When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice

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When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice

                                    When it comes

                                    to consumer
                                    challenges, be
                                    a bright spark
                                    with Consumer

                                MONEY               LIFESTYLE            PRODUCT TESTS

                            FINANCIAL PLANNING   JUICE CLEANSES       TABLET PCS
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice

The                          December 2018 / January 2019
Association of               Dear Member,
                             It is the end of the year and we must reflect on one                  legislative provision limiting their charges or business
The Council is the           particular area of consumer detriment that, despite                   model.
policy-making body           our best efforts across the year, remains to be an issue.
of CAI. Members are          In November 2017, we launched our Credit Where It’s                   So, we end 2018 with business-as-usual and Irish
elected from within          Due campaign to, once again, try to focus the attention               consumers at a distinct, continuing disadvantage.
the CAI's membership         of Government on the need for regulation around
at the Annual General        the validity periods for credit notes, gift tokens and                Efforts at Government level progress to remedy this
Meeting.                     vouchers.                                                             issue and so we will end the year by thanking them and
                                                                                                   wishing them well in their endeavours – and ours – to
Council                      In doing so we wrote directly to the chief executives of              bring sanity in 2019 to these unfair practices.
Members                      both the Irish Business and Employers Confederation
                             (IBEC) and Retail Ireland. No reply was received and so               Therefore, with hope in our hearts and determination as
Chairperson                  we understood from the outset just how difficult this                 our goal we thank you for your enormous support and
Michael Kilcoyne             was going to be. This was not, in any way, unexpected.                contribution and wish you, your families, friends and
Vice-Chairperson             After all, why would retailers wish to close out on a                 loved ones a very happy Christmas and an especially
Raymond O'Rourke
                             self-serving system where cash paid across the counter                peaceful and healthy New Year.
Hon Secretary
Elaine Bolger
                             by the customer would be devalued to a nil value over a
Hon Treasurer                maximum period of retailer-determined 12-months!                      Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh go
Richard Donohue                                                                                    Léir.
Council Members              The outlier in all of this was always going to be the gift
Steen Bruun-Nielsen          card companies who have a different approach. They
James Wims                   apply an administration fee on a monthly basis against
                             the unused balance of cards from the beginning of
                             month 13. These continue until the balance is spent – or
                             eroded. They have determinedly lobbied to stop any

         Our Reports                                          Consumer Choice                                     Published Material
         Reports in Consumer Choice are based on              Consumer Choice is published by                     No part of this publication may be reproduced,
         market research, laboratory tests or user surveys,   the Consumers' Association of Ireland               stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
         all of which are independently and scientifically    (CAI) Limited, a wholly independent, non-           form without obtaining prior permission from the
         conducted. Free goods are never accepted for         government, non-profit making body. CAI             Council by contacting the Consumer Choice office.
         testing – all samples are purchased. Occasionally    was founded in 1966 to protect and promote          It may not be used for any form of advertising, sales
         items may be borrowed for review purposes only.      the interests of the consumers of goods and         promotion or publicity.
               The reports are produced in the main           services, and to enhance the quality of life for
         by our own Editorial staff. Some material            consumers. CAI is registered with charitable        © Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2018
         is occasionally drawn from other foreign             status: CHY 8559.                                   ISSN 0790-486X
         independent consumer magazines.                           Advertising is not accepted for publication.
               Because Consumer Choice carries no             Consumer Choice is available on a subscription
         commercial advertising it is not swayed by           basis only. To facilitate banking requirements      Staff
         bias or influence and can point out advantages       all cancellations must be advised, by letter or     Policy and Council Advisor
         and flaws in goods and services that other           email only, a full 30 days in advance. Where a      Dermott Jewell
         magazines may not be able to do.                     bank applies a €24 chargeback fee for a Member/
                                                              customer advised cancellation we will deduct        Design/Typeset
               Reports on any article relate only to the
                                                              same from any refund requests. To subscribe
         articles or goods mentioned, and not to any                                                              Denzil Lacey (Zava Media)
                                                              please write to:
         other article of the same or similar description.
         We do not necessarily price or report on all
                                                              Consumer Choice,
                                                                                                                  Managing Editor
         brands or models within the class, and the                                                               Clodagh O'Donoghue
                                                              120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
         exclusion of any brand or model should not be
                                                              Dublin 2
         taken as a reflection on it.                                                                             Researchers
                                                              Tel (01) 659 9430                                   Róisín Moloney Weekes
                                                              Email cai@thecai.ie                                 Atousa Motameni
         Social Media:
                                                              www.thecai.ie                                       Robert Reidy

         1         www.thecai.ie                                                                                                        December 2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice


                                                             14                                          27
                                                                 10 30
                    25 10                LIFESTYLE                                  PRODUCT TESTS
21 Buying Gadget                     14 Choice Buy Roundup                      27 Air Fryers
   Insurance                            2018                                       Five fantastic air fryers for
   What do consumers need to ask        Consumer Choice recaps on anoth-           those who like their chips gold-
   to make sure they are getting        er year of impressive Choice Buys          en and crispy and delivered in
   value for money?                     for gift givers and bargain hunters.       minutes.

                                     19 Connect Smart –                         30 Microwave Ovens
                                        Consumer guidelines for                    Going for the fast food option?
23 When Spending More                   securing internet-                         Consumer Choice has seven
   Means Saving Money                   connected devices                          Choice Buy microwave ovens
   Consumer Choice questions            Given ongoing security and privacy         for you to consider.
   popular consumer spending            issues, consumers need to know
   behaviour and suggests some          how to ‘connect smart’ when bring-
   New Year’s resolutions that          ing an internet-connected device        34 Tablet PCs
   can help the pocket and the          into their home.                           Our independent labs have
   environment.                                                                    tried and tested 16 of the latest
25 Financial Reset for 2019               FOOD & HEALTH
   When it comes to our financial
   health, now is always the right   10 Cleaning Up Your Act?                   39 Smartphones
   time for a check-up. Consumer        The pros and cons of juice                 In the market for a new smart-
   Choice has some top tips for         cleanses                                   phone? See which ones have
   establishing financial wellness      What is involved in a juice cleansing      got the thumbs-up from our
   for 2019.                            plan? How does it all work? And            testers.
                                        why do most health experts remain

  2     www.thecai.ie                                                                          December 2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
News Briefs by Dermott Jewell                                                                                         NEWS BRIEFS

      How Much Is That In Old Pence?
      Now, I have no intention of spoiling your Christmas but the reality is
      that the New Year will bring a new presence - no, not presents, presence
      - to the consideration of an increased number of consumers in Ireland
      who shop cross-border in Northern Ireland or the UK generally. Dy-                Byte Size Family Meals
      namic currency conversion gives consumers who travel abroad or buy
                                                                                         Courtesy of Silicon Republic I thought this worth passing
      online the possibility to pay in their home currency instead of the local
                                                                                         on in case you missed it. Three and Samsung recently an-
      currency. Choosing the home currency option, almost without excep-                 nounced the launch of what they termed the Connected
      tion, always increases costs for the consumer. The good news is how the            Restaurant. Both companies claim it is the first restaurant
      EU Economic Affairs Committee wants to give consumers the possibil-                of its kind to allow a table to be shared between families
      ity to block currency conversion services on their cards, especially when          based in Dublin and relatives based in - Sydney. Yes,
                                                                                         really! Specifically, what they did was to arrange how, be-
      they are abroad. This would allow you to simply call and advise your
                                                                                         tween the 29th of November and the 2nd of December, an
      bank that you do not want on-the-spot currency conversion offers when              offer was made offering a free meal with a very, very big
      in a shop or at an ATM when abroad. The committee also wants full                  difference. Covering an estimated distance of 17,000km
      transparency around the practice so that the full cost of paying either            from one another, patrons of a restaurant based on
      in the home currency or in the local currency are displayed next to one            Clarendon Street in Dublin were ushered to their table for
                                                                                         a three-course festive menu and then connected with its
      another, in the consumer’s home currency. Now, this is not particularly
                                                                                         counterpart restaurant in Holt Street, Surry Hills, Sydney,
      a Brexit-related fallout but rather it is a long established difficulty when       via the internet where they connected families across
      paying a bill in a currency outside of the euro. The reality, however,             this enormous distance over a family meal. Time zones,
      is that this will affect us significantly when you consider the number of          technology and all other challenges aside, we love this
      businesses we trade with in sterling. Or, more to the point, that sell their       idea and wish all concerned a very positive and happy
                                                                                         get-together. Now, it feels like Christmas!
      goods here with prices already converted. Think about it!

                                                    A Mac Flurry Over the Rockies
                                                    Some Canadian parents are not one bit happy about the hold fast food restaurants have on their
                                                    children’s diets. This has prompted a particular focus from one parent on a popular staple offering
                                                    from the McDonald's menu there – the Happy Meal. Mr Antonio Bramante has commenced legal
                                                    proceedings against the company in which he alleges McDonald's is unlawfully directing their ad-
                                                    vertising at children under 13 years of age – in direct violation of the strict youth consumer protec-
                                                    tion laws in the province where he, his wife and three children live. The claim outlines how the
                                                    restaurant is directly targeting children by displaying the Happy Meal toys at their eye level. Court
                                                    submissions show how he claims that he eats, on average every fortnight, at McDonald's, on the
                                                    urging of his children who demand the particular meal because they contain toys, linked to popular
                                                    film releases, which his children urge a return so that they can continue and complete their col-
                                                    lection of the various sets of toys. He estimates he has spent hundreds of dollars on Happy Meals
                                                    because these are the meals that come with the toys. This will be one to watch for two specific
                                                    reasons. The first being that Quebec prohibits marketing to children under the age of 13, which
                                                    is outlined as making it one of a handful of jurisdictions in the world to ban all advertising geared
                                                    towards children. The second is how the province has also had a law, enacted in 1980, that restricts
                                                    marketing unhealthy food to children. It is silent on the legalities of the buying process though.

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         2018 / January 2019                                                                                                 December
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                                                                                                                                      2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
Or Did He Say ‘ET Fold Phone’?
  It is finally here and it is in time for Christmas. The    will be more - and soon - as Samsung are expected
  FlexPai has been released by the California-based          to follow through quite shortly. It has a 19.8cm
  Royole Corporation in Beijing. This is what is             display when it is unfolded and so it is not exactly
  described as and definitively claimed to be the            pocket sized and it is quite heavy in comparison to
  world’s first virtually unbreakable screen, which can      other devices on the market. You can take a look at
  be bent over 200,000 times. It can be folded like          it on www.royole.com but, while not heading toward
  a wallet and then display three individual smaller         being a Luddite I would caution that a little restraint
  screens – one on the front, the back and along             at this early stage (especially when you see the
  the spine. It is fast and comes with a Snapdragon          price) would be both financially and progressively
  8-series chip and two cameras. Having said all of          prudent. Can’t wait to see the instructions for taking
  that, there are concerns for consumers to note. It is      pictures around corners, Origami hints and, best of
  the first and that means that, despite delays, there       all, what to do when the screen(s) freeze.

                                           Read the Labels – and – the Warning Signs
   More and more we hear of            a consumer watchdog body           still widely available including
   concerns regarding dangerous        that issues annual reviews         those with high concentrations
   toys. We are fortunate in the       and warnings there. This           of chemicals and potential
   EU to have strong oversight         year they tested 40 potentially    choking hazards. Toys with
   of what enters the market and       hazardous toys and declared        internet connections also
   the standards that are required     15 dangerous to children with      made the list because they
   to underpin them as being           highlights regarding small         could be collecting data on
   declared safe – although, to        magnets, balloons and slime.       children and sharing it with
   be clear, they could be better.     Researchers found 87% of           others. Readers of Con-
   However, that aside, in the US      latex balloons sold on Amazon      sumer Choice will recall how
   there are concerns regarding        did not have legally required      we highlighted these last year
   toys there and, as a follow up      warnings about choking haz-        and notably the Cayla doll,
   to Black Friday, it is important    ards. They also urged parents      banned in Germany, following
   that we be aware of some            to avoid buying rare-earth         the research of the Norwegian
   of these being purchased,           magnets the size of teardrops      Consumer Council, which
   imported and offered as             as did the Consumer Federa-        highlighted the serious risks
   presents. The US Public             tion of America. The group         posed to children.
   Interest Research Group is          says potentially unsafe toys are

                                                                               With Safety In Mind
                                                                               In November, the European Parliament voted on a
                                                                               legislation to update the way emergency calls are managed
                                                                               in the European Union (EU). The telecommunications
                                                                               legislation – the European Electronic Communications
                                                                               Code or EECC – is one of the most important for European
                                                                               safety with provisions on public warning, emergency
                                                                               location, accessibility and more. In consideration of recent
                                                                               terrorist attacks, Parliament made modern public warning
                                                                               obligatory for all member states. Now, citizens in a high
                                                                               risk area will be able to receive an SMS or alert on their
                                                                               mobile phone in case of an emergency, informing them
                                                                               what is happening and how to remain safe. The EECC is a
                                                                               binding legislation and all member states must implement
                                                                               it within two years (unless otherwise stated for specific
                                                                               provisions that require more time).

        2018 / January 2019                                                                                            December                 4
                                                                                                                                2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
FOOD & HEALTH/News                                        by Clodagh O’Donoghue

Food & Health
Health and technology
Technology increasingly infiltrates every       the eHealth Strategy for Ireland, which          recently announced the extension of its
aspect of our lives and this includes our       aims to reduce medication errors and             services to 24 hours, seven days a week
health and the way in which we access care      the associated costs and to speed up             and is set to double its workforce from 25
and medication. Technological advances          patients’ access to medication. HIQA’s           to 55 over the coming year. This company
undoubtedly have the power to benefit           recommendations for an eprescribing              has stressed that its doctors are all based
us all and, in one development, the Health      programme cover such areas as                    in Ireland and registered with the Irish
Information and Quality Authority (HIQA)        governance, standards, implementation            Medical Council, with the majority also
recently published recommendations for          and stakeholder engagement with a                working as GPs in physical practices.
a national, community-based eprescribing        high priority also placed on data privacy,       The company notes that these GPs have
programme. These recommendations                including robust guidelines for data             been trained in delivering telemedicine
follow a public consultation and an             collection, access and consent. The              and adhere to prescribing guidelines
international review of how eprescribing        recommendations may be viewed on the             that prohibit certain medications that are
initiatives work in other countries,            HIQA website at www.hiqa.ie.                     open to abuse. Importantly, a note on
undertaken to inform the adoption of            		         Another technological                 all consultations is sent to the patient’s
appropriate standards in Ireland. In a          development in the health care sector is         own GP. Such measures may go some
community setting, eprescribing refers          the growing access patients have to online       way toward avoiding serious deficiencies
to a process in which a GP generates the        video doctor consultations, including            highlighted in online medical services in
prescription electronically and transfers       those offered by health insurers as part         other jurisdictions.
it to a central messaging system, which         of a private health insurance package,           		          However, a key problem with
transmits it electronically to a pharmacy       but whether these represent an entirely          the area of online medical services is
where a pharmacist then dispenses               positive evolution is a matter of some           that it currently lacks any regulation in
it. The international review found that         debate. On one hand, proponents point            Ireland beyond existing legislation on
countries initially focussed on introducing     to the growing pressure on the GP service,       the registration of doctors and, in the
eprescribing in a community setting as          with many GPs unable to take on any more         absence of such regulation, it is extremely
GPs and pharmacists generally have              patients or due to retire, and the option        difficult for patients to know whether they
similar processes to their peers, which         to access medical advice and possibly            can place their trust in these services.
helps support computerisation of the            a prescription from a doctor online for          There is an increasing call for standards
process. The research found that, having        a variety of more minor ailments would           and regulation to be implemented in
successfully implemented community-             help to alleviate this pressure. Moreover,       this growing sector – with this regulation
based eprescribing, countries then built        online video consultations offer the chance      long overdue, it is a call to which the
on this by implementing eprescribing in         for a relatively low-cost interaction with a     Consumers’ Association of Ireland
the hospital setting, including in outpatient   qualified doctor with shorter waiting times      resolutely adds its voice.
clinics and emergency departments, where        and no need to travel to a specific location.
medication management processes are             		         However, critics of these services,
typically more complex.                         including many GPs, point to concerns
		         The aim of eprescribing is           surrounding patient safety and continuity
to deliver major benefits to patients,          of care. Such critics suggest that video
prescribers, pharmacists and others             consultations cannot replace a physical
involved in the prescribing process. In         examination and face-to-face interaction
particular, eprescribing has the potential      between a GP and patient and the personal
to improve patient safety by significantly      relationship that develops between them
reducing errors arising from mistaken           that is so vital to overall health outcomes.
identity, incorrect medication, incorrect       Many GPs, including the National
dosage, adverse drug interactions and so        Association of General Practitioners, do
on. In addition, eprescribing can generate      see a role for telemedicine when used by
savings as it costs less and takes less time    GPs as part of a follow-up process with
than processing prescriptions manually.         their own patients.
		         A national, community-based          		         One Irish company that has
eprescribing programme forms part of            defended its offering is VideoDoc, which

   5    www.thecai.ie                                                                                            December 2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice

Money News                                                                                                        Money News by Róisín Moloney Weekes

Buying                                                               “The European Consumer Centre (ECC)
                                                                     Ireland has reported consumer
Refurbished                                                          complaints in the area of refurbished
                                                                     phones purchased online. ”
Phones Online
The European Consumer Centre (ECC)                 • Are you are buying from a private seller or
Ireland has reported consumer complaints           a business?
in the area of refurbished phones
purchased online. Complaints included              • Are contact details easy to find on the
faulty goods and delivery problems. The            website?
ECC is advising consumers to do their
research and pay securely before hitting           • Is there a returns policy?
the purchase button.
		         This warning comes as ECC               • Is the seller offering any guarantee?
Ireland figures reveal that just over half of
all refurbished phone complaints received          		           In addition, consumers should
from Irish consumers during a 12-month             check the product description carefully and
period from March 2017 to March 2018               remember that, unless otherwise stated,
about traders based elsewhere in the EU/           the manufacturer’s warranty for a
EEA related to delivery problems, with             refurbished phone may no longer be valid.
many goods not being delivered at all.             If the trader is slow to respond to questions
Almost one third of refurbished phone              or does not answer them in a satisfactory
complaints from Irish consumers for the            way, then you should look elsewhere. And
same period involved goods either arriving         finally, it is important to always use a secure
faulty or a fault emerging shortly after           method of payment, like a credit card.
purchase. Other complaints related to              The table below offers a flavour of the
phones not picking up any Irish mobile             complaints Irish consumers have made in
network, the IMEI reported lost or stolen,         relation to purchasing refurbished phones
or postage/delivery restrictions on goods          online.
using lithium-ion batteries.
		         In relation to half of all complaints
involving refurbished phones, the trader
                                                   ECC Ireland findings on complaints relating to refurbished
either refused to respond from the outset
                                                   phones purchased online
or stopped responding after a complaint             52.5% of complaints were in relation to delivery issues.
was made. In some instances, consumers
who placed their orders through online
                                                    32.5% of complaints were in relation to goods that arrived faulty or became faulty soon after purchase.
platforms did not even know the seller’s
		         As a result of these findings,           In 50% of all complaints, the trader either refused to respond or stopped responding.
consumers are encouraged to buy from
reputable sellers and to check online               In 30% of all complaints, the trader either refused to provide a refund after failed repair attempts or
                                                    refused to give a refund when the consumer tried to cancel/avail of their right to withdraw.
reviews before purchasing. The ECC
recommends that consumers do their
                                                    43% of complaints were about the same trader claiming to be based in the UK (e.g. with UK domain
research and consider the following                 address) but that is actually based outside the EU/EEA.
questions :
                                                    25.6% of complaints were about another trader based in the UK.
• Will the phone work in Ireland?

                                                   Obtained online at www.eccireland.ie November 2018

         www.thecai.ie                                                                                                             December 2018 / January 2019
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When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
The Irish economy and the construction sector
The housing shortage and its intrinsic links to the    with the heights seen in 2007 but, given the current       low both by historical and international standards,
overall Irish economy have become more and more        low level of housing supply vis-a-vis previous             as is the amount of credit presently being used
evident as the housing crisis appears to worsen.       levels, the numbers employed in construction               in construction, recent trends in the levels of new
The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)      are, in fact, relatively high. This suggests that          lending show that the stocks are increasing.
has carried out some research assessing if the         employment in construction would have to increase          		          The ERSI report concludes that the Irish
Irish economy has the capacity to meet future          quite substantially in order for increased housing         economy would not appear, at present, to be unduly
activity in the construction sector and the results    supply to be provided, in the absence of significant       constrained in terms of labour market and financial
demonstrate the complex nature of the situation        efficiencies. Moreover, it now seems that much of          sector developments. However, a significant
and the risks that might be faced. The strong pace     the additional labour needed for housing supply and        increase in housing output will lead to employment
of growth in the Irish economy is noted and in that    other construction and infrastructural work would          levels in construction returning to levels seen in the
context it would appear that, while the economy is     likely have to come from immigration. However,             run-up to 2007 and this rise in activity levels will
not unduly constrained in terms of labour market       the high cost of accommodation in the country may          also result in a substantial increase in the provision
and financial sector developments at present, it       act as a disincentive for workers seeking to come          of credit by domestic financial institutions. Thus,
does lead to a number of conclusions. Employment       and work here, especially in the greater Dublin            macroprudential policy will be vital in preventing the
levels in construction are still quite low compared    area. Although credit levels in total are still quite      creation of another domestic credit bubble.

   EU-Wide Rights In Any Language
   Those jetting off for the upcoming festive           works offline so that the user does not need             to traders located elsewhere in the EU/
   season or making holiday plans for the New           to be connected to the internet to find out              EEA and involving issues with air travel, car
   Year may like to know that ECC-Net, the              information on their rights. The app outlines            rental, accommodation, and package travel.
   EU-wide network of European Consumer                 a consumer’s applicable rights in a range of             Although there are many factors to take into
   Centres (ECCs), has created an app to help           situations, such as in the case of delays or             account, the ECC notes the importance of
   consumers when they run into difficulty              cancellations when travelling by air or by sea,          empowering consumers by providing more
   asserting their rights while away in other EU        accommodation difficulties where there is a              information and tools to help them resolve
   countries. This app provides information             price increase or the room is unavailable, or            an issue directly with a trader, while the
   in both the consumer’s own language                  car rental problems where supplementary                  issue is happening. A number of actions you
   and the trader’s language if different.              charges are applied or there is a dispute in             can take at the time - such as putting your
   Currently, the app is available in 25 different      relation to damage to the vehicle. As well               complaint in writing, gathering evidence or
   languages – the 23 official languages of the         as explanations of your rights, the app also             knowing what to request - can make a big
   EU plus Icelandic and Norwegian. The app             provides translations that may be shown to               difference, especially when seeking redress
   is available to download on Android, iOS             the trader when language barriers arise.                 later on.
   and Windows devices and it covers topics             		         ECC Ireland reports that, between             		         For more information and to
   such as retail purchases, car rental, air travel,    2013 and 2017, it received on average                    download the app go to https://www.
   accommodation, emergency numbers and                 more than 500 travel-related complaints                  eccireland.ie/popular-consumer-topics/ecc-
   more. Once the app has been installed, it            each year from Irish consumers relating                  net-travel-app/.

   Women’s disposable income more affected by long-term budgetary policy
   Women of Ireland are feeling the financial          can be attributed to the fact that women                with children. However, the significance of
   pinch more than their male counterparts             are more likely than men to be lone parents,            this difference is mitigated by the fact that
   as a result of changes to the tax and               to be out of the labour force and to benefit            spouses typically share their resources.
   benefit systems between 2008 and 2018.              from child-related supports. For instance,              		          Most of the gender difference in
   Governmental changes to taxes and benefits          the last decade of budgetary policy has                 the impact of budgetary policy can be put
   have led to greater income reductions for           affected single men and women without                   down to reductions in Child Benefit and
   women than for men, according to recent             children similarly. Moreover, little evidence           other welfare payments during the period
   Economic and Social Research Institute              was found of a gender difference in the                 of austerity and to the fact that welfare
   (ESRI) research funded by the Parliamentary         impact of budgetary policy for men and                  payments did not keep pace with inflation
   Budget Office. Gender differences in the            women employed in paid work.                            when the recovery got under way. As a
   impact of budgetary policy were most                		         Lone parents, who are                        result, in instances where women lost out
   marked during the period of austerity               predominantly women, lost proportionally                by more than men, the difference was most
   budgets from 2008 to 2012. Since then,              more as a result of budgetary policy over               evident when comparing women and men
   we have seen more gender-neutral policy             the past decade than single people without              from low-income households – thus, those
   reforms occurring during the period from            children. In terms of couples, the last decade          with less suffered proportionally more than
   2013 to 2018.                                       of budgetary policy led to reductions in                those who were financially better off.
   		         Gender differences in the effect of      women’s disposable income compared to
   Irish budgetary policy over the past decade         that of their spouse, especially in households

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When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
Product/Tech News
                                                                                            Tension in the air
Reeling back the years
                                                                                          Movie classifications provide important information
The vinyl revival may have taken us by surprise some                                      on the age appropriateness of the film but these
years back when old-school record players started                                         classifications are to some extent subjective. A
reappearing in shops and now those who have been                                          group of researchers in Germany set about trying to
missing the mixtape can start looking out for the                                         find a more objective method of gauging whether
return of the retro cassette player as pushed by US                                       a film is child-friendly or decidedly not suitable for
company Crosley Radio. Crosley already manufactures                                       younger viewers, simply by testing the air in the
a wide range of portable record players and claims          The Crosley CT100 and CT200   cinema.
it played a role in the revival of that format, so it is                                  		           Movie certifications are generally decided
not surprising it has taken on the other main music                                       on by a panel of experts who view the film before
machine from the recent past, the cassette player.                                        its release to the general public. The ratings
Whereas many claim that vinyl offers key attributes                                       allocated depend on a range of factors but often the
as a physical alternative to digital music, the case is                                   reason for restricting films to adult viewers is due
less strong for the arguably much-inferior cassette.                                      to the inclusion of scenes that are too upsetting for
However, nostalgia sells and Crosley’s two new                                            younger people. Scientists from the Max Planck
models look like something straight out of 1985.                                          Institute of Chemistry in Germany undertook a
Although boomboxes that have a cassette deck have                                         study recently that involved over 13,000 participants
never really left shop shelves, the Crosley CT100 and                                     watching 135 screenings of 11 different movies, all of
CT200 look like legitimate relics from three or four                                      which had previously been released and accorded
decades back with a mono speaker, a single-direction                                      certifications. The idea is that audiences chemically
tape deck, an AM/FM radio tuner, plus a handle and                                        change the air inside cinemas as they view dramatic
large, chunky dials and controls for an authentic                                         stimuli due to emissions from their skin and breath.
80s experience. The all-important built-in mic is                                         As a result, in the study, as the participants watched
included, which can be put to work in recording                                           each film, air analysis equipment in the cinema’s
songs played on the radio straight to the tape deck,                                      ventilation system measured the concentrations of
making carefully curated bootleg mixtapes or                                              60 chemical compounds in the air every 30 seconds.
recording yourself singing along or playing at DJ with                                    		           The findings revealed that concentrations
snappy introductions for each track. Completing the                                       of one chemical compound in particular, isoprene,
old-world vibe, you power these devices by plugging                                       given off by viewers consistently increased in direct
them into the wall or using four large D batteries                                        relation to the ‘adultness’ of the film’s existing rating.
when on the go.                                                                           Isoprene is stored in muscle tissue and microscopic
		         As a nod to the fact that the world has                                        amounts of isoprene are released into the air
moved on somewhat since the days of Duran Duran                                           whenever we move our muscles. Thus, the more
and Depeche Mode, the CT100 offers the ability to                                         nervous or agitated viewers get during a particular
play music from an SD card or USB drive while the                                         scene in a film, the more they tend to wriggle in
CT200 has treble and bass dials and a volume unit                                         their seats, and the audience collectively emits more
(VU) meter. The Crosley CT100 is currently on sale for                                    isoprene into the air. The study found that this rise
$60 (€53 approx.) while the CT200 is slightly dearer at                                   in isoprene became predictable during particularly
$70 (€62 approx.). And for something to play on these                                     intense scenes across multiple screenings and thus
machines, many have shoeboxes of old cassette tapes                                       appears to be a good indicator of the emotional
somewhere in the attic waiting to be unearthed and,                                       tension likely to be created in any given audience.
indeed, a small but growing market of new cassette                                        		           There is no suggestion that this method
tapes is emerging for those looking to start their                                        should replace the movie classification systems
cassette collection all over again. Just make sure you                                    currently in place but researchers indicate that it
have a pencil ready to respool any ribbon tape that                                       might be useful in borderline cases. Where a rating
inadvertently gets pulled out...hopefully that is a skill                                 is in dispute, a test audience could view the film and
that has not been lost in the intervening years.                                          the amount of isoprene created could help provide a
                                                                                          scientific basis for the ultimate certification.
  The products featured on these pages have
  not been tested by the Consumers’ Association of
  Ireland and their inclusion here is not, in any way, an                                  Product News by Clodagh O'Donoghue
  endorsement of them.

 8         www.thecai.ie                                                                                    December 2018 / January 2019
When it comes to consumer challenges, be a bright spark with Consumer Choice
LEDs for lighter electricity bills
 Following on from our news item in our             after about two years, whereas LEDs can last        5. LEDs fit existing sockets
 October issue that noted that the EU ban on        up to ten times longer.                             Most LEDs fit existing light sockets – but to
 the importation and production of halogen                                                              make sure the new LED will match the fitting,
 bulbs had come into force, the Sustainable         3. Reducing your carbon footprint                   take the old bulb along with you to check.
 Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) is urging       LEDs use only around a fifth of the energy of
 households to swap to energy efficient LEDs        halogen bulbs. Phasing out halogen lightbulbs       6. They are better for the
 this winter. The SEAI puts forward six reasons     across the EU will prevent carbon emissions         environment
 for making the switch:                             equal to the total annual emissions of over half    Unlike CFLs, LEDs are mercury free so they are
                                                    a million Irish households.                         kinder to the environment.
 1. Lower electricity bills
 According to SEAI, swapping a single 42-watt       4. One for every occasion                           		         And with the festive season upon
 halogen lightbulb for an energy efficient 9-watt   LED bulbs are now available for virtually any       us, LED Christmas lights are on the market
 LED will save around €7 a year. LEDs may be a      purpose, from regular bulbs and spotlight-style     and feature all the benefits outlined above. So
 little more expensive to buy than their halogen    bulbs to chandelier-shaped bulbs and three-         to enjoy plenty of seasonal lighting without
 counterpart but they can save you money in         way bulbs Newer LED bulbs labelled as ‘soft         pushing up your energy bills heading into the
 the long-term.                                     white’ or ‘warm white’ glow just like an old-       New Year, LED fairy lights for your Christmas
                                                    fashioned incandescent bulb and some LEDs           tree and elsewhere could be the way to go.
 2. LEDs last longer                                are also dimmable and can change colour, for a
 Halogen bulbs tend to dim over time and fail       greater range of lighting effects.

     The truth about fake reviews
    In the shopping frenzy that precedes              Amazon reviews. Typically, an individual is
    Christmas and extends afterwards into             asked to order a product through Amazon
    the sales, many conscientious consumers           by manually finding the product using
    will do their homework before parting             a search term and browsing some other
    with their cash to ensure that the product        items first, presumably to make the search
    they are buying will be worth their               look more natural. The purchaser is then
    money. Online reviews can provide a               asked to write a review and send a link to
    very helpful source of information to learn       the seller, after which they are told they will
    about users’ hands-on experience with             receive a refund through PayPal. Which
    a product – but can all online reviews be         investigators found that if they wrote a
    trusted? Unfortunately, as is so often the        review that fell short of five stars they were
    case, consumers need to be wary about             asked to rewrite it and, if they refused,
    where they place their trust and customer         they were asked to delete it. Refunds of
    reviews are no exception, particularly when       the purchase price were not received in all
    it comes to glowing recommendations and           cases.
    five-star ratings.                                		         These findings highlight the
    		         Our UK colleagues at Which             need for consumers to be aware that
    recently conducted an investigation that          not all online reviews can be trusted at
    revealed how pervasive the problem of             face value. To avoid falling for a fake
    fake reviews has grown. The posting of            review and being disappointed with their
    positive reviews increases ratings and            purchase, consumers need to read reviews
    rankings, with the result that unscrupulous       in depth rather than relying solely on the
    companies can be drawn to creating fake           ratings, looking out for warning signs
    reviews in order to inflate their sales.          such as postings that sound unnatural or
    Companies need to be smart about how              repetitive. They should check if a large
    they go about this, however, and so pay           number of reviews have been posted
    or incentivise individuals to make false          in a short period and look at reviewers’
    postings that seem natural and genuine to         histories to see if they review lots of the
    online retailers like Amazon that are on the      same product or invariably give five
    lookout for phony product reviews.                stars. Finally, consumers should check for
    		 The Which investigation found a                inconsistencies, such as ratings at the very
    number of Facebook groups where sellers           top and bottom end of the scale or praise
    offer financial incentives or their products      for aspects or features that have been
    ‘free’ or at discounted rates in exchange for     much criticised elsewhere.

       9      www.thecai.ie                                                                                                 December 2018 / January 2019
FOOD & HEALTH / Juice cleanses

  Cleaning Up Your Act?
  The pros and cons of juice
Those keen on cleaning up their act in the New Year might be tempted
to kick-start it with a juice cleanse, but does this trendy option hold
                                     Many of us start the New Year with the               level, however, with providers suggesting
                                     intention of turning over a new leaf in one          that, by confining yourself to a set regime of
      REPORT by Clodagh O’Donoghue
                                     form or another and often that involves              liquidised fruit and vegetables that you will be
                                     making an effort to live more healthily. After       able to give your body a rest from digesting,
At a glance                          the indulgence of the Christmas period, many         rid your body of toxins and excess waste and
• Juice cleansing plans              of us greet January with a renewed enthusiasm        replenish nutrients. The promised benefits
• Claimed benefits                   for improving our lifestyles, especially in terms    variously include a boost to your immune
• Health advice                      of being more careful about what we put into         system, more radiant skin, clearer and brighter
                                     our bodies. After the myriad sausage rolls,          eyes, reinvigorated energy levels and weight
                                     mince pies, and foil-wrapped chocolates,             loss. However, most health experts remain
                                     we yearn to reinvent ourselves by swapping           unconvinced at best on the positive impacts
                                     these admittedly fairly disastrous diet choices      of juice cleanses. Often enthusiastically
                                     for fresher, lighter, healthier options. This is a   advocated by famous faces with undeniably
                                     laudable ambition but, for some, just laying off     enviable figures, juice cleansing may indeed
                                     the alcohol and confectionery may not seem           work for some people but it is important to
                                     to be a sufficiently extreme measure to make         state from the outset, that - whether or not
                                     up for all the reckless eating behaviour of the      they deliver any substantiated benefits - juice
                                     previous few weeks. As a result, one trend           cleanses or fasts are not a safe option for
                                     that likely sees a significant upswing at the        everyone. Providers’ websites note that their
                                     beginning of each new year is juice cleansing        cleansing plans are not suitable for pregnant
                                     or detoxing.                                         or breastfeeding women, and those with heart
                                     		          Juicing is big business with juice       or kidney conditions, compromised immune
                                     bars continuing to pop up alongside salad            systems or other health concerns need to
                                     bars and raw food outlets, all looking to            consult their doctor before embarking on any
                                     help us get our recommended five to seven            extreme eating regime.
                                     portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Juice        		          So what is involved? How does it all
                                     cleansing takes it to an entirely different          work? And why do the opinions of a majority

    10    www.thecai.ie                                                                                       December 2018 / January 2019
of health experts range from sceptical to          fish, fruit or nuts to fill up. Some providers       be regained when normal eating patterns
positively critical? Consumer Choice takes         have an option where you drink juice during          resume. Other concerns surround the lack
stock of the juice cleansing market and            the day and make yourself a healthy meal in          of protein in a juice cleansing programme,
considers both the claims and the caveats.         the evening.                                         potentially leading to a loss of muscle mass
                                                   		           Providers generally also suggest        over time, and the fact that juices do not
What’s on the menu                                 that you drink two to three litres of water          contain the same level of fibre as in whole
An online search of the juice cleansing market     during the days you are juice cleansing.             fruits and vegetables and which is useful for
in Ireland revealed that there are a number        Although you can still exercise, providers tend      regulating blood sugar spikes, helping you
of providers offering the service. People          to recommend that you are gentle on yourself         feel fuller and protecting against the risk of
living in Dublin would seem to have a better       and that you listen to your body and energy          heart disease and cancer. Juicing also releases
range of juice cleanse providers to choose         levels, potentially avoiding high-intensity          sugar in fruit and vegetables and dental
from though there are companies that deliver       sessions. Getting a couple of hours extra            health experts have warned about the risks of
all over Ireland. In our research, we found        sleep a night is also often recommended. For         tooth decay and acid erosion associated with
juice cleansing packages on offer for one day      those who stick strictly to liquids and avoid        drinking high volumes of juices.
through to three-day and five-day options,         chewing for between one and seven days, this         		          As most handmade juices are
with some providers offering a lengthy seven-      is undoubtedly a difficult regime with such          unpasteurised, they are vulnerable to the
day programme. The one-day programmes              reported effects as severe headaches, fatigue        growth of harmful bacteria so care must be
are aimed at those who want to dip their toe       and hunger pangs.                                    taken to store and consume them within the
into the world of juice cleansing and see how      		           The juice cleansing companies           recommended guidelines, and older age
they find it before moving on to the more          have advice for preparations to make before          groups or those with weakened immune
challenging multiple-day options.                  embarking on a juice fast, which often involves      systems are at particular risk.
		          Juice cleansing may be promoted        cutting out alcohol, caffeine and processed          		          Overall, many health experts take
as a quick fix for your health, but it is not a    foods for a number of days. This step alone          the view that for normal, healthy individuals,
cheap fix with prices starting at €25 for a        will surely provide at least some healthful          a brief juice cleansing programme lasting
one-day package rising up to €75 for three-day     benefits. After the juice cleanse is at an end,      a couple of days is unlikely to do any harm.
options. For five-day options, we found            rather than immediately hitting the tin of           However, these experts are also keen to
prices starting at €125 and one seven-day          biscuits or box of chocolates the suggestion is      stress that there is no substitute for eating
programme costing €159. And if you want            that you would ease back into normal eating,         a healthy, balanced diet on a regular basis
the convenience of delivery to your door,          choosing light healthy meals with plenty of          that cuts down on sugar and salt and that is
these charges will increase. For these not         salads and raw ingredients and continuing to         accompanied by the recommended levels of
insignificant sums, you will generally get five    avoid processed foods for a time.                    exercise for your age group. Although juice
freshly prepared juices that you will drink        		           Providers claim that their juice        cleanses may seem like the trendy route, they
throughout the day – at breakfast time, during     cleanses will spring-clean tired and stressed-       will not necessarily lead to huge additional
the morning, at lunchtime and dinnertime and       out bodies, rejuvenate and energise you both         health benefits.
in the evening.                                    physically and mentally, restock your store of
		          The juices have to be ordered          nutrients, and improve the quality of skin, hair     The upshot
between 24 and 48 hours in advance as they         and nails, to name but a few desirable benefits.     It is undoubtedly not a bad thing to consider
are made fresh on the morning of collection        Whereas some providers do suggest that a             the start of a new year as an opportunity to
or delivery. As the juices generally are           juice cleanse represents a method of losing          make some positive changes in your lifestyle.
unpasteurised and preservative free, they will     weight, others indicate that, although weight        Such changes may entail swapping unhealthy,
need to be stored carefully and kept in the        loss may occur, that is not the primary aim of       fatty, or sugar-laden foods for an increased
fridge or the freezer depending on how long        the process. One provider suggests that, as          intake of fruit and vegetables. These switches
the programme is. One provider will provide        most people will see some weight loss, a juice       will undoubtedly do you good. Adding in a
half a batch initially and then a second batch a   cleanse can be the ideal way to kick-off a new       juice made from fresh fruit and vegetables
couple of days later for its five-day programme    healthier lifestyle.                                 every so often may help some to boost their
to ensure that the juice has not gone off by                                                            consumption of these nutrient-rich foods
the time that you are due to drink it. Another     Not so fast                                          and can also be a beneficial step. Moreover,
provider takes a slightly different approach in    In general, health experts appear at very least      if you think that doing a full-on juice cleanse
that it blast-freezes its juices as soon as they   sceptical about the health benefits promised         for a day or two will help you kick-start a
are made and customers will need to freeze         by juice-only cleanses, with many taking issue       whole new healthier regime, then, for most
the products in their home, taking them out        with the fact that the claimed gains are largely     people who are in overall good health, this
the night before they are due to drink them        anecdotal with little scientific evidence to         will probably not do you any damage and
and putting them in the fridge to defrost.         prove them. In particular, many nutritionists        could be the psychological springboard you
		          A more recent variation that has       are highly critical of the claim that juices can     need to break bad habits and reevaluate
appeared in this market is the soup and juice      ‘detox’ the body as, they point out, the body        what you eat. However, as we noted at the
regime, whereby, as well as consuming several      is detoxing itself all the time all on its own.      start of this article, juice cleanses are not for
measures of juice during the day, two soups        If our liver and kidneys were not constantly         everyone, including those with any health
are provided. In addition, one provider offers     eliminating toxins, we would become ill very         issues to consider, growing adolescents and
a juice and salad detox programme where            quickly and, according to experts, there is little   older people, or those who are pregnant or
two juices and two salads are supplied for         or no evidence that swapping eating for only         breastfeeding, are underweight, or have Type
each day of the plan. Moreover, although           drinking juice will help this process along.         1 or 2 diabetes or a heart or kidney condition
many associate a juice cleansing programme         		           Juice fasting programmes deliver        and it is always advisable to speak to a doctor
with prohibiting any solid food, at least one      a reduced level of calories, which is why they       first if you have any health concerns at all.
provider suggests that if you are still hungry     are associated with a degree of weight loss,
after imbibing the liquid options, you can eat     but this is often water weight and will likely

   11    www.thecai.ie                                                                                                      December 2018 / January 2019
FOOD & HEALTH / Weaning challenges

Weaning Your Baby –
Common challenges and key guidance

A safefood study has uncovered the challenges                                                                     REPORT by Clodagh O’Donoghue

parents face when weaning their baby onto solid                                                            At a glance
foods and provides advice and guidance on how to                                                           • Weaning challenges
                                                                                                           • Research findings
manage this exciting milestone in a child's life.                                                          • Recommendations

With confusing and conflicting advice seeming     safefood has conducted a study that                 be an exciting transition in their babies’ lives.
to come from all sides, parents can find the      investigates parents’ experiences of the wea        A key difficulty appeared to be the perceived
process of weaning their baby onto solid          ning process, the barriers faced to following       confusing nature of formal recommendations
foods to be quite daunting. Parents need to       weaning guidelines, and the best methods            coupled with conflicting advice coming from
make decisions surrounding such matters as        for supporting families who are weaning their       family and friends. In particular, advice from
when to start weaning and what foods to give      children.                                           grandmothers was viewed in both a positive
their babies. These are important decisions                                                           and a negative light and peer influence
to get right as the first two years of a baby’s   The research                                        could act as both a barrier and a facilitator
life is widely seen as a critical window for      In the safefood study, entitled What Parents        to following weaning recommendations.
growth, development and the prevention of         Think About Weaning, information was                Some participants reported feeling under
diet-related disease, including obesity. The      gathered through 19 focus groups – 11 in the        pressure from family and friends in terms of
early years are also seen as an opportunity to    Republic of Ireland and 8 in Northern Ireland       making decisions about weaning. In addition,
exert a positive influence on food preferences    – between November 2016 and July 2017.              participants noted that they felt that current
and dietary habits in young children. Although    The focus groups met in local community             guidance was unclear about the age at which
many babies in Ireland are weaned in line         venues and the sessions were audio recorded         parents should introduce solid foods and
with formal recommendations, certain              and transcribed verbatim. In all, 83 parents        what foods they should offer. Moreover, some
population groups, particularly those at a        took part and included migrant parents, lone        participants felt that formal recommendations
social disadvantage, are more likely than their   parents and members of ethnic minorities.           were not sufficient in addressing the practical
counterparts to have a low level of weaning       Discussions took place on participants’             challenges that parents faced – such as how
knowledge, leading to a greater incidence         perception of the weaning process in a              much food to give, at what time of day and
of early weaning. This is a concern because       number of areas, including the choosing of          by how much to reduce milk feeds. In many
the early introduction of solid foods has         what to feed their baby, the various sources        cases, the guidance was not given at the right
been associated with a greater risk of obesity,   of infant feeding advice, the perceived             time – instead of the recommendations being
allergy, eczema and enteritis as well as with     deficiencies in the delivery of official guidance   made when weaning was about to begin,
the later development of generally unhealthy      on weaning, and the personal experiences of         guidance was often given in the newborn
eating behaviours. Moreover, parents from         parents and their feelings and emotions as          period when parents had many other more
low-income backgrounds have been found            they navigated the process.                         pressing factors to consider.
to be more likely to introduce infants to                                                                        In terms of the choice of what
inappropriate foods, such as confectionery,       Challenges                                          foods to offer, parents highlighted concerns
while offering fewer fruits and vegetables.       The study uncovered a range of challenges           surrounding under- or over-feeding, giving
Against this backdrop, all-island organisation    faced by the participants during what should        unsafe foods and the potential for choking.

  12     www.thecai.ie                                                                                                    December 2018 / January 2019
The use of commercial baby foods was               • Provide parents with information about
much discussed, with some participants             developmental stages, growth spurts, hunger
believing that these must be healthy               cues and other reasons for disturbed sleep or
options on the basis that they are marketed        distress/upset
for babies. Participants also noted that
there was insufficient guidance on moving                     Recommendations were also
through the stages of weaning and how to           made in relation to the best channels for
progress between textures and food types           communicating guidance, including the use
appropriately.                                     of face-to-face interaction between parents
                                                   and health professionals; making weaning
Recommendations from the                           guidance for parents available through
study                                              multiple media channels such as online, apps,
All the data from the focus groups was             paper and video resources; and providing
analysed in association with a panel of            opportunities for parents to ask questions
parents with a view to identifying barriers        through multimedia forums. The full report on
and facilitators to compliance with                the study can be found at www.safefood.eu.
weaning recommendations. The main
recommendations arising from the study in          The age question
relation to basic information and guidelines       The age at which solid foods are introduced        use ready-made foods, make sure to check salt
were as follows:                                   into a baby’s diet is very important. The          and sugar content and opt for savoury foods
                                                   national recommendations are that weaning          rather than desserts, which are often laden
• Provide information to all parents at the time   or ‘complementary feeding’ should take             with sugar. As many ready-made baby foods
of weaning                                         place at around the age of six months or           use a similar flavour base, they can all taste the
                                                   26 weeks. It should not be done prior to 17        same to your baby so it is a good idea to mix
• Provide parents with best-practice guidelines    weeks of age as, before this, a baby’s kidneys     in some of your own food to add texture and
and the reasoning behind these guidelines          and digestive system are not mature and            flavour variety. Foods that come in pouches
                                                   may not be able to handle foods and drinks         that can be sucked do little to help your baby
• Provide practical information when starting      other than milk. However, the introduction of      develop important eating skills like using their
solids (such as, how much milk to give, what       solid foods should not be delayed any longer       fingers or a spoon. Those who buy pouches
time of day to feed solids, how much food to       than six months because, by this time, a baby      should transfer the food inside into a bowl and
give and how often)                                needs these foods to satisfy their energy          use a spoon for feeding it to their baby.
                                                   and nutrient requirements and is ready to
• Provide recipe suggestions to parents along      develop the important skills for eating a mixed    Key advice
with guidance                                      diet. Breastfeeding can continue after the         Other tips and guidance provided by safefood
                                                   introduction of solid foods.                       for parents who are introducing their babies to
• Provide guidance to parents of different                                                            solid foods include the following:
nationalities about local foods to use during      Commercial baby foods
weaning                                            Overall, a worrying finding of the study           • Always stay with your baby as they eat to
                                                   was the reliance on commercial baby foods          make sure they do not choke
• Provide specific information about               coupled with a lack of confidence in home
continuing to breastfeed whilst weaning            cooking. Commercial baby foods that come           • Never add any foods (including rusks) to your
                                                   in jars or pouches are seen as a convenient        baby’s bottle as this can be a choking hazard
• Provide clear and specific guidance on lumps     option but also, as the safefood study             and damages teeth
and textures of foods for specific ages            revealed, as a safe and healthy option by many
                                                   parents. The study revealed that labelling         • Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar,
                                                   of these foods has an influence on parental        fat or salt as these can lead to unhealthy food
                                                   purchasing decisions – so, for example,            preferences that continue into later life
                                                   product labels describing food as “suitable
                                                   from four months” suggested to parents that        • Give your baby food that you normally eat
                                                   they could safely wean from four months.           as a family but be careful about salt content
                                                   In addition, an organic baby food product          when making family meals particularly when
                                                   was much cited in the focus groups, with a         adding gravy granules or stock cubes
                                                   common perception being that it must be
                                                   healthy due to the use of organic ingredients      • Allow plenty of time for feeding, especially
                                                   and, for some, this helped to reduce the guilt     in the beginning, as it is a new experience for
                                                   of not offering home-cooked food.                  your baby and they will need time to develop
                                                               Although the convenience of            eating skills and get used to different tastes
                                                   commercial baby foods is undeniable, these
                                                   foods should be confined to occasions when         • Avoid distractions at mealtimes like the TV,
                                                   you are out and about and should be the            phone or tablet and instead allow time to
                                                   exception rather than the everyday offering.       interact with your baby
                                                   As well as being more expensive, they are less
                                                   nutritious than a home-cooked meal and may         • Encourage your baby to eat a variety of foods,
                                                   contain high levels of sugar and salt. If you do   to hold a spoon or finger foods and to try to
                                                                                                      feed themselves

   13    www.thecai.ie                                                                                                    December 2018 / January 2019
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