Page created by Lorraine Guzman

                                          BACK SMART
                            8                           22                   37
                  WOMEN IN                       ARTICLE & TIMELINE:    TWO PERSON FRA
              CONSTRUCTION WEEK                    FIRST 100 DAYS      ACTION OVERTURNED

68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 1                                                       5/10/21 7:46 PM
Help Spread Awareness About Careers in Sheet Metal

     My Job is My Gym
      “I get so excited when
      someone (especially a
      woman) comes to me
      inquiring about getting into
      the trades. It’s the best
      decision I have ever made.”

                                       As I did more research
                                       on women in trades, and
                                       learned of the incredible
                                       benefits, I gave it a shot!

                                       And, I’m so glad that I did!


      Get the SMACNA-SMART Brand Ambassador Program Recruiting for You

      The SMACNA-SMART Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force has launched a recruitment initiative to help
      address the industry’s labor shortage issue. The Brand Ambassador program uses an evidence-based approach to
      attract new recruits to the sheet metal trade, leveraging the positive experiences of apprentices, journeypersons, and
      other members of the industry who love the trade.

      Suggest your apprentices become Brand Ambassadors and actively spread the word about the advantages of SMACNA
      and SMART careers to friends and family via social media. It’s easy! Those interested in being Brand Ambassadors
      should tag posts with the hashtag of our recruiting campaign #MJMG. Exemplary brand ambassadors will receive
      $100 Amazon gift cards.

      For more information visit and

                                                   For more details on these and
                                                                                          S HE E T M E TA L | A I R | R A I L | T R A N S P O R TAT I O N

                                                   other resources visit

68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 2                                                                                                                5/10/21 7:46 PM
                                                              S P R I NG 2 0 2 1
             1750 New York Avenue, N.W.
             Washington, DC 20006-5386                        2 General President’s Message                                        18 Online Safety Report Form
                                                                    Labor Reaps Rewards                                               Launched for TD Members
             The Members’ Journal
             (ISSN: 1528-2805) published quarterly                  of 1 st 100 Days
             by the International Association                                                                                      19 Outdoors
             of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail
             and Transportation Workers (SMART),
                                                              3 General Secretary-
             1750 New York Avenue, N.W.,                        Treasurer’s Message                                               20 Member Rights Under
             Washington, D.C. 20006-5386.                           Now Is the Time to Build                                         the LMRDA
             Periodical postage paid at Washington,                 Back Better
             D.C. and at additional mailing office.
             Subscription prices: $7.50 per year per
                                                                                                                                  22 Special Focus: Build Back Union
             member. Change of address coupons                4 TD President’s Message
             should be sent to SMART.                                                                                             35 Leadership Appointments
             Postmaster – send address changes to:           6 Local 58 Members Build
             The Members’ Journal
             1750 New York Avenue, N.W.                        World’s Largest Silicon                                             37 Court Derails Trump
             Washington, D.C. 20006-5386                       Chip Plant                                                             FRA Overreach
             Canada Publication Mail Agreement
             No. 40009551
                                                              7 TABB Contractors on the                                           38 LU 20 Welcomes Longtime
             Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:
             Circulation Dept.                                  Front Lines During COVID-19                                          Indiana Contractor
             P.O. Box 1051
             Fort Erie, ON L2A 5N8
             Email:         8 SMART Sisters Take                                                 39 Funds Spotlight
                                                               Center Stage                                                          39      Davenberry Recognized
                          Printed in U.S.A.
                                                                                                                                     40      Get Up to $600 for Preventive
                     Spring 2021 · Vol. 111 · No. 1          9 Canadian Affairs                                                              Care from SASMI

                                                           10 Locals Mobilize to Assist                                            41 Local News
                        JOSEPH SELLERS, JR.
                         General President                    Texas Members                                                          41      Local 66 Signs Brewery,
                                                                                                                                             Gets Own Beer Line
                          JOSEPH POWELL
                     General Secretary-Treasurer
                                                            11 Member Spotlight                                                      42      Local 9 Graduates SMART Heroes
                                                                                                                                     43      Local 265 TinHers of the Future
                      General Vice Presidents:             12 Putting the Brakes on Long Trains                                      43      SMART Army Local 83
                           DEREK EVANS                                                                                                       Winter Soldiers
                       ARTHUR B. TOLENTINO
                           GARY MASINO
                                                           14 Rail, Mechanical &                                                     44      Local 66 Youth to Youth
d                       RICHARD H. WERNER                     Engineering Report                                                             Program Flourishes
                      CHRISTOPHER L. GRIFFEY                                                                                         46      New Local 58 Training Facility
                         JAMES PAQUETTE
                          LUTHER MEDINA
                                                           15 Remembering Union Member Who                                           47      SE Region Locals Launch
                            TIM CARTER                        Served as Secretary of Labor                                                   Cornhole Competition
 A                         SCOTT PARKS
rs                         MIKE MOONEY
                                                            17 SMART, SMACNA Partner
                           BILL KENYON                                                                                            48 Let Us Always Remember
 e                     JEREMY R. FERGUSON                      on Diversity
                           GREG HYNES
                       CALVIN J. STUDIVANT
                          BRENT LEONARD
l/                     JOHN D. WHITAKER III
                        CHADRICK J. ADAMS
                                                           ON THE COVER:
                                                           Building Back Better
                           JOSEPH POWELL
                                                           for All Members
                                                                                      8                                       22                                     37

                                                               A periodic document of the traditions and practices of SMART members in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.   1

      68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 1                                                                                                                                          5/10/21 7:46 PM

                                   GENER AL PRESIDENT
                                   JOSEPH SELLERS, JR.

                           First 100 days a victory

                            e have long heard the                   Street CEOs reversed their pension     unprecedented loss of plans’ contri-
                            phrase, “Elections have                 promise made to their employees        bution income.
                            consequences.” This                     while keeping their golden para-          Thanks to the victories obtained
                            past election reflects the              chutes. We saw what the disastrous     in the 2020 election, we are seeing
                            concrete truth behind the               effects of these trends would look     relief for working families. We see
               power of your vote and how it can be                 like and sacrificed to ensure our      legislation that finally benefits those
               used as a force for positive change.                 retirement funds would be secured      who built America and not the 1
                  Nowhere is it more apparent                       for now and for future generations     percent who have received bailout
               for many members than in the                         of members.                            after bailout and mammoth income
               gains made for working families in                      The retirement security included    tax cuts, only to leave the rest of us
               the American Rescue Plan (ARP)                       in the ARP is without any of the       holding the bag. This Administration
               that the Biden Administration,                       onerous strings that were previ-       has held a laser-like focus on the
               the US Senate and House of                           ously put on the table by Senate       other 99 percent of us and has
               Representatives have succeeded                       Republicans and the past admin-        committed to uphold the campaign
               in passing. This piece of legisla-                   istration when pension aid was         promises from the past election.
               tion put people and workers on                       being considered. No eleven-fold       As you will see in this issue of the
               the agenda by restoring the health                   premium increase. No additional        Members’ Journal, this includes
               of our nation — our economic and                     union or employer fees. No retiree     COBRA assistance for those who
               our physical health. Because of                      tax/benefit cuts. No devastating       lost their jobs during the pandemic
               the change in the White House,                       plan requirements.                     as well as funding to ensure our
               as well as the slim pro-worker                          After a lifetime of hard work,      brothers and sisters at Amtrak can
               majority in Congress, the elected                    working people deserve to retire       return to work. It also equips sheet
               officials SMART endorsed were                        with dignity. We are proud of our      metal members with new work
               able to secure $86 billion in federal                negotiated multiemployer pension       opportunities through funding to
               financial assistance to protect the                  plans, which have provided retire-     retrofit antiquated HVAC systems
               retirement benefits of workers and                   ment income security for millions of   in our schools and public buildings.
               retirees in critical and declining                   working people for decades.            These are only a fraction of the pro-
               multiemployer pension plans.                            However, since the 1980s,           worker agenda items acted upon in
                  Make no mistake, SMART’s                          multiemployer plans have been          this Administration’s first 100 days.
               Sheet Metal National Pension                         jeopardized because of a series           Thanks to the Biden-Harris Admin-
               Fund is not among those listed                       of bad policy decisions. Unfair        istration and the Democratically led
               as financially troubled. As a side                   trade deals decimated domestic         Congress, millions of Americans
               note, SMART-TD railroad members                      industries, reckless deregulation      who worked their entire adult life
               mostly rely on Railroad Retirement.                  occurred in trucking and housing,      to secure a safe retirement will have
               Over a decade ago, our leaders                       and pension plan tax policy all        peace of mind.
               began addressing shortfalls in the                   were contributing factors.
               retirement system that were being                       The COVID-19 pandemic only            Fraternally,
               predicted, produced through no                       exacerbated the dire situation for
               fault of the nation’s workforce.                     these plans and reinforced the need
               Due to the effects of the 2000 – 2001                for immediate action. Last year’s
               recession, then 2008 – 2009 financial                layoffs across every sector of the       Joseph Sellers, Jr.
               crisis and lax bankruptcy laws, Wall                 American economy resulted in an          General President

           2       T HE MEMBERS ’ JOUR N A L            SM A R T-UNION.ORG

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                                                                                               GENER AL SECRETARY-TRE ASURER
                                                                                                    JOSEPH POWELL

                                         Now is the time
                                       to build back union

                       he Biden-Harris Administration’s new              current needs, let alone future demands. The American
                       infrastructure proposal may be the most           Jobs Plan will provide critical investments needed
                       significant investment in new American            to modernize the nation’s energy delivery systems,
                       jobs since FDR’s New Deal in the 1930s.           including power generation facilities that will employ
                       The nation’s infrastructure has been left in      thousands of sheet metal workers working to ensure the
             shambles for far too long due to years of gridlock in       availability of affordable energy for all Americans.
             Washington, D.C. With a new administration and                 Overall, our infrastructure needs are vast and will
             Congress turning its focus to rebuilding America, now       only continue to grow without decisive action from
             is the time for real action that addresses these needs      Washington, D.C.
             and helps working families.                                    Due to the Biden-Harris Administration’s support for
                The Biden-Harris infrastructure proposal, called         high labor standards, the American Jobs Plan will also
             the American Jobs Plan, focuses on more than roads          secure a broad pathway to the middle class for hundreds
             and bridges, which may be the first words that              of thousands of Americans, through new union jobs in
             come to mind when the term “infrastructure” is              all sectors of the trades, and by putting existing members
             mentioned. It also includes modernizing the nation’s        to work. It will also ensure that the next generation of
             rail system to meet passenger rail capacity taken for       American construction workers remain among the best-
                                                                         trained, safest and well-equipped in the world.
                                                                            This support for strong labor standards shows the
                                                                         Biden-Harris Administration understands that the
                                                                         labor movement is the best avenue to easing pandemic-
                   The nation’s infrastructure has been left             related job and financial insecurity that has placed a
                                                                         heavy burden on so many working families. For union
                   in a shambles for far too long due to years
                                                                         members, this will be a major employment shot in the
                   of gridlock in Washington, D.C.                       arm, with a plethora of new work opportunities in the
                                                                         immediate future — and the kind of jobs that keep
                                                                         members busy for years to come.
             granted by nations in Europe, and to better compete            The time is now to take action. Contact your Senators
             with China’s ultramodern freight rail system. In            and Congresspersons about this important pending
             addition, the plan would fund the retrofitting of           infrastructure legislation at
             public buildings, including schools and colleges, so        letters/rebuild-americas-infrastructure. What we do
             that air systems are up-to-date, efficient and safe for     today will lay the groundwork for future generations of
             occupants in a world where the next pandemic could          Americans to compete in a rapidly changing world.
             be right around the corner.
               The energy sector is another area that has significant      Fraternally,
             infrastructure needs, as well as pent-up and growing
             demand for the safe delivery of energy to cities, busi-
             nesses and homes. America’s current energy infrastructure
             — including the generation, storage, transmission and         Joseph Powell
             distribution of energy — is inadequate to meet our            General Secretary-Treasurer

                                                                                                                               SPR ING 2 021   3

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                                   PRESIDENT – TR ANSPORTATION DIVISION
                                   JEREMY R. FERGUSON

                                                 Time to rise
                                               to the challenge

                       rothers and sisters —                                  • After receiving numerous requests, we have
                         As we turn from enduring a difficult winter            recently created a membership option to receive the
                       and the challenges of a pandemic that has tested         TD News electronically instead of print in efforts to
                       our resilience and our country for more than a           reduce delivery time while saving production and
                       year, our organization has continued to press            mailing costs.
               ahead to better serve you.
                                                                              • We are also in the process of expanding Field Service
                 The core purpose of SMART-TD is to aggressively and
                                                                                assistance for local treasurers by providing addi-
               vigorously defend the safety and well-being of workers
                                                                                tional representatives who will be available during
               and to promptly field the concerns of its membership.
                                                                                select evening and weekend hours.
               Ever since the installation of my administration in 2019,
               we have been moving ahead to make dynamic changes              • We have increased our efforts of communicating
               internally and externally to the union. We want the              with our members and officers, soliciting ideas
               services you are entitled to as a union member to be             and suggestions via personal phone conversations
               delivered promptly and effectively to your satisfaction,         and surveys. This includes responding to each
               pandemic or not.                                                 and every phone call and email to those that have
                 To this end, a number of technology-related projects           contacted my office with issues, concerns or ques-
               have been completed. More are in the works — all                 tions. As I have stated several times, I value each
               undertaken with the intent that we provide the best              and every member and your thoughts and ideas
               value and representation that your union can offer and           are important to me.
               that you deserve as a part of SMART-TD.
                 Some of these include:                                        These are but a small example of the many projects
                                                                            we are working on, but few are more important than the
                 • The creation of online Safety Condition and              efforts underway to adapt and improve our efforts to
                   Technology Failure Reports to properly document          educate members and officers.
                   and address membership issues and concerns in a             While we are disappointed that 2021 marks the second
                   more timely manner. We have received thousands of
                                                                            straight year we have not been able to have an annual
                   submissions with a vast majority of these concerns
                                                                            regional meeting due to COVID-19, we’re making
                   successfully addressed by officers since their launch.
                                                                            adjustments. We plan to have smaller regionally focused
                 • Significant improvements to the SMART phone              training sessions when and where it is safe to do so.
                   app, with more on the way, which will provide even       We’re also in the process of establishing virtual training
                   more functionality, utility and information. These       online through the SMART University initiative that’s
                   include new features such as messaging functions,        being developed. These will provide officer training
                   virtual membership cards, a listing of Local, State      and resources, both visually with videos as well as with
                   Legislative and General Committee information and        supporting documents and presentations.
                   contact options to members.                                 Externally, we are working at being more visible as well.
                                                                               Legislative directors in 14 states are working to get
                 • A revamped website is in the works that will             two-person crew bills introduced after our successful
                   improve and expand members’ experience to find           case in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They’re also
                   answers and information that they need.                  working on fighting back against Precision Scheduled

           4       T HE MEMBERS ’ JOUR N A L         SM A R T-UNION.ORG

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Railroading (PSR) with 10 states working on bills to limit    because of the pandemic are back on the job thanks
             train lengths.                                                to the American Recovery Plan championed by Joe
                No doubt, it’s been a rough period, but our team is        Biden. The American Jobs Plan infrastructure bill that
             built for facing adversity, and more importantly, have        Biden unveiled March 31 contains many of the good,
             the experience and determination to address it.               transportation-related provisions that last year’s H.R.
                Many members have been furloughed at the whim of           2 had, such as bus and transit operator protection and
             carriers thanks to PSR. We are fighting back by telling all   mandating two-person freight crews. We’ll need to
             of those who would listen about the increased danger          all work together, be active and have our collective
             posed by this mode of operation and about carriers            voices heard loud and clear to get this done, but we
             wanting to cut freight crews. The in-depth article that       can do it.
             Vice Magazine put together in late March is just one            We’re going to keep making your union the best it can
             example. We are looking to expand these conversations         be by serving, protecting and responding to you. You are
             and are reaching out to additional media outlets, as well     the union. We are here for you. Let’s go!
             as each and every state capital. We now have doors held         Please stay safe out there, and God bless.
             open, often receiving invitations to tell our side of the
             story and have our voices heard on Capitol Hill, which
             is a complete reversal of what we have had to endure the
             past four years.
                There’s much to be positive about as we roll                 Jeremy R. Ferguson
             ahead. Amtrak members who had been furloughed                   President, Transportation Division

                                                                                                                    SPR ING 2 021     5

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Central NY sheet
                         metal workers building
                         world’s largest silicon
                             carbide plant

                        ree Inc. is building the
                        world’s largest silicon
                        carbide device manu-
                        facturing facility, and it
                        is being built in SMART
               SM Local 58’s (Syracuse and
               Central NY State) jurisdiction
               in Marcy, N.Y.
                  The company is one of the
               world’s largest manufacturers
               of LED lighting and semicon-
               ductor products for power
               and radio-frequency applica-
               tions. Cree invested $1 billion
               to match a $500-million grant
               from New York State to build
               the world’s largest silicon
               carbide manufacturing plant.
               Cree’s product families include
               LED fixtures and bulbs, blue
               and green LED chips, high-
               brightness LEDs, lighting-class
               power LEDs, power-switching
               devices and RF devices.                                        Currently Local 58 has 80 members working on t
                  Site grading started in the fourth quarter of 2019,       his over $10 million sheet metal project. Half of those
               building construction commenced in the first quarter         are SMART members that have traveled in from
               of 2020 and building completion and clean room move          around the country to lend a hand completing this
               in are scheduled for the second quarter of 2021 with 18      phase of construction.
               more buildings that will be going up on this site in addi-     Local 58’s Business Manager Tony Castrello states
               tion to the two under construction.                          that “a project of this size in Local 58’s jurisdiction has
                  John W Danforth Company currently has the sheet           really helped make work easier for his staff (Business
               metal portion of this project with some fabrication          Representative Mike Moran and Organizer Jeff Foster)
               assistance from Adirondack Sheet Metal (Both are signa-      when it comes to recruiting new members from open
               tory with Local 58). Titan Roofing secured the roofing       shops within the area.
               contract for both buildings on site. Thanks to the Central     Castrello added that “Local 58 appreciates every sister
               and Northern New York Building Trades Council this           and brother that has traveled from around the country
               project has gone 98% union even without the presence of      to give us a hand with this enormous project and in
               a Project Labor Agreement.                                   making it a success.” ■

           6       T HE MEMBERS ’ JOUR N A L   SM A R T-UNION.ORG

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Union contractors on the
              front lines during COVID-19

                           hether the general public     to provide testing and balancing,
                           realizes it or not, the       said Sano, but when the pandemic
                           heating, ventilation and      hit, technicians went into overdrive,
                           air conditioning industry     turning regular patient rooms into
                           has been center stage         COVID-19 isolation rooms.
             during the COVID-19 pandemic.                  Philadelphia-area testing, adjusting
             Testing, Adjusting and Balancing            and balancing (TAB) technicians at
             Bureau (TABB)-certified HVAC                Fisher Balancing sometimes worked
             contractors in particular have been on      12- to 24-hour shifts converting entire
             the front lines, testing and balancing      hospital wings into isolation rooms       air changes in the room to ensure
             airflow for healthcare facilities so they   at local hospitals. Within a few weeks    health and safety.
             can treat COVID patients, while also        of the initial outbreak of COVID-19,         According to CDC guidelines,
             providing for the general health needs      Fisher’s crew had helped convert          a single-patient airborne infection
             of their communities.                       more than 250 regular rooms to nega-      isolation room must have negative
                Hospitals require constant               tive airflow rooms at the University      pressure relative to other parts of the
             testing and adjusting of airflow to         of Pennsylvania’s Hospital and the        facility. The negative pressure causes
             keep patients safe, and their needs         Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.      air to flow from the corridors to the
             have grown exponentially during                Not all balancing firms could          isolation room, but air cannot escape
             the pandemic.                               provide the services that Fisher does.    to other parts of the facility when the
                Fisher Balancing, a New Jersey-          All members can earn certifications       door is closed and the ventilation
             based HVAC company and union                through training provided through         system is operating properly. Air from
             signatory contractor helmed by              a joint partnership between the           the isolation room can be exhausted
             President Matt Sano, has seen its           International Association of Sheet        directly to the outdoors or passed
             business grow substantially. The            Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation       through a special high efficiency air
             company has worked with the                 Workers (SMART) and the Sheet Metal       (HEPA) filter that removes most of the
             healthcare industry for many years          and Air Conditioning Contractors’         droplet nuclei before it is returned to
                                                         National Association (SMACNA).            general circulation.
                                                            Union-provided training guar-             Beyond healthcare facilities, Fisher
                                                         antees Fisher employees have the          Balancing has seen an uptick in
                                                         skills and certifications necessary to    work for casinos, malls, restaurants
                                                         provide the same TAB expertise the        and other retail clients. Sano said
                                                         company has provided for 20 years.        he expects engineering to change
                                                            “The training our employees            going forward, as building owners
                                                         receive as SMART apprentices and          will want to be prepared for these
                                                         journeymen is unparalleled,” Sano         types of catastrophic events as
                                                         said. “The TABB certifications our        well as respond to state mandates
                                                         employees hold also ensure that they      regarding airflow rule changes in
                                                         have the knowledge and experience         some facilities.
                                                         needed to do this kind of work.”             Hidden behind walls or tucked
               Hospitals require                            To convert individual rooms to         high up in ceilings, HVAC systems
               constant testing and
               adjusting of airflow to                   isolation rooms, TAB professionals        are often ignored by the public, but
               keep patients safe —                      modify the airflow, switch standard       during these unprecedented times,
               with this need now more                   rooms to negative pressure rooms          ventilation has become critical to
               vital than ever.
                                                         and verify the number of times the        health and safety. ■

                                                                                                                          SPR ING 2 021      7

68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 7                                                                                                         5/10/21 7:46 PM
SMART sisters take center
                  stage during Women
                 in Construction week

                         MART held a series of events
                         recognizing Women In Con-                                                      SMART Local 17 sheet metal worker Sha-
                         struction Week from Sunday                                                     maiah Turner showed attendees how to
                         March 8 through Saturday                                                       make a new drink called “the Riveter’s Revel”
                         the 13th. During this week,                                                    in preparation for the SMART Women’s Team
               the Union held socially distant events                                                   Building Happy Hour on March 13
               from an opening video featuring
               General President Joseph Sellers and
               SMACNA President Angie Simon                  Committee Trivia Night where                     in the transportation industry and
               where both were joined by members             members from across all SMART                    working as a pioneering woman in
               of the SMART Women’s Committee                industries participated in a competi-            the passenger rail sector. She talked
               and outlined the importance of diver-         tion where they could win prizes.                about some of the challenges TD
               sity within the sheet metal trade.            Participants were challenged in a                sisters have faced in passenger rail
                  Due to the requirements around             series of different categories, all taking       and what pioneers such as herself
               social distancing, events were held           place via Zoom, that delved into                 have done to pave the way for
               online through Zoom sessions and              Women in History, Women Leaders,                 future sisters.
               pre-recorded videos. On Monday the            Women in Labor and Women in                         On Saturday, the SMART
               9th a series of videos were released          Hollywood along with bonus ques-                 Women’s Committee hosted a
               outlining meal preparation strate-            tions focused on SMART history.                  Team Building Happy Hour where
               gies and recipes for members faced               This event was not limited only to            attendees were asked to share
               with busy days balancing home and             sisters in the sheet metal industry.             stories about their mentors and
               work life. Tuesday featured an online         Longtime Amtrak conductor Carol                  early experiences in the trade. Also
               fitness class hosted by yoga instructor       Jones — who is also a local chair-               at this event, #SMARTWomenRocks
               Nadia Zerka that was free to all              person with SMART-TD Local 1361                  was revealed which is an ongoing
               SMART members. Thursday featured              out of New Haven, Conn. — shared                 event where sisters are asked to
               a well-attended SMART Women’s                 her story on video of coming up                  send painted rocks to each other in
                                                                                                              order to build connections across
                                                                                                              the vast geographic distances sepa-
                  Tools & Tiaras                                                                              rating attendees.
                  T ools & Tiaras was the sponsored organization during this year’s recognition                  This was only the first of what will
                  of Women in Construction Week. The organization is one committed to advanc-                 be many more similar events in the
                  ing the interest of young girls and women who want to pursue careers in the                 years ahead. In the next issue of the
                  construction trades.                                                                        Journal, look for some of the artwork
                      According to Mechelle McNew, SMART Women's Committee Chair and Local 464                submitted for the SMART Women’s
                  BM (Ponca City, OK), “it’s important for young women to see themselves represented,         Committee art and photo competi-
                  and to see women respected and celebrated in the trade. This gives them a goal to           tions as well as hear about a new
                  work toward and aspire to, while equipping them to serve as future leaders.”                and important campaign that allows
                      Tools and Tiaras places tools in young womens’ hands and teaches them that              all members the chance to play their
                  “jobs don’t have genders” by introducing them to the skilled women who forged               part in having our sisters’ backs on
                  a path for them in the trades.                                                              the jobsite, worksite and on the rails
                                                                                                              across North America. ■

           8       T HE MEMBERS ’ JOUR N A L   SM A R T-UNION.ORG

68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 8                                                                                                                    5/10/21 7:46 PM

                                   CHRIS PAWISTY

                       Looking forward in 2021
                   rothers and sisters,
                      The past year has been a challenging one for
                   both SMART and for Canada. As a nation, we have
             had to deal with school closures, lockdowns, unemploy-
             ment, family separation, COVID-19 illnesses and the
             loss of loved ones. It has been a difficult time for all our
             members and their families. But it is during the hard
             times that we realize what is most important. The little
             things in life recede and the well-being of our fellow
             citizens takes centre stage. The efforts of our members
             to stay on the job during the COVID-19 pandemic have
             meant that we have continued to help build the infra-
             structure necessary for the delivery of critical goods and
             services, particularly health care services.
                Amidst this struggle to keep the economy moving,
             many of our members have been essential frontline
             workers. For that reason, the efforts we make to stay
             safe are paramount. Following simple guidelines, like          by the example set by my predecessor. On September
             wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing,             18, 2020, we sadly lost Director of Canadian Affairs
             are basic tools for doing that. The vaccines will help,        James Jackson, who was a brother in more than just
             but they are only part of the solution. If we want to get      union terms. Brother Jackson was tireless in his commit-
             back to some semblance of normalcy, we will need to            ment to protecting the interests of our members on the
             stay vigilant and disciplined well into the future when it     shop floor, the picket line, the job site and in the board-
             comes to safety protocols on job sites and in our shops.       room. He raised his voice so all of us could be heard. I
                No doubt, for all the challenges we have faced in           am honoured to continue his fine work, and I want to
             the last 12 months, the COVID-19 pandemic has also             thank General President Joseph Sellers and the SMART
             presented us with opportunities to renew our commit-           General Executive Council for appointing me as Brother
             ment to building our union. Now is not the time to take        Jackson’s successor and giving me the opportunity to
             our foot off the gas. We have had to adjust to conducting      do that. I offer my pledge that the Canadian Office will
             union business, local union elections and monthly meet-        continue to make our voices heard at all levels of govern-
             ings on virtual platforms, and we should recognize that        ment and throughout this great land.
             electronic and computerized means of communication               So, as we look forward in 2021, may we see better days
             present us with continuing opportunities for growth. We        around the corner. May we soon meet again and safely
             can employ these tools to organize from a distance, as         interact as one.
             well as spread the word in creative ways about union-            In solidarity, I remain, fraternally yours,
             ization and the benefits that come with it. Exploring the
             many ways technology can advance the interests of our
             members is an urgent task.
                I am personally committed to taking this union
             forward in these trying times, and I invite all our              Chris Pawisty
             members to join me in this mission. In this, I am inspired       Director of Canadian Affairs

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SMART locals mobilize
                               to assist Texas
                                                                                                  what they could do to assist and then helped spearhead
                                                                                                  the relief effort for his local.
                                                                                                     Local 265, which represents members serving the blue-
                                                                                                  collar counties outside of Lake and Cook counties in
                                                                                                  northeastern Illinois, launched a social media campaign
                                                                                                  to raise awareness of the specific need for water among
                                                                                                  its members, as well as the community at large, and
                                                                                                  began to solicit donations. In less than 48 hours, the
                                                                                                  union mobilized to secure 16 pallets of water and two
                                                                                                  26-foot trucks. Local 73 soon joined the effort, filling a
               Local 565 BM Jesse Buell: “ThermaStor has always been a great company to           third truck with donated water bottles. The three trucks
               work with and it’s no surprise to me that they continue their benevolence. Local
                                                                                                  rolled out from the Chicago suburbs for Texas early the
               565 is overwhelmed and appreciative that ThermaStor insist they help in the
               recent disaster down South. It was also the membership's pleasure to produce       morning of Feb. 24, carrying more than 30,000 bottles.
               these 12 units knowing where they were going and the impact they were making.         In Indiana, SMART Local 20 members purchased
               Thank you ThermaStor for partnering up with Local 565 and donating to our
               Sheet Metal Workers International Scholarship Foundation disaster relief fund.
                                                                                                  and donated more than $2,000 in residential plumbing
                                                                                                  supplies and fittings and shipped it all to SMART locals

                        MART Sheet Metal Locals 73, 219 and 265                                   in Texas. The supplies were given to members facing
                        organized a “Texas water drive” to gather                                 significant plumbing repairs after pipes froze and
                        donations of bottled water and ship truckloads                            leaked during power outages.
                        to families in Texas who lacked access to clean                              “I could not be prouder of our members, our friends,
                        water in the wake of the state’s winter storms                            our families and local employers that have contributed
               and power outages.                                                                 to this effort,” said SMART Local 265 President/Business
                 ThermaStor, a signatory of SMART SM Local 565 in                                 Manager John Daniel.
               Wisconsin (production) also donated twelve fan units                                  Daniel said donations came from hard-working
               to assist members affected by water line breaks, while                             members of the three SMART locals, as well as area
               SM Local 20 in Indiana donated plumbing materials                                  employers, including John Hancock (which does record-
               and construction supplies to members who experienced                               keeping for the union’s pension plan), The Dobbs Group
               burst pipes and other property damage. SMART Local                                 of Greystone Consulting, Calibre CPA Group, Segal
               214 in Louisiana also rushed donated water and other                               Consulting and Baum Sigman Auerbach & Neuman LTD.
               supplies to affected members in Texas — all part of a                                 SMART has more 7,500 members in Texas. The week
               massive multi-pronged mobilization effort to assist                                of the deep freeze, the union contacted locals across
               fellow SMART members.                                                              the country and quickly organized a national peer-
                 As Texas’ power grid collapsed during frigid temper-                             to-peer text bank in which individual union activists
               atures in February, causing some households to also                                from outside Texas reached out to members in Texas
               lose access to clean water due to interrupted supplies or                          and asked how they were doing, did they need any
               burst pipes, SMART Army organizers and coordinators                                help, and if so what would be most helpful. The text
               across North America began asking what they could do                               banking was critical to assessing what was happening
               to help. They communicated with other members of the                               on the ground. ■
               union in Texas and were told people needed clean water
               more than anything else.
                 “I hope it helps them with a small amount of relief to
               have the very basic necessity of water,” said Tom Syron,
               a Local 265 journeyperson who lives in Plainfield, Ill.
               Syron reached out to his local union president to see

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Member Spotlight
             SMART member named
             Tradeswoman of the Month

                     he Tradeswomen Heroes            Medina has had an interest in the
                     Award is given by North        trade since high school. She took
                     America’s Building Trades      every technology class offered,
                     Unions (NABTU) and             including CAD, small engines, tool
                     recognizes four outstand-      & die, woodworking and welding.
             ing tradeswomen per month – two        She took a different route after high
             apprentices and two journeyper-        school and followed in her family’s
             sons – nominated by local, state,      footsteps in the food industry, but
             and international leadership. The      after some time realized that there
             award is a joint effort of NABTU’s     were no benefits provided compa-
             Tradeswomen’s Committee and            rable to what she could receive as a           “Louise is a champion for all our
             its Apprenticeship and Training        union member.                                members, current and future alike,”
             Committee that highlights outstand-      Sister Medina applied for the sheet        said Local 265 Business Manager
             ing female workers within the 13       metal apprenticeship program in              John Daniel. “Her life experiences,
             NABTU-affiliated unions.               early 2000 because of the benefits it        both professionally and personally,
                For March 2021, Louise Medina, a    had to offer.                                provides me with perspective that I
             journeyperson and business repre-        Looking back on her early                  could not have if she were not in the
             sentative from Local 265 in Carol      years, Medina notes some of                  board rooms.”
             Stream, Ill., was recognized for her   the challenges: “Every day has                 SMART General President
             work within the labor movement         different situations. Most jobs were         Joseph Sellers, who got to know
             on behalf of her fellow members.       commercial and industrial sheet              Medina through her work on the
             Also a member of the SMART             metal work, which consisted of               SMART Women’s Committee,
             Women’s Committee, she has             installing equipment, measuring              added that “Louise is a remarkable
             displayed leadership at her local      and installing ductwork, installing          leader known for her intelligence,
             and throughout North America           specialty metals, welding, and from          integrity, and commitment to repre-
             with her advocacy on behalf of her     time to time fabricating ductwork            senting members in the manner
             fellow sisters.                        in the shop.”                                they deserve.” ■

                                            SAFETY CONCERN?
                                                                     Don't ignore it. Report it.
                                                    For states and properties that don't already have a reporting
                                                    system in place, SMART-TD has launched a Safety Condition
                                                                    Report for members to share their concerns.

                                                                                 These reports are confidential and you can request a direct response from an officer.

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68745_SMART_Journal_Spring_21.indd 11                                                                                                                       5/10/21 8:13 PM
SMART mobilizes to fight
                    dangers of long trains

                       n their quest for more prof-        Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Jon Tester         reaching a hospital. UP faces a
                       its, Class I railroads in the       (D-Mont.), Amy Klobuchar                 wrongful death lawsuit as a result.
                       United States over the past         (D-Minn.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.)         When asked about the prob-
                       four years have embraced            — members of the U.S. Senate             lems that long trains cause during
                       Precision Scheduled Rail-           Committee on Commerce, Science           a recent Legislature hearing in
               roading (PSR) by placing increased          and Transportation — introduced          Nebraska, a BNSF railroad repre-
               shareholder returns and lower               legislation March 22 allowing for the    sentative mentioned that the issue
               Operating Ratios (the chief mea-            continued collection of reports by       of a crossings being blocked should
               surement used by big Wall Street            FRA on blocked crossings.                be handled at the local level with a
               investors) above customer service,             But data collection isn’t enough.     cooperative effort between mayors
               the needs of the public and the             These longer trains tax our infra-       or others in local government.
               safety of their workers.                    structure. They do not fit in track         As if a town of a couple of
                  One of the main symptoms of PSR          sidings. They increase safety risks      thousand people in Nebraska
               is an increase in train length.             for our members and the public.          has the resources to fund a grade
                  Carriers have continued to make          A well-publicized incident in            separation or to engage in a legal
               freight trains longer to the point          Michigan on CNN showed a train           struggle with a railroad that rakes
               where they now present hazards to           derailed above a highway overpass        in billions each quarter.
               the public by blocking crossings and        in downtown Detroit in December             So how can we combat this?
               to workers by making them harder            2019. The carrier, Conrail, was habit-      For one, a number of state legis-
               to operate. A train is a complex            ually consolidating three transfer       lative directors are submitting or
               system subject to the laws of physics       jobs into a monster-sized train so it    working on bills to get train lengths
               and to the potential for mechanical         didn’t have to pay as many workers       limited. There are five states in
               failure — the more cars added to a          to do multiple runs.                     the nation’s midsection that have
               train, the more chance there is for            News articles around the country      introduced legislation this year with
               something to break down, the longer         also continue show a lack of urgency     another five in the process of formu-
               distance it takes to stop and the           and concern on the part of the rail-     lating their own bills.
               harder it is to handle.                     roads as crossings can be blocked for       Illinois State Legislative Director
                  Members of the U.S. Congress             hours at a time or even longer.          Bob Guy has rolled out H.B. 2524, a
               have been made aware of the chal-              In East Toledo, Ohio, WTVG            train length bill in his state that would
               lenge trains of two or three miles          TV showed video of children on           limit trains length to 8,500 feet. That
               or even longer can cause. The               March 18 climbing onto and under         bill was referred in early March to
               Government Accountability Office            a stopped train that blocked their       the General Assembly’s Regulation,
               issued a report in May 2019 titled          route home from school.                  Roads & Bridges Committee.
               “Freight Trains Are Getting Longer             In Ardmore, Okla., KTEN TV               Hearings have been held in
               And Additional Information Is               reported on March 15 that a rail         Nebraska and Iowa on their legisla-
               Needed To Assess Their Impact.”             crossing that had been blocked by a      tion. Kansas has a bill pending. State
                  The Federal Railroad Admin-              BNSF train for four days.                Legislative Director Gerald Sale of
               istration, in response, launched a             And at least one death — that of      Arkansas saw his bill introduced in
               way to collect data on blocked cross-       65-year-old Bunkie, La., man Leo         committee but did not receive suffi-
               ings online in December 2019. PSR           Blalock in June 2019 — was attrib-       cient votes to pass into the full House.
               hasn’t stopped since then and neither       uted to a long train operated by            That length was not an arbi-
               has the use of long trains.                 Union Pacific that blocked every         trary choice. It’s a bit longer than a
                  A bipartisan group of five U.S.          crossing in the town and prevented       mile-and-a-half, close to what the
               senators — Jerry Moran (R-Kan.),            the ambulance Blalock was in from        average length a train was before

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U.S. railroads’ PSR obsession began     infrastructure a focus of Congress      Politicians listen to the people who
             in 2017. Now it is not unheard of for   and the Biden Administration,           elected them and live in the places
             members to operate trains of 16,000     these provisions could again            they are supposed to represent.
             feet — more than three miles long.      be introduced.                            The fight against long trains and
               Nationally, last year’s H.R.            TD leaders in the National            PSR is not going to be an easy one
             2 — the Moving Forward Act —            Legislative Department, Greg            to win, and pro-business forces have
             had provisions to limit how long        Hynes and Jared Cassity, have been      money to dangle in front of them.
             trains could block rail crossings,      working to get the new Congress           However, our votes mean more and
             a dangerous and life-threatening        up to speed on our issues, but it’s     there are more of us than there are
             result of these longer trains. With     much more effective if we all speak.    of them. The fight will continue. ■

             Sheet Metal industry women
             recognized for their leadership
                 onstruction Dive recently released its 2021 Construc-   Service and TAB Specialist for the International Training
                 tion Champions Award for Tradeswomen leaders            Institute; Leah Rambo, Director of Training from the SM
                 and its list was dotted with women from across the      Local 28 Training Center in New York City, and the SM
             sheet metal industry. Among those recognized were           Local 66 SMART Women’s Committee in Seattle.
             Angie Simon, President and CEO of Western Allied               Recognized leaders were selected for their work
             Mechanical as well as current SMACNA President;             shaping the commercial construction industry and
             Shamaiah Turner, sheet metal journeyperson from SM          promoting the industry’s career benefits for all. These
             Local 17 in Boston; Lisa Davis, a journey-level worker      sisters were chosen from a group of over 800 nominees
             from SM Local 16 in Portland who serves as an HVACR         from across the building trades. ■

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Railroad, Mechanical
                                 and Engineering
                                Department report

                       he Railroad, Mechanical and Engineering Depart-       spent fourteen days in isolation while fighting COVID.
                       ment is excited to relaunch the Department’s          Local Chairperson Persaud commented, “While stuck
                       Report in the Member’s Journal. This page is          in isolation, it was comforting knowing my family were
                       devoted to news for members belonging to the          covered by my union benefits bargained for under our
                       local unions and General Committees under             CBA.” He thanks his SMART brothers and sisters who
               this Department. Be sure to check future issues for the       reached out to him while he was in the hospital. His
               latest updates coming from the Department. This report        union family helped him keep his spirits up while he was
               features two local chairpersons from the Department.          fighting COVID. Fortunately, he is now recovered.
                                                                                Local Chairperson Persaud is 49 years old. He has
                                        Local Chairperson Ricardo            been married to his best friend for the past nineteen
                                        “Joe” Persaud — Local 396            years, and he has two beautiful daughters, Ava, who is
                                   Brother Ricardo “Joe” Persaud is the      seventeen years old, and Jenna, who is sixteen years old.
                                   Local Chairperson of Local 396. He        He grew up in Rahway, New Jersey, and now resides in
                                   has worked for New Jersey Transit         Woodbridge, New Jersey. Both of his parents are from
                                   for the past twenty-one years, and        the Amazon in South America. When he is not working,
                                   he has held the position of Local         he likes to grow vegetables, including hot peppers,
                                   Chairperson for nineteen years while      and work on his herb garden. He also likes to barbecue
               working at the Meadows Maintenance Facility (MMC) in          and smoke ribs. He loves to watch his daughters dance
               Kearney, New Jersey.                                          competitively, and he especially looks forward to when
                 Local Chairperson Persaud is very proud of his job. It      his family takes their yearly road trip.
               started when he attended his first Railroad Convention
               in Denver in 2007. When he was there, he was able to                              Local Chairperson
               meet other members, who inspired him to be a better                               Matthew Haile — Local 78
               leader. New Jersey Transit was his first union-paid job,                           Brother Matthew Haile is the Local
               and he explains, “Being union, we put out quality work                             Chairperson for Local 78. He is
               for good pay along with excellent benefits through                                 from Heber Springs, Arkansas, and
               the Collective Bargaining Agreement.” He brings his                                now lives in Greenbrier, Arkansas.
               knowledge from the Mechanical field, along with his                                He has been a SMART member
               experience on how to run a business, dealing with                                  for 13 years and has served as the
               customers, and good leadership, to his position.              Local Chairperson for nine years. He has also held
                 Local Chairperson Persaud battled COVID late last           the position of Financial Secretary-Treasurer and Vice
               year. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, he went to the      Local Chairperson.
               emergency room after feeling a sharp pain in his left lower      He works for Union Pacific Railroad as a sheet metal
               back and was diagnosed with a kidney stone. Through           worker welder with sixteen years of service. He is proud
               the Thanksgiving holiday, he was not feeling well and         of his craftsmanship and brings his ability to handle
               was extremely tired. After experiencing some concerning       complex modifications to the job. Before working for
               symptoms, he went back to the hospital, where he was          Union Pacific, he worked in the aerospace industry as a
               going to undergo a procedure. Prior to the procedure, he      structural mechanic for Rohr and Dassault Falcon Jet.
               received a COVID test, and he tested positive. He spent          Local Chairperson Haile is 43 years old. He has been
               two days in the hospital and returned home for one day.       married for twenty years to his wife, Bertiz, who works
               However, he soon had to return to the hospital, and he        as the Secretary for Iron Workers Local 321. He has a

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sixteen-year-old daughter, Libby, who attends Guy            assistance benefit from the Federal Emergency
             Perkins High School and loves playing softball. When he      Management Agency.
             is not working, he loves to watch his daughter play soft-      If you have incurred funeral-related expenses due
             ball. He also enjoys riding ATVs and off road/trail ride     to COVID-19, we urge you to follow the link below.
             in his Jeep. When asked what we might be surprised to        There you will find the toll-free number to call,
             know about him, he responded, “My wife says that deep        along with eligibility requirements, FAQ, and other
             down I’m a big ol' teddy bear!”                              useful information.
                Local Chairperson Haile is proud to be a SMART              The link below has been updated from a
             member because being a union member has helped him           previous email. ■
             provide a good life for his family.

             Funeral Assistance                                                               COVID-19 FUNERAL ASSISTANCE | FEMA.GOV
             SMART Mechanical members and family members                                          HTTPS://WWW.FEMA.GOV/DISASTERS/
             who incurred funeral expenses as a result of a
             COVID-19 death may be eligible for a funeral

                                        Second union member to serve
                                        as U.S. labor secretary was
                                        from SMART-TD predecessor
                      ith the confirmation of          normal practice for a leader from          In 1916, Doak was elected BRT
                      former Boston Mayor Marty        organized labor to be tapped            vice president and became the
                      Walsh to be President Joe        to lead the agency overseeing           organization’s national legisla-
             Biden’s labor secretary approved          labor relations. The first two U.S.     tive representative in Washington,
             by the U.S. Senate, a nearly 45-year      secretaries of labor were union         D.C. He continued to work on
             absence of a union member serving         members. In 1930, one of SMART-         railroad labor relations matters,
             as the head of the U.S. Department        TD’s predecessor unions saw one of      including serving on adjustment
             of Labor (DOL) has ended.                 its leaders ascend to lead the DOL      boards, arguing before congres-
                The last unionist to serve as U.S.     during one of the darkest economic      sional committees and adjusting
             labor secretary was W.J. Usery            times our nation has known. As the      how rail negotiations were handled
             Jr., a member of the International        third secretary of labor, William N.    on a regional level. The National
             Association of Machinists and             Doak from the the Brotherhood of        Mediation Board (NMB) was estab-
             Aerospace Workers, who was                Railroad Trainmen (BRT) helped          lished in the 1920s, at a time when
             appointed by President Gerald Ford.       establish a lasting legacy.             Doak had an active presence on
             He led Ford’s DOL for about a year           Doak was born Dec. 12, 1882,         Capitol Hill for the BRT, and he no
             starting in 1976.                         in Wythe County, Va., and began         doubt had a hand in how it operated.
                A nearly five-decade gap between       a railroad career as a switchman           In 1922, he was elected BRT first
             union members serving as the top          with Norfolk and Western near the       vice president and in 1927 he was
             labor official in a president’s cabinet   turn of the century. According to a     elected as assistant to BRT President
             would have been unusual earlier in        biography published on the Library      William Granville Lee. Doak served
             U.S. history.                             of Virginia’s website, he joined BRT    as acting BRT president for a time
                When the DOL was established           in 1904 and was elected a general       while Lee traveled abroad. He also
             in the early 20th century, it was         chairperson in 1908.                    ran unsuccessfully for political

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office on three occasions, including          However, after the Great              in an article marking the 75th anni-
               for Virginia State Senate, the U.S.         Depression struck, Hoover changed       versary of the Department of Labor
               House of Representatives and the            course and nominated Doak to lead       that was published in the February
               U.S. Senate.                                the DOL in 1930. In collaboration       1988 issue of the Monthly Labor
                  In 1928, Doak was elected                with his immediate predecessor,         Review. “But economic conditions
               to a combined post of national              James J. Davis, who became a U.S.       worsened during his relatively brief
               legislative representative and              senator representing Pennsylvania       tenure, and he was overwhelmed by
               editor of the Brotherhood of                after leaving as labor secretary,       the worldwide economic disaster.”
               Railroad Trainmen’s publica-                Doak’s crowning achievement was           After serving as DOL head for the
               tion, The Railroad Trainman. A              helping the Davis-Bacon Act become      majority of Hoover’s Depression-
               personal friend of Herbert Hoover,          federal law in 1931. The legislation    ravaged term, Doak left the post in
               Doak also worked on Hoover’s                established prevailing wage laws        March 1933, after Franklin Delano
               successful presidential campaign            that benefit our sheet metal brothers   Roosevelt took office, and returned
               and served as a labor committee             and sisters and other union laborers    to his BRT leadership position as
               advisor for the Republican                  to this day.                            national legislative representative.
               National Committee. Upon taking               “Doak was sensitive to unemploy-        Just months later, on Oct. 23 of
               office in 1929, President Hoover            ment matters and supported studies      that same year, Doak passed away at
               eyed Doak as a possible labor               of public works programs and            age 50 from cardiovascular disease.
               secretary nominee, but opposition           unemployment insurance to offset        The work he did as a labor leader
               from the American Federation of             the effects of the Great Depression,”   continues to reverberate through our
               Labor scuttled that nomination.             historian Jonathan Grossman wrote       organization to this day. ■

               Local 85 members honor retired business
               manager, 1st general vice president
                    onald Whatley retired recently
                    as Business Manager of SMART
                    SM Local 85 in Atlanta, GA and
               1 General Vice President. Local

               85 sheet metal workers, looking to
               honor him for his contribution to
               the local an industry over his long
               career teamed up with Georgia-
               SMACNA and purchased brother
               Whatley a Polaris Ranger side by
               side along with a union-built
               stainless steel tool box crafted by
               members at RF Knox.
                  Whatley, worked in the union
               sheet metal industry for 48 years
               with 26 of those years serving Local
               85 as a Business Representative             current Local 85 Business Manager       the members interest above all else.
               (October 1994 – January 2005) and           Steve Langley, “Whatley helped          He will be sorely missed by all of us
               Business Manager (February 2005             guide his local through a dramatic      here in Georgia and his brothers and
               – November 2020). According to              period of growth and always put         sisters across North America.” ■

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                                  partner together on
                                   diversity initiative

                     n recognition that working           have agreed to develop, with the help                 make individuals unique. SMACNA and
                     together on diversity, equity,       of experts, a coordinated strategic plan              SMART are strongly committed to take
                     and inclusion within our             with long-term and short-term objectives              the necessary steps to achieve our goal of
                     industry would be the most           which will be evaluated and adjusted                  a diverse industry with no tolerance of
                     effective way to effect real         as necessary. Our unified goal is to                  bullying, harassment, or discrimination.
             and lasting change, SMART and                shift the mindset of management, labor                We will provide regular updates on our
             SMACNA have engaged in ongo-                 leaders, and our respective memberships               progress on the strategic plan and on our
             ing discussions about recruiting and         to recruit, welcome, and retain the most              continued work to promote our shared
             retaining a diverse and inclusive            competent and skilled workforce avail-                values of diversity, inclusion, and equity.
             workforce with the skills to meet our        able while embracing differences in age,                 SMACNA and SMART are now in
             needs now and in the future.                 ability, ethnicity, sex, gender identity,             the process of developing a strategic plan
                In an initial step affirming our          national origin, language, marital status,            to help us reach our goals and build the
             joint objectives, the SMACNA Board           political affiliation, race, religion, sexual         foundation of an industry dedicated to
             of Directors and the SMART General           orientation, and other characteristics that           equity and inclusion. ■
             Executive Council adopted the
             following statement at their respec-
             tive January 2021 meetings:
                SMACNA and SMART recognize
             that diversity strengthens our workforce,
             benefits our communities, and makes the
             unionized sheet metal industry stronger
             and more competitive by reflecting the
             communities where we operate and the
             people we serve. To affirm our commit-
             ment to diversity and inclusion, we          The logo of the new SMART Recruitment and Retention Council. More information coming in the next Journal.

                                                             THE SHEET METAL FUNDS
                                         HAVE MOVED
                                                                                       THE OFFICE ADDRESS IS:
                                                         3180 FAIRVIEW PARK DRIVE, SUITE 400, FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042
                                                                                                                                              SPR ING 2 021           17

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Online safety report form
                   launched for TD members

                         o address the growing safety concerns of trans-          primary mission, stating ‘They shall report to their Locals
                         portation members, the union has implemented             regarding the handling of all alleged unsafe or unsanitary
                         a universal Safety Condition Report.                     working conditions found to exist, or reported to them,
                            This form is a supplemental tool to report and        within their jurisdiction. They shall undertake to correct
                         collect data concerning unsafe working condi-            such conditions through appropriate measures consistent
               tions, including COVID-19 issues, from all TD members.             with the local and national policies of the Transportation
                  If a state legislative board or general committee already       Division.’ Therefore, we ask that you also forward this
               has a procedure in place, members represented by that              information as soon as possible to your local legislative
               board or committee should continue to use that system.             representative or other SMART union officer for proper
                  With each submission, organizational information such           handling. If you are unsure who they are or how to
               as craft, local, carrier, state legislative director and general   contact them, please contact our office.”
               committee are loaded based on a member’s selection                    “It is imperative that we all accept the personal respon-
               using defined database values, ensuring an accurate                sibility to properly document known unsafe conditions,
               submission so that the officers responsible for acting on          acts and security concerns,” added Ferguson. “If more
               the report are informed directly and in a timely fashion.          people would take the time to do this we could, over
                  Members are presented a default list of safety hazards          time, address most of the long-standing concerns we
               to choose, along with identifying the state and location           have. Without documentation, nothing will ever change
               of the unsafe condition. Additionally, the form updates            — the issues and concerns will continue to remain and
               based on the members. After submission, an automated               often grow until a very unfortunate situation such as
               email to the relevant state legislative director with              an injury, accident or fatality brings to light what many
               jurisdiction and applicable general chairperson is sent as         knew was a problem long ago but failed to address.”
               an initial notification. The state legislative director will          SMART TD Chief of Staff Jerry Gibson hopes that the
               take point in addressing the concern. These officers will          use of this form will bring hazards that have been taken
               access the full report details via the TD Connect portal,          for granted or tolerated by workers to light.
               along with printing and exporting capabilities for further            “Sadly, we hear one particular scenario too often,”
               collaboration with local officers so that the unsafe condi-        said Gibson. “Someone says, ‘That has been an issue for
               tions can be addressed.                                            a long time’ or ‘Everyone knows that is a problem’ at a
                  Rail members, please note: The Railroad Technology              particular property. Yet everyone assumes that someone
               Event report remains as a separate reporting mecha-                else has written the unsafe condition up and unfortu-
               nism due to the amount of detail and complexities that             nately, no one has. The issue remains and the carriers use
               topic requires.                                                    that against us by stating the very same thing — ‘That
                  It is important to note that the data collected by this         has been like that forever, and no one has said anything
               report and the information within are kept and used                or taken issue with it.’”
               solely within our SMART union computer system and                     “This online reporting process is here to change that,”
               are used by officers to assist in addressing the issues            added Gibson. “Your union’s leadership wants to raise
               presented by members.                                              our safety standards. The carriers will no longer be
                  “Membership safety and well-being is a founding                 allowed to dictate our level of personal safety… enough
               principal of this union, but we cannot assist without              is enough. Only when we, as a collective group, choose to
               being properly informed of the unsafe issues facing                properly address our issues and concerns can we expect
               our fellow brothers and sisters.” SMART-TD President               others to comply with those demands.
               Jeremy R. Ferguson stated. “These reports are to enhance              The Safety Condition Report is accessible directly from
               our safety efforts as many carriers lack proper and effec-         the SMART-TD tab as both a banner and as a menu item
               tive reporting mechanisms. Our SMART Constitution                  — look for the blinking yellow box to the right of the
               lists safety as our local legislative representatives’             website representing caution. ■

          18       T HE MEMBERS ’ JOUR N A L   SM A R T-UNION.ORG

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