Management.
of Archaeology (Philosophical Faculty, UHK),
research related to projects supported by the
Czech Science Foundation .

Faculty of Education

Mgr. Jan Bílek, Ph.D.                             prof. PhDr. Oldřich Richterek, CSc.

Award for successful scholarly activities and     UHK Rector’s Medal of Merit for devel-
for popularising science (also through a pro-     oping the Faculty of Education and for
gramme on Czech Television).                      the actual foundation of the University
                                                  of Hradec Králové.
doc. PhDr. Jan Hábl, Ph.D.

Award for prestigious publications, author-
ship of the Komenský 2020 project, and an
international scientific reputation.

Faculty of Science

Mgr. Damián Bušovský                              prof. Ing. Antonín Lyčka, DrSc.

Award for outstanding academic achievement        UHK Rector’s Medal of Merit for impor-
and active participation in the popularisation    tant publications and high citation count,
activities of the Faculty of Science.             holder of the Fellow of the Royal Society
                                                  of Chemistry title awarded by the Royal
RNDr. Lenka Plavcová, Ph.D.                       Society of Chemistry.
                                                                                                   VELKÉ NÁMĚSTÍ TOWN SQUARE (FORMERLY ŽIŽKOVO TOWN SQUARE) IN HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, 1930S

Award for exceptional publications under
prestigious publishers, research work in a jun-
ior project supported by the Czech Science                                                         His fantastic photographs are also on display at an interactive website run by
Foundation and a departmental project over-                                                        the University of Hradec Králové (www.uhk.cz/hradecvpromenach).
seen by the Ministry of Agriculture.

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                                                                                                                              FACULTY OF EDUCATION BUILDING (FORMERLY BUSINESS ACADEMY), 1ST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY


                                                                                                      HUČÁK: AN ART NOUVEAU STYLE POWER STATION (CULTURAL MONUMENT) AND A BRIDGE OVER THE ELBE RIVER NEAR THE
                                                                                                      JIRÁSKOVY SADY PARK, TURN OF THE 20TH CENTURY

22    UHK ANNUALLY                                                                                                                                                                                UHK ANNUALLY          23
RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                        RESEARCH

                                                                                                      impact these diseases and follow-up treatment       The project will end in 2022, so we have
                                                                                                      have on society, particularly in the context of     already gone a quarter of the way. So
                                                                                                      economic indicators, such as the impact on          what have you already achieved and what
                                                                                                      the government budget. The last part of the         stage are you at now?
                                                                                                      project concerns clinical applications, includ-     Naturally, much has already been done. Being
                                                                                                      ing computerised and computer-evaluated             nine months into the project, we have mainly

Scientists started working on the
                                                                                                      results from graphic medical techniques. The        managed to overcome the initial kick-start
                                                                                                      aim is to come up with a computer algorithm         phase. It goes on to say that all of us are
                                                                                                      that will provide for a simpler and early detec-    building on experience and that none of us

biggest project in the history of the                                                                 tion of the disease(s).                             is building on a green field. One of the big
                                                                                                                                                          challenges that we had to deal with right from
                                                                                                      Is the project proof of the fact that multi-        the start of the project were investments, in-
University of Hradec Králové.                                                                         disciplinarity is more than welcome?
                                                                                                      Absolutely. Scientific collaboration across
                                                                                                                                                          volving substantial financial resources. This is
                                                                                                                                                          particularly true of the equipment here at the

The IT4N team of experts also                                                                         disciplines today is a must. We endeavour to
                                                                                                      interconnect top experts across disciplines
                                                                                                                                                          Faculty of Science; we purchased a supercom-
                                                                                                                                                          puter and a mass spectrometer worth tens of
                                                                                                      with a view of achieving the best project           millions of Czech korunas. Having said that,

included students                                                                                     results. We are also aided and supported by
                                                                                                      others on our journey towards success. These
                                                                                                                                                          the first experiments are already running par-
                                                                                                                                                          allel to this phase.
                                                                                                      include the UHK Faculty of Science and the
                                                                                                      Faculty of Informatics and Management, the
                                                                                                      University Hospital in Hradec Králové, and
Neurodegenerative diseases cause irreversible changes to neurons. Neurons
                                                                                                      the University of Pardubice.
are the primary components of the nervous system and they directly affect the
functions of the brain and the spinal cord. The most common neurodegenera-
                                                                                                      When we presented the IT4N project at
tive diseases include Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and related                        a press conference last year, the newspa-
disorders. In the context of this issue, a team made up of the representatives                        pers eagerly commented on the rivalry
of three East Bohemian institutions, the University of Hradec Králové included,                       between Pardubice and Hradec Králové,
took up the first-rate IT4Neuro(degeneration) pre-application research project.                       quote/unquote, “Rivals joined forces in
                                                                                                      their fight against insidious diseases.” To

I T4N is a four year project run under
  the Operational Programme Research,
Development and Education and it is exten-
                                                   to the practical impacts of the introduction of
                                                   new medicines and new diagnostic procedures
                                                   using high-performance information and
                                                                                                      what extent is that true? Is the aim of the
                                                                                                      project to find a new drug?
                                                                                                      That is, of course, a very severe abbreviation
sively financed by the European Union. Total       communication technologies (ICT) for the as-       of what we are, in fact, working on. The aim
costs amount to 79 million CZK.                    sessment of modern imaging techniques. The         of this four-year project is not to find a cure     A supercomputer? Where is it and what
                                                   team of scientists is lead by doc. Ing. Miroslav   for Alzheimer’s disease as it is very unlikely      does it do?
                                                   Lísa, Ph.D. (Faculty of Science).                  anyone will be anywhere near doing so in the        The supercomputer is central to the entire
    Since March 2019 dozens of                                                                        near future. Our objective is to advance our        project. It inter-combines all of the fields
    researchers have been working                  Associate professor Lísa, could you                knowledge at least a little. And this does not      involved in the research project. We squeezed
    on medical applications and the                briefly explain what is the aim of the             only concern Alzheimer’s disease, but all neu-      our way into the supercomputer and we are
    proposal and testing of new                    IT4N project?                                      rodegenerative diseases in general. The ideal       now overseeing necessary construction adjust-
    substances in the preclinical                  We have to divide the project into three basic     result would be to discover or at least propose     ments and modifications to the building in
    development of new drugs.                      parts. Put simply, a chemical part, a socioeco-    molecules that in the future could be poten-        which the Faculty of Science is located asso-
                                                   nomic part and a clinical application part. In     tially used to treat the diseases. But the result   ciated with the installation of the supercom-
                                                   the first, chemical part of the project, we pro-   of the project cannot be a cure for neurode-        puter. We have air-conditioning and energy
Where neurodegeneration is concerned,              pose and prepare substances that in the future     generative diseases; finding a cure is, unfortu-    supply issues, as the distribution network and
socio-economic analyses constitute a crucial       could help treat neurodegenerative diseases.       nately, in itself a very long process.              associated cooling system are in this case very
element of the project, particularly in relation   The second part of the project focuses on the

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RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                       RESEARCH

complicated. The supercomputer should be          Once we know their mass, we can determine           What kind of experience is it for a student        Apart from working with the best, does
fully operational in April.                       what type of substance we are dealing with, its     to be part of such a project, especially           the project also lend itself to commercial
                                                  molecular weight and its structure. But what’s      during their bachelor degree studies?              cooperation?
The mass spectrometer is an even bigger           most important is that we can then determine        Invaluable. Truly. I think that the main ad-       Actually, yes. It gives me great pleasure to
investment than the supercomputer. How            its representation in a sample and then com-        vantage is that they can use state of the art      acknowledge that we have already entered
will it be used?                                  pare these samples.                                 instruments and equipment during their             into one such agreement. We contracted the
The mass spectrometer is a very professional                                                          study years, which they would normally not         company that supplied the mass spectrometer
piece of equipment that will help us analyse      Did our students also participate in the            be able to do. Another indisputable advan-         to us and we agreed that it would continue to
substances that we plan to present as poten-      research project?                                   tage is that they learn to work within a team      support our future research activities. And in
tial cures. It may be said that it will confirm   Absolutely. In fact, one of the objectives was to   and that they can be part of a project in pro-     so doing we have also met the last milestone
if the structure of the substance that we are     also involve students in the research. Thanks       cess. And then, of course, the project topic.      of the entire project. Proliferating coopera-
working on is correct, whether, for                                                                   Neurodegenerative disorders are and will, un-      tion with the world of commerce and intro-
example, it is as pure as it should                                                                   fortunately, for some time to come, continue       ducing research results into practice. I view
be. The spectrometer will also help                                                                   to be a big topic and it is meaningful and mo-     our partnership with Waters as being a fore-
analyse metabolites which may be                                                                      tivating to participate in this type of research   runner in the cooperation between science
linked to neurodegenerative dis-                                                                      because you get to work on something specific      and practice. •
eases. Metabolites are substances                                                                     and beneficial.
in the body that are transformed
thanks to biochemical processes
and when a disease sets in, their
concentrations may vary.

   We analyse biological tissues
   and try to determine which
   substances are actually
   present in them and how                                                                                                            doc. Ing. Miroslav Lísa, Ph.D.
   their concentration may                                                                                                                       (*1980)
   vary when a person is healthy and              to the project, the Faculty of Science even
   when they are ill. Put simply, a mass          opened new positions for promising Ph.D.            •   Obtained a Ph.D. diploma in analytical chemistry at the University of Pardubice and habili-
   spectrometer allows us to transfer             students. Apart from that, students enrolled            tated in the same field in 2019 at Palacký University in Olomouc
   these substances to charged ions               in bachelor degree programs are also in-
   and then determine their mass.                 volved in the project; they have made it a part     •   Has been working at the University of Hradec Králové since 2017 (Department of
                                                  of their thesis.                                        Chemistry, Faculty of Science)

                                                                                                      •   H-index 25

                                                                                                      •   Over 50 articles, citation rate exceeds 1,500 according to WoS, 7 chapters in monographs
                                                                                                          and 200 conference papers

                                                                                                      •   Researcher, co-researcher or team member in more than 10 research projects

                                                                                                      •   In 2014, The Analytical Scientist journal placed him on the Power List (a list of 40 of the
                                                                                                          most influential scientists under the age of 40 in analytical chemistry) (Top 40 under 40 list)
Universitas is a web portal and e-magazine about science, education,
research and universities. It is a joint project of 22 Czech public universities                      •   The Spectroscopy Society of Jan Marcus Marci awarded him the Vladimír Hanuš Prize in
where UHK is involved. More information available at www.universitas.cz/en.                               2016 for best research work in mass spectrometry

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RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                        RESEARCH

The Department of Philosophy                                                                           We succeeded in Module 1
and Social Sciences achieved                                                                           PETRA KUBAŘOVÁ DEAN'S OFFICE, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK

a great success: The team headed                                                                       Professor Tomáš Petráček was the only person at the University of Hradec
                                                                                                       Králové to be awarded a Grade 1 when it came to the assessment of selected re-

by Professor Peregrin received                                                                         sults of research organisations under the M17+ Methodology within the frame-
                                                                                                       work of Module 1 (Contribution to Knowledge criterion). He got the best score
                                                                                                       for his publication Power and Exploitation in the Czech Lands in the 10th–12th
a 20 million grant                                                                                     Centuries: A Central European Perspective, relating to history and archaeology.
                                                                                                       It was published by Brill in 2017.

                                                                                                                                                                     “Power and Exploitation in the
Researchers from the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Philosoph-
                                                                                                                                                                     Czech Lands in the 10th–12th
ical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové, celebrated a tremendous success at
                                                                                                                                                                     Centuries: A Central European
the end of October 2019. Professor Jaroslav Peregrin and his colleagues put
                                                                                                                                                                     Perspective offers a unique
together a project titled Naturalised inferentialism: standards, meanings and                                                                                        analysis of the history of early
reasons in nature and it was selected by the Czech Science Foundation amongst                                                                                        medieval Czech society. It
the top 20 elite grant projects of excellence under the EXPRO program. The                                                                                           draws new attention to the
project, valued at CZK 21,515,000, was one of two selected projects in the field                                                                                     role of serfdom and slavery in
of humanities and social sciences.                                                                                                                                   the early period of the Přemysl
                                                                                                                                                                     dynasty in the Czech lands, and

T    he project, which goes
     under the title Naturalised
inferentialism: standards,
                                                                                                                                                                     the organization of land and
                                                                                                                                                                     property access and ownership.
                                                                                                                                                                     The provocative conclusions
meanings and reasons in                                                                                                                                              reached by the author in this
nature, is to cover a five year                                                                                                                                      study shed new light on the
period and it will be coordi-                                                                                                                                        oldest period of Czech history.
nated by a team of interna-                                                                                                                                          Petráček analyses these issues
tionally-based researchers
headed by Professor Peregrin.
Team members include Dr.
                                                                                                       P    rof. PhDr. Tomáš Petráček, Ph.D., Th.D., is
                                                                                                            an expert in social and ecclesiastical histo-
                                                                                                       ry, the history of the relationship between the
                                                                                                                                                                 comparatively, also taking into
                                                                                                                                                                 account Poland and Hungary; this is
                                                                                                                                                                 an approach unique to this book. •
Ladislav Koreň (Department                                                                             church and society, the philosophy of Thomas
of Philosophy and Social                                                                               Aquinas, the history of biblical studies, the
Sciences, Philosophical                                                                                history of charity and social work, the history
Faculty, UHK), Professor Mark Risjord                 team that we could actually apply for this       of the Diocese of Hradec Králové, modernism
(Emory University) and Dr. Ulf Hlobil                 tremendous grant. And we succeeded,” noted       and anti-modernism. He is the Head of the
(Concordia University). “The project is a fol-        Professor Peregrin.                              Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
low-up of several projects on normativeness                                                            at the Faculty of Education.
and inferentialism that we worked on at the           Dr. Koreň added that “the objective of this
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of             project is to confront inferentialism, which
Sciences. In the mean time, an exceptional            lies at the heart of the theory of philosophy,
team of internationally based researchers at          with the results of relevant sciences, such as
the Philosophical Faculty of the University           logic, linguistics, cognitive psychology and
of Hradec Králové and it is thanks to this            the theory of evolution.” •

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