FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine

Page created by Luis Morrison
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine

EVENTS                                            CA L E N DA R


Dallas Arboretum’s
      Festival                  AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS!
   See more inside . . .
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
In the waters of Brushy Creek, you’ll find an iconic Round Rock. And around that rock
you’ll find a thriving city built on a solid foundation of a welcoming attitude to all those
who visit. A place where donuts are Texas-sized, cuisine is crafted, and your meal becomes
a memory. Round Rock is centrally located and based within a three-hour drive from four
of the nation’s largest cities. We invite you to come grab a bite in Round Rock, we’ll always
have a table ready!

FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
Your exclusive
                      GO TEXAN guide
                      to the freshest
                   produce festivals
                        across Tex
                               in 2021

                       Texas Citrus Festival A
                            MISSION, TX
                      JANUARY 29-31, 2021

                          Texas Onion Fest B
                            WESLACO, TX
                           MARCH 27, 2021

                 Poteet Strawberry Festival
                               POTEET, TX
                      APRIL 9, 10 & 11, 2021

                   Tatum Pecan Pie Festival
                               TATUM, TX
                            APRIL 24, 2021

              Pasadena Strawberry Festival
                            PASADENA, TX       C
                       MAY 14, 15 & 16, 2021                                                                                            K
                      TX Blueberry Festival                                                                                  NAPLES
                       NACOGDOCHES, TX         D
                           JUNE 12, 2021
                                                                                                                                   30    CE
                 Stonewall Peach JAMboree                                                                                                     NTE
                           STONEWALL, TX       E                                                                                                    R
                           JUNE 18-19, 2021             WEATHERFORD
                                                                                              H            DALLAS
                 Luling Watermelon Thump
                               LULING, TX      F                                                                                        20
                          JUNE 24-27, 2021
             Stockdale Watermelon Jubilee                                        L
                           STOCKDALE, TX       G                                                                                             D
                             JUNE 19, 2021
                                                   20                                 DeLEON                35
                  Parker Co. Peach Festival H
                       WEATHERFORD, TX
                              JULY 10, 2021                                                                                       NACOGDOCHES
                    What-a-Melon Festival      I
                               CENTER, TX
                              JULY 10, 2021                                                                                             PASADEN
              McDade Watermelon Festival J

                           MCDADE, TX
                              JULY 10, 2021                                                                                   45
                                                                O   NE WAL
           Hempstead Watermelon Festival                                     L
                           HEMPSTEAD, TX
                             JULY 17, 2021                                                    McDADE             J
               Naples Watermelon Festival K
                             NAPLES, TX                                                       AUSTIN
                          JULY 30-31, 2021         10                                 E                                       M          C
              DeLeon Peach and Melon Fest L
                             DELEON, TX                                                               F                 10
                         AUGUST 4-7, 2021
                     Floydada Punkin Days
                           FLOYDADA, TX                                                       G
                          OCTOBER 9, 2021                                SAN
                  Texas Mushroom Festival                              ANTONIO                                       LULING
                        MADISONVILLE, TX
                         OCTOBER 16, 2021

                      Groves Pecan Festival M

                            GROVES, TX
                     OCTOBER 22-24, 2021
           Seguin Pecan Fest Heritage Days
                             SEGUIN, TX

                        OCTOBER 30, 2021                                             AL
                                                                                          E               CORPUS
       Royalty Farms Pecan Harvest Festival
                            CALDWELL, TX                                35                                 CHRISTI

                   Richmond Pecan Festival                                                              LACO
                          RICHMOND, TX
                       NOVEMBER 21, 2021

     Texas Department of Agriculture
                                                                                                   A        B

     Commissioner Sid Miller
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
EVENTS          SPRING 2021

Dallas                                         This year’s show, themed “America the
                                               Beautiful,” runs Feb. 20 to April 11. “It’s
                                                                                                  Tulips of all hues are planted just 2 to 3
                                                                                               inches apart to create nearly solid pools

Blooms                                         the quintessential thing to do in spring in
                                               Texas,” says Dave Forehand, vice presi-
                                                                                               of color. “That’s what makes it so stunning
                                                                                               and dramatic,” Forehand adds. “When you

Festival                                       dent of gardens at the arboretum.
                                                  Tulips make up about two-thirds of the
                                                                                               can combine all those colors into different
                                                                                               patterns, it’s pretty amazing.”
Feb. 20-April 11                               bulbs, but daffodils, hyacinths, and iris-         The exhibit features early blooming,
Dallas                                         es, plus thousands of azaleas and Jap-          mid blooming, and late blooming flowers

                                               anese cherry trees, contribute to the           to produce a succession of blooms that
             n a chilly day last December,
                                               display. Most of the bulbs are import-          lasts for weeks. “I say it’s the most tulips
             about 50 Dallas Arboretum
             and Botanical Garden work-        ed from Holland. Because Texas doesn’t          you’re ever going to see besides going to
             ers headed into the manicured     get cold enough naturally, the bulbs are        Holland,” Forehand says. “If you can’t have
gardens along White Rock Lake, carrying        pre-chilled in large coolers for six weeks      the trip to the Netherlands this year, just
hundreds of flower bulbs. Over the next        before they go in the soil.                     come to the arboretum.”
three weeks, they planted half a million,         “Our horticulture team can average              During the pandemic, masks are
all perfectly timed to burst into rivers of    planting 20,000 to 25,000 bulbs a day,”         required to be worn, and with capacity
color during the Dallas Blooms festival.       Forehand says. “Once we plant [them]            limited to 50 percent, tickets for specific
   Since 1985, Dallas Blooms has drawn         underground, we top them with pansies           times should be purchased in advance at
thousands of visitors to the arboretum.        and violas.”                                    dallasarboretum.org.
                                                                                             SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 3
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
Spring 2021

                             MARCH                                                                        APRIL

2nd                                 Feb. 23rd-                           4th-11th                             10th
DALLAS: “Out of Many,               March 6th                            POTEET: Strawberry                   FREDERICKSBURG: Tractor
One: Portraits of America’s         AN ANTONIO: Commemor-                Festival Held annually in the        Ride The Hill Country Antique
Immigrants” A new exhibition        ation of the Battle of the           “Strawberry Capital of Texas”        Tractor and Engine Club pres-
featuring President George W.       Alamo Visit the Alamo to honor       for more than 70 years, the          ents this event that features
Bush’s portraits of immigrants                                           festival features concerts           antique tractors, cars, trucks,
                                    the anniversary of the 1836
opens at the George W. Bush                                              with national and local bands,       and a “people carrier” that all
                                    Battle of the Alamo with 13 days
Presidential Center. The col-                                            gunslingers, a carnival, vari-       make a 20-mile loop through
                                    of special events and program-
lection provides an in-depth                                             ous contests, and rodeo per-         scenic Gillespie County during
                                    ming, both in person and virtual.
look at the issues surrounding                                           formances. 888-742-8144;             the height of bluebonnet sea-
                                    210-225-1391; thealamo.org .
the immigration debate in the                                            strawberryfestival.com.              son. 830-889-0070;
United States. 214-200-4300;                                                                                  rustyiron.org
bushcenter.org                      26th-28th                            9th-10th
4th-7th                             TOMBALL: German Heritage
                                                                         HUMBLE: Good Oil Days This           16th-18th
                                    Festival On the last weekend in
                                                                         festival was created to cele-
                                    March, festivalgoers break out                                            LUBBOCK: Arts Festival
FULTON: Oysterfest Head to                                               brate Humble’s rich history in
                                    their lederhosen and dirndls for                                          Celebrating its 43rd year, the
Fulton Harbor for family fun                                             the oil industry. Over the years,
                                    the area’s largest festival cele-                                         annual Lubbock Arts Festival
including live entertainment;                                            more than 80 vendors have
                                    brating the heritage of the origi-                                        is the largest fine art and fine
food; arts and crafts; a carni-                                          lined Main Street alongside
                                    nal German families who settled                                           craft event in West Texas. The
val; a parade; and men’s and                                             live entertainment, food, and a
                                    in the community beginning in                                             event includes artist demon-
women’s oyster eating, shuck-                                            free kids’ zone. 281-446-4140;
                                    1840. 281-379-6844; tomball                                               strations, performing artists,
ing, and decorating contests.                                            goodoildays.com
The opening-night festivities       germanfest.org                                                            a children’s area, and a juried
                                                                                                              gallery. 806-744-2787;
include fireworks. 361-463-
9955; fultonoysterfest.org
                                    27th-28th                            10th-11th                            lubbockartsfestival.org

                                                                         CHAPPELL HILL: Official
11th-14th                           FORT DAVIS: The Southwest
                                    100 Endurance Run This race
                                                                         Bluebonnet Festival of Texas         23rd-24th
                                                                         Declared the official State of
SWEETWATER: World’s                 starts on the legendary San          Texas Bluebonnet Festival by         DEL RIO: George Paul
Largest Rattlesnake Roundup         Antonio-El Paso Road in the          the Texas Legislature, the festi-    Memorial Xtreme Bull Riding
Events include the Miss Snake       heart of Fort Davis National         val boasts more than 250 juried      Named after the late bull-riding
Charmer Pageant, chili and bar-     Historic Site and winds through      exhibitors, country-style food,      champion George Paul, this
becue cookoffs, carnival rides,     the Davis Mountains, with racers     artists, jewelry, clothing, live     annual bull-riding competition
a dance, and contests for snake     taking in the thin mountain air      entertainment and music, and         brings out the mightiest riders
eating, most pounds of snakes,      at over a mile high. 432-426-        tours of the historic communi-       and toughest bulls. 830-775-
and the longest snake.              3015; ultraexpeditions.com/          ty. 979-203-1242; facebook           9595; georgepaulmemorial
rattlesnakeroundup.net              the-southwest-100                    .com/bluebonnetfestival              bullriding.com
4 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine

                                                                   FIND EVENTS
                                                                                                                        EVENTS                                                       CA L E N DA R

                                                                  For more
                                                                      more fun
                                                                             fun things
                                                                            spring, visit


                                                                                                                                   Dallas Arboretum’s         FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES,
                                                                                                                                      Dallas Blooms
                                                                                                                                         Festival                  AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS!
                                                                                                                                      See more inside . . .

                                                                                             The Texas Highways Events Calendar is published
                                                                                             quarterly by the Travel Information Division of the Texas
                                                                                             Department of Transportation with information from Texas
                                                                                             chambers of commerce, convention and visitors bureaus,
                                                                                             and event organizers.
                                                                                             Free Subscriptions: To order a free one-year subscrip-
                                                                                             tion to the Texas Highways Events Calendar, fill out and
                                                                                             mail in the card in this issue or visit texashighways.com/
                                                                                             eventsubscription. Order single copies by calling 877-
                                                                                             252-8150 or online at texashighways.com/freepubs.
7th-9th                                         15th-16th                                    List Your Event: The best way to send event listings is by
                                                                                             using our online submission form at texashighways.com/
CRYSTAL BEACH: Texas Crab                       JEFFERSON: Train Days                        submitevent. Bulk event listings can also be submitted
Festival With a crab gumbo                      Everyone is welcome aboard                   via email to texasevents@txdot.gov. All event listings must
cookoff, carnival rides, arts and               this two-day event that features             include a city, exact start and end dates, location (venue
crafts, crab legs contest, two-                 four in-town destinations: the               and/or address), public contact information (phone num-
step dance contest, wiener dog                  Historic Jefferson Train Show,               ber, website, and/or email), and a brief description. All
                                                                                             event listings are subject to approval and editing.
races, and live music all week-                 RD Moses Railroad display,
end long, this festival is full of              a Jefferson Historic Railway                 LISTING DEADLINES
family fun on the Texas Gulf                    excursion, and the “Atalanta”                SPRING (March, April, May): Dec. 1
Coast. texascrabfestival.org                    railway car tour. 903-665-                   SUMMER (June, July, Aug.): March 1
                                                3733; visitjeffersontexas.com                FALL (Sept., Oct., Nov.): June 1
                                                                                             WINTER (Dec., Jan., Feb.): Sept. 1
                                                27th-31st                                    Editor: Sarah Thurmond
                                                                                             Phone: 512-486-5813
Anniversary Opening                             KERRVILLE: Folk Festival
                                                                                             Contributing Editors: Amanda Ogle, Emily Roberts
Weekend Ceremonies                              Featuring songwriters of
                                                                                             Stone, Julie Stratton
Fredericksburg is throwing a                    national and international
                                                                                             Contributing Writer: Pam LeBlanc
big three-day bash for its 175th                acclaim, the Kerrville Folk
                                                                                             Copy Editor: Cynthia Rubin
birthday with festivities includ-               Festival is the oldest contin-
                                                                                             Art Director: Ashley Burch
ing a community picnic and                      uously running music festival
ice cream social at Marktplatz;                                                              Associate Art Director: Bryan Kight, Chris Linnen
                                                in the United States. Each day
Founders Day activities at the                  has activities for all ages with a           Photo Editor: Brandon Jakobeit
Pioneer Museum; and a beard                     focus on artistic expression in a            Digital Strategies Manager: Tyson Bird
contest, dance, and fireworks                   loving family-friendly environ-              ADVERTISING SALES INQUIRIES
at Gillespie County Fairgrounds.                ment. 830-257-3600;
                                                                                             AJR Media Group Phone: 800-383-7677
830-998-473; 175th.org                          kerrvillefolkfestival.org
                                                                                             Email: texaseventscalendar@ajrmediagroup.com

13th-15th                                       28th-30th                                    Dates for events listed in this calendar were correct at the
                                                                                             time of publication and are subject to change. Please con-
                                                                                             firm dates in advance by calling the number listed or by
GIDDINGS: Lee County Fair                       ENNIS: National Polka                        contacting the local chamber of commerce.
Enjoy carnival fun, shopping,                   Festival Celebrate Czech
                                                                                             © Texas Department of Transportation
kids’ activities, live music, an                heritage in Texas with polka
antique carousel ride, and the                  music, Czech food, a king and
Charcoal Challenge Barbecue                     queen contest with traditional
Cookoff, with food and beverage                 costumes, a parade, and Czech                                                                                               Printed on Recycled Paper
teams competing. 832-444-                       customs. 972-878-4748;
9535; leecountyfairtx.com                       nationalpolkafestival.com                    © Te x a s D e p a r t m e n t o f
                                                                                              Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n 2 0 2 0
                                                                                               All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                        SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 5
PHOTOS: Jen Reel , Will Van Overbeek, Randall Maxwell
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
                                                              the heart of Fort Davis National Historic        venture that’s fun for families and first-
                                                              Site. This remote outpost in the 1800s was       time paddlers. Launch sites vary per
                                                              set up by the U.S. Army as a refuge for trav-    month. 979-864-1541; visitbrazosport.com
                                                              elers making the 600-mile journey by             CORPUS CHRISTI: March 20 Kitchen
                                      PRAIRIES                horse or wagon train through hostile Indian      Herbs Nueces County master gardener
                                      & LAKES
             BIG BEND
                                                              country. It was also home to the famous          Deb Holliday and her “herbie” friends offer
             COUNTRY          HILL
                                                              Buffalo Soldiers. From Fort Davis racers         expertise into selecting and growing culi-
                                             COAST            climb through a rocky single track farther       nary herbs to spice up recipes. Tastings of
                                                              into the Davis Mountains as they enter           select dishes are provided, as well as in-
                               PLAINS                         Davis Mountains State Park. As vast pan-
                                                                                                               sight on the ways to use herbs in meals.
                                                              oramas open up, racers take in the thin
                                                                                                               South Texas Botanical Gardens and Nature
                                                              mountain air at over a mile high. Fort Davis
                                                                                                               Center, 8545 S. Staples St. 361-852-2100;
                 MARCH 2 0 2 1                                National Historic Site, 101 Lt. Flipper Drive.
  S      M          T        W          T         F      S    432-426-3015; ultraexpeditions.com/
                                                              the-southwest-100                                FULTON: March 4-7 Oysterfest This event
         1          2        3          4         5      6                                                     features live entertainment; food; arts and
                                                              ODESSA: Through March 7 “Betrothed:
  7      8          9        10         11       12      13                                                    crafts; a carnival; a parade; and men’s and
                                                              250 Years of Wedding Fashion” Few gar-
                                                                                                               women’s oyster eating, shucking, and dec-
  14     15        16        17         18       19      20   ments are chosen with as much care as the
                                                                                                               orating contests. The opening-night festivi-
  21    22         23        24         25       26      27   clothes a person wears on his or her wed-
                                                                                                               ties include fireworks. Fulton Harbor, 402
                                                              ding day. They are a symbol of love and
 28     29         30        31                                                                                N. Fulton Beach Road. 361-463-9955;
                                                              commitment and of the beginning of a new
                                                              phase in a person’s life. This exhibition
     Due to concerns over the spread of                       draws on the extensive collection of cloth-      HOUSTON: Through March 6 “Weave
  COVID-19, some events may be postponed                                                                       Houston: Celebrating 71 Years of the
    or canceled. Please check an event’s                      ing expert and historian Steven Porterfield
  website or call ahead to confirm it is taking               and showcases the ever-changing fashion          Contemporary Handweavers of Hous-
    place if you’re interested in attending.                  trends of the past two centuries. It also ex-    ton” This exhibit showcases the history
                                                              plores the compelling history of the white       and diversity of Contemporary Handweav-
BIG BEND COUNTRY                                              wedding gown and its iconic stature in           ers of Houston’s members and features
                                                              Western cultures. Ellen Noël Art Museum,         works from emerging practitioners and
ALPINE: Through March 25 “WWII He-                                                                             longtime fiber artists. Noted fiber artist Dr.
                                                              4909 E. University Blvd. 432-550-9696;
roes” This exhibit is the culmination of a                    noelartmuseum.org                                Mary Ruth Smith juried several awards for
four-year project by photographer Zach                                                                         these works that highlight exceptional
Coco, who interviewed and photographed                                                                         craftsmanship and innovative use of mate-
men and women who served in the military                      GULF COAST                                       rials. Asher Gallery, Houston Center for
during World War II. Incorporated into the                                                                     Contemporary Craft, 4848 Main St. 832-
                                                              BAY CITY: March 1-6 Matagorda County
exhibit are materials drawn from the Muse-                                                                     767-5441; weavehouston.org
                                                              Fair and Livestock Show Organized in
um of the Big Bend’s collection of World
                                                              1944, the Matagorda County Fair and Live-        HOUSTON: Through April 23 “Estructur-
War II savings bonds posters, maps from
                                                              stock Exposition Association has produced        as Monumentales” Buffalo Bayou Part-
the Yana and Marty Davis Map Collection,
                                                              a local county fair and livestock show con-      nership presents Estructuras Monumental-
military uniforms, and other artifacts. Mu-
                                                              tinually since that year. Activities include a   es, a major exhibition of outdoor sculptures
seum of the Big Bend, 400 N. Harrison St.
                                                              talent show, public speaking, team roping,       by 105-year-old artist Carmen Herrera
432-837-8143; museumofthebigbend.com                          a heifer show and sale, food show and auc-       (born in 1915 in Havana, Cuba). Featuring
EL PASO: Through Dec. 31 Sun City Scav-                       tion, a rodeo, an agricultural mechanics         four newly created sculptures that were
enger Hunt Have some fun in the sun                           show, rabbit and poultry shows, lamb and         first envisioned nearly five decades ago,
while exploring the westernmost city in                       goat judging and showmanship, steer and          Estructuras Monumentales is Herrera’s first
Texas. On this culture-filled El Paso scav-                   swine judging and showmanship, a craft           public art exhibition in Houston, and this is
enger hunt, discover iconic buildings, land-                  show, carnival, and clown and coloring           only the second time that these large-scale
marks and great green spaces around                           contests. Matagorda Fair Grounds,                works have been presented globally. Orga-
downtown. Let’s Roam, 111 W. Mills Ave.                       4511 FM 2668. 979-245-2454;                      nized in partnership with the New York
833-202-7626; letsroam.com/scavenger_                         matagordacountyfair.com                          City-based nonprofit Public Art Fund, the
hunt/el_paso_scavenger_hunt                                   BRAZORIA: March 13 Free Paddling Join            exhibition was first presented at Manhat-
FORT DAVIS: March 27-28 The South-                            the Brazoria County Parks Department for         tan’s City Hall Park in 2019. It offers Hous-
west 100 Endurance Run Nestled in the                         a paddling event on one of the area’s wa-        ton audiences a powerful and reflective
historic Davis Mountains, this race starts on                 terways. Borrow one of the department’s          experience that celebrates the full breadth
the legendary San Antonio-El Paso Road in                     boats or bring your own for an outdoor ad-       of Herrera’s work in three dimensions.
6 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
Fondren Foundation Meadow in Buffalo           PALACIOS: March 19-21 Matagorda Bay              ROCKPORT: March 6 Whooping Crane
Bayou Park, Allen Parkway at Gillette          Birdfest The fourth annual festival is three    Strut The 33rd annual strut features a
Street. buffalobayou.org                       fun-filled days that include professional       2-mile walk and 5K and 10K runs. The walk
HOUSTON: March 9 Viano String Quartet          birding tours, kayak tours, speaker ses-        remains in the beach area while the 5K and
in Concert Storming the world stage since      sions, book signings, vendors, art contest      10K continue to Austin and Water streets.
winning the 2019 Banff Competition, the        winners, children’s events, a VIP dinner,       Awards are usually offered to the first three
Viano Quartet premieres with Chamber                                                           finishers in each age category, overall male
                                               and the Parade of Birds. East Side Elemen-
Music Houston as part of the organization’s                                                    and female top finishers, and Master/Grand
                                               tary Annex, 901 Second St. 956-285-3234;
Emerging Young Ensemble of the 2020-21                                                         Master age brackets. Rockport Beach,
                                               matagordabaybirdfest.org                        100 Seabreeze Drive. 361-727 2158;
season. The group’s blended sound and
huge range of dynamics come together in a      PEARLAND: March 27-28 Houston Music             www.rockport-fulton.org
performance of Debussy’s Quartet in G          and Arts Festival Enjoy major concerts,         SOUTH PADRE ISLAND: Through March
Minor, a new work by Caroline Shaw, and        fine art displays, a classic car show, and      31 Port of Brownsville Nature Tours Take
Beethoven’s Quartet No. 6 in B-Flat. Stude     dozens of fun attractions and contests.         a four-hour narrated tour down the Port of
Concert Hall, Shepherd School of Music,        Check out the Taste of Texas Food Garden,       Brownsville ship channel. On this unique
Rice University, 6100 Main St. 713-348-        with delicious cuisine, and cold domestic       trip, see dolphins, local and migratory
5400; chambermusichouston.org                  and craft beers. (The first weekend of this     birds, decommissioned naval vessels, ships
HOUSTON: March 25 Quatuor Modigliani           event takes place in Conroe on March 20-        in port from all over the world, and the
in Concert Back by popular demand, this        21.) Independence Park, 3919 Liberty Drive.     SpaceX launch site. While on the tour, learn
Parisian ensemble does not disappoint          855-586-8852; houstonartsfestival.com           about the lower Laguna Madre’s rich histo-
with its lush playing and stylish precision.                                                   ry. Isla Tours, 33256 State Park Road 100.
                                               PORT ARANSAS: March 6 First Friday              956-761-4752; islatours.com
From Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s bright
                                               On the first Friday of each month, art lovers
and youthful Quartet No. 7 in E-Flat to the                                                    SOUTH PADRE ISLAND: Through Sept.
                                               are invited to enjoy the latest works of art
demanding rhythmic elements of Béla                                                            30 Dolphin Watching and Eco Tours
Bartók’s Quartet No. 5 to Franz Schubert’s     on view, sometimes voting on favorite           Enjoy a 1.5-hour dolphin watch aboard the
beloved “Death and the Maiden,” this group     pieces. The event is free and includes re-      Murphy’s Law and see bottlenose dolphins
puts on an impressive show. Stude Concert      freshments, live music, and opportunities       in their natural habitat. You also have the
Hall, Shepherd School of Music, Rice Uni-      to speak with the artists. Port Aransas Art     opportunity to view local and migratory
versity, 6100 Main St. 713-348-5400;           Center, 104 N. Alister St. 361-749-7334;        birds, the U.S. Coast Guard Station, Boca
chambermusichouston.org                        portaransasartcenter.org                        Chica Beach, and the South Padre Island

                March 19-20
        Willie Nelson             Jamie Richards
        Randy Houser             Charley Crockett
         Mark Powell             The Great Divide
         Kevin Fowler              Cooder Graw
        Deana Carter           Mike & The Moonpies
        Radney Foster              & many more!

     Get outdoors for a music festival on the Back Porch of Texas: abilenevisitors.com
                                                                                               SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 7
FESTIVALS, CONCERTS, EXHIBITS, PARADES, AND ALL THINGS FUN IN TEXAS! - Dallas Arboretum's Dallas Blooms Festival - Texas Highways Magazine
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 > Hill Country
jetties. During the Eco Tour Dolphin Watch,        361-575-8228; navemuseum.com                   HILL COUNTRY
a specialized net is dragged along the bay         VICTORIA: Feb. 25-March 1 Victoria             AUSTIN: Through March 7 “Design Shine”
floor. Sea life captured during the tour is
                                                   Livestock Show The largest event held in       Created to showcase emerging talent in
brought on board and viewed up close.
                                                   Victoria has been pared down this year,        the fields of architecture and design, this
Isla Tours, 33256 State Park Road 100.
                                                   with the 75th livestock show having a limit-   annual competition is presented by the
956-761-4752; islatours.com
                                                   ed schedule that includes livestock and ag     Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum and
TOMBALL: March 26-28 German Heri-                  mechanics judging, shows, auctions, virtual    AIA Austin. The jury yielded many impres-
tage Festival You do not have to be Ger-           events, and a Queen Victoria pageant. Vic-     sive proposals, with two winning projects
man to enjoy this festival. Founded with                                                          from two local teams. Drawing on themes
                                                   toria Community Center, 2905 E. North St.
one oompah band on a flatbed trailer, it                                                          of resiliency and empathy in times of un-
                                                   361-485-3116; victorialivestockshow.com
has become an annual tradition in Tomball                                                         certainty, each installation reinvigorates
and one of the liveliest music/street festi-       VICTORIA: March 25-May 16 “Carole              the visitor’s experience with captivating,
vals in Texas. Every year, on the last week-       Myers: Selected Works” See paintings by        family-friendly sculptural art works.
end in March, festivalgoers break out their        the late artist Carole Myers. Her works, as    Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum,
lederhosen and dirndls and “go German”             she once described them, were inspired by      605 Azie Morton Road. 512-445-5582;
for the area’s largest festival celebrating        the beauty of landscapes and “express          umlaufsculpture.org/design-shine-2020
the heritage of the original German families       both the vast panoramic views and inti-        AUSTIN: Through May 9 “After Michel-
who settled this area beginning in 1840.           mate bits of nature with a spiritual re-       angelo, Past Picasso: Leo Steinberg’s Li-
Downtown Tomball, 201 S. Elm St. 281-379-          sponse, rather than a literal interpreta-      brary of Prints” Beginning in the early
6844; tomballgermanfest.org
                                                   tion.” Nave Museum, 306 Commercial St.         1960s with only the meager budget of a
VICTORIA: Through March 7 “JHoward                 361-575-8228; navemuseum.com                   part-time art history professor, Leo Stein-
Organic Pastels: Selected Works”                                                                  berg amassed a collection that compre-
                                                   VICTORIA: March 27 “Idyllic Nature Cel-
Acclaimed for her vitality of colors,                                                             hensively illustrates the history of Europe-
strength of composition, and variety of            ebration” The Victoria Symphony presents
                                                                                                  an printmaking. Akin to books on a shelf,
subject matter, JHoward expands her range          this performance that features works by        Steinberg’s prints formed a visual library
with this exhibit that features her organic        composers Richard Wagner, Ralph                that shaped his scholarship in fundamental
pastels and includes colorful landscapes,          Vaughan Williams, and Wolfgang Amadeus         ways. Selections from his over 3,500 prints
vibrant still lifes, and lifelike portraits that   Mozart. Victoria Fine Arts Center, 1002 E.     illuminate the collector’s insight that prints
reflect a great understanding of storytell-        Sam Houston Drive. 361-576-4500;               are the “circulating lifeblood of ideas,” dis-
ing. Nave Museum, 306 Commercial St.               victoriasymphony.com                           seminating compositions, motifs, and

8 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
styles across geographic, material and          rates with his wife, fellow artist and musi-     BANDERA: March 4-6 Fiber and Arts
temporal boundaries, while also presenting      cian Tricia Spencer. The portraits seen in       Festival This Texas Hill Country experience
highlights of the European printmaking tra-     this collection are all from the last two        celebrates sheep and wool, with attendees
dition. Blanton Museum of Art, 200 E. Mar-      years and represent both where the artist        welcome to participate in virtual and
tin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 512-471-5482;         has been with his work and where he is           in-person fiber arts classes, shop from
blantonmuseum.org                               going. The abandonment of touring and the        vendors, visit with farm animals, and enjoy
                                                quiet hours in the studio during the pan-        a cast-iron cookoff. Mansfield Park,
AUSTIN: Through May 30 “Mexico, the
                                                demic have begun to shift Rains’ portraits       2886 SH 16 N. 949-400-4225;
Border and Beyond: Selections from the
                                                into the realm of the surreal, as can be         banderafiberandarts.com
Juan Antonio Sandoval Jr. Collection”
Juan Sandoval, a now-retired reference li-      seen in some of the work. Virtual, 512-441-      BANDERA: March 6 Women’s Ranch
brarian and subject specialist for art and      9255; texasfolklife.org                          Rodeo and Kids’ Mutton Busting Capping
Chicanx studies at the University of Texas      AUSTIN: March 13-27 Rodeo Austin Grab            off a weekend of events, this rodeo is pre-
at El Paso, donated to Mexic-Arte Museum        your boots and cowboy hat for the capital        sented by the Bandera ProRodeo Associa-
his vast collection amassed over 30 years.      city’s largest annual rodeo, livestock show,     tion and features an evening with a kids’
The Sandoval Collection is composed of          carnival and fair, and series of concerts        mutton-busting contest followed by an
more than 1,500 artworks, many of them          featuring a mix of top country and popular       all-women rodeo that includes steer roping
created by Mexican and Latinx artists. It in-   music acts. Travis County Exposition Cen-        and branding and a cowhide race. Mans-
cludes prints, photographs, paintings,          ter, 9100 Decker Lake Road. 512-919-             field Park, 2886 SH 16 N. 830-460-1071;
sculptures, and popular art from the El         3000; rodeoaustin.com                            banderaprorodeo.org
Paso region and from Mexico. The collec-        AUSTIN: March 16-21 South by South-              BANDERA: March 12-13 Ham Rodeo This
tion also contains hundreds of publications     west The tech, film, and music festival in       annual rodeo features vendors, wild hogs,
and other ephemera. Mexic-Arte Museum,          the capital city moves to an all-online for-     barbecue, a Friday night concert, and inter-
419 Congress Ave. 512-480-9373;                 mat. The list of featured speakers this year     active activities on Saturday. Mansfield
mexic-artemuseum.org                            includes Cynthia Erivo, Wyclef Jean, David       Park, 2886 SH 16 N. 515-554-2027;
AUSTIN: Through Dec. 31 Virtual Exhibit:        E. Kelley, Michael Lewis, Mark Mothers-          banderawranglers.com
“The Brush Is a Bow” Texas Folklife pres-       baugh, Maria Sharapova, Baratunde Thur-          BANDERA: March 25-28 Texas Hill
ents this exhibition featuring works by         ston, and Andrew Zimmern. The film por-          Country Bike Week Along with the Thun-
Howard Rains, an artist and master fiddler      tion is slated to include virtual speaker        der in the Hills motorcycle rally, this event
originally from Texas who now lives in Kan-     sessions, screenings, showcases, and net-        offers rides throughout the region, top en-
sas. Rains performs, records, and collabo-      working opportunities. Virtual. sxsw.com         tertainment, vendors, and on-site camping.

                                                                                            February 20 - April 11

                                                                   America the Beautiful
                                                                   The Showstopping Floral Exhibit
                                                                                Presented by

                                                                Dallas Blooms presents America the Beautiful, the
                                                                 largest floral festival in the Southwest featuring
                                                                    more than 500,000 spring blooming bulbs.
                                                                        Celebrating the music of America.

                                                                      8525 Garland Road • Dallas, Texas 75218 • 214-515-6615

                                                                        The Dallas Arboretum is a non-profit organization supported,
                                                                             in part, by funds from Dallas Park & Recreation.

                                                                                                SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 9
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 > Hill Country
Mansfield Park, 2886 SH 16 N. 409-655-            best mud in the universe. The 10th annual       Country Youth Event Center, 3785 SH 27.
8800; bikerralliesoftexas.com                     event is slated to have 50 chili teams and      830-459-6198; kerrmarketdays.org
BULVERDE: March 6, 13, 20, 27 Saturday            live music. Luckenbach Texas, 412 Lucken-       KERRVILLE: March 21 Celtic Angels Ire-
Night Rodeo The family-friendly rodeo and         bach Town Loop. luckenbachtexas.com             land The Irish group celebrates its cher-
live music series starts the first weekend in     FREDERICKSBURG: March 26-April 11               ished heritage through traditional dance,
March and continues each Saturday                 Texas Hill Country Wine and Wildflower          music, and song. The Celtic Knight Dancers,
through the last weekend in November.             Journey Enjoy the wineries and natural          featuring two former lead dancers of River-
Doors open at 5 p.m. and the rodeo starts         beauty of the Texas Hill Country on a           dance, join the Celtic Angels on this tour.
at 7:30 p.m. Following the rodeo, enjoy live      self-guided tour that includes compli-          Cailloux Theater, 910 Main St. 830-896-
music and dancing; beer, wine, cocktails,         mentary tastings and wine discounts at          9393; caillouxtheater.com
and soft drinks; and food, including Texas        dozens of participating wineries. Various       MARBLE FALLS: March 6 Market on
barbecue, tacos, steak, and burgers. Tejas        locations. texaswinetrail.com                   Main Come and peruse the work of 70-
Rodeo Company, 401 Obst Road. 830-980-                                                            plus craft makers, bakers, and style cre-
2226; tejasrodeo.com                                                                              ators from around the Hill Country. Main
BURNET: March 20 Bluebonnet Airshow                                                               Street. 830-693-2815; visitmarblefalls.org
Bring your lawn chairs and sunscreen for                                                          NEW BRAUNFELS: March 6-7 Kinder-
this annual aviation event. Join the Highland                                                     schuhe 5K Run and Walk Presented by
Lakes Squadron of the Commemorative Air                                                           New Braunfels Utilities, the annual Kinder-
Force at the airshow. Wings and Wheels                                                            schuhe 5K Run and Walk benefits Commu-
once again takes the stage. Included with                  FIND MORE                              nities in Schools by providing funds to buy
your ticket is a classic car show hosted by
Lake Area Rods and Classics Club. Kate
                                                         EVENTS ONLINE                            shoes for children in need. The event is
                                                                                                  open to all ages. Gruene Historic District.
Craddock Field, Burnet Municipal Airport,                     Texas Highways                      830-629-8486; nbutexas.com/
2402 S. Water St. 512-756-2226;                           Events Calendar listings                kinderschuhe or runsignup.com/race/tx/
bluebonnetairshow.com                                       can be found online                   newbraunfels/nbukinderschuhe
FREDERICKSBURG: March 5 First Friday                    with additional details about             NEW BRAUNFELS: March 18 Come and
Art Walk Tour fine art galleries that offer            these events and others. Visit             Taste It: Meet Texas’ Best Winemakers
special exhibits, demonstrations, refresh-              texashighways.com/events                  On the third Thursday of the month, The
ments, and extended viewing hours on the                  or traveltexas.com for                  Grapevine offers opportunities to enjoy
first Friday of every month. Various loca-                    a searchable list                   Texas wines in Gruene Historic District. For
tions. firstfridayartwalkfbg.com                                                                  a new virtual spin, the wine tasting room
                                                                 of events.
FREDERICKSBURG: March 15-20 Spring                                                                has created a to-go set of featured wines
Break at the Pioneer Museum The muse-                                                             that can be picked up and enjoyed at home
um grounds are the setting for living histo-                                                      while watching a guided tasting video with
ry presenters, including Texas Rangers, ac-                                                       experts discussing the wines. The Grape-
tivities such as frontier campouts,                                                               vine, 1612 Hunter Road. 830-629-5077;
handicrafts, corn husk doll-making, chuck-        INGRAM: March 19-20, 26-27; April 3-4           grapevineingruene.com
wagon cooking, Comanche Indian historic           “Trying” This play by Joanna McClelland         NEW BRAUNFELS: March 20 Founders
interpretations, frontier songs, and games.       Glass is based on the author’s experience       Day Parade Every 25 years since the
Pioneer Museum, 325 W. Main St. 830-              during 1967-68 when she worked for Fran-        founding of the city, there has been a pa-
990-8441; pioneermuseum.net                       cis Biddle, the United States attorney gen-     rade and celebration in downtown New
FREDERICKSBURG: March 19-21 Trade                 eral under then-President Franklin D. Roo-      Braunfels. The 175th celebration is no dif-
Days Shop from more than 350 vendors in           sevelt, at his home in Washington, D.C. Hill    ferent and includes a trail ride arrival that
seven barns, browse acres of antiques, and        Country Arts Foundation, 120 Point Theatre      leads off the founders parade and a Kind-
enjoy the biergarten and live music. A $5         Road. 830-367-5121; hcaf.com                    ermasken Parade (children’s costumed
parking fee is good all weekend. Sunday           KERRVILLE: March 2-19 “America the              walking parade). Downtown New Braunfels,
Farms across from Wildseed Farms, 355             Beautiful” This is the 51st annual national     301 Main Plaza. 830-625-2385;
Sunday Farms Lane. fbgtradedays.com               exhibition of Women Artists of the West, a      since1845.com/event/parade
FREDERICKSBURG: March 20 Celebrate                nonprofit organization dedicated to pro-        NEW BRAUNFELS: March 20-21 Old
Texas 2021 Join the Former Texas Rangers          moting female fine artists. Museum of           Gruene Market Days Nearly 100 vendors
Foundation for this annual event. History         Western Art, 1550 Bandera Highway. 830-         offer uniquely crafted items and packaged
comes to life with the Old Chisholm Trail         896-2553; museumofwesternart.com                Texas foods for sale between 10 a.m. and 5
Show, the Traditional American Indian So-         KERRVILLE: March 6 Kerr County Mar-             p.m. Gruene Historic District. 830-832-
ciety, Tales of the Texas Rangers, and other      ket Days and Hill Country Swap Meet             1721; gruenemarketdays.com
historical festivities. Texas Rangers Heri-       The Market Days portion of this event con-      SABINAL: March 27-28 Wild Hog Festi-
tage Center, 1618 E. Main St. 830-997-            tinues to feature artists and crafters who      val and Craft Fair This year marks the
2698; trhc.org                                    bring their own original handcrafted jewel-     festival’s 30th year and offers a variety of
FREDERICKSBURG: March 20 Mud                      ry, fiber, wood, metal, soaps, lotions and      entertainment including wild hog chasing,
Dauber Festival and Chili Cookoff                 other creations. The Hill Country Swap          arts and crafts, games and rides, a carni-
Named in honor of the pesky insect, this          Meet is a community garage sale and flea        val, and plenty of food. Sabinal City Park
open chili cookoff and live music festival        market with a wide range of merchandise         and Yellowjacket Football Stadium, 1049 N.
shows why Luckenbach has some of the              available at bargain prices. Kerr County Hill   Center St. sabinalwildhogfestival.com
10 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021

                                                 Tomball German Heritage Festival
ABILENE: March 2 Virtual Living Room
Concert 5 The final Living Room Concert of
the season features Abilene Philharmonic
musicians Hannah Martineau and Chris

                                                          20 Jahre
Arcy performing viola and bass duets by
Gioachino Rossini, Reinhold Gliere, and
Johannes Sperger. Virtual. 325-677-6170;
ABILENE: March 19-20 Outlaws and
Legends Music Fest The 10th annual Out-
laws and Legends Music Fest, benefiting

                                                                Ju b                  !
Ben Richey Boys Ranch, returns to the Back

Porch of Texas. Artists include Willie Nel-
son, Randy Houser, Kevin Fowler, Deana
Carter, Lee Roy Parnell, Charley Crockett,
the Great Divide, Cooder Graw, Jamie Rich-
ards, and Mike and the Moonpies. There are              C E L E B RAT I N G O U R 2 0 T H Y E A R !

                                                   Fun for the Entire Family
several different ways to enjoy the festival,
including general admission tickets to be in
the center of the action, a private tailgate
                                                         F R E E A D M I S S I O N , PA R K I N G & S H U T T L E ! !
with close friends, RVing in the park, or a
VIP suite or Skybox. Back Porch of Texas,
3350 N. Clack St. 325-260-6054;
                                                               M A R C H 2 6 TH - 2 8 TH
                                                        Fri: 6PM-10PM | Sat: 10AM-10PM | Sun: 10AM-6PM
ABILENE: March 27 Abilene Philharmon-                German Food , Carnival & Rides, Street Performers,
ic: Masterworks II, Beethoven Triple                Petting Zoo, 200 Street Vendors, and 4 Music Stages
Hear Kiril Laskarov on violin, Jeffrey Las-
trapes on cello, and Steven Harlos on piano        www.TomballGermanFest .org
as the trio plays Mozart’s Symphony No. 29
and Beethoven’s Triple Concerto. First Bap-
tist Church of Abilene, 1333 N. Third St.

325-677-6710; abilenephilharmonic.org
LEVELLAND: March 26-April 4 Ameri-
can Business Club Pro Rodeo For 78
years, the members of the Lubbock Down-
town Chapter of the American Business                                                                  -                    !
Club have supported and improved the                                                               bloom watchers
lives of their community by working to pro-                                                           welcome
duce some of the greatest western sport-
ing events in the country. Rodeo events in-                                                83rd Annual Dogwood Trails
clude mutton bustin’, saddle bronc and                                                     Celebration | scenic drives &
bareback riding, steer wrestling, calf rop-
                                                                                           special events each weekend
ing, team roping, barrel racing, and bull rid-
ing. Mallet Event Center, 2320 US 385 S.                                                      Old Time Music & Dulcimer
806-794-4161; abcrodeo.com                                                                         Festival |concerts, jam
SAN ANGELO: Through Aug. 1 Richard                                                                 sessions & workshops
and Pam Salmon Sculpture Competition
The sixth annual juried competition pres-                                                 The 1836 | Chuckwagon Races
ents 12 large outdoor sculptures on view to                                                        at Diamond B Ranch
the public. San Angelo Museum of Fine
Arts, 1 Love St. 325-653-3333; samfa.org
SWEETWATER: March 11-14 World’s                                                                       Piney Woods Train
Largest Rattlesnake Roundup Started in                                                             Excursions: Texas State
                                                                                                    Railroad Scenic Tours
1958 and sponsored by the Sweetwater
                                                                                                           Special Events:
Jaycees, the World’s Largest Rattlesnake                                                  March | Dogwood Brunch Train
Roundup features an array of events in-                                                  May | Memorial Day Brunch Train
cluding the Miss Snake Charmer Pageant;
chili and barbecue cookoffs; carnival rides                                                     visitpalestine.com
and concessions; a dance; a gun, knife, and
coin show; and, of course, lots and lots of
snakes. Contests include snake eating,
                                                                                      SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 11
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 > Piney Woods

                                                                           most pounds of snakes, and the longest           he came to embrace Christianity, and the
                                                                           snake. You might even get to see someone         American woman who turned his life up-

                                                                           break the record of 81.5 inches. Nolan           side down. Temple Theater, 3500 S. First
                                                                           County Coliseum, 220 Coliseum Drive.             St. 936-633-5454; angelinaarts.org
                                                                           rattlesnakeroundup.net                           LUFKIN: March 26 Steep Canyon Rang-
                                                                           WICHITA FALLS: March 19-20 “Cowboy               ers in Concert The Grammy-winning sex-

                                                                           True” Art Exhibit and Auction The Arts           tet has been fusing bluegrass, pop, coun-
                                                                           Council Wichita Falls and Cowboy True            try, and folk rock music for more than 20
                                                                           Committee host this art auction to educate       years. Temple Theater, 3500 S. First St.
                                                                           the region about the honor, art, and beauty      936-633-5454; angelinaarts.org

 DESTINATION                                                               of the cowboy’s daily life. The “Cowboy
                                                                           True” exhibition features artists and crafts-
                                                                                                                            PALESTINE: March 19-April 4 Dogwood
                                                                                                                            Trails Celebration For more than 80
                                                                           men from across the country, who are se-         years, Palestine has celebrated the Dog-
                                                                           lected by a jury for the event based on          wood Trails Festival. Enjoy the delicate
                                                                           their artistic skill and strong representation   beauty of the dogwood trees in Davey
                                                                           of the cowboy way of life. J.S. Bridwell Ag      Dogwood Park the last two weekends in
                                                                           Center, 111 N. Burnett St. 940-767-2787;         March and first weekend in April. Activities
                                                                           artscouncilwf.org/cowboytrue                     are scheduled each weekend to comple-
                                                                                                                            ment the celebration, including an all-day
                                                                           PINEY WOODS                                      festival the first weekend. Don’t miss the
                                                                                                                            Piney Woods Excursion Train at the Texas
                                                                           CONROE: March 20-21 Houston Music                State Railroad, the Main Street Farm and
                                                                           and Arts Festival Enjoy major concerts,          Flower Market, and a play at the historic

                                                                           fine art displays, a classic car show, dozens    Texas Theatre. The hidden Fairy Garden
                                                                           of fun attractions and contests, and the         Trails in Davey Dogwood Park are a joy for
                                                                           Taste of Texas Food Garden, with delicious       kids and adults, and the Railroad Heritage

                                                                           cuisine and cold domestic and craft beers.       Center has scale-model railroad exhibits
                                                                           (The second weekend of this event takes          for train enthusiasts. You can also take a
                                                                           place in Pearland on March 27-28.)               peek inside the Redlands Hotel with the
                                                                           Heritage Place Park, 500 Collins St.             Historic Redlands Tour. Main Street.
                                                                           houstonartsfestival.com                          903-723-3014; texasdogwoodtrails.com
                                                                           HUNTSVILLE: March 13-14 Rusty, Chippy,           PALESTINE: March 20 Dogwood Festival
                                                                           Vintage, and Repurposed Show Over 85             One of the longest-running festivals in the
                                                                           dealers from across the country bring their      state of Texas, the Dogwood Festival kicks
                                                                           best treasures for this annual two-day           off the first of three weekends of the Dog-
                                                                           show. Antiques, vintage and collectible          wood Trails Celebration, with locals and
                                                                           finds, repurposed items, furniture, estate       guests reveling in the beautiful dogwood
                                                                           jewelry, turquoise, sterling silver, holiday     blooms of East Texas. Enjoy live music, art,
                                                                           décor, glassware, boutiques, yard art, old       specialty products, food vendors, and chil-
                                                                           tools, plants, homemade jams and jellies,        dren’s activities. Downtown/Old Town Pal-
                                                                           and homemade soaps are just some of the          estine, 401 W. Main St. 903-729-6066;
                                                                           things you can find. The facility is indoors     palestinechamber.org/dogwoodfestival
                                                                           and climate controlled. Walker County
                                                                                                                            PALESTINE: March 26-28 Old-Time
                                                                           Fairgrounds, 3925 SH 30 W. 936-661-
                                                                                                                            Music and Dulcimer Festival The dulci-
                                                                           2545; huntsvilleantiqueshow.com                  mer, a fretted string instrument originally
   PUMP TRACK              NETX TRAIL               BARBER HILLS           LUFKIN: March 4 Ranky Tanky in Con-              played in the Appalachian region of the
                                             17 miles of scenic
   Asphalt track out
       side the Civic
                         Railbanked trail
                        spans 130+ miles
                                            mountain bike and              cert This jazz ensemble creates blues-           U.S., is celebrated at this festival with dul-
   Center, allows for from New Boston, Mayse hiking trails at Pat
   racing in different         west of
                                                   Lake 15 min
                                            utes north of Down
                                                                           inspired music that has deep roots in the        cimer and old-time musicians from around
   directions, as well Texarkana, all the           town
   as a kids loop that way to Farmersville,                                Gullah culture from South Carolina and has       the country, who serve as headliners for
    is off of the main    north of Dallas
           lines                                                           had a No. 1 album on iTunes and Amazon           festival concerts and workshops. Friday
                                                                           Jazz charts. Pines Theater, 113 S. First St.     and Saturday are filled with live perfor-
                                                                           936-633-5454; angelinaarts.org                   mances, jam sessions, concerts, and work-
                                                                           LUFKIN: March 26 “An Evening With C.S.           shops. The Museum, 400 Micheaux St.
                                                                           Lewis” Starring David Payne as C.S. Lewis,       903-723-3014; oldpalmusic.com
                                                                           this show chronicles a captivating evening       TYLER: March 4-7, 11-14 Texas Rose
                                                                           in 1963 when the author hosts a group of         Spring Kickoff Hunter/Jumper Horse
                                                                           American writers at his home near Oxford.        Show This horse show consists of show
                                                                           Throughout the evening he recalls the peo-       jumpers, working hunters, and hunt seat
                                                                           ple and events that inspired his thoughts        equitation. Show jumpers compete in
                                                                           and shaped his life and reflects on his          jumper classes where it counts to be fault-
               For more information please visit northeasttexastrail.org
                                                                           friendship with J.R.R. Tolkien, why he nearly    less and fast. Working hunters are judged
                                                                           abandoned the Chronicles of Narnia, how          for manner and pace—meaning, a smooth
12 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 13
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 > Prairies and Lakes

comfortable ride. Hunt seat equitation em-        TYLER: March 27-28 Spring Horse Trials          100 E. Palm St. 979-865-3187;
phasizes the rider’s form—sitting still and       and Cross Country Event This is an              austincountycruisers.com
quiet handling. Texas Rose Horse Park,            equestrian sport that could be termed an        BELTON: March 20-21 A Sami Show
14078 SH 110 N. 903-882-8696;                     “equestrian triathlon.” It involves working     Since 1975, the Sami Show Marketplace has
texasrosehorsepark.com                            with a horse both on flat surfaces and over     provided a unique shopping experience.
TYLER: March 19-21 USDAA Agility Dog              fences. The three phases are: dressage,         Visit many small businesses all under one
Trials Dog agility is a competitive sport         endurance (or cross country), and show
                                                                                                  roof, including artists, craftsmen, jewelers,
that tests a person’s skills in training and      jumping. Texas Rose Horse Park, 14078 SH
                                                                                                  boutiques, gourmet foods purveyors, home
handling a dog over a timed obstacle              110 N. 903-882-8696; texasrosehorse
                                                                                                  décor shops, and bath and body special-
course as they demonstrate the dog’s nat-         park.com
                                                                                                  ists. Bell County Expo Center, 301 W. Loop
ural agility and the bond between handler                                                         121. 512-441-7133; samishow.com
and dog. Competitors race against the             PRAIRIES AND LAKES
clock, directing their dog to jump hurdles,                                                       BELTON: March 21-April 25 Healthy Kids
scale ramps, burst through tunnels, tra-          BELLVILLE: March 6 First Saturday Mar-          Running Series This five-week running
verse a seesaw, and weave through a line          ket Stroll through the market on the down-      program for kids ages pre-K through eighth
of poles on a course designed to challenge        town square and check out the nearby            grade takes place once a week and offers
a handler’s training skills. With scoring         farmers and artisan market with more than       age-appropriate running events including
based on faults similar to equestrian show        75 booths featuring craftsmen, woodwork-        the 50- and 75-yard dashes, and the quar-
jumping, dog agility is an exciting specta-       ers, retailers, rolling boutiques, produce,     ter-mile, half-mile, and 1-mile runs. Kids
tor event. Texas Rose Horse Park,                 honey, and baked goods galore while you         compete each week for a chance to earn
14078 SH 110 N. 903-882-8696;                     enjoy music all day, several food trucks, a     points. At the end of the series, the boys
texasrosehorsepark.com                            photo booth, and activities. Downtown           and girls who accumulate the most points
                                                  Square and Pavilion, 1 Main St. 979-270-        in their respective distance categories are
TYLER: March 20 Spirits of Oakwood
                                                  1434; discoverbellville.com                     awarded trophies. All participants receive a
Cemetery Tour Historians dressed in peri-
                                                  BELLVILLE: March 13 Classic Car Stam-           medal on the last week. Freedom Park,
od clothing portray notable Tyler and Smith
County citizens buried in the cemetery and        pede The 17th annual Austin County Cruis-       8456 Tarver Drive. 254-340-4577;
tell their individual stories. Oakwood Cem-       ers Car Stampede is open for trucks, cars,      healthykidsrunningseries.org
etery, 714 W. Oakwood. 903-316-2201;              and motorcycles dating from 1976 and            BRENHAM: March 18-28 “The Absolute
cityoftyler.org/government/departments/           older. There is music, food, drinks, and free   Brightness of Leonard Pelkey” One actor
parks-rec/facilities/cemeteries-mausoleum         parking and admission. Jim Bishop Pavilion,     portrays every character in a small Jersey

            Create lasting memories this spring with
            open-air events, outdoor concerts and immersive
               nature experiences along Lewisville Lake.

                  VisitTheColonyTX.com | 972.624.5253

14 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
Shore town as he tells the story of Leonard    posed and vintage items in the historic           Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden,
Pelkey, a flamboyant 14-year-old boy who       1902 La Bahia Hall. Outside, dealers offer a      8525 Garland Road. 214-515-6615;
has gone missing. Pelkey is a force of na-     variety of vintage goods. There is country        dallasarboretum.org
ture, whose impact is only truly felt once     cooking all day and free admission and            DALLAS: March 2-Jan. 2, 2022 “Out of
he is gone and he becomes an unexpected        parking. The show is part of the famous           Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immi-
inspiration to the town’s citizens. The play   Round Top Antique Festival weekend.               grants” This public exhibition features
is about acceptance, the difference one        La Bahia Hall, 550 SH 237. 979-289-2684;          several portraits painted by President
person can make, and how being different       labahiaantiques.com                               George W. Bush that are featured in his
is something to be celebrated. Unity The-      DALLAS: Through Sept. 26 “Nasher Mix-             new book of the same name. The collec-
atre, 300 Church St. 979-830-8358;             tape” Visit the Nasher Sculpture Center for       tion provides an in-depth look at the many
unitybrenham.org                               this series of “tracks,” or micro-exhibitions,    issues surrounding the immigration debate
BURTON: March 13-31 Texas Ranger Day           that highlight the center’s permanent col-        in the United States. George W. Bush Presi-
Which famous Texas Ranger lived and died       lection, with both old and newly acquired         dential Center, 2943 SMU Blvd. 214-200-
in Burton? Discover the town’s unique his-     works being featured throughout the cen-          4300; bushcenter.org
tory at Texas Ranger Day, hosted by the        ter and its sculpture garden. Nasher Sculp-       DALLAS: March 14-June 20 “Building on
Burton Heritage Society. Celebrate with the    ture Center, 2001 Flora St. 214-242-5100;         the Boulevard: Celebrating 20 Years of
Annie Maud Avis Memorial Fajita and Bean       nashersculpturecenter.org                         the Meadows’ New Home” This year
Cookoff and experience Texas Ranger            DALLAS: Feb. 20-April 11 Dallas Blooms            marks the 20th anniversary of the Mead-
camp life as it was in the 1880s. There are    Festival: “America the Beautiful” Named           ows Museum’s building, one of Southern
folk-life demonstrations, crafts, and tours    by Architectural Digest one of the “15            Methodist University’s most iconic struc-
of the Railroad Depot, as well as Burton       Breathtaking Botanical Gardens to Visit           tures welcoming visitors onto Bishop Bou-
Farmer’s Cotton Gin tours. Entertainment       This Season,” the Dallas Arboretum and            levard. The museum celebrates this mile-
includes a DJ set by Kountry Chick. All pro-   Botanical Garden presents Dallas Blooms,          stone with a look at the accomplishments
ceeds are used to restore the Mt. Zion His-    the largest annual floral festival in the         of the past two decades, including the his-
torical Chapel. Burton Heritage Society        Southwest. Themed “America the Beauti-            toric acquisitions, projects, and partner-
and Railroad Museum, 507 N. Railroad St.       ful,” the spring festival showcases an ex-        ships that have shaped its institutional
979-353-0050; burtonheritagesociety.org        plosion of color from 100 varieties of spring     identity and made it a leader in the field of
BURTON: March 26-April 3 La Bahia An-          bulbs and more than 500,000 spring-               Spanish art history studies. Visitors can see
tique Show Dealers from across the coun-       blooming blossoms, thousands of azaleas,          the Spanish collection in a new light while
try sell antiques, collectibles, and repur-    and hundreds of Japanese cherry trees.            enjoying a museum-wide presentation that

                                                                                                SPRING 2021 | Texas Highways Events Calendar 15
M A R C H 2 0 2 1 > Prairies and Lakes

                                                  includes some never-before-exhibited              and connect with makers over a cold drink
                                                  works from the university’s art collection        provided by Armadillo Ale Works.

  MUSEUM OF THE                                   and displays related to the history of the
                                                  building on the boulevard. Meadows
                                                                                                    Patterson-Appleton Art Center, 400 E.
                                                                                                    Hickory St. 940-382-2787; dentonarts
                                                  Museum, 5900 Bishop Blvd. 214-768-2516;           .com/patterson-appleton-arts-center
  AMERICAN G.I.                                   meadowsmuseumdallas.org                           FORT WORTH: Through Dec. 31 “John
                                                  DALLAS: March 14-June 20 “Fossils to              Wayne: An American Experience”
     Watch history                                Film: The Best of SMU Collections” This
                                                  exhibition is a selection of remarkable art
                                                                                                    Sprawling over 10,000 square feet, this ex-
                                                                                                    hibit at the Fort Worth Stockyards is struc-
      come alive!                                 and artifacts from eight distinct Southern        tured to give you an intimate tour of the life
                                                  Methodist University campus collections:          of Hollywood legend John Wayne. Starting
                                                  Underwood Law Library, G. Williams Johns          with his early childhood and running
     LIVING HISTORY                               Film and Video Collection, Bywaters Spe-          through his career, the exhibit highlights
                                                  cial Collections, Hamon Arts Library, the         every aspect of the Duke’s legacy, from his
        WEEKEND                                   Shuler Museum of Paleontology, DeGolyer           most iconic film props and costumes to
                                                  Library, the Department of Anthropology,          never-before-seen family photos and cor-
    MARCH 27-28,2021                              and Bridwell Library. Together, they repre-       respondences. Fort Worth Stockyards, His-
       WWI & WWII                                 sent one of the most important collections        toric Exhibits Building, 2501 Rodeo Plaza.
                                                  in North Texas, from the earliest scriptural      johnwayne.com/experience
   Battle Reenactments                            manuscript in the state to an unparalleled        GRAPEVINE: March 5 First Fridays at
  Living History Displays                         collection of Texas bank notes, early pho-        Nash Farm First Friday of every month
                                                  tography, and artworks by influential
    Vehicle & Artillery                           Texas regionalist artists, many exhibited
                                                                                                    features a series of family-friendly educa-
                                                                                                    tional experiences designed to teach life
      Demonstrations                              outside of their home departments for the         skills that were important on a Texas farm
                                                  first time. Meadows Museum, 5900 Bishop           in the 19th century. Nash Farm, 626 Ball St.
                                                  Blvd. 214-768-2516; meadowsmuseum                 817-410-3185; nashfarm.org
                                                                                                    HALLETTSVILLE: March 5-6 42 State
                                                  DENTON: Through May 8 “Materials                  Domino Tournament Compete in friendly
                                                  Hard and Soft” The 34th annual Materials          rounds of 42, a domino game loved for de-
                                                  Hard and Soft International Contemporary          cades. On Friday, there are warm-up
                                                  Craft Competition and Exhibition is a show-       rounds, and then the tournament takes
                                                  case of national and international contem-        place all day on Saturday. Hallettsville KC
                                                  porary craft artists. The juried exhibition       Hall, 321 US 77 S. 361-798-2662;
                                                  includes 77 pieces in glass, clay, fibers,
                                                  wood, metal, and plastic selected by juror
                                                  Pablo Barrera. Patterson-Appleton Art             HALLETTSVILLE: March 26-28 Polka
                                                  Center, 400 E. Hickory St. 940-382-2787;          and Sausage Fest Do you love polka
                                                  dentonarts.com/materialshardandsoft               music? Do you love sausage? Stop by the
                                                                                                    Polka and Sausage Fest for both, plus lots
                                                  DENTON: Through July 17 Greater Do-               of fun. Friday night begins with a fish fry
                                                  nuts Arts and Crafts Find family fun at the       and all the trimmings, followed by a night
                                                  art center each month with free doughnuts,        of polka music and dancing. On Saturday,
                                                  coffee, and crafts, plus art exhibits to stroll   the festivities begin with a polka mass cel-
                                                  through and discuss with your kids.               ebrated at the hall followed by lots of fun,
                                                  Patterson-Appleton Art Center, 400 E.             food, and fellowship. The Knights of Co-
                                                  Hickory St. 940-382-2787; dentonarts              lumbus serve up a meal of sausage, sauer-
                                                  .com/patterson-appleton-arts-center               kraut, potatoes, chicken noodle soup, and
      PRESERVE                                  DENTON: March 5-Aug. 18 Soul Art Re-
                                                  newal This multi-gallery and multimedia
                                                                                                    of course tasty kolaches. Polka music and
                                                                                                    dancing starts in the evening. Sunday of-
                                                  celebration of art and artists comes in re-       fers fried chicken, and the music continues
          HONOR                                 sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic and its           with various bands. For the finale, all the
                                                  impact on the arts community. The project         bands come together for a concert in the
        EDUCATE                                 aims to focus on healing, hope, and com-
                                                  munity resilience and renewal. Patterson-
                                                                                                    late afternoon. Hallettsville KC Hall, 321 US
                                                                                                    77 S. 361-798-2311; kchall.com
                                                  Appleton Art Center, 400 E. Hickory St.           IRVING: March 20 Las Colinas Symphony
          19124 Hwy 6 S                           940-382-2787; dentonarts.com/patterson-           Orchestra in Concert The Las Colinas
        College Station, TX                       appleton-arts-center                              Symphony Orchestra features its own prin-
     www.americangimuseum.org                     DENTON: March 18-July 15 Crafted Join             cipal clarinetist, Jonathan Jones, playing
                                                  the Greater Denton Arts Council every sec-        Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto in A Major.
                                                  ond Thursday for arts and crafts and craft        Rounding out the evening, the orchestra
                                                  beer. Each month features different artists,      presents Schubert’s “Overture to the Faith-
                                                  techniques, and mediums, providing a              ful Soldier” and Beethoven’s Symphony No.
                                                  range of opportunities to learn new skills        8 in F Major. Irving Arts Center, 3333 N.
16 Texas Highways Events Calendar | SPRING 2021
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