Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine

Page created by Gary Pearson
Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
Issue 9
                    Mar-May 2016

Off the

 Casting a new eye on angling
Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
                                                                                                                          Off the Scale
                                                - and not just pike either!

                                                IFI continue to kill pike because they

  t is that time of the year again (already!)   maintain that “pike feed preferentially
  when Nature suddenly begins to                on trout” in these lakes. From a scientific
  rouse from her apparent slumber.              basis (on which fisheries management
                                                                                                                                    Ireland’s number one angling magazine
The fishing prospects for most of you,          MUST be based), this is complete
whatever you prefer to target, will get         rubbish, based only on biased personal
better and better from hereon in. The           opinions and very poor, non peer-
trout season is now well and truly open;        reviewed science. It beggars belief                       Follow us:
more salmon will begin to filter into our       that anyone, let alone the organisation
rivers as time passes; numbers of sea           in charge of Irish inland fisheries, can
species like bass and mullet (hopefully,        believe that pike are the cause of the
see pg 58) will start to pick up; almost        national decline in trout stocks. To                      Read us:        
all coarse fish will soon be on the munch       anyone with a modicum of common
in readiness for spawning. It’s a great         sense and logic, it is abundantly clear
time of the year to be an angler...Thats        that water enrichment (eutrophication)                    Contact us:     
the good news. However, there is much           and quality problems are the major
bad news at the moment with regards             issue, along with the spread of roach
to over-fishing, pollution and, here in         throughout Irish systems, which can
Ireland, the highly controversial subject       compete heavily with trout. There is          Acknowledgments                                Cover shot: A Brown trout being
of predator control.                            scientific proof for all of this and none                                                    lovingly returned
                                                that says pike cause trout stocks             A huge thanks and well done to Dan O
                                                                                                                                             Photo credit: Bill Brazier
At the beginning of March, Inland               to collapse. That is not how Nature           Kelly, Jason Nash, John Fleming, Karl
Fisheries Ireland (IFI), for those that         works. Incidentally, the trout stocks and     Bohan, Michael O Reilly, Barry Murphy,
have somehow missed the fallout,                ecosystems of these great lakes were          Gary Robinson, Marina Gibson, Craig             About our page navigation
decided to recommence gill netting              fine until man started to intervene...        Murphy, Leon Roskilly and Gary Doyle for        Navigating through the magazine is easy!
once again on selected Irish lakes;                                                           their issue 9 contributions.                    Simply click or tap the white buttons
namely Lough’s Conn, Cullin, Carra,             Many anglers, myself included, have had                                                       at the bottom of the page, or use the
Mask, Corrib, Arrow and Sheelin. I do           enough of the ignorance perpetuated by        Thank you to all the people behind the          keyboard arrows
not apologise for what I am about to say        certain factions and individuals within       scenes and our advertisers for their
but the situation is absolutely abhorrent.      IFI on this matter. A protest to end gill     continued support.
As a true all-round angler and fisheries        netting on Irish lakes (pg 8) takes place
biologist I am utterly appalled with            at IFI’s Headquarters on March 24th. All      And lastly, thank you, valued reader, for
IFI, their actions and, most of all,            forward thinking anglers, be they game        your interest.                                          Previous        Next
their attitude towards pike. To use gill        or coarse fans, need to work together to                                                     First page      Contents      Last page
nets to cull pike on these large lakes          end the barbarity.                            Spread the word! Send emails, like and         The boring fine print...
is sickening for many reasons, least                                                          share us on social media, tell everyone!
                                                                                                                                             The production of this digital publication in both online and pdf versions
of all because IFI have no scientific           This is just the beginning...                                                                automatically signifies that all written, photographic and recorded

justification whatsoever for spending                                                         Let’s all cast a new eye on angling            media material exist under copyright towards Off the Scale and its
                                                                                                                                             contributors. No material herein may be reproduced in any form
almost €0.25m per year on doing so,                                                           together...                                    without the explicit permission of Off the Scale.
                                                                                                                                             The views expressed by contributors within this publication are not
killing thousands of fish in the process                                                                                                     necessarily those held by Off the Scale.

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
just normal.                                 out till half nine or ten, not to mention
MY                                                                                               I’ll fast forward a few years
                                                                                       now, to when I turned 20 and got my
                                                                                                                                    the dangers of driving that early in
                                                                                                                                    the morning in the winter... So, it was

                                                                                       first car. Suddenly I was not confined to    decided that we would try staying over
                                                                                       lifts or the 65 Bus to Blesso’ (to give it   and do some night fishing. Being carp
                                                                                       it`s Dublin slang name) anymore and a        anglers we had the equipment to do it
                                                                                       new world opened up. Although I had          so we did. After the first session, which

CENTS                                                                                  great faith in Blesso’ at the time, myself
                                                                                       and a few angling buddies started to
                                                                                       try other smaller waters around Cavan,
                                                                                                                                    was in about 2002, we have not looked
                                                                                                                                              Over the next seven seasons I
                                                                                       Monaghan, Meath, Longford, etc. But          clocked up a lot of nights, some winters
                                                                                       we always returned to Blesso’. We had        up to 80 nights. The fish kept coming
By Dan O Kelly                                     Dan O Kelly is                      good success but it was hard going.          and many high doubles and twenties

Photography by Dan O Kelly & friends
                                               one of Ireland’s most                   After about five years of intense fishing    were caught but we struggled to get
                                          prominent and respected big                  on Blesso’ all I had for my efforts was      fish over 25lbs. I was getting more into
             irstly I would like to try  fish anglers, especially in carp              three fish over the 20lb mark. Well          carp fishing and more interested in
             and to explain to other    and pike circles. His dedication,              appreciated, of course, but we started       fishery management at the time and
             anglers, i.e. not pike                                                    hearing about another big lake that          was starting to see patterns in some
                                         passion, knowledge and results
             anglers, what a big                                                       was producing numbers of big doubles         lakes regarding size i.e. ceiling weights.
                                       are almost unrivaled. The following             and twenties. A boat was dropped on          In most carp circles it is pretty much
             pike from the Western
                                          article tries to go some way to              this lake and a few recce sessions were      known what is to be expected from
             Lough’s means, or
             any big lake for that     explaining Dan’s views on the pike              done. It was quickly obvious that we         each water and I started to think that
matter. It all started for me back       control and culling in the great              could get greater numbers of bigger          this could be the same with pike waters.
in the 80s when my father used             Western lough’s of Ireland,                 fish from this lake. All faith in Blesso’    My attentions started to turn to the
to bring us to Blessington in the           places where he has spent                  was lost and all attention was now on        Western Lough’s and one in particular -
winter to fish for these big green               a great deal of his                   this new water. I believed that with the     the Daddy, the Iron Maiden, the Mecca
pike things. My father would have                    fishing life.                     number of fish we were getting that a        that is Lough Mask. I started to do my
favoured trout in the summer                                                           30-plus was only a matter of time.           research and borrowed a book from
but we would try our luck at pike in the                                                         I continued in this belief for a   a friend Rory. It was Neville Fickling’s
winter, with no great success I might      guess this did not take long to capture     number of years. After the first year        re-edited and updated version of the
add but great memories all the same.       the imagination of a young lad. This is     we decided to try bivving up. I was          late Fred Buller’s Book of Mammoth
I remember walking back to the car at      where my fascination with pike started      fishing four days a week at this time,       Pike. This book inspired me and I read
dusk on summer evening after a day’s       and to this day has not stopped. Those      back-to-back, and was getting fed up         it cover-to-cover time and time again. I
trout fishing and seeing big pike dart     early days in Blessington, hard as they     with getting up at 5am each morning          even brought it with me when I fished
out from the side of the shore, making     were with little fish to show for our       to drive around Tallaght conducting a        there to give me inspiration if my faith
what seemed like massive bow waves         efforts, were, in fact, a good thing as     wake-up service for my angling besties.      was slipping on a tough session. After
to a small boy. These mystical creatures   since then I`ve never been afraid to        Then to have to drive to the lake to         a couple a sessions and soakings the
would disappear into the night as quick    tackle big waters. It’s a thing that some   launch the boat and proceed down the         book ended up in bits and I could not
as they appeared. Well, as you can         anglers shy away from but for me it’s       lake, probably not getting your rods         with a straight face hand it back to Rory

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
so I had to acquire a new copy! Rory        approach and I was fully prepared to
then sniffed out three articles by Mark     take it on the chin to achieve my goals.
Ackerley on his Mask antics which in                 It took us four nights before
turn were read, examined, scrutinised.      we got our first run; a perfectly formed
Thankfully Mark did not put in the          five pounder was the result for me.
X and Y coordinates for                               Later that same November
successful areas. I                     “My               day I had a 7lbs trout, a
hate getting details                                         welcome surprise which
of where best to                    attentions                 I returned with great
fish - I prefer to            started to turn to                  care and respect.
travel around and                                                  The following
use my own gut             the Western Lough’s February I caught                         1                                           2
feelings. Getting          and one in particular the same fish
exact locations I                                                   about 600 yards
feel are an insult
                           - the   Daddy,     the    Iron          away at 7lb 14oz.
to my water craft            Maiden, the Mecca                    Again, I returned
and severely lessen                                             it with care. A few
the achievement.
                                 that   is Lough              weeks later I caught
          So it was in ‘07             Mask”               the fish twice more in
that myself and Noel started                           two sessions in the same
to fish Lough Mask. The first few               swim. A few days after that a boat
sessions were hard and not what we          trolled passed me and caught a fish that
were used to, but we had expected this      looked like the same one. Unfortunately
and were prepared for it. I had come to     a Priest was summoned from the               3                                           4
the conclusion that I needed to think       tackle bag and the last rites were
                                                                                         excises one morning we set off in the       1 - 4. I caught this magnificent 7lb+ Mask
like a carp angler and not like a pike      administered and that was the end of                                                     trout on four separate occasions before
angler. In carp fishing we will set out     that. I never saw the beautiful, friendly    boat for a swim we liked the look of
                                                                                                                                     it was sadly killed by an angler fishing for
at the start of a season with targets,      fish again.                                  on the previous week. Bivvies were set      trout. A crying shame.
particular fish we want to catch. It’s               By this time I was working a        up, the rods were placed and the kettle
nothing to sit for a week for one take,     full-time job and weekends were the          was brewing when I got a single beep.       times. Not the thirty I had hoped for
or even a month or a season to achieve      only time I could get away so it was         I looked out to see an oil patch above      but a PB and it only took seven nights
your goals and a lot of the time you        long drives on a Friday evening to get       one of my baits. It was a strange fight     on Mask to beat what I’d done in seven
don’t. I decided that I would adopt this    to the lake. With the winds the way          where the fish did nothing till it got      years on the previous lake. Optimism
frame of mind for Mask as I knew it         they are over there sometimes we             close in and then the fight began. Still,   levels shot through the roof, as it was
was not going to throw up the goods         would not even get to fish the first night   shortly afterwards I had it on the bank     clear that our strategy was right and it
easily. But, if I wanted to beat my PB at   and would have to sleep in the cars,         and it was clearly the biggest pike I’d     was only a matter of keeping the faith
the time of 26lb 12oz and get the 30lb+     which is not much fun when it’s full of      ever caught. There was a scramble for       and the pressure on and the big fish
I had tried for over so many nights,        bivvies and bedchairs and you suffer         the scales and camera. We weighed her       would come… I went around on cloud
months, years, then I needed a different    with whiplash. After a few stretching        on two scales and it read 29lb 10oz both    nine for the next few months.

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
5. Seven days on the right                   water’s edge. So we headed off and did       (!), I landed it and it was clearly a nice
                                             water is better than seven                   a night in our second choice of swim.        fish. I knew I was in or around the thirty
                                             years on the wrong water...
                                             29lb 10oz from 2007, a PB at
                                                                                          That resulted in a 12lbs for me and the      mark I wanted. I lifted the sling but was
                                             the time.                                    next morning Deego had the very same         suffering a case of shaky hands, then
                                                                                          fish. All night I was thinking of going      the other rod went off. Deego quickly
                                             6. Fishing from the “unfishable              back to the unfishable swim; something       sacked the fish while I hit the other rod.
                                             swim” was difficult but paid off
                                                                                          felt right about it. So we went back and     An 18lb’er was the result of that run
                                                                                          cleared a few spots for the rods and         and was quickly returned so all eyes
                                                                                          managed to get the baits out.                could focus back on the fish in the sack.
                                            poor years, captures wise. I was not                    Eight o’ clock the next morning    I found a suitable tree to hang a piece
                                            going to let another year slip by so I        I had a screamer and after hitting the       of cord, that I carry for such occasions,
                                            headed once again to Mask. Noel had           fish I could not make out what size it       from. Shaky hands would not be an
                                            gone off the scene at this time and I         was as they don`t seem to fight much         issue then! The needle landed bang on
                                            was joined by another friend of mine,         till they get in close on Mask. Due to the   30lb. I did not want to call it so I turned
                                            Deego. I had gone out a few days earlier      amount of trees in the swim I knew I         the scales round to Deego and said “you
                                            than Deego and was on an island taking        would have to be in my chesties to land      call it”, to which he replied “Dan, ye
                                            in the weather when I had a screaming         the fish. I called for Deego to come with    know what? That’s your 30 there!” My
                                            run. The result was a 23lb 12oz fish          the boat just in case it was required        reply was an uncontrollable roar, which
   5                                        which was my 50th over twenty. Due to         to land the fish. Thankfully it wasn’t       surprised even me! For years I had put
                                            the bad weather the previous winters          and I landed it by just wading out as        myself under massive pressure to catch
         Again, I’ll fast forward a few     my last twenty was in 2010 and I had          far as I could.
years to 2012. As we were in the depths     waited since then to get to the 50 mark.      As normal she
of recession the one up-shot                         I stayed another night in that       woke up as she
was that I now had no                   “so               swim and in the morning         got into the
job and plenty of time                                       I caught the same fish       margins, so
for fishing. Longer                 there I was                 again this time exactly   there I was up
trips on Mask were             up to my belly in                  a pound heavier. It     to my belly in
possible now. It`s                                                 was clear that the     water fighting
an ill wind that              water fighting this                  fish were on the       this fish on a
blows no good.             fish on a nice winter’s munch so it was                        nice winter’s
The winters of ‘10                                                                        morning with
and ‘11 had been            morning with the sun time to get moving                       the sun shining
                                                                   and try and get on
write-off’s - the             shining - it doesn’t                other fish. Deego       - it doesn’t
coldest in living                                                                         get any better
memory. Most of
                                 get any better                  arrived later that day
                                                                                          than that. After
                                                               and we headed off to
the lakes were frozen                than that”             another swim, but not         some poor
over and if they weren’t                                before having a look at an        speculation
it was too dangerous to travel                   area which looked great, except for      of the weight
to them, so as a result both were very
                                            the large amount of trees close to the        from Deego

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
a 30lb-plus pike and now I had done         recognised it as the 30 from the year
it. All those years of getting out of bed   before. She had a unmistakable mark on
at 5am, all those nights spent holding      the top of her back. This time she only
the bivvy so that the wind didn’t blow      pulled the scales around to 27lb 8oz but
it away had all come down to this one       was very welcome.
moment in time and it was my moment.                Skip another year ahead in time
           I had to go sit
in the bivvy for a while
to gather myself and
let it all sink in. Shortly
afterwards I thought it
would be a smashing
idea to go and get
some celebratory beer
and that I did. Deego
had to go that day
so I spent the rest of                                                                        8
the day and evening
contemplating what                                                                         7. After many years of trying my scales finally settled
had just happened. At                                                                      on 30lb exactly
11am the next morning
                                                                                           8. 30lb on the nose. A incredible fish from an incredible
I had another run on                                                                       water. I caught the same fish again the next morning!
a different rod and,
yep, you’ve guessed          7
it, it was the same fish                                                                                                           got a run; happy days, the first run in 19
again, this time weighing 30lb 12oz.        now to 2014, the year we had massive                                                   nights. As the fish was pumped closer
That`s fishing for you - you wait years     flooding nationwide and when the
for a thirty and then you’ve got two in a   lakes were at record levels. The high
                                                                                                “That’s                            it was clear that something was not
                                                                                                                                   right. White marks could be seen on the
matter of hours!                            coloured water made for poor fishing              fishing for                          fish from a full thirty yards away. There
           Fast forward another year and    and between myself and Deego we had             you - you wait                         was not much of a fight to speak of and
I was back in the same swim, the rods       clocked up 19 nights fishing with only                                                 she just sailed in. Soon this behaviour
out only an hour and I got a run. It got    one 7lbs trout for Deego to show for our       years for a thirty                      became understandable due to the
snagged in something so the boat was        efforts. This period involved moving the     and then you’ve got                       condition the fish was in. I will let the
required, which Deego did the honours       entire set up every 24 hours to find the                                               pictures explain.
with, and we went out after the fish.       fish, so it was a lot of work for nothing.    two in a matter of                                 The fish had clearly been in a
When we got over the fish there was a       We were fishing in another swim not                 hours! ”                           gill net for some time. I’ll never know if
piece of gorse bush that was snagging       miles away from the swim I’d caught the                                                the fish managed to get out of the net
the line which soon fell off and the fish   big one with mark on her back from the                                                 or if it was realised. There was no IFI tag
came up to the surface. We instantly        previous two years. At 2am one night I                                                 in the fish so I assume it managed to get

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
9 - 11. A once great fish mutilated almost
                                                                                                                                   beyond recognition due to gill nets. She
                                                                                                                                   weighed just 21lb 14oz when I caught her on
                                                                                                                                   this (the last) occasion. Clearly, she was not
                                                                                                                                   long for this world due to her severe injuries.
                                                                                                                                   It’s an absolute disgrace that this should
                                                                                                                                   happen at the hands of man, let alone men
                                                                                                                                   charged with protecting our inland waters.

                                                                                                                                   12. Devastating to see any fish, pike or
                                                                                                                                   otherwise, in such a state. Gill netting simply
                                                                                                                                   cannot continue.

  9                                                                 10
out itself, or someone did not want to
sign their own work. The week before
there had been a massive storm and it’s
possible that it was unsafe to check the
nets for a number of days, which then
begs the next question - why were they
put out in the first place? Ironically, it
had a small pike of about 2lbs down
its throat, so even in its pitiable state
it was still doing its natural duty and
controlling the numbers of small pike.
The fish weighed a poultry 21lb 14oz
and if it was not for its recent dinner it
might not have even made 20lb. I ended
up catching this fish five times over
three years, twice at 30lb+ and once at           11                                                            12
29lb, 27lb and finally 21lb 14oz. Yes, this
was the same big pike with the mark on        was meagre in comparison. I wonder        abundant to prove that it doesn’t work        and using tax payers money to do it
her back…                                     what a rod caught 30lb pike is worth to   and is only cruel. Trying to beat nature      (nice work if you can get it I suppose).
          I remember there were figures       the economy? I know a gill net-caught     is a fool’s errand and always will be.        Incredibly, at the same time these same
released years ago stating that a rod-        one costs the State money, so where’s     But these bias people, which our State        people putting roach caught in gill
caught salmon was worth €1500 to the          the sense in that? There is none, never   trusts to manage our inland fisheries,        nets back. ROACH!!! A highly invasive
economy and a drift net caught salmon         was and never will be. The science is     are blatantly running their own agenda        and non-indigenous species are been

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
returned and indigenous pike, the apex       only have to look at the findings of the
predator that is Nature’s control to
fish such as roach, is being removed!
I watched them [IFI officers] one day
                                             team led by Dr. Debbi Pedreschi at UCD,
                                             which proved (through genetic analysis)
                                             that pike are native to this country
                                                                                          Stop pike culling in Ireland
as they removed roach and just threw                and have been for the last 8000
them back over the boat. You                                 years. IFI will bang on
could not make this up. I                  “The                  about conserving the
was expecting the arrival                                           trout stocks but
of Jeremy Beadle any
                                        day that     Dr.               they seemed
minute but he, along              Pedreschi’s paper                      to manage
with common sense,                  was published...                      just fine
were nowhere to be                                                         long before
seen that day, or any           should have seen IFI                       IFI where
other.                        put their hands up and around. The
         There are                                                         day that Dr.
many other points               say “sorry, we’ve got                     Pedreschi’s
about gill netting that          it wrong for the last                   paper was
will be covered in this                                                published, which
issue so I’m not going to            60 odd years””                  in fairness poured
try and cover them all. This is,                                 scorn on previous        Inland Fisheries Ireland continue to spend hundreds of
just as the title suggest “my two                             publications on the         thousands of Euro each year to manage and control pike stocks
cents” worth. However, one other point                subject, should have seen IFI       on selected Irish lakes which support stocks of wild Brown trout
I will make about my feelings on the         put their hands up and say “sorry, we’ve     through the use of gill netting.
subject, that I’ve not seen mentioned        got it wrong for the last 60 odd years”
anywhere else, is that it’s downright        Did they? – No! What they did was to
                                                                                          Gill nets do not discriminate and kill all manner of bird, mammal
offensive and insulting to watch these       add electrofishing techniques to their
                                                                                          and fish species, including both pike and trout.
guys drop nets to kill the very thing that   pike culling and removal arsenal. So
you have put all your energy, effort,        since these revelations about pike being
time and money into catching; an insult      native to Irish waters they have actually    An abundance of scientific evidence suggests that this practice
to me as a person and an angler. To          stepped up their efforts to remove           does not improve trout stocks, in fact, in many ways it facilitates
have your target species be treated          them.                                        the exact opposite. If you do not believe that pike should be
like a second class citizen by people                                                     persecuted and culled in the name of trout preservation then
who clearly have no understanding - or       You couldn’t make it up…                     please sign and share this petition! A change is management
choose to have no understanding - of                                                      policy is possible!
natural equilibrium and balance, who         DO’K
are just pushing their own deluded
agenda to tailor massive natural lakes
to suit one species of fish, is very hard                                                                      SIGN PETITION
to take. If you need prove of this you

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Off the Scale - Casting a new eye on angling - 2020 Off the Scale magazine
                                                n o n . . .                  salmon by poachers. I have seen the gill nets set on these Loughs

              u r o p                      inio                              around river mouths where they also capture salmon and trout as

     a t’s yo                                                                by-catch.
                                                                                     From 2008-2014 it cost €262,330 to gill net/electrofish Conn
 W h                                                                         and Cullen in the winter time. It is time to rethink the so called “lake
                                                                             management program” from the Dark Ages and start to bring the
                     We asked a whole host of respected anglers,             tourists back into the West again in numbers. If this practice was
                     journalists, fisheries scientists, angling bodies,      stopped, there are many tour operators ready and waiting to send
                     federations and stakeholders from all corners           pike anglers to the Western lakes. It would also save thousands
                     of our pastime what their thoughts were on the          of euro’s and find those who gill net/electrofish for pike a more
                     recent recommencement of gill netting (culling          responsible job. I am one of four guides in the area who all have the
                     and removal) for pike from selected Irish lakes by      same opinion. It is simply a case of gross mismanagement over a
                     Inland Fisheries Ireland. Below are the responses       period spanning decades.
                     we received prior to publication...                             The strange thing is that no one will be held accountable for
                                                                             what went on at Lough Conn/Cullen over the many years. Inspector
                                                                             Declan Cooke, who is in charge of these gill netters, actually joined
    Gill netting of pike in Irish lakes by                                   in to help them. Strangely he is listed as an author of the new IFI
                                                                             Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for pike management and
                                                                             control. This does not make any sense to me, or many others.
          Inland Fisheries Ireland
KENNY SLOAN                                                                                              Click here to watch Kenny
Salmon, trout and pike angling guide,                                                                       Sloan’s video footage
Foxford, Co. Mayo

  have been guiding for salmon, pike and trout in Co. Mayo for the
  past 15 years. I host many groups from France, Italy, Germany
  and the UK. All of the anglers I bring into the region are disgusted
at the gill netting/electrofishing for pike [culling/removal] that they
see taking place while they are fishing with me on Lough Conn and
Cullen. Many come to fish for salmon but also like to try their hand at
pike fly fishing. They save up all year to come here and when they
see Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) killing and removing the very fish that
they are after it does not make sense to them - they do not come
back! I pay my taxes every year to fund this scandal and think the
very people who do this in my part of the world would be better off
patrolling the River Moy and stopping the wholesale slaughter of the

 Pg 9                                                                                                                              Off the Scale
NATIONAL COARSE FISHING                                                                                                          GEOFF COOPER
FEDERATION OF IRELAND (NCFFI)                                                                              Founder of the Irish Angling Alliance (IAA)

T                                                                                          T
     he National Coarse Fishing Federation of                                                    he Oxford dictionaries’ definition of a dictator is: A
     Ireland do not support the wanton slaughter                                                 ruler who has complete power. A person in power
     of wildlife through the use of gill nets, the more so as fish friendly                      who acts cruelly or unfairly. The same dictionary
methods of fishery management are available and in use by IFI. We             describes a megalomaniac as “craving for or mental delusions of
are at a loss to know why this most precious of angling resources is          power” If you throw in with that the fact that most of them are,
being abused and wasted.                                                      while they are getting away with it, actually pocketing a lot of
         The NCFFI are in favour of fishery management, including             money out of the folk they are ignoring or selling short, I reckon that
the capture and transport of fish. Most of the countries’ waters are          pretty well weighs up the bloke that is in charge of Inland Fisheries
managed in this way successfully by Inland Fisheries staff and by             Ireland.
anglers in cooperation with the IFI.                                                  If we also throw into that mix the destruction of some of
         It has been suggested to our executive that IFI’s current            Ireland’s most valuable assets and the wealth that they used to
plans are limited to seven wild trout fisheries. However, while               bring to this country then we’ve pretty much hit the nail on the
acknowledging that the practice will no longer be widespread,                 head.
we view the use of gill nets as barbaric and any use is a cause of            The shame and disgrace any normal person would feel would either
major concern. We will continue to review inconsistencies in the              bring about their resignation or the seeing of sense and make a
implementation of fisheries law and work to challenge them.                   massive attempt to redeem themselves and put right the wrongs
         We believe in the right to protest for everyone and the              they have condoned during their tenure. This won’t happen of
NCFFI will complement the public campaign by meeting with the                 course as this does not fit the physiognomy of the deluded.
department and politicians if need be.                                                Consider the world of mega business. The directors of
         Meanwhile it is important for our overseas anglers to continue       operations for each particular company are judged on their
to see the good angling product we have on offer on Ireland’s free            merits and what they have each achieved for that organization.
public waters. We must continue to support the rural communities              The ones that step up to the mark are amply rewarded. The ones
many of whom rely on the economic benefit of angling tourism.                 that don’t are swiftly thrown into the gutter. I guess you would
We need to ensure that our challenge to the rules for this particular         think that under those circumstances the bloke that oversees the
campaign does not damage the good work and contribution from                  destruction of Ireland’s coarse fish, the dismantling of our tourist
our clubs across the island and deter the visiting angler from coming         industry through the shear bad management of all he surveys plus
back to enjoy our angling.                                                    the turning of a blind eye to certain pollution issues, would have his
         Quite apart from any ethical question (and there are many)           lords and masters at least asking him what the hell is he playing at.
the significant economic value, (€100 million is the estimate for the         Unfortunately, public office in many cases doesn’t work like that -
Irish Pike Fishery alone) should give cause for a rethink.                    certainly not in this wonderful country of ours. Fiddling whilst Rome
                                                                              burns is an anachronism that instantly springs to mind. The powers
                                                                              that be are either badly informed or on a different planet.
                                                                                      Almost all dictators have the proverbial Achilles heel. It is
                                                                              the fact that they continue to ignore the thousands of ordinary folk
                                                                              that surround them and treat them with utter contempt. Ultimately,

Pg 10                                                                                                                                Off the Scale
good and honest folk cry ‘enough is enough’ and begin to work as             Rubbish dumped by the local council spread as far as the eye
a body to bring down the perpetrators who miscarry the office in             could see. I got there bright and early and set aside the rubbish.
which they stand. I firmly believe that there is now a groundswell of        Also as far as the eye could see were British anglers on every peg.
feeling amongst the Irish/UK angling fraternities that is now strong         I managed to find a gap and my first cast produced a bream
and relentless. We at the Irish Angling Alliance (IAA) are prepared          around 4lbs in weight. The next cast produced a similar fish.
to lead the charge and bring down the folk who blatantly ignore              Looking down the line of anglers almost everybody else was doing
us. The IAA was formed with the object and desire to bring together          similar. The bream stocks were beyond the wildest dreams of any
whatever discipline all anglers partake in with a common objective;          angler. If you fish there now I defy anybody to catch bream of
to protect and improve what we have here. By having a common                 any description. Where did they go? All now gone, without any
goal we can do this.                                                         investigation by the IFI or any of its regional offices or predecessors.
        Let’s forget all the petty squabbles between certain factions                 I fished there for several days on my first visit and to be honest
that have taken place in the past. Forget the clash of personalities.        I bored of filling up to three large keep nets every day and decided
We must now all work together before it really is too late. Go with us       to visit the canal at Rahan. It was beautiful and almost virgin water.
at the Irish Angling Alliance. We have the knowledge and expertise           That day I landed over 90lbs of superb rudd, bream, perch and
to win our case. We are working for you and with you to stop the             hybrids. It was angling El dorado. From an angling point of view,
carnage that is taking place on our great lakes. Help us to turn our         worth a King’s ransom.
angling economy back to being vibrant and flourishing once again.                     Several other lads, on my recommendation decided to
Help us to stop water pollution and bring the miscreants to justice.         give it a go. I’d decided to take a day off and on their return they
With the help and backing of the good folk of Ireland and the UK             reported bank to bank dead fish. I visited the scene and I found an
we can now stop the rot.                                                     area where slurry had been dumped into the canal. I phoned the
        I ask the question; who pays the wages of the employees              SHRFB (now IFI Limerick) and told them of the fish kill. The person on
of Inland Fisheries Ireland? YOU DO - the tax paying public. Are             the other end of the phone reacted quickly and with interest. I then
we happy with how they squander our hard earned cash. You bet                pinpointed the location. There was a drawn out pause. The person
we’re not. Now is the time do something about it.                            then said, “Coarse fish?” I replied that they were. The person then
                                                                             said, “Oh don’t worry if they are only coarse fish” I was staggered,
         So I’ve written my personal opinions of the current regime –        but began to get the picture.
barbaric, and it has no idea of how to manage our precious coarse                     Over the years I have witnessed many awful things. The gill
fish stock. The gill netting controversy is only part of the bigger          netted fish that were sold to the pet factory at Edgeworsthtown by
picture when it comes to the total disregard of our valuable assets.         the SHRFB. Dead bream on Lough Forbes in their thousands. Illegal
Here is a short resume of my experiences in these matters over the           fyke nets, some with dead otters in them plus hundred weights of
last thirty years…                                                           dead coarse fish with no response from either the old SHRFB or the
         My first visits to this country were as an angling tourist. I was   new IFI. Yes the gill nets HAVE to go but they are just an integral part
pointed in the direction of Cartontroy on the outskirts of Athlone by        of the bigger picture. Those that are complicit must now take the
one of the major tourist agencies sending anglers to Ireland. There          consequences.
were four agencies then operating from the UK sending thousands
of anglers here. Only one exists now and has had to diversify to stay
         I was told to fish the rubbish tip below the weir in the town.

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LIAM FAULKNER                                                                 Ecosystems and the trophic levels within them are controlled from
Save the Brown Trout Facebook group (1400+ members)                           the top down. What this means is the top predators in an ecosystem
                                                                              controls the abundance of lower levels and not the other way

        s the founder of Save the Brown trout group on Facebook our           round. Apex predators keep the rest of the biomass genetically
        aim was to highlight the decline of stocks on both our river          healthier with their presence, picking off the diseased and dying,
        and lough systems in Ireland and the UK. We believe this is not       the weak and the slow, ensuring genetic lines stay strong by leaving
solely down to predators such as pike but to many combinations of             the fit and healthy to spawn. Pike are not the greatest threat to
impacts such as pollution, invasive species like zebra mussels or curly       trout and salmon in Irish waters or any other waters for that matter;
weed (Lagarosiphon) and over-fishing by man, to name but a few.               their presence actually benefits the trout. None of these ideas are
The latter, the greatest predator of all needs to be re-educated and          radical, fantasy or fiction. They are proven through science and
shown that the way forward for angling is conservation                        considered sound by the scientific community and accepted
        By protecting stocks, encouraging catch and release                   far and wide by most modern, forward thinking individuals. A cull
especially during competitions and mayfly-time and reducing bag               of pike is therefore akin to shooting all of Africa’s lions in a bid to
limits. Mother Nature has given us the balance on everything on               protect gazelles; it makes no sense!
the earth, why does mankind want to change it? Gill net is an out-                     The ecological damage that tinkering in waterways will
dated and failed method of predator control, catching wildlife such           produce is matched only by the economic damage the practice is
as swans, otters as well as the game fish they strive to protect, Brown       responsible for. Every year SIX FIGURE SUMS are spent by those hell
trout.                                                                        bent on removing an indigenous apex predator from it home. Even
        Anglers need to take control and realise that they are the            bigger sums are lost through the loss of visiting angler revenue such
ones who need to change their attitudes. Gill netting is a waste of           is the international disgust for a method of fishery ‘management’
resources which IFI simply do not have. It is barbaric, bleeds bad            that should have died off in the 60’s. In modern Ireland, these pike
publicity and has killed off a lot angling tourism.                           culls pander to the minority while flying in the face of the majority.
                                                                                       Finally, what type of message does a practice like this
       Save the Brown trout. Please practice CPR – catch, photo,              send out to our youths, the future of the sport? In a day and age
release.                                                                      where an X-Box is nearly always first choice over a tackle box, an
                                                                              antiquated practice of letting part of our heritage be strangled
                                                                              and slowly suffocated does not appear to be appealing to the next
                                                                              generation of angler. Maybe to encourage more children into the
                                                  GARY ROBINSON               sport of angling we should start taking a more modern approach?
                                           Fisheries biologist / journalist   Stop the decades of lies and rhetoric when it comes to pike in
                                                                              Irish waters. They are something that should be cherished and

     addened, annoyed, angered, embarrassed, incredulous,                     protected, not persecuted and exterminated. They have their place
     mystified but ultimately not surprised. That’s is more or less how       in the ecosystem just like every other inhabitant and although it has
     I felt when reacting to the news that once again, in 2016, gill          been completely overlooked by some, the ecosystem services that
nets have been rolled out by Inland Fisheries Ireland by way of their         they provide to the nation cannot be underestimated.
latest pike cull. The angler in me knows that this practice is wrong.                  Gill netting and predator control – no sense, no logic, no
The Irishman in me is ashamed. The aquatic scientist in me is lost for        point.

Pg 12                                                                                                                              Off the Scale
NATHAN EDGELL                                                                                                               ROSS MACKLIN
B.Sc (Hons) Countryside Management; professional UK angler                                 Ph.D candidate Freshwater ecology; Environmental/
                                                                                                                          fisheries consultant

  reland is famous for its stunning countryside, history, lovely people

  and, of course, angling. With no closed season, it’s angling history         he boom and bust patterns of zebra mussel and roach are the
  and fantastic waters are a Mecca for anglers worldwide. To see               main protagonists in the cascading cycles in many Irish lakes,
gill netting practices (which cannot only affect pike but all other            as has been shown in the literature. These invasive species in
types of species too) is truly a tragic and barbaric shame in this day    Irish lakes help regulate the stasis of lakes from the bottom up (i.e.
and age. It’s well known that nature finds a balance within any           cycling of nutrients, zooplankton etc.). Large-bodied, low density of
ecosystem and removal of species and interference within that             top predators would be the desirable stasis in mixed stock cyprinid,
system will only upset the balance to the detriment of the fishery.       percid, salmonid fisheries. Stability would come if nature were
Consequently, all species will suffer as nature fights to restore the     left to balance itself out, and with the increase in poaching and
balance. Please stop this practice now!                                   other pressures the removal of pike has helped change the stasis
                                                                          of the large wild lakes. Large pike will eat large fecund roach and
                                                                          help reduce roach recruitment and therefore are very beneficial
                                                                          in regulating a pelagic fish stock that is harvesting zooplankton.
                                                    MARTIN SALTER         Interestingly, there has been no link made between roach and the
                                     Former MEP; UK angling journalist    reduction in the mayfly hatch. It would seem plausible that roach,
                                                                          when in an upward cycle of numerical abundance, would crop

  t is nothing short of appalling to see the IFI reneging on promises     mayfly in addition to zooplankton, thereby impacting trout stocks
  made last year with the Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs          negatively.
  (IFPAC) and the trout federations to phase out gill netting on                   The decline in salmonid spawning tributaries is considered the
Lough Cullen, and the other Western lakes and Lough Sheelin.              primary impactor on salmonid recruitment to the large lakes and
         Gill netting is a dreadful and indiscriminate fishery            efforts should be focused on salmonid river enhancement instead
management tool and leads to a huge amount of by-catch of                 of other methods. The abolishment of schemes such as REPS and
other fish, many of which end up dead or injured. I understand that       the projected increases in agricultural output with Food Harvest
IFI spent a significant amount of money importing electrofishing          2020 may result in the decline of rivers and streams running into the
boom boats from the States last year so they could specifically           lakes further, in addition to the continuation of new and existing
electrofish small pike, instead of indiscriminately killing larger pike   catchment pressures. Anglers in Ireland, including pike anglers,
and coarse fish as well as the very trout they are trying to preserve.    want to conserve trout stocks and also pike stocks. It would seem
         Over here in England one of our best trout reservoirs at Chew    that conclusive evidence on the effect of pike stock management
is also the country’s premier pike water due to the large stocks of       would be best achieved by placing a moratorium on the culling
roach and perch which make up a large proportion of the pike’s            and reviewing after a period of time to establish evident changes in
diet. And of course big pike love to eat small pike so why doesn’t IFI    the stasis of mixed stock fisheries objectively.
simply stop wasting public money and let the fisheries flourish?

Pg 13                                                                                                                          Off the Scale
Representing game/trout angling clubs across Ireland

  n 2012 an expert group met to draft Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Pike
  Policy Document and Brown Trout Policy Document. Executive
  members of the Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC)
                                                                                             “THE SECRET OF
participated on this expert group and fully supported both policy
documents. The Pike Policy Document and Brown Trout Policy
Document set out the framework for pike management on
                                                                                              CHANGE IS TO
designated managed brown trout fisheries. The group accepted
that scientific evaluation had demonstrated that necessity for
controlling pike stocks in designated managed brown trout fisheries.
                                                                                              FOCUS ALL OF
                                                                                              YOUR ENERGY,
A list of these waters is contained within the Brown Trout Policy
Document. In accepting the science the group recognised that
IFI have to undertake pike removal exercises in the designated
trout lakes. The pike policy expert group also recognised that pike
management on the designated trout lakes involved the removal of
pike by netting and / or electro fishing.                                                    NOT ON FIGHTING
* Many other anglers, stakeholders, bodies and organisations
                                                                                             THE OLD, BUT ON
were asked for comment but the above are only the responses we
received prior to publication. Some declined to officially comment
on the issue of gill netting/predator control in Irish lakes.
                                                                                              BUILDING THE
Notably, Dr. Greg Forde, Head of Operations at Inland Fisheries
Ireland failed to issue a response on the matter.
Disclaimer: all of the views expressed above are those of the authors/bodies/organisations
                                                                                                  ~ Socrates
themselves and not necessarily those held by Off the Scale.

 Pg 14                                                                                                         Off the Scale
We asked graffiti artist Dusto for his views on the recommencement of pike gill netting... This was his response

Pg 15                                                                                              Off the Scale
By Jason Nash
         Turning                                               Photography by Jason Nash & friends

                GREY                     to         SILVER
         Looking down river on a bleak spring day, with dark, low lying clouds
         and skeleton-like trees lurking above you, the water beneath looks
         empty and devoid of life. Peer a little closer and quite the opposite is
         true. The fast flowing river and its salmon are currently in a state of
         transition; eggs tucked away under inches of gravel are developing
         into alevins as their spindly, meagre parents, worn from their travels
         and combat, peregrinate their way back to sea for a much needed
         and deserved meal. In turn, out in the rough waters of the Atlantic,
         exuberant, sparkling spring salmon are homing in on their natal river
         using the earth’s magnetic field, the river’s unique chemical smell and
         pheromones released by resident fish, to spawn the next generation
         of salmon.

                or the game         least, but all is not     hydraulic power of
                angler, it’s time   lost. 2015 in general     water lower down a
                to dust down        was a very wet year,      river is much greater
                the rods and        in comparison to the      than that experienced
        get the gear ready          previous two. Salmon      upstream. Studies
        for the new season          and trout had easy        conducted by the Spey
        ahead. It’s been a long     access to the spawning    Fisheries Board in
        winter, with many           grounds for much of it    Scotland portray the
        pondering how trout         and my observations       flexible growth strategy
        and salmon redds have       on the Bandon showed      of juvenile salmon
        fared during the winter     there was very little     parr. Smolt production
        floods. Quantifying         spawning on the           following a large
        the damage incurred         lower catchment.          spate(s) is reduced.
        is difficult to say the     This is positive as the   However, year classes

Pg 16                                                                 Off the Scale
of surviving fish                                                                                  1. Likely water     to the same methods      as hydrofoils to hug
                                                                                                   for a springer
grow much quicker                                                                                  - a series of       of presentation is       the boundary layer
and exhibit higher                                                                                 pools on the        a mistake. Water         where the speed of
survival rates due                                                                                 upper reaches       temperature is a         water isn’t as fast as
                                                                                                   of the River
to less competition,                                                                               Drowes in Co.       limiting factor to a     it is on the surface.
mitigating to a large                                                                              Donegal.            salmon’s movement.       Remember, these
extent the loss of smolt                                                                           2. Don’t be
                                                                                                                       In the early spring,     creatures don’t feed
production by the                                                                                  afraid to use       you can expect           and won’t spawn until
second year following a                                                                            big, flashy flies   temperatures to be       the end of the year so
                                                                                                   to grab the
spate event.                                                                                       attention of a      generally between        conserving their energy
          Fishing                                                                                  springer.           five and eight degrees   is a survival strategy.
in spring is a cold                                                                                                    Celsius. Lethargic       When temperatures
affair. High water                                                                                                     spring salmon hold       are around four
dominates, with low                                                                                                    station low in the       degrees and lower, a
water temperatures                                                                                                     water column, using      salmon’s swimming
governing the early        1                                                                                           their pectoral fins      speed is diminsihed the
months, up until April
                               and spinning are the       intend to do. If the
at least. Summer
                               only two methods I         water was low and
tactics are a thing of
                               would consider using       I spotted a definite
the past and will not
                               on a quest for an          spring fish resting in a
yield many positive
                               early springer. Prawn/     pool then an allowance
results at the start
                               shrimp fishing is          would be made (with a
of the year. Spring
                               something I have tried     quick strike once a take
salmon are a sight to
                               in the past and rarely     is felt) but otherwise
behold, creatures of
                               do now. Worms, whilst      the worms can wait
beauty and epitomise
                               useful and a great bait,   until later on in the
what salmon are all
                               have no place in spring    year.
about. Having spent
                               fishing for me. Too                  Firstly, I will
at least two winters
                               many kelts (previously     cover fly fishing. As
at sea feeding, they
                               spawned salmon) are        mentioned already,
are pristine and much
                               migrating back to sea      summer techniques
coveted by fishermen.
                               and trout at this time     are based around
To have the chance of
                               of year are ravenous.      moderate flows and
latching onto one of                                                                  2
                               If I chose to fish the     average to high water
these special creatures,
                                                                                      “When temperatures are around four degrees and lower, a salmon’s
                               worm my chances of         temperatures. To
the right techniques
                               hooking one of these       expect spring salmon
must be engaged.                                                                      swimming speed is diminished, which is why fishing below weirs and
                               would be far greater       to react the same way
For me, fly fishing                                                                   rapids is so successful at the start of the year
                               and it is not what I       as summer salmon

Pg 17                                                                                                                                               Off the Scale
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                                      3   4
5. Waiting for     when they are scarce        bumping the bottom         using your rod like
                                                                       the take, with
                                                                       a loop of line     enough. For this            than you probably          this means you are
                                                                       ready to be        reason, more often          aren’t fishing deep        winding up more
                                                                       released as        than not, I carry a
                                                                       soon as a bump                                 enough and although        slack line which as a
                                                                       is felt.           spinning rod with me        you may lose some          consequence, takes
                                                                                          at this time of the year.   lures, when a salmon       pressure off you reel
                                                                       6. A quartet of
                                                                       Flying C’s ready
                                                                                          There is much more to       strikes the losses are     and back!
                                                                       for battle.        this method than mere       quickly forgotten. Use              For spinning, a
                                                                       Colour of body     chuck and chance. The       your rod to impart life    9 or 10 foot rod, rated
                                                                       and blade will
                                                                       change to suit     same golden rule for        in your lure in areas      for 10-40 gram casting
                                                                       water and          fly fishing applies to      where the water isn’t      weight, is perfect.
                                                                       weather.           spinning; depth. Even       too fast or when the       A rod of this length
                                                                                          though you have a 20        spinner is downstream      gives you the power
                                                                                          gram spinner attached,      of you. Pausing or         to play a strong spring
                                                                                          if you cast it and simply   slowing down your          salmon and fish heavy
                                                                                          retrieve than
bigger the fly. A big fly   have too long a leader,      the matter is, fishing           you will not
is classified as anything   the fly will be nearer       flies won’t cover every          reach the
around 3-4 inches in        the water’s surface          conceivable situation.           required
overall length. Tied        and will negate the          Many pools, on smaller           depth. To do
on plastic, aluminium,      purpose of the sinking       rivers especially, have          so, you must
copper or brass tubes,      fly line. A leader of        areas which cannot               let your lure
every situation will        3-4 feet, comprising         be reached with a fly.           sink, cast
be covered. Patterns        20-30lb breaking             Quite often river height         upstream
should be limited to        strain fluorocarbon,         and clarity early on in          or both.
proven fish catchers        is perfect. If the river     the year are unsuitable          Combing a
as opportunities to         level drops and the          for effective fly fishing        pool when
cover early running         clarity is gin clear,        so spinning tactics              in flood,
spring salmon are           reduce your sinking          may be employed. As              think of the
limited. Due to the         line rate, size of fly and   much as one likes to             depth and
weight of the flies and     lengthen your leader,        limit one’s self to the          the structure 6
the desire to fish at       tapering it with lighter     fly, to do so deprives           which you                   retrieve and jerking the   spinners in high water.
depth, short leaders        fluorocarbon.                you of the opportunity           observed during the         tip of the rod breaks      Anything much longer
are necessary. If you                 The fact of        to cover fish at a time          low summer months           up a monotonous            is too soft and will put
                                                                                          in your mind’s eye. Let     straight retrieve and      unnecessary stress on
“If you’re not bumping the bottom than you probably aren’t fishing                        the spinner sink where
                                                                                          needed and retrieve
                                                                                                                      the fluttering of the
                                                                                                                      spinner can induce
                                                                                                                                                 your reel. With regards
                                                                                                                                                 to the reel, buy quality
deep enough and although you may lose some lures, when a salmon
strikes the losses are quickly forgotten                                                  slowly. If you’re not       a take. As a bonus,        and strength. Cheap,

Pg 19                                                                                                                                                 Off the Scale
7. A strong,
 MAIN DISTINGUISHING                   • Thin shape due to not feeding             reliable reel is
 FEATURES OF A KELT                      for an extended period of time            needed to fish
                                                                                   a heavy spinner
                                       • Flat, hollow belly                        effectively
                                       • Distended vent post 		                    in high, cold
                                       • Presence of gill maggots                  8. A pristine
                                         on the red gill filaments                 spring salmon.
                                                                                   Perfect reward
                                       • Fins and tail may be                      for after much
                                         damaged or torn                           patience and

small reels will not see   water intrusion. Its        swivel 3 feet above the
the summer if regularly    size and gear ratio         spinner to eliminate                           8
used for spinning in       mean I can retrieve         the risk of knots and
high water. I have a       the spinner as slow as      tangles.                      season; yellow and          off when fishing with      receive a sustained run
Shimano Spheros,           I want without putting               As for spinners,     black. As mentioned         friends who may stick      of these magnificent
in the 6000 size.          stress on the reel, thus    the ever reliable Flying      already, these colours      to their initial choice    early fish and most of
Designed for saltwater     increasing its longevity.   C has enticed countless       command the colour          throughout the day!        them tend to be lake
use, features such as      Load the spool with         salmon over the years.        scheme for attracting       Being in the right place   fed, such as the Caragh
X-SHIELD and X-SHIP        strong monofilament         For spring work in high       spring salmon.              at the right time goes     in Kerry and Drowes
offer gear durability      of 15 to 20lb breaking      water I only ever use         Although there are          a long way in salmon       in Donegal. On these
and protection against     strain and attach a         20 gram (Size 4) lures        exceptions, during          fishing and none more      rivers and elsewhere,
                                                                   as anything       brighter days the           so than in the spring      determination and
                                                                   lighter           yellow excels, whilst on    time. The first salmon     patience is needed.
                                                                   doesn’t gain      duller days the black       entering a river are       Adapt to the salmon,
                                                                   the required      comes into its own. In      programmed to run to       think about where they
                                                                   depth.            coloured water, salmon      the upper part of the      may be in any given
                                                                   Casting           find a copper blade         system and will travel     condition of water and
                                                                   with these        more appealing and in       the furthest of all.       an elusive, fresh, silver
                                                                   is easy and       clear water the silver      The upper and middle       reward will eventually
                                                                   loads of          blade takes over. Using     sections of river are      transpire.
                                                                   water can         a clip to change lures      where most efforts
                                                                   be covered        is extremely useful         should be concentrated     Good luck!
                                                                   quickly and       as I often find myself      as this is where the
                                                                   efficiently.      chopping and changing       majority of fish intend    JN
                                                                   Two colours       during the course of        to stop, take a breather
                                                                   dominate          a day. Time and again       and rest. Only a
                                                                   the early         this versatility has paid   handful of Irish rivers

Pg 20                                                                                                                                            Off the Scale
Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught...
Pg 21                                                     Off the Scale
Skipper’s Diary
                                                                                          A behind-the-scenes look at the life of a charter skipper

                                                                                                                            With John Fleming

              iven the unforeseen           NEW SEASON GOALS                      Looking constantly at charts and          Again on the slightly rarer side we
              weather of last season,                                             researching new ground will bring         are going to be targeting porbeagle
              we look eagerly forward       With the new season under way         more prospects and that’s what I’m        in a big way as well. We will also be
              to the 2016 season, which     we have decided to going to put       aiming towards.                           trying to get as many days at anchor as
              has already gotten off to a   a strong emphasis on getting a lot                                              we can, drifting for the likes of plaice,
great start with big specimen pollock       more species, both big and small,              Skate are going to pay a major   turbot, brill and ray to add to our ever
and coalies falling to jigging tactics.     on the boat. Also a big effort will   part of this seasons angling as we        growing species list. There are still a
This season is shaping up to be a great     be made to try and get as many        have located the ground they are in,      lot of superb sea angling opportunities
one with bigger prospects and bigger        specimens (as ratified by the Irish   happily hiding well away from areas of    off our shores if you look hard enough
fish to target.                             Specimen Fish Committee) as we can.   the seabed that can be netted easily.     in the right places, at the right times.

Pg 22                                                                                                                                           Off the Scale
any harm to the

                                                                      Another day
                                                              in particular which
                                                              always comes to
                                                              mind when speaking
                                                              about shark fishing;
                                                              the day we saw
                                                              our first specimen
                                                              being taken since I
                                                              started the business.
                                                              It was a huge fish,
                                                              measuring at 2.03
                                                              metres and weighed
                                                              109lbs, using the
                                           weight/length formula. It had the
                                           largest head I have ever seen on
                                           an example of the species. It was a
Last year’s sharking got off to a
                                           beautiful looking fish too, sporting       Above left
magnificent start, once the weather                                                   David O Malley taking the
                                           a silvery grey belly with a fantastic
eventually settled down. Our first                                                    strain of a big blue on a
                                           shade of dark blue on its back. It was     calm, misty morning in
day out in early June saw four decent
                                           caught by a good friend of mine David      Galway Bay
blues to 86lb, and it kind of carried on
                                           O Malley from Newport Co. Mayo.
like that with the number of sharks
                                           It took Dave approximately an hour         Above right
increasing every day we managed to
                                           and fifteen minutes of long fast runs      Our biggest shark last
get out.                                                                              year which topped 109lb!
                                           and hard pumping to land that fish. It
                                                                                      A seriously impressive
                                           was promptly photographed, tagged          fish
         Interestingly, we saw a huge
                                           and released. That same day we had
number of small blues (“pups”)
                                           another nine sharks all of which were
amongst the big boys. In fact in one                                                  Right
                                           a good average size of 70-80 lbs.          And measured 203cm in
stand-out day we had sixteen blues
                                           It was a day I will never forget as a      length!
below 30lbs which is a fantastic sign

                                           skipper and something I am glad that
for the future as it shows the stocks
are strong and increasing. These small
                                           I could have been a part of. Its days               There are still a lot of superb sea angling
                                           like these that make being a skipper so
fish have a wicked temper nipping
                                                                                               opportunities off our shores if you look hard
at anything! We ensured they were                                                              enough in the right places, at the right times
released as fast as possible to reduce

Pg 23                                                                                                                               Off the Scale
Once September came
we started to see the size of the
fish was greatly increasing with
a lot more sharks of around
the 90lbs mark coming to the
boat. We also had two more
specimens (fish weighing over
100lb and or measuring over
190cm) between September
and October. Getting one was
fantastic but two more - I
wasn’t expecting that to be

         We were also blessed
with unusually warm waters
in the late part of the season
which saw days at sea fishing
for shark go on right until late
November. Actually on our last
day out before the weather
finally broke we managed seven
lovely blues up to 80lb.

          If the water
temperature ever stays up like
this it means we are blessed
with an extremely long season;                                                                  Top left
a whopping six months to                                                                        A typical good-sized blue about to be
fish for them, which would                                                                      measured
be absolutely fantastic if it
happened again this year.                                                                       Top middle
                                                                                                Sometimes it’s not such a hard life!

        We were very happy
                                                                                                Top Right

the way last season worked
out with no less than 74 blue sharks       That same day we had another nine sharks...of        Who said this was a good idea?!

caught and released.                       a good average size of 70-80 lbs... It’s days like
                                           these that make being a skipper so rewarding         Another happy customer!

Pg 24                                                                                                            Off the Scale
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