PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks

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PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
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PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
Highlights 6
                                                                                                      Physics Catalogue 2021

               page                                           page   6                                     page   10                                       page    13

    edited by David N Burrows                          edited by Ofer Lahav                edited by David Gross (University of               by Alexey P Isaev (Joint Institute for
      (The Pennsylvania State                       (University College London,           California at Santa Barbara), Alexander              Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
         University, USA)                           UK), Lucy Calder (University        Sevrin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium &          & M V Lomonosov Moscow State
                                                     College London, UK), et al        International Solvay Institutes, Belgium), et al             University, Russia), et al

             page    17                                      page   18                                     page   20                                        page   24

    edited by Johnpierre Paglione                 edited by Bertrand I Halperin             by José P Mestre (University of Illinois               by Gautier Depambour
(University of Maryland, College Park,             (Harvard University, USA) &                 at Urbana-Champaign, USA) &                       (Université de Paris, France)
  USA), Nicholas P Butch (National                 Jainendra K Jain (Penn State               Jennifer L Docktor (University of
Institute of Standards and Technology,                   University, USA)                        Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA)
               USA), et al

              page   25                                      page   26                                     page   28                                       page    28

        by Leonard A Cole                           by Vladimir M Kolomietz               edited by Lars Brink (Chalmers University of              by Alexander Wu Chao
     (Rutgers University, USA)                   (Institute for Nuclear Research,      Technology, Sweden), Richard C Brower (Boston              (SLAC National Accelerator
                                                Ukraine) & Shalom Shlomo (Texas       University, USA), Carleton DeTar (University of Utah,            Laboratory, USA)
                                                      A&M University, USA)           USA), Chung-I Tan (Brown University, USA) & K K Phua
                                                                                       (Founding Director Emeritus IAS NTU, Singapore)

             page    31                                      page   32                                     page   32                                       page    34

    edited by Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Leiden          by Stefano Mancini (University of            by James B Hartle (University of                         by Brian Cowan
   University, Netherlands), David Derbes        Camerino, Italy) & Andreas Winter            California at Santa Barbara, USA)                   (University of London, UK)
(University of Chicago, USA), David Griffiths      (ICREA, Spain & Autonomous
(Reed College, USA), Brian Hill (Saint Mary’s     University of Barcelona, Spain)
  College of California, USA), Richard Sohn
 (Kronos, Inc., Lowell, USA) & Yuan-Sen Ting
          (Harvard University, USA)
PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
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PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
Physics and Astronomy 2021

                                                APPLIED AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS

    The ABCs of High-Pressure                                                      Rubidium Atomic Clock
    Science                                                                        The Workhorse of Satellite Navigation
    by Sergei M Stishov (Institute for High Pressure                               by G M Saxena (National Physical Laboratory,
    Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)                                India) & Bikash Ghosal (Space Applications
                                                                                   Centre, India)
    Written by the Science Supervisor at the
    Institute of High Pressure Physics, The ABCs                                   The Rubidium atomic clock (Rb) is the
    of High-Pressure Science introduces the terms                                  workhorse of the satellite navigation systems
    and concepts widely adopted in the field of                                    of which GPS is now a household name.
    high pressure, be it about physics, geology,                                   Written by authors who have spent decades
    chemistry, or technology. The book also                                        in mastering the art of building practical Rb
    includes brief biographical essays describing how the pioneers in              atomic clocks, this book explains in a simple way the workings of Rb
    the field laid the groundwork of high-pressure science. The book               atomic clocks and their role in satellite navigation systems. It details
    is organized in the form of short chapters or notes in alphabetical            the history of time keeping and the chronological development of
    order, so a search of the necessary information is not difficult. It is not    the Rb atomic clocks, with special focus on the physics package that
    a reference book though and is designed to ensure that the reader              accounts for the actual performance of the clock. Researchers and
    can easily find further information from the Internet.                         industrialists will find such clocks is relatively simple and inexpensive
                                                                                   to be used in numerous military applications and fine measurements.
    Readership: Students, graduate students, scientists and engineers in
    geophysics, condensed matter physics, and material science who are             Readership: Graduate students, researchers and industrialists
    new to high pressure science and technology.                                   interested in Rubidium clocks.

    130pp                          Mar 2021                                        316pp                         Mar 2020
    978-1-78634-955-2              US$48         £40                               978-981-3279-48-3             US$98        £85

    Handbook of Electrical Steel                                                   Light Power: Half a Century of
    by Göran Engdahl (The KTH royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)               Solar Electricity Research
    This book contains all information regarding magnetism and magnetic
                                                                                   Volume 1: Solar Thermal Power Systems
    materials that an electrical engineer needs to know to be able to              Volume 2: 20th Century Photovoltaic
    understand and design magnetic devices. All chapters are written in            Systems
    a textbook fashion such that they can be read independently.                   edited by David Faiman
                                                                                   (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
    The book covers all major modelling techniques of magnetic materials
    including the well-known Presiach, Jiles-Atherton and lag models.              The 3-volume series documents the develop-
    General magnetic design approaches including major and new design              ment of solar power generating systems in the
    tools are presented. The book also serves as a guideline regarding             last 50 years surrounding the energy crisis of 1973. Volume 1 covers
    the choice of feasible materials in specific applications. Relevant            solar-thermal systems. Volume 2 covers photovoltaic systems in
    performance criteria are given such that appropriate type of electrical        the 20th century. The upcoming Volume 3 will cover photovoltaic
    steel can be selected. The final chapter offers a list of current electrical   developments from the start of the 21st century.
    steel and magnetic material suppliers.                                         The history is based upon lectures given over the years at the Sede
    Readership: Electrical engineers and researchers who use magnetic              Boqer Symposia on Solar Electric Power Production, a series that
    materials to design electronic and electric power systems; electrical          commenced in 1986. The lectures contain many technical details that
    engineering professors (for universities/technical schools) can use            are hard to find in textbooks, including those about systems that were
    it as a textbook.                                                              successfully demonstrated but later abandoned due to economic
                                                                                   factors, which may be worth revisiting in the future.
    580pp                          Feb 2021
                                                                                   Readership: Historians, researchers, industrialists, and government
    978-981-122-691-5              US$178        £155
                                                                                   decision makers interested in photovoltaic and the alternative energy
                                                                                   source industry.
     Textbook                                                                      Volume 1: Solar Thermal Power Systems
4   Fundamental Physics of Sound                                                   312pp                         Oct 2019
    by S Y Lee (Indiana University, USA)                                           978-1-78634-756-5             US$118       £105
    This is a textbook on the basic sciences                                       Volume 2: 20th Century Photovoltaic Systems
    of sound. Starting with simple harmonic                                        300pp                         Mar 2021
    oscillation and wave properties, the book
                                                                                   978-981-123-131-5             US$98        £85
    explains the psychoacoustics of our perception
    of three attributes of sound: loudness, pitch
    and timbre. It then introduces the basic physics                                                 MORE RECOMMENDED TITLES
    of some musical instruments and human voice. From the point of                  Advances in Physics and Applications of Optically and Thermally
    view of physics, musical instruments and human speech are similar,              Stimulated Luminescence
    as both are composed of a sound source and a resonator. The last                Chen R (Tel Aviv University, Israel) & Pagonis V (McDaniel College, USA)
    part covers electricity and magnetism, room acoustics and various               9781786345783
    digital technologies in acoustics. This small book is comprehensible,           Cavitation
    understandable and enjoyable to all eager students.                             Young F R (Watford College, Hertfordshire) 9781860941986
    336pp                          Nov 2020                                         Principles of Three-Dimensional Imaging in Confocal Microscopes
                                                                                    Gu M (Victoria University of Technology, Australia) 9789810225506
    978-981-122-259-7              US$98         £85
                                                                                    Industrial Accelerators and Their Applications
                                                                                    Hamm R W & Hamm M E (R & M Technical Enterprises, California, USA)
       Textbook: Request Inspection                                                 9789814307048
       Copy at                                                       Silicon Solid State Devices and Radiation Detection
       or scan the QR code                                                          Leroy C (Universitéde Montréal, Canada) & Rancoita P (INFN, Italy)
PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
For more information, visit:                                                                       WORLD SCIENTIFIC


 Textbook                                                                    Large-Scale Peculiar Motions
                                                                             Matter in Motion
Introduction to the Theory of                                                by Gary A Wegner (Dartmouth College, USA)
the Early Universe (2nd Edition)
                                                                             All matter, including galaxies and their constituents, follow
Volume 1: Hot Big Bang Theory
                                                                             orbits and flows driven by the net attraction of near and distant
Volume 2: Cosmological Perturbations
                                                                             masses. The book presents the development of studies of peculiar
and Inflationary Theory                                                      motions along with discoveries in large-scale structure, the cosmic
by Valery A Rubakov (Russian Academy of                                      microwave background, baryonic oscillations, gravity waves, and
Sciences, Russia & Moscow State University,                                  their relation to current work on gravitation and dark matter. It
Russia) & Dmitry S Gorbunov (Russian Academy                                 gives a detailed coverage of peculiar motions including the distance
of Sciences, Russia)                                                         scale, observational and bias corrections. Some prospects for future
Reviews of the First Edition:                                                investigations are also discussed.
“This set of two volumes on the early universe is a truly excellent          250pp                          May 2021
treatise on the subject. The volumes cover both particle physics and
                                                                             978-981-121-180-5              US$88       £75
general relativity aspects systematically and in detail. The discussion
is self-contained and brings out the tremendous progress that has
occurred in the last 2–3 decades. It is especially refreshing to see that    The Invisible Universe
the hype, exaggerations and over-emphasis on fashions one often finds        A Journey from Microcosm to Macrocosm and Return
in discussions of modern cosmology are not necessary to make the             by Antonino Del Popolo (Universitàdegli Studi di Catania, Italy)
subject lucid and fascinating. The two volumes can be used either as texts
                                                                             The text describes the story and the protagonists who showed the
for advanced courses in cosmology or as ‘handbooks” on the subject
                                                                             need for the existence of the “missing matter”, and puzzles they
by active researchers.” Abhay Ashtekar, Pennsylvania State University
                                                                             had to solve to understand that dark matter was not ordinary matter.
Readership: Students and researchers interested in cosmology and             It recounts the hunt for dark matter, carried out with instruments
particle physics.                                                            operating in space and built in the bowels of the Earth. It also describes
                                                                             dark energy, which manifests itself in the accelerated expansion of the
Volume 1: Hot Big Bang Theory                                                universe, and explains what its existence implies for the future and
596pp                          Jun 2017                                      the end of our cosmos. The illustrations and the detailed explanation
978-981-3209-87-9              US$158      £139                              provide a deeper understanding of the subject.
978-981-3209-88-6(pbk)         US$88       £77                               Readership: Science students, professionals and general public
Volume 2: Cosmological Perturbations and                                     interested in the field of astronomy.

Inflationary Theory                                                          200pp                          Apr 2021
550pp                          Nov 2021                                      978-981-122-943-5              US$88       £75
978-981-3275-62-1              US$168      £150
978-981-3276-69-7(pbk)         US$78       £70                               Kelvin – Helmholtz Instability
                                                                             in Solar Atmospheric Jets
Gamma-Rays and the Interstellar Medium                                       by Ivan Zhelyazkov (Sofia University, Bulgaria)
by Yasuo Fukui (Nagoya University, Japan) &                                  & Ramesh Chandra (Kumaun University, India)
Gavin Rowell (University of Adelaide, Australia)
                                                                             Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability (KHI) of pro-
This book focuses on the linkages between very high energy (TeV)             pagating magnetohydrodynamic modes in
gamma-ray astronomy and the interstellar medium, as well as the              solar flowing structures plays an important
key science questions expected to be answered. Their joint study is          role in the solar atmosphere. It can trigger the
essential if we are to understand the nature of gamma-ray emission           onset of wave turbulence leading to effective
and hence shed light on where extreme cosmic-rays and electrons              plasma heating and particle acceleration.
are being accelerated in our galaxy. The book also include discussion        KHI is a multifaceted phenomenon and the purpose of this book is
on TeV neutrinos as they are intimately tied to the production of            to illuminate its (instability) manifestation in various solar jets like
gamma-rays of similar energy.                                                spicules, dark mottles, surges, macrospicules, Extreme Ultraviolet
                                                                             (EUV) and X-ray jets, as well as rotating, tornado-like, jets, solar wind,
200pp                          Sep 2021                                                                                                                   5
                                                                             and coronal mass ejections.
978-981-3239-81-4              US$98       £85
                                                                             Readership: Researchers in astrophysics and magnetohydrodynamics.
Space Time and Dark Matter                                                   250pp                          Jan 2021
The Hidden Sectors of Particle Physics                                       978-981-122-374-7              US$98       £85
and Cosmology
by Alberto Grasso (Italian Ministry of                                       Chinese Astrology and Astronomy
Education, Universities and Research, Italy)
                                                                             An Outside History
Key Features:                                                                by Xiaoyuan Jiang (Shanghai Jiao Tong
     ○    Present a robust model of the                                      University, China)
          dark matter density distribution                                   translated by Wenan Chen (Ningbo University,
          in different structures of the                                     China)
          Universe, from the galactic to the
          cosmological scales                                                This book discusses the ancient Chinese’s
     ○    Revisit the close connection of the “macro-” and “micro-”          needs and reasons for engaging in astronomy,
          points of view to verify or constrain the particle physics         called “Tianxue” in ancient China. It analyses
          models of the observed excess of astrophysical matter              the cosmological views of ancient Chinese
                                                                             based on ancient astronomical phenomena and manuals, and. It also
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the fields of               expounds the nature and functions of astronomy to ancient Chinese,
astronomy, cosmology, and particle physics.                                  as well as its difference from the western modern astronomy.
350pp                          Sep 2021                                      380pp                          Dec 2020
978-981-3276-94-9              US$128      £115                              978-981-122-345-7              US$128      £115
PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
Physics and Astronomy 2021

    World Scientific Series in Astrophysics                                   World Scientific Series in Astrophysics
    The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical                                         The Encyclopedia of Cosmology
    Instrumentation                                                           (In 4 Volumes)
    (In 5 Volumes)                                                            Volume 1: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
    Volume 1: Radio Astronomical Instrumentation                              Volume 2: Numerical Simulations in Cosmology
    Volume 2: UV, Optical & IR Instrumentation: Part 1                        Volume 3: Dark Energy
    Volume 3: UV, Optical & IR Instrumentation: Part 2                        Volume 4: Dark Matter
    Volume 4: X-ray Astronomical Instrumentation                              Editor-in-chief: Giovanni G Fazio (Harvard Smithsonian Center for
    Volume 5: Gamma-Ray and Multimessenger Astronomical                       Astrophysics, USA)
    Instrumentation                                                           by Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Shinji Tsujikawa
                                                                              (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) & Jihn E Kim (Seoul National
    edited by David N Burrows (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)
                                                                              University, South Korea)
                                                                              edited by Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University, Japan &
    A comprehensive handbook of                                               University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)
    the state of the art of astronomical
    instrumentation with a forward                                            A thorough review of the most
    view encompassing the next                                                important concepts and current status
    decade                                                                    in the general field of Cosmology,
                                                                              covering both theory and observation
    This handbook brings together
    some of the leading experts in the                                        The Encyclopedia of Cosmology, in
    world to discuss the frontier of                                          four volumes, is a major, long-lasting
    astronomical instrumentation across the electromagnetic spectrum          reference at the graduate student
    and extending into multimessenger astronomy. It assumes a working         level, laid out by the most prominent
    knowledge of the fundamental theory: optics, semiconductor physics,       researchers in the field. One of the
    etc. It is an ideal reference for graduate students with an interest in   attractive features of the encyclopedia is that it is accompanied
    astronomical instrumentation, as well as practitioners interested in      by supplementary materials including videos and simulations of
    learning about the state of the art in another wavelength band or field   the numerical computation, which will help the readers to better
    closely related to the one in which they currently work.                  understand and visualize the concepts discussed.
    Readership: Graduate students and practioners in the field of
                                                                              Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in
    astronomical instrumentation.
                                                                              cosmology and astrophysics.
    1500pp                        Feb 2021
                                                                              1404pp                       May 2018
    978-981-4644-31-0(Set)        US$1850     £1536
                                                                              978-981-4656-19-1(Set)       US$1280      £1062
    Introductory Offer till May 31, 2021       US$1580       £1311

                                                                              The Dark Energy Survey
     Textbook                                                                 The Story of a Cosmological Experiment
                                                                              edited by Ofer Lahav (University College
    Introduction to Earth Sciences                                            London, UK), Lucy Calder (University College
    A Physics Approach                                                        London, UK), Julian Mayers (University of
    (2nd Edition)                                                             Sussex, UK) & Josh Frieman (Fermi National
    by Luc Thomas Ikelle (IMODE, USA &                                        Accelerator Laboratory, USA & University of
    Texas A&M University, USA)                                                Chicago, USA)

    Designed for 100-level geophysics and physics                             “This is a fascinating read for anyone interested in
    courses, this textbook introduces physical                                how big science is undertaken. The book focuses
    processes and properties associated with                                  more on the survey itself rather than dark energy as a phenomenon. It
    Earth and its surroundings. It aims to familiarize the reader with the    encapsulates the ambitions, disappointments, struggles and eventual
6   concepts of elastic and electromagnetic wave propagation, which are       success of an international scientific endeavour. … Cosmologists
    central to geophysical studies. The concepts are illustrated through      planning future surveys will benefit from reading how the team coped
    natural phenomena caused by the earth’s dynamics, such as volcanic        with numerous challenges. Historians of science will find much to learn
    eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes, droughts,       from the inside view, from design and technical issues to funding and
    etc. In the second edition, six new chapters are added and all of the     management challenges. This is an excellent documentary of big science
    original twelve chapters have been improved and/or expanded.              at its best.” Richard Ellis, University College London

    876pp                         Apr 2020
                                                                              444pp                        Sep 2020
    978-981-121-302-1             US$218      £190
                                                                              978-1-78634-835-7            US$128       £115
    978-981-121-385-4(pbk)        US$118      £105

PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
For more information, visit:                                                                    WORLD SCIENTIFIC

 Textbook                                                                             Textbook
                                                                                     Advanced Textbooks in Physics
Stars and Space with MATLAB Apps
With Companion Media Pack                                                            Astronomical Spectroscopy
by Dan Green (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA)                            An Introduction to the Atomic and Molecular
                                                                                     Physics of Astronomical Spectroscopy
This book explores recent advances in the understanding
                                                                                     (3rd Edition)
of star formation and evolution using the Matlab App. All
                                                                                     by Jonathan Tennyson (University College London, UK)
the topics are treated in a unified way to combine text,
figures, formulae and numeric input and output. In this way                          “The first two editions of this
the reader may vary parameters and see the results in real                           textbook have received well-
time. That experience aids in building up an intuitive feel for the many specific    deserved high acclaims, and this
problems given in this text.                                                         — the third edition — deserves no
Contents: Getting Started with Matlab; Apps for Stars; Stellar Evolution; Apps       less. Its explanations of the whole
for Solar Exploration; Apps for Star Treks; Additional Miscellaneous Topics;         gamut of atomic and molecular
Appendices                                                                           spectroscopy provide a solid grasp
                                                                                     of the theory as well as how to
248pp                        Jun 2020                                                understand such spectra in practice.
978-981-121-602-2            US$98       £85                                         It thus makes an ideal companion
978-981-121-635-0(pbk)       US$48       £40                                         to books that start from the observational aspect of
                                                                                     spectroscopy, whether in the lab or at the telescope ...
Also See                                                                             This new edition of Tennyson’s book ought to be in the
                                                                                     library of every astronomical department.” The Observatory
Cosmology with MATLAB                                                                Magazine
With Companion Media Pack
by Dan Green (Fermilab)                                                              Readership: Undergraduates and postgraduates studying
                                                                                     astronomical spectroscopy.
264pp                        Jul 2016
978-981-3108-39-4            US$78       £65                                         284pp                          Jun 2019
978-981-3108-40-0(pbk)       US$38       £32                                         978-1-78634-694-0              US$88         £75
                                                                                     978-1-78634-707-7(pbk)         US$48         £40

Theory of Satellite Fragmentation in Orbit                                                       MORE RECOMMENDED TITLES
by Arjun Tan (Alabama A&M University, USA) &                                          An Introduction to Particle Dark Matter
Robert C Reynolds (STAR Dynamics, USA)                                                by Profumo S (UC Santa Cruz & Santa Cruz Institute for
                                                                                      Particle Physics, USA) 9781786340016
For over half a century, an increasing number of satellites
                                                                                      Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology
have fragmented in orbit, creating a large amount of
                                                                                      by Böhmer C G (University College London, UK)
hazardous orbital debris which threaten the safety of
useful functioning satellites and space missions. This book
discusses the theory behind these fragmentations followed                             Black Holes: A Student Text (3rd Edition)
                                                                                      Raine D (University of Leicester, UK) &
by studies of actual cases.
                                                                                      Thomas E (University of Leicester, UK) 9781783264827
The book begins with a survey of satellite fragmentations in orbit and the            Hawking on the Big Bang and Black Holes
consequent formation of orbital debris in chronological order. Next, the              by Hawking S (Cambridge) 9789810210793
fundamental physical processes underlying satellite fragmentations are outlined       Hawking Radiation: From Astrophysical Black Holes to
and the methods of analyzing satellite fragmentations presented. The rest of the      Analogous Systems in Lab
book presents analyses of the major satellite fragmentation events including          Belgiorno F D (Politecnico di Milano, Italy),
accidental and intentional breakups.                                                  Cacciatori S L (Universitàdegli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy) &
                                                                                      Faccio D (Heriot-Watt University, UK) 9789814508537
380pp                        Jan 2020
978-981-120-855-3            US$128      £115                                         Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
                                                                                      The CTA Consortium 9789813270084                                7
                                                                                      Studying Distant Galaxies: A Handbook of Methods
 Textbook                                                                             and Analyses
                                                                                      Hammer F (Paris Observatory, France), Puech M (Paris
About Stars                                                                           Observatory, France), Flores H (Paris Observatory,
Their Formation, Evolution, Compositions,                                             France) & Rodrigues M (Paris Observatory, France)
Locations and Companions                                                              9781786341440
by Michael M Woolfson (University of York, UK)                                        Star Formation
                                                                                      Krumholz M R (Australian National University, Australia)
This textbook describes the means — some very ingenious
— by which to explore the properties, locations and
planetary companions of stars, and provides a sound                                   The Structure and Evolution of Stars
foundation for further study. Astronomers typically find                              by Eldridge J (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
the properties and distances of stars from the light they emit. However, the stars    & Tout C A (University of Cambridge, UK)
themselves are laboratories in which matter behaves in ways that cannot be            9781783265800
reproduced on Earth. So, in finding out about stars, we complement scientific         A Superfluid Universe
knowledge gained from earthbound experimentation.                                     by Huang K (MIT) 9789813148451
                                                                                      Neutrino Astronomy: Current Status, Future Prospects
Readership: Undergraduate students in physics, as well as the educated laypeople.
                                                                                      edited by Gaisser T (University of Delaware, USA) &
388pp                        Aug 2019                                                 Karle A (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
978-1-78634-712-1            US$88       £75                                          9789814759403
978-1-78634-725-1(pbk)       US$38       £35
PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
Physics and Astronomy 2021

                                          GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION

    Concepts in Relativistic                                                       Textbook
    by Lawrence Horwitz (Tel Aviv University,                                     Special Relativity, Tensors,
    Ramat Aviv, Israel & Bar Ilan University, Ramat                               and Energy Tensor
    Gan, Israel & Ariel University, Ariel, Israel)                                With Worked Problems
                                                                                  by Somnath Datta (National Council of
    This book deals with underlying basic
                                                                                  Educational Research and Training, India)
    concepts in relativity. The fundamental work
    of Stueckelberg, who formulated a consistent                                  This book takes the reader from the preliminary
    relativistic classical and quantum dynamics,                                  ideas of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR)
    generalized for application to many-body                                      to the doorsteps of the General Theory of
    systems by Horwitz and Piron (SHP theory), is explained with emphasis         Relativity (GTR). The first part introduces the main concepts, such
    on its conceptual content. This book also includes a wealth of new            as STR, the Lorentz transformation and relativistic mechanics. Then,
    concepts this work has uncovered, such as the recent embedding of             the concept of tensors is built up in detail, especially Maxwell’s stress
    SHP theory into general relativity which generates many new ideas             tensor with illustrative examples. The graphs of important equations
    with application to stellar dynamics and cosmology.                           are included and a large number of numerical examples are taken
                                                                                  from atomic and nuclear physics.
    150pp                          Dec 2021
    978-981-120-731-0              US$78        £70                               Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate physics students.

                                                                                  350pp                         Mar 2021
    Einstein’s Relativity in Great Britain                                        978-981-122-811-7             US$118       £105
    From Eddington to Hawking and Penrose. A Tale of
    Physicists, Astronomers, Mathematicians and Philosophers
    by José M Sánchez-Ron (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)                  Textbook
    The publication of Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity in   General Relativity
    1905 and 1915 received attention from a wide variety of British scholars,     A First Examination
    whose reactions varied from deep acceptance to straightforward                (2nd Edition)
    opposition. This book analyzes those reactions, which involved a              by Marvin Blecher (Virginia Tech, USA)
    large number of important scientists as well as philosophers, such as
    Arthur Eddington and Bertrand Russell. The study will cover from the          This textbook is suitable for a one-semester
    1910s till the 1960s, when the work of a group of relativists centered        introduction to General Relativity for advanced
    in Cambridge (Sciama and Hawking) and London (Bondi, Pirani and               undergraduates in physics and engineering. The
    Penrose) made a new, fresh approach to general relativity.                    materials are kept concise by focusing on the
                                                                                  theoretical development without digressing too much into advanced
    Readership: Physicists, astronomers, mathematicians, philosophers,            mathematics. The exposition is lucid and the reader is exposed to a
    and general audience interested in history of science.                        variety of analytic calculations. End-of-chapter problems are provided
    250pp                          Oct 2021                                       with detailed solutions available in the instructor’s manual.
    978-981-120-028-1              US$98        £85                               In the second edition, the famous twin paradox with acceleration is
                                                                                  solved in full from the accelerated observer’s frame. The findings of
                                                                                  the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration, which captured the
     Textbook                                                                     first ever image of a black hole, are discussed in detail.
    Gravitational Lensing in Cosmology                                            240pp                         Aug 2020
    by Toshifumi Futamase (Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan)                        978-981-122-043-2             US$78        £70
         ○    Starts from the basics of general relativity and                    978-981-122-108-8(pbk)        US$38        £35
              systematically develops the theory of gravitational lensing
         ○    Helps students to catch up with the latest research
                                                                                  Interacting Gravitational,
         ○    Covers both the theory and a wide range of applications             Electromagnetic, Neutrino and
              of gravitational lensing which are not available in usual           Other Waves
              textbooks of cosmology                                              In the Context of Einstein’s General
    Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics           Theory of Relativity
    and astronomy.                                                                by Anzhong Wang (Baylor University, USA)

    200pp                          Jun 2021                                       This book is devoted to researchers who
    978-981-3276-78-9              US$98        £85                               would like to investigate interactions among
                                                                                  gravitational waves and matter fields beyond
                                                                                  linear order, including the phenomena of memory effects,
    The Advent of Relativity                                                      gravitational Faraday rotation, soft theorems, and formations of space-
    by Voldemar Smilga (University of Nantes, France)                             time singularities due to the mutual focus of gravitational waves. The
    This book explains the history of the discovery of special relativity to      author presents exact solutions for a variety of models, including
    any person with a high school background. It narrates how physicists,         the collisions of two plane gravitational waves and the collisions of
    from Galileo, Newton to Lorentz, Poincare and Einstein were distracted        a plane gravitational wave with a dust shell, a massless scalar wave,
    in their reflections by numerous fallacies (like aether, dragged or           an electromagnetic wave, or a neutrino wave. Readers only require a
    not), but eventually reached the laws of kinematics and dynamics of           basic understanding of general relativity to understand the materials.
    the objects moving at high speed. The last chapter “Photon dreams”            Readership: Graduate students, postdocs, and researchers in
    caters to the science fiction fans, in which the author proves to the         investigations of gravitational waves and their nonlinear interactions
    disappointed reader that the laws of physics that we know do not allow        among themselves and with matter fields.
    the construction of spaceships that could reach even the nearest stars
    during the life span of the crew.                                             220pp                         Mar 2020
                                                                                  978-981-121-148-5             US$98        £85
    350pp                          Jan 2021
    978-981-123-114-8              US$58        £50
PHYSICS 2021 World Scientific - Feelbooks
For more information, visit:                                                                     WORLD SCIENTIFIC

Loop Quantum Gravity for                                                    Jacob Bekenstein
Everyone                                                                    The Conservative Revolutionary
by Rodolfo Gambini (University of the                                       edited by Lars Brink (Chalmers University of
Republic, Uruguay), Jorge Pullin (Louisiana                                 Technology, Sweden), Viatcheslav Mukhanov
State University, USA)                                                      (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich,
                                                                            Germany), Eliezer Rabinovici (Hebrew
Selected as a Choice Outstanding                                            University of Jerusalem, Israel) & K K Phua
Academic Title for 2020                                                     (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
                                                                            Jacob Bekenstein, an Israeli physicist of the
“In this remarkably well-written text, the authors
                                                                            Hebrew University, Jerusalem, planted the
introduce readers gently to the conceptual
                                                                            seeds of a revolution of our understanding of space-time. Using
bricks of LQG without using any mathematics (quite an achievement).
                                                                            conservative intuitive methods including time-old gedanken
The debate started with the discovery that the space-time geometry
                                                                            experiments, he discovered that black holes have thermodynamical
of general relativity can be written in terms of the electromagnetic        properties such as entropy.
field. This led to intersecting graphs called loops. Now known as
spin networks, they are the foundations of LQG. This slender volume         This book contains a series of scientific and personal contributions by
discusses applications of LQG to black holes and cosmology and              his contemporaries who recall the struggle against his ideas and then
introduces the notion of spin foam, acknowledging that as yet the theory,   with them: the fate accompanying many revolutionary ideas. This is
though elegant, has no experimental confirmation ... This book offers       followed by original scientific contributions by many of the leaders
a fascinating introduction to an esoteric realm otherwise accessible to     of current research on black hole physics and holography. They have
                                                                            trodden his path and expanded it. The impact of Bekenstein’s visionary
only a fortunate few.”. CHOICE
                                                                            ideas is just starting to be understood.
Readership: Beginning science students and science enthusiasts.             Readership: Researchers and academics in theoretical cosmology
104pp                         Mar 2020                                      and astrophysics.
978-981-121-195-9             US$28        £25                              392pp                        Sep 2019
                                                                            978-981-120-395-4            US$88        £75
Topics on Strong Gravity
A Modern View on Theories and
                                                                                             MORE RECOMMENDED TITLES
edited by César Augusto Zen Vasconcellos                                    Introduction to General Relativity Solution Manual Available
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,                                 by Walecka J D (College of William and Mary, USA)
Brazil & International Center for Relativistic                              9789812705853
Astrophysics Network Coordinating Center                                    Advanced Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors
(ICRANet), Italy)                                                           (In 2 Volumes)
                                                                            edited by Reitze D (California Institute of Technology, USA),
“The book concentrates attention on extended
                                                                            Saulson P (Syracuse University, USA) & Grote H (Cardiff University, UK)
alternative theories of gravity and on the best                             9789813146075(Set)
astrophysical laboratories to probe the strong gravity-field regime:
                                                                            Fundamentals of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors
black holes, pulsars and neutron stars ... Readers will likely share the    (2nd Edition)
satisfaction the editor and contributors say they experienced as they       by Saulson P R (Syracuse University, USA)
organized the book.” SirReadaLot                                            9789813271852
                                                                            Principles of Space-Time-Matter
This book presents one of the most relevant topics of modern
                                                                            Cosmology, Particles and Waves in Five Dimensions
cosmology: black holes and neutron stars as astrophysical laboratories      by Wesson P S & Overduin J M (Towson University, USA &
to probe strong-field gravity. It is an ideal reference for students and    Johns Hopkins University, USA)
researchers working on general relativity and gravitation.                  9789813235779
300pp                         Jan 2020                                      One Hundred Years of General Relativity: From Genesis and
978-981-3277-33-5             US$118       £105                             Empirical Foundations to Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and
                                                                            Quantum Gravity (In 2 Volumes)
                                                                            edited by Ni W (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Modified Gravity                                                            9789814635127(Set)                                                        9
Progresses and Outlook of Theories,
Numerical Techniques and
Observational Tests
edited by Baojiu Li (Durham University, UK) &
Kazuya Koyama (University of Portsmouth, UK)

Modified gravity theories have been a focus
                                                                               Textbook: Request Inspection
of theoretical cosmology research in the past                                  Copy at
decade and are quickly developing into a
                                                                               or scan the QR code
mature research field that interests both theoretical and observational
cosmologists. This book collects expert reviews on different topics
in the field. Together, they form a self-consistent and self-contained

                                                                                        eTextbooks Available!
treatment of the frontier research on gravity theories.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in cosmology.
                                                                                      Digital resources made convenient
324pp                         Oct 2019                                                 for your students at a lower cost.
978-981-3273-99-3             US$98        £85
Physics and Astronomy 2021

        ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS                                                     BIOPHYSICS, BIOLOGICAL AND
                                                                                              MEDICAL PHYSICS
     Interdisciplinary Research on Particle Collisions
     and Quantitative Spectroscopy - Vol 2
     State-of-the-Art Reviews on                                                   Textbook
     Energetic Ion-Atom and Ion-                                                  World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems - Vol 13

     Molecule Collisions                                                          Lectures on Cellular Biophysics
     edited by Dževad Belkić (Karolinska Institute,                              From Molecules to Tissues
     Sweden), Igor Bray (Curtin University, Australia)                            by Jaume Casademunt (University of Barcelona, Spain) &
     & Alisher Kadyrov (Curtin University, Australia)                             Ricard Alert (Princeton University, USA)

     “This book tackles subjects that are still                                   Key Features:
                                                                                       ○    Develops a physical approach to biological processes
     challenging for many applications ranging from astrophysics to medical
                                                                                            that aims at a quantitative understanding of fundamental
     topics for radiation biology and radiotherapy, more specifically heavy ion
     collision theory that is of extreme importance for hadron therapy. This           ○    Emphasizes on mechanics (rather than biochemistry),
     field of research is still an open topic today and there is an extensive               from molecular force generation to collective cell
     investment to improve the success ratios of cancer treatment using heavy               migration
     ion irradiation.” Ziad Francis, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon        ○    Pedagogical presentation based on a successful Master-
                                                                                            level course on cellular biophysics at the University of
     Readership: Graduate students, junior and senior researchers in:                       Barcelona
     atomic/molecular/nuclear physics/astrophysics, plasma physics,                    ○    Contains an extensive range of problems with solutions
     particle transport physics and medical physics (radiotherapy).
                                                                                  Readership: Graduate students and researchers in biophysics.
     372pp                          Oct 2019                                      400pp                          Feb 2022
     978-981-121-160-7              US$128      £115                              978-981-3275-84-3              US$148        £130

     From Photons to Atoms                                                         Textbook
     The Electromagnetic Nature of Matter
     by Daniele Funaro (Universitàdi Modena e                                     Physics in the Life Sciences
     Reggio Emilia, Italy)                                                        Physics for Life Science Students
                                                                                  by Robijn Bruinsma (University of California,
     Motivated by a revision of the classical
                                                                                  Los Angeles, USA)
     equations of electromagnetism that allow for
     the inclusion of solitary waves in the solution                              This book provides undergraduate life science
     space, the material collected in this book                                   students taking a general physics class with
     examines the consequences of adopting the                                    knowledge of physics that is directly relevant to
     modified model in the description of atomic structures. Atoms and            the life sciences. It develops the basic concepts
                                                                                  of physics in a manner that they can be directly used to explain the
     molecules are described as aggregations of nuclei and electrons
                                                                                  “engineering” of living organisms, from the operation of the skeleton
     joined through organized photon layers resonating at various
                                                                                  to the interaction between DNA and proteins. Topics such as the
     frequencies, explaining how matter can absorb or emit light quanta.          physics of statics, elasticity, fluids, and physical chemistry that are rich
     Some established viewpoints are subverted, offering an alternative           in life-science applications are emphasized. A clear understanding of
     scenario. The analysis seeks to provide an answer to many technical          this material should provide students with a solid foundation for future
     problems in physical chemistry and, at the same time, to raise               biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology studies.
     epistemological questions.
                                                                                  Readership: Students and instructors of a physics class in a life science
     Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in exploring        setting
     and learning about alternative approaches to old and new problems            400pp                          Sep 2021
     in theoretical physics.                                                      978-981-3279-11-7              US$118        £105
     296pp                          Sep 2019                                      978-981-120-130-1(pbk)         US$58         £50
     978-981-120-423-4              US$108      £95
                                                                                  The Physics of Living Matter:
                      MORE RECOMMENDED TITLES                                     Space, Time and Information
     Trapped Charged Particles: A Graduate Textbook with Problems                 Proceedings of the 27th Solvay
     and Solutions                                                                Conference on Physics
     edited by Knoop M (CNRS, France & Aix Marseille University,                  edited by David Gross (University of
     France), Madsen N (Swansea University, UK) & Thompson R C
                                                                                  California at Santa Barbara), Alexander
     (Imperial College London, UK) 9781786340122
                                                                                  Sevrin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium &
     The Quantum World of Ultra-Cold Atoms and Light                              International Solvay Institutes, Belgium) &
     Book II: The Physics of Quantum-Optical Devices
                                                                                  Boris Shraiman (University of California at
     by Gardiner C (University of Otago, New Zealand) &
     Zoller P (University of Innsbruck, Austria) 9781783266166                    Santa Barbara)
     Advances in Atomic Physics: An Overview                                      Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics.
     by Cohen-Tannoudji C (Collège de France, France & Laboratoire                The format of the conference is very different from others as the
     Kastler Brossel, France) & Guéry-Odelin D (Laboratoire Collisions            emphasis is placed on discussion. The 27th edition held in October
     Agrégats Réactivité, France) 9789812774972
                                                                                  2017 in Brussels and chaired by Boris Shraiman continued this tradition
     Modern Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Revised Edition)                          and addressed some of the most pressing open questions in the fields
     by Yang F (Fudan University, China & Nottingham University, UK)
                                                                                  of biophysics. Topics include: “Intra-cellular Structure and Dynamics”,
     & Hamilton J H (Vanderbilt University, USA) 9789814374262
                                                                                  “Cell Behavior and Control”, “Inter-cellular Interactions and Patterns”,
     Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Neutral Particles Using Lasers:
     A Reprint Volume with Commentaries                                           “Morphogenesis”, “Evolutionary dynamics”.
     by Ashkin A (Retired, former head of Laser Science Research                  348pp                          May 2020
     Department, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA)
     9789810240585                                                                978-981-3239-24-1              US$98         £86
For more information, visit:                                                                        WORLD SCIENTIFIC


Mechanics of Fluid Deformations
Rigid Body Rotations and Plane Channel Flow Stability
by Oleg V Troshkin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)                                BESTSELLING TEXTBOOKS
This book covers a new approach to analyzing hydrodynamic
stability. With the use of standard remedies of functional analysis,         Classical Mechanics                                       Over
theory of boundary value problems and infinitesimal Lie algebras, a          (5th Edition)                                          10,00
stability theory is formed for plane channel flows of either viscous or      by Tom W B Kibble & Frank H Berkshire                        0
                                                                                                                                    c o p ie
ideal incompressible fluid. It is shown in the book that large vortex        (Imperial College London, UK)                                   s
mushrooms of an ideal incompressible fluid in a vertical strip behind a                                                              sol d
                                                                             “Classical Mechanics by T Kibble and F Berkshire
water hammer proves to be 2D (plane-parallel) nonlinear (for arbitrary
disturbances of initial velocities) and long wave stable.                    is tailor-made for budding theoreticians. It lays
                                                                             the groundwork for relativity and quantum
Readership: Researchers interested in fluid stability, vortices in oceans,   theory, quickly progressing beyond Newtonian
rivers, ducts.
                                                                             mechanics to the alternative formulations
448pp                          Oct 2020                                      of Joseph Lagrange and William Hamilton.”
978-981-122-555-0              US$148       £130                             New Scientist

                                                                             This fifth edition of the well-established
 Textbook                                                                    textbook provides a complete introduction
                                                                             of classical mechanics to undergraduate
Lecture Notes on Mechanics                                                   students. It emphasizes the basic principles,
Intermediate Level                                                           and aims to progress rapidly to be able to
by Lock Yue Chew (Nanyang Technological                                      solve interesting physics problems without getting bogged down in
University, Singapore) & Elbert Chia (Nanyang                                excessive formalism. Lagrangian methods are introduced at a relatively
Technological University, Singapore)
                                                                             early stage, to get students to appreciate their use in simple contexts.
This book is for students who have completed                                 A prior knowledge of elementary calculus is assumed.
an introductory course in mechanics at the
                                                                             500pp                         Jun 2004
freshman level. It emphasizes perspectives,
                                                                             978-1-86094-424-6             US$86        £71
concepts and methods that are usually skimmed through in freshman
                                                                             978-1-86094-435-2(pbk)        US$33        £27
courses because of their advanced nature, such as the notions
where vectors are coordinate free, the role of Galilean Relativity on
invariance and covariance of physical quantities, and a framework            Essential Classical Mechanics
to perform calculations free from the constraint of a fixed axis in          by Choonkyu Lee (Seoul National University,
rotational dynamics. It serves as a link between a basic introduction to     South Korea) & Hyunsoo Min (University of
Newtonian mechanics and sophomore’s courses based on Lagrangian              Seoul, South Korea)
and Hamiltonian dynamics.
                                                                             “The authors deliver a highly readable text
172pp                          Aug 2020                                      which should assure a continued supply of
978-981-121-310-6              US$68        £60                              practitioners of classical mechanics and its
978-981-121-437-0(pbk)         US$28        £25                              applications.” Contemporary Physics

                                                                             764pp                          Jun 2018
 Textbook                                                                    978-981-3234-64-2              US$148       £130
                                                                             978-981-3239-65-4(pbk)         US$78        £70
Introduction to Classical
Mechanics                                                                    Essential Classical Mechanics:
by John Dirk Walecka (College of William
and Mary, USA)                                                               Problems and Solutions
                                                                             508pp                          Sep 2018
Key Features:
     ○    Provides a clear, self-contained,                                  978-981-3270-05-3              US$98        £85                            11
          calculus-based introduction to                                     978-981-3270-97-8(pbk)         US$48        £40
          classical mechanics for first-year
     ○    Takes one from Newton’s law to Hamilton’s principle of             An Introduction to Lagrangian
          stationary action and Lagrangian continuum mechanics               Mechanics (2nd Edition)
          in a relatively concise presentation                               by Alain J Brizard (Saint Michael’s College, USA)
     ○    Contains an extensive set of accessible problems that
          enhances and extends the coverage. Detailed solutions              “This book provides a ver y interesting
          are provided in a separate manual.                                 presentation of ideas and methods from
                                                                             classical mechanics. It is reasonably self-
184pp                          Apr 2020                                      contained, and should also be regarded as
978-981-121-743-2              US$78        £70                              recommended reading both for the novice
978-981-121-823-1(pbk)         US$38        £35                              and the expert in theoretical mechanics.
                                                                             Brizard’s book is a valuable contribution to the
Introduction to Classical Mechanics:                                         considered subject.” Pure and Applied Geophysics
Solutions to Problems
                                                                             324pp                          Jan 2015
152pp                          Oct 2020
                                                                             978-981-4623-61-2              US$98        £81
978-981-122-494-2              US$78        £70
                                                                             978-981-4623-62-9(pbk)         US$58        £48
978-981-122-762-2(pbk)         US$38        £35
Physics and Astronomy 2021

                                                                                         COMPUTATIONAL, MATHEMATICAL
     Waves and Rays in Seismology                                                          AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS
             Book Series
                                                                                     Theoretical Physics in Your Face
                                                                                     Selected Correspondence of Sidney Coleman
                                                                                     by Aaron S Wright (Dalhousie University, Canada) &
                                                                                     Diana Coleman & David Kaiser (Massachusetts Institute of
                                                                                     Technology, USA)
                                                                                     Sidney Coleman was a renowned theoretical physicist, who
                                                                                     contributed critical work on quantum field theory, high-energy
                                                                                     particle physics, and cosmology. He was also a remarkably effective
                                                                                     teacher who mentored generations of physicists. This selection of
                                                                                     his previously unpublished correspondence illuminates changes in
                                                                                     theoretical physics and in academic life over the course of Coleman’s
                                                                                     illustrious career. The letters show the depth of Coleman’s activities
                                                                                     and interests, including science fiction, space travel, and the US
                                                                                     counter culture. The volume also includes for the first time in print
                                                                                     Coleman’s legendary lecture “Quantum Mechanics in Your Face.”

                                                                                     450pp                        Aug 2021
     Waves and Rays in Seismology                                                    978-981-120-135-6            US$98       £85
     Answers to Unasked Questions (3rd Edition)                                      978-981-120-204-9(pbk)       US$48       £40
     by Michael A Slawinski (Memorial University, Canada)
     Reviews of the Second Edition:                                                  Understanding Gravity
     “This one-of-a-kind book is refreshing in its presentation of an amazing        The Generation Model Approach
     blend of fundamental scientific and philosophical questions with their          by Brian Albert Robson (Australian National University, Australia)
     practical implications to concrete examples in Seismology. It is refined in     At present, one of the deepest problems in theoretical physics is
     its style, in the sophistication of its quotes, in the breadth of its sources   harmonizing General Relativity, which describes gravitation, with
     and in the many details that reveal a labour of love.” Marcelo Epstein,         quantum mechanics, which describes the other three fundamental
     University of Calgary, Canada                                                   forces acting on the atomic scale. This book aims to provide an
     650pp                           Dec 2020                                        understanding of gravity in terms of a quantum theory given by the
     978-981-122-643-4               US$188       £165                               Generation Model, an alternative to the Standard Model of particle
                                                                                     physics. The author presents a fully quantum theory of gravity, which
     Waves and Rays in Elastic Continua (4th Edition)                                describes both the large cosmological scale and the small atomic scale
     by Michael A Slawinski (Memorial University, Canada)                            interactions between all particles.

     Reviews of the Second Edition:                                                  200pp                        Jul 2021
     “The text provides a modern mathematical physics context for seismic            978-981-121-491-2            US$88       £75
     wave and ray theory, acting as a bridge between the disciplines of
     mathematical physics and geophysics that will benefit anyone interested
     in these topics. The craft and care of the author make this new edition          Textbook
     highly recommended.” The Leading Edge
                                                                                     A Mathematics Primer for Physics Students
     680pp                           Oct 2020                                        by Andrew E Blechman (Wayne State University, USA)
     978-981-122-640-3               US$188       £165
                                                                                     Key Features:
                                                                                          ○    Covers mathematical methods needed in advanced
     Wavefronts and Rays as Characteristics and                                                undergraduate or early graduate physics studies
     Asymptotics (3rd Edition)                                                            ○    Includes a wide range of topics: linear algebra, vector
12   by Andrej Bóna (Curtin University, Australia) &                                           and tensor analysis, geometric tools such as metrics and
     Michael A Slawinski (Memorial University, Canada)
                                                                                               curvature, mathematical groups, etc., avoiding the need
     Reviews of the Second Edition:                                                            to get several books or plow through more advanced
     “I like this book for the style that leads the reader from the simple to the              texts.
     complex, but which also includes a variety of physical sciences applications.        ○    Emphasizes on examples that you would see in physics
     The treatment is kept at a level of mathematics that is useful for the                    problems with less formalism and proof, suitable for
     physical scientist, providing insight to many of the issues encountered in
                                                                                               students who are not necessarily studying the pure
     applications.” John Stockwell, Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado
     School of Mines
                                                                                     300pp                        Jun 2021
     356pp                           Oct 2020
                                                                                     978-981-3238-01-5            US$78       £69
     978-981-122-646-5               US$128       £115

     On Foundations of Seismology
     Bringing Idealizations Down to Earth
     by James Robert Brown (University of Toronto,
     Canada) & Michael A Slawinski (Memorial
     University, Canada)
     184pp                           Jun 2017
     978-981-4329-49-1               US$88        £73
For more information, visit:                                                                    WORLD SCIENTIFIC

Scale Transitions as Foundations                                          Differential Geometry through
of Physics                                                                Supersymmetric Glasses
by Ioan Merches (Al I Cuza University,                                    by A V Smilga (University of Nantes, France)
Romania), Maricel Agop (Asachi Technical
University, Romania) & Nicolae Mazilu                                     “Professor Smilga has contributed in many of
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia)                                  these developments and the book has been
                                                                          written by expert hands. The reader will navigate
The scale transitions are essential to physical                           through the theory of Special Geometric
knowledge. The book describes the techniques
                                                                          Structures explained both from traditional
for the construction of a theoretical physics
                                                                          Differential Geometry and Supersymmetry
founded on scale transition. The indispensable
mathematical technique is analyticity, helping in the construction of     points of view. The material is clearly exposed and illustrated
space coordinate systems. The indispensable theoretical technique         with many pictures, a pleasant feature for an advanced textbook.
from physical point of view is the affine theory of surfaces. The         This book is essential reading for those that want to understand
connection between the two techniques is provided by a duality in         the fascinating relation between Geometry and Supersymmetry.”
defining the physical properties.                                         Georgios Papadopoulos, King’s College London, UK
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Physics,                 348pp                         Jul 2020
Mathematics and Engineering.                                              978-981-120-677-1             US$118        £105
358pp                        Mar 2021
978-981-123-186-5            US$128       £115
Roman Jackiw                                                              An Introduction to Inverse
80th Birthday Festschrift                                                 Problems in Physics
edited by Antti Niemi (University of Stockholm,                           by M Razavy (University of Alberta, Canada)
Sweden), Terry Tomboulis (University of
California, Los Angeles, USA) & Kok Khoo Phua                             This book is a compilation of different methods
(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)                             of formulating and solving inverse problems
                                                                          in physics from classical mechanics to the
Key Features:
                                                                          potentials and nucleus-nucleus scattering.
     ○    Dedicated to Roman Jackiw, a
                                                                          The emphasis here is on finding numerical solutions to complicated
          theoretical physicist known for his
          fundamental contributions in high                               equations. A detailed discussion is presented on the use of continued
          energy physics, gravitation, condensed matter and the           fractional expansion, its power and its limitation as applied to various
          physics of fluids.                                              physical problems. In particular, the inverse problem for discrete form
     ○    With contributions from prominent scientists including          of the wave equation is given a detailed exposition and applied to
          two Nobel laureates and one Field Medalist.                     atomic and nuclear scattering. This technique is also used for inverse
     ○    Also included are personal recollections and humorous           problem of geomagnetic induction and one-dimensional electrical
          anecdotes from Jackiw’s friends and colleagues.                 conductivity. Among other topics covered are the inverse problem
336pp                        Aug 2020                                     of torsional vibration, and also a chapter on the determination of the
978-981-121-066-2            US$118       £105                            motion of a body with reflecting surface from its reflection coefficient.

                                                                          Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematical and
                                                                          applied physics.
                                                                          388pp                         Jul 2020
Theory of Groups and Symmetries                                           978-981-122-166-8             US$118        £105
Representations of Groups and Lie
Algebras, Applications
by Alexey P Isaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear                            Statistical Mechanics and
Research, Dubna, Russia & M V Lomonosov                                   Scientific Explanation
Moscow State University, Russia) &                                        Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws
Valery A Rubakov (Russian Academy of
                                                                          of Nature
Sciences, Russia & M V Lomonosov Moscow
                                                                          edited by Valia Allori (Northern Illinois
State University, Russia)                                                                                                                             13
                                                                          University, USA)
This book is a sequel to the book by the same authors titled Theory of
                                                                          The book explores several open questions
Groups and Symmetries: Finite Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras. The
presentation begins with the Dirac notation, which is illustrated by      in the philosophy and the foundations of
boson and fermion oscillator algebras and also Grassmann algebra.         statistical mechanics. Each chapter is written
Then, finite-dimensional representations of various groups and their      by a leading expert in philosophy of physics and/or mathematical
Lie algebras are presented. Finally, the covering groups Spin(p, q) for   physics. The questions addressed in the book are, to mention a few
pseudo-orthogonal groups SO↑(p, q) are studied.                           examples: “How can one extend Boltzmann’s analysis to the quantum
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in theoretical phys-        domain? Can indeterminism help or it does not play a fundamental
ics and mathematical physics.                                             role?” and “Statistical mechanics has two main formulations: one due
                                                                          to Boltzmann and the other due to Gibbs. What is the connection
616pp                        Aug 2020                                     between the two formulations? Is one more fundamental than the
978-981-121-740-1            US$178       £155                            other?”

                                                                          Readership: Graduate and research level students and professional
Also by the authors                                                       in mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, quantum theory and
 Textbook                                                                 physics.

Theory of Groups and Symmetries                                           700pp                         May 2020
Finite Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras                               978-981-121-171-3             US$168        £150

476pp                        May 2018
978-981-3236-85-1            US$138       £121
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